Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 20 2018

When a once-beloved TV show starts showing its age and viewers start clicking to something

else, the show has two choices: bow out gracefully or change everything about itself in an attempt

to win back the fickle masses.

Typically, the latter approach fails miserably, but that hasn't stopped many shows from trying.

When a show's most popular characters start

to leave, that's usually a sign of the end.

"I mean, to have to look at this all day and not be able to touch it?

I can't even do that!"

But That '70s Show chose to weather the departure of Ashton Kutcher and Topher Grace and keep

on keeping on — with a brand new friend: Randy, played by Josh Meyers.

"I'm Randy, I've got big muscles, I'm good looking!

You're an ass!"

As the Washington Post pointed out, there was just nothing interesting about Randy.

Poor Randy wasn't even featured in the series finale, in favor of cameo appearances from

both Kutcher and Grace.

But for once, the show got it right: if you're gonna say goodbye, do it with the people you've

known and loved the longest.

"My God!

If my closet were like this I never would have come out of it."

Some shows try to save themselves with new characters or wacky plot twists.

According to the New York Post, Will & Grace was starting to fall apart by Season 6.

To cover for this, the show trotted out guest star after B-list guest star.

Will & Grace limped on for a couple more seasons before finally getting axed in 2006.

Amazingly, over ten years later, it was revived for two more seasons in 2017.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute.

What about Stan?

Is he still alive?

Am I still rich?

Answer the last one first."

Like That '70s Show, Two And A Half Men attempted

to survive losing its main characters, and ultimately failed miserably.

"Wanna know a sure-fire hangover cure?

Never stop drinking."

After Charlie Sheen called it quits, he was replaced by Ashton Kutcher.

But that's nothing compared to how they handled the departure of Angus Jones, who played the

half-man, Jake.

In the Season 11 premiere, we were introduced to Jenny:

"And you are?"

"Your niece."

"Your niece?

That's a pretty name, is that Dutch?"

"No, I'm Jenny.

I'm your brother Charlie's daughter."

And, as TV Guide put it, "the apple definitely doesn't fall far from the tree."

Charlie was a debauched alcoholic who slept with beautiful women.

And Jenny, was a debauched alcoholic who slept with beautiful women.

Sadly, Two and a Half Men went bye-bye, even obliterating a Charlie Sheen stand-in during

the finale.

Hey, if you're going to go out, go out swinging.

Just because a show jokingly admits to jumping

the shark doesn't mean it hasn't.

Case in point: The X-Files, in which an episode actually titled "Jump the Shark" proceeded

to do just that.

"Let's just say this case has a… distinct smell to it.

A certain paranormal bouquet."

The cracks were starting to show in X-Files by Season 9 in 2002.

It had lost David Duchovny, except for a handful of appearances, and had no real hope of recovering.

So, according to Salon, it did something truly unexpected: The Lone Gunmen, the show's popular

trio of conspiracy theorists and hackers, appeared for the first time since their spinoff

show, also called The Lone Gunmen, got canceled.

Fox celebrated their return by promptly killing them off, during an attempt to foil a bioterrorist's


This attention-grabbing move didn't help, and X-Files' ninth season became its last

until 2016, when it was revived for a six-episode tenth season.

"This is actually evidence of a parallel universe."

"Wait, what?"

For seven seasons, Roseanne was a super-realistic

smash hit portrayal of a typical middle-class, blue-collar family.

"She's really something."

"She thinks she knows everything."

"Well, I do."

Then came Season 8, when the show dropped out of the Top 10 for the first time since

it debuted, according to Uproxx.

With that ratings freefall (and Roseanne's fear of losing fame, according to New York

Magazine), came plot changes.

At the end of Season 8, John Goodman's character, Dan, has a heart attack.

That's pretty left-field, but it at least made sense.

But with Season 9, sensibility went right out the window.

Dan recovered from his heart attack, and the family won $108 million in the lottery.

This begat a season filled with wacky adventures.

But this departure proved unpopular with viewers, and the show ended on the laziest plot twist

ever: Season 9 was fictional.

Dan actually died of his heart attack, so Roseanne, the character, coped by writing

a book and inventing a bunch of weird stuff.

Fans will catch up with the Conner clan, including Dan, once again for 2018's Season 10 revival.


Mork and Mindy was a huge success for its first couple seasons, but the old "wacky alien

doesn't fully get Earth" gimmick wore thin after a while.

According to io9, by the time Season 3 had wrapped, ABC was contemplating ending the

show outright.

They would only allow the series to continue if everything changed.

And so, Mork and Mindy got married and conceived a child.

But Mork got pregnant, not Mindy.

Also, he laid an egg that hatched Jonathan Winters as the pair's baby-man, with the explanation

being that Mork's race ages backward.

This visually amusing stunt worked well enough to get the show through a fourth season, but

after a year of old-baby shenanigans, ABC pulled the plug.

"I don't know how much value I have this universe, but I do know that I made a few people happier

than they would have been without me.

As long as I know that, I'm as rich as I ever need to be."

Cousin Oliver syndrome refers to anytime a

TV show tries to gain back lost viewers by adding a cute kid to the roster.

This rarely works and, in the case of The Brady Bunch's addition of Cousin Oliver, it

resulted in the show's rapid demise.

"Oh gee, I'm sorry I was just tryna help."

You can say the same thing for a less talked-about example of Cousin Oliver syndrome: Olivia

from The Cosby Show.

By Season 6, The Cosby Show was beginning to show its age.

Many of the show's children had long grown up, leaving it lacking youth and cuteness.

And so Olivia, Denise's 4-year-old stepdaughter, suddenly joined the fray.

"If you stop crying, I'll give you some ice cream."


The show tried to extend its life by bowling people over with precociousness, but The Cosby

Show ended after Season 8.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Desperate Things Shows Did To Keep People Watching - Duration: 6:42.


11 Confessions from an Introverted Empath: What It's Like to Be Introvert and Empath - Duration: 3:56.

11 Confessions from an Introverted Empath: What It's Like to Be Introvert and Empath

Being an introverted empath can be a great strength for someone, they may actually use

their immense potential and limitless energy to help others.

On the other hand, they tend to be more closed off, reserved, and selective on how they drain

and spend their precious time and energy.

They also try to be more careful with whom they decide to share it with in order to protect


If you feel you're on the same train and you think you're all alone, then don't.

I can assure you that you're not alone, although carrying these characteristics can

feel to be extensively lonely sometimes.

In current society where introverted and empaths are often considered weird, and there are

a lot of things people still don't really understand people with these characteristics.

No matter what people may say, introverted empaths actually have great combos that make

them special in terms of understanding other people.

And, here is the list of 11 things that describe how to be an introverted empath.

#1 - Understanding people better

Introverted empaths understand people better, and they also can absorb others' emotion,

feeling, and condition physically.

Some other people also can do that.

however, introverted empaths do that easier than others.

#2 - Deep feeling

Being too sensitive is sometimes just not nice.

You experience horrible things in a very deep way that you just want to fall asleep trying

to forget anything.

At the same time, deep feeling also helps to understand people.

it is a blessing that not all people have.

#3 - Easy to cry

Any activities can make introverted empaths cry especially if it has any relation to something

problematic in the past.

#4 - Passionate

Even introverted people can go crazy as long as it involves positive social movement to

help others in need.

#5 - We listen and we care

Some people listen because they want the information.

introverted empaths, however, wants to help you with the information provided.

#6 - Public servant

Introverted empaths usually attract any kind of people, and they really see the empaths

someone who can be trusted.

That is why empaths usually have many people who tell stories to them.

#7 - Not knowing what they feel

It is weird that empaths are quite sensitive to their surroundings, but it is unfortunate

that they do not know what happen to themselves as quickly as they would when seeing others.

#8 - Empaths can read people

In addition to absorbing other people's emotion, empaths also can read people's


It through deep conversation that the storage about other people is earned and it also makes

reading people easier.

#9 - Strong connection

Even after just one session of conversation, empaths can click with others so easily.

Even though they are introvert in nature, they really can establish tight bound.

#10 - Overly sensitive

This is no brainer since any kind of emotion affects empaths directly and physically.

#11 - Underappreciated

Empaths are really good friends, but people frequently use them as dumping ground.

All in all, that's a short confessions on what it's like to be an introverted empath.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 11 Confessions from an Introverted Empath: What It's Like to Be Introvert and Empath - Duration: 3:56.



For more infomation >> MYSTEERILAATIKKO NOITIEN TAVARAA ?! 🎃 - Duration: 10:40.


Trying Natto for the First Time (Fermented Soybeans) - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Trying Natto for the First Time (Fermented Soybeans) - Duration: 10:19.


What Happened On My Cruise (No Internet Access!) - Duration: 5:55.

Hey, what's up?

John Sonmez here from

I'm actually on a cruise ship today.

I am cruising, trying to catch up, I'm going to do some videos.

Even though I can't really upload the videos, I need to get them recorded.

Maybe when I get Wi-Fi at a port, I can do some uploading, get some of these videos up.

It's kind of weird.

I thought I'd just do a video talking about like being on the

cruise ship because this is my first time really being on a cruise ship and just some

of the challenges and some of the interesting things I'm going here and then maybe I'll

do some videos talking about some things like being disconnected and how that feels.

The first thing that I didn't realize being on a cruise ship was that I would be pretty

much disconnected from the Internet, like you can buy an Internet plan, but it's really

expensive and it's slow Internet.

I decided to just not do that.

Probably when I go to a port or so, like I said, I'll have Wi-Fi and I'll be able to

upload, but—I don't know if I'm going to download my email messages or not.

I guess probably should and communicate with my team that I'm actually unreachable.

Anyway, that's one thing that I didn't really think about that much.

It's really hard.

I've been struggling with this and like really weird because I'm used to grabbing my phone

and checking for updates, and see what's going on with YouTube and email, and the business

and stuff, and I haven't been able to do that.

It's only been like two days so it's weird, but it's almost liberating to some degree.

There is this deep-seated like fear that something is going to break or something is going wrong,

which is interesting.

Why do I have that like why can't I just live?

It's interesting.

I think it's a good experiment.

The other thing I'd say about cruising which is kind of interesting is that it's like a

big temptation, like if you think about like trying to keep my diet and routine and everything.

There's food available all the time, as much food as you want.

You can go anywhere and all this food is presented to you, and you feel like you need to take

advantage of it because you paid for it.

You just want to just grab a hamburger there.

Well, you know, I eat one meal a day.

I fast until five every day, so it's definitely like temptation everywhere as far as that


I've had to resist that and I've done a pretty good job so far.

I mean at one my meal a day I've definitely been picking out.

Definitely, I've been taking advantage of the food that I have there, but aside from

that I've been basically not eating, not breaking the fast but it's just hard.


Then you've got the idea that it's hard to exercise.

There's a track here, but I ran it yesterday.

I ran 5 miles.

It's 20 laps around the deck of the ship.

It has a weight room.

I ended up using the weight room and I'm going to continue to work out on here, but it's


It's definitely harder.

They've got a casino, which actually—yesterday, I won the poker tournament for the casino

that was like a satellite into a $350,000 poker tournament, and that I got a free cruise,

by the way.

Oh, look, I just got a message.

I must be within civilization, must be in Mexico.

Anyway, I won the poker tournament which was kind of cool, but yeah.

You know, there's a lot of stuff.

You're trapped in this boat.

You have no connectivity if you think about it and there's a ton of temptations.

There's alcohol everywhere.

I haven't been really drinking.

Maybe just having like one drink with dinner, but you can definitely buy unlimited alcohol

like you can get unlimited alcohol pass.

It would be really easy to just like have 7 days of complete—like if you think about

it, I mean this is interesting, right?

This is a test.

This is what, I guess, what the point of this video is, is that this is a real test like

a serious test of discipline, because it would be really easy to just go off the deep end

and have 7 days of complete debauchery, and just drink and just eat and not work out,

and not get any videos done or not do anything like that.

It would be extremely easy to fall off of that precipice and do that, but I'm having

to fight it really, really hard and make sure that I don't do that and hopefully make

some more progress.

I mean I'm not—let me just—just so you guys don't worry.

I'm not going to be an idiot and like not enjoy myself.

I'm, of course, going to eat some good food and have a good time, and stuff like that,

but I'm also not going to just completely abandon all of my principles and all of my

discipline and just throw that out the window, and just say, "Well, it's only 7 days."

Because I did this video a while back when I was in London, I think, on how you live

one day is how you live every day.

That really is something is I live by is that if you are going to like throw everything

out the window for 7 days, it's going to happen all the time.

You're going to fall off of that.

That could be the start of a downfall where you just stop running, you stop lifting, you

stop eating healthy.

It just takes a 7-day period to break—to get into that habit.

It's easy to develop bad habits.

Anyway, we'll see what happens.

So far, it's been interesting, but it's been weird being disconnected, I have to say.

Like I said, I might be connected now because I just got a message.

Maybe I'm in—close enough to Mexico that my cell plan works, which I don't know.

Is that a good thing or bad?

All right.

That's all I have for you today.

If you haven't subscribed already, click that Subscribe button below.

Click the bell so you don't miss any videos.

I'll talk to you next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> What Happened On My Cruise (No Internet Access!) - Duration: 5:55.


My NEW ANT COLONY - AWESOME! - Duration: 15:55.

Oh man!

AC Family, this video is full of just SO MUCH!

I've got some important updates for you on ants that I haven't been talking much about

lately on this channel, but for good reasons.

But, week after week, after week, after week, after week, you keep on reminding me that

you have not forgotten.

What happened to that trap-jaw queen ant I captured last summer that was supposed to

hopefully spawn our Jawbreakers II?

Find out in today's episode, as I update you on some extremely exciting news, but trust

me, it's not what you're expecting, so keep on watching until the end!

AC Family, hit that LIKE button if you're as excited as I am, for an official introduction

to some amazing new members to our growing ant family, in this mind-feeding episode of

the AntsCanada ant channel.

Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel, and hit the bell icon.

Welcome to the AC Family.


Last week, was a sad one, as we said goodbye to our Tomb Raiders, a wild-caught Pharaoh

ant colony who borded with us for a few weeks in a cool, room-sized setup we made for them,

but had to sadly release in order to save them from mites.

Taking their setup down was melancholic, as I was counting on them to thrive, along with

our other ant Kingdoms.

Their wild, loose counterparts were still frequenting my ant room, but not as much as


I anticipate that in won't be long before they move out when they find that resources

are low and the Tomb Raiders' pheromones fade.

But for months, I've been waiting for the right time to update you on a certain queen

ant that I had captured, in hopes to start up a thriving trap-jaw ant colony.

And as mentioned, you guys also never forgot and asked about it every week.

So it's time to inform you about the news.

Inside this drawer, and inside this setup lies the trap-jaw queen ant captured last


AC Family, I regret to inform you that she had died just last week.

She laid no eggs and ate insect body parts every now and then.

I guess, she wasn't fertilized.

I am so sorry to disappoint you, AC Family.

I really wanted her to found us a trap-jaw ant colony.

Which brings me to something else... there's more, AC Family.

In the drawer, I also have these.

Three test tubes, each with trap-jaw queen ants.

A friend had given them to me a few months back in hopes that they too would found a

colony of trap-jaws for us.

Sadly, they too had all died and had not laid any eggs.

Now, I didn't want to update you on the progress of these four trap-jaw queen ants until I

was absolutely sure they were not going to found colonies for us.

I always feel so bad and that I disappoint you every time I introduce an ant colony,

get your hopes up, only to find that they die later on down the line.

I realize this is a reality show and life happens, but I always want to be absolutely

sure a colony has a fighting chance before I formally introduce them to you, the AC Family.

So all these queens have died, they all still had their wings in tact, and they didn't lay

any eggs.

Chances are, they also weren't mated prior to capture.

We ant keepers know that catching non-mated queens is quite common, in fact, in the same

video where I introduced the trap-jaw queen to you, I went hunting in Toronto, Canada

for queen ants and caught so many queens.

Out of all the queens captured on that day, turns out, only one queen had survived, laid

eggs, and was successfully mated.

This Formica fusca queen hibernated with workers and was put up for sale in the GAN Project

in Toronto to find a loving home.

So, the success rate of finding mated queen ants is sometimes tough for ant keepers.

It's why most ant keepers try collecting several queens in a single season, from different

nearby locations, and at different times in order to hopefully have within the batch a

queen that successfully lays fertile eggs and founds an ant colony.

Which brings me to this next surprise, AC Family.

Oh you thought it was done?

Of course not, you saw the title, and I'm sure you guys checked the time stamp to see

how much video was left.

Back in the ant drawer of surprises, you may have noticed this test tube here.

Pulling it out.

Inside it, is another queen ant.

A gorgeous, large carpenter ant queen.

It is a native Philippine species belonging to the genus Camponotus.

I have had her for months now, and she lays some eggs, not a lot, and in a scattered manner.

These eggs actually hatch into larvae, and develop into pupae, but for some reason the

pupae end up dying.

This test tube she's in now is starting to mold and water run out, so it's time to give

her a test tube change.


Even in fresh test tubes, she seems to only get as far as raising her eggs to the pupal

stage, but adult ants never end up emerging from the pupae and they die.

Again, before today I wasn't intending on informing you, AC Family about this queen

until I was certain as to whether or not she would give us a colony of carpenter ants,

but hey now you know about her.

Let's give her a drop of honey to drink.

Giving food to queens of this type at this stage isn't necessary because they sustain

themselves on the energy stores of their back wing muscles, but since she's been depleting

these energy stores through nourishing some previous babies, I figured she could use that

extra boost, but hmm...

It looks like she is not interested.

I don't buy that.

Let's give her a little nudge and guide her to the drop.

Oh, as expected, she's drinking.

We got a few tiny drops on her back there but no worries.

She's lick that off herself later.


Look at her drinking that honey drop!

You can actually see the drop expanding and contracting.

This is pretty awesome because to me it shows that ants actually take gulps when they drink,

like we people do!

Interesting right?

She'll finish that in no time.

Let's put her away in the dark, and hope she has better luck at founding her babies to

adulthood now that we've given her this nourishing boost!

Any of you checking that time stamp again?

Now, for those of you with sharp eyes, you may have also noticed another test tube, wrapped

in blue paper.

Well, AC Family, here is what I've been dying to show you.

Placing the test tube here, and let me say before opening this that I'm doing my very

best best to research the biology of what lies inside this test tube, because very little

is known about their captive care.

AC Family, are you ready?

I am excited to finally present to you, our newest addition to our Antiverse.


The ever gorgeous ants known as Polyrhachis.

They are just gorgeous!

The bodies of these ants are so smooth with such an interesting shape.

They're stark black coloration and hard edged, squared spines at

certain places of their body make them look SUPER DUPER COOL!

And look at that brood!


I see eggs, larvae, and look some pupae, too.

The workers are bustling with energy in this test tube.

They've been feasting previously on the leg of a spider.

Look at these workers, they've been working at pulling this cotton out very effectively.

These ants are strong and in time can pull wads of cotton out of any setup, so whatever

these ants are housed in cannot contain cotton blockers!

If you're looking for the queen of this colony, she is right here.

The calmest one of the bunch.

Polyrhachis are an extremely diverse genus found through the Old World.

Here in the Philippines there are over 200 different described species of Polyrhachis,

which are characterized by their various body spines.

Some of the most gorgerous ants belong to this genus, like fishhook ants, and various

metallic coloured species.

Now, I have seen Polyrhachis ants in the wild many times, but know very little about these

specific polyrhachis ants, which were collected from my area.

But you wanna hear something really cool?

One thing that I do know, is that their nests are EPIC!

I know some species of Polyrhachis build nests in soil, but then extend their nests upwards

into trees, creating massive nest palaces made of mud and gathered materials.

Some species even create leaf nests like weaver ants!

I don't know what the nesting habits of these specific Polyrachis ants are, but I do look

forward to finding out!

I wonder what they like to eat?

Let's try feeding them a piece of baby cockroach.


Now how to stick this inside without them getting out.

I've got to be swift.

Here we go, AC Family!

The trick is to use the cotton to move the food into the tube.

There we go!

Let's see them feast!


It looks as though they're ignoring it.

Alright, so roaches aren't tickling their fancy at the moment.

Let's try feeding them a drop of honey.

What ant would reject some tasty honey, right?

Here we go again... opening the test tube, and oh no!

Some ants escaped!


I scooped up the escaped ants quickly with a cotton ball and put them back in.

Ahh something tells me these ants are little balls of energy which will continually keep

me on my toes!

Oddly, they seemed to be uninterested in the honey, too.

Hmmm... perhaps they're full from that spider leg they ate previously.

Ah well... as you can tell, ant keeping often involves a lot of trial and error to learn

about an ants' likes and needs.

Let's leave this Polyrhachis colony in the dark for now until we choose a proper home

for them.

Alright AC Family, you know what's next!

Leave your name suggestions for this new Polyrhachis colony in the comments section and I will

choose my top 5 favourites for us to vote on in a future poll.

Be sure to also LIKE and comment on your favourite name submissions so I know!

And there you have it, AC Family!

Our newest ant colony of 2018!

I feel this year will be full of new beginnings and discovery for us and the ants we love.

In nature, not all creatures end up making it on top.

Natural selection ensures that only the fittest and most resourceful survive, and when they

do it's an amazing thing to witness.

I am happy to observe the beauty of nature with you guys.

But something is still worrying me.

Our Titans, our Asian marauder ants have disappeared from sight yet again.

The last time they disappeared, we happened to find them in pretty impressive numbers

after pulling out some weeds.

But since then, their disappearance has been very unsettling to me.

I see wandering black crazy ants inside, but no Titans.

Are the Titans still alive?

There was only one way to find out!

Alright, AC Family!

You guys are the life blood of this channel!

It would not exist nor be half as exciting without your participation and input so be

sure to leave your name suggestions and thoughts in the comments!

Aren't the Polyrhachis ants just awesome?

Let's name them something cool!

I also will need some ideas as to what type of setup to use for them, so leave your setup

suggestions in the comments, as well.

Lots to look forward to coming up so make sure you hit that SUBSCRIBE button and BELL

ICON so you're notified every time we upload.

Now speaking of being notified, before proceeding to the hidden video and AC Question of the

Week, in case you didn't see last week's video or the week before that, I wanted to quickly

notify you about my new daily vlogging channel, for those who might be curious as to what

I work on in between these weekly ant videos.

You can find my new daily vlogging channel by clicking here, but just a warning, it's

a very different form of content from this channel, but many AC Family have already subscribed,

so thank you guys who have.

I upload short life vlogs every single day, which means a lot of nature stuff, too from

my travels around the world!

Alright, AC Inner Colony, I have left a hidden cookie for you here, if you would just like

to spend more time watching additional footage of our new Polyrhachis colony to the sounds

of some relaxing music!

And now it's time for the AC Question of the Week.

Last Week we asked:

What is the name of the life stage where Astigmatid mites attach

themselves to the body of insects.

Congratulations to Dynamic Dynamite who correctly answered:

The phoretic deutonymph stage.

Congratulations Dynamic Dynamite, you just won a free ebook handbook from our shop!

In this week's AC Question of the Week, we ask:

What evidence did we see this week that show ants take

gulps when they drink?

Leave your answer in the comments section and you could also win a free ebook handbook

from our shop!

Hope you can subscribe to the channel as we upload every Saturday at 8AM EST.

Please remember to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video to help us keep

making more.

It's ant love forever!

Woohoooo new ants!

For more infomation >> My NEW ANT COLONY - AWESOME! - Duration: 15:55.


林鄭月娥唱出《溏心風暴3》片尾曲《欲言又止》! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> 林鄭月娥唱出《溏心風暴3》片尾曲《欲言又止》! - Duration: 0:57.


During / While / Meanwhile - How to use them in English - Duration: 5:38.

Today we're doing the difference between during and while and later meanwhile

They all mean "At the same time" or "In the middle of another action"

but we use them in different ways

let me give you an example

We'll start with during (ˈdʒʊərɪŋ) or during (ˈdjʊərɪŋ)

both pronunciations are fine

doesn't matter how you pronounce it

but in a sentence there must be a noun after the word "During"

I pronounce it ˈdʒʊərɪŋ

For example I want to say

I hate people who talk in the middle of movies

it's very annoying don't do it

but I replace "in the middle of" with "during"

it means the same thing

and after we have that noun: "movies"

That's perfect! This is a good sentence! It's great!

You're beautiful!

Beautiful sentence

But how about "while"? It means the same thing

Can I replace "During" with "While"?

No! If I say "I hate people who talk while movies"

this is a rubbish sentence

you can't say that

so how do we use while

With "while" you need a clause

A subject and a verb, a sentence

so let's imagine you're in bed, you're trying to sleep

and then all of a sudden


you hear a loud noise

so in the middle of trying to sleep

you heard a noise, there was an interruption

while I was trying to sleep I heard a noise

and it doesn't matter where you put this sentence

it could be first it could be after like

I heard a noise while I was trying to sleep

That's fine it doesn't matter where you put it

also notice the subject is the same in both sentences

While I was trying to sleep, I heard a noise

In this case you don't need to repeat the subject (ONLY REMOVE SUBJECT IN CONTINUOUS FORMS!)

In the "While" sentence

so we could have

"While trying..."

we'd actually remove the BE verb for continuous tenses

Doesn't matter if it's WAS in past continuous or IS in present

and the subject of course if it's the same

so it could read

"While trying to sleep, I heard a noise"

Or of course

"I heard a noise while trying to sleep"

That's fine too


if you remove the subject and the BE verb (AGAIN, ONLY REMOVE SUBJECT IN CONTINUOUS FORMS)

then it definitely definitely sounds more formal

so keep that in mind if you're trying to speak formally that sounds great

but in casual conversation it's much more common not to do that

I would more commonly say

"Oh my god last night while I was trying to sleep I heard a noise...

...and it made me cry"

Should we use WHILE only with continuous tenses?

No not necessarily

Let me give you an example

"I played drums while she slept"

this is not a continuous tense

this is a past simple

How about a present simple? Let's try that!

"She eats ice cream while I work"

or the other way

"While I work, she just eats ice cream"

This is a present simple tense

so it doesn't have to be past

doesn't have to be past continuous

it can be anything

just know that WHILE means "In the middle of THIS, THIS happens"

or "At the same time as THIS, THIS happens"

that's how you use

But how about "Meanwhile"? is that the same thing it sounds the same

How do I use that?

Well this also means "at the same time" but more commonly it's used to

talk about two different locations, two completely different subjects

For example:

In one city Superman was flying and saving the world

at the same time in a different city

Or we could say MEANWHILE!

Remember "Meanwhile" means "at the same time"

but in a different thing

Superman was flying and saving the world

meanwhile in Gotham (in a different place)

Batman was crying


I hope you enjoyed today's lesson

Tell me in the comments: Why was Batman crying?

Also try to make your own sentences using during, while, and meanwhile

Give me a thumbs up if you can

Share this video, it really helps me grow my channel

I'll see you in the next class

For more infomation >> During / While / Meanwhile - How to use them in English - Duration: 5:38.


Perfect Wanderlust Industrial Style by Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses - Duration: 2:48.

Perfect Wanderlust Industrial Style by Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses

For more infomation >> Perfect Wanderlust Industrial Style by Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses - Duration: 2:48.


TITANFALL 2: Calculated Montage - Duration: 7:15.

Riddytim Presents TITANFALL 2: Calculated Montage Enjoy

For more infomation >> TITANFALL 2: Calculated Montage - Duration: 7:15.


34C VS 23C Safety Razor Shave and Review - Duration: 9:13.

Greetings gents! I'm Geofatboy for

Right now it's review time. I'm going to do a review and a shave of these two

razors which are the most popular razor is made by Merkur in Solingen Germany.

It's the 23c which is a three piece razor and the 34c also known as the HD

which is a two piece razor. I'll start with the 23C: This razor weighs in at

two point two ounces or 62 grams. The overall length is 4.25 inches or 108

millimeters. Now the 34C: This razor weighs in at 2.7 ounces or 78 grams and

the overall length from top to bottom is 3.25 inches or 82 millimeters. And if

you look at them side by side you can see that there's about exactly 1 inch

difference in the length of the handles. 23C is thinner and longer, the 34c is thicker and

shorter. Both are excellent shaving razors, fantastic for everyday use which

is what I have right now. This is a one to two day beard growth on my face so if

you're an everyday shaver I'm going to shave with these and you can see how it

works out, and these razors you can start shaving with them today use them for the

next 10 years and be more than happy with them because this is my personal razor-

these are actually both my personal razors, and

you can see the 34C is a bit worn more. I've had it for about 10 years and

it's got a lot of good use put into it. Both razors have similar knurling on the

handle easy to grip even with wet or soapy or shaving cream laden fingers. I'll

perform a shave with both of these razors and you can see how they work.

First step: Warm the face.

It's best to shave after a shower if you can. If not,

warm your beer properly. This is TOBS Rose. Taylor of Old Bond Street Rose

Shaving Cream. It's a little bit pink and it's got a wonderful rose scent, floral

scent. My brush is a Chubby 2. Simpson's Chubby 2.

Let's clear the runways, so we can see the sideburns. And dry the fingers always

good to dry the fingers before you pick up any sharp object.

Okay the 23C: We'll load this baby up. As I said, it's a three piece razor.

Separate all the parts. Let's drop in a blade. This is an Astra blade. And just

reassemble. And then the 34C: Two piece razor. Spin the dial at the bottom, comes

apart in two pieces, which is pretty sweet! Drop in a blade. Same blade Astra

blade, Superior Platinum it's the one in the green pack. I've got both razors

loaded up I'm just going to warm them up under the hot water.

So we have warm steel on face instead of cold steel on face. Okay here we go! I'm

going to start right up here at the top by the sideburns and cut them. Start

straight like this, and tilt slightly upward to find that angle, and then work

the way down.

Flip it over on one side is full.

And let's rinse that off.

Now a quick rinse off. now you can feel around your face and see how

smooth it is. If you feel like you're nice and smooth, baby smooth you can stop

right there after the first pass. Or you can perform another pass, which I will do

I want to get real nice and smooth so I'll re-lather with the brush.

Clear the runways again.

Okay now I'll go against the grain on my neck from bottom to top.

These sides are full, now we'll use the other side. And I'll go across the grain

from my ear to my nose.

A little cleanup around the lips.

Okay excellent, very nice! We'll rinse these off. I'll take my Wide Stick Alum

block and just run this under the cold water, and glide this all around. This

will seal off any small nicks you might get, and it's a nice finish to your shave.

It feels really good, it's a natural stone it comes from the earth. Just let that

soak in for 30 seconds to a minute. Then rinse that off. Pat the face dry. And what

goes good with the Rose shaving cream? We'll go with the George F Trumper

Coral Skin-Food, also pink. A few drops,

this is pretty thick which is nice. In the fingertips. Massage that in... also a

sweet floral scent. Final thoughts, and I know what you're going to ask me...Which

one do you prefer? Okay I'll go out on a limb, and I will say that given the

choice between the two, The 23 C or the 34C, the HD I would go with the 34C, in my

opinion it's just a much slicker blade loading mechanism. To me it's very simple,

unscrew the handle, separate, pop in a blade, screw it back together, and Boom!

Get right back to work, nice and easy. Now the other thoughts are, that if

you're of a larger stature, you have big hands, you might prefer the longer handle

on the 23C. But keep in mind that it is thinner which shouldn't be a

game-changer. Go with whatever you feel is best. As with everything else shaving

is personal preference, so whatever you like, that's what you want to do. Whatever

works better for you 23C 34C. I'll put a link under the video where it says

Show More just click on that and you can get all the items shown in the video.

Thanks very much for watching! I'm Geofatboy. Have A Great Shave, Have A

Great Day!

For more infomation >> 34C VS 23C Safety Razor Shave and Review - Duration: 9:13.


Hobbit : "J'ai peur de peek contre kennyS" - ELEAGUE Major Boston 2018 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Hobbit : "J'ai peur de peek contre kennyS" - ELEAGUE Major Boston 2018 - Duration: 4:37.


Petty Perspective: Loot Manipulation - Duration: 2:59.

While we thankfully don't have any lootboxes in the game, or at least not yet, chances

of obtaining loot have always been an important matter, because regardless of how many goats

you sacrifice, RNGsus affects us all one way or another.

Currently, we have two methods of changing the odds of receiving what we want.

The first method is through refining Void Relics.

Getting Void Traces to improve your Void Relics is another level of grind in and of itself,

and in a world where DE is known to put low drop chances from time to time, this is

a much needed addition.

An annoyingly grindy addition, but a useful one regardless.

Although Void Relics introduced a way for players to alter their chances of obtaining

the Prime parts they desire, they solved the keyleech problem we once had by introducing

a new one: additional grind.

Solving grind by throwing more grind on top of it is an idea I'd never support or advise

using, because putting your random algorithms behind even more random algorithms is something

that results in the players receiving something as obnoxious as Riven Mods, and we already

know how those have worked out so far.

Due to the grind, players more often than not fall back on the other method of altering

the chances of loot drops; by going back to the de facto loot Warframes that are Hydroid,

Nekros, and Ivara.

If anyone else remembers back when we had Void Keys instead of Void Relics, Greedy Pull

Mag was the standard for long-duration missions such as Defense, because Greedy Pull Mag made

the act of getting loot easier for the entire squad.

In a similar way, Pilfering Swarm Hydroid and Nekros have been and continue to remain

the standard for maximum probability farming, for the simple reason that they're effective

at doing that.

The problem with putting grind on grind such as with Void Traces is that when the time

comes for the players to acquire something they need, such as rare resources, they are

forced to pick up Nekros and Hydroid for the purpose of farming to get what they need;

which in turn creates a niche for both Warframes as "the loot modifiers".

It's not a bad thing that Nekros and Hydroid are spammed in farming per se, but rather

that they're the only real choices for the player when it comes to farming.

Changing loot drop chances is completely out of the question from DE, meaning that the

players are silently forced to return to the fields to farm yet again for what they need.

We no longer have data mining to serve as the players' safe guard against potential

bullshit drop rates from DE, so grinding for potentially hours on end for one single

item (such as Harrow parts, cough cough) becomes something that we all have to grow accustomed


Even without data mining present, is it a good thing that we do not have lootboxes?


Is it a good thing that (for now at least) unquestionably absurd levels of grind have

not been added?


Is it a good thing that we have the ability to increase drop chances without having to

open up our wallets?

Yes, but for how long will all of that be true?

That remains to be seen.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Petty Perspective: Loot Manipulation - Duration: 2:59.


Coconut Oil in Hair Overnight 3 Best Night Mask for Hair from Coconut Oil Overnight Recipe - Duration: 4:20.

Are your hair stiff and dry?

Do you dream of soft, smooth, and healthy ringlets?

If you answered yes, to both questions, then, we ask you to forget about shop-based over-the-counter

drugs, and use coconut oil instead, which has a lot of useful and medicinal properties

for your hair.

Today, we devote to the Coconut Oil in Hair Overnight, 3 Best Night Mask for Hair, from

Coconut Oil Overnight Recipe preparation, and use for night care of hair.

Here are the 3 best night masks for hair from coconut oil.


Honey Coconut Mask.

The combination of coconut oil and honey, is ideal for dry scalp and hard problematic


Honey-coconut mixture, helps to retain moisture in the hair itself, and controls the loss

of protein.

In addition, coconut oil helps to cool the skin, and honey adds extra shine, and prevents

the appearance of a section at the tips of the hair.

Prepare honey-coconut mask by the following recipe :, 2 small spoons of honey mixed with

2 large spoons of coconut oil, mix well the components, and apply to the scalp and hair.

Before you go to bed, put a towel on the pillow, and put it into an old unnecessary pillowcase.

In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.


Olive Coconut Mask.

This mask helps, to cure even the most dry and problem ringlets.

With the help of an olive-coconut mask, the hair will become soft, obedient, shining,

and energetic.

The recipe for creating the described remedy is simple:, in 3 large spoons of olive oil,

add 2 large spoons of coconut oil, stir the ingredients until it mix.

Before applying the composition, you need to comb your hair, and put a towel on the


Using an olive-coconut mixture, massage the dermis of the head, distribute the remnants

of the product through the hair.

After the procedure, comb the hair again, and go to sleep.

In the morning, rinse your hair with cold water, (this is important!), Then rinse with

shampoo and conditioner.


Egg Coconut Mask with Honey.

The composition of this mask, will also help to eliminate dryness, damage, and brittle


The egg is rich in protein, which is necessary for the strong structure and health of the


Also, the egg-coconut mask helps to prevent hair loss, restore strength, and vitality

to hair.

To prepare this recipe, whip the raw yolk, and mix it with a large spoon of warm coconut

oil, and a small spoon of warm honey.

With the help of the prepared liquid composition, we perform scalp massage in the same way,

as described in the previous recipe.

If the mask spreads, you can apply it to the dermis, and strands with a brush.

After the massage, put a shower cap on your head, and go to bed.

In the morning, washed off your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

If you want to extract the maximum benefit from coconut masks, then follow the tips below:.

After applying the composition, do not wrap your head in a towel, and do not wear polyethylene


Always leave the mask on, all night.

The recommended frequency of coconut masks is, 1 time per week.

Apply the compounds to wet hair, so they absorb and distribute useful substances better.

Coconut masks can be used, to restore hair after damage, by thermal devices and chemical


Also, the products from this oil, can be used for preventive purposes.

After reading these recipes, you do not need to spend money on expensive store tools.

Coconut masks, due to their natural composition, not only cure existing problems, but also

help hair, regain its external appeal and health.

If you want to live a healthy life, then stay tuned with our channel.

Don't forget to subscribe, See you later and, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Coconut Oil in Hair Overnight 3 Best Night Mask for Hair from Coconut Oil Overnight Recipe - Duration: 4:20.


古力娜紮穿深V長裙出席活動!手一直捂住胸防【走*光】!但沒想到身旁的高層居然起生理反應!尷尬死了! - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 古力娜紮穿深V長裙出席活動!手一直捂住胸防【走*光】!但沒想到身旁的高層居然起生理反應!尷尬死了! - Duration: 3:14.


Paquito and Flink's bath - Duration: 2:00.

Paquito and Flink's bath

While Paquito loves water and he enjoys bathing in his jacuzzi,

Flink hates bath time.

But I have finally discovered the only way he likes water:

Getting soaked with the wet lettuce!

It might not be the best way, but it is the one he likes, so that is good for me!

And after the bath, it is time to preen theirselves! The boys need to be handsome at all times!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Paquito and Flink's bath - Duration: 2:00.



Hi there welcome to my channel my name is Dylan

Today I will be reacting to J Balvin, Jeon and Anitta's song Machika!

I it like magic?

I don't really know how to pronounce it but I'm thinking about magic right away.

I'm away for the weekend for work, so I'm filming this with my phone.

So sorry it the quality is a bit low.

I just couldn't wait to react to this music video.

It's been released two days ago and it already has over 18 million views, which is insane.

I just think Anitta and J Balvin is a great combination.

I don't really know who Jeon is but I'm about to find out.

I hope you enjoy the video.

IF you do please hit that like button, hit subscribe and if you want to see more, leave

some suggestions in the comment section below.

I would love to check out more artists you would like me to check out.

I'm just gonna jump right in, I hope you enjoy!


Was I right?

Is this about magic?!

The visuals are insane!

Jeon, aah ok.


This looks apocalyptic, like the end of the world kind of stuff.

Is this J Balvin?

I don't even know what he looks like to be honest.

Anitta is the witch, of course…

That color looks so good on her.

I'm really feeling this.

This is Spanish right?

Wow, is this shot in Brazil?

I'm just stunned by all the location where Anitta video's are shot.

What's up with that dude?

Wow, this is one production…

I think this collab is insane..

All their styles go together so well

I'm putting this on my Spotify list right after filming.

All the flags from all over the world…

So I tried to put on English subtitles, but I wasn't able to so I only saw the Spanish

I'm not really sure what the song is about, but in the very end I noticed all the flags…

So the video to me really looked like a apocalyptic kind of scene.

Like the end of the world.

Maybe it's people coming together from all over the world.

Just survive, I guess..

And, Magic?

I don't really know why.

I will look up the English translation right after filming.

But if you have like a deeper meaning to this video please drop that in the comment section.

I would love to check that out and hear what you have to say about this music video.

I think it's a very interesting music video.

The location were amazing and they go together so good.

I will put this on my spotify list and just jam out to it.

I just love the beat, it will pump me up everytime I need a bit of an energy boost.

I'm just going to leave it at that.

I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you very soon in a new video.

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> J BALVIN, JEON, ANITTA - MACHIKA REACTION - Duration: 5:48.


Jak wystrzelić kartę z talii - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> Jak wystrzelić kartę z talii - Duration: 10:15.


Nuri Sahin Reveals Reason He Left Liverpool for Dortmund because of Jurgen Klopp ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:16.

NURI SAHIN has admitted he thought his long-term future would be with Liverpool until Jurgen

Klopp and Borussia Dortmund came knocking.

Nuri Sahin was loaned to Liverpool in the summer of 2012 after struggling for game time

following his move to Real Madrid from Borussia Dortmund.

The Turkey international seemed a good acquisition for the Reds and scored three goals and provided

three assists in 12 matches.

However, the midfielder bizarrely had his loan spell cut short as he returned to former

club Dortmund in January 2012 on a temporary deal.

And the 29-year-old has since admitted he had planned on spending "many years" at

Anfield but the lure of working with Jurgen Klopp once more was too great.

"At Liverpool, I started the season very well," Sahin said.

"But once I had an offer from Borussia Dortmund in the middle of the season, I just couldn't

resist the prospect of working with Jurgen Klopp again, so I decided to leave.

"If Dortmund didn't make an offer for me, then I would have stayed at Liverpool

for many more years.

"But the idea of working again with Jurgen Klopp and competing in the Champions League

was very tempting."

Ironically if Sahin had chosen to stay he could have been working with Klopp at Liverpool

after the German replaced Brendan Rodgers in 2015.

The midfielder eventually re-signed for Dortmund on a permanent basis in 2014 but has struggled

in his second spell at the club.

Since returning he has only made 29 Bundesliga appearances due to severe injury problems.

However, this term he has begun to turn things around and has made 19 appearances in all

competitions, scoring twice and providing two assists.

For more infomation >> Nuri Sahin Reveals Reason He Left Liverpool for Dortmund because of Jurgen Klopp ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:16.


Will I buy a car at the Brussels Motor Show ? - Duration: 12:36.

Hi, it's Pog.

I'm at the Brussels Motor Show with a hostess named ?


Nice to meet you.

I'm going to look at the cars here and maybe I will fall for one.

Hopefully it will be a Mercedes because Mercedes is The Best or Nothing.

Really ?

Will I buy a car at the Brussels Motor Show ?

And here is the Maybach.


I agree 100% with you.

This is the car to win your favor.

It's so beautiful.

It looks like an oyster from the back, don't you think ?

Yeah, true

It will open with a pearl inside.

So I will buy it and take you for a ride.


Except I cannot buy it, it is a concept.

Have a nice day.

I am at McLaren.

A brand that I like a lot, obviously because I have one.

A technological brand, trendy and on point.

It is often criticized for being more clinical than Ferrari, but it's just different.

For the record, I bought the McPog here two years ago, my 675 LT spider.

It was delivered one year later.

And we have the "successor" of my car here, the 720s.

It feels good in here.

The 720s gives the impression of being in an spaceship cockpit

because of these openings in the roof.

You don't want photos ?

Your faces are hidden.

It's the concept of the next BMW Z4.

It has been a while since we last saw a Z serie.

It does not look like before, interesting.

But how much of the concept will transfer to the production car ?

For the first time in Belgium : the i8 Roadster

which is not 100% electric as we often think.

And the coupe version.

The Ford GT. I still haven't seen one in the streets, but it is superb.

Here's the new Vantage from Aston Martin.

V8 500 hp with a design that changes at last.

It has often been said that they all look alike.

This one is more aggressive.

The color, called Lime Green, is strange, a mix of yellow and green.

It is classy - the DNA of the brand - mixed with aggression.

This is the love child of James Bond's DB10 and the Aston Martin Vulcan, powered by a german AMG V8.

Frankly, Aston Martin, who doesn't like them?

But it's a 105 years-old brand in need of a fresh wind.

This is the first truly new style Aston Martin.

The Renault Alpine. It is inspired by the old A110, especially these lights.

249 horsepower, 1100 kg, a very responsive lightweight car, a recipe for success.

But where is the engine?

Right here in the center.

So there are two trunks!

I can't fit in there.

Ah, there's no more battery left.

That's what everyone claims here at the show.

Which car is it ?

A Bac Mono, that might actually be true.

The third fastest car at the show, after the Bugatti Veyron and Chiron :

A Tesla !

model S P100D L, the "L" stands for Ludicrous or completely mental!

2.7 seconds from 0 to a 100 km/h.

The Veyron is 2.5 s and the Chiron less than that.

The new SVR.

A giant, you can compare with the little girl next to it.

Nothing really new. 10 hp more.

2 new screens.

That's a good daily for you.

Yes ! Because I am looking for my new daily.

They got you !

Is this the ugliest car in the show?

I let you decide.

The new Honda Civic Type R.

The NSX. We have here the streetlegal version with a hybrid V6

and the Track only GT edition.

The Nissan GTR facelift, 100 000 euro and 570 horsepower.

That is a lot of power for a reasonable price.

It's very important to do this.

A Phantom that costs 500 000 euros.

It is gigantic and you need a driver because it is impossible to park.

If it's raining...

you always have your Rolls Royce umbrella.

And instead of staining the handles when you want it closed…

And to open it, it's the same thing?

No, because you're not likely to stain it.

It's a sporty family.

It looks like a boat with all this wood.

I feel very small, I can barely see over the wheel.

It's to go into hyper space.

My arm is not long enough.

What is this big button?

My phone is charging.

It's the alarm button. "S.O.S."

And some music. Nighclubbing !

Stop the music or we will get a copyright claim.

Not with Belgian music.

Here you have the big dipper.

And the little dipper.

It's a bear skin !

You can sleep on it.

My ass is warm !

Even this armrest has heating.

You can film a sextape in the trunk.

The superb 812 Superfast with a naturally aspirated v12.

It succeeds the famous Ferrari F12.

Front engine.

It's a GT car but also insanely fast.

We have ample room for luggages.

And it has 800 horsepower and crazy technology.

I love this car.

I am waiting for the limited edition version.

Sadly, this car has a 2 year waiting list.

I think I need some help...

It's for you, POG. I am so sorry.

Unfortunately Bernard, who works at Porsche, just told me that I will not get a GT2 RS.

Because they are all sold out.

Such a shame, it would have been my first Porsche.

Everyone speaks highly of Porsche.

I am getting slowly into it.

There are other nice things coming out soon.

We are celebrating our 70th birthday this year.

So don't worry, but you should really be a little faster.

It breaks my heart. I have to see the car to love it.

Really, try to be faster

It exists in miniature too, you know.

That does not comfort me.

Watch this crazy car.

The GT2 RS. The fastest of all Porsche.

700 hp

The fastest car on the Nurburgring, 6.45 min.

This one has the Weissach pack.

30 kg of weight saving costing 30 000 euros.

1000 euros per kilo of weight loss.

Carbon fiber hood, roof and trunk.

A super nice carbon fiber spoiler.

The wheels are magnesium.

And inside the rollcage is carbon.

No LCD anywhere, keeping it oldschool.

No manual gearbox because with 700 horses it is just too risky.

That was the Brussels Motor Show.

You've seen everything I liked.

I tried to buy the Porsche but failed.

I am in a car that I like a lot

but the 2 years waiting list is too long.

I will catch you next time.

For more infomation >> Will I buy a car at the Brussels Motor Show ? - Duration: 12:36.


「銅鑼灣大B哥」近照,曾直言自己過往經歷,女兒美麗不像話! 原創 - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> 「銅鑼灣大B哥」近照,曾直言自己過往經歷,女兒美麗不像話! 原創 - Duration: 7:10.


「銅鑼灣大B哥」近照,曾直言自己過往經歷,女兒美麗不像話! - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> 「銅鑼灣大B哥」近照,曾直言自己過往經歷,女兒美麗不像話! - Duration: 5:14.



Hi there welcome to my channel my name is Dylan

Today I will be reacting to J Balvin, Jeon and Anitta's song Machika!

I it like magic?

I don't really know how to pronounce it but I'm thinking about magic right away.

I'm away for the weekend for work, so I'm filming this with my phone.

So sorry it the quality is a bit low.

I just couldn't wait to react to this music video.

It's been released two days ago and it already has over 18 million views, which is insane.

I just think Anitta and J Balvin is a great combination.

I don't really know who Jeon is but I'm about to find out.

I hope you enjoy the video.

IF you do please hit that like button, hit subscribe and if you want to see more, leave

some suggestions in the comment section below.

I would love to check out more artists you would like me to check out.

I'm just gonna jump right in, I hope you enjoy!


Was I right?

Is this about magic?!

The visuals are insane!

Jeon, aah ok.


This looks apocalyptic, like the end of the world kind of stuff.

Is this J Balvin?

I don't even know what he looks like to be honest.

Anitta is the witch, of course…

That color looks so good on her.

I'm really feeling this.

This is Spanish right?

Wow, is this shot in Brazil?

I'm just stunned by all the location where Anitta video's are shot.

What's up with that dude?

Wow, this is one production…

I think this collab is insane..

All their styles go together so well

I'm putting this on my Spotify list right after filming.

All the flags from all over the world…

So I tried to put on English subtitles, but I wasn't able to so I only saw the Spanish

I'm not really sure what the song is about, but in the very end I noticed all the flags…

So the video to me really looked like a apocalyptic kind of scene.

Like the end of the world.

Maybe it's people coming together from all over the world.

Just survive, I guess..

And, Magic?

I don't really know why.

I will look up the English translation right after filming.

But if you have like a deeper meaning to this video please drop that in the comment section.

I would love to check that out and hear what you have to say about this music video.

I think it's a very interesting music video.

The location were amazing and they go together so good.

I will put this on my spotify list and just jam out to it.

I just love the beat, it will pump me up everytime I need a bit of an energy boost.

I'm just going to leave it at that.

I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you very soon in a new video.

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> J BALVIN, JEON, ANITTA - MACHIKA REACTION - Duration: 5:48.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 122pk Comfortline/ Sportstoelen/ 17"lmv/ Navigatie/ Tel. bluetooth/ Climate - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 122pk Comfortline/ Sportstoelen/ 17"lmv/ Navigatie/ Tel. bluetooth/ Climate - Duration: 0:57.


Didier Drogba Hikayesi - Halk Kahramanı - Duration: 12:18.

For more infomation >> Didier Drogba Hikayesi - Halk Kahramanı - Duration: 12:18.


Conejo al horno con almendras ¡¡INCREIBLES PATATAS!! - Recetas Express - Duration: 1:15.




Lime juice

Olive oil



White wine

Rabbit - Salt & Pepper

Olive Oil


For more infomation >> Conejo al horno con almendras ¡¡INCREIBLES PATATAS!! - Recetas Express - Duration: 1:15.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


Laeti­cia Hally­day à son retour à Los Angeles, elle n'a pas réussi à sortir de sa voiture - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day à son retour à Los Angeles, elle n'a pas réussi à sortir de sa voiture - Duration: 3:13.


For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day à son retour à Los Angeles, elle n'a pas réussi à sortir de sa voiture - Duration: 3:13.


【BOOK】{CC}Kyoto tachibana:the Model of Rikka.DM talks from "Sound! Euphonium Rikka High MB " - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> 【BOOK】{CC}Kyoto tachibana:the Model of Rikka.DM talks from "Sound! Euphonium Rikka High MB " - Duration: 9:52.


For more infomation >> 【BOOK】{CC}Kyoto tachibana:the Model of Rikka.DM talks from "Sound! Euphonium Rikka High MB " - Duration: 9:52.


日本自動車販売ランキング 2017年9月 乗用車1位は日産 ノート1万5,469台 2位はプリウス1万3,275台 軽自動車 N-BOXが1位 2万6,983台 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 日本自動車販売ランキング 2017年9月 乗用車1位は日産 ノート1万5,469台 2位はプリウス1万3,275台 軽自動車 N-BOXが1位 2万6,983台 - Duration: 5:01.


For more infomation >> 日本自動車販売ランキング 2017年9月 乗用車1位は日産 ノート1万5,469台 2位はプリウス1万3,275台 軽自動車 N-BOXが1位 2万6,983台 - Duration: 5:01.


DN SEA VN HELL 2MAN CLEARED, DEFENSIO POV [36:17](°д°)/ - Duration: 37:47.

yay~ :D

this is my 1st time clear vn hell xD

tiny dps ><

its a very long game play, anyway thanks for watching^^

For more infomation >> DN SEA VN HELL 2MAN CLEARED, DEFENSIO POV [36:17](°д°)/ - Duration: 37:47.


For more infomation >> DN SEA VN HELL 2MAN CLEARED, DEFENSIO POV [36:17](°д°)/ - Duration: 37:47.


李玉刚/刚好遇见你- MandarinX Song Corner - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> 李玉刚/刚好遇见你- MandarinX Song Corner - Duration: 6:05.


For more infomation >> 李玉刚/刚好遇见你- MandarinX Song Corner - Duration: 6:05.


Voici comment dégonfler votre ventre et supprimer vos ballonnements - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> Voici comment dégonfler votre ventre et supprimer vos ballonnements - Duration: 9:19.


For more infomation >> Voici comment dégonfler votre ventre et supprimer vos ballonnements - Duration: 9:19.


Ce qui arrive lorsque vous mangez 2 bananes par jour pendant un mois ! - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Ce qui arrive lorsque vous mangez 2 bananes par jour pendant un mois ! - Duration: 8:03.


For more infomation >> Ce qui arrive lorsque vous mangez 2 bananes par jour pendant un mois ! - Duration: 8:03.


Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 4) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 4) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 3:15.


For more infomation >> Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 4) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 3:15.


Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 1) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 1) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 9:16.


For more infomation >> Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 1) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 9:16.


Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 3) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 3) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 3:14.


For more infomation >> Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 3) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 3:14.


Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 2) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 2) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 5:22.


For more infomation >> Comment critiquer une œuvre d'art ( Partie 2) | DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL - Duration: 5:22.


Laeti­cia Hally­day : ses derniers mots avant de quit­ - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day : ses derniers mots avant de quit­ - Duration: 3:24.


For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day : ses derniers mots avant de quit­ - Duration: 3:24.


YouTube TV

For more infomation >> YouTube TV





Will I buy a car at the Brussels Motor Show ? - Duration: 12:36.

Hi, it's Pog.

I'm at the Brussels Motor Show with a hostess named ?


Nice to meet you.

I'm going to look at the cars here and maybe I will fall for one.

Hopefully it will be a Mercedes because Mercedes is The Best or Nothing.

Really ?

Will I buy a car at the Brussels Motor Show ?

And here is the Maybach.


I agree 100% with you.

This is the car to win your favor.

It's so beautiful.

It looks like an oyster from the back, don't you think ?

Yeah, true

It will open with a pearl inside.

So I will buy it and take you for a ride.


Except I cannot buy it, it is a concept.

Have a nice day.

I am at McLaren.

A brand that I like a lot, obviously because I have one.

A technological brand, trendy and on point.

It is often criticized for being more clinical than Ferrari, but it's just different.

For the record, I bought the McPog here two years ago, my 675 LT spider.

It was delivered one year later.

And we have the "successor" of my car here, the 720s.

It feels good in here.

The 720s gives the impression of being in an spaceship cockpit

because of these openings in the roof.

You don't want photos ?

Your faces are hidden.

It's the concept of the next BMW Z4.

It has been a while since we last saw a Z serie.

It does not look like before, interesting.

But how much of the concept will transfer to the production car ?

For the first time in Belgium : the i8 Roadster

which is not 100% electric as we often think.

And the coupe version.

The Ford GT. I still haven't seen one in the streets, but it is superb.

Here's the new Vantage from Aston Martin.

V8 500 hp with a design that changes at last.

It has often been said that they all look alike.

This one is more aggressive.

The color, called Lime Green, is strange, a mix of yellow and green.

It is classy - the DNA of the brand - mixed with aggression.

This is the love child of James Bond's DB10 and the Aston Martin Vulcan, powered by a german AMG V8.

Frankly, Aston Martin, who doesn't like them?

But it's a 105 years-old brand in need of a fresh wind.

This is the first truly new style Aston Martin.

The Renault Alpine. It is inspired by the old A110, especially these lights.

249 horsepower, 1100 kg, a very responsive lightweight car, a recipe for success.

But where is the engine?

Right here in the center.

So there are two trunks!

I can't fit in there.

Ah, there's no more battery left.

That's what everyone claims here at the show.

Which car is it ?

A Bac Mono, that might actually be true.

The third fastest car at the show, after the Bugatti Veyron and Chiron :

A Tesla !

model S P100D L, the "L" stands for Ludicrous or completely mental!

2.7 seconds from 0 to a 100 km/h.

The Veyron is 2.5 s and the Chiron less than that.

The new SVR.

A giant, you can compare with the little girl next to it.

Nothing really new. 10 hp more.

2 new screens.

That's a good daily for you.

Yes ! Because I am looking for my new daily.

They got you !

Is this the ugliest car in the show?

I let you decide.

The new Honda Civic Type R.

The NSX. We have here the streetlegal version with a hybrid V6

and the Track only GT edition.

The Nissan GTR facelift, 100 000 euro and 570 horsepower.

That is a lot of power for a reasonable price.

It's very important to do this.

A Phantom that costs 500 000 euros.

It is gigantic and you need a driver because it is impossible to park.

If it's raining...

you always have your Rolls Royce umbrella.

And instead of staining the handles when you want it closed…

And to open it, it's the same thing?

No, because you're not likely to stain it.

It's a sporty family.

It looks like a boat with all this wood.

I feel very small, I can barely see over the wheel.

It's to go into hyper space.

My arm is not long enough.

What is this big button?

My phone is charging.

It's the alarm button. "S.O.S."

And some music. Nighclubbing !

Stop the music or we will get a copyright claim.

Not with Belgian music.

Here you have the big dipper.

And the little dipper.

It's a bear skin !

You can sleep on it.

My ass is warm !

Even this armrest has heating.

You can film a sextape in the trunk.

The superb 812 Superfast with a naturally aspirated v12.

It succeeds the famous Ferrari F12.

Front engine.

It's a GT car but also insanely fast.

We have ample room for luggages.

And it has 800 horsepower and crazy technology.

I love this car.

I am waiting for the limited edition version.

Sadly, this car has a 2 year waiting list.

I think I need some help...

It's for you, POG. I am so sorry.

Unfortunately Bernard, who works at Porsche, just told me that I will not get a GT2 RS.

Because they are all sold out.

Such a shame, it would have been my first Porsche.

Everyone speaks highly of Porsche.

I am getting slowly into it.

There are other nice things coming out soon.

We are celebrating our 70th birthday this year.

So don't worry, but you should really be a little faster.

It breaks my heart. I have to see the car to love it.

Really, try to be faster

It exists in miniature too, you know.

That does not comfort me.

Watch this crazy car.

The GT2 RS. The fastest of all Porsche.

700 hp

The fastest car on the Nurburgring, 6.45 min.

This one has the Weissach pack.

30 kg of weight saving costing 30 000 euros.

1000 euros per kilo of weight loss.

Carbon fiber hood, roof and trunk.

A super nice carbon fiber spoiler.

The wheels are magnesium.

And inside the rollcage is carbon.

No LCD anywhere, keeping it oldschool.

No manual gearbox because with 700 horses it is just too risky.

That was the Brussels Motor Show.

You've seen everything I liked.

I tried to buy the Porsche but failed.

I am in a car that I like a lot

but the 2 years waiting list is too long.

I will catch you next time.

For more infomation >> Will I buy a car at the Brussels Motor Show ? - Duration: 12:36.


11 Confessions from an Introverted Empath: What It's Like to Be Introvert and Empath - Duration: 3:56.

11 Confessions from an Introverted Empath: What It's Like to Be Introvert and Empath

Being an introverted empath can be a great strength for someone, they may actually use

their immense potential and limitless energy to help others.

On the other hand, they tend to be more closed off, reserved, and selective on how they drain

and spend their precious time and energy.

They also try to be more careful with whom they decide to share it with in order to protect


If you feel you're on the same train and you think you're all alone, then don't.

I can assure you that you're not alone, although carrying these characteristics can

feel to be extensively lonely sometimes.

In current society where introverted and empaths are often considered weird, and there are

a lot of things people still don't really understand people with these characteristics.

No matter what people may say, introverted empaths actually have great combos that make

them special in terms of understanding other people.

And, here is the list of 11 things that describe how to be an introverted empath.

#1 - Understanding people better

Introverted empaths understand people better, and they also can absorb others' emotion,

feeling, and condition physically.

Some other people also can do that.

however, introverted empaths do that easier than others.

#2 - Deep feeling

Being too sensitive is sometimes just not nice.

You experience horrible things in a very deep way that you just want to fall asleep trying

to forget anything.

At the same time, deep feeling also helps to understand people.

it is a blessing that not all people have.

#3 - Easy to cry

Any activities can make introverted empaths cry especially if it has any relation to something

problematic in the past.

#4 - Passionate

Even introverted people can go crazy as long as it involves positive social movement to

help others in need.

#5 - We listen and we care

Some people listen because they want the information.

introverted empaths, however, wants to help you with the information provided.

#6 - Public servant

Introverted empaths usually attract any kind of people, and they really see the empaths

someone who can be trusted.

That is why empaths usually have many people who tell stories to them.

#7 - Not knowing what they feel

It is weird that empaths are quite sensitive to their surroundings, but it is unfortunate

that they do not know what happen to themselves as quickly as they would when seeing others.

#8 - Empaths can read people

In addition to absorbing other people's emotion, empaths also can read people's


It through deep conversation that the storage about other people is earned and it also makes

reading people easier.

#9 - Strong connection

Even after just one session of conversation, empaths can click with others so easily.

Even though they are introvert in nature, they really can establish tight bound.

#10 - Overly sensitive

This is no brainer since any kind of emotion affects empaths directly and physically.

#11 - Underappreciated

Empaths are really good friends, but people frequently use them as dumping ground.

All in all, that's a short confessions on what it's like to be an introverted empath.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 11 Confessions from an Introverted Empath: What It's Like to Be Introvert and Empath - Duration: 3:56.



Hi guys, so

First things first hello guys. What's up?

My name is Ashley if you guys are new to my channel if you guys are watching this for whatever reason

You just came across it it was recommended. You're going to college. You're going to be you you just wanted to watch it

I don't know or maybe you guys are a subscriber hello. My name is Ashley. Thank you for watching this video

If you enjoy it, and you want to see more make sure you subscribe down below

This is not exactly how I wanted to start my move

Basically, I just want to talk with you guys or no. It's actually Tuesday, and I'm leaving on

Thursday for school just gonna explain a whole bunch

Throughout this little time right now you guys are like crooked first things first

This is not how I wanted to start the vlog

But I'm insanely busy over here if you guys can tell I have a cold I'm actually gonna

Talk to you guys while I finish getting ready again. Not what I wanted to do, but Monday

fast forward to Monday we were doing a little better um and

I got my house an assignment yesterday Monday. It's basically when the breakdown started so first

I got an email that said like your house a assignment is available and here's what it is

But they don't tell you like you are living in

Blah blah Hall like they don't tell you the name of the building

They give you the address so it's really confusing, but I was like okay, so where am I living?

I don't know what that is. I got the address and I was like okay great. I'm living at this address

Wherever that is they gave you the information of your roommates so of course you know I did whatever teenager does and I looked their?

Names up and I tried to see if I could find them

And I didn't and I wasn't gonna go super searching into it so I was like okay, whatever

I didn't wanna look at exactly where I was living when I first got the email because my

It was on my phone, and I didn't look at it on my computer because my computer wasn't near me

That's why weird - a little bit later my mom came home. I got my computer, and I looked out where I was living and

That is when the breakdown

Happened I thought that I was living

I should say in a place that I didn't even ask for after I spent literally 30 minutes filling out the housing application

and I saw this I like that was the tip of the iceberg for my

all the anxiety that I had that just kind of like pushed it over the edge and when I

Like have major anxiety or like an anxiety or panic attack

I cry I like I'm always a crier and anxiety crier without going into too much detail

I do just want to let you guys know like how serious it was it wasn't me being like an

overdramatic little princess because I didn't get where I wanted to live it was me knowing that mentally this was not good for me and

That like this is the tip of the iceberg of?

Everything else I was looking on if transfer students can defer if that's available for us. I was gonna defer the semester I was

Looking into how much money my parents would lose because like I paid for my deposit

So I was like I don't think we could get that back

But at least that's my money like how much will my parents be losing what can we get refunded all the stuff that we bought?

Like what can we still return I was dead

Set on not going and not mentally being able to go out. My mom's like no

I don't think that's where you're living because when you go on the residence thing like yeah sure that's the place that

matches the address, but if you put it into Google

That's not what pops up so my mom is like really confused. She was like something doesn't add up here

She calls housing and the super nice girl

Answers and tells her everything and it turns out that I'm actually living in a brownstone

I don't know how in the world I got that considering literally everyone wants to live there you ve the student villages Stu v2 and

The brownstone it's like those are the most popular places wanting to live on campus even though I didn't even put that on my application

I'm like really confused, but I'm not gonna complain so basically yesterday was a day filled of my breakdown that was

coming, but I

Didn't want it to so first off. I want to apologize. I step literally every vlog as of lately and yesterday

I'm always starting in this green shirt

I actually to green shirts that are like the same color green that I always wear as PJ's shirts

And I just want to apologize I'm actually about to get dressed. It's just I'm not really sure what I'm wearing today

I just kind of wanted to show you guys around kind of give you like what I've been doing

We leave tomorrow. It's a little intense. I feel like I've done a lot, but I feel like I'm also not ready

but I think it's also because

Since we're going up tomorrow, and we have like a whole day where I'm staying in a hotel

I need like a lot of my stuff or soft my clothing rack looks so empty. It's like making me uncomfortable

So this is currently what my bed looks like I went through my closet

And my clothes and stuff and I made the high

Oh, let me show you what my living room looks like this is that the living room looks like

We have this whole box

We got my Keurig and my cart from Ikea. We got this thing

We got my comforter and sheets and then we got all of this

Please remember. That's not with our suitcases for staying overnight. That's not with

Any of my clothes oh?

My shoes or all the other miscellaneous items. I have yet to got into the car

I seriously don't know how we're fitting this in my car my parents are

super determined

I think that my car's not big enough

I am going to stop logging for the day because as you can tell I have a ton of stuff to do awesome University's calling

I'm going to stop vlogging really write stuff to do Oh

What if someone like really vlog like this like for just a whole day could you imagine?

Why am I so weird? This is why I'm not gonna make friends at school because this is what goes to minute

For more infomation >> COLLEGE MOVE IN VLOG | BOSTON UNIVERSITY + BROWNSTONE TOUR - Duration: 6:58.



Mcdonalds isn't something associated with dread or despair, but

after what you'll witness these long-forgotten McDonald's

restaurants, you might have a change of heart about the way you

look at any structure that seems permanent, but particularly ones that serve up Big Mac's.

Like this video if you don't want any weird dreams tonight, and for more videos like this,

subscribe to our channel!

Flavio Grana's Archless in America This image of an Arch-less McDonald's is

eerie and unsettling - not just because of the

overgrowth that accompanies it or the thought that the place is done mixing McFlurries and

serving up burgers, but because it is still instantly recognizable, even without its iconic

golden arches.

Given the pace these joints pop up, you'd definitely know what they look

like, even from a distance.

These buildings lack character, with their standard Mansard roofs

being their dead giveaway.

The depth coaxed out of this particular abandoned McDonalds location,

sadly anonymous is stripped of all of its brand

identity, leaving it with no history, just an

idea we have of its past.

This building stands silently in the moonlight, as if waiting for

the photographer to enter and devour its secrets

– or as if to devour him instead.

All that we know is that this building sings a song of its

former glory as it stands alone, a washed out monument

to the very blatant culture of consumerism that

it had stood for all these years, and will continue to stand for, for generations to


It isn't just the atmosphere of the image that

haunts us, but rather the fact that it's so

quiet – maybe too quiet.

The overgrowth tells us of its abandonment but the boarded up windows

can't make us help but wonder what they could

possibly not want us to see on the inside….. or

what they're keeping away from the outside?

UK's Sweet and Saucer Secret We're not sure how many of you are aware

of this, but Roswell.



Even fast food chains are so subtly trying to tell us this,

which is why a McDonald's in Roswell, NM was built in the shape of a very distinctive flying

saucer – but hold on, they're not the only ones

that thought of this.

Enter into the ring a former Mcdonald's restaurant in Alconbury,


First launched into our world in 1990 as "The Megatron", this highly specific saucer-shaped

eatery turned out to be a big bang of an interplanetary flop.

Soon, in 1993, it reopened under the McDonald's group, with its golden

arches and retro-futuristic insides, like somewhere the Jetsons would eat.

A favorite among urban explorers armed with nothing but

their cameras, this site of potential and promise stood in dusty silence for as long

as the land could hold it.

It crumbled into a slow decay.

The windowless interior and the looming exterior makes for a very suffocating atmosphere

and patrons who were young enough to be enticed by its promises remember it being a bland

experience, almost as if sitting in a "septic tank" for a less than stellar meal.

15 years into the game, it shut down for good.

It remained shut and untouched for a good half

of a decade, before being demolished in mid-2008.

The Unexpected "M" It's not very often that the golden arches

of a McDonald's can go unnoticed – but these

ones did, and for quite a while.

Discovered by Flickr user 'rustyjaw', while he explored an

abandoned naval communications station – it only leaves

us with more questions than answers, one of which

would be what he even was doing there, and what

even is a McDonald's sign doing at an abandoned naval base.

These eerie pictures of this abandoned station is made lighter and easier

to handle given that they were taken during the

day – but imagine the surprise and shock one

must have felt, stumbling upon this symbol of

consumerism in a place so private – oh the stories those arches can tell us.

This dusty, abandoned building complete with cobwebs,

solitary chairs, tables and mattresses has seen

a lot – but probably not as much as that McLogo.

Why would it even be there?

Was it like a joke in the cafeteria?

Imagine refurbishing and re-electrifying the sign, and then mounting

it on the dining room wall.

That would make some romantic lighting at a bland old naval base,

wouldn't it?

A Stormy McFlurry If you weren't already afraid of Ronald

McDonald, check out this barely standing alter ego of the clown that came about – the closest

to a zombie that you will ever get to see of the

clown without any copyright parodies coming into

the picture.

This guy was found, barely standing in Biloxi, MS shortly after Hurricane Katrina

devastated the area in September of 2005.

It was a while before reconstruction was even brought

into the picture, but by then, as you can see –

it was already too late.

This shattered and shuttered McDonalds, as well as ones that

surrounded the neighboring gulf coast were all

well beyond repair and saving.

These images cover exactly what it must have been like

to have been caught in the eye of the storm,

and getting left behind in the wake of its path

of destruction.

Dripping wet, damp and tattered with not even an erect tree in sight, this

place was left in shambles.

Thankfully no one was hurt in taking this picture, or caught in the middle

of this natural disaster.

Only more bad news follows, as made evident by this horrific

Ronald McDonald that stood as a memorial to the

devastation behind it.

The bad news doesn't end there.

Today, in its place stands another fast food chain, a Wendy's.

We hope Zombie Ronald got the goodbye he deserved.

McMoon's McDonald's Just like the stuff of conspiracy theorists'

dreams – this abandoned McDonald's was a site of

some major recovery of what was considered to be

"lost" moon images and the conviction of a very

very smart woman.

NASA Archivist, Nancy Evans, refused to destroy 2,500 reels of tape

consisting of complex data recordings of compressed images and radio transmissions,

and therefore made it her responsibility to keep

them away from harm – in an abandoned McDonalds donated by NASA, that eventually did fund

the project.

These images are haunting, not because they're empty and dreary, but because of

how alive and out of place they are – the tins

of reel, the massive old computers, newer Macs

and piles and piles of paper – no Big Macs.

One of the images is of a sleeping bag among the

reels and boy, it must have been a one of a kind

ride of having been on the team of space aficionados

that got together to work on this level of manual processing.

Eventually, this place was termed McMoon's, where the initial restoration

took place, and went from being desperately underfunded to being funded with proper dues,

now called the Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project (LOIRP) located just outside the Ames

Research Center in Mountain View California -

making it one small fries for man, and a GIANT computer Mac for mankind.

McDonaldland Remember McDonaldland?

This Mickey D's that was hugely popular at the time created this magical

universe filled with creepy burger-like animatronic-people who looked like equally

creepy puppets from an early 70's TV show… the

same reason for its downfall.

After lawyers caught wind of this infringement of copyright,

the concept went to the dogs and became a part

of some untold history.

Today, the abandoned play park consists of stationary bodies of

these burger people as they forlornly look over

the industrial area near I-35 and Grand in Oklahoma city.

Images of this long lost character and more like him were captured

by explorer 'tikitonite' and shared online,

for us to see.

The now disassembled playground is a sad sight, like a graveyard for childhood

dreams gone wrong.

With the decay and lack of care, the place has fallen to ruin and

loneliness, with only the wind to keep it company.

If that isn't sad enough for you, think of it as a place where a LOT of dreams

came to die – mascots and advertising ideas included.

This is why when you do something, make sure someone else hasn't already done

it first.

Except for exploring these places of course.

The more images we have, the better it is for us!

Filled with characters, mostly old and almost forgotten, the place acts as an

almost morbid museum that, with the slow movement of time, will leave mostly paintless

blocks of plastic shapes behind.

Frozen Golden Arches Established during WWII during the battle

to expel Japanese forces from the Aleutian

Islands, the Adak Naval Air Facility is what helped boost the population of Adak to around

10,000 – as well as what helped support the

world's northernmost McD's.

However, by 1997, the base closed down and by 2010 the town's

population shrunk to a mere 300 – and, as you

might have guessed, the northernmost McDonald's was an early casualty of what came to be a


While it still stands tall where it did all those years ago, it remains


This Flickr user, Travis, visited the place in early summer on 2009 and

documented the spookily well-preserved state that is Adak's one and only McDonald's that

ever was.

With the paint slowly chipping and its insides a colour scheme from so long ago,

the place acts almost like a time capsule, filled with memorabilia from a time long

forgotten and locked away in this cold little town.

The menus are still up, windows unboarded and overgrowth all over the place, making

it a very pretty hike to a place so empty and even…


With its very specific Dino themed meals, one can easily tell the last big thing

this Mickey D's saw was Jurassic Park.

Dino-sized fries?

Yes, please!

The Last McDonald's Burger in Iceland Now this might not be another long lost

McDonald's but here we have the long lost McDonald's hamburger.

In late 2009, the last McDonald's in Iceland closed its doors.

One patron decided that instead of eating his

last Icelandic Big Mac, he'd take the burger

and preserve it in his garage for a few years

as an experiment.

After 3 years, he checked on it only to discover that the burger remained

as pristine as it did the day he purchased it.

He decided to donate the relic to The National

Museum of Iceland where it would be preserved for another year or so.

Infamous for its unchanged state, the burger and fries that

accompanied it were moved to a display in Bus

Hostel Reykjavik where it can be observed indefinitely via a live webcam feed.

Perhaps if you're lucky, you can hopefully catch a

hint of mold growing somewhere on this not so Happy

Meal, but don't count on it.

This burger and fries have been preserved without decay for

over 8 years!

Seems Iceland had the same idea when it comes to high quality food, something

Gordon Ramsay would probably agree have voted for.

I mean, his opinion of McDonald's is quite clear.

In 2007, during an interview with TV Guide, Ramsay was asked that if he was hungry

while driving down the highway and spotted a

Mcdonald's to indulge in a Big Mac he would "rather eat a f--king cow-pie sandwich."

2 years later, Iceland seemed to agree.

Disposable Arches A few years ago, Boston went through some

Major redevelopment plans for Boylston Street, and

that saw the end of many many chains in the area, including local Burger Kings and

McDonald's biting the dust – being replaced by

a mix-use commercial community called The Viridian.

What was sad about this ordeal was the way the elimination of the admittedly

tacky red, white and yellow arches it's so well

known for – unceremoniously abandoned in a dumpster,

sadly on display for a number of days before anything could come out of it.

Nothing came out of it, and not much was known about WHY this

was okay, with the symbol of happiness being thrown around like that all the time, in an

unbelievably uncaring and obvious manner – folks of Twitter took it upon themselves to

document this urban tragedy, this dumpster dive-ersion – a treat for all those who

love urban abandonments and McDonald's relics


The treatment of the logo, as well as other fast food eateries, and the lack of response

from the higher ups only make us think about how consumerism takes too much for granted

– one place shuts down, another pop up – leaving

behind a multitude of people that end up unemployed and hungry.

The scariest thing of all might just be how there are so many of

these outlets, despite there being so many more

of them that are abandoned and a part of the unexplored.

The Floating McBarge The abandoned McDonald's on a barge in

Vancouver, Canada, has now been termed the McBarge, built in 1986 and abandoned since,

after enjoying a long enough run, leaving a

lot of kids with memories of eating on a boat.

Anchored in Burrard Inlet with not even one Big Mac in sight, today, the

McBarge is covered in graffiti and absolutely run down on the inside, its fate

today left uncertain.

What's interesting about the McBarge is that Facebook has a

group dedicated to people sharing memories and pictures of the place.

Today, 30 years since its closure, it's a reminder of its

former glory however, with no Happy Meal in sight.

This McBarge has been referred to as a modern day relic, and we can see why – a

conglomerate as huge as McDonalds, in its attempt to redefine architecture took upon

itself to outdo its own ideas -and with that came the floating restaurant.

Popular among urban explorers who, as friendly nod to the

establishment, paddle their way onto the structure with some burgers from sister

locations, exploration of this site comes with that very specific colour scheme that

found its home in McDonald's branches so many years ago – the paint mostly mildewy

and peeling off the walls.

The atmosphere is moist, crumbling and cold, while still being

such an important part of our modern history.

Plans to refurbish the place came about in 2016 – but only time will tell.

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For more infomation >> 10 CREEPY ABANDONED MCDONALD'S RESTAURANTS - Duration: 12:14.


【日本語訳歌詞】TRCNG - WOLF BABY - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 【日本語訳歌詞】TRCNG - WOLF BABY - Duration: 3:38.


『Q&A系列』慶祝90訂閱 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 『Q&A系列』慶祝90訂閱 - Duration: 2:43.


TITANFALL 2: Calculated Montage - Duration: 7:15.

Riddytim Presents TITANFALL 2: Calculated Montage Enjoy

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