Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2017

SSB4 Princess Peach Shorts Hype Combos, Highlights, Jank Plays, Montage! (Smash 4) (Part 3)

SSB4 Princess Peach Shorts Hype Combos, Highlights, Jank Plays, Montage! (Smash 4) (Part 3)

SSB4 Princess Peach Shorts Hype Combos, Highlights, Jank Plays, Montage! (Smash 4) (Part 3)

SSB4 Princess Peach Shorts Hype Combos, Highlights, Jank Plays, Montage! (Smash 4) (Part 3)

SSB4 Princess Peach Shorts Hype Combos, Highlights, Jank Plays, Montage! (Smash 4) (Part 3)

SSB4 Princess Peach Shorts Hype Combos, Highlights, Jank Plays, Montage! (Smash 4) (Part 3)

SSB4 Princess Peach Shorts Hype Combos, Highlights, Jank Plays, Montage! (Smash 4) (Part 3)

For more infomation >> SSB4 Princess Peach Shorts Hype Combos, Highlights, Jank Plays, Montage! (Smash 4) (Part 3) - Duration: 2:38.


Disney Cars Mack Truck Haulers with DINOCO King 43, Lightning McQueen and Cruz Ramirez Funny Race - Duration: 10:05.

Disney Cars Mack Truck Haulers with DINOCO King 43, Lightning McQueen and Cruz Ramirez Funny Race

For more infomation >> Disney Cars Mack Truck Haulers with DINOCO King 43, Lightning McQueen and Cruz Ramirez Funny Race - Duration: 10:05.


Shop for new clothes to wear during Chuseok VLOG - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 10:04.

Shop for new clothes to wear at Chuseok VLOG- [RabbitPlay]

For more infomation >> Shop for new clothes to wear during Chuseok VLOG - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 10:04.


Facebook video shows open vaults & caskets laid out at St. Bernard cemetery - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Facebook video shows open vaults & caskets laid out at St. Bernard cemetery - Duration: 1:49.


Pipeline Inspection Toronto ON 888-883-8588 Toronto ON Pipeline Inspection - Duration: 1:07.

Pipeline Inspection Toronto ON. Do you have Re-occurring sewer backups?

Not sure where your drain line goes?

Do you Suspect pipe damage?

Or about to Purchase a new home …then consider a professionally-performed

drain line video inspection.

The best way to understand your drainage system is to actually see the inside of the pipes.

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records the information.

Pipe size, material, joint alignment and other specifications are viewed.

Using this information, we will discuss specific long term solutions to solve your drainage


Call today to find out how we can solve your drainage problems.

For more infomation >> Pipeline Inspection Toronto ON 888-883-8588 Toronto ON Pipeline Inspection - Duration: 1:07.


Game of Thrones: as 6 primeiras temporadas resumidas! - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones: as 6 primeiras temporadas resumidas! - Duration: 6:28.


Get a taste of the desert with Cooper Center - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Get a taste of the desert with Cooper Center - Duration: 4:23.


#Aparecida300anos | Novena da Padroeira - Flores a Maria - 2º Dia - - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> #Aparecida300anos | Novena da Padroeira - Flores a Maria - 2º Dia - - Duration: 5:50.


The Intersection of Black Lives Matter and Public Health - Duration: 12:28.

[music playing]

A disparity, by definition, is just

the difference between two groups,

or two different locations.

But it has no explanation as to why.

What people are demanding now is sort of the why part of it.

But when you look at the data citywide,

particularly when it comes to black, African-American people,

we're the sickest people in San Francisco.

[music playing]

With HIV, black, African-American,

tend to have the highest rates of new HIV infection.

We also see disparities when we think about viral suppression

as well, among black communities.

I think Black Lives Matter has helped

ensure that racial disparities aren't just

the topic of public health officials, or government


But really, is the topic of conversation at dinner tables

across the country.

Sometimes, it's a question of being aware of it,

and then other times it's a question

of how we analyze data.

If we aren't looking at breaking down data, say,

by race or ethnicity, or by neighborhood poverty level,

if we're not looking at it geographically,

then we'll miss things.

I think when people understand that that agenda is really

about supporting communities that they will rally behind it.

Black Lives Matter is a human rights movement,

which is so different than it being a civil rights movement.

Because civil rights movements are historically

organized around the acquisition of a particular kind

of legislative gain.

Or legislative goal.

The right to vote.

The right to marry.

The right to choose, the right to live

wherever you want to live.

But human rights movements are different because human rights

movements are cutting at that deeper existential

core, that question of who gets to be counted as human?

People won't rally behind it unless they

have an understanding that those communities are deserving.

There's a lot of preconceived notions about black people

in this country.

We're a presumed threat, period.

For too long, we have used tropes like the welfare queen,

the super predator, really, to blanket entire communities,

particularly black and brown communities, as undeserving,

or deserving only of punishment, incarceration,

and criminalization.

One of our challenges is to understand

how this all traumatizes us, how we as African American people

have consistently lived in historical trauma,

since slavery.

There is this kind of mythology that after slavery,

for example, ended, well you know, everything was fine then.

And of course now we become welcome members

of the society, and began to partake

of all the rights and privileges of our white counterparts.

And that simply is just not the truth.

After the Civil War, we have slaves that are now free.

They're no longer saying black people

are supposed to be slaves.

But what we're going to do is, we still see them as inferior,

so we're going to put in systems in order to keep them inferior.

Then you have this entire caste system

of Jim Crow, where there is separation and segregation

among black communities, where they are not

given the proper resources.

And they're aren't being able to have that access to wealth,

as much as white people have.

And then we have this push for the war on drugs.

So after the Civil Rights movement,

you now had this initiative where you start turning racism

into a social process.

So now it becomes institutionalized racism.

And so Nixon started it, and in trying to really lock up

people of color, we'll call it what

it is, it says it was a war on crime, but it was a real push

to lock up black and brown people.

So when we start looking at why these things exist today,

we're seeing similar kinds of conditions of discrimination

that exist.

Again, we all pretend that there is this level playing field.

But it's just not the case.

It's not the case economically, it's not the case socially,

it's not the case even ecologically.

It's just simply not the same.

In certain places, there aren't healthy food stores,

or there aren't any banks, or the educational outcomes

are bad, or the housing quality is really bad.

People are looking at that going OK, this is part of the issue.

We really do have to talk about these things as well.

[music playing]

So if we understand the conditions under which people

are living, we understand that these

are social determinants of health,

that we have to wear several different hats here.

We have to help people survive within their environment,

and then we have to also insist that the conditions that

are producing this injury be addressed.

So, for example, if my diabetes is

manageable in our medical records,

it looks like I'm doing better.

No, I still live in a community that has huge toxins,

we're policed to death, lots of violence,

mental health issues, gentrification,

mass incarceration, lack of support for our disabled

and elderly.

So because my diabetes is managed, I'm better?

I'm better to have to engage in this continuum of racism?

Look, I went to Harvard as an undergrad.

I grew up in East Oakland.

I saw young people doing the same things at Harvard

that they were doing in my community in East Oakland,

but with much different results and outcomes.

Young people at Harvard got time off,

they got the support and services they needed,

they were treated as if they were more

than their worst mistake.

And as a result, they went on to do great things

and continue their studies.

Or if they didn't go on to do great things,

they certainly went on to be well paid, remunerated,

and considered productive members of our society.

Contrast that to the treatment of young people

from East Oakland, who don't have those services

and supports to begin with.

And if they do make a mistake, are much more

likely to be sent to the juvenile hall, or sent to jail.

There is a parable about fish swimming in the ocean, right?

And so there is a school of fish swimming one way.

And one fish swimming on his own the other way.

And the one fish says to the school of fish

that is swimming by him, how's the water?

And they ignore him, and they keep swimming.

And then when he's gone, the fish turn to each other

and say, what's water?


Because what we're in we're used to.

And once in a while we get a flashpoint.

And I think Black Lives Matter, some of the other movements

that we've seen, they say you know,

as we've been living there's a crisis.

And there's something new and different to be done about it.

Or something that should have been

done at a much bigger scale than we've done it.

I think it's important as we start

talking about health disparities or health equity

to really highlight the conditions that people are

living, that many people would say,

I wouldn't want to live in that condition,

or nobody should live in that condition as well.

I would want public health officials

to understand that they must be advocates, that they can't just

sit on the sidelines, or think of themselves

as neutral parties.

You are taking an active role, especially

as a government institution, to address and ensure

that what you do moving forward doesn't

have the same effects as what things that

have happened in the past.

One of the first conversations we had

was about the language in the platform.

Part of the language is about ending the war on black lives,

and some people got really afraid of how that sounded,

and what it meant.

But we've had data for a long time that tells us

that we're talking about decades span differences

in life expectancy between some communities.

So there's a way that public health

can help frame that for people to hear and understand.

Well, the difficult thing is that you

have to talk about them because they're usually

things out of your control.

So as a health department, I don't really

have any control over transportation.

I don't have any control over housing.

I don't have any control over education.

I don't have any control over the local economy.

But I think that we are being given an opportunity that we've

never had before.

I mean I think that there is nobody

who is complacent anymore.

There's nobody who sees that it's not

their job to do something.

And so what Black Lives Matter has done, and particularly

the moment for black lives platform,

has really bulleted out those points.

They bulleted out a series of economic opportunity points

that are really solutions to things we know are different,

and challenges we know have been specific to

the African-American community.

It's really made a statement on economic opportunity,

on housing, on immigration, in a way that

helps focus those solutions so that when

we look at a problem that's a problem for everyone,

we have solutions that are also working for everyone.

When everybody comes together, you

have a pretty powerful force.

We're all connected.

So the key here is to look at our common humanity,

in all cases, as opposed to us and them.

Or my issue here is more important than yours.

When we start to talk to people who are actually

in the community, who are living in those places, who

are working in those places on a day-to-day basis,

we get another perspective.

And that perspective helps to improve whatever we do,

and many times what they do as well.

What I hope that public health officials,

other government officials understand,

is that we're in it together at this point,

and if we don't actually see social movements

as relevant to democracy, as relevant to our struggle

to actually maintain some level of autonomy and capacity

to support the public health of our region,

then we're going to be in big trouble.

There's a preponderance of evidence.

You know, there's data coming out of our ears around this.

It's now applying that data to change.

So it's not simply we know this, and it's sitting over here,

we are now going to, based on that,

it's going to inform practice.

The beginning of the conversation

has to start with being authentic and transparent.

We must say we have created a racist system

for the black people in this city.

And we need to start dismantling that as we're trying

to engage people to be well.

I can't be well if your system is continually robbing me

of my health and wellness.

How can I be well?

[music playing]

For more infomation >> The Intersection of Black Lives Matter and Public Health - Duration: 12:28.


Woman hit by car in Nueces County Courthouse parking lot - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> Woman hit by car in Nueces County Courthouse parking lot - Duration: 0:19.


Top Notch Teacher October 2017: Nick Slusser - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Top Notch Teacher October 2017: Nick Slusser - Duration: 2:34.


Doc Mcstuffins Lambie Stuffy Switcheroo Episode 36 - Pink Bird - Duration: 17:59.

♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Lambie Stuffy Switcheroo Episode 36 - Pink Bird - Duration: 17:59.


Nissan Pixo 1.0 acenta - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pixo 1.0 acenta - Duration: 0:54.


Aida Sstrings - Aquesta nit [Nightcore català] - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Aida Sstrings - Aquesta nit [Nightcore català] - Duration: 3:35.


Peugeot 108 ACTIVE 1.0 E-VTi 68PK 5-DRS | AIRCO | * VERWACHT * | - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 ACTIVE 1.0 E-VTi 68PK 5-DRS | AIRCO | * VERWACHT * | - Duration: 0:48.


花のコースターA-5【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Flower Coaster / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 16:26.

For more infomation >> 花のコースターA-5【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Flower Coaster / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 16:26.


Love Yourself - Justin Bieber (Karaoke Version) - Karaoke Songs With Lyric - Duration: 4:21.

Love Yourself - Justin Bieber (Karaoke Version) - Karaoke Songs With Lyric

For more infomation >> Love Yourself - Justin Bieber (Karaoke Version) - Karaoke Songs With Lyric - Duration: 4:21.


GFRIEND Yuju's long legs gotten fans' jaws dropping to the floor. - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:20.

GFRIEND Yujus long legs in her recent Instagram posts have gotten fans jaws dropping to the floor.

Dressed in simple white shorts and a red top, Yuju looks stunningly refreshed under the warm sun.

She doesnt even have to wear higher heels to show off her never-ending legs.

It isnt hard to understand why these pictures have gotten fans completely stunned.

Yuju seems to shine just as bright as the sun!.

For more infomation >> GFRIEND Yuju's long legs gotten fans' jaws dropping to the floor. - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:20.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Learn to Read: The Letter D (Lesson 5) - Duration: 5:58.


I'm so glad you came to reading time today.

because this way you can meet my dog Comet.

This is Comet

and I thought Comet would want to read with me

because I'm reading about a dog

and Clifford is a big red dog

and Comet, he is a golden doodle.

Do you want to stay for the lesson

or are we all done?

I think he's done.

Comet, you can go find your bone.

Find your bone.

Find your bone.

Where's Sara?

Sara: Comet!

Sara: Good boy!

That was fun to see Comet, wasn't it?

He's a good dog.

Now I'm going to show you our letter for today.

It is the letter D.

This is a D.

A capital D and a small d.

D says \d\ d says \d\.

Can you say that with me and trace up in the air?

D says \d\ d says \d\.

Great job.

I have some things that begin with the letter D.

I bet you have a lot of things around your house, too.

I have a \d\ \d\ duck.

And a \d\ \d\ dolphin.

And one of my favorite things...

\d\ \d\ dolls.

Can you say that?

\d\ \d\ dolls

How many dolls do I have here?

One, two, three \d\ \d\ dolls.

One of my favorite books to read is

Digger, Dozer, Dumper.

Digger starts with the letter D.

Dozer starts with the letter D.

And so does dumper.

\d\ \d\ digger

And I have a digger right here.

\d\ \d\ dozer

There's my dozer.

And \d\ \d\ dumper.

I have a dumper, too.

I have dots on my shirt and

dot starts with the letter D, too.

I have some dominoes that have dots on them, too.

What happens if I hit one side of the dominoes?


That was fun. Let's do that again.

And here's another one.


Those dominoes were fun, weren't they?

So today we learned the letter D.

D says \d\ d says \d\.

You know, when I say \d\, it feels a lot

like when I said \t\.

T says \t\.

Do you know why?

Because \t\ and \d\ are sisters.

Do you know two sisters who are a lot of like

but maybe one of them is quiet and one is noisy?

Well, that's how \t\ and \d\ are.

They both tap.

\t\ \t\ \d\ \d\

Feel your throat when you say that.

\t\ \t\ \d\ \d\

Which one has a vibration in your throat?

\t\ \t\ \d\ \d\

\d\ does, doesn't it?

Now we can read some more words.

We can read \t\ \a\ \d\.

We start with a quiet tapper.

\t\ \a\ \d\

And end with a noisy tapper.

Can you read that with me?

\t\ \a\ \d\


A tad is just a little bit.


"Could I have a tad more syrup on my pancake, please?"

We can also read the word dad.

There we have a noisy tapper

tongue tapper on either end.

\d\ \a\ \d\


If we take a tip tapper off the beginning

we have the word \a\ \d\.


An ad is an advertisement.

Here I have an advertisement for some school supplies.

Crayons are on sale.

Do you like to color?

I do.

Here is another kind of add.

\a\ \d\

The same word.

We don't even make the D longer.

We just say it once, but there is to D's in the word add.

And that is like adding numbers.

11 + 1 is 12

Or 7 + 3 is 10.

We can read the word \b\ \a\ \d\.


"Oh, that food tastes bad."

"I think it's spoiled."

And the words we read last time.



And tab.


Look at all the words that we can read now.

We are really zooming along.

We'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Learn to Read: The Letter D (Lesson 5) - Duration: 5:58.


Top 10 Foods to Gain Muscle Mass - Duration: 5:26.

what if I told you that you could retain or even gain more muscle mass and

strength with less trading the secret lies in your nutrition but ignoring

nutrition isn't an option knowing how nutrition works will help

you utilize it for your fitness and strength gains this works for anyone and

everyone for general fitness maintenance or muscle mass gain to get you started

here is my list of the top 10 foods to help you gain more muscle mass and

strength 1 lean beef this should be a staple of your diet if you want to gain

muscle mass lean beef is loaded with all sorts of things conducive to muscle

growth including iron zinc and B vitamins more importantly it provides

your body with high quality protein not all proteins are equal and a high level

of amino acid that works with insulin to promote muscle growth for those who are

trying to lose weight this should come as great news a 3 oz serving of lean

beef provides roughly the same amount of protein as 1.5 cups of beans but at half

the calories 2 skinless chicken like beef chicken is an excellent source of

high-quality protein which is important for muscle maintenance and repair bone

health and weight maintenance and of course there are so many ways you can

cook and prepare chicken go down to the store and you can easily find chicken

meat cut into single serving sizes that can be seasoned and quickly cooked 3

cottage cheese not many people know this but cottage cheese is almost entirely

pure casein protein casein is a slow digesting protein which means it is

perfect for muscle maintenance this is useful especially for people who have no

choice but to go long periods without eating cottage cheese is also an

excellent source of vitamin b12 calcium and other important nutrients for eggs

eggs contain high quality protein 9 essential amino acids choline the right

kind of fat and vitamin D they provide the most value for your money

eggs are not harmful for your health as numerous studies have already shown five

whey protein there is a reason why whey protein supplements are the most popular

supplement in the fitness industry they provide a fast and convenient source of

protein at an affordable price bodybuilders normally use them when they

wake up right after their workout and mixed with some of their meals for the

rest of us a scoop and our shakers right after our workouts can be very effective

for muscle mass gains it is important that you still get high quality protein

from Whole Foods and use whey protein as a boost 6 tuna and other fish fish are

high in protein low in fat and rich in omega-3 fatty acids the omega-3s are

essential because they ate in fat loss and ensure the proper function of your

body processes such as your metabolism 7 oatmeal oatmeal is an great source of

carbohydrates due to both its low glycemic index GI value and the fact it

is minimally processed the benefits of a low GI diet include better micronutrient

profile and more fiber increased satiety decreased hunger lower subsequent energy

intake second meal effect fat loss in short low GI foods can enhance fat loss

for those looking to lose weight and provide a constant source of carbs for

muscle preservation 8 whole grains whole grains digests more efficiently and

provide more nutrients than refined grains this promotes sustained energy

levels and overall health in particular brown rice can help boost your growth

hormone levels which are critical for encouraging lean muscle growth fat loss

and strength gains 9 fruits and vegetables fruits and vegetables are a

rich source of antioxidants which are essential for the healthy functioning of

your immune system they also provide tons of other nutrients such as vitamin

C vitamin E and beta carotene finally your body requires the fiber

these fruits and vegetables provide to aid in proper digestion and nutrient

uptake 10 healthy fats I know the thought of consuming fat makes some of

you shudder but good fats are essential for muscle growth in fact they play an

essential role in hormone production testosterone and growth hormones which

helps drive muscle growth and strength gains in addition fats are needed for

many important maintenance functions polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats

are the good fats you can find them in salmon other fishes nuts leafy veggies

oils such as flaxseed avocados and seeds they are also all rich in omega-3 and

omega-6 fatty acids

For more infomation >> Top 10 Foods to Gain Muscle Mass - Duration: 5:26.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Cet homme de 80 ans n'a pas pris de douche pendant 60 ans, les photos sont incroyables ! - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Cet homme de 80 ans n'a pas pris de douche pendant 60 ans, les photos sont incroyables ! - Duration: 3:05.


For more infomation >> Cet homme de 80 ans n'a pas pris de douche pendant 60 ans, les photos sont incroyables ! - Duration: 3:05.


Référendum en Catalogne : Macron soutient le gouvernement espagnol | Nouvelles 24 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Référendum en Catalogne : Macron soutient le gouvernement espagnol | Nouvelles 24 - Duration: 2:18.


For more infomation >> Référendum en Catalogne : Macron soutient le gouvernement espagnol | Nouvelles 24 - Duration: 2:18.


Transformez votre corps en seulement 4 semaines avec ces 5 simples exercices - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Transformez votre corps en seulement 4 semaines avec ces 5 simples exercices - Duration: 6:05.


For more infomation >> Transformez votre corps en seulement 4 semaines avec ces 5 simples exercices - Duration: 6:05.


ONE PALETTE Tutorial: Huda Beauty Desert Dusk - Duration: 11:47.

hey guys so for today's video I have another one palette tutorial and I'm so

excited for this one because I'm gonna be using the beautiful beautiful huda

beauty desert dusk palette and it's actually gonna be a little bit of a

purse impressions on it because today's the first time I used it on camera with

you guys so you guys are gonna see my thoughts on it how the shadows performed

and also obviously a tutorial on it so the entire eye look which I'm in love

with how this eye look turned out I kind of like I didn't have anything planned I

kind of was just like let me wing it let me look at the palette get inspired and

just play around and I played around and this is the eye look that I came up with

I hope you guys really love it as much as I do

if you haven't seen the palette this is the beautiful gorgeous palette it's so

so so like the color combinations are really different and bomb so this entire

eye look is using only the huda beauty palette so if you guys are interested in

checking out how I got this eye look they make sure to keep on watching I'm

gonna go ahead and use these Smashbox primer Iser I've really been loving this

primer it's actually one of my favorites recently it just feels SuperDuper

hydrating so for foundation we're gonna use the Fenty Beauty foundation and I

finally found my color I think ish it's 290 which is described as a neutral

olive tone shade which kind of makes sense because I like neutral warm

foundations ooh I forgot that this foundation dries quickly so you can't

really apply it on the face like that well guess we're gonna work with it yeah

so that's a really nice match hopefully it doesn't oxidize too too too much I

know my last shape did but I guess we'll see alright so for concealer I'm gonna

take the Tarte shape tape in the shade light/medium and I'm just gonna go ahead

and blend everything out with a Beauty Blender

all right so I'm bringing out an oldie but a goodie the Kat Von D shade in like

contour palette I have not used this in so long but this is definitely like my

top favorite powder contour kit I love it so much so I am just gonna take this

really nice yellow shade that I love and set that under-eye all right I'm gonna

bring some color back into the face and some dimension with the Fenty Beauty

matchstick in the shade latte it's like the most perfect camel caramel shade

that I love to bronze up slash contour with next I'm taking truffle which is a

really deep contour shade but I love it I'm just gonna take a little bit of that

and I'm gonna add a little bit of an extra definition in contour and just

always make sure to like blend it out and feather it out so I'm just gonna set

that powder contour with a little bit of this shade and a tiny bit of this mixed

in alright so I'm gonna just set everywhere that's like super shiny right

now with a little bit of the funky beauty of blotting powder I've been

using it as a setting powder and I've really been liking it so for blush I'm

gonna take the wet and wild apricot in the middle blush I really love this

shade it's really pretty and it reminds me a lot of NARS luster like just a

really nice nude peachy with slight gold sparkles in it so I really like this

blush to highlight the cheekbones I'm gonna use the Make Up For Ever Pro light

fusion in the shade 0-2 it's one of my top favorite highlights so good this

reminds me a lot of the Estee Lauder heatwave so if you guys can't get your

hands on that definitely pick this up like they're actually really similar

formulas like look how what that looks on the skin so for brows I'm gonna take

the Anasazi a dip brow and fill them in with the Anasazi and number 12 brush and

then I'm just gonna do a little bit of filling in in the front of my brow with

the Anastasia brow powder duo in the shade dark brown and the pomade is also

in the shade dark brown and then I'm just gonna set the brow with the Loreal

brow stylist in translucent and medium / dark alright so now that my brows are

done just finish priming my eyes with the

tart shape tape concealer and now we're going to use the beautiful huda beauty

desert dust palette this is going to be also a first impression which is pretty

cool because I haven't tried this yet so we're gonna be trying it first together

on camera so this is how the palette looks it is so beautiful you guys know I

was a really big fan of the first one and I still love it I know a lot of

people do is like the mixed reviews I don't know why they discontinued it cuz

I really liked it but this one though I feel like these colors are really

different like different enough to take you outside of your comfort zone but

there's still some shades in here that you could do and everyday look with I

feel like you really mean but for the most part it is pretty like different

and glammed this is the palette I would pick up when I want to really play

around alright so first shade I'm going to pick up is desert sand and even

though this looks a little bit more of a peachy shade it looks like it could

almost be a transition shade especially if you are super pale but for me it's

gonna work as a really great setting shade which I really like that that's in

here so the next shade we're gonna dip into is Eden and Eden just looks like

that really perfect peachy complimentary transition shade so

I'm just going to pop that in the crease circular motions and back-and-forth and

bring it out so there is quite a bit of kickback in the palate I'll just show

you guys so if that bothers you then just at least you know that for me it

really it really just doesn't bother me the only thing I care about is how these

shadows perform on the eyes the next shade we're gonna take is amber and

amber is such a pretty like burnt extremely rich shade so I'm just going

to pop that right into the crease so far these shadows are blending really nicely

make sure you just buff that out and wing it out and I'm just gonna go back

in with a little bit of that transition shade and clean this up up here the only

thing I will say about this palette is I wish that there was a shade like I wish

there was a little bit more neutrals a little bit more Browns that you could

play with because I feel like every here is very bold so you're gonna end up

with a really bold eye look so like I said this palette is great for that you

know that time when you really just want to play with your shadows and get bold

but it's it's not as much of an everyday palette so I'm gonna take a little bit

of this shade right here and I'm just going to pop that on the outer corner

and then I'm just going to buff that out so I am gonna dip into the shade blazing

because I feel like this I look is coming out way more pinky purple than I

expected so I'm just gonna take a little bit of blazing and hope that that brings

a little bit of warmth and I'm just gonna pop that right in here so I'm

gonna take these shade saffron and just put that on the outer corner if you like

just to blend everything in I'm just cleaning up the lid a little bit with a

little bit of concealer like the tiniest amount I'm actually taking my sponge and

like dipping my brush into it and it's just having a little bit of concealer

because I don't need a lot and I don't want it to be like very precise so next

I'm gonna take these shade Twilight and I'm gonna use my finger because I think

that it applies best with your finger I've heard here's how the shadow looks

to when I put my finger in it like it's fine I think this is a shadow that you

can't press too hard in I've seen that it's fallen apart for some people but

for me I just barely tapped it you can see how pigmented is look how I got this

shade so beautiful it's just like transforms it goes like a dark Oh

beautiful I hate having to use my finger because my nails are long so I just

don't get very good application like precise application but I guess we'll

just just gonna go in with it and then I would just take my brush and

kind of like fix up how it looks but that's like my pet peeve with applying

shadows with my finger I can ever control like where it goes wow that is

beautiful on the lid really pretty I'm gonna play around a little bit and take

a little bit of this shade right here which is

amethyst I believe just a tiny bit and I'm just gonna kind of ombre that in

just so that it can blend so what's funny is I feel like this

I lost its bling when I went over it with the brush so I think it is just

best for you to use yeah you see how that pops I think it is just best for

you to use your finger only or at least like obviously you need to use your

brush to like blend it out which is fine but then at the end touch up back again

with your finger so you can get that initial metallic bling so now I really

want to take Celestia but I did see on hooter beauty's Instagram story I

believe that she was saying Celestials pretty much like a topper so you would

put Celestia on top of the other shades so I don't know if it's gonna work on

its own but I figured we're gonna try because I really want to take celestial

and like almost ombre it from the inner corner so let's see if it works

on its own

it's so hard to get like per Sykes wow that looks really good so it does work

on its own it's just really hard to get like so precise with your finger I'm not

gonna lie I kind of hate shadows that you only have to use with your finger so

we're just gonna Pat that on and ombre it in I also just wet my brush a little

bit so beautiful this palette definitely is very beautiful I just wet my brush

and now I'm gonna take the shade I really don't know how to pronounce it so

I'm not even gonna try but it's a really beautiful gold and now I'm gonna pop

that right on top of celestial just in the inner corner so first I am going to

take blazing and pop that on the lower lash next I am taking Amber and I'm just

keeping that a bit closer to the lash line next taking saffron I'm just

keeping that on the outer corner and then just bringing a little bit of it

inwards just to blend it but mainly keeping it on the outer corner and

mixing it with that darker eggplant purpley shade then I'm just taking a big

fluffy brush and blending everything in I love how this eye look turned out

really cool like so many different colors and ombres so I'm just gonna go

ahead and pop on some mascara and then I'm gonna pop on some falsies off-camera

and I'll be back to finish up the lips so for the lips I figured we'd stay in

the theme of huda beauty and take the liquid matte lipstick in the shaving 'us

so I kind of want the lips to be a little bit more browned a little bit

warmer so I'm going to take kindly exposed alright so that is it you guys I

hope you enjoyed this one palette tutorial using the huda beauty desert

dust palette I absolutely love the palette in terms of the color

combination I feel like it takes me outside of my comfort zone I really love

how the eye look turned out so I hope you guys enjoyed how this look turned

out let me know what other palettes you want me to do for my next one palette

tutorial because I love doing these I just really challenges me to use only

one palette and look at that POW and get inspired and think of different looks so

yeah let me know what you guys want me to do next and I definitely will thank

you guys so much for watching and of course I will see you guys in my next

video bye guys

For more infomation >> ONE PALETTE Tutorial: Huda Beauty Desert Dusk - Duration: 11:47.


For more infomation >> ONE PALETTE Tutorial: Huda Beauty Desert Dusk - Duration: 11:47.


Kim Possible Cap'n Drakken Episode 40 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:31.

♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!

See your tripperz the sears outing to South Beach Bay Harbor has regrettably been canceled

What happened mr.

Barkin Rick's door fines still sounds like watery fun if by

Watery, fun. You mean a living history town in the living history the next week

You will dress speak and work as though you were living in the 18

How are we getting there

Movie theaters not one bueno nacho how do they live and hard work and simple pleasures?

Okay, okay, so it's no South Beach Bay Harbor, but at least barkins off our back for the week. I'll take it that be lady

Franklin bar can be the name father to Steve in Berkeley you shall be assigned to trade you shall wear period dress oh

No, I will not be caught wearing a dress that included

Ye olde poolside back poolside pack hand it over. Oh man. Oh

We go

How am I supposed to text without myself we call it right in ye old letters total ye old school Bonnie

are you going to complain the entire week a

Folk creamiest up nicely yeah for Halloween Oh face with my Mazarin on these parchments

You shall find thy a sign trade

The horseshoes

Impressive impressive yes, but why not cow shoes you know standing all day in that pasture good arch support wouldn't hurt

Like this good lass. I'll check us back with these six hours six hours

Can't we just get eggs like the rest of the world off the internet does the new layer really need to be at the bottom

Of the sea yes

Yeah, yeah, and yet still no clue what it's gonna. Do no this is an actual dilemma. Then reverse the flow


Ron what are you doing watching TV it's a Monday night tradition in my family during the commercial. Thank you, okay?

For 300 years this community has fought to preserve our way of life a beard resistant the mighty hand of modern

Technology are fending off the greedy likes of we suckers ship blamed his sword and his loyal parrot Roger Jolly Roger hey

He was a cranky bird until he settled down a fine

Top in the morning mr.. Barkis good day. Good day. Stoppable would see me of getting the upper hand at smith it

Just try and back some points

Damn Kieran. No. I wasn't I was just sir. Okay. I was don't say anything. I won't you can't spare the point

What's in the dish? How goes the blacksmith thing accident not my fault careful Bonnie. You know what they do to witches in this town

Or not

Reckons got a new lab not cool undersea lab, and it's sort of cool


That's the rules

And no one's gonna squawk about this either, but he won't be for shipping. What do you think Sammy treasure?

He must be sticking to the code. She goes yeah, and what code is that the outdated look code?

Capture these scurvy dogs at once a very sharp point

Thanks for this Rufus, where's the prisoner?


One birdbrain ordered me around is enough

To the coachee

I don't know what that me ruthless pirate guy

Whether they blip the magical sliver Cutlass still in the town lighthouse

vowed revenge from beyond the grave

Did you notice how dragons become sort of piratey midlife crisis KP some guys buy sports cars and others turned pirate

Boyd's from buy other classic trouble in the lighthouse man a funny book and blue pirates in its Greenwich dragon and Sheeta


The spirit black I know you've been calling for those hearties of yours for an hour now

I think that sword has seen better days hold your tongue yellow it in the big moment

Margy got the kids were fleeing to our condo in Boca. It's a refreshing change of pace

No way KP I've already failed

Right captain Barkin, I presume hey, but one captain alone does not occlude me

Yep, I think he was talking to us fine fight the big bad pirate

I'll be waiting on the Lido deck this isn't a cruise ship Bonnie

Write letters done what bride

He's not, so

Yeah, and the pirate's life so not for you

Just a swashbuckling minute me buckos what?

What my loyal sidekick that'd be an a I'm captain now

II be to get them me hard Lee's

Somehow I thought it'd be drier

Can we please darkness being no problem Ani I sense a change in the wind

So uh KPD you know I was wondering what are you doing Saturday night Wow?

I'm guessing way no nacho

Use some shaking up

Oh good we affect you with you

Finally something exciting to do

Dad yes, what is an actuary actuaries create mathematical?

models to ascertain risk

okay after

16.3% more cool

Actuaries wrong huh? I wonder what the odds of survival 14 crime-fighters are

Super secret think tanks aren't known for their open-door policies. Hey watch eight letters four and different, okay, thanks

Look frankly the boys not that into it I pay you don't I know

Working here

I stumbled upon a whole untapped market villainy

consultant bingo innovative ideas to create synergy and maximize evil output brand management action plans incentivizing stop stop stop

Opportunity, I'll tell you what just to get my foot in the door if you don't see improved evil in six weeks my services are

Free here, I do like the sound of free we're eight percent less likely to get to a bone mangling accident

And you're about fifty percent more likely not to take off your girlfriend if you're a hundred percent less annoying well

Thank you ladies no 60% of all slip and fall injuries occur because the webcourse

Easy there you can do it

It's a trust

Somebody explain this the company organizational chart, I know that why am I way down here on earth buck

You're just in time to work on your team-building skills the goal was to help your teammates through the web without touching the rope

Sharked how does a chief operating officer for random mayhem?

Now you can eat that with confidence. Yeah, so not hungry now

I have faced far worse than scalding nachos and lived to tell I'm a possible as in anything is hey wait

What's the city over warming? Oh don't get me started?

I mean someone just breached the security system of a lab that's doing advanced global warming tech

We're on it. Please refer to them as team members it builds their self-esteem


I should have been toast in 10th grade

The results speak for themselves

Corporate works. Oh No breezy requires huge amounts of energy to be cranked up to the ridiculously dangerous

Level needed for my evil scheme and the power drain would alert the authorities to our location good news

I just diversified our company's product base way to go Hank

What does that mean exactly I bought out a Cupcakery in downtown operative Cupcakery?

There's a gourmet cupcake place coming and we shop of course they wouldn't it would be oh

Yes, yes, I like it shego. You just done

Yes, we focused tested dr. DS, but everybody associated it with shampoo for some reason

No, we're making you work for me Becker sir assistant manager for unexpected setbacks

Replicating the atmosphere will be easy enough problem is you will need 3 more

Locations and substantial capital to fund the construction you should see these cupcake problems

Still a no-show on that Atmos freezer wait

It's freaky you think something with that kind of power drain would be obvious well keep looking you bet


On real words electromagnetic field radiation. Well yeah, not exactly little

Memory problems you forgot this see

Exactly Ron anything can get you anytime, so if you're gonna live like this you might as well never leave home

Temperatures are dropping in all four locations. What about Cleveland?

So we don't have an atmosphere in Cleveland

I'm on a cupcake conference call out of the box

She goes what box so one you are thinking inside is easy get this


so in spring

Wait I know the weapon I'm thinking the APUs freeze our dragon

What is this panic room of course it is five inch thick walls of solid steel

And the only place I feel safe against the statistical cruelties of this world

Which I need you don't want me Kim, I'm an accident waiting to happen

Ron you're not gonna, I'll be here with the years worth of nachos high-speed Internet and those cupcakes which are terrific by the way

Perkins but to take away global temperatures are plummeting good. Good and sales in our new Miami store are feeding projection what?

No cross-promotion value can't very well hand out icebergs to the little kiddies at the takeout window now can you?

Intruders you know this whole mission thing is a lot harder than it looks on my monitor back home. Are you stalling No?

I'm in a safe place now nothing

To I see that salesman at the panic room dealership ah

Kids in trouble rescuing Kim and saving the world from a new ice age

Note solar-powered calculators worthless in panic room


Wait Kim. You're okay uh?

Relatively speaking buddy you're gonna want the assistant manager for climactic action, I'm gonna

They don't have run secret weapon

paranoia and irrational fear

Did you know you have a seventeen percent chance of losing your good looks practicing martial arts without the correct padding?

Yep, one out of every two homemade explosive devices backfire Dixie won't double dip them. Well there are worse ways to go

Ron I can't believe yeah, I know guys I'm still here oh oh right Ron the Atmos freezers


You mean he's gonna hurt real bad. Well you can count on check your figures. She don't

Yeah, I know

This is going to negatively impact their quarter performance

But you're still gonna ride in the backseat well, I may be a risk taker but momma didn't raise no fool a yup yup

For more infomation >> Kim Possible Cap'n Drakken Episode 40 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:31.


For more infomation >> Kim Possible Cap'n Drakken Episode 40 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:31.


Aida Sstrings - Aquesta nit [Nightcore català] - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Aida Sstrings - Aquesta nit [Nightcore català] - Duration: 3:35.


For more infomation >> Aida Sstrings - Aquesta nit [Nightcore català] - Duration: 3:35.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Mazda 2 1.3 BIFUEL GT-M LINE Airco, Multifunctioneel Stuurwiel, Elek. Ramen RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.3 BIFUEL GT-M LINE Airco, Multifunctioneel Stuurwiel, Elek. Ramen RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 0:54.


I helped this time! - Duration: 34:10.

Yay! Fog!

It's me. Don't shoot me!

We could do blue, maybe?

Go for blue. It'll be our best chance for loot.

Go where?

Probably just a silencer

Spoon, I found a P18C here. I'll carry it for you for now.


Yup. It's right back here.

It'll actually be here pretty quick.

I've marked some buildings just outside of Mansion. Dunno if it'll be populated.

There's three of us this time, Spoon.

Here Spoon. I'll give you that P18C now.

I a couple extra 2x scopes if anyone needs them.

Plus some extra attachments that I won't be using.

You take that SMG compensator?

No no. I was just confused why it disappeared. I don't need it if you can use it.

Yea we did.

Yea. It just got parked weird on the hillside.

It's foggy.

Toke's nearly there. He'll be fine.

This is Mansion.

I hear a buggy.

It's going Southeast away from us

We've got a ways to go and the circle shrinks in a minute so maybe we should head out.

Are you enlightened?

A pan and a Mini 14. No one's been here.

Too bad it's foggy.

Yea. It's a really high accuracy over long range sniper.

Does anyone have an extended mag for an SMG to spare?

Pretty sure there's one behind the tree still.

Sniper could see me on that side of the building so don't dawdle getting around to this side.

That was probably whoever was just taking shots at us.

Level 1 helmet in here, Toke.

He's just staying put in the near left corner.

We're going to need to take those buildings across the road.

I've got one on the other side of the wall from me. He doesn't know what to do.

I can't, I'm halfway up the wall.

What kind?

I did it!

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