Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2017

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subs by ~Aphexx~)

so today tadaa! I'll be making something that is popular in China ?luo sui fen?

~chinese is difficult to pronounce and I'm not sure if I said it correctly~

is what its called

recently I just started using weibo an SNS that also shows videos on its platform

and on there I asked everyone what is popular in china and they told me about this

and its only been a month since I started using weibo and I've already crossed 600k followers ~so happy~

thank you so very much I've received so many comments there

and there are even people who respond to me in Japanese on there I'm really thankful to you guys

alrighty lets get cookin'

this is the instant ?luo si fen?

and inside is.... tadaa

all this was inside it aside from noodles its full of flavor packets

lets start by boiling some bok choy

after washing and cutting the bok choy boil it in salted water for about 30-40 seconds

cook till the centers of these start getting a bit transparent

these will be used as toppings so set them aside

boil the noodles

they sort of remind me of 'harusame' vermicelli they look like they're made from rice

I'll be making 10 packs worth this time and since they all won't fit into the pot

I'll be making 5 packs worth in this regular sized pot

they've softened right up and are starting to lose its transparent look

and once again boil up 500ml of water then add our cooked noodles and this 'yuba' (tofu product)

and cook the noodles till they can be cut using just chopsticks

and after transferring to a bowl add the soup

bamboo shoots, and this was called 'gr. bean' but, really, what is it?

the bok choy, quail eggs, peanuts,

and add vinegar and sesame chili oil to taste

tadaa they're done don't they look yummy

these are the famous ?luu su fun?

10 packs worth wouldn't fit into one of these bowls so I split it into 2 bowls

there's the same amount in both

as far as weight goes w/o the bowl its 4.3kg so both of them is roughly 8kg

I made a bit much

if it was purely food (mass) I wouldn't probably be able to eat all this but I'm able to eat quite a lot if there is soup as well

itadakimasu the noodles are so slick and look so yummy

this is what the broth looks like its got ra-yu chili oil in it

its super delish the noodles are so slick and have a bit more bite

than 'harusame' vermicelli its like something just between a ramen and harusame

the noodles are so thick that they aren't like a harusame vermicelli at all


these are kinda light and easy to eat

and the soup is uncomplicated in its flavoring its a very chinese-y flavored soup

its a flavor that is easy to drink and its got so many ingredients in it

I'm amazed at how deluxe this instant noodle dish is

chinese food is so yummy I don't think we have this dish here in Japan just yet

the noodles are truly delish and since they're made of rice it reminds me of 'Bifun' (correction: pho)

but these feel smoother and have a bit more bite than 'bifun' (correction: pho)

oh wait no.... no its not bifun I was thinking of PHO.... its PHO, PHO

there is qual egg in it

so many toppings for an instant noodle and with all that is in here the only thing extra that I

added here is the bok choy

the gr. bean is flavored nicely it really adds to the yumminess

this is yuba (tofu) seems so healthy

the bok choy is so crisp and delish

so hot in here

I think I over did it on the ra-yu sesame chili oil its a bit on the spicy side now

the peanuts give it a nice tasty flavor that is so delish

the noodles are so slick

so hot right now

I really did over do it on the ra-yu chili oil its rather spicy

so sweaty right now if I don't speed things up this bowl will get soggy

but wait a minute these noodles might not get that soggy

just like pho these don't get as soggy as (wheat) flour based noodles

so hot

K, so mostly its just the soup that remains and since the noodles might get soggy I'm going to

start on this bowl right away

the noodles are so smooth

this chinese ra-yu chili oil might be spicier and hotter than our japanese ra-yu

oh no its not at all perhaps its the soup itself that was spicy

I totes thought it was spicy from all the ra-yu its got that strong sesame flavor to it now

the smooth noodles don't get too soggy

its so yummy with all these different toppings in it

its so yummy when you mix em' all up with all the flavors coming together

I especially love these 'yuba' tofu

they remind me of 'age' (tofu product)


adding some vinegar really changes things up so nicely

I really did overdo things with the ra-yu BUT!!! BUT!!!! even after adding it there is this much remaining

they're super generous aren't they

~since they gave me so much of it I totally thought that it was OK to dump a whole lot of it in

but it might just be that the soup itself is spicy

so today there was a bit too much so I'll be leaving this soup

and its so spicy as well I added too much ra-yu to it ~I'm so sorry~

gochisosamadeshita this ?luo si fen? was super delish

they're a lot like pho but there's something a bit different these feel a bit more 'noodlier'

and it was so yummy from all the extra toppings that they loaded into it

the peanuts and yuba were my faves among them

the quail egg were yummy as well

thinking back there wasn't any meat in it ~well... perhaps there was some used in the preparation~

and there wasn't anything written on the packages saying the contrary

and it did actually say to add the ra-yu and vinegar to taste and I went and added too much of the ra-yu to it

the vinegar and ra-yu really helped stimulate the appetite

and I made a bit more than I expected today

perhaps I'll make a porridge out of these later

adding some egg would maybe help to combat the spiciness as well

special thanks to all the chinese people who told me about this

this ?luo sufen? was so yummy if you have the chance please give it a try

and if there is anything you'd like me to do or eat please tell me about it in the comment section or via twitter

or even on Weibo as well if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Chinese Popular Luosifen Noodles! That's More Than I Expected!! 8.6Kg, 11653kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 8:54.


Superheroes Star Spiderman vs Power Rangers nerf war Joker zombies - Superheroes in Real Life - Duration: 1:22:40.

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For more infomation >> Superheroes Star Spiderman vs Power Rangers nerf war Joker zombies - Superheroes in Real Life - Duration: 1:22:40.


நாட்டு கட்டையா இருக்குற பெண்களை ஏன் ஆண்களுக்கு பிடிக்கும் தெரியுமா? Tamil Cinema News|Kollywood News - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> நாட்டு கட்டையா இருக்குற பெண்களை ஏன் ஆண்களுக்கு பிடிக்கும் தெரியுமா? Tamil Cinema News|Kollywood News - Duration: 1:44.


Overwatch | Come Primal Rage With Me - Duration: 8:40:29.

For more infomation >> Overwatch | Come Primal Rage With Me - Duration: 8:40:29.


Shila Amzah I will always love you blind commentary - Duration: 10:04.

how's it going everybody my name is Billy and it's time for another video

today is the day people today is the day we watch another performance by Sheila

it's been a while and I really want to watch another performance by her this

song that Sheila will be singing today is I will always love you

this is highly requested a lot of you guys wanted me to see this so here we

are yeah a beautiful song by Whitney Houston I really like this song it's

gonna be good to hear this song again cuz it has been a while since I've heard

this song so um yeah guys I'm really eager to get into this so with no

further ado let's get into it alright guys I decided to skip the

started the video because it was mostly just talking and all that and it wasn't

going to the performance so um yeah we are starting at 2 minutes and 22 seconds

so with no further ado let's get into this in 3 2 1


I will always love you

and I will always love you to Sheila

but seriously she's amazing at singing

oh yes

oh yes that power yes👌

every step of the way


oh it's so good


will always love you

I'm sorry guys I have to sing it's so it's such a good song

oh damn yes👌

yeah take it

I feel it I'm taking

with me

so goodbye

please don't cry

we both know I am not watching

love you

yes sing it

damn oh its so good


oh that trumpet is beautiful yes it's

beautiful oh that power I feel it yes

I'm with you

oh well damn oh yes👌

you the ❤️love

oh my god

will always love you


I feel it

I can't even speak

mind blown

I cant stop smiling😁 it's so good

oh my god


Oh take it home


just yep

oh my goodness people that was so good

oh my god

that was beautiful performance

I felt the emotion and everything oh it was so good I really really loved this

performance Sheila's voice is amazing and gosh I got a bit of tears in my eyes it

was Wow I needed that I needed that oh I needed

that today it's dark it's raining outside and it's just a gloomy day and

I'm feeling down but that performance lifts me up

oh I really liked at the start when Sheila was singing on her own

like it really showed her voice without the music behind her and it is wonderful

I oh it's so good it's so good I love the strength in Sheila's voice she just

has that power when she was hitting the notes that I will always love you it was

just so well done in my opinion anyway yes I see why you guys wanted me to

watch this this was this was great it was a beautiful piece that song is a

very emotional song and it is really sad that Whitney Houston can't be with us

today but yeah she would probably be proud if she was watching that

performance I loved how sweet this performance was it was just it was like

a tribute to Whitney Houston in a way like it was just so touching and and

moving and although I didn't pour into tears I still felt that and yes oh my

goodness it was so wonderful to watch this it really brought me up and I'm

really glad that I saw it I skipped a bit of the start of the video

because they were just doing a lot of the talking and they weren't

getting to the performance and I just wanted to see the performance part of it

so yeah original link will be in the description below if you guys want to

see the full video but um yeah I thought this was a wonderful performance like

hearing her voice the last performance I watched of her was amazing and the other

performance listen was amazing like she's such a

good singer and she really does have that wow factor to her as I have said in

other videos and it makes my day it makes my day yeah it's hard not to sing

to this song I will always love you if you know the song you would probably

want to sing along to it I know I do but yeah me it's such a good song to sing to

and yeah I remember listening to it years ago and I was like and I I'm so bad I'm

sorry but um yeah guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video feel free to leave a

like if you enjoyed and to Sheila well done you are a really talented

individual and I think you would definitely go far in life so yeah guys

that's basically all from me I hope you all have a wonderful fantastic day or

night wherever you guys are and my name is billy billy is now out take care guys


For more infomation >> Shila Amzah I will always love you blind commentary - Duration: 10:04.


Cats Diary Komugi & Daizu 2017.09.30 - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> Cats Diary Komugi & Daizu 2017.09.30 - Duration: 10:38.


LEARN COLORS with Minion & Sticky Tape ! Learning Colors Video For Children Learn Colours Minion - Duration: 1:31.

LEARN COLORS with Minion & Sticky Tape ! Best Learning Colors Video For Children Learn Colours Minion Funny

For more infomation >> LEARN COLORS with Minion & Sticky Tape ! Learning Colors Video For Children Learn Colours Minion - Duration: 1:31.


Předpověď na 24h - 2. 10. 2017 - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Předpověď na 24h - 2. 10. 2017 - Duration: 1:15.


Working on a public holiday - The Feed - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Working on a public holiday - The Feed - Duration: 3:29.


Reconocimiento cular: Prueba de resistencia - IKEA Sofás - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Reconocimiento cular: Prueba de resistencia - IKEA Sofás - Duration: 0:31.


What does departmentalitis mean? - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> What does departmentalitis mean? - Duration: 0:39.


Horse Elephant Pig Gorilla Rabbit Finger Family Rhymes | Animals Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 16:14.

Horse Elephant Pig Gorilla Rabbit Finger Family Rhymes

For more infomation >> Horse Elephant Pig Gorilla Rabbit Finger Family Rhymes | Animals Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 16:14.


Masks of Magic - Duration: 22:38.

For more infomation >> Masks of Magic - Duration: 22:38.


Discover DHL : Endangered Species Transportation - Duration: 3:12.

Like many endangered species, the black rhino has been hunted to the brink of extinction.

The survival of rhinos like Eliska, born in the Czech Republic,

will depend on their successful translocation back into their natural habitats,

helping to re-establish populations in the wild.

"When I came to Africa and started working in the bush, just under 50 years ago, you know, every day you get

charged by Rhino. You never thought they'd disappear. But somebody offering

us a female rhino in this day and age, is incredible.

When Eliska became available we of course jumped to the idea.

Of course, it will be difficult. It's like your son or daughter leave you and start to live in a different part of the world.

On the other side it´s the best place for her which we can choose.

Transporting a 900 kilogram animal across five countries is a complex

operation, so it's just as well the world's number one veterinary expert in

rhinos was brought in to supervise the operation.

I'm monitoring her the whole time. It's tranquilization, it's feeding, it's her comfort, sometimes it actually

works to even climb in the crate behind her with a brush and start brushing her

just to just to relax her. She's used to that.

Eliska's journey started with a 460 kilometer road trip to Leipzig, in Germany.

There she boarded a specially fitted cargo plane for a nine-hour flight to Tanzania.

Upon landing she was transferred to a truck and driven a further five hours to the reserve.

For Eliska, it was a very long journey and the team were keen to get her settled in to her new home.

Probably after the loading, it´s the second most critical stage. It´s just releasing her into the boma.

Back off, let her come out quietly and hopefully she you know she doesn't get excited in the process.

To actually have Eliska here in that boma last night, was...

There was a sense of peace. I was a bit weepy just to see her and it's a wonderful feeling.

"Hello girl!"

Wonder what's going on in that head.

At some point Eliska will be released into the wider national park,

but for now she remains under the supervision of Tony and his team.

I know she's going to be fine. It just takes time within a very short period of time you wouldn't know that

this was a zoo born rhino. You know she will be as happy and as healthy and us at

home in the, out there in the bush as the animals which were you know born and grew up out in the wild.

For more infomation >> Discover DHL : Endangered Species Transportation - Duration: 3:12.


Reconocimiento cular: Prueba de limpieza - IKEA Sofás - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Reconocimiento cular: Prueba de limpieza - IKEA Sofás - Duration: 0:31.


Top 10 Most Successful YouTube Trends in 2017 S See & Grow Your Channel - Duration: 4:50.

Top 10 Most Successful YouTube Trends in 2017 S See & Grow Your Channel

Top 10 Most Successful YouTube Trends in 2017 S See & Grow Your Channel

Top 10 Most Successful YouTube Trends in 2017 S See & Grow Your Channel

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Successful YouTube Trends in 2017 S See & Grow Your Channel - Duration: 4:50.


easy kolam designs for diwali | rangoli designs for diwali 2017 | easy muggulu for beginners - Duration: 0:43.

beautiful rangoli designs for diwali

For more infomation >> easy kolam designs for diwali | rangoli designs for diwali 2017 | easy muggulu for beginners - Duration: 0:43.


My minecraft is fixed!! - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> My minecraft is fixed!! - Duration: 4:17.


BetterBrella 44" Elite Auto Open Reverse Umbrella - Duration: 16:42.

For more infomation >> BetterBrella 44" Elite Auto Open Reverse Umbrella - Duration: 16:42.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Style automaat - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Style automaat - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 BUSINESS SOLUTION AMG AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 BUSINESS SOLUTION AMG AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:00.


Nàstic-Barcelona B en directo y vivo online: jornada 7, LaLiga 1I2I3 - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> Nàstic-Barcelona B en directo y vivo online: jornada 7, LaLiga 1I2I3 - Duration: 6:35.


Milo murphy's law Sunny Side Up Episode 12 -Pink Pig - Duration: 16:28.

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So what exactly is this reputation?

Well people have used the j-word but you know what they say sticks and stones can damage your vital organs

So always wear body armor. Oh cool. That's a good one. I know right all right. Seriously, dude. What's going on here

What do you mean? I mean, what is all of this and what is the j-word well?


Bet my pudding pack we don't see them again today

I find it doesn't help just hurts the larynx hand me that bungee and you better hang on to my back

You might want to slide over this way

So, Melissa, what's up with your boy? I can almost taste that snickerdoodle now. Oh, yeah, all right all right. Let me oh

Man I miss my first day at a new school my parents are gonna flip out don't worry

I've got the bus route marked on my GP

yes, I

Must have gotten wet when we fell in the mud, but fear not I've got a backup right here paper map could possibly go wrong

Sorry boys. It's been a little oil spill as you can see it's quite a mess so nobody's getting through today

I think we can still make it across Iraq galoshes. I didn't I've got a next

Maybe we should go through the woods

In the middle of Coyote was with coyote woods I

Got a thing about coyotes. They're like big dogs that are dangerous defense. Oh, don't worry. There's no coyotes

We mean we're outside the fence just jump

Fatalities are blamed on boys and beats again. We wouldn't be the first

This cyclone of calamity that follows you everywhere you go, how do you live like this how do you live like that

What do you mean? I mean, you want to live like those other kids?

All right, I guess we turn the water back on

You know we're missing one of those heavy tow that a new scar yeah, thanks for noticing

Okay, chill season for a pack of chips Sid's up and get to to putting packs. I like that confidence there they go

Anyone want to up the ante?

We got a way to steer this thing this sure we don't need to look the mate excellent do G good boy

Here you go, but I do need you to go home, okay?

Go home

But I'm starting to feel like we can handle anything that comes our way

If you're so sure it's not too late to sweeten the pot done three jawbreakers and some vitamin C tablets

What it's cold and flu season?

Well Melissa look the vitamin C tablet

Today we are starting on a new physics project this will test everything you've learned about

Gravity inertia and weight distribution all things I utilize in makings

If you if you work hard someday you too may own a special desk not this one though this one's mine

So Oh for the week all the others will be judged on how well they have applied the concepts

We've been talking about in class now. You will all be breaking into teams of three

Really you're gonna jeopardize those straight A's you know eggs can be rather fragile

Bring it on I eat eggs for breakfast. Yeah, so do all of us. That's a lot of eggs

I've got a grade point average to protect you think that's maybe a little bit overkill

Did you just put an egg in your pocket yeah, yeah, that's not gonna end well


It's all in here. We have to build something that will withstand not only one of these things, but all of them simultaneously

Well, you know what they say whatever breaks our egg, Bertha. I'm not naming them anymore

I don't want to get attached come here do G here it goes

Okay, well the egg is completely

I gotta see this I'll be right down

Triple cooler eat and we better get out of here before anything else

Time to get you to screw

Just a dream

Yeah, that's more like it

Mellisa over here, how's Big Bertha doing good so far? How's the a a oh do you mind no problem?

I'll stand in the corner. I'm helping by not helping

Pilot egg is ready for drop-off I

Don't know what to say oh

Wait a second I forgot this one okay class take your projects up to the roof while I monitor the drop zone

Parachute chick was 1 point 5 second deploy speed Shaka barbers

check compress

Will show you how it's done

Oh very nice just a hairline fracture

Come on hold together

Okay, no no, Oh kickball game check. She can handle day

Wind turbine

Looks like puns you

Welcome to battle of the bands just getting started

This has been your practice area

So this is our competition huh yeah, but we're not here to bat

Yes, I'll suit up now

What exactly are you guys worried about what if my base goes out of tune between then and now that's not gonna happen

What if no one can hear us or I'm emotionally out of sync or I have a sneezing fit a coughing mm hmm, okay?

Thanks Zack. Okay. I'm going to go get some snacks

You guys work on


Zack what are you doing here? Hey max Lyle Shawn Melvin? Oh we changed their names - max -

Hi, max. I see what you did there a reverse psych. I'm not reverse psyching anything. How are you guys doing?

We're making a comeback

Touring a new album a music video, and there's a you better get back to my band. See you later

Don't beat yourself up too much second place is great for an amateur musician

Okay, okay, they're called the lumber max now well now all the good band names are taken

Who are the lumber Zacks is there some backstory that I'm up? It was the year


We started partying constantly it was non-stop

then one day a girl came between us I

Was standing there she can stand this?

To max so

When I was the lead singer they never changed their names - Zack

Did you want them to it these guys will really think I'm lost without them

Wow, this is like one of those movies where there's one dance team from the streets and one dance team is classically trained

And they're both gonna do this competition now pick up your stakes Melissa pick up your bass, okay, but I'm telling you now

I'm not changing my name to Zack Milo that accordions not gonna play itself actually

It has a not quite my tempo one two three four

Bass okay, then go replace Mort with a drum machine, and he can play bass like puppies - yeah

So do I but you don't see me destroying this band over. It well actually just getting started. Yeah, we really need a better name

I'd like to introduce our judges judge number one miss Whitley the music teacher to Jefferson middle school

Let's hear for our first band Scott and the underground er

My look what about your Cordy everything it's fine. Let me take a look I

Can do this okay? Just getting started is up next and on deck is reflective Randy and the see what you've become

And not only do they win the dance competition, but they've all learned the true value of their friendship

Exactly this contest was about us playing music together. Not about getting ramped up or what will good luck to the next band

Let's hear it for just getting started

Guys that was awesome

Thanks, but was on Saturday is there any chance you could pick up pizza on the way not picking up anything

I'm not walking away, man

Just walk

And the spare spare spare under the spare spare and my seat cushion doubles as a flotation device and a spare spare spare

Spare I'd say that's overkill, but I'd be wrong we used to plan

But it never worked out so now we just go with the flow for generations Murphy family vacations have been historic

San Francisco earthquake the Titanic nope I'm not always saying anything today. I'm on vacation I

Knew I should have gone before I left all right are these all gassed up. What do you say we get some snacks?

It's the Murphy family

Vacation Sarah, can you get me a soda from the fridge? I'm busy Milo

My gosh this seat isn't a flotation device

Okay, I'll see you soon. We're gonna meet my family at Boulder City mr.. Brule again

I roll Charlene Sharon Jar

Come on girls at your favourite Canyon, it's everyone's favorite Canyon so long as there's no further


Sometimes the interruptions are half the fun and sometimes they're mind-bogglingly terrifying

I can't wait to see what Hey look. It's horse face the equestrian barbarians

How did we not see that I mean it's huge

Sorry gang Murphy's Law my bad. We better call Milo with a change of plans

Under left you can see knock you mister

Since we kind of missed that stop my folks say they'll meet us at roadside attraction highway

You're so calm


I tagged something for my mom

I don't even change the radio station with new commercials come on because I feel guilty making their body go to waste

Why is this happening to me?

I blame you

Mr.. Brule

My local change of plans an RV we're supposed to be abducted cows

Disintegrator Ray's sir you know it's not the answer to everything just because it's the closest but

Have you seen the

Precious time that could be spent standing and staring on a massive crevice

Dinosaur made a pair and isn't it a great day for it

Good dog do gee how did he do them who knew vacations could be so?

Exciting I guess Milo showed us there's more to vacations than the Grand Canyon. That's my boy

It's like my dad always says you get closer to what you already have


For more infomation >> Milo murphy's law Sunny Side Up Episode 12 -Pink Pig - Duration: 16:28.


RECETTE SANTÉ - Blancs de poulet farcis au guacamole - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> RECETTE SANTÉ - Blancs de poulet farcis au guacamole - Duration: 10:24.


Vang Vieng Pt. 2 - VLOG 04 - Duration: 4:41.

I just arrived at the blue lagoon and the cave

You can see this is a very touristic place

Most of the time chinese people i think rent these off-road buggys

You can tell by the Tuk Tuk´s and the other cars that a lot of tourists are here

Now we go to the blue lagoon and then go up to the cave

You can hear people screaming because you can jump from 1 meter or 5 meters into the water

Or you can swing on a rope and then jump into the water

It is very crowded here, but what i read in Tripadvisor that it supposed to be annoying, i can´t confirm

You can get a bungalow, here behind me and sit in there and relax

I rented such a headlamp, which only works sometimes

Ok i still got a flashlight and my flashlight on my smartphone

I think most of the tourists don´t go up here because

It is not easy to go up there

The cave behind me is very cool

But i think 98 % of the people don´t go up here

Because they are deterred by the ascent or they don´t like caves

They prefer jumping from the tree into the water

If you are here go to the cave as well, not only to the blue lagoon

It is nice and you can relax there or go into the water

But also go up here

You could only have a look at the beginning. There is a buddha statue

Everyone can get there and there is still daylight

So you don´t need to rent a headlamp for 10 000 Kip

Go inside or you can even get a guide if you want to

For more infomation >> Vang Vieng Pt. 2 - VLOG 04 - Duration: 4:41.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Rexit 4 - Kansainvälistyminen - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> Rexit 4 - Kansainvälistyminen - Duration: 7:45.


For more infomation >> Rexit 4 - Kansainvälistyminen - Duration: 7:45.


Des lauréats du Nobel qui ne le méritaient pas - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Des lauréats du Nobel qui ne le méritaient pas - Duration: 4:49.


For more infomation >> Des lauréats du Nobel qui ne le méritaient pas - Duration: 4:49.


[#CDL] Les Conseils du Lundi #7 : éteindre son PC le soir - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> [#CDL] Les Conseils du Lundi #7 : éteindre son PC le soir - Duration: 1:39.


For more infomation >> [#CDL] Les Conseils du Lundi #7 : éteindre son PC le soir - Duration: 1:39.


Bad Kids & Bad Dinosaur Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Children NomNom - Duration: 9:26.


Bad Kids & Bad Dinosaur Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Children NomNom

I'm hungry!


[Daddy dinosaur humming]

I don't like that!

[baby laughing]

[chewing sounds]


[Music: Johny Johny Yes Papa Song


Johny Johny

Yes, papa?

Eating sugar?

No, papa!

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open wide

Ah ah ah


I don't like that!

[baby laughing]


[chewing sounds]



[Johny Johny Yes Papa Song]


Johny Johny

Yes, papa?

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open wide

Ah ah ah

[baby laughing]


Bad dinosaur: Ha ha ha!

Mommy dinosaurs: Oh no!

Bad dog: Ahh hahahah!

For more infomation >> Bad Kids & Bad Dinosaur Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Children NomNom - Duration: 9:26.


For more infomation >> Bad Kids & Bad Dinosaur Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Children NomNom - Duration: 9:26.


How I Make Money Online

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Volvo V40 2.0 Europa/Leer/APK t/m 4-2018 - Duration: 0:57.

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Mazda 2 1.3 BIFUEL GT-M LINE Airco, Multifunctioneel Stuurwiel, Elek. Ramen RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:59.

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For more infomation >> I FLEW 3 187 KM TO SURPRISE FAMILY! ( THEY WERE SCARED AND ITS WORKED!!) - Duration: 4:52.


【MUKBANG】 Chinese Popular Luosifen Noodles! That's More Than I Expected!! 8.6Kg, 11653kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 8:54.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subs by ~Aphexx~)

so today tadaa! I'll be making something that is popular in China ?luo sui fen?

~chinese is difficult to pronounce and I'm not sure if I said it correctly~

is what its called

recently I just started using weibo an SNS that also shows videos on its platform

and on there I asked everyone what is popular in china and they told me about this

and its only been a month since I started using weibo and I've already crossed 600k followers ~so happy~

thank you so very much I've received so many comments there

and there are even people who respond to me in Japanese on there I'm really thankful to you guys

alrighty lets get cookin'

this is the instant ?luo si fen?

and inside is.... tadaa

all this was inside it aside from noodles its full of flavor packets

lets start by boiling some bok choy

after washing and cutting the bok choy boil it in salted water for about 30-40 seconds

cook till the centers of these start getting a bit transparent

these will be used as toppings so set them aside

boil the noodles

they sort of remind me of 'harusame' vermicelli they look like they're made from rice

I'll be making 10 packs worth this time and since they all won't fit into the pot

I'll be making 5 packs worth in this regular sized pot

they've softened right up and are starting to lose its transparent look

and once again boil up 500ml of water then add our cooked noodles and this 'yuba' (tofu product)

and cook the noodles till they can be cut using just chopsticks

and after transferring to a bowl add the soup

bamboo shoots, and this was called 'gr. bean' but, really, what is it?

the bok choy, quail eggs, peanuts,

and add vinegar and sesame chili oil to taste

tadaa they're done don't they look yummy

these are the famous ?luu su fun?

10 packs worth wouldn't fit into one of these bowls so I split it into 2 bowls

there's the same amount in both

as far as weight goes w/o the bowl its 4.3kg so both of them is roughly 8kg

I made a bit much

if it was purely food (mass) I wouldn't probably be able to eat all this but I'm able to eat quite a lot if there is soup as well

itadakimasu the noodles are so slick and look so yummy

this is what the broth looks like its got ra-yu chili oil in it

its super delish the noodles are so slick and have a bit more bite

than 'harusame' vermicelli its like something just between a ramen and harusame

the noodles are so thick that they aren't like a harusame vermicelli at all


these are kinda light and easy to eat

and the soup is uncomplicated in its flavoring its a very chinese-y flavored soup

its a flavor that is easy to drink and its got so many ingredients in it

I'm amazed at how deluxe this instant noodle dish is

chinese food is so yummy I don't think we have this dish here in Japan just yet

the noodles are truly delish and since they're made of rice it reminds me of 'Bifun' (correction: pho)

but these feel smoother and have a bit more bite than 'bifun' (correction: pho)

oh wait no.... no its not bifun I was thinking of PHO.... its PHO, PHO

there is qual egg in it

so many toppings for an instant noodle and with all that is in here the only thing extra that I

added here is the bok choy

the gr. bean is flavored nicely it really adds to the yumminess

this is yuba (tofu) seems so healthy

the bok choy is so crisp and delish

so hot in here

I think I over did it on the ra-yu sesame chili oil its a bit on the spicy side now

the peanuts give it a nice tasty flavor that is so delish

the noodles are so slick

so hot right now

I really did over do it on the ra-yu chili oil its rather spicy

so sweaty right now if I don't speed things up this bowl will get soggy

but wait a minute these noodles might not get that soggy

just like pho these don't get as soggy as (wheat) flour based noodles

so hot

K, so mostly its just the soup that remains and since the noodles might get soggy I'm going to

start on this bowl right away

the noodles are so smooth

this chinese ra-yu chili oil might be spicier and hotter than our japanese ra-yu

oh no its not at all perhaps its the soup itself that was spicy

I totes thought it was spicy from all the ra-yu its got that strong sesame flavor to it now

the smooth noodles don't get too soggy

its so yummy with all these different toppings in it

its so yummy when you mix em' all up with all the flavors coming together

I especially love these 'yuba' tofu

they remind me of 'age' (tofu product)


adding some vinegar really changes things up so nicely

I really did overdo things with the ra-yu BUT!!! BUT!!!! even after adding it there is this much remaining

they're super generous aren't they

~since they gave me so much of it I totally thought that it was OK to dump a whole lot of it in

but it might just be that the soup itself is spicy

so today there was a bit too much so I'll be leaving this soup

and its so spicy as well I added too much ra-yu to it ~I'm so sorry~

gochisosamadeshita this ?luo si fen? was super delish

they're a lot like pho but there's something a bit different these feel a bit more 'noodlier'

and it was so yummy from all the extra toppings that they loaded into it

the peanuts and yuba were my faves among them

the quail egg were yummy as well

thinking back there wasn't any meat in it ~well... perhaps there was some used in the preparation~

and there wasn't anything written on the packages saying the contrary

and it did actually say to add the ra-yu and vinegar to taste and I went and added too much of the ra-yu to it

the vinegar and ra-yu really helped stimulate the appetite

and I made a bit more than I expected today

perhaps I'll make a porridge out of these later

adding some egg would maybe help to combat the spiciness as well

special thanks to all the chinese people who told me about this

this ?luo sufen? was so yummy if you have the chance please give it a try

and if there is anything you'd like me to do or eat please tell me about it in the comment section or via twitter

or even on Weibo as well if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Chinese Popular Luosifen Noodles! That's More Than I Expected!! 8.6Kg, 11653kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 8:54.


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美 라스베이거스 카지노서 무차별 총격..2명 사망·20여명 부상(2보) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 美 라스베이거스 카지노서 무차별 총격..2명 사망·20여명 부상(2보) - Duration: 3:01.


Author Inspo - Lyrical (Official Music Video) :: MOCKERY DISS TRACK - Duration: 5:42.

Everything you want to say about me does it have a reason. I think you should probably find out what Alexis dreaming

I'm not taking L's that's not my job at this ain't competition. you staring fights think you're better but need ammunition

Got no help, got no cheats this ain't no 2K game, I sense the bullsh*t man

You've never felt the same you want to talk, but you just sit there on your iPod

I can't call you your real name because now it is choke God

Dude I really hope that you don't think that you're the better man

Take your pepperoni tits and go out to Afganistan. You look like a dumbass

Lots of weight

But no mass. Take another step is considered a trespass. Not even a two-pack go to your class and find some more

Girls to harass. Hating on me bad idea what happens when you cross me? You get exposed what happens who knows?We find your body as technology.

Now being fat isn't the worst thing you can ever do the fact is that you dissed me when your viewer

Average is 2. You're so bad you couldn't hold a candle to Jake Paul. Follow P*ornstars, sub 4 sub.

I gotta make a call. Here are most of this that are wrong with the DoggHouse.

No custom Channel art or picture start on that sh*t now. And every time i say this man

Please fix your sound and also your charisma nowhere to be found

Can't spell d*amn it right? No wonder no one talks to you. You're probably asking all my friends for this Diss Track preview.

Maybe talk to me when you can do a single push-up

I got a bad leg, but I still fight there just a heads up. Wants to be professional

But then retweets eighty times you're working your dad comes in and says Coby it's your bedtime

I don't know if I should call you Coby or just egghead. Maybe I should say your families bunch of gingerbreads.

Years ago, you're begging me asking me for a raid. Said my singing sucks but there's your Welcome To The Masquerade.

I imagine life without you, life wouldn't be so delayed.

You're the type of guy to get money

And then get laid. Remember the prank my people did on you a while back?

You called me a fraud and you expect a smile fat. Be careful

Nic isn't who he says he is. Sounds like your future once you admit it to your ugly kids

Now I thought of something that

You didn't want me to say. Used to ask me for advice. Nick how do i get a bae?

Sounds like you hit puberty but it stopped midway through. Sucking d*ck for some money tryna get autotune.

You think that I'm cocky, which means you don't even know me. Thank God. We're not related

I'd say Mommy please disown me. If you're a public figure

You don't use the same password. Ourmine's coming after you my boy, it's confirmed.

You said I had a lot of girlfriends in the past. That ain't even true and listen

I don't break hearts. The only thing I break is bones

From my recent martial arts. Go ahead and make fun of my covers that are jokes. At least I did something

Unlike you drinking all the Coke. Unless you wanna die soon

I suggest you don't stay in the car. Your body shape simply looks burn with the third degree. To hide your fat you said hey guys I have

STDs. and insulting someone's appearance

Yes, could be cowardly. Not when you can fix it, but just sit there eating chips with cheese

Let's get away from that just for a little moment. I want you to tell me man

Who the fuck? Are you following? retweeting giveaways but can't seem to win them once. your goofiness is killing me. It's funny

You don't follow me. Ever since you broke my trust you fell right in a trap. The only reason you watched p*rn was for you

to learn how to fap. I can't tell if you're a human let alone a

Youtuber b*tch if I said come help me he'd rather finish a murder

I don't trust you for the reason that you couldn't trust yourself. You're out here no one

Helps you where the f*cksyour self-help? You go to the nurse and she mistakes you as a criminal, do whatever you want

But you will never be this lyrical

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