Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 3 2017

Okay now let's go down



whatt theeeee

okay, always use "backward" button (S) to climb down the stairs.. -.-


at last!




so far so good

and this is not good...............


okay, let's just try to reconnect the trailer :D easy huh




cmonnn, please reconnecttt, cmonnn


okay, here we go again, stupid AI





im quitting this game.

For more infomation >> GTA V - "Scouting the Port" went failed! - Duration: 2:52.


ELC Legends Series 2017 - směr Hamburk - Duration: 5:17.

Rider of the bus didn't know where he was going, so we got lost twice during the journey.

and we had to navigate him, because he didn't know where he was going.

We're playing in the uptown of Hamburg, the tournament is being played in an industrial zone in a hall.

There's a truck placed in the hall, called Big Betty,

which is a folding gaming arena

with a stage, and it does look really cool.

We arrived first, shooting session and everything is already done.

We are ready to play our first match against Euronics Gaming.

Koukali jsme se na eXtatus, ale nemáme o jejich hře moc informací,

takže je tu trochu strach, že příjdou s něčím neobvyklým.

Ale doufáme, že naše macro hra bude dost dobrá na to, aby i když budeme prohrávat zezačátku, tak abychom byli schopni nakonec vyhrát.

So we lost against Euronics, we got a bit stomped.

Our botlane was having quite a good game, but we failed to play around midlane and toplane

because they pressured us a lot and we lost a lot in there.

Because of toplane and midlane they started to control midgame,

they started to over-rotate us, and then they killed Baron.

Since that they just stomped us and split-pushed.

The next time we need to play more around top and mid and I think that we can fix it for the upcoming games.

I think that the next game, against BulldogeSports, we can win and continue in the tournament.

Stomped them!

And how did that happen?

Well, we won earlygame, made some mistakes on mid, but we kept it under control and won.

Just played against Euronics again, unfortunately we lost.

It was quite a clean game from them, but still managed to gain some experience.

The biggest problem was that they started pressuring us and we had 3 losing matchups.

They even stole our raptors on level 1, so they were basically ahead just because of that.

Then we misscalled teleport from Jayce, he did clean it there, they were far too ahead already and they had siege composition, so we had a problem in surviving that.

Then they just came and ended it.

I'm quite happy about my performance against the other toplaner, and I think that...

It will be better next time!

For more infomation >> ELC Legends Series 2017 - směr Hamburk - Duration: 5:17.


小小氰化物:自衛 - Self Defense - Cyanide & Happiness Minis [中文標題] - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> 小小氰化物:自衛 - Self Defense - Cyanide & Happiness Minis [中文標題] - Duration: 0:57.


End of the Trail Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 36:21.

For more infomation >> End of the Trail Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 36:21.


End of the Trail Final Thoughts - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> End of the Trail Final Thoughts - Duration: 8:44.


"The Wonderful Thing About Pinkies" MLP/Disney Baby Comic - Duration: 0:43.

fun fun fun fun

The wonderful thing about Pinkies (fun!)

Pinkies are wonderful things (fun!)

Their tops are super fluffy (fun!)

Their bottoms are full of spring (fun!)

They're bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy fun fun fun fun fun!

but the most wonderful thing about Pinkies is I'm

fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun (get the idea?)

Not the only one... hehe...heh (various funs!)


I need you to get rid of the clones!

But not me! I'm not a clone; I'm not!

I'm a Tigger! No... I'm a Pinkie, but I'm a Tigger Pinkie

But that means I'm the real Pinkie because I'm a Tigger Pinkie...

Get it?


For more infomation >> "The Wonderful Thing About Pinkies" MLP/Disney Baby Comic - Duration: 0:43.


[Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Edge of 17 | EP.8 [5/5] - Duration: 10:45.

Here you go.

Thank you.


you are quite hot too.

What are you talking about?

The hearts on your shirt.

Help me peel them off.

It's embarrassing.


Other people will know that

you are wanted too.

I am wanted

because I'm lovely.

But someone can not see that.

I'm speechless now.

Come on.

I was just kidding.

I know.

I understand.


I know that you wouldn't think of me

more than a friend.

Why do you still like me?

They say,

the best moment is that

when you have a crush on someone.

And it's really crazy

the moment

you are in love.

But when you hear the answer,

you can just count down for the end.

Do you think it's true?



if the answer is not what you want to hear.

It hurts.


my wound is still fresh.

Drink this to heal it.

You are so mean.

I hope you don't get any rose

during the Valentine's day


Hey, are you jinxing me?

By the way, why do you want to see me here?



wants to see you.

You don't like me back.

And you are trying to hook me up

with someone else.


he's not just someone else.

Well then.

I should leave you two alone.

Happy Valentine's Day, Peach.


I was wrong.

I never care about your feelings.

I'm a bad boyfriend too.

I admit that I'm a bad boy.


a bad boyfriend.

But I do love you.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Thank you, In.


Can I refuse to accept it?


Do you know what it means?

But I like you.


you are a good friend.

That's how I always think of you.

Can I be more than just a friend?

I don't think it's a good idea, In.

You have someone

that you like?



can I ask you something?

Why do you like me?


You are the type of girl that I like.

What type?

I don't know.


who knows what you like to eat

or not like to eat.

Someone who….

makes you worried sick

when she is disappearing.

Someone whom…

you are always curious what she is doing.

Someone who makes you mad

if you know she has read your message

but doesn't text back.

Someone whom

you can't wait to share

when you get something new.

Someone whom you feel relaxed with

when she's around.

Am I that person to you?

Do you mean…

I just want you to think carefully

what you really feel.

So you don't regret later.

But thank you

for having good feelings for me.

But being friends is best for us.

Do you want to clear this up with her?


Stop pretending to be a good girl.

Everyone knows that

you are pretending to be innocent.

What have I done to you?

What on earth is wrong with you?

Oh, Copper's fangirls are teaming up against Peach

at the tutoring place.

Hurry up.

Hattakorn, you are next.

I ask you…

what you really think of Sun?

If it's not going to be possible,

you better let me go my way.

But I still want to have you

with me as before.

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Edge of 17 | EP.8 [5/5] - Duration: 10:45.


GALATASARAY | Dursun ÖZBEK: "Rehavete kapılmamalıyız" | Youtube - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Dursun ÖZBEK: "Rehavete kapılmamalıyız" | Youtube - Duration: 2:52.


Explore With Us: Owning Your Future - Duration: 1:45.

The reality is that when we started DRL, the technology to do professional drone racing simply didn't exist.

So, we had to create it all from scratch.

In order to be here and have this drone

and to be at this competition took more than a few late nights,

it's a constant struggle, and tears and blood and I think we're just,

you know at the tip of the iceberg of what's possible.

Really there not a lot of rule books,

you can't go find an instruction manual and sit down and build something,

it's really up to you.

Sort of start from scratch to really push forward and, you know,

invent new things you just have to grit your teeth

and know that taking a first step and taking a leap

with what you believe in is the right thing.

I raced for about a year and a half or so before I got a call from DRL

to come join and my life has changed ever since.

The events got bigger and bigger, I won a few big named events

and DRL called me out and here I am today.

And then I got picked up by some sponsors and they started sending me to races

and eventually it led me here, the world championship at DRL.

So, I pretty much from the point where I'm either out practicing,

fixing drones or doing school work.

Last year in our series the winner of championship got a six-figure contract

to be the world's first true professional drone pilot.

And it was an incredible moment for me to watch these pilots sign what was probably

the first autograph they've ever signed in their entire life.

And you could see the look of recognition on their face that

this was probably a very different phase of their lives.

The fight just becomes day-to-day,

and gritting your teeth and looking forward just becomes just, you know, habit.

That's really what it takes to make things amazing in the world.

For more infomation >> Explore With Us: Owning Your Future - Duration: 1:45.


Explore With Us: Origins & Risks - Duration: 2:35.

You know in life you live and you die.

Risk is a part of living and it's a part of being a human.

Without it, you know, you really can't go anywhere.

The first time I started drone racing was in early 2015 and it was a field behind a home depo in Long Island

and I just thought it was one of the most interesting and unique sports I've ever seen.

You're talking about an object the size of a dinner plate

going at 80 miles an hour down the hallway of the building.

For me I saw this and fell in love.

I saw someone online about four, five years ago in Australia flying a drone at speed with goggles.

When you put the goggles on and you're flying you become one with this craft,

you forget that you're on the ground.

My goal, was to see if we could find a way to take it to the mainstream,

we decided to take the risk and see if we could build it.

I quit my job, I started a company, risk can be scary,

but also very rewarding when you push for it, and earn it.

Drone racing kinda just started as a hobby.

I saw a really cool YouTube video of some guys in France,

ripping through a forest and I immediately went out and got a drone.

It was something I did with my friends in the backyard.

I found quickly that there were other people who were doing it in a competitive manner.

It was just for fun, I was out filming my friend racing motor cross,

I never thought I would be a professional career.

It's hard to imagine the impact this has had on people who for a long time were meeting up in fields,

in parking lots with their home built drones to pursue their hobby,

are suddenly professional athletes competing on a global stage.

At first it was a lot of doubt,

like yeah okay we'll see and then you start travelling overseas,

and people start seeing winnings coming in

and they are just proud, and it's a really cool feeling,

and I'm proud to be here and they're all proud of me and it's a great feeling.

Realistically, there's not much you can win without taking risks.

And it's what you want to do so you're not watching TV,

you're not browsing the internet and it really takes a lot of time,

but it's all worth it, it's so rewarding.

The more times you can fail, the better you're going to get,

so if you fail a lot you're going to succeed, fast.

And we try and do that.

We find problems, we fix them, we pivot and we move forward.

And failing is just part of getting something done.

For more infomation >> Explore With Us: Origins & Risks - Duration: 2:35.


Goth Capsule Makeup Collection | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 7:32.

Hey, guys.

Welcome back.

I'm Courtney.

This is Phaedra, and Nyx is in the other room at the moment.

Before I jump into this video, I want to remind you to click the little subscribe button down

below so you don't miss out on seeing things from me or my poodles.

Today's video is a request from the PhyrraNyx Facebook group.

We were talking about capsule makeup collections in there, and I said that I would put together

a goth capsule makeup collection.

Now I feel like it needs to be said that you don't have to be pale to be goth.

This may come a shock to some people.

A lot of people who are goth are pale, but just as many are not.

Being pale is a goth stereotype and it's not really reflective of the culture at large.

So no matter what, you're going to need an eyeshadow primer.

I prefer Too Faced Shadow Insurance.

You can use any primer you like.

Urban Decay's Primer Potion is also great.

You also need a setting powder.

I like Milani's Prep + Set + Go setting powder.

I use this to set my eyeshadow and it can set my foundation.

I have oily hooded lids, but the rest of my skin is very, very dry so that is a great

product for me because it helps my eyeshadow to last longer and blend better.

Now on to eyeshadows.

So in my opinion for a goth capsule collection, you basically need ... At the minimum, you

need a matte black, a matte white, a matte red, and a matte purple.

I have all of these here in my GlamTech palette.

So this is my top row.

My bottom row colors are basically optional.

This is kind of like a deep gray taupe so you could use this to contour if you wanted

to do that.

This is a light like kind of beige color so you could use that as a transition or a blending

out color.

This is a light purple.

Also you could use it as a transition or blending out color.

This is an iridescent white with a blue shift so that could be a good highlight.

But basically with these four colors right here in the top row, you could do anything

you want.

I put this together with all Sugarpill colors.

That's Tako, Love+, Poison Plum, Bulletproof.

This is Castle on the Hill, Heart Shaped Cookie, Frostine, and Snow Angel.

Those would be my must-have colors and nice-to-have colors.

This would basically let you create any sort of gothic look that you want.

Now let's talk about lip pencils.

I think that there are basically two colors that you need.

You need a black lip pencil and a red lip pencil.

This is Kat Von D's X and this is Urban Decay's Perversion.

The reason that you need one of these two colors is that with a black, you can use it

under any color to deepen it and basically make it look more intense, any lipstick color.

With the red, it's basically a classic.

So let's talk lipsticks.

There are three colors that I think are a must-have for gothic lips.

One is a classic bright red.

I've chosen 714 by Urban Decay.

One is a classic black.

I chose Urban Decay's Perversion because this is my all-time favorite black lipstick.

The last color that I chose is Urban Decay's Heroine which is a deep blue.

Now what I love about having these lipsticks and these pencils is that you can basically

... Depending on which pencil you use, you're going to end up with a different color.

For example if you take the black lip pencil and use that to line and fill in your lips

and then put 714 on top and blend it out with a lip brush, you're going to end up with a

really, really deep blackened red shade.

So you have like a nice deep color.

If you use the red lip pencil and Heroine lipstick with a lip brush, you can mix the

two colors together with a lip brush to create a purple.

So you can mix the colors together to create a purple if you want.

With just those three lipsticks and those two pencils, you really have a lot of options.

I mean obviously of course if you want to have more lipsticks, I would be all for it,

but I was trying to really limit it.

The other lipstick color that I would recommend is Sugarpill's U4EA which is like my perfect

deep matte teal blue.

I love that color.

If you wanted an optional lip pencil, the one that I use all the time is Urban Decay


That's because it's a deep wine.

I'm actually wearing it today with Sugarpill's Strange Love lipstick.

Sugarpill's Strange Love lipstick was limited edition, but it's coming back.

If you have an interest in having the lip that I'm wearing which is awesome for fall

or for ... I think it's awesome really anytime because I love deep vampy red like shimmery


I would pick these two up.

Then you need eyeliner.

I would recommend a black pencil like Urban Decay's Perversion eye pencil and a gel liner

like Sigma Wicked because between the two, you can cover pretty much anything.

You can do graphic eyeliner with these.

You can basically use this to line your waterline, whatever you want.

You need a good foundation, so whatever foundation you're most comfortable with that works with

your skin.

I have very dry skin so the only foundation that I own that I don't have to mix white

into is Idun Minerals Norrsken Foundation in the Jorunn.

I love this foundation and think it's great, but it is definitely geared for dry skin like


If you have oily skin, I would recommend that you look at Kat Von D's Lock-It Foundation.

I love this foundation for oily skin, and I think it has a great shade range.

It has a ton of different colors.

I just personally find it difficult for me to wear because I have dry skin and it's not

geared for my skin type.

You also need a good concealer.

My favorite concealer is Kat Von D's Lock-It Concealer as you can see by my tube which

is like all scratched up from continued use.

I think this is an awesome concealer to use for anything around the face, under the eyes,

whatever you need.

It has a lot of pigmentation so a little goes a long way.

Now we mentioned in the eyeshadow colors that if you wanted to contour you could use the

Sugarpill shade Castle on the Hill.

Building on that if you want to highlight, I would recommend that you do one of two things.

I would either say pick up the Kat Von D Alchemist Palette which you can use these four colors

with all of your different eyeshadows to create more looks and highlight your face or you

can pick up a single highlighter like this.

This is Makeup Geek Celestial.

It is my all-time favorite highlighter.

It's what I'm wearing on my cheeks right now if you can see.

I think it gives me a beautiful highlight, but both of those products would be really

great for a capsule collection in my opinion.

If you are going to be going out clubbing and dancing, I would highly recommend that

you invest in a setting spray.

I love the Milani Make It Dewy Setting Spray for my dry skin.

I've heard great things about the Make It Last Setting Spray by Milani, but if you want

to go with the classic, Urban Decay's All Nighter is excellent.

It just works.

It works every single time.

It is an excellent product to invest in to keep your makeup sealed in.

Plus you can use it to foil eyeshadows which is how I often use it.

You also need a mascara.

I would recommend checking out like IT Cosmetics Superhero Mascara or Urban Decay Perversion


Or you could try something like Eyeko's Black Magic Mascara, just something that is going

to work with your lash type.

Now onto brows, I personally love Wunderbrow.

I think it is an excellent product.

You can use it to make your brows very bold and sweat-proof or you can kind of feather

it out for a softer look.

I use the shade Jet Black.

I think that's everything.

This is everything that I would use for a goth capsule makeup collection.

I find it fascinating that so many people really love this capsule concept.

Please be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

If you like this video and found it helpful, fun, entertaining, or informative, please

give it a thumbs up and share.

It really makes my day.

Thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Goth Capsule Makeup Collection | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 7:32.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 3 EKİM 2017 | SPOR AJANSI GS GÜNDEMİ #1 | KEREM İNAN & TANER KARAMAN | Youtube - Duration: 10:01.


Si vous mangez ces aliments communs vous avez de fortes chances d'avoir des vers dans le cerveau - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Si vous mangez ces aliments communs vous avez de fortes chances d'avoir des vers dans le cerveau - Duration: 7:01.


How to Draw a Cat - White on Black - Narrated - Duration: 3:42.

Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!

I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a cat.

Let´s begin by sketching the nose [laughter] ¨the nose¨ you can start

anywhere really.

Pick one spot and that will be your reference…

…and from there you build the rest.

In this case, I did the curve of the nose.

We are doing the kitty face, in profile

and as you see I´m drawing with white on black paper.

The list of materials is in the information below the video.

We drew the snout below the nose and down here some long hair.

It will be illuminated with a back light

so what we see is mainly the silhouette.

Here will be the part just below the eye. And we can do the eye with a curving

line which is almost a half circle.

The pencil I am using, by the way, is dry pastel, so it is like a chalk sort

of thing.

And it can be erased if need be.

Let´s draw a reflection on the upper part of the iris of the eye, and then some

of the fur of the ear, the head, and the neck.

On the neck it will be pretty long.

Since it is lit with a back light,

the hairs that go beyond the silhouette

are very illuminated.


Let´s do the lower part of the ear.

And then, I will make the eye just a little bit bigger, I think it should

be a little bit bigger, I just extend my half

circle a little bit.

I think this is a fairly simple drawing which took me, in real time,

about 25 minutes.

Which is much less than my usual tutorials that I usually take about

two or four hours, or sometimes more.

And this is a nice technique I think that you may use for other things

of course.

And I´m reinforcing a little bit more the whites.

I want the highlights to show very nicely against the black,

since we have this special lighting, coming from the back.

We did the whiskers as you saw...

now some highlight on the nose,

and on the head.

All the upper part of the head should be more white.

I think it is looking pretty good!

I´m not sure what do you think about it.

I want to show another highlight on the eye, right here,

and then I add some short hairs

and some more to the outline.

Very good!


I love drawing with this technique!

With the kneaded eraser I make a black line here, that they have

coming down from the eye,

and we give it the last details,

the last touches, and it´s ready!

If you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE! share it to your

friends, and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.

And I will see you, on Tuesday ;)

Subtitled by Grethel Trejo

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Cat - White on Black - Narrated - Duration: 3:42.



We go to the banana

We are constantly on the move

So the enemy will find it hard to get into vulnerable places

Pay attention to the location of the enemy on the map

Do not waste time. Looking for a goal

Hide vulnerable places

Mouse destroyed and he was upset

Do not rush to shoot

We find the enemy's vulnerable spots on the tank

Choose the priority of goals

First of all, we destroy the nearest enemy

Enemy with the least margin of safety

The collision of the hulls of tanks can immobilize the enemy or destroy

Continually move and place the tank body at an angle

Relative to the direction of the enemy guns which aim at you

More than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees

The probability of a rebound increases in this case

Help the Allies

And most importantly, smile)))

Without this, the above is in vain !!!

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イッテQ Qtube 爆笑おもしろ動画! 激辛ホース 対決!徳井義実 VS 後藤輝基 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> イッテQ Qtube 爆笑おもしろ動画! 激辛ホース 対決!徳井義実 VS 後藤輝基 - Duration: 3:16.


San Diego immigration advocates helping Dreamers beat DACA deadline - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> San Diego immigration advocates helping Dreamers beat DACA deadline - Duration: 2:27.


Honda CR-V 2.0 Automaat 4WD Executive Leder Sunroof - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0 Automaat 4WD Executive Leder Sunroof - Duration: 0:57.


🌪 Spotting in Spins ★The 3 Basic Fundamentals of Spins ★ The Head Snap | Episode 3 | #MBCspins - Duration: 6:37.

After exploring how to prep and keep our stability during the spins in first 2 episodes,

It is time to learn how to LEAD the spins - we will do that in the 3rd and last episode

of the 3 fundamentals of spins- The Head Snap

I have been practicing spins for several years and still am, and want to invite you to explore

the third fundamental of spins- The Head Snap

so let's examine some of the best spinners in the world :

from a Classic background, Salsa, Freestyle, with and without a partner

we'll zoom in and examine in full speed and in slow motion.

take your time.

It seems that all dancers- move their head in a similar way-

the body spins and then - they snap with the head.

So now let's give it a try ourselves.

As the saying goes: "I hear and I forget.

I see and I remember.

I do and I understand."

So Let's Do It!

We'll stand legs apart and warm up the neck muscles tilting to the left

and then to the right.

Take it slow and easy with the neck.

turning to the right, stretching as far as we can.

and turning to the left.

doing some circles, to the other side.

and while you may repeat the warm up for the neck

be sure that if this is your first time working with your neck doing sharp movements -

it is highly recommended to perform the next exercises very GENTLY!

otherwise, you might hurt yourself.

now let's continue while making sure that your neck is long.

you can imagine a balloon attached to your head

now we'll start with a quarter snap to the right.

a little bit to the left and snap to the right.

Again, a little bit to the left and snap to the right.

little bit to the left and snap and snap and snap and snap

make sure you don't just move your head to the right

This is just movement to the right you need to snap it to the right, yes!

Snap it.

Let's do the other side, a little bit to the right and snap to the left

yes, a little bit to the right and then to the left.

Again, one more time, last time.

let's close our eyes and snap 3 times to the right.

a little bit to the left and snap to the right.

Again, little bit to the left and snap to the right.

last time and snap. and now 3 snaps to the left.

a little bit to the right and snap to the left.

a little bit to the right and snap to the left.

last time and snap.

Open your eyes and let's do the half snap from side to side

Let's go first, stretch it and snap

stretch it and snap stretch it and snap

stretch it and snap now same thing with your eyes closed.

stretch it and snap stretch it and snap

once again stretch it and snap

last time and snap open your eyes, shake it off, smile

and let's do the full snap turn around and twist your upper body and

head to the left, keeping your legs in place and not tilting

your head, yes.

let's go, snap to the other side, go and snap and snap and snap

yes, and snap and snap one more time

and last time now close your eyes. and let's snap it again,

snap and snap and snap and snap, last time and snap

That's it.

Important Clarification: some of you may think that The Head Snap -

is what many dancers call SPOTTING - well you are right - however,

the term SPOTTING might be quite confusing because it's not about the eyes-

For the simple reason that you could do these exercises with your eyes closed.

Also, the confusion might make you think that you need to train your eyes - while actually,

you need to train the muscles in your neck, like we did in the video.

so let's do a quick recap on the 3rd fundamental the head snap

first, it is all about the head movement we practiced which gives us:

direction and lead for the spins helps us with our spacial awareness,

which is being aware of where we are in space - during the spins...

and gives us also power for the spins, mostly for more than one spin - and will be discussed

in other videos. and in a nutshell, the head snap gives us

control and power in our spins.

and now, after understanding all 3 fundamentals

this is time for you to put them all together in a full practice -

link in the description below or above

Stay for the bonus.

I hope you enjoyed this video and found it helpful.

and if you did, give it a thumbs up, subscribe for more and join the notification squad.

You'll have at least 2 new videos every week.

Also, let me know in the comments below if you want to see more videos like this or other kinds of videos.

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Bonus quote of the day

"Success is all about consistency around the fundamentals" - Robin Sharma.

For more infomation >> 🌪 Spotting in Spins ★The 3 Basic Fundamentals of Spins ★ The Head Snap | Episode 3 | #MBCspins - Duration: 6:37.


Book Trailer: The Council of Fifty: What the Records Reveal about Mormon History - Duration: 1:56.

I'm Gerrit Dirkmaat,

I'm one of the chapter authors of the book, "The Council of Fifty: What the Records Reveal about Mormon History."

The Council of Fifty was an organization formed by Joseph Smith just shortly before he was murdered. And

its purpose was

several fold, but one of them was to help bring about the political

kingdom of God on earth at the same time that the church was trying to bring about the religious kingdom of God on earth.

The Joseph Smith papers recently published the entire record of the Council of Fifty from Nauvoo. It's a massive book

with all kinds of interesting things in it,

but it's just so much that it's hard for the average person to be able to digest.

What this book does is it takes the important themes that come out of this new record and it helps

people understand what's important about the council. What do I learn from this book about the council?

How do I understand better Mormon history, or Joseph Smith, or the move west by these individual chapters that are in the book?

I think the average member of the church who doesn't have time to read all the things that are in the minutes,

they'll get a better understanding of

why the church left Nauvoo when it did, how they left,

what worries they had as they were leaving, the real fears

they had for their families and for the the continuation of the church admits all this persecution.

Even for those who are just looking for, "I'd like to know a little bit more about what Joseph might have said or

what Brigham might have thought," that's also in this book: ways to understand these these founders of the faith

In a better light, and I think in a way that can help us

Individually have more compassion upon other people,

be more willing to to show mercy instead of judgment.

For more infomation >> Book Trailer: The Council of Fifty: What the Records Reveal about Mormon History - Duration: 1:56.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Hymer B 654 cl - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Hymer B 654 cl - Duration: 1:32.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200d Business Solution Plus Trekhaak Smartphone integratie Automaat - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200d Business Solution Plus Trekhaak Smartphone integratie Automaat - Duration: 1:01.


10 best 5th wheel hitch. - Duration: 5:17.

top ten reviews best product advisor behind Amazon top 10 reviews presents 10

best fifth wheel hitch let's see which fifth wheel hitch is best for you to buy

starting with the list number one we'll name Curt 16000 120 a 16 5th wheel hitch

wheel information converts Curt double lock Ezra gooseneck hitches to industry

standard fifth wheel rails round shank style fits curtain number 60,000 611

number 60,000 612 and number 60,000 619 gooseneck hitches not compatible with

OEM puck system single pin nor Square shank gooseneck hitches list number two

we'll name Curt twenty three thousand two hundred fifty-six fifth wheel hitch

lock aluminum housing black wheel information the curt fifth wheel hitch

lock number twenty three thousand two hundred fifty six provides the best

possible security for your fifth wheel hitch because it is uniquely designed

for fifth wheel hitches and only fifth wheel hitches it is not like standard

hitch locks or coupler locks list number three will name

Andersen hitches 3220 aluminum ultimate fifth wheel connection wheel information

the ultimate fifth wheel connection 3220 gooseneck version is now stronger than

ever and features a patented ball funneled to make hookup even easier in

fact hookup is so easy one person can do it by looking out the back window

weighing in at a mere thirty-five pounds Andersen hitches list number four will

name Curt sixteen thousand seven hundred twenty two fifth wheel loop plate wheel

information the grand lifestyle that goes hand-in-hand with fifth wheel

towing is made perfect in the details you can

talk all you want about whose RV hogs the most Road or who's fifth wheel hitch

can handle the most tonnage but when you get down to it

listen number five will name masterlock $29.99 dat 5th wheel king pin coupler

lock wheel information the product is easy installation and easy handling the

product is manufactured in China the product is easy to use and highly

durable list number six will name B&W companion 5th wheel hitch our VK 3,500

wheel information B&W companion 5th wheel hitch adapter part our VK 3500 is

considered by most experts to be the best 5th wheel hitch money can buy you

would be surprised at the number of customers that will buy the B and W

turnoverball gooseneck hitch list number seven will name Andersen hitches 3200

ultimate 5th wheel connection wheel information the ultimate 5th wheel

connection 3200 rail version is now stronger than ever and features a

patented ball funneled to make hookup even easier weighing in at a mere 40

pounds Andersen hitches has completely eliminated the common list number 8

we'll name Curt 16900 2 replacement 5th wheel pins and clips wheel information

used to attach a 5th wheel hitch to base rails fits 5th wheel legs except OAM

rollers and 5th wheel rail you snake hitches groomed pin allows clip to be

inserted in any position list number 9 will name Curt 16000 17 om pucks system

fifth wheel legs for Ford wheel information Curt om pucks system fifth

wheel legs allow for faster easier and more secure installation of your Curt

v will hitch they utilize the truck bed mounting platform called the puck system

built into certain pickups today with the towing prep package list number 10

will name Curt 16,000 520 a 16 v will hitch head wheel information the Curt a

16 is designed to provide a surprisingly quiet ride while maintain superior

towing power it has a gross trailer weight capacity of 16,000 pounds and can

handle a vertical load up to 4,000 pounds it comes with a three-position

coupling indicator visible from your pickup truck cab thank you for watching

our video about top 10 best 5th wheel hitch to get those 5th wheel hitch

follow the description link bellow and subscribe to our channel for future


For more infomation >> 10 best 5th wheel hitch. - Duration: 5:17.


배누리 조수훈 열애설의 후폭풍과 배누리 남자친구 경험담 - Duration: 17:15.

For more infomation >> 배누리 조수훈 열애설의 후폭풍과 배누리 남자친구 경험담 - Duration: 17:15.


Wie FIAT PUNTO Querlenker vorne wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:06.

Use a socket №17

Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out

Use a socket №13

Use a socket №13 and a combination spanner №13

Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №17

For more infomation >> Wie FIAT PUNTO Querlenker vorne wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 9:06.


best active 3d glasses - Duration: 5:23.

top ten reviews best product advisor behind Amazon top 10 reviews presents 10

best active 3d glasses let's see which active 3d glasses is best for you to buy

starting with the list number one glasses named g7 black small Universal

3d glasses by quantum 3d glasses information our kids 3d glasses are

engineered from the same blueprint as the end 11 Universal 3d glasses dot they

are designed to slip over your child's head and cradle their nose an

unsurpassed comfort dot producing vivid color and clear images list number two

glasses name 2x pair Samsung rechargeable 3d active glasses black

glasses information experience amazing 3d visuals in total comfort wearing

Samsung's SSG 3300 G our 3d glasses designed with a flexible bridge

adjustable nose pad and perfect weight balance these glasses provide the

ultimate viewing experience list number three glasses name PlayStation 3 3d

glasses glasses information essential equipment for your 3d gaming experience

the PlayStation registered 3d glasses fully immerse you in the heat of

gameplay these lightweight stylish and ergonomic glasses are a product of

playstation registered innovation featuring lenses that are universally

lists number four glasses named red blue anaglyph simple style active 3d glasses

3d movie game 2 pcs and different style glasses information material resin

plastic color red blue with black frame for games and movies active 3d glasses

blu-ray movies 3d vision and a glyph 3d glasses

listen number five glasses name compatible apps and l poq so three 3d

glasses by quantum 3d G five glasses information our G five 3d glasses are

unlike any pair of glasses you tried before dot here's what separates them

from single sync 3d glasses liquid crystal active shutters triggers 3d

viewing in a full color spectrum dot enhances your 3d viewing experience with

intense vivid colors list number six glasses name LG AGS 103d active shutter

glasses for 2010 LG 3d HDTVs glasses information to experience LG's 3d

technology you need a 2010 LG 3d ready TV and LG's 3d active shutter glasses

the glasses communicate seamlessly with the TV's emitter in turn a 3d image is

created when the glasses alternately pass and block the light to each eye

list number seven glasses name PlayStation 3 3d glasses Super Value

2-pack glasses information essential equipment for your 3d gaming experience

the PlayStation registered 3d glasses fully immerse you in the heat of

gameplay these lightweight stylish and ergonomic glasses are a product of

Playstation list number 8 glasses name compatible pioneer a and 3d g20 L 3d

glasses by quantum 3d g5 glasses information molded with a special

plastic resin to allow for a smooth and silky like finished dodge slip them on

once and you'll notice a huge difference between other 3d glasses comfortable

enough to wear them for hours and the arms will not dig into hair or scalp

list number nine glasses named g5 Universal 3d glasses IR in Bluetooth

compatible by quantum 3d glasses information metal hinges provide

for strong support on arms and last longer than plastic while resisting

breakage dot now you know your 3d glasses will last longer than those with

poorly designed hinges rubber guarding on the inside of arm prevents opening

the glasses too wide and accidental breakage dot your glasses will last

longer list number 10 glasses name sony 3d Bray V black special glasses GD g BR

250 glasses information manufacturers pardon number t DG br 250 b dot method

active shutter weight 59 grams thank you for watching our video about 10 best

active 3d glasses to get those active 3d glasses

follow the description link bellow and subscribe to our channel for future


For more infomation >> best active 3d glasses - Duration: 5:23.


10 best baby gifts - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> 10 best baby gifts - Duration: 5:35.


El Charro Chino - Instrumental by Fundamentalistas - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> El Charro Chino - Instrumental by Fundamentalistas - Duration: 2:38.


Medo de andar de Avião - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Medo de andar de Avião - Duration: 5:09.


$6.95 Online Traffic School - ...

For more infomation >> $6.95 Online Traffic School - ...


For more infomation >> $6.95 Online Traffic School - ...


Les médecins sont surpris : Une boisson naturelle qui brûle les graisses rapidement - France 365 - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Les médecins sont surpris : Une boisson naturelle qui brûle les graisses rapidement - France 365 - Duration: 6:13.


For more infomation >> Les médecins sont surpris : Une boisson naturelle qui brûle les graisses rapidement - France 365 - Duration: 6:13.


Discover Alpina Blitz at Nigloland backstage ! with Rodolphe Gélis - Duration: 13:41.

My name is Rodolphe Gélis,

I was born on November 7th, 1988, at Bar-sur-Aube

so I was born and raised here, in the Champagne region.

I'm the managing director of Nigloland

since January 3rd, 2017

The story of Alpina Blitz started in 2009,

while riding for the first time the Ferris Wheel, with family

And when at the top,

we overhung the park, its trees,

And we realized that between the Grande Roue & the Spatiale Experience

lied a huge empty space

where a major ride could be erected,

a coaster, a watercoaster maybe...

By the way, that's where the endless rumor of

us building a water coaster comes from,

The first thing we did with my uncle & father

was to visit parks in Deutschland.

We went to Tripsdrill and discovered Mammut, built by Gerstlauer

So we got in touch and asked them to design us a wooden coaster layout.

(I still have it in some folder on my computer, btw)

It somehow looked like Alpina Blitz

It had a huge horseshoe in place of the current first turn

in order to create that "Wow" effect.

Things evolved over time,

at some time we thought about a Maurer spinning coaster

Finally, in the early 2010s (I guess)

Piraten opened at Djurs Sommerland.

That's when we switched from the "small park

that cannot afford big rides" mentality

to the "small park that can finally invest in

medium-sized Megacoasters" one.

We didn't know about it before and to be fair,

before the Megalite, such a product didn't exist.

Either you bought a Big Apple / Pinfari, or a B&M.

but there was no serious alternative in between.

We went to discover Piraten,

We fell in love with the sensations it provided,

by its size,

But here's the most exciting thing of all :

we could actually afford it.

My name is Alexandre,

I'm ride operator here, at Nigloland

And I've been working on Alpina Blitz

since the beginning of season 2016.

I've just finished my daily check-up tour

to take a look at the track,

and look for loose bolts

checking that nothing could hinder the coaster

Everything has to be in place.

We had this TV report filming us on Piraten back in 2009

It wasn't a mockup

as we were truly interested in Piraten,

but we weren't one hundred percent sure.

This report was a way to put our decision to the test

by collecting the reactions of our guests.

We knew we were about to do it,

we just needed some kind of approbation.

As the wintry temperatures are coming,

we need to grease all the wheels daily.

During the summer, doing it once a week is enough.

Without this,

the trains would go too slowly

during the first no-load tests of the morning.

It could probably get stuck somewhere on the track.

43 seconds is the maximum authorized running time.

Otherwise, the ride will automatically shut down.

Without momentum, the train is bound

to get stuck in the last curve.

We asked our clients what they wanted to see in the park

Actually, people were craving for inversions.

Yet our "coasterfans" side gained the upperhand :

A great coaster has NO inversions.

That's something only coaster passionates will understand

A great airtime moment is much better than any inversion

I guess we can all agree on that !

In the future, maybe...

Let's take an example :

New-gen Vekoma coasters are great.

Yet 10 years ago,

no one would have thought about putting one in Nigloland.

We'll get to inversions, one day - that's for sure.

That's something we can keep in the back of our heads.

It's all about the "next step" idea :

had we done a coaster with inversions,

could we have hit harder after ?

Anyway, you should definitely try the new Vekoma coasters.

They're truly great.

Alpina Blitz is even better, though !

Before greasing the wheels & checking the track,

the very first thing we do is to start the ride

to warm up the compressors.

All right, let's go and get the train !

Comfort and capacity

have always been at the heart of our investment decisions.

We thought the classic Intamin seats,

those of Megalites or Megacoasters,

felt like camping chairs...

You've got a seatbelt,

a lapbar,

small space for your feet...

Anything but practical.

We asked Intamin :

are you working on new, enhanced seats ?

"Buy it the way it currently is or buy it not"

is the answer we were given...

In the meantime, looking at Taron at Phantasialand

or Tarone... Whatever,

They've re-worked on this.

When we tried Piraten, we dreamt of

Blue Fire-like trains

on Piraten's layout.

And boom ! Alpina Blitz was born.

Don't you worry -

we're still in touch with Intamin !

We're invited to their dinings at the IAAPA events

I just believe they wish they had

listened more to the

demands of the prospective buyer that we were.

They still hope to sell us some of their rides -

we will most certainly buy one, one day...

Each harness is composed of two jacks,

allowing a two-security system

I have to check both of them, one after the other

Only then will the ride be opening to the public.

Just a fun fact -

I have a pedometer on me at all time:

On days when there is one operator for the whole ride,

we walk on average some 15 to 16 kms !

Why a lift instead of a launch ?

Let me tell you :

There are two main reasons to this :

Firstly, we wanted a lifthill to stick to "traditional coasters"

as it was the first big coaster we opened at Nigloland.

We wanted it to check all the boxes

of the "traditional coaster experience"

The lifthill climb is a big part of it :

it builds up tension for the visitor

It is something evocative, memorable for them.

So our first coaster came logically (for us) with a lift.


a launch represented a 30% cost increase for us,

compared to lifthills.

Either we made a Launch Coaster,

and reduced by one third the length of the layout

or we could build a lifthill. Which we did.

Alpina Blitz led to an approximate increase of 10% in attendance

The year after, we remained at that same high level

As for 2016, with Le Donjon de l'Extrême, another 10 to 11% of increase of guests occurred.

Which means that over 3-4 years,

the number of visitors increased by 25%.

and the Revenue, even more...

It was a good operation, indeed.

Not that I advise other parks to do the same !

Some more space for future coasters ?

We have some, on the hill that's just behind,

above the parking lots,

I mean, coasters can be put pretty much anywhere,

as it doesn't take much floor space.

Space can be found, definitely.

It could also be around the Mississipi Lake,

or on the island on the middle of it...

Your favorite question, on, is most certainly :

"What's the next coaster ?"

The problem is : we do not know it for now. At all.

We keep on doing the same :

we try out a lot of attractions,

here and there, old and new ones,

and then only, when we fall in love with one in particular,

will we deepen the subject.

But as for today - none has our unanimous backing.

I knew you were going to ask me about it !

Which one did I ride, again ? Can't remember its name.

Twisted Colossus

That's it, the one at Six Flags Magic Mountain

Not bad, uh ?

I have to say - awfully efficient !

I went to Dollywood to ride Lightning Rod !

Well... When I showed up at the entrance...

It read "Out of order"

There's good and bad in

Rocky Mountain Construction creations, just as in any coaster

You don't know whether it's metal or wood structure,

how to deal with potential vibrations

it also requires a lot of maintenance...

We've not yet talked about it extensively.

I've never really been in contact with RMC, to be fair.

I only know their coasters from a guest point of view.

They're solid rides.

Very solid rides...

Subtitles : Mathis Gullon

For more infomation >> Discover Alpina Blitz at Nigloland backstage ! with Rodolphe Gélis - Duration: 13:41.


For more infomation >> Discover Alpina Blitz at Nigloland backstage ! with Rodolphe Gélis - Duration: 13:41.


Alter­ca­tion avec Chris­tine Angot dans ONPC : Sandrine Rous­seau confi - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Alter­ca­tion avec Chris­tine Angot dans ONPC : Sandrine Rous­seau confi - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> Alter­ca­tion avec Chris­tine Angot dans ONPC : Sandrine Rous­seau confi - Duration: 3:01.


Goth Capsule Makeup Collection | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 7:32.

Hey, guys.

Welcome back.

I'm Courtney.

This is Phaedra, and Nyx is in the other room at the moment.

Before I jump into this video, I want to remind you to click the little subscribe button down

below so you don't miss out on seeing things from me or my poodles.

Today's video is a request from the PhyrraNyx Facebook group.

We were talking about capsule makeup collections in there, and I said that I would put together

a goth capsule makeup collection.

Now I feel like it needs to be said that you don't have to be pale to be goth.

This may come a shock to some people.

A lot of people who are goth are pale, but just as many are not.

Being pale is a goth stereotype and it's not really reflective of the culture at large.

So no matter what, you're going to need an eyeshadow primer.

I prefer Too Faced Shadow Insurance.

You can use any primer you like.

Urban Decay's Primer Potion is also great.

You also need a setting powder.

I like Milani's Prep + Set + Go setting powder.

I use this to set my eyeshadow and it can set my foundation.

I have oily hooded lids, but the rest of my skin is very, very dry so that is a great

product for me because it helps my eyeshadow to last longer and blend better.

Now on to eyeshadows.

So in my opinion for a goth capsule collection, you basically need ... At the minimum, you

need a matte black, a matte white, a matte red, and a matte purple.

I have all of these here in my GlamTech palette.

So this is my top row.

My bottom row colors are basically optional.

This is kind of like a deep gray taupe so you could use this to contour if you wanted

to do that.

This is a light like kind of beige color so you could use that as a transition or a blending

out color.

This is a light purple.

Also you could use it as a transition or blending out color.

This is an iridescent white with a blue shift so that could be a good highlight.

But basically with these four colors right here in the top row, you could do anything

you want.

I put this together with all Sugarpill colors.

That's Tako, Love+, Poison Plum, Bulletproof.

This is Castle on the Hill, Heart Shaped Cookie, Frostine, and Snow Angel.

Those would be my must-have colors and nice-to-have colors.

This would basically let you create any sort of gothic look that you want.

Now let's talk about lip pencils.

I think that there are basically two colors that you need.

You need a black lip pencil and a red lip pencil.

This is Kat Von D's X and this is Urban Decay's Perversion.

The reason that you need one of these two colors is that with a black, you can use it

under any color to deepen it and basically make it look more intense, any lipstick color.

With the red, it's basically a classic.

So let's talk lipsticks.

There are three colors that I think are a must-have for gothic lips.

One is a classic bright red.

I've chosen 714 by Urban Decay.

One is a classic black.

I chose Urban Decay's Perversion because this is my all-time favorite black lipstick.

The last color that I chose is Urban Decay's Heroine which is a deep blue.

Now what I love about having these lipsticks and these pencils is that you can basically

... Depending on which pencil you use, you're going to end up with a different color.

For example if you take the black lip pencil and use that to line and fill in your lips

and then put 714 on top and blend it out with a lip brush, you're going to end up with a

really, really deep blackened red shade.

So you have like a nice deep color.

If you use the red lip pencil and Heroine lipstick with a lip brush, you can mix the

two colors together with a lip brush to create a purple.

So you can mix the colors together to create a purple if you want.

With just those three lipsticks and those two pencils, you really have a lot of options.

I mean obviously of course if you want to have more lipsticks, I would be all for it,

but I was trying to really limit it.

The other lipstick color that I would recommend is Sugarpill's U4EA which is like my perfect

deep matte teal blue.

I love that color.

If you wanted an optional lip pencil, the one that I use all the time is Urban Decay


That's because it's a deep wine.

I'm actually wearing it today with Sugarpill's Strange Love lipstick.

Sugarpill's Strange Love lipstick was limited edition, but it's coming back.

If you have an interest in having the lip that I'm wearing which is awesome for fall

or for ... I think it's awesome really anytime because I love deep vampy red like shimmery


I would pick these two up.

Then you need eyeliner.

I would recommend a black pencil like Urban Decay's Perversion eye pencil and a gel liner

like Sigma Wicked because between the two, you can cover pretty much anything.

You can do graphic eyeliner with these.

You can basically use this to line your waterline, whatever you want.

You need a good foundation, so whatever foundation you're most comfortable with that works with

your skin.

I have very dry skin so the only foundation that I own that I don't have to mix white

into is Idun Minerals Norrsken Foundation in the Jorunn.

I love this foundation and think it's great, but it is definitely geared for dry skin like


If you have oily skin, I would recommend that you look at Kat Von D's Lock-It Foundation.

I love this foundation for oily skin, and I think it has a great shade range.

It has a ton of different colors.

I just personally find it difficult for me to wear because I have dry skin and it's not

geared for my skin type.

You also need a good concealer.

My favorite concealer is Kat Von D's Lock-It Concealer as you can see by my tube which

is like all scratched up from continued use.

I think this is an awesome concealer to use for anything around the face, under the eyes,

whatever you need.

It has a lot of pigmentation so a little goes a long way.

Now we mentioned in the eyeshadow colors that if you wanted to contour you could use the

Sugarpill shade Castle on the Hill.

Building on that if you want to highlight, I would recommend that you do one of two things.

I would either say pick up the Kat Von D Alchemist Palette which you can use these four colors

with all of your different eyeshadows to create more looks and highlight your face or you

can pick up a single highlighter like this.

This is Makeup Geek Celestial.

It is my all-time favorite highlighter.

It's what I'm wearing on my cheeks right now if you can see.

I think it gives me a beautiful highlight, but both of those products would be really

great for a capsule collection in my opinion.

If you are going to be going out clubbing and dancing, I would highly recommend that

you invest in a setting spray.

I love the Milani Make It Dewy Setting Spray for my dry skin.

I've heard great things about the Make It Last Setting Spray by Milani, but if you want

to go with the classic, Urban Decay's All Nighter is excellent.

It just works.

It works every single time.

It is an excellent product to invest in to keep your makeup sealed in.

Plus you can use it to foil eyeshadows which is how I often use it.

You also need a mascara.

I would recommend checking out like IT Cosmetics Superhero Mascara or Urban Decay Perversion


Or you could try something like Eyeko's Black Magic Mascara, just something that is going

to work with your lash type.

Now onto brows, I personally love Wunderbrow.

I think it is an excellent product.

You can use it to make your brows very bold and sweat-proof or you can kind of feather

it out for a softer look.

I use the shade Jet Black.

I think that's everything.

This is everything that I would use for a goth capsule makeup collection.

I find it fascinating that so many people really love this capsule concept.

Please be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

If you like this video and found it helpful, fun, entertaining, or informative, please

give it a thumbs up and share.

It really makes my day.

Thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Goth Capsule Makeup Collection | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 7:32.


For more infomation >> Goth Capsule Makeup Collection | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 7:32.



Hello, my name is Jeremy

and since 10 years, this is my life

Yes, a lot of this also

One day, we met some drifters

so we thought that if it was so fun with a car

it would be fun with a motorcycle too

So we tried to melt the cars and the bikes

well it was really dangerous

but so much fun!

So I really wanted to try with a car

At the end of 2015 I buyed an old BMW

and I started drifting on a wet track at Mistral Karting

We made a small video just for fun

I was surprised that this video made so many views

and a brand contacted me to sponsor me for the french

Drift championship

Of course I couldn't say no

It was just crazy

So I buyed an s14

Sadly I had a lot of problems with this car

I had tons of mecanic failures during the season

but I had pleasure to drive

we made some great videos and had a lot of fun

It's the most important for me

so anyway it was a good season

...where's that going?...

This year for my second season

I was given the wheel of this awesome Skyline

It's a 4 doors

so it's an ER34

She has an forged RB26

a single turbo and a Wisefab

also Driftworks suspensions

This car drifted at Gatebill

at the SpeedHunters Workshop

It was the GARAGE D car, so she's loaded of history

She also have a name, Street Candy

We are very good friends!

This year my priority was to make a lot of videos

But I also won the Pro2 King of Europe round in France

But as I said, this year I wanted to make videos

so I made one for each race of course

some scripted videos too

But the biggest videos are coming soon

I made one with French Kiss Prod and Gils'on Tracks

It was 3 crazy days

with 40 persons and the best cameras ever

Even an helicopter!

It's gonna be online in few weeks

Talking about videos, this year I already reached

8 million views

It's a lot, more than I expected

and there is still videos to come out soon

so I think it's gonna be more than 10 millions this year

thanks to my sponsors who helped me reach my goals

and they reach theirs too so it's really great

For 2018, I want to go bigger!

I want to drift more, to have more fun, meet more fans

make more videos, more competitions

But most of all I can't wait to drive the Supra

that will come out the HP Engineering workshop!

With two awesome cars

the only limit is gonna be imagination


I can't wait 2018

and I hope

that you will want

to be a part of this adventure

see you next year!

For more infomation >> COMMENT JE SUIS DEVENU DRIFTEUR - Duration: 7:46.


For more infomation >> COMMENT JE SUIS DEVENU DRIFTEUR - Duration: 7:46.


Si vous mangez ces aliments communs vous avez de fortes chances d'avoir des vers dans le cerveau - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Si vous mangez ces aliments communs vous avez de fortes chances d'avoir des vers dans le cerveau - Duration: 7:01.


For more infomation >> Si vous mangez ces aliments communs vous avez de fortes chances d'avoir des vers dans le cerveau - Duration: 7:01.


Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats - Duration: 3:44.

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

For more infomation >> Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats - Duration: 3:44.


For more infomation >> Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats - Duration: 3:44.


How to Draw a Cat - White on Black - Narrated - Duration: 3:42.

Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!

I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a cat.

Let´s begin by sketching the nose [laughter] ¨the nose¨ you can start

anywhere really.

Pick one spot and that will be your reference…

…and from there you build the rest.

In this case, I did the curve of the nose.

We are doing the kitty face, in profile

and as you see I´m drawing with white on black paper.

The list of materials is in the information below the video.

We drew the snout below the nose and down here some long hair.

It will be illuminated with a back light

so what we see is mainly the silhouette.

Here will be the part just below the eye. And we can do the eye with a curving

line which is almost a half circle.

The pencil I am using, by the way, is dry pastel, so it is like a chalk sort

of thing.

And it can be erased if need be.

Let´s draw a reflection on the upper part of the iris of the eye, and then some

of the fur of the ear, the head, and the neck.

On the neck it will be pretty long.

Since it is lit with a back light,

the hairs that go beyond the silhouette

are very illuminated.


Let´s do the lower part of the ear.

And then, I will make the eye just a little bit bigger, I think it should

be a little bit bigger, I just extend my half

circle a little bit.

I think this is a fairly simple drawing which took me, in real time,

about 25 minutes.

Which is much less than my usual tutorials that I usually take about

two or four hours, or sometimes more.

And this is a nice technique I think that you may use for other things

of course.

And I´m reinforcing a little bit more the whites.

I want the highlights to show very nicely against the black,

since we have this special lighting, coming from the back.

We did the whiskers as you saw...

now some highlight on the nose,

and on the head.

All the upper part of the head should be more white.

I think it is looking pretty good!

I´m not sure what do you think about it.

I want to show another highlight on the eye, right here,

and then I add some short hairs

and some more to the outline.

Very good!


I love drawing with this technique!

With the kneaded eraser I make a black line here, that they have

coming down from the eye,

and we give it the last details,

the last touches, and it´s ready!

If you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE! share it to your

friends, and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.

And I will see you, on Tuesday ;)

Subtitled by Grethel Trejo

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Cat - White on Black - Narrated - Duration: 3:42.


For more infomation >> How to Draw a Cat - White on Black - Narrated - Duration: 3:42.


🔥 Tirage au sort du vaporisateur Essenz 🔥 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 🔥 Tirage au sort du vaporisateur Essenz 🔥 - Duration: 2:44.


For more infomation >> 🔥 Tirage au sort du vaporisateur Essenz 🔥 - Duration: 2:44.


Les 3 fois où Chris­tine Angot s'est empor­tée sur un plateau - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Les 3 fois où Chris­tine Angot s'est empor­tée sur un plateau - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> Les 3 fois où Chris­tine Angot s'est empor­tée sur un plateau - Duration: 3:11.


Question au Premier ministre sur la situation en Catalogne - Mélenchon - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Question au Premier ministre sur la situation en Catalogne - Mélenchon - Duration: 1:44.


For more infomation >> Question au Premier ministre sur la situation en Catalogne - Mélenchon - Duration: 1:44.



Hey action !

HI guy i hope you feel good

Today, we are here for new video !

In this video

I introduce you the september box

of beautiful box !! let's go

so before to begin the

the unboxing

of the september beautiful box

you have to know that i will talk about beauty box

my view point on box beauty! what i like in the concept

it's the opportunity to discover

so much beauty products

sometimes before the release of products

with a good price

but what i dislike in french box

there aren't

or a little which is

focus on complexion

for example i'm a darskin girl

and i don't find really

box for my complexion

when i find a box

which can be ok for my complexion

or my specificities i think

the price is more expensive

with the french beauty box in general

so this time I would like try a box

it's the beautiful box

how i discover this box

simply because i follow in snapchat Miya Mfumu

I don't know if you know her ! she's famous on snapchat

she's famous by making a big buzz

by making discussion on relationship and other

and so she's discovered the box

before the release and she gives a promotional code

witch me allowed to buy

the beauty box

to 13 euros 90

I find the price not expensive to have

5 or 6 full size products

it's great it was 13 euros 90

with delivery purchase

so it's really great so i do

the famous unboxing

the box is introduce like that


there are a sweety bag

and outside

you have three other beauty products

i begin to open what it have in

the sweety bag

this box is really pretty

really this is a box

specially for the night

all that you need to be beautiful the night

of course !

i open with you the sweety bag

inside i have a instruction card

and I have three products

i have a lip pencil

of mademoiselle rose

this is it the lip pencil

i swatch to show you

according to my complexion

it's great because it's a pink

a dark pink so i'm happy for that

and i will test soon

i have a hand cream " fresh hand"

of french brand " panier essence"

it's made in france

it's really usefull

because my hand are very dry and i always have

a handcream in my bag

so i can switch that i want use

it's really useful so i use for sure

it's already two products that i'm sure

i will be used

than there's a lipstick

of brand fairy tale

i open this with you for the first time

I don't use it yet

so this is what it's look like

the color is really special

you tell me it's orange or yellow

but it's a magical

lipstick you know the lipstick when you put on your lips

and in function of ph of your lips

it reveals a

color of your lips

and the card inside the bag

concerns the instruction to use the lipstick

so they say

you have to take begin of lipstick

not necessary to full open the lipstick

than they say to put

on the lips without put

forces because it can

break the lipstick

they say is not necessary

to put several time the lipstick one time is ok

to see

the color of our lips

there are three full size beauty products

it's really great and in the following of the box

we have that

it's a skincare face cream with 40 ml

and it's really good to me i explain you

it's a face cream for oil skin

what i want it's amazing

so it's scribe combination

oil skin so it's

prevent oil and so strange

i oil on the

nose i don't oil very much but i oil

and it prevent to reduce the oil skin

prevent against acne and dark spot

so i don't have

severe acne but i have

so acne by moment it's the ideal cream

and you makes fun of me or it's the destiny

i have take substitute face cream

not my usually cream

the time to buy

that i use usally for my face

and i have this face cream so it's great

so i can test it and

i'm so happy of this product

i open to show you and there again

it's a full size so i think for

to 13 euros 90 that i have with the

promotional code it's

really interesting to have a full size

40 ml

so i like that so we have 4 ful size products

4 ful size products

than you have a beauty masq

of french brand barbara gould

it's a masq againt pollution to give luminious

against tired and stess

i love test new masq because

i have always skincare routine one time by week

i wash my face and i make a peel face

and than i make a mask so it add another

masq on my collection that i will can test soon

it's great and

all the instruction are written behind

and then there is it

it's written Madeline

and one open a time there are corners

to open it's a little difficult to open

it's a kind of ring


and hopefully it's modulable

because my fingers are big

like a ring of marry

so that's it looks like

it's seem like i will marry !!

so it's cute oh i wil forgot

with the promotional code

of miya mfumu when you are in

50 first to buy you have

a add box for 50 buyers

it's a box of emma et chloé

they are own box i don't know if it always exist

but they had their own box i was suscriber during a time

to their box and it allowed

to have jewerly maked by designer

and unique so add to the beautiful box

i can have this bracelet

and it's modulable but there it's

fine for one time i have small wrist

so there is no reason that i can put it on my wrist

so that's what it's looks like

so it's fine my wrist it's not to big

so it's a little bracelet

so cute, simple but

effective so this entire

is validated by me for one time

there is a box with full size products and price

not too expensive

I see also for the subribe to 6 month

or 1 year and i find the price really reasonable for exemple

for a subscribe to 6 month

you have to pay 15 euros 90 for each box with delivery purchase

to have 6 full size products and i find it really great

and each time you have the choice to suspend the payment of the box

you choose when you want take or not the box

in function what you have in the box presentation on the website

so it's the finish of my video

i hope you like my video if it's that

please subscribe just below on my chanel samia lrds

don't forget activate the bell to forgot my videos

to support me please put much like

put may blue finger share my video

and comments tell me if you know

this box the beautiful box tell me what you think

the september box if you want to

buy this box the beautiful box

in the next month and i see you sonn

next tuesday at 5 PM

muah kisses

For more infomation >> UNBOXING : BEAUTIFUL BOX SEPTEMBRE 2017 (SLEEPING BEAUTY) - Duration: 10:29.


For more infomation >> UNBOXING : BEAUTIFUL BOX SEPTEMBRE 2017 (SLEEPING BEAUTY) - Duration: 10:29.


Parent and Baby Yoga - Registered Program - Duration: 1:46.

What is your favourite thing about this program?

Oh, it's got to be the babies!!

And during the course of the program, it usually runs 6-8 weeks, depending,

and the changes that we see in the babies just in those 6-8 weeks is just phenomenal!

It's quite exciting.

Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre

Parent and Baby Yoga, Registered Program


City of Brantford Parks & Recreation

For more infomation >> Parent and Baby Yoga - Registered Program - Duration: 1:46.


For more infomation >> Parent and Baby Yoga - Registered Program - Duration: 1:46.


Love On Top - Margarida Aranha declara-se a Tozé - 02 Out 2017 - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Love On Top - Margarida Aranha declara-se a Tozé - 02 Out 2017 - Duration: 4:28.


For more infomation >> Love On Top - Margarida Aranha declara-se a Tozé - 02 Out 2017 - Duration: 4:28.


Fátima Lopes fala de sexo a partir de hoje | Coffee & News - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Fátima Lopes fala de sexo a partir de hoje | Coffee & News - Duration: 1:54.


For more infomation >> Fátima Lopes fala de sexo a partir de hoje | Coffee & News - Duration: 1:54.


Éliminez toutes les toxines de votre corps en 48 heures - France 365 - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Éliminez toutes les toxines de votre corps en 48 heures - France 365 - Duration: 6:14.


For more infomation >> Éliminez toutes les toxines de votre corps en 48 heures - France 365 - Duration: 6:14.



For more infomation >> 🔴 СКОЛЬКО РАЗ УМИРАЛ ДОКТОР КТО ✔ - Duration: 3:45.


For more infomation >> 🔴 СКОЛЬКО РАЗ УМИРАЛ ДОКТОР КТО ✔ - Duration: 3:45.


Depuis que j'ai découvert cette astuce, je n'ai plus de mouches à la maison ! - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Depuis que j'ai découvert cette astuce, je n'ai plus de mouches à la maison ! - Duration: 5:15.


For more infomation >> Depuis que j'ai découvert cette astuce, je n'ai plus de mouches à la maison ! - Duration: 5:15.


Pressez ce point de votre pied chaque jour pendant 2 minutes et voyez ce qui se passe - Santé 365 - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Pressez ce point de votre pied chaque jour pendant 2 minutes et voyez ce qui se passe - Santé 365 - Duration: 4:32.


For more infomation >> Pressez ce point de votre pied chaque jour pendant 2 minutes et voyez ce qui se passe - Santé 365 - Duration: 4:32.


10 Best baby mobile - Duration: 5:19.

top ten reviews best product advisor behind Amazon top 10 reviews presents

ten best baby mobile let's see which baby mobile is best for you to buy

starting with the list number one mobile named tiny love take-along mobile animal

friends blue mobile information colorful engaging mobile that goes everywhere

with your baby 3-inch - one mobile fits most pack and plays play yards travel

cribs infant car seats strollers and bassinets

electronic mobile with 30 minutes of pleasant music designated connector for

each mode of use list number two mobile named fisher-price precious planet 2

inch - one projection mobile mobile information plastic imported long

lasting value converts to crib side music box with ceiling projection

close-up images on canopy projection make it easier for newborns to focus

music and soothing nature heartbeat and womb sounds play for up to 20 minutes

without disturbing baby lists number three mobile name of take baby lil

critters musical dreams mobile mobile information calm your child with this

relaxing of take baby toy crude mobile has five cute plush animals dangle and

spin - soft music and sounds crib soother has voice activation that plays

music when your baby cries and whines crib toy features three light and mobile

settings list number for mobile named manhattan toy Wimmer Ferguson infant

stim mobile mobile information from manhattan toys award-winning Wimmer

ferguson infant collection the original innovator of black and wide

developmental toys sturdy adjustable arm clamp easily attaches to most cribs and

playpens includes ten reversible cards featuring black and white graphics

on one side and bright colorful graphics on the other side

list number five mobile named Shiloh baby developmental crib toy with arm and

musical mobile blue sky mobile information Shiloh baby musical crib

mobile is adopted environmentally non-toxic and durable ABS material to

ensure baby safety in case of biting them all our high quality products are

made by manufacturers with ISO authentication which meets or exceeds

the ASTM standards of toys list number six mobile name snide the comforting

sleep miracle for babies mobile information breakthrough product makes

sleep more restful for babies by keeping their pacifiers nearby and easy to

locate when dropped practical solution provides a simple solution for the

age-old problem parents face when babies throw their t-there's and parents have

to go chase them list number seven mobile named skip hop good mobile

springtime birdie mobile information ages zero five months printed floral arm

cover music box has on/off switch dot pink and orange flowers dangled below

brightening her bedtime view coordinates with springtime birdie bedding

collection and decor list number 8 mobile named Daffy toys

travel mobile baby mobile with sound and motion mobile information a classic

product with a refreshing design for newborn plus wind-up music box with

smiling sun cover clip attachment fits most fabric cots colorful wind-up music

box knight themed canopy and three hanging toys al moon and cloud lists

number nine mobile named disney baby best friends Mickey Mouse musical mobile

mobile information boys dot Mickey Mouse and stars figures 100% poi yester plays

Brahms Lullaby fits standard size crib list number 10 mobile game play grow oh

one Nate three four four four cot buddies bumper book four baby mobile

information easily hangs and cribs for bedtime play and decoration features

mirror for learning reflections and crinkle sounds for auditory stimulation

non-toxic and BPA free safe for any baby for ages zero five plus months thank you

for watching our video about 10 best baby mobile to get those baby mobile

followed the description link bellow and subscribe to our channel for future


For more infomation >> 10 Best baby mobile - Duration: 5:19.


For more infomation >> 10 Best baby mobile - Duration: 5:19.


Executive Builds $3 Million A...

For more infomation >> Executive Builds $3 Million A...


Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.2 CITD GT-M / NAVI-CAMERA / LEDER-STOF / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.2 CITD GT-M / NAVI-CAMERA / LEDER-STOF / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET - Duration: 0:57.


How to Play - STAY | Drum Pad Machine - Duration: 2:12.

Drum Pad Machine

For more infomation >> How to Play - STAY | Drum Pad Machine - Duration: 2:12.



Hello, my name is Jeremy

and since 10 years, this is my life

Yes, a lot of this also

One day, we met some drifters

so we thought that if it was so fun with a car

it would be fun with a motorcycle too

So we tried to melt the cars and the bikes

well it was really dangerous

but so much fun!

So I really wanted to try with a car

At the end of 2015 I buyed an old BMW

and I started drifting on a wet track at Mistral Karting

We made a small video just for fun

I was surprised that this video made so many views

and a brand contacted me to sponsor me for the french

Drift championship

Of course I couldn't say no

It was just crazy

So I buyed an s14

Sadly I had a lot of problems with this car

I had tons of mecanic failures during the season

but I had pleasure to drive

we made some great videos and had a lot of fun

It's the most important for me

so anyway it was a good season

...where's that going?...

This year for my second season

I was given the wheel of this awesome Skyline

It's a 4 doors

so it's an ER34

She has an forged RB26

a single turbo and a Wisefab

also Driftworks suspensions

This car drifted at Gatebill

at the SpeedHunters Workshop

It was the GARAGE D car, so she's loaded of history

She also have a name, Street Candy

We are very good friends!

This year my priority was to make a lot of videos

But I also won the Pro2 King of Europe round in France

But as I said, this year I wanted to make videos

so I made one for each race of course

some scripted videos too

But the biggest videos are coming soon

I made one with French Kiss Prod and Gils'on Tracks

It was 3 crazy days

with 40 persons and the best cameras ever

Even an helicopter!

It's gonna be online in few weeks

Talking about videos, this year I already reached

8 million views

It's a lot, more than I expected

and there is still videos to come out soon

so I think it's gonna be more than 10 millions this year

thanks to my sponsors who helped me reach my goals

and they reach theirs too so it's really great

For 2018, I want to go bigger!

I want to drift more, to have more fun, meet more fans

make more videos, more competitions

But most of all I can't wait to drive the Supra

that will come out the HP Engineering workshop!

With two awesome cars

the only limit is gonna be imagination


I can't wait 2018

and I hope

that you will want

to be a part of this adventure

see you next year!

For more infomation >> COMMENT JE SUIS DEVENU DRIFTEUR - Duration: 7:46.


How to Play - FUTURE HOUSE | Drum Pad Machine - Duration: 1:46.

Drum Pad Machine

For more infomation >> How to Play - FUTURE HOUSE | Drum Pad Machine - Duration: 1:46.


Poo Bear feat. Anitta - Will I See You - REQUEST REACTION! - Duration: 3:16.

Hello my little lovelies, it's your friend Thandi here again hope you are having a wonderful


And i'm back with another music reaction video for you and today i'm doing another request

reaction for you

And i'm gonna do another new artist but it also features somebody who i also love Miss


That's right and we've got a track by somebody called Poo Bear, ft Anitta Will I see You.

So perhaps this is some kind of crossover because it's in english, so let's find out.

Yes, aww she looks beautiful, and soft

Oh she is singing in english

I love the visuals, it's giving me solange Knowles vibes!

Yes I never heard her sing in english

Her voice, Yes Queen

Yes Queen

She looks so pretty, this is probably the most pretty i've seen her

She looks like somebody, this looks like her wedding night almost

This track, yes come with the soul man, next RnB vibes

I was expecting to bop but no i'm whining

Let me think this track for her...

She has been doing a lot of collaborations with a lot of USA artists, european, western


So maybe this is... is this her launch track into the US market, or into the english speaking


This is a great track, this is proper like when you're just cruising down the road with

your Honey, Yes!

So i'm guessing that Poo Bear is the man with the guitar?

Yes Queen, Yes

Oh my days that was so fresh, like that actually shocked me from her, 1st it was more like

a slowed down RnB track, and she was sining in english, so let me know in the comments

is this her track to kind of break the Western markets?

Has she done more english speaking tracks before?

and also damn her voice!!

Her voice is amazing, for real!

Anyway guys thanks for that awesome suggestion, thanks you so much for watching.

If you enjoyed this video please give it a THUMBS UP, lets get this video to 1000 likes,

please share with your friends and Subscribe and remember to turn on your Notifications!

And I will see you next time for another Reaction Video!

For more infomation >> Poo Bear feat. Anitta - Will I See You - REQUEST REACTION! - Duration: 3:16.


[Cover] I Miss You (Blink-182) - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> [Cover] I Miss You (Blink-182) - Duration: 3:50.


Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats - Duration: 3:44.

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats

For more infomation >> Brooke Williams - Down Easy | Epic Beats - Duration: 3:44.


Yes, I actually think worship musicians are performing 😳 - Duration: 5:56.

If you're a part of a worship ministry, you've probably heard this before: this

is not a performance. This is worship, but I would actually argue that worship

leaders and worship musicians are in fact performing. Now if that kind of

feels like rubbing the fur on the cat the wrong way, let me explain.

Hey, it's Dave dolphin at, sharing ideas,

tips and practical advice for the everyday worship leader. The terms

worship and performance I don't think have to be mutually exclusive. You can

have both, and I would say that both are important. You need to worship and you

need to perform, but I probably need to explain what I mean when I say perform. I

think that the word performance has such a negative connotation in worship

ministries is that we interpret that to mean that the performer is doing what

they're doing to bring attention to themselves. We think of people like

Justin Timberlake or Justin Bieber who are very good performers. We think about

going to a concert where they take the stage, all the lights are on them and

we're entertained by what they do. It also has this connotation that the

performer isn't being themselves, that they're trying to be something that

they're not or they're trying to be fake or they're trying to be bigger than they

really. But I don't think that performing automatically means that

you're trying to bring attention on yourself or that you're trying to be

something that you're not. You can perform to do those things, but you can

perform to not do those things. When I say I'm performing I'm saying that I'm

being intentional. I'm intentional about the chords that I play or the words that

I sing. I'm intentional about the things that I do or the things that I say. I'm

intentional about how I carry myself, because how I carry myself communicates

a message. You can unintentionally communicate the wrong message. My body

language, my stage presence, my demeanor is all going to communicate something to

the congregation, so I just want to make sure that what I'm communicating, that

message, is intentional. Think about the supporting actor in a television show or

better yet the extra in the background whose sole job in the scene is to

pretend like he's eating lunch while the stars of the show deliver their lines. Is

that person acting? Are they performing? Yes they are, but are they performing to

bring attention to themselves or are they there to support the lead character,

to make sure the attention is on him? What about the person singing background

vocals for Justin Timberlake? Are they performing? Sure they are, but

they're there to support Justin and what he's doing because he's the lead. As

worship leaders and worship musicians God is our lead. When we perform we

are doing everything we can to support him and convey him in the most truthful

way that we can to the church. To perform as an actor takes a lot of work. A good

actor is gonna study their script. They're going to know the ins and the outs.

They're going to know what they're supposed to say and what the other

characters are supposed to say. They're going to think through what is that

character feeling at the moment. Are they happy? Are they mad? Are they

scared? A good performer puts in the work. A good performer is prepared when it's

time. In fact my lack of preparation and performance quality could actually be a

distraction. When someone is performing and they're being intentional

about the message of they're communicating, that might mean that they

have to do things that in the moment don't feel natural to them but come

across as natural to the congregation. Sometimes that means I need to be

intentional about making sure that my body movements are really big, so that

the message that I'm communicating communicates all the way to the back of

the room. Sometimes that means I need to speak slower and be intentional about

that, because I have a tendency to speak fast and no one can understand me.

Sometimes it means that I have to be a little bit more excited than I feel at

the moment. There's this great scene in the movie Walk The Line. Johnny Cash is

playing a gospel song for Sam Phillips, the owner of Sun Records, and he's hoping

to get a record contract. He's singing about his relationship with God,

about how God has taken away his heavy burden. That this peace within, this peace

that surpasses all understanding, is real and He's going to shout it for everyone

around him to hear. Here's a song about freedom and celebration, but his

body language is communicating a completely different thing. Finally

Sam Phillips stops him and says, "I don't believe you."

You saying I don't believe in God?

(J.R. come on. Let's go.)

No, I want to understand.

We've come down here, we play for a minute and He tells me I don't believe in God.

Now it's not that Johnny Cash didn't believe in God and in the movie

he goes on to sing a completely different song, but maybe the problem

wasn't the song. Maybe the problem was how he performed it and the fact that he

was communicating conflicting messages. The words he was singing and

everything else wasn't lining up. As a worship leader you've got to sell it.

Here's what I mean by that, because we're not selling a lie. We're selling the

truth, and we pray that God takes our worship leading and our worship playing

and breathes life into it because that's where the real life change happens. But

are you doing everything that you can to be convincing? What can you do to help

people believe it and all the while you've got this click track that's

banging in your ears and you're trying to make sure that your drummer is

staying with the click track and you're worrying about that high note that you

have to hit in the bridge and all the while you've got sweat pouring off your

forehead because of the lights and it's mixing in with your hairspray and it's

burning your eyes a little bit. You have to push through all of that and

still articulate the message, so that the words coming out of your mouth and your

body language are all saying the same thing. That may not come natural at

the moment. You might actually have to dig a little bit deeper to find your

motivation, but that's not being fake. That's part of performing. We want to be

real. We want to be authentic, but we can be real and authentic and still be

intentional about how we perform. If this is your first time on the channel,

welcome. We're glad that you're here. We love sharing ideas and tips and

practical advice for the everyday worship leader with videos just like

this one. If you haven't already consider subscribing to the channel. That

way you know when new videos are uploaded every single Tuesday here at

YouTube. If you know someone that might benefit from this video consider

sharing the link on Facebook or Twitter or maybe send somebody an email. For

great practical advice check out

For more infomation >> Yes, I actually think worship musicians are performing 😳 - Duration: 5:56.


How to Draw a Cat - White on Black - Narrated - Duration: 3:42.

Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!

I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a cat.

Let´s begin by sketching the nose [laughter] ¨the nose¨ you can start

anywhere really.

Pick one spot and that will be your reference…

…and from there you build the rest.

In this case, I did the curve of the nose.

We are doing the kitty face, in profile

and as you see I´m drawing with white on black paper.

The list of materials is in the information below the video.

We drew the snout below the nose and down here some long hair.

It will be illuminated with a back light

so what we see is mainly the silhouette.

Here will be the part just below the eye. And we can do the eye with a curving

line which is almost a half circle.

The pencil I am using, by the way, is dry pastel, so it is like a chalk sort

of thing.

And it can be erased if need be.

Let´s draw a reflection on the upper part of the iris of the eye, and then some

of the fur of the ear, the head, and the neck.

On the neck it will be pretty long.

Since it is lit with a back light,

the hairs that go beyond the silhouette

are very illuminated.


Let´s do the lower part of the ear.

And then, I will make the eye just a little bit bigger, I think it should

be a little bit bigger, I just extend my half

circle a little bit.

I think this is a fairly simple drawing which took me, in real time,

about 25 minutes.

Which is much less than my usual tutorials that I usually take about

two or four hours, or sometimes more.

And this is a nice technique I think that you may use for other things

of course.

And I´m reinforcing a little bit more the whites.

I want the highlights to show very nicely against the black,

since we have this special lighting, coming from the back.

We did the whiskers as you saw...

now some highlight on the nose,

and on the head.

All the upper part of the head should be more white.

I think it is looking pretty good!

I´m not sure what do you think about it.

I want to show another highlight on the eye, right here,

and then I add some short hairs

and some more to the outline.

Very good!


I love drawing with this technique!

With the kneaded eraser I make a black line here, that they have

coming down from the eye,

and we give it the last details,

the last touches, and it´s ready!

If you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE! share it to your

friends, and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.

And I will see you, on Tuesday ;)

Subtitled by Grethel Trejo

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Cat - White on Black - Narrated - Duration: 3:42.


BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move - Duration: 3:30.

Oh, I can tell from across the room you're looking over my way

Acting cool like you always do but why you gotta play games

And maybe later we'll rendez-vous if you feel the same

But I'm losing control I just can't stay away

Never would've realized the feeling that I have inside

Let me look into your eyes and I'll get to know you

Have another sip of wine, it'll open up your mind

Maybe if we take our time you'll get to know me too

So I'll take a chance, ask you to dance Cause I just wanna see the way you move

It's getting late, just get a clue And tell me that you feel the way I do

Missed calls you ignore your phone 'cause you ran out of their sight

Grab the keys and I'll take you home it ain't a very long drive

Tell me don't ever let you go and I'll hold you tight

It's easy to see baby that's what you like

Never would've realized the feeling that I have inside

Let me look into your eyes and I'll get to know you

Have another sip of wine, it'll open up your mind

Maybe if we take our time you'll get to know me too

So I'll take a chance, ask you to dance Cause I just wanna see the way you move

It's getting late, just get a clue and tell me that you feel the way I do

For more infomation >> BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move - Duration: 3:30.


Maned wolf | The canid of South America | | Rare animals and where to find them| - Duration: 6:31.

other species have unique shapes and capabilities, in many cases can

quasar astonishment, wonder, repelús absolute terror or humans, this occurs

in contrast to much with what we're used to seeing, an example is when

one has in mind the image of a dog or a fox, but knowing the maned wolf

or maned wolf, his appearance does not go unnoticed by people.

This canido, may be around for several South American countries, from Peru to the west of the

Pampas del Heath, Bolivia to the east and north of the Andes, Paraguay in Rio Grande do Sul,

near its northern border with Brazil, Uruguay, Brazil and of course especially in Argentina

Nortica in its region, moving forests of dry shrubs in grasslands, grasslands, savannas,

and areas near rivers. is a canid, being a carnivore, who composes his own

the chrysocyones family, very similar to foxes, but the important feature

It is that her pupils are not torn as the aforementioned. in fact not related

anything with wolves, jackals, dogs and other components of the Canidae family.

but their morphology is very similar to what you could get across a fox and

a dog weighing up to 29 kilograms, your body is very similar to vulpes, with a length

1 meter 20 centimeters, with a bushy tail up to 45 cm, large dark circles,

long, erect and pointed to 18 centimeters long snout, sharp teeth especially

fangs, but up to that point are their similarities and their legs are too

long and thin, making it the highest wild canid and the largest in South America,

with a height at withers 90 cm, probably due to an adaptation

to observe on the high pastures, with fur on the legs of black color,

in her thick reddish body but with a greater thickness in the neck and chest black color,

where this mane gives its name maned wolf.

They are carnivores that are feared to hunt cattle and even frightens people by

idea that can attack, but its main prey are animals like armadillos, rabbits,

rodents and other small mammals that hunt to detect and pounce on

stooping and slowly moving them to throw their prey like foxes,

also it hunts for fish, insects and even, calculating 50% of your diet eat fruit

such as bananas, guavas and tomatoes, root vegetables and sugar cane. rarely

adventure to get into the farms, but only to try to catch a calf or lamb,

and especially the headache when he gets to the farms where chickens are given a

feast. in zoos before they were fed an exclusive diet of meat, but this

produced bladder stones them to think they were strict carnivores, now they

It provides a diet with fruits, meat and crocketas for dogs.

are nocturnal especially males, which states that are more active than females,

This may be due to cross its territory of 27 square kilometers that mark with

your urine and glands of a very strong and unpleasant odor. They are independent and rare

Once interact with other specimen, contrasting with the social organizations most

the other canids, hunt, travel and rest in solitude, sleeping in the day between

the high pastures only communicating with vocalizations that play after

dark, squeaks and grunts, but his solitary behavior disappears

in the breeding season. They are monogamous, nothing contrast, the

together with your partner to procreate, where the female goes into heat to be influenced

for daylight hours in the months of August to October in its natural state, it is

say in the southern hemisphere, while in captivity in the north of the planet occurs

in the months of October to February. which is very similar to dogs, is that its gestation

It lasts 65 days giving birth in a nest between the thick vegetation, with a layer of 1

5 puppies blind, deaf and dependent mother with a weight of 250 grams, which

open your eyes and ears at 9 days, and his ears up to the fourth week of

born at 10 weeks to become similar to adult fur and 15 weeks,

ie 4 months are weaned and being dependent both parents that feed

and teach until he is one year old, and then go in search of their territory.

their average life span in the wild reaches 13 years where almost no

Predators sometimes are attacked by wild or domestic dogs while

in captivity it is 15 years, where you have greater success for reproduction,

a couple of different sex to be together and separated from each other.

in general he is positioned in the status of least concern, but in countries like

Peru or Uruguay is endangered by what is protected for its population

It is not decimated, especially because they were hunted by humans, to get into the

poultry farms, but generally it is too cautelozo to get into them, so

a good measure is to maintain a large population of prey for them are not

encouraged to mess with farm animals. fungen also an importance

ecological to hunt rodents and rabbits that they affect farmers, while

the ants use their feces for their crops of fungi and eating seeds

fruits, has the ability to disseminate in their habitat.

a very spectacular for its elongated legs canido and his thick mane, which runs south america

giving a variety to its environment and in itself is very heavy, becoming prominent

many of them, that is the maned wolf. I hope this video has been to his liking, if

I was so dale like and share it so that more people know this channel, I leave

my social networks that are in contact, and by that means ads will

As for the relevant channel. If you're new I invite you to subscribe and forget

leave a comment or a question that has arisen you, thank you very much for watching this

video, we're watching you later.

For more infomation >> Maned wolf | The canid of South America | | Rare animals and where to find them| - Duration: 6:31.


Škoda Fabia Combi 1.2 TSI ELEGANCE DSG - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia Combi 1.2 TSI ELEGANCE DSG - Duration: 1:02.


Goth Capsule Makeup Collection | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 7:32.

Hey, guys.

Welcome back.

I'm Courtney.

This is Phaedra, and Nyx is in the other room at the moment.

Before I jump into this video, I want to remind you to click the little subscribe button down

below so you don't miss out on seeing things from me or my poodles.

Today's video is a request from the PhyrraNyx Facebook group.

We were talking about capsule makeup collections in there, and I said that I would put together

a goth capsule makeup collection.

Now I feel like it needs to be said that you don't have to be pale to be goth.

This may come a shock to some people.

A lot of people who are goth are pale, but just as many are not.

Being pale is a goth stereotype and it's not really reflective of the culture at large.

So no matter what, you're going to need an eyeshadow primer.

I prefer Too Faced Shadow Insurance.

You can use any primer you like.

Urban Decay's Primer Potion is also great.

You also need a setting powder.

I like Milani's Prep + Set + Go setting powder.

I use this to set my eyeshadow and it can set my foundation.

I have oily hooded lids, but the rest of my skin is very, very dry so that is a great

product for me because it helps my eyeshadow to last longer and blend better.

Now on to eyeshadows.

So in my opinion for a goth capsule collection, you basically need ... At the minimum, you

need a matte black, a matte white, a matte red, and a matte purple.

I have all of these here in my GlamTech palette.

So this is my top row.

My bottom row colors are basically optional.

This is kind of like a deep gray taupe so you could use this to contour if you wanted

to do that.

This is a light like kind of beige color so you could use that as a transition or a blending

out color.

This is a light purple.

Also you could use it as a transition or blending out color.

This is an iridescent white with a blue shift so that could be a good highlight.

But basically with these four colors right here in the top row, you could do anything

you want.

I put this together with all Sugarpill colors.

That's Tako, Love+, Poison Plum, Bulletproof.

This is Castle on the Hill, Heart Shaped Cookie, Frostine, and Snow Angel.

Those would be my must-have colors and nice-to-have colors.

This would basically let you create any sort of gothic look that you want.

Now let's talk about lip pencils.

I think that there are basically two colors that you need.

You need a black lip pencil and a red lip pencil.

This is Kat Von D's X and this is Urban Decay's Perversion.

The reason that you need one of these two colors is that with a black, you can use it

under any color to deepen it and basically make it look more intense, any lipstick color.

With the red, it's basically a classic.

So let's talk lipsticks.

There are three colors that I think are a must-have for gothic lips.

One is a classic bright red.

I've chosen 714 by Urban Decay.

One is a classic black.

I chose Urban Decay's Perversion because this is my all-time favorite black lipstick.

The last color that I chose is Urban Decay's Heroine which is a deep blue.

Now what I love about having these lipsticks and these pencils is that you can basically

... Depending on which pencil you use, you're going to end up with a different color.

For example if you take the black lip pencil and use that to line and fill in your lips

and then put 714 on top and blend it out with a lip brush, you're going to end up with a

really, really deep blackened red shade.

So you have like a nice deep color.

If you use the red lip pencil and Heroine lipstick with a lip brush, you can mix the

two colors together with a lip brush to create a purple.

So you can mix the colors together to create a purple if you want.

With just those three lipsticks and those two pencils, you really have a lot of options.

I mean obviously of course if you want to have more lipsticks, I would be all for it,

but I was trying to really limit it.

The other lipstick color that I would recommend is Sugarpill's U4EA which is like my perfect

deep matte teal blue.

I love that color.

If you wanted an optional lip pencil, the one that I use all the time is Urban Decay


That's because it's a deep wine.

I'm actually wearing it today with Sugarpill's Strange Love lipstick.

Sugarpill's Strange Love lipstick was limited edition, but it's coming back.

If you have an interest in having the lip that I'm wearing which is awesome for fall

or for ... I think it's awesome really anytime because I love deep vampy red like shimmery


I would pick these two up.

Then you need eyeliner.

I would recommend a black pencil like Urban Decay's Perversion eye pencil and a gel liner

like Sigma Wicked because between the two, you can cover pretty much anything.

You can do graphic eyeliner with these.

You can basically use this to line your waterline, whatever you want.

You need a good foundation, so whatever foundation you're most comfortable with that works with

your skin.

I have very dry skin so the only foundation that I own that I don't have to mix white

into is Idun Minerals Norrsken Foundation in the Jorunn.

I love this foundation and think it's great, but it is definitely geared for dry skin like


If you have oily skin, I would recommend that you look at Kat Von D's Lock-It Foundation.

I love this foundation for oily skin, and I think it has a great shade range.

It has a ton of different colors.

I just personally find it difficult for me to wear because I have dry skin and it's not

geared for my skin type.

You also need a good concealer.

My favorite concealer is Kat Von D's Lock-It Concealer as you can see by my tube which

is like all scratched up from continued use.

I think this is an awesome concealer to use for anything around the face, under the eyes,

whatever you need.

It has a lot of pigmentation so a little goes a long way.

Now we mentioned in the eyeshadow colors that if you wanted to contour you could use the

Sugarpill shade Castle on the Hill.

Building on that if you want to highlight, I would recommend that you do one of two things.

I would either say pick up the Kat Von D Alchemist Palette which you can use these four colors

with all of your different eyeshadows to create more looks and highlight your face or you

can pick up a single highlighter like this.

This is Makeup Geek Celestial.

It is my all-time favorite highlighter.

It's what I'm wearing on my cheeks right now if you can see.

I think it gives me a beautiful highlight, but both of those products would be really

great for a capsule collection in my opinion.

If you are going to be going out clubbing and dancing, I would highly recommend that

you invest in a setting spray.

I love the Milani Make It Dewy Setting Spray for my dry skin.

I've heard great things about the Make It Last Setting Spray by Milani, but if you want

to go with the classic, Urban Decay's All Nighter is excellent.

It just works.

It works every single time.

It is an excellent product to invest in to keep your makeup sealed in.

Plus you can use it to foil eyeshadows which is how I often use it.

You also need a mascara.

I would recommend checking out like IT Cosmetics Superhero Mascara or Urban Decay Perversion


Or you could try something like Eyeko's Black Magic Mascara, just something that is going

to work with your lash type.

Now onto brows, I personally love Wunderbrow.

I think it is an excellent product.

You can use it to make your brows very bold and sweat-proof or you can kind of feather

it out for a softer look.

I use the shade Jet Black.

I think that's everything.

This is everything that I would use for a goth capsule makeup collection.

I find it fascinating that so many people really love this capsule concept.

Please be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

If you like this video and found it helpful, fun, entertaining, or informative, please

give it a thumbs up and share.

It really makes my day.

Thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Goth Capsule Makeup Collection | Cruelty Free @phyrra - Duration: 7:32.


Halloween decor | Hey Steph - Duration: 4:47.

Hey Guys it's Steph, and welcome to this video. Today is the 1st october.

And therefore I have decorated my room for halloween today.

I'm a big fan of halloween, and the only thing i'm excited for in the fall time is halloween.

And all the coziness and scaryness. And I like the hole mood about halloween.

And the costumes, and the pumpkins, and the candles, it's cozy but also scary.

I just love everything about halloween. Therefore i'm also excited to decorated for halloween.

And I have done that with you, or I have filmed some clips, of how I have decorated my room.

So I thought, why not share it with you. So I hope that you can get some inspiration.

But I think that we should take a look at it.

It's fall and we need some candles inside. So i've put some decoration beads in this dish,

and with some candles in this halloween/fall colors. And spice it up a bit, with some creepy plastic spiders,

to make it a bit more halloween-ish.

And we need to get a lot of pumpkins, now when it's halloween.

And to start with, I have these two small halloween pumpkins,

that I stand beside the dish with the candles.

But we are not done with the pumpkins. I have these two pumpkins, that's actually small lanterns.

So you can set tea lights inside them, so it's a bit cozy.

Everything that is about lights, is always good for the fall time. So I have these fairy lights, with pumpkin heads on.

And I also had them last year. And it's really cozy in the mornings, when it's dark outside,

and you can just turn on some fairy light. And this one gives a really nice halloween mood.

And as I said in the beginning. I'm really glad for halloween. So we are not done yet.

Last year i made this row.

It's actually very simple. It's just a piece of yarn, and then print some of these flags out and some letters.

And of course it says halloween. And i've just hanged this up with some tape.

And of course we need a really nice and cozy bed. It's not so halloween-ish but it's fall-ish,

because these pillows is faux fur, and also these very nice green colors, that match with the candles.

And now we are ready for a lot of good or scary halloween movies.

That's it guys. That how I have decorated for halloween.

I try to keep it simple, but still with a good mood.

And as I said in the beginning, I hope that it have given some inspiration to you.

Else, I hoped that you have liked this video. If you have, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe,

and I would be very happy if you would follow me on my social media. Especially my instagram.

And I also hope to see you again in my next video.


For more infomation >> Halloween decor | Hey Steph - Duration: 4:47.


Top 10 best budget bluetooth headset. - Duration: 4:57.

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