Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2017

Improvement Pill here I'm sure all of us at one point or another have told

ourselves promised ourselves that we get something done

maybe we told ourselves that we'd finish that essay by the end of the week

maybe we told ourselves that we'd start hitting the gym this summer or maybe we

even told ourselves that we'd finish that book some youtuber suggested we

read but often times we find ourselves not doing the things that we set out to

do and that's not good it's never good when you say something and you

contradict it it hurts your self-esteem so today we're gonna be talking about

exactly how to actually do what you say that you're going to do and the best way

for me to do so is by referring to a study that was published in the British

Journal of health psychology this study looked at a group of 250 people who were

separated into three different groups the first group was told to follow an

exercise routine for the next two weeks the second group was told the same thing

as the first group but they were also shown videos and clips about the

benefits of exercise this group was called the motivated group and these

videos served as the motivation the third and final group was told the same

thing as the first group they were also shown the same exact videos as group

number two but on top of all of that they filled out the following sentence I

will partake in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise at blank place at

blank time this concept is called implementation intention basically when

you write down the conditions of completing a task so let's take a look

at the results of this experiment out of the first group 38 percent of the people

exercised at least once a week for the next two weeks out of the second group

which was the group that was shown motivational videos only 35 percent of

them exercised at least once a week for the next two weeks so it seems

motivational videos don't really do much and might actually be counterproductive

and finally the third group the group that used implementation intention had a

whopping 91 percent of their participants hitting the gym at least

once a week for the next two weeks that is significantly higher than the other

two groups and it goes to show just how effective implementation intent

is now there have been hundreds of studies looking at the effectiveness of

implementation intention there have been Studies on dieting Studies on making

reading into a habit Studies on working and all of them point to the fact that

implementation intention is extremely effective in terms of getting you to do

the things you say you're going to do now the question remains why why does

writing down a short little sentence which takes no more than a minute do so

much well think of it this way let's say for example you're someone who wants to

start a new exercise habit you'll often find that you'll wait around for the

right moment the perfect opportunity where you're filled with motivation to

go and hit the gym and more often than not that moment never comes the majority

of people are simply not filled with motivation all of the time however when

you write down exactly when and where you will exercise it changes everything

you no longer have to wait for motivation because you've already set an

appointment see studies have actually found that in terms of willpower it

actually takes more willpower to make the decision of going to the gym than

the actual workout itself it takes more willpower to put on your shoes and step

out of your door than the actual workout so if you make the decision beforehand

you save yourself from having to spend willpower on the day of and this makes

the process of hitting the gym much easier especially after a long day of

work where your levels of willpower are already low so for those of you that

want to stick to a habit or get something done I suggest you take

advantage of this trick so what I like for you to do in the comments below is

to write out your own implementation intention let me know what it is that

you'd like to accomplish and when and where you're going to do it something

important to note is that you should make your implementation intention as

reasonable as possible if you have a big task like an essay that needs to be done

break it down so instead of saying I'll complete my essay at the library

tomorrow at 5 p.m. it's more effective to say I'll write the first two

paragraphs of my essay at the library tomorrow starting at 5 p.m. the simpler

the task the less of a chance you'll avoid it this episode is brought to you

with the help of our betrayed betrayed is a crypto currency trading platform

and for those of you that don't know what cryptocurrencies are they are a new

form of currency that operates independent of a central bank that means

no country or bank has control over it some of the popular cryptocurrencies

right now are Bitcoin aetherium and litecoin all of which I've invested

heavily in I personally believe that eventually humanity will operate on a

global currency and cryptocurrencies seem like a reasonable candidate however

it's hard to say exactly which cryptocurrency will have a place in the

future of mankind so it's something I'd suggest you look

into further in your own time average trade is a reputable platform for any of

you that are interested in getting in on some of this action one of the good

things about trading cryptocurrencies is that there are no fees and with

arbitrate you can start off with as little as $100 and just to be clear when

you trade on arbitrate you are not buying coins you are trading on the

price of these coins so for those of you that are interested in cryptocurrencies

I suggest you head on over to arbitrate by clicking on the link in the

description below stay tuned guys

For more infomation >> How To Actually Do What You Say You're Going To Do - Duration: 5:26.


「修正版」KKBOX排行榜西洋單曲月榜2017年9月 - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> 「修正版」KKBOX排行榜西洋單曲月榜2017年9月 - Duration: 12:21.


#Teaser1 - 슈퍼 주니어 리얼 컴백 스토리 (Super Junior Real Comeback Story) - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> #Teaser1 - 슈퍼 주니어 리얼 컴백 스토리 (Super Junior Real Comeback Story) - Duration: 3:04.


Letter School d'nealian ABCs Song for kids Learn Uppercase letters Fun Alphabets phonics - Duration: 36:31.

Letter School d'nealian ABCs Song for kids Learn Uppercase letters Fun Alphabets phonics

For more infomation >> Letter School d'nealian ABCs Song for kids Learn Uppercase letters Fun Alphabets phonics - Duration: 36:31.


THE BEST GREEN SCREEN FOR STREAMING... EVER! - Elgato Green Screen Review & Setup Guide - Duration: 11:01.

You know…

I've legitimately delayed this review due primarily to my attempts at finding a way

to write it without sounding like a complete shill or sellout.

While yes - the Elgato Green Screen was sent free for review on the channel - I work with

Elgato on a wide number of reviews and don't always have nice things to say.

In fact, I had actually ordered the Green Screen myself on Amazon and was thankfully

able to cancel the order upon learning that Elgato was sending one over for free.

I thought it was worth the price as soon as they announced it.

So spoiler alert: Yeah, I have a lot of good things to say about it.

But there's a couple things I'd love to be worked on or made available in the future,

and I am personally not the biggest fan of the current trend of green screen over-usage

in the first place.

Let's jump in, right after this.

Who.. what..

Orisa, where?


I just see a Rein...



DUDE will you just get a ModMic already?

It attaches to any headphone so you can use that good pair you like, but I'll actually

be able to understand your call-outs.

It also has a mute switch so I don't have to hear all those conversations with your


We gotta get serious to get out of Plat.

Yes, just order one tonight.

Learn more via the link in the video description.

I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and more fun, and today I'm reviewing a Green


But it's not just a piece of green fabric with a brand name, this is a premium piece

of kit designed to make your life easier while still being a simple concept.

I've used 3 different forms of green screen, but they've never really made their way

onto my channel.


Because the setup was FAR too cumbersome to ever keep up with within my small working


In my bedroom back during my college years I hung a wood dowel from the ceiling and ran

a green screen on that.

It technically worked, but was VERY hard to light in such a small space and divided the

room way too much to leave up.

I've tried using a traditional backdrop stand, but again - having the space to leave

it up sucked, and setup time is a nightmare.

Plus with both of these, rolling up or folding up the backdrop cloth introduces all kinds

of wrinkles that make the keying process even more difficult.

Then while interning for a local sports broadcast, one of the main hosts just had one of his

basement walls covered in green paper with some clamp lights.

An effective budget setup, but hard to light evenly and not something most people can commit


And frankly, if you're not going to pull off a nice-looking chroma key, just don't


It's obvious, looks awful, and far inferior to just setting up a proper, decent-looking

backdrop in the first place.

I had all but just given up on using a green screen… pretty much ever.

I still have a couple old cloth screens, but they need cleaned and ironed before ever being


But then Elgato showed up and dropped the Cam Link and Green Screen on us.

This actually answers most of my issues with traditional setups.

So the idea behind Elgato's Green Screen seems fairly obvious - it's one I actually

looked for when I was trying my ceiling-hung method circa 2012 - but it's very effective


Remember the pull-down projector screens from grade school?

They hung on brackets off the wall and pulled out of a little box, but always stayed in

place and perfectly flat.

This is the same concept, but flipped upside down.

You have a nice, metal case to enclose and protect the green screen, and it rolls out

from there - remaining wrinkle-free and in perfect condition.

You spread the balancing legs, open the case, and lift up on the handle to your desired


The crossbar keeps it secure in place at any height up to 70.87 inches high.

No extra switches, levers, anything required to lock it into place.

It just sits there.

Then when you're done, lightly push down and it rolls back up and you can store it

under couches, under beds, anywhere, really.

This is a great system.

The screen and case are 58.27 inches wide - big enough to cover the width of you sitting

in a chair, but not too wide for most setups.

Though for some super small setups it can be too wide - but you'd risk not having

enough coverage for proper keying otherwise.

Height-wise… it goes up to just over 70 inches tall.

This.. frustrates me a bit.

Just like 2 more inches and it'd be perfect for me to use standing up, but as-is, I'd

have to slouch quite awkwardly to make it work.

I realize the purpose of this is fully for sitting down setups for streaming, but this

would be the PERFECT screen for my post-production work, too, with a little more height.

To work around this, I would LOVE to see a taller variant.

I realize there's probably a limitation on height due to the crossbar's engineering,

but literally just like 3 more inches for me personally would be great.

I could, in theory, just set it up on some books or cinderblocks or something - but I

don't have anything to do so in a secure manner and evenly, and this technically detracts

from the easy setup gimmick for it.

Alternatively, I would also love to see a modification or variant in which the case

can also be hung from wall hooks like the projector screen I mentioned before and extended

upside down so I could use the height to still use while standing since I don't need a

green screen that goes to my feet.

I was thinking I could do this with this screen and maybe make a separate project video - but

unless I'd want to awkwardly hang it not at the top of my wall, it wouldn't reach

down far enough to be fully effective that way, either.

The mechanisms to use the screen are great and feel high quality, and the green screen

material itself feels super premium.

And the fact that it stays wrinkle-free is just… great.

Here's a message I sent directly to the Elgato team and I stand by this.

It's a premium product for a slightly premium price - but far cheaper than any remotely

similar professional products I have found.

My main concern would be if you left it up and a cat or dog decided to chew on or scratch

at it.

It's premium material, but if it ripped enough, the spring could theoretically pull

the bottom half back into the case and it's ruined forever.

But that's why it collapses into a protective case, right?

Lastly, I did want to cover setting this up in software.

This is still a green screen - you still need solid lighting for both you and the backdrop.

Shadows will give you problems, lack of light on you as the subject will cause problems.

This will also show up best with a proper camera, such as a camcorder or DSLR - fed

into a capture card or the Elgato Cam Link, conveniently launched at the same time.

A webcam won't resolve the color or background separation as well, and if you have auto settings

on, your face is about to get hella red.

We'll go from most complicated to easiest solutions - OBS, XSplit, and Elgato's Game

Capture software.

In all options just crop off the excess framing around the green screen.

Let's start with OBS Studio: Add your facecam to your scene as you normally


Once it's set up, right-click its Source Listing, and click "Filters."

Here, you can add lots of effects and edits to your audio and video from this source.

Under "Effect Filters" click the Plus sign.

You can use either "Color Key" or "Chroma Key" - one may work better, depending on

your setup, but the intended purpose is basically the same.

Pick one and choose your "Key Color Type" - in this case, green.

This should automatically start to cut out some of the green.

You can now use the controls for "Similarity", "Smoothness" and "Key Color Spill Reduction"

to clean up your image.

"Similarity" controls how much color similar to Chroma Green it cuts out.

If there's lighting differences along your screen, you will want to adjust this - being

careful not to go too far and cut out other colors.

"Smoothness" smooths out edges and the overall keying of the color.

Too much can start to dissolve the rest of your image, though.

"Key Color Spill Reduction" aims to help you reduce keying of other colors - but again,

messing with this too much can affect your image on the whole.

This filter also gives you controls for Contrast, Brightness, and Gamma - but these should be

left alone in most cases.

This is something you need to adjust in your webcam or camera's settings instead of here.

Especially if the webcam has been left on default automatic modes, you may notice your

skin has now started to turn red on-camera due to it trying to compensate for the green


In XSplit: Add your webcam as normal to your scene.

Right click on the webcam either in your sources list or on the canvas and click the "Color"


Towards the bottom, you can choose "Color Key" or "Chroma Key."

For "Chroma Key," you choose the color green and adjust the "Threshold" and "Exposure"

to adjust your image.

You also have an "Anti-Aliasing" setting, which can help smooth some of the jagged edges

produced by the background removal, but with a performance impact.

For "Color Key" you can click the eyedropper tool to choose your background color, and

then adjust Threshold and Exposure, as well as individual Red, Green, and Blue levels

to fix color issues.

You also still have the Anti-Aliasing option here.

In Elgato's Game Capture software, enable Stream Command - I have a full video detailing

this feature linked in the video description.

Add your webcam to the scene or choose a scene with the webcam added and click "Edit Scene"

if it's not already in edit mode.

Click your webcam and click the icon of a silhouette in a square for "Remove Background."

Click "Enable Chroma Key", pick your color, and adjust tolerance.

Less control, but much simpler.

The Elgato Green Screen takes a setup that has been reserved for the lowest-end budget

configurations or unaffordably high-end setups and given us a very premium middle-tier that

will serve most streamers very well.

I'm happy to have something to implement within my studio space for chroma keying for

the first time… ever, and I'm excited to see what future revisions look like.

Product links, as always, will be in the description below.

Check out the Elgato Green Screen for yourself if you're interested.

Otherwise, hit that like button, subscribe for more awesome tech and educational content,

and I'll see you in the next one!


EposVox is a Patreon-supported production.

Our videos would simply not be possible without the support and generosity of our patrons

- whom you can see on-screen now.

If you'd like to join the inner-circle and get early access to videos, among other things,

go to to learn more.

For more infomation >> THE BEST GREEN SCREEN FOR STREAMING... EVER! - Elgato Green Screen Review & Setup Guide - Duration: 11:01.


How The Iconic Sprinkle Donuts Are Made | How Stuff Is Made | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:13.

Welcome to LA,

where the sweetest things come in pink boxes.

Because pink boxes are filled with donuts.

Buy a box for yourself or share with a friend.

LA is the place for this pretty pink trend.

So let's dive into history

and a bowl full of batter.

This is why donut boxes are pink

and why that matters.

Ted Ngoy was the first Cambodian refugee

to own a donut shop.

He and his business partner, Ning Yen,

who both trained at Winchell's Donuts together

are responsible for helping many Cambodian refugees

set up successful businesses in California.

This is Yen's family.

They purchased Mag's Donuts in 1980

and have owned it ever since.

Through the creation of their donut supply business

and box manufacturing plant,

they were able to cultivate a community of Cambodian

bakery owners and better control the cost

of mixes, ingredients, and even boxes.

If you come to California, especially LA county

and all over, you'll see a pink donut box


Before the Yen family came along,

donut boxes were traditionally white.

But white didn't work for two reasons.

It was expensive.

And in Chinese culture,

it is considered the color of death.

So Ning Yen suggested switching the boxes to red.

The mill kept sending a pink color instead.

But they went with it and it turned out that

the new hue would bring happiness and good luck

at a fraction of the cost.

Today we have Moon to thank for keeping the

pink box trend strong.

100% recycled paper is used for the pink boxes

LA has come to know and love.

First the paper arrives at the factory from

the paper mill on large rolls.

The paper is spooled through a cutter.

It's like a larger than life sewing machine.

The blade then cuts the paper

into individual rectangles.

Then the paper is rolled out onto a palette.

There are approximately 2,500 sheets per palette.

The palette of pink is taken to

the die cutting machine.

Each die differs, depending on box size.

With a high-powered suction,

each piece of paper is selected

and pushed through the machine.

The die perforates the pink boxes.

And all excess material falls off into a bin.

This material will be recycled

and later made into more pink donut boxes.

After perforation, boxes are packaged up and

shipped off to the donut shops.

Once the boxes arrive at the shop,

they're ready to build and fill with sugary delights

all made by the matriarch of the family,

Yean Yen.

Yes my mom is extremely hardworking.

She gets here at 5am and she leaves at 9pm.

First to come, first to go.

She makes sure everybody is happy and

I think that's why she's been here for so long.

Cake donut mixes mix with water

to make a pudding-like consistency.

Meanwhile, hot oil is heated to 375 degrees in a fryer.

It is mixed for a minute and a half on medium speed.

The batter is scooped into a bowl that spits out

the perfect sized donuts like magic.

The dough is cranked into the oil.

Each donut takes about two minutes on each side to fry.

The hot donuts are taken out of the oil

and placed on a cooling tray for about two minutes.

Once cooled, they are ready to be dressed up

and decorated.

Or left plain, if that's what you're into.

Then the frosting is spread out in a sheet pan.

The donuts are placed face down in the frosting.

Then come sprinkles.

Once the donuts are finished,

they are placed out for customers.

The hot ones usually go fast.

At Mag's, some of the best sellers are

the classic glazed, blueberry cake, custard, and

fresh cream-filled donuts.

Is it the cake or the glazed

that makes your heart skip a beat?

Whichever you choose,

I hope the box is pretty and pink.

A rosy, sweet, lucky little trend all thanks

to Mr. Ngoy and Yen.

How many can you eat at once?

Tell us in the comments below.

Thanks for watching How Donuts Are Made.

For more videos, click here.

To subscribe, click here.

For more infomation >> How The Iconic Sprinkle Donuts Are Made | How Stuff Is Made | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:13.


How to Use a TENS Unit for Pain Relief - Duration: 12:16.

Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and today I'm going to show you how to use a TENS

unit for pain relief. so let's get started.

So what does TENS stand for you might ask? it's

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. well what does that mean?

well basically transcutaneous means on the surface of the skin, and electrical

nerve stimulation is making the nerve stimulated through some kind of

stimulation being electric stimulation or sometimes this vibration things like

that, but what this is different from like an EMS unit or electrical muscle

stimulation is this gets those surface nerves right on the skin. so technically

when you're using this for pain relief your muscles shouldn't really be

contracting. now sometimes if you if you have just really thin skin or not a lot

of meat on your bones, those muscles will contract a little bit, but the goal of a

TENS unit is strictly for pain relief, it's not to contract those muscles so

that's what a little bit of the difference is. and what I really like

about a TENS unit for pain relief in general is if you don't like taking the

pain medication or maybe you have allergies or bad reactions to pain

medication, this is a good alternative. when I've had both my surgeries shoulder

and hip, and all the other surgeries I've had, but mainly those, I maybe one or two

days afterwards, I'll take some pain medication and then I'll just use a TENS

unit and ice the rest of the time because it's enough for me to take away

that pain, and for most people take that edge off just enough. so I think is a

great alternative especially if you just don't do very well pain medication which

a lot of people don't. so it has, with tens, a lot of different settings.

this unit particularly here, the folks at CUH sent me, and I really like this one

not only because it's small and compact but it has 16 different modes. so that's

really really cool and it's got a lot of power to it as well, but again like I

mentioned before, it's not supposed to contract the muscles this is a tens

unit where it kind of massages those muscles, it gets that current in there

just to calm things down. and basically what I tell my patients not in technical

terms, so what does the tens unit exactly do to make the pain go away? so this

current follows the same pain pathway back to your brain because the pain

really comes from our brain it's not, you know, if my me is hurting the pain is not

really here it's sending signals to my brain and my brain saying yes that hurts.

so it's following that same pain pathway and kind of canceling it out through

vibration, so that's that's what it does. that's the goal of it. it does in a sense

have a healing component to it because that that vibration that that nerve

impulse, the electrical impulse, excuse me that goes in there

kind of helps increase the circulation as well so if you've got some swelling

you've got some irritation, it will help with that, but its main goal is to

kind of cancel out that pain feeling. so you can do your stretches and exercises

to feel better. so again I'm going to show you real quick here the CUH brand

which is really cool. I mean look how big it is, it fits into my palm right there.

you can put it in your pocket. it's got two separate channels which I like and

each channel which this is, the the part that I like best about it has two

electrodes on it, so it gives you the option of either just doing one channel

with two electrodes or two channels with four electrodes, and you can use them for

different purposes. my main rule of thumb is if you have a big surface like the

knee, you want to use the four electrodes. and if you have something smaller like

the elbow or maybe even if you're just trying to get a specific area, then just

use the two electrodes or one channel. so it's really important also people

sometimes don't know this and sometimes it's not in the instructions, and in

certain units but so one channel here where it's connected you can see they

need to cross each other. so if you're using four electrodes, it should be like

this and the pain spot should be basically in the middle. so if I've got

this channel, I'm going to put one here and then I'm going to put one on the

opposite side down below, and then I'm going to put a make it a cross so the

other channel then goes here (with some dog hair on it) and then it crosses over

on the other side. and so what that does is it makes the currents go this way so

you're getting it in that pain area. if you do the same channel here and here

then it's just going to go this way and it's going to go this way, and some

people might think that feels okay, but if the goal is to really get that spot,

you want it to go this way and this way. so the other big thing that people like

to ask is once you turn it on, it's got those 16 modes, and they're like well

which mode should I use, you know, there's 16 of them. how do I know what's best for

me? this is what I tell my patients. you'll probably hear therapists tell you

completely different things. which ever one makes it feel better. whichever

one you like the best. I think everybody's personal preference is going

to be something different, which is fine. you know they, some of them will have

settings that say this is for your knee, this is for your shoulder, this is for

your elbow, this particular one doesn't do that, it has just some different kind

of massaging type sensations, and so in the end if it's increasing the

circulation and if it's following that same pain pathway to cancel it out,

to me I don't think it really matters what setting you have. I think the

different settings to me are your comfort level, so some people like the

one that just goes up and down and up and down like that, and some people like

the one that kind of almost like somebody's just kind of beating on you a

little bit to get that vibration or specific massages to do that. so it's

really just what you think feels the best. so as you can see it's got a lot of

great features so if you're interested in purchasing the CUH you can click on

the link up here. so what I want to show you really quickly I'm gonna do what you

probably shouldn't do, and I'm gonna take it up strong enough where it actually

will probably start making a muscle contract a little bit which is what you

don't really want. now like a lot of times on the shoulder since it's a

smaller area, and usually those muscles are a little bit more on the surface,

maybe you don't have as much fat or adipose tissue on it, you might start

getting a little bit contractions, but you don't really want that

to happen because that's going to fatigue out that muscle and again the

purpose of the TENS is to make you feel better, they cancel out that pain so

let's see if I can do this without my hair sticking up. just kidding.

so I'm just going to start going and so you can see here we're, see how it jumped

like that? I really don't want it that high it again might do a little bit in

some places, and sometimes you can just fix that by changing the placement of

the electrode a little bit. so here it was getting that VMO just a little bit

more, so I'm just going to move that that pad just a little bit back .and this is

on, that it's not going to make a difference if you take them off and put

them on while it's still on, I would just turn it down back down to its lowest

setting. but so now it's not really doing that contraction that's about it at the

same level now if I turn it up it will still, you can probably see a little bit

where it's doing that and that's just not something I think it's really good

for your muscle, you know if you're trying to get strengthening and make

that muscle contract that's what you want, but for the tens unit you really

don't want that, so again on this one it's pretty cool because it has the

different settings and you know I would say when you get it just go through and

see how it feels. you know again some people like the certain ones better than

the others, and another thing that I really like about this unit is it comes

with some other electrodes as well so different sizes. so these smaller

electrodes are usually better for smaller surface area. so let's say I've

got some lateral epicondylitis or something like that what I would

probably do is just use two electrodes or two placements, and use the smaller

pads just because that's going to get a little bit more directly to the area and

it's going to be, it's just really going to hit that spot versus having those

electrodes you know big and clunky all over the place. so I think I got myself

all tied up. there we go. and so by having the smaller electrodes you can really

just get around the spot. so let's say that

outside elbow tennis elbow a little bit is really sore, then I can take these and

just place you know one right here and then the other one right here. now with

this unit what I found is they're they're both on all the time, so if you

don't want one of them on, then you want to probably go ahead and just unplug

that side, and then you probably wouldn't have it plugged in anyways, but if you're just

using to just plug in that one, and then again you can pick which mode is best

for you, and it might be different. so if you like one on the knee, you might like

a different one on a smaller area or something, so I could then just change it

to whatever I wanted to and for some of these, is for like headaches or

reflexology in the feet or in the ears and things like that, and so those are

not quite as intense and so you might want to start with those first and see

how they feel. so I think it gives you a really good variety of things to try and

so you can just do the one that works best for you, and what works best for you

might not work for somebody else, so the main things I would say is if you're

gonna use it on your low back for low back pain which I think tens is great

for, I would use the four electrodes and just kind of make a nice surface area of

your back so you're just getting that whole general low back or mid to upper

back. and so the further away might not be quite as strong, but you're going to

get more of an area. if you're using the shoulder it kind of depends on where the

pain is. some people if it's like on the outside might just want to do two right

here but I like if your shoulder in general is hurting, do one back one front

kind of one up here at the neck, and then one a little bit lower on the arm so

then you kind of get that whole area as well. you can even do it on if you've got

shin splints, you can do your anterior tibialis, if you've got you know calf

strain, calf cramping, and things like that. you can use it on your calf,

hamstrings, quad, we talked a little bit. so you really can use it almost anywhere

that you have some muscle soreness. once you start getting into the front of the

neck, or you know where those those arteries are and stuff, you want to be

you want to be a little careful with those. you don't want to go right there,

but as long as it's those big muscle groups, those should be fine, but you

should always talk with your doctor or physical therapist first because there

are some what we call contraindications for using these, and a lot of times after

surgeries sometimes the TENS is usually fine, the neuromuscular is not always

fine. specially if you have a fracture or something, so again even if you're using

the tens I would clear it with your doctor of whatever injury you have or if

you're going to physical therapy you know check with them and take your unit

with you. I've had my patients say hey I bought this online it's awesome but I

don't know how to use it, and so then your therapist can use some of the

session just to show you how to use it, make sure you're using it properly, make

sure you're feeling good while you're doing it, making sure that those

electrodes are in good placement to really get that pain relief that you

need. so there you have it that's how you use a TENS unit for pain relief. and if

you're interested in purchasing the CUH make sure to click on the link up here,

and don't forget to subscribe by clicking down here. and remember, be safe

(don't go too high), have fun, and I hope you feel better soon.

For more infomation >> How to Use a TENS Unit for Pain Relief - Duration: 12:16.


Por que a agricultura está com problemas (e como resolver)? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Por que a agricultura está com problemas (e como resolver)? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 3:04.


Le Cercle By Mab'ish #14: Slum Village - Fantastic Volume II // SPECIAL DETROIT! - Duration: 9:47.

Welcome to The Circle, for this second episode dedicated to Detroit,

there is a major artist I absolutely need to tell you about, Mister J Dilla!

After a long hesitation, I finally decided to talk about the vinyl

Fantastic Volume 2 released by his group Slum Village in 2000 on the label 'Good Vibe recordings'.

Slum Village is an American Hip Hop group, originally coming from Conant Gardens a Detroit neighborhood.

Initially, Slum Village was composed of 3 members:

rappers T3 and Baatin and the producer Jay Dee aka J Dilla.

After leaving Pershing High School, the trio started building a reputation in the city's underground hip hop scene

and quickly became popular.

They have initially been named SSENEDOP which is the word "dopeness" spelled backwards.

In 1991, they changed their name for Slum Village, often abbreviated as SV!

They also released the LP 'Best Kept Secret' in 2000 under the name J-88.

In 2001, J Dilla decided to leave the group to pursue his career solo,

however he participated in a few tracks on the following album 'Trinity'.

After he left, Elzhi (rapper) joined the group.

Slum Village suffered several losses with Jay Dee's death in 2006 followed by Baatin in 2009

The members of the group also changed quite a lot....

especially with Illa J, Jay Dee's little brother.

Nevertheless, the group also found ways to reinvent itself.

SV is currently composed of the duo T3 and Young RJ.

Coming back to Slum Village discography, the group released 8 albums from 1997 to 2015:

Fantastic Vol 1

Fantastic Vol 2,


Detroit Deli,

Slum Village,

Villa Manifesto,

Evolution and YES!

Well, as you might imagine, I have to linger over James Dewitt Yancey aka Jay Dee aka J Dilla…

yes this is not really original but J Dilla Changed My Life!

The crazy thing with Jay Dee is that you probably know at least one of his productions without even knowing it.

If I let you hear this :

All of these are J Dilla productions!

As you might notice, he produced lots, lots, lots of artists

He is also one of the founders of Soulquarians collective (created with James Poyser, Questlove and D'Angelo)

as well as The Ummah with Q- Tip and Ali Shaheed.

Those two musical groups earned him better recognition and notoriety.

He also created JayLib with Madlib, one of my favorite producers as well,

releasing the cult LP « Champion sound » in 2003.

Jay Dee was a huge record collector, very organized, always searching for the perfect sample.

He often went digging at "Melodies & Memories" record store.

This is me in front of "Melodies & Memories".

In my opinion, he brought a very strong vision of Hip Hop as well as a signature more than recognizable.

He still inspires today a lot of artists such as Kendrick Lamar, Flying Lotus or Robert Glasper.

He's dead at 32 years old in 2006

as a result of a rare blood disease

a few months before his death, you may have had the chance to attend

the mythical concert and very moving a wheelchair Jay Dee in Paris

We can say that the craze around Jay Dee's music has been more important after his death rather than during his life.

He influenced Hip Hop dancers as well;

by the way 2 French dancers Dee and Physs created the Dilla Dance Projet to pay him tribute.

Let's get back to the album !

Fantastic Volume 2 is Slum Village sophomore album released in 2000.

This is the following of Fantastic Vol 1, recorded in 1996 and critically acclaimed by Detroit's underground scene.

Fantastic Vol 2 was almost finished in 1998, but it will not be released until 2000 following a change of label.

All tracks are produced by Jay Dee,

among them 2 co-productions Tell Me with D'Angelo and Once Upon a Time with Pete Rock.

LP's reedition contains 2 bonus tracks : Thelonius and Who We Are.

And we can retrieve guests without equal: Common, Q-Tip, Busta Rhymes, Kurupt,

D'Angelo, Jazzy Jeff and Pete Rock.

According to me, this is a CLASSIC LP.

I discovered Slum Village and this album through dance

by watching the VHS of Juste Debout competition in 2003,

especially PHYSS's session dancing on the track "I Don't Know".

Every track is a jewel, especially « Fall In Love » that makes me shivering every time I'm listening to it.

I know a lot of us are trying to imitate Baatin's voice in the first verse.

By the way, there is quite a lot of good remixes of this track, among others Flying Lotus' one that I particularly appreciate,

as well as Suite For Ma Dukes Orchestra's version.

Speaking of remixes, the label Beat X Changers (I belong to) released last year,

a tape paying homage to Dilla, 10 years after his death.

We're getting to the second part. I went dancing in front of the famous Dilla's Delights,

a donuts shop owned by Jay Dee's family .

where every donut bears the name of one of his tracks

Let's go !

For more infomation >> Le Cercle By Mab'ish #14: Slum Village - Fantastic Volume II // SPECIAL DETROIT! - Duration: 9:47.


5 Reasons Your Business Needs SEO | ReachSEO | ReachLocal - Duration: 1:19.

Did you know that SEO is one of only two marketing methods a business can use to improve their

chances of being found on the first page of Google and other search engines?

Here are five reasons you need to invest in an SEO strategy today:

A good SEO strategy can improve your PPC Quality Score, which may result in a reduced cost

per click and improved PPC performance.

SEO can increase the number of visitors to your website by allowing your site to show

for relevant searches on search engine results pages.

SEO can boost the effectiveness of your other marketing efforts.

For example, SEO combined with search advertising can improve web traffic by 50%.

A good SEO strategy includes maintaining updated and relevant information across the web, which

can improve offline conversions because searchers looking to visit your business will see the

most relevant information.

And, SEO can help you stand out from your competitors.

A great SEO strategy is an essential part of any online marketing strategy.

Learn more about SEO on the ReachLocal website.

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons Your Business Needs SEO | ReachSEO | ReachLocal - Duration: 1:19.


BMW 5 Serie 520D 184 Pk Executive Automaat Navi Prof./Xenon/Leder/PDC v+a/Cruise/18 inch/134.985 Km! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 520D 184 Pk Executive Automaat Navi Prof./Xenon/Leder/PDC v+a/Cruise/18 inch/134.985 Km! - Duration: 0:59.


Honda CR-V 2.0I COMFORT - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0I COMFORT - Duration: 0:59.


Games4King G4K - Cute Witch Rescue 2 Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 6:45.

Games4King G4K - Cute Witch Rescue 2

For more infomation >> Games4King G4K - Cute Witch Rescue 2 Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 6:45.


Macka B's Wha Me Eat Wednesdays 'Sesame Seeds' 4/10/2017 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Macka B's Wha Me Eat Wednesdays 'Sesame Seeds' 4/10/2017 - Duration: 1:00.


Bad babies playing Doctor toys Family Fun Pretend Play with Kids Song Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Bad babies playing Doctor toys Family Fun Pretend Play with Kids Song Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 4:01.


The Panel Tote How to | Pins + Needles Kits | Whitney Sews - Duration: 14:04.

The Panel Tote How To | Pins + Needles Kits

*This video is sponsored by Pins + Needles Kits.*

Hi everyone, I'm Whitney and every Wednesday I post a new sewing tutorial to help sewers

of all skill levels learn new sewing projects and techniques. This week I've partnered up

with Pins + Needles Kits to bring you a tutorial for the panel tote. This is a really fun tote

bag and I got the pattern and everything needed to make the bag in the September box. You

can find the pattern on the Pins + Needles website and I'll have the link below for it.

But even if you don't have the pattern make sure to keep watching because I'll be showing

lots of great techniques in this tutorial that can be applied to lots of different projects.

And at the end of the video I will announce the winner of the last Pins and Needles giveaway.

So let's start by seeing all the supplies that are needed to make the Panel tote. They

include about 2 yards of fabric in total, bosal foam for the strap and the bag body,

thread, tweezers are helpful for turning out corners, cording to make piping, and of course

the pattern itself. I got all of my supplies sent right to my front door in the Pins and

Needles Kit so I didn't have to worry about finding each individual item on my own.

Now let's get started on making the tote! I used the pattern details to cut all of my

pieces. I strayed a little from the pattern on what pieces I cut from which fabrics to

suit the look I wanted, but there was enough extra fabric in the kit that it worked out

perfectly. First is the piping. Cut the cord in half

and lay it on the strip cut for the piping and fold the fabric around the cord so the

pretty sides are on the outside. Do this for both pieces. Switch your sewing machine foot

to a zipper foot and carefully sew right along the edge of the cord so that it is encased

in the fabric. Trim the piping so you have 4 pieces measuring 14 inches long. Place one

piece of piping on each long edge of your two center pieces. Clip into place then sew

to attach still using your zipper foot and sewing on the same seam line as before. With

right sides together place the side pieces on top of the center lining up the edges.

Clip the layers in place and sew one last time with the zipper foot. You should now

have your bag front and back with a center panel, piping on each side, then an outer

fabric on each side. Use pins or quilt basting spray to baste the

bag outer pieces onto the bosal foam. If you have a walking foot put it on your sewing

machine and sew quilting lines from top to bottom about one inch apart. Trim up the edges

to make sure they are square then mark 2.5 inches in from each bottom edge.

Use a long ruler to go from that mark to the top corner and trim with a rotary cutter.

You should now have two bag pieces that are trapezoid shape.

Use the template in the pattern to cut out a semi-circle from the top center of the bag

front and back. Then use one of the bag outer pieces to cut both lining pieces to the same

shape. Place the two outer pieces right sides together

and sew along the sides and bottom with a ¼ inch seam allowance. Using a ruler mark

a one inch square on each of the bottom corners and cut out the square. Open up the corner

so the seams match up. Make sure the seam allowances are going in opposite directions

and clip. Sew across with a ¼ inch seam allowance to box the corners.

Now onto the pockets. Lay the pocket pieces right sides together in sets of two. Sew around

the outer edges with a ¼ inch seam allowance leaving a couple of inches open in the middle

of one long side. Trim off the corners and turn right sides out through the opening.

Poke out the corners and press with an iron. Center the pocket on your lining piece about

3 inches up from the bottom and sew the sides and bottom to attach. Make sure that opening

you left is on the bottom side. If you want the pocket to have any sections go ahead and

sew those now as well. I sewed all of the seams twice on my pockets to make sure it's

extra strong. Sew the lining together the same way as the

outer including the boxed corners. The only difference is make sure to leave an opening

in the bottom of the lining about 5 or 6 inches wide.

Turn one of the bag pieces right sides out and place one inside the other so the right

sides are together and the top edges line up. Clip along the top edge then sew all around

the top. Trim the corners and snip the curves then turn the bag right sides out through

the opening in the bottom of the lining. This would have probably been easier if I had turned

the outer right sides out earlier and the put the lining on the outside before sewing.

But it worked out ok, just took a little more persuading to get it turned out.

Poke out the corners of the bag then close up the opening in the lining with a top stitch.

Then tuck the lining back into the bag. Make sure it's nice and situated then top stitch

around the entire top. Your bag should look complete other than needing handles.

So now onto the handles. Cut one of your strap pieces in half and sew one half to each of

your remaining two strap pieces. Press the seams open. You should now have two really

long strips. Lay them both right sides together and sew along one long side with a 3/8 inch

seam allowance. Open the strip up and press the seam open. The press each long edge inward

a half inch. Cut the strip in half so you have 2 strap

pieces. Tuck your bosal strap material under the seam allowances. Make sure you have a

½ inch space at each end without the stabilizer. Fold up the short end then fold over the other

half of the strap to fully enclose the raw edges and stabilizer. Add some clips to hold

everything in place then sew along all the edges of the strap piece. Repeat for the second

strap. Mark three inches up from each end of the

handles. Fold the handles in half between the markings and sew along the same stitching

line as before stopping at the marks three inches from each end. You should have two

handles that look like this. Now all that's left is to sew them on your bag. Measure two

inches down from the top edge and position the straps into place. Sew a square to attach

each handle end to the bag and you are done!

This bag is really cute and the look is so different than any that I've made before.

I hope you check out the pattern and give this project a try. Don't forget that there

is a coupon code in the description box if you want to give the Pins + Needles Box a

try and get a kit like this sent to your door. Now it's time to announce the winner of the

giveaway from my last Pins + Needles video. I used a random comment picker to select the

winner and it is...... Congrats to the winner, you have 48 hours to message me your mailing

address either here on youTube or on my facebook page.

Let me know in the comments below what your favorite type of

bag is to carry, mine is definitely tote bags and crossbody bags. Over here to the side

I will have a playlist with all the other tote bag tutorials I've done on this channel.

They range from very basic unlined bags to fully lined and quilted ones. Then come back

next Wednesday for another new video. Happy Sewing!

For more infomation >> The Panel Tote How to | Pins + Needles Kits | Whitney Sews - Duration: 14:04.


Who lives in the portfolio? Valentin Berestov. What should be in the pupil's portfolio? - Duration: 4:52.

Vlentin Berestov

Who lives in the school bag?

School bag

In the winter he goes to school, And in the summer in the room lies,

But only autumn comes, He takes me by the hand.

Pencil case

Pencil in the pencil case, But it does not break.

The handle in the dark is, But it's easy to find.

Pencil sharpener

Why from under the sharpener Swarf shavings and sawdust?

Pencil does not want to write, - Here it is and sharpens it.


I'm a baby pencil, I wrote a hundred pieces of paper.

And when I started, He struggled to get into the pencil case.

The schoolboy writes and grows, Pencil - on the contrary.

A pen

Letters printed - Very neat.

Letters for Writing I write myself.

A lot of fun is written to the pen: Letters hold each other by the handles

- Oh, mothers! Said the pen. What does this scribble mean?

"You're an ink head, You wrote the number "2"!


I'm a ruler.

Directness - My main feature.


In high school, each student

He is studying the triangle.

Three different corners, And work - for centuries.


"The teacher is in my briefcase!"


It can not be!


- Look, please!

He is here.

His textbook name.


I am a beautiful bookmark.

I need you for order.

In vain do not leaf the page.

Where is the bookmark, read it there!


Over the paper over the sheet Waves a brush with a tail.

And not just waving, And the paper smears,

Colors in different colors.

Wow, what a beauty!


The exercise books in the briefcase rustled, What is more important in life, they decided.

A notebook in the line mumbles: - Grammar! -

And in the cage the notebook grumbles:

- Mathematics! -

On what were reconciled a notebook with a notebook,

For us, until now, remains a mystery.


I'm an eraser, I'm an elastic band, Chumazenkaya back.

But my conscience is clear, - I erased the blot from the sheet.


My compasses, the circus dashing, Draws a circle with one foot,

And the other pierced the paper, Grabbed and - not a single step.


That I think secretly, Then again click on the accounts.

If it is correctly considered, You always get five!

A diary

In the diary of homework And there are marks nearby.

How good they are!

Come on, Mom, sign it!

For more infomation >> Who lives in the portfolio? Valentin Berestov. What should be in the pupil's portfolio? - Duration: 4:52.


GALATASARAY | Mehmet DEMİRKOL: "Galatasaray Beklerntilerin Çok Üzerine Çıktı" | Youtube - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Mehmet DEMİRKOL: "Galatasaray Beklerntilerin Çok Üzerine Çıktı" | Youtube - Duration: 10:05.


GALATASARAY | Uğur KARAKULLUKÇU: "Gomis Milli Takıma Çağrılmaz. Çünkü..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Uğur KARAKULLUKÇU: "Gomis Milli Takıma Çağrılmaz. Çünkü..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:09.


Americans Try Canadian Sna...

For more infomation >> Americans Try Canadian Sna...


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:41.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:44.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:43.


マツダ 新型CX-5のBリーグ「広島ドラゴンフライズ」仕様のラッピングがイケてる! - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> マツダ 新型CX-5のBリーグ「広島ドラゴンフライズ」仕様のラッピングがイケてる! - Duration: 2:08.


Macka B's Wha Me Eat Wednesdays 'Sesame Seeds' 4/10/2017 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Macka B's Wha Me Eat Wednesdays 'Sesame Seeds' 4/10/2017 - Duration: 1:00.


Access and Affordability | Building Together - Duration: 1:23.

(soft piano music)

- [Narrator] Providing an affordable

college education to promising students

was important to A. James Clark.

- It started with his admission,

and that someone from the university gave him a scholarship.

He never forgot that.

- [Narrator] The Clark Foundation's

historic investment in the University of Maryland

will expand scholarships for

undergraduate and graduate students.

The investment launches the Clark Challenge

for Maryland Promise Program, with the potential

to more than double our need-based

scholarships for Maryland students.

Thanks to the Clark Opportunity Transfer Scholarships

and the A. James Clark Scholars Program,

bold young innovators can graduate from college debt-free.

- Finances were kind of a big factor

in determining where I wanted to go to school

and how long I could go to school for.

And because I received the Clark Scholarship,

I was able to come out of undergrad debt-free,

which allowed me to ultimately pursue my PhD.

- [Narrator] Building together.

An investment for Maryland.

Making higher education more affordable and accessible.

(inspiring music)

For more infomation >> Access and Affordability | Building Together - Duration: 1:23.


Relaxing Flute: Beautiful Flute Melodies To Calm Thoughts & Relax - Duration: 1:02:11.

Relaxing Flute: Beautiful Flute Melodies To Calm Thoughts & Relax

For more infomation >> Relaxing Flute: Beautiful Flute Melodies To Calm Thoughts & Relax - Duration: 1:02:11.


Solving Today's Problems | Building Together - Duration: 0:59.

(gentle piano music)

- [Narrator] A. James Clark wanted to solve problems.

Building together an investment for Maryland,

we'll invest in new endowed chairs and faculty positions

that will tackle today's challenges.

These programs will support faculty

working in data analytics, neuroscience,

virtual and augmented reality, cybersecurity.

These faculty are not just the leaders of their field.

They are defining them.

Building together an investment for Maryland.

Putting Maryland at the forefront

of solving today's problems.

(gentle piano music)

For more infomation >> Solving Today's Problems | Building Together - Duration: 0:59.


Building Together: An Investment for Maryland - Duration: 3:20.

(inspirational music)

- [Narrator] A. James Clark never forgot

that his journey began at the University of Maryland,

thanks to an engineering scholarship.

His support for his alma mater

has changed thousands of lives.

- It was important to receive this scholarship.

It allowed me to focus on my studies

instead of the financial aspect of college.

My family isn't the most well-off.

If I didn't get scholarships,

I probably wouldn't have come to Maryland.

The Clark Scholarship allows me to focus more on my studies,

as well as in clubs like Robotics.

- [Narrator] A. James Clark grew

his local construction company

into a national success through hard work and determination.

The Clark family believes

in connecting effort with opportunity.

- A. James Clark, obviously his determination

through his hard work,

he couldn't be nearly as successful as he became

without that.

That's something that I strive to be.

I'm very appreciative of the scholarship.

It allowed me to go to Maryland

and really engulf myself in my academics

and be able to pursue something I didn't think was possible

with walking on for the Maryland football team.

- [Narrator] A. James Clark helped

not only through his buildings,

but also through the lasting impact

of his charitable giving.

The Clark family's dedication to the University of Maryland

reflects their support for the people and institutions

that define this region.

As his company grew, so did his dedication

to fostering the next generation of engineering leaders

to solve today's toughest challenges.

- Receiving the Clark Scholarship

has helped me tremendously both financially,

and it's provided a lot of moral encouragement

for me to do my best here at Maryland.

- [Narrator] For decades, the Clark family

has slowly and quietly helped transform

our local community and the University of Maryland

with the announcement of Building Together:

An Investment for Maryland.

The A. James and Alice B. Clark Foundation will invest

$219,486,000 in the University of Maryland,

the largest gift in our history.

This investment will increase college affordability

and access through expanded scholarships.

New faculty and research will spark innovations

that solve today's most daunting problems.

And in honor of A. James Clark's legacy,

the investment will inspire

the next generation of engineering leaders

with new programs and facilities.

But this is only the beginning.

Building Together: An Investment for Maryland

is the start of a new chapter

for Maryland's flagship public research university

thanks to the Clark family.

(inspirational music)

For more infomation >> Building Together: An Investment for Maryland - Duration: 3:20.


Por que a agricultura está com problemas (e como resolver)? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Por que a agricultura está com problemas (e como resolver)? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 3:04.


「修正版」KKBOX排行榜西洋單曲月榜2017年9月 - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> 「修正版」KKBOX排行榜西洋單曲月榜2017年9月 - Duration: 12:21.


The Next Generation of Engineers | Building Together - Duration: 1:28.

(upbeat music)

- [Woman] The historic investment by the A James

and Alice B Clark Foundation will create the next generation

of engineering leaders.

- He always wanted to invest in people.

He believed in people 'cause people believed in him

and he wanted to see and help the next maybe Mr. Clark

grow from University of Maryland.

- [Woman] Engineering innovation is the key to solving

the world's problems.

- My goal is to have a concentration in electro-physics.

I would like to be working for NASA working on

advanced propulsion systems for satellites.

- I'm working on a microscopy technique called

interferometric scattering microscopy.

The goal of the research is to come up with a technique

that can be used during the manufacturing process

of bio-pharmaceuticals.

- [Woman] The Clark School is at the forefront

of human health breakthroughs, advancing robotics

and autonomy, and new, cleaner sources of energy.

Building Together, the investment for Maryland,

paves the way for the next 100 years

of engineering excellence at the University of Maryland.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> The Next Generation of Engineers | Building Together - Duration: 1:28.


Deckenventilator Libelle von CasaFan - Produktvideo - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Deckenventilator Libelle von CasaFan - Produktvideo - Duration: 1:14.


$6.95 Online Traffic School - ...

For more infomation >> $6.95 Online Traffic School - ...


For more infomation >> $6.95 Online Traffic School - ...


Best Cleansers for Sensitive, Dry Problem Skin - Rosacea, Eczema, Dermatitis @phyrra - Duration: 5:45.

Hey guys.

Welcome back.

I'm Courtney, this is Phaedra, and you probably can't see Nyx back here, but she's back here

sleeping, too.

You guys have asked me to talk about skincare and today I'm going to be talking about my

top five favorite cleansers for sensitive dry skin like mine.

As a refresher, I have sensitivity.

My skin is dry.

I have rosacea.

I have seborrheic dermatitis around this part of my nose, around this part, and then around

my eyebrows.

Sometimes I have to deal with it on my scalp.

I also have eczema in a few places.

I have problem skin, my skin is not perfect.

I get breakouts from rosacea, I have redness from rosacea.

So, yeah, my skin is a pain.

The number one thing that tends to break me out with skincare is fragrance.

When it's a synthetic fragrance that's been added to something, I want to say like 90%

of the time, I break out.

There's a 10% chance I might not, but usually I do.

One of the things that often causes me to break out is lavender oil.

Dermalogica is guilty of using this in a lot of their products, so I can't use most of

their products because if it has lavender oil in it, I'm likely going to break out.

In addition to fragrance causing my skin to break out, sometimes fragrance can trigger

migraines, so that's also a problem for me too, and it sucks.

I've noticed that if a product is like ... If the scent is a byproduct of some of the ingredients,

I might be okay and I'm not likely to break out, but that doesn't always happen.

So, fragrance just frustrates me in products because I feel like it shouldn't be in skincare

and it shouldn't be in foundation.

Okay, so on to cleansers.

I'm going to insert pictures of all the cleaners that I love so you can check them out.

But my number one cleanser is the REN Evercalm Gentle Cleansing Milk.

It's $28 for 5.1 ounces of product.

It's vegan, fragrance free and silicone free.

I find it to be the most hydrating, soothing cleanser I have ever found, hands down.

It has ingredients like shea butter, omega-3, omega-7, seabuckthorn berry, and calendula.

Whatever is basically in it, it has antioxidants, it has fatty acids, it has lipids.

It's basically very soothing and hydrating to dry, sensitive skin and it calms it down.

It totally lives up to its name for me.

I think it's perfect for dry, sensitive skin.

Especially going into fall/winter months, when it might be more dry where you are.

I live in Florida.

It's humid and it's hot most of the year, but even I suffer from dry skin.

Since I already have a dry skin, I have even more problems with it in the winter especially

when I go to Indiana to visit my family where it's really very dry.

A cleanser like this will help my skin stay hydrated in even the worst conditions.

Number two is the L'Bri Gentle Cleanser.

This cleanser is $16.50 for six ounces of product.

The whole L'Bri line is really interesting because it's all aloe based.

I personally find aloe vera to be very soothing for my dry, sensitive skin so I was really

excited about this whole line because I was like, "the number one ingredient, rather than

water, is aloe vera."

So that's pretty awesome.

My skin really, really loves this cleanser.

It loves this whole line.

But this cleanser is the second most moisturizing cleanser I have ever found.

I think it is absolutely fantastic.

It even comes in a really nice, really easy to travel with container.

As I mentioned, my skin loves aloe vera and this is the main ingredient in this product.

But it also has a lot of other great ingredients.

It has jojoba seed oil, evening primrose oil, squalane, green tea, and chamomile.

It's extremely hydrating and soothing and this one's vegan.

I think my first three cleansers are vegan.

Number three is the Glossier Milky Jelly cleanser.

This is $18 for six ounces.

It's another very soothing, hydrating cleanser for me.

I really like the formula of it.

It has allantoin in it, which basically helps to heal the skin and soothe it.

It also has vitamin B5, which is very hydrating and rosewater.

It's another one that's vegan, so it's another really good cleanser.

Number four is Paula's Choice Calm Redness Relief cleanser.

I think I used this cleanser for about a year just because my skin loves it so much.

It's basically the product I used to go back to all the time if I wasn't trying other skin

care product, it was a baseline product for me.

Now the baseline product for me is either the L'Bri or the REN cleanser.

I'm not sure which.

Definitely the L'Bri during summer.

Probably the REN during winter.

But the Paula's Choice is $18 for 6.7 ounces.

It's one of those products that has a lot of good ingredients in it, at least for me.

It has chamomile and aloe vera, so I find it really soothing.

That's probably why it's been a staple for me for such a long time.

The fifth and final cleanser I want to talk about is the Abbey St. Clare Aniba cleanser.

This one's $30 for 6.7 ounces of product.

I haven't used it in a couple of years, but when I used it previously I thought it was

pretty amazing.

It smelled like chamomile.

It's another aloe based formula like the L'Bri.

In addition to having chamomile in it, it has olive oil, different teas, and licorice

root extract.

It somehow manages to sooth and cleanse the skin without stripping it.

It's one of the only products I've been able to use that contains lavender that doesn't

cause me to break out.

There you have it.

Those are my top five cleansers for dry, sensitive skin like mine.

Really if you're trying to debate which one to go with, I would probably try either the

L'Bri or the REN cleanser to start.

I think that REN is going to be extremely, extremely great in the winter when I'm just

so dry that I feel like everything makes my skin even more dry, so I'm looking forward

to trying that one when I'm in Indiana in November.

Other than that, I'm probably going to stick with using the L'Bri just because I feel like

it works really well for me and I really like the price point.

Anyway, those are the products that I recommend.

What are your favorite cruelty-free cleansers for dry skin?

Please be sure to let me know in the comments below.

If you found this video helpful or informative or entertaining, please give it a thumbs up

and share.

I love it when you share my videos.

It makes my day.

Before you click out of this video, you should go ahead and hit the subscribe button so you

don't miss seeing me or Phaedra or Nyx because they're cute.

What can I say?

How could you not like dogs?

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Best Cleansers for Sensitive, Dry Problem Skin - Rosacea, Eczema, Dermatitis @phyrra - Duration: 5:45.


For more infomation >> Best Cleansers for Sensitive, Dry Problem Skin - Rosacea, Eczema, Dermatitis @phyrra - Duration: 5:45.


'Shokam' Lyrical Video | Telugu Song | Tapasi Raju Yerra | - Duration: 2:00.

A Night Without Stars

A Journey without Destination

A heart without any feeling

Are mine!

Are mine!

Are mine!

Am I an extinct bird?

Am I, Ahalya who was turned rock?

Am I the sea without any waves?

Is this the death or the hell?

Do let me know

Is this a mistake or grief?

Oh my heart!

For more infomation >> 'Shokam' Lyrical Video | Telugu Song | Tapasi Raju Yerra | - Duration: 2:00.


For more infomation >> 'Shokam' Lyrical Video | Telugu Song | Tapasi Raju Yerra | - Duration: 2:00.


LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy) - Duration: 3:01.

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

For more infomation >> LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy) - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy) - Duration: 3:01.


🌱 Vaporisateur Essenz Solid, Vaporisé Votre Cannabis 🌱 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> 🌱 Vaporisateur Essenz Solid, Vaporisé Votre Cannabis 🌱 - Duration: 2:00.


For more infomation >> 🌱 Vaporisateur Essenz Solid, Vaporisé Votre Cannabis 🌱 - Duration: 2:00.


Tiago Nacarato: Concorrente do The Voice é sucesso além fronteiras | Coffee & News - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Tiago Nacarato: Concorrente do The Voice é sucesso além fronteiras | Coffee & News - Duration: 2:31.


For more infomation >> Tiago Nacarato: Concorrente do The Voice é sucesso além fronteiras | Coffee & News - Duration: 2:31.


How to connect a smartphone, tablet or laptop as a network monitor in Windows 10? Spacedesk! - Duration: 4:20.


Are you Comp Help channel.

In today's video we to talk about you that

how to connect a laptop, smartphone or tablet to

Windows PCs 10 as a network monitor.

In multi-monitor systems traditionally used

conventional monitors for computers, but instead with the same

can be successfully used smartphones, tablets, laptops

or conventional desktop computers.

But this does not necessarily cables to connect devices.

If your gadgets are connected to the same local network,

will be sufficient in all only one set

instance under the program called Spacedesk.

This small utility is fully is free and allows you to convert

any device running Windows and Android systems in full

Network Monitor.

The program consists of two parts. 1 I have the server-side

installed on your computer from which will go Webcast

monitor, and the second client part of the set

to the mobile device, tablet or other PC.

Let's move on to the site program booted

and installing a server part on computer.

Also a little later from his smartphone I separately upload

the client part.

Link to the website where you can download all the parts of the program

will be given in the description roller.



We agree with the conditions.

That program is installed.

Now you are downloading client-side program

in my case a smartphone.

On the site click on the icon that you need I click

on the Android icon and then I slung the Play

Market where I was producing plant client.

Installation completed.

Now I open the app.

After starting my shows this window.

Where the list is my computer, it will be displayed if

it is running the server and part of it is on the same network

with a client I have these conditions respected.

And I'm connected to it connects to.

After connecting with I smartphone can manage

your computer.

I just drive a finger on screen smartphone and the

most run computer mice I think is very convenient,

for example at night when laziness wake up with a cozy crib

to turn off the computer.

In addition, instead of the smartphone or plate, as

second client monitor You can use any

Windows PCs, as mentioned earlier

in the video for broadcast Pictures can be used

browser with support for HTML5, e.g. Google Chrome.

But when using the browser, it is necessary that the device

They were cabled and from such high translation

image quality expected not worth it.

So it is better to establish client on the PC.

He provides more opportunities.

Here the user can configure the extension to duplicate

basic image screen computer on a network display,

stretch your desktop, and select the quality

the displayed image.

To connect to the server part of the program is sufficient

run the client push under the item file and click

on connect icon.

Then you can manage connected computer

from another PC.

I also want to note that Support for Windows 10, this

the program is declared to the version Anniversary Edition, interface language

program unfortunately only English, but looking

Video is going to see tooltip you learn

how to translate the text into any place on your computer.

Also computers running Windows 7 and 8.1 are not

be a server, but only client.

Server can only be computer running

Windows 10, in addition to these restrictions the program also does not support

work with virtual machines and Microsoft Edge browsers and

Mozilla Firefox.

That's basically it.

I hope this program It will be useful to many and

It simplifies your life.

Thank you all for watching.

Thank you that you have 10,000 thousand.

I am very happy and every day I will improve your channel

this figure rose to factor of.

Loved video set Like, who does not put

dislayk, write comments who do not understand, click

Bell not to miss the following video and subscribe

groups in social networks, as well as my Youtube

Telegram and channels all links in description.

Bye everyone and see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> How to connect a smartphone, tablet or laptop as a network monitor in Windows 10? Spacedesk! - Duration: 4:20.


For more infomation >> How to connect a smartphone, tablet or laptop as a network monitor in Windows 10? Spacedesk! - Duration: 4:20.


Real- und Nominalzinssatz und Fisher-Effekt - Der Staat nach Keynes 1 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Real- und Nominalzinssatz und Fisher-Effekt - Der Staat nach Keynes 1 - Duration: 2:55.


For more infomation >> Real- und Nominalzinssatz und Fisher-Effekt - Der Staat nach Keynes 1 - Duration: 2:55.


Cuphead - Review - Duration: 5:01.


The game, that looks like an old cartoon from 30s and has a simple story to go with it.

But, it's not just how looks like, but it also

FEELS like you are playing old cartoon.

All that smooth and expressive animations,

Anthropomorphic flowers, potatoes, dices,

And, of course, cups.

Sometimes, that old cartoons look like

Artists were on [evading YT filters]

This game

Always looks like it.

Soundtrack and sound effects...

I just can't describe how amazing they are.

Just listen.

Actually, list of musicians is almost as long

As the rest of the credits.

That is what's on surface.

What's inside?

Inside, we've got extreeeeemely intensive shooting action game,

Inspired by Contra, Megaman and other Run'n'Gun games of that era.

It looks like, they've got most inspiration from Contra: Hard Corps.

Because most part of time, we're fighing with bosses,

Which transform into another form,

Which transform into ANOTHER form.

Game says there is simple and regular difficulties.

Actually, they is "very hard" and


Yes, this game is THAT hard.

At some point, this game became too hard for me

And I passed honor to complete this game

To my host, my...

Creator, if you will

Because this game will put your reaction to the hard test

Which tulpa just can not pass.

Just look how MUCH stuff going on.

All of this is death.

But game is fair: levels are not too long,

You can memorize patterns of bosses and eventually,

you will get better and better.

Each attempt makes you closer and closer to be victorious.

And eventually, you will taste that satisfying feeling

When you finally beat the boss

No way!

This is NOT happening.

There is shop in this game.

You can get extra hp, dash invulnerability,




You know what's difference

Between good game and bad?

Hidden features, that make player feel like a boss.

For example, hitboxes of enemies and projectiles

Are actually smaller, than their sprites,

And bigger for platforms.

Post-hit invulnerability lasts longer, if there is too much stuff going on screen.

And my favorite, "coyote time" named after Wile E. Coyote from Looney Tunes.

When player walks off a platform and jumps too late,

Jump actually WORKS.

Sadly, there is one flaw in this game.

There is no online coop.

Like, seriously?

No online coop in 2017?

I think I know why.

This game is about perfect precision.

And even smallest delay can ruin experience badly.

If you tried to run NES games with online coop in emulator,

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Or maybe, they're just too lazy to do it.

What else can I say about Cuphead?

This is very strong contender to be game of the year.

You just must play this game.

This game has huge variety.

In fact, every stage is completely different.

It has good replayablity.

Because, even if you managed to beat boss once,

It will be hard to beat him again anyway.

As I heard, this game has multiple endings,

So, you have a good reason

To beat this game again.

For more infomation >> Cuphead - Review - Duration: 5:01.


For more infomation >> Cuphead - Review - Duration: 5:01.


Peppa Pig George m&m Chocolates Finger Family Song Colors Learn - Duration: 1:32.

Peppa Pig George m&m Chocolates Finger Family Song Colors Learn

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig George m&m Chocolates Finger Family Song Colors Learn - Duration: 1:32.


For more infomation >> Peppa Pig George m&m Chocolates Finger Family Song Colors Learn - Duration: 1:32.


Maria Vieira reage a críticas feitas por Herman | Coffee & News - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Maria Vieira reage a críticas feitas por Herman | Coffee & News - Duration: 5:50.


For more infomation >> Maria Vieira reage a críticas feitas por Herman | Coffee & News - Duration: 5:50.


Solange Bandim: Atriz morre de cancro no pulmão | Coffee & News - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Solange Bandim: Atriz morre de cancro no pulmão | Coffee & News - Duration: 1:49.


For more infomation >> Solange Bandim: Atriz morre de cancro no pulmão | Coffee & News - Duration: 1:49.


VLOG 3 Seoul - A bicyclette ! / Le café improbable ! (with eng sub) - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> VLOG 3 Seoul - A bicyclette ! / Le café improbable ! (with eng sub) - Duration: 9:19.


For more infomation >> VLOG 3 Seoul - A bicyclette ! / Le café improbable ! (with eng sub) - Duration: 9:19.


Secret Story 11 : Barbara, une chasseuse de secrets hors-pair ! |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 : Barbara, une chasseuse de secrets hors-pair ! |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:24.


For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 : Barbara, une chasseuse de secrets hors-pair ! |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:24.


New: Osmo MindRacers

For more infomation >> New: Osmo MindRacers


How To Actually Do What You Say You're Going To Do - Duration: 5:26.

Improvement Pill here I'm sure all of us at one point or another have told

ourselves promised ourselves that we get something done

maybe we told ourselves that we'd finish that essay by the end of the week

maybe we told ourselves that we'd start hitting the gym this summer or maybe we

even told ourselves that we'd finish that book some youtuber suggested we

read but often times we find ourselves not doing the things that we set out to

do and that's not good it's never good when you say something and you

contradict it it hurts your self-esteem so today we're gonna be talking about

exactly how to actually do what you say that you're going to do and the best way

for me to do so is by referring to a study that was published in the British

Journal of health psychology this study looked at a group of 250 people who were

separated into three different groups the first group was told to follow an

exercise routine for the next two weeks the second group was told the same thing

as the first group but they were also shown videos and clips about the

benefits of exercise this group was called the motivated group and these

videos served as the motivation the third and final group was told the same

thing as the first group they were also shown the same exact videos as group

number two but on top of all of that they filled out the following sentence I

will partake in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise at blank place at

blank time this concept is called implementation intention basically when

you write down the conditions of completing a task so let's take a look

at the results of this experiment out of the first group 38 percent of the people

exercised at least once a week for the next two weeks out of the second group

which was the group that was shown motivational videos only 35 percent of

them exercised at least once a week for the next two weeks so it seems

motivational videos don't really do much and might actually be counterproductive

and finally the third group the group that used implementation intention had a

whopping 91 percent of their participants hitting the gym at least

once a week for the next two weeks that is significantly higher than the other

two groups and it goes to show just how effective implementation intent

is now there have been hundreds of studies looking at the effectiveness of

implementation intention there have been Studies on dieting Studies on making

reading into a habit Studies on working and all of them point to the fact that

implementation intention is extremely effective in terms of getting you to do

the things you say you're going to do now the question remains why why does

writing down a short little sentence which takes no more than a minute do so

much well think of it this way let's say for example you're someone who wants to

start a new exercise habit you'll often find that you'll wait around for the

right moment the perfect opportunity where you're filled with motivation to

go and hit the gym and more often than not that moment never comes the majority

of people are simply not filled with motivation all of the time however when

you write down exactly when and where you will exercise it changes everything

you no longer have to wait for motivation because you've already set an

appointment see studies have actually found that in terms of willpower it

actually takes more willpower to make the decision of going to the gym than

the actual workout itself it takes more willpower to put on your shoes and step

out of your door than the actual workout so if you make the decision beforehand

you save yourself from having to spend willpower on the day of and this makes

the process of hitting the gym much easier especially after a long day of

work where your levels of willpower are already low so for those of you that

want to stick to a habit or get something done I suggest you take

advantage of this trick so what I like for you to do in the comments below is

to write out your own implementation intention let me know what it is that

you'd like to accomplish and when and where you're going to do it something

important to note is that you should make your implementation intention as

reasonable as possible if you have a big task like an essay that needs to be done

break it down so instead of saying I'll complete my essay at the library

tomorrow at 5 p.m. it's more effective to say I'll write the first two

paragraphs of my essay at the library tomorrow starting at 5 p.m. the simpler

the task the less of a chance you'll avoid it this episode is brought to you

with the help of our betrayed betrayed is a crypto currency trading platform

and for those of you that don't know what cryptocurrencies are they are a new

form of currency that operates independent of a central bank that means

no country or bank has control over it some of the popular cryptocurrencies

right now are Bitcoin aetherium and litecoin all of which I've invested

heavily in I personally believe that eventually humanity will operate on a

global currency and cryptocurrencies seem like a reasonable candidate however

it's hard to say exactly which cryptocurrency will have a place in the

future of mankind so it's something I'd suggest you look

into further in your own time average trade is a reputable platform for any of

you that are interested in getting in on some of this action one of the good

things about trading cryptocurrencies is that there are no fees and with

arbitrate you can start off with as little as $100 and just to be clear when

you trade on arbitrate you are not buying coins you are trading on the

price of these coins so for those of you that are interested in cryptocurrencies

I suggest you head on over to arbitrate by clicking on the link in the

description below stay tuned guys

For more infomation >> How To Actually Do What You Say You're Going To Do - Duration: 5:26.


About Aspect Ratio & Upcoming Videos - Duration: 1:33.

Hello everyone welcome back to the channel, I hope you all have an awesome day,

Right now I want to talk about my future videos and how they will be presented for the future uploads

So in my previous video I stated that I will be going back to 16:9 aspect ratio

because I thought that its much more widely used,

but then I discovered that YT have implemented a better way to watch 21:9 videos in a regular screens,

and the fact that, most of you are watching via desktop anyway,

I am now considering to go back to 21:9

However it will obviously cause significant drawback, particularly when I stream

because Twitch doesn't support 21:9 viewing (yet) and you guys that follows me on stream

would have black bars if I stream as such.

So let me know what you guys think if I stream in such format in the comments below.

Speaking of contents I wanna talk about How To videos and why I haven't make another one.

See, its not easy to make How To videos because the process involves

taking footages, writing script, finding SFXs, images, historical relation, memes

and all of that has to obviously be presented in a humorous way.

Annnd, since that is one thing people have been asking for, I will focus my upcoming content(s)

to make How To videos.

Which, unfortunately means I will be doing less streaming.

I mean come on, I could not spoil the ship to the viewers.

And beside, you guys have been asking me not to overlap my YT with constant streaming sessions.

And I agree with that.

Anyway I'm also planning to do an AMA, I'm not sure when, but I will keep you guys updated along the way.

So hopefully, the next upload will be a How To video(s)

instead of funtages and streaming stuffs,

hopefully it will satisfy you guys


and I'll catch you on the next one

For more infomation >> About Aspect Ratio & Upcoming Videos - Duration: 1:33.


An Enfield Shaker Cabinet with Hand Tools | Part 2: The Sides - Duration: 7:11.


Hey welcome back to clean Phil wanted we are still working on this end filled

cabinet these are the sides of the carcass and we need to do a lot of

things to these pieces once they get done we just have to worry about the

shelves and then our basic shape of the cabinet will be able to be put together

in the last video you would have seen me playing these boards what you didn't see

me do was joint this edge well these two edges parallel with the other edges that

I had jointed in the previous episode these cuts and the ones at the bottom

they aren't actually square cuts that were quickly done just to get it to a

rough dimension but rebates on the back I also need to put a rebate on the top

then we need to do dedos those dedos are going to be holding the shelves on each

side then I need to figure out what's going on with the curved feet apart at

the bottom again I don't know what order is the correct order to do this in so

I'm just gonna kind of do it the way I have things set up in a previous episode

I fixed up a moving Phyllis tur plane of wooden one that will be what I use to

make my rebates most of them the data's that hold the shelves I'll be using a

data plane which I also fixed up in a previous episode but some of you may

know that as a cross grain groove some of you may know that as a trench some of

you may know that as a housing because it's gonna take a while so let's get

this laid out






there's no breakout on that one at all no that's good today amazing it actually

turned how really really good this is this is brilliant so wow this is still

clamped up I'm gonna shove this that way and I'm gonna try to get the top rebate

up here


here's my template curve is here this comes down straight to inches comes down

straight to inches I marked that down on the other side so I can see the depth

I'm then gonna have to use my coping saw to remove that so that my coping saw can

get further down to this curve



please subscribe like comment next time we are gonna make the shelves fit into

this and hopefully get to the point of gluing it up but we're gonna see what

happens I'm not sure how I'm gonna go about doing this

truthfully so but for me now I'm absolutely thrilled with this this is

looking great

For more infomation >> An Enfield Shaker Cabinet with Hand Tools | Part 2: The Sides - Duration: 7:11.


Voa news Oct 4, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.

From Washington, this is VOA news.

Hello, I'm Steve Miller.

Spain's King Felipe the Sixth has condemned the Catalan authorities, saying they had placed

themselves "outside the law" by holding an independence vote Sunday.

"These authorities have in a clear and definitive way placed themselves outside of the law and


They wanted to break Spain's unity."

Separatist leaders in Catalonia have vowed to declare independence in the northeastern

region this week following Sunday's disputed referendum.

The central government has declared the vote illegal and invalid.

Las Vegas authorities continue their investigations into the mass shooting that left at least

59 dead and over 500 injured.

Las Vegas Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said Stephen Paddock thought about how he

was going to carry out this attack.

"The fact that he had the type of weaponry and the amount of weaponry in that room - it

was pre-planned extensively.

And I'm pretty sure he evaluated everything that he did in his actions, which is troublesome."

U.S. President Donald Trump called Paddock "a sick man, a demented man," who had " a

lot of problems."

U.S. President Donald Trump witnessed firsthand the destruction in hurricane-ravaged Puerto

Rico on Tuesday.

He used the occasion to heap praise on federal and military recovery efforts that have come

under harsh criticism for being too little and too late to save lives of storm victims

in isolated areas left without water and other necessities for more than a week.

Trump shook hands with Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, a vocal critic of the federal response,

but did not mention her as he complimented Puerto Rico's Governor Ricardo Rossello and

others for their leadership.

Be sure to follow Voice of America on social media platforms for more.

This is VOA news.

Aid agencies are scaling up efforts to contain an outbreak of diarrheal diseases that could

have serious health consequences for many of the more than half million Rohingya refugees

from Myanmar or living in squalid, overcrowded conditions in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.

Lisa Schlein has the story.

U.N. refugee spokesman Andrej Mahecic says there are no firm statistics yet on cases

of acute watery diarrhea among the newly arrived refugees.

"And we are taking action to try to prevent severe illness and deaths.

We have seen an increasing trend of diarrheal disease cases, including cases of diarrhea

with severe dehydration.

So far, refugees with these conditions have been treated at clinics run by UNHCR and other

agencies, and at local public health facilities."

Cholera is endemic in Bangladesh and fears of a potential outbreak of the fatal disease

are growing.

Mahecic notes cholera can spread easily among the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya who

are living in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions.

Lisa Schlein, for VOA news, Geneva.

Kenya's top university has been closed following unrest and allegations from students of police


It's the latest sign of the deepening tensions over the re-run of the presidential election

later this month.

Mohammed Yusuf reports.

The University of Nairobi has been closed after days of unrest, following the arrest

of a student leader who is also a member of parliament.

The lawmaker was arrested for insulting the president and also assaulting a voter.

Last week's protests prompted some police officers to enter the university compound

and beat up students, frog marching others.

In an interview with Nation Television, the head of the police say the university administration

invited the police to deal with the situation at the school.

The students planned a protest Tuesday against the police brutality and the school administration.

But the university announced it was closed until further notice, citing what it called

a deteriorating security situation.

Student leader Ronny Mamba disagrees with the stated reason for closure.

"As you can see here, no student is armed.

We are only armed with our brains.

No student is carrying a gun.

No students have clobbered another student.

Therefore, there is no insecurity."

Mohammed Yusuf, for VOA news, Nairobi.

An outspoken deputy of Cambodia's detained opposition leader fled the country Tuesday.

Known internationally for campaigns to fight sex trafficking and assert women's rights,

Mu Sochua had been among the most vocal opposition politicians in Cambodia since Kem Sokha was

arrested and accused of plotting to take power with U.S. help.

The new CEO of Uber met with London transport officials on Tuesday.

Uber wants to keep operating in the capital and has appealed the decision that it was

not fit and proper to operate.

I'm Steve Miller in Washington.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

For more infomation >> Voa news Oct 4, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.


Amazon Warehouse Automation - Duration: 2:08.

What's up guys, my name is Selim Chehimi, and today, we are going to talk about the effect of AI and Automation

It has always been common for Amazon's employees to stack plastic bins. Of course,

it wasn't the most interesting and stimulating

activity. And lifting the 25 pounds' bins for 10 hours every day was incredibly awful.

But it's completely different now as Amazon has added a yellow mechanical arm to the mix.

Nissa Scott started working at Amazon last year, stacking plastic bins. Now,

she's babysitting robots to make sure they do the job properly.

Amazon possesses the most cutting-edge robots in terms of automation. Did you know that Amazon has now more than

100.000 robots operating all around the world? That does not mean they're not hiring.

In fact, Amazon has turned into a hiring machine. Let me show you the data:

Amazon's global workforce is three times larger than

Microsoft's and 18 times larger than Facebook's. As you can see, the robots look like giant beetles and hundreds of them move autonomously

inside a large area without colliding.

For the moment, Amazon always found new roles for the workers.

But one should ask what happens when the future generation of robots will be available. Amazon's Mr.

Clark said that "History showed that automation increases productivity and, in some cases, demand from consumers, which ultimately creates more jobs.

Workers would continue to work in technologically rich

environments". On the contrary, Jack Ma believes that

manufacturing is not the main engine of creating jobs anymore and that the service industry is going to be the main driver for job creation.

Thanks so much for watching guys. I hope that you've liked this video, if you are interested by Artificial Intelligence and Technology

I'm writing articles about it on my blog

For more infomation >> Amazon Warehouse Automation - Duration: 2:08.


If you're happy and you know it cartoon rhymes for children | Baby Bao Panda by Kids TV - Duration: 1:46.

Aren't you feeling happy today?

So let's sing a happy song!

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

(clap clap)

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

(clap clap)

If you're happy and you know it, and your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

(clap clap)

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet

(stamp stamp)

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet

(stamp stamp)

If you're happy and you know it, and your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet

(stamp stamp)

If you're happy and you know it, Snap your fingers!

(snap snap)

If you're happy and you know it, Snap your fingers!

(snap snap)

If you're happy and you know it, and your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it, Snap your fingers!

(snap snap)

If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!"


If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!"


If you're happy and you know it, and your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!"


If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

(clap clap)

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

(clap clap)

If you're happy and you know it, and your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

(clap clap)

If you're happy and you know it, and your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

(clap clap)

For more infomation >> If you're happy and you know it cartoon rhymes for children | Baby Bao Panda by Kids TV - Duration: 1:46.


President Trump Travels to Las Vegas & Puerto Rico - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> President Trump Travels to Las Vegas & Puerto Rico - Duration: 4:32.


Roblox My First Q&A || Please read description - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Roblox My First Q&A || Please read description - Duration: 3:29.


Peppa Pig George m&m Chocolates Finger Family Song Colors Learn - Duration: 1:32.

Peppa Pig George m&m Chocolates Finger Family Song Colors Learn

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig George m&m Chocolates Finger Family Song Colors Learn - Duration: 1:32.


MR Grumpy Мистер Грумпи 2 серия Мультик Для Детей И Малышей Смешной Мультик. - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> MR Grumpy Мистер Грумпи 2 серия Мультик Для Детей И Малышей Смешной Мультик. - Duration: 10:16.


LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy) - Duration: 3:01.

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy)

For more infomation >> LUUDE & TWERL - Paradise (ft. Lost Boy) - Duration: 3:01.


How to Repair and Replace Wooden Fence Section Panel Only – Fix Rotted Leaning Alternating Slats - Duration: 4:51.

Is your wooden fence in need of repair?

Just look at mine!

It's literally falling apart and parts of it is still rotting away.

This fence has been up for 20 years and it's time to repair and replace this section.

I'll start by removing the cross boards and slats.

Just be careful not to damage the posts.

Most-likely the original nails for the cross boards are still there.

So I'm using a Wonder Bar to yank these out.

And I'm using another board to protect the fence post from damage.

To put in new cross boards, we'll need these 2x4 hangers.

Each section will need 4 of these to determine how many you'll need.

I'm also using 1 1/4 inch long coated exterior screws.

Start by measuring where the top 2x4 will be placed.

Use the same measurements as your old fence.

Mine is 6 inches down from the top.

And this is where I'll screw in the first bracket.

Secure it with two screws.

Now install the other 3 brackets at the top and bottom of the posts.

Again, measure the height from the original fence to get the height of the bottom bracket.

This will ensure that the new section will match with the rest of the old fence.

Secure all these brackets with the 1 1/4 inch screws.

Now grab a 2x4 and mark the distance between posts.

Take into account the space taken up by the screw heads in the brackets.

Now just cut the 2x4 to size.

Now go back to the fence posts and check for fit.

This looks perfect!

Now cut additional 2x4s for the other sections that need repair.

Again check to see how they fit before proceeding.

With the 2x4s seated in the brackets, put a screw into the side of board to keep them

in place.

Do this on the other side also.

Here are my cross boards all secured.

Now I'm going to place a string across the top of the fence posts as a guide.

This is used to align the top of the slats I'm going to install.

Now I can start installing these slats.

They'll need two screws at the top and they go in real easy into the wood.

Then take two more screws to secure the bottom of the slat.

Ok, first one is done and since this is an alternating fence, the next board attaches

on the other side of the 2x4.

Again, line this slat up with the string across the top.

Now I can start screwing in the slat.

The screws should just be flush with the surface of the board so don't go too fast with your


Now I'll repeat the next board on the other side of the fence and so on until I've reached

the other fence post.

I'm only repairing a short section of fence today but everything I just showed you can

be applied to longer sections.

It's all the same with the brackets, 2x4s and slats.

I pre-stained my boards because I'm working on a smaller repair but if I had to replace

the whole fence, I'd probably spray the stain on.

The completed sections look brand new!

I actually repaired the gate too but I didn't shoot a video of it because it adds so much

more time for the repair and I had do it before the rain started.

I hope you found this video helpful and if you did, please give me a thumbs up and don't

forget to subscribe to my channel TheRenderQ for more how-to videos and product reviews.

For more infomation >> How to Repair and Replace Wooden Fence Section Panel Only – Fix Rotted Leaning Alternating Slats - Duration: 4:51.


Best Cleansers for Sensitive, Dry Problem Skin - Rosacea, Eczema, Dermatitis @phyrra - Duration: 5:45.

Hey guys.

Welcome back.

I'm Courtney, this is Phaedra, and you probably can't see Nyx back here, but she's back here

sleeping, too.

You guys have asked me to talk about skincare and today I'm going to be talking about my

top five favorite cleansers for sensitive dry skin like mine.

As a refresher, I have sensitivity.

My skin is dry.

I have rosacea.

I have seborrheic dermatitis around this part of my nose, around this part, and then around

my eyebrows.

Sometimes I have to deal with it on my scalp.

I also have eczema in a few places.

I have problem skin, my skin is not perfect.

I get breakouts from rosacea, I have redness from rosacea.

So, yeah, my skin is a pain.

The number one thing that tends to break me out with skincare is fragrance.

When it's a synthetic fragrance that's been added to something, I want to say like 90%

of the time, I break out.

There's a 10% chance I might not, but usually I do.

One of the things that often causes me to break out is lavender oil.

Dermalogica is guilty of using this in a lot of their products, so I can't use most of

their products because if it has lavender oil in it, I'm likely going to break out.

In addition to fragrance causing my skin to break out, sometimes fragrance can trigger

migraines, so that's also a problem for me too, and it sucks.

I've noticed that if a product is like ... If the scent is a byproduct of some of the ingredients,

I might be okay and I'm not likely to break out, but that doesn't always happen.

So, fragrance just frustrates me in products because I feel like it shouldn't be in skincare

and it shouldn't be in foundation.

Okay, so on to cleansers.

I'm going to insert pictures of all the cleaners that I love so you can check them out.

But my number one cleanser is the REN Evercalm Gentle Cleansing Milk.

It's $28 for 5.1 ounces of product.

It's vegan, fragrance free and silicone free.

I find it to be the most hydrating, soothing cleanser I have ever found, hands down.

It has ingredients like shea butter, omega-3, omega-7, seabuckthorn berry, and calendula.

Whatever is basically in it, it has antioxidants, it has fatty acids, it has lipids.

It's basically very soothing and hydrating to dry, sensitive skin and it calms it down.

It totally lives up to its name for me.

I think it's perfect for dry, sensitive skin.

Especially going into fall/winter months, when it might be more dry where you are.

I live in Florida.

It's humid and it's hot most of the year, but even I suffer from dry skin.

Since I already have a dry skin, I have even more problems with it in the winter especially

when I go to Indiana to visit my family where it's really very dry.

A cleanser like this will help my skin stay hydrated in even the worst conditions.

Number two is the L'Bri Gentle Cleanser.

This cleanser is $16.50 for six ounces of product.

The whole L'Bri line is really interesting because it's all aloe based.

I personally find aloe vera to be very soothing for my dry, sensitive skin so I was really

excited about this whole line because I was like, "the number one ingredient, rather than

water, is aloe vera."

So that's pretty awesome.

My skin really, really loves this cleanser.

It loves this whole line.

But this cleanser is the second most moisturizing cleanser I have ever found.

I think it is absolutely fantastic.

It even comes in a really nice, really easy to travel with container.

As I mentioned, my skin loves aloe vera and this is the main ingredient in this product.

But it also has a lot of other great ingredients.

It has jojoba seed oil, evening primrose oil, squalane, green tea, and chamomile.

It's extremely hydrating and soothing and this one's vegan.

I think my first three cleansers are vegan.

Number three is the Glossier Milky Jelly cleanser.

This is $18 for six ounces.

It's another very soothing, hydrating cleanser for me.

I really like the formula of it.

It has allantoin in it, which basically helps to heal the skin and soothe it.

It also has vitamin B5, which is very hydrating and rosewater.

It's another one that's vegan, so it's another really good cleanser.

Number four is Paula's Choice Calm Redness Relief cleanser.

I think I used this cleanser for about a year just because my skin loves it so much.

It's basically the product I used to go back to all the time if I wasn't trying other skin

care product, it was a baseline product for me.

Now the baseline product for me is either the L'Bri or the REN cleanser.

I'm not sure which.

Definitely the L'Bri during summer.

Probably the REN during winter.

But the Paula's Choice is $18 for 6.7 ounces.

It's one of those products that has a lot of good ingredients in it, at least for me.

It has chamomile and aloe vera, so I find it really soothing.

That's probably why it's been a staple for me for such a long time.

The fifth and final cleanser I want to talk about is the Abbey St. Clare Aniba cleanser.

This one's $30 for 6.7 ounces of product.

I haven't used it in a couple of years, but when I used it previously I thought it was

pretty amazing.

It smelled like chamomile.

It's another aloe based formula like the L'Bri.

In addition to having chamomile in it, it has olive oil, different teas, and licorice

root extract.

It somehow manages to sooth and cleanse the skin without stripping it.

It's one of the only products I've been able to use that contains lavender that doesn't

cause me to break out.

There you have it.

Those are my top five cleansers for dry, sensitive skin like mine.

Really if you're trying to debate which one to go with, I would probably try either the

L'Bri or the REN cleanser to start.

I think that REN is going to be extremely, extremely great in the winter when I'm just

so dry that I feel like everything makes my skin even more dry, so I'm looking forward

to trying that one when I'm in Indiana in November.

Other than that, I'm probably going to stick with using the L'Bri just because I feel like

it works really well for me and I really like the price point.

Anyway, those are the products that I recommend.

What are your favorite cruelty-free cleansers for dry skin?

Please be sure to let me know in the comments below.

If you found this video helpful or informative or entertaining, please give it a thumbs up

and share.

I love it when you share my videos.

It makes my day.

Before you click out of this video, you should go ahead and hit the subscribe button so you

don't miss seeing me or Phaedra or Nyx because they're cute.

What can I say?

How could you not like dogs?

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Best Cleansers for Sensitive, Dry Problem Skin - Rosacea, Eczema, Dermatitis @phyrra - Duration: 5:45.


Chris­tina Milian : accu­sée de draguer un autre homme que M Pokora, - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Chris­tina Milian : accu­sée de draguer un autre homme que M Pokora, - Duration: 3:56.


Volkswagen up! high up! 1.0/60pk · Cruise control · Airco · Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! high up! 1.0/60pk · Cruise control · Airco · Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:00.


Volkswagen Golf Highline Business R 1.0TSI/110pk · Navigatie · Adaptive cruise control · Stoelver - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Highline Business R 1.0TSI/110pk · Navigatie · Adaptive cruise control · Stoelver - Duration: 0:54.


How to connect a smartphone, tablet or laptop as a network monitor in Windows 10? Spacedesk! - Duration: 4:20.


Are you Comp Help channel.

In today's video we to talk about you that

how to connect a laptop, smartphone or tablet to

Windows PCs 10 as a network monitor.

In multi-monitor systems traditionally used

conventional monitors for computers, but instead with the same

can be successfully used smartphones, tablets, laptops

or conventional desktop computers.

But this does not necessarily cables to connect devices.

If your gadgets are connected to the same local network,

will be sufficient in all only one set

instance under the program called Spacedesk.

This small utility is fully is free and allows you to convert

any device running Windows and Android systems in full

Network Monitor.

The program consists of two parts. 1 I have the server-side

installed on your computer from which will go Webcast

monitor, and the second client part of the set

to the mobile device, tablet or other PC.

Let's move on to the site program booted

and installing a server part on computer.

Also a little later from his smartphone I separately upload

the client part.

Link to the website where you can download all the parts of the program

will be given in the description roller.



We agree with the conditions.

That program is installed.

Now you are downloading client-side program

in my case a smartphone.

On the site click on the icon that you need I click

on the Android icon and then I slung the Play

Market where I was producing plant client.

Installation completed.

Now I open the app.

After starting my shows this window.

Where the list is my computer, it will be displayed if

it is running the server and part of it is on the same network

with a client I have these conditions respected.

And I'm connected to it connects to.

After connecting with I smartphone can manage

your computer.

I just drive a finger on screen smartphone and the

most run computer mice I think is very convenient,

for example at night when laziness wake up with a cozy crib

to turn off the computer.

In addition, instead of the smartphone or plate, as

second client monitor You can use any

Windows PCs, as mentioned earlier

in the video for broadcast Pictures can be used

browser with support for HTML5, e.g. Google Chrome.

But when using the browser, it is necessary that the device

They were cabled and from such high translation

image quality expected not worth it.

So it is better to establish client on the PC.

He provides more opportunities.

Here the user can configure the extension to duplicate

basic image screen computer on a network display,

stretch your desktop, and select the quality

the displayed image.

To connect to the server part of the program is sufficient

run the client push under the item file and click

on connect icon.

Then you can manage connected computer

from another PC.

I also want to note that Support for Windows 10, this

the program is declared to the version Anniversary Edition, interface language

program unfortunately only English, but looking

Video is going to see tooltip you learn

how to translate the text into any place on your computer.

Also computers running Windows 7 and 8.1 are not

be a server, but only client.

Server can only be computer running

Windows 10, in addition to these restrictions the program also does not support

work with virtual machines and Microsoft Edge browsers and

Mozilla Firefox.

That's basically it.

I hope this program It will be useful to many and

It simplifies your life.

Thank you all for watching.

Thank you that you have 10,000 thousand.

I am very happy and every day I will improve your channel

this figure rose to factor of.

Loved video set Like, who does not put

dislayk, write comments who do not understand, click

Bell not to miss the following video and subscribe

groups in social networks, as well as my Youtube

Telegram and channels all links in description.

Bye everyone and see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> How to connect a smartphone, tablet or laptop as a network monitor in Windows 10? Spacedesk! - Duration: 4:20.


on my way home to SterkselCity©Roel van Duin L.O.B.Studio - Duration: 0:24.

SterkselCityRun film© Roel van Duin L.O.B. Studio

SterkselCityRun film© Roel van Duin L.O.B. Studio

For more infomation >> on my way home to SterkselCity©Roel van Duin L.O.B.Studio - Duration: 0:24.


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The 7D Funny Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Part 3 - LIBBY DAY - Duration: 15:43.



What Exactly are We doing here your knight in Shining Armor?

Not One Though I single-Handedly Saved a Kingdom from Operations Talk about Timing

Thug Little Stagey to me your Majesty

Queen Delightful, swooned it's the Armor she doubles Smart

Hmm i wonder if I could get Queen Delightful the triple Swung how are you gonna do that I'm going to become A knight

Why O among you is brave enough the Choice and A toast what's?

A little Gritty

Happened You got Jousted hey you done With your Butterscotch Pudding

Have i told you about the Time I single-Handedly Saved the Kingdom

You Gotta Say, Please go, away


Lady Hang in There Fresh I'm Here for you

Knight also means Knowing how to play the Lute

You Just might Graduate From Night School Really stop trying to beat the other night at Their Own Game

The win Play your own game be who you are, oh?

Thanks for The Pep Talk Grumpy Kill Just against the greatest night

You've won that House I?

Didn't go See curry

We wanna find out Who's Scratching and Binding at the door Dude What are you doing here get back to the wagon

May, We present Sir Bashful answer Grumpy?

Your Brother's Here I'm Shaking Though his Brother was not?

One True knight in Shining Armor

Why are you doing Dobby!

An aging Spell guaranteed Virgin get me Down

Why on Earth you need snare Trap a sharp a wrinkle Just a sprinkle and A

Dash of Ancient Time Stove the Spoon Add Just One Prune but two will Make her even Old

What you Saying He's Saying?

I just know I love Bingo

Who do this to her Take a wild Guess

The Glue between you and Me I think it's Time for a Shampoo I'll hit your mute Button if you

Don't get To it right now the Queen Is under an Abra Kapisa aging Spell

Now Read this the only Way to Break the Africa, géza aging Spell is to Drink from the Fountain of Youth

There's Hidden in The Cavern of Many Fountains Which Is Hidden in The Valley of Many Caverns

Stop the mists the Audiobook, no one has ever Found it so what Makes you think, we can?

Oh Jack and Jill Jack Been Fully recovered, no he did not

You stole Millions Sadly The 7D are Taking her to the Fountain Youth to get her unordered again then, We have to follow them?

What happen to you apparently when you put Both I'Ll Drink from the Fountain First and Destroy it before Queenie Verbena Gets A drink

No I think you all know what She's so Adorable it Hurts my teeth She's got a Badger in her hat

What if I stay like this don't you, worry Hildy I'll love you Till the end -

Fern must be Directly Below Us

What if The Fountain of Youth isn't that who you still Love me if I'm not Young and beautiful

Anymore you'll always be beautiful to me, oh

Grimmy Swimmy

okay, Dobie Lead on

I Once Needed a mermaid

Who turned out to be a Walrus in A dress wrong Fountain that's the Fountain of truth A?

Good luck With that Grubbs why, did you do this to our queen Take a wild Guess

to Take over Jollywood

To beat you to that Mountain grim Cheap and Back

Presence Matron, oh

Hildy This is the Reason I needed a snare Trap

Hey Can you Show Us how to Make A cool snare Trap Totally Let Me start over Just

Loop this end of the Rope over this one

Great Thinking Dopey Now This is Definitely the Fountain of Youth go let's Take a sip

Hey did the truth Water wear off Yet I hate bingo

Nope Still Going wore off Hours Ago say I hate some Magic


A royal Pain in the Castle

your Majesty That Universe Have to start Commencing your Majesty

Well I just love Moving Young lives now to get back to Jollywood in Time for the signing of the Peace Treaty

We let insufferable nome King?

Thank you happy Bottom Side Wait to be Sure This Wheeler I've only?

Been King since Breakfast and I've Already lost Three Pounds

Somebody's Got to Clean Up this Mess

Just, don't ring the bing-Bong Bell I think the Fellas have Had Enough Sid this IS 13 Clear away this mess

that's it the Queen rings the bing-Bong, bell for Important stuff like you

will not abide, we're Tired of you abusing the bing-Bong

Bell so, we're not entering it again Fortunately Queen Delightful is due Back Within the hour

Afternoon Folks, We had A big Rig Jackknifed Into A pie wagon

Pie Filling off my Shoe and King Grumpy are Gonna Have to take Care of it on your own

So in The Royal Desk IS an Envelope With Detailed Instructions for each

Ceremony We'll Handle it Make it Home in Time for that Ceremony this Noble steed stands much to carry Us

Home I don't think that noble Steed is going Anywhere

Maybe We Should answer The Bing-Bong bell?

This is A mess how am I supposed to Make Peace With that ruff Weasley Two-Faced No-good nome King

He's Standing right Behind. Me isn't it, oh Ultra awesome super King Grumpy

Let's get This, over With, We Begin with a tradition of Greeting?

Now Right Already

That One, Looks Like a guy Little Boom-Boom on his Foot

Yes you're Right!

Is something supposed to happen when you ring your baby, bells Tip number Two is the pledge of Peace

What are you Saying it's an Amish Phrase it means Kapo'i threatened Applaud my ginga I'm ringing

Where are We used in The Fellas war answer I like the Boy who Cried Frog

Go Wolf and you were supposed to Say Caboodle that Kablooey, oh Pardon me I think

We're Gonna need a, bigger kayak

The Third Part of the Ceremony is a toast the nome King will Drink Jollyberry Juice and King Grumpy will Drink The nome Kingdoms

We follow the instructions Queen Denied Food but he did Claim all Around us anyway he Does That every Year

Did You Turn it over and See the rest

Who Sees the Potter for Ceremony Baby Laughing on

And now you sign the treaty to Renew that Maybe I did ring it A few Too many Times I'll Say

Take A look at the bing-Bong bell bell A

Sneezing Time okay hot stuff Show, me what you got

Fleepy Neepy Brainy Cheese Give her A sniff that way, Scorchy, Torchy Peppers Make me

Why Home of Course I think something Seems different oh I know There's no House

But at. Least the Statue Still Here

Okay This is Definitely Cuckoo-Bananas

The Week, of Sleep She's A what Ditalion, oh so you haven't Heard

Anything to the Queen

Honestly I was down to my last, Evil Spell the All-Purpose do some Chocolate Completely

Thanks for Making Me Feel Better and Does for you since you just something love Digging up Jewels

Now you'll dig Them up for me Future Is to go back to the past so let's cheese it for Queen

Queen Give Us

Nothing Looks Familiar

I take it Back

okay, Grub stir cheese me

At least There's no Glooms Around halt Invaders, oh here

We go, hi Queen Giant Hildy Head find your heads to be Effectively slow


Dice Sneeze Bot doesn't I'd how

Was this Supposed to, be Me it's Nothing like me yes and has Ever since She turned my?

Great-Great-Great-Great Great-Great-Great-Great

Great-Great-Great-Great and Queen Delightful, Into A goose Taking, Into, Account the Ratio of Jellybeans ii Vs

Peppery Knee By Factoring the Maximum Force Generated by the Propulsion System

Should Return you to the

Lose A Job meant it this, oh Nothing grim my feet and Feathered Head


Think We saved the Queen Hong Kong?

Oh, no and let's Hope it Stays that way for a nice Long Time

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