Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 3 2017

Bigg Boss 11 House Inside Look - Best Bigg Boss House Ever | Don't Miss It

For more infomation >> Bigg Boss 11 House Inside Look - Best Bigg Boss House Ever | Don't Miss It - Duration: 6:25.


Real - Werewolf appearance in Brazil - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Real - Werewolf appearance in Brazil - Duration: 5:38.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 TS+ Navigatie Parkeersensoren V+A - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 TS+ Navigatie Parkeersensoren V+A - Duration: 0:54.


HOW TO DISPOSE OF TRASH ON A BOAT! Q&A 18 - Duration: 11:43.

Hello and welcome to your questions, in which we take one of your questions and

we answer it for about five minutes or so. And I think this one is going to divide

the audience. And I think having had a quick discussion with Liz about this

it's going to divide us as well! So the question is, and we get asked this

quite a lot, is what do we do with our rubbish whilst we live on our boat? It's

a big question because of course it does open up lots of discussions about the

environment and rubbish disposal and so on. I guess we should start with just

describing what we do. Basically anything that you can eat, and

anything that's organic goes over, and it goes over whether

we're at anchor or in the middle of the ocean. So if it's completely biodegradable

basically if it's biological, it goes over the side. A couple of months ago we did a

video which we entitled "Living like Robinson Crusoe" and in that video

we went on to show how we picked up rubbish. And it opened up a huge debate about

what we should be doing with this rubbish. A lot of people suggested that

we can burn the rubbish. I think the the point to make is that

the rubbish we picked up was all plastic. It was plastic specifically that

we picked up. Having said that, people are suggesting that you can burn plastic.

Now when we came to Tioman, which is where we are now, we came via a little

island called Tinggi and we had four or five bags of rubbish, and it

wouldn't have been fair to have taken that rubbish ashore there, because it has

a population of about 1,500 people... so what would they do with it? They'd

probably burn it. In Tioman we were happy to see that they have recycle bins with little

signs that say "recycle your rubbish", and you can divide up your tin cans and your

plastic bottles. The only thing is that every night as we sit here in anchor

we can smell burning plastic. It's all burning ashore. And, of course, probably

most of you know that burning plastic releases dioxins into the atmosphere.

Carcinogens, toxins... yeah they can be extremely harmful

to ourselves and to the environment and to the atmosphere. And I mean even the

the professionals out there are divided about whether it is actually effective

to incinerate. so the argument is that if you incinerate at high enough

temperatures, and you filter the smoke that comes out of the incinerator, then

you control those dioxins. But some people aren't necessarily in agreement

with that either. So you know, should we be burning plastic when we go ashore to

help the Islanders not have to do it for us? Because that essentially seems

to be what happens. We carefully package it all up give, it to them to be recycled

and it gets burnt anyway! And that's actually getting us nowhere at all. We

know of a lot of yachties, and we'll admit that we did it ourselves, a lot of

yachties will throw tin cans over the side.

Now aluminium beer cans, there's a special way that if you rip it and you

throw it in the water in such a way, it's guaranteed to sink. So a lot of yachties

do this. And I know we used to do it as well... then we got told off didn't we?

We got told off! There's a couple of reasons for that. The first thing is that

aluminium cans are actually lined with a plastic, to not only hold in the ink on

the outside and the labeling, but also inside it actually acts as a kind of

preservative. That obviously takes a while to break down. Do you know how

long it takes it an aluminium can to break down? I don't know, tell me Jamie! 200 years.

For a... an aluminium can. A tin can is 50 years. Okay, so when we're

talking tin can we mean a tin can that you keep your peas and your baked beans

in. Yes. All right, but the drinking cans for Coca Cola, Fanta and all that

crap, they've got plastic in them? So what we were arguing about just now was...

While I agree with you on the plastic coated soda cans: Yeah

they should go. But the tin cans that we keep our vegetables in, I don't have a

problem with throwing those over when we're quite a way out, when you've got

a mile of sea beneath you. Hey, isn't that just kind of again the whole

out-of-sight out-of-mind thing? You know, it's not my problem if I dump it over

the side and it sinks to the bottom a mile in the ocean. If it was carcinogenic,

if it had toxins, if someone would tell me that by doing that I'm actually

releasing toxins into the water which are gonna hurt the animals, then I would

rethink it. I haven't found that information anywhere, but as far as I

understand you're just putting tin back into the earth. And my biggest,

the BIGGEST thing that pisses me off generally about recycling and generally

getting rid of rubbish, is that this earth is 7/10 ocean. Only 30% of the

earth is covered in land, so why do we think that it's OK to shove everything

on the land in landfills, or whatever it is we do with it, and the

other 70% is is so pristine we mustn't put even one tin can in it. For me, a tin

can in the middle of a very deep ocean if it's not causing any harm is no worse

than putting it in a landfill. OK, yeah I get your argument. I I think at this

point I'm just going to put a little overlay over this discussion now, and

show you some photographs of aluminium beer cans that have collected. Now I

assume this is in shallow water, so these are in anchorages. So you can imagine an

anchorage with a whole load of boats , they were all having a party and they chucked

their tin cans over the side. And you shouldn't do that. Definitely you

shouldn't put anything in the harbour or where you're anchored, nothing except for

foodstuffs. Nothing else goes in there because it will just rest there. When

you've got a mile of ocean beneath you, okay well it will rest at the bottom but

it will gradually disintegrate and it will eventually go

to back to tin into its elements. As long as it doesn't cause harm to the animals... and I

do know that some environmentalists say that some things, for instance glass or

things that are not not harmful, will act as little homes for some great sea

creatures. So you know I think we've got to be very careful about what we do and

we don't throw over the side, and what we do and don't put in the earth, it's the same thing.

Glass is an interesting one, because we attempted to smash the glass on the

bow of the boat to break it up. It's a bit dangerous though because you get

glass splinters all over the deck. So do you then just fill up the glass from the

tap, fill it up and throw it over the side for it to sink to the bottom? I haven't got a

problem with glass going into the ocean, again it needs to be a way out, because

when I was little I used to collect the glass, the bits of glass that used to end

up on the beach and have been rolled in the surf. They've got that gorgeous lovely

texture, all rounded and pretty, and lots of different colors. We used to get them all

over the beaches in the UK, you just don't see little bits of glass anymore.

And that's because we're all using... PLASTIC! Did you know, glass though,

they can't actually even decide how long it takes to break down when it's smashed

up. Of course it gets ground down, but a whole glass bottle if it were to sink to

the bottom of the ocean takes so long to decompose they actually don't know

how long it takes. Some people reckon it takes a million years. But why is that a

problem though? Look at a glass bottle that's not

producing any kind of dioxins, it's perhaps giving a few sea creatures a

home, perhaps it's going in a little bit shallower and helping to form part of

the coral... Isn't glass made from sand in the first

place? Here's some other interesting facts, just on decomposition: so

cigarette butts between one to five years; tin cans 50 years; aluminum cans

200 years; plastic beverage holders, now these things are evil, these things,

you know they're when you get a six-pack of beer,

they take 400 years. 400 years to decompose! Now plastic does decompose in

the water, let's get our facts right, it will decompose, but if

it takes 400 years to decompose that thing's floating around in the ocean and

we've all seen photographs of turtles and dolphins and marine animals

that either swallow these things or they get caught up in them. It's all coming

back to plastic. Yeah, it all comes back to plastic. And the problem with this

bloody planet, and the human beings on it, is that we seem to love plastic.

And the manufacturers can't stop making plastic CRAP. There's too much plastic on it.

Just stop making plastic now, just stop it. When I grew up, your milk came in

a milk bottle, and it was delivered and then the next day the bloke would come

back (the milkman), he'd take the bottle away, wash it out, and then bring it back

again. Actually we do see that, we have seen that. In places like Turkey you

could recycle your beer bottles, and in here they do a lot of that kind of

recycling as well. You used to get a penny back didn't you, when you took

your bottles back to the shop. This is all very well, but this doesn't help

us. As yachties, what do we do? I think the only thing that we can do as

yachties is to try and minimize the amount of plastic that we

buy in the first place. Absolutely. And that's from going to the supermarket and taking

your hessian, recycled shopping bags - trying to avoid... and

of course the other thing when you go into shop, and they immediately put all

your gear in plastic bags. In the UK now I think they're obliged to ask whether

you want plastic bags, and they charge you for bags. They don't do that in some

of these countries, so it's up to you as the person buying this gear to

take... yeah, take your shopping bag with you. That is all we can do... We

can do better, I mean only today I was desperately thirsty and I bought a

plastic bottle full of water, so that will go into the rubbish, and it'll go onto

the island to possibly get burnt tonight. So really places like Lipe in

Thailand, they provide you with a stainless steel container and they have

little spots all around the island where you can just fill up with water.

They're trying to stop plastic bottles and it's great. There are lots of

initiatives around the world, there's no point in getting too upset because there

are loads of initiatives. We should just mention that Liz is talking about

TRASH HEROES, and this is a nonprofit organization set up by both tourists and

the local people on Koh Lipe. And they now have lots and lots of different

factions around, not just Thailand, but in Malaysia and Indonesia as well, and these

guys are doing a great job. The sad thing is is that it's from the bottom, it's

done from the bottom up, you know. There's no government incentive. It seems as if

there is no government incentive from the top down to incentivize people to

not buy plastic. So there we go. Interesting discussion. Let us know what

you think in the comments below. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, and

if you think this is an interesting discussion then please do share it

across your social media. Yes, please do let's generate a whole load of thinking

on this subject, and let's do it on Facebook and Instagram... We do all of

those, so chuck it on there let's get it out there. Let's see what people have to say.

In the meantime... Peace, and fair winds.

For more infomation >> HOW TO DISPOSE OF TRASH ON A BOAT! Q&A 18 - Duration: 11:43.


Save Local Business - Duration: 0:31.

Local businesses are the backbone of Canada.

From your first job. To new starts.

To building something we can all be proud of.

They're where so many people work.

And they're worth fighting to save.

The Trudeau Liberals are threatening local businesses with

big new tax hikes.

Now I won't just stand by

and let the Liberals drive them into the ground.

I'm Andrew Scheer.

That's who I am and that's why I'm fighting to

save local business.

Join me by going to

For more infomation >> Save Local Business - Duration: 0:31.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Zuma da Patrulha Canina em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Zuma da Patrulha Canina em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 11:05.


Assassin's Creed Origins Developer Q&A Combat Breakdown - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed Origins Developer Q&A Combat Breakdown - Duration: 4:58.


(70000 points)🔥 JIO KBC PLAY ALONG 1 and 7 CRORE QUESTION + ANSWER (70000 points) MUST WATCH 2017 - Duration: 1:49.

Must Play Today And win 70k Point

For more infomation >> (70000 points)🔥 JIO KBC PLAY ALONG 1 and 7 CRORE QUESTION + ANSWER (70000 points) MUST WATCH 2017 - Duration: 1:49.


✅ হস্তমৈথন এর উপকারিতা যা জানলে চমকে যাবেন আপনি । হস্তমৈথন এর উপকারিতা কি । Bangla Masterbation Tips - Duration: 3:41.

Welcome To My Channel

Thanks For Watch

For more infomation >> ✅ হস্তমৈথন এর উপকারিতা যা জানলে চমকে যাবেন আপনি । হস্তমৈথন এর উপকারিতা কি । Bangla Masterbation Tips - Duration: 3:41.


Prottoy Heron VS Tawhid Afridi || Bangla New Funny Video 2017 || Who is The Best?? - Duration: 7:52.

Subscribe Plz

For more infomation >> Prottoy Heron VS Tawhid Afridi || Bangla New Funny Video 2017 || Who is The Best?? - Duration: 7:52.


Heart Touching Bangla Short Film 2017 Panjabi | পাঞ্জাবি | Bengali Short Film | Multi Talented Club - Duration: 13:07.

For more infomation >> Heart Touching Bangla Short Film 2017 Panjabi | পাঞ্জাবি | Bengali Short Film | Multi Talented Club - Duration: 13:07.


Henry Winkler Loves To Fish | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:27.







>> YEAH.



































For more infomation >> Henry Winkler Loves To Fish | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:27.


Sims FreePlay - Groovers 'n' Movers Event (Tutorial & Walkthrough) - Duration: 5:11.

Hi guys, welcome to Make2 and the Sims FreePlay Groovers 'n' Movers Event. This event unlocks lots

of new exercise-themed outfits for your sims.

In this video we're going to show you how to do the event, and all of the outfits you'll

win if you complete it successfully.

This is a limited time event running during October 2017.

If you are watching this video after the event ends, then you have missed it and you will

need to wait for the Sims FreePlay game developers to bring it back another time.

This event is centered around the Aerobics Hobby for adult sims.

To get started on this hobby, you need to build the Health Hub in town and complete

the Grooving Guru Quest.

We've done a walkthrough for that quest already which we'll link to in the video description,

so please check that out .

Finishing the Grooving Guru quest unlocks the Aerobics Hobby, which is what you'll need

to complete in order to win these new exercise outfits.

Each time you complete the Aerobics Hobby, you'll unlock 1 new outfit prize pack.

We'll explain more how that works later in the video.

Now, if you have never completed the Aerobics Hobby before, this next point is very important.

All hobbies have levels which a sim will achieve as they do more of the hobby, usually going

from the lowest level 1 to the highest level 6.

This is what an empty hobby collection looks like when you've only ever had a sim reach

a lower level in the hobby.

Each of these squares is a hobby item which you collect by completing 1 hobby action.

As you can see, the squares for the higher levels are blue.

This means those hobby items are locked, and you won't be able to get any of them until

at least one sim reaches those levels.

But in order to win even 1 of the new exercise outfits, you need to collect all 12 of the

hobby items.

Since you can only collect items which have been unlocked, you first need a sim to reach

the highest level in the hobby in order to unlock and collect all of the items.

So if you haven't completed this collection yet, we recommend letting 1 sim do the longer

hobby actions until they level all the way up and unlock all of the items.

You only need 1 sim to hit the highest level one time to unlock the whole collection.

After that, the items will stay unlocked and any sim doing the hobby will be able to get

any item, no matter what level they are.

Basically all hobbies in the game work like this, so for a future tip, it's a really good

idea to get a sim to the highest level in each hobby, in preparation for future events.

It takes time for sims to level up all the way.

This is why we recommend getting a sim to the highest level before these hobby events

happen, so you don't have to spend valuable time doing it during the event.

Now, once a sim has reached the highest level and unlocked the whole collection, we then

recommend putting as many sims as possible on the hobby.

With the Aerobics Hobby, you can buy up to 15 exercise mats to place in your sims' homes.

They'll be in your inventory after you buy them, in the Hobby category.

In addition to those 15 mats, you already have 1 mat at the Health Hub.

So you can have a total of 16 sims in your town working on the Aerobics Hobby at the

same time.

You can also send 1 of your sims to a neighbor's town and have the sim use an exercise mat

at your neighbor's Health Hub.

Why should you have this many sims doing the hobby?

Because like we said, you need to collect all 12 hobby items to win 1 of the outfit

prize packs.

And as we said, the way to get 1 hobby item is to have a sim complete 1 hobby action.

The item they end up with will be random, and you might get repeats.

You just have to keep doing the hobby over and over again until you collect all 12.

So this is why we recommend that you have as many sims as you can doing the shortest

task over and over again.

It helps to have a lot of sims completing as many hobby actions as possible during the

event, to give you more chances to collect the hobby items.

When you have completed the hobby collection and earned 1 outfit prize pack, tap the button

at the top which says Reset Collection.

This will make the collection empty again.

When you've collected another 12 items, you'll get another prize pack.

Keep doing this until you've won all the prizes.

So let's take a look at what we got.

These outfits are for male and female adult sims.

I actually really like them, especially compared to other exercise outfits that have previously

been in the game.

Other exercise outfits in the game have been things like matching sport bras and leggings

for women, and I like that the outfits from this event are mismatched sweatshirts and

leggings and things like that.

That's usually what I wear when I exercise, so this feels a lot more realistic.

And if you don't have your sims exercising, it's also just a way to give them a more relaxed

and casual look, like they're just hanging out at home in their most comfortable clothes.

So hopefully you guys have enjoyed this walkthrough of the Sims FreePlay Groovers 'n' Movers Event.

Please let us know in the comments what you think, and if you're new to our channel, in

the meantime feel free to subscribe because we've got plenty more Sims FreePlay content

on the way.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Sims FreePlay - Groovers 'n' Movers Event (Tutorial & Walkthrough) - Duration: 5:11.


Bekakilt a buszon | Ez BUSZtustalan #2 - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Bekakilt a buszon | Ez BUSZtustalan #2 - Duration: 5:46.


Marvel vs Capcom Infinite – Gavião Arqueiro Tutorial (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Marvel vs Capcom Infinite – Gavião Arqueiro Tutorial (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 3:14.


Bad Baby Candy Prank Learn Colors With Candy 🍭Steel Candy Вредные детки 😡Пранк крадет конфеты - Duration: 5:04.

So I want to sleep. I'm going to lie down.

Where did you get the sweets ?!

Now I'll find it!

Where did you get the chocolate ?!

Again you eat sweet?

I will punish you!

Do not forget to put it and subscribe to the channel

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Candy Prank Learn Colors With Candy 🍭Steel Candy Вредные детки 😡Пранк крадет конфеты - Duration: 5:04.


#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Donald Butler - Duration: 1:01.

DONALD BUTLER: I was drafted in 1952.

I volunteered to go to Korea and I went over to Korea.

I got there on Easter Sunday [in] 1953.

I drove a truck.

I was a truck driver.

We hauled chemicals, grenades, incendiary grenades, and flamethrowers prepared in the

compound and our chemical company.

I would load the truck, drive them down to the port in Pusan.

They would load them onto the ships and take them up North.

Lot of good times, lot of bad times, but it was a fond memory.

But my time in Korea was a memorable time.

I'm glad I was there.

I'll never forget it. [END]

For more infomation >> #VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Donald Butler - Duration: 1:01.


10 Fakten über Island! Wie kalt ist es hier wirklich? - Duration: 11:13.

Hey everyone!

I'm on the road trip!

We are driving to the Westfjords.

For three days.

With the Mink Camper in the back.

I'm on my way to the Westfjords with a friend. (most remote area in Iceland)

And we have the Mink Camper in the back!

It's a camper van.

The first time that I'm driving with a trailer.

I'm always getting many questions about Iceland and I never really made a video about them.

So, I've got 10 facts for you now!

If you ever wondered on which side the petrol cap is.. the arrow next to the fuel symbol tells you!

First I'm going to talk about the temperature, because I think many people can't have any idea of it.

I couldn't either!

In the three summer months July till August it's mostly between 10 and 12°C.

But it can also get 18°C, what then is really hot here.

When the sun is out, it feels really strong.

What often causes the cold is the wind really.

It can get really really cold when the wind comes out.

And in the winter months where it really snows and where it's really cold,

November, December, January, February..

It could get to -16°C. But mostly it's really something between -4°C and +4°C.

At least that's what I noticed..

There is a sheep that can't turn around again.

It's laying on its back.

I don't know if I just can go on the land..

It's a matter of life and death.

I think it's dying.. it has foam at the mouth..

It's not moving anymore..

But the farmer is coming now..

It died..

Can you see the rainbow circle around the sun?

That happens when you are too stupid to fill up..

60 km later in Flókalundur!

7.516 ISK. 70 EUR.

Two ravens..

Just before going to sleep, the second fact.

About the northern lights..

In the three summer months you can't see them of course, because you have 24/7 of daylight.

End of August it starts again that you can see some white northern lights.

And from end of August you can see them till around April. There you still have a good chance to see them.

To see the northern lights it has to be completely dark..

It also has to be cold - the colder the better..

And of course the sky has to be clear.

It's just unbelievably amazing..

To sleep here inside..

To open this window and feel the wind..

So, I'm going to make some hot coffee now!

Hüly knows it now!

So, we are cooking at the moment.

And as the 3rd fact I want to talk about Icelandic last names.

If you ever kept yourself busy with Icelanders then you might know that their last names

are often the same or that many people have the same last name.

That's because every child who is born is called the father's name's son by their last name.

So, if my father would be called Jón, I would be called Hüly Jónsdóttir.

When you are a girl then you are the daughter, so it's dóttir.

And when you are a sun, it's son.

Mostly, the name of the father is taken, but since a few years it's also possible to take the name of the mother.

I've eaten too much.

Awesome thing!

4th fact!

The nature looks different every single day.

Really.. you can drive the same road every day and every day it will seem like another road.

And you're always like: Am I right here?

It becomes more green every single day during summer.

And also, everything becomes just suddenly green.. like over night.

And then suddenly everything has an end and everything becomes yellow..

Awesome, awesome, awesooome!

So, we are in Breiðavík now.

Almost in Látrabjarg.

And here is the next fact.

It's about the language.

People speak Icelandic and English here.

And everyone is still learning Danish as a 2nd language in school as well.

And I would say for Germans it's not a really difficult language, when you are linguistically talented.

I can tell you a few important words or sentences.

'Góðan daginn!' - Means 'Good morning!' / 'Good day!'.

'Takk fyrir!' - Means 'Thank you!' / 'Thanks ((for) that)!'

'Já.' and 'Nei.' - Means 'Yes.' and 'No.'

'Ekkert mál!' - Means 'No problem!'

And I think Icelandic is a really bautiful language.

There is an online platform where you can learn Icelandic for free.

I will link that in the description box for you!

We arrived at Látrabjarg now!

Normally you can see puffins here, but I guess they flew away already now in September.

To somewhere where it's warmer.

And the 6th fact is that there are 340.000 people living here in Iceland.

As at 2017.

Wow, we thought this is white sand.

But these are tiny shells..

We are now again in the Mink Camper.

And we can see northern lights and the stars!

So, it's the last day today that we are travelling through the Westfjords with the Mink Camper..

I haven't shown you the inside yet, I think.

So, there are two berths.

There is a shelf where you can store things.

There is also a table that is outside now and two chairs which I will show you soon.

And a shoe box.

Here is a heater and USB connectors.


We saw the northern lights through each window yesterday ..

But here is the next fact..

I wanted to talk about the capital city.

It's Reykjavík.

And more than 60% of the people here in Iceland are living in Reykjavík.

Then there are a few bigger cities around Reykjavík, for example Hafnarfjörður and others.

And maybe one of the important ones or also one of the bigger ones

is for example Akureyri in the North or Selfoss in the South.

It's definitely worth to have a look at all of them!

This is one of the chairs!

So crazy.. it looks like a director's chair!

And this is the table!

And this is our brunch..

The next fact is about the Icelandic flag.

It's red, white and blue.

Blue stands for the Atlantic Ocean (but mainy for the mountains).

Red stands for the volcanic activity, so for fire.

And blue for water.

The white stands for ice, so for the glacier.

And then there is the Nordic Cross which symbolises being part of the Scandinavian countries.

But it also stands for Christianity.

And I really love the Icelandic flag.. it's so beautiful..

It's really beautiful.. Look at it..

So, there is a gate coming soon.

On the way back from the Westfjords to Reykjavík.

It costs 1.000 ISK, so I thought I will tell you a few things about the Icelandic crones.

1.000 ISK look like this.

And 1.000 ISK are around 10 EUR.

But actually it's 8 EUR at the moment.

But I always keep it in mind like that 1.000 ISK are around 10 EUR,

but actually it's a bit less.. so it's 8 EUR.

So, 2.000 ISK are around 20 EUR, but it's actually a bit less.

That's how I keep it in my mind.

And there is the gate!

Ok, good to mention that it costs 200 ISK more when you have a trailer in the back!

And I wanted to tell you that you can pay everywhere with credit card.

And then there is already the last and 10th fact for you.

You can make a ring road tour around Iceland.

The street is called street number 1 or ring road.

If you would drive it at once it would take 17 hours.. Without sleep, without anything.

As I was here the first time I rented a car and drove around Iceland in 10 days.

I can link you those videos in the description box.

I can really recommend to rent a car or a camper van like we have now.

The Mink Camper is really amazing.

It's really comfortable and you can park everywhere.

Or you could even take it off and just continue with the car, depending on where you are driving.

Or you can also rent a real camper, like a car that includes the bed and so on..

Or you can drive with Couchsurfing groups.

Or hitchhiking.. There are many ways to travel around Iceland.

I'm really happy to travel with a camper van this time.

It was really fun!

Especially to see the northern lights through the windows!

Thanks to Mink Campers for the van!

Check out their Social Media channels when you are interested to travel around Iceland with a camper van!

Thanks for watching!

I hope you enjoyed the video and I could give you some good information about Iceland.

If you have any questions write them in the comments below.

See you next time guys.. Bye!

Bye, bye!

For more infomation >> 10 Fakten über Island! Wie kalt ist es hier wirklich? - Duration: 11:13.


Building Trust with Patients in Diverse Communities - Duration: 1:50.

With our engagement award, we brought together 24 churches, and the purpose of

bringing together the churches was so that we could reach the general

population with the with the message that we're concerned about what you need

for health care. And so in order to do that we tapped into existing structures,

their health care ministries, and then we took two or three people out of each

church and we took them through a development program.

We're located in Chicago and it's a metropolitan area and it's vast. And it's like individual

pockets of communities, and each one has a different need because of course the

population is very diverse, and so in doing that we were able to actually get

survey results back from 500 participants and it was driven by people

that they trust and they know and that was a core part of our purpose was

getting people in front of them that they trusted to bring their information

back the way they stated it.

Now we actually have people that can talk the

same language as the researchers, as the doctors, and PCORI has enabled us to do that.

So now when someone walks up to one of the members in the church and they

say, "Do you have an IRB?" They know exactly what that means, "Do you know what you're

supposed to do about human rights?" They know what that means. "Can you get us in

touch with someone that can hear our voice at one of the universities?"

They've been trained to talk the same language as the researchers. So the whole

goal was to empower the regular community layperson to be able to sit at

the table with the big voices and still be heard.

For more infomation >> Building Trust with Patients in Diverse Communities - Duration: 1:50.


GTA 5 / Strangers & Freaks / Nigel And Mrs Thornhill - Winewood souvenirs Willy - Duration: 3:58.

Winewood souvenirs Willy is one of four marks on map to collect Celebrity souvenir for Nigel and Mrs Thornhill

When you receive message from Nigel, mark your spot on map and go to location to beat up Willy

and take his golden teeth

When you approach the building don't enter from main entrance on the front of the building

You need to go on the back of the building and enter back entrance upstairs

When you enter back entrance, don't go straight downstairs

There is a door on the left and enter that room, one guy will dance with some chicks

This is entourage, you have to speak with him to achieve task "Entourage"

After you speak with him go down stairs and beat up Willy.

You can beat him up however you want as long as it's with fists or meele weapon

and you can't take any damage or punches to achieve mission task "Fist Fury"

For more infomation >> GTA 5 / Strangers & Freaks / Nigel And Mrs Thornhill - Winewood souvenirs Willy - Duration: 3:58.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Yabancı//S.1 B.4//Msp Dizileri//Açıklama!! - Duration: 9:03.

For more infomation >> Yabancı//S.1 B.4//Msp Dizileri//Açıklama!! - Duration: 9:03.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution - Duration: 0:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:41.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d Business Solution Plus Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d Business Solution Plus Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 Prestige Style Exclusiefpakket Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 Prestige Style Exclusiefpakket Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Style Camera Trekhaak Automaat - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Style Camera Trekhaak Automaat - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Nightpakket | LED | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Nightpakket | LED | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:43.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 PRESTIGE, Automaat, Trekhaak, Alarm, 8 Inch Display Stoelverwarming, Spie - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 PRESTIGE, Automaat, Trekhaak, Alarm, 8 Inch Display Stoelverwarming, Spie - Duration: 1:02.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Urban Automaat - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Urban Automaat - Duration: 1:00.


GTA 5 / Strangers & Freaks / Nigel And Mrs Thornhill - Winewood souvenirs Willy - Duration: 3:58.

Winewood souvenirs Willy is one of four marks on map to collect Celebrity souvenir for Nigel and Mrs Thornhill

When you receive message from Nigel, mark your spot on map and go to location to beat up Willy

and take his golden teeth

When you approach the building don't enter from main entrance on the front of the building

You need to go on the back of the building and enter back entrance upstairs

When you enter back entrance, don't go straight downstairs

There is a door on the left and enter that room, one guy will dance with some chicks

This is entourage, you have to speak with him to achieve task "Entourage"

After you speak with him go down stairs and beat up Willy.

You can beat him up however you want as long as it's with fists or meele weapon

and you can't take any damage or punches to achieve mission task "Fist Fury"

For more infomation >> GTA 5 / Strangers & Freaks / Nigel And Mrs Thornhill - Winewood souvenirs Willy - Duration: 3:58.


Peugeot 508 SW Allure 2.0 BlueHDi 150 PK |ZEER COMPLETE UITVOERING| - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 SW Allure 2.0 BlueHDi 150 PK |ZEER COMPLETE UITVOERING| - Duration: 0:59.


Bisa dijadikan Masteran, Setelah 4 menit langsung Nyaut - Duration: 11:38.

Bisa dijadikan Masteran, Setelah 4 menit langsung Nyaut

For more infomation >> Bisa dijadikan Masteran, Setelah 4 menit langsung Nyaut - Duration: 11:38.


Classe Party Rentals

For more infomation >> Classe Party Rentals


For more infomation >> Classe Party Rentals


Sims FreePlay - Groovers 'n' Movers Event (Tutorial & Walkthrough) - Duration: 5:11.

Hi guys, welcome to Make2 and the Sims FreePlay Groovers 'n' Movers Event. This event unlocks lots

of new exercise-themed outfits for your sims.

In this video we're going to show you how to do the event, and all of the outfits you'll

win if you complete it successfully.

This is a limited time event running during October 2017.

If you are watching this video after the event ends, then you have missed it and you will

need to wait for the Sims FreePlay game developers to bring it back another time.

This event is centered around the Aerobics Hobby for adult sims.

To get started on this hobby, you need to build the Health Hub in town and complete

the Grooving Guru Quest.

We've done a walkthrough for that quest already which we'll link to in the video description,

so please check that out .

Finishing the Grooving Guru quest unlocks the Aerobics Hobby, which is what you'll need

to complete in order to win these new exercise outfits.

Each time you complete the Aerobics Hobby, you'll unlock 1 new outfit prize pack.

We'll explain more how that works later in the video.

Now, if you have never completed the Aerobics Hobby before, this next point is very important.

All hobbies have levels which a sim will achieve as they do more of the hobby, usually going

from the lowest level 1 to the highest level 6.

This is what an empty hobby collection looks like when you've only ever had a sim reach

a lower level in the hobby.

Each of these squares is a hobby item which you collect by completing 1 hobby action.

As you can see, the squares for the higher levels are blue.

This means those hobby items are locked, and you won't be able to get any of them until

at least one sim reaches those levels.

But in order to win even 1 of the new exercise outfits, you need to collect all 12 of the

hobby items.

Since you can only collect items which have been unlocked, you first need a sim to reach

the highest level in the hobby in order to unlock and collect all of the items.

So if you haven't completed this collection yet, we recommend letting 1 sim do the longer

hobby actions until they level all the way up and unlock all of the items.

You only need 1 sim to hit the highest level one time to unlock the whole collection.

After that, the items will stay unlocked and any sim doing the hobby will be able to get

any item, no matter what level they are.

Basically all hobbies in the game work like this, so for a future tip, it's a really good

idea to get a sim to the highest level in each hobby, in preparation for future events.

It takes time for sims to level up all the way.

This is why we recommend getting a sim to the highest level before these hobby events

happen, so you don't have to spend valuable time doing it during the event.

Now, once a sim has reached the highest level and unlocked the whole collection, we then

recommend putting as many sims as possible on the hobby.

With the Aerobics Hobby, you can buy up to 15 exercise mats to place in your sims' homes.

They'll be in your inventory after you buy them, in the Hobby category.

In addition to those 15 mats, you already have 1 mat at the Health Hub.

So you can have a total of 16 sims in your town working on the Aerobics Hobby at the

same time.

You can also send 1 of your sims to a neighbor's town and have the sim use an exercise mat

at your neighbor's Health Hub.

Why should you have this many sims doing the hobby?

Because like we said, you need to collect all 12 hobby items to win 1 of the outfit

prize packs.

And as we said, the way to get 1 hobby item is to have a sim complete 1 hobby action.

The item they end up with will be random, and you might get repeats.

You just have to keep doing the hobby over and over again until you collect all 12.

So this is why we recommend that you have as many sims as you can doing the shortest

task over and over again.

It helps to have a lot of sims completing as many hobby actions as possible during the

event, to give you more chances to collect the hobby items.

When you have completed the hobby collection and earned 1 outfit prize pack, tap the button

at the top which says Reset Collection.

This will make the collection empty again.

When you've collected another 12 items, you'll get another prize pack.

Keep doing this until you've won all the prizes.

So let's take a look at what we got.

These outfits are for male and female adult sims.

I actually really like them, especially compared to other exercise outfits that have previously

been in the game.

Other exercise outfits in the game have been things like matching sport bras and leggings

for women, and I like that the outfits from this event are mismatched sweatshirts and

leggings and things like that.

That's usually what I wear when I exercise, so this feels a lot more realistic.

And if you don't have your sims exercising, it's also just a way to give them a more relaxed

and casual look, like they're just hanging out at home in their most comfortable clothes.

So hopefully you guys have enjoyed this walkthrough of the Sims FreePlay Groovers 'n' Movers Event.

Please let us know in the comments what you think, and if you're new to our channel, in

the meantime feel free to subscribe because we've got plenty more Sims FreePlay content

on the way.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Sims FreePlay - Groovers 'n' Movers Event (Tutorial & Walkthrough) - Duration: 5:11.


For more infomation >> Sims FreePlay - Groovers 'n' Movers Event (Tutorial & Walkthrough) - Duration: 5:11.


Tom Petty, Rock 'N' Roll Legend, Dies At Age 66 | TODAY - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Tom Petty, Rock 'N' Roll Legend, Dies At Age 66 | TODAY - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> Tom Petty, Rock 'N' Roll Legend, Dies At Age 66 | TODAY - Duration: 4:25.


Spits mijden: Konnie verruilde de auto voor de fiets - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Spits mijden: Konnie verruilde de auto voor de fiets - Duration: 0:37.


For more infomation >> Spits mijden: Konnie verruilde de auto voor de fiets - Duration: 0:37.


Rockin on the Runway - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Rockin on the Runway - Duration: 2:51.


For more infomation >> Rockin on the Runway - Duration: 2:51.


Rockin on the Runway - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Rockin on the Runway - Duration: 2:12.


For more infomation >> Rockin on the Runway - Duration: 2:12.


Rockin on the Runway - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Rockin on the Runway - Duration: 2:59.


For more infomation >> Rockin on the Runway - Duration: 2:59.


5 raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez faire pipi sous la douche - France 365 - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> 5 raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez faire pipi sous la douche - France 365 - Duration: 5:42.


For more infomation >> 5 raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez faire pipi sous la douche - France 365 - Duration: 5:42.


Mela­nia Trump: décou­vrez le surnom que les services secrets améri­cains lui - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Mela­nia Trump: décou­vrez le surnom que les services secrets améri­cains lui - Duration: 6:19.


For more infomation >> Mela­nia Trump: décou­vrez le surnom que les services secrets améri­cains lui - Duration: 6:19.


13 Différences entre le lycée Américain et Français + visite de mon lycée aux USA - Duration: 11:37.

Hello every...

I'm back with a new... ok hmm

so, hmm

Hello everyone, today I'm back with a new video

as you can see in the title, I'm going to make you

visit my high school and I'm also going to talk about the main differences

between the American high school and the French high school. I arrived early today

so the school begins to fill

I'll show you, right after

It was awkward

Welcome to the Montesano High School

It's really a small school, but it's very cute

and with the school bus, it's really cliché, we love that !

So the first difference that is really important is "the sports"

because here, the sports are very important

and we have teams for every sports!

so we have American football, soccer (french football)

cross country,

cheerleading obviously,

volleyball, basketball during winter

softball and many others.

and so every week, we have games

and every friday, the boys have a football game

sometimes it's in our high school, sometimes it's not.

And when it's in our high school, it's really impressive because

there are plenty of people and the whole city

come to watch the game

anyway, it's really really impressive

and it's really a sad that we don't have that in France.

I'm mean it's sad that the sports are not important

because it's very fun. And that's why

here they always finish their school day at 3:00 pm

so it's for being able to do sports in the afternoon.

Every day we have practise if we do a sport

so I'm in the soccer team (french football)

and everyday we have 2 hours of practice

so it's intense but we can play during the game and everything

and it's really funny because

most of them, they began to play soccer when they were like 5 or 6 years old and I'm here since 3 weeks so I'm really bad but it's ok, it's really fun !

here, they can start driving at 16 years old

so every high school has a huge parking, and we don't have that in France.

One of the difference between the US high school and the French one

is that here, the students can choose their classes. So they have a list with all the classes

like Algebra, geometry,



so different classes who are "important"

and others who are also very important but

more funny like foods

leadership, computer

so the things with photoshop,...

they have a lot of cool classes like that

and others that are more "pedagogic"

like in France haha...

Since they choose their classes, every student has

a different schedule

because a schedule will depend on what

the student will choose. Every day they have the same schedule in the same order

same hours

everything is the same, they always

start at 8:20 and they always finish at 3:00 p.m

no 2:50 p.m for being exact, well that's in my high school

but every HS in the US

has the same schedule, it can move

every 2 weeks (like week A, week B) but

every day will be the same

oh I have a leaf !

every high school here has between 20 and 45 minutes

to eat during lunch and it's not even a big meals

it's really a snack

That also means that they have different classmates in each class

so every day they will see different people

in each class

no every day is the same people but every hour is

different people. I don't know if it's clear but anyway it just means that

they are not with the same people all day like in France

because in France from 8:00 to 5:00 p.m we are always with the same people

during the whole year

that's also mean that the teachers have their classroom

It's really not the teacher who is going to move

they really have their classroom with theirs pictures

and all their personal stuff so it'S really fun

they are really there their whole life

the whole day they are in the same classroom and it'S funny bc

in France we always change

and it's like last year with my history teacher we were clandestine

I mean every time we had history we never knew in which classroom we were going to go

and I think it's funny

For more infomation >> 13 Différences entre le lycée Américain et Français + visite de mon lycée aux USA - Duration: 11:37.


For more infomation >> 13 Différences entre le lycée Américain et Français + visite de mon lycée aux USA - Duration: 11:37.



For more infomation >> "SAAVDHAN INDIA" SEDUCING LOVE MAKING SCENE - Duration: 2:38.


For more infomation >> "SAAVDHAN INDIA" SEDUCING LOVE MAKING SCENE - Duration: 2:38.


New 2017 Honda Civic Type R

For more infomation >> New 2017 Honda Civic Type R


Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD - Duration: 1:00.


Mazda 2 1.5 GT-M - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.5 GT-M - Duration: 1:01.


Save Local Business - Duration: 0:31.

Local businesses are the backbone of Canada.

From your first job. To new starts.

To building something we can all be proud of.

They're where so many people work.

And they're worth fighting to save.

The Trudeau Liberals are threatening local businesses with

big new tax hikes.

Now I won't just stand by

and let the Liberals drive them into the ground.

I'm Andrew Scheer.

That's who I am and that's why I'm fighting to

save local business.

Join me by going to

For more infomation >> Save Local Business - Duration: 0:31.


Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Had 'No Evidence Of Insanity': Ex-FBI Profiler | TODAY - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Had 'No Evidence Of Insanity': Ex-FBI Profiler | TODAY - Duration: 3:27.




All good?

Let's have a look around.

For more infomation >> ROBIN SCHULZ – MUNICH UNCOVERED TOURBLOG 2017 (I BELIEVE I'M FINE) - Duration: 3:00.


2 Leveraged Income Streams to Earn Money - Duration: 12:31.

hey guys how is everyone let me check to make sure that this is

working okay so for everyone who doesn't know me

I am Addi Ganley from where I help entrepreneurs create

smarter systems more success with less sacrifice so thank you for joining me

today if you've been following along the past couple weeks we've been talking

about different ways to diversify your income and a lot of it has been centered

around passive income I know last week we talked about two myths about passive

income and I've got a lot of questions in my facebook group impactful bosses

about and we've been continuing this conversation so thanks for joining me

today and what we're gonna talk about is leveraged income and last week I kind of

talk to you a little bit about how my business is based upon leveraged income

because of the minimal amount of time that I have to work on things in my

business because of my life and my little boys and everything else I have

going on so I have built my business upon these leveraged income streams so I

kinda just want to talk to you about that because there's been a lot of

discussion around how to have this passive income what it means for your

business different things that you can do to

implement it in your business and how you can build this lifestyle without

having to sacrifice the things that are most important in your life because a

lot of times you see I know I talked about this last week the Facebook ads

that are showing people in these very expensive homes and cars and you kind of

don't understand like what passive income is and how it can be applied to

your business so today I'm going to talk about two different leverage income

streams that you can apply again like I said last week it isn't something that's

gonna happen overnight it's not something that is gonna instantly work

for everyone and the point of this is figuring out what's gonna work for you

and then scaling your business that way with it so a lot of times I feel like we

see these quick fixes or these tick tricks and tips and people are saying

here go and do this and fix this in you think it's gonna work and it doesn't

work because you don't take the time to figure out

how it's gonna work for your business you just try to like mimic everything

else that you see online so today I just want to talk about two different ways

that it can be applied to your business and I like to refer to this as leverage

income so it's all about making the most of your time and using systems to

generate a profit that reoccurs month after month or day after day week after

week without having to put in more work so you're actually leveraging the work

that you put in this one time so if you set up this system or you set a sales

funnel you're leveraging the work that you put in for that the one time and

then you're able to earn that money passively behind the scenes within your

business so that you can spend time doing things that you actually enjoy

doing within your business so I know there's been a lot of talk about passive

income and I know last week we talked about how passive income isn't actually

passive and it's not as easy as everyone makes it out to be so I don't want you

to rush into trying to do these quick fixes that you see online because it

ends up not working for you so the two types of leverage income I'm going to

talk about today are still going to need you're still going to need to put time

and effort into them you're you're actually building this foundation to

reap the benefits in the future so you might not see this instant overnight

success you might not see thousands of dollars coming in but you're laying the

foundation so that you have these things working in the background your business

to earn money six months from now or a year from now so there's things that I

did back in even like 2014 and 2015 and 2016 that I am still getting that

reoccurring income from it because I laid that foundation then so let's just

get into it the first one is utilizing partnerships in your business so I

actually put this into the leveraged income category and one of the biggest

examples of having a leveraged income stream that is a partnership is

affiliate marketing and I talk about this a lot within my business because

this is how I built my business so again I have three little boys I don't have a

lot of time to spend actually physically sitting at my computer and doing work so

I like to use affiliate marketing and create these leverage income streams so

that I can earn money if I'm not working in my business so

where if we're on vacation or if one of my kids get sick and I can't sit here

and put in even 40 hours a week so I don't even work 40 hours a week so the

first type is partnerships so like I said the example would be affiliate

marketing and so you would be promoting someone else's products or services that

you've tried you've benefited from you've enjoyed you know your audience is

gonna love and you can recommend it to your audience to earn a commission so

this is a partnership that you have so maybe you take an example to be maybe

you took an online course and you loved this online course and it helps you get

a positive result that you applied to your life so then you would become an

affiliate you'd partner with that that person who has that online course become

an affiliate for their course and drive your audience to purchase that course

that you took because you know what's going to help them and they are going to

benefit from it um so this is really really great

because it's very hands-off once you create it so you can create this value

driven content leverage income stream where you're driving people to maybe you

write like a review post of how this course helped you and all the benefits

and the pros and cons and why you know it's gonna help your audience so you

have this content piece and you can drive traffic to it which is then going

to send people to that affiliate course that they can purchase using your unique

affiliate link so that is just like a really really simple form of this

leveraged income stream where you can partner as an affiliate to earn money so

you put in the work of creating this amazing blog post and you choose

whichever whichever way you want to promote it maybe you're gonna use

Pinterest new green use Facebook lives maybe you're gonna have some sort of

email that's gonna have an opt-in that's gonna send people to this value driven

piece and that's gonna warm up your audience and lead them to that affiliate

product so again this is a very very simple form of it but this is one of the

leverage income streams I use in my business I like to partner with

affiliates that I personally like and I've used I know my audience can

definitely get result with and I know I can recommend

it to them and it's gonna help them and it's actually gonna be I'm actually

gonna solve a problem that they're having with that affiliate product so I

like to say this as leverage because I spend the time creating this amazing

content and then I am able to have that that system in place where people are

coming from in my case Pinterest I focus a lot of my time on Pinterest I have

people coming from Pinterest daily going into that value driven blog content

piece and then being able to click on the affiliate link so that they can

purchase that course because they saw how much it helped me and the ways that

I've used that course so that's one way the second form of leverage income

stream that you can apply to your business is creating automated systems

and I talked about this as well a lot in my business because I rely heavily on

systems to just keep my day-to-day business running to do my lead

generation to convert leads to customers with a tripwire product so maybe you

have a membership site maybe you have a digital product maybe you even have your

own online course the best way to leverage that time and work that you put

in to that product or that service you have to offer is by creating a system so

that it sells itself over and over again and you don't have to sit there and make

the sale every single time so you I put this into the leveraged income like

category because it's very rare that someone is gonna find you online and hop

onto your website and immediately make a purchase from you so they need to have

this system in place because it's gonna convert them from a cold lead to a warm

lead and eventually to a customer or a client depending on what you have to

offer so you need to have some sort of automated system in place that is going

to not only bring them in to your business that then convert them to a

customer or a client and this can all be done through an automation so this could

be maybe I'm nurturing email sequence it could be a sales funnel maybe you have

like an automated webinar training or a video series that's gonna warm these

people up automatically and you don't have to physically be doing the webinar

live every single time or the workshop live

every single time and it's going to automate that process so you're able to

leverage the content that you create the first time whether it's the training or

the webinar or the email nurture sequence and leverage it by bringing

more leads to it through this automated system so again it does have to does

take time to set up it does take time for you to refine the system and figure

out what works for you what works for your audience why it's converting how

it's converting how you can make it better but you're laying the foundation

for this automated system that's going to not only increase your revenue every

month but increase the leads you have coming into your business so these are

just two simple forms of leverage income that you can apply and again like I said

in the beginning the key is figuring out what's gonna work for your business so

there's never a quick fix there's never an easy way you have to do the work and

systems do take work and they do take time and becoming an affiliate or a

partner with someone does take time but it's definitely worth it to put in the

time in the effort now so that you can leverage the work that you are doing so

you want to earn that money like everyone says passively that comes month

after month and a lot of times it seems unattainable

but if you set the foundation now and you build these systems and you figure

out how you're gonna fix them how are gonna refine them how you're gonna

actually solve your audience's pain points trust me putting it in the work

in now is going to be amazing and it's gonna do amazing things for your for

your business because you don't have to work at that actively every single day

to try to sell your courses or to try to sell your digital products or your ebook

or maybe even your mastermind program or your membership site whatever it is that

you have you're able to build these either partnerships or systems to

leverage the work that you've done and a lot of times people ask me how to

immediately get started and I always tell them to look at the content or the

work that they've already created so you don't have to go out and create

something new maybe you already have amazing content on your website or maybe

you already have a free training that can lead into a paid product that you

have so take stock of what you've already done and maybe you can work

through those to create your own automated system or

maybe you can even add an affiliate product or service into the content that

you already have so it's a great way to scale your business and it's a great way

to leverage the time and effort you've already put in so again the two that we

talked about were partnerships with an example being affiliate marketing and

the second one is creating automated systems within your business so I just

wanted to tell you guys today if you're ready to take this whole leveraged

income thing to the next level I am doing a free five day challenge it

doesn't start until October 9th but you can sign up now it's called get passive

with Pinterest and I will walk you through how to launch your first passive

affiliate income stream using Pinterest in five days so there's already over a

hundred people who have signed up and they're in the group I would love to

have you in there so that we can take this a step further and actually

implement a passive income stream within your business so I'll put the link below

for you to join again it starts on Monday October 9th and it'll go for five

days you'll receive daily e-mails trainings and support from tons of other

people in the group that are going through this process alongside with you

so I'd love to have you again you can use the link in the comments below I

hope to see you in there and enjoy the rest of your day today

For more infomation >> 2 Leveraged Income Streams to Earn Money - Duration: 12:31.


Las Vegas Mayor: Stephen Paddock 'Will Not Define Us' | TODAY - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Las Vegas Mayor: Stephen Paddock 'Will Not Define Us' | TODAY - Duration: 3:09.


Miley Cyrus Performs 'The Climb' For 1st Time In 6 Years As Tribute To Las Vegas Shooting Victims - Duration: 2:17.

Miley Cyrus Performs 'The Climb' For 1st Time In 6 Years As Tribute To Las Vegas Shooting


Miley Cyrus performed an epic tribute to the victims of the tragic Las Vegas shooting on

Oct. 2 with an amazing duet with Adam Sandler and her first live performance of 'The Climb'

in six years!

It's Miley Week on the Tonight Show — but Miley Cyrus, 24, decided to make the first

night, Oct. 2, not about herself, but about the victims of the Las Vegas shooting the

day before.

Miley pulled out an oldie but a goody as the perfect tribute to the fallen concert-goers

who were slaughtered by a gunman in a hotel room 32 floors above a country music festival.

The singer belted out the lyrics to "The Climb," a song she hasn't performed live

in six years.

And man, did she rock it!

Miley told host Jimmy Fallon that if there was ever a time to perform this song the time

was now.

"I'm gonna do, I think this is probably for the first time in 5 or 6 years, I'm

gonna do 'The Climb,'" she said to cheers from the studio audience.

"I'm doing 'The Climb,' because it says, 'The struggles I'm facing/The chances

I'm taking/Sometimes might knock me down/But no, I'm not breaking/I may not know it/But

these are the moments that/I'm gonna remember most, yeah," Miley explained.

"You may not know it but these are the moments we are going to remember most."

What an amazing gift to give everyone at this dark time.

Earlier in the night, guest Adam Sandler helped her open the show with another tribute that

was just beautiful performance of "No Freedom."

Miley just released her latest album, "Younger Now," on Sept. 29 and fans are already eating

it up.

That's why we're so glad it's Miley Week on the Tonight Show, so we can hear all

about what's going on with her and hopefully hear her perform a bunch of new songs off

the album.

However, this performance will by far be the most amazing of the week.

We can already tell.

For more infomation >> Miley Cyrus Performs 'The Climb' For 1st Time In 6 Years As Tribute To Las Vegas Shooting Victims - Duration: 2:17.


First Impression is Last 😎so Upload Perfectly your First VIDEO on YouTube|Using📱📽|Errors & Solutions - Duration: 7:33.

Subscribe MI Tech n click on BELL icon n get Notification on Smartphone

Log in with your User name and Password

Know click on Upload icon on top for upload new video

Here down number of options like Title, Description, Tags, Add Playlist, Video Thumbnails, Translate, Monitization, advance Setting

Add proper Text and Photos in related sections

if any problem write in Comment BOX below

For more infomation >> First Impression is Last 😎so Upload Perfectly your First VIDEO on YouTube|Using📱📽|Errors & Solutions - Duration: 7:33.


Apple vs. Fitbit: Seth Golden on the Smartwatch Showdown & His Investment Outlook - Duration: 37:39.

Apple vs. Fitbit: Seth Golden on the Smartwatch Showdown & His Investment Outlook // review 2017 2018 fossil flex watch stock david moadel

welcome to looking at the markets with David Modell I've got a return guest a

frequent guest is mr. Seth golden and he is in charge of the golden capital

portfolio which has had amazing returns due to a number of strategies that he

employs both with VIX related products as well as the retail sector which he is

an expert in so today we're going to talk about well put it this way

Fitbit Apple Samsung they were all getting into the SmartWatch space who's

the winner who's the loser and if you're thinking about investing how do you

handle all this if if you should do anything at all we're going to talk

about all that today so mr. Seth gold and welcome back to looking at the

markets thank you very much David glad to be back and hopefully we can you know

give some good information to your your listeners and like you said anybody who

may be considering an investment in the SmartWatch arena yeah and it is an arena

it's a battle in fact in yesterday's article that you released on talk

markets calm because you are a frequent contributor to seeking alpha calm talk

markets calm I'm going to put a link in the description to that article and

people should check out Seth gold and not only on seeking alpha calm talk

markets calm he is Seth CL on Twitter he is Seth Marcus on stock twits comm he's

a frequent tweeter so check out his free content if you get a chance all right

but yesterday you put out an article on talk markets called it's official the

true battle of the smart watches has begun this sounds serious and it's a

three-way battle okay that was your lead-in and then the

actual title of the article is Fitbit Apple and Samsung go ahead to head with

smart watches so so far we've got the Apple

watch series 3 / LTE and you listed that as 329 - 399 right

the Fitbit ionic 299 so clearly less expensive that's a hundred dollar

discount compared to the Apple product and then the Samsung gear sport 349

about the same price as the Apple so boy let's where do I even begin with this

Apple seems like it's it's going to be the clear winner because it's Apple is

that reasonable thinking it's reasonable yes I mean they have the brand they they

definitely have the capital to you know push products into the market and

thirdly probably most importantly they have the retail distribution network and

distribute our relationships around the world so it is a reasonable assumption

that Apple should do well you know whether or not they'll be the the leader

in the category long term that remains to be seen it will be product you know

centric you know that the product itself will determine the outcome long term but

in the interim Apple should do very well and it's not just you know this product

it's it's their suite of their the whole suite of smartwatches this is their

third iteration so they had the Apple watch series one two and now three they

come in you know various well to sizes as well as you know colors and and

things of that nature and they even have a partnership tie-in with Nike for a

Nike specific co branded Apple watch that was last year so this year what

they decided to do was they have two iterations one is their basic model

which will sell for 329 they've upgraded the features added some new features to

it but the most you know compelling feature if you will is going to be on

the more expensive which is the Apple watch Series three

that has embedded LTE connectivity so now you can actually take calls and and

in place calls from your Apple watch without your iPhone being present so if

you wanted to get in your car and drive somewhere you no longer have to have

your iPhone with you one of the misconceptions about this new Apple

watch with LTE is that that that's your device that's it that that's

unfortunately not true you still have to have a primary iPhone that is your

original OS your iOS system for which when you initially connect your Apple

watch has to be present so you will always have to well to date you will

have to own an iPhone as well as an eye watch for the eye watch to work

regardless of which iteration it is so and there's been some issues with you

know that have been in the news regarding the LTE not connecting

properly Apple has uh you know announced the software update that is pending that

should remedy that issue but again it remains to be seen so long story short

Apple should do well if not for just the sheer number of products in the category

that they have now I mean you know it's it's six seven watches so just selling

it into the market should you know boost their numbers year over a year for

SmartWatch shipments so now the the Fitbit

so I've tested them all you know I have done beta testing with some of them as

well you know what I can say is these products have a they will appeal to a

certain demographic consumer and that is the consumer that is you know most

concerned are more more affiliated with their health fitness eating habits

things of that nature it's not to say that other people you know can't find

use for them but that's the biggest consumer demographic that's going to buy

these products so when when I you know compare you know the Fitbit ionic which

basically launched in stores yesterday to the Apple watch series 3 I believe

that the ionic is more focused to what those consumers want it's more health

and fitness related it has you know stronger applications dedicated toward

you know workout regiments and has self-guided regiments on their programs

but you know some of the things that the fitbit has added because this is their

first true SmartWatch that has third-party apps the blaze the Fitbit

blaze that came out last year didn't support third-party apps so it never

actually was categorized as a SmartWatch even though it looked felt and did most

of the things that a watch does but because it didn't have GPS couldn't

download music and things of that nature it was never in that category

the ionic SmartWatch has all of those things it now does have GPS you can

download up to 300 songs and has the Pandora app in it as well so it can do

almost everything that the Apple watch can do oh yeah like you said a less

expensive price more health health and fitness oriented its water resistant up

to 50 meters like Apple watch I mean it really has everything that the

Apple watch has you know for the most part except and and I and I very much

you know inform people this the App Store just it's not bountiful you know

it's there's only a few apps and there you're not gonna get the whole suite of

apps that you get with a I watch it's just not gonna happen

having said that let's be realistic our phones carry the bulk of our apps that

we download it's got a bigger screen that's where you can use most of those

apps you want to download a game I mean the screen on your watch just isn't

gonna do it neither is the dexterity I mean how can i play with with one hand

and holding up my wrist and my root I mean do that I have the strength in this

arm to hold it up while I play though it just doesn't work right we want to take

photos and things like that you can't do it from your watch you just you can't

see the screen from behind you're like this right so most of the apps that we

use they're always gonna be on our phone just because we have more dexterity you

know it's it's kind of a human physiology issue you know you can only

do so much with that sized screen located where it is on your wrist so you

know where where a lot of people might say that you know the Fitbit app store

just can't compare to the the Apple watch app store they're right

does it matter though you know you're really going to be using all those

absent most people want the majority of the apps that are used on the Apple

watch today are music related now they both can do music or their GPS

you want to you want to track your run you want to know your distance things of

that nature those are the two primary functions used on the Apple watch

so far as the apps are concerned and that's all now on your on your Fitbit I

on it one thing that the Fitbit ionic has that the Apple watch doesn't is a

sleep tracking you know you can track your sleep yeah all night and in now

while that may not be you know that important to most people and in fact it

isn't most people you know the track to sleep for a little while and then they

just stop because it's not fixing your problem it tells you you have a problem

or you don't have a problem they can't fix your problem regarding sleep but

Apple doesn't have a sleep tracker so we're you know we may say well you know

the App Store has all of these apps and you know Fitbit doesn't have all these

apps but it has a sleep tracker so what you're not likely going to use that very

long so you know they both have their gifts you know their gives them takes if

you will but you know just based on what I outlined right now you can see that

they both have a you know a lot of good you know value to the consumer it's just

a matter of really what's your preference you know the when you look at

both devices the Apple watch has a smaller screen may not like that it has

rich vibrant colors so does the Fitbit but it has a larger screen now the one

thing that I did really liked about the Fitbit ionic that they recently

announced and I just started you know get get to play with if you will is the

community section this could be a game I don't want to say game changer because I

don't think you know there's any true game changing app in any of these

devices but it could be a game differentiator

um Facebook people check into Facebook religiously you know three four times a

day and they spend a lot of time on Facebook Twitter same thing they check

in periodically they spend time on Twitter fit book has developed the

community section within their app and it works very similar to you know a

Facebook or Twitter where you can check in to see what your friends are doing

see what posts are being put on there you know maybe somebody has a low carb

meal you know before a workout Johnny just ran you know 5k in you know under

an hour or what-have-you you can check out all those things daily

and the reason why I say it's a game differentiator because it you know it

does provide feedback and interaction and that's why we tend to walk around

like this standing staring at our phones for majority of the day or it's taking

it out of our pocket checking it there's a reward at some point during the day we

know if we look at it long enough somebody will have sent us a text

message right we'll get an email we'll get a Facebook alert and that's what

Fitbit did with the community section app within an app is they're trying to

make it stickier the device stickier by making it more engaging and enabling the

Fitbit community at large to interact with one each other one another set up

larger networks set up small defined networks may be just their friends

groups of people etc nobody else has that right now Apple doesn't have that

they don't offer you that even Apple doesn't offer that Samsung with the gear

doesn't offer that you know you name the device the fossil is the Michael Kors

none of them have that so this was Fitbit really stepping out you know of

their core competency and really doing it kind of sneaky they made no mention

of the so for the last three six nine months no

mention of it whatsoever there's always been a community type you know

interaction but you have to go to Facebook to do that with Fitbit to

interact with other people you don't have to do that anymore

so they officially announced it just a few days ago so I'm interested in seeing

you know what develops from this how stickier of an ecosystem this could

possibly become and I don't think there's nobody's really talking about it

and you know I think there's something to glean from that going forward yeah

interesting now I wanted to just touch upon Samsung briefly if you don't mind

either I thought it was interesting that they have they're offering a SmartWatch

at around the same price as the Apple products right can they be competitive

in this space against Fitbit with their niche targeted you know right you know

they're their target audience they're really going after the fitness crowd and

then Apple has the brand-name recognition that you really can't

compete with too easily so what about Samsung are they a

competitor here excuse me yeah they're a competitor but you know and it's sad to

say because they actually have the they were the biggest brand when they

launched in 2013 going into 2014 they were the biggest brand you know they

kind of pioneered with the first gear SmartWatch however it had a poor

reception out of the gate you can almost say that blazing the trail was not a

good idea because it kind of diminished the you know the brand or the product

image for future iterations to come but at this yeah so I would say at this

stage unfortunately not only does it seem like they're satisfied with only

shipping maybe five to five hundred to a middle

units 1/4 that's all they've been able to do in the last quarter they shipped

under 1 million units Apple has been said to ship anywhere from 2.8 million

to 3.4 million just depending on the reporting agency everything in their

news in the in the new sport gear sport SmartWatch is is very it's really

defined to an even more niche consumer demographic some of the features are

really intelligent and really smart oriented around swimming but that's just

such a narrow market to go after they don't do anything with community there's

not a lot of interaction so I would say they're not going to be competitive so

far as being in the top three I don't know I don't think they'll be able to be

in the top three going forward top five yeah maybe just depends on how

quickly the likes of a fossil starts to you know denigrate and its numbers but

top three is gonna be really hard cuz you got you know Xiaomi Fitbit and Apple

really spiriting the the smart technology and just what the consumer

wants interesting being a trailblazer is not always it's does it has benefits but

in this case risk reward is reward didn't turn out so great sometimes it's

better to be second or third yes there's a good thing about that yeah okay well

now let's talk about the investing aspect of it because that's what people

want to know they want to get to the bottom line how do they play this for

example Fitbit as can we say Fitbit has tested the

patience of people who've invested since the IPL would that be fair to say yeah

they definitely tested that I mean I think the stock was in the 50s at one

point and it's now five six seven dollars a share so and that's all

happened in less than two years yeah so yeah they've they've done a good deal of

disappointing the the investment community what I can say is I would

offer that investors and and listeners should read my early works January to

that Dan in January 4th of 2016 the stock was around thirty thirty plus

dollars and I took my first crack at you know analyzing the company looking at

it's you know a s1 and and everything in that nature and I was trying to discern

whether or not the company was different than other you know Hardware one-trick

pony centric companies unfortunately at that time I you know discovered it

wasn't you know this was truly just a you know story of selling this product

into as many countries as many retailers as possible and as quickly as possible

it's the way all of these stories work it's the way it went with SodaStream

it's the way it went with Keurig Green Mountain it's the way it went with Skull

Candy they all work the same same way so I I penned the article which can be

found on seeking alpha and it was January for two things it published in

the pre-market and the stock went down a good to earth

almost ten percent during the course the day after the article came out it was

basically a warning not maybe not even so much of a warning but I thought it

was an educational piece you know that informed investors how this business

model works and if you choose to invest at that

time this is what you can expect and unfortunately that is what happened you

know it it's saturated all the you know sales channels around the world and then

you're left with true demand and unfortunately true demand which is the

retailer selling to the consumer is always much much slower than Fitbit

selling case packs into the retailer so once that happens you you have

year-over-year declines and that's where Fitbit you know came into 2017 with

year-over-year declines there was just you know they had to level set their

inventories there in you know their sales to the the inventory and the sales

channel it was just you know just too bloated so all the retailers had to work

off that inventory little by little throughout the year and of course Fitbit

couldn't sell you know too much more product into those retailers which you

know makes their numbers come way way down but you do reach a bottom or an

equilibrium of selling in product and selling through product you do

eventually reach that equilibria and that's to to a great degree what Fitbit

outlined on their q2 earnings call they had basically reached an equilibrium

where the sales channels were clean those were the exact words from the CEO

James Park this the sales channels are clean meaning that they feel confident

with what their product production levels are and what the demand is that

they're seeing out of the retailers that's a huge signal for investors in my

opinion and what I've experienced over the years with these business models

it's a huge signal so what I would say is from here and based on if you go and

you know read that the q2 earnings transcript you'll probably come away

with the understanding that it does now the management team has a is

a really good grasp on the demand you know they streamlined operations and

as long as this economy stays on stable footing you know through the end of the

year they should emerge in 2018 with profits you know they're expecting a

loss this year they did raise the upper I'm sorry the lower end of sales

guidance they raised it up a little so they are more confident with sales in q2

a couple of things you know if you want to look at metrics you know that that

may also indicate you know a resurgence if you will there ASP average selling

price went up both quarter over quarter and year-over-year the gross margins

also wind up year-over-year and I'm sorry quarter to quarter so those are

all really good signs and all of that happened all of that happened without

this new SmartWatch the Fitbit ionic all of that happened without the Fitbit

ionic so there's been a lot of oh the Fitbit ionic SmartWatch is gonna be the

make-or-break for Fitbit they seem to be doing okay without it so the reality or

the logic is now you add this to the mix at a much higher price point than their

you know that they this is $100 more than the blaze what do you think that's

going to do to the average selling price it's gonna go up sure so you've got a

lot of factors at play here that lean positively toward you know the stock

price appreciating into 2018 how much I couldn't tell you for sure and I would

say I'm not the only one with this takeaway so you have to take that into

consideration maybe the the expectations have risen even if off of such a low

base the expectations have risen a bit because the stock is is up pretty

significantly in the last 30 days yeah and low expectations are not always

a bad thing you know yeah at this point Fitbit shows real progress

real growth I think that could be a really pleasant surprise even after even

given the significant stock price rise in the last month

it still has a right a big gap to fill and that's an upward gap so yeah yeah

yeah it could be for the patient and for those with an understanding of realistic

expectations are we saying that this could be a good play for somebody with a

longer term outlook yes I mean if I was given a 12 month horizon I do expect

this stock to if I was gonna use a baseline of 550 or share I think the

stock could see a 75% appreciation well you know one thing that people don't

fully appreciate where the stock is valued right now it's only a couple

dollars over Book value number one it's trading at a lesser valuation than it

spear GoPro same business model same business model and it's trading at a

lesser valuation here's the differentiator between GoPro and Fitbit

from its inception Fitbit has sold twice as many units devices twice as many as

GoPro who do you think should have a better valuation and it's hard to I mean

it just tells you where the larger addressable market of consumers is and

that's where Fitbit is GoPro that sold you know almost slightly over half of

what Fitbit has in in terms of Units Fitbit has the right product just

doesn't have the right valuation and that I would say needs to correct and

that's something we take advantage of as investors especially with a longer-term

outlook because as Warren Buffett I'm paraphrasing here in the short-term the

stock market is voting machine but in the long term it

is a weighing machine as yeah mr. Buffett so he said something like that

and so when the evaluation does not match what the company is actually worth

when you measure all these these metrics such as are they selling the product

which it seems that Fitbit is in fact doing we can take advantage of that as

investors and and finally Apple I mean we can't even if we believe that the

Apple SmartWatch is going to sell quite well we can't buy Apple stock just as a

as a SmartWatch play can we know these apples not selling it you know to boost

its you know it's a its relevancy as a brand Apple is about you know I mean it

wants to be where you are at all hours of the day why because it's it's its

greatest you know margin product is the app it's the app yeah I mean that's

where all the margins are so doesn't care that it's not making as much money

with a SmartWatch and I think the company's being has been disingenuous

with their how they report sales of their Smart Watch how they color the

gross margin or the you know the gross profit margins on it Fitbit SIA was very

clear smartwatches have less profit margin than their fitness tracker

you're just you're trying to pack all of this technology in such a small device

it's extremely difficult to not only miniaturize the tooling but everything

that you need to go inside there so they were very honest about that but no I

would say you know the Apple watch is somewhat of a second thought but it's a

great way of in case you don't have the ability to have your smartphone on you

to download at whatever you know particular if you're surfing because you

see that you know the the the girl surfing in the commercial well shucks

she's not gonna have her phone out there but if we can put something on her wrist

on the off chance that she meets download something that's what we're

gonna do because there's so much margin in those apps so from that standpoint

the Smart Watch will help to boost you know their services is the apps are and

the services revenues but as a as an investment

lookyou nobody is hearing a lot of great things from the iPhone 8 launch and the

expected 10 and I wrote a really

long-winded article last year for seeking alpha it was called a deep dive

into iPhone 8 curved glass and it talked a lot about curved glass and o LED they

are the most fragile components of smartphones if a manufacturer chooses to

use o LED nearly 50 percent on a good production cycle sheets of glass will

have to be discarded the thermal prop 30 ting process is a really cumbersome

process and you can't set up your supply lines efficiently if you're using that

material because you don't know how many units you're gonna get out of this batch

you just don't know so I kind of warned investors last year of this potential

problem and here we are it's a problem the iPhone X won't be launched now

they're saying until this month you know late late October the iPhone 8 some

people are posting battery issues where it's cracking through the screen or

something and others are saying you know on a positive note they're saying no no

no the sales are slow because they're waiting for the 10 the truth is we won't

know until we know I I'm gonna buy the 10

I mean I wanted step the facial-recognition it's got this that

yeah I want it it's $1,000 I get it you know that's that's my cross to bear it

is what it is right but I am waiting for that 10 I can't speak for everybody and

that's you know to to some degree why the stock has been punished over the

last few weeks it's gone from 162 dollars down to today well it dipped

below 150 recently you know there's a good trading opportunity in there for

you know investors were nimble but I would say you know from here you know

it's probably gonna stabilize and share price and we won't see any significant

moves until we see you know when the 10 comes out and just how the consumer

responds are that were they really waiting for the 10 and just you know not

buying as much eight or they're not buying either I mean you know there's a

there's a part of the population you know even the iPhone centric population

that says my phones working just fine do I need infrared you know facial

recognition technology for an extra 200 bucks probably not you know I guess the

good and bad of the Apple brand is they make a darn good product you do not have

to upgrade I've had my phone for what for three years now

there is nothing wrong with it I don't have that great so it comes down to do

you want to so you're taking a risk here at you know the one below 155 I see the

problem the stocks in no-man's land you know if you're an investor looking to

deploy capital you want you know one of two things either to follow a breakout

or to get in on a break down where there's value

in the middle it's it's a-you know you're just rolling dice right in my

opinion could go either way yeah it's not really tradable or

investable right now again I feel the same way gotcha all right so we've been

talking with Seth golden about Fitbit Apple and Samsung in regard to these

smart watches and not not only your opinion on the smartwatches themselves

but how to possibly view an investment position in them or lack thereof

speaking of investing if you want to contact set the golden if you have a

sizable account and you'd like to invest with him you can contact them by email

at Seth dot golden act cool Inc sitcom I'm gonna put that right on the screen

so you so we can all spell it correctly so you can reach them it's also in the

description of the video also check out his articles on talk Seeking

Alpha com I'm going to put a link in the description to Fitbit Apple and Samsung

go head-to-head with smartwatches his latest article from yesterday and but

check out all of his articles also go to Twitter and the handle is Seth CL also

go to stock twits comm the handle for Seth golden is Seth Marcus all right and

by the way how's that golden capital portfolio doing one hundred and seventy

two percent this year a hundred and seventy two percent yep return and most

yes and most of you know if you follow me on Twitter or on stock twits you know

I try to do for the general public free of charge is post a lot of my trades in

real time right there on Twitter or on sock twits you know so you know you can

so so you know my followers and anybody can follow along I get a lot of skeptics

I get a lot of you know enquiries and that's all all well and good you know

I'm a skeptic myself you know when I when I you know hear of such returns and

whatnot but be skeptical but don't not to the extent where you your debt

detriment to yourself you don't follow some of those trades that I put out

there yeah yeah I've actually set it up so that I just did this a few days ago

so that I I set up my Twitter account so that whenever you tweet I get a text

message so I have not done that with anybody else so so there you go I do a

lot of you know free market and after-hours trading and I think more

recently in the after-hours last week you vxy which is a VIX leveraged DTP

it's one of my favorite products to short and it was at an all time low and

a lot of people say oh you know you you don't short this at an all time low

well you know I looked at some of the other variables including the boredom

that I have had with the market as of late and this just grinding upward

pressure and the major averages and I said well you know it is still trending

down contango still really in great shape you know let me take a flier here

and at the very worst you know with a very small you know day trade basically

is what I was doing the very worst I've signal the bottom if it should go

against me I'll be that you know if I have to fall on the sword

fall on the sword for everybody else who has wanted a pullback in the markets you

know and some increased level of volatility to participate with but

unfortunately well fortunately it was a good trade

you know I shorted it you went it kept going down and I hope everybody else

benefited from it as well yeah well we're all benefiting from the free

services you provide you're not getting paid to do this you're not getting paid

to put out those articles and those tweets you just do it because because

you want to and because I want it you want to give back in some way and I

certainly appreciate it so once again if you have an account and it's a fairly

sizable account and you'd like to look into the returns and possibly

participate with the golden capital portfolio by all means email acceptable

net set golden act cooling sitcom or if you just have a question for him I know

that Seth is very personable and you know he's not just about getting people

involved in the portfolio he helps the community as well

and I think that's really great so mr. Seth gold thank you for coming back I

enjoy a be mad yeah I enjoy having you as a frequent guest and can't wait to

see what's next so thank you again for coming on to looking on the mark looking

at the markets have a great day everyone thank you for

watching please like comment and subscribe and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Apple vs. Fitbit: Seth Golden on the Smartwatch Showdown & His Investment Outlook - Duration: 37:39.


Shame, Stigma Keeps Us from Getting Depression Treatment - Duration: 2:09.

Hi. I'm Veronica.

And I'm thinking a lot about the stigma and the shame surrounding depression and mental health in general.

I believe that shame is the thing that prevents us from asking for help and from getting better.

I know that's what prevented me.

When I was depressed and self-injuring and anxious in secret,

I felt terrible about myself.

I felt like I was a bad person.

And I felt "less than".

I kept blaming myself for the feelings and the emotions and the thoughts that I had in my mind.

But now I know that all of those things are totally normal.

If you had strep, your throat was aching, you had a major headache, the body aches, you had a fever,

would you prevent yourself from going to the doctor and getting treatment, getting medicine?

Would you feel ashamed for needing to stay in bed?

Probably not.

You probably want to get help immediately so that you feel better.

And I think that if we start to change our mindsets and the way we feel about even how we feel,

then things will start to change.

So if you're feeling depressed, if you're struggling and dealing with a mental illness

and if you're just, you know, thinking that you might need to take more time taking care of your mental health,

there is totally nothing to be ashamed about.

Depression affects more people than we know, than we talk about.

And the best thing you can do is ask for help.

For more infomation >> Shame, Stigma Keeps Us from Getting Depression Treatment - Duration: 2:09.


Ni Siquiera Creen el Versículo Más Famoso de la Biblia! - Duration: 16:40.

For more infomation >> Ni Siquiera Creen el Versículo Más Famoso de la Biblia! - Duration: 16:40.


From Dusk Till Dawn - After Dark - Duration: 4:28.

Watching Her


In the Night

So White



It's Only

After Dark


Her Eyes

A distant

Fire Light

Burns Bright



It's Only

After Dark

I find Myself

In Her Room

Feel the Fever

Of My Doom



Through the Floor

I'm Knocking On

The Devil's Door




In the Flame


I know Her

Secret Name

You can Tear Her

Temple Down

But She'll be Back

and Rule Again


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