Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 6 2017

the old warehouse sat covered in overgrown vines trash lined the outside

detective Lodge slinked quietly through a broken side window as tiny flowers in

the pavement swayed lazily his hand rested on his gun sitting snugly in its

holster a sweet smell assaulted him as he ventured deeper he first heard the

rustling once he reached the abandoned office with a rusting door if someone's

in there I'd like to ask you to come out now I'm a detective working with the

Pittsburgh Police Department I'm looking for an Emily green detective Lodge

called out unstrapping his holster the rustling stopped and was replaced with a

fast whisper but he couldn't understand it

the whispering stopped and he heard someone lumbering towards the door he

brought out his phone and unlocked it on the screen was a picture of a small

slender raven-haired girl with dark brown eyes are you Emily green your

girlfriend told me I'd find you here you see she's very worried about you

she wants you to come home Emily the door slowly swung open and detective

Lodge stepped back breath catching in his throat what crawled out of that

office was definitely not Emily green sap and vines covered her naked pale

flesh and ran like veins up and down her body

detective Lodge gasped and drew his gun the thing crawling towards him stopped

and tilted its head slightly without looking up stay back don't come any

closer detective lodges shoe caught in a crack

and sent him crashing backwards the thing on the ground continued crawling

towards him as he desperately tried to get away

please don't come any closer he whimpered his hands shook as he held the

gun it finally lifted its head white roses protruded out of its eye sockets

and small roots grew out of its nostrils the thing opened her mouth and a leafy

bristly tongue hung out it was Emily green mutated and disgusting

Emily's head logged back and forth at a steady pace like she was listening to

only music she could hear the rustling suddenly stopped and Emily tilted her

head again listening intently then she resumed moving her head back

and forth vines started breaking away from her skin and sneaking their way up

the detectives legs he finally reacted get these fkin

things off of me Emily shot straight up but wasn't fast

enough he put a bullet through her neck and she only smiled revealing her mossy

gums what the fk detective Lodge said as a small mountain

laurel grew out of the hole the bullet had left behind

he tried screaming as vines shot down his throat

the girl slept soundly above me as I waited my ears twitching with every

rustle and murmur I had settled myself under the bed as comfortably as I could

but I still found myself fidgeting ceaselessly and impatience midnight

seemed so far away a small pale hand dropped over the edge of the mattress as

the girl turned over her fingertips not quite brushing the floor every muscle in

my body tensed but it was only a moment before I once again relaxed my

considerable bulk it wasn't quite time a hot coil of hunger burned in my stomach

and I growled softly in the back of my throat my claws dug into the wooden

floor as I laid my chin on my massive paws scratching a testament to my

frustration I was so hungry and I was not known for my patience for the moment

I had to content myself with watching the girls hand twitch in the dark the

faint creak of the closet door broke the silence and my ears twisted toward the

sound although the room was completely shadow I could still clearly see the

horror clawing its way out of the closet its long spindly limbs dragged it

awkwardly across the floor to many joints flexing in strange angles its

bulbous head was completely bald and its veins pumped black under the papery skin

of its scalp despite the empty black eyes and a mouth

full of needle teeth its face looked almost human it was finally midnight as

the nightmare pulled its hideous mass across the room I couldn't control the

saliva that begin to drip from my jaws my stomach screamed at me silently but I

was grateful it didn't audibly grumble I wasn't ready for the nightmare to know I

was here I gave thanks not for the first time that the girl was so enamored with

lions I had known imaginary friends who had been summoned as little more than

balls of fluff and I couldn't imagine how difficult hunting must have been for

the my form on the other hand was perfect

for the job when the nightmare had crept up to the

edge of the bed I reached out with both paws spread wide and sank my claws deep

into its flesh humans weren't privy to its death screams but they filled my

ears as I dragged it under the bed I wasted no time in devouring the still

flailing thing ripping off chunks of flesh that I swallowed whole when I had

finished and there was nothing left I contently purred as I licked the blood

from my whiskers tomorrow the girl and I would play games and have tea parties

but for now I'm happy and full

For more infomation >> Double Feature - Duration: 7:27.


I'm A Driver Now! - Duration: 5:23.

So about two months ago, something happened that I've been waiting for, for a very long time

I don't really like clickbaits

So perhaps by the title of this video you can

Try to guess what this is about

But to understand how much it really means to me

Let's start from the beginning!

Our story begins in 2011

That year, when I was in 11th grade, I got my first green form (the driving licence application form in Israel)

And not long afterward I passed the theory test for the first time

A year later, in 2012, I finally started to take driving lessons

On a manual car

I was, and still am, very short

And it was very, very difficult for me to get to the clutch

So my teacher helped me move the seat as forwards as possible

Lower the seat as much as possible

And he also brought me a cushion to put behind his back

To make me somewhat closer to the clutch

Besides, I was really, really out of shape

So I just remember that after most classes

My leg muscles hurt

From my desperate attempts to reach the clutch

But despite all the difficulties, I did have a

Reasonable sequence of driving lessons

That was, until I graduated from high school

After graduating from high school, I flew with my parents to the United States for a few weeks

And after some time - I joined the IDF

There - I completely lost motivation

Where I served in the army was the Kirya, which is in Tel Aviv

And the easiest way to get to Tel Aviv from Kiryat Ono is by bus

Not by private car

So basically I had no motivation to return to learn how to drive

Only at the end of 2015, when I was in my third year in the army

I was convinced that maybe I should get back to taking driving lessons

So I had to get a new green form

Because the former has already expired

And ... A year later, when I was already out of the army

I passed the theory test for a second time

After I had a theory again

I returned to the same teacher I knew in the past

I tried again to use the manual car

Until I realized that I'd be a better driver on an automatic car

My first practical driving test was just a few days

Before I flew to Vidcon, in April

And I failed it

My friend Sivan told me that to reduce stress from her driving test

She really didn't tell anyone about it before it happened

I really liked the idea and decided to copy

On my first driving test, only my parents knew about in advance

And I told them and my closest friends that I didn't pass it

For the second test I waited for 4 whole months

And I decided that for this one - no one is going to know about it in advance

My options were

I either fail the second test

And basically I don't tell anyone that it even happened

Until I pass the test when I do

Or I actually pass the second driving test

And then - a pleasant surprise for everyone!

I decided not to stress out about it, that I was doing everything right

That I'm going to pass *this one*!

So this time I really didn't tell anyone, not even my parents

The night before, I tried to leave work relatively early

So I can catch a good sleep before the test

But that evening, my bus just... Didn't come!

Then, like a knight on a white horse, from the dark...

My father appeared on a bicycle!

Now, my father is much more fit than I am

And I knew from past experience that he can take me on his bike

So I told him I was waiting for the bus since forever

And I have to get up early the next morning, and I didn't tell him why

And this saint took me home on his bike

Through all the crazy hills of Ramat Gan!

I'll admit, it was a bit scary

So after my father saved me from remaining stuck in Givatayim

I went to sleep

This time I decided I won't stress myself out about the Test

So I guess my brain agreed

And instead of giving me a nightmare about, for example, me failing the test

I got a nightmare about me getting to my reserve duty

Later that month - without a permit

Thank you, brain - you're really helpful!

So that morning, when I got up confused, I was like

Oh no, reserve duty!

I don't have a permit!

Wait, it was a dream!

Ahh... The test!!

So after I gathered my wits and ate a little something

We went to Petah Tikva and I was the first in line to do the driving test

I don't know what the norm is as to whether there is music during the test

But in my case - it was Galgalatz (a famous radio station)

And on Galgalatz during my driving test they broadcasted

The Best Children Songs of All Times Chart

And that soundtrack made my driving test so pleasant

And relaxing, and fun

That I'm even ready to give them partial credit for my success

On the way home I felt that it went pretty well

So I decided to treat myself by going shopping in the local mall

A few hours of wasted money later, I returned home

And I found out... I passed!

With a lot of patience, I waited for my mother and my father to come home

And telling them that I passed the test out of nowhere...

It was just... a delight!

But then came the problem of...

I don't actually have something to drive in

Until, in fact, last week!

We bought a car! With my name!

And I started driving with dad as a companion!

And it is very scary, but I'm still doing it!

In fact, there is no punch line to this video

I just wanted to finally share this on video publicly

The whole story about my driving studies

This and that... I finally passed the test!

Indeed, it took so long

From when I got the first green form - until now

And finally I can announce it to everyone!

Because I wanted to do this video

Now I made this video

Now you know, and everybody will know

I passed the test! And I made it!

And you can if you haven't already

It is possible, because I did it

And it's been a long time since I started, and now I did it, and...

Yes! I did it!

So thanks for watching, I hope you

Are at least happy for me

Uh... And goodbye.

(Weird Al Yankovic:) "Baby you can drive my car..."

(Phil Collins:) "...and maybe I'll love you..."

"Beep beep, beep beep, yeah!!"

...I was in 11th grade... grade... (sounds like) in wheat...

I was in a wheat!

by buz... buz! buz!!!

I got hair into my eye, which is is better than glitter

Now Asissss... Sssss ...

[Sorry, I don't have translation for these strange voices]

For more infomation >> I'm A Driver Now! - Duration: 5:23.


Beverley Hibbert | Director of Sales, ERA Grizzard DeLand - Duration: 2:21.

hi I'm Beverly Hibbert Director of Sales for ERA Grizzard, DeLand

one word to describe Beverly is motivational


a class act


I'd have to say she's a rock star

I love my job here at ERA Grizzard because I

have the wonderful opportunity of training coaching and business planning

with our agents

we're very upbeat lively bunch and we have been known to just in

the middle of the day just stop and do some random dancing together that's what

we love about our our team we're fun-loving hard-working

but we get the job done for our customers

Beverly is a great manager and she wants everyone to

be successful

makes you reach within yourself for what more you can do and be

this is my 12th year in real estate

real estate is all about relationships

and that's what I love and that's why I became involved

if you need a little

support she's always great for that

really gives us a focus and specific

action that we can take to grow our business

we have something for everybody

there's so many tools and training that we provide that you can leverage your

business and take it to the next level

Beverly is full of suggestions and ideas

to help me professionally

helping us to form a good business plan

every month we have a specific topic

that we dive into

we've had training on finding your niche, branding, staying ahead of what's going on in

the market what the hot topics are and we make sure that we share that with our agents

we love what we do we love the services that we provide and we're a family here

she not only cares about my business but about me

personally I love Beverley

she has great character

it's all because of Beverley we love her

she's a beautiful person and she's a wonderful manager

I really enjoy working with Beverly

For more infomation >> Beverley Hibbert | Director of Sales, ERA Grizzard DeLand - Duration: 2:21.


Love At First Sight: Uncle Frank Says "No" to Retirement 66 Years In - Duration: 1:35.

(happy music)

- [Frank] You know, when you're 95, you don't think

about the future, you think about people.

What motivates in this market even to this day?

Helping other people, this is my nature.

My dad had this adage, he said, "Every time you help

"something, or do something for somebody,

"you get repaid three times."

And he was right.

Hi, I'm Doctor Frank Fontana, you can call me Uncle Frank.

I've been practicing for 66 years,

and I've loved every one of them.

When I came back from the army in World War II,

I wanted to do something helpful to people.

My dad knew the optometrist in this department store,

he said, "Why don't you come down and talk to him

"and see what you think."

And that's incidentally how I got into optometry.

The first seven years of practice were very boring.

Once we got into contacts, it got exciting.

You put a lens on a person's eye,

and see a (mumbles), we could get it back on.

Holy smokes.

The people that came to us were pioneers,

just as pioneering as we were.

But anything new is always challenging and exciting.

So I think that was the biggest breakthrough ever.

To think people would have these frames on

and couldn't take them off and see,

and all of a sudden, they just take them off

anyway they want.

Today is a completely different world.

66 years in one profession, why would I do that?

Because I love my work, anything else bores me to death.

Just do that, and when you see, you see nothing.

And you take your hands away, a whole world opens up.

We help people to see and that's what's so important.

Retirement, I don't like it, I really don't.

I'd be the world's worst hermit ever.

For more infomation >> Love At First Sight: Uncle Frank Says "No" to Retirement 66 Years In - Duration: 1:35.


Creator, Star Of 'Cagney' Musical Speaks To KCAL9 - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Creator, Star Of 'Cagney' Musical Speaks To KCAL9 - Duration: 5:09.


Austrija - Srbija 3:2 | Nemanja Matic nakon poraza u Becu - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Austrija - Srbija 3:2 | Nemanja Matic nakon poraza u Becu - Duration: 1:33.


Students get a look at how political debates work during Governor's Forum - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Students get a look at how political debates work during Governor's Forum - Duration: 1:35.


Interning at HCSC - Duration: 2:51.

[Music playing]

Ezgi: When I first came here, when I was onboarding, everyone talked about the

culture and how it was like a family and that's not something you really believe

until you see it and I've definitely felt that here.

Rishabh: You can easily email or

get in contact with any person at all levels of the hierarchy and they can

find a way to make time for you or get connected with you.

TImothy: The culture is such that they really want to see you grow as an intern.

Rishabh: Blue Cross Blue Shield is a

very member serving open organization. Working here you really feel the energy

and the passion that you and the people around you feel that aligns well with

the mission.

Rishabh: My favorite intern activity this summer was definitely the lattes

with leadership. Getting to meet such high ranked individuals in the C-suite

it was really nice to be able to hear about their journey and how they got to

Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Ezgi: The boat tour, it was really, really cool seeing it.

Timothy: The IT interns went on a tour of the data center. Without the data center nothing

that Blue Cross and Blue Shield does would be possible. Kind of see you know

what keeps the company really running.

Ezgi: I absolutely feel like I've built

meaningful relationships at work. I'm really close with all of the other

interns, we have lunch together every day, we hang out after work, we hang out on

the weekends.

Kathleen: I've made amazing relationships at work even on the intern

level, I've made great friends, lifelong friends.

Ezgi: I feel like I've built

relationships with the full-time employees. I feel really close to my

managers, I feel like I can go to them for anything work-related and


Logan: The opportunities to shadow other people, other employees, just get a chance to see

what they do every day. It's really shaped my career goals.

Logan: The thing I learned that I'm probably going to take with me just throughout my life and

throughout the classroom is probably just to take any opportunity that you

can get if you have something you should go for it.

Ezgi: I've learned a lot about

problem-solving that I didn't think I would learn. A lot of soft skills that I

didn't think I would learn. I came into this wanting to just work on my hard

skills and I did do that, but I also learned a lot of soft skills, a lot about

collaboration, a lot about teamwork, and a lot about how to get things done under

pressure, which is really important in a school setting.

Ezgi: Our intern lead, Chantal, always tells us to stay ready, always being prepared to

the extra level never under estimating what's going to come for you and always

being ready to take on any challenge.

Logan: Piece of advice that I really took to

was, make your career, I mean you own your career. I can't just sit around and wait

for it to happen you have to you know make decisions and go out and do things,

you can't expect it to happen without putting the work forward.

For more infomation >> Interning at HCSC - Duration: 2:51.





10/06/17: White House Press Briefing - Duration: 25:24.

MS. SANDERS: Good afternoon.

Q Good afternoon.

MS. SANDERS: Today's jobs report shows the extraordinary impact recent weather events

have had on our economy. Calculations from Moody's Analytics estimate the recent storms

could cause between $195 billion and $245 billion in economic losses. But those numbers,

as large as they are, are not the best way to understand the impact these storms have

had on the people of our nation.

President Trump has now personally visited storm-ravaged areas in numerous states and

territories. He's seen the devastation, and he's looked into the eyes of Americans struggling

to find hope in the midst of heartache. The President has committed to these people that

we will walk with them every step of the way as they rebuild their homes, their communities,

and their lives.

And he has committed to all Americans that we are going to build an economy that works

for everyone. We are encouraged to see that the unemployment rate has once again dropped,

and workforce participation vaulted to a 3.5-year high. This report underscores the need for

Congress to work with us to grow the economy and create jobs.

The importance of passing tax relief for American workers and business cannot be overstated.

We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create a tax code that is simple, fair,

and easy to understand. That means getting rid of the loopholes that primarily benefit

the wealthiest Americans and special interests. It also means lowering taxes for middle-income

Americans so that they can keep more of their hard-earned paychecks and buy the great American

products made by American manufacturers.

Today, the President signed a proclamation declaring October 6th National Manufacturing

Day. This honors the men and women who create the products that power our communities, improve

our lives, and defend our nation; the people who, as the President says, "believe in those

beautiful words: Made in the USA."

In addition to the 14 workers the President hosted in the Oval Office during today's proclamation

signing, more than half-a-million people around the country are participating in thousands

of events related to Manufacturing Day. Among them will be numerous members of the President's

Cabinet and other senior officials.

Our tax plan would lead to a great American manufacturing boom. We will cut taxes on American

manufacturers and businesses of all sizes, and restore their competitive edge so they

can create more jobs and higher wages for our workers. Our plan will also encourage

them to bring back trillions of dollars currently parked overseas.

The President will be back out on the road next week building support for this plan,

which is really a jobs bill. He will be visiting Hamburg, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, and we'll

have more details on that trip coming soon.

And with that, we'll kick off Friday with questions, and we'll start now. (Laughter.)

This is kind of fun. We should do this more often, not just save it for Fridays.

Jon Decker.

Q Thank you, Sarah. The body of another U.S. soldier has just been discovered by local

forces in Niger, which brings to four the total number of Green Berets that were killed

on Wednesday in Niger. So far there's been no response to this by the President. No tweet

from the President, no statement from the President. Can we expect some sort of reprisal

by the U.S. military in Niger as it relates to what happened on Wednesday?

MS. SANDERS: I made a statement on behalf of the administration yesterday in the opening.

Obviously, anytime one of the members of our great military are injured, wounded, or killed

in action, that is certainly something that we take very seriously. Our thoughts and prayers

are with those individuals. We're continuing to review and look into this. And as we have

more details, we'll certainly let you guys know.


Q Thanks, Sarah. Can you clarify the President's comments? Was he referring to military action

when he said "calm before the storm"?

MS. SANDERS: As we've said many times before -- I know the President has; as I have from

this podium on quite a few occasions -- we're never going to say in advance what the President

is going to do. And as he said last night, in addition to those comments, you'll have

to wait and see.

Q But how seriously should the American public or American adversaries, for that matter,

take these comments? Was it a joke? Was it serious?

MS. SANDERS: I think you can take the President protecting the American people always extremely

serious. He's been very clear that that's his number-one priority. And if he feels that

action is necessary, he'll take it.


Q Sarah, when the President said that he wants his military leaders to give him military

options faster, does he feel like they are intentionally slow-walking these options to


MS. SANDERS: No, not at all. But this is -- as you know, he's a person who likes to take

action and take it quickly. And I don't think you should read into anything beyond that

as he wants options on the table so that he can make quick decisions.

Q And was that just a general comment? Or did he mean a specific country?

MS. SANDERS: I believe it was just a general comment. I'm not aware of anything specific

that that was in reference to.

Q Sarah, I have two questions. One on the soldier who was killed in Niger and the other

on DACA. On the soldier, when was the President made aware that there was a fourth soldier

that was missing in action? And when did he become aware that unfortunately that soldier

had been killed and discovered by local forces?

MS. SANDERS: I believe that the notification was yesterday, but I'd have to get clarification

on the specific timing of when that took place.

Q When was the President made aware that that soldier's body was found?

MS. SANDERS: Again, I know that it was pretty soon after that had been discovered. But as

far as like an exact time, I couldn't give you that. But I know Chief Kelly kept him

updated constantly on that situation as it evolved.

Q And to a question on DACA, today the President welcomed Hispanic American leaders to the

White House. He did not mention his decision to end DACA during his remarks there. He did

not call -- renew his call for Congress to protect those who are going to be vulnerable

for deportation starting in March. Why did he not bring that up?

MS. SANDERS: Look, I think he's been clear there's no reason to continue to reiterate

the same position that he's held. He's called on Congress to act on it. You can expect

in the coming days that he'll lay out his responsible immigration reform. I think you

can count on that to happen very soon. And that's all part of the process moving forward.

But he hasn't been unclear about what his position is on that front.


Q Sarah, going back to "calm before the storm," when presidents deal with world

matters like this, all options are on the table. Have you -- has this White House exhausted

diplomacy? Because for him to say the "calm before the storm" and listening to what

you just had to say --

MS. SANDERS: We're continuing to put maximum economic and diplomatic pressure on countries

like North Korea. We're going to continue to do that. But at the same time, the President

is going to keep all of his options on the table. Our position has not changed. It's

been very consistent.

Q So is it North Korea -- that's the storm?

MS. SANDERS: I'm just using that as an example. I think we've got a lot of bad actors in the

world -- North Korea, Iran. There are several examples there.


Q Sarah, let me ask you about the HHS decision today to expand the contraception waiver.

The ACLU has already filed a lawsuit or at least announced its intention to, and this

was their response. They said, and I quote: "The Trump administration is forcing women

to pay for their boss's religious beliefs." They go on to say, "We're filing this lawsuit

because the federal government cannot authorize discrimination against women in the name of

religion or otherwise." Your response to that would be what?

MS. SANDERS: I don't think it's been a secret that I would probably never use the ACLU to

get any of my talking points. The President believes that the freedom to practice one's

faith is a fundamental right in this country, and I think all of us do. And that's all that

today was about -- our federal government should always protect that right. And as long

as Donald Trump is President, he will.

Q So then in not responding to the ACLU, what would you say maybe to the women out there

or to the families out there who now have to pay more out of their pocket to get contraception

coverage that they choose and that they desire?

MS. SANDERS: This is a President who supports the First Amendment, supports the freedom

of religion. I don't think I understand why that should be an issue. The Supreme Court

has validated this decision certainly many times over. And the President is somebody

who believes in the Constitution. If people don't like what the Constitution says, they

should talk to Congress about changing it.


Q I want to follow up on that, but I have a few. Given the lawsuits that the ACLU has

already filed, said it would plan to file, is the administration prepared to defend this

contraceptive mandate rollback all the way to the Supreme Court if need be?

MS. SANDERS: The Supreme Court has already made clear what their position is, and it

supports what this administration has done.

Q You don't believe it will be a legal fight that escalates to the Supreme Court at all?

MS. SANDERS: I think if it does, it will show that this administration is on the right side

of the law.


Q And then my question, Sarah, was just on the "calm before the storm" issue again.

If the President wants to --

MS. SANDERS: Why would we ask the same question?

Q Well, it's a different question, actually.

MS. SANDERS: It is Friday so I thought maybe we'd change it up.

Q It's actually a follow-up -- because you said the President wants to preserve an element

of surprise. So if he wants to preserve an element of surprise, why would he dangle hints

about his actions in the first place?

MS. SANDERS: I don't believe he did.

Q He said, "You'll find out" and brought up a "calm before the storm." So he --

MS. SANDERS: He didn't talk about any specific actions at all.


Q If I could ask two questions. First, following up on the HHS change, does the White House

have any estimate of how many people could lose access to birth control under this change?

MS. SANDERS: I'm not aware. I'd refer you to HHS for specifics on that data.

Q Just a quick follow-up on a different topic. The President repeated earlier today that

the U.S. is the highest-taxed nation in the world. That's not true. So why does he keep

making that statement? Why does he stick to that talking point?

MS. SANDERS: I believe there are specific sectors within the country that are among

the highest-taxed in the world, and we'll be happy to provide that data to you.


Q Thank you, Sarah. I have two questions. First, there's been rumors that Prime Minister

Tsipras of Greece will come here on the 17th, meet with the President, and then meet with

the Vice President on the 18th, and we've had no confirmation. Is the Prime Minister

invited? And is he coming to meet the President and Vice President?

MS. SANDERS: He is. And I believe that date is correct -- the 17th I believe that he'll

be here on that date.

Q The other thing is that the administration has had a vacancy without a permanent Secretary

of Homeland Security for two months, which is a record for that position not operating

with a permanent Secretary. Are we going to have an announcement on a choice for permanent

Secretary within days -- next week, perhaps? And rumors are consistent he will make Elaine

Duke the permanent Secretary and send her appointment up. True or false?

MS. SANDERS: I'm not going to get ahead of any announcement that the President may make

about a permanent person. But I will say that Acting Secretary Duke is very competent and

has managed the Department of Homeland Security very well in a very tough and trying time,

given the hurricane season that we've had, and certainly have not wanted to make big

shifts in leadership during this time and while there's so much going on there.

In terms of a timetable, we'll keep you posted when we have an announcement on that front.

Q It's the President's opinion too, right?

MS. SANDERS: I'm sorry?

Q What you just said about Secretary Duke, the testimony you gave is the President's

opinion of her as well.

MS. SANDERS: Yes, he's happy with the job that she's done as the Acting Secretary.


Q Thanks, Sarah. Senator Cornyn said that the immigration principles that are being

floated out there would be harmful to the DACA negotiations. He believes that DACA should

be kept separate from any discussion about legal immigration. What is the White House

response to that? I mean, are you guys committed to attaching legal immigration to the DACA


MS. SANDERS: We want to make sure that whatever we put forward is a responsible immigration

reform, and it's not one piece of this process dealt with separately. We need to make sure

that we're addressing all the problems so that we're not dealing with this again in

two, four, five, six years, but that we're putting forward a very thorough and full plan.

And that's what you're going to see coming from the administration in very short order.


Q Thanks, Sarah. Two questions. First, does the White House have any view on the CFPB

rule on payday lending?

MS. SANDERS: Not that I'm aware of. I'd have to check on that and circle back with you.

Q And just to follow up on that topic, there have been some House Republicans who believe

that there's already cause for firing Richard Cordray, going back to his handling of the

Wells Fargo case. Why hasn't the President taken action? I mean, does he approve of the

job that Cordray has done so far?

MS. SANDERS: When we have any personnel announcements on that front, we'll certainly keep you guys


Q Just one more.

MS. SANDERS: That's two already. I'm going to have to move on. Margaret. Sorry.

Q Sarah, two quick questions for you. One, there have been some rumors about the future

of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson today. Can you continue to say the President remains

confident in him as Secretary of State?

MS. SANDERS: He does. As he said yesterday, or two days ago, as I said yesterday, nothing

has changed despite what you may read in the media or watch on TV. I would certainly trust

the President and my comments far above those of other reporters.

Q And I want to ask you, the President -- words matter. The President can move markets. He

can cause miscalculation when it comes to adversaries. In the context of the questions

asked of you today when you've been asked what he meant by "calm before the storm,"

you've put them -- you've mentioned North Korea, you've mentioned Iran -- there's implication

that there is some kind of military action. There is some sort of forecasting there. Can

you clarify if we are interpreting things correctly?

MS. SANDERS: I haven't been specific about anything. I've also talked about the fact

that we're continuing to put maximum economic and diplomatic pressure on countries like

North Korea. I'm simply saying that all options are on the table, as they have been. And we're

not going to announce what actions we'll be taking until that moment comes.

Q Sarah, can you be more specific about the President's position on bump stocks? Would

he be open to legislation clearly banning them?

MS. SANDERS: As I said yesterday, we want to be part of that conversation. We want to

gather more information. We're going to continue to do that over the coming days, and that's

the current position. It hasn't changed since yesterday.


Q Thank you, Sarah. Two questions, if I can.

MS. SANDERS: Why not?

Q I asked you about Senator Corker a few weeks back --

MS. SANDERS: Just not three. Two is the limit.

Q Just two. I asked you about Senator Corker and some of the comments he made a few weeks

back. Earlier this week, he said that Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Mattis, and General Kelly

are basically what's keeping the country separated from chaos. And he said there are other people

in the White House that aren't putting forth policies in a coherent fashion. Do you have

any response to Senator Corker's statement?

MS. SANDERS: Look, I think that the President is the one that's keeping the world from chaos.

He has an incredible team around him that's helping him lead that effort, and he's had

tremendous accomplishments on the international stage by working with allies and confronting

enemies. We're going to continue doing that, and we're going to continue doing that as

a team with the President leading that effort.

Q Is General Kelly helping him lead that effort? Is General Kelly --

MS. SANDERS: I'll come back to you.

Q Sarah, getting back to these "calm before the storm" comments, I wanted to ask you about

that in a different way. There's a theory in Washington -- and forgive me if you've

been asked about it before -- that the President subscribes to this "Madman Theory" that if

he makes a lot of unsettling, off-putting comments that sort of throw people off, that

he likes to keep his adversaries guessing; that that's sort of the point of making comments

like "calm before the storm" and so forth. What is your sense of that? Is there anything

to that? Is there --

MS. SANDERS: I think the President has addressed this himself. He certainly doesn't want to

lay out his game plan for our enemies. So if you're asking, is the President trying

to do that -- absolutely. I mean, I don't think that's --

Q He's trying to throw people off?

MS. SANDERS: I don't think that that's a secret. I wouldn't say necessarily that he's trying

to throw people off, but he's not trying to broadcast or telegraph his exact actions.

I think we've seen what a failure it is when an administration does that, and this is a

President who's going to do it differently and do it better.

Q And just a quick follow-up on that. When people are -- when they sort of catch their

breath in this town, when they sort of hold their breath in this town when he says something

like that -- you have a smile on your face -- is that somewhat satisfying that --

MS. SANDERS: No, I just picture people in this town actually holding their breath. That

might be a welcome surprise for most of America.

Go ahead.

Q Sarah, just one more thing. I want to pick up on what Margaret was trying to get at,

I think, is can you -- let me put it to you this way: Can you exclude the possibility

that the President was actually just being mischievous -- that he was messing with the

press a little bit when he made that comment?

MS. SANDERS: I wouldn't say that he's messing with the press. I think we have some serious

world issues here. I think that North Korea, Iran both continue to be bad actors, and the

President is somebody who's going to always look for ways to protect Americans. And he's

not going to dictate what those actions may look like. I don't think there's anything

beyond that that I can add on that front.

Q A second question on Iran. A couple days ago, Senator Tom Cotton gave a speech in which

he said he believes the best outcome for the Iranian nuclear deal would have to be referred

to Congress. But rather than have Congress reimpose sanctions, which he called a backward

looking step, we would use this period of 120, 90 days to renegotiate several terms

of the deal. Does the White House think that that sounds like a plausible -- like a good

way to deal with the Iran nuclear deal?

MS. SANDERS: I'm not going to get ahead of the President's announcement on the decision

that he has. What I can tell you is the President isn't looking at one piece of this. He's looking

at all of the bad behavior of Iran, not just the nuclear deal as bad behavior, but the

ballistic missile testing, destabilizing of the region, number-one state sponsor of terrorism,

cyberattacks, illicit nuclear program. He wants to look for a broad strategy that addresses

all of those problems, not just one-offing those. That's what his team is focused on,

and that's what he'll be rolling out to address that as a whole in the coming days.


Q To follow up on that, is it the President's wish that Congress reimpose sanctions on Iran

for those bad acts you're talking about?

MS. SANDERS: Again, I'm not going to get into the details of what the President's decision

is until he makes that later in the week.

Q One other question about Cuba, Sarah. Sarah, about Cuba. Our CBS News reporting today has

taken this story to a new level. There are now Americans who do not work for the government

who are saying that they're subject to these health attacks. The State Department is telling

us that there are a handful of Americans who have reported these symptoms. What's going

on here? How is the White House viewing this? How are we going to get to the bottom of it?

MS. SANDERS: Something we take extremely seriously. We're continuing to investigate. The State

Department is taking the lead on this effort, and we're going to continue looking into this

until we get some real answers.


Q You called on me, Sarah.

MS. SANDERS: I'll come back.

Q Just to drill down a little bit on what you said yesterday about the press, saying

that we owe it -- I don't think anybody disagrees that we should be as accurate and fact-finding

as possible. But to flip it, do you and the President believe the President has a responsibility

to be as truthful and honest with us as possible? Has he done it? And for those surrogates who

have used -- your term is "alternative facts" -- would they then not do that?

MS. SANDERS: Absolutely. I think we all come here every day and do our very best to give

you the best and most accurate information that we possibly can.


Q Have you been successful?

MS. SANDERS: I think so.

Q Okay, going back to the answer about leadership -- the President's leading -- is General Kelly

part of that leadership team with the President as he's leading in this White House?

MS. SANDERS: Absolutely.

Q Does the President have confidence in General Kelly?

MS. SANDERS: Absolutely.

Q And today is Friday. Could we expect a resignation today from anyone? (Laughter.)

MS. SANDERS: I don't think so, April.


Q Thank you, Sarah. Since we last heard from you, the film producer, Harvey Weinstein,

has become the subject of some very serious sexual harassment allegations, and there's

building pressure around Democrats who received campaign donations from him to send the money

back. And I know that this particular producer was very critical of the President during

the campaign and suggested that Latinos in Hollywood would be deported if he were elected.

Does the President support the idea that Democrats who got donations from this person should

send the money back?

MS. SANDERS: I think that's a decision for those individuals to make. Whether or not

that's money that they want to take, that's up to them. That's certainly not a decision

for us to make.

Q And one more, I'm sorry. Why hasn't the President fired John Koskinen from the IRS,

given all the scandal over the -- the conservative targeting scandal that he commented about

so much during the campaign? Why does John Koskinen still have his job?

MS. SANDERS: I'll have to ask him, David, and get back to you.


Q Las Vegas question. The President lavished praise on Las Vegas police for their amazing

handling and their response after Sunday night's shooting. Nevadans credit federal programs

that train police to deal with terrorist attacks.

MS. SANDERS: I'm sorry, can you speak up a little bit?

Q Nevadans credit federal money programs that train them to deal with terrorist attacks

for their great response. You all have cuts in those programs, in your budget plan. Are

you rethinking that?

MS. SANDERS: I think at this point we're continuing to move forward. If there is a moment where

we feel like the safety and security of American citizens may be at risk because of cuts, I

think we'd have to revisit it at that time.


Q Sarah, the nation lost 33,000 jobs in September, and I was just curious how the President feels

about that. And is he stepping up his efforts to convince Congress to pass major tax reform

because of this surprising job loss in September?

MS. SANDERS: I think that today's report shows, certainly, the devastating impact of the hurricane

season. But while many displaced weren't able to work, the economy still remains extremely

strong. Those people continue to have jobs, which is why the unemployment rate actually


I think one thing to really note and something this administration wants to focus on, certainly

moving into the future -- I think tax reform plays a big role in this -- but that one of

the big identifiers that I think we should look at is the drop in the unemployment rate,

including new lows for African Americans, teens, and women, which is certainly a great

step forward in this process.

Q Sarah, a question on the Affordable Care Act. President Trump has repeatedly said that

we should just let Obamacare implode. But there's a new report in the Washington Post

that says that President Trump personally directed administration officials to deny

requests from the Republican governor of Iowa to fix the Obamacare market in that state.

Is that true?

MS. SANDERS: I'm not aware of that specific directive, so I'd have to check into that

and get back to you.

Q But if it is true --

MS. SANDERS: I'm not going to comment on hypotheticals where I don't have the information in front

of me.

Q Thanks, Sarah. I wanted to ask you a question about the Iran recertification process. Regardless

of what the President decides when he makes this decision next week, would you rather

not have to do this every 90 days after that?

MS. SANDERS: Again, as I said earlier, we're looking at something that is a broad strategy

-- doesn't just address one part of Iran's bad behavior, but that addresses a wide range

of issues. So that would certainly be our focus.

Hopefully, they would begin to not be a bad actor and we wouldn't have to do this at all.

But our goal, again, would be to address a number of factors, not just one or two things.

Q A second question.

MS. SANDERS: It is two-question Friday.

Q It's been six weeks since the President indicated that he wanted Pakistan to move

against agents of chaos within Pakistani territory or areas under Pakistani control. The Prime

Minister was here at the White House this week to meet General McMaster. Have you seen

any change in Pakistani behavior in those six weeks?

MS. SANDERS: Nothing specific that I can weigh into at this time, but we'll certainly keep

you posted.


Q Sarah, will the President campaign for the candidate for governor in Virginia, Ed Gillespie?

MS. SANDERS: As I've said many times before from the podium, I'm not going to weigh into

specific races and the actions that we may or may not take.

And I think that's a great place to end this for Friday, and I hope everybody has a great

rest of your Friday and a good weekend. Thanks, guys.

For more infomation >> 10/06/17: White House Press Briefing - Duration: 25:24.


3 Cách Làm Trắng Da Mặt Hiệu Quả Có 1 Không 2 Chỉ Với 1 Viên Vitamin E - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 3 Cách Làm Trắng Da Mặt Hiệu Quả Có 1 Không 2 Chỉ Với 1 Viên Vitamin E - Duration: 5:07.


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For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T Dynamic Edition *Limited Edition! l nr. 77/100 stuks* DEMOVOORDEEL - Duration: 1:02.


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For more infomation >> 🔴 ,,Wir Sammeln uns'' | Live mit Facecam | !ts - Duration: 2:01:31.


Gizmodo Article - How to Prove to Yourself (or Shaq) the Earth Is Round - Duration: 11:28.

For more infomation >> Gizmodo Article - How to Prove to Yourself (or Shaq) the Earth Is Round - Duration: 11:28.


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For more infomation >> Regra n° 13 - "Objetivos" - Cursos de Opções Binárias - Duration: 2:00.


1 - Characteristics of Urban Cultures, History 112A - Duration: 13:22.

Well, welcome to my messy home and I apologize if you can hear my dog snoring in the video.

And I hope my cats don't walk across the computer.

This is my first attempt to do this so let's see if I can manage to do it.

I'm going to share screen.

I'm gong to open up a lecture that I've put together for you and let's see if we can't

take care of this lecture without too much drama.

So this is what we're talking about.


The structure of urban societies.

We're talking about urban societies as differentiated from non-urban societies.

The non-urban societies we've looked at so far are Gatherer and Hunter societies.

We've not looked at nomadic-pastoralist peoples yet but we will talk about those briefly in

the next little tiny clip that we do.

If you recall from the readings we talked about the emergence of agriculture in the

Neolithic Revolution, 20,000 BCE.

And we talked about or we read about how those farming communities eventually grew larger

and in some locations developed into "super villages."

You can think about urban societies as being those that evolved from those super villages

until you have bona fide cities, cities with populations anywhere from 10 - 20K people.

We're talking about the emergence of a new political organization that we call a City-State.

What is a City-State?

Well, it's a sovereign political system, it's a sovereign state that is based around a single

urban center.

So it's one city that is a political unit.

And that urban political unit in terms of its resource base, it is supplied by the immediately

adjacent agricultural lands.

That is, the farmers that were originally feeding a village, that village got really

big, perhaps the agricultural lands got larger and larger over time, but it is the adjacent

agricultural land.

Sometimes this is called a "feeding plain."

Outside of that feeding plain, there's wilderness, or possibly an adjacent feeding plain that

belongs to another city-state.

In that wilderness you might find nomadic pastoralists.

You might find little tiny farming communities.

But those are not controlled by the political center in the urban area.

So sovereignty: it's its own political unit.

Economically it is supported by adjacent agricultural territory and its sovereignty is limited to

that feeding plain.


This is what we need to talk about: characteristics of urban societies.

These characteristics are darned near universal for every urban society we'll talk about.

Some are more pronounced than in others.

But these are the things we should be looking at when we're thinking about urban societies

and what makes them unique.


The first thing that makes them unique is the degree of technological control they have

over the environment.

So an urban society has a large non-farming population.

That means that you have to be able to produce enough agricultural resources to feed those

non-farming people.

And that implies a high degree of technological control over the environment so that your

agricultural productivity is high.

The other issue that is unique to urban society right up until the 20th century with the invention

of antibiotics and hand-washing, is unstable population trajectories.

That means that the population rises and crashes and rises and crashes regularly, with a great

deal of frequency.

As a matter of fact population in urban centers is often declining and the only way that it

remains stable is by immigration into the city.

Why is population unstable?

Well, because the environment where urban populations exist is unstable.

So some years, the monsoon comes on time.

Sometimes the monsoon doesn't come in time for three or four years and there's a famine,


Or the truth is that people who live on top of each other in the urban cities cough on

each other.

They drink water that is contaminated.

Lots of times if you live some place where there are domesticated animals like goats

or something, you'll catch diseases that are vectored from animals to people.

So urban places have diseases that pastoralist nomads never....

I'm sorry, that Gatherers and Hunters never encounter.

So, they're ill!

So this partly how come the populations go up and down and up and down within them.

The other issue that is unique to urban societies is monumental architecture.

That's over-stating it, a little bit, but the magnitude of monumental architecture is

urban societies is very very significant.

When I say monumental architecture, I'm thinking first and foremost of earthworks.

These are societies that have to do things like establish irrigation, they have to establish

things like dikes, levies, retaining walls, city walls, graineries, you know, these kinds

of large-scale land projects.

And eventually that monumental architecture is going to become very beautiful, very majestic,

if you think about the Colliseum, or something like that.

But in this early stage, go ahead and think about monumental architecture as being about




Other characteristics of urban societies...

Occupational specialization.

We've already mentioned this talking about early agricultural societies but you're going

to see deep deep deep occupational specialization among urban cultures.

Occupational specialization means that people are doing jobs that are specific, alright,

like, metallurgy, like textiles.

That's all they do.

They don't farm.

There are farmers who are farmers, there are metallurgists who are metallurgists, there

are textile artists who are textile artists, weavers, spinners, potters, and people have

occupations that are very specific.


And that leads to a second issue which is social stratification.

If you recall, there's not much class in Gathering and Hunting societies.

Things are very egalitarian, both gender and across individuals.

You're going to have, because some occupations are more valued than others, and more rare

than others, and take more skill than others, you are going to have the emergence of people

who are valued more highly than others.

And that leads to the emergence of people who are renumerated more richly than others,

and you're going to have the emergence of class.

Rich people, poor people, slaves, middle class people, merchant people.

You're going to have a whole array of people hierarchically organized in some ways, from

the wealthiest to the poorest.

And following that, not surprisingly, is the structure of the political system that you're

going to see, or the political systems you're going to see in urban cultures, these are

pyramidal in structure.

And a pyramidal political structure doesn't mean that there is necessarily a king or necessarily

one emperor.

What it does mean is that the number of aristocrats, the people who are the most wealthy, landholders,

are a small percentage of the population compared to the commoners, who make up the majority

of the population.

So the people with the most power are few, and people with no power are many.

And this is something that is very very different from what you see in Gathering and Hunting

societies, or even in that you see in very rudimentary agricultural societies.

So this is, in a sense, an extension of the Big Man phenomenon.

Alright, I think these are the last things.


Don't make the mistake that metallurgy is invented in urban places.

That's not correct.

There are plenty of places and people both Gatherers and Hunters and Nomadic Pastoralists

who invent on their own metallurgy, whether it's copper, or bronze-making and eventually

even iron-making.

But, what you're going to see in these urban spaces is an intensive use of metallurgy for

agricultural purposes, for ritual purposes, for commerce, so its going to become a major

part of their occupational structure.

Metallurgy is very important.

The other thing that is equally important is the emergence of written language.

This is something that you see associated with urban peoples.

We can talk in more detail about written language at another time, but I want you to put this

in context of David Christian's argument that what makes human beings unique and what makes

our history particular is our capacity for symbolic thinking.

Symbolic thinking begins with story-telling, and being able to hold history verbally and

be able to tell each other how to make things, how to do things, or find things.

And that's much more efficient than having to model something for your child.

You can explain to ten people how to go to a particular location, you don't have to take

anybody there personally.

You can just tell them and they can figure it out.

Once you get to written language, that's a higher level of complexity and a higher level

of transportability of ideas, of techniques, of technology, of political know-how or all

kind of manner of information that makes the speed and intensity at which human beings

are engaging the environment just go up and up and up.


So, Metallurgy, written language, warfare.

Very often, people make the mistake of saying very sloppily that warfare is a human behaviour.

This is not true.

That isn't to say that fighting and aggression isn't something that human beings do, alright,

but warfare is systematic.

It is institutional.

It is supported by all kinds of technological investments.

And this is something that is Neolithic.

It happens after the emergence of the Neolithic revolution and it emerges after surplus.

There's no reason to go to war when you're a Gather and Hunter because you don't have

anything for anyone to take.


There's nothing that you have that anyone else can't go get out in the wild.


So once you become sedentary and have surplus, then you become robbable.

Once you become robbable, you've got to begin to create a system of defense, or a system

of offense.

Usually both.


So warfare is a particular urban kind of activity.

And the last point on this slide, and the last point from this lecture is dynamic relations

with pastoralist nomads.

Sometimes it's called nomadic pastoralism, I don't care which one you use.

The next little mini-lecture we're going to do is going to talk about pastoralist nomads

in a little bit more detail.

Think about them as people who domesticated animals instead of domesticating plants.

The point is that they live in and share space with city-states.

And this is both a potential for enrichment, and also a potential for violence.

It's easy to get stuck thinking about urban people as being 'the hallmarks of civilization'

and "the story of history."

But there is no history of urban peoples without the history of pastoralist nomadic peoples.

They happen at the same time and they are very very important.

I am pointing it out now because it will be part of your Part Two Project.


So, that's what I wanted to tell you in this lecture, and I will bring it to a close, so

thank you very much for your time and your attention.

For more infomation >> 1 - Characteristics of Urban Cultures, History 112A - Duration: 13:22.


For more infomation >> 1 - Characteristics of Urban Cultures, History 112A - Duration: 13:22.


Pacific Rim: Uprising Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Pacific Rim: Uprising Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:16.


For more infomation >> Pacific Rim: Uprising Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:16.


Assassin's Creed Origins

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed Origins


I'm A Driver Now! - Duration: 5:23.

So about two months ago, something happened that I've been waiting for, for a very long time

I don't really like clickbaits

So perhaps by the title of this video you can

Try to guess what this is about

But to understand how much it really means to me

Let's start from the beginning!

Our story begins in 2011

That year, when I was in 11th grade, I got my first green form (the driving licence application form in Israel)

And not long afterward I passed the theory test for the first time

A year later, in 2012, I finally started to take driving lessons

On a manual car

I was, and still am, very short

And it was very, very difficult for me to get to the clutch

So my teacher helped me move the seat as forwards as possible

Lower the seat as much as possible

And he also brought me a cushion to put behind his back

To make me somewhat closer to the clutch

Besides, I was really, really out of shape

So I just remember that after most classes

My leg muscles hurt

From my desperate attempts to reach the clutch

But despite all the difficulties, I did have a

Reasonable sequence of driving lessons

That was, until I graduated from high school

After graduating from high school, I flew with my parents to the United States for a few weeks

And after some time - I joined the IDF

There - I completely lost motivation

Where I served in the army was the Kirya, which is in Tel Aviv

And the easiest way to get to Tel Aviv from Kiryat Ono is by bus

Not by private car

So basically I had no motivation to return to learn how to drive

Only at the end of 2015, when I was in my third year in the army

I was convinced that maybe I should get back to taking driving lessons

So I had to get a new green form

Because the former has already expired

And ... A year later, when I was already out of the army

I passed the theory test for a second time

After I had a theory again

I returned to the same teacher I knew in the past

I tried again to use the manual car

Until I realized that I'd be a better driver on an automatic car

My first practical driving test was just a few days

Before I flew to Vidcon, in April

And I failed it

My friend Sivan told me that to reduce stress from her driving test

She really didn't tell anyone about it before it happened

I really liked the idea and decided to copy

On my first driving test, only my parents knew about in advance

And I told them and my closest friends that I didn't pass it

For the second test I waited for 4 whole months

And I decided that for this one - no one is going to know about it in advance

My options were

I either fail the second test

And basically I don't tell anyone that it even happened

Until I pass the test when I do

Or I actually pass the second driving test

And then - a pleasant surprise for everyone!

I decided not to stress out about it, that I was doing everything right

That I'm going to pass *this one*!

So this time I really didn't tell anyone, not even my parents

The night before, I tried to leave work relatively early

So I can catch a good sleep before the test

But that evening, my bus just... Didn't come!

Then, like a knight on a white horse, from the dark...

My father appeared on a bicycle!

Now, my father is much more fit than I am

And I knew from past experience that he can take me on his bike

So I told him I was waiting for the bus since forever

And I have to get up early the next morning, and I didn't tell him why

And this saint took me home on his bike

Through all the crazy hills of Ramat Gan!

I'll admit, it was a bit scary

So after my father saved me from remaining stuck in Givatayim

I went to sleep

This time I decided I won't stress myself out about the Test

So I guess my brain agreed

And instead of giving me a nightmare about, for example, me failing the test

I got a nightmare about me getting to my reserve duty

Later that month - without a permit

Thank you, brain - you're really helpful!

So that morning, when I got up confused, I was like

Oh no, reserve duty!

I don't have a permit!

Wait, it was a dream!

Ahh... The test!!

So after I gathered my wits and ate a little something

We went to Petah Tikva and I was the first in line to do the driving test

I don't know what the norm is as to whether there is music during the test

But in my case - it was Galgalatz (a famous radio station)

And on Galgalatz during my driving test they broadcasted

The Best Children Songs of All Times Chart

And that soundtrack made my driving test so pleasant

And relaxing, and fun

That I'm even ready to give them partial credit for my success

On the way home I felt that it went pretty well

So I decided to treat myself by going shopping in the local mall

A few hours of wasted money later, I returned home

And I found out... I passed!

With a lot of patience, I waited for my mother and my father to come home

And telling them that I passed the test out of nowhere...

It was just... a delight!

But then came the problem of...

I don't actually have something to drive in

Until, in fact, last week!

We bought a car! With my name!

And I started driving with dad as a companion!

And it is very scary, but I'm still doing it!

In fact, there is no punch line to this video

I just wanted to finally share this on video publicly

The whole story about my driving studies

This and that... I finally passed the test!

Indeed, it took so long

From when I got the first green form - until now

And finally I can announce it to everyone!

Because I wanted to do this video

Now I made this video

Now you know, and everybody will know

I passed the test! And I made it!

And you can if you haven't already

It is possible, because I did it

And it's been a long time since I started, and now I did it, and...

Yes! I did it!

So thanks for watching, I hope you

Are at least happy for me

Uh... And goodbye.

(Weird Al Yankovic:) "Baby you can drive my car..."

(Phil Collins:) "...and maybe I'll love you..."

"Beep beep, beep beep, yeah!!"

...I was in 11th grade... grade... (sounds like) in wheat...

I was in a wheat!

by buz... buz! buz!!!

I got hair into my eye, which is is better than glitter

Now Asissss... Sssss ...

[Sorry, I don't have translation for these strange voices]

For more infomation >> I'm A Driver Now! - Duration: 5:23.


Ambrosia Pudding Pie | Southern Living - Duration: 2:18.

We're gonna make Ambrosia Pudding Pie.

A dessert that really celebrates

all the great things about abrosia.

But first, we're gonna make our lemon curd.

First thing we're gonna do is take some softened butter,

lemon juice, lemon zest, and some sugar.

We're gonna whisk this mixture together,

and we're gonna go into the microwave for one minute.

And we're gonna give it a good whisk.

Now we're gonna cook on high for the additional minute.

And one last stir,

to really redistribute all the ingredients.

We're gonna chill it for four hours.

We're gonna make a coconut custard for this recipe

by whisking together some sugar,

little flour, and some salt.

We'll whisk these dry ingredients together.

We're gonna add some eggs,

we're gonna add some heavy cream, and a little vanilla.

We're gonna add some shredded coconut.

You'll wanna keep just keep stirring this,

until it gets very well blended.

So I made my favorite pie dough recipe for this pie,

but you can use your own favorite recipe

or use your favorite refrigerator store-bought pie crust.

Either way, you're gonna have a lot of scraps left over,

and these are really great to make some beautiful garnishes.

And you're going to brush these with a little egg wash.

So our pie dough garnishes are in the oven,

where they are going to bake at 425

for seven to nine minutes,

until they get perfectly golden brown.

Begin our layering by spreading this orange marmalade

on the bottom of our cooled pie crust.

Next we have crushed pineapple,

then we have our lemon curd,

then we have our coconut custard.

So our pie is in the oven,

where it's gonna bake for 45-50 minutes, at 350 degrees.

Now, it's important to keep a close watch on your pie,

because at any time you see that the outer crust

begins to brown a little too quickly,

or starts getting too brown,

you can very easily tent that area with aluminum foil,

so we have the perfect golden brown pie crust.

So our pie is outta the oven.

As you see, the crust is perfectly browned,

and I'm gonna take my garnishes

that we made from the extra dough,

and go ahead and get these on here,

while it is nice and warm.

We can see where the curd and where the coconut starts,

the chunks of pineapple,

really a great looking slice of pie.

For more infomation >> Ambrosia Pudding Pie | Southern Living - Duration: 2:18.


Pacific Rim: Uprising Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Pacific Rim: Uprising Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:16.


Democrats Now Want To Make This Free For All Except For All Of The Hard Working, American Taxpaye - Duration: 21:32.

Democrats Now Want To Make This Free For All Except For All Of The Hard-Working, American

Taxpayers -They Say 'Hell No"!

Leftist lawmakers are continually attempting to edge themselves decidedly to their constituents

by offering a carrot on a stick.

Democrats accept on the off chance that they dangle "free" in individuals' confronts,

we'll fall everywhere on each other attempting to get in line to exploit whatever they are

putting forth.

They assume that we're very imbecilic to comprehend that "free" just means some

other poor, persevering citizen will be ransacked so that Mr./Mrs. Worthless Politician can

purchase another vote.

Read my lips… ..nothing in life is free!

This is the thing that California Senator, Kamala Harris, is attempting to do.

She and her best bud, Bernie Sanders, are needing to include yet another monetary weight

onto citizens by giving free college educations to liberal snowflakes.

Snowflakes who will likely invest more energy challenging Trump than studying.

From Yes I'm Right:

Have you ever heard the saying "there's no such thing as a free lunch"?

Or, if you're from the South "there is not no such thing as a free lunch"?

Good, now if you know any Democrats, go tell them, because none of them seem to grasp it,

especially the politicians.

These elected officials think that we're dumb enough to think that if they offer us

something for free, we'll just be so delighted that we will forget it has to come out of

someone's hide.

And sadly sometimes they're right.

This is the case with the socialist Bernie Sanders, and his buddy Kamala Harris.

The two of them put forward a bill in the Senate that would make "colleges and universities

tuition free for the vast majority of Americans."

The responses were less than enthusiastic:

Everyone appears to get it yet the self-serving government officials!

Why is it so troublesome for individuals get off their butts and acquire what they have?

Whenever a legislator gives something without end, there is dependably a cost not far off!

Wouldn't it be awesome if individuals like Bernie and Kamala would speak the truth about

it as well?

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thank you for reading.

H/T Yes I'm Right

For more infomation >> Democrats Now Want To Make This Free For All Except For All Of The Hard Working, American Taxpaye - Duration: 21:32.


Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou - 279: A Trap For Handsome Men (Part 158) - Duration: 4:23.

Haruhi: Ah, this one's the same!

Kyon: Luck of the draw.

Haruhi: Hold it, what do you mean by that?

Kyon: Nothing, it's not an insult.

Haruhi: ... Ah, why do you have that when I'm stuck with this!?

Kyon: Luck of the draw.

Haruhi: Come on, give me that one!

Kyon: Huh? You want something I already ate half of?

Haruhi: But, I got tsubuan three times in a row? Here, I'll trade you.

Kyon: I don't want your half eaten stuff. Besides, I had one of the tsubuan ones earlier and I don't want them. Take responsibility for your food and eat it.

Haruhi: One way or another, I'm eating that custard cream.

Kyon: Hey, don't eat out of my hand! Ah!

Haruhi: Ho-ow!

Kyon: See, told you. Divine punishment right there.

Haruhi: ... Whew, that was hot. But I guess that's to be expected of imagawayaki. It's a bit too hot though.

Kyon: It's your own fault.

Koizumi: ... Mind if I interrupt?

Kyon: Uoh!?

Haruhi: H-How long have you been there, Koizumi-kun?

Koizumi: Let's see, somewhere around "why do you have that" I believe.

Haruhi: Geez, why didn't you speak up sooner?

Koizumi: Sorry. Anyway, seems you've bought quite a bit, taking some back for your family?

Haruhi: Yeah. We've got plenty, want some Koizumi-kun? There's no way to tell the tsubuan from the cream though.

Kyon: You're the one who said to put them in one bag? It's your own fault.

Haruhi: Shut up.

Koizumi: Heh... I think I'll pass. I'm still full after lunch.

Haruhi: You sure? Too bad, they're best when freshly baked.

Koizumi: Yes, I'm sure.

Haruhi: In that case, let's get right into the results. Now Koizumi-kun, let's see pics of all the cuties you wooed.

Koizumi: Go ahead.

Haruhi: ... Wow, they really are all cuties!

Koizumi: Thank you.

They were all the same as last time, all of them high quality beauties. You could crown any one of them Miss Something-or-other.

Haruhi: Huh? But... One, two, three... Five? Less than I was expecting.

Koizumi: Indeed, these are the only ones I managed to get a photo with, as I couldn't get away from them...

Koizumi: Hence these results. While I was trying to avoid being rude, I ended up running out of time.

Haruhi: Hmm, so that was your weak point. Just what I'd expect you you, Koizumi-kun. You've got quality over quantity.

Koizumi: Thank you.

Haruhi: ... How about you, Kyon?

Kyon: You're already about to start laughing, aren't you?

Haruhi: Quit stalling and show us.

Kyon: ... I've got these.

Koizumi: Oh, you've got Suzumiya-san in your count?

Haruhi: Call it a pity vote.

Kyon: Hold it. There's no rule against it, right?

Haruhi: I wasn't expecting Koizumi-kun to have such a low turnout. I didn't think a one point handicap would do much for you...

Haruhi: What, you even asked Yuki?

Kyon: Did I break any rules?

Haruhi: I guess not... So including me, that's four shots?

Kyon: Wait, wait, wait! What do you mean "shots"? Sure, there's four photos, but there's five girls, right?

Haruhi: That's including me, right? Besides you can't even see that other girl's face.

Koizumi: Still, he has five girls. That means our match is a draw.

Haruhi: You sure?

Koizumi: Yeah.

Haruhi: Well, if it's fine with Koizumi-kun, then its fine with me. Good for you, Kyon.

I've overcome these hardships, but I'm not the least bit satisfied. I've been painfully shown my limits proving how downright pitiful I am... Dammit!

And so Haruhi and Koizumi left satisfied, and afterwards I decided to go check out the closing event in the gym.

And with nothing else of notable worth, the second day of the North High Festival came to a close.

For more infomation >> Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou - 279: A Trap For Handsome Men (Part 158) - Duration: 4:23.



directions common vocabulary


Turn, right

first right

second right on your right


Turn left

first left

Second left on your left


common vocabulary


straight on

Look for

follow the


through the intersection



next to

The next block


at the end

At the end of

O n the corner


In front of

Around the corner

directions common phrases

Excuse me. Where is the nearest police station?

Excuse me. I'm looking for the closest metro stop

Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the National art Museum?

Excuse me, how do I get to Fifth Avenue?

Excuse me. What's the best way to the metropolitan?

Excuse me. How far is Main Street

directions dialogue

Excuse me. Can you help me I'm looking for the art museum

Of Course make the next right and it will be on your left

Thank you

Excuse me. Im lost can you help me?

Sure, where are you trying to go?

I'm looking for the closest metro station

Cross the Street go three blocks, and you will see it

Thank you

directions dialogue

Excuse me

Can you please tell me where the movie theater is?


Just around the corner

Turn left at the traffic light and go straight on for two blocks

Cross the bridge and it will be on your right

behind the shopping center

Thank you

Hello. Can you please tell me if this is the bus the center of the city?

No, it's not

You want to look for the one four six?

That stop is across the street

Go down one block and turn the corner. It will be on the left. Thank

Thank you

talking about directions

If you are in a new location make sure you get a map

You can get one at a hotel

tourist office or local bookstore

locate and Mark your hotel, or

Residents on the map so that you have a general idea

where you are if

You are taking public transportation

Learn Which stop is

closest to you if

You are comfortable with technology

Download an offline map app on your phone if you do not have roaming data

Download directions when you do have it and take a screenshot

if you get lost

The best person to ask for directions is a policeman or a police lady

They generally know the area

Try to avoid asking people who appear to be in a rush

When you stop someone be sure to say hello first

use how

which and

where to form your questions if

You have trouble

Point out where you are going on your map if you don't

understand them you can say

can you repeat that please if

You are still not clear say thank you and go in the direction

They indicate and ask someone else

Try not to get upset if you get lost

It's a great way to discover a new city

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