Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2017

Olivia Atwood has established herself as the queen of reality TV

Following her stint on love island

But what is going on with her romance with island her boyfriend Chris Hughes?

Here's what we know about the leggy beauty who is Olivia Atwood and where is she from?

Olivia was a British contestant

Unreality itv2 romance show love island

She is 26 years old at the time of the show airing in the UK and hails from Surrey

Like most contestants on the show she's no stranger to modelling and her good looks

Have certainly caught the eye of the boys on the show she has previously competed in pageants

including a tropic beauty contest

representing London

before taking part in the 2017 series of love Island Olivia described her profession as being a

Motorsports great girl working around Noli the race tracks might be one reason that Olivia likes

Loudmouth men. She must be used to loud noises

What happened to Olivia on love island as well as looking for love?

Olivia said she was taking part on the ITV to show for the experience she explained

This is me on my own. I want the life experience to look back on

Well, she has certainly had that

Initially coupled up with femme Gowland

She then moved on to Chris Hughes before getting into a love triangle with him and Maggie Mike

Chris won her affections and the pair enjoyed a rollercoaster the relationship

They argued and made up more times than we can count but ended up in the final and in love as boyfriend and girlfriend

The couple came in third place and managed to get through their exit interview with Caroline Flack without an argument

Since leaving the villa Olivia opened up about being trolled about her appearance during an emotional interview

With the son online have Olivia Atwood and Chris Hughes split up

Chris reportedly dumped Olivia after she was seen getting close to Blackburn Rovers

player Bradley dak a

Close pal of Chris is told the son online that he is furious and heartbroken after

seeing pictures of Olivia all over the footballer

But in true reality star style he had a change of heart

And they are back on just hours before their first big money magazine

Deal hit the shelves where they insisted. They are moving in together and getting married the son then reported

Oh Olivia had fled the country after an explosive growth between the pair

The blonde beauty was forced to fly abroad to get away

From him after becoming disturbed by his rage towards her they are now

Reevaluating their future together after having a huge row at Chris and Kim's first

Performance of their new single little bit leave it last week

however after spending time away from each other an

Olivia traveling abroad the pair have confirmed that they are still together with loved-up

Instagram posts was though

Olivia Atwood famous before she appeared on love Island

Olivia has done some modeling work in the past which might make her familiar to some TV fans

She's also represented London in a beauty pageant in Las Vegas earning the title miss London England

Asked what her claim to fame would be the reality

Hopeful said probably the modelling that I have done some of the fashion brands. I've worked for have big followings

How do I apply for love island 2018?

Applications are already being taken for love Island 2018 via this website

the application form leads

itv2 are looking for vibrant singles from across the UK who want to head to the Sun in search of a summer of

The chosen cast will spend time in a luxury villa getting to know one another

But to remain in paradise they must win the hearts of the public who ultimately?

Decide who stays on love island the sight doesn't say at the moment when the series will be filmed but asks that

Applicants are available from May to July 2018

For more infomation >> Who is Olivia Attwood? Love Island 2017 Finalist Dating Co-Star Chris Hughes - Duration: 5:17.


Benefits of water: Are you getting enough fluids to stay healthy? - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Benefits of water: Are you getting enough fluids to stay healthy? - Duration: 2:02.


New Home Warranty Tip - Duration: 2:27.

Hi everyone. This is your Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr and in this quick

video I want to talk to you and give you a home warranty tip that buyers will run

across every once in awhile so if you're looking at buying a new home or if

you've bought in a new home maybe within the past several months this could

happen to you so what happens is you see your Builder in this subdivision maybe

they'll drive by your home or you're just driving mine you say hi to them and

you start talking telling them some problems with your home and they'll say

hey don't worry about it I'll swing by there next week I'll fix it not a

problem and that's great and in good faith they probably will but they could

forget about it they get tied up maybe they go on vacation or something else

happens so anytime this happens make sure you put in a home warranty ticket

and the reason is is because you want the company to have a record of anything

that they're going to do so if the Builder says they're gonna do something

and you're banking on the Builder coming back when I say the Builder I'm talking

the individual person who built your home the superintendent you're banking

on them coming back and making the repair or making it right a lot of times

again they might forget so when you send in a warranty ticket you have an email

chain of everything and it goes in and they have a record of it so just make

sure you do this because so much of real estate so much a life is communication

and you want everybody to be on this on the same page in in loop on everything

so if you are building a home or you've already built one and this happened make

sure you send a ticket into the home warranty as well if you have any

questions don't hesitate to give me a call if you're looking at buying a home

whether it's pre-owned or new or selling a home and you're in the Tampa Bay area

I'd love to help you out I hope these videos are helpful to you I wish you the

best of luck and if you like the videos subscribe and check out my other youtube

videos I have tons of videos whether you're looking at buying or selling a

home and or investing to know have a wonderful day and I wish you the best of



For more infomation >> New Home Warranty Tip - Duration: 2:27.


#23 - 7 Tage und 320 km Wildnis auf dem Yukon River (Work & Travel Kanada) - Duration: 16:25.

Hey guys, short update

concerning our travels. We arrived in Whitehorse.

During the last 4 days

we drove 2200 kilometers.

Anyway, we arrived in Whitehorse and umm

our plan is

to canoe on the Yukon River

Which has a super fast flowing current.

We are going to

canoe 320 km on this river

starting from tomorrow.

We prepare everything now.

Made a reservation for the canoe. Got some recommendations.

Now we have to do some shopping to organize our supplies.

As you can see,

the current is very fast.

On our way we will encounter a lake which is about 50 km long.

We will have to canoe trough the lake using solely our own force.

And the lake can even have

high waves

which can be dangerous depending on weather and

how windy it is.

Me and Reinhold will be doing this.

Evelyn decided to split up here in Whitehorse.

I'm flying to Bangkok. She decided to move to warmer areas.

To Bangkok. Exactly!

It's on for the boys!

They are leaving. Is it working for you?

See you soon. Have a good trip! Don't freeze to death!

After our last meal together at Tim Hortons

we our now on the river. Just started.

Back there is Whitehorse's downtown.

And now we will be 8 days in the wildernes of the Yukon River.

322 km.

Evelyn stays in Whitehorse with the car and checks out the area.

And then she flies to Bangkok in the next days.

If we are lucky Evelyn will bring the car to Carmacks, which is our

destination. It's a small village located at the Yukon River.

Otherwise we will hitchhike back

to get the to the car.

We're on the water now for two and a half hours.

It's extremely beautiful here.

Totally wild and umm.

Here at this junction where the Takhini River

which flows into the Yukon River, some random guy is jet-skiing.

Keep calm. Why not?

We're on an island.

By the name Egg Island.

Exploring it. People have

brought all kind of stuff here. Picknick table


back here a fire pit.

Actually a nice spot for the night.

But we plan to

sleep on another Island further down the river.

Good morning! We successfully withstood the first night.


Here we pulled our boat our last night.

It's an Island here in the Yukon River.

Good morning!

Yesterday evening we started a fire.

Cooked using the fire.

Now umm

again we boil water.

For the breakfast.

For breakfast we will have oatmeal with muesli and banana.

With ... water.

Yesterday we spent five hours on the river and swum about 30km.

Ahead of us lies a big section in the form of a lake.

It is about 50 km long.

And it also is ummm

the unpredictable section said the

people from the canoe rental.

Because if the weather get'S bad there can be high waves.

And of course you can't canoe then.

As far as I can tell we have nice weather now.

As you can see the trees are reflected in the water.

Last night, of course, the temperatures were below freezing.

Because this morning everything was frozen.

Now it's about 4 degrees.

It's cold in the north!

But it's not as bad as I thought.

You can handle it.

Especially with the fire yesterday.

Day two on the river. Continuing to the lake.

Curious how it will be.

Now we arrived at the mouth of Lake Laberge.

It's definitely big!

And windy!

We're paddling trough the lake since three and a half hours.

We felt totally safe because

the lake was very

calm. But now

the wind got a lot stronger.

Reinhold is about to

secure everything and to make everything waterproof.

Evening of day two. We misestimated the location of our campsite.

We paddled a little too far.

Still found a nice spot.

With fire.

With a beach.


Today we're finished. Setting up the tent.

We finished 20 of the 50 km.

Continuing tomorrow.

The fire is lit.

Breakfast is there.

Waves are still there.

Back there we set up our tent last night.

And because the waves are still pretty high,

we will try to paddle out without all the equipment.

If we have the impression that this works and that we can make some progress this way,

we will do it, because we don't want to be stuck here.


About to start now.

Unfortunately the waves are too strong!

We are stuck!

It's the evening of day 3.

We just chilled.

Because the waves were way too high.

Reinhold used the time to modify the boat.

With extra drive. And extra uplift.

Because we don't want to just sit around.

We are heading out now although

it is quite late already. Half past 7.

But if one hasn't done anything the whole day and if we go full power now,

we can still make some progress I think.

We just arrived at this campsite in the dark.

45 minutes ago. Tent is set up.

Time to sleep.

730 am

Something is scratching against out tent...

and it's a porcupine.

It's hiding up there in the tree.

Day 4. We have

finished 35 of 50 km of the lake.

Swum roughly 14 km yesterday.

Preparing breakfast now.

Day 4.

About 15 km of lake lay ahead of us.

Reinhold is right there.

Hi! Let's go!

We're about to leave Lake Laberge behind.

To continue to

Thirty Mile

Without these things we would have been lost.

We wouldn't have had a chance. We would still

camp somewhere and chill.

50 kilometers of lake lie behind us.

the next section is said to be the most beautiful one.

On the Yukon River.

From the drain of Lake Laberge to until the Teslin River joins.

Day 4. We're moving on again.

And the current has a crazy speed here so we just drift.

Right now we're on Hootalinqua or Shipyard Island.

And behind me is the SS Evelyn.

She was pulled out somewhen and

never found her way back into the water. Ever since then she rotting away.

This Island has been used in winter as a drydock.

It is located downstream of the lake, which obviously defrosts later then the river.

And if you have

some ships here you can

cruise the lower river section before the the lake is defrosted.

Another shipwreck.

We're standing in the middle of the river.

On a sand bank.


Which destroyed the SS Klondike.

Ever since then she is rotting away.

It's totally crazy.

Actually one shouldn't do this, but we discovered a crazy phenomenon here.

It's echoing!


We're paddling since five days. That were the only other people we saw.

We waved. I think they were hunters.


That was it.

Now I have to deal with that guy.


Day 6.

As you might see it rained.

Everything is wet.

It is still drizzling a little.

There are rain showers every now and then.

The tent is a little wet. Everything is a little wet.

Until Carmacks it's about ... Until our destination it's about 120 km on the river.

And we will make it. Probably two days left.

Today we don't have the best weather.

The weather calmed down.


With all the paddling we get very hungry all the time.

Now we're looting our food barrel on the boat.

Day 7.

We had a freezing cold night.

Yesterday we paddled more than 70 km.

That means we have about 45 km left to go to our destination Carmacks.

So we will need 7 instead of 8 days.

So we have been

in the middle of nowhere for 7 days now.

Now the first signs of civilization start to reappear.

There is a car and a boat.

A few power lines.

Slow but steady

We're coming back.

Seven days later we made it!!!

We're standing on the landing stage where we return the boat.

At a campground.

It'S a quite crazy feeling, 320 km in 7 days.

In the wild. Finally civilization!

Phone service!

Now we definitely need

a hot shower and something to eat!

Food! Nice food!

We're back in Whitehorse. Still haven't showered.

It's not even that bad.

We totally want

to treat ourselves with a pizza or steak or something like this.

Anyhow, thank you very much Evelyn

for driving our car to Carmacks!

So nice! We could just hop in.

Just threw out stuff in and didn't have to hitchhike.

Evelyn did that for us.

Totally nice! Absolutely!

For more infomation >> #23 - 7 Tage und 320 km Wildnis auf dem Yukon River (Work & Travel Kanada) - Duration: 16:25.


QuickBooks Online with an Accountant - The Recipe for Small Business Success - Duration: 1:45.

- My name's Daren Rogers, one of three owners

of Wyanoke Builders, a general contractor here

in Montclaire, New Jersey.

We work on people's homes, additions, renovations,

and we have a lot of fun doing it.

We didn't always have an office.

We worked out of our homes, out of our cars,

whatever it might be.

So it was a matter of finding the right piece

of software that could support the fact that

we were kind of nomadic at the time.

I reached out to Karine at 24hr Bookkeeper,

learned that she was a QBO Pro Advisor,

which was a comforting thing to learn.

She was aware and familiar with all the tools we use.

- When they called me, they called me with an intention

of just connecting the software.

After speaking with them, we realized that we need

to do a little bit more building.

As much as we did 3rd party integration,

we also went into Quickbooks online and had to go back

and build the base to their financials,

so then that way everything could really

work together properly.

- As a company, we use a lot of 3rd party apps

to manage our projects.

The nice thing about Quickbooks online is it integrates

with all of those 3rd party apps.

Then at that point, Quickbooks,

in a very straightforward way,

enables us to track how efficiently we've been using

our resources in comparison to what we forecasted.

- So what I'd do is--

- She was familiar with all the tools we use,

and she understood the fact that look,

we needed a software package and a tool

that accommodated our flexibility.

There are days I work from the office.

There are days I work from site.

There's days that I'm not in town but still need

to get back to people with answers,

and Quickbooks online let's us do all of those things.

It was really the right package for us.

For more infomation >> QuickBooks Online with an Accountant - The Recipe for Small Business Success - Duration: 1:45.



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For more infomation >> ZOPO FLASH X PLUS UNBOXING VIDEO - UNDER 10K SMARTPHONE - Duration: 7:20.



my name is Karina Natsumi

and this will be a haul and unboxing video of my exo repackage album "power"

the box is here so let's open it

I'm so happy that it arrived

here is the poster, I will show in a while

this time I bought the chinese and the korean version

and another detail I forgot to mention,

I bought the mama cd as also because I didn't have it yet

I won't make an unboxing of this but if you want to see the card stay until the end of the video

I will show my posters first

if I'm not wrong they are both the same

I think I received two of them bt they are the same

yes, they are the same

I don't know if it's fiting

yeah, they are both the same, I have two of the same poster

and here are my two albums, omg

let's open and see which card I got

I was told that the difference between the versions is this sticker

there is the blue one and the red one

but now I can't remember if the blue was the korean version or the red one

but let's start by this one

both are very cute, the sticker is kinda holographic

already loved it

and in the cover as also there are some holographic parts

let's open

guys, this time the graphic designers deserve a huge congratulation

because I thought the album came out really beautiful

it's so full of details and beautiful things <3

let's open and see how it's written inside to identify this version

ah, this is the chinese version

let's see which HQ pages I received

guys, look at this!

these cards are so huge! I will show it better later

guys, seriously, when the preview pictures of the album came out I almost died

because of this card [?]

card? I don't know

because, like, it's Chanyeol and Baekhyun in the same thing and my bias and... aaa beautiful

it came very neatly organized like this

let's take those carefully and see which page I received

this is page eleven


I was told it would be written in english

as also...

but it's only written in chinese

I won't understand T.T

and let's see my caa-




who is it? WHO IS IT? Sehun! SEHUN!

Sehun chases me

and it's him again

one more for my Sehun colection

I already gave up my Chanyeol/Baekhyun colection that I'm not doing anyway

so, from the chinese version, these are the things that came, my Sehun card

so let's move on to the next one

this is the korean version, let's see it

they said the content of both versions are the same so it's just to show you guys

and for me to check my card, my hq page and so on

ah, it's page 13

ah, so I have page 11, 12 and 13 (&14*)


ah! here it's written in english! So I can understand

so let's check out my card!

it's Kai!

and this version's cd is blue

these cards came in this version as in the other one

now I will show you the details of each one

in fact I will show just one and them I will show you the detail of the other one's cd only

because both are the same inside

so that was it, my haul and unboxing of my "the power"

I hope you liked this video

I loved this album so much

I think the package design part was very well elaborated

and also the graphic part

I loved this comic style

I found it so beautiful

for those who don't understand when I say that Sehun chases me

watch my first exo unboxing that was exact, monster version, I will leave the link here

and then you watch the next videos and so on...

so you will understand why I say that

I don't mind geting Sehun because I love him as also

you can come Sehun, I want you!

but I also wanted Baekhyun and Chanyeol but, well....

we have to accept what life gives us...

so that was it my unboxing, hope you liked it

give this video a thumbs up and subscribe

follow me on instagram

see you in the next video, bye~

for those who stayed till the end

now my unboxing... not an unboxing but just checking out which card I got in this cd

and I didn't get why the sticker is in the plastic but oh well, let's see

guys I was deceived, I thought this album was very different from what it really is



it came with... two D.O's card....?!

and... omg

there is two of the same card!

it was kinda glued together like this so I have two now!

but, yeah, so I received two cards!

I think it was an error but well, I have two D.O's card


For more infomation >> EXO THE POWER OF MUSIC (KR / CH Ver.) HAUL/UNBOXING - Duration: 9:07.


Play Doh and Surprise Toys Baby Doll Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes for Kids Finger Song Kids Toys - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Play Doh and Surprise Toys Baby Doll Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes for Kids Finger Song Kids Toys - Duration: 4:37.


Get Involved to Grow Your Business - Duration: 1:39.

- I think you learn a lot about who you are individually

as well as your business when you get out

and you start giving back.

[upbeat music]

I am Kim Hornsby, Founder and CEO

of Singletrack Bookkeeping.

We provide automated cloud accounting for small businesses

in resort towns and in the travel and adventure industry.

And this includes Wheels, a small local bike shop.

It became important to us to participate in the community

from a personal standpoint.

And what we found was every time we go out and participate

in events or sponsor a race, we realized that it was

giving us back as much as we put in.

Closing the laptop lid and walking outside of your

home office and going downtown

and stopping in to the bike shop and bringing a pizza

or stopping at the river fest or the farmer's market

and just seeing people that you're doing business with

online but seeing them for a moment in person

and you recreate that bond.

And certainly you can't always do that physically,

but there's even a way to do that in the virtual world.

And I can't tell you the tremendous feedback

that we had by just even making a phone call

and saying, "How's it going?

"Is there something that's painful to you right now

"that maybe we might have a solution for?"

And we customized some services based on that feedback

and people really thanked us for reaching out.

So there are plenty of ways you can still be

a 100% cloud business.

I'm the biggest fan of cloud business,

but there's still a real world person to person connection

that can be made.

For more infomation >> Get Involved to Grow Your Business - Duration: 1:39.


What does ecoanxiety mean? - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> What does ecoanxiety mean? - Duration: 0:37.


Ward C, Jon Hoffman - What are the three most important challenges facing public education? - Duration: 2:14.

The first, this year, I feel that is critical

for student success in the public education

is the issue of mental health challenges

and creating a safe and supportive learning

environment for students.

I appreciate the extended support

that the current board has created

towards creating a safe and welcoming environment

for LGBT students.

I affirm the work that [INAUDIBLE]

education has done in that area, I'd

like to see further extended support for First Nations

Refugee students, those with special needs and learning

challenges, and just really anyone who finds

school a challenging place.

The second area that I think is important over the next few

years is the ongoing staff development

and celebrating their success.

I'd love to see administration effectively and appropriately

facilitate the environment for staff

to grow and continue to progress in their chosen profession.

That's anyone from support staff to the instructors

to ensure that they find meaningful and fulfilling work.

There should be opportunities to have them on ongoing training

and taking on areas of leadership.

I'd love to be a part of celebrating the staff success,

and I love people and participating in ways

that staff can feel empowered.

And the third area is the fiscal stewardship.

Our provincial economy hasn't seen the quick turnaround

that some analysts had proposed.

And for seven years, I was Director

of Finance for the [INAUDIBLE] Student Association.

I was trained as an accountant.

And it was a humbling responsibility

to know that a large majority of the revenue

came from student fees.

I kept in mind during the annual strategic planning and budget

process just the fact that we were stewarding student fees.

For more infomation >> Ward C, Jon Hoffman - What are the three most important challenges facing public education? - Duration: 2:14.


아쉬운 남의 새끼 김종민, '미우새' 고정이 시급하다 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 아쉬운 남의 새끼 김종민, '미우새' 고정이 시급하다 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 5:25.


'어서와 한국' 20대 러시아 소녀들의 좌충우돌 한국여행기(종합) - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> '어서와 한국' 20대 러시아 소녀들의 좌충우돌 한국여행기(종합) - Duration: 3:34.


Minecraft | Animal's Amazing Land | A Whole New World (11) - Duration: 23:08.

Sorry about the watermark it wont be in many videos!

For more infomation >> Minecraft | Animal's Amazing Land | A Whole New World (11) - Duration: 23:08.


'미우새' 채권자도 울린 이상민 책임감, 최고의 1분 26.3% | K-Couple - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> '미우새' 채권자도 울린 이상민 책임감, 최고의 1분 26.3% | K-Couple - Duration: 5:32.


Fiat Fiorino 1.3 MJ SX Airco PDC 108dkm NAP Licht metaal Nieuwe APK Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Fiat Fiorino 1.3 MJ SX Airco PDC 108dkm NAP Licht metaal Nieuwe APK Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:59.


a photo of BTS V eating with a long haired "girl" went viral on the internet! - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:42.

Fans were on high alert when a photo of V eating with a long haired girl went viral on the internet!.

But before any dating rumors could be spun out of control, there was something oddly familiar about the girls hair.

It turns out the girl was none other than Produce 101 Season 2s Jang Moon Bok!.

The same hair was recognizable from when V tweeted a photo of his new girlfriend in the past.

The messy, long strands from both of the photos belong to Vs good male friend, Jang Moon Bok!.

Now that Jang Moon Bok finished filming for the popular audition show, they were able to meet for a friendly dinner!.

Y can rest assured that V is still single!.

For more infomation >> a photo of BTS V eating with a long haired "girl" went viral on the internet! - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:42.



For more infomation >> MORRE MÚSICO FAMOSO AOS 66 ANOS NOS ESTADOS UNIDOS - Duration: 1:21.


A fan found a photo card of EXO's Chanyeol in her purchase of BTS's recent album, - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:16.

A fan found a photo card of EXOs Chanyeol in her purchase of BTSs recent album, Love Yourself: Her.

The card somehow appeared to have slipped into the packaging as it sat on the albums CD.

She and her friend were incredibly confused, so they shared it on Twitter to seek answers.

 So my rl friend whos an army sent me this.

Why the fuck did she get a pic of chanyeol in her bts album???? - .

For more infomation >> A fan found a photo card of EXO's Chanyeol in her purchase of BTS's recent album, - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:16.


10/2/17 3:51 PM (801 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001, USA) - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> 10/2/17 3:51 PM (801 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001, USA) - Duration: 0:17.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Ravi B - Forever "2018 Soca" (GBM) - Duration: 3:40.

Ravi B - Forever "2018 Soca" (GBM)

For more infomation >> Ravi B - Forever "2018 Soca" (GBM) - Duration: 3:40.


Melaka (Malaysia) - part 2 - Muslim experiences - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Melaka (Malaysia) - part 2 - Muslim experiences - Duration: 9:21.


How Moving to the Cloud Can Delight Your Clients - Duration: 1:14.

- It's nearly unbelievable to clients

that it can be so much easier.

<i>[upbeat music]</i>

I am Kim Hornsby,

founder and CEO of Singletrack Bookkeeping.

<i>We provide</i> <i>automated cloud accounting</i>

<i>for small businesses</i> <i>in resort towns</i>

<i>and in the travel</i> <i>and adventure industry,</i>

<i>and this includes Wheels,</i>

<i>this small local bike shop.</i>

<i>♪ ♪</i>

<i>Once a client sees</i> <i>the value of the cloud--</i>

the amount of time, A, that it can save on data entry,

<i>B, the fact that you don't</i> <i>have to run flash drives</i>

<i>all over town in order to</i> <i>transition your file,</i>

you don't have to stop working in your file

because your accountant is working in your file--

<i>those kinds of things</i> <i>really blew people away</i>

<i>when we first introduced them</i> <i>to it.</i>

So they're coming to us, and they're asking for help

to take the next step, Quickbooks Online,

<i>with an integration</i> <i>to a point-of-sale</i>

<i>or an integration</i> <i>to a practice management</i>

<i>or a CRM system</i> <i>or something like that.</i>

<i>We can make it so much easier</i>

than how you're operating today,

<i>and sometimes it takes</i> <i>a couple conversations</i>

for people to truly get it, and when they do,

<i>they're very,</i> <i>very happy people,</i>

<i>that's for sure.</i>

For more infomation >> How Moving to the Cloud Can Delight Your Clients - Duration: 1:14.



2SIM 4G/ LTE Supports 4G in India (Band 40)


Android 6.0

1.3GHz Octa-Core Processor MediaTek MT6753

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Accelerometer, Ambient Light, Proximity, Fingerprint Sensor

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Fast Charging Adaptor

MicroUSB Charging cum Data Cable

5.5" 1080p FHD Display with 401ppi Resolution

1.3GHz Octa-Core MediaTek MT6753 Processor

Android Marshmallow 6.0

Speaker - ChargingPort - 3.5 AudioJack & NoiseCancellation Mic

SimTray on Left Side

2.5D Curve Glass

Slim Sleek with Round Edges

Sharp Real Color Display

Volume Rocker & Power Button on Right

178 Degree Viewing Angle

13MP Primary Camera With DualLED Flash

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Supports Fast Charging

Smooth Finish

No Bloatware

TurboDownload Feature for Fast Downloading

Dual Sim Dual Standby

32GB Internal Storage


Gestures Feature for Gallery- Camera- FM- Music etc.

SmartWake Options

Android Marshmallow v6.0

Fingerprint on Front HomeKey with (LED) Option & BackKey

Hybrid Sim Slot

Smooth Touch

Bright Display

Pre-installeg Game Store App

No Lags when Gaming

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For more infomation >> ZOPO FLASH X PLUS UNBOXING VIDEO - UNDER 10K SMARTPHONE - Duration: 7:20.


How to Draw Dresses | Clothes for Girls | Coloring Pages for Kids | Art Colors for Children |Bbkidtv - Duration: 10:07.

Welcome to bbkidtv channel

I am create this channel for kids

For more infomation >> How to Draw Dresses | Clothes for Girls | Coloring Pages for Kids | Art Colors for Children |Bbkidtv - Duration: 10:07.


Campana de hace 300 millones de años encontrada dentro de un trozo de carbón - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Campana de hace 300 millones de años encontrada dentro de un trozo de carbón - Duration: 3:04.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Biggest Deal TVI - Conheça os primeiros 8 concorrentes e as funções! - 01 Out 2017 - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Biggest Deal TVI - Conheça os primeiros 8 concorrentes e as funções! - 01 Out 2017 - Duration: 6:08.


For more infomation >> Biggest Deal TVI - Conheça os primeiros 8 concorrentes e as funções! - 01 Out 2017 - Duration: 6:08.



2SIM 4G/ LTE Supports 4G in India (Band 40)


Android 6.0

1.3GHz Octa-Core Processor MediaTek MT6753

RAM 3GB Internal storage 32GB Expandable storage 128GB

Accelerometer, Ambient Light, Proximity, Fingerprint Sensor

3100mAh Non-Removable Battery

Rear Camera 13MP WITH LED Flash

Front Camera 8MP

Dual LED Flash

Sim Ejector Pin

Transparent Rubberized Nice Back Cover

Perfect Fit

Full Metal Body

User Manual & Warranty Card

Fast Charging Adaptor

MicroUSB Charging cum Data Cable

5.5" 1080p FHD Display with 401ppi Resolution

1.3GHz Octa-Core MediaTek MT6753 Processor

Android Marshmallow 6.0

Speaker - ChargingPort - 3.5 AudioJack & NoiseCancellation Mic

SimTray on Left Side

2.5D Curve Glass

Slim Sleek with Round Edges

Sharp Real Color Display

Volume Rocker & Power Button on Right

178 Degree Viewing Angle

13MP Primary Camera With DualLED Flash

Secondary Noice Cancellation Mic

Supports Fast Charging

Smooth Finish

No Bloatware

TurboDownload Feature for Fast Downloading

Dual Sim Dual Standby

32GB Internal Storage


Gestures Feature for Gallery- Camera- FM- Music etc.

SmartWake Options

Android Marshmallow v6.0

Fingerprint on Front HomeKey with (LED) Option & BackKey

Hybrid Sim Slot

Smooth Touch

Bright Display

Pre-installeg Game Store App

No Lags when Gaming

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For more infomation >> ZOPO FLASH X PLUS UNBOXING VIDEO - UNDER 10K SMARTPHONE - Duration: 7:20.


For more infomation >> ZOPO FLASH X PLUS UNBOXING VIDEO - UNDER 10K SMARTPHONE - Duration: 7:20.


La crème brûle-graisse la plus : Frottez-la seulement sur votre peau obtiendrez des résultats! - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> La crème brûle-graisse la plus : Frottez-la seulement sur votre peau obtiendrez des résultats! - Duration: 5:59.


For more infomation >> La crème brûle-graisse la plus : Frottez-la seulement sur votre peau obtiendrez des résultats! - Duration: 5:59.


TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Super Sparkle Glitter Coloring Book Pages Crayola Magic Markers - Duration: 5:40.

TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Super Sparkle Glitter Coloring Book Pages Crayola Magic Marker Speed Coloring - Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael.

For more infomation >> TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Super Sparkle Glitter Coloring Book Pages Crayola Magic Markers - Duration: 5:40.


For more infomation >> TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Super Sparkle Glitter Coloring Book Pages Crayola Magic Markers - Duration: 5:40.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Kaz Kaan - Diamonds V2 (Dir. Neo Yokio) - Duration: 3:22.

Kaz, homie, you made it !

Gentlemen, I'm sorry I'm late

As you know, I've been really depressed

and it's affected my attitude toward field hockey,

but I'm here now, and I know we can beat these bastards

I've got the...

I got the jewels and the diamonds When I open my eyes I can never find them

Skating, sunset and hiding Got the metal in my mouth, what you think I'm hiding

Ladies love it when I sing Tryna find out what I'm in

I'm tryna get you on the floor You love me girl, I love you more

Last night I just wasn't sure I'm tryna get you to the court

I've been there...

I've been there before

Take your legs And put them around my...

I've got the...

I got the jewels and the diamonds But when I open my eyes I can never find them

Got me running from the sirens I just woke up on Sunset, and hiding

MSFTS are styling (style!, style!)

We know you gotta stylist, joker why you lying I ain't really with violence

Probably see me at Tyga's house playing violins Cause money really ain't a thing

All these diamonds and these rings I should really make a sword

Tryna tell you I'm the guy Bought a whip, it's in Dubai

Didn't worry from a soul Wrap it like a turtle

I got all these federal reserves Soul, jumping over hurdles

Don't forget a rapper verse Around you like a circle

But that's on the day to day Baby I had a good day today

Send a fuck nigga away, away Hit a sexy momma with a ¿cómo está?

She come straight from Bogotá She got the coma, coma

I've got the...

I got the jewels and the diamonds When I open my eyes I can never find them

Skating, sunset and hiding Got the metal in my mouth, what you think

I'm biting


Kaz Kaan? --- Hey, Helena

Oh, my God

I haven't seen you since Freddie Miles' party out in the Hampton s

That was a crazy night

Yeah, we had fun

I know...How come you never called me When we got back to the city?

Well, you started dating Cathy

She actually just broke up with me

That's a shame

Yeah, it is

Well, maybe now I'll call you

That would be sick

For more infomation >> Kaz Kaan - Diamonds V2 (Dir. Neo Yokio) - Duration: 3:22.


How 24hr Bookkeeper Became a Firm of the Future - Duration: 1:41.

- I'm Karine Woodman,

and I'm the owner of 24hr Bookkeeper.

We're located in small-town USA,

Hibbing, Minnesota,

and we service clients all over the nation.

So we are a cloud-based firm, and we provide bookkeeping,

payroll, QuickBooks services,

and third-party integration for construction companies,

and we don't service clients

if they're not on QuickBooks Online.

This is the new projects. This is everything.

So when I started my practice,

we were servicing clients with QuickBooks Desktop.

It's just more difficult. It's harder.

We're a little bit more stressed out about it

because there's some restrictions

within the software remotely,

and then once I learned more about QuickBooks Online

and QuickBooks Online Accountant,

it was a no-brainer

because we have all these extra tools.

We can move transactions around,

you can toggle back and forth between clients,

I can manage my clients

through subscriptions through QBOA,

and it's all within the online software.

♪ ♪

So we work with clients that are local,

and we also have clients that are nationwide,

and those that are not local,

we actually work with them via video screen sharing,

just as if we were side by side with them.

Knowing the software does a lot of things for me.

We understand the output

of the information that we're putting in there,

and that's the value of being an expert.

We really have the opportunity

to create what we want

and work with the clients that we want

and the clients that want to work with us,

so I feel like we're kind of lucky.

It's exciting what we do.

We really get to create the future that we want,

and that's because of the tools that are available

and just being strictly cloud-based.

For more infomation >> How 24hr Bookkeeper Became a Firm of the Future - Duration: 1:41.


QuickBooks Online is a Win/Win for Accountants and Clients - Duration: 1:28.

- In the beginning, not everybody was on QBO,

and some of them didn't even know what QBO was.

Are we willing to lose these clients

in order to make this jump?

My name's Greg Daley.

- And I'm Jessica Daley, and we are the co-owners

of Xcelerate Business Solutions,

a cloud-based accounting firm here in Fort Collins.

<i>- We love working</i> <i>with small businesses, but...</i>

<i>- We realized that we love</i> <i>working with the churches.</i>

We decided to, slowly, begin to migrate

the clients that were on the desktop to QBOA,

<i>and we also decided</i> <i>that any new clients</i>

<i>we really would push</i> <i>to the cloud automatically.</i>

<i>And we also had to learn</i> <i>a new type</i>

<i>of working relationship</i> <i>together.</i>

<i>Instead of opening up</i> <i>20 to 40 to 60</i>

<i>different desktops</i> <i>with all different passwords,</i>

I have one password

and can see all of my clients in one.

- And even though

it was really beneficial for our business,

we needed to translate that into,

<i>"It's really beneficial</i> <i>for you as well."</i>

<i>- And so a big selling point</i> <i>of QBOA was,</i>

<i>you can have 24/7 access</i> <i>to your data all the time.</i>

<i>So when we ran</i> <i>our profit-and-loss</i>

<i>and our balance sheet</i> <i>and made sure</i>

that things matched,

we immediately gave them log-ins,

<i>and they were able to go in</i> <i>and see their data</i>

<i>instead of waiting.</i>

So they were very fearful at first,

and now they are very grateful that they did this.

The QBOA platform is the only way

that we could have done this.

For more infomation >> QuickBooks Online is a Win/Win for Accountants and Clients - Duration: 1:28.


O.J. Simpson to Photographer At Gas Station: 'Nothing Has Changed In My Life' - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> O.J. Simpson to Photographer At Gas Station: 'Nothing Has Changed In My Life' - Duration: 1:35.


How to Get Great Clients with an Awesome ProAdvisor Profile - Duration: 1:14.

- We would start asking people,

Why did you choose us over other people?

[upbeat music]

- My name's Greg Daley

- And I'm Jessica Daley

and we are the co-owners of Xcelerate Business Solutions

a cloud-based accounting firm here in Fort Collins.

- We love working with small businesses, but...

- We realized that we love working with the churches.

[upbeat music]

We ask clients,

after they've been with us for three to six months

to give us a review

on the ProAdvisor website.

There were CPA's above me.

There were who had been ProAdvisors longer.

Why did you choose us?

And several times the client would say,

"Because you looked professional."

It is so important to have a great picture

on the ProAdvisor website because it builds such trust

in the very beginning with potential clients.

- And part of building that trust is

stories and testimonials.

- And we have required all the people on our team

to become ProAdvisors as well

and to get that certification.

It's a huge selling point and we are able to say,

all of our team is certified.

It also allows for

not only getting business

from the entire team's ProAdvisors.

So now we 10 potential ProAdvisors

that are getting business

through those ProAdvisors' websites.

- All roads lead to Xcelerate. - Yes

For more infomation >> How to Get Great Clients with an Awesome ProAdvisor Profile - Duration: 1:14.


Create Value Faster with a Cloud-based Workflow - Duration: 1:18.

- My name's Jay Holmes.

I'm a CPA and co-owner of Blueback Accounting.

We're located in Boise, Idaho.

Our goal is to improve our clients' lives.

When we're talking about workflows,

what we're really talking about is the steps to take

to deliver value and deliver that product,

and what we deliver is financials.

QBOA helps our workflow, because it creates consistency.

Each client looks the same and feels the same,

'cause we're all on the same platform.

But it also enables us to access things real-time

and it enables our clients to access things.

We can interact within the program

and that speeds up the data collection process.

So, what we're doing is we're reducing that wait period.

To make sure Barbarian's financials

are accurate and consistent,

we've created a workflow

where we go through all the balance sheet accounts.

That allows us to validate that really efficiently.

We'll go in and classify transactions

and make sure that the books are up-to-date.

We roll in more workflow,

how are we gonna validate all these transactions

that we put in?

By being online, allowing us to view

different screens at the same time,

allowing us to have access to data,

and not only data in one client's file,

but all clients' file.

That shaves a ton of time off of energy that we spend,

so that we can get to that value creation faster.

For more infomation >> Create Value Faster with a Cloud-based Workflow - Duration: 1:18.


Raiding | FFXIV then to FFIX | PC #SupportSmallStreamers #Gaymer - Duration: 1:13:31.

For more infomation >> Raiding | FFXIV then to FFIX | PC #SupportSmallStreamers #Gaymer - Duration: 1:13:31.


Work Life Balance as a QuickBooks Online Accounting Firm - Duration: 1:41.

- Really it was a kind of a crazy adventure.

[lighthearted music]

My name is Greg Daley.

- And I'm Jessica Daley, and we are the co-owners

of Xcelerate Business Solutions,

a cloud-based accounting firm

here in Fort Collins.

- Back in 2003, we chose QuickBooks.

Back then, though, it was Desktop.

- And then the business started growing.

So then I was going to three different clients

at three different facilities.

So the pain of working in these different environments

away from my home, taking away from the things

that I need to do for my family.

- And that's really how the seeds of Xcelerate began.

And so we moved to Fort Collins

and started the business

and realized we love working

with small businesses, but...

- Realizing we love working with the churches.

- Little did we know that, later on,

that would develop into kind of our market niche.

Our first client here was a church, a big church.

So we chose QBO as the platform.

And we wanted a company that allowed us

to live more in freedom

and build the business around our family.

[playful yelling and laughing]

Like last summer, we took all four kids,

loaded 'em up in the minivan,

and took an eight-week road trip,

and Jess would set up a mobile hotspot in the car,

and she would work while I would drive,

and the kids were watching a movie.

- Thankfully we had all of those online systems in place.

- And now we're a team of 13,

and we have our first two international employees.

- The availability that QBO has given us

to create our business around this virtual platform

has been really life-changing and really life-giving

to our family.

For more infomation >> Work Life Balance as a QuickBooks Online Accounting Firm - Duration: 1:41.


How to Onboard Clients for Success and Efficiency - Duration: 1:27.

- I kind of have the best job because I get to be

an entrepreneur in everybody else's business.

I'm Karine Woodman and I'm the Owner of 24hr Bookkeeper.

We're located in small-town USA, Hibbing, Minnesota.

And we service clients all over the nation.

So when we work with new clients,

I'd say we're extremely structured.

So we don't start anything without having a plan in place.

And we're very specific, so the client knows what

the expectation is and we know what the expectation is.

Because we do that, we actually can take on more clients,

because we're very specific and scheduled.

Did you get the email that I sent you

about the tentative schedule for Thursday?

We try to train our clients to work efficiently with us

and it falls into different areas.

So it's efficiency in the way they provide us information,

it's efficiency in the way they do their business,

provides efficiency in the collaboration

of working together and just

the overall process of having a business.

We don't want to just keep fixing the problem,

over and over and over again.

If we see a problem, we will bring it to

the client's attention that this area needs to improve

or it needs to get better, so we teach them.

If my client doesn't need me, to me,

that's a definition of success.

That means I've put the right systems in place,

where they can focus where they need to focus.

For more infomation >> How to Onboard Clients for Success and Efficiency - Duration: 1:27.


QuickBooks Online with an Accountant - The Recipe for Small Business Success - Duration: 1:45.

- My name's Daren Rogers, one of three owners

of Wyanoke Builders, a general contractor here

in Montclaire, New Jersey.

We work on people's homes, additions, renovations,

and we have a lot of fun doing it.

We didn't always have an office.

We worked out of our homes, out of our cars,

whatever it might be.

So it was a matter of finding the right piece

of software that could support the fact that

we were kind of nomadic at the time.

I reached out to Karine at 24hr Bookkeeper,

learned that she was a QBO Pro Advisor,

which was a comforting thing to learn.

She was aware and familiar with all the tools we use.

- When they called me, they called me with an intention

of just connecting the software.

After speaking with them, we realized that we need

to do a little bit more building.

As much as we did 3rd party integration,

we also went into Quickbooks online and had to go back

and build the base to their financials,

so then that way everything could really

work together properly.

- As a company, we use a lot of 3rd party apps

to manage our projects.

The nice thing about Quickbooks online is it integrates

with all of those 3rd party apps.

Then at that point, Quickbooks,

in a very straightforward way,

enables us to track how efficiently we've been using

our resources in comparison to what we forecasted.

- So what I'd do is--

- She was familiar with all the tools we use,

and she understood the fact that look,

we needed a software package and a tool

that accommodated our flexibility.

There are days I work from the office.

There are days I work from site.

There's days that I'm not in town but still need

to get back to people with answers,

and Quickbooks online let's us do all of those things.

It was really the right package for us.

For more infomation >> QuickBooks Online with an Accountant - The Recipe for Small Business Success - Duration: 1:45.


Channel Trailer - Daniel Quasar - Duration: 0:48.

Hello and Welcome to the channel!

My name is Daniel Quasar, and I am a big fan of gaming of all forms, animation and design,

and music.

I created a channel to mix these things together and see what comes out the other end.

The channel is kinda small right now, but with big ideas.

I'm currently making IMPAKT nostalgia, a show all about remembering the games that

are important to us and the memories attached to them.

So check that out.

There are more shows and ideas coming down the pipeline, so subscribe to the channel

and stay tuned.

Thanks again for coming, and be sure to check out the latest videos!

For more infomation >> Channel Trailer - Daniel Quasar - Duration: 0:48.



my name is Karina Natsumi

and this will be a haul and unboxing video of my exo repackage album "power"

the box is here so let's open it

I'm so happy that it arrived

here is the poster, I will show in a while

this time I bought the chinese and the korean version

and another detail I forgot to mention,

I bought the mama cd as also because I didn't have it yet

I won't make an unboxing of this but if you want to see the card stay until the end of the video

I will show my posters first

if I'm not wrong they are both the same

I think I received two of them bt they are the same

yes, they are the same

I don't know if it's fiting

yeah, they are both the same, I have two of the same poster

and here are my two albums, omg

let's open and see which card I got

I was told that the difference between the versions is this sticker

there is the blue one and the red one

but now I can't remember if the blue was the korean version or the red one

but let's start by this one

both are very cute, the sticker is kinda holographic

already loved it

and in the cover as also there are some holographic parts

let's open

guys, this time the graphic designers deserve a huge congratulation

because I thought the album came out really beautiful

it's so full of details and beautiful things <3

let's open and see how it's written inside to identify this version

ah, this is the chinese version

let's see which HQ pages I received

guys, look at this!

these cards are so huge! I will show it better later

guys, seriously, when the preview pictures of the album came out I almost died

because of this card [?]

card? I don't know

because, like, it's Chanyeol and Baekhyun in the same thing and my bias and... aaa beautiful

it came very neatly organized like this

let's take those carefully and see which page I received

this is page eleven


I was told it would be written in english

as also...

but it's only written in chinese

I won't understand T.T

and let's see my caa-




who is it? WHO IS IT? Sehun! SEHUN!

Sehun chases me

and it's him again

one more for my Sehun colection

I already gave up my Chanyeol/Baekhyun colection that I'm not doing anyway

so, from the chinese version, these are the things that came, my Sehun card

so let's move on to the next one

this is the korean version, let's see it

they said the content of both versions are the same so it's just to show you guys

and for me to check my card, my hq page and so on

ah, it's page 13

ah, so I have page 11, 12 and 13 (&14*)


ah! here it's written in english! So I can understand

so let's check out my card!

it's Kai!

and this version's cd is blue

these cards came in this version as in the other one

now I will show you the details of each one

in fact I will show just one and them I will show you the detail of the other one's cd only

because both are the same inside

so that was it, my haul and unboxing of my "the power"

I hope you liked this video

I loved this album so much

I think the package design part was very well elaborated

and also the graphic part

I loved this comic style

I found it so beautiful

for those who don't understand when I say that Sehun chases me

watch my first exo unboxing that was exact, monster version, I will leave the link here

and then you watch the next videos and so on...

so you will understand why I say that

I don't mind geting Sehun because I love him as also

you can come Sehun, I want you!

but I also wanted Baekhyun and Chanyeol but, well....

we have to accept what life gives us...

so that was it my unboxing, hope you liked it

give this video a thumbs up and subscribe

follow me on instagram

see you in the next video, bye~

for those who stayed till the end

now my unboxing... not an unboxing but just checking out which card I got in this cd

and I didn't get why the sticker is in the plastic but oh well, let's see

guys I was deceived, I thought this album was very different from what it really is



it came with... two D.O's card....?!

and... omg

there is two of the same card!

it was kinda glued together like this so I have two now!

but, yeah, so I received two cards!

I think it was an error but well, I have two D.O's card


For more infomation >> EXO THE POWER OF MUSIC (KR / CH Ver.) HAUL/UNBOXING - Duration: 9:07.


The Power of the Reclassify Tool for Accountants - Duration: 1:19.

- We get calls all the time with clients

that are in these sticky situations.

[whimsical music]

I'm Karine Woodman,

I own 24hr Bookkeeper,

and we're located in Hibbing, Minnesota,

and we provide bookkeeping, payroll,

QuickBooks services, and third-party integration

for construction companies.

We're gonna just do it like I said we were.

A feature that's in QuickBooks online

is the downloaded transactions.

If a client calls me with a thousand transactions

that are all over the place

and they all came through the bank feed,

I can just undo them in one click.

So I would undo them, reorganize them,

and then go through the reclassify tool

if I feel that, you know, I need to move them around.

That's what really takes my stress away.

It's important that I teach clients

to do the things that are important

that might cause some restriction on my part

that are harder to move around,

and so I teach.

If I didn't have that tool,

I'd have to go one-by-one

just to fix the things that I need to do,

and that takes so much time.

So this actually will give you all their accounts.

So, recognizing the value of the QBOA tools--

that's why I can service more clients

and do more, faster, more efficiently,

because, just, it makes my job easier.

For more infomation >> The Power of the Reclassify Tool for Accountants - Duration: 1:19.


How QuickBooks Online Enables Blueback Accounting to Deliver a New Level of Client Service - Duration: 1:10.

[peaceful acoustic guitar music]

- My name's Jay Holmes.

I'm a CPA and co-owner of Blueback Accounting.

Our world headquarters: Boise, Idaho.

So when we started our business,

what we were coming from is an old, archaic model

of public accounting,

and what we struggled with

is this barrier

of really delivering value

and really building relationships.

Around 2013,

we were looking for an online accounting platform.

We needed more.

We needed more control.

We needed more access.

It was right at the time where QuickBooks Online

had introduced its new generation,

and that was amazing,

and what we found is, that QBOA and that platform--

that really enabled us

to get things done faster, more efficient.

Once that happened, it was really--

we hit the ground running, and we switched over,

and, the last two and a half years,

we've grown from zero QBOA clients

to over 50.

We feel like we're growing with them.

We've seen a tremendous demand

and an interest from our clients

and new clients on QuickBooks Online,

which let us build that communication,

build that relationship,

and ultimately help our clients grow

better, faster, and with a lot more fun.

QBOA delivered that.

For more infomation >> How QuickBooks Online Enables Blueback Accounting to Deliver a New Level of Client Service - Duration: 1:10.


Firm of the Future Profile: Singletrack Bookkeeping - Duration: 1:37.

- It would be so much easier to take the normal path.

[upbeat instrumental music]

I'm all about travel and adventure.

That is who I have been my whole life.

I came to Steamboat Springs as everyone does

for the great outdoors, and the entire reason

that I came here was for the mountain biking.

♪ ♪

So, in resort towns,

people tend to start their own businesses.

Few folks have business acumen.

Therefore, I saw this opportunity

where I could provide accounting services,

technology services, and, in the early days,

we stepped right into the advisory role

for these small business startups

in Internet marketing, social media,

trying to create awareness on the Internet.

♪ ♪

What makes us unique

and different than other firms

would be our cloud services

and the communication tools that we use

and our cash flow planning for seasonal downturns.

And we're also one-stop accounting shop,

a complete bundle of accounting services.

It's payroll, it's workflow consulting,

it's tax planning, it's tax preparation,

along with preparing your books every month,

as well as providing updated financials.

And the accessibility of QuickBooks Online

allows me to do that in the virtual world.

The goal and vision that I have for Singletrack

is to enable more people to break away from the norm

and live the dream that they have for themselves.

For more infomation >> Firm of the Future Profile: Singletrack Bookkeeping - Duration: 1:37.


Become a Hero to Your Clients with QuickBooks Online Accountant - Duration: 1:22.

- All of our stories start with

the wrong way to do something.

[light rock music]

My name's Greg Daley.

- And I'm Jessica Daley.

And we are the co-owners of Accelerate Business Solutions,

a cloud based accounting firm here in Fort Collins.

- We love working with small businesses, but...

- We realized we love working with the churches.

- QBO has allowed us to have

a collaborative relationship with our clients

in a way that the desktop couldn't provide.

Our internal team will actually start tracking things,

thinking they might want this in the future,

and then we can look like this amazing, trusted advisor

because we've been tracking it for awhile.

When they ask us,

"Hey, I wonder if you could track this?"

"Oh yeah, we already have a report,

and here's some historical data to go along with that."

- QBOA is the main platform, and then from there

it's the monthly accounting process map,

and then it's the meaningful reports

and meaningful dashboards to our clients.

So that all of this stuff over here,

finally makes sense and they can make

really great business decisions.

- Strategic decisions.

- Based on the dashboard and based on all those details

that we get to do every day.

- Because of QBOA we're able to collaborate with our clients

in a partnership way, that we really couldn't do before

when it wasn't real time.

For more infomation >> Become a Hero to Your Clients with QuickBooks Online Accountant - Duration: 1:22.


How to Scale and Manage Your Practice with QuickBooks Online Accountant - Duration: 1:32.

- The QBOA platform is the only way

that we could have done this.

- My name's Greg Daley.

- And I'm Jessica Daley.

And we are the co-owners of Xcelerate Business Solutions,

a cloud based accounting firm, here in Fort Collins.

- We love working with small businesses, but

- We realize that we love

working with the churches.

- We realized early on that if the business was tied

to Jess's capacity, then we would be a really small company.

It wouldn't be scalable.

- I was bursting at the seams with 12 clients.

- One, two, three, four.

- QBOA actually allows us to be more working

on the business, than in it,

and primarily the day to day operations

of the accounting is done by our team.

And now we're a team of 13,

but she really had to give authority to these team members.

And we started process mapping everything in our company,

so with each one of our clients

as soon as they become a client, they get a document,

and we start actually, laying out everything that we do,

and getting all the systems in place,

and really getting it very efficient.

And our desire from the beginning was

to actually replace both of ourselves.

That's why our job now is really thinking a lot

on the business, and business development.

Without a virtual platform that's robust enough,

we wouldn't be able to manage our practice in that way.

For more infomation >> How to Scale and Manage Your Practice with QuickBooks Online Accountant - Duration: 1:32.


Live Where You Want with a Remote Workforce - Duration: 1:25.

- Vermont is one of the two or three states

in the country that is actually losing population.

So there's probably kind of a larger story around that.

[upbeat music]

My name is Michael Ly and I am founder

and CEO of

It is an online bookkeeping and accounting practice

based her in Burlington, Vermont.

We serve companies throughout Vermont

and the rest of the United States.

And one of our clients is We Norwegians,

a high-end clothing brand.

I moved to this small rural town

to contribute to the community here.

I have family connections here.

But establishing my firm in the cloud

allowed me to say, "Okay I don't need to hire

within the vicinity of Burlington, Vermont."

And QVOA allowed me to do that.

And so I'm able to manage the team members

within QVOA.

And I also can manage and assign tasks

within QVOA platform.

Also, not having them have to come to an office

keeps our overhead costs lower

but it also instills, I think, loyalty

from the workforce.

They often comment, "You are one of the few places

we found that is allowing this kind of work

and structure and flexibility."

And so that's been a really great draw

to not only draw great, under-utilized talent

but also provide value and meaning to their own lives

as they contribute to their own communities.

For more infomation >> Live Where You Want with a Remote Workforce - Duration: 1:25.


Why Value Pricing is a Win/Win for Accountants and Clients - Duration: 1:24.

- It's always through pain that gets us where we want to be.

[music playing]

- My name is Greg Daley.

- And, I'm Jessica Daley, and we are the

co-owners of Xcelerate Business Solutions,

a cloud-based accounting firm, here in Fort Collins

- We love working with small businesses, but

- We realized we love working with the churches.

I came home one day just in tears over a client that

the better I got at their job, the less I got paid,

and the less they were valuing my being there.

- Every time you create an efficient system,

we didn't want to lose money.

And, so, we had to figure out a way to

actually make it a value to them.

And, one of the keys for that, for us, was one,

it's a budgeted line item, and it's never going to change.

So, once we agree on a price, we just lock it in.

And, that's what you pay per month.

Another thing that was a value was they could

feel like it's collaboration between us.

We want them to be successful.

It's a win-win, if they grow, we grow,

and not feel like if I call my accountant

they're going to charge me money.

And, so, I think value pricing is a game changer.

- So, it's a huge win-win.

It's a win for the client that we turn into a budgeted item,

and it's a win for us because we

are rewarded for our efficiencies.

[banjo music playing]

For more infomation >> Why Value Pricing is a Win/Win for Accountants and Clients - Duration: 1:24.


Get Involved to Grow Your Business - Duration: 1:39.

- I think you learn a lot about who you are individually

as well as your business when you get out

and you start giving back.

[upbeat music]

I am Kim Hornsby, Founder and CEO

of Singletrack Bookkeeping.

We provide automated cloud accounting for small businesses

in resort towns and in the travel and adventure industry.

And this includes Wheels, a small local bike shop.

It became important to us to participate in the community

from a personal standpoint.

And what we found was every time we go out and participate

in events or sponsor a race, we realized that it was

giving us back as much as we put in.

Closing the laptop lid and walking outside of your

home office and going downtown

and stopping in to the bike shop and bringing a pizza

or stopping at the river fest or the farmer's market

and just seeing people that you're doing business with

online but seeing them for a moment in person

and you recreate that bond.

And certainly you can't always do that physically,

but there's even a way to do that in the virtual world.

And I can't tell you the tremendous feedback

that we had by just even making a phone call

and saying, "How's it going?

"Is there something that's painful to you right now

"that maybe we might have a solution for?"

And we customized some services based on that feedback

and people really thanked us for reaching out.

So there are plenty of ways you can still be

a 100% cloud business.

I'm the biggest fan of cloud business,

but there's still a real world person to person connection

that can be made.

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