Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2017

It's hard to believe, but it's been it's been 15 years since The Ring was released.

And in that time, this girl…

...somehow turned into this girl.

Would you believe the actress who starred as the waterlogged ghost gal is actually a

normal person in real life?

Here's what Daveigh Chase has been doing since she first scared the pants off of us.

Young breakout

Take away all the makeup and CG corpse effects, and Chase was — big surprise — a normal


Well, a normal kid with a growing Hollywood career.

The year before The Ring was released, Chase voiced the lead in the English dub of Spirited

Away and co-starred in Donnie Darko as Donnie's younger sister, Samantha.

In 2002, in addition to starring in The Ring, but she also voiced Lilo in Lilo & Stitch.

She reprised her role for two Lilo & Stitch video games, as well as the Lilo & Stitch

cartoon series, from 2003 to 2006.

Other roles

Chase had a memorable arc as the troublemaking teen bride Rhonda Volmer on the HBO show Big

Love from 2006 to 2011.

She's also appeared on TV shows like CSI, ER, Charmed, Cold Case, and Without A Trace,

and reprised her role from Donnie Darko in the 2009 sequel, S. Darko.

Her most recent projects have been independent films, including American Romance and Jack

Goes Home.

L.A. life

Though she grew up in Albany, Oregon, Chase's Instagram feed could easily double as a tourism

guide for Los Angeles, where she currently lives.

Her views of the skyline alone could be used for a brochure.

The bulk of Chase's Instagram account is dedicated to all the time she spends with animals, but

she still has a sense of humor about having once been a young horror icon, as evidenced

by one Instagram post asking, "Should I be a slutty Samara for Halloween?"

Hospital drop off

On Feb. 15, 2017, Chase's real life became a scene from a movie.

TMZ reported that Chase rushed a dying man to a hospital in Los Angeles, left him outside,

then left the scene.

The site reported that Chase may have been hanging out with him that day.

When police ran Chase's name, they discovered an outstanding warrant for her arrest in an

unrelated case.

According to the New York Daily News, Chase is "not a suspect in the death and authorities

have reason to believe the man overdosed and the actress was just trying to get him to

the hospital."

Arrest warrant

Leaving a dying man outside a hospital is an unusual move, but it's possible that Chase

didn't want to draw any attention to herself, seeing as she had a warrant out for her arrest

at the time.

Fox News reported that Chase was arrested on February 22, 2017 for a traffic-related


According to Fox News, she was also questioned about the unidentified man's fatal overdose,

but at the time of this video, she does not face any charges in connection with that death.

On the road

While Chase had several filming projects in 2016, her schedule for 2017 looks totally


From the looks of her Instagram, she's been spending time out on the road in an RV and

generally staying pretty far from the bright lights of Hollywood.

Whether the former child star is finished with acting for good or just taking a break

for awhile, we can always go back and spend some quality time with Samara Morgan.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Scary Girl From The Ring Is All Grown Up - Duration: 3:15.


Perfect Smile Veneers $14 99! Why are Dentists Laughing? Brighter Image Lab Review and Endorsement - Duration: 10:10.

we got this in the mail the other day pretty excited to try it out why don't you

scoot a little closer there arena so it looks like they've got a new design for

this instant comfort fit it feels it's just you know like it's got a little lip

yeah million dollars buddy don't you think they'll love one wonderful the look and

feel of the natural teeth

this week I have something pretty serious I want to tell you about I not

only want to tell you about a product but I kind of want to endorse it you

guys get the feeling that this was the kind of vlog that I needed to do every

once while you get something that bothers you and you have a voice and you

have a video camera then you can actually put it on YouTube so that's

what we decided to do I want to tell you about instant perfect smile perfect fit

veneers that are online for $14.99 you'll be proud to smile about perfect

Smile fits right over your existing teeth so you can always put your best face

forward the secret is the super comfort one of the things I want to tell you is

is that I've seen dentists come out and they're being very sarcastic about this

product they're just making fun of this product you can't beat that nope and you can't beat how quickly..

after.. you you too can..

In minutes.. and this is what..

...and what I want to tell you is is that I actually want to endorse it

I I want to tell people that I think a lot of this product and let me tell you why I know

what it's like to serve people who have no money and I know what it's like to

hear from people who have no choices I think the doctors are making a mistake

it's a real ivory tower position this is why you pay somebody to do this I think

they're misrepresenting the product I think that they're doing what they can

to make it extremely bad and extremely aggressive and actually making fun of

the fact that it could help some people and that's what bothers me

You too can have have a perfect smile I think you can get these on Amazon yeah these are great this is a

great way to take care of your own dentistry at home

There's no dentists that are losing any money to this product for $14.99 you're not going

to cancel your appointment at the orthodontist and you're not going to

cancel your appointment for dental veneers or implant surgery what you're

going to do is you're going to go ahead and not cancel your job interview you're

going to not cancel meet the teacher you're going to not cancel a reunion

they're gonna not cancel pictures you're going to say I found a solution

this isn't quite up your alley and you're a little concerned about how this

might work out for you you might be able to head over head on over to

and maybe go to a reputable dentist knows how to design a smile that might

be a great solution for you so if you're a single mom with a bad smile and 200

bucks in the bank and you've got lunch money to make sure you have this week and

gas and you've got to get back and forth then then $14.99 is your option I mean

the only thing worse than nothing is no choices but we have to realize is the

people who are buying this product they're getting online and going I

finally have a choice ...pretty reputable company out there in Hardin

Illinois called billy-bob teeth so.. been in business for a little while I'm

very thankful that the people who made billy-bob teeth actually came out with a

way to make some choice of available if you look at them in a certain place

they're not bad nobody's going to show that much of their smile and show all

the gum there's just exaggerating the situation I think it's just real

convenient to take this position when you've absolutely perfect smiles if your

teeth didn't look like this and they actually looked like this or you come

from a family they couldn't have afforded orthodontist treatments people

may not have any other choice there are a massive amount of people out

there that don't have that privileged position and I know because we see them

every day anything that can help people is

something that should only be taken and improved not something that should be

laughed about I've been doing this Invisalign and gosh I gotta be honest

with ya minute for 20 days or so and I'm thinking my total treatment is 48 days

what am i doing I mean this could be instantly done.. Shoot I was in braces for three years... and these dentists know more

than anybody that there are tons of poly dent and denture cream on the market that

can make these things stay in place for more than 12 hours and you can get

creative on making these work if your smile is horrible and we know that the

majority of the place that these are marketed to you are not to the people

who are somewhere in Manhattan I don't think they've probably ran any commercials

in Manhattan guys I think it's gross misrepresentation I don't really blame

the dentist I just think they got it wrong just some people have to have some

choice some people have to go to an interview some people just don't have

the means 99 percent of people who come online to improve their smile

something's wrong something's happened and only four percent of those people

actually have the wherewithal to become a client for a doctor or even for us they

they look and they just never pull the trigger the one thing I like about this

new company instant smile is they give everybody a choice and if those doctors

were to spend as much time trying to take a bad client and go here's what we

did for you until you can afford it they would have said here's a stronger

polydent.. they would have said here's not just one for $14.99 but here's ten

for $14.99 and they would have had them every time they have to go to

something and I think that would have been a fair representation of somebody

who just needs to put some checks together until they can get ahead pay

rent pay the grocery bill make sure the kids have lunch money

make sure laundry gets done those are people who buy that product and I'm glad

it exists the other thing I'd like to see the doctors do is to take another

position and they should be able to take the same product and improve it all the

doctors know 60% of the people who put these on aren't going to smile their

biggest smile these are people who haven't smiled in public other than

covering their teeth and if you're doing this then anything that's an

improvement on that is worth it again I don't have anything against these

dentists, I just think they made a mistake and I think if they had to do over again

they would say you know what we need to do 25 people outside our immediate

community free teeth cleaning and if they were to say take the same energy

that it took to hire someone to do a video to hold the camera to do the

rendering to do all the stuff they probably could have went out and said

and went door to door and said hey we just want a free teeth cleaning and the

reason being is because then you can have some credibility about why they're

laughing in a product that's being sold to poor people

the main thing is is sometimes things get contagious and one person does that

another person does it another person does it and right now we're looking at

four or five dentists that are trying to make fun of the perfect Smile veneers I

have to tell you I'm not one of those people what I'd like to do is tell these

dentist that their position is a little bit ivory tower and that it's one thing

when I say something I can tell you the the sun's made of cheese and you can

decide whether you want to listen or look up or put down

pick up your phone and google it but when a doctor a dentist tells you that

something is bad you put down your phone and you're listening to why it's bad 80%

of the people who buy online are probably going to be disappointed it's

20% of those people they're going to make a better life for themselves

they're going to make a meeting of pictures or presentations a special

event and they're going to use this to get through a couple meetings until they

can get a job until they can get a savings until they can get insurance

until they can get back in the game and I think a lot of the people who've done

it I like it because it's a choice and I like it because if you use it properly

it will get you through a two-hour interview or a two hours with friends and I think

they serve their purpose and I think it creates a choice and the only thing good

about a choice is one that you have one into you're the one that gets to make it

right now with these instant smile veneers available for $14.99 there are

some people who are listening to this conversation that can't afford me and

they can't afford the doctors but they have a choice and they get to make it

thank you guys.

For more infomation >> Perfect Smile Veneers $14 99! Why are Dentists Laughing? Brighter Image Lab Review and Endorsement - Duration: 10:10.


Gerrymandering Case Makes Its Way To Supreme Court | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Gerrymandering Case Makes Its Way To Supreme Court | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 1:52.


[MMD] SPOILER Mystic Messenger I Miss You - Ray Call - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> [MMD] SPOILER Mystic Messenger I Miss You - Ray Call - Duration: 1:46.


[ENG SUB] BTS_Official Weibo Chinese Convo Ep.10 Moonchild百科之今日词条 Mooncake Rapmonster & Jimin - Duration: 0:24.

RM: Jimin-sshi~ JM: Yes~ RM: What do we usually eat in the time of CHUSEOK?

JM: We usually eat Songpeyeon

RM: Do you know what they eat in China? JM: Umm~ About that~~

RM: In China they eat MOONCAKE JM: Oh~ What is a MOONCAKE?

RM: MOONCAKE is a bakery item, they use flour as a main ingredient for it. Also put red bean paste, eggs yolk, nuts & shape it like a fullmoon & bake it.

JM: Sounds yummy RM: Everyone which one do you like? JM: I like red bean.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] BTS_Official Weibo Chinese Convo Ep.10 Moonchild百科之今日词条 Mooncake Rapmonster & Jimin - Duration: 0:24.


Friends Come and Go | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:32.

Friends Come and Go

I wish someone had told me that your closest friends from high school and college would

drift away.

You hope for them to stay But they move on without you.

I wish someone had told me that that moment would hurt more than any heartbreak you've

ever had.

You'll be sad, Depressed, lonely, angry, frustrated, irritated,

and a million other emotions.

You'll cry oceans Because the people who've been there for

so long no longer keep in touch- no text, no call,

Maybe a post on you Facebook wall For your birthday.

Wish someone told me that someday They'd go back to being strangers.

No one warned me of these emotional dangers.

I wish someone had told me that you'll meet new "friends" but be filled with so much

ambivalence from your last friendship heart break

You'll know the peace of mind that's at stake

As you contemplate Being a loner vs going through another friendship

heartbreak In a couple years.

You'll contemplate saving the tears At the expense of missing true happy moments.

They say true friends are few and far between, But I wish someone told me that ice cream

Can't fix this heartache Because this heartbreak

Is different.

Enjoy your moments while you have them because they WON'T last forever.

The End.

For more infomation >> Friends Come and Go | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:32.


How to make bonsai tree with art and craft ideas | DIY | Bonsai tree diy | crafts | Creative Diy art - Duration: 11:27.

How to make bonsai tree with art and craft ideas | DIY | Bonsai tree diy | crafts | Creative Diy art

How to make bonsai tree with art and craft ideas | DIY | Bonsai tree diy | crafts | Creative Diy art

How to make bonsai tree with art and craft ideas | DIY | Bonsai tree diy | crafts | Creative Diy art

How to make bonsai tree with art and craft ideas | DIY | Bonsai tree diy | crafts | Creative Diy art

For more infomation >> How to make bonsai tree with art and craft ideas | DIY | Bonsai tree diy | crafts | Creative Diy art - Duration: 11:27.


Honda CR-V 2.0 COMFORT Navigatie - LMV 18" - PrivacyGlass - PDC - RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0 COMFORT Navigatie - LMV 18" - PrivacyGlass - PDC - RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:59.


Trump shows basic lack of humanity in Puerto Rico MSNBC - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Trump shows basic lack of humanity in Puerto Rico MSNBC - Duration: 10:17.


Inktober 2017 Day 4 : Underwater ( Speed Drawing ) // Nyu Ackerman - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Inktober 2017 Day 4 : Underwater ( Speed Drawing ) // Nyu Ackerman - Duration: 4:54.


ILLUSTRATION SET (1/4) + HALLOWEEN'S COMING! 🎃🎉 - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> ILLUSTRATION SET (1/4) + HALLOWEEN'S COMING! 🎃🎉 - Duration: 5:54.


Happy Birthday, Ruth Lyons! - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Happy Birthday, Ruth Lyons! - Duration: 2:08.


Learn Colours With Plants MMS Ice Cream Toys Surprise Pj Masks Finger Family Song 123 - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Learn Colours With Plants MMS Ice Cream Toys Surprise Pj Masks Finger Family Song 123 - Duration: 4:06.



Holy crap guys with this glitch you guys can get free psn plus for as long as you want.

You guys gota start doing this glitch right now and become a psn plus member for absoukty


Get psn online for free so stay tuned.

But before I start the video I have a 20 dollar psn giftcard giveaway going on and you guys

gota enter.

All you gota do is subscribe and turn on my post notification which is really important,

drop a like on this video and comment down below saying what giftcard you want.

It doesn't matter it could be any card, psn, Xbox, Amazon it doesn't matter.

If you Wana higher chance to win then stay active by liking and dropping a comment on

every single video I post.

Also tell all your friends to subscribe and make sure to tell them to tell em that you

sent them.

Trust me that's guna increase your chance of winning.

I also wanted to let you guys know me and my friends are doing a call of duty world

war 2 giveaway.

All you gota do is subscribe to me and follow me on Twitter to get your first couple of

entries in.

Then click the link down below and get as many entries in as you can to have a higher

chance to win.

So with this glitch you guys can get psn plus for absoukty free.

Let's waste no more time and get straight into.very simple to do so let's do it.

So log out of all your accounts and press on create a new user, accept, and next.

Ahh now wait and then go over to new to ps4 create a new account.

When that loads up click on sign up now and then ahh you guys gota change the country

or region to United States, the language should be on English and ahh change your date of

birth to over 18 at least.

Now once you guys are done with that press next and the home location screen should pop

up and ahh you guys gota change the postal code to 32904.

You guys should also change the ahh city and state to melbourne which is in Florida.

Then after that you guys gota put in your email and password.

So just use a email that hasn't been used for a ps4 account.

If you guys don't Wana keep making emails then go over to 10 min and get a

new email and get it verfied from there.

Once you fill in the info for that press next and choose any online id.

Then proceed to the next screen and press confirm and then ahh press confirm on the

next screen as well.

Then press confirm once again for the last goddamn time.

Then you guys gota accept the terms of service and verify your email so jus verify it from

the website or log in to your email and verify from there.

Once you guys verify it click on continue and press on do this later a bunch of times.

Once you get here click next and skip the next screen with the psn membership deals.

Then keep pressing okay until your at the main menu for the ps4.

Now go over to your settings and scroll down to the language options and go into system


Change it to English United States or keep it the same if it's already at English United


Now go over to input language and into keyboard and user dictionary.

Now you guys gota check the Danish box, the English United Kingdom box and the English

United States box.

Now my boy murker is guna show you guys he doesn't have a membership so you know this

is legit.

Now go back to language and change the system language to English United Kingdom.

Now go back into keyboard and user dictionary and uncheck the English United States box,

then you guys ahh gota ahh uncheck the English United Kingdom box and then check it back

right away.

Then go back over to English United States and ahh check that box again, then you guys

Wana go back over to system language and change that back from English United Kingdom to English

United States.

Once you guys do that go back and scroll up to application saved data management.

Then go into the second one that says saved data in online storage.

Once that loads you guys are guna see it says try the 2 day free trail.

So click the 2 day trail and ahh that's it you guys are done with the glitch.

When the trail runs out all you gota do is delete the user and jus make a brand new user

and follow the same exact steps.

You guys can keep doing this glitch over and over again and it's the best free psn plus

glitch at the moment.

So ya guys you gota do this glitch right now and get that free psn plus.

Now If this video helped in anyway make sure to titty snack that like button and subscribe


I really hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to enter the giveaway.

All you gota do is drop a comment saying what giftcard you want, subscribe and turn on notifications

so you know when I upload and a like is always appreciated.

Keep up the support because without you guys I wouldn't have an opportunity to help out

people with these kinda glitches.

This is been your boy BSP and I'm out peace.

For more infomation >> NEW! How to get PlayStation PLUS FREE! NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE! (GETTING PATCHED FAST) - Duration: 6:56.


Body Cam Footage Captures Rush To Save Lives | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Body Cam Footage Captures Rush To Save Lives | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:43.


ArtPrize finalist displays patterns of city life - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> ArtPrize finalist displays patterns of city life - Duration: 2:03.


How A Good Samaritan Saved Las Vegas Victim Amidst The Mayhem | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> How A Good Samaritan Saved Las Vegas Victim Amidst The Mayhem | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:07.


Online reporting system in Holmen district helps uncover threats to students - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Online reporting system in Holmen district helps uncover threats to students - Duration: 2:39.


Getting the Smoke Out of Our Eyes: Ashok Gadgil - Duration: 5:38.


PRESENTER: Imagine for a moment

you're a woman in the lower half,

economically, the lower half of the world.

You carry wood on your head, 20 to 40 pounds, every day,

collecting it from harsh conditions,

and then you cook for many hours every day,

inhaling smoke worth several packs of cigarettes,

and repeat day after day for the rest of your life.

Now imagine something worse.

In September 2004, I got a phone call

from an officer of USAID who said,

"Many women are being raped in Darfur

as they leave the safety of their camps.

Can you do something about it?"

I knew that 400,000 men had been killed

in the extreme violence in Darfur

and three million people had been living in ragtag camps.

What I did not know was the other agony unfolding,

that of systematic rape by the militia of these women

as they had to leave-- to go out to collect firewood.

In the next month, I discovered that the women

cooked on inefficient stoves that you could imagine

which is three stones supporting a pot over a fire

and that this particular way of cooking

is one of the most inefficient ways you could possibly cook.

It rapidly consumes fuelwood

which made them have to collect even more fuelwood

which meant that they were exposed to risk even more.

As the deforestation expanded around the camps,

their trips became longer and went farther,

and their life became harder and more dangerous.

My Berkeley colleagues and I worked with Darfuri women

to design the stove,

design the Berkeley-Darfur Stove.

The Berkeley-Darfur Stove retains the three features

that the women most wanted.

It had high thermal power, it had a visible flame,

and it would work with their way of cooking

their food with their pots.

But it also was fuel-efficient, it was low-cost,

it lasted a long time, and it could be locally built.

To raise funds and actually manufacture them

and distribute these stoves in the hands of women,

we created a nonprofit, Potential Energy,

that set up the supply chain, manufacturing of parts,

set up that assembly shop you see in the slide,

and actually delivered stoves, 46,000 of them,

in the hands of women in Darfur.

At the same time, Berkeley became a center of excellence

in cookstove design research.

We now have not only these stoves

in the hands of women, but each of those stoves

saves the women half the fuelwood per meal,

sharply limiting their exposure and risk.

In addition, as deforestation has made fuelwood

out of their walking distance and they have to buy the fuel,

each $20 stove now saves these women

$1,300 in fuelwood costs in North Darfur,

in addition to saving two tons of CO2 emissions annually.

But that's not the whole story.

The real problem is much larger than this.

Three billion people still cook

on dirty, smoky, inefficient stoves,

and exposure to smoke from that cooking

will kill, this year, four million people prematurely.

That's more than the deaths from malaria, AIDS,

and TB combined.

So, we know that fuel-efficient stoves

reduce immense hardship, reduce their smoke exposure,

and reduce the pressure on the environment,

so what's the catch?

Well, wealth and power are stratified all over the world

with poor women at the bottom

and elite men at the top

which often means that public policy

and public spending to address problems

at the bottom of the pyramid take very low priority.

Gender also plays a role.

Women's hard work in collecting fuelwood

and damage to their health from smoke is often devalued.

In addition, in families where men control the money,

which is common,

men don't see value coming to them

from spending cash on the fuel-efficient stove,

particularly if the women are just collecting fallen wood.

Nevertheless, progress is possible.

Meet Logman Arja,

an architecture student currently in Berkeley.

He grew up around one our Berkeley-Darfur Stoves.

His mother used to cook on that stove in Darfur.

So, there are many things we can do, actually,

to create an immediate, long-lasting impact.

Leveraging Berkeley's strength and depth in stoves research,

we can empower policy makers as well as stove designers

to make stoves that their people need,

and we can support hardworking nonprofits,

like Potential Energy,

to deliver fuel-efficient, good, well-designed stoves

to the flood of refugees, such as in Uganda,

and to really poor rural populations,

such as in rural India.

So, today, there is something we can do

and work together to make for a better world.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> Getting the Smoke Out of Our Eyes: Ashok Gadgil - Duration: 5:38.


Liquid Sunlight: Peidong Yang - Duration: 4:19.


Today I'm going to tell you a story on carbon dioxide.

It's about how can we think about turning carbon dioxide

into liquid fuel using sunlight.

In the past many decades, we are mainly using fossil fuel

as our main energy source, and as a result,

our planet Earth is facing many challenges and problems.

For example, the CO2 concentration

in the atmosphere is already passing 400 ppm.

We have issue about global warming,

we have the pollution issue, and the sea level is rising.

So in order to mitigate these problems,

we need to introduce more

and more renewable energy technology

into our overall energy portfolio.

And one of such technology is this technology

called artificial photosynthesis,

and this technology is a process that can convert solar energy

and store it into chemical bond.

So every day, when we're driving our car,

we are basically burning the gasoline

and using its energy and releasing the CO2

and the water back into the environment,

and this artificial photosynthesis technology

can turn this CO2 and water back into chemical fuels

using sunlight.

So if we can come up

with artificial photosynthetic systems

that can do this job with good efficiency and a low cost,

then essentially we are offering a carbon neutral solution

to our energy and the environmental problem.

Now the question is how can we do this, okay?

So, in this regard, we can certainly learn from nature,

and if we look around at nature,

it's doing this photosynthesis every day.

We look at the green leaf, the green leaf basically

breathes in CO2, absorbs the sunlight,

and it turns that into carbohydrates

and then releases oxygen back into the environment.

So nature is telling us this is doable.

As a scientist, what we need to do

is follow the chemistry and the physics over there

and try to design an artificial photosynthetic system.

Moving back more than 10 years ago,

when we launched this Helios program

at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab,

we put this design--

particular artificial photosynthetic design--on paper.

In order to make this design work,

we need to discover a new class of semi-conductive materials

that capture sunlight.

We need to discover a new class of catalyst

to promote this chemical reaction we want to carry out,

and over the past 10 years, we finally figured out ways

to link a collection of biological

and the synthetic catalyst

to the semiconductor nanostructures,

and indeed we can do the chemistry as we planned.

So now we have this handheld device.

If you bubble in CO2 shining with the sunlight,

we can basically produce chemicals,

fuels, polymers, or even, in some cases,

pharmaceutical intermediates to make drugs.

And even better, our artificial photosynthetic system,

in terms of its solar to chemical energy

conversion efficiency, is already better than nature.

So with this artificial photosynthetic technology

in hand, I think in the near future,

our gas station may be what looks like this.

So we will have this solar fuel generator

installed on the rooftop of our gas station

so that we can produce the gasoline on site,

and not only that, this same technology can be used

in deep space on Mars missions.

And we can think about producing the chemical fuels

in the deep space that satisfies the energy need

in these deep space missions,

and in the meantime, actually provide oxygen

to the crew members.

More importantly, the same concept can be applied

to do the nitrogen fixation

to make fertilizers in the deep space again.

So I'm sure Matt Damon would love this idea,

because he can use the fertilizer

to grow his potatoes on Mars.

Thank you very much.


For more infomation >> Liquid Sunlight: Peidong Yang - Duration: 4:19.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


Christian Louboutin May Not Be Completely Sure Who Cardi B Is but He Loves ...|K CHANNEL - Duration: 3:47.

Christian Louboutin May Not Be Completely Sure Who Cardi B Is but He Loves Her Reference of His 'Red Bottoms'

Christian Louboutins red-soled shoes have made an indelible influence on the music business, and his latest influence was on Bodak Yellow rapper Cardi B.

The 24-year-old, who became the first solo female rapper to top the singles chart in 19 years, pays homage to the designer with lyrics: These expensive, these is red bottoms/ These is bloody shoes/ Hit the store, I can get em both/ I dont wanna choose.

Though Louboutin, 54, admitted that he is not that familiar with Cardi B, he told The New York Times, he appreciated her musical shout-out.

"She has the hair like that? She's a rapper? This 'Yellow' song?" the designer said while mimicking Cardi Bs bob hairstyle with his hands when asked about the hitmaker.

I don't know much more than that, to be honest," he added, confessing that hes not a big rap person..

Louboutin also shared that he would like to meet the singer — who went from stripper to social media star to musics number 1 — in the future as he shared that music references like hers are fitting, especially because of how he got his big break.

In a way, it comes back to some of my origins, he said.

The first shoes I ever designed were for showgirls, people on stage.

Showgirls have a kind of attitude—they're driving forces..

The rapper — whose real name is Belcalis Almanzar — got her first pair of red bottoms for a 19th birthday from an admirer at the strip club she worked in.

Now she buys her own.

So just how big of a Louboutin fan is Cardi B?.

She has to have over 90 pairs.

She usually buys a pair or two every couple of weeks, her stylist Kollin Carter said to Billboard in late September.

Before Bodak blew up, she wore red bottoms because that's what it means to make it in the Bronx.

It's a status symbol that the masses can relate to; everyday girls work hard and save up their money to have that shoe.

Cardi did the same..

For more infomation >> Christian Louboutin May Not Be Completely Sure Who Cardi B Is but He Loves ...|K CHANNEL - Duration: 3:47.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 170 AIRCO - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 170 AIRCO - Duration: 0:54.


Fed's Grant RTD Waiver For Crossing Gate Testing - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Fed's Grant RTD Waiver For Crossing Gate Testing - Duration: 0:23.


San Tung: Best Chicken Wings in San Francisco - Duration: 2:28.

Located in San Francisco's Sunset District San Tung Chinese restaurant has an

extensive menu that impresses locals and visitors alike. It's a decent sized

restaurant and it fills up quickly so get here early. Be prepared to endure

long wait on the sidewalk during peak hours. The most popular item to order

here is the dry fried chicken wings. They're battered, fried and tossed in a signature

sweet and spicy peppery glaze that I would compare in taste to caramel. The

crunchy, golden brown exterior gives way to a tender meat interior seasoned with

ginger and garlic. But the trick here is to order them dry before they're doused in

sauce so you can control the amount you put on each chicken wing. Another popular

item is the dry black bean sauce noodles. This is your typical zha jiang mian

but what makes this different is they serve it with seafood instead of pork. It has

shrimps, calamari, scallops, zucchini onions in a dark, smoky black bean sauce

over homemade noodles.

Another patron favorite is the shrimp and beef dumplings. It's filled with

shrimps, leeks, ginger, garlic and Chinese chives.

You can probably find this in any Chinese restaurant so if I were you, I

would just skip this and order another item on the menu. If you are visiting San

Francisco make sure to check out San Tung Chinese to make your visit complete.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> San Tung: Best Chicken Wings in San Francisco - Duration: 2:28.


16 Reporter - 16 Bundesländer - Thüringen: Thüringer erklärt, warum er die Linken wählt - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> 16 Reporter - 16 Bundesländer - Thüringen: Thüringer erklärt, warum er die Linken wählt - Duration: 5:50.


The Right Time To Eat A Banana Should Know Everyone - Duration: 4:43.

The Right Time To Eat A Banana Should Know Everyone

For more infomation >> The Right Time To Eat A Banana Should Know Everyone - Duration: 4:43.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


BMW X4 xDrive20dA High Executive Sportstoelen | M-Sportpakket | Xenon | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X4 xDrive20dA High Executive Sportstoelen | M-Sportpakket | Xenon | - Duration: 0:54.


Chevrolet Prisma LTZ 1.4 AT! (Review) Detalhes Sobre o Carro. - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Prisma LTZ 1.4 AT! (Review) Detalhes Sobre o Carro. - Duration: 7:39.


[ENG SUB] BTS_Official Weibo Chinese Convo Ep.10 Moonchild百科之今日词条 Mooncake Rapmonster & Jimin - Duration: 0:24.

RM: Jimin-sshi~ JM: Yes~ RM: What do we usually eat in the time of CHUSEOK?

JM: We usually eat Songpeyeon

RM: Do you know what they eat in China? JM: Umm~ About that~~

RM: In China they eat MOONCAKE JM: Oh~ What is a MOONCAKE?

RM: MOONCAKE is a bakery item, they use flour as a main ingredient for it. Also put red bean paste, eggs yolk, nuts & shape it like a fullmoon & bake it.

JM: Sounds yummy RM: Everyone which one do you like? JM: I like red bean.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] BTS_Official Weibo Chinese Convo Ep.10 Moonchild百科之今日词条 Mooncake Rapmonster & Jimin - Duration: 0:24.


How To Make Post Malone ft. 21 Savage - Rockstar (Remake) - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> How To Make Post Malone ft. 21 Savage - Rockstar (Remake) - Duration: 4:45.


Piden extender plazo para renovar el DACA | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Piden extender plazo para renovar el DACA | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:05.


St. Francis & the Wolf of Gubbio | The Power of Redemption - Duration: 6:03.

San Francisco is a city close to the heart of many.

It draws more than 3 million visitors a year and is one of the most beautiful cities in

the world.

It is also the namesake of Francis of Assisi - Saint Francis.

Since today, October 4th - is his feast day - a story about him is entirely appropriate.

I think that I'm drawn to stories about wolves.

I'm sure that my first impressions come from the appearances of the Big Bad Wolf to Little

Red Riding Hood as well as the menacing wolf well-portrayed in Walt Disney's Three Little


It's a fairly good guess that most baby boomers know the words and cadence of "Who's Afraid

of the Big Bad Wolf?"

Now I recently wrote and published a book titled The Wolf At the Door: Undue Influence

and Elder Financial Abuse.

I must admit that the wolf is not shown in the best light.

But there are much nicer stories about wolves - and whether legend or true the story of

St. Francis and the Wolf of Gubbio is worth telling.

I'll tell the story and I give due credit to the narrative provided by the medieval

book, The Little Flowers of Saint Francis as retold by Brian Ellis, author and storyteller.

My revisions are made for the sake of brevity and hopefully do not impact the essence of

the story.

There is a medieval village about 100 miles southeast of Florence named Gubbio.

Gubbio's town square features a beautiful statue of Saint Francis and the Wolf.

This is the story behind the statue.

Some 900 years ago the town of Gubbio was being harassed a vicious wolf.

It started when a few sheep began to disappear late at night.

Then the wolf grew bolder and started stealing sheep in broad daylight.

The wolf grew fearless.

Hounds and hunters were useless.

The wolf grew so bold it began to creep into the village late at night.

Some say it devoured a few small children who did not come home when their mothers called

them, but maybe that is just something mothers told their unruly children.

People were afraid to leave the city walls at night, others were afraid to leave their

children playing in the fields at dusk.

Saint Francis was already well known; most folks knew about St. Francis and the doves,

his sermon to the forest creatures, and his love for all things wild and free.

Someone heard he was near Gubbio, so messengers were sent to see if he could help.

"I'll make no promises," he said, "but I will see what I can do."

When Saint Francis arrived in the square, a crowd soon gathered.

Francis asked, "Who has seen the wolf?"

Several nodded.

"Who knows where he lives?"

At first, no one responded.

One timid hand went up in the back of the crowd.

A young woman said, "While tending my sheep, I thought I saw a cave were the wolf took

my lamb..."

Her voice trailed off.

"Please, take me to this cave," St. Francis asked.

"You want me to take you to the cave?"

stammered the young woman.

"Yes, please," he said, "You seem to be the only one who knows."

Because St. Francis had faith in her, she took a deep breath and seemed to find the

courage in herself.

She led the way.

Francis followed.

The rest of the village followed the two of them... at a safe distance.

The woman, formerly a reluctant guide, paused and said, "Over there, that larger cave,"

pointing to the foot of the mountain.

Saint Francis led the way, she followed, and the rest of the village, well, they could

see just fine from where they were.

Suddenly, the wolf rushed out of the cave growling, howling and foaming at the mouth.

Francis crossed himself, thinking he might die, but with the sign of the cross the wolf

stopped short, growling and bearing his teeth.

Saint Francis plucked up his courage and began to scold the wolf, "How dare you scare me

like that!"

The wolf cowered, tucked his tail between his legs and whimpered.

Francis immediately had a change of heart.

"Oh, brother wolf," he apologized, "Who am I to scold you, one of God's creatures.

You are only doing as you were made to do.

When you are hungry you must eat.

You live by the laws of God, the laws of nature."

Divine inspiration interceded and Saint Francis' face lit up.

He said to the wolf, "I will make a deal with you!

The people of Gubbio will feed you so you will never be hungry again, therefore you

shall not harm the people of this village."

He added, "And in exchange, you shall protect these kind people, watching over their village

at night."

Though at first they were not sure of this bargain Francis was making for them, when

they saw the wolf wag his tail like a puppy and place his paw into the hand of Saint Francis,

as if he wanted to shake on it, everyone heartily agreed.

From that day forward the people of Gubbio fed their scraps to the wolf and the wolf

patrolled the village at night.

Not only did Francis save the village and save the wolf, but still to this day, in the

piazza of Gubbio is a statue of Saint Francis and the Wolf, there to remind us of this small

miracle, proof of God's promise that there is room for redemption in every heart!

So now back to the 21st Century.

The National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi is located in San Francisco's historic North


It is a California historical landmark.

The Shrine is a beautiful place of peace in the heart of the City.

Some say that the gentle spirit of Saint Francis may touch our hearts and calls us to the better

angels of our nature.

His story has surely touched many hearts - he is known for his great love for animals and

nature and he is the namesake of Pope Francis, a missionary for hope and peace.

For more infomation >> St. Francis & the Wolf of Gubbio | The Power of Redemption - Duration: 6:03.


Perfect Smile Veneers $14 99! Why are Dentists Laughing? Brighter Image Lab Review and Endorsement - Duration: 10:10.

we got this in the mail the other day pretty excited to try it out why don't you

scoot a little closer there arena so it looks like they've got a new design for

this instant comfort fit it feels it's just you know like it's got a little lip

yeah million dollars buddy don't you think they'll love one wonderful the look and

feel of the natural teeth

this week I have something pretty serious I want to tell you about I not

only want to tell you about a product but I kind of want to endorse it you

guys get the feeling that this was the kind of vlog that I needed to do every

once while you get something that bothers you and you have a voice and you

have a video camera then you can actually put it on YouTube so that's

what we decided to do I want to tell you about instant perfect smile perfect fit

veneers that are online for $14.99 you'll be proud to smile about perfect

Smile fits right over your existing teeth so you can always put your best face

forward the secret is the super comfort one of the things I want to tell you is

is that I've seen dentists come out and they're being very sarcastic about this

product they're just making fun of this product you can't beat that nope and you can't beat how quickly..

after.. you you too can..

In minutes.. and this is what..

...and what I want to tell you is is that I actually want to endorse it

I I want to tell people that I think a lot of this product and let me tell you why I know

what it's like to serve people who have no money and I know what it's like to

hear from people who have no choices I think the doctors are making a mistake

it's a real ivory tower position this is why you pay somebody to do this I think

they're misrepresenting the product I think that they're doing what they can

to make it extremely bad and extremely aggressive and actually making fun of

the fact that it could help some people and that's what bothers me

You too can have have a perfect smile I think you can get these on Amazon yeah these are great this is a

great way to take care of your own dentistry at home

There's no dentists that are losing any money to this product for $14.99 you're not going

to cancel your appointment at the orthodontist and you're not going to

cancel your appointment for dental veneers or implant surgery what you're

going to do is you're going to go ahead and not cancel your job interview you're

going to not cancel meet the teacher you're going to not cancel a reunion

they're gonna not cancel pictures you're going to say I found a solution

this isn't quite up your alley and you're a little concerned about how this

might work out for you you might be able to head over head on over to

and maybe go to a reputable dentist knows how to design a smile that might

be a great solution for you so if you're a single mom with a bad smile and 200

bucks in the bank and you've got lunch money to make sure you have this week and

gas and you've got to get back and forth then then $14.99 is your option I mean

the only thing worse than nothing is no choices but we have to realize is the

people who are buying this product they're getting online and going I

finally have a choice ...pretty reputable company out there in Hardin

Illinois called billy-bob teeth so.. been in business for a little while I'm

very thankful that the people who made billy-bob teeth actually came out with a

way to make some choice of available if you look at them in a certain place

they're not bad nobody's going to show that much of their smile and show all

the gum there's just exaggerating the situation I think it's just real

convenient to take this position when you've absolutely perfect smiles if your

teeth didn't look like this and they actually looked like this or you come

from a family they couldn't have afforded orthodontist treatments people

may not have any other choice there are a massive amount of people out

there that don't have that privileged position and I know because we see them

every day anything that can help people is

something that should only be taken and improved not something that should be

laughed about I've been doing this Invisalign and gosh I gotta be honest

with ya minute for 20 days or so and I'm thinking my total treatment is 48 days

what am i doing I mean this could be instantly done.. Shoot I was in braces for three years... and these dentists know more

than anybody that there are tons of poly dent and denture cream on the market that

can make these things stay in place for more than 12 hours and you can get

creative on making these work if your smile is horrible and we know that the

majority of the place that these are marketed to you are not to the people

who are somewhere in Manhattan I don't think they've probably ran any commercials

in Manhattan guys I think it's gross misrepresentation I don't really blame

the dentist I just think they got it wrong just some people have to have some

choice some people have to go to an interview some people just don't have

the means 99 percent of people who come online to improve their smile

something's wrong something's happened and only four percent of those people

actually have the wherewithal to become a client for a doctor or even for us they

they look and they just never pull the trigger the one thing I like about this

new company instant smile is they give everybody a choice and if those doctors

were to spend as much time trying to take a bad client and go here's what we

did for you until you can afford it they would have said here's a stronger

polydent.. they would have said here's not just one for $14.99 but here's ten

for $14.99 and they would have had them every time they have to go to

something and I think that would have been a fair representation of somebody

who just needs to put some checks together until they can get ahead pay

rent pay the grocery bill make sure the kids have lunch money

make sure laundry gets done those are people who buy that product and I'm glad

it exists the other thing I'd like to see the doctors do is to take another

position and they should be able to take the same product and improve it all the

doctors know 60% of the people who put these on aren't going to smile their

biggest smile these are people who haven't smiled in public other than

covering their teeth and if you're doing this then anything that's an

improvement on that is worth it again I don't have anything against these

dentists, I just think they made a mistake and I think if they had to do over again

they would say you know what we need to do 25 people outside our immediate

community free teeth cleaning and if they were to say take the same energy

that it took to hire someone to do a video to hold the camera to do the

rendering to do all the stuff they probably could have went out and said

and went door to door and said hey we just want a free teeth cleaning and the

reason being is because then you can have some credibility about why they're

laughing in a product that's being sold to poor people

the main thing is is sometimes things get contagious and one person does that

another person does it another person does it and right now we're looking at

four or five dentists that are trying to make fun of the perfect Smile veneers I

have to tell you I'm not one of those people what I'd like to do is tell these

dentist that their position is a little bit ivory tower and that it's one thing

when I say something I can tell you the the sun's made of cheese and you can

decide whether you want to listen or look up or put down

pick up your phone and google it but when a doctor a dentist tells you that

something is bad you put down your phone and you're listening to why it's bad 80%

of the people who buy online are probably going to be disappointed it's

20% of those people they're going to make a better life for themselves

they're going to make a meeting of pictures or presentations a special

event and they're going to use this to get through a couple meetings until they

can get a job until they can get a savings until they can get insurance

until they can get back in the game and I think a lot of the people who've done

it I like it because it's a choice and I like it because if you use it properly

it will get you through a two-hour interview or a two hours with friends and I think

they serve their purpose and I think it creates a choice and the only thing good

about a choice is one that you have one into you're the one that gets to make it

right now with these instant smile veneers available for $14.99 there are

some people who are listening to this conversation that can't afford me and

they can't afford the doctors but they have a choice and they get to make it

thank you guys.

For more infomation >> Perfect Smile Veneers $14 99! Why are Dentists Laughing? Brighter Image Lab Review and Endorsement - Duration: 10:10.


Twilight Syndrome – Saikai, Part 3: The Forbidden Game (English Subtitles, No Commentary) - Duration: 20:58.

MASA: "W-was that the wind?!"


ATSUSHI: "...!!"

[A] "What the hell is this?!" [X] [B] "Is THIS what we were summoning...?" [C] "I think we should run..."

ATSUSHI: "Why are there all these..."

YUURI: "Now is not the time for that! We-"

ATSUSHI: "Oh god, RUN!"

ATSUSHI: "..."

ATSUSHI: "Looks like we managed to escape for now..."


ATSUSHI: "...This is bad! We've got to get out of here!"

YUURI: "B-but how?"

ATSUSHI: [A] "The same way we entered." [X] [B] "Let's check the entrance and infirmary." [C] "We use the corridor that leads to the High School building."

ATSUSHI: "Let's try classroom 3-A!"

YUURI: "Well, that's right here! Come, hurry!"

Middle School, Hallway, 1F

ATSUSHI: "We should be able to get out this way, right? After all, the door isn't locked..."

MASA: "You don't say! Come on, let's get the hell out of here."

MASA: "Somehow... I have a bad feeling about this..."

MASA: [A] "Is there something out there...?" [B] "Whatever, I'm going!" [X]

MASA: "Whatever, I'm going!"



ATSUSHI: "Close the door, Masa! Hurry!"

MASA: ""

YUURI: "No... Seems like... we can't get out that way..."

MASA: "God damnit..."

MASA: "I never should have... listened to you..."

YUURI: "Hey, it's not like I--"

ATSUSHI: "Come on, let's look for another exit. There's no use in fighting now!"

MASA: "..."

MASA: "Alright..."

YUURI: "...Where do you think we should try next?"

ATSUSHI: [A] "Where the entrance and infirmary are." [X] [B] "The corridor that leads to the High School building."

ATSUSHI: "I'm sure, if we try the entrance or infirmary, we..."

YUURI: "This way, then!"

Middle School, Hallway, 1F

ATSUSHI: "This should..."

ATSUSHI: "What the...?! Why won't it open!"

MASA: "That's odd... It's not locked, right...?"


ATSUSHI: "What the hell is this?!"

YUURI: "...This one won't open, either!"

ATSUSHI: "This is bad! Let's run!"

YUURI: "...What's going on here?"

ATSUSHI: "That's what I want to know!"

ATSUSHI: "Anyway... Let's look for another exit."

YUURI: "Yeah... But where else could we go?"

ATSUSHI: [A] "The corridor that leads to the High School." [X] [B] "Do you have any ideas, Yuuri?"

ATSUSHI: "Let's try the connecting corridor that leads to the High School building."

YUURI: "That's on the second floor!"

Middle School, Hallway, 1F

Middle School, Hallway, 2F

ATSUSHI: "From here we can go to the High School building..."

ATSUSHI: "Alright, let's go!"


MASA: "Atsushi! Close the door!"

ATSUSHI: "We can't get out this way..."

YUURI: "There's another connecting corridor over there! I have a hunch that it'll be the same, though..."

MASA: "We should at least try."

Middle School, Hallway, 2F





MASA: "W-wait a second... Which floor is this?"

ATSUSHI: "The 3rd floor? We were in such a hurry that we ran up one flight of stairs."

YUURI: "Well, I guess that means the connecting corridors aren't an option, either..."

ATSUSHI: "Looks like it."

YUURI: "But then... what should we do? Was there some other place we could escape from?"

ATSUSHI: "Well, don't just ask us all the time. Don't you have any ideas yourself?"

YUURI: "......"

YUURI: "Of course! The roof!"

MASA: "What the hell do you want on the roof? We can't get down from there!"

YUURI: "It's not like I wanna jump down from there! Listen, this is something I heard from Mika!"

YUURI: "She got trapped in her school once, too, when she summoned Hanako-san!"

YUURI: "And then, after trying every exit to no avail, she ended up going to the roof and..."

ATSUSHI: "She was able to return to the normal world?"

YUURI: "Yep! At least... that's what she said."

YUURI: "It might be worth a try!"

MASA: "Fine. Let's go upstairs. Quick!"

MASA: "Well, we made it. Now what?"

YUURI: "Uhm......"

YUURI: "I dunno. We never talked about that part in detail."

MASA: "Wait, what?! Then what are we gonna do?!"

MASA: "St... stop it! Just let us go home! Please!"

ATSUSHI: "Masa! Pull yourself together!"

YUURI: "Hey! I dunno who you are, but... why are you doing this? Leave us alone!"

YUURI: "I-I'm not scared of you idiots! Just let us go already! We don't need you anymore!"

YUURI: "Go back to where you came from!"

YUURI: "Why...! Why are you doing this?!"

YUURI: "What did we do to you?!"


YUURI: "Ah...?!"

YUURI: "I..."

YUURI: "It's so warm... Where am I?"

YUURI: "Mh... Mmmh..."

YUURI: "What, my room...?"

YUURI: "Huh? Did I fall asleep?"

YUURI: "I feel like I had... some kind of nightmare... But I can barely remember..."

YUURI: "... Was there someone else with me in my dream?"

YUURI: "Damn, whenever I have a bad dream, I always forget it immediately..."

YUURI: "Hmmmm..."

YUURI: "Nope. Can't remember it. But..."

YUURI: "It WAS just a dream, right?"

YUURI: "Shit!"

YUURI: "It's already 10:30?!"

YUURI: "I totally missed that TV show that starts at 10!"


Checking Memory Card... Please don't remove controller/Memory Card!

Saving... Please don't remove controller/Memory Card!

Saved successfully.


Prologue The Spirit Summoning Ritual (X) Back to title

Chapter 1 The Forbidden Game (X) Back to title


YUURI: "Say, Naoko... Did you hear anything interesting lately?"

NAOKO: "Funny you ask. Your sister pretty much asked the same thing the other day."

NAOKO: "Well, you are sisters, after all. I guess it's no surprise you're alike."

AYA: "Whaaat? Yuuri and Masa are totally different! Like, total opposites!"

AYA: "Masa is, like, super matuuure... cleveeer... and really pretty!"

AYA: "Her personality is much better, too!"

YUURI: "Wh-what the hell, Aya?! You DO know, I'm standing right next to you, yes?"

YUURI: "I'm sure you could have worded that a bit more... nicely?!"

NAOKO: "Well, she only speaks the truth, so deal with it."

NAOKO: "You'll never get a nice boyfriend like Atsushi, if you don't grow up a little."

YUURI: "Who the hell says I'd want some goof like Atsushi?! Thanks, but no thanks!"

YUURI: "And I'll have you know, I have at least two boyfriends right now!"

NAOKO: "No, you don't."

YUURI: "......"

YUURI: "... No, I don't."

NAOKO: "That's what I thought."

NAOKO: "Well, don't fret. You're still young. Nothing to worry about."

NAOKO: "Anyway, speaking of interesting things: There was someone who asked me to deliver a message to you, if you showed up."

NAOKO: "Her name is Misaki Ooshita. She's from class 1-D."

NAOKO: "She talked about some kind of game called «Bloodstained Hands» and wants you to go see her, so she can tell you all about it."

AYA: "Going by the name, doesn't that sound, like, super occulty...?"

AYA: "Should be right up your alley, Yuuri! ... But where did she learn that you're into this stuff?"

YUURI: "Sounds pretty fishy to me..."

YUURI: "Naoko, are you sure she's alright? Don't go and introduce me to some weirdo!"

NAOKO: "How should I know? I merely delivered her message."

NAOKO: "But she said, it was perfect for you, Yuuri, because it's a game that will show you the true meaning of fear."

YUURI: "That sounds even MORE suspicious! Who the hell is this girl?"

YUURI: "Hmmm..."

YUURI: "But I kinda wanna know more about that game..."

NAOKO: "You're supposed to meet her after school at her clubroom at 7 pm."

NAOKO: "Can't hurt to at least listen to her, right?"

AYA: "Wait, 7 pm?!"

AYA: "That's super late! And what club is she in, anyway?"

NAOKO: "I think it was..."

NAOKO: "The Occult Club."

YUURI: "Are you kidding me?! That's like maximum suspiciousness!!"

YUURI: "Well, but I'm free, anyway, so we'll go, right, Aya?"

AYA: "Huh? Why do I have to come along, as well? I don't wanna!"

AYA: "Just go by yourself!"

YUURI: "No complaining! You're coming with me! You already bailed out last time, remember?"

NAOKO: "Oh dear..."

NAOKO: "You don't have it easy, Aya, do you?"

Chapter 1 The Forbidden Game

YUURI: "Telling us to come here at 7 pm... That girl has got some nerve, man!"

YUURI: "It's, like, super late evening already!"

AYA: "I still don't know why I had to come with you! I want to go home already!"

AYA: "Let's just have her tell us about that strange game and go home! I'm super hungry!"

YUURI: "Yeah, you're right. By the way, where exactly IS the Occult Club?"

YUURI: "Up until today, I didn't even know we had one!"

AYA: "I asked a friend from a different class and she told me that this club has actually been around for quite a while!"

AYA: "But they do super suspicious stuff, so they got driven away into one of the last rooms aaall the way in the back."

AYA: "I think it's on the 2nd floor."

YUURI: "Roger!"

AYA: "Yikes, that scared me! What was that?"

YUURI: "I dunno... Let's just keep moving.""

YUURI: "......"

YUURI: "... Do you hear that?"

AYA: "This should be it... The Occult Club, I mean..."

YUURI: "I wonder what's happening in there?"

YUURI: "This is kinda creepy... What should we do?"

YUURI: [A] "Let's go home." [B] "Let's wait and see what happens..." [X] [C] "Let's just enter."

YUURI: "This noise is really strange... I'm kinda curious what's going on in there..."

AYA: "......"

AYA: "What IS this...? What are they doing in there?"

YUURI: "Maybe some super shady stuff? I think we... shouldn't go in there... Let's retreat!"

???: "You're Yuuri and Aya, right?"

YUURI: "What the-?!"

???: "Come on in!"

???: "I've been waiting for you."

YUURI: "How did they know we're here?"

YUURI: "I suppose, now we HAVE to enter..."

MISAKI: "Thank you for coming. I've been waiting for you, Yuuri..."

MISAKI: "And for you, as well, Aya..."

YUURI: "Uhm... What exactly... is this?"

YUURI: "Who are you?"

MISAKI: "It's the clubroom for the Occult Club, silly. Isn't that obvious?"

MISAKI: "Surely you've already heard from Naoko, but I'm Misaki Ooshita. Just call me Misaki."

AYA: "And why do you know us?"

AYA: "We don't know you!"

MISAKI: "That's a secret..."

MISAKI: "Don't worry your pretty little heads about it."

YUURI: "Our pretty little heads?!"

YUURI: [A] "Anyway, what were you doing in here?" [X] [B] "Aren't you a bit... disrespectful?" [C] "Whatever, let's hear about that game."

YUURI: "Anyway, we heard a strange noise before we entered. What was THAT?"

MISAKI: "Ah... that?"

MISAKI: "I was just performing a magic spell to completely dispel enemy curses and attacks."

YUURI: "You what?!

MISAKI: "... Oh, did I say performing? I meant practising, of course. It's not like I'm currently cursed or something."

AYA: "That'd be super bad, if you actually had to perform it! I mean, actually, it's already bad enough you're practising it..."

MISAKI: "Well, that's of no concern to you two, anyway."

YUURI: [A] "Aren't you a bit... disrespectful?" [X] [B] "Whatever, let's hear about that game."

YUURI: "You know, you could show a little bit more respect. After all, we're older than you!"

MISAKI: "So what? Naoko is much older than you, too, and you talk to her like you're the same age."

YUURI: "That's, uhm... something... different... kind of?"

MISAKI: "You can worry about it all you want, but it doesn't really matter, anyway."

AYA: "Seems like she won this one, Yuuri. Too baaad!"

YUURI: "Grrr... Shut up! Whatever! Let's just hear about that stupid game!"

MISAKI: "Good. Let's not waste any more time."

MISAKI: "I shall tell you about the game «Bloodstained Hands»."

MISAKI: "It's a very dangerous game, but it is guaranteed to show you the true meaning of fear."

MISAKI: "I've heard about it from an older member of the Occult Club. However, it seems to be so dangerous that no one has ever actually tried it."

YUURI: [A] "And you want US to do something that dangerous?" [B] "That sounds like a suspicious source of information..." [C] "How exactly is it dangerous?" [X]

YUURI: "You keep saying it's dangerous, but what exactly are we supposed to expect?"

YUURI: "We're not gonna get cursed or something, are we?"

MISAKI: "How would I know? Like I said, no one has ever tried it, which means... no one knows what exactly the inherent danger is."

YUURI: "Hey! What d'you expect us to do by giving us something as uncertain as that! That sounds way too dangerous!"

MISAKI: "Was there a point at which I told you to actually do it?"

MISAKI: "I'm merely telling you that such a game exists. Whether or not you try it is entirely up to you."

YUURI: "It's up to us, huh? Hmmm..."

YUURI: "To be honest, I'm kinda interested! But I'm also kinda worried..."

MISAKI: "Well then, I'll explain the game now."

MISAKI: "First, you need to prepare three things: Plenty of mineral water, some wash basins and salt."

AYA: "Huh? That sounds super shady already!"

AYA: "What exactly are we supposed to do with these things?"

MISAKI: "In order to play this game, you go to the roof of the school on a moonlit night at 3:33 am and bring the wash basins with you."

MISAKI: "There you close your eyes and chant the following incantation:"

MISAKI: "«I see the blood that is being poured. I see it, I see it, I see it.»"

YUURI: "That's some pretty ominous incantation... Well, what's next?"

MISAKI: "If you keep repeating this, a wind will start to blow that smells like fresh blood."

MISAKI: "Soon, the moon will be covered by clouds. Once you sense this, you start pouring mineral water over your hands and keep repeating the chant."

MISAKI: "If you do this, you will notice that it is not water that is running down your hands..."

YUURI: "......"

MISAKI: "Instead, you will feel a lukewarm liquid running down your hands..."

MISAKI: "But you're still not allowed to open your eyes at this point or something terrible will happen!"

AYA: "Something terrible? What?"

MISAKI: "No one ever tried it, so how should I know?"

MISAKI: "Anyway, after that you keep pouring mineral water over your hands while chanting the following incantation:"

MISAKI: "«I feel the blood that is being poured. I feel it, I feel it, I feel it.»"

MISAKI: "Only, it still won't feel like mineral water, but like a lukewarm liquid..."

YUURI: "Hold on! Then, how on earth do you make it return back to normal?"

MISAKI: "Once the moon is not covered by clouds anymore, the lukewarm liquid will become water again."

MISAKI: "After that, you need to throw away the water from the basins and cleanse your body with the salt. You'll be in trouble, if you don't."

MISAKI: "And that concludes the game."

YUURI: "Uhm... How the hell is that still a GAME?! That's, like, some super shady ritual!"

YUURI: "I mean, all that stuff about chanting and salt and--"

MISAKI: "It's not a ritual. It's not like you're summoning anything, you know."

MISAKI: "Either way, that concludes my explanation. So, how about it?"

YUURI: "How about it...?"

YUURI: [A] "What are you asking us to do?" [B] "Maybe I'll try it..." [C] "No way, we're gonna try something like that!"

YUURI: "Well, we listened to your story, but there's no way we're gonna try something as dangerous as that!"

MISAKI: "Hmph..."

MISAKI: "Well, that's fine with me. But aren't you the one who is interested in ghosts, Yuuri?"

MISAKI: "Who knows? Maybe you'll actually lure something out with this game..."

AYA: "That makes it sound even worse!"

AYA: "I mean, Yuuri might be into this stuff, but I'm not!"

YUURI: "......"

YUURI: "Wait a second! Let's cool down and think about this rationally."

YUURI: "If there's a chance that we'll lure something out with this and then we start taking pictures..."

MISAKI: "Who knows? It might appear on your photos."

YUURI: "Which means..."

YUURI: "5000 Yen..."

YUURI: "10 000 Yen..."

YUURI: "15 000 Yen..."

AYA: "Whoa... That again?!"

AYA: "Come on, forget about the money... Let's not do this, okay? You don't even know, if you'll really succeed in taking pictures of anything!"

YUURI: "Aya, just think of this as helping me out and come along!"

YUURI: "In other words... I'm counting on you!"

AYA: "Don't just decide for me! ... You always do that..."

YUURI: "Alright! Let's do it tonight! We meet at the park by the apartment building at 2:30 am!"

YUURI: "I'll bring the necessary items!"

AYA: "You're gonna be late, anyway."

MISAKI: "Best of luck to you, Yuuri... And to you, Aya..."

For more infomation >> Twilight Syndrome – Saikai, Part 3: The Forbidden Game (English Subtitles, No Commentary) - Duration: 20:58.



Holy crap guys with this glitch you guys can get free psn plus for as long as you want.

You guys gota start doing this glitch right now and become a psn plus member for absoukty


Get psn online for free so stay tuned.

But before I start the video I have a 20 dollar psn giftcard giveaway going on and you guys

gota enter.

All you gota do is subscribe and turn on my post notification which is really important,

drop a like on this video and comment down below saying what giftcard you want.

It doesn't matter it could be any card, psn, Xbox, Amazon it doesn't matter.

If you Wana higher chance to win then stay active by liking and dropping a comment on

every single video I post.

Also tell all your friends to subscribe and make sure to tell them to tell em that you

sent them.

Trust me that's guna increase your chance of winning.

I also wanted to let you guys know me and my friends are doing a call of duty world

war 2 giveaway.

All you gota do is subscribe to me and follow me on Twitter to get your first couple of

entries in.

Then click the link down below and get as many entries in as you can to have a higher

chance to win.

So with this glitch you guys can get psn plus for absoukty free.

Let's waste no more time and get straight into.very simple to do so let's do it.

So log out of all your accounts and press on create a new user, accept, and next.

Ahh now wait and then go over to new to ps4 create a new account.

When that loads up click on sign up now and then ahh you guys gota change the country

or region to United States, the language should be on English and ahh change your date of

birth to over 18 at least.

Now once you guys are done with that press next and the home location screen should pop

up and ahh you guys gota change the postal code to 32904.

You guys should also change the ahh city and state to melbourne which is in Florida.

Then after that you guys gota put in your email and password.

So just use a email that hasn't been used for a ps4 account.

If you guys don't Wana keep making emails then go over to 10 min and get a

new email and get it verfied from there.

Once you fill in the info for that press next and choose any online id.

Then proceed to the next screen and press confirm and then ahh press confirm on the

next screen as well.

Then press confirm once again for the last goddamn time.

Then you guys gota accept the terms of service and verify your email so jus verify it from

the website or log in to your email and verify from there.

Once you guys verify it click on continue and press on do this later a bunch of times.

Once you get here click next and skip the next screen with the psn membership deals.

Then keep pressing okay until your at the main menu for the ps4.

Now go over to your settings and scroll down to the language options and go into system


Change it to English United States or keep it the same if it's already at English United


Now go over to input language and into keyboard and user dictionary.

Now you guys gota check the Danish box, the English United Kingdom box and the English

United States box.

Now my boy murker is guna show you guys he doesn't have a membership so you know this

is legit.

Now go back to language and change the system language to English United Kingdom.

Now go back into keyboard and user dictionary and uncheck the English United States box,

then you guys ahh gota ahh uncheck the English United Kingdom box and then check it back

right away.

Then go back over to English United States and ahh check that box again, then you guys

Wana go back over to system language and change that back from English United Kingdom to English

United States.

Once you guys do that go back and scroll up to application saved data management.

Then go into the second one that says saved data in online storage.

Once that loads you guys are guna see it says try the 2 day free trail.

So click the 2 day trail and ahh that's it you guys are done with the glitch.

When the trail runs out all you gota do is delete the user and jus make a brand new user

and follow the same exact steps.

You guys can keep doing this glitch over and over again and it's the best free psn plus

glitch at the moment.

So ya guys you gota do this glitch right now and get that free psn plus.

Now If this video helped in anyway make sure to titty snack that like button and subscribe


I really hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to enter the giveaway.

All you gota do is drop a comment saying what giftcard you want, subscribe and turn on notifications

so you know when I upload and a like is always appreciated.

Keep up the support because without you guys I wouldn't have an opportunity to help out

people with these kinda glitches.

This is been your boy BSP and I'm out peace.

For more infomation >> NEW! How to get PlayStation PLUS FREE! NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE! (GETTING PATCHED FAST) - Duration: 6:56.


#ForMyKingChallenge | Lets Have Some Fun - Duration: 3:07.

When I wake, I sing to my King

Palms closed and pray to my king

When I'm happy I dance for my king

I smile and dab for my king

I took this challenge for my king

Took note and wrote for my king

Hallelujah and sing to my King

My life belongs to my king

When I read, reflect, inject for my king

When I'm lost I look up to my king

When I'm hated I'm still loved by my king

I'm thankful the friends that I keep

Friend, Saviour, healer, keeper, Omnipresent, omniscient, Father,

Lover of my soul, way maker, oh Lord names for my king

My talents got from my king

My mind because of my king

When I speak, I speak for my king

What I wear is due to my king

I fresh because of my king

What you doing?

Look up to my King

Turn up and shout praises

Just wanted to have some fun really.

I hope you can actually hear me with all that.

If it wasn't clear I'm sure I'm going to put some lyrics on there on something.

But yeah, all for my King.

Just having some fun on here.

Anyway that's it for today, see you later. Bye

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