Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 7 2017

Greetings fellow nerds.

In this video we're going to restore tarnished silver using electrochemistry.

First i need to issue a warning to any silver collectors, coin collectors or antiques dealers.

Artificial chemical alteration of silver is very poorly received by the collector community in general.

Do not perform this on any pieces that have any historical,

numismatic or other value beyond the spot price of the silver metal itself.

Our objective in this video is to explore the science.

Anyway I made s silver restoration video back in 2009.

I personally really liked it and have always wanted to redo it

but using a modern 4k resolution camera as opposed to the really low end 720p camera i had back then.

So let's get started restoring silver by electrochemistry in 2017.

So first we need to make our restoration solution.

We start with 200mL of water and add to it 20g of table salt and 10g of baking soda.

Stir for about 5 minutes.

It won't all dissolve but that's acceptable.

It also helps to heat up the solution so it works faster during the restoration step.

Now get a shallow tray with some aluminum foil and pour in our restoration solution to cover it.

This actually works best with an all aluminum tray but i'm using foil so i can show you the chemistry.

Let me zoom in for a better look.

And here is our badly tarnished silver coin.

Technically it's a silver round but the chemistry is the same.

Now putting it into the solution by itself nothing will happen.

We need an electrical connection for this to work.

So let me put it on top of the aluminum foil to connect them.

And there we go.

I'm not timelapsing this.

This is really happening that fast.

And that is our restored silver coin.

Let me do it again this time with a deeply tarnished silver coin.

This will take a lot longer but it will still work.

So what's happening? The colored tarnish on the silver is actually silver sulfide

formed by reaction with small amounts of hydrogen sulfide and oxygen in the air.

In the solution we set up a basic electrochemical cell.

The aluminum foil is the anode and is oxidized in the alkaline solution releasing electrons.

Normally these just go to making hydrogen gas but if we touch the silver to it then the electrons go into the silver.

The silver behaves as the cathode and reduction occurs.

The silver sulfide is converted back into silver metal and the sulfide ions go into solution.

Overall we're transferring the sulfide from the silver to the aluminum.

Now this works so well with aluminum because it has a much lower reduction potential than silver sulfide.

So it's strong enough to force the back reaction of converting silver sulfide back into silver metal.

So you might be asking what would happen if we tried a metal other than aluminum.

Let me try again this time using nickel metal.

Nickel has a much higher reduction potential than aluminum.

In fact it's even higher than silver sulfide so as you can see nothing happens.

The oxidation of nickel just isn't strong enough to force the reduction of silver sulfide.

Let me try it again now this time using a strip of nickel in which we've plated zinc metal.

The upper end of the stripe is still nickel metal.

Now zinc has a lower reduction potential than silver sulfide so this should work.

But to make this experiment more interesting i'm going to put the tarnished silver on the nickel end.

Interestingly enough it's still working.

This emphasizes the electrical nature of this experiment.

The zinc is being oxidized by the solution as usual but the electrons travel through the nickel strip

and into the silver where the reaction takes place.

The nickel itself doesn't do anything but is the conductor for the electrons.

Now let's take this a step further.

If this is all about pushing electrons, then we should be able to force the reaction forward with a battery.

A battery provides its own power and can push reactions that aren't favorable on either electrode.

So here i am zoomed in onto a heavily tarnished coin and i'm attaching the negative terminal of the battery to it.

Now all we need to do is touch the positive terminal to the solution and complete the circuit.

The battery will rip electrons out of the copper wire and force them into the silver.

This should be much faster since we're using a six volt battery pack.

Far greater voltage than the lowly 1.6 volts of the aluminum.



That was over in less than 2 seconds.

Let's see that again.

Interestingly enough the reduction wave starts nearest the positive wire, the anode, and moves away.

Even if we do it on the same side the effect is dependent on the anode wire position.

This is because the silver sulfide closest to the anode is the most strongly polarized and is reduced first.

Once that's reduced the electrons go to the next most easily reduced silver sulfide

which is slightly less polarized a little further away.

This effect repeats and gives us this wave.

So that was the restoration of silver using electrochemistry.

I hope you enjoyed my video.

And let me know if you think i should redo any other old video in modern high quality.

Special thank you to all of my supporters on patreon for making these science videos possible

with their donations and their direction.

If you are not currently a patron, but like to support the continued production of science videos like this one,

then check out my patreon page here or in the video description.

I really appreciate any and all support.

For more infomation >> Restore Silver with Electrochemistry 2017 - Duration: 5:45.


Yamaha 125ZR Modified Version Rust Decal (125ZR 2-Tak Gaya Baru) - Duration: 2:41.

Yamaha 125ZR Modified Version Rust Decal (125ZR 2-Tak Gaya Baru)

For more infomation >> Yamaha 125ZR Modified Version Rust Decal (125ZR 2-Tak Gaya Baru) - Duration: 2:41.


OMO LIQUIDO CASEIRO - RENDE 12 LTS Com Menos de R$ 5,00 - Super Fácil e Faz em 5 MINUTOS - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> OMO LIQUIDO CASEIRO - RENDE 12 LTS Com Menos de R$ 5,00 - Super Fácil e Faz em 5 MINUTOS - Duration: 2:53.


నిద్రదోషం పోవాలంటే ఇది తలకింద పెట్టిపడుకోండి | Sleep Rules and Regulations | Nidra Yoga | Sleep Well - Duration: 3:00.


For more infomation >> నిద్రదోషం పోవాలంటే ఇది తలకింద పెట్టిపడుకోండి | Sleep Rules and Regulations | Nidra Yoga | Sleep Well - Duration: 3:00.


Top 5 bản Cover Em gái mưa hay nhất 2017 - Mr.Siro, Anh Khang, Lynk Lee, Linh Ka, Kyo York - Duration: 7:55.

Các bạn nhớ bấm Subscribe/Đăng ký kênh để giúp Trắng TV đạt 1 triệu Subscribe nhé!

For more infomation >> Top 5 bản Cover Em gái mưa hay nhất 2017 - Mr.Siro, Anh Khang, Lynk Lee, Linh Ka, Kyo York - Duration: 7:55.


REEL MAGIK STP UNBOXING!! - Duration: 9:18.

*intro music*

Chase: Hey guys it is me, Chasey-poo and today we are going to be doing an unboxing and first impressions video

I have the mic here from the podcast because my microphone on my camera is not working properly and it's making all these weird noises

And it's really not fun so I am attempting to use this over here. Hopefully it works, and it doesn't look too weird

I'm sorry if it does but today. I'm opening a package

I'm super excited for this is from real magic and they have sent me the STP. I've been waiting for this for years

I've been wanting to try the STP, and I'm so glad that I'm able to finally try it so

So this is not a review video. It's an unboxing and first impression so that you see what's in the box that you see

What the stuff looks like inside and then in the comments I let you ask me questions

About the product so that when I'm doing the review I can answer those questions for you

So the first thing that's important does it say anything

That is not discreet on the package? on the package it says silicone costume prosthetic kit

And it says the name of the company real magic so there's nothing on there that says


silicone like

Penis or anything like that or dildo or anything like that or Stand To Pee device, Packer- nothing like that which is great

because other companies do that and that's really not you know that's not fun.


Super excited so opening it I see the box the real magic box and this cool that I have the mic here

Thank God because the mic

I really like the mic on my camera, but it it's not working in this like it's making me angry

So I know that it just sounds a little bit awkward, but you guys you love me, so yes

So as always this is the real magic box. It says: What are you packing?

LGBT owned and operated, so I'm gonna.. eh. This is me opening it. Oh my god Chase. Oh my god

I'm so excited. Let's do it, ready?

*angelic singing* ahhhhh!!!

Okay, Oh

a little paper over here! "Dear Chase, congratulations on moving on to the next product of our review lineup

We are excited to welcome you back

And we hope you find this next product as enjoyable to review as our Packers

enclosed you will find the product you will be reviewing

Our Stand to pee prosthetic includes a number of features including an extremely realistic design and

Soft scrotum and free-floating testicles and of course our no drip lip

Which helps to prevent any accidental leakage while using the product.

We are also including a bottle of our cleansing spray including with every- included with every product

As well as a complimentary 2 ounce extra strength adhesive kit and a bottle of our more recently added extra strength remover

The extra strength remover can be used on the tab to remove any adhesive buildup without leaving any oily residue

In closing, we hope you enjoyed the STP product

And we are also including another promo code to include in your review. Sincerely Yours, the real magic team"

I just want to shout out honestly real magic. They are awesome

I saw them at I finally met them at the conference and they're just a bunch of great people honestly

And they just really care they're just nice so I have a promo code here

For 5% off any single STP prosthetic

So this code will only be good for the first 25 customers ok? So this is quite an expensive product here

So getting 5% off doesn't seem like a lot, but when it's expensive product

It is actually a lot of money, so I will put the the code in the link below!

So just so you know when I put up the unboxing video for the Packers

And then I put the review video for one of the Packers

The code was only to be used a hundred times and it went like that it went very quickly

So I'm just letting you know if you want to buy this product and you like it, and you you like my review

And you trust it and that's what you're looking into and you finally all the questions that you had were answered blah blah blah

And you want it get it as fast as you can I'll post on my Twitter when the code has been

Like when you can't use it anymore so 25 people the code is RMCHASE5OFFSTP

So I'll put that in the description below

"Attention! Once plastic bag is open product cannot be exchanged this product has been inspected upon packaging and has been proven free of any defects

Please handle with care' silicone while durable and very lifelike is not akin to actual human skin and may tear in

Or incur damage if pulled or roughly or handled roughly

Recommend did for gentle use only any damage caused due to rough handling may void warranty

Any use of this product for sexual penetration is done so at the risk of the user

To use the use of economies required if you to use the product in this manner. Here's the thing

This is not

Something that you have sex with it's something that you just oh my god

I see it that you have that you pee with so this is the little pamphlet little brochure that you get STP prosthetic

application and care. So it gives you all of

The actual fitting that you will do so it's a bit hard to see but they even give you a diagram of what the STP

Should look like in your pants it tells you how to urinate with it how to adhesive to yourself and how to remove it?

So let's actually get to the stuff so I have the cleansing spray here

I have also I got this also with the packing

Packers that I got last time so which is really great actually because it does actually really cleanse the product and

then I have the adhesive remover and

The adhesive and then the extra strength adhesive remover so this is what this is intr-

I didn't know this is what it looked like so that's cool

So this is the silicone adhesive that you will use to stick the prosthetic on to your body

And then this is what you will use to help remove it out of your body [really, Beauty?] and then this is the extra

Strength adhesive remover so I guess if you if you had like a lot of residues interesting color, but yeah

So this is what those look like. All right, You ready? And now on to the actual prosthetic oh

My goodness, so let's remove the box

And let's have a look-see come in hunty. I just opened it, Aaron just walked in as I open this

Right? This is so exciting because we just came back from the conference where we spent maybe like an accumulation of an hour at the

table between three days just grabbing these prosthetics because they're so

Can't believe I own this this is mine, so this is the STP, I'm going to bring it up to the camera, but

It is.. I am.. so excited so the color that I got is the m5

Because there's the color here that you go by but then they color it specifically for like this like related to this color

Oh my god. The detail is.. you wanna touch it?

Aaron: I really do Chase: touch the balls come here touch the balls Daddy

Aaron: ooooh

Chase: They're different than at the conference they're like more realistic

Aaron: yeah, I think at the conference maybe they were just like, displays

Chase: Bec- or yeah well because everyone kept fondling them

Aaron: Fondle me d-

Okay there you go. This is what it looks like this is the uncut version I believe the color is m5

Oh my god the whole and then this is what the no-slip lip

That's no-spill lip, and then the balls you can literally move them, and there's like a gel inside oh my god

It's so realistic.. Oh my God the balls!!

Aaron: It looks disturbingly realistic, it looks like I'm just looking if you're dick

Chase: Right!? Oh, my god. Flag me and I'l- no I'm kidding

Okay, so I am. I'm so excited to actually try this and to pee with it

It's not as big as I thought like I'm taking out my packer right now because I use I love real magic

Aaron: I have mine right here

Okay, yeah, do that so I don't take mine out. I use the uncut packer and

Aaron does so as well yours is so cold okay?

So this is what the packer looks like the one that I use and I've reviewed this I'll put the link in the description below

it's the uncut one and it's the

soft one

And then this is what the STP looks like so it's basically the same size just the balls are a little bit bigger

Oh, yeah, so it's the same. They molded off probably the same

Right cuz it looks super

It's a little less girthy though

Which I like because this is girthy as hell and this one is like less squishy because it's not the soft right because it

Needs to be able to hold you can't have sex with this one you can if you want, but it might rip

So don't do that so yeah anyways

In terms of unboxing and first impressions, I am I am super impressed

I cannot wait to adhesive this to my body

I do wish that there was hair that came with this though

Only because I feel like it's gonna be weird to see just my skin and then a tab of this

But I think that it really is gonna blend it in with my skin tone so anyways

So first impressions awesome like I said if you want to buy it I do have a discount code for 5%

I'll put that in the link in the description right!? Aaron: that's amazing! Chase: right!?!

It doesn't sound like a lot, but this this is this is over five hundred dollars.

Aaron: U.S

Chase: U.S, in the comments, please leave your questions for the review and

Once I am reviewing the product

I'll be sure to answer almost all of them as much as I can it's interesting because the balls feel like they're attached which is

So realistic like like the inside, like the testicles

Okay, it's great. I'm super excited

Aaron: do you have to pee now?

Chase: I do, I'm gonna try

I'm gonna go pee, and then I will review this look out for the review in the next couple of months, but yeah

Please leave your questions below

And I will try to answer them and then also if you want me to review anything else from real magic

Please let me know put in the description below because then I could tell them and they could maybe send them to me

Love you. Okay, think of bee have a swell. Bye

*Outro music*

For more infomation >> REEL MAGIK STP UNBOXING!! - Duration: 9:18.


Pabst Mansion hosting Murder Mystery Dinner next Friday the 13th - Duration: 1:45.

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KDKA-TV Morning Forecast (10/7) - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> KDKA-TV Morning Forecast (10/7) - Duration: 1:23.


First Live Session from PC #Part 1 - Duration: 30:45.

First Live Session from PC #Part 1

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Crash involving police squad car sends officers to hospital - Duration: 0:23.

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Duras críticas a Messi por su 'falta de compromiso' con Argentina - Duration: 2:33.

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遊戲驢子(Videogamedunkey) :驢子的舞 (Dunkey Dance) (中文字幕) - Duration: 2:55.

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肉雞42天的生命:你的360度體驗|42 Days in the Life of Chickens in 360 Degrees by iAnimal [CC Available] - Duration: 4:15.

Your first day of life.

You are surrounded by other chicks,

who are calling helplessly for a mother they'll never meet.

Bred to grow at an accelerated rate in factory farms,

in just 6 weeks, they will barely manage a few steps

before their limbs buckle and they collapse in pain under the weight of their bodies.

All are suffering from severe respiratory problems

from the ammonia ammonia caused by the feces under foot.

These irritant chemicals in the litter burn through their feathers,

and result in painful sores, which will never be treated.

The production of meat causes endless suffering on a massive scale.

Each of these animals

suffer from the very first day of their lives to their last.

At the slaughterhouse,

you'll either die of asphyxiation in a gas chamber

or bleed to death after being hung upside down and having your throat slit.

You don't have to see the world through the eyes of a chicken

to recognize the cruelty and suffering inherent here,

but you can help bring an end to all of this.

Please, leave meat off your plate.

For more infomation >> 肉雞42天的生命:你的360度體驗|42 Days in the Life of Chickens in 360 Degrees by iAnimal [CC Available] - Duration: 4:15.


Aero Chord -Time Leap _ Shootin Stars _ Incomplete (7 viên ngọc rồng _ NCS release music ) - Duration: 12:11.

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Nasrdin Dchar over Eberhard van der Laan - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Nasrdin Dchar over Eberhard van der Laan - Duration: 1:08.


Renault Rapid - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Renault Rapid - Duration: 0:49.


Restore Silver with Electrochemistry 2017 - Duration: 5:45.

Greetings fellow nerds.

In this video we're going to restore tarnished silver using electrochemistry.

First i need to issue a warning to any silver collectors, coin collectors or antiques dealers.

Artificial chemical alteration of silver is very poorly received by the collector community in general.

Do not perform this on any pieces that have any historical,

numismatic or other value beyond the spot price of the silver metal itself.

Our objective in this video is to explore the science.

Anyway I made s silver restoration video back in 2009.

I personally really liked it and have always wanted to redo it

but using a modern 4k resolution camera as opposed to the really low end 720p camera i had back then.

So let's get started restoring silver by electrochemistry in 2017.

So first we need to make our restoration solution.

We start with 200mL of water and add to it 20g of table salt and 10g of baking soda.

Stir for about 5 minutes.

It won't all dissolve but that's acceptable.

It also helps to heat up the solution so it works faster during the restoration step.

Now get a shallow tray with some aluminum foil and pour in our restoration solution to cover it.

This actually works best with an all aluminum tray but i'm using foil so i can show you the chemistry.

Let me zoom in for a better look.

And here is our badly tarnished silver coin.

Technically it's a silver round but the chemistry is the same.

Now putting it into the solution by itself nothing will happen.

We need an electrical connection for this to work.

So let me put it on top of the aluminum foil to connect them.

And there we go.

I'm not timelapsing this.

This is really happening that fast.

And that is our restored silver coin.

Let me do it again this time with a deeply tarnished silver coin.

This will take a lot longer but it will still work.

So what's happening? The colored tarnish on the silver is actually silver sulfide

formed by reaction with small amounts of hydrogen sulfide and oxygen in the air.

In the solution we set up a basic electrochemical cell.

The aluminum foil is the anode and is oxidized in the alkaline solution releasing electrons.

Normally these just go to making hydrogen gas but if we touch the silver to it then the electrons go into the silver.

The silver behaves as the cathode and reduction occurs.

The silver sulfide is converted back into silver metal and the sulfide ions go into solution.

Overall we're transferring the sulfide from the silver to the aluminum.

Now this works so well with aluminum because it has a much lower reduction potential than silver sulfide.

So it's strong enough to force the back reaction of converting silver sulfide back into silver metal.

So you might be asking what would happen if we tried a metal other than aluminum.

Let me try again this time using nickel metal.

Nickel has a much higher reduction potential than aluminum.

In fact it's even higher than silver sulfide so as you can see nothing happens.

The oxidation of nickel just isn't strong enough to force the reduction of silver sulfide.

Let me try it again now this time using a strip of nickel in which we've plated zinc metal.

The upper end of the stripe is still nickel metal.

Now zinc has a lower reduction potential than silver sulfide so this should work.

But to make this experiment more interesting i'm going to put the tarnished silver on the nickel end.

Interestingly enough it's still working.

This emphasizes the electrical nature of this experiment.

The zinc is being oxidized by the solution as usual but the electrons travel through the nickel strip

and into the silver where the reaction takes place.

The nickel itself doesn't do anything but is the conductor for the electrons.

Now let's take this a step further.

If this is all about pushing electrons, then we should be able to force the reaction forward with a battery.

A battery provides its own power and can push reactions that aren't favorable on either electrode.

So here i am zoomed in onto a heavily tarnished coin and i'm attaching the negative terminal of the battery to it.

Now all we need to do is touch the positive terminal to the solution and complete the circuit.

The battery will rip electrons out of the copper wire and force them into the silver.

This should be much faster since we're using a six volt battery pack.

Far greater voltage than the lowly 1.6 volts of the aluminum.



That was over in less than 2 seconds.

Let's see that again.

Interestingly enough the reduction wave starts nearest the positive wire, the anode, and moves away.

Even if we do it on the same side the effect is dependent on the anode wire position.

This is because the silver sulfide closest to the anode is the most strongly polarized and is reduced first.

Once that's reduced the electrons go to the next most easily reduced silver sulfide

which is slightly less polarized a little further away.

This effect repeats and gives us this wave.

So that was the restoration of silver using electrochemistry.

I hope you enjoyed my video.

And let me know if you think i should redo any other old video in modern high quality.

Special thank you to all of my supporters on patreon for making these science videos possible

with their donations and their direction.

If you are not currently a patron, but like to support the continued production of science videos like this one,

then check out my patreon page here or in the video description.

I really appreciate any and all support.

For more infomation >> Restore Silver with Electrochemistry 2017 - Duration: 5:45.


Citroën C1 1.0i 68PK 3D - Duration: 1:00.

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Opel Astra 1.9 CDTI 74KW ST.WGN DPF Business - Duration: 0:54.

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Colors for Children with Water Guns, Cookies, SpongeBob SquarePants and Surprise Eggs - 3D Cartoons - Duration: 2:17.







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allama delwar hossain sayeedi bangla waz 2017 about composure & patience || bangla islamic waz 2018 - Duration: 43:20.

allama delwar hossain sayeedi

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330 Sq. Ft. Tiny Brick House in Tucson | Amazing Small House Design - Duration: 1:52.

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Koh Lanta Fidji : Les alliances volent en éclats, épreuve surprise, Caroline éliminée... - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Koh Lanta Fidji : Les alliances volent en éclats, épreuve surprise, Caroline éliminée... - Duration: 3:55.


For more infomation >> Koh Lanta Fidji : Les alliances volent en éclats, épreuve surprise, Caroline éliminée... - Duration: 3:55.


Cómo cambiar amortiguadores traseros FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:11.

Use a socket №18

Use a socket №15

Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar amortiguadores traseros FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar amortiguadores traseros FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:11.


The Girls - 3 Ep. Enough! (2 season) - Duration: 6:12.

Previously on The Girls

Carlos: The party is about to start!

Lucas: I know, you'd better check!

Carlos: Ok... I'm on my way...

Lucas: Time to go! Hehehe

Lucas: There's something wrong with my powers...

Lucas: I didn't want to come here...

Unknown: Lucas? the irresponsible sorcerer?

Lucas: Yes... minus the "irresponsible" part...

Unknown: Your judgment will be at night!

Unknown: See you tonight!

The Girls - Season 2

EverCity - 2:45 p.m

Paty: Where is she?

Beatriz: Hey, Paty! I am here!

Paty: Are you kidding me?

Beatriz: What? as well?

Paty: You're late! almost 1 hour!

Beatriz: What? but it's still two o'clock!

Paty: It's two forty-five!

Beatriz: Sorry! My schedule is wrong!

Paty: It doesn't matter now! We have to put our plan into action!

Beatriz: Oh... i forgot! What was the plan?

Paty: I'll explain again! do not worry!

Lucas: It's almost midnight

Alice: Relax! They will not do anything to you Lucas!

Alice: Do you want cake?

Lucas: How can you stay calm?

Alice: Lord Red wants to see you, not me!

Lucas: Oh My God! You need to help me Alice!

Alice: Do not worry, I'll go with you!

In another dimension - 12:25 a.m

Unknown: Judgment time, my lord!

Lord Red: Prepare the trial room!

Lucas: Alice is taking too long!

*Alice thinking*: What he is doing?

Unknown: Who's there?

Unknown: There was someone here! I can feel...

Unknown: Alice? on here? It can not be!

EverCity - 12:29 a.m

Paty: Well, I'll summarize the plan!

Paty: We will not be Mia's best friends!

Beatriz: What? What do you mean?

Paty: She just wants to know about staying with Amanda.

Beatriz: but nothing is wrong!

Paty: OK! go ahead!

Beatriz: What's going to happen?

Paty: First the amanda will become popular!

Paty: Then, we will be discarded!

Beatriz: Hmm, true...

Lucas: where is she?

Alice: We need to get out of here NOW!

Lucas: Alice! as well?

For more infomation >> The Girls - 3 Ep. Enough! (2 season) - Duration: 6:12.


For more infomation >> The Girls - 3 Ep. Enough! (2 season) - Duration: 6:12.


Secret Story 11 : Laura s'embrouille, s'amourache et se mouill - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 : Laura s'embrouille, s'amourache et se mouill - Duration: 3:25.


For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 : Laura s'embrouille, s'amourache et se mouill - Duration: 3:25.


Laëty Sign&Mouv Projet du 7#1 - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Laëty Sign&Mouv Projet du 7#1 - Duration: 1:59.


For more infomation >> Laëty Sign&Mouv Projet du 7#1 - Duration: 1:59.


New: Osmo MindRacers

For more infomation >> New: Osmo MindRacers


Overwatch - 2017 Halloween Event Start Time & Everything Else You Need to Know - Duration: 4:54.

What's up everybody this is Master Ian Gamer and today I'm going to go over everything

you need to know to prepare for the upcoming 2017 Halloween Terror event.

This'll include the anticipated start time, things we know for sure will be coming, as

well as general tips for being able to get the most out of the event as soon as it starts!

Many of these I've already touched on previously in videos, but I just wanted to give a final

summarization of everything to help you prepare.

So without further ado, let's jump right in.

First up is the start date and time.

Blizzard confirmed last Tuesday via Twitter that the event will officially start this

coming Tuesday, October 10th.

Like usual, they didn't provide a specific start time, but based on past events and game

updates, it's likely that the event will start some time between 10:00 AM and 12:00

Noon PDT.

I'll show a few alternate time zones on screen for those of you in different regions.

As for the confirmed upcoming content, we really don't have that much.

There are the new Reaper and McCree skins which were shown off in the Twitter teaser,

and both of them look really cool.

McCree's monster hunter/ Van Helsing and Reaper's vampire skins both indicate that

this year's event will be themed around the Dracula story, much like last year was


That doesn't mean other skins have to abide by this, as last year it really only applied

to Junkrat and Roadhog.

So, the new skins beyond the two we know of, really could be anything.

Aside from skins the only concrete things we have are two McCree voice lines which will

probably be part of his new skin.

I have to say, they're quite fitting.

Everything beyond this lies in the realm of speculation.

Given that this year's repeated Summer Games event introduced 40+ new items in addition

to offering everything from last year at the discounted price of non-event items, we can

assume that something similar will happen for Halloween.

At the very least I expect we'll see 40+ new items, but possibly there'll be even


About seven of these will be Legendary skins, and it's also possible that we'll see

a few Epic skins as well.

However, given that we haven't gotten an event Epic skin since the Uprising event,

Blizzard may have phased out this kind of cosmetic.

Furthermore, last April Jeff Kaplan confirmed that there are two new Hanzo skins and a new

Zarya skin that we have yet to see get added.

There's no guarantee that they will be part of this event, but it's possible.

Moving onto the event's game mode, Junkenstein's Revenge will almost definitely be returning

in some form or another based off of how popular it was last year.

Blizzard will most likely tweak or expand on it in some way, since just giving us the

exact same game mode as last year would be a bit underwhelming.

Hopefully, we'll either get a new map, or at least more locations to defend on the same

map from last year.

Also, the addition of an all heroes mode is quite likely.

Lastly I've got a bit of advice to help you maximize the number of loot boxes you

can get.

First, make sure not to play the Arcade on Monday, Oct. 9th after the loot boxes reset.

Given the weekly schedule, the free Arcade loot boxes reset the day before an event starts,

meaning that if you wait until Tuesday, your three free boxes will be event ones instead

of normal ones.

You can actually take advantage of this to get four weeks worth of free boxes out of

just a three week event.

All you have to do is hold off on the Arcade during week one until after the event starts,

and then cram nine wins in on the last Monday after the boxes reset but before the event

actually ends.

Additionally, regardless of what game mode you're playing, always try to play in a

group to get that sweet 20% group experience bonus!

And that will wrap up everything you need to know for the upcoming Halloween event.

Unless something gets leaked or teased by Blizzard this weekend, this is everything

major we have to go on.

Hopefully we'll get some good stuff again this year, and I personally can't wait to

see what they do with Junkenstein's Revenge.

For more predictions and speculations about this event, feel free to check out my other

videos on this topic.

You can find links on screen now, as well as at the end of this video.

Thanks for watching, and leave a comment below saying what you hope or expect to get for

the 2017 Halloween event.

Leave a like if you enjoyed this video, and you can keep up with all my future Overwatch

content by subscribing and following my social media.

This is Master Ian Gamer signing off, and until next time have a great day.

For more infomation >> Overwatch - 2017 Halloween Event Start Time & Everything Else You Need to Know - Duration: 4:54.


Restore Silver with Electrochemistry 2017 - Duration: 5:45.

Greetings fellow nerds.

In this video we're going to restore tarnished silver using electrochemistry.

First i need to issue a warning to any silver collectors, coin collectors or antiques dealers.

Artificial chemical alteration of silver is very poorly received by the collector community in general.

Do not perform this on any pieces that have any historical,

numismatic or other value beyond the spot price of the silver metal itself.

Our objective in this video is to explore the science.

Anyway I made s silver restoration video back in 2009.

I personally really liked it and have always wanted to redo it

but using a modern 4k resolution camera as opposed to the really low end 720p camera i had back then.

So let's get started restoring silver by electrochemistry in 2017.

So first we need to make our restoration solution.

We start with 200mL of water and add to it 20g of table salt and 10g of baking soda.

Stir for about 5 minutes.

It won't all dissolve but that's acceptable.

It also helps to heat up the solution so it works faster during the restoration step.

Now get a shallow tray with some aluminum foil and pour in our restoration solution to cover it.

This actually works best with an all aluminum tray but i'm using foil so i can show you the chemistry.

Let me zoom in for a better look.

And here is our badly tarnished silver coin.

Technically it's a silver round but the chemistry is the same.

Now putting it into the solution by itself nothing will happen.

We need an electrical connection for this to work.

So let me put it on top of the aluminum foil to connect them.

And there we go.

I'm not timelapsing this.

This is really happening that fast.

And that is our restored silver coin.

Let me do it again this time with a deeply tarnished silver coin.

This will take a lot longer but it will still work.

So what's happening? The colored tarnish on the silver is actually silver sulfide

formed by reaction with small amounts of hydrogen sulfide and oxygen in the air.

In the solution we set up a basic electrochemical cell.

The aluminum foil is the anode and is oxidized in the alkaline solution releasing electrons.

Normally these just go to making hydrogen gas but if we touch the silver to it then the electrons go into the silver.

The silver behaves as the cathode and reduction occurs.

The silver sulfide is converted back into silver metal and the sulfide ions go into solution.

Overall we're transferring the sulfide from the silver to the aluminum.

Now this works so well with aluminum because it has a much lower reduction potential than silver sulfide.

So it's strong enough to force the back reaction of converting silver sulfide back into silver metal.

So you might be asking what would happen if we tried a metal other than aluminum.

Let me try again this time using nickel metal.

Nickel has a much higher reduction potential than aluminum.

In fact it's even higher than silver sulfide so as you can see nothing happens.

The oxidation of nickel just isn't strong enough to force the reduction of silver sulfide.

Let me try it again now this time using a strip of nickel in which we've plated zinc metal.

The upper end of the stripe is still nickel metal.

Now zinc has a lower reduction potential than silver sulfide so this should work.

But to make this experiment more interesting i'm going to put the tarnished silver on the nickel end.

Interestingly enough it's still working.

This emphasizes the electrical nature of this experiment.

The zinc is being oxidized by the solution as usual but the electrons travel through the nickel strip

and into the silver where the reaction takes place.

The nickel itself doesn't do anything but is the conductor for the electrons.

Now let's take this a step further.

If this is all about pushing electrons, then we should be able to force the reaction forward with a battery.

A battery provides its own power and can push reactions that aren't favorable on either electrode.

So here i am zoomed in onto a heavily tarnished coin and i'm attaching the negative terminal of the battery to it.

Now all we need to do is touch the positive terminal to the solution and complete the circuit.

The battery will rip electrons out of the copper wire and force them into the silver.

This should be much faster since we're using a six volt battery pack.

Far greater voltage than the lowly 1.6 volts of the aluminum.



That was over in less than 2 seconds.

Let's see that again.

Interestingly enough the reduction wave starts nearest the positive wire, the anode, and moves away.

Even if we do it on the same side the effect is dependent on the anode wire position.

This is because the silver sulfide closest to the anode is the most strongly polarized and is reduced first.

Once that's reduced the electrons go to the next most easily reduced silver sulfide

which is slightly less polarized a little further away.

This effect repeats and gives us this wave.

So that was the restoration of silver using electrochemistry.

I hope you enjoyed my video.

And let me know if you think i should redo any other old video in modern high quality.

Special thank you to all of my supporters on patreon for making these science videos possible

with their donations and their direction.

If you are not currently a patron, but like to support the continued production of science videos like this one,

then check out my patreon page here or in the video description.

I really appreciate any and all support.

For more infomation >> Restore Silver with Electrochemistry 2017 - Duration: 5:45.


[BlackSurvival]Aya: "I'm so strong!" - Duration: 20:33.

This is another video of T/C Arms Contender. I hate losing, and I will be playing until I win >:(

The armors this game will be EOD set, as I died because of the traps set by Isol who is the same person as Isol in this game.

EOD set eats up 3 Cloths, so I was worried about what to go for other armors.

Thank you very much for Sureka made by Eng subs. All feedbacks, music recommendation, character suggestions and questions are welcome :)

For more infomation >> [BlackSurvival]Aya: "I'm so strong!" - Duration: 20:33.


REEL MAGIK STP UNBOXING!! - Duration: 9:18.

*intro music*

Chase: Hey guys it is me, Chasey-poo and today we are going to be doing an unboxing and first impressions video

I have the mic here from the podcast because my microphone on my camera is not working properly and it's making all these weird noises

And it's really not fun so I am attempting to use this over here. Hopefully it works, and it doesn't look too weird

I'm sorry if it does but today. I'm opening a package

I'm super excited for this is from real magic and they have sent me the STP. I've been waiting for this for years

I've been wanting to try the STP, and I'm so glad that I'm able to finally try it so

So this is not a review video. It's an unboxing and first impression so that you see what's in the box that you see

What the stuff looks like inside and then in the comments I let you ask me questions

About the product so that when I'm doing the review I can answer those questions for you

So the first thing that's important does it say anything

That is not discreet on the package? on the package it says silicone costume prosthetic kit

And it says the name of the company real magic so there's nothing on there that says


silicone like

Penis or anything like that or dildo or anything like that or Stand To Pee device, Packer- nothing like that which is great

because other companies do that and that's really not you know that's not fun.


Super excited so opening it I see the box the real magic box and this cool that I have the mic here

Thank God because the mic

I really like the mic on my camera, but it it's not working in this like it's making me angry

So I know that it just sounds a little bit awkward, but you guys you love me, so yes

So as always this is the real magic box. It says: What are you packing?

LGBT owned and operated, so I'm gonna.. eh. This is me opening it. Oh my god Chase. Oh my god

I'm so excited. Let's do it, ready?

*angelic singing* ahhhhh!!!

Okay, Oh

a little paper over here! "Dear Chase, congratulations on moving on to the next product of our review lineup

We are excited to welcome you back

And we hope you find this next product as enjoyable to review as our Packers

enclosed you will find the product you will be reviewing

Our Stand to pee prosthetic includes a number of features including an extremely realistic design and

Soft scrotum and free-floating testicles and of course our no drip lip

Which helps to prevent any accidental leakage while using the product.

We are also including a bottle of our cleansing spray including with every- included with every product

As well as a complimentary 2 ounce extra strength adhesive kit and a bottle of our more recently added extra strength remover

The extra strength remover can be used on the tab to remove any adhesive buildup without leaving any oily residue

In closing, we hope you enjoyed the STP product

And we are also including another promo code to include in your review. Sincerely Yours, the real magic team"

I just want to shout out honestly real magic. They are awesome

I saw them at I finally met them at the conference and they're just a bunch of great people honestly

And they just really care they're just nice so I have a promo code here

For 5% off any single STP prosthetic

So this code will only be good for the first 25 customers ok? So this is quite an expensive product here

So getting 5% off doesn't seem like a lot, but when it's expensive product

It is actually a lot of money, so I will put the the code in the link below!

So just so you know when I put up the unboxing video for the Packers

And then I put the review video for one of the Packers

The code was only to be used a hundred times and it went like that it went very quickly

So I'm just letting you know if you want to buy this product and you like it, and you you like my review

And you trust it and that's what you're looking into and you finally all the questions that you had were answered blah blah blah

And you want it get it as fast as you can I'll post on my Twitter when the code has been

Like when you can't use it anymore so 25 people the code is RMCHASE5OFFSTP

So I'll put that in the description below

"Attention! Once plastic bag is open product cannot be exchanged this product has been inspected upon packaging and has been proven free of any defects

Please handle with care' silicone while durable and very lifelike is not akin to actual human skin and may tear in

Or incur damage if pulled or roughly or handled roughly

Recommend did for gentle use only any damage caused due to rough handling may void warranty

Any use of this product for sexual penetration is done so at the risk of the user

To use the use of economies required if you to use the product in this manner. Here's the thing

This is not

Something that you have sex with it's something that you just oh my god

I see it that you have that you pee with so this is the little pamphlet little brochure that you get STP prosthetic

application and care. So it gives you all of

The actual fitting that you will do so it's a bit hard to see but they even give you a diagram of what the STP

Should look like in your pants it tells you how to urinate with it how to adhesive to yourself and how to remove it?

So let's actually get to the stuff so I have the cleansing spray here

I have also I got this also with the packing

Packers that I got last time so which is really great actually because it does actually really cleanse the product and

then I have the adhesive remover and

The adhesive and then the extra strength adhesive remover so this is what this is intr-

I didn't know this is what it looked like so that's cool

So this is the silicone adhesive that you will use to stick the prosthetic on to your body

And then this is what you will use to help remove it out of your body [really, Beauty?] and then this is the extra

Strength adhesive remover so I guess if you if you had like a lot of residues interesting color, but yeah

So this is what those look like. All right, You ready? And now on to the actual prosthetic oh

My goodness, so let's remove the box

And let's have a look-see come in hunty. I just opened it, Aaron just walked in as I open this

Right? This is so exciting because we just came back from the conference where we spent maybe like an accumulation of an hour at the

table between three days just grabbing these prosthetics because they're so

Can't believe I own this this is mine, so this is the STP, I'm going to bring it up to the camera, but

It is.. I am.. so excited so the color that I got is the m5

Because there's the color here that you go by but then they color it specifically for like this like related to this color

Oh my god. The detail is.. you wanna touch it?

Aaron: I really do Chase: touch the balls come here touch the balls Daddy

Aaron: ooooh

Chase: They're different than at the conference they're like more realistic

Aaron: yeah, I think at the conference maybe they were just like, displays

Chase: Bec- or yeah well because everyone kept fondling them

Aaron: Fondle me d-

Okay there you go. This is what it looks like this is the uncut version I believe the color is m5

Oh my god the whole and then this is what the no-slip lip

That's no-spill lip, and then the balls you can literally move them, and there's like a gel inside oh my god

It's so realistic.. Oh my God the balls!!

Aaron: It looks disturbingly realistic, it looks like I'm just looking if you're dick

Chase: Right!? Oh, my god. Flag me and I'l- no I'm kidding

Okay, so I am. I'm so excited to actually try this and to pee with it

It's not as big as I thought like I'm taking out my packer right now because I use I love real magic

Aaron: I have mine right here

Okay, yeah, do that so I don't take mine out. I use the uncut packer and

Aaron does so as well yours is so cold okay?

So this is what the packer looks like the one that I use and I've reviewed this I'll put the link in the description below

it's the uncut one and it's the

soft one

And then this is what the STP looks like so it's basically the same size just the balls are a little bit bigger

Oh, yeah, so it's the same. They molded off probably the same

Right cuz it looks super

It's a little less girthy though

Which I like because this is girthy as hell and this one is like less squishy because it's not the soft right because it

Needs to be able to hold you can't have sex with this one you can if you want, but it might rip

So don't do that so yeah anyways

In terms of unboxing and first impressions, I am I am super impressed

I cannot wait to adhesive this to my body

I do wish that there was hair that came with this though

Only because I feel like it's gonna be weird to see just my skin and then a tab of this

But I think that it really is gonna blend it in with my skin tone so anyways

So first impressions awesome like I said if you want to buy it I do have a discount code for 5%

I'll put that in the link in the description right!? Aaron: that's amazing! Chase: right!?!

It doesn't sound like a lot, but this this is this is over five hundred dollars.

Aaron: U.S

Chase: U.S, in the comments, please leave your questions for the review and

Once I am reviewing the product

I'll be sure to answer almost all of them as much as I can it's interesting because the balls feel like they're attached which is

So realistic like like the inside, like the testicles

Okay, it's great. I'm super excited

Aaron: do you have to pee now?

Chase: I do, I'm gonna try

I'm gonna go pee, and then I will review this look out for the review in the next couple of months, but yeah

Please leave your questions below

And I will try to answer them and then also if you want me to review anything else from real magic

Please let me know put in the description below because then I could tell them and they could maybe send them to me

Love you. Okay, think of bee have a swell. Bye

*Outro music*

For more infomation >> REEL MAGIK STP UNBOXING!! - Duration: 9:18.


Star Wars : Rogue Squadron - Ep. 5 : Gerrard V - Luwa - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> Star Wars : Rogue Squadron - Ep. 5 : Gerrard V - Luwa - Duration: 8:51.


New Godzilla Vs King Kong Skull Island Video Compilation Stop Motion Unboxing - Duration: 46:43.

click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell

button to be notified every time I make a new video wow it's great to see you

New Godzilla Vs King Kong Skull Island Video Compilation Stop Motion Unboxing

I found this one on Amazon I'll have a link below the video if you want to go

purchase it this is destruction city it includes a

Godzilla muta figure little helicopters jets looks like some type of submarine a

bridge and city that you could like destroy

so this says pact of destruction on the back let's go ahead and open this up and

check it out ok let's see what was in here

yes okay so that's what it looks like before I remove anything okay so anyways

there is the whole set put together so if you are a big fan of Godzilla and

you'd like something that has pose ability and playability this is

definitely the set for you and it's rather inexpensive - like I said if you

look at the link below this video you could actually buy this on Amazon I do

get a small commission from them bought it cost through the same price so you're

getting an awesome Godzilla toy and helping out my channel okay guys this is

a cool little set as you can see you once you put it together you got two

full like skyscraper sets you can see this one breaks off into several parts

and so does this one so you could have like Godzilla like come in here knock

apart the building knock that part off and then you could

come to this one here hi kick it off hey break it into pieces

destroy the whole city you got little Jets here helicopters with spinning

blades Wow then you got a little ship here in the harbor step on it and then

you got a mute oh that he could fight Bob before we take a look at mute oh

let's also take a look at the bridge so the bridge - you could put together

there and as Godzilla comes through that would probably be like the golden great

Gate Bridge I'm guessing so Godzilla could like break the bridge right apart

and just rip it apart so let's take a closer look at what comes with the set

you've got two little helicopters here with actual all spinning rotors you got

two fighter jets over there and then you got some type of destroyer ship probably

nuclear and then you have Godzilla himself this is a really cool little

Godzilla when I first seen the package I thought everything would be like you

know super cheap because it did look like you know almost like a dollar store

type package what they did a great job with Godzilla for a set like this actual

moving arms a really nice paint job on his head for how small it is the legs do

move whoops they just popped right off okay you

gotta rethink that but anyways not not he is a really cool

looking a little Godzilla if you want a fun little set where you could have him

go and destroy stuff this is definitely the set Wow I like it and then you have

Moodle figure so I did not watch any movie if you guys know let me know in

the comment section down below well he is freaky walking he almost looks like

one of the alien creatures from the alien movie got like little arms like

big so I mean he definitely looks like one of the aliens and he is like the

size of Godzilla so they could have some good battles here

well this is a really fun set guys I really do enjoy it

interviewing and being awesome

to my channel let's see what we have today

Wow today Godzilla featuring dolphin a grower sounds by NECA what that looks

totally awesome and later we'll have today's secret word at an awesome and

card lot more fun videos wow you guys are so more is picking up some type of

huge disturbance in the water here I have no idea what it is gonna have a

closer look at this oh it's got the back of my boat quick-fire eyes got me

okay guys whatever that thing was great our shows at moving Torah just very

quickly get ready here she comes check it out it's a giant lizard

creature oh she's not that big we can take her down easily look something's

happening she mutated into a huge Dino lizard

creature oh we're in trouble now

everybody fire

fire missiles tracked hit she's going down

oh no she's not going down

I'm getting out of here she got me

I'll get her

serve everything we're throwing at her is just bouncing off the only thing I

know that might beef to get her is this giant gorilla Kong thing we seen in the

forbidden jungle I think his name was king kong or something we're gonna have

to tranquilize him and bring in the air for the ultimate battle okay men there

he is quick tranquilize him you're going down

he got me he's coming quick everybody fire

take him down oh look he's getting weaker

we shot enough tranquilizers to take down the t-rex always goes down

there she is guys drop em in

Oh guys check this toy out it's a 24 inch Godzilla by NECA it features

authentic roar sounds this guy is brand new and totally awesome

I did buy him at Toys R Us but he is a little expensive I believe it was around

fifty five dollars but he's huge it's 12 inches tall and head to tail spans over

24 inches and it says possibly the last of an ancient species of giant

amphibious creatures that evolved at a time when the surface of the earth was

over ten times more radioactive than today and here you could go ahead and

read the rest of it if you want and here is a really cool picture of it awesome

let's open this guy up because he's awesome okay let's see what was in this

package like I said this is a huge one and he is totally cool check him out

that's one evil looking Godzilla here's what he looks like in the

packaging before anything is removed and he does have a huge tail okay

let's free him from the box he looks funny without his tail and here is a

look at his tail wow this thing is so cool

you could flex and turn it into so many different positions but I'm gonna go

ahead and attach it to him so to attach it we're just gonna push it on to this

ball here okay and here he is out of the package

if you want a huge super detailed Godzilla this is the toy you want wow I

don't know where to start I'm gonna start with his head and we will move on

down he does also make authentic roaring if you push his uh if you push his spike

back here

now Jurassic world toys would have had this kind of detailed it would be

awesome like I said we will start with his head first his mouth because they

did a great job on his mouth it does open and close he's got a very realistic

looking tongue he's got individual teeth all around

little yellow eye there and then his head it does move on the top part here

and the neck will turn to 360 degrees saw that is some really nice detail

right there and then moving on down to his arms he's got really good movement

like on all parts of his arm so first of all his arm will sing swing 360 degrees

it will Bend here at the elbow so he could carry something and it will turn

at the wrist also it just doesn't close it would be nice if it closed so he

could carry some type of a weapon I mean I know he usually doesn't have a weapon

bought that's a nice that would be a nice option to give him and then also

the same movement here and here is a look at his chest his body does move

right here pretty much at the waist there I mean you have I didn't check

this it you might have yeah you've got 360 degree movement at the waist there

and it also moves up and down so like I said the only thing I don't like is if

you move it too much here you have a really big separation of his body which

looks kind of weird and then moving down to his legs for how big his legs are he

does have 360 degree movement on these legs check that out so that's really

cool his knee will Bend a decent amount not too huge

and then his fault also does move 360 degrees and they did a good job all with

his feet I mean painting the toenails black and everything so that's really

cool here's a look at his other foot here and then I love his tail guys I

mean they did a super detailed job on his tail check this off first of all

here once again is the spike is this scale on his back that makes the song

which is pretty authentic for all its type of Dino here is where you would put

in the battery I did not check what kind of battery because it came with the

battery so you got full movement on his tail there and then his tail breaks into

a lot of different sections for movement full movement there full movement here

full movement right there again full movement full movement full movement

full movement here and here in here and here and here and here

Wow check that out so you could pull his tail like all the way up into a curved

position like that if you want to or you could move this thing into so many

different positions I mean if you want to use this guy for like posing or

something I mean there's almost I don't want to say infinite but there is a lot

of different positions you could put his tail into so overall guys this is an

awesome model if you get the chance to buy this go ahead and buy it I had to

order this online from Toys R Us because they did not have it in store they only

sold it online so as you can see the detail of this guy is astounding

here's another cool Godzilla that I bought at Toys R Us also he does have

really good movement too but there you could see the size difference of the two

I mean the bigger guy is huge compared to the small one I got a full review and

awesome battle of that little one too

okay super excited today I got these awesome toys from Japan this is the

gashapon Shin Godzilla set so these are made by Bandai and they come in three

awesome eggs so these are different Godzilla sets so let's go ahead and open

one of them up I really like the eggs too you can see inside it is made by bin

die okay so it actually has a tiny little latch here you pull on and then

you squeeze the side and it pops open so these are also little shin Godzilla tool

okay so here is the little pamphlet that came with

either Chinese or Japanese I'm not positive so that is being die so here's

the different versions 1954 1989 2016 the other side and then you go ahead and

open it up and put it together so let's go ahead and check this off these are

really cool little Godzilla sense so it does come in five parts to get the

Godzilla and then you go ahead and snap his feet

not too bad not too hard snap than the other one

and snap its tail on so these miniature ones fit together just like the big ones

do so it's really cool I like in the fact that they come in a tank so behind

that one you have the big Shin Godzilla one and this is the smaller one so you

can see it looks very similar to the big one so if you go ahead and go down in

they do a good job on this one but like the bigger ones these ones don't really

have moving parts I mean the details awesome especially for something that

small but without moving parts these are more for display than it but they do a

good job even painting you can see it got like a little yellow eye and like on

the teeth they're like painted on there so that's one of them and then we got

two more okay so let's go ahead and check this one off

I also have a link below the video on some of the where you could buy some of

the Godzilla toys like I said this one I actually bought on eBay so once again

the pamphlet is pretty much the same you got the 1954 1989

and 2016 Godzilla's there so if I'm guessing that I want to say that they're

giving you all three of these Godzilla's so I'll just go ahead and open it up and

take out the pieces okay so once again five pieces you go ahead and put it

together the legs just snap right there you just have to get it at the right

angle once you get at the right angle they snap in there pretty easily so

these are almost like if you ever seen like the 3d dinosaur of puzzle toys

they're very similar to that and it looks like this is the 1954 version you

can see its got like a older more simplistic type of view I mean if you

look at the head there it's not as vicious and mean walking as the spikes

on the back seems to be so once again I mean detail on these

guys is great I love it that they come in eggs and the painting on these guys

is superb four little Godzilla toys I mean this is

probably the best painting I've seen I am very

you know I mean just just the workmanship I mean everything on these

the field - I mean these feel like good quality toys it's almost like a rubber

plastic type of material and then we got the final egg here so this must be 19

1989 virgin yes it does look a little bit there okay so anyways let's go ahead

and put this guy together same thing you've got three I mean five pieces

so you got five pieces to put together they snap together fairly easy not too

bad yeah this tail is definitely different on this one and last version

so this must be the 1989 version as you can see the head there is a little

different and then spikes on the back and pretty

similar but it seems like the spikes go down the tail on this one and I mean

even painting the toenails and everything the claws on the feet are

awesome and the detail on these little guys blows me away and the fact that

they come in eggs and you could put them together who's super fun so if you get a

chance definitely buy this okay so there is the three of them side by side you

can see the AH the earlier one 1954 it's got a bigger more comical looking head

and then the 1989 version and then buy time to go to 2016 that guy just looks

so there is the three of them the shin Godzilla set so I mean there's the name

of the actual set it's a gesh gashapon hg shin godzilla

set so that

hey guys today we have an awesome time we're excited this is the giant size

Godzilla or the three feet long all together this is a bomb 40 inches and he

is huge I mean this is the big new King Kong which barely comes up to this guy's

shoulder that is one huge Godzilla check that out is made by Jack specific and

you could buy this hat which I believe Toys R Us is the only place that sells

it maybe Amazon I'm not really sure here is

some it says the jaws open and close and fully poseable finger and the tail

swings back and forth so like I said giant sized Godzilla and this makes the

24-inch NECA one look high okay and this is what's in the box before I go ahead

and take anything out of it like I said very awesome Dino super

and that's what the inside background of the package okay and there is Godzilla

and the thing is it's even its tail came in two separate pieces in the Box it's

so huge then you're simply going to go ahead and push this one in and then the

tail itself is even taller than Godzilla so like I said this is a huge figure and

what really cool feature of it is the tail here hinges so you got help

swinging action which for it for Godzilla the size it is that is awesome

I mean if you guys see this King Kong at Walmart he's a big King Kong and this

Godzilla makes him look tiny I don't think King Kong is gonna win

this battle he won the last one I don't think it's gonna happen this time

Wow okay let's go ahead and take a look at close to the book okay we're gonna go

ahead and start at the head which the head has 360 degree movement which for a

figure this size is really surprising and they did a cool job on the tongue

they gave him like a pink pink and red tongue you can see the teeth here are

kind of generic the way they painted them on and this finger has time

little beady gold eyes and then moving on down the arms they gave full

articulation to the clock yeah full articulation to the arms I mean it moves

about that much but the hands themselves will turn 360 degrees so you could have

this figure like carrying something and hits

Ian's like maybe King Kong's head but had enough money I would give him King

Kong's head but I can't afford that and then ah the spikes on the back here

you've got some screw holes but the screws are pretty deep there so as you

can see like here the screws are pretty deep so they're kind of hard to see when

you're just looking at it you see like holes here at an angle so that's really

cool there and I apologize if I can't show you guys all of this like I said

this bigger is and then off for a good sized figure like that you've got pretty

good movement on the legs about like that and then defeat themselves also

swivel around it'll both swivel 360 degrees so like I said four figure this

size I mean it has really great articulation and then let's go ahead and

take a look at the spikes on it back so it has tripled

triple world's of spikes on its back here the big one and a small one here

and the small one there well this this guy is so hard to show my viewing area

cuz yeah I am my viewing area is sort of like a box

like shape so it's really hard to show her and if I don't I mean I don't have

the support of all my lights so that is

it's hard to show it off and then here like I said the tail part there is like

on a hinge so moves back and forth and the end part of the tail here actually

swivels around 360 degrees and it moves back and forth because it is on a ball

joint so the tail swinging action take a closer look at that it is really cool

there if you like sway it back and forth so this is good for like battles and

stuff you could have like Godzilla like knock over a pony talk like King Kong

was over there like celebrating Godzilla could come up and down he goes

it's like stomach area it did a really cool colouring job it's like a black

that baits to like a gray and brownish it's like I said I mean it's really hard

and then what's kind of weird is they have holes here for a speaker what this

thing does not make noise so I don't know if they were planning on putting a

speaker in there at one time or not and then here is a look at the other side of

her so you got the same like places here where it goes down into screw holes but

you know it's not bad looking at all it's not if you seen a lot of the

drastic world dinosaur toys the screw holes are like very noticeable and

another thing I like is this one has a nice big bow where a lot of that

Godzilla toys you know their mouths tiny it's hard to like haven't like bite


you guys probably seen the size of the indominus rex and stores I mean that is

the indominus rex next to this Godzilla so as you can see he makes the indominus

rex look like a tiny little Click the SUBSCRIBE button below for a lot more

fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new

video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see

even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Godzilla Vs King Kong Skull Island Video Compilation Stop Motion Unboxing - Duration: 46:43.


The Girls - 3 Ep. Enough! (2 season) - Duration: 6:12.

Previously on The Girls

Carlos: The party is about to start!

Lucas: I know, you'd better check!

Carlos: Ok... I'm on my way...

Lucas: Time to go! Hehehe

Lucas: There's something wrong with my powers...

Lucas: I didn't want to come here...

Unknown: Lucas? the irresponsible sorcerer?

Lucas: Yes... minus the "irresponsible" part...

Unknown: Your judgment will be at night!

Unknown: See you tonight!

The Girls - Season 2

EverCity - 2:45 p.m

Paty: Where is she?

Beatriz: Hey, Paty! I am here!

Paty: Are you kidding me?

Beatriz: What? as well?

Paty: You're late! almost 1 hour!

Beatriz: What? but it's still two o'clock!

Paty: It's two forty-five!

Beatriz: Sorry! My schedule is wrong!

Paty: It doesn't matter now! We have to put our plan into action!

Beatriz: Oh... i forgot! What was the plan?

Paty: I'll explain again! do not worry!

Lucas: It's almost midnight

Alice: Relax! They will not do anything to you Lucas!

Alice: Do you want cake?

Lucas: How can you stay calm?

Alice: Lord Red wants to see you, not me!

Lucas: Oh My God! You need to help me Alice!

Alice: Do not worry, I'll go with you!

In another dimension - 12:25 a.m

Unknown: Judgment time, my lord!

Lord Red: Prepare the trial room!

Lucas: Alice is taking too long!

*Alice thinking*: What he is doing?

Unknown: Who's there?

Unknown: There was someone here! I can feel...

Unknown: Alice? on here? It can not be!

EverCity - 12:29 a.m

Paty: Well, I'll summarize the plan!

Paty: We will not be Mia's best friends!

Beatriz: What? What do you mean?

Paty: She just wants to know about staying with Amanda.

Beatriz: but nothing is wrong!

Paty: OK! go ahead!

Beatriz: What's going to happen?

Paty: First the amanda will become popular!

Paty: Then, we will be discarded!

Beatriz: Hmm, true...

Lucas: where is she?

Alice: We need to get out of here NOW!

Lucas: Alice! as well?

For more infomation >> The Girls - 3 Ep. Enough! (2 season) - Duration: 6:12.


ギターコード字幕 タッチ 岩崎良美 by ひでぱさん HIDEPASAN'S Cover ギター 弾き語り カバー - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> ギターコード字幕 タッチ 岩崎良美 by ひでぱさん HIDEPASAN'S Cover ギター 弾き語り カバー - Duration: 3:09.


Attention I Female Cover🔥 Hindi I Charlie Puth I Indian Version I Must Watch - Duration: 4:04.

Enjoy Guys

For more infomation >> Attention I Female Cover🔥 Hindi I Charlie Puth I Indian Version I Must Watch - Duration: 4:04.


Post Malone - rockstar (feat. 21 Savage) [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:39.

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