Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2017

Chelsea v Crystal Palace: Zaha, Benteke and Loftus-Cheek absent, Morata huge doubt

Wilfried Zaha is not set to return against Chelsea for Crystal Palace. The Blues trave; tp Roy Hodgson's struggling Eagles next Saturday. Antonio Conte may be without his star striker for the game following his hamstring injury.

Morata was withdrawn during Chelsea's 1-0 defeat at home to Manchester City prior to the international break. However, he tweeted yesterday he was hoping to recover in time to face Palace, despite initial fears of a six-week lay-off.

Hodgson has even bigger problems of his own, though. The Daily Express says bottom of the Premier League table Palace will be without star attacking trio Wilfried Zaha, Christian Benteke and Ruben Loftus-Cheek.

The latter two were already set to miss out with attacking midfielder Loftus-Cheek ineligible due to being on loan from Chelsea. Benteke, meanwhile, is out with a knee injury and not due back until mid-November.

But Hodgson had hoped key man Zaha, who last featured on the opening day, would be fit. However, the Daily Express add the Palace boss now expects the winger won't play, having not fully recovered from a knee problem.

Alvaro Morata is ambitiously targeting a return to action for Chelsea against Crystal Palace.

With Palace not feeling they can call on Zaha, it means they head into their eighth league game without a win, a point, a goal or a recognised striker.

Bakary Sako led the line at Manchester United on Saturday as Palace lost 4-0. As a result, Chelsea could afford to leave Morata out and opt for either Michy Batshuayi or Willian as his replacement.

Chelsea host Roma in the Champions League afterwards on October 18. And if Morata's ambitions of a swift return are not overly optimistic, he could be back then.

For more infomation >> Chelsea v Crystal Palace: Zaha, Benteke and Loftus-Cheek absent, Morata huge doubt - Duration: 2:52.


Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V 250 d Automaat Exclusive L - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V 250 d Automaat Exclusive L - Duration: 0:54.


Onboard Ducati Multistrada 1200S: ALWAYS LOOK BOTH WAYS! - Duration: 3:42.

Hello, I'd like to share one of my experiences

that I found quite useful many times.

It's quite simple

however, sometimes one may forget even basic things.

Which in this case would be looking both ways

when you join the main road.

And - surprisingly - I'm talking about turning right.

In the UK or for our friends in Japan and some other places it would the the other way round.

So for the left hand traffic it would be turning left

Wherever you are, what you need to remember

is that when you enter the lane that's the closest to you on the main road,

not crossing any lanes

and staying on the one that's closest,

you always have to look both ways.

I've seen many times people being extremely close to crashing

into someone that had just started overtaking starting from the other lane.

In theory no one should overtake on the intersections

if there are appropriate road signs there

but don't count on that, especially in the cities and any towns.

So looking both ways may help you save yourself.

And you won't kill a pedestrian or a cyclist that are going the wrong way on the road.

We've all seen it in the videos several times.

Cyclists, roller skaters,

scooters or whoever.

I think it's worth to share my personal experience here.

I couple of years ago I witnessed such a case.

We were riding on a small street with houses on boths sides of the road

and the rider in front of me barely stopped his motorcycle before the road that we were to join.

All of that right in front of a car that was overtaking exactly in that spot

The car was on the lane that we were going to enter at that point.

So since I saw that, I remember to always

look both ways

because you cannot know what is happening there.

At first there may be nothing

but if you wait and try to join the road,

it may turn out that someone just started to overtake a truck, a tractor or a bus

and there are high chances that they may be going to

crash into you on your lane that you just entered.

Usually there are no issues when you join the road in the other direction

because there everyone remembers about looking left and right and so on.

Otherwise, when it's more simple and you don't cross lanes, you may get much more surprised.

So that's a simple thing but I really wanted

to remind you about it so that you always stay much more safe.

So ladies and gentlemen, take care!

Good luck!

For more infomation >> Onboard Ducati Multistrada 1200S: ALWAYS LOOK BOTH WAYS! - Duration: 3:42.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Kai de Lego Ninjago O Filme em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Kai de Lego Ninjago O Filme em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:12.


60 வயதாகியும் திருமணம் ஆகாத தமிழ் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Tamil News - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 60 வயதாகியும் திருமணம் ஆகாத தமிழ் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Tamil News - Duration: 2:29.


YOUTUBE KANAL GELİŞTİRME - TOPLU EĞİTİM - 3 (İzlenme Arttırma) - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> YOUTUBE KANAL GELİŞTİRME - TOPLU EĞİTİM - 3 (İzlenme Arttırma) - Duration: 12:52.


HOT BOYS EDITION Don't Judge Me Challenge REACTION - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> HOT BOYS EDITION Don't Judge Me Challenge REACTION - Duration: 6:52.


The Ivory Dofus with a Xelor | My Iop becomes a Sram - Kolo 1v1 Dofus - Duration: 6:41.

Hello everyone I'm Nohan, i hope you guys are doing good, i'm myself doing fine

I today's video we are facing a Xelor and a Sram

These are not classes that i don't encounter a lot but

I had no more stock and couldn't find any other fight to have

a full video with only one classe, So here we go

I hope you will enjoy, and i let you with the video

Playing like a sram lol, this was fun

Thanks for watching this video, Hit that like button if you enjoyed

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You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter, links in the description

Thanks again for watching and see you next time

For more infomation >> The Ivory Dofus with a Xelor | My Iop becomes a Sram - Kolo 1v1 Dofus - Duration: 6:41.


[ENG SUB]明月幾時有+中秋廣東數白欖 MANDARIN SONG + CANTO RAP - Duration: 2:00.

hi, everyone

I'm the frog who jump out from this pomelo

and today, i want to…

oh no (it shouldn't be me who's talking right now)


i got an assistant today (but she also don't know how to do the intro =v='')

get ready (getting the beat)

明月幾時有(when will there be full moon?)

把酒問青天(holding a glass of wine and ask the sky)

不知天上宮闕, 今昔是何年 (don't know what year it is in the palace on the sky?)

一年容易又中zung1 秋cau1 (a year has passed by easily and it's time for mid-autumn again)

點解我仲著緊短dyun2 袖zau6? (why am i still wearing short sleeve?)

環保問題,R曬saai3 頭tau4 (environmental problem makes me so puzzled T^T)

算啦,我地食個碌luk1 柚jau2 (let's put it aside for now and have a pomelo instead)

食完一個,都未mei6 夠gau3 侯hau4? (you doesn't feel enough after enjoying the whole pomelo?)

放心雪櫃仲zing 有jau5 (don't worry there are a lot more food in the fridge)

傳統、五仁同冰bing1 皮pei2 (traditional type, nutty type & the snowy mooncake type)

梗有個岩你口hau2 味mei6 (there must be one that suits your taste)

單黃、雙黃同四sei3 黃wong2 (one yolk, two yolks and 4 yolks)

仲有奶黃同低dai1 糖tong4 (there are also milk custard and low sugar version)

如果你,想要健gin6 康hong1? (if you want to be healthy?)

吃完落街睇月jyut6 光gwong1 (go down to observe the moonlight after your meal)

月jyut6 光gwong1 光gwong1 (the moonlight is bright)

照ziu3 地fei6 堂tong4 (it is shining on the ground)

蝦haa1 仔zai2 (literally means little shrimp, but it's the name of the child in this song)

你nei5 乖gwaai1 乖gwaai1 訓fan3 落lok6 床cong4 (you should behave well and go to bed now)

不小心plug錯歌 (oh i accidentally sung the wrong song)

咁應該要點收科? (how should i end this?)

唯有重新再黎過 (hm…we should start all over)

人有悲歡離合 (happiness & sadness, gathering and departing are sth we can't avoid in life)

月有陰晴圓缺 (moon also has its different phases)

此事古難全 (this is sth happening ever since the old age)

但願人長久,千里共嬋娟~ (we can only look forward to meet with our beloved ones, even though we are separated so far away now)

(oops, the ending is so abrupt and suddenly it gets a it awkward =v=)

alright, that's it for today

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone

see you next time~!

bye bye~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

don't forget to like, subscribe and leave a comment below ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB]明月幾時有+中秋廣東數白欖 MANDARIN SONG + CANTO RAP - Duration: 2:00.


Culling Wedding Photos Quickly with PhotoMechanic - Duration: 4:19.

Hi everyone.

I'm Jamie Delaine Watson.

Thank you so much for joining me on my YouTube channel this week.

I'm so excited to be filming a tutorial about how I cull for speed through my wedding and

engagement and portrait images in a very busy summer season using one amazing program called

Photo Mechanic.

Photo Mechanic is a program just for viewing your images.

You don't edit in it.

It's just a viewer that I have used probably since my second year doing weddings, and I

just recently finished my 10th summer.

This has been a tool so vital to my workflow that I wish every photographer owned it ... it's

only $150 ... owned it and knew how to use it to its true potential.

That's exactly what I'm going to be walking you guys through today.

How I cull my wedding images for speed.

Maybe you're new to portrait photography, wedding photography, and you're wondering

what this word culling actually means.

Well, it's simply the process of looking through all of your images and deciding which ones

you are going to keep to give to your client and which ones you are going to throw away

and never use again.

This process for me looks like after the average wedding day, I may be photographing about

2,500 images, and I'll deliver about 600 to 700 images to the client.

That process of looking at those 2,500 images a couple days after the wedding and deciding

which ones to give the couple or to present as my gallery, that process is called culling.

Tip number one.

Choose what you love, not what you don't.

What I mean by this is as I'm going through my images, I'm going to be tagging using the

number one key which images I like.

This one I like.

I'm not going to be going through and say, oh, this one her eyes are half closed.

Let's choose to get rid of that one.

Or this one, his eyes are closed.

Let's choose to get rid of those ones.

Instead, I'm just looking, and I'm like, "Okay.

Oh, I really like that one.

I'm going to take that one."

As you can see here, I just find it's a more positive way to look through images, and it's

also a lot easier to connect with something right away and say yes, this one is great,

rather than just looking for all these imperfections, and I find it's a much faster way to cull.

Tip number two.

Look through your wedding images or any kind of images backwards, from the end of the shoot

to the beginning.

The advantage to looking through images backwards in Photo Mechanic is usually the best images

happen at the end of a pose, because the couple is more relaxed.

They're more comfortable.

And so by looking through them backwards, it's not likely that my favorite images are

going to be right near the beginning.

Tip number three.

Don't think too hard about these decisions.

From my conversation with a lot of photographers, it seems like people have a very difficult

time deciding between two identical images, and honestly, I'm just here to tell you it

doesn't matter that much.

It really doesn't.

We're going to be delivering awesome images for our clients, and we don't need to be spending

hours deciding between two shoe pictures.

I would make this decision as quick as I like that one.

Hmm, didn't really work out for me.

Tip number four.

Only think about the client's finished gallery.

Don't be worried about blog images, submission images, any other decision.

Just focus on the one.

You are only looking at images for the client's gallery.

I'm not choosing blog favorites and all these other things that I know some photographers


Let's see, from that little series, you can see here, these are the ones that I've tagged

out of all the images that I shot.

Those are the ones that I'm going to be delivering to the client.

Honestly, I just find it's better to be single focused and just know these are the ones I'm

delivering to the client, and then afterwards I eliminate all of the rest using this here,

and then I'll choose from these which ones I actually wanted for the blog.

That sort of thing.

Final tip, tip number five.

Listen or watch something you really enjoy while you're culling through images.

For more infomation >> Culling Wedding Photos Quickly with PhotoMechanic - Duration: 4:19.


Every Rolex Tells A Story – Don Walsh - Duration: 1:19.

I first became aware of the possibility

of visiting the very deepest part of the ocean

less than a year before I did it.

During our dive we did have another passenger on board,

not really a person passenger,

a stowaway.

And this was a specially made Rolex watch,

which today we call "The Old Lady".

It was exposed to full depth pressure during the entire nine-hour dive.

And you came up, and it was working perfectly.

It pleases me a great deal

that the heritage of "The Old Lady" watch continues today.

I like to think my DNA, that is from "The Old Lady",

exists in all of the Rolex watches today.

This Submariner was given to me by Rolex

in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Deep Dive.

They kindly engraved it on the back:

"Don Walsh Deepest Dive

1960 - 2010 In Appreciation"

I'm very proud of it; it never leaves my side.


For more infomation >> Every Rolex Tells A Story – Don Walsh - Duration: 1:19.


How To Change The World & Make A Difference With Self-Improvement Even After The Vegas Shootings - Duration: 3:05.

- The shootings in Vegas

are terrifying.

And the craziest part is,

that's not the first time.

It may not be the last,

and there other global issues

that also need our attention right now.

And I'm already worried

that I forgot something,

or offended someone,

or I'm sounding stupid about this issue,

but it is more important for me

to get in on the conversation

than for it to be perfect.

My name is Janelle Fraser,

the expert to follow,

to become genuinely happy,

wildly successful,

and a naked leader.

In this video, I will not pretend

to have all the answers.

Nor will I pretend like I'm super educated

on all the global issues.

But many times throughout my career,

people have asked me,

hey, Janelle, don't we have like bigger issues

to deal with in life besides personal transformation?

And my answer to that is yes,

we have big issues in the world,

and no, it is not more important

than personal transformation.

For me, the global issues

are necessary and they're urgent.

But what I think is often missed

is who is gonna do all those changes?

Us, right?

Humans, the people,

how can we expect people

who are on the other side of the planet

or have no personal connections with these issues

to care if they are hurting so much

in their own hearts and in their own home?

This is just an invitation to consider

that your happiness and your fulfillment

is crucial to this planet moving forward.

So I'm already self conscious

that I missed something,

that I am gonna offend somebody,

that I'm not fully educated

and I missed a huge important piece

and I did.

This is only a short video, right?

There's no way I can get the whole perspective in,

but I know that me staying quiet

because I don't wanna be involved in the conversation

isn't helping, either,

cause I have an opinion, a very clear one

around personal transformation

and its direct impact on the peace on this planet,

and the transformation of global issues.

But what I have seen

is when people transform themselves,

when they make themselves whole and happy,

and healthy and feeling complete,

they ooze giving back.

They just need to help other people

and I am just curious

on what it would be like

to live in a world

that we craved to help other people,

that we were so full

that it just overflowed from us.

If you took something away from this video,

I would love it if you gave it a thumbs up.

If you believe that this could support

anyone in your life,

I would love for you to share it with your friends,

and be sure to subscribe for my weekly videos.

Make it a great day.

For more infomation >> How To Change The World & Make A Difference With Self-Improvement Even After The Vegas Shootings - Duration: 3:05.


1920's Log Cabin in Drake, Colorado | Amazing Small House Design - Duration: 3:53.

1920's Log Cabin in Drake, Colorado

For more infomation >> 1920's Log Cabin in Drake, Colorado | Amazing Small House Design - Duration: 3:53.


FIFA 18 НАРОДНАЯ КАРЬЕРА l ВЫПУСК #1 - Duration: 6:16.



For more infomation >> FIFA 18 НАРОДНАЯ КАРЬЕРА l ВЫПУСК #1 - Duration: 6:16.


Nueces County Veterans Services rural outreach - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Nueces County Veterans Services rural outreach - Duration: 2:46.


Just Dance 2018 Free Demo Trailer - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Just Dance 2018 Free Demo Trailer - Duration: 0:28.


Dine out for DAIS raises money to help domestic violence survivors - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Dine out for DAIS raises money to help domestic violence survivors - Duration: 3:47.


How to make a confetti brush in Photoshop - Duration: 7:19.

hello I'm Cristina from Elan Creative Co and in this tutorial I will show you

how to make a custom confetti brush using Photoshop first we are going to

create a simple confetti brush using the basic Photoshop brushes and after that

we are going to make our own custom brushes so open Photoshop and let's get

started select your favorite foreground and background colors you are going to

need this later because you are going to create colorful confetti brushes now

select the brush tool the shortcut is B if you can see it it might be under the

pencil tool set the size of the brush I'm going to use the 30 pixel brush but

you might need a bigger or smaller one this is how my brush looks we are going

to use the brush menu to create a confetti brush so go to window brush or

press f5 to open the brush menu the first thing we are going to change is

the brush tip shape you can see here in the preview box that this is how our

brush looks now if we increase the spacing we are going to have a string of

dots instead of a continuous line so I think I'm going to leave it at 130

percent so this is our brush now I want my dots to have different sizes so I'm

going to change the shape dynamics just increase the size and you can see that

you now have larger and smaller confetti if you change the wrongness you will

have oval confetti as well as round confetti and you can also change the

angle this works better if you have a triangle

or rectangle confetti I'm just going to leave the angle around this at 0% for

now so this is how our brush looks now you might need to increase the spacing

if your dots are too close to each other let's see this is much better if you

want to create a confetti brush you will have to change the scattering so if you

increase the scatter you will see that the dots start to move away from each

other if you want them to move in all directions like both axes the counts

number is the number of dots you will see on one click so if you click here

now you can see that there are four dots so let's use the count of three dots

move the scatter all the way to 1000% and maybe increase the tongue jitter 25%

is enough now if you draw you can see these are your confetti you will have to

change these values until you get the right look for your confetti you might

also need to increase the spacing again

this probably looks better I also love the fact that they overlap but I think

they will look better if we change the transparency so go to transfer and

increase the flow jitter going to use 30% you can see here that they are

transparent and you can see where they overlap if you're on colorful confetti

you will have to change the color line make sure apply pert if you selected to

color each dot I like to keep the foreground background jitter to around

50% this means that the D confetti will be colored using the foreground and

background colors that I'll select the beginning of this tutorial if you change

the background color for example to the stark blue you can see that we actually

have various shades of purple you can also change the hue jitter

let's also increase it to 50% and you can see now that beside to the purpose

you would also have 4 yellows and Browns if you want vibrant colors all you have

to do is increase the saturation so let's bring it all the way to 100% and

as you can see we have really colorful confetti now now I'm going to close this

and show you how to create confetti from custom brushes I'm going to use the pen

tool the shortcut is B and make sure it's set

to shape not path or pixels to create a brush you will need to draw using black

or different shades of grey I'm actually going to use a different shade of grey

for each shape so just start drawing

if you are happy with your shape just go to edit define brush preset give your

brush a new name and press ok to save I'm going to delete these layers and

then go to the brush tool as you can see our brushes are very big so I am going

to resize them you can also use the bracket keys to resize the brushes so

because I've used different shades of grey' my brush will have different

colors starting from all the foreground color this is what happens if you try to

draw using this brush this is very ugly so we'll have to go back to the brush

settings the first thing we are going to change the brush tip shape so select it

and then increase the spacing I'm not going to move the slider all the way to

100% I think I'm going to leave it at 50% then I'm going to change the shape

dynamics I will only change the angle I don't

want to have many repeats so I will rotate some of the brushes now I'm going

to increase the scatter a bit but maybe just about 25% I'm also going to change

the transparency this will be 42 percent just like last time and the color

dynamics all the settings are the same as our previous brush so let's see what

we have this is actually very pretty even though

I love this brush I think I'm going to go back and change the space-themed

maybe lower it a bit so let's test our brush I really love this brush and I

hope you do too if you've enjoyed this tutorial please subscribe to my channel

or visit my blog for more Photoshop and illustrator tutorials thanks for


For more infomation >> How to make a confetti brush in Photoshop - Duration: 7:19.


10 Famous Celebrities Who Came Out As Gay - [Number 5 will Surprise You] 💑 - Duration: 3:52.

celebrity gay

gay celebrities in the closet

famous gay male couples

it takes a lot of courage for a public figure to come out clean about their

sexuality they risk their career and personal relationships while getting

exposed to thousands of questions from the media but despite all the risks we

have seen a number of celebrities over the years to be true to themselves when

they came out as gay let us take a look at ten of them starting the list at

number ten is 42 year-old American actress Sarah Paulson in a 2013

interview with Paulson said that the situation is fluid for me when

questioned about her sexuality she dated actress cherry Jones from 2004 to 2009

she has also dated men previously her current partner is actress Holland

Taylor at number nine comes 39 year-old American actor Matt Bomer

he is married to publicist Simon halls since 2011 they have three sons

including a set of twins via surrogacy 51 year old American actress Cynthia

Nixon was married to schoolteacher Danny Moses from 1988 to 2003 they have two

children together she started dating education activist Christine Mara noni

in 2004 and got engaged with her in 2009 and eventually got married in 2012 mara

noni gave birth to their son in 2011 in 2014

Cooke became the first chief executive of a fortune 500 company to publicly

identify as gay at number six comes thirty

eight-year-old American retired professional basketball player Jason

Collins he currently is in a relationship with film producer Brunson

green at number five comes fifty nine year old American comedian television

host actress writer and producer Ellen DeGeneres she came out as lesbian in

1997 since 2004 he has been in a relationship with Portia de Rossi whom

she married in 2008 coming in at number four is American television broadcaster

Robin Roberts she came out in 2012 in a heart-touching Facebook post where she

was celebrating 100 days post her bone marrow transplant during her battle with

Miller dysplastic syndrome a disease of bone marrow she thanked her girlfriend

Amber Lane a massage therapist with whom she had been in a relationship since

2005 Greg Louganis first came out as gay and hiv-positive for the first time in

an interview with Barbara Walters in 1995 he got engaged with his partner

paralegal Johnny Taylor in 2013 they got married in 2013 Louganis is one of the

most renowned athletes in the world at number two comes Canadian actress

Ellen Page she came out as gay during a speech at the Human Rights campaign's

time to thrive conference in Las Vegas she is currently in a relationship with

artist and surfer Samantha Thomas at number one comes 45 year-old Puerto

Rican singer actor and author Ricky Martin he came out as gay in 2010

through a heartfelt post on his official website in which he stated that he is

proud to say that he is a fortunate homosexual man and that he is very

blessed to be who he is he got engaged to his boyfriend painter jwa Yosef in

2016 we just tried to put down some iconic people hoping that their

coming-out stories can inspire more and more positive people to come out and to

start a dialogue with their parents friends loved ones and to have courage

in embracing themselves

For more infomation >> 10 Famous Celebrities Who Came Out As Gay - [Number 5 will Surprise You] 💑 - Duration: 3:52.


Von wegen Drogen! War DAS der wahre Trennungsgrund? - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Von wegen Drogen! War DAS der wahre Trennungsgrund? - Duration: 2:44.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


Type Beat 2017 Free | Trap | Young Dolph x Cardi B Instrumental - "COSMOS" ( Prod By Beatdemons ) - Duration: 4:08.


For more infomation >> Type Beat 2017 Free | Trap | Young Dolph x Cardi B Instrumental - "COSMOS" ( Prod By Beatdemons ) - Duration: 4:08.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 0:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution - Duration: 0:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban |Prestige |Panoramadak| Achteruitrijcamera - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Urban |Prestige |Panoramadak| Achteruitrijcamera - Duration: 0:45.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Business Solution Automaat - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Business Solution Automaat - Duration: 0:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat WhiteArt Edition - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat WhiteArt Edition - Duration: 0:57.


Entertainment News 247 - 35歳ジラルディーノ、新天地が決定…セリエBスペーツィアが加入発表 - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Entertainment News 247 - 35歳ジラルディーノ、新天地が決定…セリエBスペーツィアが加入発表 - Duration: 1:48.


The Oath | Episode 13 - Trailer 2 - Duration: 1:24.

Until the enemy admits defeat...'s not triumph.

Let's see when they'll admit.

We are one against terrorism!

We are one against terrorism!

The lions have retreated...

...and the jackals are emerging.

How could I be well?

It's a kind of...

...suicide then, is it?

Call it mass murder.

A terrorist state will be founded on the border.

What will we do?

We will not let it... founded.

Do you understand?

Yes, sir!

For more infomation >> The Oath | Episode 13 - Trailer 2 - Duration: 1:24.


The Oath | Episode 16 - Trailer 1 - Duration: 1:13.

You know how sharks behave?

They can smell... single drop of blood that falls into the water...

...and from miles away...

Mom, I'm here!

Your son's here!


...they sense...

...the smell of blood...

...and then...

...begin to swim towards the prey.

The hunger...

...drives them mad.

They get faster as they swim.

As they get faster...

...they get closer.

As they get closer, they get insane.

More and more insane...

...until they catch the prey.

Avci, I know it's hard...

...but you have to do this.

If it explodes, people will die.

Innocent people.

And children, too.

Please, do it already, Avci.

Avci, you must do it, now!

For more infomation >> The Oath | Episode 16 - Trailer 1 - Duration: 1:13.


The Oath | Episode 15 - Trailer 2 - Duration: 1:12.

Duly authorized by the mayor...

...I pronounce you man and wife. - You tell me now.

Did he deserve it...

I will never forget this favor.

...or did he not? - Alfa 1 Sierra 1, listening.

We salute you from the steel nest.

We're flying above with our wings of fire.

If you want to keep living on this land... will be smart.

What were we saying, my dear?

Commander, I'm cutting the red wire.

You saved the lives of these innocent people.

May God bless you.

I'm cutting it!



For more infomation >> The Oath | Episode 15 - Trailer 2 - Duration: 1:12.


The Oath | Episode 13 - Trailer 1 - Duration: 1:06.

Today's the day.

We'll meet with the guys.

I've missed you so much!

Commander, something's up with you.

You don't look well.

Our country is in chaos... could I be well?

This is the guy who kidnapped Colak...

...Yavuz Karasu.

A soldier...

...drummed out of special forces.

Yavuz, you're in great trouble.

It seems you've infuriated someone.

Be careful.

The war has gotten bloodier.

Mr. Agah.

I believe that everyone...

...deserves a second chance.

Something convenient... say before you die.

For more infomation >> The Oath | Episode 13 - Trailer 1 - Duration: 1:06.


Bad Baby Crying and Learn Colors with Dinosaurs Best Learning Videos for Kids Finger Family song - Duration: 2:07.

Bad Baby Crying and Learn Colors with Dinosaurs Best Learning Videos for Kids Finger Family song

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Crying and Learn Colors with Dinosaurs Best Learning Videos for Kids Finger Family song - Duration: 2:07.


Dockers Presents: How To G...

For more infomation >> Dockers Presents: How To G...


For more infomation >> Dockers Presents: How To G...


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:05.


Chronique | LES DUELLISTES | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Chronique | LES DUELLISTES | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:32.


For more infomation >> Chronique | LES DUELLISTES | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:32.


清晨公布婚讯嘈醒人 宋仲基笑向记者道歉 [娛 樂 新 聞] - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> 清晨公布婚讯嘈醒人 宋仲基笑向记者道歉 [娛 樂 新 聞] - Duration: 1:35.


For more infomation >> 清晨公布婚讯嘈醒人 宋仲基笑向记者道歉 [娛 樂 新 聞] - Duration: 1:35.


Hoe vervang ik de olie in mijn motor? - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> Hoe vervang ik de olie in mijn motor? - Duration: 7:37.


For more infomation >> Hoe vervang ik de olie in mijn motor? - Duration: 7:37.


Chronique | LES AVENTURIERS | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Chronique | LES AVENTURIERS | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:33.


For more infomation >> Chronique | LES AVENTURIERS | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:33.


Radix sort algorithm – Phần 2 Thuật tóan sắp xếp cơ số - Bui The Tam - Duration: 17:47.

For more infomation >> Radix sort algorithm – Phần 2 Thuật tóan sắp xếp cơ số - Bui The Tam - Duration: 17:47.


For more infomation >> Radix sort algorithm – Phần 2 Thuật tóan sắp xếp cơ số - Bui The Tam - Duration: 17:47.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


I'm Back!!! - Duration: 17:47.

So i am back.But better this time

I will try my best to keep my channel

Pls like and sub for more


For more infomation >> I'm Back!!! - Duration: 17:47.


Met my favourite youtuber | VIDCON Australia | HelloRasmus - Duration: 13:21.

Hello Internet, it's your best friend Rasmus-

- and welcome to Vidcon Australia -

- and this vlog and let's get it started..

Three, two, one!

Woop, woop, woop, woop, woop..

Take this out! I got a fancy wristband -

- and now I'm going to some kind of YouTube party here at Vidcon

And I'm not sure what's gonna happen, but it.. -

- stuffs gonna happen so..

This is a much better place to take a selfie than earlier today...

There's another one but going the right way..

So uuh, the lighting here is pretty bad -

- but I found a candle..

And right now there's a dj playing..

There was another dj before..

It's a lot of fun. The cool thing about this..

Cool thing is the venue..

Ooh! look who I found..

Introduce yourself!

Hey guys! I'm Gretta..

Me and Gretta. We're gonna. We're gonna do some drawing..

Is that water?


It looks 10 times bigger than it is guys..

Everyone's licking my camera today..



You're in the vlog. You're out of the vlog..

But everyone's leaving now, because everyone has an early day tomorrow

Vidcon starts at like 8:30 -

- and right now it's like 12:30, soo..

Do the math..

Good morning guys..

So it's Vidcon day.

It's the first day of VidCon

I'm hungover already. This is my hotel room..

It's really early...

Now I'm gonna go down have some breakfast..

Make myself look decent -

- and uhh, I'll see you guys at -

- The VidCon place..

so.. uhh... bye!

Alright guys, it's Vidcon time...

Wait a second, wait a second..

Uuhh the magic doors opened...

The first thing you have to do at VidCon is..

You have to have a ticket and uum...

Someone told me I have to walk all the way to the other side of the Convention Center

It's in here.. the convention center of Melbourne..

Basically I have to find my ticket to get in and -

- I have a talk in a couple of hours

Where I'm like gonna say cool stuff about how it's like being an influencer..

Guys, we have a golden ticket for Vidcon...

I'm gonna put it on because it's already...

Whoa! it's almost 1 o'clock on the first day.. -

- and I haven't done anything. I haven't seen anything.

I haven't talked to anyone..

I got to step up my game..

So welcome to the community lounge.. I think that's what it's called..

This is the fun place. This is where all the fun stuff is happening..

And I hear fans... a lot of fans.

There's a lot of people here as well.

I found..


And this person..

Hey introduce yourself.

I'm Stringstory, welcome to the Future..

I'm one of the featured content creators for Vidcon Australia.. Welcome!


We're going inside..


The sparkles..

The snowglobe...

We're going in..

Wait, I need more...

Guys! I think I'm dying..

I ate the plastic, I hope it looked cool 'cause -

I ain't going in there again, I will die..

Hey guys!

OMG! we're vlogging..


We're vlogging and

And, OMG, Nat..

Nat's here with us..

What do you do if we have to go to the bathroom -

- while you're live..

You'll leave them, you'll just leave them..


They spind the chat with wet noodles

Do you then.. do you take it to the bathroom?

No you get banned, you get banned..

So guys..I'm gonna go on the stage soon and say stuff..

Do you wanna say something?

On the stage I'm gonna talk about how it's like to be an influencer

How to work with influencers if you are a brand..

So uum, exciting..

And look at this, I got instant coffee..

Or insta coffee..

Okay, guys so welcome to the...

Well, you can guess what lounge this is

I'm not gonna tell you

I had to burp

Check it! It's pretty cool..

I'm leaving..

Someone's following us..

I can't walk faster. No, leave me behind..

Leave me behind!


Introduce yourself!

This is very intimate, I'm not ready for this.

Oh hi! Sorry..

My name is James, hello..

Welcome to the video of dream. Oh!

Just go on and watch James do..

I don't know what you do..

I just.. I do comedy..

You do stuff.. comedy stuff

I do like positive stuff, make people smile..

Woop, woop, woop, woop, woop..

Think we either had too much or too little coffee, and we should stop this now so...


Just came back from VidCon, and I'm super tired -

- but I mean..

I only have this hotel room one more night.

I wanted to take a little jacuzzi..

so, uh, let's uh..

Let's take a bath together...

Not, not, that's not what I meant..

So while you do that, I am gonna -

- take off my pants..

Okay, let's try..

Uh! It's hot

This is so hot

But it's also very nice..

I had a great day...

The cool thing about umm..

VidCon is you meet so many different, uh, influencers.. -

- and they all have basically the same kind of job -

- as you do and like they have fans -

- and they all think alike..

I met my favorite youtuber today..

I met Liza Koshy, Liza Koshi, and I was pretty excited.

I didn't dare ask her if she wanted to be in my vlog -

- so she's not...

But we took at that great great selfie together

And it's on Instagram, and I was pretty excited

We had a really chill talk, just about nothing basically...

About a cucumber. I was eating a cucumber..

She is, just a sweet and amazing as she is in her videos -

- So that was a pleasure meeting her..

I hope I see her later tonight at the party..

which I'm currently...


An hour late for the party..

I should, I should get up

Okay, bye!

Good morning guys! Second day of VidCon..

I overslept again!

I don't know why this is the thing I've started doing..

I'm pretty excited for today..

VidCon is just so much fun and uuh -

And I only got to see a couple of presentations yesterday..

Today I'm gonna see even more..

That's where I'm going..

My voice is completely gone.

I don't know if it's because I'm kind of feeling a cold coming on...

Oh look!



How are you doing?


Look what he is wearing, he always looks very cool!

How are you?

I'm good!

I'm good I need coffee -

- because if I don't drink coffee before this presentation -

- it will go wrong!

I found it, this is me!

I'm all alone..

Great, that means I don't have to do the presentation..

I don't know if I sit here. No I'm not gonna sit here. I'm gonna, I'm gonna stand here..

Hello, everyone welcome to my presentation..

I might be seriously alone in here...


Hey, Jeannie you look so fash..

Thank you darling, how are you?

Oh? You look really really famous with the glasses and the hat..

Just chillin in a nice chair


I don't know what it is

But, check this out guys..

Waauw, look how fancy this is..

This is the best thing about the Instagram launch

Check it out..

Can't eat more candy

More candy candy candy candy.

I love you Instagram

no, I just love the Candy

Uh fancy..

Uh, fancy juice..

Fancy coffee..

Guys! so right at this spot yesterday, I met be amazing Liza, Koshy...

If you don't know who she is..

Something's wrong with you...

I met her here yesterday

I forgot to vlog it..

But there's a cool freaking photo on Instagram..

So go check that out! This is the Instagram so you can just go check that out..

Hey guys, so I am at the community part of VidCon, right now -

- and this is where the magic happen, this is where the party's going on..

Here was once a YouTube booth

It's gone..

Basically, there's a bunch of meet and greets..

There is -

- awesome people hanging around..

There's merch. There's cool things you can try -

- so let's take a look at it lookily look look look..

Check out these lines guys.. not under my eyes, but these lines..

These people are waiting for meet'n and greet'ns..

Who's having a meet-and-greet..

The gabbie show.. -

- Is having a meet-and-greet..

Ricky and Dylan is having a meet-and-greet..

We can't get close, because I don't want to stand in line for you guys to meet them -

- so you can look from a far

Look, look, look, look,

And we're done looking..

VidCon is actually closing down right now, so that's sad

Excuse me..


What's your YouTube channel name?

My youtube channel name is HelloRamus..



So it's Hello Rasmus?


Sup guys?

How's everyone?

Good, how are you? Are you enjoying VidCon?


You wanna see something?

Wait wait wait wait wait wait!

OMG! no way!

I meant Liza Koshy!

Backstage, she's so sweet.

You're making me jealous!

Well, i'm sorry. I'm sorry..

I'm pretty jealous of myself too.. -

- but she's very very nice. You'll meet her someday..

What's the thumbnail gonna be?

The thumbnail? I don't know..

What should it be?

I don't know..

Okay wait, we can zoom in..

What would be a great thumbnail?

Great meeting you guys!


Okay guys! So VidCon's over..

I am starving, so I need some food for body right now -

So that is why we're leaving Convention Center -

- and going outside to find some food, so ba-ba-ba-bye

I'll see you later guys, bye!

I'm back here in Fitzroy guys, and I'm looking for some place to eat..

Check out this restaurant, guys..

Okay guys, let's get some food..

Okay guys, so I got some food..

I wanted to... -

- share the experience of tasting this with you guys


This is super good. I love it.

I'm gonna take this one too, for you guys to watch..

To be honest guys, I don't want to talk to you guys -

- I just wanna eat this food so umm..

I'm gonna end this vlog now.. -

- and I'll just see you in the near future -

- in another type of video on this channel..

Make sure to subscribe because -

- I want subs dude -

- and make sure you like this video..

Comment: Where do you want me to travel next time -

- or what should I do here in Melbourne? 'cause I'm definitely returning to Melbourne..

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you...


Are you still here?

Just, just subscribe already..

Oh, sorry..

I did it again.. sorry!

For more infomation >> Met my favourite youtuber | VIDCON Australia | HelloRasmus - Duration: 13:21.


Before winter hits, learn how to prepare your plants for spring - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Before winter hits, learn how to prepare your plants for spring - Duration: 2:37.


THANK YOU! (PO BOX #13) - Duration: 14:28.

For more infomation >> THANK YOU! (PO BOX #13) - Duration: 14:28.


How to make a confetti brush in Photoshop - Duration: 7:19.

hello I'm Cristina from Elan Creative Co and in this tutorial I will show you

how to make a custom confetti brush using Photoshop first we are going to

create a simple confetti brush using the basic Photoshop brushes and after that

we are going to make our own custom brushes so open Photoshop and let's get

started select your favorite foreground and background colors you are going to

need this later because you are going to create colorful confetti brushes now

select the brush tool the shortcut is B if you can see it it might be under the

pencil tool set the size of the brush I'm going to use the 30 pixel brush but

you might need a bigger or smaller one this is how my brush looks we are going

to use the brush menu to create a confetti brush so go to window brush or

press f5 to open the brush menu the first thing we are going to change is

the brush tip shape you can see here in the preview box that this is how our

brush looks now if we increase the spacing we are going to have a string of

dots instead of a continuous line so I think I'm going to leave it at 130

percent so this is our brush now I want my dots to have different sizes so I'm

going to change the shape dynamics just increase the size and you can see that

you now have larger and smaller confetti if you change the wrongness you will

have oval confetti as well as round confetti and you can also change the

angle this works better if you have a triangle

or rectangle confetti I'm just going to leave the angle around this at 0% for

now so this is how our brush looks now you might need to increase the spacing

if your dots are too close to each other let's see this is much better if you

want to create a confetti brush you will have to change the scattering so if you

increase the scatter you will see that the dots start to move away from each

other if you want them to move in all directions like both axes the counts

number is the number of dots you will see on one click so if you click here

now you can see that there are four dots so let's use the count of three dots

move the scatter all the way to 1000% and maybe increase the tongue jitter 25%

is enough now if you draw you can see these are your confetti you will have to

change these values until you get the right look for your confetti you might

also need to increase the spacing again

this probably looks better I also love the fact that they overlap but I think

they will look better if we change the transparency so go to transfer and

increase the flow jitter going to use 30% you can see here that they are

transparent and you can see where they overlap if you're on colorful confetti

you will have to change the color line make sure apply pert if you selected to

color each dot I like to keep the foreground background jitter to around

50% this means that the D confetti will be colored using the foreground and

background colors that I'll select the beginning of this tutorial if you change

the background color for example to the stark blue you can see that we actually

have various shades of purple you can also change the hue jitter

let's also increase it to 50% and you can see now that beside to the purpose

you would also have 4 yellows and Browns if you want vibrant colors all you have

to do is increase the saturation so let's bring it all the way to 100% and

as you can see we have really colorful confetti now now I'm going to close this

and show you how to create confetti from custom brushes I'm going to use the pen

tool the shortcut is B and make sure it's set

to shape not path or pixels to create a brush you will need to draw using black

or different shades of grey I'm actually going to use a different shade of grey

for each shape so just start drawing

if you are happy with your shape just go to edit define brush preset give your

brush a new name and press ok to save I'm going to delete these layers and

then go to the brush tool as you can see our brushes are very big so I am going

to resize them you can also use the bracket keys to resize the brushes so

because I've used different shades of grey' my brush will have different

colors starting from all the foreground color this is what happens if you try to

draw using this brush this is very ugly so we'll have to go back to the brush

settings the first thing we are going to change the brush tip shape so select it

and then increase the spacing I'm not going to move the slider all the way to

100% I think I'm going to leave it at 50% then I'm going to change the shape

dynamics I will only change the angle I don't

want to have many repeats so I will rotate some of the brushes now I'm going

to increase the scatter a bit but maybe just about 25% I'm also going to change

the transparency this will be 42 percent just like last time and the color

dynamics all the settings are the same as our previous brush so let's see what

we have this is actually very pretty even though

I love this brush I think I'm going to go back and change the space-themed

maybe lower it a bit so let's test our brush I really love this brush and I

hope you do too if you've enjoyed this tutorial please subscribe to my channel

or visit my blog for more Photoshop and illustrator tutorials thanks for


For more infomation >> How to make a confetti brush in Photoshop - Duration: 7:19.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Connecta AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:05.


ANA Domestic Flight Review to Tokyo | How Good is it? - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> ANA Domestic Flight Review to Tokyo | How Good is it? - Duration: 3:50.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 FIRST EDITION 5D Airco, Cruise Controle - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 FIRST EDITION 5D Airco, Cruise Controle - Duration: 0:58.


【配信録画】紅葉スポット言いたい!教えたい!【ともよ。】 - Duration: 1:06:24.

For more infomation >> 【配信録画】紅葉スポット言いたい!教えたい!【ともよ。】 - Duration: 1:06:24.


부자들에게 있다는 'M자' 손금의 놀라운 특징 - ⭐365일 추세⭐ - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> 부자들에게 있다는 'M자' 손금의 놀라운 특징 - ⭐365일 추세⭐ - Duration: 7:40.


Thu thach - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Thu thach - Duration: 3:07.


FREE VIDEO LIGHTING - 100% Free Cinematic Lighting Setup For Video - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> FREE VIDEO LIGHTING - 100% Free Cinematic Lighting Setup For Video - Duration: 4:07.


I Show you my Face!!! - Assassin's Creed Syndicate #4 (Rexford Kaylock) {TheEagleYouTube} - Duration: 10:28.

TEXT: I'm sorry guys, but this is a test video about my video-recording postation.

TEXT: For this reason the audio and video quality will be medium/low.

TEXT: However this video was useful for me to know how to improve my general channel quality.

TEXT: I advise you to activate subtitles.

TEXT: After that, we can start.

Hi guys on the web, I'm The Eagle and I welcome you on my channel. {2} TEXT: In this episode the microphone gave me some problems… Quiet, if there are 1-2 parts with bugged sound, I will write what I say on the video.

Before starting I must do some specifications while I'm purchasing the Jacob's Skills. {2} TEXT: In this episode the microphone gave me some problems… Quiet, if there are 1-2 parts with bugged sound, I will write what I say on the video.

As always, I don't speak English very well because I'm not English, I'm Italian.

In this episode I will not put the last episode recap because today we will do a secondary missions.

I want to make however the sub heading History's Creed.

In the last episode I did not talk because the last episode was only cutscenes.


Jacob's level raise to two, Great!

In the last episodes I promised you that I will put the webcam, in this series.

But first…

You have to make an oath.

Will you, a faithful follower, continue to follow me even after seeing my ugly face?

Ok, with this background map…




I was joking.

Ok, what can we do today?


Do you want to see my face?

Are you sure? It's Dangerous!





And… Here I am… Don't judge me please.

I'm sorry if I'm not looking directly in the camera, but or I look the game or I look the camera.

I think…

I think that I will cut now and we will meet at the stronghold we… that we have to freed.

Ok guys, we're arrived, I'm using the Eagle vision.

And I think that if I don't start the sub heading History's Creed now, I will not start it at all.

So you're welcome to the sub- heading History's Creed.

In the last episode, we… of this sub heading… I introduced the concept of Victorian London.

As today we're freeing a criminal dungeon, I would have liked to tell you the…

To tell you about the crimes, I'm sorry, in Victorian London, but I can't because we're only at the start of this sub- heading.

Goodbye, Friend.

I'm also trying to clear the quest(ion… WTF???) of the clinkers, top left on the screen, by playing stealth.

Today we will frame the historical period in question.

The Victorian Age is on the timeline after the first industrial revolution, although the first industrial revolution for some historians is still to continuing…

Continuing, I'm sorry, during the reign of Queen Victoria, more or less.

In fact, many historians claim that the First Industrial Revolution ended in 1830, while for others it is not possible to establish a precise date...

… And it would prolong even during the Victorian Age, which began in 1837, so 7 years later.

The First Industrial Revolution was very favorable to England, which was, maybe…

... The most enriched European nation in this period.

For this reason London became the world's superpower of that Era, so that the words of Henry Green in the first episode can make you understand how the situation was.

Henry Green: Our enemies has designs on the highest office of them all.

Henry Green: And so as you look inward – and dare I say it – afraid – Crawford Starrick's ambition is fixed on the beyond:

Henry Green: … To kingdoms and continent as yet unconquered. Though not for long.

Henry Green: For he knows – as I have warned you – time and time again:

Henry Green: … Whosoever controls London, controls the world.

Yes ,that words are reliable.

At the same time, this wealth went into state safes…

… But it was not an help for the citizens, because…

… We will talk about this topic in another video, ok?

TEXT: Yes, this is what I mean ;)

Can I add details? Without burden the video too much. {2} Jacob: Must be one of the Clinkers. Good place to start.

There are so many things to say and we will have so many videos to talk about this age.

I have also been given an interesting note that speaks of football in the Victorian Age...

... Maybe in the next episode we will be able to talk about it.

I do not want to burden the video, but I do not know how attentive you are to stay while you're watching gameplay.

I guess you are not listening to me anymore. (It's sure that you aren't listening me, with this audio).

Tell me in the comments if you prefer that I'll give you more information in the next episode.

For today is all about History's Creed.

Helix: Rexford Kaylock, Whitechapel Gang Leader

Kaylock: You seem to want my employer's attention, Mr. Frye.

Jacob: Oh, I positively crave it. But you'll do, for now.

Kaylock: As you like.

No! I want to kill Kaylock. Can I kill him?

Go up fast.

No! Kaylock is gone.

And Clinkers won versus the Blighters.


So from The Eagle is all, if you like the video please leave a like, say me in the comments if you prefer to receive more information about the Victorian age in the next episode.

If you want to see more videos, please subscribe to the channel and remember to activate notifications.

Social pages in description.

And with this faboulus background… See you next time!

For more infomation >> I Show you my Face!!! - Assassin's Creed Syndicate #4 (Rexford Kaylock) {TheEagleYouTube} - Duration: 10:28.


How To Make An Origami Heart | Easy Origami Heart Instructions-Paper Crafts - Duration: 2:32.

Welcome to my Channel in which i will

show you Heart craft work. In this tutorial

i use color paper, scissors, glue, pen and

round shape. Please see carefully this

video and if you practice one or two time

then you will make origami Heart.

Please subscribe my channel and press bell button.

Thank you very much for your attention.

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