Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2017

Alright you lot, we made it to day four of inktober!

Today's lovely old house is haunted by a group of unruly vandals who've trashed it

inside and out.

I enjoyed this one, though it didn't come without any issues, you'll see at one point

I attempt to use gold ink and fail miserably, but I'm happy with how it looks without.

This was also one of THREE, yes three, inktober videos that I filmed today.

I thought it time to get ahead of myself a little bit, prepare myself for the weekend

where I might not be able to draw- or more of an issue, film- around other commitments.

Anyway, I'm letting you know that the next two videos are pre-recorded, just to kind

of break the illusion that everyone out there taking part this month is managing to do it

day in, day out without compromise.

Like we talked about in yesterdays video, it's okay to bend the rules to a point where

you still feel you're achieving your greater goal.

My goal is to be consistent and driven enough to fill this sketchbook and put out a video

every day.

That in itself will be an achievement for me.

And figuring out how to work that kind of goal around my real life is so far becoming

a really useful experience.

Anyway, I'll still be editing each video the day I put it out so if you still have

a question, feel free to leave it below and I might answer it in tomorrow's video.

Today's question was a popular one in the comment section of the first video.

It's from Elena and she wants some advice for dealing with having ideas but not the

motivation to follow them through.

Or having ideas but not the skill to put them down onto paper.

There was a similar question from Ronnie who deals with the familiar feeling of being unsatisfied

with a piece of work, which leads to a complete lack of motivation to create again.

I think it all ties in together really.

I had this feeling today when I was about to start drawing.

I've known since last night, and had a vivid image in my head of what I wanted to draw.

But I spent half my morning procrastinating, it even got to a point where I was aimlessly

wandering around the house, looking out the window to see if the postman was coming.

At one point I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling with my inktober sketchbook in

my hand.

A lot of the time, what stops us from taking that step from idea to execution is a kind

of fear.

Fear of getting it wrong, and fittingly, fear of not having the skills to do it properly.

For me, a great way to get past that is to do a fake 'test run' of the drawing in


Fake because I'll call it a test run in my head, but put as much effort in as I would

for the real thing.

Even though the ultimate goal is for that drawing to be THE drawing, when you approach

it as a kind of practice or first round, it takes the pressure off it having to come out

just right, because you're just using this as a way to figure out what you're doing,

get to know your tools, get to know what areas you might need to improve on.

And that's essentially how you get better at art anyway.

Every piece you create has it's own little lesson to learn and take into the next.

So for you Ronnie, rather than be discouraged by what you see as shortcomings in your work,

try to take more of an objective look at it.

Pin-point the parts that you don't like and almost get excited to learn more about

that thing, so you'll be able to use it in all your artwork into the future.

You're mistakes are just potential to grow and learn and take your work to the next level.

Sometimes I genuinely do get excited when I realise I need to spend more time on a certain

aspect of my art, I can kind of imagine how much better it'll be when I just master

that one thing.

I'm waffling a bit today, but the point I'm trying to make is, if you've got the

ideas but not the motivation, try to get that idea down on paper even if it's not the

finished piece.

Get it down in some form and work from there.

And if it doesn't turn out how you want it to, instead of shrinking away, telling

yourself I told you so and convincing yourself not to try again, be objective, be methodical,

zone in on the mistakes and look ahead to learning more and creating art closer to what

you had in mind.

Thanks for watching guys, I'll see you tomorrow for the next one.


For more infomation >> Having Ideas But No Motivation · Inktober Day #4 - Duration: 4:30.


Scandal 7x01 Sneak Peek #3 "Watch Me" (HD) Season 7 Episode 1 Sneak Peek #3 - Duration: 1:28.

How is the President?

Mellie is good.

So, Mellie is in formation,

happy to let you hold all the cards,

wield all the power, happy as your puppet.

Mellie and I are a team.

You don't play team sports. never have. Not well, anyway.

Dad, it's my turn.

I'm changing the rules.

This, what I'm doing, is better.

Hmm. [ Chuckles ]

You are like looking into the window of my past.

You are me.

No matter how much I tried,

all I could create

was me.


There is a reckoning coming for you, Olivia.

You think...

you have it under control.

You think you have all the power buttoned up inside you

behind your eyes, lighting you up.

But one day you'll glance into a mirror,

and you will discover

that some of that power is missing.

The lights are going out.

And then? You'll have some difficult decisions to make.

Do I want that power back?

Who am I willing to hurt to get it?

Now I can say this

because I know --

You cannot have it all...



Watch me.

For more infomation >> Scandal 7x01 Sneak Peek #3 "Watch Me" (HD) Season 7 Episode 1 Sneak Peek #3 - Duration: 1:28.


PAPAS FRITAS SIN ACEITE - ¡Gran truco! (patatas fritas) - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> PAPAS FRITAS SIN ACEITE - ¡Gran truco! (patatas fritas) - Duration: 5:46.


FOR KIDS: Learn Color with Disney Car Tow Mater Truck, Color Trucks for Children with Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:46.

FOR KIDS: Learn Color with Disney Car Tow Mater Truck, Color Trucks for Children with Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> FOR KIDS: Learn Color with Disney Car Tow Mater Truck, Color Trucks for Children with Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:46.


Phụ Nữ Nhất Định Phải Làm 7 Điều Này Sau Khi Quan Hệ Để Bảo Vệ Vùng Kin, Nếu Không Hối Hận Suốt Đời - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Phụ Nữ Nhất Định Phải Làm 7 Điều Này Sau Khi Quan Hệ Để Bảo Vệ Vùng Kin, Nếu Không Hối Hận Suốt Đời - Duration: 4:58.


Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes for Kids Ice Cream Surprise Toys Finger Family Educational Kids Toy - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes for Kids Ice Cream Surprise Toys Finger Family Educational Kids Toy - Duration: 4:29.


Health Insurance Terms You Need to Know (in the U.S.) - Duration: 6:34.

Let's start with a breathing exercise.


In through the nose... and out through the mouth....

Today we're getting into a calm frame of mind, because we're gonna talk about

health insurance.


Health insurance can be a super confusing and frustrating thing to deal with.

But it's a huge part of adulting!

Since we don't have a crystal ball for how the future of American health care will turn

out, we won't be talking today about what kind of public or private health care plan

options might be available to you.

Instead, this will be a primer on the very basics of health insurance for an individual,

regardless of where your insurance is coming from.

Now, the next time you're choosing a plan or someone asks you how it works, it won't

all seem like some alien language.

First up, let's talk about your insurance policy that you'll buy from your health

insurance company.

This is the plan that says how much you're paying and what kind of services the insurance

company will pay for, including routine checkups and emergency care.

Insurance policies usually last for one year and you'll typically sign up for a new one

around December or January, unless your employment or life changes.

Many health insurance policies exclude dental and vision coverage, so you'll need to buy

an additional policy to cover those things if you have, uh, eyes and teeth.

[laughter, because what else?]

When choosing your insurance policy, it's really important to understand how much your

premium will be.

The premium is how much you pay each month for the service, just like Netflix.

If you get your health insurance through your company, they might automatically deduct the

payments from your paycheck.

If you signed up for a plan through the Affordable Care Act or a private insurer, you're in

charge of remembering to pay the premium each month.

How much your premium costs will be largely related to your deductible.

The deductible is how much you have to pay for your health care before the insurance

company will start reimbursing claims, the bill for the service.

Usually the doctor's office or hospital that you went to will send the claim, aka

the bill, directly to your insurance company.

If your deductible is high, like, say, six thousand dollars, that means you will have

to pay out of pocket for six thousand dollars' worth of services before your insurance kicks

in and starts reimbursing claims.


Even if you haven't met your deductible, most insurance plans do cover almost all of

the costs of routine preventative care, like getting a yearly checkup or a gynecological


Pretty much every plan defines routine care differently, so it's a good thing to read up on when

picking a plan.

They make it really confusing.

The type of health insurance company you're buying a plan from might make a difference

when it comes to choosing which doctors you can see.

If you've ever heard of HMOs, AKA health maintenance organizations, they only cover

procedures performed by certain professionals in a network.

You'll want to make sure that the doctor you go to is in network for your HMO.

But wait!

If your health insurance comes through a PPO, or a preferred provider organization, that

means they'll cover your doctor visit at different rates depending if that doctor is

in-network or not.

Whether you get health insurance through an HMO or a PPO, make sure you know whether your

doctor is in network and prepare to shell out accordingly.

If it's hard to figure out by googling, you can usually just call a doctor's office

and ask them if they can work with your insurance plan.

After you sign up for a health care plan, the company might require that you choose

a primary care provider.

Lucky you, we made a whole entire video for this already!

When you go to a clinic or hospital for any kind of care, you may need to break out your

wallet for a copayment, which is a fixed amount expected to be paid to the doctor's office

when the service is rendered.

So let's say that you've spent enough on health care this year that you meet the

cutoff for your deductible.


Insurance will cover everything now, right?

Well, not quite.

You might still need to pay coinsurance on any additional doctor's visits for that


Coinsurance is usually a percentage of the bill, not a fixed amount.

Health insurance companies sometimes describe it as "your share of the costs of a health

service," because yay, don't we all love sharing.

So, we could go on about how healthcare works for a ridiculously long time.

But ultimately, the most important thing to understand about your health insurance plan

is—as much as you probably don't want to—pay attention.

Health insurance is weird and complicated and the companies themselves do not always

get everything right, and mistakes can happen when it comes to billing for claims.

Read your plan when you sign up, read the bills when they come in and make sure that

your insurer is covering everything they are supposed to pay for.

If you go to the doctor and then suddenly get a bill for a service you thought was covered,

do your research and be prepared to fight for what you deserve.

The best way to resolve a conflict over an insurance bill is usually to call up the company

and ask for a real live human to help you solve the problem.

Politeness goes a long way when dealing with insurance companies.

And remember, breathe deeply.

[breathing deeply]

You got this.

Thank you for joining us!

If you want to learn more about adulting with Rachel and me, you can subscribe to How to

Adult at

And if you liked this episode and want to support this channel, consider becoming a

patreon patron at

—guided meditation with Hank. I'm going to get right down in the microphone...

That'd be a good... P4A perk.


Guided sleep meditation with Hank.

[off-screen] ASMR.

[off-screen] Hank's AMR...


Hank's arm.


My arm talks to you about sleep.

It'd be really hard to send that to you in the mail.


You can't have my arm!

Anyway, let's do this thing. Before my legs fall off.

Eventually this is not comfortable anymore.

[off-screen] Yeah, you can de-pretzel.


Deep pretzel.

Deep pretzel: IBM's new supercomputer.



[off-screen] It's got a built-in food court.

Read your—read your plan when you sign up.

You messed me up.

Our eyes met!


Read your plan!


It's too long!

For more infomation >> Health Insurance Terms You Need to Know (in the U.S.) - Duration: 6:34.


You told me... |Original Spoken Word - Duration: 2:25.

You told me that I was beautiful

You told me that no one has the right to bring me down but isn't that What you did

You spoke words of courage and bliss spilling out those compliments as if they were second nature

but eventually those words meant nothing Until...

Until ..

Until you saw the real me

The one day that i don't wear makeup you ask me questions like:

Are you sick?

Are you tired?

You look so drained

The smile that was on my face became so faint that It was replaced by pain

Now, I was never fond of wearing makeup

Until you came along

Until you told me

That I was beautiful

That I was vibrant

That I was stunning

That I was alluring

That I was a masterpiece

I felt as if I was on top of the World

Day, after day, after day, i would put on makeup

Not for myself anymore but for you

For your likes

For your compliments

For followers

Until You told me

You put on too much makeup

Take off your mask

As if the daily task of looking good for you

Was not good enough anymore

Eventually You stopped criticizing me altogether

You moved on to your next victim

I watched as you told her she was stunning

But the difference between her and I?

She didn't fall for your trap

She didn't fall for your compliments

Your criticism

Your Words of doubt

She knew

Society couldn't break her like you broke me

I hope you guys enjoyed this video

If you did give it a thumbs up

If you didn't... Give it a thumbs up

I make videos every Wednesday

And I know, I know you're gonna be like but you haven't Been posting in like a Month


Your Girls in college okay I's in college

and Balancing This it's pretty difficult but I'm pretty sure i can do it so

I post videos every Wednesday

Mark It on your calendars

But really though

Subscribe because i make videos every Wednesday

Dream Big Do What You love and be Inspired


For more infomation >> You told me... |Original Spoken Word - Duration: 2:25.


Trump Puerto Rico should be proud more haven't died MSNBC - Duration: 16:18.

For more infomation >> Trump Puerto Rico should be proud more haven't died MSNBC - Duration: 16:18.


The Bold and the Beautiful - The Prince and a Spectra? - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> The Bold and the Beautiful - The Prince and a Spectra? - Duration: 2:43.


Bodak Yellow / Praise Moves Gospel remix by Dominique - Duration: 1:26.

Hi guys this is my gospel remix of Bodak Yellow

Look this is it you can't mess with Him if you wanted to. Look I'm stressing

this is Jesus Christ! Yeah He wore your shoes. Death or life?

You can't have them both, so you gotta choose. Make it quick

cut the devil off. Don't get comfortable.

It's your chance now. But your mind's on money moves

Everybody's on that dance yeah oh making money moves

God he sees you and He speaks. He's like 'child I'm here for you'

But you don't hear it, you too busy yeah too busy on them moves

You too busy on your moves

Too busy so you lose

But God is there for you ooh

We too busy on our moves, too busy so we lose

But God is there for you, ooh.

How 'bout some PRAISE MOVES???

For more infomation >> Bodak Yellow / Praise Moves Gospel remix by Dominique - Duration: 1:26.


AQUAMAN Surprise Egg - Duration: 8:24.

Aquaman Surprise Egg

Hey Dino Pals, this is Toy Rex here.

Let's see what Toy surprise we have today.

Cool Aquaman Surprise Egg

It's a super hero surprise toys party with Aquaman Surprise Toys.

There's so many surprise toys I cant even see Aquaman anymore.

Let's open this one first.

Cool its a DC comics and there's a Batman rocker. Shake, Shake, Shake.

Wow loo at the Superman he looks so cool. These are all the rockers we can get.

There's a Batman, Flash, Superman, Joker, Harley Quinn, Riddler and there's a chase special one.

Let's open it up guys. Here we go.

For more infomation >> AQUAMAN Surprise Egg - Duration: 8:24.


Security guards at Las Vegas concert describe attack MSNBC - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Security guards at Las Vegas concert describe attack MSNBC - Duration: 5:25.


'골목대장' 김희철, 허술한 몰래카메라에 "왜 망신을 줘" - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> '골목대장' 김희철, 허술한 몰래카메라에 "왜 망신을 줘" - Duration: 2:01.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.5 DCI CONNECT EDITION Panorama dak, ECC, 17 Inch, PDC V+A !!! - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.5 DCI CONNECT EDITION Panorama dak, ECC, 17 Inch, PDC V+A !!! - Duration: 0:51.


(AT) Originálna prednáška Bruna Gröninga vo Viedni (1958) - Duration: 12:37.

For more infomation >> (AT) Originálna prednáška Bruna Gröninga vo Viedni (1958) - Duration: 12:37.


Sources Russia Linked Facebook Ads Targeted Variety of States MSNBC - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Sources Russia Linked Facebook Ads Targeted Variety of States MSNBC - Duration: 3:54.


Seaver Stories | Iron Sharpens Iron - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Seaver Stories | Iron Sharpens Iron - Duration: 3:49.


Making a Tinder Account - Duration: 4:49.

there's a car alarm going off in the background which is really annoying so I

guess I'm gonna have to wait for that to stop I've done a lot of really

embarrassing things on this channel I think this is definitely an all-time low

for me hey guys what's going on today we are doing something a little a little

kind of stupid we are making myself a tinder account just just for fun if

you're secretly in love with me and watching this video you don't have

anything to worry about because this is just a joke the issue I have is that I

have approximately one good photo of myself and so I have to go get more

otherwise people aren't gonna swipe swipe for whatever direction is that you

swipe so earlier today I made my tinder account I put all my pictures up and I

haven't made a bio yet I've connected my my Spotify account so people can see

what kind of music I listen to Caetano now you're gonna start swiping

left and right up and down I still don't know which ones which actually first I

think we should edit my bio a bit you catch more honeys being fly

then you can catching flies with honey, it's loading Lauren 18 okay

it's all good looks wee bit funny it does look a wee bit if we don't like

their dog then we just pass. Dragging a picture to the right indicates you liked

Lauren Amy she likes you she doesn't look 18/19 she looks a bit older. Club

Penguin closed down so that's a good bio though, oh she likes cage the elephants as

well that's a good band what is this picture I'm sorry but like she cropped

us you like it's been cropped out like her house it she does look like that

looks like it could be a wedding for a wedding photo like look at the

background there and she's just like dropping right well she just left half

his face for all we know that could be her that the big that person right the

hell there is a the man is actually her Amy's Amy's actually a guy so somebody

off word my worst fear is that no one's gonna match with me and I'll have no one

to talk to but for size matters no one wants this the limo has a point

you're such a wild card that's something a mom would post on Facebook I just want

one person though I mean has anyone swept right in yet

I don't know how would you tell should I just take a risk you know I should you

like me back anyway I hope I said Andrew for a moment because like yeah dad you

let's go if we find it charlie unless you're definitely no huh

I don't know how this app works age range um no like the only nothing you go

18 to 55 I don't want to find like a growly on this if she can make me swipe

right we got no

I'll try again in the morning and I'll let you know if anything is

there any updates it is a new day new dawn new I don't remember the lyrics to

the song I have two matches putana was gonna help me help me send messages to

these people but now he's fallen asleep I honestly do not remember swiping

either these people I want to be forward but I don't want to be like super

forward so let's just let's just give this a go a hundred and one kilometers

away that's quite for it or not it's quite

fun Cavanaugh's taking over my my tinder

account for me if you want to see more of these kinds of videos

I don't think they do either but if you want to get updates and stuff I mean if

you want to know what happens with me and wanna lure Lorna

it was 101 kilometers away then go ahead and drop a like on this video I guess

I'll see you next time umm if this video gets I don't know 25

likes or something then I will I'll give you all an update video so yeah I guess

I'll see you then

For more infomation >> Making a Tinder Account - Duration: 4:49.


Honest Government Adverts - Honest Government Ad - Duration: 1:52.

hello I'm from the Australian government with an important announcement about a

matter of national stupidity it has been brought to our attention that some shit

it's called the juice media have been impersonating us in the series called

honest government ads which has been tricking millions of innocent

hard-working citizens into believing their government is honest for instance

you may have been fooled into thinking we made this truthful ad about the

marriage equality plebiscite or this ad about our bullshit Centrelink debt

recovery policies or this hideous one about our any humane treatment of

refugees are actually never mind that is one of our ads as they could be mistaken

for actual government communications we've identified these honest government

ads as a danger to you that's because our regard for your intelligence is

extremely low that and the fact that our policies on welfare refugees climate

change and the gays are genuinely so fucked up it actually is getting harder

to distinguish them from satire so in order to protect you from using your own

brain we've sent the juice media an email telling them not to use our logo

this logo right here which you are seeing right now don't use it for good

measure we've also introduced a new law to punish such behavior with a 5 year

jail sentence but don't worry we'll exempt genuine satire from this law

genuine meaning anything we find funny and we obviously have a great sense of

humor we urge all of you not to watch the honest government ad and don't

support the juice media on patreon as it only encourages them to keep on exposing

our unceasing attempts to turn you down bend you over and fuck you sideways to

anyone else thinking of impersonating the government to make us look like

idiots seriously don't do it we already do a perfectly good job of it ourselves

authorised by the Department of genuine satire


For more infomation >> Honest Government Adverts - Honest Government Ad - Duration: 1:52.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


Cardi B plus forte que Nicki Minaj ? Elle vient de dépasser un nouveau record - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Cardi B plus forte que Nicki Minaj ? Elle vient de dépasser un nouveau record - Duration: 2:30.


Bbkidtv: How to Draw a Birthday Cake Coloring Pages | Drawing for Kids - Duration: 10:11.

Welcome to bbkidtv channel

This channel I am create for kids

this video I show you guys how to draw a cute cake

For more infomation >> Bbkidtv: How to Draw a Birthday Cake Coloring Pages | Drawing for Kids - Duration: 10:11.


New 2017 Honda Civic Type R

For more infomation >> New 2017 Honda Civic Type R


For more infomation >> New 2017 Honda Civic Type R


Helping His Hometown After Harvey - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Helping His Hometown After Harvey - Duration: 1:21.


For more infomation >> Helping His Hometown After Harvey - Duration: 1:21.


PAPAS FRITAS SIN ACEITE - ¡Gran truco! (patatas fritas) - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> PAPAS FRITAS SIN ACEITE - ¡Gran truco! (patatas fritas) - Duration: 5:46.


For more infomation >> PAPAS FRITAS SIN ACEITE - ¡Gran truco! (patatas fritas) - Duration: 5:46.


Une adolescente de 14 ans se retrouve dans le coma - France 365 - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Une adolescente de 14 ans se retrouve dans le coma - France 365 - Duration: 7:00.


For more infomation >> Une adolescente de 14 ans se retrouve dans le coma - France 365 - Duration: 7:00.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


Frederik Meijer Gardens breaks ground on $115M expansion Updated: 23 mins ago - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Frederik Meijer Gardens breaks ground on $115M expansion Updated: 23 mins ago - Duration: 2:32.


FEMA Accessible: Other Needs Assistance - Generators - Duration: 2:37.

Hi, I'm Wendy Couchman with FEMA's Individuals and Households Program.

I'm here with my friend, Aaron, to talk to you about reimbursement

for medically-necessary generators under FEMA's Individuals and Households Program.

After a disaster, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

offers financial assistance to survivors

with certain disaster-caused miscellaneous expenses under Other Needs Assistance (ONA).

Assistance for these items is limited to the amount established for the item

by your State, Territory, or Tribal Government.

If you owned a generator before the disaster and it was damaged by the disaster,

FEMA will consider the generator under Personal Property Assistance.

If you purchased or rented a generator to power medically-necessary equipment,

including a medically-required refrigerator, FEMA may be able to reimburse you

for the purchase or rental of the generator.

The generator must have been purchased or rented

between the day the Governor declared a State of Emergency

and the date the disaster ended, or the date power is restored,

whichever comes first.

You must provide an itemized receipt or equipment rental agreement.

The cost of the generator must not be covered by insurance or any other source.

The generator must be purchased or rented to power a medically-required piece of equipment.

The generator must have been purchased or rented due to a disruption

in electrical utility service as a result of the disaster.

You must submit a statement from a medical provider indicating the equipment is medically necessary.

The reimbursement amount for generators is limited to the prevailing retail

or rental rate for a 5.5 kw-sized generator, as identified by FEMA.

For generator rental, you may only be reimbursed for the period until power is restored to your home.

FEMA may waive one or more of these conditions during extraordinary circumstances.

To determine if this applies to your disaster or if you have any other questions,

go to a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC)

or call the FEMA Helpline at 800.621.3362.

Video Relay Service or 711 users can also call 800.621.3362.

TTY users can call 800.462.7585.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> FEMA Accessible: Other Needs Assistance - Generators - Duration: 2:37.


FEMA Accessible: Other Needs Assistance - Medical Dental Assistance - Duration: 5:16.

Hi, I'm Wendy Couchman with FEMA's Individuals and Households Program.

I'm here with my friend, Aaron, to talk to you about

FEMA's Medical and Dental Assistance under the Individuals and Households Program.

After a disaster, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

offers financial assistance to survivors with eligible, disaster-related medical or dental expenses.

You do not need to live in a presidentially-declared disaster area

to be eligible for medical or dental assistance.

For example, if you were visiting family or friends or on vacation in the disaster area

when the disaster happened and you were hurt or lost your medical or dental equipment,

you could be eligible for medical or dental assistance.

You do need to meet the following requirements before you can receive medical or dental assistance:

Your medical or dental injury or expense must be directly related to the disaster; and

Your medical or dental expenses are not covered by your insurance or any other source.

Eligible expenses include:

Costs related to your injury or illness caused by the disaster;

A pre-existing injury, disability, or medical condition that was made worse as a result of the disaster;

Loss of your prescriptions;

Loss or damage of your personal medical or dental equipment;

or your medical or dental insurance deductible and co-payments for eligible expenses.

If you think you have eligible medical or dental expenses,

you will need to submit the required paperwork to verify the expense.

Your required paperwork must show the expense was caused by the disaster, is medically-required,

and includes the amount of the expense.

If you need help completing your paperwork or have any questions,

go to a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC)

or call the FEMA Helpline at 800.621.3362.

Video Relay Service or 711 users can also call 800.621.3362.

TTY users can call 800.462.7585.

Here are some examples of paperwork required for each type of expense.

For disaster-caused injury or illness:

Itemized bills, receipts, or estimates from your medical or dental provider or pharmacy.

A written statement from your medical or dental provider,

including the date of the disaster-caused injury and recovery expenses.

Loss of prescribed medication:

A written and signed statement by your medical or dental provider

confirming the loss of your prescription.

A written and signed statement by your medical or dental provider

confirming your prescription is required and was prescribed for you or a member of your household.

Receipts or other verifiable documents from the pharmacy showing

the replacement cost of your prescribed medication.

Loss or damage of medical or dental equipment:

A written and signed statement from you or your medical or dental provider

confirming the loss of your medical or dental equipment.

A written and signed statement from your medical or dental provider

confirming you or a member of your household required the medical or dental equipment before the disaster.

Itemized bills, receipts, or estimates showing the repair or replacement

cost of the medical or dental equipment.

You must provide your medical or dental insurance settlements to FEMA

if you have medical or dental insurance, so FEMA can determine which of your medical or dental expenses

are not covered by your insurance.

If you do not have medical or dental insurance,

you must submit a signed Medical or Dental Statement of Insurance,

which will be provided to you in a Request for Information letter.

FEMA sends this letter to you automatically

if you indicate when you register with FEMA that you have medical or dental losses.

The letter will also explain what documentation you need to send to FEMA

for medical or dental assistance.

If you did not receive the letter and you have disaster-caused medical or dental expenses,

you can get this letter sent to you by calling the FEMA Helpline

or going to a Disaster Recovery Center

and letting them know you have medical or dental expenses as a result of the disaster.

For information about generators required to power medically-necessary equipment,

please watch our "Other Needs Assistance – Generators" video.

Again, if you need help completing your paperwork or have any questions,

go to a Disaster Recovery Center or call the FEMA Helpline at 800.621.3362.

Video Relay Service or 711 users can also call 800.621.3362.

TTY users can call 800.462.7585.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> FEMA Accessible: Other Needs Assistance - Medical Dental Assistance - Duration: 5:16.


FEMA Accessible: Donating after a disaster - Duration: 1:51.

Hi, I'm Zachary Usher,

and I'm the Branch Chief for Mass Care, Voluntary Agency Liaisons, and Community Services.

After a disaster, people often ask,

"How can we help?

What can we do?

What do the survivors need most?"

There are many wonderful ways to show your support and generosity.

Cash donations are the best way people share their support,

and this is the most common way to contribute to the disaster relief process.

Organizations that help during a disaster know what

and how much is needed to be able to support survivors as they begin to recover.

They often buy supplies from local businesses to help support the local economy.

When you make a cash donation, make sure that you are donating

to a recognized and trusted organization.

If you prefer to donate supplies instead of making a cash donation,

it is important to confirm with the organization what supplies are actually needed

as critical needs change every day.

They will tell you how to pack and label your donations,

confirm where you can drop off your donations,

and then arrange transportation for your donations to where they are most needed.

Please check with the organization you plan to donate to before starting to collect,

because donating things that survivors do not need takes away

valuable volunteer labor, transportation, and warehouse space.

It is also important that you do not travel to the disaster areas to help deliver supplies,

as this could also interfere with the organization's mission of supporting survivors.

There are many trusted organizations that will welcome new volunteers

so you can help survivors directly.

For more information about how to find a trusted organization to donate to or volunteer with,


For more infomation >> FEMA Accessible: Donating after a disaster - Duration: 1:51.


Bodak Yellow / Praise Moves Gospel remix by Dominique - Duration: 1:26.

Hi guys this is my gospel remix of Bodak Yellow

Look this is it you can't mess with Him if you wanted to. Look I'm stressing

this is Jesus Christ! Yeah He wore your shoes. Death or life?

You can't have them both, so you gotta choose. Make it quick

cut the devil off. Don't get comfortable.

It's your chance now. But your mind's on money moves

Everybody's on that dance yeah oh making money moves

God he sees you and He speaks. He's like 'child I'm here for you'

But you don't hear it, you too busy yeah too busy on them moves

You too busy on your moves

Too busy so you lose

But God is there for you ooh

We too busy on our moves, too busy so we lose

But God is there for you, ooh.

How 'bout some PRAISE MOVES???

For more infomation >> Bodak Yellow / Praise Moves Gospel remix by Dominique - Duration: 1:26.


FEMA Accessible: Tips on How to Return Home Safely after a Disaster - Duration: 2:08.

Hi, I'm Chris Smith, and I'm the Director of Individual Assistance for FEMA.

After a disaster, we know one of the first things you want to do is to go home

and make sure everything is okay.

Here are some tips to help you prepare and stay safe.

Wait until local officials tell you it is safe to return home.

Before hitting the road, let your family and friends know you are planning to return home.

Call or text someone when you are leaving and when you arrive.

Text can work when calls do not.

Leave with a full gas tank and consider downloading an app to your smartphone or tablet

to check for fuel outages along the home.

There may be gas stations that have lost power or may not have fuel available.

Before you leave, know which gas stations are open and have fuel.

Pack your car with supplies like water and non-perishable food,

because heavy traffic may increase your travel time.

Make sure you continue to charge your cell phone, tablet, or laptop and have backup batteries

in case your house still does not have power.

It may take a few days, weeks or months for the power to come back on in your neighborhood.

Your neighborhood may have been seriously affected by the disaster,

so please be prepared to return to a possibly damaged home.

There may be major disruptions to your daily life due to the disaster.

Roads you normally take may be blocked with debris.

Your kids' school may be closed because the building is damaged or has no power.

Your local grocery store may not have power or enough food after the disaster.

It may take a long time before your daily activities start to feel normal again.

Remember that going home before local officials have been able to clear storm debris is dangerous.

You should wait until officials say it is safe to go home.

Local officials understand the importance of you being able to go back home

and they want to make sure you can do that in the safest way possible.

For more infomation >> FEMA Accessible: Tips on How to Return Home Safely after a Disaster - Duration: 2:08.


Aurélie Preston (Les Anges 8) balance sur l'escorting dans la télé-réalité : - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Aurélie Preston (Les Anges 8) balance sur l'escorting dans la télé-réalité : - Duration: 3:11.


You told me... |Original Spoken Word - Duration: 2:25.

You told me that I was beautiful

You told me that no one has the right to bring me down but isn't that What you did

You spoke words of courage and bliss spilling out those compliments as if they were second nature

but eventually those words meant nothing Until...

Until ..

Until you saw the real me

The one day that i don't wear makeup you ask me questions like:

Are you sick?

Are you tired?

You look so drained

The smile that was on my face became so faint that It was replaced by pain

Now, I was never fond of wearing makeup

Until you came along

Until you told me

That I was beautiful

That I was vibrant

That I was stunning

That I was alluring

That I was a masterpiece

I felt as if I was on top of the World

Day, after day, after day, i would put on makeup

Not for myself anymore but for you

For your likes

For your compliments

For followers

Until You told me

You put on too much makeup

Take off your mask

As if the daily task of looking good for you

Was not good enough anymore

Eventually You stopped criticizing me altogether

You moved on to your next victim

I watched as you told her she was stunning

But the difference between her and I?

She didn't fall for your trap

She didn't fall for your compliments

Your criticism

Your Words of doubt

She knew

Society couldn't break her like you broke me

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