Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 8 2017



















Pine tree


Pine needles



Water lily

Palm tree

Palm frond

















For more infomation >> Vocabulary | Landscape and plants Vocabulary | English vocabulary - Duration: 4:28.


BORN BEAUTIFUL: a makeup table with Tonia - 1° episodio [ENG SUB] - Duration: 14:01.

Hello everyone!

Today we meet Jessica for this new series i launched

i did casting on Instagram, maybe you've seen something

I chose sixteen people who will appear in my videos for every sunday till end of january

people with very different features one from the other

and today we have Jessica here, who comes from

from Morciano di Romagna, near Riccione

what can you tell us about you, what do you do for living and what is your dream?

i'm twenty and i opened a little restaurant with my family a year ago

so, super enterprising

i love working there, but my dream is to work with makeup, actually

it's my passion since i was eleven, so i hope this will become something in future

we tried this makeup on Jessica, with very warm, very pumpkin tones

matching her hair and perfect for the coming Halloween

she inspired me to do this makeup because of her light skin with freckles, and hair just refreshed

if you like this makeup, keep on watching please

we are live...more or less

hi - how strange for me

i start with U.Decay complexion primer

mostly on the T zone

where you could see more sebum

since Jessica told me she has comination/oily skin

let's do the base: i'll use Mac Cosmetics Face & body C2 + N2

i chose this foundation cause i don't want an high coverage

cause she has a nice skin and some freckles i don't wanna absolutely cover

i'll go under the chin and the neck, to match the complexion

i think even if you have combination/oily skin, you can have some glow

no needs to stay super matte

at least, i don't like it, cause when you have super matte skin it looks almost - fake

- exactely, it always looks like you put on a looot of products

then, every now and then, i go over blending with fingertips

- products on my nose, especially on the tip,it tends to separate -

I see it, actually - do you?

- i don't know what to do, any primer, any foundation... - well, don't put it on

don't put foundation in that specific area

- but my nose will look different.. -

not really, if you put a foundation that is exactely of your skin color, you can go through your nose with the brush

to be sure of the matching all over, but

don't put a lot of product on it

But, is there a reason why this happen?

Does it happen all the time? - yes -

Even when you don't put a primer on? - yes -

Perhaps you need to moisturize more, cause it doesn't look combination/oily skin to me

or at least, under the lights, it really doesn't look oily

mine looks more oily, at times

ooohh what about this?

how did you decide to do it? Show it in camera please, cause it's beautiful

- how? Like that? - yes, in any way you can

I decided to do it, cause i like makeup since i was ten

I wanted it to be with me all the time

I wanted to do it for a long time, and then...

...this year i went for it

let's do it!

- at the beginning it was just black and white, but it was lifeless - aaa yes, i see

and i chose to give it a color - red, actually

and then she snores (my dog) - really? - yes, her -

i mix two Naked skin concealers, with very long name

U.Decay concealers in 'light neutral' and 'light warm'

i'm gong over eye contour with a sponge

cause concealer has more coverage than the light foundation we applied

and the humidity of the sponge can work the product really well

i'm going to do baking exclusively at the eye contour

i don't go down to the cheek

cause we want that area stays super-hydrated

i go along the lash line with MUFE aqua Xl in the brown color

i really go into the lashline

I stretch the line a little outward, not too much

i'm blending upwards with a flat brush

so you can give a brown base to the entire eye

but the concentration of the color stays along the lashline

i'm going for the naked heat today

i'll take 'chaser' as nude base first

i'll put it

all over the lid, without going to close to the lashline

i'll go with the next color directly into the crease

i'll take 'ashes', very balanced color in warm & cool undertones

i'll do a V shape on the outer corner of the eye

at this point i'll take 221 brush by Mac Cosmetics (it looked like numer was faded)

and i'll blend upwards and outwards

Which part of your body or face do you like more?

I like my face into my body

and i like both eyes and lips of my face, i cannot choose

i'll take 'sauced' to give a nice gradient to the makeup

i'll take 'scorched' don't know how to pronounce, sorry

and i'll put on the center of the lid

really push the color in

to give some light i'll take U.Decay afterglow palette

i'll take the lightest color ' bliss'

i'll intensify a little more the outer corner with 'coco' by Huda Beauty rose gold palette

girls whispering ''christmas''

from whom would you like to receive it? From her? - yes

- from my boyfriend, also, it's the same -

from anyone? - from anyone who's watching the video and would like to give it to me as a gift

I take advantage of this moment to redefine the brows, not too much cause i like the natural shape of the Jessica's

and i'll go with Nabla 'brow divine' in 'mercury'

i want them very natural, very bushy

cause bushy brows are modern and fresh

i'll draw just a little bit over the outer side

Mac clear gel

to fix them

to better sculpt Jessica face

i'll keep the central part of the face as light as possible

with shadows starting from cheeks to under the chin

I'll use U.Decay shapeshifter

i'll start with cream products and the i'll put powder on

it looks like it is a really hard contour, but we'll blend it

while we'll not put shadows on the forehead, since it is very proportioned

so no need to put shadows over there

i'll take the excess off with a dump sponge

to redifine the area between the cheeks and the jawline

to fix the creams i'll go with powders with a medium brush

cause we want an intense blending but not too much, neither invisible

let's fix very well the creams with the powders

with a touch of powder and a sculpting brush, i'll separate the cheek frm the jaw even more

so we can even soften out the contour

- who needs a diet when you can contour? -

anyway we're doing something that suits you perfectly

it's not an everyday makeup, obviously

neither myself

i did my makeup in two seconds this morning

- she can do that - (Jessica sister says)

can you really do this? Well, much respect, much respect

i'll go for a Mulac Cosmetics blush

and i'm using same brush of contouring

so we can amalgamate the blush into the sculpting color

i'll go very softly

from the cheek to outwards

let's apply the highlighter

she is already excited

on the highlighter part, everyone gets high

i'll take 'bliss' again

i'll keep the highlighter very high on Jessica cheeks

i won't go down cause i'll deafeat the sculpting work

i'll blend a little bit, same on the other cheek

not too much, but we are at that point

after highlighting her, she feels more fabolous - yes

i'll take 'coco' again for the lower lid

very soft touch, not a true smoky eyes

hot chick in here (tried to translate, it's hard)

cool, she didn't know where to look, she got confused

i'll curl the lashes, apply mascara and apply false individual lashes

how are the lips doing with balm on top? - great! -


i swear you, she was so tiny (talking about my dog) - aww lovely (Jessica answers)

she was small, the booty only was moving

- Romi (Jessica sister's name): shoe her our cuties -

i'll complete the look with Kylie Cosmetics 'pumkin' duo

i'll stay in lips contour of Jessica, cause she has a beautiful shape

- dshejbhfjkzmn untranslatable! She gasps she liked the smell

yes, Kylie lipsticks have awesome smells

(Jessica sister, Romina) I picture you in a chestnuts photo campaign

do like that (showing her stretched lips)

when you stretch the lips

and you go over with lip pencil or lipstick, you can be more precise

i'll finally spray a fixing water

Vanilla (my dog) snoring in the back

sorry girls, she makes me laugh cause of snoring

It seems like i'm picking the eyeshadows up from the ground

For more infomation >> BORN BEAUTIFUL: a makeup table with Tonia - 1° episodio [ENG SUB] - Duration: 14:01.


Slin Romance Guitar cover - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Slin Romance Guitar cover - Duration: 2:45.


6 Coisas Que Você NUNCA Deve Fazer Após Comer ➜ NUNCA MAIS FAÇA ISSO... - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 6 Coisas Que Você NUNCA Deve Fazer Após Comer ➜ NUNCA MAIS FAÇA ISSO... - Duration: 3:22.


First News Sunday Morning Weather Update - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> First News Sunday Morning Weather Update - Duration: 3:19.


La enfermedad espiritual - Charles Spurgeon - Duration: 1:03:13.

For more infomation >> La enfermedad espiritual - Charles Spurgeon - Duration: 1:03:13.


Tracking Hurricane Nate After Downgraded To Tropical Storm - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Tracking Hurricane Nate After Downgraded To Tropical Storm - Duration: 2:10.


COMO O JAPONÊS SE EXPRESSA日本人の表現方法(PARTE1)How Japanese people express ourselves[Vlog#23] - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> COMO O JAPONÊS SE EXPRESSA日本人の表現方法(PARTE1)How Japanese people express ourselves[Vlog#23] - Duration: 9:39.


Momotro [ft.toy frisk] - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Momotro [ft.toy frisk] - Duration: 0:57.


Monument Quilt at Johns Hopkins University - Duration: 1:00.

[uplifting music]

[female student] 2012 trauma took over my brain.

I never thought I'd be happy again.

This little girl wanted to die, fought for months to find out why.

This is the Monument Quilt, it is a visible art project made by survivors of sexual assault

and gender violence.


I love this one because I love the Maya Angelou quote on it.

It's like your past doesn't define you.

So these are my favorite squares.

A lot of emotional labor went in to creating these, but if you lift up the quilt square

there's an entire story underneath.

[female student reciting] I fought for months to find out why.

Sexual trauma was the reason why.

[Alyse Campbell] The idea is to create a space that is safe for survivors and a place

for survivors to publicly heal.

All two hundred of these quilts have been immensely moving and I have been brought to

tears by many of them.

All of the survivors, they're not alone in this.

[uplifting music}

For more infomation >> Monument Quilt at Johns Hopkins University - Duration: 1:00.


Could Silencers Make Mass Shootings Worse? - Duration: 6:43.

Hey gang, it's Chris. And I want to talk about guns--or, more specifically, silencers.

So the mass shooting in Las Vegas this week was the deadliest in modern American history,

and afterward people noticed that Congress was right on the edge of signing a bill to

make silencers easier to get. Hillary Clinton tweeted that the massacre might have been

even worse if the shooter used a silencer, and gun rights folks freaked out on her because

silencers don't literally make weapons silent. Even PolitiFact called Clinton's claim false.

So what's the truth here? Could a silencer make mass shootings deadlier? To figure that

out, you have to understand the science of how sound works.

First of all, it's true that "silencer" is a misleading term. Unlike in the movies, a

silencer--suppressor is the more technically accurate name--doesn't turn a gunshot into

a quiet little whisper.

Silencers were invented and developed in the early 20th century by the same guy who invented

the muffler for your car, Hiram Percy Maxim

And a silencer works very similarly to your muffler, dispersing the sudden release of

gas that accompanies a gunshot to quiet the sound.

(Hiram's father, also Hiram Maxim, invented the Maxim gun, famous as one of the first

working machine guns and used by colonialist forces worldwide to massacre people in Africa,

South Asia, and other parts of the world)

I want to pause here to say that I am not an expert in the physics of sound, but there

are links below to some very helpful resources that I used when developing this video. I

also want to say that if you find this helpful, it would be great if you would like this video

and subscribe to the channel. That's just the business of YouTube, and it means a lot

to me.

A silencer will take the volume of a gunshot down by an average of 30 decibels--from around

160 decibels, broadly speaking, to around 130. So instead of being as loud as a jackhammer,

a silenced gunshot is as loud as a chainsaw. Still pretty loud, but easier on the ears. 

This is why gun fans want silencers legalized, and why the act to do so is called the Hearing

Protection Act. Guns are loud, and on a firing range most people wear hearing protection.

A silencer works about as well as that hearing protection, reducing damage over time to a

person's ears.

But what about mass shootings? Could a silencer make the difference between hearing or not

hearing gunfire? Could it keep a crowd of victims from identifying the source of shots?

To figure that out, you have to look at the science of sound.

Everyone knows that sound gets quieter as you move away from the source. So an unsilenced

gunshot might be 160 decibels, but that's only if you're standing right next to it.

As you move away, it gets quieter--but this is where things get a little confusing.

As your distance to an object changes, the volume of sound varies logarithmically. So

if you move twenty feet away from a 160 decibel gunshot, to your ears it's only 120 decibels--but

if you move another 20 feet away, it's still 118. To get significant reductions in sound,

you have to move greater and greater distances from the source.

This makes sense if you think about something like an ambulance or police siren. You can

hear it from a long distance away, but it stays pretty quiet until it gets close--then

it very quickly gets super-loud, and then quiet again as it passes you. 

This also means that a decibel scale is not linear--every time you go up ten decibels,

you are doubling in volume. So something 100 decibels is not 5 times as loud as something

10 decibels, it's a thousand times louder.

The shooter in Las Vegas was estimated to be about 400 yards from his victims. At that

distance, if we assume his gunshots were 160 decibels, the crowd was still hearing them

at about 90 decibels. That's the equivalent of a chainsaw, or a person shouting--and if

you watch the video of the shooting, which I don't recommend because they're horrific--you

can definitely hear the shots.

But what if the shooter had used a silencer?

OK, we have to pause here for a disclaimer: The volume of a gunshot is highly variable.

It changes depending on the type of gun used and the type of bullets used. Sound is also

highly variable, based on a ton of variables like air temperature and humidity, and the

shape of objects nearby. In the case of Las Vegas, there's a good chance the shape of

the Mandalay Bay hotel actually amplified the gunshots victims were hearing--but for

simplicity's sake we're setting all that aside for the moment, and going with averages.

On average, a silencer lowers the sound of gunfire about 30 decibels. So if an unsilenced

gunshot is 160 decibels, adding a silencer lowers it to 130. Remember, that's at the

source. Apply that to the scenario in Las Vegas--a distance of 400 yards--and now the

shots are only about 60 decibels to the victims' ears. 60 decibels is just a little bit louder

than a household vacuum cleaner. Consider that there's music playing--a rock concert

is generally around 100 decibels to most listeners--and the sound of a big crowd, and yeah, it's conceivable

that people might not hear the shots.

Also consider that silencers conceal the bright flash of light that accompanies a gunshot--which

is also a clue to the location of a shooter. It's definitely possible.

Let's imagine another hypothetical scenario. Say your shooter has a .22 rifle, which according

to my research is one of the quieter firearms, at around 130 decibels. Let's say he puts

a silencer on it, bringing that down to around 100 decibels at the source. Let's say he's

50 yards away from the people he's shooting at--that's about half a city block. 

In this hypothetical scenario, the victims hear those gunshots at a volume of around

47 decibels. How loud is that? Roughly equivalent to a home air conditioner, or the background

noise you hear when you're home alone. It's much quieter than traffic sounds, or a radio

or television at moderate volume, or background noise when you stand outside in a major city.

50 yards. 150 feet. Yeah. Also, consider how many mass shootings in recent years have come

in noisy locations—a movie theater, a dance club, a music festival...

So, it's totally accurate to say that silencers, or suppressors, don't actually make gunfire

silent. It's totally fair to point out that Hollywood gives people a false idea as to

how a silencer works. But to say that silencers definitely won't make mass shootings deadlier,

by making it harder for victims to spot the shooter?

I don't know about you, but I don't think that's accurate. 

Now, does that mean the regulations on silencers shouldn't be loosened? I don't think they

should, but then I think we need much stronger gun laws in general. My interest with this

video is applying good science to help people draw informed conclusions, not advocate a

particular legal position.

You can draw your own conclusions, and feel free to share them in the comments below.

While you're at it, please like this video if you find it informative, and please do

subscribe. I don't always talk about guns, but I do always try to be thoughtful and rational

in every video.

If you want to give feedback or just yell at me for saying something you disagree with,

you can always find me on Twitter. In the meantime, thanks for watching, thank you for

thinking, and thank you for applying sound reasoning to American gun policy.

For more infomation >> Could Silencers Make Mass Shootings Worse? - Duration: 6:43.


【Travel in China】上海蘇州 Part 1|外灘巡禮|蘇州園林|豫園尋訪|VLOG #Shanghai #Suzhou - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> 【Travel in China】上海蘇州 Part 1|外灘巡禮|蘇州園林|豫園尋訪|VLOG #Shanghai #Suzhou - Duration: 7:48.


Love Me Like You Do - KORN x KNOCK #กรน็อค | Together With Me #อกหักมารักกับผม (+TH/ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:32.

You're the light, you're the night

You're the colour of my blood

You're the cure, you're the pain

You're the only thing I wanna touch

Never knew that it could mean so much, so much

You're the fear, I don't care

Cause I've never been so high

Follow me, through the dark

Let me take you past our satellites

You can see the world you brought to life, to life

So love me like you do, La-la-love me like you do

Love me like you do, La-la-love me like you do

Touch me like you do, Ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

Fading in, fading out

On the edge of paradise

Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find

Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire

I'll let you set the pace

Cause I'm not thinking straight

My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more

What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, La-la-love me like you do

Touch me like you do, Ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, La-la-love me like you do

Touch me like you do, Ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

I'll let you set the pace

Cause I'm not thinking straight

My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more

What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, La-la-love me like you do

Touch me like you do, Ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, La-la-love me like you do

Touch me like you do, Ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

Love me like you do, La-la-love me like you do

Touch me like you do, Ta-ta-touch me like you do

What are you waiting for?

For more infomation >> Love Me Like You Do - KORN x KNOCK #กรน็อค | Together With Me #อกหักมารักกับผม (+TH/ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:32.


Russian Traffic Police Flash Mob - Duration: 1:21.

The large flash mob Light Up, TLT! in Togliatti.

The initiator of the event

were local state traffic inspectors.

Through a light, laser and music show,

the police drew public attention

to the fate of pedestrians.

The dance group of the Dynasty studio

in clothes with lightreflective elements

held a flashmob

in the headlights of patrol cars.

Against the backdrop of mass dance,

there was a demonstration of a laser show promoting

the observance of the Rules of the Road.

Everything that happened through

the quadrocopter

was displayed on the big screen.

The traffic police officers built patrol cars

in the form of letters TLT and switched

on special light signals.

The action was attended

by more than 2,000 Togliatti residents

and visitors to the city,

who were not indifferent

to the problems of road safety.

For more infomation >> Russian Traffic Police Flash Mob - Duration: 1:21.


Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Talking Ginger Vs Minions Rush Gameplay for Android - Duration: 12:14.

Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Talking Ginger Vs Minions Rush Gameplay for Android

Learn Colors,Subway Surfers,Talking Ginger,Minions Rush,Gameplay for Android,Gameplay,android,ios,game,games,cat,cats,funny cat,cat cartoon,ginger,ginger cat,talking,talking friends,colors,games for kids,nursery rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Talking Ginger Vs Minions Rush Gameplay for Android - Duration: 12:14.


Gettysburg Exhibit -- Part 3 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Gettysburg Exhibit -- Part 3 - Duration: 2:21.


kaur b | Indian Wedding Highlights | Royal wedding highlights | Best Royal Sikh wedding Highlight - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> kaur b | Indian Wedding Highlights | Royal wedding highlights | Best Royal Sikh wedding Highlight - Duration: 0:59.


Grizo Vlog #13 Tomo Savaitgalis - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Grizo Vlog #13 Tomo Savaitgalis - Duration: 4:58.


Top 10 Highest Paid Sports Players in The World | 2017-2018 | By SportsSupport - Duration: 5:33.

Top 10 Highest Paid Sports Players in The World | 2017-2018 | By SportsSupport

Top 10 Highest Paid Sports Players in The World | 2017-2018 | By SportsSupport

Top 10 Highest Paid Sports Players in The World | 2017-2018 | By SportsSupport

Top 10 Highest Paid Sports Players in The World | 2017-2018 | By SportsSupport

For more infomation >> Top 10 Highest Paid Sports Players in The World | 2017-2018 | By SportsSupport - Duration: 5:33.


NC.A「理想のタイプはBlock B ジコ、イ・ジョンソクのようにシャープな男性」 - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> NC.A「理想のタイプはBlock B ジコ、イ・ジョンソクのようにシャープな男性」 - Duration: 7:28.


YouTube點閱率觀看次數最快突破5億的歌曲 | Top 50 Fastest Music Videos To Reach 500 million Views - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> YouTube點閱率觀看次數最快突破5億的歌曲 | Top 50 Fastest Music Videos To Reach 500 million Views - Duration: 12:21.


22 Most EXPENSIVE Movies Ever Made and Box Office Earning - Duration: 3:53.

Most expensive movies ever made Most expensive movies ever made

Most expensive movies ever made Most expensive movies ever made

Most expensive movies ever made

For more infomation >> 22 Most EXPENSIVE Movies Ever Made and Box Office Earning - Duration: 3:53.


Classe Party Rentals

For more infomation >> Classe Party Rentals


For more infomation >> Classe Party Rentals


Caro­line Rece­veur : le mariage ce n'est pas pour elle et elle explique pourquoi - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Caro­line Rece­veur : le mariage ce n'est pas pour elle et elle explique pourquoi - Duration: 2:09.


For more infomation >> Caro­line Rece­veur : le mariage ce n'est pas pour elle et elle explique pourquoi - Duration: 2:09.


Savez-vous ce qui se passe lorsque vous mangez 3 œufs chaque jour? - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Savez-vous ce qui se passe lorsque vous mangez 3 œufs chaque jour? - Duration: 6:26.


For more infomation >> Savez-vous ce qui se passe lorsque vous mangez 3 œufs chaque jour? - Duration: 6:26.


¿Cómo hablar de Jesús? - Charles Spurgeon - Duration: 1:00:33.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo hablar de Jesús? - Charles Spurgeon - Duration: 1:00:33.


For more infomation >> ¿Cómo hablar de Jesús? - Charles Spurgeon - Duration: 1:00:33.


Fabrice Éboué raconte la dure réalité du cinéma - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Fabrice Éboué raconte la dure réalité du cinéma - Duration: 1:49.


For more infomation >> Fabrice Éboué raconte la dure réalité du cinéma - Duration: 1:49.


3 TIPS FOR SAVING YOUR MONEY - Duration: 5:25.

Hello everyone, i hope you are all alright, me i'm pretty nice!

today i'm here fo.. enednebfe i can't even speak! Today i'm here for

a new video, and i know it's been a while and i say

that everytime and i'm sorry, i have a lot a lot

a lot things to do.. It's my last year

in High School and i have to confess that it's complicated with because free time

well, i don't have any free time, but i don't forget

my channel and don't worry i'll try to be active!

Today it's a freestyle video, i don't have any

script and i hope it's not gonna be shitty, and if it is

i am sorry! So, i'm gonna give you some tricks for

saving some money on internet when you are buying some stuff for example

on Asos, or Amazon or whatever because money, well..

i don't have a lot of money haha

so if i can save some money, well that's nice! First trick,

it's for me the best and i'm very happy that i found it, i

saw it on a activity twitter account, i don't remember

the name of it i'm sorry, and it's a trick who works on Asos, maybe

it works on other websites like Amazon, but..

No amazon i don't think so, but still, on asos it's working and on asos there is a lot of

people who are ordering on it, i guess it's useful, so

the trick is to put the currency not in euros,

but in pound sterling, and then you'll pay less. I see you

guys say "yeah but if you put it in pound sterling

you'll pay the same price in euros because it's gonna be converted" no, no

no no and no, it's no gonna be converted, i mean it is, but not into the real price

in euros, i don't know if you understand.

So i am on Asos and i'm gonna show you the trick,

So i put the currency in pound sterling, they call it "GPB", instead of putting

it in euros, for example we are gonna go to Tommy Hilfiger, and we are gonna

take, well, this! That's perfect for me, and you see

that those bras are at 23,67 pound sterling, so when we

convertize it, it's at 26 euros! But, but but but but, when we

put the website in euros you'll see that the bra is at 31 euros

nearly 32 euros and you can see you are saving money.

The second trick is a website thzt

you probably heard of it by some french youtubers, but

i'm talking about it because well, just in case if you did't heard about it, me

i didn't! The name is igraal, iGraal?

i don't know the pronunciation, and it works with the

cashback trick, it means that when you click on the link on

iGraal, for example i don't know, there "5% of cashback"

on amazon, well if you buy something on amazon and you turn on the cashback

you'll have 5% of the sum of

what you bought, and it's gonna be refunded on

your iGraal account. To a certain sum, you can credit it on your bank account,

i don't know if you understand me

i'm gonna show it to you!

don't worry i'm not gonna bought anything right in front of you, i don't have money haha

that's the website, so you register, you log it

and the are gonna propose you to install and add-on

that's the add-on, you can see i have 9,47 euro on my iGraal

account, so that's a lot but i don't have enough, i think

i have to have 20euro for crediting it on my bank account, and so

you can see there is a lot of website which iGraal is partner, there is

Euromaster, well i don't think you guys are ordering on this website haha but there is

for example Asos, Nike, Laredoute, Darty, Sephora

and when you'll go on these kind of website

you'll have this little bar that will appear above, and you will

have to click on "Activate asos" hop, my cashback is turning on

"going to the website" and when the bar turned green, that means that

your cashback is on, and everytime you will buy something, you will have up to 8%

yeah you will have 8% for

the first order and then 3% for the next orders, for old clients, so for

me. And the last trick, i discovered it

thanks to Danaemakeup because she did a product placement on her instagram story

it's an add-on on safari, mozilla or google chrome or whatever, who

allows us to search discounts when you are about to buy

something, when you are on the payment page

a little notification appear telling you that you can test

codes and if you click on it, the plugin is testing the codes just for you

so for this last trick, we are gonna simulate that we buy

a brain, some people needs a brain by the way. So when you are about

to pay, omg i have to blur everything! So, when you are about to pay, the

notification appear telling you "test the codes" so we are gonna do

it, and hop, the plugin is working, i don't know if you can see if

i move the window, mhh nope, but that's fine you can see that's working

and it's testing until he finds one, and if he don't fine one, it's because there

is no codes. I hope you guys enjoyed the video and

helped you to save your money, that's the whole point,

well if you enjoyed it, don't hesitate to put a thumb up, putting a

comment in the descripti.. i was gonna say it but no haha, put a comment in the commentbox

and share the video, So,

See you guys next time, ciao!

For more infomation >> 3 TIPS FOR SAVING YOUR MONEY - Duration: 5:25.


For more infomation >> 3 TIPS FOR SAVING YOUR MONEY - Duration: 5:25.


18′ Off Grid by Upper Valley Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> 18′ Off Grid by Upper Valley Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:38.


For more infomation >> 18′ Off Grid by Upper Valley Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:38.


Ces 8 médicaments vous empêchent de perdre du poids - France 365 - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Ces 8 médicaments vous empêchent de perdre du poids - France 365 - Duration: 6:19.


For more infomation >> Ces 8 médicaments vous empêchent de perdre du poids - France 365 - Duration: 6:19.


Cоmo cambiar muelles de compresión trasero FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 4:40.

Use a socket №18

For more infomation >> Cоmo cambiar muelles de compresión trasero FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 4:40.


For more infomation >> Cоmo cambiar muelles de compresión trasero FIAT PUNTO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 4:40.


New: Osmo MindRacers

For more infomation >> New: Osmo MindRacers


Bisexual Erasure | Things I'm Tired Of Hearing! - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Bisexual Erasure | Things I'm Tired Of Hearing! - Duration: 2:11.


Top 5-ish Anime on my Watch list (Fall 2017) - Duration: 8:50.

Traditionally I've done a video every three months or so as a "Most Anticipated" list for

every upcoming season, however it's hard to anticipate some of these when the first

episodes are already out.

But I really had to talk about HeroAca last week ok?

So that took precedence or basically everything else.

But here we are!

Once again at the start of hopefully another glorious season of anime with many good options

before us.

Out of those I wanted to take a few minutes to outline some of the series that I have

my eye on, and perhaps some that you haven't noticed yet.

So without much ado, here's my Top 5 Anime to watch this season or something!

We'll workshop a better title later it'll be great I swear.

To keep with the tradition of a Top 5 list I'm not going to go beyond that despite

the large amount of shows that end up airing this season.

However I if there was a 6th show to add to this list it would be

Black Clover, which is my Honorable mention.

We're gonna go with that.

Black Clover has a lot of pre-season hype behind it, the staff is mostly solid, and I can dig

a new fantasy-esk anime if it ends up doing some cool shit.

It's just not in the top 5 because I'm curious as to what these other shows offer more.

Could be wrong though, could be best of season, who knows.


First up, Houseki no Kuni or Land of the Lustrous.

The story summary is rather vague, and I'm curious about the director choice and what

that could mean for where this show ends up going as prior to this he was the director of

School Live and GATE.

But the thing that most stands out to me is actually the PV.

Specifically the clips used in the show show that have 3D animation.

Which is to say...all of it.

Fully 3D anime has indeed been something that's been more and more common as of late but I

have always hesitated when talking about it because I'm still not convinced that 3D

is at the point yet where it does a better job than traditional animation.

That could be the old man talking of course, but with recent outings like Berserk

turning out like they did I do have some examples to back up that reasoning.

But what I really want out of a show like Land of the Lustrous is for it to be an example

of the opposite.

I've been waiting for a 3D anime to come along and blow me away with either its style

or presentation.

This could be it.

Next up, Juuni Taisen!

From the original creator of the Monogatari series and the director of the Future Diary

comes a series that…..holy shit.

This looks... this looks good.

One of the advantages about the delay that it took with this particular video is that the first

episode of Juuni Taisen is already available, and while having a 12 character Battle Royale

death match isn't necessarily a new concept, it's been a few years since we've

gotten one.

Especially one that starts off this strong.

What we know is that some kind of organization or such set up a 12 [Actually 10] combatant tournament where

the winner gets one wish of their choosing, then the tournament starts and we get to watch

the fireworks.

Sound familiar?

Difference being that the presentation of the plot is somewhat different from similar

stories of the past.

When those shows started off they had a clear and very obvious protagonist to cheer for Juuni

Taisen doesn't, and it hasen't yet decided which of its 12 [again 10] mains will be taking the lead for

the majority of the show.

If any of them do.

Which personally is extremely enticing to me.

To know that no character has any kind of plot armor makes a battle royale of this nature

far more exciting then what we've had previously.

I for one cannot wait for this show to continue.

Girls Last Tour is a show that I've put on this list for various reasons.

One, White Fox is on a very short list of anime studios that I will watch anything from

because even if I don't necessarily like how some of their stories are told per-say

I have yet to not be entertained in some fashion by their shows.

Two: it's character designs are reminding me somewhat of last season's Made in Abyss

if it was crossed with Hidamari Sketch, which sounds like an odd combination but I want

to see where it goes.

Also Made in Abyss was a series that ended far too soon and has left a kind of void in

my heart right now.

Finally, that the itch of a world building adventure series hasn't been scratched for

me in a long while.

Apparently the series following two young girls who are traveling in some kind of post-apocalyptic

wasteland just trying to survive.

But because of its Art Style I'm not lead to believe that the series will be an utterly

depressing one or one that laments the consequences of war or anything like that.

But it seems to be just some kind of feel good series with two little rays of sunshine

in a bleak land of despair and honestly I feel like that's something I need right


Though really, the whole itch scratching with a world building adventure didn't need to

happen this season because we also have: Kino's Journey.

If you've never watched the original Kino's Journey….well as much as I highly recommend

it and it sits somewhere as one of my favorite anime of all time, It's one that visually hasn't aged

well and that might bother some people.

On top of being from the era of 4:3, (Not that it's stopping the Eureka Seven movies

am I rite?) it also had this weird almost like interlaced television lines throughout,

like a really bad filter was placed there for who knows what reason.

Anyways the new series has neither of that, with increased production values but still

the same story.

We haven't gotten any kind of confirmation that the new Kino's Journey will include

any of the stories from the previous series.

The original material has plenty to work with and Kino has always been rather episodic in

nature so to have no repeating storylines from the original animation would not be surprising,

but at the same time we've gotten no confirmation that they are NOT re-making things.

Personally I'm hoping for the former, as this series is only billed as having 12 episodes,

same as last time, and I honestly would prefer newer material that we haven't seen animated

over the stuff already available.

Either way I've been freaking stoked about new Kino for a while, almost as much as this

next series: The Ancient Magus Bride

Over the past 12 months out of any anime that I have ever been excited for there are two

that have topped the list, firstly after watching Violet Evergarden at Anime Expo my hype levels

for that show when it airs next season (possibly year) is massive, but the other is The Ancient Magus Bride.

It started out as an extremely well-produced OVA series about a young girl who ends up

being thrust into a world of the supernatural.

But it's presented, or at least that OVA is presented, as a prequel to the story that will eventually unfold.

It's been 13 months since the initial OVA episode was released, with the second of three

coming out in March and the final in September, and every time I felt like screaming because

I wanted more.

Magus bride was to me a series that I would kill to have entirely completed in front of

me right now so I can watch it all in one go, it gave me this fulfilling adrenaline

like feeling of watching it that only made the crash that much harder when the episode finished.

But now, finally and thankfully we have the continuing story of Chise and the strange

magician with a skeletal beast head and


Any kind of description of the plot that I could give you would be for the most part

pointless because I doubt I could do it justice in such a short period of time, that the OVA

could not cover better.

and it is still available over on crunchyroll so if you haven't gotten around to it yet now

would be the perfect time.

So those are the 5 anime of this season that I am going to be watching the most intently.

If I missed something that you think is worth watching let me know down in the comments.

As always I'd like to thank my patreons for supporting these videos as without you

they would not be possible.

In particular I'd like to thank Calhounboy, Siri Yamiko, Viktor Ekmark, Joshua Garcia,

Hedrel Leon, Bing Thio and Robert Chumsae for being especially awesome.

So until next time ladies, gentlemen and others, stay frosty.

For more infomation >> Top 5-ish Anime on my Watch list (Fall 2017) - Duration: 8:50.


EDM Music-Phantom Sage - When I'm Gone [NCS Release]- Top Best EDM music 2018-supervina - Duration: 4:47.


Phantom Sage

When I'm Gone

NCS Release

Top Best EDM Music 2018

supervina channel

For more infomation >> EDM Music-Phantom Sage - When I'm Gone [NCS Release]- Top Best EDM music 2018-supervina - Duration: 4:47.


Japan Train | 10 Things NOT to do on a TOKYO TRAIN - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Japan Train | 10 Things NOT to do on a TOKYO TRAIN - Duration: 3:01.


razing717 - HECK NO (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:51.

Well class I'm afraid we're out of time.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to ask you guys to finish this full project as homework, by tomorrow.


I came to learn at school not at HOME BRO!


I waste enough time here, don't you even know?


Finish by tomorrow? I don't think so!


I already have a test, which I'm gonna blow!


Lend you 5 bucks, like are you good bro?


You owe me 10 dollars since fifty years ago!


Come to you're house? Well dude, i'll tell you what!


Last time I went we just listened to techno!

Came home from school. I was pretty tired drank a glass of milk to realize it was expired!

Was pretty ticked off, so I took a nap... but the construction outside was driving me completely MAD!

How you gonna make me finish by tomorrow?

I got other stuff due, man you should know yo!

Gotta finish reading my book, and I read slow.

Also got a maths test, jeez seriously bro? (Listen)


I came to learn at school not at HOME BRO!


I waste enough time here, don't you even know?


Finish by tomorrow? I don't think so!


I already have a test, which I'm gonna blow!


Lend you 5 bucks, like are you good bro?


You owe me 10 dollars since fifty years ago!


Come to you're house? well dude, i'll tell you what!


Last time I went we just listened to techno!

Hey, remember that time with that one dude...

He was selling candy and some other types of food...

it costed $10 for that one chocolate, right?

You said you'll pay me back, don't see that money in sight!!

Man, I got to say it, you are pretty weird.

For example when I gave you my pencil, it disappeared...

What happened? You lost it? That's why didn't you return it?

And you say I don't take care of my things, you hypocrite.


Those 10 dollars you still got to show yo!


I trusted you once, ain't gonna let it go.


Im not coming today or tomorrow!


Like jeez, you used to have a pet potato!!


Let's see if you can do it, lazy buffalo


Like who cares about what makes a tornado?


All you ever do is sip on your espresso!*


What you gonna do, right this on my portfolio?

This is unacceptable behavior you have to go to the principal's office right now!


comment #DabOnThemEspressos

For more infomation >> razing717 - HECK NO (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:51.


Authentic Food in Crete - 100% PURE LOVE Farm-to-Table Mediterranean Cuisine! - Duration: 18:03.

- Hey everyone, hope you're having an amazing day,

it's Mark Wiens, I'm in Chania,

on the island of Crete in Greece.

And I think one of the best reasons that you can come

to Crete is to experience the authentic Mediterranean

food culture, and so I'm on my way this morning

to go eat at a restaurant which is known

for preserving authentic Cretan food,

we're gonna jump in a taxi, it's a little ways

outside of town within the mountains,

and I'm looking forward to eating

and to sharing with you some authentic Cretan food.

(soothing atmospheric music)

This restaurant?

It is at Charamia?

(speaking in foreign language)

Okay, thank you.

Yeah, I think it's about 20 kilometers

just straight up in towards the mountain.

(upbeat electronic music)

We're driving further and further into the mountain range,

the rugged mountain range, we've passed

by just an endless sea of olive trees,

you can see vineyards, you can see all of,

just the lush Mediterranean herbs,

we passed by sheep, flocks of sheep and goats.

You can just sense how rich the land is here,

and how fertile it is.

When I thought of coming to Crete,

this is the dreamy landscape and environment

that I had literally dreamt about

and what I wanted to experience when I came to Crete.

It was really quite a journey to get here,

we wound around the mountain roads, and,

oh, I'm standing kind of in the middle

of the road right now, but the owner

was here to greet us at the restaurant,

you can smell, he still cooks over fire,

the restaurant is over here, we're gonna

definitely get a look at all the food he's preparing,

but the dining room is up here.

Wow, this is an absolutely beautiful place.

Oh, I am already thrilled

that we made the journey here.



- Where are you from, USA?

- [Mark] From USA, my wife is from Thailand.

- Thailand? - Thailand, yes.

- You, you?

- [Mark] Thailand also, America, from Arizona.

- Arizona.

Mountain goat.

Why you here?

- [Mark] Because I love to eat.


Wow, this is amazing.


- Creta food.

- [Mark] Creta food.

(man speaking in foreign language)

- Come here, sir, come. - Okay.


(speaking in foreign language)


Dolma? - Dolma.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Mark] Amazing.

All wood, all traditional stuff.

Everything is cooked in traditional Cretan ceramic pots,

this is an amazing, an amazing place.

And outside is where he's doing most of the cooking

over fire, the traditional way.

You can smell the aromas of the meat,

the lamb, and the goat.

- Maybe you like to look garden?

- [Mark] Sure!

Everything is from your garden.

And from your, and the meat, also?

- Here, it's no restaurant. - Yes.

- Here is farm. - Okay!

- Different. - Okay.

- Restaurant, from supermarket,

farm, we want people, garden, and animal.

- He's such a nice, friendly, passionate guy,

you can tell how he has, he pours his love into his cooking,

and he cooks over fire, he has all these stews going

over the coals, and he has everything cooking

in traditional Cretan clay, ceramic pots,

and he made sure to tell me that this is not a restaurant,

this is a farm, so all of the ingredients

are from right here on their farm,

the vegetables, they have animals,

they have the livestock, they have all the herbs

and all the ingredients, I know for sure

they get their own olive oil,

this being in the mountains of Crete.

This is a spectacular food place.

Wow, thank you.

- You're welcome. - This is peaches?

Peaches, or?

Okay, because we get started eating

some of those meaty stews, I'm gonna walk around

with Adam around the garden, but first,

he just picked some, I think these are

either peaches or nectarines,

no, they're fuzzy, I think they're peaches,

he picked them right off the tree there.

Oh, it's like crisp like an apple,

but then it has the flavor of a peach!

Oh, it's really good.

Oh, cows, okay.

- We have a family of cows.

- [Mark] Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

- We have family on the mountains--

(loud insect chirping drowns out dialogue)

And they take their (mumbles) every day.

- Wow.

We're taking a walk down to the farm

to see some of the produce and some of the,

are there are more animals also?

- Yes, of course! - Okay.

And these are all olives.

Oh, lots and lots of olives.

- [Adam] Every vegetable you can eat at the restaurant

is from here.

- Everything that's cooked is all from within the garden,

and from within the farm, it's a farm!

Wow, this is straight farm-to-table,

and when I talk about straight farm-to-table,

this is like straight from their backyard to the table,

that we're gonna eat.

Look at this land!

Thank you. - You're welcome.

Okay, mama and big father.

- [Mark] Okay!

This is absolutely a Mediterranean oasis,

a Mediterranean paradise.

(Adam bleats)

(sheep bleating)

(sheep bell tolling)

You wanna try? - Okay.

This is amazing!


Amazing. - Soft, eh?

- Yeah, really, really soft.

Hey, guy!

One of the things that fascinates me about Cretan culture

is that, traditionally, people are known

for living very, very long lives,

because of the way they eat,

and they always eat off the land,

they eat seasonal, the traditional Cretan diet,

and this is a throwback to the past,

this is the way people ate in the past,

this is the way they would raise their animals,

eat from the land, and eat seasonally.

And this is the best way to eat.

- You can taste. - Okay.

- It's very sweet.


- Oh, yeah.

Mm. - It's good, right?

- Really good, thank you.

- Take it all.

If you want-- - No, they're really,

really good.

Are they blackberry, maybe blackberries, or?


Really sweet and juicy.

That was actually a completely unplanned

trip to the farm, I just started talking with Adam,

who runs the farm, and runs the livestock,

and we just ended up walking further

and seeing all the livestock,

but now we're sitting down to eat.

That just increases my hunger and my excitement.

And this is some of the house wine.

'Kay, gotta try some of that.


That is spectacular.

Oh, and I'm sure,

oh, actually, we're sitting right under some grapevines.

I know the wine is made right here as well.

I gotta try some of this bread.

Oh, and it's very, very crispy.

You can feel it's crunchy in your fingers,

and then it looks like there is definitely

some oregano on it.

It's really crispy, it's really dense,

it tastes like Crete!

And also, as we're sitting down to eat,

they're about to play some live Cretan music

right in front of us too.

The view is spectacular, (speaks in foreign language)

can't get better either.

And with live music as we're hanging out here,

this is relaxing Mediterranean Crete paradise.

- Mountain goat. - Oh, mountain goat.


The chef, he's just gonna bring us

five different dishes, I'm not sure all the dishes,

but he's just gonna bring his personal favorites.

And the first dish that he brought out,

I was gonna wait for all the dishes to come out,

but I absolutely cannot.

The first is stewed Cretan mountain goat.

Look at those chunks of all-natural meat.

Look at, okay, I'm just gonna pick up

one of these guys right here, look at that.

(serene guitar music)

Oh, it's tender,

but it has an amazing almost herb flavor to it.

Whoa, that's spectacular.

That's about as meaty and wonderful as you can get.

Oh, that is flavor meat overload right there.

It's really, really good.

And it is stewed and cooked very, very tender.

But you can, it's a natural free-range, grazing goat,

so it has that natural texture to it,

but it's very, very tender.

Their white wine here is absolutely fantastic too,

and they just brought us one more dish.

I'm still blown away by that wild goat, that mountain goat.

Next dish is aubergine, eggplant,

this is a dish that looks like it needs to be

eaten with bread.

Gonna break some of this bread, scoop on some of this,

it's really nice and saucy.


You can taste the fire in that eggplant!

It's been cooked over the fire in that ceramic pot,

the eggplant is melt-in-your-mouth tender.

And then it's just kind of a mellow flavor,

but what I love about it is it just tastes so natural,

and also just the fact that the eggplant

is just melt-in-your-mouth.

Another dish has arrived, and the chef brought it

to our table himself.

This is chunks of veal, and he said this is from their farm,

this is Cretan veal, this is a traditional dish,

it's been stewed again, you can see the chunks of meat,

you can see the herbs in here, I can see some rosemary,

I can see some, mostly braised rosemary,

and I can smell the rosemary.

Okay, this looks like I'm gonna go in with my knife here,

cut a piece of this, just let it soak up

some of that sauce on the bottom there,

and get a closeup look at that,

that looks extremely tender,

and that rosemary in there, oh!


Oh, you can taste the rosemary,

and I think I can taste the white wine in there.

Follow that.

(traditional Cretan music)


This is the Cretan life right here.

This is awesome, this is absolutely outstanding,

I'm loving it!

Oh, some veal juices!

A little bread.

Next up for some dolma, and this is a plate that we got.

I think these are actually wrapped in,

I think zucchini flowers,

and then there's rice and the spices in here,

and then this is a zucchini, and then with yogurt.

Let's cut this open so we can see what's inside,

oh yeah, you've got that rice,

I think there's dill in there,

and maybe some other herbs,

and then I'm gonna dip it with the side here.


Oh, that dill!

Comes in so nicely, and then that rice

is nice and gooey and gummy, almost like a pudding.

And then, yeah, I think that is the zucchini flower.

That's fantastic.

It's really refreshing.


The zucchini just melts in your mouth too.

The owner just brought us a cup of tea,

and I think this is some kind of Cretan mountain tea.


Rosemary tea!

Yeah, that's what it tastes like to me,

rosemary and probably some other Cretan herbs as well.

You probably need this to wash down that mountain goat.

(traditional Cretan music)

And the final dish we got is a Cretan salad,

and just like the rest of the dishes,

they do not take the salad lightly here.

This is absolutely gorgeous, this is one of the most

beautiful salads I think I've ever seen in my life!

And you can be for sure certain, 100% guaranteed

that all of the ingredients in this salad,

all the vegetables that you see here,

everything that you see here,

is from right here on this farm.

I know the owner would not have it any other way.

Some of the vegetables appear to be roasted,

there's some eggplant and potatoes that are roasted,

and some peppers, but then there's also

an abundance of other vegetables, there are cucumbers,

there's some type of grain, there're raisins in here,

and beets, and tomatoes.

This is insane.


That's just bursting with natural flavor.

Oh, that tomato is ridiculous.

It's so juicy, and so refreshing,

and then I got some corn in that bite,

I got some raisins.

This is definitely a roasted pepper here.


I think it's just olive oil on top.

Oh, and as you dig deeper into the salad,

you can see, there are chunks of the rusk,

which are the crunchy bread down here as well.

Dig deeper, there're more and more fresh herbs as well,

and vegetables.

That just tastes like pure health.

And some fresh watermelon for dessert.

That is just the ultimate way to end this Cretan food meal.

(vibrant guitar music)


- [Agust] We see you next time, four people.

One, two, three, and then one more.


One, nothing, madame. - I hope so.

- Is me, three. - I hope so.

This has been by far the best meal

that I've ever had in Crete, and I think,

and I haven't eaten at that many places,

but I think this is a place, if you love to eat,

this is a place you should make an effort to come to,

when you visit Crete, no matter where you are in Crete.

He's doing an exceptional job, and again, he said,

the owner says it's not a restaurant, but it's a farm,

and he cooks traditional Cretan food recipes,

he's an amazing guy, and,

thank you very much, thank you, thank you, you are awesome.

- See you next time. - And he is the man

right here, he is the man, I love this experience.

Okay, so I wanna say a big thank you

for watching this video, please remember

to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it,

I'd love to hear from you in the comment section below,

I'll have all the details about this restaurant

in the comment section below, oh wow!

The snails, he's cooking the snails right now.

But you can check out all the details below,

and thank you very much for watching

this authentic Cretan food video,

and this is the place to come,

this is definitely the place to come,

you've gotta come here.

Thank you again for watching, I am feeling amazing,

and I'll see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> Authentic Food in Crete - 100% PURE LOVE Farm-to-Table Mediterranean Cuisine! - Duration: 18:03.


How To Deal With Negativity and Stay Positive | Tips on How To Be More Positive | ChriskaYoga - Duration: 11:16.

Hello I am Christina and welcome to my channel, ChriskaYoga! In today's video,

I am going to be talking about dealing with

Negativity. We all deal with it on a daily basis.

Negative things come into our lives that cause us to feel down feel blue


Depressed even to the extreme negativity is all around us and it brings us down and in this video

I'm going to share with you how to not let negativity

ruin your day ruin your life how to

deal with

the negative and ultimately how to

Let negativity kind of run its course and then become more positive overall.

Before we get started if you aren't subscribed yet to this channel hit that subscribe button

down below the video, I post two free yoga classes

Every single week plus bonus videos on topics just like this one

I would love to have you join us as a subscriber and as a part of this awesome

Community of really great people, so let's get started with my tips on how to deal with

Negativity and how to be more positive first and foremost you need to understand that negativity is

Natural after a recommendation by Marie Forleo and one of her latest videos on youtube

I started listening to a book called Hardwiring Happiness. This book talks a lot about the negativity bias

This is something that we've been hardwired to do I guess when we were cave people

It was beneficial to us to really focus on the negative in order to survive

Let's say we hear a noise in a bush

it was beneficial to us back in the day to really consider that noise and

Think about what it could possibly be if it's a giant animal looking to murder us

We should run. Nowadays, that's not really something that we need to

Think about very often for instance with me if I put out a YouTube video

And you get like 20 thumbs up

But one thumbs down. Why should I focus on that one thumbs down?

Why should I focus all of my attention and let that negativity seep into myself?

From one person who thumbs down the video after seeing so many other people who gave it a thumbs up

People who watched it people who commented below giving me positive feedback like wow that's great

You don't need to focus on the negatives like that

That is not beneficial to you, which is why negativity bias, not doesn't really serve us anymore in this today's

modern day society so understanding, that's

because of negativity bias and because of how we were hardwired to

survive at the beginning of our species

This is why we focus so much more attention on negative than we do on positive things and understanding kind of drawing our attention

To the fact that it is natural, and it just comes to you

Naturally is going to help you to overcome it now

You might not be able to overcome it 100% because it's really hard while you're deep in there

It's gonna be tough, but it does help to know it does help to draw your awareness to the fact that

You can't really help it sometimes. It just happens, and that's okay

The next thing I'm going to talk about is letting yourself feel the negativity another for instance

Something happened the other day. That was a very negative experience for me. I'm not going to get into the details

I don't want to get too personal on here

It created a lot of negative feelings in me

And I think what helps me to overcome it and come out on the other side of feeling positive

was that I just let it sit it didn't force myself to snap out of it or

Magically just start thinking positively because that's not

Healthy feel whatever it is that you're feeling if it's a terrible situation

You definitely need to feel it

And you need to just let that simmer for a while you need to let it run its course or else it will build up

And come out in ways

That are going to be even worse for you your body needs to feel negative sometimes it needs to feel emotions

You shouldn't be afraid to feel your emotions

And you shouldn't be afraid to let it out

Cry if you need to feel whatever it is that you need to feel in that moment?

Which brings me to my next tip while you're feeling these feelings

That your body needs to process eat a where that it's going to pass have that

Conscious thought come into your mind that tells you this is not going to feel this way forever

You're not going to always have to deal with

these particular

Feelings of negativity pay attention to the thoughts that come into your mind while you're feeling this way just being more aware more

Mindful of your thoughts is going to help you eventually move on

Once you go through that you move past the real

negative feelings that you need to process go on with your day and start noticing the

Positives you can notice a positive in every single situation you're late for work because of a train

Malfunction you're feeling negative about it because you feel like you're going to disappoint your boss

Or you had an important meeting that you need to get to you're just feeling down because you are late

And that is a negative situation you can notice a positive during this as well you like the way your hair came out that day

You like your outfit that day. You enjoy your coffee that you're sipping on whatever it is

I totally understand that it is a lot easier to harp on the negative, but this step is something

That's really going to help you it doesn't have to be focusing on the positive of negative

Situations because as I said before it's totally fine to feel

The negativity that comes up in your body feel the negative emotions

You can notice the positive in positive situations you can notice the positive in situations that are neither negative or positive

Just picking out little things every once in a while that are positive is going to help you pick out things

Even in negative situations that are positive as well

And once you notice these positive things let them sit with you for about 10 to 20 seconds letting that positivity

letting the feelings of

Positivity that this one positive thing is bringing up in your body letting it sit with you for you

Don't even have to let it sit with you for that long just 10 to 20 seconds and then let it go

my next tip for dealing with negativity is

Journaling and positive statements, I am so grateful that I have a dog. I am so grateful that I

am healthy and in shape just

Even positive things that are happening in your life and positive things that you would like to achieve

Writing them down in the present tense even just sentence by sentence

They don't have to be in paragraph form if that works out better for you if that

Helps you process things a little bit better in list form that is totally me as well if you'd rather just

stream-of-consciousness write in

Paragraphs without even breaking for paragraphs, just let it go in a stream of consciousness find

What works for you, and then go ahead and do it test things out

I like doing things like this before I go to sleep it. Helps me to go to sleep in a more positive mindset

Yeah, journaling and positive statements is a great thing to do and my last tips

I'm going to share with you is gratitude

You can journal this as well so journaling all the things that you're grateful for you can do this every day

I'm not good with keeping up with it. I always am too busy, and I forget but every once in a while

I'll pick up my journal and I'll write three to five things that I am grateful for and it really does help you to

Feel better it helps you to have a more positive mindset and to shift away from that negativity bias

It's hard to be negative when you're focusing on things that you're grateful for things that make you happy

people in your life that you're grateful for even just

Meditating on it sitting quietly and thinking about things that you're grateful for it will help to cultivate positive

Feelings in your body in your mind, and it will help you shift from that negativity bias

So I hope you enjoyed this video

I hope you found it helpful so all of these tips combined is

Really the key it has really helped me to just be an overall more positive person

Yes, I'm human. Yes. I am going to be negative sometimes because as I said before it's natural, but overall

Because of these things because I'm aware of these things I definitely think that I am able to overcome negative

Situations definitely at a faster pace. It just be an overall more positive person. Thank you so much for watching

I hope you enjoyed this video if you liked it give it a thumbs up

Leave any questions or comments you have in the comment section below this video

I'd love to know some ways that maybe I didn't mention that you like to deal with

Negativity in your own life definitely share them down below in the comments

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All of the links are listed in the description box below this video. Thank you so much. See you next time!

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