Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 5 2017

Hey, it's Luca! In today's video I'm going to talk about

a question I've been asked by many MosaLingua users:

is it possible to learn two languages at the same time?

My answer? Coming up...

First things first, let's get an answer to this question:

yes, it is possible to learn two languages at the same time.

But, in my opinion, the most important question is:

Is it a good idea? Is it effective?

The short answer: it really depends!

I won't discourage you from learning two languages at the same time

I think it is absolutely possible

but if, and only if, you have three key factors:

First of all: TIME.

If you're anything like me, you have a pretty packed schedule

and your life can sometimes be hectic.

Learning a language takes time. So if you want to learn 2 languages

you need to double your efforts.


I really believe that the fact that you're even wondering

if it's possible to learn two languages at the same time

is a good indicator that you do have what it takes.

But be careful.

It's great to have tons of motivation right now,

but to reach your goals, you'll need to keep it throughout the entire learning process.

If you don't see the fast results you envisioned,

because your time and motivation are being split between two languages,

you may be tempted to give up on one

or both languages, and that would be a shame!

Third factor: ORGANIZATION

That's right, good organizational

and time-management skills are really important

if you want to learn two languages at the same time!

Even if you have a lot of time on your hands,

you'll need to be smart about how you split up your days and weeks

to include practice for both languages

and make small steps toward your goals.

If you have these three important cornerstones in place

let's move on to the next step.

I want to share my tips for learning two languages at the same time with you.

First: Choose two languages which are not too similar

Learning two languages of the same family is not a good idea,

because you will inevitably mix up their vocabulary and grammar,

especially during the first 3 months of learning

and trust me, this period is really important for the learning process.

However, if you've mastered one language,

it will be much easier for you to learn a second language from the same family.

For this reason, I don't recommend to learn these combinations of languages at the same time:

- Italian/Spanish/Portuguese/French and Romanian

- German/Dutch - Chinese/Korean

I was in a situation when I was learning Spanish and Romanian at the same time,

and let me tell you, I was constantly confusing the two,

especially when speaking and during the initial three-month period.

This was frustrating, and didn't help my motivation.

My second tip: Ideally, learn one language which is

more difficult for you and another one which is easier for you.

This will make it easier to have progress in both languages

and we will explain you in a second why.

This is related to my third tip which is: Apply the Pareto principle

and dedicate 80% of your time to one language,

and 20% to the other language.

This way you could dedicate 80% of your time

to the more difficult language

and 20% to the easier language.

And then my 4th and final tip:

Plan your days and weeks to include practice for both languages

For instance, you could say that on Monday and on Wednesday

you work on one language

and on Tuesday and Thursday you work on the other language, and so one.

Like I've already said, solid time management skills are really key for successful language learning

So there you have it.

In any case, I hope you'll consider learning one or 2 languages.

And before you go, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel

for more language learning advice. See you soon! Bye.

For more infomation >> Can you learn two languages at the same time? - Duration: 4:49.


ஹோட்டல் OWNER - யிடம் படுத்து படத்தை ஒட்டிய தமிழ் நடிகை | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> ஹோட்டல் OWNER - யிடம் படுத்து படத்தை ஒட்டிய தமிழ் நடிகை | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 2:51.


12 Signs of an Unhealthy, Underdeveloped INFJ (Introverts Must Watch!) - Duration: 7:30.

12 Signs of an Unhealthy, Underdeveloped INFJ

Generally, INFJs are warm, caring people who are deeply sensitive to the needs of others,

they often called as true introverts.

If you get them talking honestly about their life's purpose, they will probably tell

you that they have always felt they were placed on this planet to use their insights to help

others and make the world a better place.

It's speculated that Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King were INFJs,

no wonder this personality type has been nicknamed "the counselor" and "the advocate."

However, just like with any other personality type, maturity goes a long way.

A healthy, balanced INFJ is going to look a lot different than an INFJ who is unhealthy

and underdeveloped as a person.

So, here are 12 signs that an INFJ may be unhealthy:

Number 1.

They let other people walk all over them.

They don't have strong boundaries that protect them from others taking advantage of them.

Babysit your kids all day for the third weekend in a row?

Sure, they'll do it, even though it means they have to cancel their own plans.

Meet you at that sushi restaurant, again, even though the thought of a spicy tuna roll

makes their stomach turn?

Unhealthy INFJs never want to disappoint.

Number 2.

They bend over backwards trying to make everyone around them happy.

They live to people-please.

Generally, INFJs are generous people who gain immense satisfaction from making others happy.

This is an admirable quality, and it's okay for INFJs to do this to some extent.

However, unhealthy INFJs constantly put other people's needs ahead of their own, to the

degree that they become exhausted, unhappy, and disconnected from their own sense of self.

Number 3.

Everything they do has to be perfect.

At work, they read an email six times before sending it to make sure there are no mistakes

and that the tone is just right.

In school, they spend much longer on projects or papers than other students do, they can't

live with anything less than an "A." An unhealthy INFJ's self-esteem is inherently

tied to how well they perform on any given task.

They figure that if they do everything perfectly, no one will have a reason to criticize or

dislike them.

Number 4.

They door slam too easily and hold grudges.

The door slam can be a healthy mechanism that protects INFJs from toxic people, and at times,

it is necessary.

However, underdeveloped INFJs will slam the door on important relationships, their spouse,

close friend, or parent, without first trying to resolve the root issue.

Instead of being a last resort, the door slam becomes the first and foremost way of dealing

with any issue that pops up in a relationship.

Number 5.

They have yet to master the art of saying "NO."

They irrationally fear that their friend will hate them if they turn down the party invitation.

They worry that their boss will fire them if they say they can't work overtime.

Number 6.

They let toxic people, narcissists, and other emotionally needy people run their lives.

INFJs have a light that burns brightly, which unfortunately, can attract people who will

take advantage of them.

Unhealthy INFJs will make excuses for other people's toxic behavior.

("He was raised in a broken family, so he doesn't know better, that's why he hurts


In fact, due to their inherent desire to help people, INFJs may find themselves unconsciously

dating or befriending toxic people in order to "save" them.

This usually results in the INFJ drowning in the other person's noxious mess.

Number 7.

They become so involved with other people's problems that they can't focus on their


Likewise, they become so bogged down with other people's emotions that their day is

constantly ruined because someone else is having a bad day.

Number 8.

They rarely let anyone in.

Private by nature, INFJs tend to open up slowly to others, and that's okay.

However, this tendency can become a problem when INFJs won't reveal themselves to anyone

(not even a significant other, best friend, or close family member).

Unhealthy INFJs rarely share their true thoughts and feelings with others because they fear

being judged.

However, when they close themselves off, they are likely to become lonely and depressed.

INFJs, just like any other personality type, need strong relationships to be at their best.

Number 9.

They put their type on a pedestal.

They become so carried away with the fact that they are the rarest personality type

that they start believing they are superior to other types.

Number 10.

They use their personality type as an excuse to continue unhealthy behaviors.

They believe they can't change themselves or their lives for the better because of their

four letters.

Number 11.

They don't let their emotions speak.

INFJs are not emotional in the sense that they weep loudly in public or hug everyone

they meet.

On the contrary, INFJs tend to keep their feelings to themselves and may dislike strong

outward displays of emotion (these displays can feel manipulative to INFJs).

This may lead INFJs to suppress their emotional side.

Of course, there must be balance, INFJs shouldn't live at the whims of their feelings.

But, mature INFJs recognize that they are indeed emotional creatures, and that they

can live their best life when they tune into their emotions, and respect and protect them.

Number 12.

They are extremely passive.

INFJs are natural observers; they love sitting back, analyzing, and reflecting.

They're also pretty chill in groups or relationships, and they're usually fine with letting other

people have their way.

However, these tendencies can lead them to be too passive.

Unhealthy INFJs let other people make all the decisions for them.

("What do you want to do tonight?"

"Whatever you want to do is fine!")

That way, they can't make a "wrong" decision.

These INFJs may lack a sense of control over their circumstances.

Life is something that happens to them.

What causes an INFJ to be unhealthy?

A number of things.

Some INFJs have not had enough life experiences, so they have a very narrow perspective.

Other INFJs have simply not invested much effort into developing themselves.

Still others are "unhealthy" through no fault of their own, they learned unhealthy

behaviors and coping mechanisms from their parents, or suffered emotional abuse at the

hand of a close friend or partner.

So, really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 12 Signs of an Unhealthy, Underdeveloped INFJ (Introverts Must Watch!) - Duration: 7:30.


more words - Duration: 0:14.

If you accept the definition that a word is some letters, surrounded by a gap...

Then xnopyt,

aaaaaaajjjjjjjjj, and


are all words, despite being pretty much meaningless.

For more infomation >> more words - Duration: 0:14.


快樂氰化物:過敏 Allergic - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts [中文字幕] - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> 快樂氰化物:過敏 Allergic - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts [中文字幕] - Duration: 1:27.


[WITH 12 SUB] #Teaser2-1 V Live SJ RETURNS Siwon , Eunhyuk and Donghae Characters - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> [WITH 12 SUB] #Teaser2-1 V Live SJ RETURNS Siwon , Eunhyuk and Donghae Characters - Duration: 2:27.


Make-up in the City w/ Monika Bagárová: Proměna: 3 rtěnky = 3 looky (Epizoda 9) - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Make-up in the City w/ Monika Bagárová: Proměna: 3 rtěnky = 3 looky (Epizoda 9) - Duration: 2:37.


Pretty ballerinas shoes for girls in flipkart shopping online - Duration: 0:36.

Pretty ballerinas shoes for girls in flipkart shopping online

For more infomation >> Pretty ballerinas shoes for girls in flipkart shopping online - Duration: 0:36.



For more infomation >> THE TONY & CASSANDRA MYSTERIES - Duration: 0:35.


ATN BANGLA tv News 5 Octobor 2017 , Bangladesh Latest News , Today Bangla Breaking News - insan khan - Duration: 18:43.

ATN BANGLA tv News 5 Octobor 2017 , Bangladesh Latest News , Today Bangla Breaking News - insan khan

For more infomation >> ATN BANGLA tv News 5 Octobor 2017 , Bangladesh Latest News , Today Bangla Breaking News - insan khan - Duration: 18:43.


LEARN COLORS WITH Peppa Pigs Fight for LITTLE PONY Surprised Eggs Stop Motion Surprised Toys for Kid - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> LEARN COLORS WITH Peppa Pigs Fight for LITTLE PONY Surprised Eggs Stop Motion Surprised Toys for Kid - Duration: 3:58.


பட வாய்ப்புக்காக நண்பனையே தூக்கி எறிந்த நடிகர்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Talkies | News - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> பட வாய்ப்புக்காக நண்பனையே தூக்கி எறிந்த நடிகர்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Talkies | News - Duration: 1:55.


欅坂46/けやき坂46 アウトロクイズ「イントロじゃないよ!」 - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> 欅坂46/けやき坂46 アウトロクイズ「イントロじゃないよ!」 - Duration: 8:55.


[JVNFC_Vietsub_Engsub] JangNara - debut 6000days ment 2017 - Duration: 1:19.

Hi, I'm Jang Nara.

It's 6000 days since my debut.

I really didn't know how much time had passed.

I was so thankful that I would like to meet and greet one person.


I think I feel more a lot of things as time goes on.


I only think about acting as much as I can.

So I want to do better,

thank you so much for your heart when you always wanted me to be good,

and I don't know if I'm making an effort to fulfill that heart.

In the future like now,

I'm trying to fill the gaps more than I am now,

and will show you a better performance.

I'll find out how to get closer to you.

Thank you very much for always cheering, loving, and wishing me all the best for a long time.

I'll work hard.

Thank you~

For more infomation >> [JVNFC_Vietsub_Engsub] JangNara - debut 6000days ment 2017 - Duration: 1:19.


God of War Chains of Olympus film CZ (gamemovie) - Duration: 1:12:44.

For more infomation >> God of War Chains of Olympus film CZ (gamemovie) - Duration: 1:12:44.


How to hack WIFI PASSWORD wthout any ROOT 100% working. - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> How to hack WIFI PASSWORD wthout any ROOT 100% working. - Duration: 1:48.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT Titanium - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT Titanium - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI AMBITION | XENON | NAVI | AIRCO | LMV | CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI AMBITION | XENON | NAVI | AIRCO | LMV | CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 0:43.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Navi | Xenon | Airco | Cruise control - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Navi | Xenon | Airco | Cruise control - Duration: 0:42.


LEARN COLORS WITH Peppa Pigs Fight for LITTLE PONY Surprised Eggs Stop Motion Surprised Toys for Kid - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> LEARN COLORS WITH Peppa Pigs Fight for LITTLE PONY Surprised Eggs Stop Motion Surprised Toys for Kid - Duration: 3:58.


KKBOX排行榜韓語單曲月榜2017年9月 - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> KKBOX排行榜韓語單曲月榜2017年9月 - Duration: 12:21.


#Car Reviews:日産 新型 セレナ e-POWER フルハイブリット EV 「Pure Drive e-Power」採用 JC08モード燃費25km/L 自動運転技術 プロパイロット搭載 - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> #Car Reviews:日産 新型 セレナ e-POWER フルハイブリット EV 「Pure Drive e-Power」採用 JC08モード燃費25km/L 自動運転技術 プロパイロット搭載 - Duration: 11:11.


The best way to save Rohingya and protect them Talking About Myanmar Allama Mamunul Haque - Duration: 23:20.

Allama Mamunul Haqe

For more infomation >> The best way to save Rohingya and protect them Talking About Myanmar Allama Mamunul Haque - Duration: 23:20.


狂甩14kg!劉嘉玲靠一蔬一果享瘦套餐越吃越瘦,速排毒、潤腸小腹婆OUT - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 狂甩14kg!劉嘉玲靠一蔬一果享瘦套餐越吃越瘦,速排毒、潤腸小腹婆OUT - Duration: 2:03.


Classe Party Rentals

For more infomation >> Classe Party Rentals


For more infomation >> Classe Party Rentals


RetroVision - Campfire - Duration: 3:13.

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

For more infomation >> RetroVision - Campfire - Duration: 3:13.


For more infomation >> RetroVision - Campfire - Duration: 3:13.



For more infomation >> MY FAVORİTE NAİL POLİSHES FOR AUNTUMN WİNTER 💅 - Duration: 6:01.


For more infomation >> MY FAVORİTE NAİL POLİSHES FOR AUNTUMN WİNTER 💅 - Duration: 6:01.


Garou de retour dans The Voice au côté de Lara Fabian ! - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Garou de retour dans The Voice au côté de Lara Fabian ! - Duration: 0:51.


For more infomation >> Garou de retour dans The Voice au côté de Lara Fabian ! - Duration: 0:51.


8 astuces de cuisine que tout le monde doit avoir à la maison ! - France 365 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 8 astuces de cuisine que tout le monde doit avoir à la maison ! - France 365 - Duration: 3:50.


For more infomation >> 8 astuces de cuisine que tout le monde doit avoir à la maison ! - France 365 - Duration: 3:50.


Executive Builds $3 Million A...

For more infomation >> Executive Builds $3 Million A...


I'M PRETTY NORMAL, I GUESS - Duration: 2:10.

hi I'm Sarah I'm pretty normal I guess I have a husband named Sergio I have two

boys named Gabriel and Oliver and what do I like about living in Madrid you

might ask this is my favorite Park this is my favorite building

this is my favorite beverage I've been in Europe salon even I wear graphic tees

that make no sense we've been partying on YouTube since

2015 and we're gonna keep on doing it so this could be a good channel for you if

you're bilingual you want to be bilingual or you generally like being

happy starting with this video we're going to alternate between English

videos with Spanish subtitles and Spanish videos with English subtitles so

if you're one of the 830 million people that speak either of those languages you

might want to hit subscribe right now oh and one less thing I always in these

videos by saying "Qué tengas un día preciosísimo" which means I

hope you have a beautiful day. "Un beso" which means kiss. Spaniards are generous

with their kisses ciao that means goodbye in Italian but the Spaniards

like to use it too all right, Un beso, ciao

all right, Bye. Seriously.

For more infomation >> I'M PRETTY NORMAL, I GUESS - Duration: 2:10.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI / LEER / DAK / 4WD / KEURIGE STAAT !! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI / LEER / DAK / 4WD / KEURIGE STAAT !! - Duration: 0:58.


Variable - Key - Read Clipboard - Write text file - Loop - Ejemplo practico con Actiona - Duration: 16:45.

For more infomation >> Variable - Key - Read Clipboard - Write text file - Loop - Ejemplo practico con Actiona - Duration: 16:45.


12 Signs of an Unhealthy, Underdeveloped INFJ (Introverts Must Watch!) - Duration: 7:30.

12 Signs of an Unhealthy, Underdeveloped INFJ

Generally, INFJs are warm, caring people who are deeply sensitive to the needs of others,

they often called as true introverts.

If you get them talking honestly about their life's purpose, they will probably tell

you that they have always felt they were placed on this planet to use their insights to help

others and make the world a better place.

It's speculated that Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King were INFJs,

no wonder this personality type has been nicknamed "the counselor" and "the advocate."

However, just like with any other personality type, maturity goes a long way.

A healthy, balanced INFJ is going to look a lot different than an INFJ who is unhealthy

and underdeveloped as a person.

So, here are 12 signs that an INFJ may be unhealthy:

Number 1.

They let other people walk all over them.

They don't have strong boundaries that protect them from others taking advantage of them.

Babysit your kids all day for the third weekend in a row?

Sure, they'll do it, even though it means they have to cancel their own plans.

Meet you at that sushi restaurant, again, even though the thought of a spicy tuna roll

makes their stomach turn?

Unhealthy INFJs never want to disappoint.

Number 2.

They bend over backwards trying to make everyone around them happy.

They live to people-please.

Generally, INFJs are generous people who gain immense satisfaction from making others happy.

This is an admirable quality, and it's okay for INFJs to do this to some extent.

However, unhealthy INFJs constantly put other people's needs ahead of their own, to the

degree that they become exhausted, unhappy, and disconnected from their own sense of self.

Number 3.

Everything they do has to be perfect.

At work, they read an email six times before sending it to make sure there are no mistakes

and that the tone is just right.

In school, they spend much longer on projects or papers than other students do, they can't

live with anything less than an "A." An unhealthy INFJ's self-esteem is inherently

tied to how well they perform on any given task.

They figure that if they do everything perfectly, no one will have a reason to criticize or

dislike them.

Number 4.

They door slam too easily and hold grudges.

The door slam can be a healthy mechanism that protects INFJs from toxic people, and at times,

it is necessary.

However, underdeveloped INFJs will slam the door on important relationships, their spouse,

close friend, or parent, without first trying to resolve the root issue.

Instead of being a last resort, the door slam becomes the first and foremost way of dealing

with any issue that pops up in a relationship.

Number 5.

They have yet to master the art of saying "NO."

They irrationally fear that their friend will hate them if they turn down the party invitation.

They worry that their boss will fire them if they say they can't work overtime.

Number 6.

They let toxic people, narcissists, and other emotionally needy people run their lives.

INFJs have a light that burns brightly, which unfortunately, can attract people who will

take advantage of them.

Unhealthy INFJs will make excuses for other people's toxic behavior.

("He was raised in a broken family, so he doesn't know better, that's why he hurts


In fact, due to their inherent desire to help people, INFJs may find themselves unconsciously

dating or befriending toxic people in order to "save" them.

This usually results in the INFJ drowning in the other person's noxious mess.

Number 7.

They become so involved with other people's problems that they can't focus on their


Likewise, they become so bogged down with other people's emotions that their day is

constantly ruined because someone else is having a bad day.

Number 8.

They rarely let anyone in.

Private by nature, INFJs tend to open up slowly to others, and that's okay.

However, this tendency can become a problem when INFJs won't reveal themselves to anyone

(not even a significant other, best friend, or close family member).

Unhealthy INFJs rarely share their true thoughts and feelings with others because they fear

being judged.

However, when they close themselves off, they are likely to become lonely and depressed.

INFJs, just like any other personality type, need strong relationships to be at their best.

Number 9.

They put their type on a pedestal.

They become so carried away with the fact that they are the rarest personality type

that they start believing they are superior to other types.

Number 10.

They use their personality type as an excuse to continue unhealthy behaviors.

They believe they can't change themselves or their lives for the better because of their

four letters.

Number 11.

They don't let their emotions speak.

INFJs are not emotional in the sense that they weep loudly in public or hug everyone

they meet.

On the contrary, INFJs tend to keep their feelings to themselves and may dislike strong

outward displays of emotion (these displays can feel manipulative to INFJs).

This may lead INFJs to suppress their emotional side.

Of course, there must be balance, INFJs shouldn't live at the whims of their feelings.

But, mature INFJs recognize that they are indeed emotional creatures, and that they

can live their best life when they tune into their emotions, and respect and protect them.

Number 12.

They are extremely passive.

INFJs are natural observers; they love sitting back, analyzing, and reflecting.

They're also pretty chill in groups or relationships, and they're usually fine with letting other

people have their way.

However, these tendencies can lead them to be too passive.

Unhealthy INFJs let other people make all the decisions for them.

("What do you want to do tonight?"

"Whatever you want to do is fine!")

That way, they can't make a "wrong" decision.

These INFJs may lack a sense of control over their circumstances.

Life is something that happens to them.

What causes an INFJ to be unhealthy?

A number of things.

Some INFJs have not had enough life experiences, so they have a very narrow perspective.

Other INFJs have simply not invested much effort into developing themselves.

Still others are "unhealthy" through no fault of their own, they learned unhealthy

behaviors and coping mechanisms from their parents, or suffered emotional abuse at the

hand of a close friend or partner.

So, really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 12 Signs of an Unhealthy, Underdeveloped INFJ (Introverts Must Watch!) - Duration: 7:30.


Cats Diary Komugi & Daizu 2017.10.03 - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> Cats Diary Komugi & Daizu 2017.10.03 - Duration: 7:33.


Lietuvos U-21 rinktinė ruošiasi rungtynėms su Lenkija - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Lietuvos U-21 rinktinė ruošiasi rungtynėms su Lenkija - Duration: 4:12.


RetroVision - Campfire - Duration: 3:13.

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

RetroVision - Campfire

For more infomation >> RetroVision - Campfire - Duration: 3:13.


നല്ല ഉറക്കം ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന ആരും കേൾക്കാതെ പോകരുത് malayalam health tips latest 2017 - Duration: 1:20.

malayalam health tips 2017 health videos

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