Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 3 2018

Go [Epic Suspense Music Soundtrack | Derelict Ship by Per Kiilstofte | Royalty Free Music]

you can probably see that I'm not a reporter, Im their captain

so we have new young Gurkha's recently recruited

they are streching

you have to be very fit to become a Laure

now today we are going to be doing the 100 metres running challenge

now whoever wins the 100 metres running challenge,

winner will get to kick the ball on those losers rascals back

[Epic Suspense Music Soundtrack | Derelict Ship by Per Kiilstofte | Royalty Free Music]

blast the ball on their back

Music Playing [Laure Dai Le]

sory my Mr's is calling

how many times do I have to tell my wife

I'm at work

my wife thinks I'm in disco with other girls


oye boys!

carry on with your training!

these boys are never going to improve

that's why they have employed me here

and given me Captain's job

okay so let's start with our 100 metres running challenge

let's roll the intro

contestant's intro

contestant number 1

contestant number 2

contestant number 3

Music Playing [No I want that girl]

contestant number 4

contestant number 5

Music Playing [Mein Hoon Naa]

contestant number 6

Music Playing [Pokemon Theme Song]

contestant number 7

Music Playing [Achha Lekin London Ko Chiso]

contestant number 8

contestant number 9

Music Playing [Theri - Tamil Movie]

contestant number 10

Song Playing [Khai ta Baba Bujheko]

contestant number 11

Music Playing [Japanenglish]



On your marks

Get set


Epic Suspense Music Soundtrack | Derelict Ship by Per Kiilstofte | Royalty Free Music

[Panting] Struggling

Who won?


Losers Puinishment

This is for the SoltiSquad


I came second

I would like to thank my mother and father

for giving me this good opportunity

I will show you how it's really done

oh what the h### was that man!

these guys thinks that Im only setting up the ball and the position for the camera

we have already kicked, im about to cheat

[laughs] [cheering]

Ranajay! at last you got hit again

I would like to interview Mr James Shrestha the winner for today

James Shrestha please join us

[Crowd Booing]

and that is your James Shrestha for today

Allright guys that's it for today

if you enjoyed watching this video don't forget to share and sub

thank you to Sega and Team madesire and obviously Jay Author and Zac Rai and others


Music Playing [Stay With Me - NCS]

For more infomation >> Laure's Epic Running Challenge - James Shrestha - Duration: 5:31.


How To Crack Your Knuckles - Duration: 1:17.

Here's tonight's subject.

Not very pretty, is he?

Now in its place

He knows what it is. He just won't admit it.

That's better.

He wasn't sure how to tie a tie.

You know how to make this go away, Alan.

The people want an answer, Alan.

For more infomation >> How To Crack Your Knuckles - Duration: 1:17.


PLAN WITH ME: March Bullet Journal Spread + February Flip-Through - Duration: 10:03.

- Hi everybody, my name is Steph Cozza,

and welcome to another bullet journal video.

For the month of March I am doing something

a little bit differently than every other month

that I have done, so far.

And that is because I have noticed that there is

a very wide variety of people who bullet journal

and the style of journal that they keep for themselves.

However, all of those different ways,

and rhymes and reasons all fall into

pretty much two basic buckets.

And that is minimalist or maximalist.

Over the past few months, I've kind of,

experimented with both of those styles

to kind of get an idea of what I like.

But since you guys are all totally different,

and all probably have

completely different styles of bullet journaling,

I thought this month I would make two different spreads.

That's right. Two.

One that is super minimalist

and one that is super maximalist.

Honestly I love both of these styles,

and I don't even know which one

I'm going to use for the month of March, but we'll see.

We'll see what happens.

So first as always, I'm gonna do

a flip through of February

just to show you guys what my spread looks like

after it's all been filled out.

This is probably my favorite mood tracker

and habit tracker that I've ever made.

I love all the colors, all the flowers.

I really love the habit tracker and all the little boxes.

I just, I don't know.

Everything about this I thought

came together so beautifully.

My expenses and my notes page are pretty standard.

I didn't really do a good job

of tracking my expenses this month.

I did a pretty terrible job as you can see. (laughs)

I really love this calendar.

I just think its so aesthetically pleasing.

I didn't really have a lot going on

this month, as you can see.

But I did have my birthday this month, so that was exciting.

But that's it for February;

so let's move right in to my spreads.

I'm gonna start with the minimalist spread first,

and then we'll to the maximalist one after that.

I feel like I generally lean more

towards the minimalist style of things

when I'm making my bullet journal spreads.

I just like that very simple, structured format.

But I do also like to doodle, and I like to draw,

and when I'm writing things down I'm not that neat with it.

And I don't really like that idea of

everything has to be perfect, and it has to look beautiful,

and my handwriting has to be perfectly straight and squared.

And that's just a little bit much for me.

This calendar is about as minimalist as you can get.

It's just all of the days of the month

written down the side and that's it.

There's no drawings.

There's no big, beautiful calendar.

I did draw out like a tiny calendar on the other page,

but even that is like very simple.

Super easy.

One thing that is attractive about the minimalist style

is that you don't really need to have any artistic talent.

You don't have to know how to draw.

All you have to do is know how to write things down,

which is pretty easy. (laughs)

My tracker is also, obviously,

going to be very minimalist this month.

It's kind of the same format that I always do,

just with less lines.

I didn't really put it in a box.

I just have two lines dividing it.

I just wrote out the days, wrote out my habits.

And I just like this dot system where each week is divided;

so it's a little bit easier to see what week you're in.

And then instead of coloring in these squares,

which I think is a little bit time consuming,

I'm just going to like, check them off,

or maybe put a dot there or something.

Very minimal.

And then my expenses, I just pretty much did the same thing.

I didn't add a big box.

I just made two lines, like a little chart.

Pretty much making things as simple as I possibly can.

But I did want to add a nice, big, bold header

because I didn't want it to look boring.

I just want it to be easy to do,

and that's pretty easy to do. (laughs)

And now we're right into my weekly spreads.

So fast.

We got here so fast.

That is one great thing about minimalism.

It is so easy, and it takes no effort (laughs).

So my weekly spreads are gonna be super simple.

It's just, I'm literally just writing every day of the week,

and not putting any boxes.

There's no tiny, little boxes that I'm constricted to.

I just have days of the week,

and putting the little tiny calendar

in the top, right-hand corner just to reference.

I'm putting a little weekly overview on the left

to maybe write down events, or just like highlights,

or big important things that I need to see quickly.

And just to divvy it up,

and make it look a little bit prettier,

I'm just highlighting my titles,

but that's it.

It's so easy to do this.

This took me no time at all.

Literally, nothing. (laughs)

And that's it!

We're done with our minimalist spread.


Yeah, it's a little bit less fun.

We don't really have a theme going on.

You just pick like, maybe a color of highlighter,

and that's all you can really work with.

But, if you're someone who struggles

with devoting a lot of time to bullet journaling,

or you feel like you need to know how to draw,

or it's just really overwhelming,

I feel like this is a great method

because you don't have to draw anything,

it doesn't take a long time to set up.

You don't even really have to set anything up,

if you don't want to.

You can just fill it out as you go.

It's minimal, minimalist.

It means nothing, so you don't have to do anything.

It's so easy, and it looks super clean, really nice.

I just think it's very nice to look at.

And, it's especially good

if you have a lot of things going on.

It's very practical.

There's not a lot of distractions going on, on the page.

I really love it.

But now, we're on to the fun part,

which is the maximalist spread.

I'm gonna go all out with drawings, crazy shit.

I don't even know what I'm doing.

Normally, I like to kind of plan out what I'm going to draw,

or make, or what it's going to look like.

I'm not gonna do that;

I'm just gonna wing it.

So for my header, I am just drawing a big, bold March,

and I want to go with kind of a spring, leaves,

maybe a little bit of a jungle theme this month

because it is getting into spring.

It's getting a little bit warmer,

winter is nearing its end, and I'm so excited about it.

And I wanna get into that mood

with some fun greenery and leaves, and warmth.

So, that's what I'm doing with this cover page,

and I am into it.

Next, onto my calendar page.

The calendar itself is pretty standard,

very easy to make, just a bunch of straight lines.

But, I wanna add a little bit of pizazz into this

with some more leaves, going with that jungle theme.

I'm gonna put some bamboo up the side,

put some leaves all over it,

and make a big, bold, black and white header

of March, 2018, with my leaves,

and just tying it all together in some kind of

interesting, artistic sort of way. (laughs)

For my tracker, I'm very proud of this idea

that I came up with (laughs).

Since I made bamboo on my calendar page,

I really liked it, it was fun to draw,

it was really cool, and very easy,

and I thought, "Huh.

"My bamboo is cut up into tiny sections.

"Why don't I use those tiny sections to be my trackers?"

So, every piece is two days,

fillin' them all up as I go.

I think it's gonna look really cool and super easy to use.

It's kind of like a fancy bar graph, I guess. (laughs)

And then I messed up.

I wrote "Mood Tracker".

This is not a mood tracker,

this is a habit tracker. (laughs)

But, the nice thing about maximalism is it doesn't matter.

You can just cover it up with a sticker or a sticky note,

which is exactly what I'm doing.

I'm just covering it in leaves.

And honestly, I'm okay with it.

I think it looks fine.

There's no need to worry about messing up

when you can just turn it into something cool. (laughs)

And then, for my expenses page,

I'm doing something a little bit differently

than I've ever done.

I'm making each line a day;

so that "A", this will make sure I don't spend money

on more than one thing per day (laughs),

or, if I do, I guess I'll just kind of

lump it all together into one big purchase.

I don't know.

I hadn't really figured it out yet.

But this'll make it a lot easier to track when I do things,

and maybe help keep myself in check a little bit.

I don't know.

We'll see how it goes.

And now we're onto my weekly spread.

For this maximalist style spread,

generally I wouldn't actually lay out my days in advance

because I think the whole point

of minimalist versus maximalist

is that minimalist kind of has this preset layout,

kind of like if you were to buy a planner,

and it already has all of your days of the weeks,

like, written there.

Whereas in this particular maximalist style,

I would probably keep it more like a diary,

like I would say, "Monday, March 5th",

and then I would write down all the things I wanted to do,

or maybe write a little diary entry

about what I did that day.

Maybe put a photo, or a ticket of a movie I saw.

And I don't really know how much space

I'm going to need for that day;

so I'm not going to write

the rest of my days of the week next to it.

I'm just going to start with Monday.

And then, when Monday's over,

I would write Tuesday, and I'll do my Tuesday stuff.

But, for the sake of this video,

I'm just writing them all out;

so you can see what it would look like

if I did do it this way.

So, I'm just kinda going crazy.

I'm gonna doodle all over it.

I'm gonna scribble my notes,

maybe a little diary entry,

maybe draw a little picture,

throw on some Washi tape.

It's looking kind of crazy.

There's a lot going on.

But, I kind of like that look.

It looks a little bit more like a journal, like a diary.

It feels much more personal this way

whereas the minimalist style is just like a to-do list.

But, that's pretty much it.

It's really up to you, and what your style is,

and what kind of things

you want to put in your bullet journal.

Is it more of a diary, is it more of a journal,

or is it more of just a to-do list, and tasks,

and trying to keep your shit together?

Personally, I'm a fan of both ways,

but obviously, you do you.

I feel like when I do my spreads,

I do kind of somewhere in the middle.

I like that structured style,

but I also am not gonna feel like I have to be perfect,

and it has to look pristine,

and within the guidelines all the time.

Like, I'll scribble in the margins,

I'll cross something out if I mess up.

Like, I'm not going to get upset about that.

Why would I get upset about that?

But that's it for my March spread.

Let me know which one you guys like best.

Are you more of a minimalist or a maximalist?

And, as always, let me know

what you guys think I should do for April.

If you guys like this idea

of showing two different ways to do it,

or if I should just go back to making one?

You decide.

Tell me what to do guys.

Help me.

But that's it for this video,

and I will see you guys next time.

Happy bullet journaling.

(Upbeat music)

For more infomation >> PLAN WITH ME: March Bullet Journal Spread + February Flip-Through - Duration: 10:03.


FBI Says It's Not Your Business To See Docs On What Really Happened–Trump Makes Them Regret It - Duration: 4:56.

FBI Says It's Not Your Business To See Docs On What Really Happened – Trump Makes Them

Regret It

The organization which is the FBI is now confirming it will not expedite the release of documents

about a secret meeting which took place between James Comey and former President Barack Obama.

This news comes in the form of a letter the FBI sent to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

David Hardy, who is the section chief for the bureau's Record/Information Dissemination

Section, states in the letter that the information about the meeting is not a matter of widespread

and exceptional media interest which would raise questions about the government's integrity

when it comes to public confidence.

The DCNF initially requested this information under the Freedom of Information Act.

They continue to believe that any meeting between the former FBI Director James Comey

and Obama should be integral as to the actions the FBI took against then-candidate Donald

Trump as a private citizen.

Also, Obama's national security advisor Susan Rice, General Sally Yates, and former

Vice President Joe Biden attended the meeting in question.

President Trump is about to make them regret their decisions.

He's not afraid to force the truth out of the FBI and drain the swamp when it's required.

Trump wants the American people to be treated with transparency and see the documents that

they deserve to see.

This is not much different than the FISA memo and Trump will make it happen when the time

is right.

This is the letter sent to The Daily Caller News Foundation:

The National Archives revealed the existence of the meeting and released a declassified

version of an email Rice sent to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary.

In that email, Rice wrote to herself about the secret meeting with Comey on Inauguration

Day 2017 as President Donald Trump was being sworn into office.

The email hinted that Comey might have misled Congress and was attempting to cover up the

extent of his relationship with President Obama.

This mess stinks to high heaven.

It's about time the public knows what Obama and Comey were up to, and to what extent the

FBI as a whole was involved in the attempted overthrow of a sitting president.

This may very well be the most significant scandal ever to hit the U.S. presidency, and

it might end up taking the FBI down with it.

Considering these facts don't you agree the American public should have a right to

inspect all documents?

The Daily Caller previously reported on Comey's meetings with Obama, one session of which

he may not have disclosed properly, thus making it a "secret" meeting:

"FBI Director James Comey held a secret Oval Office meeting with President Barack

Obama two weeks before Trump's inauguration and may have deliberately misled Congress

about it, according to an email sent by National Security Advisor Susan Rice that GOP Sens.

Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham partially unclassified.

The meeting — which Comey never previously disclosed to Congress — occurred in the

White House on Jan. 5, 2017.

It included Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Rice deputy Attorney General Sally Yates,

and Comey.

The topic of the meeting was potential Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

By failing to inform the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence about the meeting in his June

8, 2017, testimony, Comey may have deliberately and intentionally misled Congress about his

interactions with the former president, especially a meeting so close to Trump entering the White


"President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with FBI Director Comey and Deputy Attorney

General Sally Yates in the Oval Office," Rice wrote in an email written the day before

the inauguration.

The National Archives gave Grassley and Graham "classified and unclassified emails" about

the meeting.

Previously, Comey contended he only met with the Obama twice, once in 2015 and another

"to say goodbye in late 2016," according the former FBI director's June 8, 2017,

testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

"I spoke alone with President Obama twice in person (and never on the phone) – once

in 2015 to discuss law enforcement policy issues and a second time, briefly, for him

to say goodbye in late 2016," Comey's opening statement read.

Grassley and Graham stated on their websites they "were struck by the context and timing

of this email, and sent a follow up letter to Ambassador Rice."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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Public - Private - Duration: 2:01.

【Public - Private】


I will go home.

So, you pick up balls.

Yes, sir.


Pick up!

A dislike senior stay.


I will watch you because I'm bored.

Thank you, sir.


I will watch

Go home!

Waiting a senior.



Wait more ten minutes.

No problem at all.



Hurry up!



What do you think?

You are so very good.


Too poor!

When I want to refuse



You change your form like this.

This is a very high level.

It's hard for me.



You change

Don't touch me!

When I really want to refuse so much


I have a cold and a fever,too.

But I have to come because I am a senior.

I'm proud of you.


I have a cold and a fever,too.

But I have to come

Go home!

When I get caught my private


Do you hate me?

[Public] No, not at all.

Are you sure?

[Private] I hate you!

Are you kidding me?

[Public] Just kidding, sorry.


[Private] I hate you!

Having said that,

[Private] I hate you!

Are you serious?

[Private] I hate you!

I can't believe.

[Private] Sorry, sir!


go home.



Public stance is important, too.

For more infomation >> Public - Private - Duration: 2:01.


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Go Won: The filming is just finished!

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Go Won: So I want to say thank you!

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Gloria Union - Chapter 7 - Battlefield 7-6B - Ending B. English translation with sub/ Việt sub. - Duration: 20:58.

Center of ancient Euphoria.

Area which was surrounded by sea, is the stage for last final battle.

Gloria band achieved complete victory when fought against Ashley who showed large power by attached to will which can be said sinister.

Ashley's will still didn't become weak until die.

The last moment of pathetic Ashley, who has had unhappy life is dark and cold.

I... I...


That was power of last moment.

With this, Euphoria was protected.

I didn't expected it ended too quickly.


This gun's skill... Hey, don't tell me...

It's really mine.


Impossible! He died for sure.

I'm even a empire's soldier. I can't bear a trivial death.

But, you are late.

Right, Ashley died.

It seems like that.

You look very calm.

Did you give up?

Give up? Did I seriously say that?

Anyway, if we defeat you, everything will end.

If? I haven't finished yet.

Ishut! Stop him!

You are slow!

Darkness's card, Ashley's sword. If combine two thing...

WILL which makes Euphoria revive is being absorbed by him.

He doesn't have alteration function. If he does that...

Gariored's WILL is increasing rapidly.

This amount of WILL exceeds Ashley's.

I exceeded royalty. I'm... I'm strongest!

Annoying. He is the one who was possessed by power.

Power is everything! Power is peace! Power is freedom!

Old man...

If he is defeated, everything will end. I can drink wine quite carefree.

I had the power that I wished. But unexpectedly, i don't feel any impression.

Power is thing like that, right?

If you and Enrietta were here, perhap it could be different.

Isn't you are the one who hated looking back past?

I hate that. So, this is the end.

This is absolute invincible power, right? Certainly, I feel a tremendous pressure.

But I must defeat it.

I'm coming!

Saezaru, it's now your turn. Steal something valuable!

Devilish night was born by eternity desire... Drink it, and destroy the world!

Devilish night was born by eternity desire... Drink it, and destroy the world!

Devilish night was born by eternity desire... Drink it, and destroy the world!

Neptune awakes from bottom of the sea... Sink everything with muddy arm!

Impossible! Power... My power!!!

We won, right?

No, seem still not win yet.

He still can move!

No, his state looks strange.

Gariored's WILL's flow is being disordered.

Everyone, run! If continue like that, a big explosion will happen!


When a person die, residual WILL inside body will be spitted out.

If Gariored's WILL is spitted out now...

What will happen?

We won't get out of here safely, right?

We will go to the grave together! This war, don't need winner any more!

Old man!? What are you doing?

Do what? I just invite my close friend to go swimming together.

Don't tell me you are going to jump into the sea with him.

What are you thinking?



I leave Gloria band to you! From today, you are captain!

Old man...

Ishut! Do something with this Euphoria! Are you understand?



Old man!!!

About one year since last battle.

The first four month, in order to help countries which had disorder, went around the world.

The next four month, in order to help poor countries, also went around the world.

Last four month, visited each member's hometown.

And now, on the ship, Elisha is writing a letter to one character.

After the glory.

Let see... "Dear Ishut-sama"... No need "sama" part. Remove it.

"When you started talking about leaving ship, I was really surprised." Seem a bit unpolished, just write normally.

"I asked reason reflexively, but the moment when you said, I understood".

"To become a greater pirate than me, right? You are like the usual".

"I don't forget our conversation when you left ship. And the face of meowing stupid cat behind too".

"I recalled the first time we met".

"You were talkative one. But you grew up".

"There was also time you made me feel angry".

"Can stay with Ishut, it was really fun.

... I will erase this line.

"You're now living as a captain. But from before, you acted like a captain and didn't change much now".

"If that was really true, I intended to make you my vice captain. But, it is too late now".

Ishut and me, captain and vice captain...

No, no! Can't write that line in letter.

"Well then, catch me up quickly".


You don't need to tell me. I will catch you up soon.

Why is only this line unreadable?

Because it has something about maiden's heart.

Maiden's heart?

Lulu, your face look scary.

Ishut! Where is the next route?

Ahead, it seem there are still ancient ruins that we haven't seen.

Can't lose to Gloria pirate band! Depart!

For more infomation >> Gloria Union - Chapter 7 - Battlefield 7-6B - Ending B. English translation with sub/ Việt sub. - Duration: 20:58.


Matemática CBC - Práctica 2 - Ejercicio 5 - B - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Matemática CBC - Práctica 2 - Ejercicio 5 - B - Duration: 3:25.


Laure's Epic Running Challenge - James Shrestha - Duration: 5:31.

Go [Epic Suspense Music Soundtrack | Derelict Ship by Per Kiilstofte | Royalty Free Music]

you can probably see that I'm not a reporter, Im their captain

so we have new young Gurkha's recently recruited

they are streching

you have to be very fit to become a Laure

now today we are going to be doing the 100 metres running challenge

now whoever wins the 100 metres running challenge,

winner will get to kick the ball on those losers rascals back

[Epic Suspense Music Soundtrack | Derelict Ship by Per Kiilstofte | Royalty Free Music]

blast the ball on their back

Music Playing [Laure Dai Le]

sory my Mr's is calling

how many times do I have to tell my wife

I'm at work

my wife thinks I'm in disco with other girls


oye boys!

carry on with your training!

these boys are never going to improve

that's why they have employed me here

and given me Captain's job

okay so let's start with our 100 metres running challenge

let's roll the intro

contestant's intro

contestant number 1

contestant number 2

contestant number 3

Music Playing [No I want that girl]

contestant number 4

contestant number 5

Music Playing [Mein Hoon Naa]

contestant number 6

Music Playing [Pokemon Theme Song]

contestant number 7

Music Playing [Achha Lekin London Ko Chiso]

contestant number 8

contestant number 9

Music Playing [Theri - Tamil Movie]

contestant number 10

Song Playing [Khai ta Baba Bujheko]

contestant number 11

Music Playing [Japanenglish]



On your marks

Get set


Epic Suspense Music Soundtrack | Derelict Ship by Per Kiilstofte | Royalty Free Music

[Panting] Struggling

Who won?


Losers Puinishment

This is for the SoltiSquad


I came second

I would like to thank my mother and father

for giving me this good opportunity

I will show you how it's really done

oh what the h### was that man!

these guys thinks that Im only setting up the ball and the position for the camera

we have already kicked, im about to cheat

[laughs] [cheering]

Ranajay! at last you got hit again

I would like to interview Mr James Shrestha the winner for today

James Shrestha please join us

[Crowd Booing]

and that is your James Shrestha for today

Allright guys that's it for today

if you enjoyed watching this video don't forget to share and sub

thank you to Sega and Team madesire and obviously Jay Author and Zac Rai and others


Music Playing [Stay With Me - NCS]

For more infomation >> Laure's Epic Running Challenge - James Shrestha - Duration: 5:31.


難產生下女兒婆婆逼著離婚,老公拿二十萬求我回家,聽到他們的對話,我如墜冰窖! - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> 難產生下女兒婆婆逼著離婚,老公拿二十萬求我回家,聽到他們的對話,我如墜冰窖! - Duration: 5:51.



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For more infomation >> Summertime


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 03-02-2018 16:23:13 2685-2723 N Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK 74115, USA - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 03-02-2018 16:23:13 2685-2723 N Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK 74115, USA - Duration: 5:02.


For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 03-02-2018 16:23:13 2685-2723 N Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK 74115, USA - Duration: 5:02.


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