Quick Pics For Your Daily Fix ✅ Ep.10 | Funny Pics Only
лучшая НАГРАДА за 1 лигу в Warface - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
10 Next Level Ping Pong Shots - Duration: 3:18.What's up everybody!
As you probably already know,
We love around the net shots.
So in this video
We are going to show you some of our best ones.
Let us know in the comments below
Which one is your favorite!
This was 10 ways to go around the net.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Make sure you subscribe to the channel here
And watch our previous videos here.
Until next time!
How To Tap Your Infinite Mind Power - Duration: 14:47.Anything the human mind can believe, the human mind can achieve.
It would be as valid to say: Anything the mind can believe, the mind can achieve,
but I wish to emphasize the power of the human mind.
No other living creature can take hold of its mind as we do, sense
and explore its powers, find ways to increase those powers
to an extent almost beyond imagination.
You are used to being human.
Take time now and then to realize the uniqueness of your human state.
Ask yourself: What do I want?
This is not a question to be answered lightly.
What do you want?
I give you a list to aid your thinking:
Improvement of your general health.
Improvement of some specific health or functional factor.
Cure of any bad habit.
Abolishment of fear.
The ability to find the right mate in marriage.
Weight reduction or gain.
The ability to break away from outworn customs or outmoded
ways of life.
The ability to get along better with other people.
The ability to sway others to your way of thinking.
Inner guidance in the selection of a business or profession.
When you know what you want, you are ready to go after it.
You need a definite chief aim.
Vague mind-conceptions are little better than mere wishes.
Decide where you are going.
Then, and only then do you begin to see the signposts
that point the way.
You are going to make money, and I trust you to see it as
only one form of wealth, but, as I have pointed out, a form of
wealth which helps us attain many others.
The chances are that you automatically accept money as a goal,
so let us take this goal as a prototype in illustrating auto-suggestion.
Now, this is the way to use auto-suggestion to help you
achieve the sum of money you want.
It is done in six steps which stimulate your subconscious mind.
One: Find a quiet spot where you can be alone and undisturbed.
Many find that as they lie in bed, just before going to
sleep, the mind becomes receptive.
Close your eyes and repeat aloud, listening to your own words, the sum
of money you intend to make-the time limit you have set
for its accumulation, and a description of the service or merchandise
you intend to give or to sell in return for that
Two: Put the same words in writing.
You may do this first if you wish.
Write it out carefully and in detail.
Memorize it.
When you go into your quiet place to repeat your goal to yourself,
say it word for word as you have written it.
You may change it here and there until it is absolutely
Add a statement of this nature, in your own words:
I believe that I will have this money in my possession.
My belief is so strong that I now can see the money before
my eyes.
I am holding it in my hands.
I know it exists, and it is awaiting transfer to me in
return for my services rendered with full honesty and all possible
skill and diligence.
A plan exists which will transfer this sum [state
the sum] to me by [state the deadline date] and my receptive mind
will see that plan and cause me to follow it.
See yourself rendering the service or delivering the merchandise.
See yourself receiving your payment.
This is important!
Three: Place a written copy of your statement where you
will see it night and morning.
Read it upon rising.
Read it again just before retiring.
You may also carry it with you and read it several times a day, but to read it
first thing in the morning and last thing at night is particularly
Again, as you read, see yourself going through the actions
which will bring you the money.
Feel the money in your hands.
Feel with feeling.
Merely reading the words or saying them to yourself will mean nothing unless
they carry the emotional charge of desire.
It is well known that the subconscious has less regard for reason than it does for
Four: Put the Master Mind Principle to work.
It is not always possible to form a Master Mind group,
and you are better off without one than doing it the wrong
You can, however, make good use of the principle by
conferring with the right people.
These are people who can help you and, if possible, people you can help.
Don't forget, if you want to see a banker about financing your business, you
are helping him run his business.
And don't forget, many a cold-bl00ded banker has been swayed by the confidence and
belief and enthusiasm he sees in a would-be borrower,
with good reason.
The more people you talk to, the more information you will
The more they know-the more you know.
Choose the right people, however.
Now and again you will meet, among them, one whose mind tunes in to yours.
Speaking with such a person is a mighty tonic for the subconscious
drives you have at your direction.
Five: When your plan appears, act upon it.
You will know it.
The subconscious is like a fertile garden spot in which any
seed will grow, be it the seed of a weed or the seed of your fortune.
Through auto-suggestion you work wonders in keeping
out the weed seeds.
When a seed of your fortune falls in the garden of your subconscious, however, it grows
in relation to the attention you give it.
Do not sit idly waiting for your plan to appear.
You may not precisely know, for example, where you are
going to set up your business, but until the right place draws
your attuned attention, you can be contacting sources of
supply, learning more about the business and filling your mind
with the process of your achievement in a hundred other ways.
Remember how publishers came to me when I needed them.
Six: Once you have a matured plan which covers every
detail, put that plan in writing.
Read it over night and morning.
Stick to it, but be ready to change it if circumstances point out
the advisability of a change.
Your mind will not constantly flutter from one alternative to another.
Your subconscious will sift the alternatives with a great power to
show you what you must do to attain your goal.
I could set down Faith as a seventh factor of auto-suggestion;
but faith is all-pervasive.
Faith is called the head chemist of the mind.
As faith blends with thought, it becomes the perfect ingredient
for true subconscious belief.
As faith becomes part of you, it rides along with every message you repeat to yourself.
It becomes part of your character, part of your personality.
Faith helps you emotionalize your thoughts, bring them beyond the power
of reason into another realm of mental being
where thoughts become their physical equivalent.
Every man can surpass himself.
We all have our role to play individually.
But we only play it well on condition of always trying to do better, of
overreaching ourselves.
It is this effort which constitutes our personal
participation in evolution, our duty.
If we have children, we will have collaborated in a
measure modestly, statistically, but unless we develop our personality
we will have left no trace in the true, human evolution.
An intelligent being carries within him the wherewithal
to surpass himself.
It is needful for him to know it, and it is essential for him to attempt to realize it.
The incomparable gift of brain, with its truly amazing powers of abstraction,
has rendered obsolete the slow and sometimes clumsy mechanisms
utilized by evolution so far.
Thanks to the brain alone, man, in the course of
three generations only, has conquered the realm of air, while it took
hundreds of thousands of years for animals to achieve the same result
through the process of evolution.
Thanks to the brain alone, the range of our sensory organs has
been increased a millionfold, far beyond the fondest dreams; we see the infinitely
small and we see the infinitely remote; we hear the inaudible;
we have dwarfed distance and kllled physical time.
We have enslaved the forces of the universe, even before we have
succeeded in understanding them thoroughly.
We have put to shame the tedious and time-consuming methods of
trial and error used by nature, because nature has finally succeeded
in producing its masterpiece in the shape of the human brain.
But the great laws of evolution are still active, even though adaptation has
lost its importance as far as we are concerned.
We are now responsible for the progress of evolution.
We are free to destroy ourselves if we misunderstand the meaning
and the purpose of our victories; and we are free to forge ahead, to
prolong evolution, to cooperate with God if we perceive the meaning
of it all, if we realize that it can only be achieved through a wholehearted
effort toward moral and spiritual development.
Peace of mind and power of mind.
Since what you achieve in life depends on what you first conceive,
and this depends first of all upon your deep, inner, subconsciously
founded belief-you see that your life depends upon
your power to believe.
No, your mere life-processes do not depend upon this
The eternal has made it possible for the supreme achievement of evolution, man, to stay alive
even without knowing he is alive.
The beating of the heart, the pumping of the lungs, the processes of digestion and
other vital functions are taken care of by a part of the brain which
takes care of itself.
Beyond this, man creates an ever better species.
He aspires and climbs to the heights of his aspiration.
Seeing heights yet beyond, again he aspires, and achieves that
peak, beyond which lies another and another.
Significantly, philosophers always have recognized the power
of the quiet mind, the peaceful mind.
This is far from being a mind empty of aspiration.
It is, rather, a mind which can hold, judge, and evaluate the highest forms of aspiration.
Nor is a peaceful mind the exclusive property of a
person who does not move about in the world and busy himself with
the world's manifold affairs, for some of the most peaceful
minds are the busiest.
Remember, we speak of inner peace, like a quiet
center about which all else revolves, like a great rotating
dynamo doing useful work and filled with energy, yet referring
its rotation always to the unmoved pivot at its middle.
A mind at peace is a mind that is free to conceive greatly.
It bears no great conflicts within its subconscious
which may hamper the conscious mind and therefore conscious
A mind at peace is a free mind.
Its power is limitless.
Form your great beliefs on the basis of inward peace and
they will be truly great-and they will be possible of achievement.
Not possible to everyone, perhaps, but possible to the
man who knows that peace of mind and power of mind are
the same.
Who told you it couldn't be done?
What great achievement has he to his credit that entitles him to
use the word impossible?
Anything the human mind can believe, the human mind can achieve
This is the Supreme Secret, forever the foundation secret of
man's efforts to control his destiny.
Conceive a great step forward in your life, form a deep subconscious
belief, and the belief becomes the very foundation of
"Wishing won't make it so," for a mere wish does not
penetrate the depths of the mind; but a true belief
becomes part of your complete being.
Conscious and subconscious Your subconscious mind is your hidden boss.
Although your conscious mind controls your conscious
actions, the subconscious dictates the pattern of those
If, subconsciously, you are afraid to do something,
you may fill in with excuses and evasions which prevent
you from taking that action.
But your subconscious can be persuaded to change any of its standing orders and thus
completely change your life.
Your subconscious mind is the seat of deep belief which becomes your constant
The subconscious knows no limit to its power The proper use of the subconscious mind puts
us in touch with forces beyond the ordinary senses.
Thoughts can be transmitted to the subconscious mind of a
sleeping person, bypassing the guard of the conscious mind.
This is the secret of seeming miracles of healing.
Methods of sleep learning may eventually be so perfected as to open
great new horizons of mental power.
Knowing that what the human mind can believe, the
human mind can achieve, you can see that deep belief
opens great vistas of opportunity.
In order to get what you want, you must focus your belief on a Definite
Chief Aim.
Peace of mind and power of mind go hand in hand, and the mind at peace is the
mind most capable of great conceptions, great beliefs
and the enjoyment of those beliefs as solid realities.
THE BILLIONAIRE MINDSET | Tony Robbins | Jim Rohn (MUST WATCH) - Duration: 18:46.you can have more than you've got
because you can become more than you are
and of course the other side of the coin
reads unless you change how you are
you'll always have what you got success
is something you attract not something
you pursue success is looking for a good
place to stay so instead of going after
it you work on yourself
personal development see the major
question to ask on the job is not what
are you getting the major question to
ask on the job is what are you becoming
my mom wanted me be a truck driver
because that would mean I'd make twenty
four thousand dollars a year if I went
to truck masters and I'll be twice with
my father made and she thought that what
happened but something inside of me said
I don't want to drive a truck or
something else that matters more to me
and I decided I was not gonna go for
money instead of passion and the rewards
been pretty amazingly better than being
a doctor I was not bad being a truck
driver is just not what I was after
pana I look back and one of the things
that helped me was my original teacher
Jim Rohn whose personal valve and
speaker I went to here when I was 17 he
said some of the first time I heard him
he said you know it's really simple if
you want life to change if you got to
change if you want life to be better
you've got to get better it's the only
way it happens
and luckily off up four people and to
leave them but if you're constantly
improving who you are and what you give
game over and I remember just thinking
you know this is a beautiful thing you
know why is this making me cry and you
know why it's great than why am I so
emotional about this and then I got I
realized that moment that the worst day
of my life
my father leaving could actually be the
best day of my life because of I have
had that experience I would be here
today and now because of that I'm get to
live this life I'd have the desire and
the drive of a want to give it this way
that's I've really realized that the
worst day was the best day that that was
God's gift the gift wouldn't have been
there he was stayed there's an old
country song that says thank God for
unanswered prayers it's a story about
this man wants his prayer finds la Orana
wasn't fulfilled
so for Talia
I tell you the story a couple reasons
one is you want to change your life
figure out how your worst day was your
best then you'll change everything
because it is if you look for it did you
find the deeper meaning it is you know
there's something in you that wouldn't
be there without it the second reason is
cause I want to recruit your soul not
for your money or business I want to
recruit you in this action of going to
making a difference
I want to recruit you for you because I
know if you go do a few these things
you'll get hooked and you'll make it a
ritual or change your life you know
whatever things you do in your life this
is what it's really about and you know
it won't be long before it'll be
Thanksgiving here and we still do this
you know I start off at first year I've
had two families and the next year I fed
for I'm gonna double it next year I did
eight which was a lot of work and I
didn't tell anybody I was doing this I
wasn't doing it for acknowledgement as
duties right but after a while I thought
I can use some help so I got my friends
together see you know what's that is
going to have in Turkey let's give
thanks let's go build baskets with food
great stuff let's deliver it to people
we will come and have a big dinner we'll
talk about we're grateful for and have
our dinner and so we did it and I became
a rich one it grew and then I built some
companies how my employees got involved
and then about 14 15 years ago I started
my foundation last year we fed over a
million people now in nine countries
around the world now on Christmas
Thanksgiving you know 40 days in
thank you thank you thank you
so I thank you for your applause I
wasn't telling you for that reason I
want to recruit you and you give your
money but I'd much prefer if you would
just go deliver the food because I'll
tell you what's great
you'll be changed by that it's easy to
give money but we enter an environment
you give you don't give to the giver you
go the delivery person but you're really
the one that made it your absolute
change survivor see if you can find some
ways to multiply your value to the
marketplace and he said your income will
immediately start to change up until
then I was hoping that the economy would
change I was hoping that my company
would change I was hoping that my
paycheck would change I was hoping that
circumstances outside would change then
here's what I found out it isn't going
to change so then my question was if it
isn't going to change how will my life
ever change and here's what my teacher
taught me when you change when you
change everything will change for you
when you get better everything will get
better for you and that's where I picked
up that phrase for things to change
you've got to change you don't have to
change the marketplace you don't have to
change the marketing plan you don't have
to change the economy you don't have to
change countries you don't have to
change circumstances out there all
you've got to do is look within and see
if you can change yourself for the
better and as you change things will
start to change for you
let me give you the day that turns your
life around as quickly as I can I got
four parts to the day that turns your
life around and then we're finished for
the day
number one disgust disgust disgust is a
negative emotion but it can have a very
positive powerful effect disgust says
I've had it what an important day that
could be had it I met a beautiful
powerful accomplished executive lady in
New York company invited me to come in
this lady was a vice president
extraordinary lady I got to know her and
I found out her story I said how did you
get here big income and she never went
to high school into college never went
to university
I said how did you get here negative
powerful income she said the way let me
tell you part of the scenario she said
when I was a young mother a few years
ago she said one day I asked my husband
for ten dollars and he said what for
she's there
before that day was over I decided I
would never ever yes
she said I started studying opportunity
found it took the classes put myself
through the schools did the scenario now
I'm vice president I make a lot of money
and she said I kept my promise I've
never ever had to ask again it's called
a life-changing day the day you say
enough now if you can add an act to your
disgust that helps man takes a shotgun
to his car blows out every window
destroys every tire puts a hundred
rounds in it and says I've driven this
embarrassing thing for the last time and
then he saves it he says and later when
somebody says how did you become rich
and powerful he says let me show you
this car one day I'd had it up to here I
blew it to smithereens
here's the last three next is decision
decision making is a life-changing day
if you went home today and in the next
few days cleaned up a list of decisions
it could furnish enough inspiration for
the next five years ten years what an
inspiring day the day you can bring
yourself to decide and here's the third
one desire wanting too bad enough who
knows the mystery of that we don't know
but here's something I do know sometimes
desire waits for a trigger waits for
something to happen who knows what the
happening may be a song the lyrics a
movie the dialogue a seminar a sermon a
book and experience confrontation with
an enemy a conversation with a friend
who find the levels with you whatever
the experience it is so valuable and
here's my best advice welcome all
experiences you never know which one is
gonna turn everything
don't put up the walls the same wall
that keeps out disappointment keeps out
happiness take down the walls go for the
experience let it teach you and here's
the last one
resolve resolves as I will to the most
powerful words in the language Benjamin
Disraeli said nothing can resist a human
will that will stake its existence on
its purpose shortly put I'll do it or
die best definition of resolve I got
from a little junior high girl Foster
City California I'm going through some
words Monday I got to this one I asked
the kids who can tell me what resolve
means some didn't know some tried
interesting the last one was the best
little girl about two rows back she said
I think I know mr. Owen I said what she
said I think resolve means promising
yourself you will never give up I said
that's the best I've ever
she's probably giving seminars today
right that's the best I've heard I asked
the kids how long should a baby try to
learn how to walk how long would you
give your average baby before you say
hey enough is enough
no any mother in the world would say
you're crazy my baby is gonna keep
trying what until what a magic word I
want you to write it down until promise
yourself you'll read the books until
your skills change you'll go to seminars
until you get a handle on it you'll
listen to it until it makes sense you'll
go for it until you understand it you'll
practice it until you develop a skill
you never give up until however long
that is step by step piece by piece book
by book word by word Apple by Apple walk
around the block walk around the block
go for a don't miss the chance to grow
and resolve that you'll paid the price
until you learn change grow become then
you'll discover some of life's best
treasures when you pay
see if you go through life holding back
and most of us do most of us have we ask
ourselves have we done all we can do
most of us will have to answer no we
haven't we've been holding back we have
ideas that we don't act on things we
want to do we afraid to take chances we
go through life trying to seek security
and not coming outside of our comfort
zone and we take most of our stuff with
us to the grave and I'm saying that the
fact that you're still here that you're
still breathing you've got some more
work and you owe it to yourself you owe
it to yourself some when you get up in
the morning that you can look yourself
in the face and say hey I'm living my
life on my terms that's important not to
give up on your dream not to give up on
yourself now are there going to be some
moments when you want to give up yes
will there be some moments when it's
going to seem like it's impossible the
pain that you're experiencing the
disappointment that you're experiencing
that you're gonna say it's not worth it
yes that's that's going to be right
there for you it's gonna be in your face
telling you to go back for 30 days you
must take control of your mind it will
think only about what you've permitted
to think each day for this 30 day test
do more than you have to do in addition
to maintaining a cheerful positive
outlook give of yourself more than
you've ever done before
do this knowing that your returns in
life must be in direct proportion to
what you give the moment you decide on
the goal to work toward you're
immediately a successful person you're
then in that rare and successful
category of people who know where
they're going out of every hundred
people you belong to the top five don't
concern yourself too much with it how
you're going to achieve your goal leave
that completely to a Power greater than
yourself all you have to do is know
where you're going the answers will come
to you of their own accord remember
these words from the Sermon on the Mount
and remember them well keep them
constantly before you this month of your
ask and it shall be given you seek and
ye shall find knock and it shall be
opened unto you for every one that
asketh receiveth and he that seeketh
findeth and to him that knocketh it
shall be opened it's as marvelous and as
simple as that
in fact it's so simple that in our
seemingly complicated world it's
difficult for an adult to understand
that all he needs is a purpose and faith
for 30 days do your best if you're a
Salesman go at it as you've never done
before not in hectic fashion but with
the calm cheerful assurance that time
well spent
we'll give you the abundance in return
you deserve and want if you're a
homemaker devote your 30 day test to
complete giving of yourself without
thinking about receiving anything in
return and you'll be amazed at the
difference it makes in your life no
matter what your job do it as you've
never done it before for 30 days and if
you've kept your goal before you every
day you'll wonder and marvel at this new
life you found Dorothea brand
outstanding editor and writer discovered
it for herself and tells about it in her
fine book wake up and live her entire
philosophy is reduced to the words act
as though it were impossible to fail she
made her own test with sincerity and
faith and her entire life was changed to
one of overwhelming success now you wait
your test for 30 full days don't start
your test until you've made up your mind
to stick with it you see by being
persistent you're demonstrating faith
persistence is simply another word for
faith if you didn't have faith you would
never persist if you should fail during
your first 30 days by that I mean
suddenly find yourself overwhelmed by
negative thoughts you've got to start
over again from that point and go 30
more days
gradually your new habit will form until
you find yourself one of that wonderful
minority to whom virtually nothing is
impossible don't forget the card it's
vitally important as you begin this new
way of living on one side of the card
write your goal whatever it may be on
the other side write the words we've
quoted from the Sermon on the Mount ask
and it shall be given you seek and ye
shall find knock and it shall be opened
unto you in your spare time during your
test period we'd books that will help
you inspirational books like the Bible
dorothea brands wake up and live the
magic of believing by clogged Bristol
think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and
other books that instruct and inspire
nothing great was ever accomplished
without inspiration see that during
these crucial first 30 days your own
inspiration is kept at a peak above all
don't worry worry brings fear and fear
is crippling the only thing that can
cause you to worry during your test is
trying to do it all yourself know that
all you have to do is hold your goal
before you everything else will take
care of itself
【 志祺七七 】《屠殺》作者葛特曼指控柯文哲「器官活摘」 ?事件始末與爭議懶人包登場! - Duration: 7:00.-------------------------------------------
Fed positive about US economic outlook - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Chicken Dinner - PUBG Logic (after you win on the battleground) | Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) - Duration: 2:35.Congratulations, you must be feeling fantastic
Can you put into words just how incredible you must be feeling right now?
There's so much blood
So so many dead bodies
Well so many dead bodies indeed!
I see you managed to rack up 9 kills over the course that game! Absolutely spectacular!
Can you recount for us at home how some of those kills played out?
I disemboweled a man with a shotgun
Oh ho! I saw that!
And then I caved his skull in with a frying pan!
That was incredible! You were on fire out there. I'm sure there are many people at home
Who would love to be in your shoes right now! But at the end of the day you are the victor
Can we get the chicken dinner? This man's earned it! Congratulations! Here's your chicken dinner
What... what... why? Why do I have chicken now?
What's happening!?
I wanna go home!!!
Thanks so much for watching! If you want to see more videos like that, hit the subscribe button! You'll see 3 videos every week
Get this f**king peasant out of my shot!
Why wont someone help me!?
The subscribe button is just over there
How To Spot The Haters - Duration: 3:26.- I'm gonna talk about a subject,
I don't wanna bring you down.
I just wanna talk to you about it.
I just wanna talk to you about haters for a second.
'Cause we all got 'em.
- [Audience] Yes.
Everybody got haters.
- [Audience] Yes.
I didn't even know I had these many haters.
(audience laughs)
'Til I go on the internet and there they are.
They just waitin' on me.
They don't even know me.
(audience laughs)
They don't know you, they just be sayin' stuff.
You don't even know where it come from.
So what I've done for all of us,
is I've come up with key phrases
that lets you know, you're in the company of a hater.
(audience laughs)
Because they say it, (applause)
and sometimes you miss it.
Now really.
Sometimes you miss it, 'cause you ain't payin' attention.
Okay, here's a definite way to know you in the company
of a hater.
Let's say you accomplish somethin'.
Somethin' happens in your life that's an accomplishment.
And then you hear this phrase right here: Mm.
(audience laughs)
See, it's subtle, you missed it.
You almost missed it, didn't you?
You get a promotion, somethin' happen for you,
and you hear this here: Mm.
It's a little thing that haters, mm.
(audience laughs) Mm.
Everybody, you familiar with it.
I want everybody to say it: Mm.
- [Audience] Mm.
- Here's another one right here.
I mean, it's a nice car and everything,
but you gonna be able to make all them payments?
I be goin' down. (applause)
You ever done that?
Oh that's a nice car and everything, but you gonna
be able to make all the payments?
What if it break down?
It's new. (laughter)
I got a new car.
You can't be happy for me?
Ladies, here's one for you.
You've all have heard this.
Oh, so you just gonna get your hair and nails
done every week?
(applause) Heard that one?
Then they cap it off with this: Mm, must be nice.
(laughter) (applause)
Here's another one, ladies.
You all ever got this one before?
So you just gonna get 'em in every color?
(audience laughs)
Damn, why you in my drawer?
Here's the last one I'm gonna give you.
This is when you dealin' with a really big hater
on your job.
What you mean you ain't cashed yo check yet? (laughs)
It's Monday.
Hey, you get your check Friday,
you ain't cashed yo check yet.
My bad, I'm sorry.
Mm. (laughter)
Let's get into some Hey, Steve.
055大驱如此强悍!两艘052D都打不过一艘055,但有一点值得注意 - Duration: 7:19.-------------------------------------------
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【韓国旅行】おしゃれなだけかと思った。韓国の若者スポット、COMMON GROUNDでモッパン 【インスタ映え】 - Duration: 12:14.-------------------------------------------
Pourquoi on n'est pas zéro déchet? - Duration: 9:24.-------------------------------------------
끝까지 사랑 44회 - Duration: 33:16.Subtitles Updating... Please like and subscribe to my channel Thanks for watching!
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Las Noticias de la mañana, miércoles 3 de octubre de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
Sunrise Weather: Oct 3, 2018 - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Q&A with LaSabri! (Eng subs) | #YurikoTiger - Duration: 22:16.Hi tigers! Welcome back
Today I'm here with the amazing Sabri!
That's me! I'm in Japan, I've come to Japan!
*We'll be a little noisy, our bracelets are noisy*
*actually that's true, I have only one but you can hear it!*
You asked us a LOT how and when have we met
Well, ok, you started the video like that, without explaining who we are and what we do?
*but it's clear, isn't it? Ok.*
I'll explain you what we do!
Here's Sabri, what on Earth are we doing-
Since we're at home, a stupid challenge, or-
We're in Roppongi
*She's in Roppongi, I'n in the countryside*
or, right,
*FAQ, is it? It seems a bad word*
*Yes it seems a bad word*
Well ok-
As to say, questions and answers
I took a bit of them from my Instagram
Should I be worried?
C'mon! Most of them have been really cute
the only thing is that I dodn't know which ones I should choose!
Let's go in chronological order! Start from the first and
let's answer them all!
The fisrt one is: How did you meet?
How many times did they ask you this question?
A lot of times!
Maybe 90 out of 100 questions were about that!
So, we have one thing in common
actually we have a lot, but the main one, the one that
made us know each other is cosplay, ten years ago
Wow, I thoght we met in that spider shop...
No! We met at a Con ten years ago!
I was a child, you weren't born yet-
I say it because she seems my daughter guys
I was maybe 20 years old?
*I was 14 years old*
and, we joined,
when she still lived in Italy
some cosplay conventions, so
we always caught up in there to feel badass!
She did a lot of fight games' cosplays
I really remember your Chun-Li on the stage because
at some point this Chun-Li came across and I thought
"this Chun-Li it's too thin! Who knows what she's doing"
and then I saw rolling-
Oh my god!
I rolled on the stage!
She was stunning-
Chun-Li has those enormous legs, mine are little-
I really thought "Will she be able to do it?"
and insteaad she was like, wow.
*Now I could do her way better!
And that's how we met ten years ago!
Next question!
What made you open a Youtube Channel?
Actually it's easy for me to answer
I've always loved videogames and by knowing a bit about them
People started to ask me: "Why don't you open a YouTube channel and
tell everybody about those vidogames, or play and let us see them?
And I asked myself which problems has a person who
plays to a videogame and shows it-
and it's a thing that six years ago would be considered crazy
because you are playing, you don't do it for other people
and you don't watch people gaming!
And actually no! People like to see others gaming
the commentary.. So it went like that
and I opened my Youtube channel and I made success
For me it was quite the same, but
knowing that i wanted to go to Japan
and actually my dream was going and living in Tokyo
So why not make videos
with some fun facts, come weird things
and I started my Youtube channel!
She has an empire in her hands! She hasn't understood yet
An empire I don't use, so-
Ah, this is mean...
First impressions!
I don't have a clue, actually
Neither do I
I really don't have any idea, because my memories are blurred
Because I went to Cons to make my own business
I mean-
I'll explain a bit how's people
I don't know what you remember of Italy, but
now people go to cons only to granstend
the 90% of the people go to cons to
get naked and show themselves off.
Well, actually it's like this here too, don't think it's better
So, I went to cons not caring at all about those people
I went to conventions as a warrior and
and for me the most important thing was going on stange and win
So I was the "pretentious" one
who didn't care about others because she had to win
But I've always won!
*She's honest at least!!*
Instead I was the one who tried but never won-
But I coud win because I was really good at gymnastic
so I won because of that
not because of the costumes, because I did them by myself and they were a mess
but since I was doing these ricks they couldn't see imperfections!
So you don't remember?
I actually remeber that
you were one of the few who
had decent cosplays, because as I was saying before
I did them by myself and I wasn't skilled
and the majority of people was like me, so no skills equals get naked!
And she was the only one who didn't get naked and had good coplays!
Yes, I remember making the first ones!
She's one of the few who didn't show off themselves
Thank you!
I was really loyal to the character's designs
Meaning that, if the character is sexy,
I'd make a sexy cosplay, but if not
I don't sexualize it on purpose
Now in Italy isn't like that!
I don't care about that
Because if a character has a snowsuit, they could make
the summer version of the snowsuit!
For me when it's too hot it's ok, but
but I had that one thing: I wanted to be as the character
my very first impression of you
was, in fact
at that event, Novegro festival, when you were Chun-Li
and I remeber about you because right after your
exhibition I came to talk to you through Ernesto
he was a mutual friend! So he asked me:
"If you want I'll introduce her to you!"
And I also remember that I came to you and
And I asked you about fighting games
This was the real reaction tho!
I feel sorry for you
And I instantly liked her because se was easy going,
I was expecting like-
*Oh yes I'm stuck up!*
yes like, I was expecting "Well, I know."
And instead she was like so gentle
*and pshycho*
Yes, I admit my firt impression of you was
"she's a bit crazy, but I like her a lot"
*how can you tap your phone with those nails?*
*You can hear "stok stok stok when she touches her phone*
Imagine what happens when I go like this
It's beautful! It's a beutiful sensation!
I'll show you the nails of a serious person,
you are the serious girl
And mine!
Ok! This is cute!
What made you love Japan?
Games in arcades...
Because, I
am reall skilled at that game, I call it
"arrows where you dance to music"
*dance dance revolution?*
Yes, but they don't know its name-
I was really good at it, and for many years my life was that game
I literally lived for playing it
So, knowing that Japan is the mainland of
all those music videogames
So for me it was like, my world.
I can really feel you! Wait I'll go and bring a thing here
that's quite nostalgic
*Her dirty panties*
YEEES! Wait, wait!
You won't believe it!
You won't believe at what I'm playing right now
Here in Japan!
We're having a super nerd moment!
I was playing tonight too! I wake up at night
Did you understand? I have jet lag problems because
I play pokémon at night, only fot this reason
only for this I have jet lag
I love this game!!!
And for me-
Do you like, go around with that?
Yes, sometimes my phone dies really fast so
It's too light!
One day I saw it in a shop and I fell in love with it
Because now I understand Japanese!
So I play Sailor Moon, all those games that
haven't been published in Italy.
I can't believe it! It's so light!
You go to the metro and you see all
playing PokémonGo or all those games like that
And then there's her with the Game Boy
How much did you pay that?
4.000 yen, so like 35 euros
Ok, that's good!
So, I fell in love with Japan because
of videogames!
Actually, when i was little, my father was keen on videogames
and he had a videogame shop
where I worked too!
And I was born with the first Nintendo
that tacky thing, the Game Boy and PlayStation 1
The tacky thing was Nintendo64?
I spent my life playing Super Mario 64
Exactly! It's another thing we have in common
And from there, anime, manga,
music, I'm like, she likes it, I'm-
obsessed, I know everything
She chose the wrong place to be born I think
She didn't have to be born in Italy
Virtues and flaws, of the two of us-
*No, now Sabrina-sensei will destroy me*
Her flaw is that
As I was saying yesterday, she has so many ideas
she has an empire in her hands, but there might be something
in her head, that blocks her, that obstacles her.
Becaus you tell her an example and she says:
"Cool! I already thought about that, but I didn't do it"
DO IT!!!!
Do it! Guys, there's only one person who
who can allow herself to be italian girl in Japan
But she does nothing!!
*Hiii tigers!!*
Well, I know it, you're right
And one of her biggest virtues, we were talking about it
before, it's that, apart from being humble,
It's that she didn't sell herself
because I think that maybe many people could
make what she made, but selling themselves.
She, instead, is true to herself
And, trust me, sometimes selling yourself
can make you arrive faster to your objectives, but she
never done it, so.
Actually they suggested to me one of my very first
jobs here, which wasn't a job that
made me sell myself.
Did you get what "sell yourself means?"
Don't think about strange things
Maybe simply-
They simply asked me to work as a bikini model,
for Playboy's bikinis
This is really like "sold"!
And actually the salary was really high
So I said, well
it's the first, let's give it a try!
I felt really bad.
I can imagine thise super bikinis-
Apart from me, putting on the bikini in front of
my manager who stared like this was super embarassing
an I didn't feel well with my body so I said
I didn't want to do that, because they were searching for
the classic foreign girl with big boobs, who didn't speak
and from there, i refused these
kind of proposals, I said to my manager that I didn't care
I'd preferred to eat raw noodles and onigiri
but they're good!
But I didn't want to sell myself
with that image, because I didn't feel it mine
Some people like it but I don't, because it
would have been the most simple thing for gaining likes.
What i was talking about-
So, well, thank you in the end!
*I gain likes even if I do this*
*maybe more!*
*Yeah, surely more of them*
Your value is that, as I was-
*My value is to put a marker in my nose!*
Her value is that she remained a cheerful person
and really funny-
And I can put a marker in my nose!
And she can put makers in her nose-
But more of all she cares about her fans
It happened that we were toghether at cons and-
In two opposite sides-
I want to put the both of them!
No, this one doesn't fit
The red one is bigger and it hurts you
They don't fit toghether!
It means that your nostrils are the same size
As I was saying, she's one of the influencers
in my opinion, one of the most cheerful youtubers
across Italy
and it's something that is missing, because it's easy to
make visuals by insulting others
What is it? A domino?
It's the Sun!
It's true!
It's written in Japanes, but come on!
And I remind you that if I draw this it becomes a fridge
The sun, soon Sabri will surpass me in
Japanese language and she'll be a master
You can see the video on my channel about this!
Yes, go and watch it!
You can choose many flaws, I have a plenty of them!
*like that I can't put both markers in my nose!*
No, stop it!
She doesn't have any!
Have you ever noticed that if you have to
scream, some letters are more easy to say? Like:
"Amore" doesn't come out, instead
"aBore" works better
No, I never noticed-
You see? It comes out better!
Because the sound is harder
"Amore!" You can hear it less..
Guys, write in the comments, try to say
"Amore!" and "ABORE!" and you'll see that it will come out better
Because you do:
And these are Sabrina's singing lessons!
A flaw is that I'm too chatty
No! You don't have flaws, period!
Let's move on the next!
Have you ever thought about doing an event together?
Actually yes, because she came to Milano Comics
Cosplay, whatever the con name was, I don't remember-
And she told me that many people came to her stand
and many of the girls had my T-Shirt, so
we tought to ask to be put in the same stand at next Milano Comics!
You'll see us together at next Milano Comics!
I was very surprised, because a lot of little girls
were fan of both of us!
Obviously she has more fans than me
There'll be new T-shirts with tigers and we'll be with her!
Who wants tigers' T-shirt?
Tigers' T-shirts! It will come out with a super cool thing!
I'll punch you in the face!
I'm teaching her how to do her merchandising
Thank you...
Let's read the next one!
For 10.000 euros, would you switch your job
with the one of the other?
It isn't 100.000 euros?
No, no! It's 10.000 euros.
They were stingy!
Well, for 10.000 euros,
would I do your job?
I don't think so, also because you
gain really much more than
living as a poor girl in Tokyo!
But it's not really because of the money
Is that I always imagine your life as you're working
*your ass off*
Only thinking about coming here in Japan and
having to study Japanese would get me anxious and
I'd die due to heart attack
You have a beautiful life, Japan means a lot to me
But, really, if I had to do again all the auditions-
No, no, no, no, no, no.
What an anxiety trip!
I live my life and I work my ass of
But at home I've got my big cats!
Our jobs are quite different because
you live in a different country, I do many jobs
so the variety is
enormous, I can't say:
"I want to go to Italy and only take a break"
No, you have to go there, and you have to stay there
x amount of days, because you have to do this or that
I could be able to do that, instead.
Well, it would be great for me.
Sabri's life is beautiful! Would you like to live my life?
I think anyone would like to live my life
Actually, I'd say...
If I were in Japan, yes
Yeah, because you don't want to come back in Italy!
And you're right..
I don't want to, I really like to come and visit Italy for a trip but
I don't want to live there, at least not now
my real dream is here. I can feel you,
really well.
So, an italian youtuber in Japan
And she explained me that, probably
I coudn't come here to work as a youtuber in Japan
even if I'd pay taxes, I'd have to study or do another job!
Exactly! Many people thing that my job is
working as a youtuber, when for me YouTube is passion
my job is something different, with an entertainment agency
not people at chance! Also because, you don't really know
how many visuals do you need to live with youtube
You don't live by making a video once a week.
there is a huge amount of work behind.
I wouldn't live your life also because of doing-
How many videos do you publish daily? Ten?
I publish a video once a week and I say:
"Wow this week I've really been great!!"
Wait, I'm trying to publish at least 2 or 3 a week
but I think I would have a stroke if I had to publish daily!
I record way more than you..
You record more?
Yeah, I have at least a video a day!
At least a video once a day!
"Which cosplay did you prefer to do?"
your favourite cosplay-
But, "do" in the sense of crafting it? No, no, no, no.
No, I haven't been sewing since five years maybe
Uhm, well.
The favorite cosplay you brought.
I really liked my Snowhite, rock version
because it was like, I started to glue stars to it.
Actuallly it was well made, but I had fun to
sewing and decorating it to make it become a corset It's an original cosplay!
It's surely cool, really cool.
I think Harley Quinn from Suicide Squd
I made it too!
You did it? Right!
But I haven't crafted it and they put the makeup on me
But you did it for Italy,
for the italian promotion of Suicide Squad.
I made it for the japanese promotion!
Yes and you also met -
AND MARGOT ROBBIE! And I haven't!!
They were too cute!!
Well, I'd say...Nevermind.
"Cosplay you have in common?"
It's true!
"Your favorite series?"
Wait, TV series?
Yes, TV.
Totally "The Big Bang Theory"
it's the series that makes me laugh more
I also really like "Orange is the new black"
But it makes me feel a bit anxious, so
I when I feel anxious I keep my telephone in my hands,
with "Big bang" I manage not to keep my telephone.
I'll give you a plush-
even if I think you have many-
No! It's that I have to distract myself
Whoa! It's that the aim? Ok!
So let's watch it like this!
Mine is "The Walking dead" so think about the anxiety
*No, guys, never in my whole life*
"Th walking dead" and also "game of thrones", so double anxiety
Well, I
watched "Game of thrones" with my ex boyfriend
and for his birthday I gave him the chance to watch it with me
I gifted him the box set
when I was throwing up, at the third episode, I told him:
"Sorry I can't do it"
It's not your kind of series.
No, I can't do it-
Instead, I really-
I'm like "kawaii", "moe", "chuu chuu"
And then it's like "DEEEAATH"
Zombies, evilness!
Allright, let's move to the next one!
"How to begin to care less about what people say
without making any complex at all.
Here only I and Sabri-
Go! Get out!
Well, I have to talk you about an important thing you'll need in ife.
Come here!
When you like to do something
you have to do it.
If you have to listen to people who discourage you,
or who tell you that you are not gifted for doing that
or that you are not doing one thing properly, please
ignore them.
Because you have to happy about your life
Remember that who talks, mostly does it because of envy
because they want to be where you are now,
or doing what you'll be doing in that moment
So, ignore the critics,
and then, do like me! Ban them!
So they can't come back and harass you anymore!
Since when I ban people
I feel more than great, I really feel good.
Also because, I'll tell you something, the majority of people
who insult you, if you answer to the insult,
they will tell you:
"Oh, sorry, I only wanted you to notice me!"
So this kind of people's lifes are really pointless
leave them in their world, ignore them, have fun and do what you want!
And that make you happy!
as is written here "Do what you wish"
in Japan! Yes!
I think she said everything, I have nothing to say
Also because you have to learn from me!
I'm the first one who-
But really a lot of people told me "You won't make it"
many people also made me-
They addressed me in videos criticizing me
"You will last one year and you'll go back home crying!"
Well, at least about that I can say that-
I have many complexes, I'm not as strong as her, but-
*But, do you have the complex that you can't stuck a marker in your nose?*
You have those tiny nostrils, you can't even put a toothpick in there!
In your opinion, why the red one doesn't fit and the black does?
It's lifes's mistery!
You have one nosetip bigger than the other-
But no! Look! This one fits
and this one doesn't enter!
These are really important thing in life.
The next one is probably the last-
But how many questions did you chose!? We're at 23 minutes!
but people will watch us anyway!
Ok, go on!
Sushi or lasagna?
Here there's a thing to say, sushi or lasagna.
I don't eat sushi in Japan,
because I don't love fish which tastes like fish
I love, ehm, turistic fish
So, I eat sushi in Italy, and Ramen in Japan
Then my answer is, lasagna only if made by me
because i put mozzarella cheese in it, because without it is worse
If we're in Italy, i think a fifty/fifty
If we're in Japan, lasagna doesn't exist so we eat Ramen in Shibuya!
*you didn't choose, you know?*
Guys, my mother's lasagna, c'mon!
And who knows when's the last time you ate it
Exactly! I only eat it once a ear!
But if I had to choose, I would say in Japan.
For me is better, in Italy it's like chemical
In Japan it's a slice like that of fish with a piece of rice like this
That you manage to roll it up several times
Write in the comments what you prefer between sushi or lasagna
They're over?
I think yes.
So, apart from that, write also other
questions you would like to ask us in the next video
Because, I don't know if you know it but
In my video I said that if it hits 50k likes, she will come back in Italy and she'll do some videos with me!
She will hit them in like three seconds!
50k no, probably it will take a year
but at least you can see her if she comes in Italy!
If I were you , I would put a like here too!
How many likes do you want?
How many likes you do with a video?
Three thousand maximum...
Five thousand in this video too and she will fly
to Italy!
Well guys start to press like because
I need my mother's lasagna!!
Press like!
And stop!
We have to make another video tomorrow
Tomorrow we're doing another vi-
*girls, shops in Harajuku!*
stay tuned!
*All the kawaii things*
You can't to both, uh?
I really suck at it!
Well I can put a marker in my nosetips!
This is true talent!
See you soon! Share a lot this video!
See ya-
And this is my fridge!
And this is her fridge
Bye! Mata nee!
Tell them a greeting in Japanese
Mata nee!
Live: South Africa vs Zimbabwe 2nd ODI online match score stream, SA 14*/2* (4.0) - Duration: 0:51.South africa
south africa vs zimbabwe
cricket match online today
online streaming
Škoda Rapid Spaceback Space back Drive - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
Dolphins Are Released To The Sea But Can't Leave The Zookeeper | Kritter Klub - Duration: 3:20.Story of two dolphins: Geumdeung & Daepo
The two dolphins return to their hometown(Jeju sea) in 20 years
2017.05.18 Last performance of Geumdeung and Daepo
20 years on land, since 1997 to 2017
Goodbye Dolphins and I'm so sorry
On their way back to the Jeju sea
Going back to the Jeju sea where there are 110 dolphins
The body remembers the smell and temperature of the Jeju sea
Dolphins swim comfortably in familiar sea
They will return to the sea after training in the wild
Although the first try was a failure, it starts to catch prey on its own
2017.07.18 It is the day of returning to the sea
Getting ready to leave after eating a substantial meal
I'm ready
They regain freedom for the first time in 20 years
Both of them leave the net
Geumdeung came back
I hoped that they'll leave without regret looking back
But I feel sad since Geumdeung came back
Is Geumdeung scared of the huge ocean?
Just then, he came back and made eye contact with the zookeeper as if saying last good bye
They must've waited for this day to come
Good bye dolphins and thank you!
Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI 95pk Adrenalin - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
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Paljonko hyödyn, kun säästän jo asuntolainaa lyhentäessäni? | Nordea Pankki 11.9.2018 - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
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Trò chơi chiếc thùng kỳ diệu❤Tuổi Thơ Cùng Bé Trang Và Kids❤ - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
王剛的"嬌妻",曾拒演《甄嬛傳》,復出後靳東搭戲又走紅! - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
Škoda Rapid Spaceback 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk Drive + Tech pakket - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Seat Leon ST 1.0 EcoTSI 115pk Style Business Intense - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Bongani the DICTATOR - Team Building Holiday 'Surprise' - Comedy Web Series - Duration: 7:21.Growler: oh hi Bongani. Bongani: oh hi Growler. How are you?
Growler: Oh yes not too bad thank you
Growler: I just wanted to talk to you though
Growler: I've seen a very strange, very large transaction on our bank account for Center Parcs
Growler: Do you know what it is exactly?
Bongani: Ummm. No no no I don't have any knowledge of this.
Growler: Oh hang on a minute. I did get something through the post that let me show it to you
Growler: Hang on. Back in a second.
Bongani: Oh no. I hope he hasn't worked it out.
Growler: Yes so here it is yes.
Growler: I got this leaflet through the post
Growler: Yes and it seems to suggest that we've been booked on a holiday in the next couple of weeks to Center Parcs
Growler: Do you know anything about this?
Bongani: Oh Oh. That Center Parcs. Yes yes yes
Bongani: I've decided... it was going to be a surprise you see
Bongani: But I'm afraid you found out already
Bongani: But I decided that we're all going to go on a team-building break. Isn't that exciting?
Growler: oh. ok...
Growler: That sounds okay but um there was just some weird things in the transactions as well
Growler: For example with the accommodation
Growler: It seems like that eleven of us have been booked into a cabin that seems to be known as "The Shack"
Growler: And that seems to cost £500 for four days
Growler: But there's one person who seems to have their own cabin which is a luxury cabin with sauna and leafy garden...
Growler: Which costs £2000
Growler: Do you know anything about this?
Bongani: oh um... no that must be a mistake. We're all supposed to be in the shack.
Growler: Oh really okay. Cuz there must be a mistake also with the activities as well
Growler: There's good team building activities booked like geocaching and an assault course and trekking
Growler: But they only seem to be for 11 of us
Growler: but there's also some other activities booked at the same time for one person
Growler: one giraffe it actually says and yes and they've booked all of the spa treatments
Growler: yes and that costs like £800 alone.
Growler: Do you know anything about that?
Bongani: Oh that must be mistake as well. I'll look into it.
Growler: okay yes then you also need to look into this last mistake with regards to the eating arrangements.
Growler: Yes cuz there's one giraffe which seems to be put down as Bongani
Growler: Who has been booked to have a five-star luxury dining experience every night while we're there for four nights
Growler: That costs another £500.
Growler: Do you know anything about this and don't lie to me this time?
Bongani: Oh um... All right yes yes I did all this. yes yes yes
Bongani: You see the reason I've done this is that um
Bongani: Basically I think the 11 of you, all the other cast members
Bongani: Need to go on a team building exercise because your videos have been performing a bit subpar compared to my videos
Bongani: And I think that's because of a lack of chemistry between you all
Growler: No. That's not true. Our videos are just fine thank you
Growler: And why are you not involved then?
Bongani: You see as the Chairman I've been having quite a bit of stress lately managing all of this.
Bongani: So um I thought I deserve to have a nice spa treatments yes yes and a lovely nice relaxing time yes yes yes
Bongani: To take away all the stress and then improve my performance as the chairman.
Growler: Why can't we go to the spa?
Bongani: Well cuz then you won't be doing the team building.
Growler: Grrrr That's it. This is ridiculous.
Growler: This is the last straw. I want my chairman role back right now
Bongani: No. You're not getting the chairman role back.
Bongani: This isn't a democracy. I'm the dictator here. I'm great
Bongani: I'm a far better dictactor than everyone in the whole world.
Bongani: I'm even better than Kim Jong Un
Growler: No. Dictatorships suck.
Bongani: No. Dictatorships are great
Growler: No but I founded it
Bongani: yes well you may have founded it but you gave power to me I'm afraid
Bongani: yes and now as the dictator I just assumed power forever.
Growler: For god's sake. You've made so many mistakes as chairman. This is ridiculous
Growler: You spent money on the lottery. $500
Growler: And then also you took a bribe from Peter and gave his own show.
Growler: What was even weirder about that is then what happened to the money?
Bongani: Oh um oh well you see...
Bongani: I had to give the money to Stalin. His interest increased so quickly
Bongani: I needed that much money to pay the original $500 loan off.
Growler: Oh for god sake! Stupid leaflet.
Growler: Well it is clear that you're making so many mistakes as chairman that you can't be there anymore.
Bongani: No no no. Haven't you heard? I've turned over a new leaf. Haven't you seen the video?
Growler: No
You completed misinterpreted what that meant.
Growler: You just turned over a leaf. You didn't change at all.
Bongani: Oh. That's what it meant.
Bongani: Oh well...
Bongani: Well my video was better so I don't see why I needed to change.
Growler: Oh. For god's sake.
Growler: Give me the role back right now.
Bongani: No no no no. You put me in charge and now you gotta live with it.
Growler: Mark my words Bongani, you'll get your comeuppance. Just you wait.
Growler: I'm out of here now. I'm too angry to talk to you
Bongani: Mark my words Growler. You're not getting rid of me. There's no way. I'm here to stay.
Bongani: The only way I'll ever be out of here is some act of god or some magic...
Bongani: but that's never going to happen. No way
[Bongani Laughs] Bongani: I'm in charge now and you've got to live with it.
[Bongani Laughs]
Growler: Oh for god sake. I'll be back. Just you wait. Stupid
Bongani: Oh yes I'm the greatest chairman in the whole world. Oh yes yes
Bongani: No one's ever going to get rid of me
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 200 CDI BLUEEFFICIENCY BUSINESS CLASS AVANTGARDE - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Pourquoi on n'est pas zéro déchet? - Duration: 9:24.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Pourquoi on n'est pas zéro déchet? - Duration: 9:24.-------------------------------------------
18 CHOSES QUE J'AI APPRISES EN 18 ANS ! - Duration: 4:37.
Dream big, have ambition
and give you the means to succeed.
Enjoy the little things of life.
Don't give your trust
to anybody...
Do what makes you happy
and let nobody stopping you!
Surround yourself with friends
you are sure you can count on.
Never stay on a fail
stand up and go on!
You'll see that 99,9% of the time
your parents were right!
The obstacles of life
will make you grow.
Be grateful for what
you have at the present moment.
The wheel always spins...
Travelling and discovering the world
is the most beautiful enrichment.
Be open-minded!
Don't be afraid to
step out of your comfort zone!
Always stay faithful to your values.
Get rid of the
toxic people as fast as you can!
Have the courage to
go over your fears!
Use your mistakes
as lessons.
Don't ever let disappear
your inner child!
Thanks to all the people who are or have been part of my life
and have participated in turning me into the person that I am today.
For more infomation >> 18 CHOSES QUE J'AI APPRISES EN 18 ANS ! - Duration: 4:37.-------------------------------------------
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle make first official royal engagement to Sussex together after being n - Duration: 3:14.Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited Sussex for the first time today, after being given the title of Duke and Duchess of Sussex by The Queen after they wed in May
The pair followed in the footsteps of Harry's older brother Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton who visited Cambridgeshire in November 2012 after they were given the official titles of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Beaming for the cameras, the pair looked every inch the happy couple as they stepped out hand in hand
Looking as fashionable as ever, 37 year old Meghan stunned in a leather pencil skirt teamed with a black shirt and off white jacket, finished with nude stiletto heels
Top Stories Why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's next royal outing is so important Samantha Markle: Who is Meghan Markle's sister? Age, Twitter and family ties Scraping her glossy brunette locks off her face in her trademark loose bun, her natural beauty shone through as she went for a minimal makeup look with a hint of shimmer across her cheekbones
Harry looked equally smart in a grey suit with a crisp white shirt that was unbuttoned at the front, as he decided against wearing a tie for the occasion
Waving at the awaiting crowd on their arrival, hoards of excited fans had waited for the royals to arrive in Sussex
Indeed this was a momentous occasion for the couple today who have not been able to visit Sussex yet due to their busy work schedules
Most Popular Instagram is down: 5xx Server Error leaves Instagram users devastated Emmerdale: Aaron makes sweet confession about baby Seb after Grace's death Dan Osborne reveals Roxanne Pallett punch accusations were 'believable' Hours after their wedding, Buckingham Palace released a statement revealing: "The Queen today has been pleased to confer a Dukedom on Prince Henry of Wales
His titles will be Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel. "Prince Harry thus becomes His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, and Ms Meghan Markle on marriage will become Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex
" The couple tied the knot at St George's Palace on the 19 May in front of the royal family, friends and a host of celebrity guests including Victoria Beckham and her husband David Beckham
Top Stories The strict royal pregnancy traditions Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will have to follow What will Meghan Markle wear to Princess Eugenie's wedding? This missed moment from Meghan Markle's latest royal engagement is causing a huge debate
For more infomation >> Prince Harry and Meghan Markle make first official royal engagement to Sussex together after being n - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
[파리모터쇼 2018]현대차, 자동차 본고장서 '고성능 N' 시험대 올려 - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> [파리모터쇼 2018]현대차, 자동차 본고장서 '고성능 N' 시험대 올려 - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Villacarrillo. Iglesia de N.ª S.ª de la Asunción y refugio antiaéreo. Jaén - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Villacarrillo. Iglesia de N.ª S.ª de la Asunción y refugio antiaéreo. Jaén - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
How Our Brains Reward Us When We See Someone Fail - Duration: 4:39.Haha, you suck.
Schadenfreude is enjoyment derived from another person's misfortune.
We've all watched fail compilations, shared vines, and cheered on Christy Teigen when she's out here roasting people.
We enjoy seeing someone get dragged, roasted, or cooked for a mistake and that
enjoyment is felt in our reward centers in our brain.
The striatum, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the amygdala, all contain dopaminergic
neurons that activate when experiencing schadenfreude.
It's a complicated emotional response, which feels good, but how much should it govern our decision-making?
Theme song time.
Seriously dude, you gotta get that theme song going.
You deserve everything that's coming to you, stupid.
Don't lie, I know you've gotten a chuckle when someone's taken an L on the internet or in real life.
I know I giggle when I see someone speed past me on the highway and get a ticket.
Or if someone gets a four-piece and some fries in a fast-food fight, you know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying.
Is it cool to laugh another person's misfortune?
No, but do we do it?
Hell yeah,
because we're human.
Schadenfreude manifests more strongly when we perceive people deserve their misfortunes
or when misfortunes happen to people who are widely disliked.
Makes sense.
If a Nazi or racist gets cooked on Twitter we laugh because we think they're super wack and deserve to get flamed.
Right? Right.
It can also manifest in less desirable social conditions like envy.
Researchers found that when a subject felt that a person was superior and more important,
stronger envy and stronger anterior cingulate cortex activation was also seen.
Also, stronger schadenfreude and striatum activation were induced when misfortunes happened to an envied target.
So, schadenfreude pops up in our brains
whenever someone we perceive as higher status than us or people we don't like gets knocked down a peg or 20.
But schadenfreude could possibly also be a way of social learning from another person's mistakes.
A UCLA study put electrodes in the heads of 10 subjects playing a computer card game and found that observing and predicting errors
in the card game activated the rostral anterior cingulate cortex, part of the cerebrum,
that encodes learning, decision-making, and rewards. Make sense so far.
Made the wrong decision, we get a little bit of dopamine and hopefully you learn from the mistake that you're viewing.
Researchers came to that same conclusion and believed that neurons from that specific area
we're learning and calculating next moves. But wait, there's more. That's a reference.
This may sound a lot like one of my favorite topics, mirror neurons, but they're not the same.
Mirror neurons are neurons that respond equally when we perform an action and when we see someone perform that same action.
When we see someone make a mistake you're not thinking "man, let me go mess that up for myself."
You're learning from that mistake and making better life choices. Today's episode is brought to you by live choices...
When subjects in that card study found that they won, those areas activated much more than when they were let down by their
papapapa pokerface.
Could be schadenfreude activated neurons, but remember, correlation does not equal causation.
So as always, more research is needed.
When we see a public figure take an L, it quickly turns into a dragging
competition on who can pull that person down the furthest. This manifests all the way at the top with politics.
America's famous for their two-party system and humans already have a tendency to have trouble identifying with out-group members,
preferring members of our own perceived tribes. And when people from outside of our tribes take serious Ls, ding dong, schadenfreude here.
A 2012 study found that participants felt more positive when misfortunes befell a high-status competitive target
as compared to other social targets with a less competitive streak.
They discovered this by measuring participants facial muscles and found activity consistent with smiling.
Politicians are running for the highest position of power in the country. If they crash, it's normally at high speed
and research suggests that we enjoy it.
That same study suggests that schadenfreude
decreases when a target group member is of a low status or is cooperative and learns from their mistakes
So it's no fun to punch down, only up. Good note for comedians.
Political affiliation has become a sort of tribe identifier in recent years.
In the last few elections, it always felt like a win for one party was a loss for the opposing party, when we live in one whole ass country.
When President Bush won in 2000, it was perceived as the Democrats losing.
When Obama won in 2008, a loss for the GOP.
A 2009 paper looked directly at schadenfreude and political affiliations in four studies, and across all four studies
participants political party affiliation and the intensity of in-group identification within those parties
strongly predicted whether their emotional reactions to news articles describing misfortunes happening to others produce schadenfreude.
Basically, stronger political allegiances correlated with more laughs at the opposing political party's misfortunes.
Schadenfreude has also been linked with anti-empathy, or the opposite of empathy.
Some people really deserve it like bullies, criminals, racists, sexists, people with way too much power.
Sometimes that's all the same person. And they will get what's coming to them.
But remember, research found that schadenfreude punches up, not down. If a more perfect union is the goal here, schadenfreude ain't it.
Okay, enough of this enjoying other people's failures.
I mean, what if there was a way to use neuroscience of the brain to do some good? To like...
Positively influence people. Oh, wait right here in this video. You're nerds. Watch it.
And while you're watching it, make sure you go down a little bell down there and hit subscribe.
We love you.
For more infomation >> How Our Brains Reward Us When We See Someone Fail - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
Trump Mocks Kavanaugh Accuser He Had Called Credible Witness - Duration: 0:19.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Trump Mocks Kavanaugh Accuser He Had Called Credible Witness - Duration: 0:19.-------------------------------------------
Grenier Chrysler : L'importance des pneus d'hiver - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Grenier Chrysler : L'importance des pneus d'hiver - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
Mick Schumacher, sur les traces de son père Michael - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Mick Schumacher, sur les traces de son père Michael - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
Спойлер ВАЗ 2108 DuckTail. Спойлер на Лада 2108. Тюнинг запчасти. AOM Tuning - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Спойлер ВАЗ 2108 DuckTail. Спойлер на Лада 2108. Тюнинг запчасти. AOM Tuning - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Neue Bilder von Matildas Taufe – und dieses Detail überrascht total! - Duration: 3:22.Neue Bilder von Matildas Taufe – und dieses Detail überrascht total!
Auf Instagram zeigt Ski-Profi Felix Neureuther die Taufe seiner Tochter Matilda.
Ganz traditionell in Tracht und mit Bergpanorama.
„Glück und Liebe", schreibt Felix Neureuther (34) neben den süßen Schnappschuss seiner Familie.
Der Ski-Profi und Ehefrau Miriam Neureuther (28) sind stolze Eltern der kleinen Matilda (11 Monate).
Seit Oktober 2017 krönt die Tochter das Familienglück.
In ihrer Heimat Garmisch-Partenkirchen stand nun die Taufe der Kleinen an.
Ganz traditionell wurde in bayerischer Tracht gefeiert.
Und zur Feier des Tages teilten die sonst so privaten Neureuthers sogar ein wunderschönes Foto der Familienbande.
Nicht nur Matilda sieht in ihrem rosafarbenen Dirndl unfassbar niedlich aus, auch das Dirndl ihrer Mama ist eine Besonderheit.
Oben im Video seht ihr nicht nur das schöne Bild, sondern auch, was es mit dem Outfit von Miriam auf sich hat.
Mama und Papa wollen zurück an die Weltspitze.
Nach der Geburt von Matilda ist „Miri" wieder fleißig am Trainieren.
In der kommenden Wintersaison ist sie wieder im Kader der deutschen Nationalmannschaft.
Ihr Sport-Gewehr lässt sie allerdings im Schrank.
Statt wie früher im Biathlon wird sie als Langläuferin antreten.
Nach einer schweren Knie-Verletzung kurz vor Olympia in Korea versucht Felix, es wieder an die Weltspitze im Ski-Alpin zu schaffen.
For more infomation >> Neue Bilder von Matildas Taufe – und dieses Detail überrascht total! - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Meetup Impact Hub Donosti - Sergio M. Villar - Duration: 4:01.Technology is the one providing that big advantage or difference
that can contribute with a new kind of things,
in this case, in my sector,
and it seems that this decentralized world
and this kind of platforms, like SingularDTV's,
offer a set of tools that didn't exist before
with the possibility to achieve funding,
something that in a fiat world, in the dollars and euros world,
seems much more difficult, right?
There are very interesting examples, like Javier Borrayo,
a guy from Guatemala, who has been the first one tokenizing a film.
He raised the money needed in two weeks
and is now being distributed in festivals, they are very happy.
Later there was also Leonardo de Armas,
his main character is Gervasio Deferr,
a former olympic gymnast.
It is a very ambitious project as well.
And following that track I want to create a project,
called "Regular Cutback", with a love story,
like almost all the stories.
It also has surfing aesthetics,
I have been linked to surf for about 25 years.
I think that it's a story that can reach many people,
I think it can succeed quite well.
The idea is to distribute it later, apart from typical cinema festivals,
in this case for short films,
also in surfing and environmental cinema festivals,
there are a lot of them both in Spain and internationally.
We plan to include an actor and an actress, both well-known in the Spanish scene
and a third one, who will be a surfer, also well-known.
The world of short films and blockchain are quite similar in that sense.
That world seems to always open up doors for doing things,
you write to someone, he answers, you enter a group, write something, they answer,
so it seems to flow well.
It also happens in the short film world.
In the end, in the short film world everything is always made by a handful of friends,
which does not mean they aren't professionals,
but many are done without funding
because doing it with funding would cost
what I am going to request, for example,
in the campaign I want to create in Tokit,
so that the people who participate are appreciated the way I think they should be,
including my work, the scriptwriter's, actors', etcetera.
The budget has been approximately distributed in
10% for pre-production, which is what we are doing now,
55% wolud be for the production,
all the expenses involved in the filming of the short film,
15% for post-production, editing video and sound, colours,
and also the music,
and another 15% for distribution in festivals, social networks and advertisement.
As it is a project linked to the environment,
in Cantabria there's an association called Surf Nature Alliance,
which was the one that managed that Mundaka was considered the first shoal in Europe
legally protected by public institutions.
They have also achieved nature surf reserves, like Ribamontán del Mar, in Somo,
Suances, also in Cantabria,
so we want to devote a 5% of the funding
to this NGO as a way to go beyond with this project
and it's not only a short film but has as well a trascendence,
both in the message of the film
and in the action, which is what I think we should do: acting with things.
And that's all!
軒兒玩遊戲︳難得遇到很有興趣的遊戲︳大家一起來猜歌😋 - Duration: 16:28.-------------------------------------------
끝까지 사랑 44회 - Duration: 33:16.Subtitles Updating... Please like and subscribe to my channel Thanks for watching!
Like,share and Subscribe NOW!
「LIVE」Zelda: Breath of the Wild (#3): Hate this devil game - Duration: 39:03.-------------------------------------------
Pallet Wood Penny Boards - Duration: 10:38.guys guys guys that's not how we take apart pallets
yeah use your robot go do this by hand alright old man
hey thanks for checking out this build and thank you to Inventables maker of the x-carve
for making this video possible I'm always trying to push that X-Carve CNC
to the limit doing things that you're really just not gonna be able to do by
hand so I said we came up with these Penny boards made out of wood with
this CNC carved texture in the top it matches the exact texture on the
original plastic Penny boards made a few of these flat versions would work just
as well but also made a couple with tails on them just to test my patience
and just for a little bit of a comparison I made this one here carving
it entirely by hand with a palm router with the Kyle Toth leopard print
pattern with the veneer on the top hey have you heard of Woodbrew I'm Dylan
I'm Molly well we built these penny boards together this week in my shop
and we built some lamps too we got our own different versions videos
on their channel so go check that whoa whoa whoa anyway I think this is a
really cool application of the x-carve CNC combining that with the handwork of
power carving down the bottom with the turbo plane to create a cool contoured
rounded shape so we're actually going to be making some more of these if you'd
like to get one of your own I'm gonna list these up on my website for sale
Woodbrew's gonna make a plywood version similar to this and mine are gonna be
all reclaimed from pallet wood and they will be fully customizable you can put
your logo or name in the center you can have my logo instead and you can pick
your own custom colors kind of like these guys here so I went a little crazy
here and made a few of these boards here comes some colored and logo for the
brands that support this build so Inventables is gonna get the yellow version
cut on their machine and that Rockler and Arbortech you also saw me using
their tools in the course of this build alright I think that's it for this one
go check out all the links in the description for the x-carve to learn
more about that as well as the Arbortech and Rockler tools that I used in
the course of this build but for now I'm gonna go and got to go find some our pallets
[Poor travel深圳] ¥25蚊睇3D電影!鮮果凍酸奶!日式芝士蛋糕!深業上城 Shenzhen Travel Vlog 2018 - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
Madonna "Beautiful Game" mashup (2018 Met Gala song, cover) - Duration: 2:20.Life is a mystery,
Everyone must stand alone
I hear you call my name,
And it feels like home
It's a beautiful plan,
But I'm not concerned
It's a beautiful game,
That I never learned
People tell her to shut her mouth,
That she might get burned
Keep them beautiful lies,
'Cause she's not concerned
Life is a mystery,
Everyone must stand alone
I hear you call my name,
And it feels like home
Let your body move,
Let your body move,
Let your body move
It's a beautiful game,
That I never learned
Paljonko hyödyn, kun säästän jo asuntolainaa lyhentäessäni? | Nordea Pankki 11.9.2018 - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
Lego pirate ship MOC : Making of La Grenouille - Duration: 20:07.Inspired by HMS. Surprise and Hermione
Use some parts left from 2 Brick bounty sets
Ordered parts from bricklink.com
BASRY and Easy Cake! - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
Tic Tac Toe | Gift - Duration: 0:40.And nothing's ever good enough
I wrote a little song for ya
It go like
Do, Re
Do, Re
Do, Re
Do, Re
Do, Re
Do, Re
Do, Re
Do, Re
Do, Re
Do, Re
Do, Re
So, f**king done, with all the
Games you play!
I ain't no, Tic Tac Toe!
Send the X and O's on another note!
Do, Re, Mi, Fa,
SO! F**king done with you baby!
So send the X and O's on another note
I'm ghost
Learning new words and phrasal verbs | Rubén Moreno G - Duration: 4:25.Hi guys, welcome back to my channel
this is Rubén. I just wanted to make this one because I'm want to
talk with you one thing, and that thing is really important. And actually I have no idea about it, but I just want
those ideas to come up to my mind
So now some dogs are
barking but I just
Can't wait to make this video
That's the only thing I want to do now
So guys, look at this. So now I'm
Just trying to incorporate more
in my conversations and I'm kind of trying
to incorporate more phrasal verb, which I consider that so important, and it is
like if you know more phrasal verbs you are going to understand
in a closely way
that if you don't understand, for example, I
Just I'm learning "heading out" and "headed out"
I'm heading out now, which means
"Voy a salir"
I am
headed out
"Voy a salir" Alright. it's like when you are going to do something
outside and
What other thing is that I don't used to learn phrasal verbs like for example a list of phrasal verbs
I like
for example if I catch a phrasal verb that I heard a lot on videos
I just try to learn
Like for example, I've heard that phrasal verb many time and I just want to incorporate them. Now
I want to incorporate "dive into"
in Spanish is like: "lanzarse a"
o "antes de entrar" before to dive into
and the other one is: "blow up" or
"blew up". Many people say: "my head blew up". It's like: "mi cabeza explotó"
"Mi cabeza estalló", something like that. So I think the more I
Listen to content in English the more I can be aware about new phrasal verbs, new
expressions that I can use.
I'm sorry. I'm not seeing the camera. I'm seeing the computer. So now I have to get used to that
so basically that so what other thing is for example, like
I want to stop saying "eeeeeeeeee"
And I want to say "aaaaaah"
Because I've heard that tip from many
polyglots and from many people who learn languages and they are very interested in sound like a natives and one important thing is
trying to say the filler expressions that natives use, for example, we in Spanish use: "eeeeee"
Literally it is "e" sound
but in English, it's like it's like, "uummm", I don't know... You are a native English speaker
You're having a conversation with someone in Spanish and you don't know the answer. You don't know the word. Um
You have to stop saying "umm", in Spanish it's "eeeeeee"
No sé!. Stop saying "ummm"
Stop stop stop... I have to
get used to that
Basically that's what I just wanted to share with you guys
Hope you are doing pretty well with your learning language process and I'll see you until my next one. Have a great day
Biscotti Haman - Cookies Haman - VENICE WITH 5 EURO_VENEZIA CON 5 EURO streetfood - Duration: 5:16.but what strange shape these ears
Hi Youtubers, I'm Annalisa
here we are again in Venice
I recommend subscribe to my channel
there will be news with Venice with 5 euros coming soon
and other series on the theme of Venice
don't lost subscribe and put a like
So what do we do today?
here behind me
there is the famous Venetian ghetto
I thought about bringing you
in an atmosphere of other times
here in the Venetian Jewish ghetto
we would go to taste some special
Jewish things
let's go
here it is
here they make Jewish cookies
well let's try to taste one immediately
what are these called?
small ears .... ??
of Haman
then give me two cookies, please
thank you
I also met an old Venetian lady, and she confirms that
Haman's ears are very good
and also cost only 0.50 cents for cookies
so I spent only 1 euro
a fantastic short pastry
small ears
but what a strange shape of ears
small ears closed and filled with jam
good jam
flavor of bright apricot
and the pastry is delicious
therefore the little ears were divine
now let's go see the field (square) nearby
here are the children playing
there are several water fountains
and listen to the background is ... natural silence
very beautifull
I wanted to go see
if there is any other road to discover around
here is the undergoing ghetto novo
(I read the plate) sottoportego del ghetto novo.... that's this
and here we note that the buildings are very high
(I start counting the floors)..one, two, three, four, five, six
here we go together to discover
it's the first time I come here
I've never appreciated this neighborhood like today
very beautifull
there are houses with gardens (I whisper cause the owners are out in the garden)
(in the background there are the voices of Venetians people who come from own home)
here are ... the small gardens
this neighborhood is very big
the houses with all very well kept small gardens
and I'm losing my way with you
here's where we came out
here on the nova road
There is chaos again, from silence to noise
it's all for today from the ghetto with haman's little ears
and I greet you
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CIAOOOOO ...bye bye
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