Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 10 2018

Rose: 15 minutes later...

High Princess Ebony: Well father?

King Edmond: Well do you love this man?

High Princess Ebony: Yes with all of my heart.

King Edmond: And does he love you?

High Princess Ebony: Yes father he does.

King Edmond: Alright I won't kill him.

High Princess Ebony: Thank you. :)

King Edmond: Your welcome... Uhm?

High Princess Ebony: Yes?

King Edmond: Do you know where your mother is? She was supposed to be back a day ago!

King Edmond: I sent men to look for her, but they came back without her.

High Princess Ebony: Ya, she's dead.

King Edmond: Dead? But how?

High Princess Ebony: Well it seems she sneaked into High Prince Emerald's ball disguised as a princess in order

High Princess Ebony: to kill King John!

King Edmond: Oh?!

High Princess Ebony: Yes, but I stopped her before she was able to touch him!

King Edmond: Oh you didn't, did you?

High Princess Ebony: No King John did that himself with his laser powers.

King Edmond: I see, well that explains her absence among other things. -ahem- Uhm where shall I meet this man?

High Princess Ebony: We'll take a walk in the woods tomorrow to his sister's tree house.

King Edmond: Alright sounds grand.

Rose: To be continued...

For more infomation >> V Butterflies L & D ep.AK - Duration: 1:58.


Boulet Brothers DRAGULA Season Two: Episode Nine - Duration: 50:18.

(ominous electronic sounds)

(owl hooting)

(wolf howling)

- [Swanhula] Previously on Dragula.

(hard rock music)

- We're all going to Wasteland Weekend.

- It's time for us to decide our three of the season.

- For the first segment of your challenge,

we've arranged a photo shoot.


- You're going to be performing live

on the Wasteland weekend stage.

(audience cheering)

- James, you won tonight. (exclaiming)

You can't really get to Dragula

without going to Wasteland.

(audience cheering)

(aggressive rock music)



(ominous piano music)

- Listen up, boys.

Tomorrow is a very important day for me.

It's my famous candlelight supper.

Go and show me how you're going to pour this, come on.

Oh, look what you did!

You ruined him when you brought him back to life,

you know that?

- [Swanthula] Who cares, who cares?

What difference does it make?

He still knows how to do the important things.

Come on!

(alarm beeping)

- What the heck is that?

- I told you to defrost some of the meat,

not the whole damn freezer.


(dramatic orchestral music)

- Oh!




(hysterical crying)

- [Dracmorda] Stop her!

I will not have old Meatball ruining my candlelight supper!

(hysterical yelling)

(dramatic music)

(blade twanging)

(dramatic music)







(laughing and panting)



- You know, I didn't even know she was still in there.

Look at him.

Oh, and get rid of her, come on.

- Wait a minute, wait a minute.

We've got a huge dinner party tomorrow night.

And this is the kind of roast that just keeps on giving.

(maniacal laughing)

(ominous music)

(theme music)

♪ Drag

♪ Filth

♪ Horror

♪ Glamour

♪ Dragula

♪ She's a killer

♪ Queen

♪ Dragula

♪ She'll make you scream

♪ Drag Drag Drag Drag Dragula

- [Swanthula Voiceover] The winner of Dragula

receives a cash prize of $10,000,

courtesy of dragqueenmerch,

and the title of Dragula,

the world's next drag supermonster.

♪ Dragula


(ominous music)

- [Dracmorda] And here they are.

(frightening music)


(flies buzzing)


I sold you fame and fortune on a silver platter.

And you choked.

(clicking tongue)


(hollow clunking)

Always so full of confidence.

You know, a little low self-esteem

or some jealousy, some hate, something,

could have made you so much more deadly.

I mean, after all,

if you can't hate yourself,

how in the hell are you going to hate somebody else?

Who the fuck's this?


Look at Abhora.

Why did you have to melt her?

This is a mess.

It is going to take me all night to reconstitute her.


Get them all upstairs, now.

(ethereal vocal music)

(whispering voices)

(ethereal vocal music)

(dramatic music)

(guttural voices)

(aggressive dance music)

- Welcome to a very special dinner party.

It's our Dragula Last Supper.

- We've also invited the recently departed

because everybody knows

even dead girls love the opportunity to

show off their dinner party best.

We wanted to give our ghouls

one last moment in the spotlight.

- Let's dim the lights,

dust off these corpses, and let the floorshow begin.

(speaker feedback and static)

(aggressive rock music)


- Finally, ghouls,

our guests of honor have arrived.

(aggressive dramatic music)

- Here we all are.

Well, welcome Uglies.


It's so fantastic to have the entire Filthy family

together again.

- Now we really have had an exciting season with all of you.

But at you know, we're down to our final three competitors,

and soon one of them will be crowned our next

Drag Supermonster.

- That's why you guys are here today.

We need your help.

You guys have grown with these competitors.

You've fought with them, you've cried with them,

you've competed with them,

and I think you have all the information we need

to help us make our decision.

- Basically you know all the dirty secrets,

and we want everything laid out on this table.

And before we're done, we're going to ask each of you

who you think most deserves to snatch that crown.

And I'm guessing that it's going to be like

any good family reunion,

a messy, emotional, dramatic train wreck.

So let's begin at the beginning.

(bell tinkling)

- [Dracmorda] With the appetizer course.

(gong crashing)

Now you guys dropped your lives and

moved across the country so that you could become a part

of this competition.

Let's take a look back at the origins of your journey.

- Hi.

It's me, Abhora.

- Hi, I'm Steven Glen Diehl,

otherwise known as Biqtch Pudding,

and I'm here to tell you, Boulet Brothers,

that not only I eat ass,

I swallow, too.

(dramatic music)

- Hey, I'm Kendra Onixxx, the blood-drenched sex demon.

Welcome to my nightmare.

- Well hello there, naughty boys and girls.

It is I, Disasterina!

(whip cracking) (moaning)

- [Abhora] Thank you. (laughing)

(whip cracking)

- Ah, thank you, ma'am. (laughing)

- It is going to be a moment of excitement tonight.

And that's just at the beginning.

- You will die for us.


(gun banging)

(maniacal laughing)

(hard rock music)

- Being in the body bag for that amount of time

was like being inside of a used condom,

it was just absolutely horrible.

- Biqtch looks like the Beyonce video reject,

not a Dragula Supermonster.

- Biqtch Pudding...

This Abhora bitch, she is fucking frightening to look at.

- Girl, what the fuck was she wearing?

- Well, I don't understand what's up with the Majesty.

She's not really road ready as far as I'm concerned.

- There's pretty sickin' talent here,

except for the one to my right.

Gag me with a spoon, this bitch is awful.

- Body bags are just not good for sweaty drag queen.

- Erika Klash is cute but...

- Disasterina looks like she just

walked off the fucking street.

Like, is she a hooker?

- Kendra Onixxx seems awfully basic to be

on this show, to be honest.

- I love Kendra Onixxx.

She's loud, she's an idiot,

she knows how to have a good time (mumbles).

- I don't mind fighting anybody.

And point blank period, they always told me

if anybody got something to say to you,

you can still handle it in the bread.

There's plenty of bread to go around.

- You're not a monster, though.

I don't consider you a sister.

- What did you say about me, girl?

- You're a trigger-happy alcoholic, that what I said, bitch.

You gotta pop a Xanax every 10 fucking minutes.

- He's not pretentious at all.

He's just a cunt.

(laughing and screaming)

- [Dracmorda] It was quite the rocky beginning for

some of you, wasn't it?

- Kendra, I want to ask you,

what ran through your mind when you came out

of that body bag and you saw

your sisters for the first time?

- I mean, I was impressed by most everyone,

but not everybody.


- [Erika] Who were you not impressed by?

- Honestly, Biqtch.

You looked like a Beyonce reject

coming out of the fucking bag.

- Well you see where the queen is, girl.

(laughing and cheering)

- Now, Abhora, you were a big fan of the first season.

- I was.

- So is it sort of surreal to be here today?

- I just realized where I am.


- [Swanthula] I believe you.

- I'm right where Meatball, Vander, Xochi,

and they all were when they were drunkenly

stabbing each other in the back.

And I'm so excited for this opportunity.


- What do you think, Dahli?

- I love being surrounded by trash,

it's my absolute favorite. (laughing)

- Thank you!

Thank you!

- I have a like a really big bond with Victoria now.

But I was stoked to see what a diverse group

of people it was.

It was absolutely amazing.

- Monikkie and James,

you guys actually ran into each at the airport

before we even started filming.

So what was your reaction when you saw each other?

What did you think about seeing each other

and figuring out that you were on the show?

- You know, I wasn't too surprised right away,

because she is quite obviously a monster.

I mean, look at her speak.

I think she fits here.

She has that trananimal, that trash, that dirt,

that underground kind of vibe.

So I was kind of excited to see what she

could do on this show.

- To see her walk up in front of me and it was

we were on the same show, and I was just like

Jesus Christ. - She carried my bags

for me at the airport.

- [Monikkie] I literally was like,

I literally was like, Jesus Christ, here we go.

Here comes the drama.

- [Erika] You brought one suitcase?

- [Monikkie] Yes.

- It's just all masks.

- [Monikkie] #TeamOneLook.

(electric knife buzzing)


- I do want to ask you guys because, James--

- [Monikkie] To be honest,

I am so happy with James right now.

Me and James's friendship, everything--

- [Dracmorda] I don't want to talk about,

and you're interrupting me.

Okay, I'm not going to say it again.

We're not talking about that.

You got it, does everybody understand?

- Yes. - [Dracmorda] Okay, great.

- I think James gets extreme reactions

to the people that he meets.

And some of you guys got those extreme reactions, too.

So what is it about James that

sometimes rubs people the wrong way?

What do you think?

- [Monikkie] Do you really want me to be like that now?

- [Kendra] She's really off-putting when you first meet her.

- [Swanthula] Okay.

- [Kendra] Because she's like, oh I'm this,

oh I have this many followers,

I'm this, I'm that, I'm this.

- Well this is--

- Hold on, let me finish.

I let you talk.

But when you actually get to know James Majesty,

she's really sweet.

But her persona is a bitch,

and I do not like her.

- I am a very confident person,

but it's all an act that I put up.

Coming to meet all of you queens,

you scared the fucked out of me, all of you.

You're very intimidating.

So I put up a whole front when I first got here

and each one of you let me know that I was a bitch.

And that's when I learned to, like, okay,

let me humble myself real quick.

- I could see that you were doing that

because you felt uncomfortable,

not because you were actually a bitch.

- [James] I was very scared by all of you.

- All right, well that was a nice appetizer,

but I'm definitely still hungry for more.

So let's move on to the main course.

(bell tinkling)

(gong crashing)

- Now we took you guys to some crazy locations

to finish out some of your challenges.

So we're going to take a quick look back

and just see what it was like on season two of Dragula

to do drag out in the wild.

- Where are we going?


- Pulling up in that truck was a fucking disaster.

I knew that was going to be

just a shit show in the beginning.

- I don't know where the fuck we are.

I don't know who I'm with.

(dramatic music)

- What a rude awakening to the old west,

to be pushed out of that truck right on the floor, yuck.

- So drink a lot of water.

Pace yourself because the temperature threatens to reach

a hellish 100 degrees today.

- Hello, Uglies.

Welcome to our cabin in the woods.


- I'm finally going to become the naked mole rat

and about to shave these eyebrows.

I'm worried I'm never going to get dick again.



- That's right, we're all going to Wasteland Weekend.


- This car ride is taking forever.

And Abhora's breath stinks.

- I'm a little nervous to go to Wasteland Weekend.

I don't want to feel like we

have to like (mumbles).

(engine rumbling)


- This is fucking crazy!

(cheering and shouting)

I washed my face and everything and then full up dirty now.

- These are the craziest (mumbles).

- I love this, though.

Like, who ever would have thought we'd be getting ready

in the middle of the desert?

- We thought the woods was bad.

- We've arranged a photo shoot

in a really red hot spot out in the desert.

In fact, it's going to reach close to 100 degrees out there.

So while you're modeling for the camera,

then your challenge is try to keep your cool

and deliver the hottest photo of the day.

And whoever does, scores the highest for

that portion of the challenge.


- [Abhora] That was hot!

- Erika, what did you think of doing drag

in those crazy locations?

- Girl.

You have not done drag

until you have tucked in the fucking woods, okay?


But you know what?

Those are the perfect tests because like,

there's the challenges but then there's like

get yourself in drag in the woods,

or stand out in the heat for hours and hours

and don't let your eyebrows crack, you know?

That is part of the hell of Dragula

so I totally embraced it,

and I think we all were troopers.

- It teaches you quite a bit. - Absolutely.

- Biqtch, what about you?

You survived a lot of the location challenges.

What did you think was the toughest and why?

- Uh, the woods fucked me up

because I had to shave my brows in order to be pussy.


- That was ballsy, Biqtch.

- I have to tell you that sitting there with Peaches Christ

and Coco Peru seeing you cry

about your eyebrows was pathetic.


- [Abhora] Yeah, I was like, get over it.

- If it makes you feel better, I'd still hit it, so I mean--


- On top of that, I have to you guys,

this is really secret information,

but it will help you deal with this.

It'll grow back.


Well you guys were tougher than you know.

And that's what that challenge was really about,

to go in there and just let it out,

and be rough and tumble,

and roll in the dirt with another queen,

and work your problems out, like Kendra said, in the grass.


- That's why we design those exterminations.

It is to test you in various ways and help you

push your limits so can realize things like,

I'm alive, I feel like a primal being,

and I can be hurt and I can hurt people,

and I'm tough.

And it's fun as fuck to watch you guys do it all.

- [Dracmorda] So liberating.

So, Erika, you have actually faced more exterminations

than any contestant on the show, ever.

So congratulations.

(applauding and cheering)

- And I will say,

even when I did go home,

I went out kicking and screaming.

And Abhora, Biqtch, you limped into that next challenge

because I got you.

- [Dracmorda] Dahli,

you were skyrocketing in the competition.

And then, you went up for extermination

and what happened?

- You guys play fair, you play hardball.

So I knew that if I did poorly, you would exterminate me.

To be honest,

this competition is way more pressure,

physically and mentally,

than a lot of people see at home,

and they'll never understand that until you are

a competitor on this show.

And I fell short.

- [Dracmorda] That's an honest answer.

It is a lot harder, you guys all know that now.

People at home don't realize how much we torture you all.

But I'm sure you think it's worth it.

- Yeah, these bitches are badass.

- I want to talk to Felony, too, about exterminations,

because the one that you faced,

I think calls for a certain steely nature.

Because you went home first, how did that feel?

What did that experience do to you, do for you?

- I learned a lot of humility.

Pinche and I are getting along great over this.


It's a lot of feelings of rejection,

and rejection is a lot of feelings of no control.

And Monikkie fuels my resentment because

we were all in the bottom and her attitude was bad.

She had a bad attitude.

She was screaming for Vicodin,

screaming for alcohol-- - [Monikkie] Xanax.

Not Vicodin, not Vicodin.

Xanax, Xanax.

- And if you're not grateful to be here, don't be here.

Don't elect to be here any longer.

- Girl, I wore a mask and I got here.

- You got there


It fueled my resentment,

and for all the gratitude I have to the Boulets

for letting me be here.


I still validate you as a performer

and I think you're amazing.

But I'm still making, still creating,

still sewing, still doing,

and I'm going to keep on doing it.


And I still have gratitude through it.

And I'm not going to scream like a baby about it either.

- Now we were not aware of the questions

that the polygraph operator would ask

to try to embarrass you.

And then he asked the incest questions.


Which I love and live for.

You stunned us with honesty, and I was like--

- We thought James was the incest one.

- I'm the incest queen of season two.

- [Swanthula] She's the undercover incest queen.

- I can explain, I can explain.

It was a cousin of my father's,

and if you know from watching the show,

I don't know any of the family on my father's side, really.

So it was someone that I didn't really grow up with.

But then I was like, oh.

I was like 15, I was like, yeah,

I'll blow you on the way to this market.

- Ah ha!

- This actually brings up the moment of truth for James.

What is this incest bullshit?

Here is your chance, explain. (laughing)

- So my brother is a brother I've adopted into my family.

- So it's chosen family, it's not biological family.

- [James] He is chosen family.

We are not related, but biologically we each

actually have the same last name.

And we are best friends and we did grow up together.

And he is the closest family I have.

And we have actually never slept together at all.

At all, even though he's a porn star,

I do the porn and the drag,

we all mixing everything together like...

No, God no.

- So is that just a rumor?

How did that happen?

- There was a queen online who got kicked out of DragCon--


And she made up a rumor about me

and it just spread with all of the bearded people on

Reddit, and it went crazy, that's all.

- Does everybody feel satisfied with that answer?

- But I would fuck him, yeah.


- Now, Disasterina, something interesting came out about you

when you when you first started the competition,

that you are actually married to a biological woman

and have a stepdaughter.

- And she's hot!


- Are you calling my daughter hot?

- No, no, no. - Okay, just checking.

- I wondered,

was it hard for you to feel like you fit in with these girls

because of your sexual preferences?

- I was a little worried when I came onto the show.

I mean, I am a little bit different from everybody else.

But, once I got to know everybody,

I was really surprised at how loving everybody was.

I made friends here that I'm going to have my entire life.

- I love you--

- It was such a non-issue.

- I'll love you when the check clears.

- We were all like, duh, there should be

a straight drag queen.

That is a perspective that has not been showcased.

And it is a valid perspective,

just like biological women or cisgendered women doing drag,

or trans women doing drag.

- Queer doesn't mean being gay.

You fit right into this fucked up family.


- [Erika] It has so much more to do with a state of mind

than it does sexual identity.

- And you are so queer. - She is queer.

- So, Kendra.

During the rock and roll challenge,

you seemed to have some conflicts with your band mates,

and it ultimately ended in you

getting exterminated that night.

How do you feel about that?

Is there things that you think

people at home maybe didn't see

or didn't understand about what was happening?

- I was going through a lot of stuff

in my personal life to be honest.

And I just didn't have the means to go

to one of the two practices we had.

It's not like we had many.

So I mean, let's just be honest.

- We didn't have many because you weren't there.

- Bitch, we had two!

- We had many without you.

- It's very hard to get ahold of you.

- Okay, we had two practices,

and what we did on stage was exactly what we practiced.

Am I right or am I wrong?

- Yeah, but we could have practiced so much more.

- [Kendra] Whoa, my question is--

- Maybe she practiced not to lose your wig twice.

- Well if you didn't hit me in the head like you did,

I wouldn't have.

You should practice not busting your seams

on your pants, bitch.


- Sorry, but--


- That was the point.

- Oh, you guys knew what hair I was going to wear?

- And you should have prepared for that

because you knew too, didn't you?

- And I superglued it on, I mean, how hard

are you going to hit me?

- It was styrofoam, bitch.

- It was a fake TV.

- Bottom line, there was two practices I was told about,

I made it one, and we did exactly what we

practiced on the stage.

I mean, I'm sorry that your costume came apart,

your costume came apart,

and you were boring.


I'm sorry.

- [James] Honey, so the thing is,

we had more rehearsals and you didn't respond quick enough.

I would message you-- - Waiting for hours.

And you would never respond within the amount of time

to get back to us to set everything up.

- [Kendra] Bitch, I have two--

I have messages for two practices

that you guys told me about.

I don't know if you guys had more than that.

I wasn't told about more than that.

And I'm sorry, you shouldn't have been messaging me,

Victoria should have been because she was the captain,

am I right? - But I was.

- Am I right or am I wrong?

- I was messaging you and I didn't hear back from you.

- [Kendra] No you weren't.

- You were six hours late also.

- And you guys still didn't have anything when I got there!

No, you didn't, you didn't have anything when I got there.

No, no, no, when I got there,

we decided that all together, as four people,

am I right or am I wrong?

That's a yes or no question.

- Um--

- [Monikkie] Is it yes or fucking no, bitch?

- No, Monikkie...

Happy alcoholic.

- Are you fucking kidding me?

- [Abhora] We didn't want to make any moves.

- [Kendra] Okay, you're right, you're right.


Am I in the Twilight Zone?

Be honest, Abhora,

was there a clear, concise...

We knew we were doing Neon.

Was there a clear, concise plan when I got there

six hours late?

- We spent days conceptualizing our band's identity.

But if we weren't all there together, to experiment--

- [Kendra] I'm sorry, you guys are worried about

the performance aspect.

I'm not.

I perform, you guys model.


- If we're talking about cheap outfits,

why don't you talk about your runway look

that was from the Walgreens section for Halloween?

- [Kendra] That's only because you hated

everything you did.

Put some panties on, bitch.

- Oh, right, okay.

- You're telling me--


Tell me because you're a real bitch.

So tell me how you feel.

- We...

Okay look, we all collectively focused on ourselves

and hoped that it would mesh together well, and it didn't.

- Didn't matter because we fucking nailed this.

- You fucking bitch! (laughing)

- I honestly, I've said what I had to say

because I felt like you guys just pretty much

just showed your true colors right now.

- Monikkie, you've had some drama on social media

since the cast was announced.

I want to ask you if you have anything to say

about your behavior or the outcome--

- Yeah, I actually do.

The stuff that happened on social media, I really do regret.

And it doesn't matter if it happened long ago,

if it happened last week,

if it happened yesterday, or the day before.

It doesn't matter.

I'm starting to realize that I did make a mistake

and I want to correct it,

and I want to be a better person.

- Are you upset that you hurt somebody's feelings?

- Actually,

to be honest-- - Careful.

I didn't sign up for Dragula to be a fucking role model.

I didn't want to be like--

I didn't want to be that person.

Because to be honest, who's going to fucking look up to me?

- This is your opportunity--


- Can you let me finish?

Thank you.

Yeah, I didn't sign up on Dragula to be a role model.

I didn't sign up for everybody to look up to me.

I don't want people to look up to me.

I can't even look up.

I signed up on this show to be the fucking monster

that I know I could be and everything.

And then once it came out that I realized

that I do have a platform, I do a audience,

I do have people that do look up to me.

I apologize for that.

I do immensely apologize for the shit that I said.

Still to this day I still apologize for that.

I am not a perfect person.

I still make mistakes, no matter fucking what.

- There it is.

- If feel bad that some people have to look up to me,

but at the same time--

- Monikkie, I'm going to interrupt you.

And I'm not going to kiss your ass.

But what I do think you should realize is

you don't have to self-deprecate.

If someone looks up to you, they see something in you

that inspires them.

You're creative, you're unusual, you make me laugh.

I love this wild spirit that you have about you.

I think there's plenty of aspects in your character

and your creativity as an artist

that are worthy of looking up to.

But you also are a person, and none of us here are perfect

and no one watching the show is perfect.

And to condemn anyone, and just death threats

and all these other ridiculous things

because someone made a mistake,

no one is above forgiveness.

And if they are, they have no idea what life is about yet

as far as I'm concerned.

- If someone says something that we don't like,

and as a community we say, let's attack that person,

let's drag that person, let's destroy them,

let's tell them to kill themselves and that

sort of crazy stuff,

you know...

This is how Trump gets elected.

Because what you're doing is, if someone fucks up,

you terrify them.

You don't get an opportunity to teach them

how to grow or anything.

You basically scare them into being terrified,

you ostracize them--

- They hide their feelings.

They hide their feelings because they can't share them,

and when they do share them, they're attacked.

So you have all of these people out in our country

that hide their true feelings.

And then when we have an election or when you can

voice your opinion in private,

then you find out what people are really thinking.

And by then it's too late.

You can't change someone or help someone grow.

- All we're doing is bullying them as a community.

What we need to do is dig our hands in it

and change people's minds, right?

- And I think that Monikkie did that.

I don't know what you're going to do in the future.

I don't know your whole fucking history.

We research the cast as much as we can,

we dig into your history for about six months,

and what the hell else can we do at that point?

So we were surprised we didn't know it.

But I really applaud that you publicly apologized

several times,

and I really applaud that you and the person

who this happened with spoke, you made up,

that's progress to me.

That's positivity.

That's taking a negative and turning it

into something positive.

- Cheers to that, bitch.

(cheering and laughing)

- We all haven't been together like this

since we started this journey.

I want to give each of you the opportunity

to either ask a question of one of your exorsisters here,

or maybe confront an issue that you wish you had

but you didn't.

Would anybody like to start?

- [Erika] Abhora,

why did you lie and say that I should stay

when you felt, according to the polygraph test,

that you felt you should stay.

- Where I'm from, lying is an easy solution

to solve all your problems forever.

Now I see, through this show,

that it's only putting your problems back a little bit.

But it will come forward.

I have changed who I am,

I've adapted who I am.

I've overcome insecurities and things that

have been in the way of me being a truer artist.

And now I see that you haven't.

I really wish you had just been honest.

Because I was honest.

And you claim to be such a monster, this that.

You talk a lot of shit to these

other girls about me beforehand.

And we had a whole discussion about how heady you were.

But you couldn't say it to my face.

And I find that to be the bitch aspect

that kept you from top three.

And I feel like that kind of procedure is unfortunate.

(electric knife buzzing)

- Enough of that,

I hope you guys have let the bad blood out.

But I'm growing tired of the subject.

I hope that that has helped your relationship in some way.

I mean, I feel like she's answered the question

and maybe it shed some light on the situation,

but I think your relationship is a little complicated

and you guys could probably go back and forth for awhile.

- Really, I love you, I still love you.

But you're a bitch.

And you don't own it like I owned it.

- Well you can go fight each other in

the alley by the dumpster after this if you want to,

but for now, that conversation's done.

- They just need to fuck and get it over with.

- Get away from me! - I've had it!

- Listen, girls, that was a very filling course.

So thank you all for that.

But I think it's time we moved to

my favorite part of the meal.

(bell tinkling)

Dessert. (gong clanging)

- So this is the moment of truth.

This is the moment you all get to speak up on.

We cast all of you for a reason, because we respect

your opinions and we respect your creativity.

But now we have to decide who's going to win.

And we want to call on each of you to tell us

who you think should win and why.

And we're going to start with Felony.

- Biqtch Pudding.

She has something that is indescribable.

It's easy for her, she wants to do it,

it's not work for her.

In short, she's just kind of a star

in the simplest words.

- [Dracmorda] What do you think, Monikkie?

- Yeah, Monikkie, what do you think?

- Me and Biqtch Pudding, like...

Girl, I had so much angst against her and the whole fight,

and I think that she has worked so fucking hard

and I would not be sur-fucking-prised if she won

and took the fucking title of Dragula season two.

But also, Victoria does, too.

Like, so it's kind of a toss-up.

- Dahli, what do you think?

- Although my answer may seem a little biased,

Victoria is my fucking homegirl,

and it has nothing to do (gasping)

with our personal relationship.

But it has everything to do with everything

she has brought to the table.

She is a absolute fucking disgusting monster.

- I don't believe you would tell us that

if you didn't believe it.

- [Dahli] I don't have a reason to lie.

I mean, what are you going to do, exterminate me?


- [Dracmorda] We might!

Kendra, what do you think?

- Honestly, I'm torn between Victoria and Abhora.

No, I'm just saying.


Victoria and Biqtch Pudding, I mean James,

you know I love you and you're fucking creative,

but I think you have a big head and you don't deserve it.

Biqtch and Victoria, you guys are fucking phenomenal.

I've never seen drag in this genre

to the caliber that you guys bring, to be honest.

So I would be glad with either of you two winning.

- Abhora, what do you think?

- Victoria,

all I want to know is,

do you have the fear that you may not win this?

Or do you feel like you have this in the bag?

- That's really hard to say at this point.

All three of us are fucking phenomenal.

I don't feel scared, though.

- Biqtch Pudding,

do you think you're going to win this?

- Yeah.

I fucking want it.

- [Abhora] I pick Biqtch Pudding.

I am so goddamn proud of you.

- [Biqtch] Well, I'm glad to hear that.

- That's a turn of events.

- [Dracmorda] Sure is.

That's what this show is about a little bit, right?

You guys grow, we push you to grow and develop,

and I think all of you have.


what do you think?

- Victoria is best with visuals.

Biqtch is the best performer.

James is the hardest worker.

Biqtch and James are supermonsters.

I love you, Victoria, but I'm not sure.

James should win.

- Thank you.

- [Dracmorda] Erika.

- Biqtch Pudding.


you have Dragula in your bones, babe.

And I saw it when we worked together in LA the first time

and I see it now.

I saw all these bitches turn on you,

and we had our moment, too.

The way that you led our team in the rock challenge

was so inspiring because you did not let

everything that happened change you.

And you have the personal strength that it takes

to be Dragula.

I love you, Victoria.

The personality and performance is not there for me

to say that you are deserving.

James, you have been the best at showing them

exactly what they were looking for.

But I don't know if you have Dragula in your blood

in the same way that Biqtch does.

So for that reason, I think that Biqtch deserves to win.

- Well thank you all for your opinion.

I want to allow the three finalists to respond briefly.

James, do you have anything to say as a response?

- You know, I've always been underestimated,

even where I am at home right now.

Even though I run a lot of the scene,

I'm not liked by any of the queens there.

And coming here and not being liked by everyone, too,

shows me that I know I deserve to win

because I work so hard to stay who I am

in every element of what I do.

And these other two girls, they also deserve to win.

That's the thing.

We all deserve to be the Dragula winners.

But I believe, and I know it, that I'm going to win.

And that's why I'm still here.

It's because you have to have that inside of you.

You have to know it already.

Also, I need that money because

I spent over $10,000 already.


- Your comeuppance will be so delicious.

- [Dracmorda] Victoria, what do you think?

- I feel like everything that they said, I understand

that visually they all love me

but I feel like I'm growing as a person.

My personality is coming quickly with my drag

that's also still growing.

I really just want everyone to see me

fully bloom into that character.

And I really feel like Dragula is in my blood.

I don't think that I should be underestimated

in the personality area because

she's right there, knocking at the door.

Be like, she's here.

She's ready to fucking win, she's not sleeping.

- [Dracmorda] All right.


- I'm pretty fucking speechless to be on a stage

with such talented fucking bitches.

I mean, look.

We are fucking changing the face of drag.

There's no fucking question about it.

I love doing this profession more than

anything else in the world.

That first day, I just came in with such a like,

oh my god, I get to have sisters that are like me

and I don't have to fucking be crazy!

And it was like, girl, here's 800 tomatoes to chainsaw

and a fucking toothpick, have some fun, bitch.

- I think that if they had all loved you,

maybe you wouldn't have had any questions about it.

- I don't think I would have as much--

(talking over each other)

You know it just told me what I've had to do my whole life

is just buck up in that moment and just like,

you know what, fucking ride through this ride

and know what the fuck you can do.

And I feel like I've done that.

- Well, listen, ghouls,

we want to thank you for everything that you have done

this season of Dragula.

And we're sorry that you all had to die.


for now our time has come.


- So listen ladies, now that we're alone,

from the two of us we just want to say congratulations

to the three of you.

Everything you've done this season has been amazing.

We couldn't be more proud.

It's going to be very exciting to see

what you do in the final floorshow.

- We would actually like to see each of you...

(suspenseful music)

- [Swanthula] I think the girls are coming, let's go.

Ah, here we are.

- [Dracmorda] Well look at this.

- This is it, girls.

It's the moment of truth.

Everything comes down to this.

You've all been working so hard,

we're so proud of all three of you,

you each bring something really different to the table,

and we couldn't be more pleased and excited

to see what you're going to do in the final

grand finale floorshow.

As you know, Dragula has three primary principles,

filth, horror and glamour.

Your final challenge is to put together

a look and a floorshow

to show us your ultimate expression

of those three principles.

- It's going to be very difficult

and you know the stakes are really high.

And obviously the competition is fierce.

So you need to put everything you have into this

and blow our minds, all right?

I want to cheers you guys to good luck

and hoping that we don't fuck up

and pick the wrong bitch.

- [All] Cheers. (laughing)

(dramatic music)

For more infomation >> Boulet Brothers DRAGULA Season Two: Episode Nine - Duration: 50:18.


New Series - All Due Respect - Duration: 1:27.

(light music)

- Hey you.

Yeah, you adults out there

with your fancy briefcases and your keys to everything.

You have a lot of responsibility, you know.

You get to drive cars, give reasons like because I said so,

buy whatever food you want, even broccoli, yuck.

Hate broccoli.

But you know what you don't seem to do so well?

R E S P E C T, respect.

♪ R E S P E C T ♪

You can't just say with all due respect

before you do something mean,

that doesn't make it not mean, it's still mean.

We're watching everything you do,

I mean I say please and thank you

because you guys taught me to.

But when I do what you do you guys yell at me

for being rude, what's up with that?

So adults, listen,

I know you always check under the closet

for the monsters, rawr,

and know why ice cream is a bad idea for dinner,

but maybe you could take a point or two

and love and respect everybody.


And maybe just let us have ice cream for dinner sometimes.

I mean, just think about it.

For more infomation >> New Series - All Due Respect - Duration: 1:27.


Top 10 nhạc edm không bản quyền hay nhất NoCopyRightSounds | NCS :The Best of all time | GIAI TRI TV - Duration: 39:02.

For more infomation >> Top 10 nhạc edm không bản quyền hay nhất NoCopyRightSounds | NCS :The Best of all time | GIAI TRI TV - Duration: 39:02.


Use These 5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Use These 5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert - Duration: 4:36.



Hey welcome back and in today's video there's a poppy website that could be

controlled by Satanists so one of you guys wanted me to check out here and

before we get it I'm gonna give you a little melody

go away from me I don't need you for me

I know I can't be me I know there is something wrong me lately I just can't


that's what you get I'm working on that one I'm working on

that when I've been working on music back to the hell Satan so poppy dot zone

poppy dots on you can check it out if you want to this my just said that it

was controlled by Satan and I want to so I just want to go through it and see

what's what's going on here we've got a pretty normal video here looks like

poppies rolling around the ground looks like I got poppies Twitter feed this

what that is crawls out of studio into Twitter interesting what oh that's cool

that gives me an idea gonna go do that what what okay

looks like she's crawling they say that she crawls back into the

studio I get I guess it would be so cool if she crawls back in it like she has a

video on Twitter video and you know what I mean all right we got 336 right off

the bat the Satanist ik reference you can click it not gonna click it right

yet we're just kind of scrolling poppy music evolution nos I'm not seeing

anything to satanic but this is supposedly controlled by Satan himself

this is an unofficial non-commercial fansite okay it's a fansite but but I

don't see anything satanic now I was told let's go to theory oh okay here is

the satanic stuff so that puppy current 3 3 C 336 numerical code arson or manic

the okay when we got here the numerical code only the few who sorcery secret no

years ago I worked hard on an ambitious projects regarding yoga so that word

right there and the neckroll maniac and

then I had to leave it all beside Assad this is an interesting story then I had

to leave it all aside life changed fate demanded a calling absorbed one very

very different from the great the Cthulhu hmm what does what does necro

what does this word mean let's Google that we're gonna figure that out meaning

meaning here we go necro Necronomicon is a fictional grim

moral textbook of magic appearing in the stories by horror writer HP Lovecraft so

it's a fake fictional text book of magic interesting maybe it's not so fictional

at that aught uncomfortable point where weirdness and pop merge a unique figure

Stan's if you have heard of Poppy's music with no further awareness of her

okay this is aa signs of power oh that one right there

I do that all the time it gives me such a fulfilling purpose when you know no

saying looks like they got a couple oh she's using these powers I remember I

feel like we have oh the sign of caught somebody's gonna screenshot that the

sonic off poppy is also used a triangle manifestation so yeah she's that we are

we've known that she's definitely doing that God Almighty what is that smile so

and look we've even referenced this is I feel like this websites referencing my

videos because they have like even the the video I put out about the satanic

numbers attached to every video in a order that's very interesting and for

the record I'm not a cult led by poppy I will presently order my shirt to prove

it okay it's very interesting let's see what

else this website has the video about come on see I know him her don't know

funny they have no Reptilia videos on there

this is definitely made by somebody that does not like me so let's go ahead and

click 3:36 okay it just brings up oh look satanic monk it says happy birthday

I feel like we're gonna have to go to Google and let's let's let's Google

poppy and Satan let's see what we get I'm no Greg poppy and Satan okay Church

is Satan on Twitter we have a quick quit twit between oh the Church of Satan says

titania Sinclair sounds fun happy to recommend black actors who would make an

excellent Satan interesting so their air ties into the Satanic community but we

have known this the question is is this website controlled by Satan more than

likely it does feel like there's some satanic stuff going on there definitely

got something to do with Satan earlier I asked a rep squad on Twitter fam here if

poppy was satanic let's go let's head over to the rep Zilla Twitter and then

see what they have to say let's see does poppy worship Satan nope Satan worships

poppy no she worships God someone drew a

pentagram for a popstar and out came poppy you can make more

poppies that same way makes sense no she is God this is an interesting concept no

she works where worships pure existence or does she worship Santa if you do

Google Images poppy in sight and there a great number of pictures that do come up

one of being which the great deity of Battlement we already have talked a lot

about Baphomet and the strong strong ties into Poppy's videos I really think

that it was really interesting this is been a really really good video and I

think out of everything we have come together that poppy in fact worships

that's right you guessed it Santa Claus actually is interesting as this is in oh

my gosh is it ever so interesting there's always one thing that's more

interesting to me that's right you guessed it I want to know what you think

so why don't you go ahead and leave your creative and your interesting responses

in the comment box blue there's always brothers and sisters I will see you in

the next video well the the the shirts we're getting out with the merch you

guys are really wanting some Greg plushies I think that's really really

cool I'm gonna look into it if you haven't taken the survey for the

rip squad shirts it's an I need to know your size so I'm gonna go ahead and put

the survey in the description below and I'll go ahead and paint it in comments

too but I know that you guys are a part of the RIP squad how do you do that well

all you got to do is go back and subscribe to the channel turn the

notifications on and then be in the comment section after every single video

cuz I'm gonna be there Greg the cat is gonna be there and the entire rep Squad

community is going to be there and I will see you there too and just don't

forget this channel loves you



This Is Us - Share the Moment: Comparing Baggage (Episode Highlight - Presented by Chevrolet) - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> This Is Us - Share the Moment: Comparing Baggage (Episode Highlight - Presented by Chevrolet) - Duration: 5:15.



What's going on get people this is Mike again with another video today

I want to bring to you lend era land era is another lending platform that will start in one day and eight hours

But the reason I want to bring your land era is because I truly believe there's a lot of potential behind this platform

Let me tell you why I've been in contact with the developers for about two and a half weeks

I asked them all kind of questions the good thing is we're gonna interview the developers

I'm gonna let you hear what they have to say and believe me

I'm gonna tell you a small story then dare when they first came out. They had a beautiful platform

Everything looked good, then another company copied exactly their website and posted a different content

But it looked exactly the same and that company unfortunately

Took everybody's money and left, so what did let Hara do they change their whole website

Inside and out in less than four days this tells me that you have a good team a good development team

Somebody that knows what they're doing and based on the white paper and the conversation I had with them

I think they will do great so let me tell you about land air a land area offers

transparency decentralized fast transaction low investment high returns

And then value support says right here

Token sale are minimal supply of tokens along with the lending program create the perfect formula to achieve the maximum possible

exchange value for our tokens resulting high return of investment and

The land area tokens ICO, and presale is 6.2 million tokens

This is how their distribution is going to happen they do have round one all the way to round five starts at 85 cents

Ends at a dollar five, but they do have a mini. IC all right now

That's going on in one day in eight hours

Minimum token to buy is one the maximum is 50 and now they do this for low-budget

Investors people that only have $50 $60 to invest or if you want to invest 10 tokens you can that's some Burtie

But when they switch to a regular, ICO

Round one at 85 cents the minimum token is going to be 250 and the maximum 700

These are the ico rounds okay?

Market is pre-sale. There's a hundred and sixty thousand forty market or somebody that promotes them

I personally did not I can show you my balance is zero

I never bought it because I wasn't sure of it, but after I did my investigation now. I am sure now

I'm gonna wait for the ico, and I'm gonna buy the mini. IC o---- is gonna be a hundred thousand remember

It's you can buy as little as one and the maximum is fifty then round one with 800 thousand 1 million 1.2 million

1.4. Million 1.6. Million all the way to round five their price starts at eighty-five cents

And it goes all the way to a dollar or five

this is the lending program right here between a hundred and a thousand for two hundred and sixty days you get around 22% and

Interest rate I read that and white paper

Which I'm gonna share with you in just a moment, and then you can go all the way to ten thousand

And it's a hundred and thirty five days for the capital release alright pay attention to this this is important minimum lending

Appreciation chart so starting April if the tokens price is less than two dollars what they're gonna

Do is they're gonna raise it to two dollars, okay?

And after this it gonna raise the tokens price 1.5 percent every day for 365 days

Think about it this way guys their plan is to grow their token

little by little it's gonna start at 2 then 3 then 4

Then 7 and this what this does it prevents people from dumping right?

You don't dump when you have three or four you wait until it goes right here, then you don't but once you see it

Right here. What are you gonna? Do you're gonna lend it right because your thousand dollars

Just became a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and what you're gonna

Do is because you trust them at this point you're gonna start lending you're gonna start getting returns

Nobody is dumping the war right now

Everybody's lending therefore because of that same reason because the value of the token is

High, so the trust is high therefore people lend. Why wouldn't you want to lend with the company? That's gonna?

Give you a great return if you have trust in it right so this is how their system works guys

I want to highlight this it's an arbitrage guess who was in arbitrage as well Devore the cryptocurrency market is unique

It says here that they're gonna use arbitrage for the profit positive

Manipulation, we are the whale of our coin look how pretty this is and remember what I told you guys if somebody has ten million

coins supply and

79.5 million they don't have control of their tokens the investors do and unfortunately

Nobody can hold that platform together because the majority of the tokens are in the hands of the investors

We are the whale of our coin, and it's in our best interest to maintain its long term growth, which is why we will reserve

50% of the money raised during the ico to support our point when it goes down and slowly

exchange it back remember guys positive

Manipulation is key because if you let everybody do what they want the price is never gonna go up, but if you have positive

Manipulation where if it goes down below certain price?

That's when the reserve kicks in and that's where the manipulation starts price appreciation

The key to making a profit on a lending platform is the exchange price appreciation?

The more coins that go into lending the higher the value of the coin right thus our strategy is to aim at

Attracting investors to lend with art continues enticing lending offers

I'm gonna be honest with you guys everything here the set is 100% true. Whether they mean it or not

That's what it takes to have a successful landing platform alright

So the referral program is as follows you have level 1 2 & 3 it starts at 5% all the way down to 1%

Then you have a landing

investment referral it starts from level 1 all the way to level 6 10% all the way to

0.4% and only the direct referral you get 3% bonus when somebody reinvests under you ok

Let's look at the roadmap real quick, so have you see the ICO starts in a day and 11 hours for the mini, ICO

They're gonna launch their lending program on February 25th

Exchange local exchange peer-to-peer exchange, it's going to be March 5th on March 20th

20:18 they're gonna launch their coin test net black Explorer windows desktop

Wallet and staking they don't mention anything about a Mac

desktop wallet

I need to ask him about that and maybe we'll ask him that in the interview on

April 1st they gonna start deal ending appreciation program

Set the minimal price for our point upon lending then they're gonna launch the mining pool the proof-of-work

They're gonna upgrade their website. You're gonna fix the bugs, and then they're gonna do an airdrop later on in June 2018

They're gonna build a mobile wallet

And then they're gonna start the advertising and they're gonna host land air a global event in Pattaya Thailand, okay

Good plan guys. I like what I hear

I like what I see let's look at the white paper real quick

But this is their white paper guys the white paper is well put together well explain it explains everything in boring details

Which is amazing for some people that want to know and read and go deep into the?

Token and what are they trying to sell you and how are they gonna perform this would be the best way to?

Get to you to get your answers. What is then era obviously? They're explaining that lent era is the next big thing?

Why are we?

Anonymous they address that question even though we always ask it because they want to protect their families

They want to keep the platform alive. They don't walk no government to be able to put their hands on it

Are we scam they explain here that really if they wanted to take your money and leave, then there's no project

It's not a lot of money, but if they stay and appreciate their LEC tokens over time

They could make a hundred times more, so why would they scam the money? Okay scrolling down is lending sustainable

They say here that their lending is sustainable because they have a consistent growth of the land era

Token and their market cap is growing always my opinion lending is not sustainable now for the long run absolutely not

But you know four to three years. Yeah, it's possible it has to be run by

Masters in order for them to sustain it for two three years all right

Let's scroll all the way down so we can check out this facts

so these are the ICO specs guys round one is 85 cents the maximum you can buy is 700 tokens and the

Minimum is 200 and 50 tokens

85 cents


Round two is gonna be a 90 cents all the way to round five at a dollar five if you get in right here

That's steel all right. Let's scroll down for the

specification the coin name is Len era the abbreviation is LEC the pre mind coins is a

Minyan now remember the sound like six million

That leaves them with two million and the rest of the eight has to be minted okay the maximum surprise 16 million and the token

Identifier hash is right here, so you guys can take a look at the white paper

It says here the creation of a new LEC token minting remember

I told you they can be minted not mine via proof of stake and that's how they meant them

And these are the rewards and that's how it's gonna be when the block gets half. Let me scroll down a little bit

You know we talked about the arbitrage we talked about the positive

manipulation price appreciation

These are the interest rate 42% and you get you know

0.1. 0.2 0.3 depends on how much you learn

achieving a minimum their goal is

450 $1 can it happen yes, it happened with Vic and I

buy our debit connect

I don't know we're gonna have to trial they also implement a an air drop which is

Really good for investors who have the token and those are bonuses for people that hold the tokens

It's kind of like a persuasion

Not to sell your token hold it will give you some ear drops. Let's look at their who is real quick

Oh, they got the domain on 12 to 2017 and expires

2021 let's look at their server so looking at this it doesn't show that they're on a dedicated server when I

Contacted them and asked them about it. They assured me that CloudFlare is masking their dedicated server

They sent me a video to prove it to me that they are and I can assure you that they aren't on a dedicated server

Okay, let's look at their Alexa rank and real quick, so they are very popular in the United States gaining popularity

Second is Nigeria third is India. It's getting a lot of attention accordingly, so let's look at their dashboard real quick

This is their dashboard guys there. It's fully redesigned from four days ago

It was total different

But they have everything here in place everything is working by the way guys keep in mind

If you send them money as a deposit you cannot withdraw your money until after the ico, okay

So far the deposit is you can use Bitcoin aetherium and litecoin, so what's my final thoughts about land area guys

I don't see any red flags

I didn't see any plagiarism no problem with the server no problems with the white papers. It's not been plagiarized

I like this platform. I like what they have to offer and after talking to him for a couple weeks

I think they have the expertise to run this lending platform

So I'm gonna go in if you decide after you do your own research to join lindara

My link is down below now. Here's the thing I am NOT a financial adviser. I don't tell you what to do

I urge you to do your own research

And I recommend you guys go to land and aiya the IO and read the white paper yourself

So you can make your own judgment like always guys

I appreciate you so much for watching

Hit that subscribe button if you're not a subscriber hit that battle right next to that subscribe button and until next time stay safe

For more infomation >> LENDERA - LEND ERA ICO REVIEW - IS THIS IT? - Duration: 12:09.


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Steve Bannon Out At Breitbart After Split With Donald Trump | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Steve Bannon Out At Breitbart After Split With Donald Trump | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:47.


US is headed toward horrible immigration policy: Kennedy - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> US is headed toward horrible immigration policy: Kennedy - Duration: 0:53.


How to make an easy summer party cocktail - Duration: 1:18.

Peach Fizz.

Cut the peaches in half.

Twist, and then chop into pieces.

In a saucepan, over low heat,

combine the peach,

caster sugar

and lime juice.

And you want to cook, stirring occasionally

for five to seven minutes or until tender.

Then remove from the heat.

Next, transfer to a blender

and blend until smooth.

Place in the fridge to cool completely.

Then divide the thinly sliced peach

among the serving glasses.

Add the raspberries.

Then divide the peach puree

and the gin, if you're using it, among the glasses.

Add crushed ice,


and then top with mineral water.

Stir and serve.

For more infomation >> How to make an easy summer party cocktail - Duration: 1:18.


Growing Number Of Russians Are Coming To The U.S. To Give Birth | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Growing Number Of Russians Are Coming To The U.S. To Give Birth | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 3:04.


Great Railroad Caboose to Cabin Conversion Tiny Homes in Albans - Duration: 4:03.


For more infomation >> Great Railroad Caboose to Cabin Conversion Tiny Homes in Albans - Duration: 4:03.


BREAKING: What Was Just Discovered On Weiner's Laptop Could Get Huma 20 YEARS In The Slammer - Duration: 5:09.

Thanks to the America-hating traitor that led our country for two terms, America's

enemies were able to operate right underneath our noses.

Several weeks ago, Judicial Watch revealed that Hillary and her Muslim Brotherhood pet,

Huma Abedin, removed five boxes of "Muslim files" from the White House after the duo

falsely claimed the box contained "personal materials" that were "unclassified"

in an effort to get Obama's dirt permanently removed from the White House.

Now Abedin has been caught committing another massive felony after what federal investigators

stumbled upon while searching through her husband Anthony Weiner's laptop that could

add years to her already impending prison sentence.

Over the past week, hundreds of emails of Anthony Weiner's laptop have been revealed

following the FOIA that the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch filed to get to the bottom

of this scandal.

We're now learning that Abedin had stored a numerous amount of high-level security emails

on her husband's laptop as a way to back up her documents after leaving the State Department.

Why on earth this woman would take top intel back to her residence to store on an unclassified

computer is one thing, but what's even more suspicious is why she lied under oath saying

she did "no such thing" to back these emails up.

The Daily Mail reported:

Abedin had told FBI investigators that she did not have a method of preserving the emails

she exchanged on a private server with Clinton.

'Abedin stated that she lost most of her old emails as a result of the transition [from

the State Department].

'She had only accessed through a web portal and did not have a method

for archiving her old emails prior to the transition,' said notes taken during an

FBI interview of Huma Abedin on April 5, 2016.

Lying to the FBI is an extremely serious felony as spelled out under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, but

just like her boss Hillary, thumbing her nose at federal law is something she's made quite

the habit of.

But chillingly, this is only one crime in a plethora of other borderline acts of treason

Abedin has committed.

Over the past several weeks, numerous scandals involving her and Hillary have blown wide

open as the rumor of President Trump preparing GITMO for "VIP American detainees" is

making many speculate if Abedin will soon be brought up on charges and arrested.

Abedin was spotted in Manhattan last week in what appeared to be an ankle monitor.

Here's just a small portion of crimes that have come to light that is spelling doom for

Hillary's former right-hand woman:


Huma's Ties To Terrorists Who Called For "Death To America"

Abadin's familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood has always raised suspicion, with the New

York Post even chronicling her ties to terrorists, where they ran an investigative piece about

her work at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1995 through 2008, a Sharia Law

journal whose editor in chief was Abedin's own mother.

The Muslim Brotherhood declared "war on America" several weeks ago.


Huma Forwarded State Department Secrets To Yahoo

As Abadin did everything in her power to further the cause of Islam in our country, we're

now learning that she also forwarded top level intelligence, including State Department passwords

to Yahoo, where America's top secrets are now in the possession of hackers.


Huma Working With Powerful Republicans To Get President Trump Removed

After Hillary's humiliating loss to Trump for the presidency, Wikileaks is exposed how

Hillary and Huma have been working in the shadows with some very powerful Republicans

in an active coup to get Trump removed as president.

In the series of emails discovered on Huma Abedin's computer several months ago identified

only as "document 1078645," it was revealed how Hillary and Huma were working with Republican

traitors to get Trump removed from office, funneling money into the pockets of several

prominent Republicans to buy their alliance against the President.

The email detailed how funds were being funneled directly from Hillary's campaign to line

the pockets of the Super PACS of Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, and John Kasich in order to

buy their alliance against Trump.

Other emails reveal how Hillary bought off other key members of the Republican Party

by funneling funds from her Clinton Foundation directly to the bank accounts of 3 other traitors,

including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, and known traitor John McCain.

Anonymous recently released a bone-chilling video of Huma Abedin that everyone needs to

see, that details her further list of crimes against America.

Is President Trump finally making his move to lock Huma up once and for all?

Her crimes against this country are so numerous that President Trump has plenty of charges

that the Department of Justice could bring against her.

Given her shady past with working with the Muslim Brotherhood, the very same terror organization

who declared "war on America" several weeks ago, along with lying under oath to

the FBI about the contents on her husband's laptop, there's plenty of evidence for the

DOJ to make their move.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: What Was Just Discovered On Weiner's Laptop Could Get Huma 20 YEARS In The Slammer - Duration: 5:09.


Donald Trump, Congress Reach Deal To Negotiate DACA, Border Security | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump, Congress Reach Deal To Negotiate DACA, Border Security | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:06.


Why Trump shouldn't meet with Mueller - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Why Trump shouldn't meet with Mueller - Duration: 5:48.


San Jose Police At Scene Of Officer-Involved Shooting At Power Plant - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> San Jose Police At Scene Of Officer-Involved Shooting At Power Plant - Duration: 1:11.


Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist - Duration: 3:36:29.

Title: Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist

For more infomation >> Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist - Duration: 3:36:29.


Colors for kids to Learn Colors with Toys Trains || Colors Videos Collection For Children - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Colors for kids to Learn Colors with Toys Trains || Colors Videos Collection For Children - Duration: 5:42.


Top Beautiful Top Designs | Latest Designer Kurta/Kurti Designs | 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 2:40.

Top Beautiful Top Designs | Latest Designer Kurta/Kurti Designs | 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Top Beautiful Top Designs | Latest Designer Kurta/Kurti Designs | 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Top Beautiful Top Designs | Latest Designer Kurta/Kurti Designs | 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Top Beautiful Top Designs | Latest Designer Kurta/Kurti Designs | 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

For more infomation >> Top Beautiful Top Designs | Latest Designer Kurta/Kurti Designs | 2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 2:40.


Ten Freaky Dolls That Will Make You Scared | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support - Duration: 5:32.

Ten Freaky Dolls That Will Make You Scared | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

Ten Freaky Dolls That Will Make You Scared | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

Ten Freaky Dolls That Will Make You Scared | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

Ten Freaky Dolls That Will Make You Scared | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

For more infomation >> Ten Freaky Dolls That Will Make You Scared | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support - Duration: 5:32.


$45,028.09 Sold on Cyber M...

For more infomation >> $45,028.09 Sold on Cyber M...


For more infomation >> $45,028.09 Sold on Cyber M...


[N디데이]이진욱, 오늘 성폭행 무고 고소인 재판 증인 출석 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> [N디데이]이진욱, 오늘 성폭행 무고 고소인 재판 증인 출석 - Duration: 4:22.


For more infomation >> [N디데이]이진욱, 오늘 성폭행 무고 고소인 재판 증인 출석 - Duration: 4:22.


[N디데이]골든디스크, 10일~11일 양일간 음원·음반 왕좌 가린다 - 한국 스타 월드 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> [N디데이]골든디스크, 10일~11일 양일간 음원·음반 왕좌 가린다 - 한국 스타 월드 - Duration: 3:16.


For more infomation >> [N디데이]골든디스크, 10일~11일 양일간 음원·음반 왕좌 가린다 - 한국 스타 월드 - Duration: 3:16.


INDEPENDENT TV NEWS Today 10 January 2018 bangladesh latest news today news update bd news all bangl - Duration: 14:33.

Bangla news today

For more infomation >> INDEPENDENT TV NEWS Today 10 January 2018 bangladesh latest news today news update bd news all bangl - Duration: 14:33.


For more infomation >> INDEPENDENT TV NEWS Today 10 January 2018 bangladesh latest news today news update bd news all bangl - Duration: 14:33.


The Top 5 Skeletons In Oprah Winfrey's Closet - Duration: 4:47.

Oprah Winfrey, the new political darling of the media, is now having to face added scrutiny

to personal and professional life.

That means some of Oprah's more questionable comments and actions are likely coming back

to haunt her.

There are many instances in Oprah's past worth looking at now, but we now have five

that deserve review.

Ryan Saavedra of The Daily Wire outlines five of Oprah's top fails, which will likely

come back to haunt her should she run for office:


Golden Globe Awards Speech

Hollywood and the mainstream media promoted Oprah as "brave" following her speech

at the 75th Golden Globe Awards, but, as Shapiro pointed out, "What the hell kind of risk

was she taking?"

Shapiro told Fox News' Martha MacCallum: "She was standing in front of an entire

town filled with sexual abusers and harassers.

She said nothing about it for 20 years; she was being cheered by people who said nothing

about it for 20 years, and there she is pretending that she's leading the fight."

Oprah did not lead the fight against the culture of sexual misconduct in Hollywood, and she

cannot use the excuse of "I was afraid of what it might do to my career," because

she is one of the biggest people in media – she has little to fear.


Oprah Suggests Americans Are Racist – Even If They Do Not Have Ill Will Toward Black


In a 2013 interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Oprah Winfrey and Forest Whitaker,

stars in "The Butler," strongly hinted that Americans were racist – even if they

did not have any "ill will" toward the black community.

Winfrey said, "People don't feel it's race because people don't call it race…A

lot of people think if they think they're not using the n-word themselves, they physically

aren't using the n-word themselves, and do not harbor ill will towards black people

that it's not racist.

But to me, it's ridiculous to look at that case and not to think that race was involved."


Oprah Gives Platform To An Islamic Scholar Who Says Islamic Jihad Is Only A Spiritual

Battle — Not A 'Holy War'

Varun Soni, the dean of Religious Life at the University of Southern California, appeared

on Winfrey's "Belief" series where she explained that all of the horrifying acts

of violence committed in the name of Islam were all just a great big misunderstanding

of a core Islamic belief.

"One of the most misunderstood concepts of Islam is 'jihad', which many people

interpret as 'a holy war,'" Soni said.

"But there is nothing holy about war.

What 'jihad' actually represents is an internal struggle, the battle that is raging

in our own heart.

And all of our religious traditions talk about that internal struggle.

In that respect, jihad is not just a Muslim idea but it's a reality of the human condition."


Oprah Makes "Absolutely Not True" Racism Allegations Against A Store Clerk In Europe

Winfrey, the most powerful woman in the world, accused a clerk at a small store in Europe

of being racist towards her but refused to offer any identifying information of the alleged


Eventually, the store and the clerk were discovered and they said Winfrey was a liar:

"This is not true.

This is absurd.

I would never say something like that to a customer.

Really, never.

Good manners and politeness are the Alpha and the Omega in this business," the woman

told SonntagsBlick.

"It is absolutely not true that I declined to show her the bag on racist grounds.

I even asked her if she wanted to look at the bag," the woman said.

"I didn't hurt anyone.

I don't know why someone as great as her must cannibalize me on TV."

Winfrey tried to get out of the incident, which could have ruined that poor girl's

life, by giving a bogus apology in which she did not actually apologize for her actions

— but apologized for the story getting blown up, for which she, of course, was responsible.


Oprah Says Older Generations "Just Have To Die" To Solve The Problem Of Racism

In a 2013 interview with the BBC, Winfrey said that entire generations "just have

to die" to cure the problem of racism.

After Winfrey told the BBC's Will Gompertz that she thought that racism has "gotten

better," Gompertz asked Winfrey if she thought the problem was solved.

Winfrey responded, "Of course problem is not solved.

You know, as long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, problem's not


As long as there are people who still, there's a whole generation — I say this, you know,

I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know,

community in the south — there are still generations of people, older people, who were

born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to


For more infomation >> The Top 5 Skeletons In Oprah Winfrey's Closet - Duration: 4:47.


For more infomation >> The Top 5 Skeletons In Oprah Winfrey's Closet - Duration: 4:47.


Artur Mas paga por todo el daño que ha hecho con la mayor de las humillaciones - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Artur Mas paga por todo el daño que ha hecho con la mayor de las humillaciones - Duration: 5:07.


For more infomation >> Artur Mas paga por todo el daño que ha hecho con la mayor de las humillaciones - Duration: 5:07.


PHOTOS – France Gall: pourquoi elle avait tant d'affec­tion pour Vanessa Para­dis - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> PHOTOS – France Gall: pourquoi elle avait tant d'affec­tion pour Vanessa Para­dis - Duration: 4:22.


For more infomation >> PHOTOS – France Gall: pourquoi elle avait tant d'affec­tion pour Vanessa Para­dis - Duration: 4:22.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Crusader Kings 2: I'm a rich guy with an army! (After the End) - Duration: 2:04:09.

For more infomation >> Crusader Kings 2: I'm a rich guy with an army! (After the End) - Duration: 2:04:09.


Crew Aid - 1985 - Duration: 21:54.

For more infomation >> Crew Aid - 1985 - Duration: 21:54.


Books I Didn't Get To In 2017 🌹 Top 5 Wednesday - Duration: 7:44.

Hi everyone so today's video is going to be another top 5 Wednesday this topic is

books you didn't get to in 2017 and I have several, it's actually -and I'll link the

goodreads group down below so you can see topics and so on - I have a lot of

books that I didn't get to in 2017 I was pretty ambitious for what I

usually get to and I didn't get to lots of them so I'm just gonna pick 5 that I

was particularly interested in and I didn't read so the first one is possibly

the most hyped out of all of them it's called "Night Film" by Marisha Pessl

this book is I think it's a thriller I'm not sure if it's it seems to me I've

seen some some people that read YA talk about this one but I don't think

this is particularly for like teens or anything like that it actually has

the Random House... it's by/from Random House and that's the same publishing

house that - if that's what you call them - that published "Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison

and that's one of my favorite books I talked about it in my favorite books of

all time video which is my first one and so I think and it is also a pretty long

book like this one so I'm very interested in this one and I guess big

books are kind of intimidating to me. This is a bit over 500 pages but it

seems to be a really entertaining read so I really should get to it and I don't

really know much about it so I guess I'll get to the next one this next one

is --- let me just put this somewhere else. Okay this next one is Zora Neale

Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. I know that this is a Harlem Renaissance

book, it's a classic, a very known one. This is a really beautiful edition by

the way, I really don't know much about this other than it's written by a black

woman and it's kind of like a black feminist book... again, don't really know much

about it but I know that it's a classic and it seems to be a very has seems to

have very ---- it seems to be well received by critics so I think I might really like

this one and again I don't know much about it but I really beautifully and it

has a little gold sticker thing it's not actually a

sticker I know some people hate when books have this printed sticker on them

but it's beautiful in this case it's like golden I don't know but in any case

this is actually pretty short, it's a little over 200 pages so I should get to this,

but I didn't so now I'm here in any case. This is Jorge Luis Borges "Ficciones",

I talk about this in... that in... all of this I talked about, or

most I talk about them in a [video??] that I have where I have my wig long brown wig

and the shirt I don't know... and I talk and it was like a TBR that I clearly

didn't get to any of them [I actually confuse a TBR with a haul] pretty much and this is I think a collection of

short stories by a Latin American writer and I've been trying to get more into

Spanish books - books that were originally written in Spanish and it's one of the

most critically acclaimed ones so I would say it seems to be anyway and I'm just

really interested, it seems to be a very interesting kind of writing style

I think that's what people appreciate most about this author kind of like

making twists and that sort of thing so I want to get to this and I'm pretty

sure when I open it and I actually start reading it I'm really going to start

liking it. Another one I think should be pretty easy

to get through is Marjane Satrapi's "Persepolis", I think this is one and two.

This is a a comic book-style novel [graphic novel, girl] about... I think it's Saudi Arabia or maybe - no it's in

Iran --- An Iranian, Iranian woman, I don't know but - a girl

living in revolutionary Iran, according to the back. All I know about this

is that it is nonfiction, a memoir

and apparently it's pretty easy to read and it has some really nice insight I mean

it's an interesting thing and I do want to get to it I don't think I've ever

read something like this before so it's definitely gonna be new for me but I

think I will really like it because otherwise I'd probably - it's a bit of

an obvious comment I know because otherwise I wouldn't really get to it but

you know, in any case, the point being that I will preferably read this soon.

And the last one that I want to get to is - these are in no particular order I

mean I know it's Top 5 Wednesday but I kind of find it weird to put things in

order sometimes because I don't know what importance I would give to - like

how I would rate the importance of each of these books but in a case

this is Kafka's "The Trial". I read "The Metamorphosis" and listened

to the audiobook of "In The Penal Colony" by Kafka and I like "The Metamorphosis" a

lot it's one of my favorite books now but... and I've talked about it a lot in

this channel so really nothing new and this is a fairly short book, I don't even

know what exactly it is about but it's I know it's like a surreal, absurdist story

like pretty much most of his stories really and I want to get to it because I

mean I really should read more by this author because I think he could really

become one of my favorite ones and I also really like this cover, it's pretty

I mean I love those like minimalist covers so I really should get with and

those are all of them, the ones that I have here to talk about. There were five, of

course, and I hope you guys enjoyed this video, I'll see you later. Bye!!

For more infomation >> Books I Didn't Get To In 2017 🌹 Top 5 Wednesday - Duration: 7:44.


Use These 5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Use These 5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert - Duration: 4:36.


Moto X5 Edge (2018) Introduction - MOTOROLA!!! - Duration: 3:38.

Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 Concept, Trailer, Introduction, With Phone Specifications.

Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 Concept, Trailer, Introduction, With Phone Specifications.

The front and back of Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will be glass and Aluminum Frame.

Motorola's next flagship in the line of X, new Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will be IP68 certified dust and waterproof.

The new Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will receive LTPS IPS LCD TouchScreen.

The upcoming flagship Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 coming with 5.5 inches edge to edge display.

The resolution of Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will be 1440 x 2880 pixels and 18:9 aspect ratio.

The flagship killer, Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will be protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 6.

The Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will work performed under the most advanced operating system, OS Android 8.0 oreo.

The heart of new Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will serve most powerful processor system, Qualcomm Snapdragon 845.

Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will be equipped Adreno 630 GPU.

The gadget will support memory card slot up to 256 GB.

The new Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 coming with 4/6/8 GB of RAM,

and 32/64/128 GB of internal memory.

The Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will have 19MP rear triple lens camera, f/1.8, PDAF and Dual-LED Dual-Tone Flash.

The new Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 coming with the 16MP front camera, f/1.8, 1440p, Auto HDR and LED flash.

The device will be equipped 3.5mm audio jack and will support USB Type C.

The fingerprint scanner of Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will be mounted at the back of the panel.

The device will support fast battery charging.

The new Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 will be powered by 4000 mAh Battery.

The Motorola Moto X5 Edge 2018 coming in Three Variant Colors.

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