Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2018

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If your summer has ever included cooling off with a nice swim in a lake,

you might be acquainted with something called swimmer's itch.

These itchy red bumps appear on the exposed parts of your skin

after you take a dip in a lake or pond, and they can last for a week or more.

But swimmer's itch is more than just an annoying rash

it's actually caused by parasites that burrow into your skin and then die there.

Yeah. Ew.

The culprits are tiny worms called schistosomes.

Each schistosome species specializes in a specific bird or mammal host.

Some schistosome species target humans,

causing a debilitating disease called schistosomiasis.

But the ones that cause swimmer's itch aren't after you

they're part of a different group of species whose hosts include

ducks, geese, muskrats, and raccoons.

That itchy rash is what happens

when one of these schistosome larvae makes a mistake.

Adult parasites live in their host's blood,

and when they lay eggs, the host eventually poops them out.

With a little luck, the eggs end up in water, where they hatch into larvae

that swim around in search of the aquatic snails that they need to

infect to complete the next stage of their life cycle.

The baby schistosomes continue to multiply and develop inside the snail,

and eventually the infected snail releases a second type of larvae

called cercariae into the water.

This is where swimmer's itch gets its technical name, cercarial dermatitis.

These little guys, each less than a millimeter long, head out to look for a

member of their original host species to start the cycle all over again.

You'd think it would be easy to tell the difference between a human and a

muskrat or goose or whatever, but sometimes the cercariae mess up and

burrow into a human swimmer's skin.

It's a fatal mistake.

They can't develop there, and so they die.

And because dead baby parasites are definitely not something that's supposed

to be in your body, they trigger an allergic reaction as they break down.

That's what all the itching and redness is from.

Because it's an allergic reaction, some people are more sensitive than others

it just depends on how strongly your immune system responds.

And if you're exposed to swimmer's itch over and over again,

you can actually become more sensitive to it over time.

You're most likely to get swimmer's itch in freshwater, but it's possible

to get it in salt water too, so even at the ocean you're not completely safe.

To keep your risk small, towel off or shower as soon as you get out of the water,

and don't do anything to attract birds that may host schistosomes to the area.

That's right -- no more feeding the ducks.

It's a small price to pay to avoid parasites dying a slow,

itchy death under your skin.

If you don't want to take your chances at the beach, maybe a mathematical

game of chance is more your style.

This course on will sharpen your math skills

while helping you master probability.

Thinking about parasites dying under human skin really put me in the headspace

for the "Survive this Chapter" part.

You have to avoid eating a poisoned apple and all kinds of dangerous

situations to progress onto the next challenge.

It's fun, and I learned a lot, and best of all,

you're actually completely safe the whole time.

Check it out at and right now, the first 200 people to sign

up at that link will get 20% off of an annual premium subscription to Brilliant.


For more infomation >> The Horrifying Truth About Swimmer's Itch - Duration: 3:21.


PowerShell unplugged with Jeffrey Snover and Jason Helmick          - BRK2051 - Duration: 1:15:51.

For more infomation >> PowerShell unplugged with Jeffrey Snover and Jason Helmick          - BRK2051 - Duration: 1:15:51.


Tactics to Finish 2018 Strong - Duration: 18:13.

- Hey guys, it's Brendon

and I've got a special video for you,

my Youtube subscribers, this week.

Recently I did a huge long training

on what we call mid-year acceleration strategies.

This is how do you get more stuff done

by the end of this year.

It's my favorite productivity strategies

and we took that two hour big long ass training

and we broke it down into just 20 minutes

of the best stuff for you.

And I know you're gonna really like it

'cause I know, listen, this year is almost already over.

You have a very limited amount of actual work days

to make your projects, your dreams come true,

so enjoy this video, take notes, and go make it happen.

Let's use this as a mid-year sort of check up

but also, more about how we accelerate

to the end of the year, so you get so much more done.

I love this time of year

because a lot of people

completely take their foot off the gas,

which I love.

I'm all for going for vacations.

Many of you guys have seen from the blogs

we've been in Indonesia, we've been Puerto Rico,

Dominican Republic.

We've been all around.

Been really fun.

And I'm really focused on making sure

that I crush it these next couple months

because look, this year's gone fast, right?

So I wanna congratulate you for being here

because ultimately today's gonna be

a real gut check to how much you can accomplish

in the remaining months of this year

and I'd love to do that right now.

So I'm getting really serious right now

and we're gonna do a real strategic session with you

and we're gonna jump right in

'cause I've got a ton to give you today.

First idea, remember these are five things

to help you accelerate your achievement

by the end of the year.

Write 'em down in your journal

and let's get in your head

thinking about the rest of the year, okay?

Number one big huge thing,

one hour more per day on my core three.

Okay, I begin this every year.

I go okay, first move, I need to identify

what are the core three things right now

that have been bringing me results this year?

The core three things.

So as an example, 'cause I'm an entrepreneur

like many of you guys are, in my business I go okay,

what are the three primary revenue drivers

we have right now?

Because just like you if you are in marketing.

You probably tested a lot of things

throughout the early part of the year, the spring,

even the early part of summer.

So my question is what's been working

and I mean absolutely working?

What are the three absolute best things

that are working for you in your business

or your career or your personal life

if you're not employed or self-employed?

What's absolutely, the three things

that are so working for you?

I want you to know what those three things are

and overall, I want you to give an hour every day more

to a focus of one, two, or three, all three of those things.

So let me give an example.

Right now in my business, one of my core three

is our book funnel.

So for me, as you guys know, as an author and a trainer,

when I sell books that's good for the business.

We sell books, then people want online courses,

then they wanna come to our seminars,

then someday they might join our program

like we're doing here at our live events

or our masterminds, or they might hire us for a coach.

They might hire me for speaking.

But the book is a big core three for the business, right?

And so right now I go okay,

I need every single day, the rest of this year,

to give more time to that thing.

Every day, not on a Wednesday, not on a Sat,

like every day I need to check on the numbers,

create a new ad, flip out a page,

I need to lead my team better on it,

something every day for that one thing.

Make sense?

So if you got three things, what I want,

I want an hour more.

So that might mean 20 minutes, 20 minutes, and 20 minutes.

So you give them 20 minutes more each day

or maybe you just choose one

and you're gonna give that an hour more a day.

But it's basically this,

one more work hour of the day

focused on one of the core three.

Got it?

Write it down.

And this, for you, I want you to start this today, today.

If that means you're watching this in Munich, Germany,

and we finish this tonight

and you stay up one more hour, I'm like cheers man, do that.

But it's like today.

For those of you who are here in the U.S. in this time zone,

I'm like today.

One more hour on focusing.

I often call it the core three or the needle movers,

the primary three things that are working.

I need an hour more from you a day

for the rest of the year.

And you will thank me for the next decade.

You'll be like oh my God Brendon.

Because what happens is, and you know this,

you're getting caught up in distraction.

And so right now people are lackadaisical

and they're not focused on the right things.

So I want you to think, where are you distracted?

I want you to clear out distractions.

I want you to say the core three things in my business are,

and I need you to give an hour more a day on those.

That's it.

If you'll start that now,

and you'll punch in that hour more,

every day until Thanksgiving,

I promise your Christmas will be unbelievable.

People are always surprised at how myself, my team,

we SWAT team the fall.

We do like four, five events.

We're out on the road.

I'm totally booked.

I'm slammed in September.

But I always know that in the summer.

'Cause right now I start thinking, what are the main things?

And while I get slammed in the fall,

just like you, for the holidays and for the business

or the traveling or the conferences,

the other thing I do though,

I'm able to do all that because right now,

this time of year, I identify what's been working

and I kind of double down on those,

give 'em more, one hour more.

'Cause think about, maybe you're a coach

or a certified high performance coach

or a business coach or a life coach,

and you're like I've been doing this one thing

that's been giving me most of my clients.

I'm like well that would be one of the core three.

Do that more an hour a day

and then thank me two months from now.

I need one more hour guys, one more hour a day

on the core three.

So there's two parts here right?

You need to identify your core three.

What are the core three things

that are working the best for you,

and then how are you gonna get that hour

and how are you going to divvy that up?

Is that hour more each day,

you're gonna do 20 minutes, 20 minutes, 20 minutes

for an hour a day or are you gonna focus

on okay, this week one hour a day

more on this core number one,

next week, one more hour a day on core number two, or three?

I don't know what it is for you but I need that hour.

One more hour a day on the core three,

either all of them together or one at a time.

I promise you, if that's all you get

for the next hour and a half from me, you will thank me.

I will get the best Christmas cards from you.

I mean they will just be filled up with the money

and I'll be so excited to get your Christmas cookies

because you'll be like Brendon thank you so much

for that one hour core three thing,

I achieved more in the second half of this year

than I've ever achieved in the second half of the year

my entire life.

One hour guys, one hour.

Second big idea, and I love this one,

significant growth rule.

And here's what the significant growth rule means.

I look at everything I'm doing right now, everything,

for my business right now, and I go okay,

of all these things I'm doing,

which ones will lead to significant growth this year?

Which ones will lead to significant growth this year?

Everything else, everything else I start pushing out

on the calendar?

Whether I push it out two, three, four months from now

or I push it 'til next year,

but I do a real close look of all of my activities.

I look at my partnerships, my relationships.

I look at everything I'm doing

in terms of marketing funnels or brand building

or when I'm doing the marketplace

or when I'm doing my career,

and I go which ones of these things

are leading to significant growth?

And if it is not leading to significant growth

I need to minimize that time.

Now I know you might say, well what's the difference

between a core three and a significant growth rule?

Well the significant growth rule is

for the rest of the year, the core three you already know.

The core three are the three things you're already doing

that are getting results.

The significant growth rule is

all these new ideas people are gonna give you

and put on your plate in August and September

and October and November.

Everyone's gonna give you some more things to do right?

There's gonna be new opportunities.

And every new opportunity or every new idea,

your thing has to be this time of year.

Will that lead to significant growth this year?

If it is maybe you can add that on to your work load,

because remember, I'm just asking for an hour here.

Maybe you can add that on.

But if a project comes your way

and it doesn't lead to significant growth,

at this stage of the year,

and it won't lead to significant growth

the rest of this year, I'm out, I'm out.

So I turned down two or three projects just last night,

good ideas, great ideas.

But I know those won't lead to significant growth

until next year.

So I'm like, not until next year.

Because I know that instead, if I focus on these things,

the core three, or other projects that I do know

lead to significant growth.

In other words, significant growth

is a way for you to prioritize and say no.

I don't want you taking on any new projects

at this stage of the year

if you don't believe they'll lead

to real growth by the end of the year,

because you could just focus on these more, right?

It's that old story of acres of the diamonds.

People travel all around the world

looking for the treasure and working so hard,

looking for the new new thing.

And then they come home and one day

they put the spade in the backyard

and they dig up some diamonds right?

Often your next big breakthrough, you already,

it's already in your yard.

What I tell people all the time,

you've probably already met the person

who's gonna help you generate your next $100,000,

your next million dollars.

You've already met, they're already in your network.

But you're spending all this time

to go do all these other things.

You already met the person

who's gonna make you your next million dollars

or give you access to an audience,

or give you access to an opportunity.

You've already met the person

but you're out there searching for new

and you're accepting all these new ideas.

And as you accept new ideas as a high performer,

what does that do?

That crowds out other things.

And so from this day forward until the end of the year

I want you to have the significant growth rule.

Will this project lead to significant growth

by the end of the year?

If not, table it.

People always say, but Brendon,

if I pass up that opportunity

it might not ever come around again.

I'm like, what are you, 20 years old?

Only 20 year olds believe that.

By the time you're 30 and 40

you kind of recognize things come into your life

in waves and in circles and in rhythms.

And you don't worry that one day

you're gonna run out of opportunities.

That fomo stuff, leave that to the 20 and 30 year olds.

You're ready.

You got it.

The world is never gonna dry up of opportunities

on you one day, right?

The only way that would ever happen

is if your mindset closed out everything because of fear.

But the world, man, have we ever lived in a time

of more opportunity?

So don't worry about saying no to something

that isn't significant growth for you.

Focus on your core three

where everything else you're doing,

your brand, your business, that is working,

or could lead to significant growth.

Third big idea, which I love, is my 45 day quit rule.

Now this is one of those things

I think I mentioned in the email announcing this,

you guys aren't gonna wanna do.

There's two things on here

I know you're not gonna wanna do.

This one I forced myself to do.

Here's what the 45 day quit rule is,

and it's hard for me.

I hate this one.

I look at all my big project ideas.

I don't know about you, but I have a journal

with all my big ideas in it, or my vision board,

or I have an Excel spreadsheet of all these different ideas

and projects I wanna do.

And I've got, as an example right now,

I know my next six books I'm going to write.

I know 'em.

I know my next three campaigns I'm gonna launch.

I know 'em.

But here's what I have to force myself to do

and I don't like it.

I say, okay, if this is a major project that I want to do,

even if it could lead to significant growth,

if I'm not going to start it, listen to this,

if I'm not gonna start it in the next 45 days,

it's off my plate until next year.

And I push it to 2019.

I literally just take it from my journal,

my little bucket of things I wanna do this year,

and I put it out into 2019 and I feel so mentally relieved.

A lot of people have a lot of anxiety

about the number of projects they have on their plate

that they really wanna do.

And so what ends up happening

is that anxiety leads to a lot of procrastination.

That anxiety leads to a lot of poor prioritization

'cause there's so much to do.

They're like oh my God, there's so much to do here

so I won't do any of it.

You ever had that?

Have you ever found yourself in front of Netflix

going oh my God, I have so much to do,

but I just watched the fourth video in the third season?

Has that ever happened?

You have so much to do, and that's the problem.

You have so much to do that you haven't prioritized

what you are going to do, so you don't do anything.

So what I do is this time of year,

I look at all those things that are on my plate,

and I get honest.

Which ones am I gonna start in the next 45 days?

And if I'm not gonna start in the next 45 day, pop,

put into 2019.

Now it's not even on my mental concern.

It's not even on my dashboard.

No anxiety there.

No oh my God, I still gotta get that one in.

No, it's gone.

That's the 45 day quit rule.

I encourage you to challenge yourself to try it.

Okay, fourth big idea, the deliver excellence rule.

This is another prioritization move for me.

It's like okay, someone throws a big opportunity to me.

It could lead to significant growth.

I could get it going

but it compromises the deliver excellence rule,

which is wait, if I take on these, anything here,

would that prevent me from delivering

what I already promised, the best that I could?

For me, I'm very stretched in my schedule,

I mean, very stretched.

I gotta get a lot done during the day.

Big team, big brand, big business, big clients.

I gotta be, man, I gotta be good.

But lots of great opportunities come my way

that could be significant growth this year

but then the second level of that evaluative tool

is to say huh, if I do that though,

will that steal away from something

I already promised to somebody I care about

or who's important to our business?

Will that make me fail to deliver what I wanted to deliver?

And so I gotta be honest and I gotta prioritize.

And I am, if you saw how much I work

to prioritize things.

It doesn't mean I don't leave things.

I mean I'm sure my team could tell you

a hundred things I haven't done

that I'm supposed to or whatever.

So it doesn't mean I'm perfect.

It just means I work really hard at it.

I'm very diligent and focused on it

because I got people counting on me.

I got you, and I know you got people counting on you too.

So if something comes up

and it's like this great idea, but you're honestly,

it doesn't lead to significant growth

or you're not gonna start it, park it.

But also, if it is something

that you could get going and it would lead

to significant growth, but it's gonna screw up

what you already promised, don't break your integrity.

Put that thing back in that parking lot.

I'll start it in January.

It will give you so much mental freedom.

Your tendency, high performer, to over-commit yourself

is actually stealing from your ability

to make good choices, to feel the day, to win the day.

And so you've gotta kind of re-evaluate where you're at

and what you're doing.

And so you gotta be willing to tell people I'm sorry,

with your fancy new idea that seems like an emergency

or so important, not this year.

This is the phrase I want you to write down in your journal,

not this year.

Write this down, not this year.

And I'm telling you, doesn't it feel,

I know you're sitting at home

and maybe this is a little weird,

but just say it with me, not this year.

I know we covered a lot of big ideas today

and tons of training.

This is one of my favorite sessions we've ever done.

So, look forward to hearing your awesome success stories.

I can't wait to get your envelopes

full of cookies and money because you go

oh my God, Brendon, I achieved more this fall

than I've ever done in my life.

Go perform at your best 'cause the world needs you

at your best.

We'll see you soon.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Tactics to Finish 2018 Strong - Duration: 18:13.


Will Charming Ash Impress With His Italian? | First Dates Hotel - Duration: 5:12.

When I find someone I really care about yeah I'm a bit sopping a bit romancey no

I want to meet someone just really sweet smart cuz I'm not so one of us has to be

just a proper like English rose to not I mean Ash's English Rose may be closer

than he thinks oh I know I've got this is receptionist Rachel would your mom

like you to be a judge man yes she would as all she talks about if I ever mention

anyone Jewish it's like have you heard from him is he temperature if he kissed

him you've been in a date yet it's a cool show when you going out next to my

mum this is why I don't tell you things you look lovely

Thank You Sonia later I'm not bothered about them with a Jewish boy Shh I'm

gonna kill me for saying that but I would love to find a boyfriend

my blind date in Italy is just perfect

it's very gentleman see ya so now you do the same at the table with a girl maybe

feel like just a little be the hand

maybe you can look at her more in the - oh I can you are my queen that thing

said Bella bellissima maybe she said who is this man it's the

man of my dreams to dress I mean he's got everything distress she's

Casanova I'm right place I can see thank you

hello hi going good I need a drink something quite sweet I got off menu for

you yes where have you come from so I live in London but I'm really from

up north what about yourself I live in a shit

Vanessa it's okay cool yeah thank you so much cheers by the way so kind of like

what you normally do not your spare time and stuff us and father hiking boots

even like when it's raining I love getting caught in the rain and then like

you come back to a little cottage and stuff in a night it's just so nice in

there I really like romance are you ready yes I feel like I've never had a

lot of luck with guys I've been cheated on like three times and being cheated on

is probably the worst thing that they could happen in a relationship so loti

is like huge I get on the piano later can you be up here no no no kind of play

the guitar but I want someone to kind of draw a line under all that and start

fresh thank you cheers thank you yeah I might

serenade you there I would like a gentleman

oh can I say so would you like any wine yeah Reds yeah I

like that okay ready bossy are more than without

just ordered like four bottles wide or birthday cake make sure you subscribe to

get a regular serving of love and romance


For more infomation >> Will Charming Ash Impress With His Italian? | First Dates Hotel - Duration: 5:12.


Introducing Microsoft Surface Headphones - Duration: 1:03.

>> Hey Cortana, when's my next meeting?

>> Your next meeting is at 11:00 a.m.

>> Hello?

For more infomation >> Introducing Microsoft Surface Headphones - Duration: 1:03.


MSIX inside and out - BRK2467 - Duration: 1:14:17.

For more infomation >> MSIX inside and out - BRK2467 - Duration: 1:14:17.


The new Surface Pro 6 and Adam Wilson — Building robots and a business - Duration: 0:31.

I'm always going to be a maker

And I think a company is the coolest thing you can build.

I'm Adam, and I make robots.

You never know when inspiration's going to strike

So I take my Surface Pro everywhere.

Part of an entrepreneur's job is to get stuff done

I like to do like four things at once.

The new Surface Pro can handle all of my programs

I can paint, I can mold, I can code

I have it on all the time. It's fantastic.

We get to build toys for kids and change the world.

It's a big deal.

For more infomation >> The new Surface Pro 6 and Adam Wilson — Building robots and a business - Duration: 0:31.


Unboxing My 300 Gallon Aquarium! - Duration: 3:17.

This is part 4 in a series of videos about my new 300 gallon tank from Custom Aquariums.

If you missed the first 3 parts I will link to a playlist for the project down in the

video description.

When we last saw the tank, it was being loaded onto a truck at the Custom Aquarium's headquarters

up in Wisconsin.

About a week later, it finally arrived at my door.

Getting the crates off of the truck was a bit of a challenge but we made it work.

Then it was just a matter of getting them up the driveway and into the garage.

The first crate was the tank, and the second one was the stand, canopy, and sump.

And the whole time we were doing this I was just wondering what everything looked like


Fortunately, it was fine.

When I took all of the wood off of the outside, this is what I found.

I had seen examples of this packaging on my tour and it's definitely effective.

But see how it looks once all of this stuff has been removed.

The tank is 96 inches long by 30 inches high by 24 inches deep.

The glass on the front, back and bottom is 5/8" thick,

and the front panel is their ultra clear glass, which is low iron.

The sides are both 1/2" thick.

There are 7 holes drilled in the tank.

Two holes in the middle for the overflows,

Four smaller holes for the returns,

and then one custom hole in the bottom corner for draining the tank

as I mentioned in my last video.

Those overflow holes will have something called a Stealthbox attached,

which is an option that Custom Aquariums offers.

It allows you to add a way to quiet your overflow system,

using a durso, herbie, or beananimal setup depending on your preference.

I'll get into more detail on that in a future video.

The tank shipped with a pad underneath it which is the same pad that will go under the


when it's on the stand.

Speaking of the stand,

this is what they call their Contemporary Stand in black.

It is kind of hard to really see it well out here in the garage

but it's very nice.

The doors have locks and there are no visible hinges.

If you noticed the cardboard boxes inside the tank earlier,

One of those boxes contained the Stealthbox and other plumbing,

and the other two were full of these suction cups

that will be used to move the tank.

Those are actually a rental.

I'll be sending them back to Custom Aquariums when I'm done.

And last but not least, here is the sump.

I pulled it out of the stand and moved it down here to the basement

so that you could actually see it.

It has three parts,

the first part is this dual sock tub that has two huge filter socks hanging in it.

Those overflow into the second part which is the baffle tub.

That tub has 5 baskets in it for media and is also where my heaters will go.

And then the last tub is a reservoir tub

that can be used for lots of things.

In my case it's mostly extra water volume,

but we'll see.

So now I just have a ton of work to do to get everything ready

before I move out the old tank and move in the new one.

Speaking of which,

I mentioned this back in the first video,

but if you're anywhere near Central Ohio and are willing to come help out with the tank


it's going to be happening Sunday, October 7th.

That's 2018 for anyone watching way in the future.

It should be very quick, especially the more people we have,

and I will be providing pizza and beer.

And who knows, you might even be in a video!

If you can help, please leave a comment below,

or even better, send me an email.

You can find the address on the 'about' page of my channel.

Thanks everyone for watching,

and until next time, have a good one.

For more infomation >> Unboxing My 300 Gallon Aquarium! - Duration: 3:17.


How to Make a Christmas Box with Making Christmas Bright - Duration: 12:10.

hi thanks for joining me this is angie at chicnscratch this is the box we're

making today it opens up just like that it's a nice sized box okay let me give

you two supplies okay so we're using gray granite cardstock that measures

eight and a half by nine and three-quarters and then we're using the

festive farmhouse designer series paper we have five pieces at the top of the

box measures three and a quarter by two and three quarters the front and the

back these panels right here measure three and a quarter by one and

three-eighths and in the side pieces measure two and three quarters by one

and three-eighths I love this pack of paper okay we also got some real red for

our scalloped circle here from the layer in circles framelits and then this piece

measures five eighths by five and the other piece of gray granite measures

three quarters by five and then some whisper white for our image here okay so

I'm going to get out the simply scored scoring tool and we'll score our box

first okay I'm gonna place it on the nine and

three-quarters side I call that the landscape side and I'm gonna score it at

a half an inch

three and a half five and an eight eight and I'm gonna turn it on the eight and a

half inch side which I call that the portrait side and I'm gonna score it at

seven eight and two and a half and I'm gonna do that on both sides so I can

seven eight and two and a half I did use my take your pick tool to score I love

it okay so while I'm folding on the score lines I'll tell you about my our

our Stampin Anonymous tutorials this box is actually similar to one of the

projects in our tutorials it is free with any size order this month and I'll

show you a little oil glanced at it the projects are super cute so here's a

little glance at it these are all the pages and all the instructions and

everything okay now let's take our scissors and what we want to do is make

sure that we keep this half-inch section either at the bottom or the top because

this is the top of your box okay so I'm gonna turn it to my left it's over here

now and I'm gonna cut up to the score line on each of these I like to know

exactly where that half-inch piece is so that I don't cut the wrong piece so now

again there's that half-inch I'm going to turn it over it's gonna be on the

bottom now and I'm going to remove this entire section okay the next piece I

want to there's no score line right here but I'm actually gonna cut right there

in the middle and I'm gonna skip this piece don't cut that one and then I'm

going to cut this one I want to give both of these tabs an

angle trim which just helps assemble our box now we're going to repeat that

entire process over here on this side okay so I'm going to remove this entire

section and then cut up to the score line the inspiration sheet will have the

diagram for this okay okay I need to do an angle cut on these pieces here so

angle angle on this side okay I believe we are done cutting now we're going to

take the detail trio punch and round

just these okay that's it so here's our box now I'm gonna fold it

and make sure that I got everything done correctly before I put my adhesive and I

did so yeah so let's get some tearing tape and we're just gonna place adhesive

on those four tabs

I can't remember if I said that this was my Facebook live project yeah so we're

going to remove the backing of the tear in tape okay there's our box now let's

decorate it I'm going to turn all the designer series paper over and add the

adhesive gray granite has turned into one of my favorite colors this season on

my facebook live video I showed them all three of the grays the basic gray and

the smoky slate with the gray granite and there's just something about this

color that I really like I think I said last night the basic Gray's a little

dark the smoky slates a little light and this one is just a happy medium

okay there's that part now we're gonna take the whisper white cardstock and

although we're using great granite card stock I'm using basic gray ink you can

use these Gray's together okay so I'm gonna start with the mayor Christmas B

and this stamp set is making Christmas bright I love it love the font I

probably should have stamped the circle first just to make sure that I I was

stamping that in the proper place but it should be okay yep that looks good so

we're going to cut that out with the two and a quarter circle punch and then

we're going to get out the big shot and we're going to cut out our scalloped

circle that is from the layering circles framelits that is one of my staple frame

once I use it all the time take that real red cardstock I keep my scraps of

cardstock in a drawer and so I just reach in and grab a scrap so I didn't I

didn't cut this piece just for that scalloped circle sometimes people ask

why did I have such a big piece of cardstock when it didn't require it's

just because I reached in my scraps folder okay so now we're just going to

take our snail and add right there we're gonna take our two pieces here and we're

going to use the banner triple punch and we're going to flag the ends and I

believe during my live video I had stated that I probably cut these a

little too long for the box we'll see ya so five inches isn't really

necessary I'd always rather it be a little too big than too little because

you can keep trimming to make it smaller but once you make it too small then

you're out of luck you know what I mean okay so I'm going to take the real red

and add that just right in the middle I like that it's hanging over a tad and

then I'll add the gray granite this piece is going to get added with

dimensionals I'm using three because I'm actually going to use this box sometimes

I only use one or two but if I'm gonna use it put something in there and give

it away then I want more and now we're gonna take galvanized buttons along with

the silver and white Baker's twine this is so pretty

while I'm tallying this the farmhouse Christmas bundle is going to be my stamp

kit of the Month for October so I'll be working on that later this week so that

hopefully I can post things next week for it okay now I'm gonna use my paper

piercer to place this on there and let me show you what I mean so I'm going to

take the glue dot and place it right there in the middle and then so I

explained on my live video that the reason I do that is oftentimes when I go

to put a glue dot on this particular twine I sometimes find myself

accidentally untying the bow when I try to pick up the glue dot so I use my

paper piercer so that I have better control if that makes sense so now I've

got to put my glue dot here you can either put it on there or you can put it

on this but yeah

it wants to be difficult right there's always one there we go

okay so this is my original this is the one we just made pretty cute right

thanks a lot have a great day bye you

For more infomation >> How to Make a Christmas Box with Making Christmas Bright - Duration: 12:10.


How to get Your Phone app - Duration: 0:52.


For more infomation >> How to get Your Phone app - Duration: 0:52.


Ensure application availability with cloud-based disaster recovery Azure Site - BRK3078 - Duration: 41:17.

For more infomation >> Ensure application availability with cloud-based disaster recovery Azure Site - BRK3078 - Duration: 41:17.


Windows 10 October 2018 Update - Learning Tools for Microsoft Edge - Duration: 0:53.

>> Sometimes everyone needs a little bit of help reading,

whether your environment is too distracting or

you have learning challenges such as dyslexia.

Learning tools and Microsoft Edge is

introducing even more features to help.

I simply click here and enable learning tools.

Here I can increase the text

spacing to help reading fluency.

I can also switch between a wide array of

background colors for an easier reading experience.

Also, I can break down words

into syllables or parts of speech,

such as nouns, verbs or adjectives.

And if I spot a word I don't know,

I can just highlight it and

the offline dictionary feature pops right up.

Finally, a Microsoft Edge is Reading View.

You can use Line focus which allows you to see

just the words you are trying to

read in a distraction free environment.

For more infomation >> Windows 10 October 2018 Update - Learning Tools for Microsoft Edge - Duration: 0:53.


Here & Now Tuesday October 2 2018 - Duration: 1:03:22.

For more infomation >> Here & Now Tuesday October 2 2018 - Duration: 1:03:22.


Bajan violentamente a un pasajero de un avión | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Bajan violentamente a un pasajero de un avión | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.


The Palestinian Kids Fighting Occupation | Direct From With Dena Takruri - AJ+ - Duration: 22:07.

Nabi Saleh: A tiny village in the occupied West Bank that has been waging

a sustained, unarmed resistance movement against Israel's military rule.

This is the birthplace of Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian

teenager who confronted armed Israeli soldiers in front of her house ...

and served eight months in prison.

Her slap reverberated around the world,

catapulting her into the international spotlight as a symbol of Palestinian resistance.

In the days leading up to her release, I came to Nabi Saleh to learn Ahed's backstory,

and to experience for myself daily life in this village, which is

being choked by an illegal Israeli settlement and which suffers regular

violence from the occupation forces. I wanted to hear what lies ahead for the

young generation of Palestinians growing up under an occupation with no end in sight.

We're in the Palestinian town of Nabi Saleh, in the occupied West Bank, where

Ahed Tamimi grew up. And right across the road over there is the illegal Israeli

settlement of Halamish. And the presence of those settlers, and the many

soldiers deployed here to protect them, has made life for villagers in Nabi Saleh a living hell.

These are regular scenes in Nabi Saleh. Israeli soldiers

firing tear gas, skunk water, rubber-coated steel bullets, and even

live ammunition, while unarmed Palestinians march carrying flags and

banners, and sometimes throwing stones. For the past decade, the villagers have

led a popular nonviolent resistance movement to protest the Israeli settlers'

creeping confiscation of their land and resources. This resistance campaign began

in 2009, after settlers took control of a natural spring that's owned by one of

the elders in the village. The Tamimi family traces its roots back to Nabi

Saleh for hundreds of years. More than 500 people live here, most of them

extended family. Across the road, the Israeli settlement of Halamish was

created in 1977. It's one of more than 200 settlements in the West Bank built

on occupied Palestinian land, in violation of international law. Before

you can even enter Nabi Saleh, you have to pass by the settlement and an army

base to protect it. An army observation balloon with cameras monitors the

village at all times. International law allows Palestinians to resist occupation,

even via armed struggle within the bounds of the laws of armed conflict. The

villagers of Nabi Saleh have chosen a nonviolent path.

But the Army's response has been anything but nonviolent.

Ahed's life changed on December 15, the day

her 15-year-old cousin, Mohammad, was shot in the head at close range by an Israeli soldier.

His injuries were so severe, he had to be put into a medically induced coma, and he

lost an entire part of his skull.

Hours after Mohammed was shot, Ahed confronted two armed

soldiers in front of her family's house.

The incident was filmed and shared on social media by her mother, Nariman,

who would later be arrested and charged with incitement. Millions around the

world were captivated by the image of a young girl showing no fear as she hits

out at heavily armed soldiers. Four days after, Israeli soldiers came to

her house in the middle of the night and arrested her.

While filming around Nabi Saleh, we were stopped several times by various Israeli soldiers.

So they just told us that we're not allowed to film that either.

And we were stopped by a guard for the settlement.

What are we allowed to film?

– Not the settlements?

– OK. Is that a law?

– In the Torah. Oh OK, so we're following the law of the Torah so no filming the settlements.

– Don't photo.

OK, alright.

A few miles outside of Nabi Saleh, Israeli

soldiers threw a stun grenade at us for filming around a checkpoint.

– OK, Alright. Put the camera down. I don't speak Hebrew, I'm an American jour–


Like elsewhere in the West Bank, childhood for the youth of Nabi Saleh

is anything but normal. For many here, it's not a matter of if they'll get arrested, but when.

Because of that, the adults in the village organize regular

training sessions where they simulate the experience of getting arrested,

detained and interrogated to teach the children their rights and what to expect.

During her hours-long interrogation, Ahed remained silent, refusing even to say her name.

As many as 700 Palestinian children under the age of 18 from the

occupied West Bank are prosecuted every year through Israeli military courts.

They're not accompanied by a parent, and are often interrogated without a lawyer

or being informed of their right to silence. Over the last three years, the

Palestinian child prisoner population has doubled.

Ahed's first cousin, 11-year-old Samer, became known as "Spider-Man," because he regularly dressed up as his

favorite comic book hero during the weekly marches. He liked how Spider-Man

helped people and thought wearing his costume would give him special powers.

I asked him what happened to his eye.

There are so many remnants of tear gas and sound-bomb

canisters left behind by Israeli soldiers, Samer's family hung them up in

front of the entrance of their home. His mother, Manal, told me why.

Manal says she's been injured countless

times during the villages protests – one time even getting shot in the leg with a live bullet.

And she's been arrested three times. The last time was during a

women's sit-in outside the military court at one of Israel's prisons, one week after Ahed was arrested.

Why did they hit you when you were arrested the last time?

Just days after she was released, Israeli soldiers arrested her teenage

son Mohammed from their home. And like Ahed's arrest, it happened in the middle of the night.

I asked Manal why they arrested him.

Stone-throwing is the most common charge levied against

Palestinian children and is punishable by up to 20 years in prison under

Israeli military law. After being arrested, children are taken to

interrogation, where they're often tied at the hands and feet, denied food and

water, and are physically and verbally abused.

Manal says her son Mohammed's interrogation was so severe, it nearly broke him.

Mohammad's brother Osama, who was

arrested 10 days after him, was forced to watch his brother's interrogation – a form of psychological torture.

How do you feel, as a mother, having two sons in Israeli prison right now?

Israel's occupation, which is more than half a century old and with no end in sight,

puts Palestinians in the West Bank under Israeli military law and a system that

denies them the legal rights of citizens. Israeli settlers living in the same

territory have full democratic rights and are governed by Israeli civilian law.

That means a Palestinian and an Israeli settler can commit the same exact crime,

but be tried in different courts, with different outcomes. Under the military

court system, Palestinians face a conviction rate higher than 99%.

This dual and discriminatory legal system has been denounced by many in the

international community as exemplifying apartheid.

As part of the preparations

for Ahed and her mom's return home, they're about to raise a Palestinian flag right now.

I wanted to visit their home to see how the rest of the family

was doing – with half of its members imprisoned by Israel. Ahed's older

brother, Waed. has also been in jail since May, serving an 18-month sentence for

throwing stones. Her father, Bassem, is one of the leaders of the grassroots

resistance here. He's been arrested by Israel several times and was tortured in jail.

You guys filmed Ahed as she slapped the soldier, and you decided to publish

the video knowing very well that she might be arrested she might go to prison. Why did you do that?

Knowing that she went to jail because of the video, do you regret publishing it?

You would do it again?

Why do you say that it's normal?

In the meantime, the emotional scars left on his children

are evident. Bassem says his son Mohammed,

nicknamed Abu Yazan, copes with the absence of his mother, sister and brother

by telling himself that they're just away on vacation.

He's in denial.

But that's not where the trauma for these children ends. Earlier this

year, Samer witnessed his 21-year-old cousin,

Izz Al-din Tamimi, get shot and killed in his backyard by an Israeli soldier.

The following footage is graphic.

Israeli soldiers left Izz bleeding for 30

minutes before eventually transferring him to a military vehicle. Once there, he

was held for another 15 minutes without medical attention.

The soldiers then surrendered him to an ambulance. But it was all too late.

The trauma that children like Samer witness is even apparent in the games they play.

Ahed's story has cast a spotlight on a new generation of Palestinian youth – their plight, their

hopes and their increasing influence in the resistance against Israel's rule

over them. It's a generation with less loyalty to the different political

factions, and growing disenchantment with the Palestinian Authority, whose security

forces have coordinated closely with Israel for more than two decades.

What do you think Ahed's generation will accomplish that your generation wasn't able to?

12-year-old Salam is Ahed's youngest brother.

While Ahed's incarceration made international headlines, it is not unique.

Last year, Israel arrested 1,467 Palestinian minors. And there are

currently around 60 Palestinian females in Israeli prison, many of whom have

longer and harsher sentences than Ahed. The lack of attention other prisoners

get is a reality that Ahed's own family members acknowledge.

Ahed has captivated the world partly because she is a woman, she's a female –

As the hours count down for Ahed and her

mother's return home, the future for this village and for the Palestinian people remains grim.

It's been almost a decade since you guys started your marches and

protests. And during these past years you've lost so many relatives – they've

lost their lives or they've been in jail. Do you think it was worth it, and was it the right strategy?

In part 2 of this series ...

This is total chaos right now.

Ahed Tamimi is released from prison in a chaotic and emotional day.

I sit down with the Palestinian teen icon to hear what's next for her.

Hey guys, it's Dena and that's life in Nabi Saleh.

Make sure you check out part 2 of this series, which is the day of Ahed Tamimi's

release, and my one-on-one interview with her. Please make sure to like and share

this video and subscribe to AJ+.

For more infomation >> The Palestinian Kids Fighting Occupation | Direct From With Dena Takruri - AJ+ - Duration: 22:07.


Suspect Arrested After Mother Assaulted And Robbed - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Suspect Arrested After Mother Assaulted And Robbed - Duration: 2:09.


Tren arrastra a una mujer y de milagro se salvó | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Tren arrastra a una mujer y de milagro se salvó | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.


USA VS COLOMBIA l which one was my best experience ? - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> USA VS COLOMBIA l which one was my best experience ? - Duration: 10:02.


Red Tide Testing Underway At Miami-Dade, Broward Beaches - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Red Tide Testing Underway At Miami-Dade, Broward Beaches - Duration: 2:39.


Tras las rejas mujer que golpeaba a su madre de 80 años | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Tras las rejas mujer que golpeaba a su madre de 80 años | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 Titanium Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 Titanium Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:03.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 122PK Ambition NAVI XENON PDC - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 122PK Ambition NAVI XENON PDC - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> SIGES SOLUTIONS ALCOBENDAS A 3 0 FUNDAL ALCOBENDAS B Cadete A - Duration: 1:01:11.


Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk Xcellence Launch Edition | DAB | Parkeercamera | - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk Xcellence Launch Edition | DAB | Parkeercamera | - Duration: 1:08.


Ford EcoSport - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Ford EcoSport - Duration: 0:52.


Kia Picanto Comfortplusline Navigator 4Z - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto Comfortplusline Navigator 4Z - Duration: 1:11.


Škoda Fabia 1.0 TSI Greentech 110pk DSG-7 Drive + Tech pakket - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.0 TSI Greentech 110pk DSG-7 Drive + Tech pakket - Duration: 1:13.


章子怡,你太狂了! - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> 章子怡,你太狂了! - Duration: 8:39.


Jury adjourns for the day, still no verdict in Kevin Olsen rape case - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Jury adjourns for the day, still no verdict in Kevin Olsen rape case - Duration: 1:53.


2 possible cases of parents throwing cayenne pepper on children in Brevard - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> 2 possible cases of parents throwing cayenne pepper on children in Brevard - Duration: 1:50.


The Letter N Song | Alphabet Jam | Pevan & Sarah | Learn the alphabet - Duration: 1:43.

♫ It's Pevan & Sarah ♫

♫ Alphabet Jam by Pevan & Sarah ♫

Can you say the letter N?


Can you say the letter N?


Can you say the letter N?


Good job!

There's 26 letters that you need to know,

You can learn them, so let me show you

How to do it, there's really nothing to it,

Pevan & Sarah gonna get straight to it!





Your turn!

You rock!

Can you say the letter N?


Can you say the letter N?


Can you say the letter N?


Good job!

N makes a 'n' sound, n...n...n.

N makes a 'n' sound, n...n...n.

N makes a 'n' sound, n...n...n.

N makes a 'n' sound, n...n...n.

♫ Alphabet Jam by Pevan & Sarah ♫

For more infomation >> The Letter N Song | Alphabet Jam | Pevan & Sarah | Learn the alphabet - Duration: 1:43.


For more infomation >> The Letter N Song | Alphabet Jam | Pevan & Sarah | Learn the alphabet - Duration: 1:43.


10/2/18 1:05 PM (138 N Beaudry Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA) - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 10/2/18 1:05 PM (138 N Beaudry Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA) - Duration: 2:12.


For more infomation >> 10/2/18 1:05 PM (138 N Beaudry Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA) - Duration: 2:12.


VOSTFR] [EPISODE 2] Cardfight Vanguard Official Animation - Un combat sérieux - Duration: 26:47.

For more infomation >> VOSTFR] [EPISODE 2] Cardfight Vanguard Official Animation - Un combat sérieux - Duration: 26:47.


For more infomation >> VOSTFR] [EPISODE 2] Cardfight Vanguard Official Animation - Un combat sérieux - Duration: 26:47.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Retail: Choosing the best deployment and rollout options - BRK3403 - Duration: 42:33.

For more infomation >> Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Retail: Choosing the best deployment and rollout options - BRK3403 - Duration: 42:33.


For more infomation >> Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Retail: Choosing the best deployment and rollout options - BRK3403 - Duration: 42:33.



- Can you talk please ?

- Yes Hello I'm Eliane Cheung.

I'm going to make a chicken recipe with lemon and ginger

it's a super simple recipe, there are only 4 ingredients.

So it's « chicken for dummies ».

- Okay, we start? - Well I'll start with rice.

- Hey, this is your "Rice Cooker" ?! - Yeah.

- It's tiny !!!

- So I wash the rice - How do you do ?

- I rinse it like that until the water is clear.

- Ah well, that's it!

- May I introduce you Thierry. - Hello Thierry.

- I surprised him once to make rice without rinsing it at all so I shouted at him.

- But I do not rinse it. - ... Seriously ?!?

Ginger, I do not peel it. My parents use it like that.

- Are your parents downstairs? - Yeah they are downstairs.

- They do caterers and I go down with my tray and then I come back with lots of stuff to eat.

And Sunday we go to lunch at home

And it is the feast

And sugar is a candy sugar found in Asian supermarkets.

I do it colorful a little bit

I don't know what's going on, but in principle it's an inescapable recipe.

I installed my office here. - Do you draw a lot right now?

- I draw a lot to finish a big project and there ...

I have not drawn for a week.

-Oh no it will burn.

I move aside, I put on the sides, and I add the chicken.

- Okay to the maximum temperature, all this to the max? - Yeah I'll go down after

because the chicken must be made a little colorful too.

- Basically you put the ginger. And then you put the chicken. And then you put the lemon ...

- Yeah and after that it's even easier.

And now that it's on a low heat, I leave leather one hour.

- And then you caramelize afterwards. - Yeah.

I put a quick fire to reduce and caramelize.

I make them more caramelize than my mother because I have a darling who loves them caramelized.

And the next step is that we will wash our hands because we will eat them with our fingers.

- Oh yeah ? Awesome ! - Of course.

- Mmmm it's delicious. - Yeah that's good.

For more infomation >> ELIANE CHEUNG - LE POULET POUR LES NULS - Duration: 2:56.


For more infomation >> ELIANE CHEUNG - LE POULET POUR LES NULS - Duration: 2:56.


Custom Logo Jewelry

For more infomation >> Custom Logo Jewelry


Bad Driving in Portugal #238 (Aug 29th to Sept 16th, 2018) - Duration: 9:58.

Duas miúdas de bicicleta, em contramão e escondidas na sombra.

Lembrem-se, este estacionamento só tem ruas de sentido único.

Como se não bastassem as setas no chão, é fácil ver que não cabem 2 carros lado a lado.

Em frente ou para a esquerda.

Sem comentários.

Ciclista não parou no STOP.

Carros parados na rua mesmo ao pé de...

No meio das duas vias.

Escolheste "bem"! :D

Sentido único.

Reparem neste Corsa...

Falta a luz de stop esqª e o pisca é a luz de presença.

Deixou ir abaixo uma vez...

Duas vezes...

E três vezes.

Jipe dos Bombeiros não deu prioridade.

Mais um condutor que não sabe a Regra da Prioridade.

O táxi ia só parar ali, não ia seguir.

Ciclista veio em contramão de uma rua de sentido único e entrou em contramão noutra rua de sentido único.

Passat andava à procura de sítio para estacionar.

Isso mesmo!

Ou então não. : /

Mais à frente foi aberta uma vala do lado esqº da estrada, e como é hábito, o pessoal circula pelo lado "bom" (contramão).

Mesmo antes de curvas fechadas, : /

Acreditem ou não, este carro está estacionado.

O condutor do Seat branco parou no meio da entrada - agora mais estreita - da rua, bloqueando a minha saída e depois acenou para eu seguir. Seguir para onde?!? : /

Este clip não é sobre a Sharan.

É sobre o mentecapto que conduz este Mercedes!

Muito perto dos "standards" romenos. ; )

Desta vez não vou à volta!

Porque é que ela não estacionou logo ali?!? : /

A saga do estacionamento ilegal de camiões continua...

Estava a decorrer um funeral na capela e as pessoas não tinham onde estacionar.

Eu sei que eles estavam meios tapados pelos carros estacionados mas isso é mais uma razão para nos aproximarmos das passadeiras com precaução.

As ervas desapareceram mas foi um dos moradores da rua que as cortou e não os serviços camarários.

E como é óbvio, só cortou em frente da casa dele.

O resto ficou como estava.

Pôr do sol amarelo, nunca dia muito quente.

Mercedes norte americano. Vê-se logo pela matrícula quadrada.

Aposto que pertence a um ex-emigrante no Canadá.

Carro do serviço Escola Segura da PSP.

Ele vinha a parar aqui e ali, provavelmente procurando algo suspeito.

Depois reparou no Mercedes e disse ao condutor que não podia estar em cima da passadeira.

Quando sermos corteses com os outros compensa - 1

Ele conseguia passar mas ainda assim eu facilitei-lhe a vida.

Quando sermos corteses com os outros compensa - 2

For more infomation >> Bad Driving in Portugal #238 (Aug 29th to Sept 16th, 2018) - Duration: 9:58.


Orange County commissioners approve $1M streetcar study on I-Drive - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Orange County commissioners approve $1M streetcar study on I-Drive - Duration: 1:42.


Jeep Compass 1.4 M-AIR LIMITED A9 4x4(AWD) - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Jeep Compass 1.4 M-AIR LIMITED A9 4x4(AWD) - Duration: 1:06.


USA VS COLOMBIA l which one was my best experience ? - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> USA VS COLOMBIA l which one was my best experience ? - Duration: 10:02.


【Hamster】It's too cute when a hamster eats star-shaped carrots! - Duration: 1:53.

Cheese Jr. ♥ It is climbing time ♥

I arrived

snacks are carrots ♥

Cheese Jr. loves carrots

Taste good

I am eating at a great momentum

Although it is fast forward ♥ haha


what was that

Never mind

There is only a little carrots

Let's eat cherished ❤

Yum Yum

Can I have seconds?

Are not you!


This is unnecessary

I'm going home

Hey Mam

I want more snack ❤

For more infomation >> 【Hamster】It's too cute when a hamster eats star-shaped carrots! - Duration: 1:53.


UW Certificate in Project Management: Scholarship Alumni Spotlight - Duration: 1:39.

We've been having some of this project, very small ones here and there, but we are starting

to get into a level where we have to take on bigger projects and it's an honest question

where I have to ask myself, "Do I have the skill to kind of do all these kind of things,

to manage these people, to you know, do this kind of work?"

I have the skill but do I have the management structure?

So that was when I felt like I needed a little bit of the project management experience and


So I really couldn't afford to do that at that time, and the main reason is because

like every single penny I'm making I'm putting it back into the business.

When I applied for the program I saw this, the opportunity to apply for the scholarship

and I had to take advantage of that as well.

I applied for it and I was accepted, but I wouldn't be able to go for that, do that program

at that time if it wasn't because of this scholarship.

I'm trying to find a way now to even give back to the program, whenever you guys are

ready for the fundraiser help I would love to support the program.

The program pretty much helped me to build that level of confident and even make me feel

like, you know what?

I can put my name, you know, into my work, you know, with confident now because I know

that, we can handle it.

We have all the tools that we need now, to be able to implement this project.

Whatever project that is coming our way, I will say, "Bring it on.

We are ready."

For more infomation >> UW Certificate in Project Management: Scholarship Alumni Spotlight - Duration: 1:39.


How to Write the Electron Configuration for an Element in Each Block - Duration: 7:23.

We'll go over the two different ways to write the electron configuration but

don't worry I'll go over everything step by step. Hello everyone I'm Melissa Maribel

your personal tutor and here's what you really need to know for

electron configuration. Electron configuration helps us see how electrons

are arranged in atomic orbitals for a specific element. There are four types of

sub shells s, p, d and f the s subshell has one orbital that can hold up to two

electrons. The p subshell has three orbitals that can hold up to six

electrons. The d subshell has five orbitals that can hold up to 10

electrons and the f subshell has seven orbitals that can hold up to fourteen

electrons. The periodic table has all four types of subshells on it we refer

to it as a block. These first two groups are our s block and helium is also part of

the s block, on the opposite side is our p block, the inner transition metals are

our d block and finally at the bottom we have our f block.

Make sure you know these, this is the specific order that we follow for

electron configuration and yes the order does matter. Let's do an example of an

element in each block. Example 1: s block to find the electron configuration of

any element we always start from hydrogen and make our way going from

left to right to the element we are trying to find which in this case is

beryllium. So writing our electron configuration since we start with the

first row hydrogen is 1s1, we move on to helium which is 1s2 so we have 1s2.

Next we are on the second row but still in the s block so 2s1,2, 2 s2

and we stop since we reached the element we wanted. This is the electron

configuration of beryllium. Example 2: p block we'll find the electron

configuration of sulfur by starting from hydrogen and making our way to

sulfur. So 1s1, 2, 1 s2 is the first part, come back around on to the

second row 2s1, 2, 2 s2 is the second part, keep going straight across to the p

block, 2p, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2p6 is next, come back around onto the 3rd row to 3s1, 2

so 3s2, keep going straight across to the p block in row 3 and we will count

up until we get to sulfur so 3p, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3p4, this is our full electron

configuration for sulfur. There is an abbreviated, shorthand or condensed

electron configuration that you will need to know how to find. Let's find it

for sulfur, we always use the noble gas that is in the row before the element

we are looking for in this case it's neon and we place the noble gas in

brackets. Think of the noble gas as a placeholder or the new place to start so

we will continue after neon and write the remaining parts of the electron

configuration for sulfur. So 3s2 & 3p4, you know by placing our neon first we

are actually accounting for this entire portion of the full electron

configuration since that portion is the electron configuration of neon. Let's do

another example. Example 3: d block we'll find the electron configuration of iron

by starting from hydrogen and making our way to iron. So 1s2, 2s2,

keep going straight across to 2p6 come back around to 3s2, straight across to

3p6, come back around to the 4th row to 4s2. Now we are in the d

block and the coefficient or number in front is always 1 less than the row it

is in. So instead of 4d this is actually 3d and we will count up until we get to

iron so 3d, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3d6 this is our full electron configuration for iron.

Now let's find the condensed electron configuration using the noble gas in the

previous row which is argon we'll continue from argon to iron. Do 4s2 &

3d6 and this is our condensed electron configuration. Example 4: f block we'll

find the electron configuration of plutonium by starting from hydrogen and

making our way to plutonium so 1s2, 2s2 keep going straight across to 2p6, come

back around to the 3s2, straight across the 3p6, come around to the 4th row

to 4s2, remember the coefficient or number in front is always 1 number less

then the row it is in for the d block so we have 3d10. We're still in the

fourth row so 4p6 come around to the fifth row to 5s2 we're in the d block so

4d10, still in the fifth row to 5p6, come around to the sixth row to 6s2 and we

have a break in our periodic table, your clue is the change in atomic numbers we

are now in the f block which is at the bottom. Now the coefficient or number in

front is always two numbers less than the row it is in for the f block. So

instead of 6f we will write 4f and this is 4f14, now we go back up to the

d block we know this because the atomic numbers

have to go in order here we had an atomic number of 70 so next is 71, so 5d10

continue to 6p6, come around to the seventh row to 7s2. There is a break in

the table again to the f block so 5f,1, 2, 3 ,4, 5, 6 , 5f6. Here's the full electron

configuration. Now let's find the condensed electron configuration using

the noble gas that is before plutonium, so plutonium is at the bottom but would

have been in the seventh row so we will use the noble gas in the six row which

is radon and continue from there so 7s2 and 5f6 and here's the condensed

electron configuration. Now if you would like help with your homework online

tutoring or other helpful resources I have all of that and more in the

description box and if you want to make sure you're ready for your next exam

I created a practice quiz video just for you with of course step-by-step answers

you can find that right here and remember stay determined you can do this!

For more infomation >> How to Write the Electron Configuration for an Element in Each Block - Duration: 7:23.


What Is A Finance Career Athlete? - Duration: 1:44.

Everyone's asking me what this finance career athlete is.

They're like, "Theresa, so you used to run track.

"Do you always wanna hire athletes?"

Well, that's really not what it is.

What I'm looking for and what my clients like to hire are those individuals that can work

across the accounting and finance profession.

It's those individuals that are top talent.

And you know what?

Age isn't a factor.

One thing is, is talent regardless of age always wanna learn.

Whether you're 23 or 55, A-players have a passion.

They wanna continue learning and growing.

And so finance and career athletes, you know what?

Whether they wanna run track, basketball, baseball, it's no different in the accounting

and finance function.

They maybe start in audit, then they go to FP&A.

Maybe they do sales finance, financial reporting.

I hire accounting and finance athletes.

Many, many times, my athletes start in internal audit, then they go out to sales finance,

financial reporting.

And then you know what?

They are CFOs, they are controllers.

That's what I mean by finance and accounting athlete.

So Nordstrom Talent, that's the type of talent.

And the leaders that I love to work for are those that promote those type of environments.

If you are one of those individuals that wanna work in that type of environment, follow me,

follow Nordstrom Talent.

And if you're a leader who promotes that type of environment, I would love to find that

type of talent for you.

Thanks a lot.

Talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> What Is A Finance Career Athlete? - Duration: 1:44.


Ловим окуня Кто победил? We catch a perch Who won? - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Ловим окуня Кто победил? We catch a perch Who won? - Duration: 6:04.


Vlogoween Episode Whatever | Vala's Pumpkin Patch | Rebecca's Birthday | With Anna and Camryn - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Vlogoween Episode Whatever | Vala's Pumpkin Patch | Rebecca's Birthday | With Anna and Camryn - Duration: 8:46.


How To Start A Profitable Blog Step By Step | Profitable Blogging For Beginners - Duration: 9:22.

How To Start A Profitable Blog Step By Step | Profitable Blogging For Beginners

Hey guys, Bryan with WP Cupid Blog and in this video, I'm going to be showing you

a complete profitable blogging for beginner's step by step tutorial on how to start a profitable


Whether your a newbie at technology, have no experience at blog starting, or even if

your a pro.

This profitable blogging for beginner's step by step tutorial video will be perfect for


The great thing about this tutorial is it is extremely easy to follow along with even

if you have no experience in starting and setting up a profitable blog.

By following this tutorial video, you will have your blog set up in as little as 10 minutes.

At the end of this video, you will have your blog successfully started.

I'm going to be providing you with a bunch of helpful resources that will help you in

your blog starting journey towards the end of the video so stay tuned.

The first step I'm going to cover is how to choose and register your own domain name for


To have a blog you have to have a domain name.

Step 2 I'll be going over how to choose a hosting provider.

To have a blog you have to have hosting.

Step 3 is getting your blog set up for free with the most popular blogging software today.

The blogging platform is WordPress.

If you want your blog to rank, reach success, etc.

WordPress is the way to go.

If you don't have time to start your WordPress blog right this second be sure to bookmark

this video so you can come back to it later.

Let's get started.

The first thing you want to do is head on over to Bluehost via the link that I provided

in the description.

Bluehost is where we will be getting a free domain name and up to 63% off web hosting.

Make sure you click the link in the description to get this great deal.

Two have a blog you have to have a domain name for people to find your blog and web

hosting that powers your WordPress blog.

A little about Bluehost.

Bluehost powers over 2 million websites worldwide and over 850,000 blogs around the world.

They are also recommended by WordPress themselves since 2005.

They instantly install WordPress for you which makes starting a blog that much easier.

They provide 24/7 support via chat, email, and phone.

And they have a 30-day money back guarantee.

If for any reason you are unhappy you can cancel and get a refund no questions asked

within the first 30 days.

I do want to mention that the link is an affiliate link and I'll receive a commission which helps

support this channel and helps put out more WordPress tutorial videos.

Once you click the link, you'll be at the Bluehost home page.

You'll see the get started now button on the page.

Click the button.

This is where you can select your hosting plan.

You'll see three different options.

You'll see a Basic plan, Plus plan, and a Prime plan.

I recommend going with the basic plan, and then you can always scale up whenever you'd


If you have more than one website, then you'd want to choose either the plus plan or prime


I'm going to choose the basic plan for this tutorial as this is most common.

Go ahead and hit the select button on whichever plan you would like to use.

We are now brought to a domain page where we can choose the domain name that we want

completely free.

Or if you already have a domain name, you'd enter it in over on the right.

For the new domain you can select if you want it to be a .com, .net, .org, etc.… .com

is the most popular domain extension so I'd recommend going with a .com if you can.

I'm going to type in a domain here and click the next button.

You are now brought to a create your account page.

This is where you will input your information.

We have first name, last name.

Business name is optional.

Put your country address information.

Put a phone number and lastly the best email for you as you'll get emailed a receipt

of payment and a copy of your login credentials, etc.

Below that you will see package information.

You'll see account plan.

This is where you can select the term for your hosting package.

You have 12 months, 24 months, 36 months, and 60 months.

As you can see you'll save money the longer, you purchase your hosting for.

I'm going to select the 12 months package.

Setup fee is free.

Domain registration is free.

Let's Encrypt SSL is free.

This SSL feature is a free SSL Certificate which makes your site secure with the green

bar and with the https.

Domain Privacy is an addon that I highly recommend.

It will prevent telemarketers and marketers getting a hold of your personal contact information

and bugging you with their services.

The domain privacy will show Bluehost's information for the site and not yours.

Sitelock security find is security for your WordPress website and protects it from hackers.

I'd unselect this as there are really good free alternatives.

You'll see Codeguard.

Codeguard creates daily backups and allows you to restore your site with a click of a

button in case something happens.

There are free alternatives that work just the same.

SEO Tools Start you can keep unselected.

This addon will submit your site to search engines and provide a report on your site

ranking and keyword rankings.

Submitting your site to search engines you can do for free.

This isn't necessary to have.

All of these addons are completely optional and up to you to get.

As you can see you're saving a lot for this hosting package.

Below that you will input your payment information.

I'm not going to fill this out for protection of personal information.

Once your information is filled in you want to select the I have read and agreed to Bluehost's

privacy policy and terms of service.

Now click the submit button.

You are now brought to a page where you will choose a password for your Bluehost account.

Click the create your password button.

Input the password you would like.

Click the I have read and agreed to Bluehost's Privacy Policy and Terms and Condition and

click the next button.

You will be directed to a congratulations page.

Click the blue login button to log in to Bluehost.

Bluehost is also going to at this time email your dashboard login information to the email

address you provided.

You will now see pick your Theme.

Bluehost has a bunch of awesome free WordPress themes to choose from.

You can select a Theme now if you want too or below the Themes you can click skip this


If you choose a Theme now, you can always change the theme you pick without any problem

at a later date.

I'll be going over this in more detail, later in the video.

Once you choose your free Theme or click skip this step you'll be at the page here stating

all done.

Click the button that says start building to start building your blog on WordPress.

Once you click that and log in you will be at the WordPress dashboard.

This is what the WordPress dashboard looks like.

It'll ask you a few questions as you can see.

If you don't need help just click the, you don't need help option.

Once you do that you will see this page.

You will see blog posts where you can add new blog posts.

You will see where you can add new pages to your blog.

If you want to change your navigation menus, you can do so easily, and if you are going

to sell products on your site, you can install Woocommerce to do so.

On the far left, you will see tabs.

Hover over them and get to learn them.

Posts is where you can add new posts.

Pages is where you can add new pages.

The media tab is where your images will show that you upload to your blog.

Comments is where you can view comments people leave on your blog.

Plugins is where you can install plugins for your blog.

Almost any customization or feature that you would want more than likely there is a plugin

already made for it.

Appearance is where you can change the look of your theme or change your theme to another

one or a Premium theme.

Select Themes when you hover over appearance.

It will showcase free WordPress themes to you can choose from.

If you select most popular, it will show you the most popular free WordPress themes.

Hover over a Theme and click install and then click activate to make the Theme your WordPress


You should also see add new theme on this page.

This is where you can add a new theme if you got it from another site or it is a Premium


A great resource I have used for several years and recommend for professional WordPress themes

that look like an award-winning design agency did your blog is Creative Market.

This is the Creative Market WordPress Blog Themes page.

You can easily browse WordPress blogging premium themes.

Click on them and get a live preview of Themes as you can see here.

Here's a few examples of Premium WordPress themes that are already pre-made for you to

input your information or change however you'd like.

You'll see they look really good.

Click the link in the description below to check out Creative Market.

In the top left of your WordPress dashboard, you will see welcome here or your site title

towards the top of the page.

Click this to view your site.

To login to your WordPress dashboard, you can do so via the Bluehost CPanel or by typing

in your domain name with a slashwp-admin.

Here's an example.

It'll bring up this page here.

Just input your login credentials to be logged into WordPress.

Another great resource that is helpful and used by over 500,000 users is the drag and

drop editor called Elementor page builder.

Elementor page builder makes starting and creating your WordPress blog easy.

You can make edits by dragging and dropping.

Search elementor page builder on the plugins page and install and activate it if you'd

like to try it out.

Elementor has a free and paid version.

I've provided a link in the description so you can checkout and compare the features

of the free and paid versions.

Another great resource to check out is Fiverr.

Fiverr is a great place to get tasks done for just $5.

It is helpful if you need a logo or something done.

I provided the link in the description below.

And that is my profitable blogging for beginner's step by step tutorial video on how to start

a profitable blog.

If you have any questions, get in touch as I'm here to help you with anything you need.

Alright guys, thanks for watching.

Give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more WordPress video tutorials.

Leave us a comment; we love hearing from you.

For more infomation >> How To Start A Profitable Blog Step By Step | Profitable Blogging For Beginners - Duration: 9:22.


【BMW新型3シリーズ最新情報】フルモデルチェンジ公開!電気自動車やツーリング、スペック、価格、発売日は? - Duration: 19:42.

For more infomation >> 【BMW新型3シリーズ最新情報】フルモデルチェンジ公開!電気自動車やツーリング、スペック、価格、発売日は? - Duration: 19:42.


Skoda Yeti - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Skoda Yeti - Duration: 0:42.


Funniest golden retriever puppies | funny golden retriever videos 2018 - Duration: 5:56.

Funniest golden retriever puppies | funny golden retriever videos 2018

Funniest golden retriever puppies | funny golden retriever videos 2018

For more infomation >> Funniest golden retriever puppies | funny golden retriever videos 2018 - Duration: 5:56.


New angle of 'Kobe don't flinch' inbound pass debunks one of NBA's great GIFs - Duration: 2:58.

 The infamous clip-turned-GIF featuring Bryant standing unfazed as Matt Barnes pump-faked a basketball at his face during a 2010 NBA game was sadly debunked Tuesday, after an overhead view of the clip showed Bryant wasn't standing directly in front of Barnes as he faked the inbound pass

 A screen grab shows Bryant swayed to the right of Barnes during the March 7, 2010, tilt between the Magic and Lakers

 Bryant's coolness during the clip was one of his off-ball highlights from his career

He explained in 2015 that he never expected Barnes would throw the ball at his face during the game

 "He's crazy, but he's not that crazy, so I didn't flinch," he said at the time. "It was just a split-second reaction

I processed it pretty quickly and realised what was going on."  Barnes said Bryant's reaction "wasn't even human" in 2010

He opened up more about the play on the "Lunchtime with Roggin and Rodney" podcast in August, saying the play helped propel him to join the Lakers later in 2010

 "It wasn't planned, it just happened," Barnes said. "If you watch the film, I'm just letting the play behind him transpire, but I just happened to fake the ball in his face and I came as close as I am to the microphone [in the studio] and he didn't even blink, which I loved after the fact, but I didn't realise at the time

" The Magic beat the Lakers 96-94 during that game, by the way.  This article originally appeared on the New York Post Get ready for cricket like never before

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