Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 5 2017

Me: and kiss Jorge: yes

Me: I have a gift for you

Me: It's flag with names of Jorgistas from Czech republic

Jorge: wow, I love it. Thank you

Jorge:You speak spanish really good

Me: really?? Thank you

Me: and letter for you

Me: Gracias. Can I sing with you? Una noche Jorge: Si

Me: Thank you for all. I love you

Jorge: thank you fot coming

Jorge: enjoy the show Me: yes, Thank you

For more infomation >> JORGE BLANCO ON TOUR WITH R5| PRAGUE 4/10/2017+ MEET&GREET - Duration: 25:07.


Kman夾娃娃 這種機台這麼好夾!不夾對不起自己啊!這是我看過最好夾的球池台。航海王20週年特別版 喬巴。UFOキャッチャー#127-1 - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 這種機台這麼好夾!不夾對不起自己啊!這是我看過最好夾的球池台。航海王20週年特別版 喬巴。UFOキャッチャー#127-1 - Duration: 1:35.


Bad babies playing Doctor toys Family Fun Pretend Play | Kids Song Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 3:27.

Bad babies playing Doctor toys Family Fun Pretend Play | Kids Song Nursery Rhymes for Children

For more infomation >> Bad babies playing Doctor toys Family Fun Pretend Play | Kids Song Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 3:27.


DEBATE: Incarceration in America - Duration: 7:05.

THADDEUS RUSSELL: I got lots of water.

I got too much water.

LOU: Everybody has two microphones on them right now, if anybody's weirded out by that.

PETEY: I feel like a snitch wearing this mic.

TOBY: Oh yeah.

We gave you the worst wire possible.

PETEY: Yeah.

Thank you.

TOBY: Yeah.

Awesome, well thank you so much for coming out everybody.

I guess we'll kick things off by just asking a basic question.

Why do you think incarceration is so high in America?

THADDEUS: It's hilarious.

TOBY: That's just the set up.

HEATHER MAC DONALD: Well, for once, I would actually disagree with you.

LOU: Oh, talk into the mic.

HEATHER: Oh, you want me to ... Sorry about that.

It's not the case that the United States has the same crime rates as other western industrialized


We have a lot of violent crime in this country compared to our peers.

Our homicide rate is 7 times higher than the 21 European industrialized countries and Japan.

And our gun homicide rate is 20 times higher.

If you look at 15 to 24 year olds, it's 43 times higher.

LOU: Do you think that's a product of just good, old American work ethic?

HEATHER: Good old Remington selling all those bullets, the discounting getting them up.

TOBY: Do you think it's the case that ... and I've heard this argument

but maybe you're a better judge at it than I am ... that it's similar rates of crime

but that crime in America tends to be more violent because of the amount of guns that

we have?

HEATHER: So, it's not similar rates of crime.

Again, Japan, Tokyo has zero homicides a year.

That's a city of ... much larger than New York City.

We're very proud because we're down to 333.

It used to be 2400.

Maybe on property crimes we're similar, but it is violent crime that drives the prison


And we experimented with de-incarceration in the 60s and early 70s and we got rid of

determinate sentencing and got a lot of community supervision.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it's a great alternative, but violent crime rose 353% from

1960 to 1990s.

There were a lot of people victimized by that.

PETEY: I think the jails are probably way more comfortable here than in Tokyo, so that

has to ... I don't know if you guys have ever been to jail.

It's not that ... It's bad because you're not free, but you get food and—

HEATHER: Movies.

PETEY: Clothing.


PETEY: Cable.

Do you think it's also because it's a business?

HEATHER: No, I don't think it's a business.


HEATHER: Private prisons, I think that's an exaggerated issue.

I don't think there's that much-

PETEY: So you think it's the guns?

HEATHER: Yeah, I think it's the gun violence.

We die in America at a higher rate.

LOU: Thad, you want to ...

THADDEUS: No, I'm done.

LOU: You're done?

THADDEUS: You're going to have a lot of crime and a lot of criminals if you make a lot of

things illegal.

In this country, since the 19th century, we've made a lot of things illegal like prostitution,

many forms of sex work, like drugs, like alcohol, for a time.

So what happens when you make something illegal like that?

Bad people come in to fill that market.

It's called a "black market."

So, we've had many, many black markets.

Oh, I didn't mention gambling.

Gambling has been illegal in most states for more than 100 years.

What you do when you make a black market is you force out all the people who aren't violent

bad guys from that market.

LOU: So you gentrify that market.

THADDEUS: No, you ...

TOBY: I think it's the opposite.

THADDEUS: I think it's the other way around, Lou.

LOU: I'll be here all night, just ruining excellent points.

THADDEUS: I'm just going to have to give you an F. No, that's so the violent bad guys move

in, right?

And they take over that market.

That's exactly what's happened for more than 100 years in this country.

We are, as we all know, in many ways, and certainly historically, especially puritanical.

We have, of course, our very anti-puritanical parts of our culture as well.

But we have been ... We were founded by puritans that part of our culture has been very strong

for a long, long time.

That's why we had prohibition ... That's a major reason we did ... and all of these other


We are still living under prohibition, many, many prohibitions all at once, and drugs is

just one of them.

That is why, I think, we have all of these bad, violent criminals shooting at people

and have for a long, long time.

Now, what happened was, in this country, is that, for various reasons and in large part

because we're so puritanical, but because we think it's so terrible to get high or sell

sex, we built this massive system to put all those people away for a long, long time because

we really, really, hate those things.

Beginning in the early 20th century, we started building prisons all over this country, more

than in any other country, and filling them.

That accelerated in the late 20th century by the 60s and 70s, I don't know what de-incarceration

you're thinking about, but if you look at the graph, incarceration, it's always going

up, if you look at the long history of America, but in the 60s and 70s, it spikes.

It's been spiking ever since then.

HEATHER: The idea that drug dealing is a non-violent crime is preposterous.

People that live with open-air drug markets understand that they're living under the constant

implicit threat of violence.

This February, on Valentine's Day, an eleven year old girl, Takiya Holmes, was shot fatally

in the head by a 19 year old marijuana dealer.

As Toby mentioned, the idea that it's drug prosecutions that are driving the prison population

is completely wrong.

The vast majority of people in prison today are there there for violent crimes or property


Drugs make up 16% of the state prison population, which is where 88% of all prisoners are housed.

Possession is only 4% of that and most of those have been pled down from trafficking.

THADDEUS: Heather's right about a lot of things ... And by the way, everyone should read her

book because her book ... Actually, I really do mean this ... it disabused me of a lot

of ideas I had about what was driving this stuff.

If we were to eliminate all the racist cops from the police forces in this country tomorrow,

we'd still be filling our prisons because we have these laws.

50% of violent criminals in prisons now, according to the FBI's own statistics, are members of


Why do gangs exist in this country?

Name one gang that wasn't founded around the drug trade, the prostitution trade, gambling,

illegal immigration, all of these prohibitions.

If you eliminate those prohibitions, those gangs have no reason to exist and we eliminate

50% of the violent crime, according the the FBI's own statistics.

HEATHER: Okay, let me respond to that...

For more infomation >> DEBATE: Incarceration in America - Duration: 7:05.


Estrela de Luz, Estrela Brilhante Star Light Star Bright Male Portuguese Compilation - Duration: 1:05:46.

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight

I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.

Shine down starlight,

Please help to make this our night.

The one I love will be here soon,

Please shine above and bring the moon.

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight

I Wish I may, wish I might have the wish I wish tonight

For more infomation >> Estrela de Luz, Estrela Brilhante Star Light Star Bright Male Portuguese Compilation - Duration: 1:05:46.


10 Ways to Work With Your Introversion Rather Than Fight Against It - Duration: 7:11.

10 Ways to Work With Your Introversion Rather Than Fight Against It

It's not easy being an introvert, because our society seems made for extroverts.

Job interviews favor those who are personable and quick-thinking.

Classrooms are noisy, busy places that reward students who are comfortable speaking in groups

and working collaboratively.

And of course, when it comes to making friends, networking, and dating, those who are confident

and outgoing get ahead.

How can an introvert live a happy, fulfilling life in an "extroverted" world?

In short, we need to work with our introversion rather than fight against it.

So, here are how to do it.


Have more meaningful conversations.

In general, introverts cringe at small talk because it feels inauthentic, but we get energized

by talking about big ideas and meaningful topics.

And there's good news for introverts: research suggests that the happiest people have twice

as many meaningful conversations, and do less surface-level chitchat, than the unhappiest.

An added bonus: You may find that big talk doesn't drain you the way small talk does.


Say no to social events that promise little meaningful interaction.

We've all been there.

An acquaintance invites you to such-and-such event.

You feel obligated to go because you don't want to hurt their feelings or seem rude.

But you know that the birthday party for Diane in Accounting or the ladies all-night pub

crawl won't be fulfilling.

In fact it will not only lack meaningful interaction but also leave you with an introvert hangover,

which is when you feel physically unwell from overextending yourself socially.

If you're anything like me, you've spent a good chunk of your life saying yes to social

invitations out of guilt, then paying for it later with exhaustion and overstimulation.

Of course there are some things you probably shouldn't skip, like your best friend's

wedding shower or your dad's retirement party.

Bottom line, to live a happier life, pass on any unnecessary get-togethers that will

drain your battery, not energize it.


Get over your guilt of leaving the party early.

Have you ever started saying your goodbyes at a social event only to have someone exclaim,

"You're leaving already?

The night's still young!"

These types of comments used to fill me with guilt.

Why was I the only one getting socially burned out?

Was there something wrong with me?

Later, I learned that I'm an introvert, and introverts get worn out by socializing

because they respond to rewards differently than extroverts.

Now I have no problem calling it an early night and heading for the door.


Don't force yourself to live the "extroverted" life.

Research from the University of Maryland suggests that acting falsely extroverted can lead to

stress, burnout, and cardiovascular disease.

Turns out, embracing your introversion isn't just a feel-good axiom, it's actually good

for your health.


Give yourself permission to not do it all.

I have an extroverted friend who always has her hand in something.

If she's not organizing a get-together with our friends, she's volunteering at her son's

pre-school or taking on an extra project at work.

I'll admit that I've wished for her energy because she really does seem like she's

doing it all.

But I have to remind myself that my talents lie elsewhere, in deep analysis, reflective

thinking, and quality over quantity, not in running around doing all the things.


Schedule your solitude to avoid hurt feelings.

Make sure you get enough alone time by scheduling it once a week on the family calendar.

That way your extroverted partner won't feel hurt when you say you want to be alone.

Plus, you can both work together to protect your restorative solitude by not scheduling

other obligations at that time.

It's a win-win.


Back away from one-sided relationships.

Because introverts tend to listen well and give others the stage, we can be targets for

toxic or emotionally needy people.

These relationships, in which one person is taking more than they give, exhaust our already

limited social energy.

If there are people in your life who constantly drain you, consider spending less time with


You'll get the bonus of freeing up more time and energy for the people who do fill

you up.


Occasionally step out of your comfort zone.

To my absolute horror, after writing a book about introversion, I learned that people

wanted to talk to me about said book.

They even wanted me to give interviews, go on podcasts, and give speeches!

Let's just say it was a very real lesson in pushing myself out of my stay-at-home-and-watch-Netflix

comfort zone.

Honestly, I felt extremely uncomfortable almost every minute of it, but I did those things

because I knew they would be good for my career.

Taking the occasional jaunt out of your comfort zone can help you grow too.

You can always retreat to your introvert cocoon afterward.


Stop beating yourself up for that awkward thing you said six years ago.

Perhaps because introverts have more electrical activity in their brains than extroverts,

we tend to ruminate.

Our overthinking may take the form of playing embarrassing mistakes over and over in our


Unfortunately, rumination can give way to depression and anxiety, and it rarely helps

you solve the problem you're obsessing over.

To break free from the rumination cycle, do something to get the powerful engine of your

mind chugging down a different track.

Call to mind a positive memory, put on music, go for a walk, or do any different activity

than the one you're currently doing.


Remember that your introvert needs are valid too.

Society tells introverts that our way is not the right way.

As a result, we've become accustomed to hiding our needs or pretending.

We pretend we're having a good time at the party when in reality we're exhausted.

We feel pressured to give our boss an answer RIGHT NOW when really we need time to think.

However, as you know, when you don't say what you need, you pay a price.

Often, people aren't purposely trying to burden you or take advantage of you, it may

be that they simply aren't aware of what you need.

Do you need a few hours to yourself to recharge from a busy week?

Say it!

Do you need someone to stop talking to you for a few minutes so you can concentrate?

Tell them!

Your introvert needs are valid too.

Well, that's the 10 ways to work with your introversion rather than fight against it.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Ways to Work With Your Introversion Rather Than Fight Against It - Duration: 7:11.


Este anciano | Rimas Para Niños | Para Bebes | Canciones Infantiles| Videos De Niños - Duration: 1:04:00.

This old man he played one

He played nick nack on my drum

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

This old man he played two

He played nick nack on my shoe

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

This old man he played three

He played nick nack on my tree

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

his old man came rolling home

This old man he played four

He played nick nack on my door

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

This old man he played five

He played nick nack on my hive

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

This old man he played six

He played nick nack on my stick

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

This old man he played seven

He played nick nack on my deven

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

This old man he played eight

He played nick nack on my gate

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

This old man he played nine

He played nick nack on my vine

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

This old man he played ten

He played nick nack on my hen

With a nick nack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

For more infomation >> Este anciano | Rimas Para Niños | Para Bebes | Canciones Infantiles| Videos De Niños - Duration: 1:04:00.


Cả làng đã phát hiện ra chuyện bên cái di ảnh và Vợ mới Cưới là thế này đây ... - Duration: 35:12.

For more infomation >> Cả làng đã phát hiện ra chuyện bên cái di ảnh và Vợ mới Cưới là thế này đây ... - Duration: 35:12.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 5 EKİM 2017 | SPOR AJANSI GS GÜNDEMİ | SETENAY CANKAT & KEREM İNAN | Youtube - Duration: 22:24.


How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal - Duration: 3:07.

How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal

How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal

How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal

How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal

How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal

How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal

How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal

How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal

How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal

For more infomation >> How To Install Linux Operating System in Android Phone | Without Root | Hack with Linux Terminal - Duration: 3:07.


5 अक्टूबर शरद पूर्णिमा की रात पूजा में रखना न भूलें ये एक चीज | Sharad Purnima 2017 - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> 5 अक्टूबर शरद पूर्णिमा की रात पूजा में रखना न भूलें ये एक चीज | Sharad Purnima 2017 - Duration: 12:22.


全米が感動!障害の壁を越えてInstagramで奇跡の発表!医師に100%無理と言われた…奇跡の内容に賞賛の嵐!! - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> 全米が感動!障害の壁を越えてInstagramで奇跡の発表!医師に100%無理と言われた…奇跡の内容に賞賛の嵐!! - Duration: 8:31.


покраска заднего бампера и крышки багажника - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> покраска заднего бампера и крышки багажника - Duration: 9:22.


Hãy Nói Anh Yêu Em - Tập 2 | Phim Học Đường Cấp 3 - Kinh Quốc Entertainment - Duration: 20:32.

For more infomation >> Hãy Nói Anh Yêu Em - Tập 2 | Phim Học Đường Cấp 3 - Kinh Quốc Entertainment - Duration: 20:32.


PAUSE PROCESS #46 La Bagarre - Duration: 16:14.

For more infomation >> PAUSE PROCESS #46 La Bagarre - Duration: 16:14.


Here's My Canada: A Home Is A Sweet Home - Duration: 0:06.

Today is pride day, happy pride day to you.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: A Home Is A Sweet Home - Duration: 0:06.


عــــــــاجل: وساطة سياسية قوية في المغرب قد تفرج أزمة موريتانيا - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: وساطة سياسية قوية في المغرب قد تفرج أزمة موريتانيا - Duration: 1:25.


Mid-Semester Feedback Toolkit Walkthrough - Duration: 6:06.

Hello! This walkthrough will assist you with implementing the mid-semester feedback resources provided in the toolkit.

The toolkit provides three options for deploying mid-semester feedback opportunities in your course: a paper copy,

a Canvas Survey Package, and a Poll- Everywhere Package

If you're interested in a specific tool, you may use the links in the video description to navigate to the timecode for those instructions.

Also in the description, you'll find a quick link for the Mid-Semester Feedback toolkit page that you'll want to have open before continuing.

We'll get started today with importing the Canvas Survey Package to your Canvas course.

All courses at UNC Charlotte have a Canvas shell, so even if you haven't previously used it, the course shell is still available to you to deploy

a survey. When you upload the survey to your course, it is automatically set to be ungraded and anonymous, although you can change

those settings if you wish.

The first step to adding the survey to your Canvas course is to navigate to the feedback toolkit materials and click the link for the Canvas

survey package.The survey package will download to your default downloads folder.

Once you've downloaded the package, do not unzip it. It needs to stay zipped in order to be loaded back into Canvas.

Once you've downloaded the folder, open the Canvas course you'd like to load the survey to.

Click Settings > Import Course Content > and in the drop-down, select Canvas Course Export Package.

Click Choose file to search for the downloaded zipped folder. Its name will be: MidSemesterCanvasSurvey.

Select All Content and then Import. The only item in this package is the one Canvas survey, and it will not overwrite any material in your

course. Once this screen indicates that the upload is complete, click on Quizzes in your Canvas course menu.

Although this package is for an ungraded survey, Canvas collects surveys and quizzes on the same page.

If you'd like to review the survey before deploying it to students, click the unpublish button, then click the title of the survey

and preview to review the questions.

If you'd like to change any of the questions, exit the preview, click the title of the survey and click Edit, and then click the Questions tab.

Each question can be edited by clicking the pencil and then saving your changes by clicking the Update Question button and then Save at

the bottom of the screen.

On the main quiz page, you'll find options for availability and grading if you want to limit the time period students have to complete the

survey. Once you're satisfied with the questions and the settings, be sure to click Publish.

Don't forget to alert your students that there's a survey they need to fill out in the Canvas course.

To view student responses on the survey, navigate to the Quizzes link and select the name of the survey.

Click Survey Statistics to view a broad overview of responses.

If you'd like a more detailed view, select "Student Analysis" at the top of the screen to download

the results to an Excel spreadsheet file. This file will include the responses to the open-ended questions in the survey.

If you have trouble deploying the survey, choosing the settings, or viewing the results

please call the Canvas Support hotline at 877-257-9780 or click the help button in the main menu on the left to choose

a different help option.

To use the Poll Everywhere package to create a feedback poll in your course, start by downloading the Excel file.

It will download to your default downloads folder or wherever you've specified downloaded items be saved.

Open the downloaded file to review the questions and make any desired changes.

It's easier if you expand all of the cells so you can see the entire question.

Be careful to preserve the formatting of the columns.

Once you're satisfied with your changes, save the file to your computer.

Open Poll and sign in with your UNC Charlotte email.

Once poll everywhere has opened, click Import, select a file from your computer, select the saved file,

click Import, and then Done.

The poll questions from the excel file are now ready to use.

If you've never used Poll Everywhere or need assistance using it in your course,

please sign up for one of the Poll Everywhere workshops offered by the Center for Teaching & Learning.

Our workshop calendar is linked in the video description.

The last resource provided in the toolkit is a Word document.

Feel free to download the file, edit the questions, remove them, or add to them and deploy the questions however you are most comfortable.

Okay, that's it! We hope you found the toolkit helpful and that you'll be able to use mid-semester feedback to make your already great

courses even better.

For more infomation >> Mid-Semester Feedback Toolkit Walkthrough - Duration: 6:06.





Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI AMBITION - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI AMBITION - Duration: 1:00.


2조원이 한방에 증발한 미 공군 역대 최악의 사고 - ⭐365일 추세⭐ - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> 2조원이 한방에 증발한 미 공군 역대 최악의 사고 - ⭐365일 추세⭐ - Duration: 7:44.


10 Celebs Who Are Unrecognizable Without Makeup - Duration: 1:38.

10 Celebs Who Are Unrecognizable Without Makeup 10 Celebs Who Are Unrecognizable Without Makeup

10 Celebs Who Are Unrecognizable Without Makeup 10 Celebs Who Are Unrecognizable Without Makeup

10 Celebs Who Are Unrecognizable Without Makeup

For more infomation >> 10 Celebs Who Are Unrecognizable Without Makeup - Duration: 1:38.


7 Signs of A Nutrient Deficiency You'll See on Your Face - Duration: 6:17.

7 Signs of A Nutrient Deficiency You�ll See on Your Face

You may think they're just from a lack of personal hygiene, but many of the signs you

see on your face - like dryness or acne - come from a nutrient deficiency.

Most of us are concerned about keeping our face looking good. It�s not just taking

care of blemishes, but also watching our sun and toxin exposure.

However, in spite of all the special beauty products we use, sometimes we still have problems

that may not be serious but are hard to treat.

The problem is that we don�t realize that these signs go deeper than our appearance.

A lot of times they have to do with nutrient deficiencies in our body.

We may try to treat these problems externally, but a lack of certain nutrients causes problems

and makes them reoccur.

That�s why we�d like to talk about 7 signs you�ll see on your face when you have nutrient


Find out what they are!

1. Acne Acne can appear due to deficiencies in vitamins

A, E, and B complex.

While there are many hormonal and environmental factors that play a role, lacking these nutrients

can increase your likelihood of getting acne.

That�s why it is essential to avoid fatty foods if you have acne, and instead eat these:

Nuts Green vegetables

Fish and seafood Olive oil

Eggs Avocados

2. Dry skin Excessively dry skin can be caused by nutritional

deficiencies stemming from a poor diet and too much sun.

These factors keep vitamins and minerals from doing their job, which over time causes noticeable


A lack of vitamins A and C tends to be the most commonly associated deficiency.

So be sure to add these foods to your diet:

Carrots Citrus fruits

Blueberries Green vegetables

Apricots Peppers

Pumpkin 3. Puffy eyes

Under-eye bags are imperfections that are caused by fluid retention and poor circulation.

These, in turn, are caused by a lack of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and iodine.

Low absorption triggers an inflammatory response that is seen around the eyes.

To avoid this, eat foods like these more often:

Bananas Seaweed

Olive oil Himalayan salt

Oily fish Radishes

Spinach Nuts

4. Pale lips When your lips and gums look pale, you probably

have iron-deficiency anemia.

This nutrient, a key player in the formation of red blood cells, helps maintain your mouth�s

characteristic red color.

To absorb more iron, try to increase your intake of:

Lean meat Dried beans

Spinach Liver

Nuts Peppers

Oregano Fish and shellfish

5. Cracked lips Most of us have had cracked lips at some point.

It�s a common symptom when there are sudden weather changes or when you expose yourself

to the sun without proper protection.

However, when it is reoccurring, it may be a symptom that your body has a vitamin B complex

deficiency and is lacking water.

Together, they help support optimal cellular regeneration, keeping your lips smooth and


If this is you, make an effort to add foods like these to your diet:

Citrus fruits Nuts

Eggs Lean meat

Fish Legumes

Whole grains Apples

Mangos Avocados

6. Yellowish eyes A yellowish color in the whites of your eyes

is caused by a condition known as jaundice, characterized by increased levels of bilirubin

in the tissues.

It may come from disorders of the liver or gallbladder, but also from nutrient deficiencies

such as:

Vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) Lecithin

Minerals (magnesium, zinc) In order to control it, avoid processed foods

and increase your intake of:

Vegetables (artichoke, spinach, kale, peppers, radishes, tomatoes)

Citrus fruits Fruit (grapes, apples, pineapple)

Barley Herbs (cilantro, basil)

7. Pale skin Pale skin may be caused by an iron or vitamin

D deficiency, which is common in people with anemia.

Lowered amounts of these substances affects blood circulation and thus compromises cellular

oxygenation and transportation of nutrients to the skin.

In order to fix it, add foods like these to your diet:

Lean meat Fish and shellfish

Liver oil Fortified cereals

Enriched soy products Mushrooms

Eggs Do you see any of these symptoms in yourself?

If so, see a doctor and get checked out in order to see if you have a nutrient deficiency.

Whatever the case, try to eat the recommended foods to fix the problem.

For more infomation >> 7 Signs of A Nutrient Deficiency You'll See on Your Face - Duration: 6:17.


Cả làng đã phát hiện ra chuyện bên cái di ảnh và Vợ mới Cưới là thế này đây ... - Duration: 35:12.

For more infomation >> Cả làng đã phát hiện ra chuyện bên cái di ảnh và Vợ mới Cưới là thế này đây ... - Duration: 35:12.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Quick review of N scale Athearn TankTrain cars (subtitles on English included) - Duration: 5:04.

Good day to all!

today is quick review of

N scale tank cars from Athearn

GATX TankTrain system

let's get started

first of all, I want to thank

the all DCCTRAIN staff

Alex, Rob and Leslie

for quick order processing

and firstly little bit of history

you can see that cars are interconnected with a hose

what is it for?

The TankTrain was designed by GATX company

The TankTrain concept was a solution

to the problem of long load/unload times

for unit train shipments of particular commodities

as well as reduced labor costs

A typical unit train can take significant time to load or unload

with the need for workers to attach

the necessary hoses and other fittings to each individual car

The TankTrain was designed to significantly reduce this time

and allows to load/unload a group of cars at once

usually, cars are grouped in sets 12-13

which allows the commodity to be

siphoned off at a single point at the end of a set of cars

while being "pushed" at the opposite end

with inert nitrogen gas

the Athearn make two series on N scale

its the 486-number series (built in 1977)

the prototypes have differences

between the two different series

including variations on the tank saddles

walkways, manways, brake rigging, and transfer piping.

as well as an logo in the entire size of the car

and 282-series, like mine, built in 1982

Using this method

cars can be loaded or unloaded

at a rate of approximately 3,000 gallons per minute

allowing a train of 90 cars

to be loaded or unloaded in under five hours

the typical train being around 75-78 cars

and grouped into sets of 12-13 cars

although is possible grouped into sets ranging

from two to thirteen cars

quality of packaging, as always, excellent


protective film

and the car itself

wheels is metal

I asked Chris, the representative of Athearn

why the release date postponed two times

and he said that they could not

get these wheels on time

and because of this there was a delay

decals are very small

the 486-series cars

have large TankTrain sign

on the whole side of the tank

and also variations on the manways, brake rigging, and more

interconnection tube

couplers, as usual, McHenry

to the quality of complaints there are no

the only thing I did not like very much

how flexible hoses are packed

it is in a separate package

and I'm afraid that he might get lost with time

most likely, I'll stick it to the car

and I hope that it will not hurt to store it in the box

here so the car with the hose is placed in the box

as I expected, there is enough space

to store a car with a glued hose

to coupling cars will require some dexterity

when connecting a flexible hose

I recommend first attaching it to a long-tube side of car

then connect the hose with the second car

and after that, couple the cars

I hope this information is interest and useful

thanks for watching

good luck to all


For more infomation >> Quick review of N scale Athearn TankTrain cars (subtitles on English included) - Duration: 5:04.


For more infomation >> Quick review of N scale Athearn TankTrain cars (subtitles on English included) - Duration: 5:04.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL + achteruitrijcamera* - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL + achteruitrijcamera* - Duration: 0:57.


For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL + achteruitrijcamera* - Duration: 0:57.


Laura Smet, tendre et complice avec Johnny Hallyday- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet, tendre et complice avec Johnny Hallyday- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:30.


For more infomation >> Laura Smet, tendre et complice avec Johnny Hallyday- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:30.


Soigner naturellement vos caries et la détérioration des dents à l'aide de ce puissant remède - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Soigner naturellement vos caries et la détérioration des dents à l'aide de ce puissant remède - Duration: 6:21.


For more infomation >> Soigner naturellement vos caries et la détérioration des dents à l'aide de ce puissant remède - Duration: 6:21.


Une astuce géniale pour avoir des cheveux sublimes - France 365 - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Une astuce géniale pour avoir des cheveux sublimes - France 365 - Duration: 5:12.


For more infomation >> Une astuce géniale pour avoir des cheveux sublimes - France 365 - Duration: 5:12.


Si vous prenez un des ces médicaments ne consommez jamais ces aliments ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Si vous prenez un des ces médicaments ne consommez jamais ces aliments ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:55.


For more infomation >> Si vous prenez un des ces médicaments ne consommez jamais ces aliments ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:55.



Hi, you must be the one who called for the last-minute consultation right? Oh don't be worried or have that guilty look on your face

Now we don't usually do this but today's been an exception. Anyways, my name is Rose. What's your name?

Well it's nice to meet you you have a wonderful name!

Now you're probably here searching for your dragon companion right? I mean- okay. I'm being silly of course. That's why you're here

That's why you showed up at the hatchery

Anyways, it's pretty exciting. You know to just get your dragon companion

You know it's always fun for me to see the newcomers. You know how excited you guys are if you're not excited

There's something wrong with you by the way. There's something wrong with you if you're not excited about having a dragon companion

Anyways we gotta move on to the talk

The talk... Basically it's my whole spiel on

Responsibilities, and it's not the most exciting thing on the planet

Yet, we have to go through this for a large array of reasons, so let's try to make this quick for you

I don't want to bore you to death so first things first

Dragons are your companions and not your slaves. They're not your pets

They're our mentors; our protectors; our friends. You know, you don't just go make them your slaves

It's like hey bitch. Go do that you don't do that. No you don't sorry for saying that to you

I did I didn't mean to call you that B word, but I'm just giving an example. You don't do that

You know they're our loyal friends

They are companions for life

And there are cases where dragons will not adopt a new master

They want to stay loyal to their first and only master

So they will probably roam and fly around just you know on their own

There are free dragons and they are you can't just convince them to take upon you as their new masters

that's not how things work here now the next part is really the major reason why we gotta have the

responsibility talk and the

responsibility waiver thingamabob form so anyways I

Really love to say. This is a really rare instance, but that's not the case

This is a really common thing that happens

Basically if you neglect or abuse your drago in any way

Oh well they'll turn rogue on you and pretty much eat you which will cause psychological trauma for that said

Dragon. Now that we don't care about your life for anything. We really do value your life. It's just

once they're broken free and eaten you so

Now what do they do you may ask?

Well since they've been still loose into the world. They're gonna go destroy all of

Civilization now, thanks to you for being a total jerk to them. Thank you. Why? What is wrong with you?

Treat them with respect please I beg of you when you your companion

Please don't be a total asshole like I'm sorry. I don't want to swear. Just don't do that. That is not a good thing

I don't want to give you an exact number of how many times. That's happened

Because we don't want to scare you off. A lot of lives have been lost. Let's take a moment of silence for those lives cuz yeah

Anyways that is the reason why we give you this

Responsibilities talk just so you don't do this. Oh my god. There's so many times where I witnessed this.

Where I had to be on the scene of this... It's not FUN

Don't do that. I'm sure for a lovely person you won't do that right? If you do... I'm gonna have to hunt you down

Before things get out of hand

Anyways each dragon has their own personality

They're not boring creatures by the way. Each dragon has their own personality traits

They may inherit from the tribes that their parents are from. Now that's not always certain because their personality can always change


Certain cases most of the time they do inherit the traits from their parents well

It's not really trait, but they do inherit their parents personality from their tribe whatever yes

Now we give out dragons of five tribes we tell

Now we give the dragons for five tribes

we don't go all over with the hundreds of upon thousands of tribes that exists. there are many subgroups and

hybrids and such

But we can few the main five now if you don't know what those five are

There's "Ignis" or for the less fancy term "Fire"

Then we have "Glacies" or "ice"

"Aqua" or "water". "Terra" or "earth" and then finally we have "Caeli" or "Air"

Each tribe has her own diet which you had to provide for

Since you're getting this dragon from an egg to a hatchling so you gotta help them grow. Don't starve them

We're gonna have to arrest you for neglect on that. Early hand before they get out of control

Anyways now we're gonna move on to the really fun part

Which is the assessment and I can see that you're not happy when I say?

Assessment no it's not a boring test. Don't worry about it. It's very quick

So you'll probably finish it really quickly and you can go enjoy yourself at a cafe if you want to burn some time

We'll be here, but anyways we're gonna give you this assessment, and you just gotta come back

And we'll calculate your results you'll get an egg today

Hopefully if you come back today


Go have fun. Go to a cafe or something. I don't know

So you can take your time come back.... We'll be waiting for you

See you soon

For more infomation >> 『THE HATCHERY』 【INTERACTIVE | ROLEPLAY】 - Duration: 6:42.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.6 TDI BUSINESS EDITION R RIJKLAAR INCL GARANTIE T/M 08-2019 OF 100.000 K - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.6 TDI BUSINESS EDITION R RIJKLAAR INCL GARANTIE T/M 08-2019 OF 100.000 K - Duration: 1:00.


Mad Moxxi | Halloween Makeup Tutorial | AJ Kane - Duration: 6:48.

Well, hello. Don't just stand there looking gorgeous

With terrible impersonations aside,

welcome back to my 31 Days of Halloween series!

For today's look I thought we should do something a little more pretty

and so I turned myself into Mad Moxxi.

Product details and all that fun stuff will be in the video description below.

Shall we get started?

Starting this tutorial off already looking...insane.

I know what you're thinking, but I'm not naked.

Off camera, I already moisturized and primed my face before taking a super light

foundation and adding a little bit of a white adjuster as well, because Moxxi has a VERY pale face.

To blend that foundation in even more, I use a stippling motion with my foundation brush.

Going off of photos of Moxxi, she has a darker neck compared to her face, so I buffed out a darker foundation

in the areas that would be showing.

To brighten up the eyes,

I'm adding some concealer and blending that out with a finger.

Be sure to give your face a good powdering, so there's no creasing.

I'm then taking a lot of pink blush and buffing that out on the apples of my cheeks.

The next step is to prime my eyes and dust on a white shadow so there's no creasing

For the eyebrows, Moxxi has super high arches.

I, however, do not.

So instead I'm giving a lot of height to my eyebrow and drawing that on

and filling them in quite a bit with the dark eyebrow colour.

Since she is a cartoon character, we can definitely go over the top with all the definition of her features

So I'm taking some concealer and, as they say, carving out my brow.

For the eyeshadow, I'm taking two reds that are a little bit more on the pink side

and blending that out in my crease.

To diffuse that a little bit, I'm taking a light peach color and also adding that above my crease

Then I'm taking two different purples, adding that to my outer corner, and a little bit in the crease

Before taking a black shadow and messily applying that on top

To brighten up the side of the lid I'm taking a shimmery purple as well as a white eyeshadow and dusting that on top.

I also decided to add the shadows on the bottom, but make sure you add the majority of the black shadow on the outer corner

Toss on some black mascara before we head to the lip.

I wanted her lips to be pretty dark so I lined my lips with the dark plum lip liner.

To make lipstick application easier,

I'm mapping out her lip shape.

She has a pretty wide cupid's bow and a very full lower lip.

Here's the general shape of her lips. I'm then taking a liquid red lipstick and slapping that on top

I'm applying a little bit of white body paint to the center of my lip

But you can pretty much use anything else like cream makeup or even eyeshadow to create that ombre

Apparently I didn't tell the rest of my lips, but all I did was add some outlines and a white highlight.

For the choker it's super simple:

All you need to do is take some black body paint and run a thick strip of that along your neck.

To make her striped collar, you're gonna want to start with the white body paint first

It's easier to paint black on white, than white on black.

So I'm making three white stripes down my chest

Going from small to big so it looks like it's splaying out.

And then I'm taking some black, mixed with a little bit of grey body paint, and filling in the gaps.

I have such a great concentration mouth.

Next to create a very simple shadow on the inner portion of the collar

Taking a little bit of gray body paint and painting that on the white stripes

while taking a black body paint and painting on the dark gray.

I also created the outline of my faux bra

with grey body paint.

Now it's time to get red-ified.

And we are back!

To lessen the chances of transferring, I added some powder on the stripes first

and then the rest of the red.

Now we're gonna get a little scandalous and get up close and personal...

I'm adding some gold detailing on the top of my shirt.

I'm then taking some dark grey and black eyeshadow and defining under the collar and over the girls and

also adding some more scalloped detail

Taking some black body paint, I'm outlining the bustier area... That's what we're gonna call it.

To create the pinstripes on her red outfit, I'm taking a mixture of black and red eyeshadow and just dragging that down

Next I'm adding some shadow to her collar as well as adding a few finer details

As for the "pop art" kind of features

they're pretty simple: you're just gonna want to add some black detailing to anywhere that has some shadow.

I decided to add a quick highlight to the choker before taking a light blue body paint and creating the swirls on her collar.

Now back up to the eyes.

I'm just lining them with a black gel liner before adding the faux mascara streaks down the left side of her face.

To finish off this look I'm adding just a few more pop art markings

And that's it, sugar - you're done.

See you guys tomorrow...

For more infomation >> Mad Moxxi | Halloween Makeup Tutorial | AJ Kane - Duration: 6:48.


10 Ways to Work With Your Introversion Rather Than Fight Against It - Duration: 7:11.

10 Ways to Work With Your Introversion Rather Than Fight Against It

It's not easy being an introvert, because our society seems made for extroverts.

Job interviews favor those who are personable and quick-thinking.

Classrooms are noisy, busy places that reward students who are comfortable speaking in groups

and working collaboratively.

And of course, when it comes to making friends, networking, and dating, those who are confident

and outgoing get ahead.

How can an introvert live a happy, fulfilling life in an "extroverted" world?

In short, we need to work with our introversion rather than fight against it.

So, here are how to do it.


Have more meaningful conversations.

In general, introverts cringe at small talk because it feels inauthentic, but we get energized

by talking about big ideas and meaningful topics.

And there's good news for introverts: research suggests that the happiest people have twice

as many meaningful conversations, and do less surface-level chitchat, than the unhappiest.

An added bonus: You may find that big talk doesn't drain you the way small talk does.


Say no to social events that promise little meaningful interaction.

We've all been there.

An acquaintance invites you to such-and-such event.

You feel obligated to go because you don't want to hurt their feelings or seem rude.

But you know that the birthday party for Diane in Accounting or the ladies all-night pub

crawl won't be fulfilling.

In fact it will not only lack meaningful interaction but also leave you with an introvert hangover,

which is when you feel physically unwell from overextending yourself socially.

If you're anything like me, you've spent a good chunk of your life saying yes to social

invitations out of guilt, then paying for it later with exhaustion and overstimulation.

Of course there are some things you probably shouldn't skip, like your best friend's

wedding shower or your dad's retirement party.

Bottom line, to live a happier life, pass on any unnecessary get-togethers that will

drain your battery, not energize it.


Get over your guilt of leaving the party early.

Have you ever started saying your goodbyes at a social event only to have someone exclaim,

"You're leaving already?

The night's still young!"

These types of comments used to fill me with guilt.

Why was I the only one getting socially burned out?

Was there something wrong with me?

Later, I learned that I'm an introvert, and introverts get worn out by socializing

because they respond to rewards differently than extroverts.

Now I have no problem calling it an early night and heading for the door.


Don't force yourself to live the "extroverted" life.

Research from the University of Maryland suggests that acting falsely extroverted can lead to

stress, burnout, and cardiovascular disease.

Turns out, embracing your introversion isn't just a feel-good axiom, it's actually good

for your health.


Give yourself permission to not do it all.

I have an extroverted friend who always has her hand in something.

If she's not organizing a get-together with our friends, she's volunteering at her son's

pre-school or taking on an extra project at work.

I'll admit that I've wished for her energy because she really does seem like she's

doing it all.

But I have to remind myself that my talents lie elsewhere, in deep analysis, reflective

thinking, and quality over quantity, not in running around doing all the things.


Schedule your solitude to avoid hurt feelings.

Make sure you get enough alone time by scheduling it once a week on the family calendar.

That way your extroverted partner won't feel hurt when you say you want to be alone.

Plus, you can both work together to protect your restorative solitude by not scheduling

other obligations at that time.

It's a win-win.


Back away from one-sided relationships.

Because introverts tend to listen well and give others the stage, we can be targets for

toxic or emotionally needy people.

These relationships, in which one person is taking more than they give, exhaust our already

limited social energy.

If there are people in your life who constantly drain you, consider spending less time with


You'll get the bonus of freeing up more time and energy for the people who do fill

you up.


Occasionally step out of your comfort zone.

To my absolute horror, after writing a book about introversion, I learned that people

wanted to talk to me about said book.

They even wanted me to give interviews, go on podcasts, and give speeches!

Let's just say it was a very real lesson in pushing myself out of my stay-at-home-and-watch-Netflix

comfort zone.

Honestly, I felt extremely uncomfortable almost every minute of it, but I did those things

because I knew they would be good for my career.

Taking the occasional jaunt out of your comfort zone can help you grow too.

You can always retreat to your introvert cocoon afterward.


Stop beating yourself up for that awkward thing you said six years ago.

Perhaps because introverts have more electrical activity in their brains than extroverts,

we tend to ruminate.

Our overthinking may take the form of playing embarrassing mistakes over and over in our


Unfortunately, rumination can give way to depression and anxiety, and it rarely helps

you solve the problem you're obsessing over.

To break free from the rumination cycle, do something to get the powerful engine of your

mind chugging down a different track.

Call to mind a positive memory, put on music, go for a walk, or do any different activity

than the one you're currently doing.


Remember that your introvert needs are valid too.

Society tells introverts that our way is not the right way.

As a result, we've become accustomed to hiding our needs or pretending.

We pretend we're having a good time at the party when in reality we're exhausted.

We feel pressured to give our boss an answer RIGHT NOW when really we need time to think.

However, as you know, when you don't say what you need, you pay a price.

Often, people aren't purposely trying to burden you or take advantage of you, it may

be that they simply aren't aware of what you need.

Do you need a few hours to yourself to recharge from a busy week?

Say it!

Do you need someone to stop talking to you for a few minutes so you can concentrate?

Tell them!

Your introvert needs are valid too.

Well, that's the 10 ways to work with your introversion rather than fight against it.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Ways to Work With Your Introversion Rather Than Fight Against It - Duration: 7:11.


Dorjee Momo: For this Momo Maker, Tibetan Dumplings are a Family Tradition - Duration: 1:30.

- The first I come to the United States,

the day of first in the 5.30pm,

I went to the Union Station.

There was so many peoples, really fast walking,

then I just stopped for two minutes,

why people so much to run, what they need to gain?

Then I just thinking of people's reaction,

there's no talking to each other.

Everyone had put in headphones and ear,

just look in the smart phone,

we'd taken away the communications,

our relationships.

That's when my heart is part full,

to live in the USA.

I was born in Tibet,

and I been for 16 years in the monastery.

A lot of monks, we just decided to go to India.

The people want to know the different culture,

especially for central Asia,

because there's a lot of small countries,

and a lot of peoples don't know,

and I just showing to what I have a skill as my experience.

This is the dumpling from Tibet,

what I saw my Dad, he make.

When in childhood, my favorite food is dumpling.

Then I just start the business, my own dumpling maker.

For more infomation >> Dorjee Momo: For this Momo Maker, Tibetan Dumplings are a Family Tradition - Duration: 1:30.


Anna Mucha szykuje się na wielkie zmiany? Będzie ciąża w życiu i... ciąża na ekranie? - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Anna Mucha szykuje się na wielkie zmiany? Będzie ciąża w życiu i... ciąża na ekranie? - Duration: 6:16.


Har du nogensinde prøvet kørestolsrace i skoven? - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Har du nogensinde prøvet kørestolsrace i skoven? - Duration: 0:31.


瘦褲有香水味?使用分享 ~ 穿瘦褲瘦下來? Slim Legging Has Fragrant? - Duration: 10:00.

I was like, OMG

Why this legging has fragrance?

Hello everyone

I'm Sylvia

This video I will show you a product that I recently use

And I hope my video can be a reference, useful and helpful

In the end of this video

I will mention what I thought of this product

And what situation you need to pay attention

And I will mention about pro and cons

At last, I will mention do I like this product o now

Or will I continue to use it or not, ok?

I will pick one lucky winner every month

I will send a cosmetic as a gift

If you haven't join yet

Please check out the info box below

Today I want to show you the product

It relate with slimming

Which is pant


the more you wear it

the more you will get slim, do you believe?

I just check Google

search for detail about it and too messy

So I look for the seller

and let her tell me more detail about this product

She said, there is a black pant

Slimming pants/legging

You can wear for sports/gym

One hour is equal to five hours to burn fat

It's sound awesome

For those people who seldom sports/gym also can wear this too

You can wear this before do housework

Office worker can wear it as leggings

You also can wear it before go to shopping

You can burn fat while walking

Such as hiking, playing ball

Fitness also can

Wear this daily also can

But not recommended to wear to go to bed

They sell this kind of pant

They also sell other kind of pant too, which is 3 different type

This type can wear before sleep

It can repair, thin waist, slimming

For those who afraid of hot temperature room also can wear

Can cure skin problem

Reduce Obesity mark, slim for leg

moisturizing, whitening

Remove stretch marks

And there is more benefits

When we wear this pants

The rubbing between the skin and the pants

It can issued the effect which is good for skin

And it has slimming effect

give a beautiful skin

Pregnancy, menstruation cannot wear them

Well, the products are here

Hey hey (● ∀ ●)

I still remember when I first time unboxing

It's smell so good

I was like, OMG

Why this legging has fragrance?

Because usually those regular legging has nothing fragrance at all

Just smell like fabric

Well, this is what I just mention just now

You can wear to gym/fitness/workout

If you seldom do sports, also can wear before do chores or shopping

It look like this

the logo is inside here

Very fit

I already wear it for a month

If I found out it dirty

I will put it to washing machine

And then I was like, OMG

Will the washing machine destroy this pant?

I mean like it will loose or worse

After it dry

And I found out that it look like new

Or even smaller now

So if you afraid, like you accidentally out into the washing machine

No need to worry

I found out that it look like new and even turn smaller now

So when I wear it

It can make your tight very fit

Next one

There are 3 different type (one of them is a limited edition)

This color is gold, it called dark sea

This is rose

And this is lavender

Because I love rose, so I use this first

This is what they look like

It is very fragrant

And I washed it many times

This is for night use

Don't put it into the washing machine

Because this material is different than the day use

After I wear this

It feel so comfortable

Late I will explain

First time when I wear it

I feel very tight, very tight, very tight, very tight

Because you know my type of body

My body is petite and a bit round

It's mean, my thighs has fats too

If I didn't wear it

The rubbing between of my both thighs are very disturbing

After I wear this pant, my both thighs are become fit

It look like skinny

But actually it make your fats become fit

Every time when I walk

There is no rubbing between my both tights anymore

So I think this is good

because this is who I am

I have no idea

Those people who reached 30

They will know is so hard to lose weight

We are very pity

Until the next day

My stomach is a little flat

And of course, I wish I can stay like this

This is for day use

At least 8 hours to wear

And this is for night use. This is rose fragrant

These three different colors

They have their own unique flavor and fragrant

which is awesome

I wear this one, the rose one

I wear it before sleep

The moment when I know that there is other type for night use

I was like, OMG

The night use will be tighter and fit?

I don't think this is a good idea for sleep use

Untill I wear it

It's so comfortable

The material is different than the day use

The day use one, a bit rough, hard and firm

This is very soft

And it won't very tight feel at all

When I sleep, I smell the fragrant

Smell so good

This is long pant

You no need to worry that

you skin can't breathable

Actually this kind of fabric is good, your skin can breathable

But this color

When I wear this

This color is look like skin color

When I look a the mirror

I was like OMG why look like didn't wear pant

Let me show you the other color

Oh this is black color (dark sea)

Because this is new one

This is exactly the same with the rose one

Very comfortable

And the fragrance smells so good too

Smell so nice

And then the lavender

Wow it's purple

Very beautiful


I smell peppermint and lavender fragrant at the same time

Oh, it said

it has Mint extract

Yes it really smell mint

Wlel, no wonder

So now I'm going to show you the result

Before I wear it

I got measure my stomach and tights

my tights is used to be 20.8 inches, and now become 20.6 inches

which is a good thing

And my stomach, it used to be 32 inches and now it become 31 inches

So far so good

I feel quite satisfied with it

At least a little bit thin

As long as not turn fat

Otherwise, I can not accept

So now I want to mention about what I dislike about this product

If those people who like me

probably very forgetful and lazy


I think this product

Not suitable for people forgetful

Or lazy people

I tell you, they are such a person

After they buy it, and put into the wardrobe, and never wear it forever

So if you buy this slim pant

Please don't give up

Fight for it

Don't be lazy. Let's slim

And one thing

I wear it until next day

I found out that my stomach get flat

Because probably it can reduce edema on the body

i think because of this


Before I sleep, I wear this one

But I not sure which one make me slim?

because of this? Or this?

to make me slim?

However, if only just wear this, and didn't wear this one

I believe that there is no result. Or probably result wasn't that obvious

This one doesn't same like this one

This one can make your fat become firm and fit all the time as long as you wear it

And I believe this one cannot

Because this is a sleep use

But however, I feel comfortable to wear it

And what I like about this product is

the fragrance smell so good

This fabric has fragrant

I thought after I wash it many time and the fragrant will be gone?

I wash it so many time

But the smell is still there

That is why we cannot judge a product until you try it

The fragrant is still there

The smell never be gone. I wash it many time, it's been a month already

What you need to pay attention is

you can put it into the washing machine (Day use one)

I wash it many time

And it won't be loose and worse

And then this one, please wash it by hand

Do not wash too hard

And please wash each separately, ok?

I believe if you wear this pants

And do some workout and control eat and drink at the same time

I pretty sure you will get a very good result for lose weight

So if you ask me will I continue to wear them?

The answer definitely is yes

because I know

I'm a petite and a bit round kind of girl

I always look fat no matter how hard I try to take nice selfie or photo shoot

I'm 30, it so hard to lose weight

I'm not 18 anymore

Only if you reached 30, and you will what I mean

If you try this slimming pants before

Please leave a comment below and share your thought and opinions

I'm sure other people would like to know too

If you are interested to this slimming pants

Please look for this seller by via Wechat

Tell her how many you want, and which type

After the payment, and she will send the goods to your delivery address

After you receive it and you can start to wear them

If you have any product that want me to review

I received endorsement fee

If you interested, please look for me in Wechat

That's all for today

I hope you find my video very helpful and useful

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And see you in my next video

Thanks for watching


For more infomation >> 瘦褲有香水味?使用分享 ~ 穿瘦褲瘦下來? Slim Legging Has Fragrant? - Duration: 10:00.


strawberry jam + Winning action - Baking 4 FUn - Duration: 9:33.

Hi everyone! Welcome at Baking 4 Fun!

my name is Amanda, and for now this pots ar still empty

I'm going to show how to sterilize the pots

and how to make the best strawberry jam

home made, off course.

I can't wait to start!

did you subscribe to my youtube channel?

not yet? what are you waiting for?

down below there is a little green men. just click on it

to get a weekly update about my new video's and baking adventures.

Let's get started!

to sterilize the pots have a big pan filled with water

just put the little pots in there

I'm not sure if they all fit at the same time

the lid's go in as well

just cook them for about 10 to 15 minits.

after that you get the pots out of the pan and place them on a clean towel

you can use them right away

they have been cooking for 15 minits and now they are drying

they are also a little hot

I continue with the ingredients for the strawberry jam

what do you need to make your own delicious strawberry jam?

one KG strawberry's

don't clean them with running water

because your jam can turn out to wet

the strawberry's will suck up the water

I just keep hem the way they are

they look really clean

If you do want to clean them

use a kitchen towel to scrub them

be gentle

so one KG strawberry's

one KG gelatine suiker (gelei suiker)

you can find it in the path with suger

specially made for jam making

one lemon

we only use the liquid

I'm going to cut off the green parts and cut hem in half.

i've done them all

the green parts are off

I cut them in half too

I'm going to put all the strawberry's in a pan

I'm going to show you

this is my pan

I did use the same pan as the one I sterilized the pots in.

cleaned, off course

I put the fire on

make sure the strawberry are a little warmed

first I add the lemon juice

I collect the seeds with my hands

I catch hem, you see?

I add the whole package of sugar at once.

give it a good stir

wait untill al the suger mixed in

let this mixture cook for 4 to 5 minits

the bubbles became realy big!

so keep it moving.

i turned down the fire a little bit

or else I would create a mess

the strawberry's keep their form

I turned the fire off

I placed the pots close to the pan to prevent myself from making a big mess.

with a big spoon I'm going to put the jam in the pots.

it is important that you fill the pots as far as you can

when you did that

turn the lid on it

place them upside down

to create a vacuum

it takes about 5 minits

after the 5 mins you can place them normal

to cool down comple

the jam did cool down overnight

this is what it turned out

they look realy nice

but more important

how does it taste?

so I'm going to taste it

here it goes

nice and sweet

you can realy taste the strawberry's

and you can see whole strawberry's in it

I realy like that

the lemon keep it fresh

experiment passed!

do you like to win this pot with home made jam?


down below in the comments

that's how you can make a chance to win. I will send a pot to the winner.

make sure you give this comment before the 1th of november 2017

at the first of november I will anounce the winner

did you already subscribe to my YouTube channel?

click on the little green man

it's for free!

you will get a weekly update about my newest video's

I really enjoyed making this video and I see you next week again!


For more infomation >> strawberry jam + Winning action - Baking 4 FUn - Duration: 9:33.


Jeg elsker den danske sommer - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> Jeg elsker den danske sommer - Duration: 0:11.


Neil er aller mest allergisk overfor Tina?! - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Neil er aller mest allergisk overfor Tina?! - Duration: 0:38.


Uh, al denne lykke på den rigtige side af vinduet - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Uh, al denne lykke på den rigtige side af vinduet - Duration: 1:20.


Jeg elsker Vodskov - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Jeg elsker Vodskov - Duration: 0:23.


Mary hjælper gerne, men siger da også fra - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Mary hjælper gerne, men siger da også fra - Duration: 0:22.


Conchita bald in Hamburg - Hamburg Journal 4.10.2017 - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Conchita bald in Hamburg - Hamburg Journal 4.10.2017 - Duration: 2:02.


MILK DUD LIVESTREAM #8 - Duration: 1:57:11.

For more infomation >> MILK DUD LIVESTREAM #8 - Duration: 1:57:11.


Nu får jeg øje på alt det smukke - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Nu får jeg øje på alt det smukke - Duration: 0:45.


Jeg elsker dig - SÅ HØR DOG EFTER - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Jeg elsker dig - SÅ HØR DOG EFTER - Duration: 0:29.


[ROWO TERATE] What happened if drone appears in front of the childern. | [매빅, mavic - Duration: 7:04.

[Rowoterate, Malang Selatan, Indonesia]


(They're going to school) Bye~

(I live in this house.)

Good morning. I'm Jay. I'm from Korea.

This morning is my second day in South Malang.

I just woke up.

I got ... sore throat.

My voice is usually low,

but i got sore throat today.

Today I'm going to go to elementary school,

and be a teacher for a day.

I have to teach the children...

(The cattle sounds telling that the day has already morning)

I have to teach them english, but I can't speak English.

(Puppies are suddenly barking, cow's friends)


I've to go to school right after i finish my breakfast.

I'm very tired. I was so tired yesterday. Because...

(I think they're having a talk...)

I woke up at 3 a.m. yesterday after I arrived in Malang. And...

I slept in the bus on the way to this place,

but the bus was uncomfortable,

and I couldn't sleep well, so I was very tired yesterday.

I'm still feeling tired although I slept well.

I think Malang is a nice place to live.

Because when I sleep, I though there is an air conditioner here.

It's cold...

The weather here is very nice.

I think because the weather here is cold,

there is no mosquito. There are only few here.

He thinks so.

Let's see what fun things will happen today.

Thank you for the meal.

-Why are you sitting here?? -@#$#@$^$%.

-The class hasn't started yet? -Yes~

-Do you bring your drone? -My drone is sleeping inside my bag.

-See you. -Ouch! He said it's sleeping.

-We can play with it later. -Where is your drone?

-Inside here. -It's sleeping~

Today is the day that we're going to teach the children.

As you can see here, there is a truck. The elementary school is located near this place.

Thus, we can walk there,

but we have to go for 10 minutes to reach junior and senior high school.

My friends are going there with this truck.

This is... go-truck, after gojek, go-truck...

Isn't it nice?

I arrived too early. They said I need to arrive before 7.30 a.m.,

now it's 7.15 a.m.

So I'm going to use rest of the time

to fly my drone at school which the students

have been wanted to play.

They had already arrived at school even before the class is started.

I think they're very close one another,

so they love to go to school.

(Me? They got excited soon as they see the drone!)

-When will you start to study? -#!$@#%#$.

-Isn't it started already? -Not yet~

I flied my drone with them awhile

before the class is started. I think I've done a good job.

If the class has started, I wouldn't be able to hang with them.

There will be a photo time later at the end,

but I though it was nice to fly the drone

before they had to study and when they are still in happy mood.

I got an opportunity to teach 6th grade.

Indonesia Raya (National Anthem)

Hot x2.

(They got amazed of surrounding)

(The video I was teaching 6th grade will be uploaded after this episode)

(I hope that you're always healthy and see you again)

-It's end~ -Right~

Thank you~

Let's go to class~ See you~

(They are very good listeners.)

For more infomation >> [ROWO TERATE] What happened if drone appears in front of the childern. | [매빅, mavic - Duration: 7:04.


SOS Aeri - Duration: 3:01.

We seek to look good

in the magnificent altarpiece of those who go around the world

with a monolithic look and face life looking at her face

and one day, happy, they buy flowers to their mother

We try to cheat to be worthy people,

the model father that the daughters want,

the one of the serious voice, the one of firm hand,

which pays a vermouth and fixes a door.

And then close your eyes and feel the world calm

and two little birds that peep on a tree

having arranged a great epitaph

that will start smiles at all who pass by.

And sometimes we go out

And sometimes we go out

And, sometimes, foolishness suddenly tells us that we are going to manage.

And sometimes, a carambola suddenly shows us that we are moving forward.

And sometimes we go out.

And sometimes we go out.

And sometimes, foolishness suddenly

tells us that we are moving forward.

And sometimes, the Virgin appears to us

and suddenly reveals that we are going

And, sometimes, against all odds a nonsense

turns around to what we thought logical,

making it clear

that at this moment

we take off

"To live means learn to say good bye"

© Firefighters of Catalonia


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