Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 1 2018


If I knew we were going to break up

I shouldn't have loved you so much

(check it out yo)

Because our feelings for each other has become numb

Even emotionally hurting each other doesn't seem to phase us

Our love for one another is gone, but only sentiment remains

Whatever you do, we've become so nonchalant to each other

(where you at)

Your interest became an obsession (where you at)

You were suspicious day and night

The trust we've built for each other has fallen apart

You'll probably find someone new after we break up

I didn't mean to date just to cry together

(Tearing up)

I didn't mean to create memories to be left with pain

(Becoming forgotten)

I've once again become strangers with someone so easily

I didn't just love you to break up with you

(Getting used to it)

Goodbye as we part towards the rough path

After you leave me, I hope you only walk on the path with flowers

Be careful as we part our separate lonely ways

Forget all memories of me as you go

(check it out)

Living in past memories is a helpless sense of loneliness

To be forgotten from those memories

Is more painstaking than any other brutal moment

I've loved you to death, but in the end I did not die

When I take in a deep breath the air I exhale becomes a sigh

Everyone goes through a breakup so let's not be too sad

I'll try to find someone that is alike but not quite similar to you

I didn't mean to date just to cry together

(Tearing up)

I didn't mean to create memories to be left with pain

(Becoming forgotten)

I've once again become strangers with someone so easily

I didn't just love you to break up with you

(Getting used to it)

Goodbye as we part towards the rough path

After you leave me I hope you only walk on the path with flowers

Be careful as we part our separate lonely ways

Forget all memories of me as you go

(check it out)


If I knew we were going to break up

I shouldn't have loved you so much


If you're going to leave anyway

Live the best possible life with no regrets

(check it out)

Goodbye, my dear love

Leave me and live happily

Live happily

Be careful my heart-aching love

Don't be hurt like the times you were with me

Please don't be hurt








(check it out)


For more infomation >> iKON - '이별길(GOODBYE ROAD)' M/V - Duration: 4:03.


كيف تحصل على التحفيز بدون مساعدة أي أحد ◆ 4 خطوات لتحفز نفسك بنفسك - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> كيف تحصل على التحفيز بدون مساعدة أي أحد ◆ 4 خطوات لتحفز نفسك بنفسك - Duration: 4:56.


Πιστοποιητικά Αγγλικών Cambridge – Εσείς, επιλέγετε σωστά; - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Πιστοποιητικά Αγγλικών Cambridge – Εσείς, επιλέγετε σωστά; - Duration: 0:23.


Got car from the tablet and increased Bugatti with a magic wand. Video for kids. - Duration: 1:58.

Cool car!

I do not have a bugatti!

Cool bugatti!

Another thought!

Who likes fast cars, put like!

For more infomation >> Got car from the tablet and increased Bugatti with a magic wand. Video for kids. - Duration: 1:58.


Q&A- What's it like living in Hong Kong??? - Duration: 10:42.

Hi everyone!!! :)

Today's video is going to be really special

Because today I'll be doing a Q&A

Okay music English because that's the only way I can express myself properly we reached 10K

Cannot believe in you guys. We did it we did it Oh, I cannot even express anything

It's just so amazing. Thank you guys so much

We did it and that's why I was thinking maybe we should do a Q&A to celebrate this moment because so many

New people have joined this channel, so welcome. Welcome. Welcome welcome

Today's setting is a bit different because right now I am in Spain, visiting my Grandparents

In today's video I will be....

Today's video...

A lot of your questions were asked in English

So that's why I will replying a lot of them in English. I DID IT!!!

Let's start :)

The first question is by Hailey_ 39. And she asks "How tall are you? And how much do you weigh?"

I am.....

165 cm

And my weight always changes

For example, on Christmas I am heavier. So....

I'm around 48-

During Christmas time I eat a lot of food so I gain more weight

So my weight is around 48- 52kg

Asks "Do you speak any finish at home?"

I can speak

English, Cantonese,

Mandarin, Finnish and I'm learning Spanish

So it's around five not all my fluent, but hopefully one day I'm like them super fluid another lag

I'll be super cool if I knew all of them fluently. But yeah, I I know five my mother tongue is English

I can't you need me is my second most

Fluent language and then my Mandarin finished or I could have conversations in that language and then Spanish. I just learned it

So please do not just me in Spanish

Thank you pressing the question

Cheryl mocha. Oh my god. You asked three questions. Okay. That's really cool. You asked dammit II dream so far

do you want to study ad in Finland someday, maybe and

How did your parents meet each other they are nervous. So any dream so far?

I don't really have huge dreams

But I do have miniature goals that I would love to achieve that maybe results in this huge giant goal one day

Yeah, so I really have like goals to maybe travel on the world post more often for you guys and maybe reach 20 Cariad

Because I'll be really

Do you want to study in Finland one day?

Yes, I think I'll be great to study in Finland since I am half finished

I think I want to go to Finland one day to brush up on my finish and maybe get in touch with my Finnish culture

More because I do live in Hong Kong and I've never looked in Finland, so I'll be really cool

And the question is how did my parents meet?

Familiar faces


My mom and some punk Kong without some Finland mm. Um wanted to do an exchange program

So she was selected to go to Finland. And that's where my I've had my parents and that's when my mom and dad met

If you want me to do a whole video about how my parents met please please PLEASE leases

It's coming it down below. I now totally do it

Okay, Vicki don't see us what's your favorite thing about living in Hong Kong love you, I love you, too. Thank you

One way to use into living at Hong Kong Hong Kong is considered as my home

Like yeah Hong Kong is my home. I lived there for like almost eight years now, I think why are you right here?

Yeah, I lived in for eight years already and it's considered my home my favorite thing about honking all these too

many Hong Kong is absolutely amazing, but

Let me think let me think let me think the food I have to say the food is one of the best ever

it's just so many variety especially because he had that British cuisine in the home and the Chinese cuisine mixed together him some on the

go down, Zion and

Santa and the follow bow and Su my and everything is just so good. Oh my god

and then I guess I've seen other thing language is absolutely

Special and is different from anywhere else I've ever been

Like literally Kennedy's languages some of the most one of the hardest and the most interesting line you just ever learned

And it's something that's really really special and it's just amazing. Okay, so ed fly live sharing private

Wow :) you asked a lot of questions but I'll gladly answer them

The first question is...

What editing software do you use?

I use Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is a really good software... it's really use to learn and you can do any type of effects

Final Cut Pro is a bit expensive

My mum and dad were kind enough to buy it for me as my birthday present

Thank you

But you can also use iMovie

iMovie is really similar to Final Cut Pro. In addition, iMovie is for free sooo :)

So I would definitely recommend iMovie

Why did you want to start a YouTube channel?

My dad exactly started this YouTube channel

So if you watch my old videos they are all singing, performing, dancing videos

Over time I started to seeing my friends starting YouTube channels

That's when I started to get interested in starting my own YouTube channel

And then...

now I have a YouTube channel

I hope you guys are liking my content :)

How long does it take to edit a video?

It really depends if I'm busy

Because I'm a high school student

Sometimes I get really busy. For example, homework, project, assignments and exams

So it's around 1 month to finish one video

Yeah, I know. I took a long time to edit. Oh

How do you feel about rice gum?

Ricegum. There's no words to describe here

West tree ask what's your favorite fruit? My favorite fruit is...

Dragon I love dragon fruit so much. Oh, I love Kiwi as well

They're my favorite ever next question Joyce. Crisis. Hi, Anna

Is it confusing to always switch from Chinese to English?

Of course because I speak English to my dad but I speak Chinese to my mum

And as a family we speak English, and then I live in Hong Kong and I go to an international school

It does kinda confusing because depending on the situation I have to change the language

Time to times it does get incredibly confusing

Yeah, it's just confusing Oh

Yt0 6:12 says how many months or years?

Did you have braces for by the way? You're gorgeous? Oh, you're so sweet. Thank you so much

How long did have braces for I had them around a year? I didn't have them

I had braces around a year. I didn't happen that long, but I had them around a year

So yeah

Gracie and gnats


I'm sorry. I said your neighborhood any favorite k-pop stars. I

Love I you I use in my favorite k-pop stars even my moms

Like I you which she just suddenly I liked her first I liked her first

My mom just came about yeah, I love my hair is

Away at cares Oh

Baby Hong Kong food or drinks

There's too many I love soybean milk (豆漿). I don't know the considers in the Hong Kong drink, but I love soybean milk. I love it

So much. I literally have like two cartons in my fridge of soybean milk right now if you ask my parents you are lethargic

Hong Kong food. My street food snacks has to be egg waffles

Absolutely egg waffles . I loved it since I was three two. Now. I love get on by so much

So yeah, egg waffles and soybean milk ( I also like milk tea) are my goto

Michelle Wu

As um, would you rather have fingers small like fries or big like feet

Wow, it's so dark outside

Today's Q&A is finished

So thank you so much for everyone who commented and asked me all these questions. You guys are super super sweet

I'm so sorry if I didn't answer your question in the future. I'll do more Q&A

so if you

Want asked and you do not be discouraged because I will definitely answer your question next time give it a thumbs up and subscribe

And I'll see you guys next time. I love you. Bye everyone

For more infomation >> Q&A- What's it like living in Hong Kong??? - Duration: 10:42.


Who Needs Feminism? - Duration: 5:39.

I am an anti-feminist.

Feminism is a mean-spirited, small-minded and oppressive philosophy that can poison

relations between the sexes — relations which for most of us provide some of life's

deepest pleasures and consolations.

Feminism has attempted to bully us all into accepting an obvious lie: the lie that men

and women have the same powers, talents, proclivities and desires and that consequently any discrepancy

in their professional paths is due to bigotry and must be corrected by force of culture and law.

By shoving that lie down our throats, feminism has made both men and women less happy

and less free.

Now, I'm going to have to speak in generalities and I understand there are all kinds of exceptions

to what I'm about to say.

But the generalities remain generally valid.

Feminism denigrates masculinity in men by relentlessly calling us toxic for our flaws

rather than appreciating our natural qualities of energy, risk-taking and leadership.

But it also denigrates femininity in women, working to replace most women's commitment

to relationship and child-rearing with male obsessions such as career status and strength.

What's the result?

Take a look at the quintessential feminist icon, Rosie the Riveter, flexing her muscle.

The truth is: Any man of the same size and fitness can make a bigger, stronger, muscle

than Rosie can.

By herding women away from their feminine natures, feminism seeks to transform them

from first rate women into second rate men.

Now perhaps you'll protest: Isn't feminism simply the idea that women have the same

human rights as men?

No, it isn't.

That philosophy is called classical liberalism, which holds that we are all equally endowed

by God with the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

But wait, doesn't the Declaration of Independence say that all MEN are created equal?


Classical liberalism was an idea conceived by and largely for Christian white men.

But like all ideas, good and bad, classical liberalism has evolved over time according

to its internal logic, so it now includes all races and both sexes.

Good job, Christian white men!

Thanks for the great idea!

As its excuse for the damage it does to our lives, feminism has developed the historical

mythology that men have oppressed women and now must be suppressed in their turn

to even things out.

Let me propose a different narrative that has the advantage of possibly being true.

Insofar as men and women are physical creations, their central purpose is the production of

more human beings.

Women are therefore fashioned in body and mind to make and nurture children, and men

to protect and support those children during their relatively long maturation period.

All societies shaped themselves around these necessities.

They created structures that formalized gender roles and attempted to insure the paternity

of children so that men would care for their own.

In many societies, these structures became increasingly ritualistic and oppressive for women.

But the opposite happened in the Christian West.


Take a look at your Bible, Proverbs 31.

The Biblical ideal of a good woman is not only strong, kind and wise, she's also a

creative and economic dynamo.

Christianity sanctified motherhood in the person of Mary, and celebrated women's fortitude

and virtue in the female saints.

The church created a version of marriage intended to protect women, and designed the philosophy

of chivalry, which instructed men to use their superior strength for women, not against them.

Individuals can be incredibly abusive to one another, men and women both.

But over time, Christendom tended to elevate, protect and ultimately include women as women

in the great enterprise of western civilization.

Now, the developments of modernity HAVE created special challenges for women.

Industry removed clothing and food production from the home to the factory and thus deprived

homemakers of their traditional businesses.

Children lost their monetary value to parents by leaving home to fend for themselves.

So, while motherhood and homemaking remain the most important SPIRITUAL activities of

humankind, modernity has stripped those enterprises of their former economic power.

But — in a western civilization dedicated to equal rights, these challenges come along

with fresh opportunities.

New technologies and effective birth control allow individual women to tailor gender roles

to their personal liking or abandon them altogether.

None of this is a reason to attack men.

In fact, these new opportunities are largely the result of men's inventions and their ideas.

And none of it requires women to abandon the femininity which is one of the graces of our world.

It's just change and progress, that's all.

With honest thought and good will, we can adapt over time without the angry, bitter

and dishonest attacks on our human nature by feminists.

I'm Andrew Klavan for Prager University.

For more infomation >> Who Needs Feminism? - Duration: 5:39.


Lý Do Có Mặt Của 2 Vị Khách Nữ Đặc Biệt Tại Mâm Cua Dì 3 - Duration: 16:33.

For more infomation >> Lý Do Có Mặt Của 2 Vị Khách Nữ Đặc Biệt Tại Mâm Cua Dì 3 - Duration: 16:33.


Mind Control - Epic NPC Man (the power of persuasion) | Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) - Duration: 2:54.

Hey hey give me all your gold or I'll mug ya

That's kind of the definition of mugging so...

Oh he's a smarty pants! That is precisely how you get yourself mugged!

Yeah watch it

Yeah we'll mug ya

Hey! Isn't that the watcher?!

Oh yeah come on let's go this way

Hey what are you talking about?

Let's mug him!

What are you serious?!

Do you not remember what happened last time?

He slaughtered us both like that

Hey what are we?

We're muggers...

And what do muggers do?

They mug people...

So let's go mug him!

Hey! Give us all your gold!

You don't want to mug me

I don't want to mug him anymore Charles

What are you talking about Bernard?

Well I've been thinking about it

Thinking about what?

This life we can only lead to one thing...

Yeah gold


When you think about it...who are we mugging?

Are we mugging them?

Or are we mugging ourselves?

Well I always thought we were mugging them?

Cos of the gold and that

Oh wait are you talking like metaphorically?

I'm talking kind of metaphorically

I think I want to do charity instead

What? What you wanna be like a positive influence in our community?

Yeah I wanna help people!

Like fundraising for sports teams?

Like and cake sales and things

Yeah bake sale I could make my carrot cake!

Well yeah you make a fantastic carrot cake!

Yeah I put the cream cheese icing in and all

Yeah! Imagine if we harnessed this mugging power and instead were a positive influence on the community

Used our power for good instead of evil...

Hey what are we?


And what do helpers do?

They help people!

So let's go help him!

Hello sir! Can we help you at all?

Do you need any help? Anything at all?

You should let me through

But of course after you sir

Please be my guest

Oh and keep an eye out for our bake sale

You have a wonderful day sir! Lovely day!



Isn't that the Watcher?


You know what we should do...

Oh come on don't say it

Let's mug him!

Oh for f***

Isn't that the Watcher?

Well yes

What's wrong? Bernard? Have you forgotten your line!?


What's that? Where am I?

No come back in the scene ahhhh

For more infomation >> Mind Control - Epic NPC Man (the power of persuasion) | Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) - Duration: 2:54.


[MV] Park Won(박원) _ rudderless(나) - Duration: 4:44.

My fearful, strong

And desperate determinations

Are still a great help to the rest of my life

Without a standard that I can do,

I want to do and I can't do

By diminishing other's day

I make me look tall

Today I made a lot of

excuses to me, too

Being locked in a sad day that I made on my own

That way I won't change tomorrow, either

It will be the same even if I'm broken many times

I don't expect me

I can change even for a while

Eventually, it will be the same

I can't understand

My fearful, strong and

Unclear determinations

Aren't still a great help

To my life

Your misfortune was actually

A great comfort to me

As I find only the ones who go through a harder time and are sadder

I muster the courage

That way I will believe that I'm different from others

At night I'll be okay again

I can't forgive myself

As I don't know how to change

I'll realize

So I don't expect me

Why they are fearful and strong

The determinations that I think I know now

My day and the rest of my life can change

For more infomation >> [MV] Park Won(박원) _ rudderless(나) - Duration: 4:44.


*** how to get free instagram followers - Get ig followers - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> *** how to get free instagram followers - Get ig followers - Duration: 4:20.


姜玉陽 - 如果最後不是你【歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質】♫「直到看你離去 我才瞬間恍悟清醒...」Jian Yuyang - If It Isn't You At The End - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> 姜玉陽 - 如果最後不是你【歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質】♫「直到看你離去 我才瞬間恍悟清醒...」Jian Yuyang - If It Isn't You At The End - Duration: 3:57.


[MV] youra(유라) _ my - Duration: 3:05.

Last night in a heavy coat

Your songs that I used to sing clumsily

And the clumsy jealousy that made me always smile

I hate being alone

In an anxious happiness

My unfair night is ending

With the white snow in a beautiful Seoul

The good scent to fall in love

Even our dream that wasn't big and wide

my room my dream

my man my hope

my room my dream

my man my hope

my room my dream

my man my hope

my room my dream

my man my mine

The tangled drain pipes

My clothes that I put disorderly

My warm house that I don't want to get out

Do they even last forever?

In an anxious happiness

I'm living by stroking the memories

Our young days that were so beautiful

My hometown that was getting forgotten

Even our dream that wasn't big and wide

my room my dream

my man my hope

my room my dream

my man my hope

my room my dream

my man my hope

my room my dream

my man my mine

For more infomation >> [MV] youra(유라) _ my - Duration: 3:05.


Man Found Dead Inside Car - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Man Found Dead Inside Car - Duration: 0:22.


Live Doppler 13 Weather Nightbeat - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Live Doppler 13 Weather Nightbeat - Duration: 2:48.


Thả Hồn - Một Câu Chuyện Kể Có Thật - Diễn Đọc KimThanh3S - Duration: 1:19:03.

For more infomation >> Thả Hồn - Một Câu Chuyện Kể Có Thật - Diễn Đọc KimThanh3S - Duration: 1:19:03.


[Audio] iKON - '이별길(GOODBYE ROAD)' - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> [Audio] iKON - '이별길(GOODBYE ROAD)' - Duration: 4:04.


Топ Моменты с Twitch | Братишкин Поясняет за Жизу 😭 | Ласка Рофлит | Оляша и Прически | Твич Клипы - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Топ Моменты с Twitch | Братишкин Поясняет за Жизу 😭 | Ласка Рофлит | Оляша и Прически | Твич Клипы - Duration: 10:27.


The £50 paper banknote – key security features - Duration: 1:54.

The Bank of England £50 paper banknote.

This film will run through a number of key security features

You should check these features to ensure notes are genuine.

When you tilt the note up and down or side to side,

the images on the green motion thread move and flip between a £ symbol

and the number 50.

When the note is held up to the light

there is a bright £50 next to the Queen's portrait in the watermark.

These banknotes are printed on special paper

that gives them their unique feel.

By running your fingers across the front of the note

you can feel raised print in areas such as the words 'Bank of England'

and in the bottom right corner around the number 50.

If you look at the front of the note under a good quality ultra-violet light,

the number 50 appears in bright red and green

whilst the background remains dull in contrast.

Randomly spread bright red and green flecks are also visible on both the front

and back of the note

and the motion thread appears bright green.

There is a fully embedded metallic thread in the note

which appears as a continuous dark line when held up to the light.

Additionally you will see coloured irregular shapes printed on the front

and back that combine to form the £ symbol.

The printed lines and colours on the note

are sharp, clear and free from smudges or blurred edges.

Using a magnifying glass, look closely at the lettering beneath the Queen's portrait

you will see the value of the note written in small letters and numbers.

The £50 paper banknote.

For more infomation >> The £50 paper banknote – key security features - Duration: 1:54.


Another round of light and variable winds starting Tuesday - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Another round of light and variable winds starting Tuesday - Duration: 2:40.


Let's Play CyClones #03: Seeking the Key to Success - Duration: 20:19.

For more infomation >> Let's Play CyClones #03: Seeking the Key to Success - Duration: 20:19.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 170 AIRCO/LMV/TRH/HLEER - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 170 AIRCO/LMV/TRH/HLEER - Duration: 1:08.


FLAG DANCE #9 | World flag - Duration: 4:05.










Saint Vincent and the Grenadines




Thanks for watching

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See you next time

For more infomation >> FLAG DANCE #9 | World flag - Duration: 4:05.


[Full Movie] 社团风暴 Community Storm 普通话版 | 古惑仔黑帮动作片 Gangster, Eng Sub. 1080P - Duration: 1:07:17.

English and Chinese Subtitles are in the movie. Thanks and enjoy. Welcome subscribe our channels.

For more infomation >> [Full Movie] 社团风暴 Community Storm 普通话版 | 古惑仔黑帮动作片 Gangster, Eng Sub. 1080P - Duration: 1:07:17.


撞臉明星的體壇健將們,林丹妥妥的榜首! - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> 撞臉明星的體壇健將們,林丹妥妥的榜首! - Duration: 2:13.



For more infomation >> SAN ANDREAS'TA RONALDO OLMAK - GTA SAN ANDREAS FUTBOL MODU ! - Duration: 10:38.


陈坤倪妮确定关系知情人曝两人正秘密交往中 - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> 陈坤倪妮确定关系知情人曝两人正秘密交往中 - Duration: 1:23.


鄧超在《影》之前最能代表他演技的影片號稱目前國內上映最大尺度 - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> 鄧超在《影》之前最能代表他演技的影片號稱目前國內上映最大尺度 - Duration: 3:26.


Highway 101 closures for Linden and Casitas pass project - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Highway 101 closures for Linden and Casitas pass project - Duration: 0:26.


Flying ball or Flying ball | A glowing children's toy flying ball with a propeller #129 - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Flying ball or Flying ball | A glowing children's toy flying ball with a propeller #129 - Duration: 2:22.


醫生建議:這4種食物好處多,經常吃一點,清理身體垃圾,遠離心梗和腦梗! - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> 醫生建議:這4種食物好處多,經常吃一點,清理身體垃圾,遠離心梗和腦梗! - Duration: 4:07.


黄晓明新剧大露肌肉,霸道总裁式皱眉遭网友狂嘲:偶像包袱太重! - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> 黄晓明新剧大露肌肉,霸道总裁式皱眉遭网友狂嘲:偶像包袱太重! - Duration: 2:18.


10 + 10 настроек Youtube плеера - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> 10 + 10 настроек Youtube плеера - Duration: 6:14.


MAN vs ALGORITHME (déclaration à youtube) - Duration: 18:49.

For more infomation >> MAN vs ALGORITHME (déclaration à youtube) - Duration: 18:49.


For more infomation >> MAN vs ALGORITHME (déclaration à youtube) - Duration: 18:49.


Australian women's team seals international T20 series with six-wicket win over New Zealand - Blog n - Duration: 2:46.

Half centuries from Alyssa Healy and Elyse Villani have propelled Australia to a T20 series winning victory in Brisbane

The reigning world champions coasted past New Zealand's insufficient 8-145 at All Border Field with seven balls to spare on Monday

Villani sealed the six-wicket triumph by reaching 50 from 39 deliveries with her fifth boundary

Healy triggered the chase from the outset with a 10-boundary 57 from 41 deliveries after opening partner Beth Mooney departed for a third ball duck

Healy's assault also enabled her to pass the 1000-run milestone in T20 internationals

Australia won the series opener in Sydney by the same margin and now seek a clean sweep at Canberra's Manuka Oval on Friday

New Zealand threatened to post a more substantial target when former captain Suzie Bates clobbered 77 from 52 balls but when she was caught at the wicket off the bowling of Ellyse Perry to end the 15th over, the visitors faltered

The White Ferns could only muster 24 from their last five overs against some smart bowling, with player of the match Megan Schutt leading the attack with 3-15

Delissa Kimmince made amends for dropping Bates on seven by recording economical figures of 1-17 from her four over allocation

Australia's chase was comfortable although there was an element of controversy to Ashleigh Gardner's dismissal for 16 when the score was 37

Gardner was adjudged run out via Sophie Devine's throw though replays suggested the bails were dislodged by wicketkeeper Katey Martin's hip

For more infomation >> Australian women's team seals international T20 series with six-wicket win over New Zealand - Blog n - Duration: 2:46.


For more infomation >> Australian women's team seals international T20 series with six-wicket win over New Zealand - Blog n - Duration: 2:46.


FIFA 19 physical sales down 25% on last year in new UK charts - Duration: 2:58.

 This year's FIFA is not going to be a record-breaker, even though it's already the best-selling video game of the year in the UK

 There was never any doubt what this week's number one would be, but it's the degree of FIFA 19's success that's the question in the latest UK top 40

 Physical sales – which is all these charts track – are down 25% on FIFA 18, which is a massive drop

It's normal to see sequel sales fall, as digital sales take up a larger and larger percentage, but a 25% drop in just a year is extreme

 It could be that, for whatever reason, this year's sequel is less popular than usual but what's also likely to be a factor is that there's less of a difference between the physical and digital price this year – with major UK supermarkets not offering the significant price cuts they have in the past

 In terms of format sales the PlayStation 4 dominated with a commanding 64%, as the series is now marketed in conjunction with Sony

That left the Xbox One on 35% and the Nintendo Switch on just 1%.    Marvel's Spider-Man dropped to number two in the all-formats charts (the individual format charts aren't in yet), but at the same time it overtook Far Cry 5 to be the second best-selling game of the year, behind only FIFA 19

 In third place Shadow Of The Tomb Raider has held on well since it's disappointing debut, suggesting relatively strong word of mouth

 The second new entry of the week is Valkryia Chronicles 4, which managed to get to number nine in the all formats chart

The PlayStation 4 accounted for 54% of sales, but it was the Switch that was in second place with 39%, followed by just 7% for the Xbox One

 Neither the Switch or Xbox One has had a Valkyria Chronicles game before (although the Xbox One did get Valkryia Revolution) but the large disparity in sales suggests that the audience for more niche Japanese-made games is larger on the Switch

 The only other new entry of the week was the Switch version of Dragon Ball FighterZ, which pushed the game back up to number 29 in the all formats chart

 Although FIFA is unlikely to leave the top 10 until well into next year it rarely keeps the number one spot for long and next week is likely to belong to Assassin's Creed Odyssey, with Xbox One exclusive Forza Horizon 4 also bound to do well

UK all formats chart - 29 September  1 (-) FIFA 19 (PS4/XO/NS/360/PS3) 2 (1) Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4) 3 (2) Shadow Of The Tomb Raider (XO/PS4) 4 (4) Crash Bandicoot N

Sane Trilogy (XO/PS4/NS/PC) 5 (6) Grand Theft Auto V (PS4/XO/360/PS3/PC) 6 (5) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (NS) 7 (21)The Elder Scrolls Online (PS4/PC/XO) 8 (4) NBA 2K19 (PS4/XO/NS) 9 (-) Valkyria Chronicles 4 (PS4/NS/XO) 10(18)Minecraft: Xbox Edition (XO/360)

For more infomation >> FIFA 19 physical sales down 25% on last year in new UK charts - Duration: 2:58.


For more infomation >> FIFA 19 physical sales down 25% on last year in new UK charts - Duration: 2:58.


Unique Cowhide Rugs - $154 & Up - Free Shipping and Best Quality

For more infomation >> Unique Cowhide Rugs - $154 & Up - Free Shipping and Best Quality


iKON - '이별길(GOODBYE ROAD)' M/V - Duration: 4:03.


If I knew we were going to break up

I shouldn't have loved you so much

(check it out yo)

Because our feelings for each other has become numb

Even emotionally hurting each other doesn't seem to phase us

Our love for one another is gone, but only sentiment remains

Whatever you do, we've become so nonchalant to each other

(where you at)

Your interest became an obsession (where you at)

You were suspicious day and night

The trust we've built for each other has fallen apart

You'll probably find someone new after we break up

I didn't mean to date just to cry together

(Tearing up)

I didn't mean to create memories to be left with pain

(Becoming forgotten)

I've once again become strangers with someone so easily

I didn't just love you to break up with you

(Getting used to it)

Goodbye as we part towards the rough path

After you leave me, I hope you only walk on the path with flowers

Be careful as we part our separate lonely ways

Forget all memories of me as you go

(check it out)

Living in past memories is a helpless sense of loneliness

To be forgotten from those memories

Is more painstaking than any other brutal moment

I've loved you to death, but in the end I did not die

When I take in a deep breath the air I exhale becomes a sigh

Everyone goes through a breakup so let's not be too sad

I'll try to find someone that is alike but not quite similar to you

I didn't mean to date just to cry together

(Tearing up)

I didn't mean to create memories to be left with pain

(Becoming forgotten)

I've once again become strangers with someone so easily

I didn't just love you to break up with you

(Getting used to it)

Goodbye as we part towards the rough path

After you leave me I hope you only walk on the path with flowers

Be careful as we part our separate lonely ways

Forget all memories of me as you go

(check it out)


If I knew we were going to break up

I shouldn't have loved you so much


If you're going to leave anyway

Live the best possible life with no regrets

(check it out)

Goodbye, my dear love

Leave me and live happily

Live happily

Be careful my heart-aching love

Don't be hurt like the times you were with me

Please don't be hurt








(check it out)


For more infomation >> iKON - '이별길(GOODBYE ROAD)' M/V - Duration: 4:03.


I'm bald. Do or have it done? - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> I'm bald. Do or have it done? - Duration: 1:48.


Who Needs Feminism? - Duration: 5:39.

I am an anti-feminist.

Feminism is a mean-spirited, small-minded and oppressive philosophy that can poison

relations between the sexes — relations which for most of us provide some of life's

deepest pleasures and consolations.

Feminism has attempted to bully us all into accepting an obvious lie: the lie that men

and women have the same powers, talents, proclivities and desires and that consequently any discrepancy

in their professional paths is due to bigotry and must be corrected by force of culture and law.

By shoving that lie down our throats, feminism has made both men and women less happy

and less free.

Now, I'm going to have to speak in generalities and I understand there are all kinds of exceptions

to what I'm about to say.

But the generalities remain generally valid.

Feminism denigrates masculinity in men by relentlessly calling us toxic for our flaws

rather than appreciating our natural qualities of energy, risk-taking and leadership.

But it also denigrates femininity in women, working to replace most women's commitment

to relationship and child-rearing with male obsessions such as career status and strength.

What's the result?

Take a look at the quintessential feminist icon, Rosie the Riveter, flexing her muscle.

The truth is: Any man of the same size and fitness can make a bigger, stronger, muscle

than Rosie can.

By herding women away from their feminine natures, feminism seeks to transform them

from first rate women into second rate men.

Now perhaps you'll protest: Isn't feminism simply the idea that women have the same

human rights as men?

No, it isn't.

That philosophy is called classical liberalism, which holds that we are all equally endowed

by God with the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

But wait, doesn't the Declaration of Independence say that all MEN are created equal?


Classical liberalism was an idea conceived by and largely for Christian white men.

But like all ideas, good and bad, classical liberalism has evolved over time according

to its internal logic, so it now includes all races and both sexes.

Good job, Christian white men!

Thanks for the great idea!

As its excuse for the damage it does to our lives, feminism has developed the historical

mythology that men have oppressed women and now must be suppressed in their turn

to even things out.

Let me propose a different narrative that has the advantage of possibly being true.

Insofar as men and women are physical creations, their central purpose is the production of

more human beings.

Women are therefore fashioned in body and mind to make and nurture children, and men

to protect and support those children during their relatively long maturation period.

All societies shaped themselves around these necessities.

They created structures that formalized gender roles and attempted to insure the paternity

of children so that men would care for their own.

In many societies, these structures became increasingly ritualistic and oppressive for women.

But the opposite happened in the Christian West.


Take a look at your Bible, Proverbs 31.

The Biblical ideal of a good woman is not only strong, kind and wise, she's also a

creative and economic dynamo.

Christianity sanctified motherhood in the person of Mary, and celebrated women's fortitude

and virtue in the female saints.

The church created a version of marriage intended to protect women, and designed the philosophy

of chivalry, which instructed men to use their superior strength for women, not against them.

Individuals can be incredibly abusive to one another, men and women both.

But over time, Christendom tended to elevate, protect and ultimately include women as women

in the great enterprise of western civilization.

Now, the developments of modernity HAVE created special challenges for women.

Industry removed clothing and food production from the home to the factory and thus deprived

homemakers of their traditional businesses.

Children lost their monetary value to parents by leaving home to fend for themselves.

So, while motherhood and homemaking remain the most important SPIRITUAL activities of

humankind, modernity has stripped those enterprises of their former economic power.

But — in a western civilization dedicated to equal rights, these challenges come along

with fresh opportunities.

New technologies and effective birth control allow individual women to tailor gender roles

to their personal liking or abandon them altogether.

None of this is a reason to attack men.

In fact, these new opportunities are largely the result of men's inventions and their ideas.

And none of it requires women to abandon the femininity which is one of the graces of our world.

It's just change and progress, that's all.

With honest thought and good will, we can adapt over time without the angry, bitter

and dishonest attacks on our human nature by feminists.

I'm Andrew Klavan for Prager University.

For more infomation >> Who Needs Feminism? - Duration: 5:39.


El amargo llanto de Ernesto Belloni por "El Poeta" de Morandé con Compañía - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> El amargo llanto de Ernesto Belloni por "El Poeta" de Morandé con Compañía - Duration: 7:20.


MAN vs ALGORITHME (déclaration à youtube) - Duration: 18:49.

For more infomation >> MAN vs ALGORITHME (déclaration à youtube) - Duration: 18:49.


INKTOBER: Poisonous - Duration: 8:05.

this isn't my best work


click subscribe! for three videos a year

For more infomation >> INKTOBER: Poisonous - Duration: 8:05.


Dấu hiệu sớm của ung thư cổ tử cung mà chị em phụ nữ nên biết - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Dấu hiệu sớm của ung thư cổ tử cung mà chị em phụ nữ nên biết - Duration: 4:49.


Shallow - from the movie A Star Is Born - Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga - Piano Karaoke Accompaniment - Duration: 3:46.

🎵 Tell me somethin', girl 🎵

🎵 Are you happy in this modern world? 🎵

🎵 Or do you need more? 🎵

🎵 Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?🎵

🎵 I'm fallin' 🎵

🎵 In all the good I find myself longin' 🎵

🎵 for change 🎵

🎵 And in the bad times I fear myself 🎵

🎵 Tell me something boy 🎵

🎵 Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void? 🎵

🎵 Or do you need more? 🎵

🎵 Ain't it hard keepin' it so hardcore? 🎵

🎵 I'm falling 🎵

🎵 In all the good times I find myself longing 🎵

🎵 for change 🎵

🎵 And in the bad times I fear myself 🎵

🎵 I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in 🎵

🎵 I'll never meet the ground 🎵

🎵 Crash through the surface where they can't hurt us 🎵

🎵 We're far from the shallow now 🎵

🎵 In the sha-ha-sha-ha-low 🎵

🎵 In the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-low 🎵

🎵 In the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-low 🎵

🎵 We're far from the shallow now 🎵

🎵 Oh, ahh 🎵

🎵 Ah ah ah ah ah ah 🎵

🎵 I'm off the deep end watch as I dive in 🎵

🎵 I'll never meet the ground 🎵

🎵 Crash through the surface where they can't find us 🎵

🎵 We're far from the shallow now 🎵

🎵 In the sha-ha-sha-ha-low 🎵

🎵 In the sha-ha-ha-la-la-la-low 🎵

🎵 In the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-low 🎵

🎵 We're far from the shallow now 🎵

For more infomation >> Shallow - from the movie A Star Is Born - Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga - Piano Karaoke Accompaniment - Duration: 3:46.


Giúp Bé Yêu Ngủ Ngoan Chỉ Bằng Vài Bước Đơn Giản - Betiti.Com - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Giúp Bé Yêu Ngủ Ngoan Chỉ Bằng Vài Bước Đơn Giản - Betiti.Com - Duration: 2:24.


Taylor ( Making of Pyra M) 日本語 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Taylor ( Making of Pyra M) 日本語 - Duration: 5:05.


RPS Envoyé spécial intro Taux transfo boutiques 3 mn 50 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> RPS Envoyé spécial intro Taux transfo boutiques 3 mn 50 - Duration: 3:51.


Meet the Candidates of #SimiChange - Phil Loos - Duration: 0:49.

I love this city. I have two little daughters that are three and six

and I think about the future that they're going to have in the city. It's the

reason I'm running. It's the future of my children. It's the future of your

children. I care about deeply. You know what I can say is that a vote for me is

a promise. It's a promise to listen. It's a promise that I'll work hard. It's a

promise that I'll govern with integrity and that I will always keep the

interests of the people of the city at the heart of everything that I do. So I

just want to thank you all tonight for being here, for making democracy work.

Without you democracy doesn't work. And I just am so excited to to work alongside

you in the future. So thank you.

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