Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 20 2017

♪ The Legendary Grief - In The Trap ♪



*A prison for especially dangerous criminals*

Fire breaks out as the grief in the building will be included

You blundered,and we are ready to make a great show

Fire breaks out,the rich Noobs completely in tears

The Admin did not understand what will not remain even ashes!

To beg the Legend difficult,o may God what is he?

Pity cause it is impossible,those who are against at the moment will die!

Legendary for Grief in the case and the subject of every bully

The cops instantly came down,but the outcome is you know yourself!

Do not care

what kind of trouble behind...

You better run

if you don't get it with us!

Over the horizon there are tons of traps and TNT

But we have fun circling the head and let the chaos along the way!

All together and not scary to us...

Their plans fail,the Administrator immediately...







There is censorship because the kids see the plate is not worth it

Begin the plan of the Tornado,chubby Notch unhappy

Take any money because I the nerve to do it enough

Go on the offensive,the fight leads you Grief daddy!

The cops fly off the track once,twice.three,four,five

Anti-Griefers in the team immediately,but then they face the sadness

Oh my God what the hell?Server at pieces of the whole

Worse cyberattacks because of the Legendary gang is here!

Do not care

what kind of trouble behind...

You better run

if you don't get it with us!

Over the horizon there are tons of traps and TNT

But we have fun circling the head and let the chaos along the way!

All together and not scary to us...

Their plans fail,the Administrator immediately...








For more infomation >> IN THE TRAP - Legendary Griefer | Minecraft Parody of Ain't My Fault Zara Larsson - Duration: 3:26.


Меламиновая губка в действии. - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Меламиновая губка в действии. - Duration: 2:32.


புஷ்பவனம் குப்புசாமியின் உண்மையான மகள் யார் தெரியுமா ?Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News| Tamil News - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> புஷ்பவனம் குப்புசாமியின் உண்மையான மகள் யார் தெரியுமா ?Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News| Tamil News - Duration: 1:34.


Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse 250d XL 190pk Automaat Avantgarde Leer-Nav-Camera - Hartman tunning Dubbelcab - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse 250d XL 190pk Automaat Avantgarde Leer-Nav-Camera - Hartman tunning Dubbelcab - Duration: 1:01.


L'OURS BENJAMIN - La chasse aux fantômes 👻 - Duration: 22:36.

For more infomation >> L'OURS BENJAMIN - La chasse aux fantômes 👻 - Duration: 22:36.


Spanischer V-Mann Absender enttarnt: Brisante Handy-Nachrichten an Anis Amri - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Spanischer V-Mann Absender enttarnt: Brisante Handy-Nachrichten an Anis Amri - Duration: 3:27.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 20 EKİM 2017 | 24 SPOR GECESİ GS GÜNDEMİ TEK PARÇA | HALUK YÜREKLİ&GÖKHAN DİNÇ Youtube - Duration: 38:02.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 20 EKİM 2017 | FUTBOL A' GS GÜNDEMİ TEK PARÇA | KEREM İNAN & AYKUT İNCE | Youtube - Duration: 25:10.


Hành trình từ một nhân viên phục vụ đến khi là Trùm Mafia Nhật Bản - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Hành trình từ một nhân viên phục vụ đến khi là Trùm Mafia Nhật Bản - Duration: 10:11.


上北 健「マイセルフ」[Audio] - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 上北 健「マイセルフ」[Audio] - Duration: 4:18.


5 choses à savoir sur CLARA HUGUES! - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> 5 choses à savoir sur CLARA HUGUES! - Duration: 2:13.


(AT) Putinova reč na diskusii Valdajského klubu - Duration: 3:44:32.

For more infomation >> (AT) Putinova reč na diskusii Valdajského klubu - Duration: 3:44:32.


Kman夾娃娃 兩種冰霸杯夾法一次滿足,快來學習如何夾冰霸杯!。UFOキャッチャー#142 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 兩種冰霸杯夾法一次滿足,快來學習如何夾冰霸杯!。UFOキャッチャー#142 - Duration: 3:34.


Как скачать оригинальные ISO образы Windows 10, 8, 7 (x64, x32 бита) 📀💻 🛠️ - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Как скачать оригинальные ISO образы Windows 10, 8, 7 (x64, x32 бита) 📀💻 🛠️ - Duration: 4:48.


5 things I learned from being broke for almost 2 years! - Duration: 6:05.

Hi I am Maurice Kok author of the book 'The Journey of an Ascended Master' and in

this video I'm going to share with you the five things that I've learned while

being broke for almost two years so stay tuned

before I am going to give you the five things that I've learned from these almost two years that I've been broke I

want to tell you that being broke has more definitions for me the definition

was being on a zero level graining some money spend it all graining some money

spent it all graining money spent it all and I think almost two years ago or

something I went to Hawaii spend all my money there and started the life to

really getting to know myself to really live in the now moment and I used my

bank account with zero to you get this all happen

the first thing that I learned to, when it was on the zero balance was live

in a now moment don't worry about today don't forget regret yesterday but be

here and now you cannot think about tomorrow if you have nothing you cannot

think about yesterday when you have nothing because the only thing that you

can do is being 100% in the now moment and asking yourself over and over and

over what do I need now or do I want now

the second thing that I learned was if you are in a now moment whatever you

need whatever you want is here in a now when I was on 0 and I lived in a now

moment when I was hungry it showed up when I wanted to do something it showed

up the third thing is be open to more possibilities than just money like I

told you it showed up it doesn't show always open enough money to buy whatever

you want but it can also show up in someone passing by and giving you

whatever you need giving you food not because they feel sorry not because you

asked them to it but they shared out of love because they react on your energy

from that moment on that specific time

do whatever you love to do in the beginning I was searching for ways to

grant money I was searching searching to place myself in places where I probably

could make some money but at the end this all turned out I didn't love what I

was doing I was just doing it for the money and what happened was that I

created tremendous opportunities but I didn't feel it I didn't want it real so

I opened some doors and then closed themselves people forget me people

didn't respond it's like there was no opportunity that I was going to make it

in there because every time that I was focusing in that direction because I was

doing it for the money I lost myself in the now moment so I just step that out in our

moment and the whole magic was gone and when

you do the things that you love like what I'm doing now enjoy being in a now

moment it doesn't matter what you want it doesn't matter what you need it

doesn't matter where it comes from it is all here in a now moment if you really

want it and if you want it for yourself and the last thing that I learned from

being broke for almost two years is that I am the most important I have to think

about what I want I have to think about what I need and I have only to think

about what I desire not really think about but you know what I mean it you

should choose for yourself and for nobody else this is one of the hardest

things was one of the hardest things for me but I am the most important and so I

you for yourself if you have another tip what you learned from being broke please

share them below so we can learn from each other and if you like my video or I

helped you out with something or you want to help me out like my video share

my video and don't forget to subscribe because I'm going to share much more in

the upcoming years so stay tuned

For more infomation >> 5 things I learned from being broke for almost 2 years! - Duration: 6:05.


Principal responds as petition to extend early lunch period collects hundreds of signatures - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Principal responds as petition to extend early lunch period collects hundreds of signatures - Duration: 4:47.


Popular Animated Kids Series | EARS (कान) – Big Block – Episode 17 | Shemaroo Kids Hindi - Duration: 2:18.

I have a special talent

I hear what no one hears

It's probably because I have especially fancy ears

When I hear loud sounds, they're very loud

When I hear quiet sounds, they're also pretty loud

Either way, I'm always proud

Of my ears

And these are the sounds that my ears hear

Now listen

Do you hear the sound? The sound of Crickets?

They're chirping in the forest

I can not ignore this

The sound of crickets

These are the sounds that my ears hear

Aren't my ears handsome?

I mean seriously handsome

Sometimes ears are big

Sometimes ears are small

Sometimes ears are floppy

If they're floppy don't trip on them you'll fall

I love how mine are Wiggly

I love how mine are round

But the most important thing of all

Is how my ears help me hear sounds

Okay !! Here we go

I hear the sound of creaking trees

I hear the sound of buzzing bees

I hear a frog with squeaky knees

I even hear a conversation going on with fleas

Mmmm Mmm hmm

These are the sounds that my ears hear

For more infomation >> Popular Animated Kids Series | EARS (कान) – Big Block – Episode 17 | Shemaroo Kids Hindi - Duration: 2:18.


Мясной пирог открытый из слоеного теста, курицы и бекона - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Мясной пирог открытый из слоеного теста, курицы и бекона - Duration: 1:43.


ஆண் குழந்தை பெற்றெடுக்காததால் கணவர் மனைவியை என்ன செய்தார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> ஆண் குழந்தை பெற்றெடுக்காததால் கணவர் மனைவியை என்ன செய்தார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood - Duration: 1:43.


GE2401 T02 GP6 Harry, Jimmy, Kevin - Duration: 8:53.

Sleep Debt

as known as Sleep Deprivation

You probably heard of it before

but how much do you know about it?

Dr Dinges from the University of Pennsylvania reported that

most scientific researchers refer Sleep Debt to

increased pressure for sleep that results from an inadequate amount of

physiologically normal sleep over multiple days

Sleep debt can be dreadful

In 1986, space shuttle Challenger exploded and all 7 crew members were killed

The Presidential Commission admitted the danger of sleep deprivation

in its report, writing that, "The willingness of NASA employees, in general

to work excessive hours, while admirable

raises serious questions when it jeopardizes job performance

particularly when critical management decisions are at stake

Well, I am not an astronaut so this is not of my business

You cannot escape from that

Harvard Health Publishing in 2007 pointed out that

sleep debt results in physical and mental fatigue

which could adversely affect health, work performance and decision making ability

Sleep-deprived individuals tends to suffer from mood problems like

distress, anxiety, low in work engagement and poor concentration

Most importantly, sleep debt could take your life

Researchers at the University of Warwick believe that

sleep- deprived people have greater risk of early death

due to higher chance of obesity, stroke and coronary heart disease


So I may need to take some sleep for my life

In fact, not just Harry need some sleep

every one in Hong Kong need much more sleep

The seriousness of sleep debt in Hong Kong has been addressed

in a survey conducted in 2003 by The University of Hong Kong

The report stated that " almost the entire working populace is sleep deprived

92% of the local work force experienced symptoms of sleep deprivation

and the average daily sleeping of the respondents was around 7.15 hours

Moving to 2016

a survey conducted by Thomas Isaac from Intuit Research reported that Moving to 2016

a survey conducted by Thomas Isaac from Intuit Research reported that

HK ranks last among 15 places in Asia in a recent healthy living index

and the average daily sleeping was down to 6.5 hours

Meanwhile, they spend 3.7 hours online

With the decrease in sleep hours,and increase in time spent online

is there any relationship between back-lit electronic devices and sleep?

As Hong Kong people lack enough sleep

is there a sign of sleep debt among Hong Kong university students?

Most importantly

does the use of back-lit electronic devices at nighttime causes sleep debt?

Let's see the way how we investigate these questions.

Firstly, we conducted a questionnaire survey

in the first part of the questionnaire

the Epworth sleepiness survey was employed

to study the daytime sleepiness tendency among local university students

and to evaluate whether they have enough sleep

The second part will investigate their technology use

at nighttime, and sleeping hours

We got 29 returned questionnaires in total

Then an experiment was conducted to examine whether

high and low usage of electronic devices at nighttime will affect their sleep

The sample size of the experiment was 14

and each participant was requested to use their electronic device before they sleep for 3 days

then the other 3 days not to use it before they go to sleep

After that, we interviewed them to find the

difference of their sleep quality in the two different settings

In the first part of the questionnaire

with reference to the Epworth Sleepiness Scale

Scoring 1 - 6 means you're getting enough sleep

Scoring 7 - 8 means your condition is fine

but should be alert to the amount of sleep you have

Scoring 9 or above means you're very sleepy at daytime and should seek medical advice

After computed the score of each individual respondent based on the returned questionnaires

we found the highest score was 19

and the lowest score was 4

66% of respondents have scored higher than 9

it means they are very sleepy and need medical advice

20% of respondents have scores below or equal to 6

which indicates that only very few respondents have enough sleep

And the mean score of the whole sample size is 11

it is revealed that there is a trend of insufficient sleep among university students

From the second part of the questionnaire

we've discovered that near 80% of respondents prefer using electronic devices before they sleep

and using smartphone is the most preferable entertainment before sleep among the respondents

Less than half of the respondent have enough sleep of 6 - 8 hours and go to bed before 12:00 midnight

Also, around 69% of respondents thinks that

lack of enough sleep influences their performance at daytime

For the result of the experiment

comparison between 2 settings are observable

The time spend on their electronic devices is more than they predicted

and cause them generally go to bed late

And if the participants used the electronic devices at nighttime before sleep

they usually take more than 15 minutes to fall asleep

After falling asleep some of them wake up 2-3 times at midnight

In contrast, they can often fall asleep in less than 15 minutes

when they are free with electronic devices

None of them wake up frequently while sleeping

After integrating all the data

it is observed that there is a tendency of insufficient

sleep and wide use of electronic devices

before sleep among Hong Kong University students

We can also see that the participants need more time

to fall asleep when they use the devices before sleep

Our participants are also very likely to use the electronic devices

with more time than they expected and

Delaying the regular sleep time plus increasing time to fall asleep make people sleep less

University of Florida Health reported that a research conducted in Norway 2012

discovered that people who spend more time on online activities

with electronic devices before sleep would tend to have less sleeping hours

Besides,some of the participants would wake up at midnight and their sleep are interrupted

According to the journal SLEEP, this kind of sleep is inefficient for body to rest

and is observed that participants have a lower sleep quality

if they use electronic devices before sleep

In fact, researchers have correlated the effects of using electronic devices with the cause of sleep debt

USC Center for Work & Family Life explain that light emitted from small electronic devices

is sufficiently enough to miscue the brain and promote wakefulness at night

Other induced effects like decreased level of sleep-promoting hormone, and delayed bedtime

due to increased alertness also contributes to sleep debt

These scientific research explain why the use of electronic devices could lead to sleep debt

Our research also reveals a tendency that

students with a higher degree usage of electronic devices at nighttime tend to suffer from poor sleep quality

We may conclude that the use of electronic devices before nighttime

is the cause of sleep debt problem among Hong Kong university students

Shakespeare said

"O sleep, O gentle sleep, nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee"

Another 16th century writer Thomas Dekker also said

"Golden slumbers kiss your eyes, Smiles awake you when you rise."

People in the past already knew the importance of sleep

It is always good to have a nice sleep

We discovered that using electronic devices right before sleeping is bad in 2 aspects

One is reducing our sleep time

Second is reducing our sleep quality

As a result, we sleep less and sleep poor

and eventually lead to sleep debt

Of course playing electronic devices before the end of one day

can get you a bit of joy

but like a Old Chinese saying goes

you win one candy

then you lose the whole factory

Is it worth it?

For more infomation >> GE2401 T02 GP6 Harry, Jimmy, Kevin - Duration: 8:53.


Đôi nam nữ dàn cảnh tiếp thị để trộm, bị hàng loạt camera ghi hình - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Đôi nam nữ dàn cảnh tiếp thị để trộm, bị hàng loạt camera ghi hình - Duration: 2:25.


Bad Baby Mickey Mouse and Baby Minnie Make Up Funny Prank w/ Mommy | Mickey Cartoons for Childrens - Duration: 11:47.

Bad Baby Mickey Mouse and Baby Minnie Make Up Funny Prank w/ Mommy | Mickey Cartoons for Childrens

Thanks for watching my videos. Please share my video and i have new video, you don't forget subscribe me!! Have a nice day!!

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Mickey Mouse and Baby Minnie Make Up Funny Prank w/ Mommy | Mickey Cartoons for Childrens - Duration: 11:47.


North Korea finally CRACKS and sends begging letter to MORTAL ENEMY - Duration: 3:30.

North Korea finally CRACKS and sends begging letter to MORTAL ENEMY

The rogue state posted the "desperate" letter to the Australian Government, begging them to turn their back on the United States.

The bizarre open letter – published by Fairfax – was sent to Oz via North Korea's embassy in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta and comes just days after North Korea threatened the country with war.

It says the North's Foreign Committee "bitterly condemns the reckless remarks of Trump as an intolerable insult to the Korean people, a declaration of war against the DPRK and a grave threat to the global peace. It goes on: "From the first day of his office, Trump has engaged himself in highhanded and arbitrary practice, scrapping international laws and agreements incurring his displeasure on the 'US-first principle', the height of American way of thinking that is best if the US is well-off at the expense of the whole world.

"If Trump thinks that he would bring the DPRK, a nuclear power, to its knees through nuclear war threat, it will be a big miscalculation and an expression of ignorance..

The letter then claims the United States cooked up the illegal sanctions resolution against the DPRK to deny the elementary right to existence of the Korea people and check their normal economic development in breach of the inviolable UN charter by abusing the UN Security Council.

" It concludes: "The Foreign Affairs Committee of the DPRK SPA takes this opportunity to express belief that the parliaments of different countries loving independence, peace and justice will fully discharge their due mission and duty in realising the desire of mankind for international justice and peace with sharp vigilance against the heinous and reckless moves of the Trump administration trying to drive the world into a horrible nuclear disaster.

Officials in Australia have described the letter as a clear sign the Kim Jong-un's country is becoming desperate after a raft of sanctions were placed on it. Julie Bishop, Australia's Foreign Minister, described the correspondence as "unprecedented".

She said: "This is an unprecedented step for North Korea to send a letter directly to another government in this way.

"It's not the way the usually publish their global messages." Explaining it is a clear sign North Korea could be forced to get back around the negotiating table, she added: "I see it as a positive sign.".

For more infomation >> North Korea finally CRACKS and sends begging letter to MORTAL ENEMY - Duration: 3:30.


Disney ALICE Make-up (with CC subs) | Heizle - Duration: 9:49.

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(A Popular Request, Disney Princess Makeup)

Hello, everyone. This is Heizle.

I've prepared a Disney princess' makeup

which was greatly requested from the Harry Potter video.

A lot of you requested me to do a series of makeups

of Disney princesses and female characters in "Harry Potter".

So I've mixed some of those requests today.

I'll show you the makeup

of Alice who seems to get sentimental in autumn.

It's done with my favorite beauty products I use for autumn.

I'll use the same exact products used for the Harry Potter video.

I just slightly changed up the method of my makeup.

Shall we start and transform into Alice with the autumn blues?

Amazing makeup tips from Heizle Amazing webtoons from KakaoPage

My favorite cushion compact starts off the makeup.

Whenever I go out, this compact always stays in my makeup bag

and follows me around the whole day like my best friend.

The color is so pretty, and it's moist when I apply it on my face,

but the finishing touch is still dry and smooth.

Besides, I can apply a thin layer of foundation, and it lasts long.

So I cannot go about my day without this particular product.

I'll stamp the foundation in places I always mention.

I will gently tap it as I leave a thin layer of the foundation.

For today's theme, I wanted to make my skin look like a doll's.

I'll finish by applying powder on my entire face to make it matte.

Here's my very first favorite product, the eyebrow pencil.

The best eyebrow pencil is the Micro Slim Brow Pencil.

Draw straight eyebrows which don't look different

from the shape of my eyebrows.

I'll fix the rest of the eyebrows with the screw brush.

Whenever I use the product for the shading,

the name of the brand makes me feel my face is going on a diet.

The name of the shading is Diet Cookie.

Brush the nose and the tip of it to give a raised look of it

like the princesses' noses.

Amazing makeup tips from Heizle Amazing webtoons from KakaoPage

Let's contour the face into a V-shaped face like the doll's.

All right. I'm moving onto the eye makeup.

I'll use the same makeup products used for the Harry Potter video.

This is the palette I'm using daily these days.

It's perfect for fall as the red brown color is less saturated.

I'm really loving this palette these days.

See the pink brown color without pearl located right here?

I'll apply this extensively on my eye lids and lower lash lines.

Brush this cool color of shimmery red burgundy eyeshadow

on the inner area of your eyelids,

but apply it generously to blend the boundary.

And fix the triangular zone to be big and fill it in.

Afterward, brush this matte, deep chocolate brown eyeshadow

on the outer lids and blend it into the triangular zone.

Let's contour the eyes by applying it on the inner lids.

I'm starting to look like Alice with seasonal blues of autumn.

When you watch cartoons from Disney, princesses' eyes

are abnormally big compared to the size of their heads.

And they are brimful and gleaming.

Even though I'm only a human being, in order to resemble them,

I'm going to use a lot of glitters.

I'll radiate with glitters.

First off, this is my favorite glitter these days I use daily.

Get the glitters which have the color of persimmon on your hands.

Dab the glitters extensively on the middle lids.

Amazing makeup tips from Heizle Amazing webtoon from KakaoPage

Oh, my. This is one of my favorite steps.

Whenever I post photos after applying it on lower lash lines,

everyone asks me about the product.

This is the glitter eyeliner from Urban Decay.

Previously, I introduced you the gold glitters.

Because I found it so pretty, I recently bought the pink one.

So I'm going to utilize both of them.

I'll start applying pink glitters from outer lower lash line

to all the way to the inner lower lash line.

And I'll apply a bit of gold glitters only on the inner part

to make the inner corners of my eyes look bright.

Goodness, aren't these glitters amazing? They're so pretty.

Before we use our eyeliner, let's curl our lashes.

Curl the lashes all the way up as we must look like a doll today.

To avoid making the lines stand out,

and to make the eyes look round and innocent,

draw out the lines slanting down with a brown pencil eyeliner.

My eyes must be bigger.

Let's draw the lines on the inner corners to make them look bigger.

Today, I'll use a mascara for the upper eyelashes

and put on false eyelashes for the lower eyelashes.

First, brush the upper lashes with the mascara several times

to make the lashes look curly and likes the ones of a doll.

The lower lashes play an important role

in making my eye makeup look like the doll's.

So I'll apply false lower lashes which I don't usually use.

After you put the whole false lashes, attach them tightly.

Amazing makeup tips from Heizle Amazing webtoons from KakaoPage

What do you think?

My eyes look like the doll's as lower lashes' shape is the same.

Finally, we'll use our blusher.

In order to make my makeup look girly,

I'll put a lot of effort into applying my blusher today.

Ta-da. Look at these stylishly-packaged blushers.

Don't these gradient colors

look like they'll paint our cheeks like watercolor paintings?

I'll use coral and pure peach blush, Cheer Gradation Cheek.

You can adjust the color however you want

to make your cheeks look three-dimensional.

I'm going to cover the lower lash lines

and the center of my cheeks with the bright colors on the blusher.

It's important you start from right underneath the eyes.

Brush the center of your cheeks with the darker colors here.

Then your makeup will look girlish like Alice's.

When you mix these two colors and apply them on your cheeks,

you can look like a blushing girl.

It's a blusher I can freely pick colors thanks to gradient colors.

My last step, the lips.

I'm in love with the combination of these two products.

It's the best combination of colors for the eye makeup.

Apply this coral pink product lightly and smudge it.

After that, dab this matte, burgundy-colored lip product

on the inner parts. And you're done!

Amazing makeup tips from Heizle Amazing webtoons from KakaoPage

Ta-da. I styled my hair like Hermione.

But my makeup and outfit are Alice's.

I'm holding Lumiere from "Beauty and the Beast".

I don't get the combination of all these,

but anyhow, I finished the makeup of Alice feeling blues in autumn.

Truth be told, the makeup looks prettier than my initial thought.

I really like this makeup as I look dreamy with the makeup.

And the outfit I'm wearing now.

I bought this from Japan.

I forgot to show it to you in the other video.

I bought it as it looks like Alice's outfit.

So I got to show it to you in this video.

How nice.

I tried to look like Alice just like the theme of the video.

I hope you guys like the makeup because I certainly do.

And thank you for enjoying my video as always.

Don't forget to like, subscribe, and allow notifications.

Please follow me on Instagram at heizlemakeup as well.

I'll see you again in my next video.

Have fun with Heizle.

Goodbye. Bye.

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For more infomation >> Disney ALICE Make-up (with CC subs) | Heizle - Duration: 9:49.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


May'n、黒木啓司と"カバぱっくん"対決 - JN D - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> May'n、黒木啓司と"カバぱっくん"対決 - JN D - Duration: 3:20.


For more infomation >> May'n、黒木啓司と"カバぱっくん"対決 - JN D - Duration: 3:20.


EASPD Videoflash n°21: Technology in Barcelona; Meeting Bulgarian Authorities, Conference in Estonia - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> EASPD Videoflash n°21: Technology in Barcelona; Meeting Bulgarian Authorities, Conference in Estonia - Duration: 3:03.


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Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA - Duration: 0:58.

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taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 by yt entertainment

taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 by yt entertainment

taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 by yt entertainment

taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 by yt entertainment

taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 by yt entertainment taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 by yt entertainment commonly abbreviated as SF or スト (Suto), is a fighting video game franchise developed and published by Capcom. The second game in the series is credited with establishing many of the conventions of the one-on-one fighting genre. The game's playable characters originate from different countries around the world, taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment.each with a unique fighting style. It is Capcom's third best-selling franchise behind Resident Evil and Monster taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment.Hunter, having sold 39 million copies worldwide.[2] The first game in the series was released in 1987, since then, five other main series games, as well as various spin-offs and crossovers, have been released.taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment. Street Fighter, designed by Takashi Nishiyama and Hiroshi Matsumoto, made its debut in arcades, in 1987.[3][4] In this game, taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment.the player takes control of martial artist Ryu, who competes in a worldwide martial arts tournament, spanning five countries and 10 opponents. A second player can join in at any time and take control of Ryu's American rival, Ken.taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment. taekwondo street fight 2017 girl kung fu fight by yt entertainment.The player can perform three types of punch and kick attacks, each varying in speed and strength, and three special attacks: the Hadouken, Shoryuken, and Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. These are performed by executing special button combinations with the controls.[5]taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment. taekwondo girl street fight 2017 kung fu fight by yt entertainment.Street Fighter was ported to many popular home computer systems of the time, like the PC. In 1988, it was released on the NEC Avenue TurboGrafx-CD console under the name Fighting Street.[6] Street Fighter was also later included in Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed for the PlayStation Portable and Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. Street Fighter II: The World Warrior was released in 1991, and was the first true sequel to the original Street Fighter. This release followed an unsuccessful attempt to brand the 1989 beat 'em up game Final Fight and the officially commissioned spin-off Human Killing Machine as Street Fighter sequels.[7][8] It was one of the earliest arcade games for Capcom's CP System hardware Street Fighter II is the first one-on-one fighting game to give players a choice from a variety of player characters with different moves. The choice of multiple available characters allows for more varied matches. In this game, each player character had a unique fighting style with approximately 30 or more moves, including then-new grappling moves and throws, as well as two or three special attacks per character. In the single-player mode, the player's chosen character is pitted sequentially against the seven other main characters before confronting the final four boss opponents, who consist of CPU-controlled characters not selectable by the player. As in the original, a second player could join in at any point during single player mode and compete against the other player in competitive matches. Timeline of release years 1987 Street Fighter. 1988 1989 1990 1991 Street Fighter II 1992 1993 1994 1995 Street Fighter Alpha 1996 Street Fighter EX 1997 Street Fighter III 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Street Fighter IV 2009 2010 2011 2012 Street Fighter X Tekken 2013 2014 2015 2016 Street Fighter V The original Japanese version of Street Fighter II introduced an African-American boxer boss character, sharing the physical characteristics and likeness of real-life boxer Mike Tyson. In order to avoid a likeness infringement lawsuit from Tyson, Capcom rotated the names of three of the boss characters for international versions of the game.[10] The final boss, named Vega in the Japanese version, was given the M. Bison name, the talon-wielding Spanish warrior, named Balrog in the Japanese version, was renamed Vega, and the boxer became Balrog.taekwondo girl street fight 2017 girl kung fu fight by yt entertainment. Taekwondo Best Kicks Taekwondo Round kicks KO Best Knockouts Compilations 2013 taekwondo vs mma taekwondo vs karate taekwondo vs kickboxing taekwondo vs boxing taekwondo vs street fighter taekwondo vs jiu jitsu taekwondo vs muay thai the most epic knockouts (KO) Round kick tutorial Best Taekwondo kicks taekwondo olympics knockouts

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