Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2017

Hi everyone, this is Mini from minicuteclub! For today...


I made a sushi roll...

pen case!

This was one of those ideas that just popped into my mind, and it's easy to make

If you are feeling bored and looking for something to do, I recommend you try this out!

Let's get started!

First get one of these ordinary marble chocolates

Go ahead and eat all of them!


Hmm? Something's inside

Oh, I get a sticker!

That's besides the point...

OK, so we start with this empty Marble Chocolate cylinder

Then, get some black thick paper

Cut the paper to a length that exactly wraps around the cylinder

Glue the paper onto the cylinder

Another way you can do it is by wrapping it with black masking tape!

*I personally prefer this method*

I'm trimming off the excess paper

*Doing the same thing for the cap!*

I'm done wrapping them up!

It's already starting to look like a sushi roll!

Next, we're going to use this white clay that you buy at a dollar store!

I'm going to roll the clay into small pieces and make the rice grains

Here we go!

Let's keep going!

I forgot to tell you this

I'll be making this a tekka maki (tuna roll), also get some Oyumaru clay

Just like this, make it into a shape of a tekka maki!

Take some clay...

and fill up the edges of the cylinder

Stick the oyumaru clay in the middle

and after that...

Stick the rice grains on one by one!

*Singing might make this work a little more fun!?* (Bad singing alert)

Wait, this takes way too much time...

I have a good idea!

Take the clay...

Put it all here...

After all the clay is set in place...

Take a straw...

and squish one of the edges

I'm going to continually poke at the clay

When you do this, you can make rice grain shapes on the clay!

Do the same thing for the other side too

And now it's done just like this!

As a finishing touch,

After drying, use glue to reassure all pieces are in tact

Also use some kind of varnish or top coating for extra reinforcement!

And with that, the easy-to-make, dollar store pen case is finished!

So what do you thinik of it?

I think it has a good "sushi roll" feel to it!

One thing to be careful of is the Oyumaru clay, which tends to fall off easily

It might be a good idea to use a very strong type of glue,

or maybe cover it up with clay more securely!

Also, I used a small Marble Chocolate container this time around, but using a bigger one should let you put more things in it!

I looked around for a bigger one, but I couldn't find it :(

Thank you for watching my video today!

I will be uploading more videos, so please subscribe and click the bell icon for notifications!

I'll see you in my next video! Bye-bye!

For more infomation >> EASY BACK to SCHOOL DIY : SUSHI PENCIL CASE - Duration: 3:56.


''I am Adrien'' Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> ''I am Adrien'' Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:21.


పరిటాల శ్రీరామ్ భార్య గురించి తెలియని నిజాలు | facts about paritala sriram wife Gnanavi | Sunitha - Duration: 1:28.

copy rights

For more infomation >> పరిటాల శ్రీరామ్ భార్య గురించి తెలియని నిజాలు | facts about paritala sriram wife Gnanavi | Sunitha - Duration: 1:28.


Insights on Facebook Audiences - Duration: 22:12.

Hi there, my name is Elizabeth.

You've just tuned in to our Facebook audiences tutorial, the fourth in a series on expert

marketing tips and tricks for targeting customers.

Once you've launched your campaign and it's been running for a few weeks, it's time

to make data driven decisions to make your ads as effective as possible.

Strategically building your targeting audiences is the next important step in running a successful

Facebook ads campaign.

In this tutorial, we will be exploring the different types of Facebook audiences and

advising you on which are best for your ecommerce store.

We will also explain how and why you might create a lookalike audience, along with other

useful strategies for targeting and retargeting your ads.

These are all key aspects in learning how to direct your ads towards the audience that

is most likely to purchase from your shop.

So, let's get started!

As we begin the tutorial, it's first important to know that there are 3 audience categories:

Custom Audience Lookalike Audience

And Saved Audience, which refers to interests targeting

The Custom Audience category is made up of 4 subtypes:

Customer File Website Traffic

App Activity Engagement

Custom Audiences are used in two ways.

The first is for retargeting purposes.

You're creating an audience comprised of people who added something to their carts,

but didn't convert with the aim of retargeting that audience with another relevant ad.

The second time you would use these custom audiences is to build high relevance Lookalike


We will talk about them later in this tutorial.

For now, let's explore the 4 different subtypes of custom audiences at your disposal:

The Customer File subtype of custom audiences allows you to create an audience using your

customer information including their emails and phone numbers.

It simply matches your list with the corresponding Facebook accounts.

There are a few different ways to add users.

You can easily connect your Mailchimp account with Facebook and upload a list of your customers.

Another option is to upload csv or txt files directly to Facebook.

Simply click 'Add customers from your own file' and then press 'Upload File.'

After uploading, name your audience, and press 'Next.'

These audiences are usually used for creating Lookalikes.

Your customer list makes a perfect seed audience for doing so.

You may also want to use this audience to upsell to your existing customers.

You can segment email lists by the products they've bought and then show them the most

relevant ads based on this information.

Next, the Website Traffic audience subtype of Custom Audiences allows you to create segmented

audiences based on your web traffic.

This is a very handy way to effectively identify audiences for retargeting.

There are several options for creating a Website Traffic audience.

You can make the broadest one by choosing 'All website visitors.'

This way, Facebook will gather all of your web traffic to form one audience.

It is best to do this when you don't have a lot of web traffic and segmentation is not


It also provides a broad enough audience for you to create lookalikes from it as well.

Usually I create several Website traffic audiences by default.

These would include: All visitors in the past 7 days,

All visitors in the past 30 days, And all visitors in the last 90 days

I find these to be the best for retargeting.

With 'All visitors in the past 7 days,' you're reaching hot traffic.

'All visitors in the last 90 days' is good for creating lookalikes because it's

broad, but still relevant.

The 'People who visited specific web pages' tab can help you to easily segment your traffic.

This way, you can make targeted remarketing campaigns that are laser sharp by showing

your visitors the most relevant products.

All you need to do is copy the portion of the url which is unique to each product, and

Facebook will create this audience segment.

After choosing the URL you want to make your audience from, you can refine it even more.

You can choose from two options Frequency and Device.

This way you can make very interesting audiences.

By choosing Frequency you can define how many times your potential customer visited a webpage

you chose.

Let's say you've made an audience based on web traffic to a specific pair of sneakers

displayed on your site but you add this additional condition Frequency is greater or equal to


Now, you have made a targeting audience derived of people who are interested in purchasing

the sneakers which also contains people who visited your site two or more times.

You don't want to spend your marketing budget on this audience because they've already

completed this action.

To avoid that, you need to make a more complex audience.

Click the Exclude button on the right side of the screen and select conversion event,


Now, you've excluded all previous customers and are left with an audience of people who

are very interested in the specific product.

You can retarget those with a discount ad or different variations of the same product.

When you have similar products or supplemental ones, you can create an audience from 'People

who visited specific web pages but not others.'

In doing so, you will be ensuring that you're advertising these products to the right people.

You need to add another condition to your 'People who visited specific page' audience.

Press "And also" and then "Contains" in the newly appeared URL insertion box.

Select "doesn't contain," and insert the URL you want that your audience doesn't

been to.

Keep in mind that all audiences have the same timespan.

You can choose from 1 to 180 days, just remember to tick the 'Include past traffic' box.

This way, you can still create quite a large audience even though you don't have a lot

of daily traffic.

Just keep in mind that people who visited your store 180 days ago and haven't come

back since might not be interested in your product anymore, so it's best not to waste

your money or their Facebook Newsfeed space.

More advanced Website traffic audience types include 'Based on time spent on your website'

and using your Facebook pixel Events

When creating audiences based on the amount of time spent on your website, you have the

option of choosing between 5%, 10% and 25% of your website visitors.

If you get a lot of traffic to your site, you could create 5% of visitors who spent

most time on your website, which allows you to retarget them with very specific messages

that are most relevant to your top users.

If you don't get that much traffic, 25% would be a better choice because the audience

segment is larger, but bear in mind that the targeting is not as specific.

Any of these seed audiences could be amazing for creating lookalikes.

We will talk about these later in this tutorial.

Another type of targeting audience could be derived from your Facebook pixel data.

You can choose any conversion event available on your account and then make an audience

out of everyone who has completed that event.

When creating a Custom Audience based on Website Traffic, for instance, just click the dropdown

menu, which is set to 'All website visitors' by default.

If you scroll down, you can select from the Conversion Events automatically generated

by Facebook.

When you select the event you think is the best for your audience (usually it's Complete

Registration or purchase) and also choose the time span of your audience, you can refine

that audience by some additional criteria.

The most powerful option here is Frequency.

This way you can create an amazing seed audience for retargeting and lookalikes.

Your customers are not equal.

Some of them are impulse buyers, and after they've purchased from you once it's possible

that they won't return back to your site.

To identify repeat customers, you can create an audience of people who have made purchases

and setting the frequency of purchases made to at least 3 times.

These are the real fans of your brand, so it is very important to build an audience

like that in order to make the Lookalike audiences as accurate as possible.

Also you can choose here from several different Frequency variations, like 'is greater than';

'equals' and so on.

Besides Frequency you can also refine your audience by the type of device and operating

system they're using.

This is very important because in doing so, you may discover that iOS users buy much more

than Android users or vice versa.

Important to note that by choosing All Mobile Devices you will also choose tablet users.

For now it is still unavailable to choose tablet users separately.

It is important to add that you can only target custom audiences of 20 or more people.

Facebook has this rule as part of their privacy policy.

Also note that when uploading email lists, the audience created as a result will typically

be smaller than your actual email list because Facebook can't match every single email

with the ones that people use to log into Facebook.

Next, let's talk about App activity.

The App Activity type of custom audience isn't one you're likely to use all that often.

It allows you to create an audience by using data from your app.

App activity audiences are rarely used by first time ecommerce store owners because

it's unlikely new entrepreneurs already have created their own mobile apps, so we

won't go into much depth about them here.

Basically, app activity audiences allow you to take data from your mobile app and create

different segmented audiences from it.

You can target everyone who opened your app, most active users, users by purchase amount,

or users by segment.

The maximum time span for creating these audiences is 180 days.

Finally, it's time to cover the newest variety of Custom Audience, Engagement audience.

From this subtype, there are several different targeting options for you to choose from,

and you can gather various audiences from both Facebook and Instagram using traffic

and engagement data.

Engagement audiences can be broken down into six different types, which include video,

lead form, canvas, Facebook page, Instagram business profile, and event.

All of these are great for retargeting.

Using Engagement audiences, you can make many different retargeting lists based on user

behaviour while interacting with your content.

Let's take a quick look at each one individually.

We'll begin with Video:

There are several different options for creating an audience from video engagement.

Facebook counts video views after 3 seconds, so you can choose the number of views a video

has, or you can go with percentage of video viewed.

To do this simply navigate to one of your videos, and select your prefered options.

Also note that the maximum time span for extracting this data is no longer 180 days.

Now it is 365.

Percentage of video viewed tells you a lot about your audience.

You should definitely try to retarget users who have watched 75% or more of your video

because these individuals are showing significant interest in your product.

Just remember to always exclude your existing customers when retargeting these kinds of


There is no need to allocate your Facebook ads budget to existing customers, as email

is a better channel for reaching out to them.

Now, let's go over the Lead form type of engagement audience:

There are three options for creating an audience based on your potential customers' behaviour

on lead forms you've already created.

A Lead Form is used to gather the contact information of your potential clients.

It is generated automatically by Facebook.

In other words, when someone who clicks on a Lead ad, he or she won't have to insert

any relevant information because it is gathered automatically from his or her Facebook profile.

Keep in mind that the maximum time span for drawing on this kind of engagement data is

90 days.

The most useful targeting audience here is 'People who opened but didn't submit the

form' because you can retarget them with different offers.

Don't use the segment 'People who have opened and submitted form' for retargeting

on Facebook.

You already have their emails, so don't waste your money on paid advertising.

Instead, use your email list to send direct messages to those users.

The next category of engagement audiences on our list is Canvas.

Canvas audiences are usually used by larger brands when they're searching for new opportunities

to promote their offers.

Therefore, we don't need to dwell on this audience type for long.

Canvas ads are only available on mobile.

It's basically a full screen ad that loads really quickly after a user clicks on a typical

ad display in their Mobile News Feed.

Let's move on to Facebook page engagement.

It is the main audience category for you to play around with when choosing Engagement-based


There are a bunch of options to choose from, and you can create an audience without any

segmentation just by targeting anyone who has engaged with your store's Facebook page

or posts.

Alternatively, you can go with more specific targeting options like 'People who sent

a message to your Page' or 'People who saved your Page or any post.'

These audiences are great for retargeting purpose, but don't forget to try them on

Lookalike audiences as well.

People who saved your page or messaged have already indicated their interest in your products,

so there is a high possibility that Lookalike audiences will also be very useful here.

The maximum time span for Facebook page engagement is 365 days, but don't get too carried away,

as people who engaged with your page several months ago may not interested with your product

or brand anymore.

Usually going with a 90 day time span is sufficient with this audience.

Also keep in mind that Facebook page engagement audiences are only using data from your Facebook

page and messenger meaning that they don't use any information from your Instagram accounts

or website.

Moving on to Instagram engagement audiences, you will find that they are very similar to

Facebook page audiences, only that they draw upon Instagram account data instead.

The only major difference is that unlike Facebook engagement audiences, you don't have the

'People who clicked any call-to-action button audience' here.

The time span, however, is the same: 365 days.

That said, Instagram data is available only from June 2017, so you can't create an audience

consisting of data from May 31st, 2017 or earlier.

The final subcategory of engagement audiences is events engagement.

This is the latest update from Facebook.

From now on, you can create audiences according to how they've engaged with the event you've


You can choose to merge everybody who marked themselves as 'Going' or 'Interested,'

or you can create separate audiences for those two answers.

The life span for events engagement audiences is the same - 365 days.

You've probably noticed that we've already mentioned the term 'lookalike audiences'

a couple of times throughout this tutorial.

Now let's delve into this important topic in more detail!

The Lookalike audience feature is a very powerful tool that you can use for your ad targeting.

In my opinion, it is the most sophisticated targeting tool available on the Facebook ads


Basically, creating Lookalike audiences allows you to reach people who are most similar to

your seed audience.

This way, you don't need to do as much research every time you want to target a relevant audience

or identify a group of individuals who are most similar to your paying customers.

If you want to create Lookalike audience, just go to your Asset Library and press 'Create


From here, choose 'Lookalike Audience.'

The first step to creating the actual Lookalike audience is choosing the source.

This refers to the list of all eligible custom audiences you've created.

I recommend starting from your existing customer list or Website visitors within the last 90

days, as these seed audiences are the most relevant.

Facebook recently rolled out a new feature about the type of seed audience you can use

for lookalikes.

From now on, you can create a custom audience that is not only based on your customer list,

but also on the monetary value that a given user brings your business.

Click 'Create new' and then choose 'Custom Audience With LTV' to access this feature.

After that, a Custom Audience creation window will pop up.

The window is nearly identical to the Customer Files audience, but this time the customer's

email isn't the only information that's required.

You should also include customer value.

If you want to learn more about it, follow the link posted in the description, below!

There you will find best practices on customer data preparation.


When creating custom audiences like this one, Facebook can more accurately decide who is

best included in your lookalike because you are telling the Facebook algorithm which kind

of user has already brought you the most value.

After choosing the Custom audience, you must define in which country or countries you want

that audience to be.

You can do so by typing a country's name or selecting one from the dropdown menu.

You can also go a bit broader by instantly choosing an entire continent or opt for one

of Facebook's provided regions.

The next step is choosing the Audience Size.

You can choose from 1% to 10% of your seed audience.

That means that an audience of 1% will be the smallest proportion possible, but it will

only be made up of people that are closest in similarity to your Custom audience.

With 10% you will reach more people, but they will not match the parameters you set in your

custom audience targeting as closely.

Always start with narrower audiences of 1% or 2%.

By clicking 'Show Advanced Options,' an additional menu will appear from which you

can create up to 6 lookalike audiences at once.

It's a very handy tool when you want to test out seed audiences quickly.

When targeting multiple lookalike audiences and running retargeting campaigns, it is very

important to make sure that you are not competing with yourself in Facebook auctions.

So far we've covered a bunch of different aspects of correctly targeting lookalike audiences,

but one additional thing to consider is excluding audiences:

To ensure this doesn't happen, you need to exclude your audiences one from another.

You don't need to make them entirely mutually exclusive, but there are some rules you should

follow: The smaller the percentage of your lookalike

audience, the closer in similarity this group will be to your original target audience.

Therefore, always exclude the narrower audience from the larger one.

For example, if you're aiming for a lookalike audience based on 1% of your customers in

US and 3% of customers match the criteria, you'll want to exclude 1% that are most

similar to your target audience from the 3% that match the criteria because that 1% will

otherwise be automatically included as part of the 3%.

In order to do this, simply hit the 'Exclude' button under the Custom Audience section when

creating an ad set.

For all lookalike audiences, you must exclude every retargeting list you are already using.

I would also suggest that you exclude 'All visitors' as well as 'All Customers audiences,'

to ensure that you are only reaching new people when targeting with a Lookalike audience.

If you're concerned that you are not excluding audiences as necessary, note that you can

always check Audience Overlap in your Ads manager.

Open 'Asset Library,' and check the boxes located beside the audiences you want to test.

Press 'Action' in the menu located above, and then select 'Show Audience Overlap.'

And that just about covers everything you need to know about targeting and creating

the right audiences for your products and your brand.

So let's recap: There are 3 audience types available on Facebook:

Custom, Lookalike, and Saved The perfect custom audiences to use when creating

a Lookalike Audience are simply your existing customers list and your website traffic from

up to the last 90 days; All 'Engagement' type audiences are best

for retargeting.

'Lookalike audience' is the most powerful tool to use for your targeting;

Always start with narrow Lookalike audiences of between 1 and 2% similarity to your intended

audience Finally, remember that when targeting multiple

audiences and running retargeting campaigns, you need to exclude your audiences one from


Follow these guidelines and don't be afraid of experimenting with the different audience

types to see which ones work best for your business.

Now that you've completed this tutorial, you've taken one more step towards achieving

success as an ecommerce marketing.

If you liked this video or have any questions, let us know in the comments section, below!

You can also subscribe to stay up to date not only on best practices in Facebook advertising

but all things ecommerce, too.

For more infomation >> Insights on Facebook Audiences - Duration: 22:12.


GALATASARAY | Timuçin BAYAZIT: "Cimbom Lige Çok Kaliteli Bir Giriş Yaptı" | Youtube - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Timuçin BAYAZIT: "Cimbom Lige Çok Kaliteli Bir Giriş Yaptı" | Youtube - Duration: 11:23.


GALATASARAY | Nihat KAHVECİ: "Cimbom 3'ü Bulsa, Karabük'e 8 Atardı" | Youtube - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Nihat KAHVECİ: "Cimbom 3'ü Bulsa, Karabük'e 8 Atardı" | Youtube - Duration: 10:14.


Funny Clown Bob Fishing for kids of Construction vehicles Tractor Loader Truck | Video for kids - Duration: 5:02.

Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a play with Construction vehicles and fishing for kids.

In this video for kids you will see, how clown catches tractor, loader, truck and forklift instead of fish.

Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it

Click on the picture to see other funny videos

For more infomation >> Funny Clown Bob Fishing for kids of Construction vehicles Tractor Loader Truck | Video for kids - Duration: 5:02.


GALATASARAY | Ergin ARSLAN: "G.Saray Gelecek Yıl Bambaşka Bir Seviyeye Çıkar" | Youtube - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Ergin ARSLAN: "G.Saray Gelecek Yıl Bambaşka Bir Seviyeye Çıkar" | Youtube - Duration: 10:37.


தங்கையால் வீட்டை விட்டு வெளியேறிய அஞ்சலி | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> தங்கையால் வீட்டை விட்டு வெளியேறிய அஞ்சலி | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 1:34.


REI Presents: Follow Through - Duration: 21:49.

(intense music)

- [Caroline] Hi, you've reached Caroline Gleich.

I can't take your call right now,

but please leave a message and I will return it

as soon as I can.

Thank you.

- [Man] Hey Caroline...

- [Caroline] To harass me on social media,

they've created like 20 different accounts

over the past four years.

It just gets under your skin,

and then you think about it in weird ways sometimes.

Having a checklist and a goal

and having these like, clear guidelines,

helps to overcome that self doubt.

(upbeat music)

I always thought ski mountaineering was the coolest

thing in the world.

And it's like, Andrew McClean, is the man.

He says, "Look, you'd have to be crazy

"to want to ski all the lines."

So I was like,

"I guess I'm that kind of crazy."

My goal is to ski all the lines in the Chuting Gallery.

- You know, when I first started skiing in the

Wasatch Mountains, I just kind of took them for granted.

Seemed like it was nice snow,

and easy access.

You'd ski a great line, and think,

"Ah, that's the best line I've ever skied."

And you'd look across the valley,

and go, oh, there's one, there's one, there's one,

there's another one.

And that's how the book began.

I think it's neat that it's starting to attract people

who are interested in doing the whole set.

Because you have to do a wide variety of skills.

Backcountry skiing is the big picture

where you're kind of outside the resorts.

Where ski mountaineering involves

kind of climbing up something,

looking for steeper turns.

You're not just kind of touring.

- You can't really be a good mountaineer

if you're not a competent rock climber, really.

You need to be really good with avalanche education,

period, because otherwise you will not survive.

I think ski mountaineering is when you take

an expert skiier, and put them in a situation where

if they screw up, or if they get unlucky,

they die.

- There are certain lines in this project

that are so scary,

so I have to tell myself, you've got this.

Take a deep breath.

You can do it.

It's gonna be okay.

- [Andrew] The Lightning Bolt Chute.

The Lightning Bolt is one of the steeper lines.

And hopefully avoided altogether.

(heavy breathing)

(loud wind)

(heavy breathing)

(loud wind)

(heavy breathing)

- [Brody] She comes up all the time

when you're skiing with other people around here.

People that don't know Caroline,

have a very distinct opinion and impression of her.

- [Caroline] You're a gumbie that doesn't

belong in the mountains.

- [Man] Maybe you can teach me a little bit

how to be a silver spoon spoiled bitch.

- [Brody] She's on billboards when you drive

around the city.

She's in trail maps when you open them up

at the ski resort.

She's everywhere.

Caroline is completely the poster girl of Utah skiing.

(heavy breathing)

- [Caroline] I remember seeing these pictures

of these mountains.

And there was something from a young age,

that I was like, I want to do that.

But the closest thing to alpinism that I could do

in Rochester, Minnesota,

was carry that tuba to the march

in the marching band.

(loud drums beat)

All I wanted was to have this mountain existence

that I would experience with my dad

and my half brother, Martin.

- [Man] Whoa, so rugged.

You can see why they call them Rockies.

That's Martin.

Hello, Martin!

- [Caroline] Martin definitely, like, included me

in a way that no one else had really invited me before.

- [Man] Okay, she's gone!

- [Caroline] For him to take the time

to be patient with us.

For him to teach me how to climb.

That had a huge effect on my life.

Those are like my happiest childhood memories.

- The first thing we do on the trips,

is that we drive like crazy people.

(kids yelling) For example, we leave Minnesota,

and then drive all night to end up often at Utah.

Okay, Alta on a powder day.

There was a competition for animal status.

Who's the animal?

These boys had a somewhat advantage.

And they would occasionally succeed.

Okay, go!

But the only one who really became the animal

was Caroline.

She'd throw herself down the hill

with reckless abandon.

So that after all is said and done,

the boys they're good,

but she's the animal.

- [Caroline] When I first picked up the Chuting Gallery,

I remember reading the page about Stairs Gulch.

And it just like had my stomach in knots.

Because that was where my half brother was killed.

There was a huge glide avalanche

that came down and buried them.

He was 37 when he died and I was 15.

For the first couple of years,

any time I went in the back country,

I would just have this vision of my half brothers hands

at his funeral.

They were just crushed, like black and blue.

- [Gerald] He was doing the thing he enjoyed doing.

All was not lost.

There was a good thing here.

Even though we're commemorating someone's dying.

We miss Martin.

It's very hard.

I'm sorry.

(slow music)

- [Caroline] We came out to Utah

after Martin's death.

In some ways it got better when I moved here,

but my parents really pushed me to focus on academics.

But in my heart,

all I really wanted to do was ski.

When I was 18, I was on one of my first

ski photo shoots,

with this really well known photographer,

and pro athlete that I really looked up to.

And I was like, I wanna ski all the peaks in the Wasatch.

And I remember they just both kind of looked over at me,

and laughed, but I thought in my head,

I don't think it would be that hard.

First, I needed to learn how to climb ice.

Then to lead trad.

Then I needed to get my fitness

to the point where I could climb and ski,

six, seven thousand vertical feet in a day.

It's kind of fun.

Kind of scary.

(upbeat music)

[Caroline] This is going to suck.

[Brody] This is going to suck.

Be careful.

- I will.

Oh, father.





[Brody] You did a great job.

- [Caroline] So did you.

That was so awesome!

Even if they say I don't belong,

I'm just gonna keep doing my thing.

I don't need their acceptance or approval.

(upbeat music)

Pretty much every line in the Chuting Gallery,

has some pretty messed up adventure skiing to get out.

So today, we have this long road.

Then it's gonna get real dicey on this frozen trail.

You'll see.

Real character building. (laughs)

- Yeah!

(upbeat music)

- [Caroline] I knew at some point I would

have to go up there.

And every time I would drive by on the way

up to Big Cottonwood,

I would just feel sick.

I didn't want to see it.

I just didn't want to deal with it.

Time has a way of healing those wounds.

I mean, it was 15 years that passed.

I don't think I could've done it any sooner.

And just being out there on that ridge,

it allowed me to just see what he saw and experience that.

It took this tragic, horrible thing and turned it

into something really positive.

(heavy breathing)

(slow music)


For me, it's about the shared experience

with the partners.


When I met Liz, I was instantly connected to her.

Instead of the experience where

the people would kind of laugh at me or mock me,

she never questioned that I would be capable

to do these things together.

And she always wanted to plan these cool trips.

And so, the pull for me, was to hone my skills

so that I could be a competent partner for her.

And then Liz was killed in an avalanche in Argentina.

To feel that closeness, and then have it

ripped away from you.

It was really tragic.

That's part of the reason that like,

my half brother Martin had such a huge effect on my life.

And how Liz had such a huge effect on my life.

It's cause I'm kind of stubborn

and like, closed off in real life.

I put my walls up to the world.

And it's only like through the backpacking

or through the snow camping

or through the mountaineering

that I can begin to let down those walls.

This project.

It's a way of making good on the encouragement

that they gave me.

It's also about keeping them alive.

In my mind.

Her death made me really afraid and wary

of how and when I take risks in the mountains.

I think it's really dangerous

to have a goal sheet like this.

You have to be really aware

of how that influences decision making.

It looks scary.

This snow looks pretty good though.

I would rather never finish the project

than risk death.

I just want to be so sure of my skills

because I feel I have to do like extra

to prove to myself and to other people

that I'm capable.

But, you have to just let go

of what other people think you're capable of

and decide what you're capable of yourself.

(heavy breathing)

(upbeat music)

It's always really hard to get out of bed

in the morning, for sunrise.

And since this is like my fourth sunrise of the week,

I'm really tired.

But then, this kind of moment,

when the sun first hits your face.

Makes it all worth it.

And, you know, there's something to be said

for doing those things in life,

that you really want to do.

It's not like my dad or my coach

or someone telling me,

"Get out of bed in the morning!"

Ultimately, I do this stuff every morning.

Because it's what I want to do

from the bottom of my heart.

So there's a real gratifying feeling in that.

You don't really think about it

when you think about good skiing.

It's like a weird mixture

of like skiing and alpine climbing.

- That's fun after the fact.

It's not actually fun while you're doing it.


There's a lot of that in the Chuting Gallery.

- [Caroline] It's not really about the skiing.


It's just straight up the pucker factor.

If you ski at Alta,

you've looked at it a hundred times.

The first part that you see that looks the worst,

isn't the worst part.

And the consequences of a fall,

even with a rope, are terrifying.

It's all good here.

Unless you look down.

And then it's really scary.

It's really easy to romanticize ski alpinism.

But then, when you're up there,

it's like the doubts and the worries,

they don't go away.

They're your constant companions.

And their little voice comes up in your head.

- [Man] You're a gumby that doesn't belong

in the mountains.

- [Caroline] You're going to die.

- [Man] You shouldn't be here in the first place.

You're going to end up like Liz.

- [Caroline] I have to really focus on trying to talk

nicely to myself

and overcome my self doubt and insecurities.

You've got this girl.

You've got this.

- [Man] You shouldn't be here in the first place.

- [Caroline] We can do this.

- [Man] You're going to end up like Liz.

- [Caroline] It's gonna be fine.

Totally fun.

This is fun.

We're having fun.

Life is great.

Life is awesome. (breathes)

There is a certain joy of like,

having the deep seated fear,

and being able to look it in the face.

It pulls this thing out of you

that you never knew you had,

but it's not a good state to live in all the time.

Hey Rob, this part's pretty cruiser now.


(upbeat music)

The part that is so addictive

is like the intense experiences that you share

with other people.

Because it's not just any person who wants to do this

kind of stuff.

The people that are in this sport,

they're some of the most magnetic personalities.

And when you're working towards a shared goal

in the mountains,

it connects you like no other experience

on this planet.

And that's the part that I just want to do

over and over.

I would highly encourage people

to set a really ambitious goal.

That they know they may not be able to achieve.

Where people will tell you that it's impossible.

And then, having the courage,

and the patience and perseverance

to see it through.

(slow music)

For more infomation >> REI Presents: Follow Through - Duration: 21:49.


How to Overcome Laziness - Bangla Motivational Video - Duration: 10:31.

How to Overcome Laziness

For more infomation >> How to Overcome Laziness - Bangla Motivational Video - Duration: 10:31.


Dr Stevan Milatović - Blizanačka trudnoća - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Dr Stevan Milatović - Blizanačka trudnoća - Duration: 7:17.


Top 10 High Graphics Android iOS Games of 2017 - Duration: 6:39.

Hello guys, Welcome to the gamers point.

Today we are here with top 10 high graphics games for your android and ios devices, But

before we begin, make sure to hit that subscribe button, and also click on the bell icon, so

you will never miss our future updates,

so number one in our list is, Tekken.

In this Game you have to control a fighter, during the battles against martial arts masters.

You have to apply unique combat moves and win.

Gather a team of legendary fighters in this game, like paul, king, jin and more.

Take your hero through campaign battles, defeat different opponents.

Gather a team and fight together with friends, against players from all over the world.

Game has over 60 character to choose, simple control and great graphics.

This game has got a rating of 4.2 in the app stores.


In this game you have to travel across the universe.

You have to fight against various opponents applying fantasy weapons and munitions.

In this game you are going to explore the galaxy spaces.

On some planets you can find rare resources, on others - cities of extraterrestrial civilizations.

You will also have to hunt strange animals in some of the worlds.

Take your starship across the space, be ready for space battles.

Morphite is available in ios store but coming soon on android.

Modern Combat Versus.

In this game you have to take part in multiplayer battles from all over the world.

You have to fight on large maps, with high technology weapons.

This great game will take you to the battle field in future.

You have to complete the fighting missions in different locations, where you will meet

many enemies, Demonstrate your reflexes and tactics skills.

Buy fantasy weapons, armor and other items of munitions.

Upgrade your munitions to increase chances to survive and win.

This game has different location to battle and many characters to choose.

This is a free game available with the rating of 3.5 in your android and ios stores.

Infinite Tank.

This is a game resembling World of tanks.

In this game you have to control a tank, and fight against your opponents.

Make your tank the best.

Do you like to control tanks on a huge field, Here you can do anything, Wide range of tanks,

various weapons to select , Game also has wonderful sound effects and bright impressing


Plunge into the atmosphere of severe but very interesting battle!

This game has been rated with 3.2 stars, and you can purchase this game from android and

ios stores .

Gangster New Orleans.

In this game you have to win the criminal world of New Orleans.

Complete tasks of mafia bosses, fight against police and competitors, explore a big city.

Make your way to the top of the criminal world in this game.

Try your luck in the streets of New Orlean.

Steal expensive cars and commit thefts.

Participate in shootouts with competing gangs and police officers.

Improve your reputation completing hard missions.

Purchase excellent weapons and other objects every gangster needs.

Become the king of the streets of a big city.

Above 90,000 gamers rated this game 4.1 and its free in android and ios store.

Sniper Ghost Warrior.

complete dangerous combat missions in different corners of the planet.

Destroy enemy mercenaries, terrorists and other opponents.

Try yourself as a professional sniper in this exciting Android game.

Go to Africa, and other regions of the world where you will experience hard tasks.

Rescue hostages, eliminate leaders of terrorists, attack enemy bases.

Use powerful sniper rifles, machineguns, grenades and other weapons.

Drive cars and other vehicles.

Upgrade your outfit. and weapons.

You can download this free game from your app stores with the rating of 4.3.

Transformers: Forged to fight.

Gather a collection of transformers each having unique appearance and skills.

Fight 1 vs 1 against strong opponents.

In this game you will meet Optimus Prime, Megatron and other transformers.

Select your favorite character and start a battle.

Fight on fantasy arenas and demonstrate your fighting skills.

Crush opponents with the hits of iron fists and destructive fighting maneuvers.

Join alliance and defend your base with the help of your friends.

Defeat other players.

This game has a great rating of 4.6 stars, and it's available in your app stores for


Metal gear rising: Revengeance.

Help the hero fight against cy borgs, fighting robots and other high technology enemies.

Raiden, the main hero of this game, is a mercenary cy ber ninja.

Take the hero through various missions including secret penetration, quiet murder and great

battles against giant cyber opponents.

The game has Excellent graphics and special effects and many interesting missions to complete.

This paid game is available with the rating of 4.1 and you can purchase this game from

your app stores.

Injustice 2.

Gather an invincible team of popular heroes and villains.

Participate in great battles against powerful enemies.

In this exciting game.

You can gather a collection of your favorite comics characters such as Wonder-woman, Batman,

Harley Quinn and many other.

Each superhero or villain can demonstrate his superabilities in the battles on different


Take your team to the victory and get a reward.

Improve your characters and master new abilities.

Fight against other players.

This is a free game and availabe with the rating of 4.3 in the app stores.

Iron blade: Medieval legend.

I this game you have to fight against demons.

Crush monsters with powerful hits of your sword.

Stop the invasion of dark powers.

In this dynamic game you are going to challenge Baal, the lord of demons, and prevent him

from coming to the world.

Help templars in the eternal fight against evil and become a hero of the ancient prophecy.

Cut your way through the hordes of enemies on the backgrounds of beautiful landscapes

of medieval Europe.

Apply different kicks and skills, Make destructive combo.

Run your own castle.

This rpg game is available with the rating of 4.3 in your app stores.

Thank you guys for watching this video, If you like this video hit the like, and if you

dont, then hit the dislike button, Also subscribe to our channel, and click on the bell icon

so you never miss our future updates, We will back with another video soon, Till then, Have

a great day

For more infomation >> Top 10 High Graphics Android iOS Games of 2017 - Duration: 6:39.


PickMup: So ziemlich alles. Einfach unterwegs abholen. Auch Skateboards. - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> PickMup: So ziemlich alles. Einfach unterwegs abholen. Auch Skateboards. - Duration: 0:21.


GALATASARAY | Evren TURHAN: "Takım Direncinde Tolga'nın Eksikliği Hissedildi" | Youtube - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Evren TURHAN: "Takım Direncinde Tolga'nın Eksikliği Hissedildi" | Youtube - Duration: 11:15.


Интересные места Аланьи: Встреча с подписчиками Турция 2017 - Duration: 14:13.

For more infomation >> Интересные места Аланьи: Встреча с подписчиками Турция 2017 - Duration: 14:13.


Episode 1 Full UK-Length Edition - Duration: 59:16.

For more infomation >> Episode 1 Full UK-Length Edition - Duration: 59:16.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Cooperativa Algodoliva, Algodonales. Cádiz - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Cooperativa Algodoliva, Algodonales. Cádiz - Duration: 1:00.


For more infomation >> Cooperativa Algodoliva, Algodonales. Cádiz - Duration: 1:00.


Top 10 High Graphics Android iOS Games of 2017 - Duration: 6:39.

Hello guys, Welcome to the gamers point.

Today we are here with top 10 high graphics games for your android and ios devices, But

before we begin, make sure to hit that subscribe button, and also click on the bell icon, so

you will never miss our future updates,

so number one in our list is, Tekken.

In this Game you have to control a fighter, during the battles against martial arts masters.

You have to apply unique combat moves and win.

Gather a team of legendary fighters in this game, like paul, king, jin and more.

Take your hero through campaign battles, defeat different opponents.

Gather a team and fight together with friends, against players from all over the world.

Game has over 60 character to choose, simple control and great graphics.

This game has got a rating of 4.2 in the app stores.


In this game you have to travel across the universe.

You have to fight against various opponents applying fantasy weapons and munitions.

In this game you are going to explore the galaxy spaces.

On some planets you can find rare resources, on others - cities of extraterrestrial civilizations.

You will also have to hunt strange animals in some of the worlds.

Take your starship across the space, be ready for space battles.

Morphite is available in ios store but coming soon on android.

Modern Combat Versus.

In this game you have to take part in multiplayer battles from all over the world.

You have to fight on large maps, with high technology weapons.

This great game will take you to the battle field in future.

You have to complete the fighting missions in different locations, where you will meet

many enemies, Demonstrate your reflexes and tactics skills.

Buy fantasy weapons, armor and other items of munitions.

Upgrade your munitions to increase chances to survive and win.

This game has different location to battle and many characters to choose.

This is a free game available with the rating of 3.5 in your android and ios stores.

Infinite Tank.

This is a game resembling World of tanks.

In this game you have to control a tank, and fight against your opponents.

Make your tank the best.

Do you like to control tanks on a huge field, Here you can do anything, Wide range of tanks,

various weapons to select , Game also has wonderful sound effects and bright impressing


Plunge into the atmosphere of severe but very interesting battle!

This game has been rated with 3.2 stars, and you can purchase this game from android and

ios stores .

Gangster New Orleans.

In this game you have to win the criminal world of New Orleans.

Complete tasks of mafia bosses, fight against police and competitors, explore a big city.

Make your way to the top of the criminal world in this game.

Try your luck in the streets of New Orlean.

Steal expensive cars and commit thefts.

Participate in shootouts with competing gangs and police officers.

Improve your reputation completing hard missions.

Purchase excellent weapons and other objects every gangster needs.

Become the king of the streets of a big city.

Above 90,000 gamers rated this game 4.1 and its free in android and ios store.

Sniper Ghost Warrior.

complete dangerous combat missions in different corners of the planet.

Destroy enemy mercenaries, terrorists and other opponents.

Try yourself as a professional sniper in this exciting Android game.

Go to Africa, and other regions of the world where you will experience hard tasks.

Rescue hostages, eliminate leaders of terrorists, attack enemy bases.

Use powerful sniper rifles, machineguns, grenades and other weapons.

Drive cars and other vehicles.

Upgrade your outfit. and weapons.

You can download this free game from your app stores with the rating of 4.3.

Transformers: Forged to fight.

Gather a collection of transformers each having unique appearance and skills.

Fight 1 vs 1 against strong opponents.

In this game you will meet Optimus Prime, Megatron and other transformers.

Select your favorite character and start a battle.

Fight on fantasy arenas and demonstrate your fighting skills.

Crush opponents with the hits of iron fists and destructive fighting maneuvers.

Join alliance and defend your base with the help of your friends.

Defeat other players.

This game has a great rating of 4.6 stars, and it's available in your app stores for


Metal gear rising: Revengeance.

Help the hero fight against cy borgs, fighting robots and other high technology enemies.

Raiden, the main hero of this game, is a mercenary cy ber ninja.

Take the hero through various missions including secret penetration, quiet murder and great

battles against giant cyber opponents.

The game has Excellent graphics and special effects and many interesting missions to complete.

This paid game is available with the rating of 4.1 and you can purchase this game from

your app stores.

Injustice 2.

Gather an invincible team of popular heroes and villains.

Participate in great battles against powerful enemies.

In this exciting game.

You can gather a collection of your favorite comics characters such as Wonder-woman, Batman,

Harley Quinn and many other.

Each superhero or villain can demonstrate his superabilities in the battles on different


Take your team to the victory and get a reward.

Improve your characters and master new abilities.

Fight against other players.

This is a free game and availabe with the rating of 4.3 in the app stores.

Iron blade: Medieval legend.

I this game you have to fight against demons.

Crush monsters with powerful hits of your sword.

Stop the invasion of dark powers.

In this dynamic game you are going to challenge Baal, the lord of demons, and prevent him

from coming to the world.

Help templars in the eternal fight against evil and become a hero of the ancient prophecy.

Cut your way through the hordes of enemies on the backgrounds of beautiful landscapes

of medieval Europe.

Apply different kicks and skills, Make destructive combo.

Run your own castle.

This rpg game is available with the rating of 4.3 in your app stores.

Thank you guys for watching this video, If you like this video hit the like, and if you

dont, then hit the dislike button, Also subscribe to our channel, and click on the bell icon

so you never miss our future updates, We will back with another video soon, Till then, Have

a great day

For more infomation >> Top 10 High Graphics Android iOS Games of 2017 - Duration: 6:39.


For more infomation >> Top 10 High Graphics Android iOS Games of 2017 - Duration: 6:39.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Tere Ishq M jo bhy|sindhi song|Alan Faqeer|Jamshoro|Sindh|Pakistan - Duration: 2:05.

Subcribe My channel Wafa Waheed ALi

Wafa Waheed Ali

Wafa Waheed ALi

Wafa Waheeed ALi

For more infomation >> Tere Ishq M jo bhy|sindhi song|Alan Faqeer|Jamshoro|Sindh|Pakistan - Duration: 2:05.


Mazda CX-5 2.2D HP GT-M 4WD - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.2D HP GT-M 4WD - Duration: 0:54.


Watch How We're Turning This Adelaide CBD Rooftop Into An Idyllic Living Space - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Watch How We're Turning This Adelaide CBD Rooftop Into An Idyllic Living Space - Duration: 2:44.


Мария Берсенева - Крылатые притчи - Как сказать. How to say? - Mariya Berseneva - Winged parable - Duration: 1:43.

Hello! Today I'm going to read you a story called

"How to say?".

One Eastern Lord had a bad dream

that he lost out one by one all of his teeth.

In great commotion he summoned the interpreter of dreams.

He listened anxiously and said


I must tell you the sad news.

You will lose one after another all of your relatives."

These words aroused the wrath of the Lord.

He gave orders to throw interpreter in prison

and call another interpreter,

who, after hearing the dream, said:

"I am happy to announce to you glad tidings

you'll outlive all your relatives".

The Lord was pleased

and generously rewarded him for that prediction.

The courtiers were very surprised

- Because you told him the same thing and your poor predecessor,

so why was he punished, and you're rewarded? - they asked.

The answer was:

We both equally interpret the dream.

But it all depends on not what to say,

it's on how to say it.

For more infomation >> Мария Берсенева - Крылатые притчи - Как сказать. How to say? - Mariya Berseneva - Winged parable - Duration: 1:43.



Hello everyone and welcome back to my chanel,

today I will show you guys some of the products that I been loving in the past few week.

For more infomation >> SEPTEMBER FAVOR ❤️ SẢN PHẨM YÊU THÍCH THÁNG 9 🍁❤️ - Duration: 10:57.


Sonnet 13 - When Shakespeare needs translating - Duration: 1:54.

Oh, how I wish you were yourself!

But, my love, you will only last as long as you're alive.

in anticipation of your inevitable death

You should make preparations and pass on your beautiful appearance to someone else.

That way, your beauty, which you've only borrowed,

wouldn't have to end.

Then, even after you died,

your beautiful body would be renewed in your children.

Who would let such a beautiful house fall into disrepair

when prudent maintenance might make it outlast

the stormy gusts of winter and the frustrating barrenness surrounding death?

Only the most irresponsible spender could do such a thing, you know, my dear love.

You had a father—let your son say so.

O none but unthrifts, dear my love you know

You had a father-let your son say so

Now you can read Shakespeare!

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