Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 7 2017

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

In most video games that we've seen running for at least a few moments, we learn to anticipate

what is going to happen in the next second, and even more, if given the patience and skills,

we could attempt to recreate parts of the game itself.

And what you see here in this work is actually even better, because it requires neither the

patience nor the skills to do that.

So here is the million dollar idea: let's have a learning algorithm look at some video

game footage, and then, ask it to recreate that so we can indulge in playing it.

The concept is demonstrated on the Super Mario game and later, you will also see some results

with the millenial childhood favorite, Mega Man.

There are many previous works that hook into the source code of these games and try to

read and predict what happens next by reading the code-level instructions.

But not in this case, because this technique looks at the video output and the learning

takes place on the level of pixels, therefore, no access to the inner workings of the game

is necessary.

The algorithm is given two things for the learning process: one, a sprite pallette that

contains all the possible elements that can appear in the game, including landscape tiles,

enemies, coins and so on.

And two, we also provide an input video sequence with one playthrough of the game to demonstrate

the mechanics and possible interactions between these game elements.

A video is a series of frames, from which the technique learns how a frame can be advanced

to the next one.

After it has been exposed to enough training samples, it will be able to do this prediction

by itself on unknown frames that it hasn't seen before.

This pretty much means that we can start playing the game that it tries to mimic.

And there are similarities across many games that could be exploited, endowing the learning

algorithms with knowledge reused from other games, making them able to recreate even higher

quality computer games, even in cases where a given scenario hasn't played out in the

training footage.

It used to be the privilege of computer graphics researchers to play video games during work

hours, but apparently, scientists in machine learning also caught up in this regard.

Way to go!

A word about limitations.

As the predictions are not very speedy and are based off of a set of facts learned from

the video sequences, it is a question as to how well this technique would generalize to

more complex 3d video games.

As almost all research works, this is a stepping stone, but a very important one at that as

this is a proof of concept for a really cool idea.

You know the drill, a couple papers down the line and we'll see the idea significantly


The results are clearly not perfect, but it is a nice demonstration of a new concept,

and knowing the rate of progress in machine learning research, you will very soon see

some absolutely unreal results.

What's even more, I expect that new levels, enemy types and mechanics will soon be synthesized

to already existing games via generative adversarial networks, or generative latent optimization.

If you would like to hear more about these, as always, the links are available in the

video description.

Also, if you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to help us tell these incredible

stories to more and more people by supporting us on Patreon.

Your support has always been absolutely amazing.

Details are available in the video description.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> AI Learns To Recreate Computer Games | Two Minute Papers #195 - Duration: 3:45.


What $1,800 Will Get You In NYC | Sweet Digs Home Tour | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:50.

Hey guys!

I'm Maria.

Welcome to my sweet digs.

If this is your first time watching,

make sure you click below to subscribe.

I live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan

and I pay $1,800 a month for my itty-bitty

studio up here,

which by normal human person standards is an

obscene amount of money.

But by Manhattan real estate standards

is actually a steal.

Come on in.

The first door that you get into is my bathroom.

As a former Beauty Editor,

my bathroom is very important to me.

I've got these great shelves that I got at

Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

Total storage.

Beauty here.

I have all my beauty products lined up

in the way that I use them.

All my serums.

All that type of thing.

My favorite part is this little sign that says:

You are better than unicorns and sparkles


I love it.

Always try to remember that.

This is my closet,

but it's not very pretty in there at the moment.

It's actually the only closet in the entire apartment.

So in here is my cleaning supplies, my clothing.

I have all of my suitcases and stuff up here.

It's kind of filled to the brim.

So I don't have a pretty closet like a lot of other people.

But it does the job well.

Whenever I tell people how much I spend

on my studio, they are shocked that I pay as

little as I do especially considering the

outdoor space,

the fact that I have laundry in the building,

and a separate kitchen really makes it worth my while.

Now if you follow me this way into the kitchen.

Again, itty-bitty space.

I only have these cabinets.

One little drawer in here.

So again,

the name of the game is find storage elsewhere.

So I hung up this amazing Ikea rack

with all of my pots on it.

I have my serving bowl, my mixing bowls,

my tea kettle, my soup…

My knives are on the wall.

I'm someone who actually really enjoys cooking.

I'm one of the rare New Yorkers who uses her kitchen.

I don't keep sweaters in my stove

like some famous New Yorkers have said they do.

Now onto the living area of my apartment.

This is basically it.

I really wanted this space to feel as

open and as calm as possible especially because

it is such a small space.

I wanted to kind of make it feel as open

and flow as naturally as possible which is why

you'll see that I have pieces that kind of

link together and make the space move in

a really fluid kind of way.

Instead of having a side table for

my couch and a side table for my bed,

I wanted something that kind of holds both parts of

the room together.

And this also doubles as amazing storage.

I use this as my end table.

I keep my extra linens in there.


And the great thing is when I do have people

over to entertain, I can use this as a buffet.

And everything on top of it, goes into the bathtub.

That's my little secret of how I

keep things organized here.

This apartment, believe it or not,

actually took a ton of planning.

I signed the lease on this apartment

a month before I was able to move in.

And I was living at my parents' house

at the time.

So this whole wall was planned out in

my mother's basement.

We were laying pictures down on the floor,

measuring between them.

And then as soon as we got in here,

she hung this whole thing with command hooks.

It's like the easiest thing in the entire world.

It's great and it looks beautiful.

But the only con is now I can't move around

my furniture ever because

I have a focal point.

My favorite part about my apartment is definitely

the blue chest of drawers that I have.

My mother found it on the side of the road

when I was a junior in high school.

And it was wood.

The wood was gross.

It was stained.

And she really polished it up.

She painted it and turned it into this gorgeous

piece of furniture that's actually followed

me around to two or three apartments.

My mom made it for me pretty much

which makes it super special.

It's irreplaceable.

I love it here.

I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.

I'm a big fan of blankets, textiles,

and like layering of blankets and textiles.

So I actually have this little throw.

I have a quilt.

And then I have two blankets underneath.

I love a cozy bed.

And then on my window sill

is my little altar that I have with my sage.

I like to sage my apartment every equinox

just to kind of keep the energy flow in here

really nice.

And then my plants to keep the air nice and fresh.

Let's go outside!

So people ask me all the time how I

actually found this place.

And it's a great story.

I've been looking for three months.

I was living at home in New Jersey

just to kind of give myself a little bit of breathing

room because apartment-hunting in Manhattan

is insane.

And I had an offer in at another apartment

but I saw this one on Craigslist.

And I saw the balcony.

And I saw that it was in my exact

perfect neighborhood and in my price range.

And I jumped at it.

I actually was the first person to see this apartment.

I came with all of my paperwork and I

signed on the spot because I just absolutely fell

in love with it.

That's it.

Thank you guys so much for coming by

and checking out my sweet digs.

Now get the hell outta here!

Thanks for watching!

To see more videos, click here.

And to subscribe, click here.

For more infomation >> What $1,800 Will Get You In NYC | Sweet Digs Home Tour | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:50.


Stupid, Crazy & Angry People vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:24.

ME : what are you doing

ME : WHAT ! WHAT ! COME COME ! your mother...

ME : What is the problem

OLD MEN : you're the problem

OLD MEN : I saw you and I'm stop

ME : we stop at the line not in the


ME : you stop before not in the traffic circle

OLD MEN : everyone does the same

ME : of what everyone does the same thing


ME :The car that was to the right is to stop

OLD MEN : all the driver here do this

ME : here we do not drive like this


Hey, I could've crashed anyway!

Use your eyes in the morning! I know it's morning, but watch out!



What the (*****) are you laughing about?


For more infomation >> Stupid, Crazy & Angry People vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:24.


THUG or FAIL #27 - 'You got that on video?' - Duration: 7:28.

You got that on video?

For more infomation >> THUG or FAIL #27 - 'You got that on video?' - Duration: 7:28.



I'm j-hope. I'm 20. I'm in charge of rapping, dancing, and singing.

Just like my name, I'm the hopeful one.

Unpopular, at the beginning j-hope was also BTS' vocalist.

Now, let's enjoy j-hope's great voice! ^_^

Thanks for watching ♥

Please love him forever!

For more infomation >> J-HOPE SINGING COMPILATION (2017) - GIỌNG HÁT TUYỆT VỜI CỦA BTS (AUDIO VER.) - Duration: 9:33.


Tesla Model S Pano & Trunk crushing things - Duration: 18:22.

good evening folks well we already know that the Model X or we've already seen

it thanks to Bjorn what the Model X is Falcon wing doors do when you shove

something in there and try and close them but little do people realize the

Model S also has a couple different pressure sensors namely there is a

pressure sensor on the panoramic roof and one on the trunk so what we're gonna

do today is find out exactly how sensitive those pressure sensors are I

have with me a bunch of different foods of varying textures and consistency

there we go consistency's we're gonna close the panoramic roof and the trunk

on these and see exactly what it would take to stop panoramic roof from closing

or at what point it will end up killing somebody let's find out now

there's a rubber gasket or Lisa looks like a rubber gasket are you sure you

start closing it see I put the button and then started opening right back up

do it again it goes push the button opens right back up again

and I shouldn't say push the button but I'm hitting the pressure sensor even

goes pretty much all around it's even underneath here I always thought it was

just a rubber gasket and tell oopsy we're not gonna say how we got to see so

let the fun begin cucumber

stop for the cucumber and there's

no sign of where it hit on the cucumber and that's probably the most sturdy

object I have let's say I have a lettuce let's try that

a little different with the head of lettuce and actually crushed some of the

lettuce right here not too much but a crush but the lettuce is a little more

fragile and nice crisp petal lettuce as that snappy feeling to it I'm leaving it

inside the bag because full of bags should have absolutely no impact on the

test and I would like to have a nice tasty salad tomorrow

what could we try next how about a peach let's try a peach

work to get okay worked again now the gasket side

there's no mark on the side where the window hit there's a slight indentation

peaches are pretty soft but starting to show the amount of pressure

unfortunately I have really no way to measure what the actual yes I do have a

way to measure let's do these tests and I'll end the whole video showing how

much pressure it actually takes for this sensor to be tripped so that was the

peach got a little a little dimple in there right there


a little more painful of a a test there a little dimple there it went in it's

probably about a centimeter indentation and starting to kind of pet pop out by a

centimeter on both sides actually so that was it was a little bit more of a

hint I don't know if that would be considered painful or not for a person

nice ripe tomato

well that was a little more surprising

see right there got a little dimple there I went on that side can you guys

see that there we go but it did not pop this nice ripe

squishy tomato although Shelley might get a little mad

at me yeah I can make salsa later tomato is a pass

how about a wiener

no marks on the wiener although the wiener got pretty crushed before the

window opened back up I don't know if that the lack of bone structure in there

or something or I don't know but what have we learned

don't shove a wiener in the panoramic roof on a Tesla Oh what else could we do

here I might regret this next one but we're gonna do an egg

well it's fresh out of the frigerator so let's give it a try and I'm putting that

washbucket below where I'm doing it cuz I don't feel like cleaning up a car okay

here we go

that worked

their work did not crush the egg I know what you guys we're all thinking you

wanted to see an egg get splattered all over the inside of a Model S

unfortunately this one's not my model se would be nice and in this cost buck

fifty thousand more than mine it's a loaner let's try a French braid

French bread is a little sad right now got it pretty good there and it just

kind of went pinched and curbed it over but it's pretty soft though I guess

there's only one more panoramic roof test to do I'm gonna put my own arm in


Wow that was

that was a lot better than I was expecting the feel of it actually

it barely even touched me before the sensor went off it took almost no

nudging whatsoever very impressive and I'd say that be very safe

let's go due to the trunk

now on the model s patch it's this strip right here commonly once again thought

of as just another water weather strip to help keep water under your trunk

which is incorrect as the non-powered lift gates do not have that piece so

that is it right there

as you can see so let's pre-positioned to Canada just a wee bit here and we'll

repeat all the previous tests again but let's see if we can really crush that

egg this time now they were important part about having the pressure sensor in

the trunk is especially if you have the rear-facing jump seats because you got

two kids sitting in your trunk make sure they don't hurt their little fingers oh

guys see that let's try that one more time

that was some bended piece Oh safety feature let me close it okay and usual

reset manually

there we go that was strange see if you guys can catch this this gets to see

some bending Wow right there a little nice indentation that was a bird hit

what did we do next the peach

got it again right there

yeah you guys can see that yeah peach it seems to be a harder press Oh crushed it

on that side too seems to be a harder press for the peach than it was for the

panoramic roof let's try it down a little bit more oh that it had a

hesitate now you see we're gonna talk about this now the reason for the

problem is that pressure switches on the outside so if it's not all the way

towards the outside where the metal is it's not going to detect

that peach got really kind of crushed now the car does have a stall sensor for

the trunk so if there's a over current event or basically the motor though the

lift gate getting stuck on something it will go up so even though on the bottom

it does not have that pressure sensor it will not try cutting your head off all

right banana


painful look at that

let's try the tomato tomato too didn't crush the tomato which is good because

tomatoes are pretty soft and they're this ripe and you know if it was

squished completely swish the tomato we would have had some trouble the French


yeah no that didn't survive too well Wow what else did we have left the Weiner

okay this will be a good one you got a small child in the truck let's see if

their Weiner wouldn't survive all right no clothes over you set one


oh that's not true sure

before we do the egg

well nervous about this one now

actually that did not hurt at all is this a little nervous customer that was

coming down watch the reset again

alright well we got one more to go

alright let's see what it does to the egg and we're doing it on the side as it

gets considerably stronger on the top top ends we're doing it on the side that

you're more easily preferable

oh yeah that eggs gone shoulda did that one out in the road cleanup broken hey

so let's

so there we go that's there you have it that's the crux pressure sensors on the

Tesla Model S even though that last move especially with the egg change these

even though the pressure sensors especially with the egg looked rather

scary it's actually it's not as strong I mean it doesn't take as much pressure to

stop this as you think let's see what happens down there okay pressure sensor

won't freeze if it's not actually moving

it does give a pretty strong push on my hand but worse than the panoramic roof

but still not enough to really injure a child maybe if you have an infant then

why would you let an infant in your trunk or an infant probably isn't gonna

be standing up sticking their head out the panoramic roof I'm gonna see if I

can Oh actually that's about it let's see if I can actually measure how much

weight or pressure it actually takes to set off that pressure sensor we're gonna

see approximately how many pounds of force it takes to trip the pressure


For more infomation >> Tesla Model S Pano & Trunk crushing things - Duration: 18:22.


اغنيه اللانستر " رينز اوف كاستمير " مترجمه *The Rains Of Castamere* - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> اغنيه اللانستر " رينز اوف كاستمير " مترجمه *The Rains Of Castamere* - Duration: 1:42.


I can train my legs again - Duration: 4:16.

I will drive

What training will you do today?


like what?

running and a few ab exercises

my training will be legs

I have long to time to train them

because of the problem I have on my knee, I'm better now

and a bit handstand because I want to learn it

we ran a bit and now we will jump rope

how not to jump rope

always warm your wrists

I will do 5-10 minutes handstand and

I will start legs training

the pistols were not in the program, I just wanted to try them

this was my training for today

See you in the next video

For more infomation >> I can train my legs again - Duration: 4:16.


Shell Malaysia- Menang RM5,000 Hari-Hari*! - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Shell Malaysia- Menang RM5,000 Hari-Hari*! - Duration: 0:07.


GALATASARAY | Osman ALTUNTERİM: "Cimbom Bu Performanısını Devam Ettirir" | Youtube - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Osman ALTUNTERİM: "Cimbom Bu Performanısını Devam Ettirir" | Youtube - Duration: 10:07.


POKEMON NEW VERSION (PARODIE FR - Trailer) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> POKEMON NEW VERSION (PARODIE FR - Trailer) - Duration: 1:13.


Значки на панели задач в Windows 10 - Пропали значки? Как добавить значек на панель задач? - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Значки на панели задач в Windows 10 - Пропали значки? Как добавить значек на панель задач? - Duration: 5:58.


GALATASARAY | Turgay DEMİR: " Galatasaray'lı Futbolcular Futbol Vahşisi..." - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Turgay DEMİR: " Galatasaray'lı Futbolcular Futbol Vahşisi..." - Duration: 11:41.


What Is Cash On Cash Return - The #1 Most Important Figure - Duration: 7:49.

Kris Krohn here with limitless TV and today we're talking about on how you

calculate your cash on cash returns. What is a cash on cash return? is it important

to know what it is? In my world, it is the most important figure before I ever pull

the trigger.

Cash-on-cash return how do I calculate that? is it an important number? For me,

it's one of the most important ROI set I can calculate because if I put a dollar

in I want to know, am I getting a dime back this year? If I put a dollar in am I

getting a dollar back this year? And so this is the really big picture, its cash

in versus vs

cash out.

on my return.

So before I show you the example of a house

let me just kind of put it to you this way, if I were to take a thousand dollars

and put it in something in that same year,

I get a hundred dollars.

I still

have my thousand dollar investment but it produced a hundred dollars for me.

Then what is my cash on cash for the year? it's ten percent. I mean ten percent

on my money. If I put a thousand in and I get five hundred dollars back and I

still have my principal in the investment, that is a fifty percent cash

on cash return. That is a really hot cash on cash. A lot of the real estate that I

do might cash on cash returns range from fifteen to thirty percent. That's why a

lot of people watch these videos, click the link below, and say, Kris I wanna

partner with you I got a I got money sitting in a 401k or an IRA and man that

sounds like you could easily outperform that. Let's partner up and do something

right? Well what I'm really sharing with you here is what's called opportunity

cost. We're gonna break this down super simple because this was an economic

principle that in college took me like two months to grasp but it's actually

really simple. The opportunity cost is what is the next best option

I am foregoing based on my current one. Here's an example. I put a thousand

dollars in my savings account and my bank is giving me one percent. So I put

one thousand in to the bank and they give me ten bucks at the end of the year.

That's a 1 percent return. That is not exciting inflation is somewhere between

3 and 4 percent so you're losing 2 to 3 percent a year on your money. If you, by

the way if you money's not earning you 3 percent you're just hitting breakeven.

Everything becomes more expensive with time. Houses, goods, everything becomes

more expensive. Commodities increase value. So first of all if you want to

even think retirement you can't afford to be thinking 401ks and IRAs because

you're sitting at 3%. You're not even like keeping up with inflation in that

scenario. Let's apply this to real estate because that's what we do. If I were to

buy a house

and let's just say for a moment that this house has a value of

$200,000. Let's say that I could purchase this house for one hundred and sixty

thousand dollars. That's a 20% discount. That's 20% of equity. The difference

between these numbers 200 grand and 160? 160 is what I owe, it's what I bought it for.

$200,000 is what it's worth. That's a $40,000 equity position. But the bank

says, hey sounds like you got a good deal here but you got to put 20% down.

Okay what's 20% on 16,000? Well it's 16 times 2 is 32 thousand dollars. So if I

put a down payment of $32,000 what I'm effectively gonna go owe on this property

is somewhere around 128 thousand. Now that $32,000 isn't gone it's just a part

of my equity position by 40 thousand dollars of equity plus my $32,000 down

payment now makes 72 thousand dollars of equity. The house has a third paid off

Now I have to ask myself, was this a good investment?

I put cash in, I put in thirty two thousand dollars.

Question is what are

you giving me back? Let's say that this house is producing a $400 month cash

flow, it's a lease option. And so I actually collected a down payment. I'm

gonna make this a little more complicated watch one of my lease option

videos if you want me to slow it down just there. If my, if I collect on my

lease option a down payment from the tenant of $5,000 and they're doing a

two-year lease and then in addition to that I have a $400 a month cash flow. Now

$400 for an entire years 4,800.

So I've got 4,800 in year 1

and it's a two-year

lease. So guess what I have in year 2?


in year two. And that, we know that the $5,000 was a deposit non-refundable for

two years. So if I add all of this up guess what it comes down to? It comes to

fourteen thousand six hundred dollars. Now that is spread remember after over

how many years?

that's spread over two years. If I just

want to know what my annualized cash on cash is I would need to cut this in half

which is going to be seven thousand three hundred dollars.

If I put thirty

two thousand dollars in,

and I get seven thousand three hundred back? plus I

stepped into forty thousand of equity.

Let's just find out what's going on here.

Well I got good news,

that here represents a 22.8%

ROI. I'm making 22 almost 23 percent on my money this year,

23 percent on my money next year, I walked into forty thousand dollars of

equity and that's what I'm doing here. I'm looking at, if I put 32 in and let's

say I'm getting back $7,300 then that's what's creating my cash on cash ROI

which in this case is twenty 22.8%. If you're gonna be a real

estate investor this is math you need to know how to do. All I did was take this

number, I divided it by the money I put in. Times it by a hundred to move from a

percentage and it gave me the 22.8%. Simple math helping you understand what

your cash on cash is. now how would you like for this number to be traded

for an

infinite return. That's what's coming your way.

So here's the big question, how do

you actually calculate your cash on cash return if you don't have any money

in the deal? and I've been doing my deals like that for the last 15 years so even

this week I'm getting another massive check. I didn't put any money in. It's an

infinite return, it's a massive gain for me. So what I'll do is, if I can't look at

the money then I'll actually look at the time. Most these deals I put in three

four or five hours. So if I get a $20,000 check and I put in ten hours that's

$2,000 an hour. That's what I love about getting to the pole

of no-money-down that's what really ends up being a huge game-changer in the

world and game that I plan. This needs to be your goal in real estate because

we're all trained to think small. I need the money,

I need the credit, I need the deal, no I've got the deals someone else has the

credit someone else has the money and you can have all of it. And when you do

your cash on cash return is super sexy because there's only one way to write

out that percentage and it's this infinity loop which is super awesome.

It's taken over a decade to build a system where the type of cash on cash

returns are available to me now than ever before. And guess what?

you can get your hands on all of my deals at my next 3 day real estate

wealth intensive event. All you got to do is click the link below, learn about it,

and get a ticket, hop on out here and start accessing some of the very best

investments in the world.

For more infomation >> What Is Cash On Cash Return - The #1 Most Important Figure - Duration: 7:49.


Pain à la banane pour le petit déjeuner du dimanche ! 🍌🍌خبز الموز الشهي للفطور - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Pain à la banane pour le petit déjeuner du dimanche ! 🍌🍌خبز الموز الشهي للفطور - Duration: 2:59.


НАСТЯ КУДРИ ★ БЕЗ ПРЕЛЮДИЙ ★ НОВЫЙ АЛЬБОМ 2017 ★ - Duration: 32:22.

For more infomation >> НАСТЯ КУДРИ ★ БЕЗ ПРЕЛЮДИЙ ★ НОВЫЙ АЛЬБОМ 2017 ★ - Duration: 32:22.


Kia Rio 1.5 LS 4 deurs Comfort - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.5 LS 4 deurs Comfort - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai i20 1.2i 85PK 5D i-Vision - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i 85PK 5D i-Vision - Duration: 1:00.


'딸친구' 유기 A씨, 사고 주장 유서…자살 아내, 시아버지 성폭행 의혹 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> '딸친구' 유기 A씨, 사고 주장 유서…자살 아내, 시아버지 성폭행 의혹 - Duration: 4:01.


The Very Hungry Spider (Sillywood Tales) - An animated children's story book - Duration: 4:50.

The Very Hungry Spider

One sunny morning, a spider was waiting for a snack.

A little fly flew into her web with a whack!

Ahhh… uhggg…



Come on...

I'm spider food!

The spider saw what she caught and she was in a bad mood.

Yuck yuck yuck! Just my luck!

Oh a flea would have been a treat.

But no, flies I will not, can not eat.

The fly was confused

Hey, what's wrong with flies?

The spider shirked, "Oh, disgusting! just look at those eyes!"

The next day, the hungry spider waited for a snack.

A little fly flew into her web with a whack!

Ohhmp.. No. No.

No.No. No no no no no no

This can't be happening to me.

Not, not, spider food!

The spider saw what she caught and she was in a bad mood.

"Yuck yuck yuck! Just my luck!

Oh a moth would have been a treat.

But no, flies I will not, can not eat."

The flies were puzzled, "What do you mean, you can not eat?"

The spider shrieked, "Just look at those yucky feet!"

The next day, the very hungry spider waited for a snack.

A little fly flew into her web with a whack!

Eh. EH.. EEEH.


What? What?

Why. Can't. I. Move?

Ahhhh! I'm spider food!

The spider saw what she caught and she was in a bad mood.

"Yuck yuck yuck! Just my luck!

Oh a ladybird would have been a treat.

But no, flies I will not, can not eat."

The flies were upset, "Look here spider, have you even tried eating a fly?"

The spider shrieked, "Never, Never, never.

I would rather die."

The next day, the starving, almost dead spider was waiting for a snack.

A little fly flew into her web with a whack!

Ahhh… uhggg…



NO NO NO. This can't be happening.

No. Not spider food!

The spider saw what she caught and she was in a bad mood.

"Yuck yuck yuck!

Just my luck!

Oh a bee would have been a treat.

But no, flies I will not, can not eat."

The flies were buzzing mad, "You can't say we taste bad

Not when you've never eaten a fly, You got to at least give us a try.

Or else you're just feeding yourself lies.

Who know?

Your mouth may open your eyes.

The spider did not shriek or run away.

She just thought and thought and finally had to say—

"You're right!

I can't know unless I try."

The flies cheered! Yay!

"We'll prove you— "

The next day, a fat spider was waiting for a snack.

A little fly flew into the web with a whack!

Uhh NOOO!!!!

I don't want to be spider food.

The spider rushed out, "Nooooo it's yummy food…."

And, yes, thanks to the flies, she was in a good mood.

Almost there...

So close...

Can you push that subscribe button for me?

For more infomation >> The Very Hungry Spider (Sillywood Tales) - An animated children's story book - Duration: 4:50.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Brigitte Macron critiquée pour avoir pertur­bée une réunion des Répu­bli­cain - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron critiquée pour avoir pertur­bée une réunion des Répu­bli­cain - Duration: 2:40.


For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron critiquée pour avoir pertur­bée une réunion des Répu­bli­cain - Duration: 2:40.


Tesla Model S Pano & Trunk crushing things - Duration: 18:22.

good evening folks well we already know that the Model X or we've already seen

it thanks to Bjorn what the Model X is Falcon wing doors do when you shove

something in there and try and close them but little do people realize the

Model S also has a couple different pressure sensors namely there is a

pressure sensor on the panoramic roof and one on the trunk so what we're gonna

do today is find out exactly how sensitive those pressure sensors are I

have with me a bunch of different foods of varying textures and consistency

there we go consistency's we're gonna close the panoramic roof and the trunk

on these and see exactly what it would take to stop panoramic roof from closing

or at what point it will end up killing somebody let's find out now

there's a rubber gasket or Lisa looks like a rubber gasket are you sure you

start closing it see I put the button and then started opening right back up

do it again it goes push the button opens right back up again

and I shouldn't say push the button but I'm hitting the pressure sensor even

goes pretty much all around it's even underneath here I always thought it was

just a rubber gasket and tell oopsy we're not gonna say how we got to see so

let the fun begin cucumber

stop for the cucumber and there's

no sign of where it hit on the cucumber and that's probably the most sturdy

object I have let's say I have a lettuce let's try that

a little different with the head of lettuce and actually crushed some of the

lettuce right here not too much but a crush but the lettuce is a little more

fragile and nice crisp petal lettuce as that snappy feeling to it I'm leaving it

inside the bag because full of bags should have absolutely no impact on the

test and I would like to have a nice tasty salad tomorrow

what could we try next how about a peach let's try a peach

work to get okay worked again now the gasket side

there's no mark on the side where the window hit there's a slight indentation

peaches are pretty soft but starting to show the amount of pressure

unfortunately I have really no way to measure what the actual yes I do have a

way to measure let's do these tests and I'll end the whole video showing how

much pressure it actually takes for this sensor to be tripped so that was the

peach got a little a little dimple in there right there


a little more painful of a a test there a little dimple there it went in it's

probably about a centimeter indentation and starting to kind of pet pop out by a

centimeter on both sides actually so that was it was a little bit more of a

hint I don't know if that would be considered painful or not for a person

nice ripe tomato

well that was a little more surprising

see right there got a little dimple there I went on that side can you guys

see that there we go but it did not pop this nice ripe

squishy tomato although Shelley might get a little mad

at me yeah I can make salsa later tomato is a pass

how about a wiener

no marks on the wiener although the wiener got pretty crushed before the

window opened back up I don't know if that the lack of bone structure in there

or something or I don't know but what have we learned

don't shove a wiener in the panoramic roof on a Tesla Oh what else could we do

here I might regret this next one but we're gonna do an egg

well it's fresh out of the frigerator so let's give it a try and I'm putting that

washbucket below where I'm doing it cuz I don't feel like cleaning up a car okay

here we go

that worked

their work did not crush the egg I know what you guys we're all thinking you

wanted to see an egg get splattered all over the inside of a Model S

unfortunately this one's not my model se would be nice and in this cost buck

fifty thousand more than mine it's a loaner let's try a French braid

French bread is a little sad right now got it pretty good there and it just

kind of went pinched and curbed it over but it's pretty soft though I guess

there's only one more panoramic roof test to do I'm gonna put my own arm in


Wow that was

that was a lot better than I was expecting the feel of it actually

it barely even touched me before the sensor went off it took almost no

nudging whatsoever very impressive and I'd say that be very safe

let's go due to the trunk

now on the model s patch it's this strip right here commonly once again thought

of as just another water weather strip to help keep water under your trunk

which is incorrect as the non-powered lift gates do not have that piece so

that is it right there

as you can see so let's pre-positioned to Canada just a wee bit here and we'll

repeat all the previous tests again but let's see if we can really crush that

egg this time now they were important part about having the pressure sensor in

the trunk is especially if you have the rear-facing jump seats because you got

two kids sitting in your trunk make sure they don't hurt their little fingers oh

guys see that let's try that one more time

that was some bended piece Oh safety feature let me close it okay and usual

reset manually

there we go that was strange see if you guys can catch this this gets to see

some bending Wow right there a little nice indentation that was a bird hit

what did we do next the peach

got it again right there

yeah you guys can see that yeah peach it seems to be a harder press Oh crushed it

on that side too seems to be a harder press for the peach than it was for the

panoramic roof let's try it down a little bit more oh that it had a

hesitate now you see we're gonna talk about this now the reason for the

problem is that pressure switches on the outside so if it's not all the way

towards the outside where the metal is it's not going to detect

that peach got really kind of crushed now the car does have a stall sensor for

the trunk so if there's a over current event or basically the motor though the

lift gate getting stuck on something it will go up so even though on the bottom

it does not have that pressure sensor it will not try cutting your head off all

right banana


painful look at that

let's try the tomato tomato too didn't crush the tomato which is good because

tomatoes are pretty soft and they're this ripe and you know if it was

squished completely swish the tomato we would have had some trouble the French


yeah no that didn't survive too well Wow what else did we have left the Weiner

okay this will be a good one you got a small child in the truck let's see if

their Weiner wouldn't survive all right no clothes over you set one


oh that's not true sure

before we do the egg

well nervous about this one now

actually that did not hurt at all is this a little nervous customer that was

coming down watch the reset again

alright well we got one more to go

alright let's see what it does to the egg and we're doing it on the side as it

gets considerably stronger on the top top ends we're doing it on the side that

you're more easily preferable

oh yeah that eggs gone shoulda did that one out in the road cleanup broken hey

so let's

so there we go that's there you have it that's the crux pressure sensors on the

Tesla Model S even though that last move especially with the egg change these

even though the pressure sensors especially with the egg looked rather

scary it's actually it's not as strong I mean it doesn't take as much pressure to

stop this as you think let's see what happens down there okay pressure sensor

won't freeze if it's not actually moving

it does give a pretty strong push on my hand but worse than the panoramic roof

but still not enough to really injure a child maybe if you have an infant then

why would you let an infant in your trunk or an infant probably isn't gonna

be standing up sticking their head out the panoramic roof I'm gonna see if I

can Oh actually that's about it let's see if I can actually measure how much

weight or pressure it actually takes to set off that pressure sensor we're gonna

see approximately how many pounds of force it takes to trip the pressure


For more infomation >> Tesla Model S Pano & Trunk crushing things - Duration: 18:22.


For more infomation >> Tesla Model S Pano & Trunk crushing things - Duration: 18:22.


Wrap up septiembre 2017 || Lecturas del mes [CC] - Duration: 15:00.

For more infomation >> Wrap up septiembre 2017 || Lecturas del mes [CC] - Duration: 15:00.


For more infomation >> Wrap up septiembre 2017 || Lecturas del mes [CC] - Duration: 15:00.



For more infomation >> EST-CE QUE LES FAT BURNER SONT EFFICACES | EN 60 SECONDES - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> EST-CE QUE LES FAT BURNER SONT EFFICACES | EN 60 SECONDES - Duration: 1:01.


Julia Roberts confie qu'elle a eu la grosse tête durant quelques années - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Julia Roberts confie qu'elle a eu la grosse tête durant quelques années - Duration: 2:24.


For more infomation >> Julia Roberts confie qu'elle a eu la grosse tête durant quelques années - Duration: 2:24.


Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Disney Cars, Super Wings, Robocar Poli, Tayo - Duration: 1:38.

Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Disney Cars, Super Wings, Robocar Poli, Tayo

For more infomation >> Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Disney Cars, Super Wings, Robocar Poli, Tayo - Duration: 1:38.


For more infomation >> Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Disney Cars, Super Wings, Robocar Poli, Tayo - Duration: 1:38.


Elle a bu de l'eau tiède avec du citron et du miel pendant une année ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Elle a bu de l'eau tiède avec du citron et du miel pendant une année ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:38.


For more infomation >> Elle a bu de l'eau tiède avec du citron et du miel pendant une année ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:38.


BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move - Duration: 3:31.

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

For more infomation >> BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move - Duration: 3:31.


For more infomation >> BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move - Duration: 3:31.


4 signes vous prouvent que votre corps va mal ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 4 signes vous prouvent que votre corps va mal ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:00.


For more infomation >> 4 signes vous prouvent que votre corps va mal ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:00.


Essayez cette crème puissante faite maison. Elle fait disparaitre vos rides ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Essayez cette crème puissante faite maison. Elle fait disparaitre vos rides ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:03.


For more infomation >> Essayez cette crème puissante faite maison. Elle fait disparaitre vos rides ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:03.


Pain à la banane pour le petit déjeuner du dimanche ! 🍌🍌خبز الموز الشهي للفطور - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Pain à la banane pour le petit déjeuner du dimanche ! 🍌🍌خبز الموز الشهي للفطور - Duration: 2:59.


For more infomation >> Pain à la banane pour le petit déjeuner du dimanche ! 🍌🍌خبز الموز الشهي للفطور - Duration: 2:59.


Ella Hughes: Atriz de Game of Thrones é atriz porno! - Coffee & News - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Ella Hughes: Atriz de Game of Thrones é atriz porno! - Coffee & News - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> Ella Hughes: Atriz de Game of Thrones é atriz porno! - Coffee & News - Duration: 2:28.


Perdez 5 kilos en 7 jours seulement, grâce à cette puissante recette des nutritionnistes - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Perdez 5 kilos en 7 jours seulement, grâce à cette puissante recette des nutritionnistes - Duration: 6:10.


For more infomation >> Perdez 5 kilos en 7 jours seulement, grâce à cette puissante recette des nutritionnistes - Duration: 6:10.


Top 10 Best affordable luggage philippines - Duration: 4:22.

rocks wiki's best product advisor behind Amazon rocks wiki's presents top ten

best affordable luggage Philippines let's see which affordable luggage

Philippines is best for you to buy starting with the list number one

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For more infomation >> Top 10 Best affordable luggage philippines - Duration: 4:22.


For more infomation >> Top 10 Best affordable luggage philippines - Duration: 4:22.


Top 10 Best budget phono preamp - Duration: 5:07.

rocks wiki's best product advisor behind Amazon rocks wiki's presents top ten

best budget Fano preamp let's see which budget Fano preamp is best for you to

buy starting with the list number one Fano preamp name art pro audio cheaper

to Fano turntable pre amplifier fana preamp information the art DJ pre 2

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For more infomation >> Top 10 Best budget phono preamp - Duration: 5:07.


For more infomation >> Top 10 Best budget phono preamp - Duration: 5:07.


New: Osmo MindRacers

For more infomation >> New: Osmo MindRacers


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 - Duration: 0:57.


Japan extravaganza + trying japanese art supplies! ~ Frannerd - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> Japan extravaganza + trying japanese art supplies! ~ Frannerd - Duration: 7:26.


How to DOUBLE Your Email Open Rates (4 Email Marketing Tips to Get Over 30% Email Open Rates) - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> How to DOUBLE Your Email Open Rates (4 Email Marketing Tips to Get Over 30% Email Open Rates) - Duration: 1:47.


Why Skepticism Is the Right Approach to the Afterlife, Immortality, and Utopia | Michael Shermer - Duration: 7:56.

Well, Heavens on Earth was something of an extension of my previous books, I have not

covered the afterlife in any kind of detail from my previous books on the paranormal,

the supernatural, religion, God, morality—and so this was sort of a natural extension of

"well if you're skeptical of all these other things what about the afterlife?"

and my standard one liner is: "I'm for it."

But the fact that I'm for it doesn't make it true, in fact if anything the more passionately

we want something to be true the more skeptical we should be of our own beliefs because we

know how powerful these cognitive biases are to lead us to want to find evidence for what

we already want to be true.

So I really kind of went in search of just all the standard religious theories of the

afterlife and heaven.

I go through the big three monotheisms, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and right there all

of them have a history in the sense of all the different versions that there are of the

afterlife and heaven and they're quite different histories than say if you read a history of

cosmology, which sort of shows a progression from the ancients through the scientific revolution,

through the early modern period all the way up to today of us getting closer and closer

to an understanding of the real nature of the cosmos.

But there's nothing like that in religious histories of the afterlife, they're all

scattershot: this theory, this theory; there's no sense of progress.

So that alone tells us that these are culturally determined, geographically located.

like reincarnation, the belief that we come back in this world, our souls somehow migrate

into other bodies: Why do they seem to hover all those souls in this subcontinent of India?

There's very few other places around the world where the souls seem to go.

That's an indication that these things are not real out there in the real world sense

but real inside people's heads as determined by their cultures.

But the core of Heavens on Earth really is the scientific search for the afterlife.

And so this is what I do science writing and research and scientific areas, believe it

or not this is no longer a fringe idea, this idea that we could live forever.

There are scientists today who say that the first person to live 1000 years is alive today.

Okay I'm skeptical, but still these aren't fringe nuts, these are billionaires like Peter

Thiel, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, the Google guys Larry and Sergey have invested hundreds of

millions of dollars in this company Calico, Ray Kurzweil is their chief engineer who believes

in the singularity.

So this whole idea of radical life extension, cryonics, trans humanism, the singularity,

"we're going to upload our minds into a computer," these form the core center

of my book and why I'm skeptical, why really all of us should be skeptical.

Because first, although it's not impossible that these researchers and scientists are

wrong, it's just very unlikely, because the problems of say duplicating your soul

whatever that would be, in science that would be your pattern of information—your genome—and

then the equivalent of that, your "connect-ome," that is the tracings of all your memories

everything that's you, this is their theory, you copy it and you upload it into a computer.

Let's say you have it backed up every night when you die, you just put it into a clone

or inside a computer or something like that.

That's the idea.

And I think the underestimation of the complexity of the problem is orders of magnitude off.

We are not even close to doing anything like this.

I mean Ray Kurzweil projects 2040 is the singularity and after that we might be able to live forever.

How is that going to happen, and who is the we?

So then I have a chapter on "Who are we?

Who are you?

What does it mean to be you?"

And so their idea is that if we just copied your memories it would be you—Stop right

there, which memories?

At what age: 20, 30, 50, 60?

The memories are not stored in there like videotapes, like you just play it back on

the theater of your mind and there it is, what really happened when you were 15 or whatever—no,

they're constantly edited and changed.

Those neural networks are reworked constantly so there's no real you in any snapshot sense

of that moment, "Right there is the time when you're…" you know, no such thing.

And then finally there's the "through your eyes perspective," what's called

a point-of-view self.

So the memory self, mem-self, is what I just described, and it is the point-of-view self,

which is me looking out of my eyes at you right now and you looking out at me.

Now when I go to sleep tonight there's a disruption in my conscious point of view,

but it comes back in the morning, and if I go under a general anesthesia it's gone

for a couple of hours, it comes back, a little groggy at first but poof then it comes clear.

If I died and then copied my brain and put it in a computer and turned the computer on,

am I suddenly inside of the computer looking out the little camera hole?

I don't think so.

And here's why: because if we did this while you were alive, let's say the current technology

would be that after you die we take your brain out and slice it and scan every single synaptic

connection and then take that big data back and put it into a computer.

In the future maybe in 500 years or something we could scan your brain while you're living

and scan through sophisticated MRI type technology every single neural connection.

Let's say we can do that now and get your connectome and to put it into a computer while

you're standing right there alive.

So we turn it on, who is that in there in the computer when you're standing right


You see the problem?

You're not going to be standing there going "yep there I am in the computer," no,

you're going to be standing there going, "no, I'm me!"

No more than a twin would look at their other twin and go "yeah there I go," no.

I don't think even if they could accomplish the technology of it it's still not you

being put into the future in terms of an afterlife.

And by the way, I think religions have the same problem.

When Christians talk about "You're going to wake up with Jesus up in heaven," "Okay,

but I'm actually still down in the ground there."

"No, no, that's your body, your soul."

"Wait, what's the soul?"

"It's all your memories, you know, it's you."


Which part of me is going to heaven?

What age and so on?

Same problem, it's just a copy going to heaven.

I'm still in the ground; I'm still dead, it's just some copy of me.

I'm not waking up in heaven through my point of view.

Ok, so that's the core of the book, and then the sub-title of the book—The Scientific

Search for the Afterlife, Immortality, and Utopia—So, I do approach the problem of

creating heavens on earth.

Like if we can't live forever maybe we can create a perfect world here.

No, a heaven?

No, you can't do it.

This is why they've always failed.

Utopias always fail because there is no such place, that's the very definition of utopia—"nowhere".

No such place that's perfect, because we're so variable and people differ in their needs

and wants and desires, that this, if anything has been a dystopia, the search for utopia

as lead to dystopia because we all vary.

So even that doesn't work.

So I conclude then at the end sort of a discussion of what does it all mean?

Where do we find meaning and purpose in life this is all there is?

And if you think about it even if there is an afterlife, even if there is a heaven, this

is the most important thing, now, not the here after but the here and now and the relationships

you have an how you engage with the world and other people.

That's what counts, now, so make the most of it.

For more infomation >> Why Skepticism Is the Right Approach to the Afterlife, Immortality, and Utopia | Michael Shermer - Duration: 7:56.


The Very Hungry Spider (Sillywood Tales) - An animated children's story book - Duration: 4:50.

The Very Hungry Spider

One sunny morning, a spider was waiting for a snack.

A little fly flew into her web with a whack!

Ahhh… uhggg…



Come on...

I'm spider food!

The spider saw what she caught and she was in a bad mood.

Yuck yuck yuck! Just my luck!

Oh a flea would have been a treat.

But no, flies I will not, can not eat.

The fly was confused

Hey, what's wrong with flies?

The spider shirked, "Oh, disgusting! just look at those eyes!"

The next day, the hungry spider waited for a snack.

A little fly flew into her web with a whack!

Ohhmp.. No. No.

No.No. No no no no no no

This can't be happening to me.

Not, not, spider food!

The spider saw what she caught and she was in a bad mood.

"Yuck yuck yuck! Just my luck!

Oh a moth would have been a treat.

But no, flies I will not, can not eat."

The flies were puzzled, "What do you mean, you can not eat?"

The spider shrieked, "Just look at those yucky feet!"

The next day, the very hungry spider waited for a snack.

A little fly flew into her web with a whack!

Eh. EH.. EEEH.


What? What?

Why. Can't. I. Move?

Ahhhh! I'm spider food!

The spider saw what she caught and she was in a bad mood.

"Yuck yuck yuck! Just my luck!

Oh a ladybird would have been a treat.

But no, flies I will not, can not eat."

The flies were upset, "Look here spider, have you even tried eating a fly?"

The spider shrieked, "Never, Never, never.

I would rather die."

The next day, the starving, almost dead spider was waiting for a snack.

A little fly flew into her web with a whack!

Ahhh… uhggg…



NO NO NO. This can't be happening.

No. Not spider food!

The spider saw what she caught and she was in a bad mood.

"Yuck yuck yuck!

Just my luck!

Oh a bee would have been a treat.

But no, flies I will not, can not eat."

The flies were buzzing mad, "You can't say we taste bad

Not when you've never eaten a fly, You got to at least give us a try.

Or else you're just feeding yourself lies.

Who know?

Your mouth may open your eyes.

The spider did not shriek or run away.

She just thought and thought and finally had to say—

"You're right!

I can't know unless I try."

The flies cheered! Yay!

"We'll prove you— "

The next day, a fat spider was waiting for a snack.

A little fly flew into the web with a whack!

Uhh NOOO!!!!

I don't want to be spider food.

The spider rushed out, "Nooooo it's yummy food…."

And, yes, thanks to the flies, she was in a good mood.

Almost there...

So close...

Can you push that subscribe button for me?

For more infomation >> The Very Hungry Spider (Sillywood Tales) - An animated children's story book - Duration: 4:50.


Citroën C3 PureTech 110pk S&S EAT6 Shine - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PureTech 110pk S&S EAT6 Shine - Duration: 0:58.


POKEMON NEW VERSION (PARODIE FR - Trailer) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> POKEMON NEW VERSION (PARODIE FR - Trailer) - Duration: 1:13.


La rétrospective de Veronica Mars - Duration: 9:10.


For more infomation >> La rétrospective de Veronica Mars - Duration: 9:10.


Marshmallow slime challenge how to make edible slime fluffy slime without DIY viral slime - Duration: 7:11.

Surprise! And my name is Batman!

Just kidding!

I'm not Bruce Wayne!

I'm Pierce from Pierce'sWorld!

So, Guys, it's almost my birthday.

And today we are going to be making... a drumroll please!

The Marshmallow Slime!

But, not any ordinary one.

We have to make... since it's almost my birthday... guess what we have to make?

Sticky birthday cake slime!

We are going to add... sprinkles!

We're going to make birthday cake marshmallow slime!

If you're new to this channel, please hit that subscribe button right there.

Yes, right there.

So, you don't miss any of my upcoming videos!

So, I'm going to try out the recipe for the marshmallow slime challenge.

But, I need the ingredients.



Ginormous bowl!

Of course!


Olive oil

Sprinkles because it's my birthday!


Taco, taco, taco!

And we have some cornstarch.

So, let's start making it.

Ok, let's start pouring in the marshmallows.

We're going to put these in the microwave.

Oh yeah!

That is good!

(Cannot understand what he is saying.)

I'm going to go put these in the microwave!

And then we are going to wait to see how they turn out.

(Can't understand what he is saying.)

Or my stool is right here.

Totally need this!

So, guys... I guess we close it.

a minute plus!


I'm going to sing you guys a song while I wait for this to heat up.

Mixing it!

Mixing some marshmallows.

Mixing it!

Mixing some marshmallows. Mixing it!

Mixing some marshmallows.

Mix! Mix! Mix!

Guys, it's a marshmallow explosion!

Oh my gawd!

Do you see that marshmallow?

Anyways, it's really hot.

So, I'm going to ask my Mommy to help me.

But, wait! I gotta go get something for my mom.


Does anyone know what these are?

They're boxing gloves!

Just kidding!

Now, guys! There it is!

Oh my gosh! This is really strong!

So, how do you do this?

You slowly add the corn starch.

Don't add too much at once.

So, this is why I only have this.

That much...

Oh, man!

Ok, guys, this project is awesome!

It is worth it!

It is worth it!

Oh my gosh, guys! Look!

It looks like a spider web.

Guys, be very careful with glass oil.

Otherwise, it will break, and then it will get on the floor.

And then... your parents will just get...

Freaked out!


Oh gosh!

Oh, that looks like yolk!

That looks like the egg yolk!

Yup, I gotta stand up!

I kind of have to kneel.

Oh, yeah!


So, you have to mix this for a really long time.

And you keep mixing more corn starch and more olive oil.

Oh, guys! It's getting really, really thick and sticky!

It's becoming slimy. I have to stand up!

Oh my gosh!

Guys, look at this!


Oh yeah!

That tastes really good.

Guys, after you mix it awhile... you just gotta use your hands.

Oh my gawd!

I can play with this all day!

Tastes like a marshmallowy dough.

Guys, I think it's time for sprinkles.

Happy birthday to me!

I need more sprinkles.

I think I added too many sprinkles.

No, never! I can't have too many sprinkles.

Oh yeah!

Guys, look at this!

That looks like birthday cake slime!

I think this thing loves the table.

It's sticking on it. Look!

Oh, my gosh!

This slime has a lot of texture.

Because we put sprinkles on it!

Happy birthday to me!

So, this is the awesome DIY marshmallow slime.

If you liked this video, please give me a big, big, big thumbs up.

And don't forget to subscribe to my channel, Pierce'sWorld!

Ok, I'll see you guys next time!


For more infomation >> Marshmallow slime challenge how to make edible slime fluffy slime without DIY viral slime - Duration: 7:11.


BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move - Duration: 3:31.

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move

For more infomation >> BEAUZ & Michael Lanza - The Way You Move - Duration: 3:31.


VINFAST thương hiệu ô tô của Người Việt - Phần 1 các mẫu thiết kế SEDAN [ABN - Tân Kiến Land] - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> VINFAST thương hiệu ô tô của Người Việt - Phần 1 các mẫu thiết kế SEDAN [ABN - Tân Kiến Land] - Duration: 4:09.


BMW 5 Serie Touring 530XD HIGH EXECUTIVE M-pakket 20 Inch Panoramadak, head-up, comfortstoelen - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie Touring 530XD HIGH EXECUTIVE M-pakket 20 Inch Panoramadak, head-up, comfortstoelen - Duration: 1:01.


No sé para donde voy/I do not know where I'm going - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> No sé para donde voy/I do not know where I'm going - Duration: 2:44.


10 Best budget dj controller. - Duration: 4:44.

top ten reviews best product advisor behind Amazon top 10 reviews presents

ten best budget DJ controller let's see which budget DGA controller is best for

you to buy starting with the list number one controller name best to buy

registered for PAC 18 3 watts let's stage light controller information

description product features usage professional stage and DJ emitting color

RGB red and green and blue many colors features : 18 3 watts LED par wet light

lists number 2 controller named Odyssey cases fr 16 we medium duty rack 16 new

with wheels controller information fr 16 we underscore oddities new flight-ready

Series cases were introduced in 2008 since then there has been so much

interest and demand for them that in 2009 we added even more list number 3

controller named case Mattox protective DJ controller new mark NV controller

information interior 2 snugly hold controllers in place fits DJ equipment

and controllers within maximum internal dimensions of 22 inches by 12 inches by

2 point 4 inches safely keep controller is stored list number 4 controller name

DJ controller bag case for Numark Mixtrack 3 controller information this

hard shell cases exterior is made of a dense injection composite plastic for

superior external protection against blunt forces drops dings and other

unforeseen mishaps that can befall your DJ control or deck list number 5

controller name q FX REM 115 jumbo 8 1 universal remote control controller

information he jumbo universal remote by q FX will not only control up to 8

separate devices but will even pair on him

and the oversized glow-in-the-dark buttons just might save you a stubbed

toe from fumbling blindly through list number 6 controller named pile Pro PDC

DTP 620 M digital DJ / CD / CD or mp3 media player and controller controller

information the PDC DTP 620 M from pile pro is a tabletop CD mp3 and USB player

with looping pitch control and scratching capabilities it enables you

to play audio from CDs CD arse CDs with mp3s list number 7 controller

name Veera control smart home security bundles standard with controller cameras

controller information home security system with camera whenever our

customers ask the police the best way to secure their home they always recommend

adding security cameras list number 8 controller named Razer BlackWidow chroma

call of duty controller information the Razer BlackWidow mechanical gaming

keyboard was first launched in 2010 and quickly became the most popular and

highest selling gaming keyboard worldwide list number 9 controller name

I'm game 120 games handheld player with 2.7 inch color display blue controller

information the gp120 handheld game player provides a fantastic variety of

exciting and challenging games for children of all ages bundling 120 games

into one convenient player that fits in your pocket list number 10 controller

named living Langdon's small space solutions secrets controller

information when someone says they live in a small house or apartment the image

that comes to mind is all too often negative cramped cluttered or confining

but America's leading small space designer Libby Langdon

just how to counter the stereotype thank you for watching our video about 10 best

budget DJ controller to get those budget DJ controller followed the description

link bellow and subscribe to our channel for future upload

For more infomation >> 10 Best budget dj controller. - Duration: 4:44.


Top 10 Best season tires - Duration: 5:09.

rocks wiki's product advisor behind Amazon rocks wiki's presents top 10 best

season tires let's see which season tires is best for you to buy starting

with the list number one tire name Hankook Optimo h7 27 all season tire to

15/16 our 1694 t tire information solid centerline rib improves driving feel and

stability for circumferential grooves quickly evacuates water from the

footprint list number 2 tire name BF goodrich g-force comp to a s all-season

radial tire to 25/50 zr 1794 watts tire information ulty grip technology large

rigid tread blocks optimized rubber to road contact for a ultimate dry grip

consistent tread block rigidity balances acceleration forces within the tire

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all-season radial tire 255 / 60 hour 19 109 h tire information ever tread

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shorter wet stopping distances and better snow traction

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large rigid tread blocks optimized rubber to Road contact for a ultimate

dry grip consistent tread block rigidity balances acceleration forces within the

tire footprint list number six tire name BF Goodrich g-force comp to a s

all-season radial tire 275 / 40 Zr 1798 watts tire information ulti grip

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within the tire footprint list number seven tire name BF Goodrich g-force comp

to a s all-season radial tire 245 slashed 45 Zr 17 / XL 99 watts tire

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Road contact for ultimate dry grip consistent tread block rigidity balances

acceleration forces within the tire footprint list number 8 tire name BF

Goodrich g-force comp to a s all-season radial tire to 35 / 55 Zr 1799 watts

tire information ulty grip technology large rigid tread blocks optimized

rubber to Road contact for ultimate dry grip consistent tread block rigidity

balances acceleration forces within the tire footprint list number 9 tire name

BF Goodrich g-force come to a s all-season radial tire to 35/40 5 zr 17

/ Excel 97 watts tire information ulty grip technology large rigid tread blocks

optimized rubber to road contact for ultimate dry grip

consistent dreadlock rigidity balances acceleration forces within the tire

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footprint thank you for watching our video about top 10 best seasoned tires

to get those seasoned tires follow the description link bellow and

subscribe to our channel for future upload

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