Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2017

What is going on guys Judo Sloth here and today we have Showdown. We are going

to teach you lots of tips and tricks for how to win this Brawl Stars game-mode.

Make sure to leave a like on the video if you find this one helpful and

subscribe for more Brawl Stars. So my favorite character for beginners right

the way through at the moment is Barley. He is absolutely fantastic and you can

see right off the bat here what I am doing is running to the edge of the map.

Now just think about this for a second guys, this is free-for-all, you have

everybody attacking everybody, if you are right in the middle of the map you can

be attacked from every single angle. What I am doing is running around the edge of

the map building up elixir, building up my super and I can only be attacked from

in front of me which means I can control what is happening a little bit, I don't

have to worry about behind me. I'm pretty certain there is not going to be anybody

running through that gas to try and get me. So what I'm doing here with Barley, you

want to try and get some elixir boxes initially if you can and just build up

your health but then you want to try and get your super and save that right until

the end. Now what you can do is if you're in a sticky situation or you can really

build up that super again, use it if you need to guys, but you really want to try

and hold that for when there's just you and one other brawler. So I'm continuing

to run around the edge of the map, we're already half way through here only five

brawler's left and another important thing guys, just make sure that there's

no-one hiding on the edge of the map there, check them bushes, you will easily

get your ammo back up so make sure as you're running around you're checking

the bushes and then as you get into the middle you'll have hopefully recruited a

little bit of health. You can see it is now me and Jesse so as long as I outrun

this Jesse then we are good to go. Now what you want to do is slowly pick off

the health of the other brawler when you get in this situation, just make sure

that when the gas closes in you have more health and can

survive if the gas closes right the way in, you can survive more than the other

brawler. So at this point I'm trying to rebuild that super up so I can really

slam this Jessie and ensure the victory because as you can see it's getting very

close. We get the super, I actually miss but at this point when it's this close I

can just make sure that with Barley there's lots of damage there that Jessie

is going to be running into my attack all of the time, meanwhile I'm keeping

health and there you are guys we won that showdown, we have two more winners

showdown, erm replays with Barley so let's dive straight into them and you

will see some of the commonalities that I've described in that video. So

straightaway here we're right into a matchup now often when you start a

showdown match, you'll be thrown right into a match and it's kind of picking and

choosing your battles, I'm quite confident that I could win against

another Barley it's purely who has the better skills. Now you can see there,

my opponent actually got a good shot off for me so had to retreat a little bit.

Now this Colt is dying to get that elixir, but in doing so he made himself

so vulnerable. Now you can see barley and Jesse are attacking each other, that is

my prime time to get in there whilst they're using that ammo. So you can see

Barley just used his super now it's the time I want to be in trying to take him

out, a couple of poor shots but the final one there I managed to throw in front of

the Barley, where he was running and take him out. So we're already on five

brawlers left, now take time guys if you need to have a second in the bushes to

recuperate your ammo, to kind of relook at your surroundings and know what's

going on, don't be afraid to do that, you you know let the other brawlers Duke it

out whilst you're sitting there and just refreshing yourself, if you've been in a

tough match don't go running in there with your adrenaline flying just let

yourself cool off for a minute and then pick up from there so you can see

there's a couple of elixir at the top here wanted to make sure that the final

brawler wasn't leaving it there as a trap, but then we notice we're up against

Jesse so there's a turret at the top, just gonna

run away from that although it would be quite silly for this Jesse to run away

from a turret, you would think she would stand close by to it, she actually runs

to the other side of the map I end up missing my super but again we're going

to do the exact same thing here. So I'm losing the battle right now, know when to

retreat and when to engage guys so I had to run away there, get a bit more health

and in doing so managed to find some extra elixir which is always a benefit

and then again I'm just trying to work out where this Jesse is. She's hiding in

the bushes I basically need to hold on to my health,

I now have six elixir giving me that health boost I just need to make sure

that as the gas closes in I'm in a better position to survive longer in the

gas and with Barley you can quite comfortably do that because if they miss

a shot then that shot is missed, your gas if they run into it, even if you've

missed, if they run into that gas on the floor then you will be doing damage and

as you can see in the end here it's just too much for this Jesse we're

neck-and-neck but in the end it gets too close, either has to run into the closing

gas or onto my attack and in the end again we are number one. So we have one

more replay here for you if you have any other strategy tips, we're focusing on

Barley today guys but a lot of these tips are interchangeable, make sure to

drop them in the comments below, I'm just learning this game as well as you guys,

trying to show you plenty of tips and tricks so here's the final one. Again

starting off near the middle of the map I did try and do a little bit of chip

damage on that Bull just to be able to charge my super but I missed so against

Bull there, I wouldn't really get into a heavy fight with him just gonna sit back

here take these elixir boxes whilst I can, but along comes another Barley and

nearly ruins the fun, so I have to get out of here I'm at low health and I have

to try and break free but also will keep the fire going so that we can try and

force him to retreat, even if I don't take this Barley out we need to make him

retreat. If he had full health and I had little health

he'd probably keep charging me, so we just about do it a little bit of luck

involved maybe but I think we played that right, and again guys know when to

retreat and when to attack. So I had to get away from the situation there and

just chip away at that Barley and you'll notice I nearly have my super - again

guys you can chip away at brawlers check them bushes you can see I'm just running

around the edge here there's no one from the north or behind me who's gonna sneak

up on me so I can concentrate on who is in front of me, that means you're just

narrowing out the area that you can be attacked. If you're standing in the middle

of the map you can be attacked from all angles so again as this glass...gas

closes in, just getting some chip damage on that Jesse then I'm actually running

away, I didn't feel I was in a good situation so I backed off got my health

back but now I have my super as well so again just checking the bushes here

making sure that she's not gonna jump out on me and actually I felt like

because I didn't know where this Jesse was I wanted to sit back a little bit,

again we've been in this same situation and it works against a number of

different brawlers just sit back as the gas closes in oh it's actually Colt, I

do tell a lie, so Colt does that long damage we need to make sure that we can

actually keep this up close, keep behind the walls notice how I'm trying to keep

behind that wall so that he can't get me and it does pay off and we take the

victory guys. So I hope that one helped you out, make sure to let me know your

favorite brawler for brawl stars and until next time guys peace out.

For more infomation >> Brawl Stars | HOW TO WIN SHOWDOWN! Best Showdown Tips and Tricks for Beginners - Barley Strategy! - Duration: 8:13.


SV650N NEW Arrow EXHAUST | R&D Pajic | - Duration: 2:59.

Hi there lovely lady. Enjoying the sun?

What are we doing?


Vacation. We've got vacation

We are at

Pa... Paj


Pajic. Because

What are you doing then?

Just reading

We just came here

My motorcycle went in and

And I wanted a new exhaust

Then we came in Heaven with all new exhausts

Pretty Akra, Arrow, Takkoni, Bos

Everything so nice!

Choose something

Checking with one is nice on the bike

And now he custom make the exhaust for my bike

With silencer

Pajic: Now you are riding slow

It is silence and when I revv....

Braap. Get out of my way!

Pajic: Nice Exhaust right?

It suits the bike

Oh. Yeah, tomorrow we leave with the bike

Just in time

Just in time for our vacation with the bike

with my new exhaust


Plus 100..

Nomi: Shall we do rock, paper, scissor who can ride home

Plus 100 experience.. Noooooo I want to ride home

I can cut this in my advance

I won two times! I'm riding home!

Nomi: I'm riding behind you!

For more infomation >> SV650N NEW Arrow EXHAUST | R&D Pajic | - Duration: 2:59.


Inmates Review - PC Steam Version - Duration: 4:42.

Greetings this is Vlodril and welcome to the review for Inmates.

Inmates is a psychological horror game made by Davit Andreasyan (a sole developer) and

published by Iceberg Interactive which provided me with a key for this review.

You play as Jonathan Bradley who wakes up in a nightmarish environment, trapped in a

semi familiar prison and with a splitting headache.

You goal?

Find out where you are and what is going on.

But first things first.

The game offers a pretty poor option screen.

The only graphic options you have is low mid and high.

You can also enable or disable motion blur and vsync.

That's all.

You can pick up your mouse sensitivity, brightness and language and that's the whole option menu.

Worse there are no actual sound levels for you to pick so if you want to modulate the

sound at all you must do it out of game which frankly is ridiculous.

Another bad thing about the option screen?

You can't actually get to it once you get into the game.

Only from the main menu (i guess since there aren't any settings to pick the developer

didn't feel the need to provide players with such an option).

Gameplay wise the controls are very simple.

You can play with mouse and keyboard or a controller and there are basically only 3

buttons to use apart from movement.

Left click is interact with an object.

Right click is move out of puzzles and f is light a match.

Matches are the main form of lighting dark areas but the game has plenty of light so

they are seldom used.

Thankfully for when you do need to use them, the game provides you with an abundance of

them so you don't need to fear that you will run out of them.

Inmates offers no manual saving system but the checkpoint system is not bad and the linearity

of the game makes it so it's not really an issue.

Walking around is slow and the game disables the sprint option after the very first area

so you will walk everywhere.


The path is mostly linear as you explore this prison environment and the game relies on

puzzles to impede your progress instead of the normal monster such games usually employ.

Another thing to note here is that the game will often lock you in place while the character

is having a monologue or even prevent you from leaving an open area unless you solve

a specific puzzle (the game actually turns you around in one instance instead of letting

you backtrack out of an open door).

Moving around as i said is done at a slow walking pace and the game slows down even

further at some sections (to try to amplify the horror effect and to artificially pad

the length of the game i guess).

The puzzles themselves i did not mind.

They start fairly simple and remain simplistic as the game progresses so there is nothing

egregious about them.

Lacking a monsters is not a bad thing in and of itself but that means that Inmates leans

heavily to jumpscares for the horror factor, both audio and visual ones, and without any

audio options they become annoying since they are frequently used.

Moving through the prison you will find various notes to examine with often cryptic quotes

and you will go through a journal the character obtains (but only when he feels like it's

time for you to read a new page, you have no control over it).

That is your main way to understand what is happening to you apart from some discussions

through a radio with a stranger and the endgame exposition.

There is no great mystery though since it becomes apparent from early on what the storyline

of the game is about.

The game lacks a sense of suspense and urgency too which is a must have for games of this


Inmates was made by a sole developer and it shows.

The game is as indie as it comes.

Apart from the lack of options, graphics wise the game has some pretty poor textures everywhere


The voice acting is actually one of the better made parts of the game.

I found the performances convincing and of a higher quality than the rest of the game.

The time it took to complete was also very short (3 hours) but i can excuse that on the

price it is offered (which is 10 euro's or dollars).

In conclusion the game offers a short and predictable horror story with limited gameplay

and basic puzzles.

It does offer that for cheap so it's up to you to decide if it's worth the price of admission

and your time.

For more infomation >> Inmates Review - PC Steam Version - Duration: 4:42.


[Phụ đề][Weibo] 171004 Khải Khải ăn cua mừng tết Trung Thu :v - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> [Phụ đề][Weibo] 171004 Khải Khải ăn cua mừng tết Trung Thu :v - Duration: 0:38.



today I have a quick but informative tutorial based around the illustrator

perspective grid you will see how to use it in conjunction with such things as a

local designing in Adobe Illustrator if you want to skip the intro you can move

to the time stamp in the corner

what is that people welcome back to you to Satori graphics the home of graphic

design content right here on YouTube the perspective grid can be annoying at

first and I feel some designers don't utilize this awesome tool enough in

Adobe Illustrator so let's take a look at the illustrator perspective grid tool

in Adobe Illustrator you can find the perspective grid tool right here in

tools panel as soon as you click here a grid will appear automatically I will

show you how to hide it later in the tutorial with the perspective tool still

selected you can drag the handles at the side to adjust the angle of the grid up

to the top apex here in the bottom you can raise up or lower down the base

level of the perspective on the grid

I advise that you spend a few minutes playing around with the different

handles on the grid seeing what adjustments you can make

you can click ctrl command Z to go back a step if you change the perspective

grid in a way you didn't I intend to

you can even separate the two sides here if you ever need to be doing that for

your graphical designs

if you accidentally open the grid oh you didn't want to see any more simply go up

to view perspective grid and then hide

now I'm going to show you a simple design using the perspective grid in

Illustrator here's the grid I'm going to be using for my simple logo design and

you'll want to choose a stroke in the color palette take the pencil and start

to draw in your design I'm going to draw a block change the shape to a feel and

then to another box in the middle

then select both squares by holding down shift and then I put up the Pathfinder

tool using the minus front option we're going to cut out the middle section

for the second section of my design I'm going to continue the same methods

before drawing in my design with the pen tool if you're designing a logo so it's

best to sketch out your ideas on paper first and then bring them to a digital

form the logo here is just a random design I'm making up showing you how to

use a perspective grid in Illustrator

when you're finished hide the grid and then edit your design as you see fits

so did you find my lease rate of perspective great tutorial useful let me

know in the comment section below and subscribe for for weekly graphic design

uploads on satori graphics

until next time was on your future today peace


For more infomation >> ILLUSTRATOR PERSPECTIVE GRID TUTORIAL | Satori Graphics - Duration: 4:13.


라스베이거스 참사 美 '전역애도'..범행동기 이틀째 깜깜 - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> 라스베이거스 참사 美 '전역애도'..범행동기 이틀째 깜깜 - Duration: 7:28.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 4 EKİM 2017 | SON SAYFA GS GÜNDEMİ | UĞUR KARAKULLUKÇU & HALDUN DOMAÇ | Youtube - Duration: 14:37.


Glen Cam Vlog 1 - Nystagmus Network Open Day - Duration: 31:17.

For more infomation >> Glen Cam Vlog 1 - Nystagmus Network Open Day - Duration: 31:17.


김사랑, 고교생 3명과 '파격 섹스 스캔들' - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> 김사랑, 고교생 3명과 '파격 섹스 스캔들' - Duration: 1:56.


GUNFIRE UNBOXING: Replica of collimator sight Compact II, bbs Specna Arms and more. - Duration: 4:21.

So, today came package.

Such a beautiful package.

GUNFIRE, asks here, for unboxing, so we do it.

For unboxing we need 3 things.

We need the biggest knife that we have in home.

2 intrusive cats.

And hostess who will improve ours visual impressions .

Hostess starts unboxing and cats are getting ready for being annoying.


What BBs?

Specna Arms 0.36.

Okey, this one will be usefull.

I put it off.

The cat is starting to bother.

Now... I don't know what brand is it.

BBs made by G&G 0.20

Put it off.

Big bag of Specna Arms 0.30 BBs

Hmmm... I don't know.

Magpul for pistol magazine.

A black thing.


This is bangee single-point sling

This is angled fore grip for RIS rail.

Yeah, angled fore-grip.

I knew it was angled fore-grip.

This i don't know.

This is magazine pouch.

Hop-up rubber G&G.

This one i know.

What we have here?

The most important thing in package.

This is collimator sight.

I knew it will be collimator sight, but I was ashamed to say it.

Its T1 sight type, or something similar.

Made by Theta Optics.

Fosco paint.

For painting, so it's cool.

Another magazine pouch.

AAAND the biggest and the coolest

You need to open it.

Take of the plastic bag also ?


And the most important...

Carton Box.

Carton box for cats.

Carton box is always the best element of package.

The bigger the package, the better.

I'm satisfied when package is big because my fury kids are happy then.

And content doesn't matter.

Or does matter. (fast mind change)

For more infomation >> GUNFIRE UNBOXING: Replica of collimator sight Compact II, bbs Specna Arms and more. - Duration: 4:21.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 4 EKİM 2017 | SABAH SPORU GS GÜNDEMİ #2 | ÇİĞDEM CEYLAN & TURGAY DEMİR | Youtube - Duration: 10:12.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 4 EKİM 2017 | SABAH SPORU GS GÜNDEMİ #1 | ÇİĞDEM CEYLAN & TURGAY DEMİR | Youtube - Duration: 10:09.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 4 EKİM 2017 | FUTBOLUN ZİRVESİ GS GÜNDEMİ | RIDVAN DİLMEN & MUSTAFA DENİZLİ | Youtube - Duration: 10:01.


Thomas Suratny und Florian Kron machten Flugurlaub - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> Thomas Suratny und Florian Kron machten Flugurlaub - Duration: 7:22.


#16【FF-IX】 紅クラゲの初見グダグダプレイ編 - Duration: 1:11:01.

For more infomation >> #16【FF-IX】 紅クラゲの初見グダグダプレイ編 - Duration: 1:11:01.


Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse GLA 180 Premiumpakket Urban Automaat - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse GLA 180 Premiumpakket Urban Automaat - Duration: 1:00.


Mississippi Delta - Duration: 21:03.

For more infomation >> Mississippi Delta - Duration: 21:03.


Bản vẽ thiết kế phòng karaoke bình dân giá rẻ 0984 158 658 - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Bản vẽ thiết kế phòng karaoke bình dân giá rẻ 0984 158 658 - Duration: 0:23.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


B as in Best Friends - Duration: 21:34.

For more infomation >> B as in Best Friends - Duration: 21:34.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 200 BE Urban Business Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 200 BE Urban Business Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


35 Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos of All Time | Part-2 - Duration: 4:09.

Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos

Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos

Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos

For more infomation >> 35 Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos of All Time | Part-2 - Duration: 4:09.


35 Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos of All Time | Part-1 - Duration: 4:09.

Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos

Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos

Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos

For more infomation >> 35 Most Awkward Celebrity Prom Photos of All Time | Part-1 - Duration: 4:09.


Shop Bán Intro By Me(Siêu Uy Tín) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Shop Bán Intro By Me(Siêu Uy Tín) - Duration: 0:29.


태사자 박준석♥아내 박교이|KT-KR - Duration: 11:24.

For more infomation >> 태사자 박준석♥아내 박교이|KT-KR - Duration: 11:24.


ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook - Duration: 1:58.

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook

For more infomation >> ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে সেক্স করে দেখুন | See how to sex through Facebook - Duration: 1:58.


Tom Asta Insane Ledge Tricks

For more infomation >> Tom Asta Insane Ledge Tricks


For more infomation >> Tom Asta Insane Ledge Tricks


Terroriste ou fou le tireur de Las Vegas? Pourquoi cette distinction n';est pas pertinente - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> Terroriste ou fou le tireur de Las Vegas? Pourquoi cette distinction n';est pas pertinente - Duration: 8:22.


For more infomation >> Terroriste ou fou le tireur de Las Vegas? Pourquoi cette distinction n';est pas pertinente - Duration: 8:22.


iKON Claims No. 1 On Oricon Weekly Chart With Tour DVD - Duration: 1:12.

iKON Claims No. 1 On Oricon Weekly Chart With Tour DVD

iKONs first Japan dome tour DVD continues to enjoy great popularity in Japan!. On October 4, Oricons latest chart reveals iKON Japan Dome Tour 2017 is No. 1 for the week of October 9.

Previously, iKON claimed the top spot on September 26 on Oricons daily chart. The group also claimed the top spot on Oricons weekly chart before with their DVD for iKON Japan Tour 2016.

iKON has added concert dates to their popular Japan dome tour and will be holding a concert at Yokohama Arena on Chuseok day (October 4). Their tour will end on November 12 in Kobe.

Following their activities in Japan, the group will appearing in a new variety show in November and is currently preparing for a comeback in Korea.

For more infomation >> iKON Claims No. 1 On Oricon Weekly Chart With Tour DVD - Duration: 1:12.


For more infomation >> iKON Claims No. 1 On Oricon Weekly Chart With Tour DVD - Duration: 1:12.


Curry de viande et riz : recette rapide et savoureuse ! / كاري اللحم بالأرز : وصفة سريعة و لذيذة - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Curry de viande et riz : recette rapide et savoureuse ! / كاري اللحم بالأرز : وصفة سريعة و لذيذة - Duration: 2:29.


For more infomation >> Curry de viande et riz : recette rapide et savoureuse ! / كاري اللحم بالأرز : وصفة سريعة و لذيذة - Duration: 2:29.


Cómo cambiar tambores de frenos y pastillas de freno trasero FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:11.

Use a socket №12

Remove the wheel hub cap

Use a socket №32

Treat the brake drum seat with a copper grease

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar tambores de frenos y pastillas de freno trasero FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:11.


For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar tambores de frenos y pastillas de freno trasero FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:11.


Executive Builds $3 Million A...

For more infomation >> Executive Builds $3 Million A...


Fiat Grande Punto 5-DR 1.3 M-Jet | AIRCO | EERSTE EIGENAAR | GARANTIE | ZUINIG - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Fiat Grande Punto 5-DR 1.3 M-Jet | AIRCO | EERSTE EIGENAAR | GARANTIE | ZUINIG - Duration: 1:00.


#16【FF-IX】 紅クラゲの初見グダグダプレイ編 - Duration: 1:11:01.

For more infomation >> #16【FF-IX】 紅クラゲの初見グダグダプレイ編 - Duration: 1:11:01.


EDEN - start//end Lyric - Duration: 5:36.

You tried to kill it but it won't stop bleeding

Tried to forget it but it won't stop killing you

We're running out of time

Yeah, you know you can't go back

It's too late

To say it's too late

You can't take back that you said nothing

How could you do nothing?

Is this burning right?

Am I leaving bridges?

We built our past right

No need for future solace

Th-th-this isn't (I missed out)

It's played out (I'm disconnected)

I've moved on (I'm stressed out)

You fucked up (Forgetting time)

A new dawn (And I need you to)

And it's not right (Tell me now)

You're dead wrong ('Cause I feel like I need to die)

What are we doing?

Let's go home

There's no hope

It's all wrong

Th-th-this isn't (I missed out)

It's played out (I'm disconnected)

I've moved on (I'm stressed out)

You fucked up (Forgetting time)

A new dawn (And I need you to)

And it's not right (Tell me now)

You're dead wrong ('Cause I feel like I need to die)

What are we doing?

Let's go home

There's no hope

It's all wrong

'Cause I got way too many questions

Just to try and get it right

'Cause I can be the one

To shrug it off

And I could be the reason

That we stay up all night

To be someone, to be someone

And all we got is to try and get it right

But no one told you

That this gonna hurt, oh no

Now all I really wanna scream 4x

And now she's tryna find a way

To get in my head now, hey now

Well, maybe it's the two of us, hey now

I'm just tryna find a way back, dream out

So close your eyes 'cause real friends are dead

I've been looking at the sky to show me where I went wrong

Been looking at the sky like someone's looking down

But it keeps raining on me

And I've been looking at the sky since I was like 5 years old

Been looking for the stars but it seems like they're all gone

And it breaks my heart, you know

But I think it's time to go

And it's not right

You're dead wrong

What are we doing?

Let's go home

There's no hope

It's all wrong

For more infomation >> EDEN - start//end Lyric - Duration: 5:36.


Jak zrobić makeup no makeup? How to do makeup no makeup? Using Glossier cosmetics - Duration: 3:03.

Hi! It's Aga Wilk. Welcome to my channel called „The Beauty Runway."

Today, me and my gorgeous model Ewa will show you how to do a "no make-up" make-up look.

A perfect look for everyday, to school, to work- wherever you feel like wearing it.

I'm going to use several make-up products from my favorite brand lately, GLOSSIER.

Before I start the make-up I thoroughly clean the face using a micellar water and refresh it with a thermal water spray.

A video in which I'm showing you how to prep the skin for the make-up has been published earlier on my channel.

On a cleansed face I apply a little bit of a Priming Moisturizer from GLOSSIER.

Next, I apply a very lightweight moisturizing foundation.

Again, it's the one from GLOSSIER.

It's going to even out a skin tone, make a skin look fresh and glowing.

I cover small imperfections, redness and undereye circles with a slightly heavier concealer.

It is still very lightweight, thus our make-up is going to be soft and natural looking.

Using a cream contour palette from H&M Beauty I enhance natural shapes of my model's face.

Thanks to cream texture the contouring will look effortlessly.

I'm dabbing the product with a sponge until it blends into the skin flawlessly.

I apply just a tiny amount of a highlighter on the eyelids.

I apply a mascara to the lashes.

I enhance the eyebrows with a tinted brow gel from GLOSSIER. It looks beautiful on the model's eyebrows.

I'm applying two mixed shades of cream blushers into the cheeks.

For this I'm using a big synthetic brush.

I highlight the face using a Haloscope cream highlighter.

It will add a freshness and glow.

On an earlier moisturized lips I'm putting a very natural looking lipstick, in a color resembling her own lips.

Et voila! Our make-up is finished!

If you liked the tutorial click Thumbs Up!

If you wish to stay up to date subscribe to my channel and follow me on my Instagram @agawilkmakeup!

Thank you for watching and see you soon!

For more infomation >> Jak zrobić makeup no makeup? How to do makeup no makeup? Using Glossier cosmetics - Duration: 3:03.


What does obelia mean? - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> What does obelia mean? - Duration: 0:37.


SV650N NEW Arrow EXHAUST | R&D Pajic | - Duration: 2:59.

Hi there lovely lady. Enjoying the sun?

What are we doing?


Vacation. We've got vacation

We are at

Pa... Paj


Pajic. Because

What are you doing then?

Just reading

We just came here

My motorcycle went in and

And I wanted a new exhaust

Then we came in Heaven with all new exhausts

Pretty Akra, Arrow, Takkoni, Bos

Everything so nice!

Choose something

Checking with one is nice on the bike

And now he custom make the exhaust for my bike

With silencer

Pajic: Now you are riding slow

It is silence and when I revv....

Braap. Get out of my way!

Pajic: Nice Exhaust right?

It suits the bike

Oh. Yeah, tomorrow we leave with the bike

Just in time

Just in time for our vacation with the bike

with my new exhaust


Plus 100..

Nomi: Shall we do rock, paper, scissor who can ride home

Plus 100 experience.. Noooooo I want to ride home

I can cut this in my advance

I won two times! I'm riding home!

Nomi: I'm riding behind you!

For more infomation >> SV650N NEW Arrow EXHAUST | R&D Pajic | - Duration: 2:59.


Volkswagen Passat (8) GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. D - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat (8) GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. D - Duration: 1:00.


تجربة العبة الجديدة MC Versus العبة صدمتني - Duration: 14:51.

لا تنسى اليك يا بطل

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