Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2018

Nagendra haraya Trilochanaya

Basmanga ragaya Maheswaraya

Nithyaya shudhaya Digambaraya

Tasmai nakaraya Namah Shivaya

Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya

Yaksha swaroopaya Jata dharaya

Pinaka hasthathaya Sanathanaya

Divyaya devaaya Digambaraya

Tasmai yakaraya Namah Shivaya

Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya

For more infomation >> Namah Shivaya | Divine Chants | Fusion | Live Performance | The Session | USP TV - Duration: 3:31.


The One Stipulation Parents Gave 48-Year-Old Daughter When She Moved Into Their Home - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> The One Stipulation Parents Gave 48-Year-Old Daughter When She Moved Into Their Home - Duration: 2:06.


#AAS231 Superbowl of Astronomy Roundup: DES Data; JWST Update; Distant Galaxy Found; Citizen Science - Duration: 13:29.

Hello Space Fans and welcome to another edition of Space Fan News.

As many of you know who've been following SFN for a while know that this video series

was started in January 2011 during the winter meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

Well this week finished the one for 2018 and here is a roundup of stories I found most


The people with the American Astronomical Society call their winter meeting the Superbowl

of Astronomy and while that may be a bit hyperbolic, it is an exciting time for astronomers.

They get to announce some of their most exciting work during this meeting and while I have

been to several, lately I've had to watch them from afar.

But I do hope to start live streaming from them again one day.

So in the spirit of SFN, I'm going to give you a brief roundup of some of the latest

research that came out this week from the world of professional astronomers from around

the world.

There was so much released this week that there is no way I can cover all of it in a

10 minute or so video, so I'm keeping it to those things I found most interesting.

First up, the Dark Energy Survey (DES) has released the first three years of data to

the public.

The DES using that largest astronomical camera in the world - at 500 megapixels - mounted

on the 4-meter Blanco Telescope at the Cerro-Tolollo Observatory in Chile to look at 5,000 square

degrees of sky over 525 nights.

The data released this week includes over 40,000 exposures of DECAM corresponding to

hundreds of terrabytes of data.

In those images, are hundreds of millions of galaxies and stars.

The idea is to look at this region of the sky over a long period in an attempt to understand

the large-scale structure of galaxies with the hope that we can learn a little more about

the effects of dark energy on the universe.

But whenever you look at large portions of the sky for a long time, you can also do a

lot of other, really interesting science.

For example, one of the biggest discoveries to come out of this dataset was the detection

of 11 new streams of stars around our Milky Way.

I've reported on streams of stars around our galaxy before, they are stars pulled from

smaller, nearby galaxies by the dark matter halo surrounding the Milky Way.

And before this, astronomers knew of only about two dozen stellar streams, with most

of them discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

So here's the way it works: our home galaxy is surrounded by a massive halo of dark matter,

which exerts a powerful gravitational pull on smaller, nearby galaxies.

The Milky Way grows by pulling in, ripping apart and absorbing these smaller systems.

As stars are torn away, they form streams across the sky that can be detected using

the Dark Energy Camera.

The thing is, these stellar streams are extremely difficult to find since they are composed

of relatively few stars spread out over a large area of sky.

These streams are important because they teach astronomers about the formation and structure

of the Milky Way and its dark matter halo.

Stellar streams give them a snapshot of a larger galaxy being built out of smaller ones

and these discoveries are possible because DES is the widest, deepest and best-calibrated

survey out there.

So far that is.

Wait till LSST.

Next, there's usually some big update to the JWST mission to come out of this meeting

and this year, everyone was talking about the fact that the telescope has successfully

completed it's testing at the Johnson Space Flight Center and is now going to Northrop

Grumman Aeropace In Redondo Beach California to get finished


Getting finished up means integrating and testing the gigantic sun shield that will

protect and cool the telescope.

And anyone who has seen that deployment animation has to be nervous because there's only about

8,734 different ways that thing can get hung up during deployment.

Still, as one would expect, everyone on the mission is confident that the roughly six

week deployment of the telescope will happen without any problems.

They are testing every nut, bolt, hinge and roller to ensure everything happens without

a glitch.

The bad news, if you haven't heard yet, is that the mission launch is delayed yet

again to be no earlier than March, 2019.

I had to laugh when I read one of you Space Fans comment when I first reported this to

you back in SFN 214 who called JWST the Just Wait Space Telescope.

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

Just so you know, I've been planning a new video series called Countdown to JWST that

will start about a year prior to launch and will be posted on off-SFN Fridays, starting

- so far - the March but may get moved back if the launch does.

OK, the next cool thing that came out of the AAS Meeting this week was this outstanding

visualization of the Orion Nebula from the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescope missions.

It was released yesterday and was so stoked about it that by late afternoon I wrote a

script about it and finished and posted the video late last night.

I won't go into to it too much here, watch the video to learn more, but this was a visualization

using actual data from Hubble and Spitzer.

This wasn't some computer simulation using a model, this was created using actual data

and hats off to Frank Summers, Greg Bacon and other from STScI as well as Robert Hurt

from CalTech and the guys running Spitzer.

Moving on, also from CalTech, but this time from the Kepler or K2 guys: Citizen Scientists,

that's people like you and me and not professional astronomers, have discovered a star with four

planets in orbit around it.

Keep in mind, this was a new discovery, not a confirmation, and was a first for regular

people looking at astronomy data.

This doscovery was part of the Exoplanet Explorer project and if you don't know about it,

you owe it to yourself to find out.

It's run by the well-known Zooniverse guys who by now are pros as setting up citizen

scientist projects using all kinds of real-world scientific data.

According to the press release, in early April, just two weeks after the initial prototype

of Exoplanet Explorers was set up on Zooniverse, it was featured in a three-day event on the

ABC Australia television series Stargazing Live.

In the first 48 hours after the project was introduced, Exoplanet Explorers received over

2 million classifications from more than 10,000 users.

Included in that search was a brand-new dataset from the K2 mission—which is the reboot

of the primary Kepler mission, ended three years ago.

K2 has a whole new field of view and crop of stars around which to search for planets.

No professional astronomer had yet looked through this dataset, called C12.

On the second night of the show, the researchers discussed the demographics of the planet candidates

found so far—44 Jupiter-sized planets, 72 Neptune-sized, 44 Earth-sized, and 53 so-called

Super Earth's, which are larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune.

They wanted to find a new classification that would be exciting on the final night of the

show, like maybe finding an Earth-sized planet in a habitable zone, something like that.

But those take a while to confirm so they decided instead to try and find a multi-planet


Those are good because it's hard to get a false signal of several planets and they

could be reasonably sure they had something by the end of the show.

So, the press release goes, NASA Astronomer Geert Barentsen, the guys overseeing these

results, left to get a cup of tea.

When he came back, Jessie Christiansen (from CalTech and working in California) had sorted

the crowdsourced data to find a star with multiple transits and discovered a star with

four planets orbiting it.

Three of the four planets had 100 percent "yes" votes from over 10 people, and the remaining

one had 92 percent "yes" votes.

This is the first multi-planet system of exoplanets discovered entirely by crowdsourcing.

After the show was over they continued to study and characterize the system, Called

K2-138 and statistically validated the set of planet signals as being "extremely likely".

Now what I love about this story most isn't that a bunch of ordinary people using scientific

data found something amazingly cool - that is stupendously awesome.

But I love the fact that a show like Stargazing Live exists!

Oh how I wish we had something like that in America.

Say what you will about the BBC, but they are unparalleled when it comes to some of

their documentaries: Brian Cox and David Attenborogh are rock stars in my house.

OK, let me close out this roundup with another story about Hubble, Spitzer and Orion.

Seems like Hubble and Spitzer have been working together a lot lately.

In another in the 'most farthest galaxy ever' category, Hubble and Spitzer have

found a galaxy called SPT0615-JD that existed when the universe was just 500 million years


While admittedly this doesn't look like much, most of the other galaxies imaged by

Hubble during this people have all looked like little red dots.

Just watch my video on the Hubble Deep Field in 3D to see what I mean.

That's to be expected though since the first galaxies in the universe are very small and

incredibly far away.

Hubble and Spitzer were able to get such a good look at this galaxy though with the help

of a much larger galaxy that was between Hubble, Spitzer and the distant galaxy and gravitationally

lensed the light from the faint SPT0615-JD, essentially boosting the power of both space


Using that boost, this image was taken of the distant galaxy, the most distant imaged

so far.

This image allowed astronomers to estimate that the diminutive galaxy weighs in at no

more than 3 billion solar masses (roughly 1/100th the mass of our fully grown Milky

Way galaxy).

It is less than 2,500 light-years across, half the size of the Small Magellanic Cloud.

This galaxy is considered prototypical of young galaxies that emerged during the epoch

shortly after the big bang.

Hubble's clarity, combined with Spitzer's infrared sensitivity to light reddened by

the expanding universe, allowed for the object's vast distance to be calculated.

Alright that's it for this episode Space Fans, please look for Your Sky Tonight episodes

to start back up next week.

Space Fan News is made possible by Deep Astronomy Patreon Patrons, especially these guys, but

every contribution helps, so thank you.

Thanks to all of you for watching and as always, Keep Looking Up!

For more infomation >> #AAS231 Superbowl of Astronomy Roundup: DES Data; JWST Update; Distant Galaxy Found; Citizen Science - Duration: 13:29.


What the Very Rare Mid January Alignment of Sun - Duration: 4:42.

What the Very Rare (Mid-January) Alignment of Sun, Pluto and Venus Means for You

By Tanaaz

January is such a busy month in the cosmos.

In fact out of all the months this year, January stands out as being one of the most high energy

and productive.

January started off with a Super Full Moon in the sign of Cancer.

This Super Full Moon was really gearing us up for all that January has in store, and

is continuing to guide us as we get settled into the new vibrations of 2018.

Along with the Super Full Moon energy, January also brings us three rare alignments and closes

out with a Blue Moon Eclipse.

The first rare alignment happened January 5-7th with the meeting of Jupiter and Mars.

The second rare alignment occurs January 8-10th with the meeting of the Sun, Venus, and Pluto,

and the last rare alignment occurs on January 16-17th with a New Moon and a special line

up of five planets in the sign of Capricorn.

All of this energy points to January being an action packed month where we can really

get things done and fire ahead on all cylinders.

It is a month to make positive changes and it is a month to really get your life in order.

Of course, you can only plan your life so much as often the Universe or fate, or whatever

you want to call it, has other plans for you.

But nonetheless, January is a BIG month and it�s likely you are going to be feeling

the changes and energies that this month brings for a long time to come.

One of the most significant alignments of January is the meeting of the Sun, Venus and


While all of these celestial bodies cross paths from time to time, what makes this so

special is the fact that all three of them are aligning together.

Having three of these celestial bodies coming together is extremely rare, and whenever we

have rare aspects like this, we always feel the energy much more strongly.

There is so much going on in January that it is hard to really dissect and look at the

Sun, Venus and Pluto energy on it�s own.

However, this alignment is powerful and will be guiding all of us to look at things in

a new way.

In astrology, Pluto is known as the lord of the underworld, but I like to refer to Pluto

as the gateway to higher realms of consciousness.

Pluto is death, rebirth and everything in between.

I believe Pluto holds the highest form of consciousness and awakening that we can attain

on this planet.

The Sun is our life force and represents the material world around us.

The Sun is what keeps us all going and when it meets with Pluto, their energies instantly

merge to create the potential for higher consciousness and growth.

In fact, the meeting of Pluto and the Sun almost sets the tone for the year ahead and

guides us as to what lessons or themes we will all be dealing with and where will be

asked to grow and evolve.

Pluto and the Sun always meet once a year, but the addition of Venus in the mix makes

this year�s meeting particularly special.

Venus is the planet of love, abundance and creativity.

When Venus mixes with the powerful Sun and Pluto energy, it adds a feminine quality which

softens the energy and allows us to view things from a more intuitive perspective.

This rare aspect can also be a prediction of the rise of feminine power that is currently

in the works.

In most countries around the world, women are exploited or treated as being lesser than

men, but this is shifting and there is a lot of cosmic support to help with this.

This alignment is not just about women however.

It also touches on how we use power to mistreat not only human beings, but animals and Mother

Earth as well.

This energy is going to be planting a seed to help all of us step out of the male patriarchal

system and to look at things from a more holistic point of view.

There is so much masculine energy on this earth and while this is beautiful in its own

right, it has been out of balance

for too long.

For more infomation >> What the Very Rare Mid January Alignment of Sun - Duration: 4:42.


What I Wish I Knew Before Starting In The Film Business by Carole Kirschner - Duration: 2:44.

Film Courage: Okay, so the Unwritten Rules of Hollywood, your book [HOLLYWOOD GAME PLAN:

How To Land A Job In Film, TV, and Digital Entertainment].

Without giving away too much, from those who have read the book, what are some takeaways

where they were completely surprised?

Whether it was a chapter, whether it was a tip or two that you gave?

Carole Kirschner: I think that some of the things that people came away with that they

were not expecting was that there really are people that want to help you.

Even though there's some…there's some people that would rather eat dirt than help


Most people, somebody helped them, so they're willing to help.

I have a chapter on mentoring and how to treat your mentor right.

And I think a lot of people didn't understand that you don't go up to somebody and say

"Will you be my mentor?"

A relationship has to develop and then how to make the ask.

I talk about the Hollywood Ask, which is a particular kind of an ask so that you don't

back somebody into the corner.

What people say is and these are people who have also gone to film school is "I didn't

understand how the business worked.

And now I understand what I should be doing, what I shouldn't be doing, how I should

be talking about myself."

The whole thing about networking (and I hate the word networking) but how you connect with

people in an authentic way so that a real relationship forms and how that's important

(you don't have to be that smarmy networker).

Film Courage: Which chapter do you wish you'd read when you first decided (I know you grew

up here in Los Angeles) but that you wanted to be in the business?

Which chapter [in Carole's own book] did you say "You know what, I could have used

that 10 years ago."

Carole Kirschner: That's a really interesting question.

Which of the chapters?

Now I have to think back to the chapters because it was awhile back.

I think it was about how to prepare for meeting and how to follow up because I didn't know,

I didn't know what you say to people, I didn't know how informal it was or how formal

it was.

I have a chapter about what to wear.

I probably would have appreciated knowing that because you don't know how formal or

informal you should be in what circumstance.

And also, how to connect with people.

How to meet people, what to do when you meet them, I wish I had known that stuff.

But mostly how to behave so I didn't put my foot in my mouth, so I didn't make big


For more infomation >> What I Wish I Knew Before Starting In The Film Business by Carole Kirschner - Duration: 2:44.


How Comey memos may impact Mueller probe - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> How Comey memos may impact Mueller probe - Duration: 3:53.


Vince Talks About the Car Accident | Tamar & Vince | WE tv - Duration: 2:44.

♪ You're my Monday and my Friday ♪

What in the world, like,

would make you hit a tree that hard?

I'm coming up the street, I'm driving up the street.

Three coyotes jumped out, I'm like, "Oh!"

And tried to fix the steering wheel and away from hitting them

and then I wound up hitting the tree.

Tamar: When Vince and I were in Atlanta last week,

we got into a huge fight,

which is why he flew home to L.A. without me.

And, you know, to be honest about it,

I was planning to tell Vince I'm moving out,

but now that this accident happened, I just...

want to make sure I take a beat and see how things go,

because I just need to be right here for him, right now.

Well, I'm glad you all right.

It was scary, but I'm all right.

Vince: After it all happened, I was just like, "Wow, this is crazy.

I can't believe I just ran into a tree and totaled my car."

And I had a complete, uh, ring

a-around my body from the, uh, from the seat belt,

as well as I hurt my hand and my foot.

I've never been in a car accident before in my life,

so it was just one of those things, like,

"Wow, this is crazy."

Well, I just have a question.

Why did you not choose...

to call me when it happened?

Why did you choose to call somebody else

and for them to tell me? You were doing a walk-through,

so why would I call you so you can get freaked out?

So I called the people you was with during the walk-through

and said, "Tell Tamar I just was in an accident."

It's a little offensive that you called somebody else.

Why are you arguing about me not calling you,

'cause I did call you? Well, because you're supposed to call your wife...

Oh, okay. ...when you were in a almost fatal accident.

You was at -- at a show, doing some walk-through.

I was in Atlanta doing a club appearance

when Vince actually got in the accident,

but I didn't find out about the accident

until Vince was already in the hospital.

So, I'm just so thankful that Vince is okay,

but clearly, something is wrong with our communication

if a producer for our show had to call me and not my husband.

Like, "Could you leave me a voicemail, doll?

How about you text me?"

For more infomation >> Vince Talks About the Car Accident | Tamar & Vince | WE tv - Duration: 2:44.


Woman's Powerful Message To Sister-In-Law Who Drinks And Is Estranged From Her Children - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Woman's Powerful Message To Sister-In-Law Who Drinks And Is Estranged From Her Children - Duration: 3:17.


ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ. [Atsushi+Dazai] - Duration: 2:36.

I'm no good

What should I do ?

Protect the orphans.

For more infomation >> ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ. [Atsushi+Dazai] - Duration: 2:36.


iPhone X — A New Light — Apple - Duration: 0:39.

Do your, do your thing

♪Do your, do your thing♪

♪Do your thing,

just do your thing♪

♪Do your, do your, do your thing♪

♪Do your thing baby♪

♪Do your, do your, do your thing♪

♪Don't stop, don't stop doing it baby♪

♪Do your, do your, do your thing♪

♪Don't stop, don't stop doing it baby♪

♪Do your, do your, do your thing♪

♪Just do your thing♪

For more infomation >> iPhone X — A New Light — Apple - Duration: 0:39.


Mario Tennis Aces ANALYSIS - Reveal Trailer (Secrets & Hidden Details!) - Duration: 12:26.

Another Nintendo Direct has come and gone, and as usual, it's left several new games

behind in its wake, and of those games just happens to be Mario Tennis: Aces on Nintendo


And unlike the barebones Ultra Smash on Wii U, there's actually stuff worth analyzing


So it's time to boot up the ol' analysis machine and see what secrets it might be hiding.

And right off the bat, or racket I suppose, we can see this is a major upgrade over the

Wii U in pretty much every way, not the least of which is the attention to detail.

In fact, this is the first time in Mario Tennis history that the characters have worn appropriate

Tennis attire, including polo shirts with visible buttons, shorts, tennis shoes, and

even visors leaving the character's hair visible.

Waluigi has never looked so dapper, and Wario's somehow looks exactly what I expected it to


And the main characters aren't the only ones dressed for the occasion, as the audience

members now dress up to support their player of choice, as we can see here with the matching

Mario and Wario hats and shirts, as well as occasionally waving flags.

It's a neat ARMS-like touch.

And that audience is a lot more diverse than in Ultra Smash too.

Sure, Goombas, Koopa Troopas, Spike, Shy Guys, and Toads are all back--and in multiple colors

in the case of the latter two.

But on top of that, you can now also find Paragoombas, Paratroopas, Adorable little

Penguins, Bigger Penguins, Hammer Bros, and Sumo Bros.

Now granted,.

Most of that audience still look like cardboard cutouts, but closer to the court, you'll

find some fully 3D characters cheering you on, as well as the support crew, including

Cameratoads, Boom Mic operators, the line judges, Lakitu acting as the ball boy or girl,

and of course, the Chair umpire, once again being a Toad in this case.

Although he's lost his automatically swiveling chair from the last game and now has to exert

actual effort into the game..

And speaking of the court, the one in this stadium appears to be especially high-tech,

as it seems to be made of a giant screen, as the boundary markings light up and a quick

animation plays at either end featuring the player's name up before the match begins.

In fact, screens can be found all around the court too, displaying various things depending

on what's going on.

For the most part, they seem to function as colorful Graphic equalizers.

But they also display some other pertinent information, such as if you're caught in

a tiebreaker.

Or at the start of a match, the closer ones will display your character's name, while

ones farther back play an animation during your character's entrance--which we're

guessing is unique to that character since the one for Mario here is an old-school 2D

version of himself running.


And speaking of which--yeah, characters seem to have actual intros now, ala the Mario Strikers

series, which is something we haven't in the Tennis games up until now.

Although it's possible these only show up at part of the game's new Story mode--but

we'll have more on in a little bit.

For now though, let's talk about the gameplay--or as much as we can anyway.

I mean, it's Mario Tennis, so you kind of already know what you're getting.

So from the looks of it, the basics are all still there, such as how the color of the

ball's tail still shows which shots are being used.

Purple shows a Flat Shot, Red Topspin, Blue a Slice, and Yellow a lob, all of which we

see here.

Oh, and Charge Shots are clearly back too--except this time with a much more obvious glow effect

when you do.

But what about the controversial Chance Shots?

You know, those colored glowing spots that appear randomly on the ground and power up

specific shots--that first appeared in Mario Tennis Open, and made their return in Ultra


Well, I have good news and bad news--because it seems Chance Shots are back--but barely,

because we only ever see a single type appear here, being the Purple Smash ones.

Now that doesn't mean the others are gone for sure, but it does seem unlikely that we'd

see no sign of them if they weren't.

So it all seems pretty similar so far, but the announcer does say that there are "new

wrinkles that will challenge your ability to read an opponent's position and stroke

to determine which shot will give you an advantage."

Now we're not entirely sure what that means, but we have a sneaking suspicion it's related

to the brand new meters that each character has.

We can see them fill up a bit upon a successful serve--but that's it.

Unfortunately, there's just not enough gameplay here to see what else affects them.

However, we do get a glimpse of what might happen in the Piranha Plant mission scene,

where we can see Mario's meter is maxed out and glowing blue.

Unfortunately, it's still not clear exactly what effect it's having example--if any.

Because maybe it's something you have to activate once you have a full meter?

We did notice that the blue glow of a Charged Shot does look pretty similar to the glow

of that meter, so maybe they're related somehow?

Or maybe this is where the final shot of the trailer, where Mario smashes the ball from

a Purple Chance Spot so fast, it breaks Wario's racket in half--look, you can see see him

holding onto the handle as the head goes flying.

Now this seems way too powerful to be an ordinary move, so maybe this is what happens when you

fire a shot from the Chance Spot with a fully charged meter?

Well, whatever's going on here, the screens even instantly change to mark the occassion,

displaying Mushrooms and Question Blocks.

And that's all we can tell about the core tennis gameplay, so for now, let's turn

our attention to the Stadium itself.

Because, unlike the game's predecessor, Aces appears to have more than one Tennis

Court, it's worth taking a broader look at the stadium which, which has a split roof,

through which you can see the night sky, as well as a blimp floating by.

In addition, there's a big-screen TV at one end, and a giant spinning Tennis ball

at the other . Wait just a second...does any of this look familiar.

Yep, this arena is remarkably similar to the one and only from Ultra Smash, with the same

split roof, big-screen TV, and spinning statue Tennis Ball.

Aside from some tweaks and the night theme, this is pretty much the exact same stadium,

as you can clearly see from this angle.

Hmm, so either it's seen some major investment in the last couple of years, or the developer

simply decided to reuse the basic design to save time & money

In fact, if we take a look at the zoomed-out version of the Stadium in the Story mode,

we can see some hot air Balloons surrounding it which--yep you guessed it--have the same

designs as those that appeared in Ultra Smash.

I'm onto you Camelot...

Anyways, this is the map for the game's new Story mode, where you'll travel across

the land engaging in different Tennis-based missions and boss battles.

The dots mark the path you've unlocked so far, and since we can see they start at the

stadium, it's probably safe to assume that's the starting point of the adventure.

Althoguh we can't help but wonder, since it's day time on the map, but night time

when we see the match inside the stadium, is it possible the time of day can change?

From there, you'll cross a bridge to a larger dot--which could possibly be a mission that

the player's already completed, but we think it may actually just be a Blank Spot to rest

on since it not only looks inactive compared to the dot seen at the Stadium, but also that

there's nothing interesting around here--except for that rock behind the tree.

Anyway, even though we don't see Mario finish crossing the bridge, we do get a glimpse as

to where the rest of the adventure might take him.

Because just ahead, the path branches off in a couple of different directions, one of

which leads to some ruins among these mountains.

The other path extends through a forest, where we can see some Piranha Plants awaiting Mario,

the first of which is right next to a Mission marker.

And we're guessing that might be where this scene takes place, where Mario has to rebound

fiery tennis balls back at the Piranha Plants that are spitting them at him.

There are at least 7 Piranha Plants to deal with, but it seems a single hit will take

them down.

Now although the visible path stops here, we're pretty sure you'll have to take

on the Piranha Plant just ahead to in a similar battle.

But beyond that, well we can see some kind of stone structure right here, which we're

pretty darn sure is another Mission Stop.

In fact, that's probably where this boss battle against Petey Piranha takes place,

on account of the very similar stone-looking structure just behind him.

As for how you win, we're not quite sure--this isn't a typical tennis match after all.

So maybe you have to keep returning the ball until he misses, thereby taking damage?

Or maybe you need to land it in his mouth or something.

Whatever's the case, there are a lot more plants here besides just Petey.

Along the sidelines, we can see normal sized Piranha Plants, Piranha Creepers--including

the sleeping one here on the left--and finally, these little guys, being the more rarely seen

Muncher enemy.

Now here's something cool.

Even though this appears to be just a boss arena, you can actually see the outline of

a tennis court on the ground--which we think could indicate that this arena will also be

available for exhibition matches.

And that's it for the boss, so let's return to the map to explore where else the adventure

might take us.

And if we look just past that stone structure, there's this odd looking peninsula that

also seems just the right size for another Mission marker--perhaps one involving a water

based challenge?

But heading back inland, we can see some kind of building with a tower near some creepy-looking

trees far off in the distance--perhaps an old creepy haunted mansion?

Maybe a...Luigi's Mansion?

Unfortunately, that's about as far as we can see before the giant mountain cuts off

our view--but hey, wait a section, there appears to be a depression inside that mountain.

So yeah, we'd be shocked if you don't end up inside there.

Perhaps that's where Bowser awaits?

And that covers it for Story Mode...except for this match against DK, which also takes

place during the Story section.

And based on the fact that it clearly takes place within a forest, well we're guessing

you'll find it somewhere within the forest on the map.

Shocking, right?

Now this arena's quite a bit different from the other two, featuring a grass surface as

well as a net built around 3 Wrap Pipes.

And we're pretty certain something's going to pop out of them to interfere with the match--Piranha

plants perhaps?

Beyond that, we can see some a variety of creatures in the background, including Biddy

Buds in Yellow, Purple and, Red varieties.

Then we have a few different Yoshis, including a yellow one in a tree and another on a log,

and then a Pink one acting as the Chair umpire.

Oh, and right next to him is one of those white birds we see it all kinds of Mario games.

On the other side of the court is a white Rabbit, and a Goomba hiding in the back.

And finally, we can see a Toad hanging around in the far corner.

And with that, we're just about done here.

But there are just a few more things I wanted to talk about.

So if we go back to the World Map, we can see some banner ads for various fictional


Now it's hard to make them all out entirely, but it's the one down here that says something

about "Boo" that got us wondering as to what other playable characters could be in

the game.

After all, so far we know of 5, being Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, and DK.

So could Boo be a possible 6th?

Probably, considering he's been in every other Mario Tennis game--but hey, I suppose

it could be related to that creepy looking building too.

Other obvious inclusions are Yoshi and Toad, both because they already have characters

models in the game, but also because they too have a history of appearing in these games.

I know, shocking stuff.

In fact, with all the similarities to Ultra Smash, we'd be surprised if most of that

game's roster doesn't return here as well.

Next up, based on the ruins on the map, we wonder if that could hint at some character

returning that's often associated with ruins, such as Dry Bones.

And finally, we can't help but wonder if boss characters might be unlockable as playable

ones too, such as Petey Piranha.

Granted , they'd have shrink him down a lot, but he was playable in Mario Power Tennis

on the GameCube--in addition, we do see him using Charged Shots just like the normal characters


Now a possible point against this is that he uses his petals in place of Tennis Rackets,

but hey, DK uses his fists to punch baseballs, so who are we to judge.

And that's it for the characters, but there is just one more silly thing I wanted to now.

Now we already established that Camelot reused the stadium for Ultra Smash here, just with

some tweaks.

Look, it's fair, I get it...but is there really any excuse for using artwork of Mario

on the TV that's originally from Mario Party 6, nearly 15 years ago?


And with that, we're finally done covering everything we could dig up on Mario Tennis


But let us know if we missed anything by posting in the comments below.

And with that, thanks for watching and make sure to stay tuned to GameXplain for more

on Mario Tennis Aces and everything else Nintendo Switch as well

For more infomation >> Mario Tennis Aces ANALYSIS - Reveal Trailer (Secrets & Hidden Details!) - Duration: 12:26.


Without Love You Can Save The World - 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' - Duration: 3:33.

- Rebecca, think of all the time and energy

you've spent in your life on romantic relationships.

- I have clocked a lot of hours.

- Okay.

You can take that passion, that intensity

and focus and redirect it into more productive endeavors.

- Huh.

God, I've never thought of that before.

Maybe you're right.

(gentle music)

♪ 10,000 hours in anything makes you an expert ♪

♪ And I've spent way more time than that fretting over guys ♪

♪ I've got a BFA, an MFA, a PhD in obsession ♪

♪ And now I find myself wondering why ♪

♪ I could have used that time to cure leukemia ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ I could have used that time to clean the seas ♪

♪ I could have talked some teens awareness of bulimia ♪

♪ I could have saved the pandas, whales, and bees ♪

♪ Without love you can save the world ♪

♪ Put those hours to good use instead ♪

♪ Without love you can save the world ♪

♪ Sing out, branch out, get out of your own head ♪

- Hey, guys.

- Peace.

- Peace and love.

- But not love.


♪ Love's a real time suck ♪

♪ It really gets your mind stuck ♪

♪ On things that later on you'll be like, why ♪

♪ Like when's he going to text ♪

♪ Or when will I see him next ♪

♪ Then suddenly the lakes have all gone dry ♪

♪ And it's all your fault ♪

♪ Without love you can save the world, save the world ♪

♪ Clear space in your brain for better things, better things ♪

♪ Without love you can save the world, save the world ♪

♪ Not being tied to a bed can really give you wings ♪

♪ Conserve your mental energy ♪

♪ To research conserving energy ♪

♪ Don't raise hell ♪

♪ Raise money for local schools ♪

♪ Now that you've got time ♪

♪ Take the leash off your hog ♪

♪ And use that leash to walk rescue dogs ♪

♪ Love is blind but without love ♪

♪ You can actually help the blind ♪

♪ It's an asexual utopia ♪

♪ Without love you can save the world, save the world ♪

♪ Forget who you did ♪

♪ Think about what you can do, what you can do ♪

♪ Without love you can save the world, save the world ♪

♪ Change doesn't start with him ♪

♪ Change starts with you ♪

♪ It starts with you ♪

♪ Not who you screw ♪

♪ Not who you screw ♪

♪ It starts with you ♪

♪ Without love ♪

(rock music)

For more infomation >> Without Love You Can Save The World - 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' - Duration: 3:33.


BREAKING!! President Trump Just Made Them Pay For His Whole WALL!!!! - Duration: 5:47.

Various ideas have swirled about who will foot the approximately $21 billion to make

President Donald Trump's most important campaign promise come true, all of which have

failed to work out – until now.

We've previously reported that the $14 billion seized from notorious drug lord Joaquin 'El

Chapo' Guzman would make a good dent in the building cost since he's responsible

for why we need the barrier anyway.

However, that cash can't be used for this project despite El Chapo having no need for

the money in prison.

Other ideas haven't worked out as well either, but now we're getting word of an unexpected

hero to our illegal immigration issue coming forward with the finances to take care of

the cost once and for all.

Although we wish that the ingenious idea of illegal El Chapo's cash covering a large

part of the expense, for the irony that it would be, Ted Cruz's proposition for this

wasn't a possibility.

As quickly as that idea was shot down, a surprise financier showed up overnight with the approximately

$21 billion needed to foot the bill and you won't believe where it came from.

Although the lengthy construction process is already underway, it could be finished

much quicker than originally thought after having solved one of the biggest challenges

it has faced to date.

"Building 'a big, beautiful wall' on the Southern border was Trump's signature

promise during his campaign, winning him support from advocates for hard-line immigration reform,"

Politifact reported.

Ironically, someone on the wrong side of that issue could be paying for it.

Breitbart reports:

President Donald Trump restated his promise to make Mexico pay for his big wall on the

Southern border, suggesting that they would do it by renegotiating NAFTA.

"They can pay for it indirectly through Nafta," Trump said in an interview with

the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

"We make a good deal on Nafta, and, say, I'm going to take a small percentage of

that money and it's going toward the wall.

Guess what?

Mexico's paying."

He insisted that NAFTA was a bad deal for the United States and said that "nothing's

changed" about his campaign promise to renegotiate the deal.

"I can tell you I think the American market would go up if I terminated Nafta and renegotiated

a new deal," Trump said.

President Donald Trump restated his promise to make Mexico pay for his big wall on the

Southern border, suggesting that they would do it by renegotiating NAFTA.

"They can pay for it indirectly through Nafta," Trump said in an interview with

the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

"We make a good deal on Nafta, and, say, I'm going to take a small percentage of

that money and it's going toward the wall.

Guess what?

Mexico's paying."

He insisted that NAFTA was a bad deal for the United States and said that "nothing's

changed" about his campaign promise to renegotiate the deal.

"I can tell you I think the American market would go up if I terminated Nafta and renegotiated

a new deal," Trump said.

He threatened to terminate NAFTA unless they could reach a renegotiation of the trade deal,

but said he was waiting until after the presidential elections in Mexico.

"I understand that a lot of things are hard to negotiate prior to an election," he said.

"They have an election coming up fairly shortly.

I understand that makes it a little bit difficult for them."

If NAFTA doesn't work out for paying for it or liberals stand in the way of allowing

that to happen, the financing problem could soon be solved if Alabama Senator Luther Strange

gets his way

Strange went on Fox News' Tucker Carlson to discuss his idea of where this much-needed

wad of cash could come from right now, and it's as ironic as using drug money to pay

for it.

Those who want immigrants in this country don't seem to have an issue with paying

for them to be here, so they should be okay with footing the bill to keep them in their


Strange explained to Tucker that the funds should come directly from so-called Sanctuary

Cities who don't follow the law.

In essence, this would be a fine for going against the President, not cooperating with

local police, refusing to turn immigrants in, and worst of all, actually preventing

people from fairly bidding on the border wall.

Sanctuary cities like San Francisco, California punish their citizens for participating in

bidding on the construction of the wall by banning them from doing any other work in

the city.

This is not a democracy, it's a dictatorship decided by liberals and since they aren't

stopping, Strange wants them to pay for the wall that's already written into law.

The Senator's simple solution is that cities who refuse to comply with the nation's law

aren't going to get the money that they expect from the government because it's

going to go to building the wall.

It makes perfect sense to not reward bad behavior with cash that could be used to ensure the

rule of law which our nation is built on.

Sanctuary Cities don't make their own rules and can't expect other people to pay for

it when it goes against what the president has already set.

Rather than defunding these defiant cities, divert the funding and let their laws be the

country's gain.

Along this same line of logic that Strange presented, costs of this wall could also be

met it America stopped or slowed the flow of funding to Mexico.

It only makes sense to use the money being sent over the border for the barrier between

us since we're also trying to block Mexican citizens from entering America illegally.

This isn't about keeping good people out and prevent people from wanting to seek a

better life and the American dream, it's only about preventing those from entering

the wrong way and wreaking havoc, compromising citizen's safety, and sapping off our resources.

If it's important to become a law-abiding American citizen and reap the rewards of living

in this country, there's an immigration to follow to prove those intentions.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! President Trump Just Made Them Pay For His Whole WALL!!!! - Duration: 5:47.


Trump to Send Americans to the Moon - Duration: 2:37.


to Send Americans to the Moon

On Monday, December 11, President Trump held a ceremony where he signed a new directive

for America�s space program.

The goal?

Putting American astronauts back on the moon to �establish a foundation for an eventual

mission to Mars.�

Now where have we heard something like this before?

Oh yes, former Speaker of the House and Republican Presidential Candidate, Newt Gingrich, mentioned

colonizing the moon on the campaign trail, claiming in 2012 that if he were elected,

by the end of his second term, �we will have the first permanent base on the moon

and it will be American.�

Well it seems that the idea resonated with the Trump administration as well.

And while there was no talk of fitting a giant laser on the moon and pointing it at North

Korea, President Trump didn�t rule out weaponizing the moon.

�Space has so much to do with so many other applications,� he said.

�Including a military application.�

Vice President Mike Pence is the chairman of the recently-revived National Space Council,

which were the ones who unanimously approved the directive behind closed doors in October.

At Monday�s press conference, Pence made it clear that this new policy will �enhance

our national security and our capacity to provide for the common defense of the people

of the United States of America.�

So what does this mean for the common American?

Will the 51st state be on the moon?

Will we be able to take our vacations into orbit on the back of an American rocket and

stay at a Trump Moon Hotel?

Will we fend off nuclear missiles with a Dr. Evil-type moon laser after all?

�Imagine the possibility waiting in those big, beautiful stars if we dare to dream big,�

the President said.

�And that�s what our country is doing again: We�re dreaming big.�

For more infomation >> Trump to Send Americans to the Moon - Duration: 2:37.


Dina Hayek : Dar'b el hawa '' the path of love '' - English subtitles - Duration: 2:35.

and today we' are burning out the beautiful life which we live! and there is no longer dew on the roses nor is there any branch that's bent !

and I remained alone with my childish dreams , and No voice nor an echo calls upon me and asks me, "what's wrong ? ''

how hard the path of love is ! oh , you which makes me suffer ! it doesn't matter that we're no longer together or what's the reason for all that , rather , what's important is that we should forget all the past suffering which we went through after '' drowning '' oh, my burnt heart you are still in love with the flame that burnt you !

how hard the path of love is ! oh , you which makes me suffer ! it doesn't matter that we're no longer together or what's the reason for all that , rather , what's important is that we should forget all the past suffering which we went through after '' drowning '' oh, my burnt heart you are still in love with the flame that burnt you !

how hard the path of love is ! oh , you which makes me suffer ! it doesn't matter that we're no longer together or what's the reason for all that , rather , what's important is that we should forget all the past suffering which we went through after '' drowning '' oh, my burnt heart you are still in love with the flame that burnt you !

For more infomation >> Dina Hayek : Dar'b el hawa '' the path of love '' - English subtitles - Duration: 2:35.


세상을 깨우는 재미진 목소리 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 세상을 깨우는 재미진 목소리 - Duration: 3:10.


The County Seat Forestry Management - Duration: 28:51.

Hello everybody welcome to The County Seat

I'm your host Chad Booth. Today we are going

to talk about forest management this is very

timely in the fact that the country is

experiencing another catastrophic wildfire and

many are claiming that the purpose or the

cause of that is poor management of forests.

We saw it earlier this year with the Dixie fire in

Southern Utah that started at Brian Head and

moved its way over to Pang itch. So we are

going to talk about the role that good forest

management plays in keeping fires in check.

Joining us today for our conversation Kane

County Commissioner Jim Matson who has a

prior life in the forestry business and joining us

from Portland Oregon is Tom Partin who is a

forestry consultant in that neck of the woods

and thank you for making the trip down here to

join us for this conversation.

Thank you for inviting me and I am looking

forward to it.

your background and why you can speak with

authority about forest. Jim we will start with


I started out with my interest in this with my

deduction in the early 60's so in 1966 I attained

a degree in forestry and I promptly went to

work in the forest products industry and in

southern Utah and northern Arizona and did

that for 30 years and 30 grand years doing that

as we went through our processes there that

was back when the forest service was actually in

the business of managing its lands.

Okay, Tom how about you?

I graduated from Oregon State in 1975 I worked

7 years with the forest service actually working

on their marking and timber crews and got a

little bit of a sense of the arrangement

techniques they were using. I went to work for

a small company called lumber company in

Prineville Oregon and in 1983 we built a second

mill in John Day Oregon and I went over there

and managed that mill and over the course of

about 20 years and the forest service started

cutting back on their harvest our mills got shut

down at least 2 of the 3 did and then I had to

take another job as forestry association and

executive in Portland I oversaw the American

Forest Resource Council from 2001 to 2015 I

have a base of management saw milling and

policy work.

used to be managed primary by commercial

activity to thin forests some people have in the

back of their mind clear cutting but that really

stopped about the time forest series was

established if I am not mistaken. Can forests be

financially self-sustaining without destroying

the resource that is my first question?

Yes without a doubt if we remove all the

bureaucracy and still keep our hearts and minds

and focus on what the landscapes and water

sheds are in need of if you get hung up on

bureaucratic processes then the next thing you

know we have lost the whole battle and we get

back to the basics on the ground and they can

function in such a fashion that these processes

these projects will actually pay their way and

provide a tremendous benefit with little or no

risks to the public.

You came from a company who had 3 sawmills

and you had to close two of them in some of

the most timber rich area in the country.

The county was probably 70% owned by the

forest service and yes their harvest went from

130 million down to roughly 15 to 20 million

and so that is why we had to close our mill at

least in the Prineville Oregon area. The

Malheur National Forest over in John Day

Oregon at one time had was cutting over 300

million board feet and it went down to

somewhere around 40 million.

So an average guy listening to that say you are

cutting down 300 million board feet will think

you just clear cut the forest there could not

possibly be a tree left.

Well I think we have to understand the forest

rule out of fiber. The forest is growing that

amount of fiber each year and what we have is

a sustainable harvest level and I think the

problem we got into in the 80's and early 90's

is the management techniques were focusing

on just removal of the larger trees and not

doing the full gambit of work we needed to do

on thinning and maintaining and restoring our

forests so when the environmental community

said we were overcutting our forests it seemed

like everything just came to a stop and the

pendulum swung way to the other side of the

management which was basically no


point one would think you want to cut the big

trees because you get the most logs out of it

but what is a good forest management plan.

You take baby trees middle trees like the three


tree individually there are trees that are healthy

if you need to continue to grow we will leave

them regardless of size diameter or height. If

you have a forest that has sick and disease trees

in them regardless of their size diameter they

need to come out so I was always an advocate

of managing all ages and all sizes of trees on a

selective basis and not just having one


You can understand what is at risk here. Just

take your own circumstance with your own

home and front and back yards. Leave the

water turned on and leave and come back in 15

or 20 years and see if you can get in the front

door providing it does not burn down first it

continues to grow we have to be able to take

each one of those situations and make sure that

we add value to it at the same time protections

that are necessary. The means are there they

are not that hard to do this stuff was invented 2

to 300 years ago.

One thing I would like to add the focus has been

on forest restoration on the last tone or 15

years and harvesting and cutting trees of all

diameter classes. The forest product industry at

least on the west coast is very resilient and very

adaptive and so now we are back into a

program of more thinning of the smaller timber

to cover all of the acres and we have sawmills in

place that handle that type of wood and we

have gone away from strictly harvesting the

larger older trees and not focusing on all of the

forests. I think industry has converted and we

are really doing a good job there.

Why is timber the product of active forestry

such a valuable building commodity?

For several reasons. First of all, it's a renewable

resource, it's always growing. If you look at

building with concrete and steel, we're taking it

out of the earth, its not replenished. Trees

grow back, were going to have them forever.

Secondly you can put trees into a variety of

forms, you can put it in to lumber, you can put

it into plywood, you can put it into cross

laminated timbers and build big panels and big

buildings with them. It has diverse usages so its

by far the best building material. Again, its

renewable, and its going to be around forever.

So, people who want to save resources should

be promoting active timbering?

Absolutely. And it takes a lot less energy to

make a board that it does to make steel or


Excellent we are going to take a break and sets

us up when we come back. We are talking

about forest management here on The County

Seat. We will be right back after the break.

Welcome back to The County Seat we are

talking about forest management we left off

begging this question I am going to throw it out

there in an annual basis I'd like to know which

takes more trees. A catastrophic wild fire or

commercial harvest?

I'll take a poke at that one. You can actually

take a look at acres treated over time and you

can see where as catastrophic wildfires been

occurring its taking place at the time the

harvest level went down as the harvest levels

went down fire acres went up and past that

level we have lost more than what we were


In your neck of the woods what does that turn

into numbers Tom?

Nationally I think if you look at the voice of

interagency fire numbers we burned over 7

million acres of timberland this past year. I

think the forest service record show that they

mechanical treated somewhere between 250

thousand and 500 thousand acres though that

is mechanically treated so, but they do

prescribe fire and pre-commercial thinning but

by far wildfire will damage or decimate a lot

more acres than what we are trying to do

managing them in a proper manner. That takes

a second to sink in you burn 7 million acres and

you commercially treat 300,000 not 3 million

300,000 Holy Smokes no pun intended.

At that rate of travel we will soon be about of

the forestry business.

effects downstream after a fire., obviously it

looks different if you are in a unpopulated area

like Panguitch Lake and Brian Head than Santa

Barbara what sort of things are impacted by a


Just start out by saying that a lot of the

amenities that we have in the forest we like a

green forest. When you have forest and it is

charred you lost a lot of the amenities people

go out there to travel for you lose a lot of the

riparian buffers where you had for fish and

other aspects and then a lot of damage to the

soil when you get a hot fire and it takes all ate

trees out it really just cooks the soil it creates a

hard layer on top water especially when you

have heavy rainfalls following the fire cannot

penetrate the soil and it just instantly runs off in

sheets and that is why we are seeing so much of

the devastation in southern California right now

and we can have that right here in this


So it's the heat of the fire crusts the soil to

make in impenetrable it's not the loss of plants

per say it's just that water cannot get into the

terraform so it collects father downstream.

Right it changes a lot of the chemistry of the soil

with the heat and it just creates a real heavy

layer that water cannot penetrate through.

In the case of the Brian head fire for the acres

burned and lost it ended up losing the

Panguitch water shed they had to end up

funding municipal water system by drilling wells

up there to replace what they were getting in

terms of normal runoffs from the Dixie forest

that are prior to that fire.

So what is that going to cost Garfield County

you neighbors to move to wells. Is that millions

of dollars?

It is millions of dollars and they have already

had to come to the state for grants to be able to

replace that water it's been significant.

What other downstream down fire problems

can arise from this?

I think all of us are interested in a green forest

as I mentioned. If we are not managing our

forests after the fire and collecting some fees

we don't replant our forests and so it maintains

itself out there as nothing but a brush field and

we do not have a green forest for decades.

since the fire and now is starting to look like

forest would that have happened quicker if

managed cut and reseeded?

You would not have had a complete loss like we

had in the lodgepole pine that was burned up

there so it has taken all this time to replace that

and to get it into a position where they can go

back to growing forests again.

Good we will talk about the nature of this

industry when we come back here on The

County Seat.

Welcome back to The County Seat we are

talking about forest management. A little

conversation happened during the break here

that I think is worthy of mentioning and that is

about the question of how long does it take for

a tree to grow up to a point as to where it looks

like a forest tree or is commercially harvestable.

I do not want to keep it all not the money but

the two are kind of related what is your


I'll start by saying it depends on where you are

growing the tree and how much moisture that

area gets for instance in some of the dryer

climates in eastern Oregon, Washington

California a tree you might plant it and it might

take 80 to 100 years to grow to size that it can

bae a commercial product. On the west side of

Oregon and Washington and California where

you have some of the larger fur and of course

the red wood that gets a lot of moisture go in

and harvest an area go in an replant it you can

make a commercial product in 35 years. So it is

all about the site of the area how much

moisture it gets and how well you manage it

once you plant the tree.

The forest series does do some clear cutting

they open up areas as large as I think 20 acres

commercially the private land-owning

company's timber companies do clear cut and

the reason they clear cut in Washington and

Oregon is to allow Douglas Fir trees to regrow

they need full sun light and, so it is economic

reason number one but number two it's a

reason to grow Douglas fir trees.

So you keep going back to something we are

talking about redrawing we are talking about

redrawing is there a point when we no longer

can have forests.

No just in spite of us. We are going to end up

with forests and forests growth as we go

forward and it think as you look at this question

is burning a large group are burns acceptable or

you ask the question about clear cut I would

rather have a clear cut more so than I would a

fire. I would rather have the smaller cuts that

Tom was talking about so that we can manage

patches and species as we go forward.

It also sounds that's true we have not even

talked about wild life. When you go in to

selectively cut or clear cut 20 acres what direct

impact happens to wildlife in that period of


A lot of wild life species deer and elk species like

the early sterile plant stages they like the

shrubs that come and the grasses and so

actually it helps the wild life because it creates

more food. The forests when they are off limits

to the management grow very dense they grow

with a lot of trees coming in that blocks the

sunlight there is no food on the grounds so

really the animals have a lot of thermal cover

they don't have food so what we are doing by

creating opening is creating food.

Habitats for spotted owl and goes hawks and

alien species of that sort they in turn need a

prey base that comes from the squirrels the

rabbits and all the rests that grow in the

understory so it's a complex system.

So in the process of saving the owl who is

actually being decimated by some other bird if I

recall barn awl it turns out that we are hurting

them by just making them off limits to forests

because they will eventually become too dense

to support wildlife for them to feed on.

I think it's like anything they need a balance of

open areas they need some forage areas they

need some cover areas.

300. What does a healthy forest look like? If

you had a text book case this is a healthy eco

system what would it look like.

I think it would be multiple species to begin

with and not just a single species, but you can

get those. We talked about lodge pole pine

actually and the rest of it I think the healthy

forests has to have different heights and

different number of tress per acre and a

mixture of species between hard woods and

conifers as a mixture.

Good answer. I agree. I think if you limit

yourself to a forest of one species and you get

an insect or a disease outbreak you run the risk

of having that totally wiped out by for instance

in ponderosa pine if you have the western pine

beetle come in and it can take out a whole

stand so if you have a variety of age classes a

variety of species and again going back to

managing that forest on a tree by tree basis I

think that is really where we need to get to in

forestry and not have a cook book approach.

Very good we have run out of time in this

segment. We will be back with our final wrap

up on The County Seat I think there is going to

Welcome back to The County Seat our

conversation about forest management we

talked about what a good forest looks like now

let's talk about what good forest management

looks like from your expert opinion with 30 year

careers in the industry. What is a good forest

I think we have to recognize and realize we

have human communities that are right next

door or directly involved of forest settings such

they are mutually dependent we cannot do one

without the other we have to be able to figure

out how they interrelate and work together and

what I best for the forest.

I think the key is going back to your statement

what is forest management and its

management. We have not had management

on our forests lands much of them for the last

30 years. If you look across the west we have

had the northwest forest plan we have had the

east side screens which limited the size of the

trees you could harvest we had the sierra

Nevada framework in California we had a lot of

funding cutback in region 4 in the Utah area we

have not managed our forests and we have had

30 years of ingrowth and 30 years of collective

fuel on the ground and growing to fuel our fires.

There will be a whole bunch of forest service

employees saying we are managing the forests I

am at my desk every day doing NEPA analysis.

What would your answer be to that?

Again we earlier how much it is costing just to

do the planning and these folks are doing the

planning but 70% of the dollars that go into a

forestry project goes into planning 30% of it

goes into implementation on the ground so we

have people involved at their desk doing the

planning but we have very small percentage of

the dollars actually going to the ground to

getting the work done.

Do you want to venture a guess as to how much

be going into that planning process when you

guys both started in this business.

I bet it was less than 20%.

I think early on in the 70's and 80's when Jim

and I started you could do an environmental

assessment or an environmental impact

statement with 20 pages often times now an

environmental impact statement might be 600

pages 700 pages takes a year to 2 years to do

half million dollars to million dollars and it's the

planning to make sure that they have

everything right because if they face litigation

and as you know they have litigation they want

to make sure they have everything their I's

dotted and t's crossed to win in court and it

really puts them in a difficult situation.

What kind of impact has the Roadless initiative

had on forest management?

That is another attempt to extend the

wilderness philosophy as to keeping humans off

of the landscape and access out of the forest.

Jim and I can remember we had the rear one

and rear 2 the wilderness areas reviews and

both of those additional land and set them

aside in the Clinton Roadless rule you can do

some management if it is for safety for bug

outbreaks very little and very few forests have

done any management in Roadless areas so

basically it's almost like a wilderness it's a hands

off and its acres set aside that will continue to

grow and continue to add fuel and at some

point in time will burn up Chad is how I view it.

Do we face that with our precious wilderness

areas that they are because we are completely

hands off that they may eventually become


Absolutely and then the water sheds are gone

and the whole works and it really serves little in

the way of utility and purpose I think even for

the forests and wild life to exist out there.

If you look closely at where some of the large

fires are occurring many of them start in the

wilderness areas where you cannot use

mechanized equipment they will get a wind to

blow the fire out of the wilderness and blow it

out onto the general forested area by then it

has such a head of steam up and some much

heat that it just balloons into thousands more

acres so part of the problem is we are not

addressing our fires in the wilderness we are

burning a lot of our wilderness and that is

creating problems on the general forested area.

Do you think a district forest manager would be

better decision maker on how to handle this

forest than policy from Washington?

I think it all starts at the ground level. I think a

good forest supervisor know his forest and I

think he knows what the forests needs and

certainly we need some kind of improvement in

legislation for him in Washington DC to give him

the tools but the real decision maker needs to

be the forest supervisor.

me what a stewardship agreement is?

A stewardship agreement is unlike a timber sale

where you just sell a timber sale for certain

amount of money. A stewardship agreement is

where you have work to do in the project you

sell it and the contractor has to perform all of

this work and then the dollars come back to the

forest as retained receipts. And the retained

receipts go to getting the improvements done

like in the riparian areas commercial thinning

and this type of thing it's totally different than a

Gentlemen, we are out of time thank you for

being here and thank you for watching The

County Seat we will continue this conversation

on our website and on our FB page we will see

you next week on The County Seat.

For more infomation >> The County Seat Forestry Management - Duration: 28:51.


Nonstop 2018 l รวมเพลง สายย่อ ตื๊ดๆ ใหม่ 2018, New song club for the new 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.

Nonstop 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop 2018 l รวมเพลง สายย่อ ตื๊ดๆ ใหม่ 2018, New song club for the new 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.


고혈압 환자 샘해밍턴 아이스크림에 벌떡? 김수로조와 서경석조로 나뉘어 승부를 펼친 결과 승리한 쪽은 김수로팀이었습니다 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> 고혈압 환자 샘해밍턴 아이스크림에 벌떡? 김수로조와 서경석조로 나뉘어 승부를 펼친 결과 승리한 쪽은 김수로팀이었습니다 - Duration: 2:09.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


N. Texans Speak Out About President Trump's Controversial Remarks - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> N. Texans Speak Out About President Trump's Controversial Remarks - Duration: 2:10.


For more infomation >> N. Texans Speak Out About President Trump's Controversial Remarks - Duration: 2:10.


Mon époux me maquille et donne son avis sur le maquillage 🍒 - Duration: 17:28.

For more infomation >> Mon époux me maquille et donne son avis sur le maquillage 🍒 - Duration: 17:28.


For more infomation >> Mon époux me maquille et donne son avis sur le maquillage 🍒 - Duration: 17:28.



Howdy folks, today is kind of an announcement slash unveiling, you could call it patch notes.

I have updated the Farmers Market, it's kind of now version 1.1 and has some addition feattures

toward filtering.

It is the first of many updates to the Farmers Market that I will be making and now allows

you to not only do the previous things of filter by galaxy and platform, but also by

difficulty, that's the simple one that I probably should have put in on release but in all honesty

I wasn't sure how big the Market would get.

We're nearly at 100 farms added now, but still always on the look out for more, so if you

haven't yet, get your farm base on there and feast on the collective wealth.

It would be a pithy update if it was just that, so you can also now filter the bases

by the specific crops that are grown there, I considered doing it by the product produced

but where almost everyone accurately inputs the crops they grow, the trade goods that

are produced is a little less consistent.

I'll be working on the Market soon to automate this a little better as some of my original

information processing when it comes to the trade products produced should already be

filling the gaps from the crops that are grown, but it isn't quite working as it should there.

And the last and probably most wanted for many people is the ability to now filter the

bases by the amount of glyphs you have at your disposal, it's easy to forget if you

already have them all that most people don't, so being able to filter out those bases temporarily

out of reach may help those greatly.

It should be noted that there are very few bases that you can reach currently that require

less than the first 13 to 14 glyphs known, but bases are being submitted constantly,

so worth checking out if you need to get your harvest on.

A number of other things are planned for the market in the short term like the ability

to update your base information via the submission forms, while currently you can submit a query

and i'll just manually change whatever information for you, a better system is coming.

That's just a little hint of things to come, I don't really want to give much away, but

the market is a big focus.

On a similar note, I'd like to announce a partnership between the Farmers Market and

the Galactic Consortium.

The Galactic Consortium is an up and coming conglomorate in the No Man's Sky universe

which focuses on data gathering, while most civilazations focus largely on their own specific

area of space, the GC covers the whole game in a similar way to the Farmers Market, only

a little broader in it's current goals.

The GC is also Wiki based, trying to pool information to a single point, and as such,

this partnership will include sharing the base information from the Farmers Market with

the Wiki.

I have divised a method to almost automate this process for a clean dynamic sharing of

the information and it will likely occur at the start of next week and continue from then


But, I don't consider this just mine to share, so, I would like to afford the opportunity

to anyone who wishes to opt out of their specific base being shared with the Galactic Consortium.

I have done my research of the person heading this operation and everything, including my

interactions with him, suggest a well intentioned, reputable & intelligent man.

And let's face it, the Farmers Market is open to the public to view as is the wiki, the

information is already out there, so it doesn't really change anything.

But I still prefer to give the choice, so if you wish to opt out, please express your

wish to do so in a comment down below or via the query submission form on the Market page

and include the username you used when submitting your base to the market, your name will then

be added to a list and the information blocked from being shared in this method.

I think this partnership is a good move, this information being out there helps everyone

and will only bring more attention to the market which will inturn bring in more bases

for you to visit and benefit from.

And that's about it, let me know what you think of the Farmers Market update and the

Partnership with the GC, and if you have any featture requests for the Farmers Market,

I'd be happy to do certain things I have planned in a different order if people want them more

and I'm definitely open to new ideas.

If you like as usual hit that like button, subscribe if you haven't already and think

about checking out my Patreon, a dollar a month is a great way to support the channel

and my work like the Farmers Market.

But above all, have an awesome day folks!





Energized Healing to reduce bone spurs, chronic back & knee pain on a senior back to improve health - Duration: 24:11.

For more infomation >> Energized Healing to reduce bone spurs, chronic back & knee pain on a senior back to improve health - Duration: 24:11.


For more infomation >> Energized Healing to reduce bone spurs, chronic back & knee pain on a senior back to improve health - Duration: 24:11.


Nonstop 2018 l รวมเพลง สายย่อ ตื๊ดๆ ใหม่ 2018, New song club for the new 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.

Nonstop 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop 2018 l รวมเพลง สายย่อ ตื๊ดๆ ใหม่ 2018, New song club for the new 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.


For more infomation >> Nonstop 2018 l รวมเพลง สายย่อ ตื๊ดๆ ใหม่ 2018, New song club for the new 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.


Giovanni Bomoll Music

For more infomation >> Giovanni Bomoll Music


'I Was Rich And Gorgeous, Now I'm Just Broke And Fat' - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 'I Was Rich And Gorgeous, Now I'm Just Broke And Fat' - Duration: 2:08.


ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ. [Atsushi+Dazai] - Duration: 2:36.

I'm no good

What should I do ?

Protect the orphans.

For more infomation >> ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ. [Atsushi+Dazai] - Duration: 2:36.


(Thaisub) 태연(TAEYEON) '겨울나무 (I'm all ears)' - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> (Thaisub) 태연(TAEYEON) '겨울나무 (I'm all ears)' - Duration: 3:34.



For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 520i 520 I EXECUTIVE NED.AUTO, 1STE EIGENAAR, M-PAKKET INTERIEUR, FLIPPERS, NAVIGATIE, C - Duration: 0:54.


#AAS231 Superbowl of Astronomy Roundup: DES Data; JWST Update; Distant Galaxy Found; Citizen Science - Duration: 13:29.

Hello Space Fans and welcome to another edition of Space Fan News.

As many of you know who've been following SFN for a while know that this video series

was started in January 2011 during the winter meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

Well this week finished the one for 2018 and here is a roundup of stories I found most


The people with the American Astronomical Society call their winter meeting the Superbowl

of Astronomy and while that may be a bit hyperbolic, it is an exciting time for astronomers.

They get to announce some of their most exciting work during this meeting and while I have

been to several, lately I've had to watch them from afar.

But I do hope to start live streaming from them again one day.

So in the spirit of SFN, I'm going to give you a brief roundup of some of the latest

research that came out this week from the world of professional astronomers from around

the world.

There was so much released this week that there is no way I can cover all of it in a

10 minute or so video, so I'm keeping it to those things I found most interesting.

First up, the Dark Energy Survey (DES) has released the first three years of data to

the public.

The DES using that largest astronomical camera in the world - at 500 megapixels - mounted

on the 4-meter Blanco Telescope at the Cerro-Tolollo Observatory in Chile to look at 5,000 square

degrees of sky over 525 nights.

The data released this week includes over 40,000 exposures of DECAM corresponding to

hundreds of terrabytes of data.

In those images, are hundreds of millions of galaxies and stars.

The idea is to look at this region of the sky over a long period in an attempt to understand

the large-scale structure of galaxies with the hope that we can learn a little more about

the effects of dark energy on the universe.

But whenever you look at large portions of the sky for a long time, you can also do a

lot of other, really interesting science.

For example, one of the biggest discoveries to come out of this dataset was the detection

of 11 new streams of stars around our Milky Way.

I've reported on streams of stars around our galaxy before, they are stars pulled from

smaller, nearby galaxies by the dark matter halo surrounding the Milky Way.

And before this, astronomers knew of only about two dozen stellar streams, with most

of them discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

So here's the way it works: our home galaxy is surrounded by a massive halo of dark matter,

which exerts a powerful gravitational pull on smaller, nearby galaxies.

The Milky Way grows by pulling in, ripping apart and absorbing these smaller systems.

As stars are torn away, they form streams across the sky that can be detected using

the Dark Energy Camera.

The thing is, these stellar streams are extremely difficult to find since they are composed

of relatively few stars spread out over a large area of sky.

These streams are important because they teach astronomers about the formation and structure

of the Milky Way and its dark matter halo.

Stellar streams give them a snapshot of a larger galaxy being built out of smaller ones

and these discoveries are possible because DES is the widest, deepest and best-calibrated

survey out there.

So far that is.

Wait till LSST.

Next, there's usually some big update to the JWST mission to come out of this meeting

and this year, everyone was talking about the fact that the telescope has successfully

completed it's testing at the Johnson Space Flight Center and is now going to Northrop

Grumman Aeropace In Redondo Beach California to get finished


Getting finished up means integrating and testing the gigantic sun shield that will

protect and cool the telescope.

And anyone who has seen that deployment animation has to be nervous because there's only about

8,734 different ways that thing can get hung up during deployment.

Still, as one would expect, everyone on the mission is confident that the roughly six

week deployment of the telescope will happen without any problems.

They are testing every nut, bolt, hinge and roller to ensure everything happens without

a glitch.

The bad news, if you haven't heard yet, is that the mission launch is delayed yet

again to be no earlier than March, 2019.

I had to laugh when I read one of you Space Fans comment when I first reported this to

you back in SFN 214 who called JWST the Just Wait Space Telescope.

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

Just so you know, I've been planning a new video series called Countdown to JWST that

will start about a year prior to launch and will be posted on off-SFN Fridays, starting

- so far - the March but may get moved back if the launch does.

OK, the next cool thing that came out of the AAS Meeting this week was this outstanding

visualization of the Orion Nebula from the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescope missions.

It was released yesterday and was so stoked about it that by late afternoon I wrote a

script about it and finished and posted the video late last night.

I won't go into to it too much here, watch the video to learn more, but this was a visualization

using actual data from Hubble and Spitzer.

This wasn't some computer simulation using a model, this was created using actual data

and hats off to Frank Summers, Greg Bacon and other from STScI as well as Robert Hurt

from CalTech and the guys running Spitzer.

Moving on, also from CalTech, but this time from the Kepler or K2 guys: Citizen Scientists,

that's people like you and me and not professional astronomers, have discovered a star with four

planets in orbit around it.

Keep in mind, this was a new discovery, not a confirmation, and was a first for regular

people looking at astronomy data.

This doscovery was part of the Exoplanet Explorer project and if you don't know about it,

you owe it to yourself to find out.

It's run by the well-known Zooniverse guys who by now are pros as setting up citizen

scientist projects using all kinds of real-world scientific data.

According to the press release, in early April, just two weeks after the initial prototype

of Exoplanet Explorers was set up on Zooniverse, it was featured in a three-day event on the

ABC Australia television series Stargazing Live.

In the first 48 hours after the project was introduced, Exoplanet Explorers received over

2 million classifications from more than 10,000 users.

Included in that search was a brand-new dataset from the K2 mission—which is the reboot

of the primary Kepler mission, ended three years ago.

K2 has a whole new field of view and crop of stars around which to search for planets.

No professional astronomer had yet looked through this dataset, called C12.

On the second night of the show, the researchers discussed the demographics of the planet candidates

found so far—44 Jupiter-sized planets, 72 Neptune-sized, 44 Earth-sized, and 53 so-called

Super Earth's, which are larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune.

They wanted to find a new classification that would be exciting on the final night of the

show, like maybe finding an Earth-sized planet in a habitable zone, something like that.

But those take a while to confirm so they decided instead to try and find a multi-planet


Those are good because it's hard to get a false signal of several planets and they

could be reasonably sure they had something by the end of the show.

So, the press release goes, NASA Astronomer Geert Barentsen, the guys overseeing these

results, left to get a cup of tea.

When he came back, Jessie Christiansen (from CalTech and working in California) had sorted

the crowdsourced data to find a star with multiple transits and discovered a star with

four planets orbiting it.

Three of the four planets had 100 percent "yes" votes from over 10 people, and the remaining

one had 92 percent "yes" votes.

This is the first multi-planet system of exoplanets discovered entirely by crowdsourcing.

After the show was over they continued to study and characterize the system, Called

K2-138 and statistically validated the set of planet signals as being "extremely likely".

Now what I love about this story most isn't that a bunch of ordinary people using scientific

data found something amazingly cool - that is stupendously awesome.

But I love the fact that a show like Stargazing Live exists!

Oh how I wish we had something like that in America.

Say what you will about the BBC, but they are unparalleled when it comes to some of

their documentaries: Brian Cox and David Attenborogh are rock stars in my house.

OK, let me close out this roundup with another story about Hubble, Spitzer and Orion.

Seems like Hubble and Spitzer have been working together a lot lately.

In another in the 'most farthest galaxy ever' category, Hubble and Spitzer have

found a galaxy called SPT0615-JD that existed when the universe was just 500 million years


While admittedly this doesn't look like much, most of the other galaxies imaged by

Hubble during this people have all looked like little red dots.

Just watch my video on the Hubble Deep Field in 3D to see what I mean.

That's to be expected though since the first galaxies in the universe are very small and

incredibly far away.

Hubble and Spitzer were able to get such a good look at this galaxy though with the help

of a much larger galaxy that was between Hubble, Spitzer and the distant galaxy and gravitationally

lensed the light from the faint SPT0615-JD, essentially boosting the power of both space


Using that boost, this image was taken of the distant galaxy, the most distant imaged

so far.

This image allowed astronomers to estimate that the diminutive galaxy weighs in at no

more than 3 billion solar masses (roughly 1/100th the mass of our fully grown Milky

Way galaxy).

It is less than 2,500 light-years across, half the size of the Small Magellanic Cloud.

This galaxy is considered prototypical of young galaxies that emerged during the epoch

shortly after the big bang.

Hubble's clarity, combined with Spitzer's infrared sensitivity to light reddened by

the expanding universe, allowed for the object's vast distance to be calculated.

Alright that's it for this episode Space Fans, please look for Your Sky Tonight episodes

to start back up next week.

Space Fan News is made possible by Deep Astronomy Patreon Patrons, especially these guys, but

every contribution helps, so thank you.

Thanks to all of you for watching and as always, Keep Looking Up!

For more infomation >> #AAS231 Superbowl of Astronomy Roundup: DES Data; JWST Update; Distant Galaxy Found; Citizen Science - Duration: 13:29.


BREAKING!! President Trump Just Made Them Pay For His Whole WALL!!!! - Duration: 5:47.

Various ideas have swirled about who will foot the approximately $21 billion to make

President Donald Trump's most important campaign promise come true, all of which have

failed to work out – until now.

We've previously reported that the $14 billion seized from notorious drug lord Joaquin 'El

Chapo' Guzman would make a good dent in the building cost since he's responsible

for why we need the barrier anyway.

However, that cash can't be used for this project despite El Chapo having no need for

the money in prison.

Other ideas haven't worked out as well either, but now we're getting word of an unexpected

hero to our illegal immigration issue coming forward with the finances to take care of

the cost once and for all.

Although we wish that the ingenious idea of illegal El Chapo's cash covering a large

part of the expense, for the irony that it would be, Ted Cruz's proposition for this

wasn't a possibility.

As quickly as that idea was shot down, a surprise financier showed up overnight with the approximately

$21 billion needed to foot the bill and you won't believe where it came from.

Although the lengthy construction process is already underway, it could be finished

much quicker than originally thought after having solved one of the biggest challenges

it has faced to date.

"Building 'a big, beautiful wall' on the Southern border was Trump's signature

promise during his campaign, winning him support from advocates for hard-line immigration reform,"

Politifact reported.

Ironically, someone on the wrong side of that issue could be paying for it.

Breitbart reports:

President Donald Trump restated his promise to make Mexico pay for his big wall on the

Southern border, suggesting that they would do it by renegotiating NAFTA.

"They can pay for it indirectly through Nafta," Trump said in an interview with

the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

"We make a good deal on Nafta, and, say, I'm going to take a small percentage of

that money and it's going toward the wall.

Guess what?

Mexico's paying."

He insisted that NAFTA was a bad deal for the United States and said that "nothing's

changed" about his campaign promise to renegotiate the deal.

"I can tell you I think the American market would go up if I terminated Nafta and renegotiated

a new deal," Trump said.

President Donald Trump restated his promise to make Mexico pay for his big wall on the

Southern border, suggesting that they would do it by renegotiating NAFTA.

"They can pay for it indirectly through Nafta," Trump said in an interview with

the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

"We make a good deal on Nafta, and, say, I'm going to take a small percentage of

that money and it's going toward the wall.

Guess what?

Mexico's paying."

He insisted that NAFTA was a bad deal for the United States and said that "nothing's

changed" about his campaign promise to renegotiate the deal.

"I can tell you I think the American market would go up if I terminated Nafta and renegotiated

a new deal," Trump said.

He threatened to terminate NAFTA unless they could reach a renegotiation of the trade deal,

but said he was waiting until after the presidential elections in Mexico.

"I understand that a lot of things are hard to negotiate prior to an election," he said.

"They have an election coming up fairly shortly.

I understand that makes it a little bit difficult for them."

If NAFTA doesn't work out for paying for it or liberals stand in the way of allowing

that to happen, the financing problem could soon be solved if Alabama Senator Luther Strange

gets his way

Strange went on Fox News' Tucker Carlson to discuss his idea of where this much-needed

wad of cash could come from right now, and it's as ironic as using drug money to pay

for it.

Those who want immigrants in this country don't seem to have an issue with paying

for them to be here, so they should be okay with footing the bill to keep them in their


Strange explained to Tucker that the funds should come directly from so-called Sanctuary

Cities who don't follow the law.

In essence, this would be a fine for going against the President, not cooperating with

local police, refusing to turn immigrants in, and worst of all, actually preventing

people from fairly bidding on the border wall.

Sanctuary cities like San Francisco, California punish their citizens for participating in

bidding on the construction of the wall by banning them from doing any other work in

the city.

This is not a democracy, it's a dictatorship decided by liberals and since they aren't

stopping, Strange wants them to pay for the wall that's already written into law.

The Senator's simple solution is that cities who refuse to comply with the nation's law

aren't going to get the money that they expect from the government because it's

going to go to building the wall.

It makes perfect sense to not reward bad behavior with cash that could be used to ensure the

rule of law which our nation is built on.

Sanctuary Cities don't make their own rules and can't expect other people to pay for

it when it goes against what the president has already set.

Rather than defunding these defiant cities, divert the funding and let their laws be the

country's gain.

Along this same line of logic that Strange presented, costs of this wall could also be

met it America stopped or slowed the flow of funding to Mexico.

It only makes sense to use the money being sent over the border for the barrier between

us since we're also trying to block Mexican citizens from entering America illegally.

This isn't about keeping good people out and prevent people from wanting to seek a

better life and the American dream, it's only about preventing those from entering

the wrong way and wreaking havoc, compromising citizen's safety, and sapping off our resources.

If it's important to become a law-abiding American citizen and reap the rewards of living

in this country, there's an immigration to follow to prove those intentions.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! President Trump Just Made Them Pay For His Whole WALL!!!! - Duration: 5:47.


Beautiful Thing || Grace VanderWaal || Sign Language - Duration: 3:47.

You think you know my heart

You probably do

Why I always with you

I can stay with you for hours

In empty room

Bored? Never

Never have nothing (to) do

You my other half

You make me myself

Make me smile

When I fall, can't get-up again

Without you here, I boring

Something inside you makes me myself

Makes me funny

You beautiful thing

We beautiful thing together

Even-if weather bad

You beautiful thing

We beautiful thing together

Even-if weather bad

We can find rainbow

In sky

You say, "Don't cry"

"Future alright."

If we ever start fight or war

That bad why?

You know all my secrets

But I know all yours

Hours become seconds together

Weight of world feel like nothing


We have control

You my other half

Make me myself

Make me smile when I fall

Can't get-up again

Without you here I boring

Something inside you make me myself

Makes me funny

You beautiful thing

We beautiful thing together

Even-if weather bad

You beautiful thing

We beautiful thing together

Even-if weather bad



We forget what people tell us

We live in our own dream world



We forget what people tell us

We will confront all world

Without you here I boring

Something inside you makes me myself

Makes me funny

You beautiful thing

We beautiful thing together

Even-if weather bad

That beautiful thing

Thank you!

I love you!

For my sister, my best friend

Love you!

For more infomation >> Beautiful Thing || Grace VanderWaal || Sign Language - Duration: 3:47.


What is he saying?(62) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:36.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today I'm going to say an expression and I'd like you to guess

what I am saying.

Are you ready?

I got a lot to do.

I got a lot to do.

I got a lot to do.


Did you catch that?


Let's try that again but this time with a hint.

I got a lot to do.

I got a lot to do.

I got a lot to do.

Did you get it?


Let's try that one more time but this time a little bit slower.

Are you ready?

I got a lot to do.

I got a lot to do.

I got a lot to do.


Did you catch it this time?


The answer is, "I got a lot to do."

I got a lot to do.


So this is an expression you can say to someone when they ask you to do something

but you are very busy and have many things to do.

I got a lot to do.


So let's practice that together.

First slowly then a little bit faster after that.

Are you ready?

Please repeat after me.

I got a lot to do.


Now a little bit faster than that.

I got a lot to do.


Now even a little faster than that.

I got a lot to do.


Now let's try that three times quickly.

So please repeat after me.

I got a lot to do.

I got a lot to do.

I got a lot to do.


So now you know the expression, I got a lot to do.

When someone asks you to do something and you are very busy.

I got a lot to do.


So thank you for watching today's video.

My name's Richard and remember to please click like, share, and subscribe and I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is he saying?(62) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:36.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.2TFSI/105pk Ambition Pro Line Navigatie, Airco, Cruise, Control, 17"LM - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.2TFSI/105pk Ambition Pro Line Navigatie, Airco, Cruise, Control, 17"LM - Duration: 0:54.


Audi A1 Sportback 1.0TFSI/95pk Sport Adrenalin S-Tronic Airco, Navigatie, Cruise Control, 17"LM - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 Sportback 1.0TFSI/95pk Sport Adrenalin S-Tronic Airco, Navigatie, Cruise Control, 17"LM - Duration: 0:54.


Fit Hot Guys Have Problems Too - 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' - Duration: 4:00.

- Do you see how hot they are?

Guys like this don't have real problems.


(electronic dance music)

- No one understands.

- No one understands.

- One.

- Two.

- [Both] One, two, three, four.

♪ We know what people think when they see us ♪

♪ That we're so hot it's insane, ane, ane, ane ♪

♪ When we exit a pool we do in it slow motion ♪

♪ But that don't mean we can't complain ♪

♪ 'Cause fit hot guys have problems too ♪

♪ Don't look at us, we're not dancing for you ♪

♪ This is our quiet personal time to reflect ♪

♪ Flect, flect, flect, flect ♪

♪ We both have almost no body fat ♪

♪ But we're too bummed out to talk about that ♪

♪ I know we look so much better than you ♪

♪ But fit hot guys have problems too, uh ♪


♪ Everyone is at our sexual mercy ♪

♪ Be them a Mr. or Miss, Miss, Miss, Miss ♪

♪ But when we're down on our knees ♪

♪ No one has sympathy ♪

♪ Because they only see this, and this ♪

♪ And this, and this, and this, and this, and this ♪

♪ But what about this ♪

♪ 'Cause fit hot guys have problems too ♪

♪ Don't look at us, we're not dancing for you ♪

♪ It's just hard to process emotions ♪

♪ With our clothes on, clothes on, clothes on, clothes on ♪

♪ Our pecs are perfect but we have bad days ♪

♪ So don't objectify us with your male and female gaze ♪

♪ We have childhood traumas just like you ♪

♪ 'Cause fit hot guys have problems too, uh ♪

- Give us back our shirts, you monsters.

- Yeah, what's wrong with you?

Come on, guys.

- Who's got it?

(crowd cheering)

- [Man] Here we go.

- [Man] All right. (laughs)

- Uh, Josh?

- No.

- Hold on, are you actually here, like in reality?

- Yeah, this is my new job.

I'm a go-go dancer at this club.

- That's what you meant by volunteer fireman.

Okay, got it.

- You want to join our imaginary song and dance?

- Sure.

♪ 'Cause fit hot guys have problems too ♪

♪ Don't look at us, we're not dancing for you ♪

♪ Leave us alone, we have to twerk out our sad ♪

♪ Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad ♪

♪ We're expressing our pain through the art of dance ♪

♪ But we'll express so much better without these pants ♪

♪ There's so much pressure when you're a fit hot guy ♪

♪ So just let us ugly cry ♪


♪ Let us ugly cry ♪


- Oh god.

(rock music)

For more infomation >> Fit Hot Guys Have Problems Too - 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' - Duration: 4:00.


Meghan Markle's estranged half-sister reveals what Meghan's last words were to her THREE years ago - Duration: 1:26.

Meghan Markle's estranged half-sister reveals what Meghan's last words were to her THREE

years ago — as she begs Prince Harry's fiancé to forgive her

SAMANTHA Markle has opened up about her desire to reunite with Prince Harry's fiancé ahead

of the royal wedding.

Meghan Markle 's estranged half-sister has revealed that they have not spoken to each

other for three years.

Samantha Grant also spoke of her wish to reconcile with the Suits actress, even though she is

soon to release a "tell-all" book about her, entitled: The Diary of Princess Pushy's Sister.

"The last time we spoke – when I heard her voice – was 2014, almost 2015", said Samantha

of Prince Harry's fiancé.

"Her last words were, 'I love you, babe.

I'm really glad we had this conversation.

Keep in touch'."

"And she couldn't – she got busy.

I tried.

But I think she just got really busy", Samantha told The Mirror.

Explaining that, in her opinion the pair simply drifted apart, Meghan's sister reportedly

broke down into tears.

Samantha continued: "I hope now that she knows I was there.

I should've really reached out more... but I'm proud of her."

"I can only say to Meg, 'Forgive me'."

Meghan Markle's half-sister's latest plea comes after she revealed the "real" reason

for family rift as the former Suits actress prepares to marry Prince Harry.

Samantha also accused Meghan – who is set to walk down the aisle in May – of not being

there for their dad, Thomas Markle, financially when he was forced to declare bankruptcy in


Samantha's latest comments come after some of Meghan's other family members opened up

about whether her father will walk his daughter down the aisle.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle's estranged half-sister reveals what Meghan's last words were to her THREE years ago - Duration: 1:26.


Top 5 Best Playstation 4 Family-Friendly Games | PS4 Games - Duration: 6:05.

2017 has passed and we got a lot of games in the past year

But because there's so much games out there

it maybe hard to find some games that are suitable for your age.

Hey guys, my name is AJRPlayz and today

I'm gonna show you five PS4 games That are actually family-friendly

Before I get started I just want to say that the rank for this list is just in my opinion

But I guarantee that all of the games in this list are family-friendly

Opening our top 5 list is FIFA 17

FIFA 17 is an amazing and beautiful football game, it's graphic is amazing and the gameplay is flawless

FIFA 17's biggest change from the previous FIFA game is The Journey

The new story mode that features Alex Hunter being a new player on the pitch and is looking to impress

The new story mode is an amazing add to the FIFA 17 game and even though if you're not a sport lover

You'll still find this game enjoyable. The gameplay is much more flawless than the previous FIFA game and controls very well

It also has a career mode where you can pick an existing player

or you can make your own football player to start their own journey

Coming at number four is TrackMania Turbo

TrackMania turbo is a fun wacky racing game that features hours of fun

This game might not look as realistic as Need for Speed, but it sure offers hours of fun gameplay

You can play a local multiplayer up to four people and it just makes the game more fun for you and your friends family

It also features a Double Driver Mode where you and a partner is to control one car and try to work together to win

This mode just makes the game wackier and more fun

Coming in at number three is Ratchet and Clank

Rattle plank is a charming platformer shooter game with amazing graphics

The Ratchet and Clank PS4 game is a reboot from the classic Ratchet and Clank from the PlayStation 1

It does a great job in maintaining the original story

From the original game while adding a few new things to make it a true family-friendly game

It has gorgeous visuals and stunning graphics that will make you keep playing the game for hours

The thing that makes Ratchet and Clank stands out from all of the other shooter games are it's ridiculous yet useful range of weapons

Coming in number two is Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2

Now don't get me wrong. I love all of the Lego games, but since there are so many Lego games out there

It was difficult to choose just one for this list

But if I could pick just my favorite Lego game it has to be the Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2

Not only is this game a lot of fun, but it offers a huge world where you and a friend can explore together

It has amazing story that will keep you playing for hours until you get to the end

The gameplay feels natural and the controls are amazing

There's nothing else that I could say about this game except that this is the best Lego super hero game at the moment

Finally coming at first place is Minecraft

Do I really need to explain anything here? Minecraft is an open world that is made out of blocks.

This game is an absolute masterpiece

Not only is this game fun and amazing to play, but it also embraces the creativity of the player

Minecraft has a lot of ways to play:

Survive the night from monsters while getting resources for your buildings or create your own city with unlimited blocks

You can also play local multiplayer up to four people and if you want to play with more people you can always join a server

Overall this game is the best family-friendly game yet

So that's it for today's video guys

Thank you so much for watching

And if you enjoyed it, go ahead and leave a like and comment down below on what is your favorite PS4 game?

Also, don't forget to subscribe to see more videos like this, apart from that

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you guys again in the next video. Peace

For more infomation >> Top 5 Best Playstation 4 Family-Friendly Games | PS4 Games - Duration: 6:05.


Lindsay Lohan Returns to Her American Accent & Reveals Reveals Plans to a 'Lohan Island' in Dubai - Duration: 2:01.

Lindsay Lohan Returns to Her American Accent & Reveals Reveals Plans to a 'Lohan Island'

in Dubai

Lindsay Lohan may soon go from Hollywood actress to tropical destination.

The 31-year-old stopped by the Wendy Williams Show for an interview airing Friday revealing

a new (old) accent and big plans for world domination.

The actress revealed to host Wendy Williams in a PEOPLE exclusive clip, that she is in

talks to design one of the islands within The World Islands, an artificial archipelago

of small islands off the coast of her adopted home Dubai.

"I'm discussing designing an island in Dubai," Lohan said (and with her European

accent mysteriously missing).

"I have a lot of little projects there because I like to keep busy.

So, when I'm finished filming [British sitcom] Sick Note I can go back to Dubai, start the

lipstick, discuss that and then design this island — Lohan Island."

She joked that she was "out-Trumping Trump with the name Lohan!" as Donald Trump is

known for branding developments with his moniker.

The President does not have an island in Dubai but he does have a large golfing and residential

real estate development with his name on it.

Lohan also spoke about her nightclub in Greece – which is where she first revealed her

so-called "LiLohan" accent when it launched last year.

"I have my club too, in Athens, and then we're opening one in Mykonos," Lohan told

Williams about her businesses.

"I figured I've gone to enough, I should have my own!"

The Mykonos nightclub will also be named Lohan Nightclub like her Athens club, the star said,

as she described it as "a fun place."

Williams cautiously asked whether that was a good idea for someone who has substance

abuse issues in the past, saying, "Wouldn't that be the worst place for a clean person…

to have?"

Lohan said there was no danger in her slipping back into substance abuse, revealing she had

more fun watching other people party too hard.

"No, actually.

It's really fun to watch other people look ridiculous," she said.

For more infomation >> Lindsay Lohan Returns to Her American Accent & Reveals Reveals Plans to a 'Lohan Island' in Dubai - Duration: 2:01.


Volkswagen Polo Comfortline 1.0TSI/95pk · Achteruitrijcamera · Extra getint glas · Licht en zicht - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo Comfortline 1.0TSI/95pk · Achteruitrijcamera · Extra getint glas · Licht en zicht - Duration: 0:51.


Mon époux me maquille et donne son avis sur le maquillage 🍒 - Duration: 17:28.

For more infomation >> Mon époux me maquille et donne son avis sur le maquillage 🍒 - Duration: 17:28.


Nonstop 2018 l รวมเพลง สายย่อ ตื๊ดๆ ใหม่ 2018, New song club for the new 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.

Nonstop 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop 2018 l รวมเพลง สายย่อ ตื๊ดๆ ใหม่ 2018, New song club for the new 2018, NONSTOP KH - Duration: 20:51.


Juliannas End - Duration: 0:13.


For more infomation >> Juliannas End - Duration: 0:13.


STUCK FOREVER | Hello Neighbor #4 - Duration: 20:00.


HIIII NEIGHBOR, what are you doing? You just gotta try and keep being a dum-dum right there?


You guys hear that the Thunder

And see her

Yup, I don't really see him anywhere

Okay, I'm gonna go around the back, okay Jay

Okay, I need the share

During the tender

Where is he

Where is he not again run

Well I don't see him, where is he oh?

There he is

That's why go back to your house there you got them

I saw him good the other day

Okay, we can Hannah here

Any sul-rang

Wait he can't see me because I'm in a cover

And there's so many mannequins everywhere

I need a Cupid a

It's day

Man medicates

All right Jambo time here, okay

What are these

Okay, just go right here


Don't know what's in there, but that's right, and you yo Q for that?

It's another rule okay, so you I need a yo Q for that

That's not yet


Where is he is he coming up


There is a seal

The fingers

Okay, I'm gonna cry


Yeah, no I didn't know you was really right there

Oh, I see I see you run you big

He's close he's close he's close

That's where I go back to your house there you stupid bastard

All right, I'll show her so guys, I'm back


Where to go

Lost and found I

Said that like in my first alpha 3 video

What worries he he's throwing glue at me

That's where I go away neighbor you big moustache freak

Dang he's really chasing me I

Can throw blue at him

Take this neighbor take that

It dries up interesting

Again I'm gonna sneak around the back

With this is it a magnet

Is it it, or is it a toilet plunger

It's a magnet

What how is he getting me one all the way over here

Not those people

Klose was that an elevator

Yep that was Nevada and said I a world

Neighbor or are you oh?

No not again run hi hi

Hi dear

He's right there, okay

Will he ever just go away and let me do what I'm supposed to do

I think you left

Where's the camera

Okay HAP here what no

You can't get by me

You can't give me


He's still right there

So happier no get back on here

I love try this again. Yeah, I got tries again

Okay going stairs go up stairs

All right, so I have to make it

All right jump


I'm finally up here

So there's no way the neighbor can't get up here

It's a blue key, I finally got the key now I can unlock

The door that has to be locked on it right, so let me just go back upstairs

All right get the blue key

Finally it's open

All right guys. I'm dilly this episode of Hello neighbor here

Since I figured the blue cube

And what that guy's watches you if you liked it make sure you leave a like scribe macho

And it what that guy's house tell you do it in the next video

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