Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 9 2017

hey, what's up YouTube

Welcome to

Revealed Magic today, I'm Gonna be showing you a classic trick pen in nose out now

So you want to know how to do that trick?

Great. I'm going to show you that right now. Here's how you're going to be doing this if you haven't figured it out already

Here is a back end. I'm just going like this

Now this might take some practice so all you got to do hold it like this

So you're going to have your three fingers like right over your middle finger so even sometimes you can hold it without using your thumb

you put your thumb there and

You're just going to put it in your nose like that some I recommend doing this when you're first practicing

So when you do this, you're not actually pushing it up your nose

You're this


your fingers

Just like that, and then it's concealed inside if you don't click enough. It will look real

But you got to practice before showing you got to practice before showing people because you can mess this up

and I have before I was on and

It's like it looks press it and it looks obvious that I'm going

like that and

It's just a huge mistake. So don't do that

Make it smooth

Alright, so once you have it up your nose. You're going to bite down

Just like out on the end

With your lips closed so no one can tell you're biting and just slide off

Alright. Well, I'm going to show you one more time, okay?

Ready put it in your nose

Try try and push lightly because once I have held on too hard push it out my nose. Oh


They're like you were supposed to push up your nose, and I said well

I did it incorrectly or something stupid so you don't want to push it up and actually in your nose

so let's go and


Slide so you're not oh

Actually hurting yourself, and it might be a little gross

But you'll get used to just putting in your nose and licking it with your tongue

Hey, you guys a solution expert and today we're going to learn two simple Magic tricks though with pens

Let's get to it

First one is the pencil vanish or pen batis you can do it with both

It's like this

And then you could bring it back basia again show both ends and make your repair. It's a

It's not simple. It needs a little bit of practice, but it's cool

So you could do it at school and word college wherever you want. It's amazing

Okay, so this is how it's done

You're going to start by holding the pencil or the temp?

between both of your fingers here and both of your fingers here like this, so

You're holding it with your thumbs and both your fingers because then you're going to go like this in slow motion

you're going to curl your your middle finger on the right hand and

The left hand will be hoped with the thumb will be holding the pencil, so it will snap so

You're putting pressure here, and then slapping it like this, but you're going to hide it with these hands, so

Put pressure with your middle finger

snap it back

You need to be either facing the audience or your head on the back of your hand here facing the audience

You're you're going to take the audience at an angle, so when it flashes

It's hiding behind the sun

And you're going to keep hoping it's with the middle finger in place between the middle finger and the index


like this

without the fingers right here like this, so

You need to do the same math

Tank like a mirror image between two hands so you need both middle fingers to go down and thumps to go up

to show that

Your advances and your hand is empty

The more you do it the faster. It becomes with a little flick like this. It will be much more

Beautiful, and you can make it reappear again or make it appear behind your the next one is it vanish in the coin vanish done

with a pencil it's usually done with a I want that the pencil is our one, so

You take coin

The coin like this you place the one in your hand with the coins you

Tap the hand one time and they calling

should bench like this

You can make it reappear by tapping again and this reappears

So let's get the trick so what you close your hand you put the pencil right?

in your hands and the liquor for left to stub yourself, and you're going to push it like this to the bottom and

Once you have this ledge to hold on and put the pen or pencil

You're going to steal the coin in this moment, so it's right here as you are

Putting the pencil down you're dropping the coin from this hand to the other hand

Okay, it's hard to do it

Like this then as you are coming to all be pencil

you're going to drop it like this and then pull the

Defensive and keep concentrating on your hand so they concentrate on your hand and then match so we're going to take

You can see you

hold this

like this

hold it and then stripe that

one stuff

This is without any wires no thing on my thumb. It could be boiled

Infected the levitating in Paper-money is done. You'll first need a power pill

Then you're gonna take a coin, so you just left behind 50

informs another time for roll call so now

Secure pearl you're gonna benefit. We go about financing is on your thumb, and

It's done. So what you going to do like this more wire and then wash the paperclip as

it goes up the roller brand like so

and this is

The levitating Wayne so here's how to trigger and the any boards object or boards ring

You're going to place the ring on to the rubber band, and what's your go-to?

You're going to place most of the rubber band in your hand like

so and

Stretch this part and what you're really doing you really just

pinching the word band in your head back and stuff and let me come pressure up and

This will seem as if the rubber adjuster brain is going of the battles like this

but this is how

Go subscribe to them you beautiful people

For more infomation >> i can fit this pencil inside my nose.. - Duration: 10:10.


Comparing Yourself To Others · Inktober Day #9 - Duration: 4:48.

Okay guys, day nine's video is coming to you a little bit later than the rest.

As I'm recording this voice-over, it's about 9pm here, I've been away from home

all weekend, just got back about an hour ago, and wanted to make sure I got this video edited

and up for you guys and didn't mess up my 9-day streak.

The more I go along, the more addictive this is getting.

So today's house is a little different.

It's a greenhouse that's being haunted by the chill of winter.

I struggled with this one, getting the transparency of the glass, getting the things inside to

kind of stand out, obviously a lot of the point of this one was to show that the plants

inside were suffering and I don't think I gave myself enough room to kind of pull

that off and show it effectively.

It was also quite hard to convey a sense of cold.

I think if this was something that I had a bit more time to plan, I would have been able

to try a few different things and experiment a bit more.

I think this is probably my first time ever drawing a greenhouse at all so definitely

not the best I could do but overall it's another nice addition to the sketchbook, another

day down, another new idea executed so I'm happy.

Today's topic is gonna be what commenter CreativelyFree2Bme really cleverly called

the comparison monster.

Something that a few people have asked about really, how to not be disheartened by the

work of others.

How not to start putting yourself down when you see people doing better, people improving

faster, people who are younger than you whose work gets more recognition, more attention.

How to not let other peoples skill make you feel bad for your apparent lack thereof.

And then have that bad feeling lead to you not wanting to create at all.

I think the first thing thats needed, is the most difficult thing, which is a complete

shift in attitude.

Which of course is a lot easier said than done, but it is something that you can train

yourself into over time.

And it will benefit you in all aspects of your life, not just in your art.

I do this a lot.

When I catch myself thinking, 'Ah, that persons work is so good, I could never do


or 'Ugh, they're so much better than me,' or 'Why didn't I think of that.'

If I catch myself having those thoughts, I have to be stern with myself and turn it around.

Like 'y'know what, no, good for them.

They've worked hard, they're good at what they do.

They've created something there thats really nice.

I aspire to be able to do that one day.'

And of course the next step would be to really look at what it is about their work that's

appealing to you and see if it's something you can actively work on improving in your

own work.

Maybe it's their use of colour, maybe it's the control they have over their lines.

Someone else's success doesn't equate to your failure.

You can be happy for them and optimistic for yourself.

It can just take some work and some commitment on your part to be able to catch those feelings,

be aware of your attitude and make that effort to turn it around.

Now, I'm always very honest about when a piece of work doesn't turn out how I want

it to.

I think that's fine, I think that's fair, it's just an observation really.

But what I don't like is seeing people really put themselves down, and I get it a lot in

my comments.

People saying 'well I suck at drawing so I could never do that', 'I'll never

be that good', or 'everything I do is rubbish.'

I totally understand that kind of feeling, and I know even now people are gonna be like

'oh, well it's easy for you to say', but you know we're all our own worst critics,

you know we all see flaws in our work that other people don't, and we all started somewhere.

I just think it's really important to be kind to yourself.

When I see comments where someone is putting themselves down, I almost read it as if they're

talking about someone else.

Like thats how it sounds to me.

And if you looked at it like that, next time you have something to say about your work,

you'd realise how mean we can be to ourselves.

Like swap 'me' with the name of your best friend.

So instead of saying 'This other person's work is great but I'm too bad at drawing

to ever be able to do something like that.'

you'd instead say 'This work is great, my friend Ellie is too bad at drawing, she

couldn't do that.'

How dismissive.

Of course you'd be disheartened.

And the thing is, if you were talking about your friend, you'd probably actually say

'Wow, that paintings great.

My friend Ellie draws and she'd love to be able to that.

She's really trying, so I'm sure she'll be that good soon.'

This is all a long, rambly, I-should-probably-go-to-bed-soon, way of me saying, treat yourself how you would

treat a good friend.

Be aware that your words have power and the more you tell yourself you are something,

be it talentless or lazy, or beautiful, or driven, the more you'll radiate that.

Learn to appreciate the talent of others and train yourself to turn envy into aspiration.

That's all for today, thanks for watching.

I'll see you tomorrow for the next one, bye!

For more infomation >> Comparing Yourself To Others · Inktober Day #9 - Duration: 4:48.


Jack Skellington prop setup video - Duration: 3:56.

How to set up your Jack Skellington animatronic from Spirit Halloween.

Your parts list is as follows: Base, Upper and lower support poles labeled "A" and "B",

Shoes, Torso, Trousers, Dress, Moving hand, Normal hand,

Head, Bow tie, and his adapter.

First, snap-lock the four normal support poles to the base. Slide the shoes over

the four support poles, and then attach the final set of support poles.

Carefully slide the trousers onto the support poles. Be sure the sensor on the trousers

is facing AWAY from the large tabs on the top of the pole assembly.

Carefully snap-lock the torso onto the support pole assembly. Connect the sensor

cable coming from the trousers to the module. Also, connect the adapter to the

adapter jack also located on the module. If you plan on using a step pad, or Try-me button (sold separately),

carefully insert the cable into the jack labeled "Try-me"

Set the activation toggle switch to your liking. Carefully pull the bands

on the trousers up and over the shoulders on the torso. Then, slide the

shirt onto the torso by sliding the sleeves over the arms first, also making

sure to fasten the velcro in the front. Snap-lock the hands onto the arms.

Also, be sure to connect the cable when attaching Jack's left arm.

Carefully attach Jack's head to the torso. Be sure the locking pin in the back is secured into the slot.

To attach Jack's bow tie, velcro the strap around the bottom

portion of the neck. Finally, adjust the bow tie and clothes as desired, and your

setup is now complete! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free

to ask me in the comments. Thank you, and Happy haunting!

For more infomation >> Jack Skellington prop setup video - Duration: 3:56.


EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal The Market Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:26.

EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal The Market

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal The Market Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:26.


What Makes Satisfying Videos Satisfying? - Duration: 4:55.

You've probably been around the Internet long enough to have stumbled upon one of those

so-called "oddly satisfying" videos.

They're these ten-minute-long clips of some seriously weird stuff, like foam being cut

into pieces, hands drawing perfect spirals, or machines slicing cheese.

If you've never done it, you might be thinking there's no way you'd watch ten minutes

of that, but these videos have millions of views, and once you start watching them, you

might find it kinda hard to stop.

They're weirdly relaxing, and our brains love something about them.

We're still waiting for someone to publish a peer-reviewed study on oddly satisfying videos.

But in the meantime, there are a few connected ideas in psychology that might explain what's

going on.

One possibility is that watching these videos could be similar to mindfulness or flow.

You might've heard about mindfulness, which involves focusing on the present moment and

acknowledging and accepting your thoughts and feelings.

It's sometimes involved in meditation or yoga.

Flow is a little different — it's a state of creative concentration that happens when

an activity is at just the right level of difficulty.

You feel in control of your actions, lose sense of time, and enjoy what you're working

on even if you aren't accomplishing a goal.

It's like an artist working on a painting or a writer caught up in their story or a

video blogger editing until late at night.

It's one of my favorite things about making videos.

These videos might do something similar, because they grab our attention and make us lose our

sense of time and the outside world.

It's a great feeling.

It's not a perfect comparison, though, because mindfulness and flow are both characterized

by deliberate action and control on our part, and watching these videos is pretty passive.

So some psychologists think there's another explanation: Watching a project get completed

in these videos -- like seeing someone perfectly frost a cake -- causes the same reaction in

your brain as completing a goal in real life.

When you finish a task, your brain releases dopamine, a chemical that plays an important

role in your brain's reward and pleasure circuits.

In other words, getting stuff done literally feels good.

And research also suggests that leaving things unfinished kinda drives us nuts.

In a well-known study from 1927, 32 participants were given around 20 simple tasks, like solving

puzzles and making figures out of clay.

They were allowed to finish some of the tasks, but others they had to abandon halfway through.

After they'd worked on everything, they were asked to list off the tasks they'd

been given.

On average, they were almost twice as likely to remember something if they hadn't been

allowed to finish it.

This idea, that it's harder to forget about things we haven't finished, eventually became

known as the Zeigarnik effect, named after the researcher who did these studies.

And it's been replicated in other research since then.

So you could argue that oddly satisfying videos have to do with getting something just right

or with finishing a task.

Stopping in the middle of one will bother us all day — that's why it's so frustrating

when a gif ends too soon.

But watching something to the end triggers our sense of completion … even though we're

definitely not checking things off our to-do list as we watch them.

That explanation doesn't work for all satisfying videos, though.

Some of them are pretty random, like glass melting or things exploding.

So another possibility is that there's something more fundamental about the videos that we


They tend to be geometric and colorful, so maybe those colors and shapes are appealing

to us.

Psychologists still aren't sure which kinds of stimuli our brains prefer -- or if there's

even a universal set of preferences -- but we do know there are some features we tend

to like better than others.

No one knows exactly why, but there's a long history of research showing that we prefer

curved lines and circles to angled lines and polygons.

And we definitely like symmetry.

We find it super attractive and use it to guesstimate a potential partner's ability

to reproduce.

We're also quick to spot it, and studies have shown we're better at remembering symmetrical

objects and designs.

We're really into patterns, too.

Some researchers argue that extreme pattern recognition is one of the defining capabilities

of our brains, and that it developed as our brains evolved.

So maybe the kinds of symmetrical, repetitive motions in oddly satisfying videos are the

patterns our brains like.

But again, we don't know for sure.

None of these ideas are perfect explanations — they're just things we know about our

brains that could be involved somehow.

All we know is that millions of people agree that there's something about these videos

that makes them satisfying to watch.

Still, even if you can't get no satisfaction about why these videos tickle your brain so

good, you can get a whole bunch of it from watching them.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go watch a machine knead silicone over and over.

Couldn't put the clip in the video for you to watch, because that would be stealing.

So, you have to go watch it too.

Or you could stick with us here at SciShow Psych and learn more weird things about the

internet, like this video right here about what makes a meme go viral.

For more infomation >> What Makes Satisfying Videos Satisfying? - Duration: 4:55.


EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Church Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 2:52.

EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Church

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Church Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 2:52.


1100 km in the Canadian prairies in a nutshell - Duration: 3:58.

So Ryan's sister, Kathryn, is driving us to Edmonton with her.

We are pretty lucky.

As you know, we were supposed to hitchhike through Canada.

But since we got offered a ride, how can you refuse?

The goal was to get a ride, so...

We're passing through Saskatchewan...

And we will arrive in Edmonton tonight.

This is Quill Lake.

It's a nice surprise, because uptil now Saskatchewan has been only wheat fields.

We have just stopped for a bathroom break in Saskatchewan.

In a town called Mozart...

It's not a city, it's like... a tiny village with 34 inhabitants.

And the roads were all dirt roads.

I can't believe it and there was Schubert Street too.

Anyway, those are the stops that I like.

I prefer these ones over Tim Hortons and other places like that.

We are in a city called Lloydminster.

It's a city that's split between Saskatchewan AND Alberta.

We are currently driving past the border.

So Lloyminster is really divided between two provinces.

It's pretty cool.

So now, in about 3 seconds, we'll be in Alberta!

We're stretching our legs.

One, two, one, two...

So we've just arrived in Alberta!

Honestly I was really sick of being in Saskatchewan.

It was starting to be really redundant.

We went through 2 provinces of the prairies today, it was a really long drive.

We will be in Edmonton in 2 to 3 hours.

It's 7:30 pm.

Approximately 15 hours later, we are in Edmonton.

We are currently on the street where our Airbnb is.

It's a nice little street in Strathcona.

Apparently, Strathcona Park is one of the prettiest parts of Edmonton.

Because you have the University nearby.

Half of Edmonton is under renovation because they suddenly decided they want a super modern city.

So many places are under construction.

The next day

So... hitchhiking didn't work for us at all.

I mean we stayed there for quite a while.

Absolutely no one stopped for us.

I had similar experiences in Alberta where hitchhiking didn't work.

I think the problem is that Edmonton is a big city.

And it can take as much time getting outside of the city as actually waiting for a ride.

I believe the key to success is to have all the time needed.

You can't be in a rush.

Which we sort of are right now.

In short, I work online.

I have work to hand in for next Monday so I don't have 3 days to get to British Columbia.

So unfortunately, we had to come back to the city and take a Greyhound bus.

It is so expensive. I think Greyhound hates travelers.

Because I just don't understand why it is this expensive.

We're kind of stuck in Edmonton, "taken hostage"...

We are going to Revelstoke, British Columbia.

One of our friends there is going to let us stay with him.

We're going there today.

And from there, we should be moving pretty smoothly through the rest of Canada.

I know we won't stay in Canada too long, because unfortunately it's just too expensive!

Finally! The end of the prairies.


For more infomation >> 1100 km in the Canadian prairies in a nutshell - Duration: 3:58.


✞ The Roman Emperor against the Bodyguard of the king of Macedonia ✞ Fight ✞ - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> ✞ The Roman Emperor against the Bodyguard of the king of Macedonia ✞ Fight ✞ - Duration: 4:17.


EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Casino Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:49.

EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Casino

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Casino Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:49.


Book Wrap Up 2017 Books 6 to 10 | Alffbooks [CC] - Duration: 10:10.

Hello, my name is Stephen Alff and welcome back to Alffbooks! And today

we're here for a wrap-up! Today I will be wrapping up books 6 to 10 that I read

this year! Something I would like to quickly mention that I forgot in the

previous video for books 1 to 5 is that those first 5 books were a total of 1539

pages and a 1-hour listening for the audio book that was

in there. So, book 6 was Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley.

This is a book that I decided to pick up because, well, it's a classic! I'd heard so

much about it! So many people said so much great stuff about it but then I

didn't like it! I only gave it 2 out of 5 stars and I was wondering if there was

something, like, about it that I was not getting but the more I thought about it

it was just that I didn't like the characters. I didn't enjoy following

either the professor(*Doctor) or the monster! I just didn't find it interesting! Yeah! Which is

unfortunate! I mean, you're reading a book, a famous book that you're like: I'm gonna

really like this gonna find this interesting finally gonna discover the real story

behind Frankenstein and why everyone always mentions Frankenstein!

I mean Frankenstein is used in Van Helsing, Frankenstein is used in so many

other films just as a stand-in character sometimes and you're just like well okay but

what's the actual story and then I mean it's just kind of meh, not what I

expected! It wasn't as interesting I mean okay it wasn't an action movie but I

mean I was I was I was disappointed by it and that was ... maybe my expectations

were too high but I just really didn't enjoy it and the beginning of it was

really hard to read! So the first the first letters at the very beginning of

the book I was just like, What is this? Who is this? Who's talking to who? And you

finally kind of get an idea of what's going on but it wasn't particularly

interesting to read! I I don't know that's maybe just my opinion, yeah! So 2

out of 5 stars! Yeah! So I listened to Frankenstein and

it was a total of eight hours and 35 minutes.

Next, we have The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss! And I really

enjoyed this book! This got five out of five stars and just like The Name of

the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear I really really enjoyed it! It is very

different though! it is very different! There is absolutely no dialogue in the

book and there's only one character! So, the one character is Auri and we're

following Auri for a few days of her life. So, it's kind of a few days in the life

of Auri! And I find that is so cool because Auri is one of my favourite

characters and it was really interesting to kind of get this insight into the

character of Auri! Really cool! I don't want to say too much because I

don't want to spoil it but I find that it is perfect to read it after you've

read the two other books! So, after you've read The Name of the Wind and The Wise

Man's Fear you should read it because it it takes kind of it doesn't it doesn't

directly take from the story but I find that things you learn in the first two

books about the world really help you kind of piece together an.. at least a

hypothesis, in some some sense about Auri that I find is really cool and that is

something that you ... I just feel like if you've read the other two books you

just benefit from it so much more! So yeah, it was really cool! I really

enjoyed it and I mean I could read all those books over and over and over! That

book is relatively short being only a 159 pages!

The next book was Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. This is a book that I listen to.

So, the audio book was 11 hours and 35 minutes and it was really interesting!

Though it became less and less interesting the further you go on in the

book and I didn't expect the second half of the book! As in, I knew about

Gulliver's Travels and I knew what I thought to be the complete Gulliver's

Travels but there are four voyages in the book and I only knew of the first

two and I thought they were the only two! So that was a an interesting surprise

and it really does add to the book because they're completely different to

the first 2! So that was really interesting! The only thing is

it starts feeling very repetitive and yeah! Though something I do want to bring up

which I find it's fascinating I really like the way the author did it is where

he compares the current society around the time when the book is written or at

least the time depicted in the book and he has, through the Gulliver's voice I

believe, he says that these points of view are not his own and that he is

merely passing on what he is seeing in these different countries and saying hey

well these people see this as completely barbaric and it's perfectly normal for

us but it's not our fault or this or that but whatever way it's done it's

just I just I like that part! Those small parts were really interestingly

done and I, I like the way he was definitely judging the society but no

definitely not I mean oh no this, don't, don't take this

badly like yeah! I thought that was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!

So yeah! Only three out of five stars because of the repetitiveness

and I found that at some point the different place he was going to weren't

adding that much to the overall story! Next, I reread one of my childhood

favourite books and that is Les Frontières de Glace by Pierre Bottero! This is

a book that I've mentioned before or at least you'll probably remember me

mentioning the first book in the series and that is D'Un Monde à l'autre which is the

first book and this is the second book of La Quête d'Ewilan! So, I keep mentioning

this author because I keep rereading his books!

I just love them! Childhood favourite books and they're still favourites and

that is something I find always fun! Obviously, it's still a 5 out of 5 stars!

Yeah, that's not changed! What I find always interesting about rereading books

is that you sometimes discover things you completely missed, absolutely

completely missed and that's happened in the fifth reading of the first book in

this series! The first time I read these books I was 11 and now 21, 10 years later

I'm still enjoying them and that is something I think is fantastic! It shows

just how stories follow you and how you grow with them and

how you you read them again and you get something else out of them every time!

And that is phenomenal! Love the book! It is following the characters of Ewilan,

well, mostly the character of Ewilan but also the character of Salim who is

her best friend and the adventures that they get up to and yeah I just think

it's fantastic! Unfortunately it doesn't exist in English that I know of! Which

means I can't share it with you guys unless you read French or German because

it was translated to German before English! There must be a reason maybe

there was an audience for it in Germany that they could immediately tap into! I

don't know, but it exists in those two! So if you can read either of those, I

definitely recommend it! 314 pages long! So book 10 that I read

this year was A Study in scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This was a book that

I had been wanting to get around to for a long time because it's the first

Sherlock Holmes story that I actually read and I know, ridiculous! I watched all

of the Sherlock series and the films and I still hadn't read any Sherlock stories!

So now I fixed that I've read one! I will read more, it's a start! I thought the way

it's written is very interesting! Now you do notice some of the words used are

slightly outdated but that just adds to it when you're reading it just like

immerse yourself into it where you're like oh yes, yes he is definitely in

London in this with its posh, posh English in some sense. You can

just imagine it because of some of the word choices and the way it's described.

Though one thing I found really strange about the book, now again, I listened to

this one so I don't know if it changes it but I, at some point in the middle, I

just got lost because there was a transition and I don't know if it's

because I was not paying attention at that particular moment that I missed

something but there was just a transition from you're there with

Sherlock and they're talking about the case or something and then next moment

you're following two completely different characters in a completely

different place and you're just wondering well What did I miss? What just happened?

And it's basically because there's a flashback but there's no actual clear

explanation! But otherwise very interesting, very interesting the way it

was done! Because I got lost and some things like that happened, three out of

five stars! And this audio book was 5 hours and 39 minutes. So now we've gotten

to these stats part of the video so basically what is the total of pages

read and the total of hours of audio books listen to! So the total pages

is *2012 pages and I listened to 26 hours and 49 minutes worth of audio books! I

hope you enjoyed this! If you did, feel free to subscribe! If you haven't seen

yet, the previous video is a really really cool video and I'm going to leave

it here so you can check it out because it's so good I loved doing it with jay

from captured in words! He may have appeared here as a hologram in my

previous video and I thought that was so cool! He edited that because I would not

have known how to start for that! Yeah, basically we are organizing a giveaway

and we're giving away 10 copies of The Name of the Wind, so if you want to check

out that video it'll have all the details of what you need to know to

enter! we're also doing a live stream on Tuesday! So feel free to check that out! I

would love to see you at the live stream! I hope you have a fantastic week! That's all

from me! Bye!

For more infomation >> Book Wrap Up 2017 Books 6 to 10 | Alffbooks [CC] - Duration: 10:10.


Teen says man tried to abduct her - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Teen says man tried to abduct her - Duration: 1:47.


CBS2 Exclusive: Small Businesses On Long Island Targeted By Utility Scammers - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> CBS2 Exclusive: Small Businesses On Long Island Targeted By Utility Scammers - Duration: 2:02.


Pixies - Where Is My Mind Guitar Cover - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Pixies - Where Is My Mind Guitar Cover - Duration: 3:55.


✪ Король улетел. Почему Россия займет место США на Ближнем Востоке? - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> ✪ Король улетел. Почему Россия займет место США на Ближнем Востоке? - Duration: 7:09.


Korean Firing Onggi Kiln-한국 전통가마에서 옹기가 생성되는 과정 - Duration: 10:56.

The wind that passed between you and me

Where did loneliness come from

The sky that I looked up with tears

It looked extraordinarily clear and transparent.

Your name is considered ost ☆

Starry sky Starry day

It is the season when you thought it was you

The sky is low and the ground is a little high.

These landscapes, often seen wherever they are Moose Bee

Keep up the time

Go up to your hand like a rising salmon

I put the ring in and I confess.

But I can not see you.

Beyond the horizon,

You'll be alone.

Where is it? Why can not I see?

But in the end, I'll meet you.

Moose Bee

We are just a little bit like this

May we stick a little more

Your name is ost

We are time flyer

Climber back in time

I will not be playing hide-and-seek in time now

I'm glad I'm tears

It's too sad to laugh

Your feelings have been ahead of you.

For more infomation >> Korean Firing Onggi Kiln-한국 전통가마에서 옹기가 생성되는 과정 - Duration: 10:56.


US State Dept. Approves $15B Missile Defense Sale to Saudi Arabia - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> US State Dept. Approves $15B Missile Defense Sale to Saudi Arabia - Duration: 1:02.


Xposed Framework | Installation Guide | Android Nougat | 7.1.2 | 7.0 | Stable | 2017 | HD - Duration: 3:27.

hello friends my name is bigger smile and welcome to bigger smile sj.

here is a new video in my channel.

in this video i am going to show you how to install xposed framework in android 7.1.2

required files can be found in the description.

main developer of xposed framework rovo89 just release stable version of xposed this week.

so without further due let's start the tutorial.

for in-detail information i put thread link of XDA.

let me first show you my device info.

i am using Resurrection Remix OS 5.8.5

my device is Redmi note 3

and android version is 7.1.2 means SDK 25

first of all download Xposed Installer 3.1.2 from the description and install it.

now here just click on that "Version 88" in "INSTALL/UPDATE".


it will download and install that file.

give it root permission.

after the install make sure to "REBOOT" your device otherwise you may get "not active" kind of issue.

i will be back after reboot.

as you can see here its installed and active.

i already tested it for 1 day, everything was working fine.

used modules of YouTube, Instagram and Facebook every app was working perfect no crashes.

for any installation issues meet me at my Facebook page.

for more hacking and tutorial video subscribe my channel.

i am bigger smile and i am signing off.


For more infomation >> Xposed Framework | Installation Guide | Android Nougat | 7.1.2 | 7.0 | Stable | 2017 | HD - Duration: 3:27.


Team Ingebrigtsen - Episode 3 (Eng Sub) - Duration: 38:50.

The running brothers of Team Ingebrigtsen have set high goals for themselves.

The day I run faster than any white person ever has.

Then I think people will come to understand what my capability really is.

Keep going! Come on!

The father, Gjert, trains his children extremely hard towards the major championships.

The path to the Olympics in Rio has many hurdles to overcome

The margin between success and fiasco is minimal.

Is it going well? Filip had a tough day.

Will Norway's most dedicated athletics family overcome their next big challenges?

When sickness and injury occur.

Can they maintain their focus with a new family member in the house?

Enjoying yourself?

Just enjoying. Yum, yum, yum.

Tone and Gjert are parents for the seventh time.

Come on now.

Everyone in the family shows up to help take care of little William.

And Martin, who has chosen to leave athletics, has the most time to spare for his little brother.

Hi. Hey.

It is always fun to have a new person in the family.

That was how I felt when Ingrid came along, in any case.

I tended her all the time.

Because mom had to go back to work and dad was totally busy with training.

So I tended Ingrid quite a lot for a long time.

In the end, she call me mom actually.

I like kids though, so it doesn't matter to me.

Back to your dad.

Hi! Hey friend!

Gjert has been a new father many times.

But this time, he has decided to do things differently than he has in the past.

I have never taken paternity leave.

More than one day while Tone was at the hospital.

Like that.

I see that I have just enough time for those who are older.

My ability to be with the little ones becomes less and less.

So in order to get my share while he is little, I will take the time off this time.

No, no more work talk.

There is just so much to do at work.

It never ends.

When you don't get paid, then it gets covered.

But in any case, I struggle not doing anything.

Winter is no off season for Team Ingebrigtsen.

It is now they will build up the foundation for the coming season.

But for Henrik, the intense training has had consequences.

Overuse injuries is one of the things runners are most at risk for.

The training and the strain we are subject to is very one-sided.

It can destroy careers.

So his injury won't destroy all of his preparations for the world championships, Henrik has to undertake alternative training.

Here paternity leave does not apply.

Gjert closely follows Henrik's interim training plan.

What would you say is Henrik's greatest weakness?

Lack of symmetry in his muscle structure.

His knees point in and his shin points to the right.

It is a much better line from ankle to hip on the leg you are standing on now.

What is remarkable is that where he has been injured is the strongest side.

It always goes across.

Problem here will turn into problem there.

Problem there will be a problem there.

Always diagonal.

There was an earlier colleague of mine who said it very well.

For every joyful day you receive on Earth you pay with sorrows.

Every time we should be happy, he comes and pours on those words.

Don't be too happy, a blow is coming.

There is nothing that says that the sorrow can't come first.

That would say that next season will be unbelievably good, because now everything is going wrong.

Jakob has turned thirteen years old.

He is at the start of a promising track career.

But junior high and track are a demanding combination.

[Speaking German]

Jakob, will you read? Okay.

[Jakob reading German text]

I think school can be a bit of a drag, but I like to get things done.

I actually want to be the best in school too.

Jakob has a strong drive to win.

That comes out just as much as school as on the track.

He is very concerned with doing well with every area he engages in.

It is right that in the school hallways he is competitive too.

For the first time Jakob will miss school.

To participate in Team Ingebrigtsen commitments.

For two weeks, he will participate in hard training.

Together with his two brothers in Portugal.

It is fun that everyone else has to suffer in school while I get to train where its warm.

But I will have my books with me so I can stay caught up.

I packed your sunscreen.

One 25 and one 30.

Mom! I'm not an old lady.

I don't need spf 25.

Would you rather be sunburned then? Yes.

You would not. Yes, I would.

You need to finish packing. You are running out of time.

How many shirts do you have here?

You don't need this many. I do. Oh my god!

Jakob, we need to leave now because there is traffic on the way.

Come on. Full speed.

Now I will train quite a bit more than I usually do at home.

I will start doing some days with two workouts.

I have also never done several days in a row.

So I'm not sure how I will adapt to it.

You should take more running t-shirts. What shirts?

Now you need to get ready and we will go.

You need to be quiet.

As the youngest man of the running brothers, this training camp is a golden opportunity for Jakob.

To see what the life of a top athlete demands.

Even though Gjert is not there, he is always only a phone call way.

Hello, can I run with Filip and them?

Can I talk to Filip? No.

Quit naming me, Henrik is the one who is responsible for you.

Hi. What are you guys doing?

No, Jakob just wondering how long he should... Do you need something from me?

Can you use this run to show him the route?

Then drop him off and you can keep going when you have run about 8 km or so.

Okay, bye.

It is really cool to be with Henrik and Filip at training camp.

They are quite a bit older than me.

I have always wanted to be close with them.

Okay, you run with us for 8 km and then head back.

He won't have that much of a training increase while he is here.

It is more to live a bit of the life of a top athlete.

To see what is it like to train twice a day and eating and sleeping.

I believe it is more of a learning process for him.

I don't think I can use it.

It smells terrible.

I know.

I don't know why they smell.

I don't want to smell them.

Take them.

Take them away. No.

What yourself. I need to fart though.

There is his sock. I don't want the sock.

Get it away from me.

Time between training should be recovery and you should eat.

Do everything so that the next workout can be completed in the way that it should.

The life Filip and I live here is actually quite similar to home.

We do the same things for the most part.

But it is not the same as Jakob has at home with school and everything.

I think he gets a bit bored in between

He was maybe a bit surprised at the discipline.

Far from Norwegian winters and Gjert's eagle eye.

The brothers enjoy the opportunity to defy one of his clear restrictions.

It is ice cold.

It is ice. Ready, set, go.

Shall we all just...

Filip is a coward.

You are going to chicken out.

You are pissing yourself. I'm not afraid.

I can see that you are.

What about you. Let's see you do it. You don't want to either.

That is why we run.

I am ready now.

It is important that you know if this is a life you think you are okay with living.

Wake up, train, and lunch.

Another training session and then it is dinner.

Then in bed until it is time to wake up again.

Today I woke up at quarter to eight.

Then we ate and then ran eight.

Then we went swimming.

At the pool? Yeah, there too.

Not by yourself? No.

You can't do that. No.

Don't swim alone.

It isn't warm enough and there is a violent undertow.

That's good. Bye. Bye.

What I have learned after many years of Gjert as father and coach.

We don't lie about not having done it, we just don't say anything indicating that we did.

That's just how it is.

That Gjert doesn't know, we don't need to tell Gjert.

There are intense workouts in Portugal.

And Henrik is back in top form.

But for Jakob, who is only 13, it is hard to stay with his brother's tough efforts.

He begins to feel the toll on his body.

I can feel it in my heel.

I've had it once before, then it was growing pains.

That is certainly not anything then.

You should talk to dad about it.

If it gets worse, you need to ease up.

My heel... really hurts.

You need to call dad.

Hello. We are doing repeats on the track now.

Hmm. So my foot is hurting.

Did you feel it come on suddenly or..

I have felt it some recently.

Put on your jogging shoes and do two more and see if it gets any better.

Yeah. Okay.

Bye. Bye.

Of course I notice that dad isn't here so I need to think a bit for myself, and I have Henrik and Filip to look after me.

Does that hurt? Yes, there.

Do you see that?


That really hurts.

It isn't all the way in.

There. Yeah.

I have had good experiences with this type of treatment for these injuries so I use it a bit myself as a follow on.

Just need to pretend like you can do it for the most part.

What do you think? Good.

Better? Better.

Yes, yes. Then I have done my job.

It is something I think about a lot. Whether I want to do this.

That is what everyone says.

You need to think through what you are doing and whether I want to keep doing it for years.

I think it will become clear in the next couple of years.

Next year I am allowed to race with the seniors.

Then I hope I can experience a bit of what it is to be Henrik or Filip.

I haven't experienced what they have.

I hope that will make it so I want to keep doing this for many years to come.

To not lose focus on their commitments, Henrik and Filip moved away from the baby care and disrupted sleep at their parents home.

But now there has been one more change in the living arrangements.

To the greatest joy of Filip.

We have a new roommate in the house.

Astrid moved in a week ago.

It has been very fun.

To be together with your girlfriend can either give energy or it can take away energy.

It is important that you continue to focus on the right things.

Gjert has a tendency to blacken things a bit.

In the beginning of Filip's interest in you, "No, that's not happening. Hold on."

"You aren't going to Oslo. You are NOT going to Oslo."

Now it is fine. Now it is okay, in a way.

But if you ask Gjert if this has had negative consequences for Filip.

He certainly has a long list.

You think so? Yes, I know he has one.

But also, it doesn't matter to them.

You PRed in the 1500 when we got together.

Even better with me. I know that.

Yeah, you were the assistant.

And not Gjert, he wasn't even there.

I'll use that, you need to be there for important races.

What you do you think Gjert? "No, nothing"

He's very capably maneuvered through what could have been a minefield, but...

A lot of that has to do with the fact that she is focused on the same things as him.

It isn't surprising that Filip found love on the track.

Astrid is a talented sprinter and has established herself as one of Norway's best at short distances.

She has been very good for Filip.

Because they have both had adversity.

With sickness and injury and everything.

Very good support for each other.

[Headline - "Henrik Ingebrigtsen's little brother afflicted with liver infection"]

Henrik noticed that my eyes were very yellow during breakfast.

So we began researching things and called dad at home.

We went right to the emergency room and found out that it was an infection in my liver.

They determined it was caused by a virus so it had to go away by itself.

Afterward, when I was healthy and began to train again.

It has been really hard.

It was like I hadn't exercised before when I started training a bit.

Take it easy on the last one.

Don't talk to him either, totally hopeless.

We push and push and push.

You are running a volume that is right at the edge of irresponsible.

You are the one driving. Yeah, that I am.

That's why it is important that you hold a little bit back.

Right, don't push right to the edge because your training is crazy enough as is.

I feel bad for Filip.

He constantly encounters things that test his patience and his motivation with enormous challenges.

I'm extremely proud of what he does to come out of those periods.

There are about two months left until the European Championships in Zurich.

I had hoped to be able to compete here in June.

But because my body isn't responding as well to the training, I will need to wait until July.

But I hope to turn in around and be on the start line in Zurich.

Filip has two tough months of training in front of him.

In order to manage to qualify for the European Championships.

Henrik, on the other hand, will compete in the 1500m and will try to defend his title as defending European champ.

So his sons can reach their high goals, Gjert has worked out a detailed training plan.

On Wednesday, a half an hour in the morning and 5-6x 300m in 42 or 43 with fast active rest between each.

Those are my workouts. They are.

I've got it by myself. Have you?

Yeah, I did this one a lot in 2010 before competitions.

That's fine then. Enough about that.

Then we have this other which is more like we did last year.

It was totally merciless.

10km run in the morning and 16x 300m in the middle of the day. That is crazy. Forget that.

Regardless. It is good you see that now.

That's good. But, but, so...

Dad and I have been collaborating on training for a long time. He was my coach for cross country skiing.

The things we have developed are very good. They give results.

He has read up and gained what knowledge he can.

As long as Filip and I are on board, so tight is his hold as our coach.

He will take that with him and know it backwards and forwards.

He won't make the same mistake more than one time.

It is no coincidence that the Ingebrigtsen family has their summer holiday in Switzerland.

Here is the apartment we got in Saint Moritz.

Jakob, are you doing altitude training? Yeah.

Can't do that too young, I believe. No.

Ingrid, what have you done today?

I have run all the way around the track here with mom.

And William is here for his first altitude training at nine months.

Filip has had a tough year, but he has still managed to qualify for his first championship at the senior level.

It is really boring, the lives those boys live.

Before championships it is just eating, sleeping, and training.

For the rest of us who don't just do that.

It can be a bit boring.

At the same time, I think, we have a common goal and that is to go home with a European championships medal.

When you think about that, it is easier to deal with.

Now I'm in Luzern and preparing myself for the European track & field championships in Zurich.

There is one week left until it starts.

For the first time in the senior championships I will be competing against Filip.

It isn't certain we will be in the same heat.

But if we both come to the final, then we will be on the same start line.

That is the goal, that we both make the final.

Henrik, are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? No.

Can you see me?

Don't bug me.

Who do you think will with the European champs? That would be me.

You? Do you think that you will win?

Why are you just laying in your room all day?

I'm saving up for the next workout.

What time is that? In five hours.

That should be fun. It will not be fun.

No. What have we learned from Dad?

All fun things are dangerous.

We have now been on vacation for four weeks.

Four and a half. Or in the fifth week now.

Now Jakob doesn't want to stay any more.

So now it will be just me and Ingrid and William at this hotel.

We will send Jakob home to Martin in Sandnes.

What happened there?

It was one second slower than the first time.

You guys are running very unevenly.

How's it going? Filip is having a tough day.

Do you think you will with the European champs? Yeah.

That's good.

I wouldn't care to do this if not.

You wouldn't? I wouldn't care to if not.

Don't care? Don't care? Don't care.

I don't train to come in second place.

In Zurich, the press is focused on the Ingebrigtsen brothers, who will be competing against each other for the first time.

What is the relationship between you like when you are going to compete against each other?

On the start line he is just like any other competitor really.

I feel the same really.

Other days, there aren't as many that follow along as closely.

I think he is the clearest favorite in the field.

In the event we are both in the final, we will run against each other.

Then it will be an issue.

Can you joke a bit with each other?

We don't joke. We never joke around.

Get a bit closer together. You are very stiff.

Don't do it like that.

If you had grown up like us, you would have been just as stiff.

Here's a Norwegian newspaper, let's take a look.

Do you think there is anything about the boys in there?

Yeah, Oh, look there.

European championship hopes rest on this man.

Most have already been knocked out.

They didn't make the finals.

It is pretty much just Henrik and Filip left.

So now he has extra pressure on him.

Come and see. Come and see Henrik.

Would you like to see? Look.

Can you see that is Henrik?

Welcome today as Norway joins the hunt for a European championships medal.

We are in a taxi on the way to the stadium.

Film me too.

This is the 1500 meter.

Filip is pretty nervous.

I don't feel it.

Dad on the other hand is incredibly nervous.

For who? For myself.

I'm just excited to get going. I have waited a long time. This will be fun.

No. Oh yeah.

This week in Zurich is terrible for us as parents.

We have to pretend like we aren't concerned.

Everything is fine and it will go good.

Even while your own feelings are going through a rollercoaster.

And Gjert feels like some of the pressure even spills over to him, how he has brought up the boys.

There are two heats in the qualifiers.

The top six from each heat qualify directly for the final.

Look, there's Henrik.

Henrik is the first up and he is seen as one of the big favorites.

Henrik Ingebrigtsen has shown the muscles before and he does it again here.

Do you want to clap?

The first heat is underway.

Henrik is leading from the start.

Come on.

Yay Henrik!.

Come on Henrik!

There are eight men in the lead group and then a gap.

Henrik is answering all the moves.

Expect Henrik to take control on the home stretch.

He's in control. Everything is good.

Henrik looks around and will win the first heat in 3:39.32.

Henrik has moved on.

One boy done, now just one left.

Now we'll see Filip and see if he can also come to the final.

Come on Filip.

Filip is in third place.

Come on Filip.

He's falling back a bit now.

No. Filip needs to pick up the pace a bit now.

200 meters to go to the finish.

Come on Filip, you can take them.

Come on Filip.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

He's first one out.

His time will not get a finals qualifying place.

You want both of your children to succeed.

How do you relate when one is really disappointed and one is really happy.

That is the worst part as a parent.

I'm disappointed. I was aggressive in the beginning.

If you aren't up front in the start, it is hard to be up front at the end.

That's how it goes. Can't do anything more about it now.

You slipped too far back Filip. If you see an opening, then you run full speed.

Once you decide to go past then you need to just go.

It will cost what it costs, but to stop up like that, you will park yourself.

I know he was struggling there. Then why did you just give up?

When it doesn't go well, you have a lot of thoughts.

What have I done wrong? Is my training wrong? What did I do wrong in the race?

A whole bunch of things, which are basically just negative.

I know he is dissapointed, because he isn't all there, he isn't with it mentally.

And it irritates him to come up short.

He criticizes everyone else for not being there mentally if he sees it.

And now, he crashed down.


You shouldn't get yourself boxed in.

No. You were so fresh in the end.

You are the one who is most irritated at yourself.

Yeah, that I am.

Hello. Hello.

You were good.



I thought you were very good.

All the way up to 200 meters to go maybe.

Yeah. You will make the final.

I should have made it this time.

Yeah, you need to just forget it.

You made the European championships.

You haven't had the best run up either.

No, but no one knows that.

No, they don't. You don't need to be so disappointed though. I think it was good.

I am proud of you, no matter what. That's good then.

It is always much better to talk to you after, if it has gone wrong.

Okay, Bye. Bye.

It could be that this was just too soon, after the sickness. We'll never know.

There is no point in expending any more energy on it.

Henrik is in the final.

I will do as well as I can to not spread too much negative energy.

I told him, you should act as though you made it through to the final.

You should be there for Henrik, because he would have been there for you.

A nice brother. Who is? Filip? Jakob?

Yeah, he is.

I will be very disappointed if he doesn't get a medal, but I also have to tell myself that this season has gone from high point to high point.

That's why we are here. We want to win all the time.

Henrik will decide for himself if he will win.

No one else can decide for him.

If Henrik decides to win the race tomorrow then he will.

Can I decide now? You can do it now. It is best that you decide now.

There is no point to decide five minutes before. You need to decide now.

Everything you do from this point on depends on your decision.

Do you feel you are ready? Yeah.

You need to decide if you are going to win or not. I've already decided.

We are just minutes away from Henrik Ingebrigtsen's entrance today.

He will defend is European championship gold. I have a goal to take the gold.

If I reach my own goals, then I get Norway's too. It's as simple as that.

I am very nervous and hope it goes well for Henrik.

What do you say William?

William is ready.

So we are ready for the final.

We are excited before the start for Henrik Ingebrigtsen.

The 1500m final is underway in Zurich.

Henrik Ingebrigtsen in the middle of the field.

It is way too tight.

We see Chris O'Hare on his way to the front.

Someone almost stumbles into Henrik.

He collided with one of the athletes.

Henrik in the middle of the field

You need to move forward Henrik.

Several who fell there.

Henrik just came through at the back.

I knew he would go right there.

Henrik is moving forward.

He's too far ahead.

Behind Henrik is the German.

No doubt here that the gold will go to France.

Henrik fights for silver against the German.

Here comes O'Hare and it will be silver for Henrik Ingebrigtsen.

That is an impressive effort in a dramatic 1500m final.

A fantastically good performance from Henrik Ingebrigtsen from Sandnes.

William. Yay! We got silver!

He would have had gold in that one if he hadn't... Damnit!

If he hadn't been impacted by all the falls he would have won that crazy heat.

Are you proud of what he did despite everything? Oh yeah, that was great.

He had that one. There was too much jostling.

He was tripped two times.

There were three people who fell in his way.

To be disappointed with silver would be idiotic.

It was pretty cool to come in number two there.

Silver is "first loser", isn't that what they say?

That was good.

I know him extremely well

We have been racing together since he was a little boy.

I know his strengths and weaknesses so I can influence him to make the right choices

I have achieved my goals this year, for the most part.

I know what I have done, but I also know what I haven't done.

I know I can do even more, and dad and I believe it is quite a bit.

We are never satisfied, so long as we know we can do even better.

I wish Henrik all success and that he succeeds in everything he does.

He puts in a horrendous amount of work.

But on the other side, I put in my own share of work.

I sacrifice just as much, so I believe that soon it will be my turn.


Henrik might have gotten silver are the European championships, but I have gold in love.

I have just decided that I will do this.

When I a decide then it is difficult to stop me.

They are too grown up for you to decide for them.

Henrik, we haven't talked about your relationship with that lady.

You looked tired today. You will not be when you show up on Sunday. That will not happen.

That can't happen. You were tired like a a teenager.

On the track, little brother Jakob aims for speed.

14 year old Jakob is our running with an international field here.

Do you want to be good? I want to be best. Of? Everyone.

For more infomation >> Team Ingebrigtsen - Episode 3 (Eng Sub) - Duration: 38:50.


Santa Receita | Especial 300 anos na Argentina: conheça os caminhos de um devoto mariano especial! - Duration: 20:08.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Especial 300 anos na Argentina: conheça os caminhos de um devoto mariano especial! - Duration: 20:08.


Reaction to Touchdown Update Clash Royale with beer - Duration: 52:02.

For more infomation >> Reaction to Touchdown Update Clash Royale with beer - Duration: 52:02.


US State Dept. Approves $15B Missile Defense Sale to Saudi Arabia - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> US State Dept. Approves $15B Missile Defense Sale to Saudi Arabia - Duration: 1:02.


Bbkidtv: How to Draw Beautiful Birthday Cake | Cake Coloring Pages - Duration: 10:01.

Hello guys welcome to bbkidtv channel

I am create this channel for kids watching

This video I show you guys how to draw birthday step by step and coloring

For more infomation >> Bbkidtv: How to Draw Beautiful Birthday Cake | Cake Coloring Pages - Duration: 10:01.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


8 Truques Com MANTEIGA DE CACAU Que NINGUÉM Jamais Vai Te Contar - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> 8 Truques Com MANTEIGA DE CACAU Que NINGUÉM Jamais Vai Te Contar - Duration: 3:27.


For more infomation >> 8 Truques Com MANTEIGA DE CACAU Que NINGUÉM Jamais Vai Te Contar - Duration: 3:27.


Should you lose what you lov...

For more infomation >> Should you lose what you lov...


I'm not dead. (Update) - Duration: 1:22.

So I havent uploaded anything for the past 2 months. Sorry. I was super busy with school. I had a bunch of tests and projects to do and stuff like that.

So I'll try to make more videos soon. I actually lost 33 subscribers for not uploading anything.

But now i will. So bye.

For more infomation >> I'm not dead. (Update) - Duration: 1:22.


Renault Clio !! APK T/M 9-10-2018 !! 1.6 RN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio !! APK T/M 9-10-2018 !! 1.6 RN - Duration: 0:54.


Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 M-Jet Actual (1STE EIG./Airco) - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 M-Jet Actual (1STE EIG./Airco) - Duration: 0:45.


Mazda 6 2.2D 175pk GT-M (LEER/Camera/NAV./Xenon/19''LMV/420Nm!!) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 2.2D 175pk GT-M (LEER/Camera/NAV./Xenon/19''LMV/420Nm!!) - Duration: 0:59.


WHICH VOCALOID AM I? Quiz Time! - Duration: 9:13.

Hey guys, it's Froggie and today, we're gonna do something a little bit different

I have a face now, so this is kind of fun

So this is the face. I'm gonna use for today, and we're gonna do some vocaloid quizzes

Exciting if you see my eyes and eyebrows randomly moving around I promise it's not my actual eyes and eyebrows moving around randomly

It's just the software is a little bit glitchy anyways. Let's see what they have here. I think we're gonna do

Which Vocaloid or utauloid are you?

We got a nice little picture of them eating lunch at the food court

I like how Rin just squirts mustard on Len's sandwich like "yep

I know you need this much every single day just

Let me do it for you, buddy"

Question number one let's begin with for some of you very easy question


I think they need to spell check this, but carrots are great

Alcohol is life, I'm really into seafood. I like to eat flowers and holy crap how many answers are there, holy?

Okay, I don't think I have time to read all of this. Let's see they say favorite food

Alcohol is that a food?

Hmm flowers I don't know why I just do I like to eat flowers. None of these are my favorite... eggplant

I love it. I actually don't like eggplant so

I'm sorry Gakupoid

Ice-cream or popsicles or anything that can cool down, does that really matter, leek soup sandwich leek anything with leek I love anything

That's spicy. Actually that's not true. I actually can't eat spicy food very often

Rice rice, baby - tea or coffee sure is nice, mmm banana split, crunchy loaf of French bread or any other pastry

I love anything that is sweet

Am actually kind of hungry now right now and this French bread and pastry looks pretty good to me, so let's go with that

Now what's your gender?

I'm a girl so female

So what about your personality? Flirty and pervy...t-tsundere you baka


Sensitive just please be nice to me


Bubbly and happy yay, awkward and weird, open and optimistic, grumpy. I don't even really care. Edgy, very edgy...

I hope

This is the fake edgy. I see here

Someone's trying too hard

introverted I'm not really getting along well with others.

I would say I'm a combination of a few of these

To be honest and it really depends on

What kind of day you're having too, like if you're having a bad day than you're probably grumpy, and you don't care

But if you're having a good day, then you can be bubbly and happy, right

Let's go how I'm feeling right now

Well this is the first time I've made a video like this before so I am feeling very awkward and weird

Okay, what would you do if someone bullied your sibling?

Hmm well I'm an older sister, so I think I would be pretty protective, so let's see. "I wouldn't care"

"I would tell someone to help my sibling." Ha, you wouldn't help them yourself

You're just like "yeah

You know you see that little kid being bullied there? Guess what that's my sibling, and I need you to protect them!"

"I would face the bully and put them in a place"

"How someone even dares to hurt my sibling." I would put them in a place?

What place? You mean to their place? Just haul them back to their house. Yeah, that'll teach that bully

"I I wouldn't know what to do. Try to comfort my sibling and help them"

Yeah, I would face the bully. No one bullies. No, bullying is bad, guys

Okay, do you prefer?

Vocaloids or utauloid? I really can't decide they're both awesome

Vocaloids are the best. Utauloids all the way. I think they're both really good. You know

Despite the fact that utauloids are fan-made so sometimes the quality can be lacking

But there are actually really good utauloids out there, so I think they're both really great

Okay, next question, what type of songs do you like? Sad songs, I love stories behind them. Oh, that is so true

I really do love sad songs and any sort of songs that have like breakup messages and like

all those other things just oh

So good

Happy songs. They always make my day better

anything goes other types, weird and silly songs, perverted songs. Sad songs all the way, all the way guys and

Which genre of songs do you prefer? Pop is great, hip hop or dubstep, slow and melodical?

Anything that is sung by vocaloids or utauloids, other?

Honestly anything that is sung by Vocaloids and utauloids. I would probably check out and think it's awesome, so let's go with that

Choose your fate wait. I got it. I gotta say it like the way it's written here. Fate. Fate!


Fa... capital T capital E ee. Is it like..."Fa-TEE"


I probably sound really weird and awkward right now.

Let's go this one cuz this is funny

Okay, what is this? What is this picture? How do I see shipping here right now? What's happening?

This should be censored

Okay, you expected end of the quiz question mark no not yet your crush confesses

their love to you

What will you do?

Oh my gosh, um let's see. I would shyly run away blush madly and accept.... oh no here it is again. Thier...


Smile blush and hug the person and tell them you have same feelings for them. I would calmy accept their

Okay, this is clearly not just a typo now. I think they just don't know how to spell "their"

I would calmly accept their feelings and kiss them on cheek lips. I would squeak, jump around happily

And accept them excited. I would smile nod out as if you accept them and gently stroke them


Moving on, I would reject them because insert your reason here


I mean if my crush confessed their loved for me, then I would definitely accept. I don't think I would reject

Hmm no what I would hug the person because I really like hugs and watching them a hug makes me want a hug, too

So I would hug them let's see, next question you won a lottery what would you do with the money?

I would spend them on something I'm invested into. Bring it to a different country. Just spend it on something practical, save for later

I think I would spend it on something I'm invested into

Just 'cause I think I can use that money for something that's useful and not just let it lie around... although

Debt is one thing that you have to care about in this world

Okay almost at the end, okay, if you find out that your boyfriend girlfriend is cheating on you. What do you do?

Oh, my gosh. Let's see get mad scold them break away and never talk to them again, tear up and cry and then friendzone them.

Well, I don't think I can be friends with someone who cheated on me

It's just too painful, so I would never talk to them again

Never or is that too harsh guys?

Okay, this is the end yes, okay?

All right

Bye, how do you say bye? Bye, see ya goodbye farewell?

Farewell and goodbye are pretty formal right, so let's just go with see ya

See ya

You are just like

Gakupo woOo

Apparently this quiz gave you results of you being just like the samurai gakupo

You sure have adventurous life or maybe not, but that doesn't change you are very similar to him or you are similar to him

Well, they don't give me reasons for why I'm similar to him. Why am I similar to him?

Cuz I'm adventurous? Is that it?

I don't know

What do you guys think? Do you think I'm like gakupo? Leave your suggestions below?

And if you like this kind of videos, maybe I'll make more in the future

But in the meantime don't forget to subscribe and that's it. I'll see you guys in the next video

For more infomation >> WHICH VOCALOID AM I? Quiz Time! - Duration: 9:13.


What Makes Satisfying Videos Satisfying? - Duration: 4:55.

You've probably been around the Internet long enough to have stumbled upon one of those

so-called "oddly satisfying" videos.

They're these ten-minute-long clips of some seriously weird stuff, like foam being cut

into pieces, hands drawing perfect spirals, or machines slicing cheese.

If you've never done it, you might be thinking there's no way you'd watch ten minutes

of that, but these videos have millions of views, and once you start watching them, you

might find it kinda hard to stop.

They're weirdly relaxing, and our brains love something about them.

We're still waiting for someone to publish a peer-reviewed study on oddly satisfying videos.

But in the meantime, there are a few connected ideas in psychology that might explain what's

going on.

One possibility is that watching these videos could be similar to mindfulness or flow.

You might've heard about mindfulness, which involves focusing on the present moment and

acknowledging and accepting your thoughts and feelings.

It's sometimes involved in meditation or yoga.

Flow is a little different — it's a state of creative concentration that happens when

an activity is at just the right level of difficulty.

You feel in control of your actions, lose sense of time, and enjoy what you're working

on even if you aren't accomplishing a goal.

It's like an artist working on a painting or a writer caught up in their story or a

video blogger editing until late at night.

It's one of my favorite things about making videos.

These videos might do something similar, because they grab our attention and make us lose our

sense of time and the outside world.

It's a great feeling.

It's not a perfect comparison, though, because mindfulness and flow are both characterized

by deliberate action and control on our part, and watching these videos is pretty passive.

So some psychologists think there's another explanation: Watching a project get completed

in these videos -- like seeing someone perfectly frost a cake -- causes the same reaction in

your brain as completing a goal in real life.

When you finish a task, your brain releases dopamine, a chemical that plays an important

role in your brain's reward and pleasure circuits.

In other words, getting stuff done literally feels good.

And research also suggests that leaving things unfinished kinda drives us nuts.

In a well-known study from 1927, 32 participants were given around 20 simple tasks, like solving

puzzles and making figures out of clay.

They were allowed to finish some of the tasks, but others they had to abandon halfway through.

After they'd worked on everything, they were asked to list off the tasks they'd

been given.

On average, they were almost twice as likely to remember something if they hadn't been

allowed to finish it.

This idea, that it's harder to forget about things we haven't finished, eventually became

known as the Zeigarnik effect, named after the researcher who did these studies.

And it's been replicated in other research since then.

So you could argue that oddly satisfying videos have to do with getting something just right

or with finishing a task.

Stopping in the middle of one will bother us all day — that's why it's so frustrating

when a gif ends too soon.

But watching something to the end triggers our sense of completion … even though we're

definitely not checking things off our to-do list as we watch them.

That explanation doesn't work for all satisfying videos, though.

Some of them are pretty random, like glass melting or things exploding.

So another possibility is that there's something more fundamental about the videos that we


They tend to be geometric and colorful, so maybe those colors and shapes are appealing

to us.

Psychologists still aren't sure which kinds of stimuli our brains prefer -- or if there's

even a universal set of preferences -- but we do know there are some features we tend

to like better than others.

No one knows exactly why, but there's a long history of research showing that we prefer

curved lines and circles to angled lines and polygons.

And we definitely like symmetry.

We find it super attractive and use it to guesstimate a potential partner's ability

to reproduce.

We're also quick to spot it, and studies have shown we're better at remembering symmetrical

objects and designs.

We're really into patterns, too.

Some researchers argue that extreme pattern recognition is one of the defining capabilities

of our brains, and that it developed as our brains evolved.

So maybe the kinds of symmetrical, repetitive motions in oddly satisfying videos are the

patterns our brains like.

But again, we don't know for sure.

None of these ideas are perfect explanations — they're just things we know about our

brains that could be involved somehow.

All we know is that millions of people agree that there's something about these videos

that makes them satisfying to watch.

Still, even if you can't get no satisfaction about why these videos tickle your brain so

good, you can get a whole bunch of it from watching them.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go watch a machine knead silicone over and over.

Couldn't put the clip in the video for you to watch, because that would be stealing.

So, you have to go watch it too.

Or you could stick with us here at SciShow Psych and learn more weird things about the

internet, like this video right here about what makes a meme go viral.

For more infomation >> What Makes Satisfying Videos Satisfying? - Duration: 4:55.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI 2013 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI 2013 - Duration: 1:00.


klance » singular - Duration: 0:59.

it's so singular

the way you watch me wake up

and my hair doesn't seem to scare you

you, incredibly, do not care

if I kick you all night long

it's singular

your shame and your way of thinking

your hug that involves me slowly

and it graces all my

days and hours

it's so particular, my encounter when it's with you

my smile when it has yours to follow

my stories when you stop to listen

my life when I have something to call life

For more infomation >> klance » singular - Duration: 0:59.


i can fit this pencil inside my nose.. - Duration: 10:10.

hey, what's up YouTube

Welcome to

Revealed Magic today, I'm Gonna be showing you a classic trick pen in nose out now

So you want to know how to do that trick?

Great. I'm going to show you that right now. Here's how you're going to be doing this if you haven't figured it out already

Here is a back end. I'm just going like this

Now this might take some practice so all you got to do hold it like this

So you're going to have your three fingers like right over your middle finger so even sometimes you can hold it without using your thumb

you put your thumb there and

You're just going to put it in your nose like that some I recommend doing this when you're first practicing

So when you do this, you're not actually pushing it up your nose

You're this


your fingers

Just like that, and then it's concealed inside if you don't click enough. It will look real

But you got to practice before showing you got to practice before showing people because you can mess this up

and I have before I was on and

It's like it looks press it and it looks obvious that I'm going

like that and

It's just a huge mistake. So don't do that

Make it smooth

Alright, so once you have it up your nose. You're going to bite down

Just like out on the end

With your lips closed so no one can tell you're biting and just slide off

Alright. Well, I'm going to show you one more time, okay?

Ready put it in your nose

Try try and push lightly because once I have held on too hard push it out my nose. Oh


They're like you were supposed to push up your nose, and I said well

I did it incorrectly or something stupid so you don't want to push it up and actually in your nose

so let's go and


Slide so you're not oh

Actually hurting yourself, and it might be a little gross

But you'll get used to just putting in your nose and licking it with your tongue

Hey, you guys a solution expert and today we're going to learn two simple Magic tricks though with pens

Let's get to it

First one is the pencil vanish or pen batis you can do it with both

It's like this

And then you could bring it back basia again show both ends and make your repair. It's a

It's not simple. It needs a little bit of practice, but it's cool

So you could do it at school and word college wherever you want. It's amazing

Okay, so this is how it's done

You're going to start by holding the pencil or the temp?

between both of your fingers here and both of your fingers here like this, so

You're holding it with your thumbs and both your fingers because then you're going to go like this in slow motion

you're going to curl your your middle finger on the right hand and

The left hand will be hoped with the thumb will be holding the pencil, so it will snap so

You're putting pressure here, and then slapping it like this, but you're going to hide it with these hands, so

Put pressure with your middle finger

snap it back

You need to be either facing the audience or your head on the back of your hand here facing the audience

You're you're going to take the audience at an angle, so when it flashes

It's hiding behind the sun

And you're going to keep hoping it's with the middle finger in place between the middle finger and the index


like this

without the fingers right here like this, so

You need to do the same math

Tank like a mirror image between two hands so you need both middle fingers to go down and thumps to go up

to show that

Your advances and your hand is empty

The more you do it the faster. It becomes with a little flick like this. It will be much more

Beautiful, and you can make it reappear again or make it appear behind your the next one is it vanish in the coin vanish done

with a pencil it's usually done with a I want that the pencil is our one, so

You take coin

The coin like this you place the one in your hand with the coins you

Tap the hand one time and they calling

should bench like this

You can make it reappear by tapping again and this reappears

So let's get the trick so what you close your hand you put the pencil right?

in your hands and the liquor for left to stub yourself, and you're going to push it like this to the bottom and

Once you have this ledge to hold on and put the pen or pencil

You're going to steal the coin in this moment, so it's right here as you are

Putting the pencil down you're dropping the coin from this hand to the other hand

Okay, it's hard to do it

Like this then as you are coming to all be pencil

you're going to drop it like this and then pull the

Defensive and keep concentrating on your hand so they concentrate on your hand and then match so we're going to take

You can see you

hold this

like this

hold it and then stripe that

one stuff

This is without any wires no thing on my thumb. It could be boiled

Infected the levitating in Paper-money is done. You'll first need a power pill

Then you're gonna take a coin, so you just left behind 50

informs another time for roll call so now

Secure pearl you're gonna benefit. We go about financing is on your thumb, and

It's done. So what you going to do like this more wire and then wash the paperclip as

it goes up the roller brand like so

and this is

The levitating Wayne so here's how to trigger and the any boards object or boards ring

You're going to place the ring on to the rubber band, and what's your go-to?

You're going to place most of the rubber band in your hand like

so and

Stretch this part and what you're really doing you really just

pinching the word band in your head back and stuff and let me come pressure up and

This will seem as if the rubber adjuster brain is going of the battles like this

but this is how

Go subscribe to them you beautiful people

For more infomation >> i can fit this pencil inside my nose.. - Duration: 10:10.


My Streams in a Nutshell | Sdslayer100 GD - Duration: 2:01.

Hey Guys Welcome to the Livestream.... We got level requests?

Hello Sdslayer.

Hello You are A friend that I know from Elsewhere other Than YouTube so I will give you mod because I trust you Sufficiently Enough

69 69 69

You're Gonna Get to all your levels, okay?

How are you Human Here

Okay, i'm going to get, some water lll be Back in Literally Fifteen Seconds

You I'm back Wait what the fuck?

For more infomation >> My Streams in a Nutshell | Sdslayer100 GD - Duration: 2:01.


Artist of the Month October Palateth - Duration: 16:18.

For more infomation >> Artist of the Month October Palateth - Duration: 16:18.


Believe in yourself with conviction to achieve success - Duration: 2:12.

Good morning.

It's Lynda.

Today I wanted to talk about believing in yourself.

This morning I was getting ready and I was thinking about how you know boxers, the MMA

fighters, politicians -- you know -- how they get out there and they believe in themselves

and they succeed.

And some levels, now, when you have two boxers going against each other and one says "I'm

gonna whoop his butt" and the other one says "I'm gonna whoop his butt" you've got two

people who are saying and they both know, they know with conviction, that they are going

to win that fight.

But we all know only one will win that fight.

So what I find interesting about that is just knowing that you're going to win is the key

to success because they've already won because they already know what their abilities are

and they get out there and they fight for what they think is going to happen and they

make it happen that they get out there, right?

Now they might not win their match, but they get out there.

Same with politicians.

If you had politicians wavering and they're like "Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to beat

this person" and all this stuff.

If you have that then they're definitely not going to win.

Same with the boxers and the MMAs.

You know if one of them said "I'm going to whoop up on this guy and blah blah blah and

I'm gonna kick his butt.

I'm gonna turn him around he's gonna go back home with his tail between his legs" and the

other guy says "Well, I'm not really sure if I'm gonna win or not," odds are that the

one who has the confidence and the drive is the one that's going to win.

He believes in himself.

So all I'm asking for ME is to believe in myself.

That's all I need to do is believe in myself.

That's not all I need to do.

But what I need to start with is believing in myself and then going forward and making

sure that whatever it is that I believe in, make it happen.

I'm the only one who can make it happen.

So here I go.

Today I have a plan for today of what I'm going to do, what I'm going to accomplish

and I'm going to do it.

Have a great day y'all.

Bye bye.

For more infomation >> Believe in yourself with conviction to achieve success - Duration: 2:12.


Pes 2017 Champions league: Atlético de Madrid vs Arsenal - Duration: 15:05.

People talk, Kratos evil

Let's go there

Thanks for watching this video and it is us

For more infomation >> Pes 2017 Champions league: Atlético de Madrid vs Arsenal - Duration: 15:05.


Cowboys Score too Fast As Packers Are Given the Ball with Time!! 🕥 - Duration: 6:29.

Damn With the inception of AT&T Stadium a few years

ago Dallas Cowboy fans were always proud of the brand spanking new arena Jerry Jones built

for them. With the largest HD Jumbotron TV in the game residents of Texas thought they

were the flyest team on the block. But maybe some changes aren't for the better as there

first Regular Season & First Post Season games were both won by the New York Giants as Giants

players would then grab a Sharpie and write their name on the wall of the locker room

to let every one know who owns the new venue. But with that being said someone needs to

pass the Sharpie to the left so the homie Aaron Rodgers could write his name on the

wall because it's very clear to Cowboy fans that money straight owns their stadium as

well now. The Cowboys came out Sunday and suffered a bad lost. A lost that some people

saw coming since the end of the first half as the Packers defense was able to strip sack

Dak Prescott just as time ran out to keep Aaron Rodgers and his squad within striking

distance heading into the locker room in a 21-12 hole. Up to that point the homie Dak

Prescott had played a really good game to keep his squad a step ahead of the team that

kicked them out of the playoffs a year before. With a whole summer to get their game together

Dallas came out with a vengeance like they were Batman. Scoring on their first drive

of the game the Cowboys wouldn't let up on the Packers questionable secondary as Dak

Prescott linked up with the homie Cole Beasley 2x to back up Green Bay then he and Dez Bryant

connected on a 10 yard fade to give Head Coach Mike McCarthy a fit. Mike McCarthy was so

red on the sideline watching his defense get torched that he looked worst than Tom Coughlin

in the NFC Championship Game in '07. The homie Dak Prescott was straight balling on

the Packers rush defense as money dodged just about everything they could throw at him.

With the defense being able to sack him once the Cowboys were putting up numbers like GTA's

first week sales. Dak Prescott was extremely efficient with the ball going 25/36 with 3

TD's to go along with his fellow rookie Ezekiel Elliott's 116 yards on 29 carries

on the ground. So with the Cowboys offense looking like a well oiled machine what the

hell happened? I'll tell you what happened! That dude "Aaron" happened. Well, Both

Aaron Rodgers & Aaron Jones happened to be exact. That boy Aaron Jones came straight

outta nowhere. The Rookie out of UTEP came through clutch for the Packers who's run

game has been funny over the past few years to put in work like he was Mr. Fix-It. Money

had a great game as he ripped the Cowboys tired defense for the majority of the game

to allow Aaron Rodgers & Jordy Nelson to take advantage of the play action as Rodgers was

able to find him wide open in the back of the end zone on the first play of the 4th

Qtr to give Green Bay their first lead of the game 22-21. At that point Dallas was shocked

to see their comfortable lead just vanish just like that. But with Dak Prescott continuing

to out perform as usual it was his receiver Terrence Williams who would commit Dallas's

next mistake as he allowed a pass to deflect off of his hands which turned into a quick

Pick 6 for Green Bay to help them to pull even more in front of the now bewildered Cowboys

team. Money wanted no parts of that pass from Dak like that joint had Anthrax. But shoutout

to Dak Prescott though because homie would just head back out there and show the fans

why he's more than likely to at least win one championship in his career as he dusted

himself off and led a comeback against the Packers. With time winding down Dak stayed

Cool & Collected and engineered a masterful drive that included a near 4th Down failure

only to catch the Packers sleeping as he then scored the go ahead touchdown to reclaim the

lead. With everyone on the Cowboys sideline celebrating the late game heroics the only

question that was left on everybody's mind was if maybe they scored too quick as they

left the ball in Aaron Rodgers hands with just over a minute left in the game. Long

story short, yes. yes they did. lol. Congratulations Dallas, you've played yourself. deadass.

because before you knew it, the bad man Aaron Rodgers took Green Bay 75 yards down the field,

as he found "Devontae Adams" on a back shoulder throw to beat the Cowboys Rookie

Cornerback "Jordan Lewis" on a 12 yard touchdown to drive a stake through the Cowboys

heart like Buffy the mother effing Vampire Slayer. Fax! Dawgs, I don't know if the

Cowboys knew before, but you're not supposed to give Aaron Rogers no time to pull a comeback.

Especially in his second home "A T & T Stadium". lol. Yup, Dak Prescott, you should of dropped

onto the floor before you scored that touchdown to give Ezekiel Elliot the chance to take

more time off the clock stoooooooopid. But what did you make of this playoff rematch?

With Devontae Adams exploding for 2 touchdowns including the game winner, was "Danny Travay

Ton's" suspension even needed? With Rookie running back "Aaron Jones" having a breakout

game, have the Packers found their solution at runningback? With the Cowboys now falling

to 2 and 3 for the season, are they just suffering through a sophomore slum? I mean, they better

get it together as soon as they can, because I think the homie Carson Wentz could give

a damn about a sophomore slum as homie's got his Philadelphia Eagles flying high at

the top of their division with Superbowl dreams on their mind. But You Already Know, I Don't

Have An Opinion, I Just Spit Faxx!

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