Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 8 2017

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The face of the Chuck E Cheese's restaurants is Chuck E Cheese himself who's full name

is actually Charles Entertainment Cheese's.

He's been around since the company was founded in 1977 and you could probably consider him

in some ways an American entertainment icon.

When you visit Chuck E Cheese's you're bound to see Chuck waking around, interacting

with everyone in the restaurant.

Now next to the animatronics, meeting chuck e cheese has become one of the staples of

visiting the restaurants.

Now the Chuck E Cheese restaurants themselves have a long history and with the natural evolution

of time, the Chuck E Cheese character has gone through some changes.

Specifically in this video we'll be looking at the character's changes through the mascot

walk around character as well as the looks used for marketing purposes.

So today we're gonna be talking about the Evolution of the Chuck E Cheese Character!

The Development Stages So we'll start right at the beginning in

about 1974.

During the development of the restaurant, its founder, Nolan Bushnell, also co-founder

of Atari, was at the IAAPA Expo, which is the the international association of amusement

parks and attractions expo.

There he saw what he thought was a generic coyote costume.

He ordered it and began designing the restaurant around this costume calling it Coyote Pizza.

Well Bushnell received the mascot character and then realized it had a pink tail and was

in fact a rat.

You can see how the original rat costume Bushnell received had a lot of fur and did in fact

look like a coyote.

So after this discovery, the restaurant was then gonna be called Rick Rat's Pizza featuring

Ricky Rat; which you could say was a nod from Bushnell to Disney's Mickey Mouse.

Ricky Rat, Mickey Mouse- both names have the same flow don't you think?.

While the costume was in Bushnell's possession during the development stages of the restaurant,

Rick Rat became the unofficial mascot of Atari in the mid 70s.

Well in the end the Ricky Rat name didn't end up actually panning out because it was

deemed to not be kid friendly, but we all know what name they ended up going with, and

here Bushnell describes why they chose the Chuck E Cheese name

Because we wanted the smile.

Chuck E. Chuck E Cheese.

We wanted the smile.

We wanted this name so that you couldn't say it wouldn't smiling.

And its true.

Right now try saying Chuck E Cheese without smiling….

see?, when you say cheese it forces a smile.

Which is also why we say cheese when we take pictures!


The 1980's When the Chuck E Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre

restaurant first opened, Harold Goldbrandsen is the man responsible for making and designing

the Chuck E Cheese mascot.

It was based on the original costume Bushnell purchased from the IAAPA Epxo and still had

that long snout and those really large teeth.

It looked like a rat, which you could say wasn't the most inviting look.

So to soften up the Rat's appearance they gave him a red derby hat, a yellow undershirt,

a paisley vest, and to top it all off, a bow tie.

This look was used from the opening of the first Pizza Time Theatre location in 1977

until around 1980.

Now in the early 80s, the company began to grow and Pizza Time Theatre was having trouble

maintaining the consistency of Chuck's costume design due to material availability.

So in May of 1981 Chuck was given a new yellow and red diamond vest which was silkscreen

printed to ensure every vest would be the exact same.

Now this commercial also features the articulated Chuck E Cheese walk around character that

was able to blink his eyes and move his mouth.

Hang in there Howie.

Through our research it appears that the articulated chuck e cheese character was only used for

promotional commercials through the 1980s and didn't regularly appear in the restaurants.

Now sometime in the early 80s, the Chuck walk around character in the restaurant seemed

to have received new face features including red rosy checks and a red lower lip.

Through the 80's this seemed to have become the standard face look seen in the restaurants.

But I gotta say it looks a little cheap compared to the old design

Sometime between 1983-1984 Chuck was given a plain red vest which can be seen here in

this commercial from 1984.

Now comparing the articulated character to the normal mascot in the restaurants, Chuck's

commercial snout had much softer features and was less narrow than the character in

the resultants.

This probably had something to do with the mechanism needed to make the mouth move.

It seems that commercial chuck is also the only time he appears with whiskers…but here

at the restaurant in 1986 you can see just how long and pointy Chuck's snout really


The mid 80s is also the time when Pizza Time Theatre went bankrupt and was purchased by

Showbiz Pizza Place.

Although they remained independent restaurants for the first few years there was some crossover

between Chuck E Cheese characters and the ShowBiz Pizza Place Characters.

During this time Chuck continued to sport the red vest and derby hat into the early

90's when the company started the merge and brand all restaurants as Chuck E Cheese's.

Where a kid can be a kid!

The 1990's Around 1990, Chuck ditched the red vest and

debuted his Tuxedo look that included gold lapels and a red bow tie.

They still kept the red derby hat which now matched the red bow tie to go along with Chuck

new classy look.

Now it seems like this maybe could have been done as a response to better resemble Mickey


He also wears a tuxedo and bow tie and has the same color palette of red, yellow (or

gold) and black used for Tuxedo Chuck.

This may have just been a coincidence or maybe it wasn't.

Tuxedo Chuck was only used for a couple years and throughout this time, the company realized

that the character needed to be more hip.

They placed him in a yellow shirt but still kept the red derby hat which came across as

a really odd merge of two looks.

It's also safe to say that in the 90's, chuck's face received a redesign and upgrade

giving the character much softer features which you can see especially in his checks.

He was given a wider check structure and smile, a softer- less pointy snout with elongated

eyes and smaller ears.

This new look actually better resembled the articulated animatronic character seen in

the commercials from the 80's.

Between 1994 to 1995 Chuck E Cheese got a complete overhaul and "Cool Chuck" was

the next version to appear in the 90's.

The most notable differences of Cool Chuck was the company's decision to ditch the

red derby hat in exchange for a baseball cap, and the loss of the character's tail.

There were various colours of hats and styles of shirts used but Cool Chuck, who was now

seen on the company's logo, hung around for advertising purposes from 1994 until 1997.

The Avenger Era Probably one of the most iconic changes made

to Chuck E Cheese was the look that was referred to as "Avenger Chuck."

Now, this look debuted in 1997 and the physicality of the character was the same as cool chuck,

but this is where he received the purple and green Hat, purple shirt with the yellow C,

and the green shorts.

You can tell that the company was really trying to make him appear a lot cooler and relatable

to the kids of the 90s with the inclusion of the backwards snapback and the skater gloves.

This look appeared in all the advertising beginning in 1997 but this time it was in

the form of animation.

It also appears that from the late 90's and on, the mascot characters were phased

out of the commercials with animation being the medium of choice for the character.

Avenger Chuck was solely used for marketing purposes while Cool Chuck was still seen as

the walk around character in the restaurants from the mid 90s until around 2001.

Cool Chuck also remained in the company's logo until 2004 when Avenger Chuck with the

thumbs up took over.

Avenger Chuck began making his appearances in the restaurant around 2001 and by 2004

this new look was completely rolled out in all the restaurants as walk around characters.

Now although the company stopped using mascot characters in the commercials, there was one

ad from m around 2008 that included the avenger walk around chuck e cheese.

It also appears that in the mid to late 2000's the company also tried implementing a toothless


Not too sure how many were produced or the magnitude of this change, but it sure seems

like its was helping the company decide the direction they wanted to take the character

in next.

Present Day Rock Beginning in 2012 CEC entertainment debuted

the current look of Chuck E Cheese as a response to the company's ongoing dip in sales.

This more contemporary rockstar look was probably the most drastic change in Chuck's appearance


He pretty much looks like a completely different character.

He received much larger ears, his eyes are now green and are spread out much further

across his head, his nose is larger, the cheeks are much wider and his teeth became smaller.

He was also given a slimmer body frame along with jeans, a similar shirt to what avenger

Chuck wore and he lost his hat.

Honestly the face proportions resembles a lot of the proportions of Mickey Mouse which

I'm sure had some impact on this design.

With the implemented new design being such a drastic change, there was a mixed response.

Some restaurants even refused to use the updated rockstar walk around character saying their

avenger walk around characters are still in good shape able to be used.

Another notable change in Chuck E Cheese's appearance is his scale.

In the commercials from the 90's, the animated Chuck was the same height as the kids, but

with the introduction of Rocker Chuck, his scale was brought down to the size of an actual


Over the course of 40 years its pretty fascinating to see the character's evolution going from

a pointy nose rat to this friendlier Mickey mouse type version.

So what's your favourite version of Chuck over the years and how do you feel about the

complete redesign he received in 2012.

Do you think he looks a lot more like Mickey Mouse?

Leave a comment down below and start a conversation.

Thanks so much for watching!

Click the TPM icon on the screen to subscribe to this channel, and check out some of these

other videos which we're sure you'll like!

For more infomation >> Evolution of Chuck E Cheese! | Chuck E Cheese Character History - Duration: 10:44.


9 Proven Life Hacks to STOP Procrastination! - Duration: 7:33.

go to do those leg exercises I wonder how many hours total I've slept in this

bed yeah oh hey didn't see you there sorry I was just procrastinating on

starting to film this video and you're probably procrastinating while watching

this video yeah the amount that I procrastinate is a skill like if they

had the Olympic Games for procrastination I would win the gold

medal eight years in a row you guys okay I actually pulled a muscle in boxing

today I'm not gonna wave now I'm gonna do my normal signature wave whatsoever

you guys is adria to welcome back to my channel that was weird without the wave

it's okay in today's video I'm gonna be talking about nine life hacks that are

proven to beat procrastination so they will help you be more productive and

they will help you to not procrastinate so much because we all do it and it

sucks if you are someone like me who procrastinate all the time and literally

I mean all the time like I had to get tested for a TD because I actually

couldn't meet deadlines type of all the time if you are like that or even if

you're just procrastinate a little bit listen up and listen to this entire

video I promise if you do these things you will eat procrastination are you

ready but first subscribe if you haven't

already by clicking that button down below

today's notification shoutout goes to Bob Rhea so random thank you for

subscribing and clicking that bell if you guys want a shout out in my next

video subscribe and click the bells that

you're notified every single time I upload and if you didn't know I have a

blog channel where I do fun weird crazy things behind the scenes if you guys

want to check that out and subscribe the link is also down below and without

anything else to say let's be peroxidation

to beat it we got to know it here's what I know about procrastination number one

it is starting a task that is the most dreadful part sometimes the task isn't

even that daunting number two half of the negativity that comes with

procrastination is the anxiety and stress of not meeting a deadline or

worrying about not meeting Deadline number three you may honestly

believe that you work better under pressure which is why you wait till the

very last minute to start and finish something and number four

afterwards you usually regret having procrastinated because you realized it

wasn't even so bad and you know you could have done even better with just a

little more time by fact number one you have to quit justifying it you're

telling yourself it's okay to put it off till the last minute and you're making a

bunch of excuses and the only way to actually eat procrastination is to stop

making excuses quit making excuses like no it's fine I work so much better under

pressure or I'm not gonna finish on time anyway so like why start now you know No

cut the crap if you really want to stop procrastinating life hack number two

know yourself and set your own false deadline say something's due on the 10th

you should write in your planner that it's actually due on the 5th has a

foolproof way that you can know it'll be done on time if someone asks you to set

your own deadline you should just add two days of cushion time and try to get

it in early that way you are under promising and over-delivering what does

that mean let's say you owe your teacher makeup assignment and she asks you when

can I expect this from you first figure out how long the task is gonna take when

you realistically have time to complete the task and then add cushion time I'll

have it in a week from today they thaw here's my assignment well when

two days early way to under promise and over deliver lifehack know my fact

number three break down complex tasks into smaller ones and write them down in

your planner also work backwards I use this strategy when it comes to a lot of

things in life like getting ready in the morning or preparing for a bigger

project that maybe takes the whole entire semester okay so if I have to be

there at 9:00 am I have to leave at 8:30 a.m. but then let's just say 15 because

we don't know I won't be out the door when I say I'm gonna be out the door so

that I need to eat breakfast at 8:00 a.m. do my hair at 7:20 because it

always takes longer than I anticipate what's be real makeup at 7 which means

wake up at 6:45 which also means set alarms every five minutes starting at 6

a.m. because I literally can never wake up and we have ourselves a plan my fuck

number four this goes back to hack number three tasks that require harder

work tend to be the ones that get postponed by the truth of the matter is

that you have to do the work there's no way around it breaking that larger task

into smaller tasks that take specifically five to ten minutes each

will definitely help you be procrastination say you have assignment

due two weeks from now but you only really need like a week to complete it

promise yourself that for a week straight you will work once in the

morning and once at night for ten minutes ten minutes is such a short

amount of time for when combined together that's twenty minutes a day for

a week which is like two and a half hours and to think I can't master you

you get ahead on a project without even realizing it number five if you're doing

a task that requires a computer or a phone or maybe you're not but those are

still the two biggest things that distract you there are actually a lot of

websites and apps out there that can literally block you out of all of those

distracting websites my favorite personally is keep me on comm you can

set what sites you want to block yourself from and the duration of time

you want to be blocked from it and literally you will not be allowed to go

to those websites please don't put YouTube on that list there are also apps

out there that literally make you donate money to a certain charity every time

you let go to the said web site that's pretty savage but it does the trick I

would be so poor if I had that oh my god hack number six is the 10-second

countdown this technique is to help you start a task you're gonna hear this one

and think I'm crazy but please please trust me please I'm Holden Weis like I

said before sometimes a task itself isn't actually that daunting but it's

starting the task taking out your books opening a word document blah blah blah

blah blah that actually just feels like it sucks but then once you do it once

you start you actually pick up all this momentum and it's really not so bad my

friend Maddy actually showed me this technique and it actually works so well

so say you're sitting there and you're waiting and you know that you need to do

a task and you just refuse to do it but you know you need to do it first I close

my mind to all negative thoughts about the task how much I don't want to do it

how much it sucks how long it's gonna take

close my mind to all of that once I've accepted that I literally have to do it

i outloud count backwards from ten and one I physically get up and I just do it

without thinking without letting your brain go anywhere you literally just do

it just do it your brain is a muscle and little exercises like that help train

your brain to have an easier time starting tasks hack number seven is to

handwrite a to-do list handwriting is proven to increase cognitive thinking

and I always find that once I've written down the tasks I have to complete I'm at

least not stressed out because I'm not thinking about them because I know

they're written down I also love the act of physically crossing things off a

to-do list it makes me feel so much more accomplished and i weirdly look forward

to crossing things off life at number eight reward yourself

step one tell yourself you get to watch an episode of your favorite show on

netflix after you work for an hour step two then get back to work repeat and

life hack number nine is to work in productive environments switch up your

work atmosphere for a fresh start and some motivation changing scenery and

working somewhere that promotes productivity like a library or just

somewhere quiet helps so much drive somewhere a little ways away so that

you're forced to get worked on when you're there because or else you'd feel

like absolute crap for driving so far and wasting even more time not being

productive are you guys those are my life hacks for how to be procrastination

how to be more productive seriously if you guys follow these you are guaranteed

to be procrastination at least a lot more than you have now so I hope you

guys try these out let me know you like this video by giving it a thumbs up and

subscribe to my channel if you haven't already I'm so excited for this month

it's of my birthday month and it's Halloween and I'm so fine so stay tuned

for more fun videos I love you guys so much I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> 9 Proven Life Hacks to STOP Procrastination! - Duration: 7:33.


LEGO NERF GUN!! - Duration: 15:16.

yeah these nerf guns Oh are so cool but there's nothing cooler than a homemade

nerf guns you know what let's grab some Legos and let's make some Lego Nerf Guns.

hey Carter, you got the Legos oh yeah oh let's make nerf guns out of nothing but

Legos wait nothing but Legos? oh I was thinking we were gonna take some nerf

guns and cover them as in Legos it's not know what we're doing oh no no we're not

just gonna mod nerf guns we're gonna make a nerf gun out of Legos it's gonna

be awesome. all right Carter, you got to show me the

first step because I don't even know how where to start this is crazy!

what is up Wharer's welcome to the vlog welcome to another beautiful day and we

got little otter he's super excited for Halloween and he's got a Halloween

costume on he's a little blue monster isn't that so cute let's up steam check

out what we got in the mail oh that's a huge box what's in there electric

skateboard like trick skateboard I've never had one of those before

oh we're gonna need some scissors to open this box we wouldn't ride the

little hoverboard to see if there's some scissors in here perfect got some

scissors oh yeah got the scissors let's open this up bleeding that's gonna look

like you think it's gonna be charged oh I have no idea this is so cool I opened

it backwards it's upside down but check this out

oh whoa look at those wheels the red those are like the monster truck wheels

so cool what is in this box oh my goodness it's got a remote control

oh that thing is awesome yeah this is sick what is it called whoa

whoa go Wow go whoa Wow Wow Wow go it simply well go oh my goodness this is

so cool turn it on how do we turn it on flip it upside down

gotta be a switch on it somewhere huh will it be charged oh hey it's got some

battery life that's charged the question is is this charged yeah you gotta you

know turn this on - I don't think this has any charge in it I don't know why

it's not working cord we got to find instruction yeah I wonder what this does

whoa whoa I want to try that again so fast it got like oh like skid marks

that's crazy whoa okay sheriff's check this out I got

the board right there this is the remote and when I push up on this trigger it

starts to go how fast a good it's way too fast whoa Carter oh it's

coming there it goes whoa okay now do you want to try riding it I'm scared to

ride this thing this thing looks like it's so fast yeah I think I whipped up

the driveway here you're gonna need this better controls okay ready then go slow

on that throttle yeah whoa this is crazy whoa whoa it's definitely a whoa go

because you say what would you write it whoa careful oh my gosh try this thing

it's crazy okay I can't wait this thing looks like so much fun

sure is this thing is fast I was barely pressing it Carter you barely press it

and you go flying I'm kind of scared whoa I told you oh my god it's crazy

go go go careful ready and go for it whoa it is crazy fast I think that's so

much power cars starting to get the hang of this thing

whoa Carter you're flying whoa whoa oh my goodness that thing is crazy it's

working oh yeah off-road test whoa okay let's go to the basement sure

is we got a really really awesome idea with nerf guns and Legos you got to

check out let's go oh and shares remember that vlog when we saw snake in

the pond well apparently this snake is back it's normally been hanging out on

this corner right there in the pond it's not there right now but it's somewhere

in the water and apparently it can stay underwater for up to 90 minutes so

shares come right now oh oh why is the water moving oh do you see the water

moving right there why is the water moving the snakes got to be somewhere

call right now if you see that snake we've got to get that snake out of the

pond oh yeah here's all the nerf guns check

these out look how big this one is the mega twin shocked it is so big

and then we have this one the Volk insurance we have so many nerf guns

right now and this isn't even half of them this is just like some random big

ones that we have collected they're so awesome like check these things out

yeah these nerf guns Oh are so cool but there's nothing cooler than a homemade

nerf guns you know what let's grab some Legos and let's make some Lego nerf guns

hey Carter you got the Legos oh yeah oh let's make nerf guns out of nothing but

Legos wait nothing but like oh I was thinking we were gonna take some nerf

guns and cover them in Legos is that know what we're doing oh no no we're not

just gonna mod nerf guns we're gonna make a nerf gun out of Legos it's gonna

be awesome alright Carter you gotta show me the

first step because I don't even know how we're to start this is crazy now the

first step to make a Lego nerf gun is to make a Lego Nerf dart and for that

you're only gonna need a few pieces you're gonna need to square orange

pieces like this and seven square blue ones like that put the two orange ones

together and stack all seven blue ones behind it like this boom there you go

you got a Lego Nerf dart check this thing out see what do you think whoa

it's pretty indestructible - I feel like cuz like those are pretty strong so you

could like throw it oh yeah it doesn't even break yeah not bad and it also

kinda looks like a Minecraft Lego nerfed art oh yeah squares

oh yeah shot if you love Minecraft now that we have a lego nerfed art we just

need a Lego nerf gun to fire it so the first step to making a Lego nerf gun

just like a regular nerf gun you're gonna need a barrel that's right Steve

let's sword the barrels to grab a bunch of these 2 by 6 pieces and let's get to

work so grab for these 2 by 6 pieces and put them in a circle like this the

important part is it needs to have a hole big enough in the middle so your

Lego Nerf dart will fit just like that so once you have this arrangement grab a

few more and stick one on top like this and another one on here like that and

another one here like that and another one on here like that so now it's solid

and we're going to keep doing this around and around and make this bigger

and bigger and taller and taller

boom we got the barrel done and it's nine layers high the same height as the

Nerf dart for this next step we're going to need a few special pieces so check

this out you're going to need two of these four pieces long two of these two

by threes and two of these two by fours all of these pieces are the ones that

are really thin grab these two 1 by fours and stick them right here and

right here then grab your two by threes and stick

one right here and one on this side like this finally grab these two longer

pieces and stick it here and here just like that now that we have this flat

layer put on with these two pieces sticking out let's add one more layer on

top like this and it takes four pieces and we'll go around the top and a square

boom now that we have that you're going to need two one pieces like this stick

that on either end right there and now we're going to need four inch pieces and

we're going to stick an orange piece on like this and an orange piece on like

this and then we're gonna add orange pieces all around the top like this for

one last final layer boom the barrel is complete and it even has an orange nerf

tip oh yeah certainly look like a real nerf gun yeah this is gonna be so cool I

think it might actually work and check it out the nerf dark fits perfectly

inside look at that whew but sure that's not how it's gonna shoot a Nerf dart

check this out and finish up the nerf gun we're going to need to make a handle

for this nerf Lego barrel so let's get to work the first step you're going to

need are two of these pieces put the two pieces here just like this take a yellow

piece and stack it on top making sure to leave a little gap in between next step

is we're going to take a little blue piece and stick it right in the center

just like that then you're going to need two long orange pieces stick one here

like this the other one here like this then flip the piece over and insert two

orange pieces like this and like this it should now look just like that now we're

gonna take two long blue pieces and stick them halfway down one on this side

and one on this side flip the contraption over and we're gonna stick

one blue piece on like this then flip it back over and stick one long blue piece

on just like that oh yeah then the last step is to add

some orange pieces one like this another one like this one here and final piece

on top just like that we now have the Lego handle we just got to attach it to

the barrel so it's gonna go just like this and you want to make sure you leave

a gap right in the middle like that and voila check it out we're one step closer

to share is look how awesome this Laura that's how it looks so cool it actually

looks like a nerf gun like a Lego nerf gun how cool is that

we now just need four more LEGO pieces to complete the Lego nerf gun so let's

take one long yellow piece just like this stick a long blue piece underneath

just like that take a smaller blue piece stick it on the end here and take an

even smaller blue piece and stick it right there so you have a nice little

gap right in the middle then we're gonna take the Lego nerf gun and stick the

final part of the handle on and shares it is done oh yeah check it out

a Lego nerf gun whoa Steve don't point that at me it thing's dangerous whoa we

put the Lego Nerf dart in we're gonna give it a test fire does it fit it does

fit will it fire is the question Carter what's the next step to make it actually

fire to make this nerf gun actually fire we are going to need a rubber band and

we're gonna install it just like this top off this orange piece here and this

one over here now we can use our rubber band

hook it around and in there just like that we are then going to bring the

rubber band around through this gap through this gap and through this hole

in here push it through and pull it out the other side and hook it back up

around this one now that the rubber band is on

reattach the orange pieces to secure it in place

boom there we go it is done this is the Lego nerf gun and it should be able to

shoot a Lego Nerf dart oh yeah sure is you know what that means time to test

fire will it work sure it's come right now hashtag Lego if you think the Lego

nerf there will actually shoot out of here Cordy think it's gonna work I think

it might work I don't know but we gotta give it a try to see if it will has ever

even been done before I don't know I've never seen a Lego nerf gun ever so this

might be the first comment have you seen these shares I don't think this has ever

been done this is the world's first Lego nerf gun yeah let's see if it works

let's grab the Nerf darts load it up one Lego nerf they're coming at you

Carter okay here we go this is how we do it so you stick it in the gun like this

drop it all the way down grab the handle and reach in the back grab the Nerf dart

and pull it back to load it and when you want to shoot you let go oh yes Jared

success and the nerf dress actually super strong it didn't even break let's

try that again let's do it like a range test to see if I can hit something

oh court I got it try to hit this wobble bubble it'll bounce off off with the

wubble bubble right by these nerf guns okay stay there wobble bubble don't move

okay Carter you ready ready here we go in 3 2 1 go that was so cool as we play

that in slow-mo oh that was so cool it bounced back so quickly Clara what else

should we test it against oh I got an idea I'm gonna build a Lego nerf Tower

and then they can hit it and just smash it over we got the Lego nerf gun with

the Lego nerf dark versus the Lego tower let's see what will win what do you

think if you think the Lego nerf gun is gonna win comment hashtag nerf if you

think the Lego nerf Tower is gonna win clément hashtag tower there is no way

this tower is going to provide ooh I almost knocked over yeah there's no way

this tower is gonna survive that Lego nerf gun it's gonna knock it down and

destroy it yeah I'm definitely thinking the hashtag nerf for this one only one

way to find out for sure though Carter let's do it okay I'm locked and loaded

let's do it here we go firing in three two what let's check

that out in slow-mo

Wow these Lego nerf guns are awesome I love this thing common hashtag Lego if

you think you're gonna make one of these oh yes shares and you know it's even

cooler than just one Lego nerf gun what Steve what's cooler than this - like a

nerf gun no way - nerf guns whoa Carter's is like orange and blue mostly

mine's like multi color check this out that's really cool oh yeah and check

this out this is a regular colored nerf start with the blue in the orange and I

made you a special one green and orange look at that that's so cool yeah try

firing this let's do it oh yeah we got the Lego tower set up again

Stephens got his nerf gun and he's got his green and orange nerf now we're

gonna try this time loaded ready to fire in three two one oh you hit the tower

but it didn't collapse Oh quick we gotta do a reset and try that again a reset

reset Steven you didn't even hit the tower down and when I was set up like oh

of course we're gonna hit it but it's actually not that easy to do so let's

try it again it's all about the fast flick you pull it back and you let it go

really quick that's like here we go in three two one here we go that's how you

do it oh yeah sure is that's how you build and fire a Lego nerf gun oh yeah

these Lego nerf guns are super awesome and they actually fire a Lego nerf card

it's so epic major shout out and huge thumbs up on this video for car thinking

of this crazy awesome idea yeah sure is I can't believe my crazy idea work

that's so awesome these are the regular size Lego nerf turrets I even made

little teeny tiny Lego turbocharged check it out they're so small oh my gosh

we've gotta test this in the next vlog yeah you gotta smash that like button

and we should make a little teeny tiny Lego nerf gun oh yeah world's smallest

Lego nerf and it will shoot these little tiny Nerf darts don't gonna smash that

like button for these Lego nerf guns and Carter's awesome idea yeah and special

like button for Stephen's last awesome shot and until next time you know what

to do stay awesome and share the love peace!

For more infomation >> LEGO NERF GUN!! - Duration: 15:16.


The Gifted (FOX) "Critics" Promo HD - Marvel X-Men universe TV series - Duration: 0:31.

There was a moment you discovered something beautiful.

We want to fight for this!

Tap into something positive.

That was cool.

More like very cool.



Now it's our turn.

The Gifted all new Monday on FOX.

For more infomation >> The Gifted (FOX) "Critics" Promo HD - Marvel X-Men universe TV series - Duration: 0:31.


English for Spanish Speakers 50 - 'work hardly' or 'work hard' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:57.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to 'One English Tip in One Minute for Spanish

Speakers' where each week I discuss, in detail, one common English mistake made

by those who speak Spanish as a mother tongue, and this is video number

it's the 50th video.

Okay, for the 50th -- and not the final time (I don't know maybe

next week I don't feel the same way...I don't know how this goes), but I totally

appreciate the fact that you are working to improve your English. It's a really

cool, smart and practical thing to do, and I hope these videos are helping you on

this journey. Yeah, in these videos I show you a slide, and on the slide there

are two sentences: One is the correct way that someone who speaks English as a

mother tongue would say it, the other is the wrong way that someone who speaks

Spanish as a mother tongue might say it. You have to decide which one is

correct. Please do that now. Read the sentences, listen to me read the

sentences, pause the video, think about your answer and I will discuss the

answer in the slide that follows this slide.

If you nailed this, and you did so with confidence, then good for you...but if

you got it wrong, or you took a wild guess and just happened to get it right, it

simply means that you need to start studying to get past this mistake. To

start you off on that path -- and, again, I know it's a very simple beginning -- I've

given you three sentences to study from. Memorize these sentences in their

entirety -- review them, review them,review them -- put into practice what you've

learned through speaking or writing or both, and use resources outside of this

video if you have to (including my own) and just keep the process going until

you've mastered it.

Okay, just a few final things. First, if you liked the video, I hope you will click

on the thumbs up below. Second, I hope you will consider subscribing to my channel

as these videos come out every week like clockwork. Third, I have a course -- an

online course -- called '50 Common English Mistakes', and if you follow the link in

the description box below you will get half off the it will cost the

equivalent of 10 euros. Next, I have a website that I'm continuously developing

so I hope you will pay that a visit. I also have a Twitter feed which is

@epicenglishtips so I hope you will follow me on Twitter. Finally if

there's anything that you want me to discuss -- any problems or questions that

you have -- please write them in the comments below and I will do my best to

address them. OK, that's it. Thanks for watching. See you next time.

For more infomation >> English for Spanish Speakers 50 - 'work hardly' or 'work hard' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:57.


Despacito Mashup of 23 Songs - Conor Maynard & Pixie Lott | Portuguese Subtitle - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Despacito Mashup of 23 Songs - Conor Maynard & Pixie Lott | Portuguese Subtitle - Duration: 4:14.


Putin oslavuje - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Putin oslavuje - Duration: 3:18.


Naši dobrovolnící - Kuba Zítka - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Naši dobrovolnící - Kuba Zítka - Duration: 4:13.


Japanese Food – Camera Japan Movie Festival 2017 – Movie Your Voice ( KIMIKOE ) Review - Duration: 4:39.

hello everyone

we are now in Rotterdam

at Lantarenvenster

and today here is the

Camers Japan movie festival

lets take a look

you picked this one

I have Dango

it is a mochi

with a sweet salty sauce

with soy and sugar

it is very good

what is it?

it is a matcha cookie

it looks cute

it is not a salty cookie?

no salt cracker?

no it is just a sweet cookie


Shiitake tree trunk

what is that?

dough with..


oh good

I think it is good

fish fish

can you open it?

yes, woooah there is a lot inside

it is already the end of our day

we will go back home to Danny

he needs to go to bed on time

and it is still an 2 hours travel

we have a lot of fun

tried good food

and drinks

and saw the movie Your voice

I found it a good movie

it had a good message

it was a bit about a girl who found it not nice

when her friend talked bad about another friend

and also about

that you should tell your wishes

and that they might come true

well it is a movie that when you get can go and see it

that you should see it

become a subscriber on my channel

if you aren't yet

do the thumb up

leave a comment down below

then I se you next time again


For more infomation >> Japanese Food – Camera Japan Movie Festival 2017 – Movie Your Voice ( KIMIKOE ) Review - Duration: 4:39.


Allah Merhametli mi ? - Duration: 0:55.

Who merciful than Allah ta'ala be on

Everyone's mercy is limited

The mercy of God is eternal

Almighty God created the face (100) of one of the beasts of mercy na

Therefore, compassion mother would like their offspring to adopt animals and all together they created mercy

When the time Furka Allah Almighty: '' God's mercy is infinite mercy, '' he has commanded

The Prophet peace be upon him he said:

'' God of mercy and compassion, which teala believers, mercy is greater than a mother's compassion for children, '' he has commanded

For more infomation >> Allah Merhametli mi ? - Duration: 0:55.


Vlog# Upgrading - Training 2 (French language - EN.Sub) - Duration: 15:10.

Hi everyone ! Welcome to my 3rd training session !

So, today

I am accompanied by

Lucas Here, who doing a nice wave to us

all good all fresh

from Sunday morning... It's 9.41 am.

He was an old pupil and additionally

It's my best friend. That's it.

On that...

#UPGRADING 3rd TRAINING 2017.10.8th

So, today I think doing what it was planed

on the previous video Which I invite you

to look...

Jumps and Spins. With, for jumps...

A quick check of the Double rotation jumps

But going back on difficult sequences

And Jump combinations Because it's been 1 year

at least I didn't work any

jump combinations

I think the last time I worked on it was during the

Orcières summer camp With my bosses.

Now, I will go on a Double Salchow with...

... I will find a sequence. I don't know yet... I will improvise !

The difficult sequences, I will Improvise.

Jeez... I said I would stop to bake...

Wow. I don't know where this one came from...

I don't even know what I did before... But... I did it !

Great. Anaïs, I love you... Seriously...

This sequence is deadly

I will do it again.

That's it. See. It's not that hard...

Now, I will go on the Double Lutz

I won't do any difficult sequence

because I already have a small sequence before

And even I like this jump

It was hard for me to success it

to make it more reliable. So, yeah.

Generally, If we start to touch it around,

It will mess it up.

Always I fly I fly I fly

And I am doing a heart to you

Because you are my best man

So, I want to mention the hard work

of Mr. Lucas Here.

Because it's him who's holding the video camera

- Each time I jump (Jeremy) - and who record badly (Lucas)

Yeah. But we don't care in the first place.

This is a phone quality So I'm not looking forward

to a very professional quality.

But I seriously want to thank you because... That's it.

And so Marie

who couldn't come here today because she's ill

And Lora-Line, before.


they are the ones who hold the video camera each time I jump

and they didn't really ask for it

when I said to them "Come. It will be cool to see each other again"

It's not really to say to them "Hold on. Record me"

Here we are. Now I am on the Double Axel

I certainly will come back on the jump combinations after

because the Double Axel requires some physical efforts to me

I just did one. Yeah.

I don't think it was recorded. Well, I think Lucas did it on his phone

So, things I said last week still works

One Double Axel done

Equals One Schokobon

I didn't receive the ones

from the last week since Marie

Can't be here but I probably will have it later

I will count next week the number Of Double Axel

I put on the video

I did some more But they are the only ones I put on

So they will be the only confirmed

And today, each Double Axel confirmed

by the video

Will permit me to eat one Schokobon

That's it ! This. This is one Schokobon.

It's done. It's confirmed. It's full rotated So it's one Schokobon.

Wait. Seriously. I think I will have to up the level

If it begins like that

Yeah. I will be bored quickly.

Solenne !

Now, it's sure I will beat you this winter

Poor Solenne...

Now, I will stop the Double Axel because

Causually On the date of today

Since 2 years

It's the most complicated jump I am able to do


It makes me a bit exhausted... So yeah

But we are on better results than the previous weeks

Overall, they are almost all

Yeah, we'll say 90 percent

full rotated

And I only fell on two of them

So yeah

but, about the Schokobon I will wait them

Like I said previously

The number of Double Axel

which are succeed on the video

will amount at the number of the Schokobon permitted

In add of the ones of the last week

Marie !

Now, I will go on

jump combinations


I would like a little thing

for this year Or maybe next year

It's to be able to go again on

triple rotation jumps

because, at one time I was able to

do often Even in competition situation

some Triple Salchow

And, sometimes I succeed on some

Triple Loop



Right now It's been

2 years I didn't try any triple rotation jump

on the ice

So, for that I will get back

into the swing With Double/Double rotation jump combinations

There's some little issues on jump combinations

at all

I think it's not bad for me To go back on it.

So I will stop it there for the jump combinations for the moment

We'll go back on it next week because

It's not very nice to look.

So, we'll try something

We'll do

Some slide sequences Some steps


You'll have my Ice Skating Shoe Point of View

Here we go. We are now going to

the Go Pro Experience

I will give my phone to Lucas

to make him able to record me at the same time

And, me, I will put the Go Pro ON on the ice

Yeah. That's it and you will be able to see

something magical

The Go Pro Experience

by Jeremy Hervier

"How a Ice skating shoe Ice skate" (both)

I don't know what to do but it's okay

So I will do a circular step sequence

With the Go Pro

and you'll see globally all what the foot does

on turns, on steps

And it will be cool I know it.

That's all. We'll stop it.

Is it here to ... ?

There's the little red thing It's recording !

Jeremy learn to use the Go Pro

Yeah HIS Go Pro because mine is easier to use

and was cheaper

yeah, yeah.

Right now I will start spins

as I said last week

It will be good for me because

Because sometimes my spin rotation is slower

I don't really have very good postures

And most... yeah

I tended to get dizzy because I'm not used anymore

So that's all. The training session is about to end

It's been 30 minutes I stop to skate

I spent the last 30 minutes talking with

Alban, who isn't here

but I do a wave like that

and I will tag you on Facebook

yeah. Oh but look ! He's there !

Here's Alban

- Here's Alban ! (Jeremy) - Hi ! Yes ! (Alban)

He's someone I supervised some years ago

- He's the one who leant to me to skate (Alban) - Yeah... sort of... (Jeremy)

He skates well. He's good to do the plane. Like this.

I find it exceptional.

He asked a lot of questions !

He was so annoying. and why ? and why ? and why ?

Worse than a kid...

I like you. I like you.

That's it. The session was better


Because I'm here (Lucas)

It's said...

Yeah. But seriously. Thankfully, he was here to record me.

Once again. I thank every one who recorded me

Marie Lora-Line Yeah

I am waiting for the Schokobons. I will put the Double Axel

On ehm On Insta...

On Instagram... On Youtube instead.

And. We'll count them

And next week I will receive the same number of Schokobon Than the one of my Double Axel successes.

On this session And the last one

Because Marie isn't here this week.

Yeah... Otherwise...

about jump combinations

I will have to go back seriously on a ankles work

because, without, I won't do any correct jump combination

and later I won't success any Triple Rotation Jump of my life !

And I want it !

- That's it and about spins... (Jeremy) - It turns (Lucas) - The rotation is better (Jeremy)

I feel less dizzy so yeah...

the cap flies a bit

yeah caps fly sometimes

I will maybe put in on a bonus.

I you like and watch enough the video

I will meet you next week

for the 4th training session.

I don't know what I will do I'll work on it this week

I don't tend to prepare my train sessions

- So... (Jeremy) - on-the-fly (Alban) - Yeah (Jeremy)

We're going... We're going by feel

So that's it. Otherwise, all same :

You can follow the Patin'air company On Facebook

On their Website

I put the links below, On the description

Same, you can follow me On Instagram

I put the link on the description

and you can click on the small banner which is here

to subscribe on my Youtube Channel

- and don't hesitate to like (Jeremy) - Yeah like it ! (Lucas)

For more infomation >> Vlog# Upgrading - Training 2 (French language - EN.Sub) - Duration: 15:10.


Simona Halep Biography,Boyfriend,Car,House,Salary,Net Worth,Income,Lifestyle and Family Photos - Duration: 5:02.

Simona Halep Biography and Boyfriend

Simona Halep Lifestyle and Family

Simona Halep Salary and Net Worth

For more infomation >> Simona Halep Biography,Boyfriend,Car,House,Salary,Net Worth,Income,Lifestyle and Family Photos - Duration: 5:02.


Jaguars Second pick Six Of the Game - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Jaguars Second pick Six Of the Game - Duration: 0:42.


Kip Grey Line Special 53 TDB - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Kip Grey Line Special 53 TDB - Duration: 1:31.


Jordan Peterson - Como começar a melhorar a sua vida, agora mesmo! - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Jordan Peterson - Como começar a melhorar a sua vida, agora mesmo! - Duration: 7:03.


[CNCTV] '건반위' 펜타곤 후이, 이런 곳에서 '네버'·'에너제틱'이 나왔다니 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> [CNCTV] '건반위' 펜타곤 후이, 이런 곳에서 '네버'·'에너제틱'이 나왔다니 - Duration: 2:53.


VTS 01 1 - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> VTS 01 1 - Duration: 3:27.


Juan Oliveira - Pick a Card (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 5:41.

Do you know what Niobium is? I tell you

The Niobium... this is such a cool word, isn't it?

Niobium, NIOBIUM! So...

Ah lelek lek lek lek lek lek lek lek lek...

Hello folks, I'm Dollynho, your little friend, let's sing?



Hey, my friend

Today is the end

This is the last chance of your life

The difference between a gun and a knife

All your crew are dead

You are the last one to survive

Prepare your mind now

If you want to stay alive!

Pick a card, it's your time

Which one you'll gonna choose?

Remember that's nothing more to earn

And there's nothing left to lose

Pick a card, it's your time

Which one you'll gonna choose?

Remember that's nothing more to earn

And there's nothing left

There's nothing left to lose

Now I'm digging your grave

It's already very deep

But first

I want to

Beat you

Should I punch in the left? (Left!)

Should I punch in the right? (Right!)

No matter what you feel

'Cause you cannot fight

You must pay everything you made us

Lots of suffering, desperation and fear

There isn't anyhting that you can do

Today is your last day, your last month, your last year!

Pick a card, it's your time

Which one you'll gonna choose?

Remember that's nothing more to earn

And there's nothing left to lose

Pick a card, it's your time

Which one you'll gonna choose?

Remember that's nothing more to earn

And there's nothing left

There's nothing left to lose

Hey, my friend

Today is the end

This is the last chance of your life

The difference between a gun and a knife

All your crew are dead

You are the last one to survive

Prepare your mind now

If you want to stay alive!

Pick a card, it's your time

Which one you'll gonna choose?

Remember that's nothing more to earn

And there's nothing left to lose

Pick a card, it's your time

Which one you'll gonna choose?

Remember that's nothing more to earn

And there's nothing left

There's nothing left to lose

There's nothing left to lose

© 2013 Juan Produções

For more infomation >> Juan Oliveira - Pick a Card (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 5:41.


10/7/17 2:50 PM (I-84, Roaring Brook Township, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 10/7/17 2:50 PM (I-84, Roaring Brook Township, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 1:01.


Bamble B - Crime Of Passion (2000) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:54.

On a bright day she passed away in the morning

It's a cruel way to take her away with no warning

He took her hand through every midnight hour

And then he saw her fading away like a spring shower

I can see a complete life's time

Pictures and posters of times and fashion

Nineteen years with no reason or rhyme

Taken away in a crime of passion

Passion living the night

Passion living the night

Passion living the night

Passion living the night

He stood to see if he could catch her breathing

But it was no good he understood she was leaving

He looked outside the frosty window pane

And then he saw her moving away Elizabeth Jane

I can see a complete life's time

Pictures and posters of times and fashion

Nineteen years with no reason or rhyme

Taken away in a crime of passion

Passion living the night

Passion living the night

I can see a complete life's time

Pictures and posters of times and fashion

Nineteen years with no reason or rhyme

Taken away in a crime of passion

Passion living the night

Passion living the night

Passion living the night

Passion living the night

For more infomation >> Bamble B - Crime Of Passion (2000) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:54.


How to Stop Hair Loss in Children - Treating Medical Causes of Hair Loss - Part 2 - Duration: 6:58.

How to Stop Hair Loss in Children

For more infomation >> How to Stop Hair Loss in Children - Treating Medical Causes of Hair Loss - Part 2 - Duration: 6:58.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


#How and why Defensive Midfield became everyone's favourite position - Duration: 6:41.

How and why Defensive Midfield became everyone's favourite position

Growing up, most of us dreamed of being a prolific centre-forward.

In the playground and in our back gardens we celebrated each goal as if wed just racked up our 30th of the season.

This is probably still true for the kids of today.

But how far away are we from a generation that roams their back garden pretending to cover the ground in front of an imaginary back four, with the commentator of their minds bellowing Hes been everywhere today! as they soak up the crowds appreciation for another tireless 90 minutes?.

NGolo Kante has been named as the 2016/17 PFA Players Player of the Year.

Rightfully so.

The Frenchmans dynamic performances have once again led to Premier League glory, albeit with a different blue shirt on his back to the first time around.

While Kante is undoubtedly one of a kind, his success has coincided (or perhaps caused) a surge of popularity and appreciation for all central defensive midfielders.

Victor Wanyama, Oriol Romeu, Idrissa Gueye and Fernandinho have all been celebrated at times this season for their selfless industry.

Away from the Premier League, Casemiro is held in high regard in Spain, with many saying hes been key in Madrid resuming their spot as La Ligas best club this season.

So how, when and why did defensive midfield (or CDM as FIFA players are fond of calling it) become everyones favourite position?.

For years managers, players and fans have believed that a first-rate goalscorer can win you the league.

And many teams have won titles built around an air-tight defence.

Kante is proof that a world-class defensive midfielder can also propel a team to glory.

His crusade this season has not been a one-man mission of course; Eden Hazard, Diego Costa, David Luiz and many other Stamford Bridge residents have rediscovered their best form.

But what about last season?.

Leicesters historic title win is utterly inexplicable; and thats what makes it so fantastic.

The closest reasoning we can apply given the evidence at hand is that Kantes superhuman energy ignited the Foxes inextinguishable fuse.

Jamie Vardy and Riyad Mahrez scored the goals, but how did they get the ball in the first place?.

By the end of the season the answer to that question was clear in everyones mind, especially Roman Abramovichs.

Defensive midfielders have always been there.

Somebody has always had to do the dirty work.

But very rarely have we seen them identified as the standalone key influence on a teams success.

Zinedine Zidane famously named Claude Makelele as Real Madrids most important player during the Galactico era.

Similar praise has been heaped on Sergio Busquets by various modern legends of Barcelona.

Kantes Player of the Year win is a new level of recognition, one with tangible results, one that leaves ink in the record books.

Man United hero Roy Keane won the award in 1999/2000 but since then, with the exception of John Terry, its been dominated by attack-minded players.

Kante is ushering in a new age; the age of the spoilers.

What else has contributed to the rise of the defensive midfielders popularity?.

Casual football fans, those that would never watch it on their own but are happy to tag along to the pub to watch a big game or feign excitement for a big tournament, acknowledge goals only.

For them, football is just goals and the gaps in between is time wasted.

But proper football fans see more than just goals.

A bulging net still provides the ultimate thrill but satisfaction can also be extracted from a well-timed tackle, a throughball, a whipped cross, a deft first touch, and so on.

Once you start to appreciate all the details of football, the micro-goals, thats when a good defensive midfielder comes into their own.

Appreciation of a reliable workhorse is like a secret handshake among true football fans; a way to check who are genuine members of the club, and who are simply fair-weather pretenders.

Thats all well and good.

But its also led to a minor disturbance in fan culture; the try-hard football hipster.

Defensive midfielders have become more popular than ever, possibly even overrated in the case of some, as some fans sing their praises in an attempt to show off their knowledge and understanding of the game.

Its too easy to say Lionel Messi is the reason for Barcelonas success in recent years.

The insightful fan points to Busquets and then sits back and waits for others to applaud his wisdom.

Except of course hes wrong.

While Busquets has done a superb job in facilitating his attacking team-mates, Messi is superhuman.

Defensive midfielders deserve to be recognised and applauded for their efforts.

Just make sure youre clapping for the right reasons.

For more infomation >> #How and why Defensive Midfield became everyone's favourite position - Duration: 6:41.


For more infomation >> #How and why Defensive Midfield became everyone's favourite position - Duration: 6:41.


quelle est la différence entre leadership et conditionnement opérant? - Duration: 14:11.

For more infomation >> quelle est la différence entre leadership et conditionnement opérant? - Duration: 14:11.


For more infomation >> quelle est la différence entre leadership et conditionnement opérant? - Duration: 14:11.


Découvrez enfin à quoi servent ces 2 trous mystérieux sur vos baskets - France 365 - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Découvrez enfin à quoi servent ces 2 trous mystérieux sur vos baskets - France 365 - Duration: 4:53.


For more infomation >> Découvrez enfin à quoi servent ces 2 trous mystérieux sur vos baskets - France 365 - Duration: 4:53.


Voici les symptômes précoces du cancer de la prostate que vous ne devez pas ignorer ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Voici les symptômes précoces du cancer de la prostate que vous ne devez pas ignorer ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:23.


For more infomation >> Voici les symptômes précoces du cancer de la prostate que vous ne devez pas ignorer ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:23.


Should you lose what you lov...

For more infomation >> Should you lose what you lov...


SURVIVING STILL - Duration: 6:05.






BECAUSE we are an action verb- SURVIVING still....



For more infomation >> SURVIVING STILL - Duration: 6:05.


Vlog# Upgrading - Training 2 (French language - EN.Sub) - Duration: 15:10.

Hi everyone ! Welcome to my 3rd training session !

So, today

I am accompanied by

Lucas Here, who doing a nice wave to us

all good all fresh

from Sunday morning... It's 9.41 am.

He was an old pupil and additionally

It's my best friend. That's it.

On that...

#UPGRADING 3rd TRAINING 2017.10.8th

So, today I think doing what it was planed

on the previous video Which I invite you

to look...

Jumps and Spins. With, for jumps...

A quick check of the Double rotation jumps

But going back on difficult sequences

And Jump combinations Because it's been 1 year

at least I didn't work any

jump combinations

I think the last time I worked on it was during the

Orcières summer camp With my bosses.

Now, I will go on a Double Salchow with...

... I will find a sequence. I don't know yet... I will improvise !

The difficult sequences, I will Improvise.

Jeez... I said I would stop to bake...

Wow. I don't know where this one came from...

I don't even know what I did before... But... I did it !

Great. Anaïs, I love you... Seriously...

This sequence is deadly

I will do it again.

That's it. See. It's not that hard...

Now, I will go on the Double Lutz

I won't do any difficult sequence

because I already have a small sequence before

And even I like this jump

It was hard for me to success it

to make it more reliable. So, yeah.

Generally, If we start to touch it around,

It will mess it up.

Always I fly I fly I fly

And I am doing a heart to you

Because you are my best man

So, I want to mention the hard work

of Mr. Lucas Here.

Because it's him who's holding the video camera

- Each time I jump (Jeremy) - and who record badly (Lucas)

Yeah. But we don't care in the first place.

This is a phone quality So I'm not looking forward

to a very professional quality.

But I seriously want to thank you because... That's it.

And so Marie

who couldn't come here today because she's ill

And Lora-Line, before.


they are the ones who hold the video camera each time I jump

and they didn't really ask for it

when I said to them "Come. It will be cool to see each other again"

It's not really to say to them "Hold on. Record me"

Here we are. Now I am on the Double Axel

I certainly will come back on the jump combinations after

because the Double Axel requires some physical efforts to me

I just did one. Yeah.

I don't think it was recorded. Well, I think Lucas did it on his phone

So, things I said last week still works

One Double Axel done

Equals One Schokobon

I didn't receive the ones

from the last week since Marie

Can't be here but I probably will have it later

I will count next week the number Of Double Axel

I put on the video

I did some more But they are the only ones I put on

So they will be the only confirmed

And today, each Double Axel confirmed

by the video

Will permit me to eat one Schokobon

That's it ! This. This is one Schokobon.

It's done. It's confirmed. It's full rotated So it's one Schokobon.

Wait. Seriously. I think I will have to up the level

If it begins like that

Yeah. I will be bored quickly.

Solenne !

Now, it's sure I will beat you this winter

Poor Solenne...

Now, I will stop the Double Axel because

Causually On the date of today

Since 2 years

It's the most complicated jump I am able to do


It makes me a bit exhausted... So yeah

But we are on better results than the previous weeks

Overall, they are almost all

Yeah, we'll say 90 percent

full rotated

And I only fell on two of them

So yeah

but, about the Schokobon I will wait them

Like I said previously

The number of Double Axel

which are succeed on the video

will amount at the number of the Schokobon permitted

In add of the ones of the last week

Marie !

Now, I will go on

jump combinations


I would like a little thing

for this year Or maybe next year

It's to be able to go again on

triple rotation jumps

because, at one time I was able to

do often Even in competition situation

some Triple Salchow

And, sometimes I succeed on some

Triple Loop



Right now It's been

2 years I didn't try any triple rotation jump

on the ice

So, for that I will get back

into the swing With Double/Double rotation jump combinations

There's some little issues on jump combinations

at all

I think it's not bad for me To go back on it.

So I will stop it there for the jump combinations for the moment

We'll go back on it next week because

It's not very nice to look.

So, we'll try something

We'll do

Some slide sequences Some steps


You'll have my Ice Skating Shoe Point of View

Here we go. We are now going to

the Go Pro Experience

I will give my phone to Lucas

to make him able to record me at the same time

And, me, I will put the Go Pro ON on the ice

Yeah. That's it and you will be able to see

something magical

The Go Pro Experience

by Jeremy Hervier

"How a Ice skating shoe Ice skate" (both)

I don't know what to do but it's okay

So I will do a circular step sequence

With the Go Pro

and you'll see globally all what the foot does

on turns, on steps

And it will be cool I know it.

That's all. We'll stop it.

Is it here to ... ?

There's the little red thing It's recording !

Jeremy learn to use the Go Pro

Yeah HIS Go Pro because mine is easier to use

and was cheaper

yeah, yeah.

Right now I will start spins

as I said last week

It will be good for me because

Because sometimes my spin rotation is slower

I don't really have very good postures

And most... yeah

I tended to get dizzy because I'm not used anymore

So that's all. The training session is about to end

It's been 30 minutes I stop to skate

I spent the last 30 minutes talking with

Alban, who isn't here

but I do a wave like that

and I will tag you on Facebook

yeah. Oh but look ! He's there !

Here's Alban

- Here's Alban ! (Jeremy) - Hi ! Yes ! (Alban)

He's someone I supervised some years ago

- He's the one who leant to me to skate (Alban) - Yeah... sort of... (Jeremy)

He skates well. He's good to do the plane. Like this.

I find it exceptional.

He asked a lot of questions !

He was so annoying. and why ? and why ? and why ?

Worse than a kid...

I like you. I like you.

That's it. The session was better


Because I'm here (Lucas)

It's said...

Yeah. But seriously. Thankfully, he was here to record me.

Once again. I thank every one who recorded me

Marie Lora-Line Yeah

I am waiting for the Schokobons. I will put the Double Axel

On ehm On Insta...

On Instagram... On Youtube instead.

And. We'll count them

And next week I will receive the same number of Schokobon Than the one of my Double Axel successes.

On this session And the last one

Because Marie isn't here this week.

Yeah... Otherwise...

about jump combinations

I will have to go back seriously on a ankles work

because, without, I won't do any correct jump combination

and later I won't success any Triple Rotation Jump of my life !

And I want it !

- That's it and about spins... (Jeremy) - It turns (Lucas) - The rotation is better (Jeremy)

I feel less dizzy so yeah...

the cap flies a bit

yeah caps fly sometimes

I will maybe put in on a bonus.

I you like and watch enough the video

I will meet you next week

for the 4th training session.

I don't know what I will do I'll work on it this week

I don't tend to prepare my train sessions

- So... (Jeremy) - on-the-fly (Alban) - Yeah (Jeremy)

We're going... We're going by feel

So that's it. Otherwise, all same :

You can follow the Patin'air company On Facebook

On their Website

I put the links below, On the description

Same, you can follow me On Instagram

I put the link on the description

and you can click on the small banner which is here

to subscribe on my Youtube Channel

- and don't hesitate to like (Jeremy) - Yeah like it ! (Lucas)

For more infomation >> Vlog# Upgrading - Training 2 (French language - EN.Sub) - Duration: 15:10.


Inspirational Poetry: Still I Rise by Maya Angleou - Duration: 2:19.

Still I Rise By Maya Angleou

You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?

'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?

Bowed head and lowered eyes?

Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?

Don't you take it awful hard 'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines

Diggin' in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?

Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds

At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame I rise

Up from a past that's rooted in pain I rise

I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise

Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear I rise

Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave.

I rise I rise

I rise.

For more infomation >> Inspirational Poetry: Still I Rise by Maya Angleou - Duration: 2:19.


English for Spanish Speakers 50 - 'work hardly' or 'work hard' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:57.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to 'One English Tip in One Minute for Spanish

Speakers' where each week I discuss, in detail, one common English mistake made

by those who speak Spanish as a mother tongue, and this is video number

it's the 50th video.

Okay, for the 50th -- and not the final time (I don't know maybe

next week I don't feel the same way...I don't know how this goes), but I totally

appreciate the fact that you are working to improve your English. It's a really

cool, smart and practical thing to do, and I hope these videos are helping you on

this journey. Yeah, in these videos I show you a slide, and on the slide there

are two sentences: One is the correct way that someone who speaks English as a

mother tongue would say it, the other is the wrong way that someone who speaks

Spanish as a mother tongue might say it. You have to decide which one is

correct. Please do that now. Read the sentences, listen to me read the

sentences, pause the video, think about your answer and I will discuss the

answer in the slide that follows this slide.

If you nailed this, and you did so with confidence, then good for you...but if

you got it wrong, or you took a wild guess and just happened to get it right, it

simply means that you need to start studying to get past this mistake. To

start you off on that path -- and, again, I know it's a very simple beginning -- I've

given you three sentences to study from. Memorize these sentences in their

entirety -- review them, review them,review them -- put into practice what you've

learned through speaking or writing or both, and use resources outside of this

video if you have to (including my own) and just keep the process going until

you've mastered it.

Okay, just a few final things. First, if you liked the video, I hope you will click

on the thumbs up below. Second, I hope you will consider subscribing to my channel

as these videos come out every week like clockwork. Third, I have a course -- an

online course -- called '50 Common English Mistakes', and if you follow the link in

the description box below you will get half off the it will cost the

equivalent of 10 euros. Next, I have a website that I'm continuously developing

so I hope you will pay that a visit. I also have a Twitter feed which is

@epicenglishtips so I hope you will follow me on Twitter. Finally if

there's anything that you want me to discuss -- any problems or questions that

you have -- please write them in the comments below and I will do my best to

address them. OK, that's it. Thanks for watching. See you next time.

For more infomation >> English for Spanish Speakers 50 - 'work hardly' or 'work hard' (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:57.


How to Stop Hair Loss in Children - Treating Medical Causes of Hair Loss - Part 2 - Duration: 6:58.

How to Stop Hair Loss in Children

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