Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 3 2018

- [Russell] Hey everyone this is Russell Brunson

I wanna welcome you to Marketing Secrets.

Today's show is about Conversation Domination.

So there was a guy, named Howie Schwartz,

when I first got started, he was big online

and he had a course called Conversation Domination

and it was about getting in Google

and if you say typed your name into Google,

all 10 spots would be you,

you would dominate the conversation, right?

You open up any platform,

and I'm dominating the conversation.

I am in your podcast feed, I am in your YouTube feed,

I'm in your blog RSS feed,

I wanna dominate conversation on every single platform.

I think I know now why.

I always wondered why nobody else is doing this,

outside of Gary Vaynerchuk in our market.

My business is built off email, right?

So we build a big email list,

we've had over a million entrepreneurs

who've been on that list.

I assumed, okay, I'm gonna launch in Instagram,

I'll send an email, and all of a sudden,

I'll have a million people on Instagram.

I'm going to go with my blog,

I'll push them there, a million people on my blog,

but with the reality, what I found is its not true.

Think about this for yourself,

how do you like to consume content?

What's your platform?

Because everyone's got one or two that's their favorite.

Do you like reading blogs?

Maybe you're a blog reader.

Or do you like listening to podcasts?

Maybe you're a podcast person.

Or do you like watching videos on YouTube,

or do you check your email?

What's your platform of choice?

And I thought that everyone's on every platform,

but I don't think that's the case.

There's a small percentage that are.

But even if we take our Facebook list,

and we write it next to our email list,

and look at those side by side,

our Facebook and email list,

the crossover in the middle is shockingly small.

We have to realize that people

that read blogs, like to read blogs.

People that listen to podcasts, like to listen to podcasts.

That make sense?

People that watch YouTube videos,

they like watching YouTube videos.

Think about this like, if I want people to read my blog,

I don't need to go become really good at Facebook ads

to get people on my blog, you can, there's crossover,

but if I want to launch my blog in successful,

who are the other people that have successful blogs

that my people are already reading,

that my dream clients are already reading?

So I need to find those people, and get them,

pay them, or partner with them, or whatever,

to get them to write a blog article about me,

because blog people like to read blogs, right?

So if I'm reading a blog and I read a blog about someone

and I go to their blog,

someone's blog needs to promote my blog.

Someone's podcast needs to promote my podcast.

Somebody's YouTube channel needs to promote

my YouTube channel.

If you hear me on podcast, you'll notice here,

You don't know me, I do podcasts.

"So where can we get to know more about you, Russell?"

"Go to

"There's a bunch of stuff there."

No, if I'm in a podcast, I'll be like,

"Hey if you liked listening to the podcast,

"go to

"There's my podcast, you can subscribe."

It's awesome, 'cause podcast people listen to podcasts.

Understanding that, and again there will be

a little bit of crossover,

but the majority of your blog readers

will come form other blogs,

because blog readers read blogs.

The majority of YouTube subscribers

come from other YouTube channels,

because YouTube people watch YouTube.

I'd never watched a YouTube video up until

3 months ago when we launched our youtube channel.

To be completely honest, I didn't understand,

and it's so foreign to me.

I get there and now I'm in this world,

I'm like, okay, there's a lot of cool stuff happening here.

And people that like YouTube,

they're on YouTube all day long, all the time.

People who are on Facebook,

If you wanna have Conversation Domination,

the key to that is to dream 100.

Going back, dream 100 people, and then getting people

who are bloggers to read your blog.

Getting people who are podcast listeners,

to listen to your podcast, and so on and so forth,

across all the platforms.

- [Narrator] Thank you so much for watching,

every single week we publish new secrets

just like this, so make sure you subscribe

so you don't miss any of them,

and I will see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> Dominate the conversation on EVERY. SOCIAL. PLATFORM. - Duration: 3:13.


GIVEAWAY!!! Wahoo Kickr 2018 vs CycleOps H2: BEST ZWIFT TRAINER?? - Duration: 10:28.

- Good morning traniacs, short little off season

10 minute run, off season means runs aren't as intense.

It also means I'm a little hairier and a tab chubbier.

Also trying out the new GoPro Hero seven.

Short little clip to see how stabilized

and good the footage looks right now.

(treadmill running)

Comment below with how that looked.

Today isn't going to be about the GoPro,

it's not going to be about running,

it's not gonna be about the strength workout

that I'm gonna do later today.

It's about the 2018 Wahu Kicker versus

the 2018 Cyclops H2.

We're also gonna give one of these away.

(light music)

All right, traniacs, let's talk about the differences

between the new Cyclops H2, and the 2018 Wahu Kicker.

If you're looking at trainer to trainer,

I'm gonna give you a spoiler alert,

it does not really matter.

Just the trainers compared to themselves,

they are more similar than they are different.

You can choose this or this, you're gonna be happy

either way, they're the same 1199 dollars,

how ever you do have to buy a cassette with the H2.

They have the same plus or minus two percent accuracy

rating, they both weigh 47 pounds,

and they have the same simulated 20% maximum grade.

If you just look at the trainers, and you say

which one is better than the other Tarin?

I don't care, it's not going to make a difference

one way or the other what you buy.

It comes to a little bit of the intangibles,

and some of the small specifics about

what you absolutely need and what you might not need.

So first, let's talk about some of the small nuances

that literally don't matter.

When you're on the Kicker in your slippers

recording a video putting out max power,

the Kicker has a max power rating of 2200 watts,

versus the 2000 watts on the Cyclops H2.

Why does this not matter?

I do not know a single person who can get up to

really anything past about 1600 watts,

even pro cyclist Max Ode around 18, 1900.

So 2000, that's plenty.

The Cyclops Hammer has and requires a wedge

that is built into the unit for the front

of your wheel, whereas the Kicker does not.

So if you're looking for ultimate cleanliness,

just less parts sitting around, if you are

constantly breaking down and putting back together

your set up, just one more thing

that you've gotta do with the H2.

Now, there's a perceived difference that if you've

got the Wahu Element or the Element bolt,

that it'll communicate better with the Kicker

if you're uploading workouts to this that you want

this to control the Kicker, while that functionality

does exist, but the Wahu element

or element bolt, in this case, the custom limited

edition red color, because triathlon Tarin is red.

But if that's what you're thinking, it doesn't make

a difference because it can control any trainer.

Cyclops H2 has a 20 pound fly wheel where

as the Kicker has 16 pound fly wheel.

Typically, heavier is better, because it means

more inertia, and a more road like riding feel

with the new and improved fly wheel,

which I really don't notice a difference

between this and the 2017 model, it feels the same,

no difference there.

The Cyclops is coming out with a rocker plate

that moves your entire bike forward,

backward, side to side, but that's just a mechanical

device, it doesn't really have to pair to anything.

And it's going to be compatible with any trainer

out there, so that doesn't make a difference.

Wahu makes the head with the smart fan,

which blows faster and slower as you change speeds

in virtual worlds such as Whift, but it can pair

with any trainer, so that doesn't make a difference.

Now in order to calibrate the Kickers,

you do have to perform spin down, bringing it up to

I think it's 23 miles an hour, and then let it

spin down to calibrate itself.

Cyclops Hammer, basically always calibrated on

it's own, now let's talk about a couple

of the differences that do matter depending

on what your specifically looking for.

Good workout carrying these back and forth for you.

Noise, the 2017, 2016 Wahu Kickers had

a fairly noticeable high pitch whine,

where as the Cyclops Hammers did not.

The H2 still does not, this is the 2018 Kicker

which has got rid of that whine, it's about the same,

I would say, decibels as the H2, but because

it's not that high pitched whine, it doesn't hit the ears

nearly as strongly.

The Cyclops H2 has a built in cade and sensor

whereas the Kicker needs these little pods

strapped onto your bike, so if you already

have caden sensors on your bike,

and you don't want to be monkeying around

to these addition to that, this is gonna be

a little bit cleaner.

I'm gonna throw in a little bit of a wild card

here that could make a difference.

Wahu has the new Kicker core coming in at 899 dollars

which has a lot of the same features,

you lose a little bit of the top end wattage

going from 2200 watts on the Kicker to 1800 watts,

which nobody is really going to miss.

The maximum grade on this is 20%,

the maximum grade on the Kicker core is 16%,

that makes a fair bit of difference.

But, here's a big difference.

Cyclops is not of the same sort of apple,

we never discount mindset that Wahu is.

They have product that they need to sell,

they sell it, and if you look on Cyclops website

right now, the old Cyclops Hammer, the original

that is basically just as good as this,

this is on sale for $200 off, and there

are original Cyclops Hammers that are scratch

and dent models for $300 off.

I'm gonna get to why the scratch and dent models

don't bother me at all.

Cyclops is an American made, owned, and run company

that is legendary for their warranty honorability.

I told the store a few times over the last couple weeks

about how two days before Half Iron Man World's,

my power tap P1 power pedals died,

and they immediately, without question

shipped out a brand new set to me.

Now Sarus is the company that owns both Powertap

and Cyclops, and that's not just something they do for me.

They told me a story about how when they bought

a company that was involved with the fluid trainers

that they originally came out with,

that company hadn't looked into the manufacturing

of that fluid, and I think when it was heating up,

it leaked, so hundreds of thousands if not

I think it was millions of dollars they did

with a recall with every single model without question.

That is a stand up thing to do, and that is part

of the mentality of why they've also partnered

with the Traniacs, and if you are on the Traniac

training platform, you can get

a 10% off discount on Cyclops.

Fortunately, Wahu's not into that.

What this debate comes down to entirely is this,

Wahu Kicker Client, if you know 100% that you want

you to get the climb at some point,

you really have no choice but to get this $600 unit.

Pair that with a $1200 Wahu Kicker, you're looking

at an $1800 purchase versus about $1200 for the Cyclops H2.

So I think here's the play.

Compare that to the 10% discount that you get

as a team Traniac member and having to buy

a cassette, you're looking at around $1125 for a Cyclops H2,

I think that the play is to get a Wahu Kicker Core,

you have to buy a cassette for that.

But that brings the price down to $1550.

A fair bit more comparable to the Cyclops H2 at that point.

If you don't want the climb, save yourself some cheddar

and get the Cyclops H2, if you do want the climb,

go with the Core.

And if money is no object, just start buying

all the trainers you can.

So the that's what it comes down to,

now, here's the fun part about our partnership

with Cyclops, we're running a giveaway right now.

If you want to win a new Cyclops H2, we are going

to be giving one away and we will be giving it away

when we are in Cona, so there is a link in the description

below to how you enter that.

All you gotta do is put in your email,

you get bonus entries, if you share this video

and if you follow Cyclops, and all kinds of good stuff.

When it comes right down to the trainer,

they're both good trainers, and big Caviet

here, I don't know why, but what the best cycling

trainer is is a very contentious topic.

Every time I talk about it, everyone starts

giving me their opinions about why this is crap,

and the elite directo, I don't know what

the elite direto does but people love it.

And you all want to let me know that,

and you all want to let me know that that's

the one you should buy.

You know what, these are good trainers,

not gonna be upset with either one of them.

The Elite Direto is missing quite a few features

that this has, just so you know.

So you kind of get what you pay for,

it's a good value trainer, I don't disagree with that.

But don't be getting all snarky with me

in the comments about this, it's just bicycle riding.

All right traniacs, more content as I do more training

on the Cyclops Kicker, the Climb, the Headwind,

and little bit more on the H2.

Make sure you're subscribed, and if you are subscribed,

you are like a warm headwind breeze on a summer day.

For more infomation >> GIVEAWAY!!! Wahoo Kickr 2018 vs CycleOps H2: BEST ZWIFT TRAINER?? - Duration: 10:28.


Harry Potter RPG Game Footage Leaked - Duration: 3:13.

Whats going on everyone!

I'm Johnny Rogers your wizard guide for todays breakdown of the Harry Potter RPG Leak

Thats right you heard me correctly.

Harry Potter.



This leak comes to us from a reddit user by the name of VapeThisBro.

Lets call him Vbro for short.

The user was taking part in a survey group and secretly recorded video footage of the

new game.

This leak sent Harry Potter fans into an absolute frenzy online with many suspecting that the

footage was fake as do many when this kind of stuff comes up.

However Vbro said later on that he never signed his non-disclosure form thus legitimizing

his ability to upload said footage.

I mean that just sounds like something a person who vapes would do.

Now we cant show you the actual video that was taken because once Warner Brothers discovered

it they immediately removed it and I dont really feel like having the same thing happen

with this video.

Now it is still unclear on whether or not Warner Brothers removed the video because

its a game in development still or due to copyright infrigement.

Either way it looks amazing and Im excited for whats to come.

While we cant show you the video we can however share with you some still shots and go into

detail about what is believed to be in the game.

Along with the video that Vbro posted he also followed up with a detailed description of

the game and its features.

He said and I quote

Set in the 19th Century Wizarding World, this 3rd person open-world action RPG game centers

around your character with unique abilities who has a late acceptance to Hogwarts School

of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

You are a newly arrived 5th year student to Hogwarts that demonstrates a latent gift for

magic with a unique ability to track and identify remnants of a pottant ancient power.

Upon arrival, strange events begin to materialize in the Forbidden Forrest and trouble begins

to brew within the castle walls.

Together with Professor Elezar Fig, you embark on a journey through both familiar and never

before seen locations to bring to light the truth behind these mysterious occurrences.

On your quest you will craft potions, master new spells, and discover fantastical beasts.

You will battle Dark Wizards, Goblins, and other supernatural enemies and uncover the

truth about your destiny - the fate of the wizarding world lies in your hands.

Wow well if this is true then I am beyond excited for this game.

We can look forward to a long awaited game for the Harry Potter series that may just

finally be the answer to our prayers.

Currently the rumored title for the game is Harry Potter Wizards Unite and unite we shall.

Thank you friends thats all for me and everything you need to know about the Harry Potter RPG


Make sure to click or tap the playlist on the screen to see more videos like this, hit

that subscribe button to always be up to date with our new videos.

If you cant wait for this game click that thumbs up button and let us know in the comments

whether you think this leak was taken down because of copyright infringement or because

as well all hope it was a game in development.

Im Johnny Rogers and until next time take care

For more infomation >> Harry Potter RPG Game Footage Leaked - Duration: 3:13.


Gordon Says Farewell To A Favorite Dish | Season 18 Ep. 2 | HELL'S KITCHEN - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Gordon Says Farewell To A Favorite Dish | Season 18 Ep. 2 | HELL'S KITCHEN - Duration: 2:25.


Kanye West Shoots 'We Got Love' Music Video At TMZ | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:58.















































For more infomation >> Kanye West Shoots 'We Got Love' Music Video At TMZ | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:58.


Alyssa Milano: Sexual Abuse Has Been Institutionalized In The U.S. | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Alyssa Milano: Sexual Abuse Has Been Institutionalized In The U.S. | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 5:08.


How Judge Brett Kavanaugh Contradicts Himself In Childhood Letter | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> How Judge Brett Kavanaugh Contradicts Himself In Childhood Letter | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 2:02.


The Next Undertale is Coming? (Undertale 2 Theory) - Duration: 6:31.



Three years…

It's been three years since Undertale was first released, and seeing it come out on

Nintendo Switch is kind of mind-boggling.

Honestly, this game shook the internet in a multitude of ways…

And for myself, it was one of the games that established me on YouTube as a theorist for

tackling gaming mysteries.

And Undertale was FULL of them.

From Sans possibly being more than a skeleton, to Chara's true motives, to Undyne's mysterious


But out of all these characters, there was one that stood out above the rest.

Someone so obscure that even three years later the internet is still talking about him.

And that is Dr. W.D.


Now way back in 2015 there were a multitude of theories floating around about this character

and what they stood for.

Were Sans and Papyrus the two halves of Gaster?

How was Gaster lost in time and space?

And what were the Gaster Blasters that Sans used?

Tons of unanswered questions still boggle our minds today.

But the thing is, since this character was removed from existence - and almost all aspects

of him were pulled from the game's timeline, we are left with only a name and questions.

And for three years this has been the case.

But… with Undertale coming to the Switch, things are a bit different.

So let's talk about what's new in the game in regards to playing it on Switch.

There aren't a ton of new things, but there are some notable ones.

First and foremost, if you visit the dogshrine that appeared on the PS4/Vita, you'll notice

that it's sort of all destroyed?

For some reason the entire area is leveled, and seemingly abandoned.

Upon opening the doors to the north though, you'll encounter a doll named Mad Mew Mew.

And, this actually triggers a really neat fight.

During this fight you'll have to utilize your joy cons on the switch to dodge attacks

by Mad Mew Mew - who is actually the Mad Dummy that you fight in the waterfall.

The Mad Dummy is hoping to fuse and become one with this new body, but your character

comes along prior to that happening.

Throughout the fight you can continually knock off the head of the doll as you deal no damage.

Eventually after enough surviving, you'll have your opportunity to spare or slay the

doll in true Undertale fashion.

It's a pretty neat fight, but ultimately leads to a dead end of sorts.

However, if we go back to that first room, I do find it interesting that there are blueprints

on the floor here…

And beyond that, they are graphically different than the blueprints we encountered in Sans's


The blueprints found in the Dog Shrine read as follows: "It's some kind of blue print,

marked with red x's…

It's hard to tell if it means rejection or treasure".

If we jump back over to the PS4 version of the game though, the description just tells

us that these blueprints are just paw prints and nothing more.

But of course, anything tying back to Sans and Gaster is definitely top of mind…

And honestly, this next thing we're going to talk about excites me for that very same


Now one of the mysteries I never talked about in my original set of Undertale theories was

the identity of Suzy, who the clam girl claims is her neighbor's daughter.

Now this stumbled many players because the name came up as an important name, but nothing

about this character existed in any capacity within the game.

After a patch in the game, Clam Girl gained an additional piece of dialogue that read

as follows: "In life's grand scheme, she might be why you came here in the first place…"

Which is really odd.

That means Frisk had to have known about Suzy prior to falling down into the underground,

or perhaps the Clam Girl has knowledge of future timelines in which Frisk meets Suzy.

This is where things were left off until the Switch version came along, however…

And now we have a bizarre twist in all of this.

Because in the Switch version of the game, under special parameters, Clam Girl changes…

She states the following: "So you never met my neighbor.

But please don't despair.

Because the time you will meet her… is fast approaching."

And during that last phrase "is fast approaching", Clam Girl turns completely greyscale.

As soon as you exit the message, Clam Girl fades away and the sound effect that plays

when Gaster vanishes is heard.

And, this is super neat because the Gaster mystery has just been kickstarted all over


According to her appearance and sound effects, it's very clear that Clam Girl is one of

Gaster's followers.

Or someone who has been bestowed a gift by Gaster.

And I use the term gift loosely because it can also be seen as a curse.

Based off her messages, it's apparent she knows more than you know, but it also appears

she knows what you'll eventually learn.

I think this is why she fades away too, she's a victim of multiple timelines.

She's foreshadowing now more than ever that Suzy is someone we're all going to meet

relatively soon, and that we might be finally seeing another installment of Undertale or

possibly DLC.

If you recall the final part of my 2015 Gaster video, one of the thoughts I leave off on

is about the Kickstarter that was used to generate money to make the game.

Toby specifically stated "Any money left over after the game's development will go

towards extending the world of Undertale outside of the game... maybe through another game!"

Are we finally at that point?

Is Suzy, Gaster, and all the other mysteries the focus for what is coming next?

That fact that Clam girl says that this is fast approaching excites me greatly.

So imagine this for a moment...

Imagine that the next game that's coming out for Undertale involves you having to travel

back through the first game - through Undertale - to change the events of what is taking place

in the second game.

What if the smiling people in this picture are the future party members of this new game?

Or this future DLC?

Like, this could get REALLY cool, REALLY fast...

What if this future game or DLC, if it exists, actually has us going around and fixing all

the damaged timelines in the Undertale universe?

That would be amazing.

I mean, back when I made that video three years ago I was ready at that point to see

what the story beyond the game contained.

I really, really hope this teaser is some sort of new edition so I can dust off my old

notes and tackle the mysteries of Undertale once again.

Perhaps this time we'll find out who Gaster truly is.

And with that…

Thanks for tuning in to this bizarre Undertale update.

Why don't you click on one of these videos and give them a gander?

Anyways, thanks for watching guys and gals, and until my next video - cheers!

For more infomation >> The Next Undertale is Coming? (Undertale 2 Theory) - Duration: 6:31.


Horror Roles That Really Messed With Actors' Heads - Duration: 4:51.

Ever watched a horror movie and wondered just how those actors manage to get through playing

such terrifying and disturbing roles?

Well, the truth is: some of them barely do.

These actors have experienced everything from abusive directors to creepy on-set experiences

to full-blown psychological breakdowns.

Here are a few of the brave souls who took on roles that ended up messing with their


Screaming in space

The chest-bursting scene in Alien ranks among the most iconic moments in sci-fi history.

Part of what made that moment so impactful might be that the cast involved had no idea

what was about to happen to them.

Director Ridley Scott made sure that the creature's reveal would happen in real-time during shooting,

hoping for more authentic reactions from his actors.

It worked.

Actress Veronica Cartwright later remembered: "You see this thing start to come out, so

we all get sucked in, we lean forward to check it out […] all of a sudden it comes out.

I tell you, none of us expected it."

It was Cartwright herself who suffered the most intense reaction of all to the scene

- when the blood hit her during the take, she passed out.

Hotel trauma

Stanley Kubrick pretty much obliterated the the psyche of actress Shelley Duvall during

shooting on his adaptation of Stephen King's The Shining.

His mistreatment of Duvall included ordering cast and crew not to help her when upset and

actively hindering her efforts to deliver her performance.

And because the whole film was shot chronologically, the viewer is treated to an entirely realistic

portrayal of the unravelling of someone's mental well-being.

According to Duvall: "Stanley pushed me and prodded me further than I've ever been

pushed before.

It's the most difficult role I've ever had to play."

She had to keep bottles of water nearby on-set to keep her hydrated after her bouts of hysterics

and even confronted Kubrick with clumps of her own hair to demonstrate just how unwell

she was during the shoot.

Perhaps worst of all, Kubrick forced her to perform her iconic, traumatic baseball bat

scene over and over again across a stunning 127 takes.

"And are you concerned about me?"

"Of course I am!"

"Of course you are!"

The Omen's curse

Richard Donner's 1976 creepfest The Omen has a rich history of freaky incidents that solidified

the antichrist-centric flick's reputation as one of the most cursed sets of all time

- and it was Gregory Peck who bore the brunt of the tragedy.

His son Jonathan shot himself just two months prior to production on the movie, and then

his plane was struck by lightning - something that would also go on to happen to The Omen's

executive producer Mace Neufeld.

Elsewhere during production, an animal handler would be mauled by a tiger, a special effects

assistant would be beheaded in a car crash - near a car sign which read "Ommen, 66.6km"

- and a plane originally chartered for use on aerial shots during shooting would go down

in Israel, killing everyone on board.

These eerie happenings had everyone so spooked that producer Harvey Bernhard actually carried

a cross with him on set.

It was Bernhard who said of The Omen: "the devil was at work - and he didn't want that

film made."

Man in the mask

During shooting on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Tobe Hooper withheld the appearance of Leatherface

from his actors until the cameras actually started rolling.

Gunnar Hansen, who played Leatherface, has spoken of the difficulties endured by his

fellow cast members during filming on the movie's iconic dinner table scene.

He said: "The whole dinner scene is burned in my memory.

I think just because of the misery of it.

At that point we were really just on the verge of mental collapse."

Marilyn Burns, who played Sally, experienced the worst of it.

Marilyn Burns, who played Sally, experienced the worst of it.

Burns herself later told Hansen that: "I thought you were really going to hurt me.

You couldn't see through your stupid mask."

"I'll do anything you want."

Lost in the woods

The Blair Witch Project was filmed over the course of an eight-day camping trip - if you

can call it that.

There was practically no interaction between the cast and crew, save for a daily meeting

meant to provide the actors with supplies and instructions on where to go next.

The crew would then go on to stalk the actors during the daytime, rattle their tents at

night when they were sleeping and, as the shoot progressed, give them less and less

food so they'd become steadily more frustrated and exhausted by each other.

"No Mike, it's not the same log.

It's not the same log, Mike!"

"Same log!"

"Look, it's not."

"It is, open your eyes!"

The devil's work

As a child star of one of the most iconic horror movies of all time, Linda Blair experienced

no small number of side-effects from shooting The Exorcist.

Despite not really understanding much about the depravity of the movie during filming

- to her, it was simply acting - she was faced with a litany of questions after its release

about possession, Catholicism and the nature of faith.

To say she was unprepared for this is something of an understatement.

She later said: "To me The Exorcist was a work of fiction.

I didn't realize then that it dealt with anything in reality, and so when the press kept asking

me about all the devil stuff, it just kept adding to the pressure I was under, and it

was just an awful thing to go through as a teenager."

"Can you feel this?"

"I don't feel anything."

For more infomation >> Horror Roles That Really Messed With Actors' Heads - Duration: 4:51.


Krasses Rapbattle zwischen Michael und Robin | Chair Challenge Jungs | X Factor Deutschland 2018 - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Krasses Rapbattle zwischen Michael und Robin | Chair Challenge Jungs | X Factor Deutschland 2018 - Duration: 1:49.


New trade deal is better than NAFTA: Sonny Perdue - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> New trade deal is better than NAFTA: Sonny Perdue - Duration: 5:06.


FEMA sends out first 'Presidential Alert' - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> FEMA sends out first 'Presidential Alert' - Duration: 1:52.


Kavanaugh coverage has become an 'absolute disgrace': Sean Spicer - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> Kavanaugh coverage has become an 'absolute disgrace': Sean Spicer - Duration: 8:55.


Question period: USMCA trade deal, Trans Mountain pipeline, Terri-Lynne McClintic - Oct. 3, 2018 - Duration: 1:00:04.

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Sarah Sanders on FBI Kavanaugh probe - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Sarah Sanders on FBI Kavanaugh probe - Duration: 1:05.


John Bolton on Iran: Our policy is not regime change - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> John Bolton on Iran: Our policy is not regime change - Duration: 0:30.


7 Genji Tips to STILL DESTROY in Season 12 (Overwatch Guide) - Duration: 11:23.

I'm not gonna like Kenji has been struggling if it's the stun meta or the

meta shifting to Kenji counters he's just not as good as you used to be but

for those of you sticking it out I'm going to bring you the top 7 tips to

playing Kenji the right way in this meta my name is Nate and welcome to Blizzard

guides, we all know that Genji is just getting out shined by doom fists and

other picks but he still does see a lot of play as just a popular character as

he is I know that a lot of you out there especially you support mains don't want

to see him popping up more which I get but this isn't me trying to get you guys

all to switch over to be Genji mains I'm just trying to help those of you who are

still sticking to your favorite hero even in the darkest of times I'm going

to give you general advice as well as some niche stuff so that you can keep

doing your best also really quick I want to give a shout out to our Twitter at

Blizzard underscore guides where you can tweet us questions or check out our

content but with that said let's hop into this video and number 7 you just

gotta use your - completely differently than you used to this is actually

something that I've really noticed more and more you just can't use - as an

engagement tool like you used to before what agains you would do is he would

dashing right click a bunch deflect when he needed to and then he would be fine

and get kills however now in the stun minute you can't exactly do that as the

moment that you get into the fight he'll be stunned frozen hacked shattered and

dead this happens because the tank meta has largely shifted from being div'

heroes to just being more ground-based which doesn't exactly favor Genji what

you need to do now is you have to have the element of surprise to get in or the

map geometry and then keep - as an escape and only use it whenever you need

to get out of the fight if you start climbing around the map and then doing

damage with right-clicks and making sure that you either use - to get the kill so

you get the reset or save - altogether you're not going to get brutally

murdered by the enemy Brigitta if you get stunned you can just dash right away

and right after and Braig won't have the window to kill you unless she uses her

combo which isn't exactly always available the only reason that you would

dashing is if you know for a fact that there isn't a stun lying around the

corner if there isn't you're free to do your normal - right-click stuff and get

kills as such but however if you're not actually sure it's best to just go on a

flank or at least position where you have the least pressure on you and then

go in without dashing at number six your blades are far too

predictable and you need to make sure that your spacing well a common

complaint that I hear is that you're hopping on Genji and you - up for a

blade and you get the reset from casting alt you dash in and suddenly you're solo

grab do you've been stunned and the whole deal goes down well you might

expect me to say something boring like well just like number seven make sure

that you save - for escape which actually might make some sense but I'm

going to disagree with my hypothetical self and tell you that he's a dummy

rather go in for the obvious - and make sure you spaced properly if you're in

any tear less than masters you're probably going to find that the majority

of main healers don't have their break pocketing them much less the lower that

you are in rank so what you can do is carefully scout out where you're going

to - when you blade and then manipulate the brig's stun or other enemies for

that matter and force them to over commit to you basically what I have in

mind is that you - into the main healer force the Brig to walk slightly towards

you - maybe go for that stun get the kill - out and then - the next target

while the brig is still walking over to the main healer you have insane mobility

when you're on Genji so if you go for our back and blade and then dash up to

the front line after the brig runs towards you and then get the flanker on

your support afterwards you're going to get two to three kills quickly and put

that break out of position and maybe even get an enemy to commit a CC ability

to you and miss what you have to do is rather than being able to blindly dash

in and get kills really take a good look at the enemy position and team comp and

figure out the threats and then dash in and stick to your plan you're still

welcome to do the dash up in the air and be as obvious as you'd like but you have

to have way more of a plan than you used to it's okay to take yourself send me

out of the fight so that you can think clearly about it if you're going to do

that you're going to get a big blade and buy a big blade I mean two to three

kills you don't have to get 4 plus kills per blade an average of 2 kills per

blade is actually really really good and number 5 you just can't flank too

aggressively anymore this might seem like I'm counteracting the first thing I

said which is kind of true but I mean this in a different manner anyway what

you need to make sure that you do is that you're just staying with your tanks

if you don't have to be on a flank some Genji's I've seen just can't help but be

deep in the enemy's backline attempting to get place made or that just haven't

seen their team's in weeks you got to chill out and you got to play with your

team when they need you you got to play more like a team

Ginji which is going to be a heart no doubt

I mean seriously you don't have to be in that deep if you want to get kills what

you can do instead is stay behind your Rhine shield deflect damage in front of

them when is shield is low and then spot out the out of position targets to the

sides and go for them and then dash back to your team and repeat you can use your

deflect to protect your supports and just do bulk damage when there aren't

any out of position picks for you to grab it's not that hard to do but it is

certainly a huge change in playstyle for some people at number four your

blading-- alone without any help from your team this one is going to be a bit

harder to pull off no light just because sometimes teammates suck and they seem

to have misplaced both their mic and eardrums but with that said for those

games that you actually get people the capacity to listen to basic calls combo

your olds if you're not comboing you're wasting your blade even though Zarya

isn't really played all that much you can still have some huge nasty combos

with other heroes your supports are the most notable every single support can be

combos with Genji's old anna is seen the most currently so I'll use her for an

example just nano blade that's it stop wasting your blade you can't get big

ones like you used to if the enemy has a shred of skill since CC is just such a

big thing now you need resources like nano Valcke sound barrier etc if it's

not your support that you can combo with it get your tanks to go in with you or

let's say you have a Hammond get them to piledrive with you or maybe get your

Rhine to shatter if you can wait also wait don't just use blade because your

anna is 80% alt away you can see in the tab menu how close she is check that

before you actually open if she's close just wait for her and make sure you can

combo it it's pretty easy and it's something that really helps a lot but

again with that said that's only if you have a communicating team I totally

understand if nobody is in voice you're not gonna be able to do this this

doesn't always work out so your mileage may vary

at number 3 it's a smaller one but you got to focus on getting value out of

deflect more so than before and you have to be careful when you deflect stones go

through deflect even if it's a skill shot like machree

you're not as invincible as you used to be when you deflect so when you do go

for it just make sure that you're not just using it to protect yourself but

it's also being used so that you put pressure on the enemy so that they back

up now with that said you can't still use it to protect yourself but be

mindful of it the way that you can look at it is that when a Ryan with a team

behind him pushes up with shield held and he's speeding towards you you

normally back up right similarly if again she's playing aggressive and you

fire strike him because you're on Ryan and then he deflects it at you he's

forcing you back a bit by putting pressure on you even if the fire strike

cuts your health by a fifth it's not that much but it's enough to force you

to stop playing aggressive use deflect as a tool to put pressure but keep in

mind that you can get stunned out of it and it takes you semi out of the fight

for a period of time if there's a break or a doom or something like that under

no circumstances are you to deflect since that does take you out of the

fight for two seconds and it gives the enemy a two-second window to stun you

and kill you so just be very careful of that deflect like I said isn't an

invincibility tool but it is still useful like you've probably noticed

doing stuff on kenji is just much harder which is the point of the video so

you're going to have to be way more thoughtful when it comes to your ability

usage and you're not going to get away with stuff that you normally could at

number two you got to know your counters if you're getting farmed on kenji

because their entire cop is surrounded by CC there's no reason to stick on

Genji being self-aware and getting off Genji when you can is going to help you

win games in the long run I know that the point of the video is how to play

against you in this new meta but like with other heroes you can't just stick

with Genji for the whole match anymore think of it like Farrah is she can be

played super well and be super opie when she's not being countered or focused but

the moment that she is she becomes worthless

Genji is kind of in a similar spot now you can't play him the whole match if

the enemy team really starts shutting you down the way that you know it's time

to switch is if you're just not finding picks or you can't get into the fight

without getting some severe pressure on you granted that's kind of how this meta

feels either way but what I mean is if it feels like the enemy's Winston

Brigida Sombra doom fist or whatever is just everywhere and constantly yanking

your life right from under your nose you got to

stop playing again G just be mindful of your value on the team and know when to

switch if it's not working out nobody likes unreliable teammates so just keep

that in mind and finally at number one you can build alt super fast now like

crazy ridiculous one blade per fight kind of stuff as you may have noticed

Winston Deva doesn't get played as much anymore and the meta is kind of really

favoring Reinhardt as a main tank with Deva sprinkles in here and there but the

majority of tank players are playing low mobile tanks because of that you can

stay indefinitely in your backline spamming chickens and getting old

quickly if you stay with your tanks and team and just spam constantly building

old off the enemy tanks while you're not looking for kills can average UA one

blade every other fight if not every fight you don't really get the kind of

pressure that you used to nor does the enemy really have the resources to block

it effectively so if the enemy doesn't have a dedicated always up shield you

can just spam the tanks or you can go off to the sides of the enemy and spam

at a distance if they have run through the affirmation tips so that you don't

actually get caught out by some CC flank Buster by doing so you not only get

damage out but you're constantly watching the enemy tanks and you can see

whether there is an enemy squishy that doesn't have an escape that is out of

position which you can then go in and kill if you really focus on building

blades fast you can use the blade tips from earlier so that you can effectively

dodge all cc and pick up enough kills per fight and keep the old economy

rolling from your team healthy and furthermore just spam as much as you can

this meta is really CC dedicated and that means that spam is a really good

way to effectively counter the CC since the CC in this game only works from a

close-range ginji's sure khun's don't have damage fall-off which means you can

be as far back as you want I mean reasonably and spam and then just

get all charged from a distance which is really smart on Genji so focus on

spamming and then spamming so that you can build alt it'll allow you to just

have a better overview of the fight which is why this is at number one

anyway I hope this guide was helpful if it was let me know what your favorite

tip was why it was your favorite tip and also drop a like so that it can keep

making these guides as good as I can and that they're just constantly improving

if you didn't like the guide drop a comment telling me why and be as harsh

as you want if you're constructive I'll make changes to the videos so that they

can be even better if you've got any specific questions comments or concerns

hit me on discord instagram or twitter and i'll

be sure to reply to you so that you get the help that you need if you want more

of our content get subscribed if you aren't already and hit that Bell icon so

that you're never missing out on our uploads anyway I hope you guys enjoyed

this video have a nice day my name is Nate and this was Blizzard


For more infomation >> 7 Genji Tips to STILL DESTROY in Season 12 (Overwatch Guide) - Duration: 11:23.


Brooke Baldwin: This face behind Trump startled me - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Brooke Baldwin: This face behind Trump startled me - Duration: 5:59.


Tess Holliday | This Is How I Made It | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 3:09.

One day people will remember the work that you've done

And the people that have bullied you along the way will be forgotten

But there were a lot of people in my life who thought I was crazy for

Going after my dreams

I was told I would never model in the first place

I couldn't get an agent, no one was interested in representing me

No one was interested in hiring me

When I first kind of started to put myself out there

Companies would sometimes like send me stuff

And like, ask me to take photos on social

But no one wanted to pay me and I would just do it

Then I was like, wait, I can't pay my rent and I'm swimming in freakin' hair bows

So that definitely was a wake up call that I needed to do other stuff

"You do stuff that people think can't be done, it inspires a lot more people"

"Tess Holiday is not only a plus-sized model, mother, and author,"

"She has also been named one of Time's most influential people on the internet"

Someone on my team, at the beginning of this year,

Emailed me and asked me what my goals were for 2018

And I said, I wanted to do high fashion

And they responded with saying that

You know, it was impossible

And that if the designers aren't making clothing in my size

Then there's no point in even asking the designers

When people tell me that I can't do something it makes me want to do it

And I'm incredibly stubborn, so, uh, I fired them

There was something in me that knew that it was possible

Because I had already done so many things that people said were impossible

So why is it, you know, why would I not be able to do one more thing

That I had always wanted to do

I know that I have a selling power

I know that people like seeing bigger bodies, and marginalized bodies

Because I represent women that you don't see a lot in media and in print

And since I've fired them, I've done two high fashion shoots

I've shot two major covers

I'm continuing to do even cooler stuff in the high fashion world

And basically prove them wrong in like, four months

When I prove people wrong that said I could never do high fashion

Or my critics that don't believe in me

It feels really damn good

It feels great

A lot of people just expect that my life is, like, perfect

And everything works out

And the reality is that it's taken so many years and so much hard work

And so many sacrifices

And I still have to sacrifice so much

And it's still so much work to even be here

And people don't see all of the behind the scenes

If you want to chase your dreams, you have to keep going

I'm Tess Holiday, and this is how I made it

For more infomation >> Tess Holliday | This Is How I Made It | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 3:09.


Security Video Captures Moment Car Plows Into Whisky A Go Go Crowd - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Security Video Captures Moment Car Plows Into Whisky A Go Go Crowd - Duration: 1:42.


New Mercedes Benz B Class Review 2019 - Duration: 12:40.

hello guys and welcome to a new video today we will talk about the new

machetes bed class this is the brand new

car that we have here and it's a prototype car that is presented by

machetes I want to talk a little bit about inside and outside of the car and

a little bit of Technic technical detail I want to say first time that machetes

said that they take from technology from s-class and our class to put on this big

class and they expect to be much more comfortable and dynamic handling they

expect to have better handling on the car so this car it's longer 5 meter a 4

meter 359 centimeter and wider one matter and 786 millimeter so taller is

around 1 meter and 55 centimeter and the drag coefficient see it's around 0.2 4

so it has better co-efficiency that's the IRA dynamic of the car it's much

better than before and 0 to only point to 24 it's really good IRA dynamic so

they really improve this and the consumption will be much more less so

overall the design it look much better than before in my opinion it's a little

bit rounder around the corners it's the same box but with the big space inside

but it's look a little bit more sporty more aerodynamic

and no it's look really nice the wheels size come from 60-inch to 19-inch depend

on your taste and depend on what you want to do with the car

the order is ordering for the car for the big class its opening the temple

then in the chamber you can order it and you probably have to wait three months

until you can have the car in your garage the car come with five engine two

petrol and three diesel engine the be 180 and be 200 will be used the

four-cylinder one 1.3 liter M 282 petrol engine with 134 horsepower and 161

horsepower the other one so for the be 180 we will have the 134 horsepower and

for the b200 will be 1 161 horsepower the entry-level 1.5 liter diesel in the

be 180 they produce around might think 140 horsepower and 192 horsepower a new

2-liter diesel will be available with 147 horsepower

be 180 d so the petrol and 1.5 diesel have 7-speed gearbox with an 8-speed box

in the 2-liter diesel so other engine option will be following next year along

with version with four-wheel drive so that's really interesting

the car will come with four-wheel drive so I'm really really

curious about to see this how it's moving I think it has a very good

handling the car suspension has developed to retain the agility of its

predecessor while adding comfort so they're using make person suspension and

I think that's really amazing this is really good quality and they have

electronic dumper tuning among several other option so they have a lot of

option on this car and we will go inside the interior in a second and I will show

you that but the car come with a lot of new technology and a lot of new option

on it so this is really really interesting the interior it's almost all

taken from the air class we will see the digital display and all other design

it's almost the same like an a-class and our class it's really nice and very good

quality in the interior so the big class will have the two digital display its

range between 7-inch and 10.2 inch depending on the specification and what

you would like to have because they have two or three different option that you

can choice there is also an optional head-up display the back class is the

second model after our class to to have the new version of mbox

multimedia system which includes touch voice in just the control and Mercedes

way connectivity so that will be pretty interests

to see this on the big class the interior I'll tell you why I see the a

class you can see my review another video with our class interior and it is

really really nice really you feel like you're in high class car and this big

class is not a premium premium premium car this car can we buy for from many

people which is kind of family car with a lot of space in the interior and with

a lot of technology that I was didn't expect to have on it so this would be a

great option for many people to have technology space and safety comfort and

very good material quality we will see the price to of this car in the second

so what I want to say the boot capacity it's between 455 and 705 liter similar

to the same develop previous model expanding to 1540 liters with the rear

seat folded so that was all my review guys and all the technical

details now you can see here in the image the nice multimedia display that

it's on the air class - and you can see the two very good quality materials that

they use on the steering wheel for example if you look at the buttons if

you look at every detail they work very very much on every detail on this car

and the screen resolution it's it's really good

the screens are really clear and you have different option to adjust it and

to see in sport comfort Eco mode and you can see the navigation there in the

front here on the side you have the multimedia system and you have all kinds

of options that you can change to the car you can see you have really a lot of

as well you can change the LED light 64 colors you have 64 option to change the

color inside the car to the LED so this is this is quite fantastic here in the

middle look at this condition this is really a premium car really good quality

and the design is pretty nice to make sure this I think

with this card they will sell a lot of cars on the market next year and you

have there a lot of technology new technology like the traffic sinuses

reading the sign camera parking for of the brake assist adaptive cruise control

here on the side you have electric seat and that's that's a really nice car to

take in the consideration I was expected a little bit from outside a little bit

better to the design a little bit nicer but the interior of this car it's go to

the next level it is pretty pretty nice and the quality

it's amazing look at this LED light in the middle of the Pens

and on the side of the lens that lets show how much care and how much time

they put in this car to build this car is the same interior like an a-class so

a lot of people work for this interior because the interior it's similar to the

eye class and you have also two USB port there in the front and here you can the

car come with the sunroof - you have good visibility you have cameras

everywhere and a lot of space in the back I'm sure about this because it's

the similar with the previous model the space in the back is fantastic and you

can fold down the seat and you have a huge space

in the car so guys I hope you enjoy the review please comment please subscribe

to my channel if you wanna see more updates and more new cars that come on

the market I will upload every day one video and you can see the news the

newest car on the market right now so thank you very much for watching my

video please subscribe and I see you soon guys bye

For more infomation >> New Mercedes Benz B Class Review 2019 - Duration: 12:40.


[FREE] "SHAKE UP" 🏝 Dancehall x Afrobeat x Wizkid Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:48.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> [FREE] "SHAKE UP" 🏝 Dancehall x Afrobeat x Wizkid Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:48.


B&H Presents: 'Waking Up' by Mungbean - Duration: 6:19.


























For more infomation >> B&H Presents: 'Waking Up' by Mungbean - Duration: 6:19.


ক্রিস্তিয়ান পাভোন কত টাকা আয় করেন? | খেলাধুলা | সম্পদ | Cristian Pavon Lifestyle [HD] - Duration: 4:16.

ক্রিস্তিয়ান পাভোন কত টাকা আয় করেন? | খেলাধুলা | সম্পদ | অজানা সব তথ্য | Cristian Pavon Lifestyle

Cristian Pavon Lifestyle, Income, Cars, Houses, highlights, best goals,plantic,free kick and Net Worth 2018

চুরি করে দেওয়া সেরা ১০ টি গোল★ Top 10 Stealing The Ball From Goalkeepers

Press the bell icon on the YouTube app and never miss another lovely


Don't always

Stores with cheese the leading us love is all will ever trust

Oh through wastelands through the highways through my shadow through sunrays

The way we played

Around these walls to create a song

We'll go through the wastelands through the highways through my shadow through the sunrays

We'll go

And we'll be number

if you

see the

horizon Turner's

And will grow in number phew see the

We'll go


For more infomation >> ক্রিস্তিয়ান পাভোন কত টাকা আয় করেন? | খেলাধুলা | সম্পদ | Cristian Pavon Lifestyle [HD] - Duration: 4:16.


The Adventure Pals! Save The Turtles! - Duration: 47:19.

thats satisfying

whats up bitches

just give me something good

play better

plkay better

play better


For more infomation >> The Adventure Pals! Save The Turtles! - Duration: 47:19.


Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *€ 3.000,- VOORRAADKORTING!* - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *€ 3.000,- VOORRAADKORTING!* - Duration: 1:13.


For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *€ 3.000,- VOORRAADKORTING!* - Duration: 1:13.


French Folk Song - J'envoie Valser - Duration: 2:53.

I see some who give each other

jewelleries on the neck

It's beautiful but still, they are only rocks

Rocks whick trick you

And which flows on your cheeks

I much more enjoy you loving me without spending your money

I do not care, I turn away

Fake things, golden cages

You, when you hold me tight

It's like a treasure

And that, it's worth gold

I see some who send each other looks and roses

Then who leave each other there or somewhere else

Between roses and cabbages

I know so many who should love each other a bit

A bit like us who love each other so much

And turn away to somewhere else

Rings and heart necklaces

Because when you love very much

It's like a treasure

And that, it's worth gold

I forever turn away

Proofs of love in fake gold

Since you hold me so tight here is my treasure

It's you

You who's worth gold

For more infomation >> French Folk Song - J'envoie Valser - Duration: 2:53.


For more infomation >> French Folk Song - J'envoie Valser - Duration: 2:53.


Interview with Michael Tracy - Renato Civili, Business Magazine Albania - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Interview with Michael Tracy - Renato Civili, Business Magazine Albania - Duration: 7:17.


For more infomation >> Interview with Michael Tracy - Renato Civili, Business Magazine Albania - Duration: 7:17.


Jack In The Box® | Prime Rib Steak & Egg Burrito | Food Review! 🤡🥩🌯 - Duration: 5:41.

welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K stay frosty

so we're back at good 'ol Jack early this morning because it looks

like they've got a brand new prime rib steak and egg burrito on the menu and it

sure looks pretty tasty so let's set ourselves up to that drive-thru yeah how

you doing today good good thank you you know peep this out let me go for one of

those new steak and egg burritos the one with the prime rib oh just the burrito

by itself that's fine

great thanks a lot so Jack's been doing the breakfast thing all day for a minute

now and if this one tastes as good as it looks

I'll be back definitely to get it again hello are you doing good

yes thank you thank you you as well stay frosty we'll see you bye alright

let's peep this one out up close and see what it's working with guess who's

beefing up your morning with a steak and egg breakfast burrito this guy so Jack

is beefing up breakfast with their all new prime rib steak and egg burrito and

initial first impressions it's a little on the average-sized guy's compared to

the picture I know it's not gonna look exactly like that but the size is

definitely smaller than what I was expecting especially when you look at

the size of my hand with it let's see what this one's packin it definitely

smells pretty fantastic on the inside plenty of that prime rib chopped steak as

you can see there we've got some cheese we've got some egg and this is supposed

to feature some hashbrowns but I don't really see that in there looks like a

little bit of extra sauces with it as well but man this definitely looks great

and it smells really great let's take a look at the other side of this one

really quick here and see if any of that hash brown is visible and I am not

seeing it but hopefully there'll be something in there when I take some

bites but like I said it looks great it smells great and definitely pretty

decent so far at least in the looks department here guys it's the prime rib

steak and egg burrito from jack-in-the-box let's peep out this

flavor up top Jack

Mondays right yesir plenty of chopped prime rib steak and a nice

portion of eggs we are diving in it's the prime rib steak and egg burrito here

at jack-in-the-box

mmm there it is we got some hash browns mixed in with the eggs and the prime rib

all in that one bite there not too much cheese yet so far guys but believe it or

not the main player on top of the hashbrowns flavor-wise is gonna be this

sauce it almost tastes like a buffalo sauce believe it or not a little bit of

sizzle just a little bit and it looks like it's there to add just a little

background flavor but it's really more in the foreground guys at least from the

first bite anyway let's keep going mmm I took out a nice chunk of that prime

rib with those first couple of bites but I have to say there's a decent amount of

meat still left in this half here guys as you can see the eggs are fluffy we

got some hashbrowns there off to the side the cheese itself I'm still not

really tasting too much it's really the sauce believe it or not that is taking

center stage with this one and I like it because of that light buffalo flavor

that it's got but overall everything seems very hearty with just the right

amount of saltiness and of course the warm tortilla that it's wrapped in very

very satisfying considering the price point of this when I was a little

worried about that because of how much this is and what I was looking at I mean

for five bucks you do get just a little concern when something doesn't quite

cover the size of your hand especially when it comes to a burrito but

thankfully everything on the inside of this one is delivering flavor-wise

that's where it counts and I have to say I'm liking this so far let's keep going

hmm man it's really good and just to give you an idea the thickness of the

meat is if you couldn't tell from that close up let me pull one of these out

here real quick and get this to focus in for you just a little bit nice chunks of

thick meat here guys this is not your typical fast-food meat by far it's not

small it's definitely hearty and as you can see a little piece of that hash

brown that's on there very decent of the size Department hmm but man that sauce

that it's got like I said it's a light buffalo it goes amazingly well but let

me circle back to the cheese real fast because while I can definitely see it

aside from the fact that it is blending with the sauce it is pretty much the

same color I just wish the flavor was a little bit stronger in that department I

mean everything else is definitely working with this but again the cheese

is just not really there what you're getting is primarily the sauce the meat

and the hash because of the saltiness not a bad thing

just a little less well-rounded than I would have liked here's a quick shot of

the other half of this one just to close it out and as you can see plenty of that

buffalo style sauce in the very bottom right there with a decent amount of egg

overall a very nice quality burrito just a little lopsided in the cheese

Department when it comes to flavor but other than that very tasty so with that

said I'm gonna have to give the prime rib steak and egg burrito here at

jack-in-the-box a decent 7.7 out of 10 this would have been

well over the 8 range had the size been just a little bit bigger and the

flavor of the cheese just a little bit more pronounced but overall it

absolutely delivers in the flavor Department I just wish it was as beefed

up as they advertise it to be at least in the size Department everything else

though solid my new steak and egg breakfast burrito part of the breakfast

burrito family but as always this is all based upon my first experience having

this right now for the first time on camera in front of all of you but what

did you think overall of this one drop some comments down below are you guys

fans of breakfast burritos in general and if you are who do you think has the

best fast food wise drop those comments down below and definitely let me know

and with that this is Ian K closing out another episode of peep this out

bringing you brand new content every single week here on my channel so while

you stay tuned for that next review coming real soon in the meantime stay

frost the quality's beefed up on this one just give me something comparable at

least to the picture on the window OK well maybe just a little bit smaller

alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Jack In The Box® | Prime Rib Steak & Egg Burrito | Food Review! 🤡🥩🌯 - Duration: 5:41.


For more infomation >> Jack In The Box® | Prime Rib Steak & Egg Burrito | Food Review! 🤡🥩🌯 - Duration: 5:41.


Mon cheval me dit, LE livre - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Mon cheval me dit, LE livre - Duration: 3:04.


For more infomation >> Mon cheval me dit, LE livre - Duration: 3:04.


[ MATCH 239] du FIVE SONGS - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> [ MATCH 239] du FIVE SONGS - Duration: 6:27.


For more infomation >> [ MATCH 239] du FIVE SONGS - Duration: 6:27.


AI Powered Data Analysis and Visualization

For more infomation >> AI Powered Data Analysis and Visualization


French Folk Song - J'envoie Valser - Duration: 2:53.

I see some who give each other

jewelleries on the neck

It's beautiful but still, they are only rocks

Rocks whick trick you

And which flows on your cheeks

I much more enjoy you loving me without spending your money

I do not care, I turn away

Fake things, golden cages

You, when you hold me tight

It's like a treasure

And that, it's worth gold

I see some who send each other looks and roses

Then who leave each other there or somewhere else

Between roses and cabbages

I know so many who should love each other a bit

A bit like us who love each other so much

And turn away to somewhere else

Rings and heart necklaces

Because when you love very much

It's like a treasure

And that, it's worth gold

I forever turn away

Proofs of love in fake gold

Since you hold me so tight here is my treasure

It's you

You who's worth gold

For more infomation >> French Folk Song - J'envoie Valser - Duration: 2:53.


This happened on our Earth 3 Occtober 2018 - WORLD OF SIGNS - Duration: 2:37.

I've warned you once, twice, a thousand times.

But you act like a handicap, not getting rhymes.

News for you.

I will live, you will die.

Better get it.

Justice is upright.

It started from the bottom of my heart.

Now it's overflowing, Gas like a fart.

The one that I address only barks.

I ask you: are you ready for the start?

God made you a target.

I'm the dart.

You are aiming, but never it goes off.

I'm flaming, off and on the song.

I'm blaming you for all that's wrong.

I'm shaming, cursing, degrading.

I'm shaking you and your makings.

Aching truth, no mistaking.

Swaying, just saying.

Better be on guard for a penalty.

What you think is far from reality.

Even though I'm friendly to enemies It doesn't mean I will pass over felonies.

I have a mandate.

Belittle and finish him.


No surrender, you give in.

Handshake, just today, a luck wish.



Big fish.

The catch up.

Shorter days.


Non stop banging on your family ring.

False hopes, dreams of food, but never eating.

Big scope, aiming at the treasury sink.

The tie up.


Feel it hurting.

The lie drop, frontal, shot from the sling.

David Yehuda, soon to be king.

Real shooter, arrow and string.

Real ink.

The bottom of my heart.

Real sting.

Sundering apart.


Until we meet in war.

Tree felled, now the rotting starts.


Slap around your ears boy.

The fluke.

There went your many years boy.

Up in smoke.

Tearing you to tears boy.

The antidote.

Snared with a sneer boy.

For more infomation >> This happened on our Earth 3 Occtober 2018 - WORLD OF SIGNS - Duration: 2:37.


Meghan perfects the one thing that says the most about her - Duration: 3:00.

 Meghan Markle looked incredibly stylish on Wednesday, as she greeted crowds in Sussex while wearing her cream Armani coat over a sleek blouse and green leather skirt

But the most stylish thing that Meghan revealed on the day was, arguably, her signature! Both Meghan and her husband Prince Harry signed the visitors book at Edes House in Chichester, boasting two sets of perfectly drawn lines of ink which curved in all the right places

Meghan has certainly polished her pen skills since changing her signature when receiving her Duchess of Sussex title in May

In fact, Harry and Meghan's signatures matched so well that a fan on Twitter observed: "These two signature are looking similar in form

"  READ: Prince William and Kate Middleton to attend first joint engagement post-maternity leave  READ: Duchess Kate's response to little girl who asks her why she is being photographed is too adorable  The Duchess' signature looked very different in March when she signed the visitors book in the Titanic Belfast maritime museum with what can only be described as a quick scribble! But interestingly, Toronto-based certified graphologist Elaine Charal told at the time that the way she wrote the capital 'M' showed a sensual side, explaining: "This, of course, includes attraction to aromas, appetizing food, music, textures

" It's no wonder, then, that Meghan launched a community cookbook - full of aromas and appetising food - in September

   WATCH: The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex Visit Their Dukedom  But Meghan slightly changed her 'M' when she debuted her new signature in Ireland, where she signed the Áras an Uachtaráin visitor's book after visiting the president

Elaine analysed the newer shapes and said: "The initial long stroke before the capital 'M' is a form of flair and showmanship

"  She also added that it indicates: "Sharp, comprehensive thinking that suggests the Duchess can stay three steps ahead of others, and likely communicates best with those who can keep up with her quick mind

" It certainly looks like Meghan has plenty of flair and showmanship, judging by such a stylish signature!  Make sure you never miss a ROYAL story! Sign up to our newsletter to get all of our celebrity, royal and lifestyle news delivered directly to your inbox

For more infomation >> Meghan perfects the one thing that says the most about her - Duration: 3:00.


Airsoft Island VLOG2 - Croatia 2018 - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Airsoft Island VLOG2 - Croatia 2018 - Duration: 5:27.


Sarah Sanders Breaks Down In Tears In Front Of Everyone After Making Brave Personal Announcement - Duration: 3:58.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the pillar of professionalism and

grace under fire.

Since being hired for the role and having to conduct frequent press briefings to the

mainstream media wolves, she's been a perpetual target of the most ruthless attacks.

The media she briefs aren't the only ones who come at her.

Late night talk show hosts and celebrities in Hollywood have also enjoyed making fun

of her to no end.

After awhile, it would take its toll on anyone regardless of your strength and solid sense

of self-worth.

Sarah has still has to do her job daily in the face of all of that torment and does so


From how she holds herself, there's no telling what she really feels inside.

However, she recently lost her composure, and rightfully so, when she broke down in

tears in front of reporters as she began to make a very personal announcement.

President Trump knew what he was doing when he put this incredible woman in this position.

She's the very best for the job and more importantly, has Trump's back.

There's no question how much she genuinely respects him and the job he's doing as our

nation's leader.

Proving that, was when she began to cry while revealing what she found on his desk.

Western Journalism reports:

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders grew visibly emotional during a press

briefing Thursday as she read from a 10-year-old letter recently sent to President Donald Trump

from a Tennessee man named Joseph.

The father of an Air Force master sergeant currently on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan,

Joseph wrote the letter while his son was serving in Iraq, to remind him of everything

that was at stake.

"Please don't lose sight of your purpose," Joseph had written.

"You're the only hope and glimmer of light for the good, innocent men, women and children

that you are protecting.

This may be hard for you to see or understand.

"Most people know that all of you are there because you volunteered to be there.

Your actions and dedication are seen by people throughout the world as without a doubt the

most heroic action of any person which can be made.

"You and the soldiers standing next to you from all of the other countries are the pride

of not only the nations they represent, but every individual that yearns to be free,"

the letter concluded.

"Stand tall, my son, and be steadfast.

For it is you who are the defender of freedom."

As she read it, the emotion from the podium was palpable.

Like Trump, Sanders has a deep respect for the men and women who serve our country.

It was personal to her to make this announcement and obviously important.

"We owe it to the servicemen and women like the master sergeant who have fought in our

name in Afghanistan for 17 years and to the families who have watched them go to secure

an honorable and lasting outcome to this conflict," Sanders saids during the press briefing, after

reading the letter aloud.

Western Journalism added: Though many on both the right and left have

complained over the president's just-announced decision to escalate the United States'

wa*r in Afghanistan, it's clear by Joseph's poignant words why we can't give up now

when we've already come this far.

Closing up the briefing, Sanders noted that Joseph told Trump he had been a police officer

for 30 years and that he sent the letter to the president in the hopes he'd read it.

"I'm glad to say that he did earlier today," she said.

Each citizen is so important and special to the president, that he read this letter and

kept it within reach, despite receiving an overwhelming amount of mail daily, most likely.

He promised to work for the "average" American and our military and is doing just


Part of Joseph's words to his son also apply to Sanders and Trump as well: "Please don't

lose sight of your purpose."

America needs them both to remain steadfast to their purpose through the challenges heaped

on them by detractors.

This particular story was popular at the time it originally made the news and is circulating

again a second time for the important and applicable message that's relevant's

no doubt they too will fight until the end

For more infomation >> Sarah Sanders Breaks Down In Tears In Front Of Everyone After Making Brave Personal Announcement - Duration: 3:58.


Avalance Car Crash ~Closed Captions~ - Duration: 0:16.

Caity: That was fun.

Jes to caity: That was fun

Jes to the man:She is going to drive.*normal voice*

Jes:*mumbles* until it totals.

Caity:Hey!*in the background trying to make Jes stop talking*

Man:*giving them decoration to get out of the car*

Caity:Yes! *nicely but louder than normal*

You can have the car.

For more infomation >> Avalance Car Crash ~Closed Captions~ - Duration: 0:16.


"Nowadays" - Lil Skies x Landon Cube Type Beat 2018 | Prod. By @Chad_G - Duration: 3:41.

"Target" - Lil Skies x Landon Cube Type Beat 2018 - Nowadays

For more infomation >> "Nowadays" - Lil Skies x Landon Cube Type Beat 2018 | Prod. By @Chad_G - Duration: 3:41.



For more infomation >> WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU'RE NOT FEELING YOUR BEST - Duration: 9:12.


우원재 "비니 안 쓰는 게 아니라 못 써..M자 탈모 진행"(라디오스타) - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> 우원재 "비니 안 쓰는 게 아니라 못 써..M자 탈모 진행"(라디오스타) - Duration: 2:22.


Vladimir Putin Congratulates Finalists of Teacher of Year 2018 - Duration: 4:36.

Good afternoon!

Disciplined greeting.

Good afternoon!

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the fact that you are already the laureates of the Teacher of Year competition.

There is still to choose someone who will win in the absolute championship, so to speak.

But this is a matter of taste, as they say, those who will choose.

But in general, of course, you have shown remarkable qualities, professional and personal.

I congratulate you on this.

Congratulations on your professional success. This is the first.

And the second. I congratulate you and all the teachers of our country on Teacher's Day, which is already tomorrow.

An important, noble profession, an important, noble mission to bring up children, young people, raise specialists that our country needs, and citizens.

You remember: "... that a citizen must be"

This function of the educator lies on the shoulders of each teacher, each teacher, whatever he does, whatever subject he may lead.

This is completely obvious.

And the best way to raise what?

We all know - a personal example. Therefore, it is a personal challenge for every teacher, for every teacher, for every educator.

But this is a special burden, of course.

But it is always a psychological burden.

That is why, probably, really, as I said, this is a mission.

This is not even a profession, but a mission.

You know, recently we are trying to pay as much attention as possible to this most important area of state activity - education.

And starting next year we are launching another initiative, a new federal state program appears, which will be called "Education"

With decent federal funding - over 300 billion rubles for three years.

We will build new schools, refit existing ones, equip them with new equipment and, of course, introduce modern teaching methods, which is a big science in itself.

When I spoke about a personal example, I certainly had one more important and very difficult component of your work in mind: in order to teach children to learn, one must constantly learn and study themselves.

In the modern world, this is a mandatory requirement for a specialist in any industry, and in the field of school affairs, in the field of pedagogy, this is of course absolutely necessary.

As we said at the beginning, the main thing is a personal example. When children see that the teacher himself is constantly in motion, in development, it certainly cannot go unnoticed by the children.

I want to thank you for your work, for your work, to wish you continued success.

Successes have at our school, it is absolutely obvious.

We see this in international competitions, where our children win more and more medals, occupy not just prestigious places, but first places.

This is, of course, the result of the work of our teacher community.

How else?

The only way.

Nothing is taken from nowhere. And nowhere, as we know, does not disappear. Energy development has its main source of your work.

Once again I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Vladimir Putin Congratulates Finalists of Teacher of Year 2018 - Duration: 4:36.


Teacher grabbed Prince Harry's hand forcing him to beg 'please let go' - Duration: 5:22.

This is the school teacher who made Prince Harry laugh and comically attempt to pull away from her after she refused to stop shaking his hand

Charlotte Sleep, a French teacher at Westbourne House School in Chichester, had taken 13 children to meet the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in the city today

The children hand-made the royals an A-Z guide to Sussex, their new namesake – an A3 book which featured everything from Arundel to local celebrity Zoe Ball

'We've come to see you,' Ms Sleep explained. Harry stretched out his arm to shake hands, prompting Ms Sleep to shout: 'I'm not letting go!''Um, please let go,' he replied, pulling a comic face

 Meghan was first to meet the pupils, smart in their red and grey uniforms.She said she wanted to shake each one's hand individually and find out their names, adding: 'So, why aren't you in school? Are you on a school trip?' 'This is my beautiful Year 6,' Ms Sleep said

'They are form captains and deputy form captains and they made you, to help you with your travels around Sussex, an A-Z about where to go, what to eat and what to do

And we'll be quizzing you at the end!''Cool,' said Harry. Meghan was handed the guide by Alex Witcombe and George Baker, both ten

'Oh my goodness, guys, thank you, that's very cool. It's an A- to Zee (pronounced the American way)

' Ms Sleep said: 'We thought we would tell you some great places to go when you are in Sussex

Please do come again, we love having you.'Harry had immediately spotted the youngsters and exclaimed: 'You've got a very, very similar school uniform to the one I had when I was at Wetherby School in London, all those years ago

Are you on a school trip?' The Duke of Sussex high fives a child for missing double Latin as Ms Sleep (in red) watches on'Sort of,' said one of the boys

'We're missing double Latin!' said Tom Symington, ten.'What, because you are here?' exclaimed the prince, and enthusiastically high-fived him

'The fact that you got off double Latin because we are here. I think that's fantastic

' He added hurriedly: 'Although education is important!'Later, Miss Sleep added: 'They may be going to Chichester, Bognor and Brighton but we wanted to show them there are a lot of other places in between which they can hopefully visit next time

'They've missed their Latin test which they're happy about. But they're keen to get back for football this afternoon!'Speaking to MailOnline this afternoon, Ms Sleep said the book featured famous people, foods and animals from the county, such as the Sussex Spaniel

She said of meeting Harry and Meghan: 'It was just fantastic. They were so lovely

Harry came straight up to the group and said your uniform looks like my old one. Prince Harry high fives the child during his walkabout with Meghan in Chichester this morning'He spoke to each one of them, he shook all of their hands - the kids really enjoyed getting to know himMeghan was the same, she took so long looking through the book

The kids were missing a Latin lesson to be there - and harry was like "high five for that"

'They were absolutely buzzing – I told them yesterday they were going. 'They were literally screaming – and they haven't stopped talking about it

One of the kids said it was the best day of their life.'Harry shook hands with me and I took a very sharp intake of breath and started going completely gobbledygook

The kids found that hilarious - and they keep winding me up about that. Among the crowds were the 13 children from Westbourne House School in ChichesterIt was absolutely amazing

I remember watching their wedding and wanting to be there - but seeing them today meant more because they were on our home turf

'I was really proud to have met them. Roll on their babies – they're going to be fantastic parents because they were so good with the kids

'Ms Sleep's profile on the Westbourne School website reveals she has a 2:1 in Italian and Spanish from the University of St Andrews

The university is where Prince William met his future wife, Kate Middleton. Ms Sleep also has a PGCE in modern languages from the University of Sussex

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were greeted by roaring crowds today in ChichesterShe previously taught in China where she founded the Prep School at Harrow School, Shanghai, and says in her staff profile: 'I love teaching French (and Spanish and Italian!) as a languages classroom is such a fun place to be for all pupils

'The French language introduces pupils to a rich history and culture and speaking this beautiful language helps young people gain in confidence

'I shall also be coaching some games. I fell in love with sport primarily at Prebendal and latterly at Lancing and at the University of St Andrews

'She describes herself as an avid netball player and cricketer, and was captain of Girls' Hockey at Lancing

For more infomation >> Teacher grabbed Prince Harry's hand forcing him to beg 'please let go' - Duration: 5:22.


Don't Ruin Your Testimony - Duration: 1:59.

You know, recently I was flying home and it was one of those days that every traveler dreads. That day, my flights took me through

Atlanta where I had to change planes.

And I was tired, so I wasn't happy when they announced that my flight was delayed.

Then, an hour later, they announced it would be delayed again. Well, I was hungry,

so I asked the lady at the service desk if I had time to get a sandwich -

but apparently she was having a bad day too.

She rudely told me how she had listened to complaining passengers all day

and, "No," she said, "I don't think you have time to get a sandwich." Now - if I was honest -

my first response was to snap back,

but, fortunately, I didn't. I returned to my seat and rejoiced when we finally took off.

Well, about two weeks later, I received a letter from a gentleman who expressed his appreciation for my patience.

He was watching me and had recently heard me preach. He wrote to thank me for reacting in a Christ-like manner.

Well, I wish I could tell you that's the way I always react, but it isn't it. It did remind me, however, that our

reactions make impressions - for good or bad.

So, today, when people see your reactions,

what impressions are they getting? Good ones or bad ones?

Proverbs 22:1 says, "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better

than silver or gold." In other words, our

reactions ultimately affect everything - our life, our health and our relationships.

So, today, remember: you are making impressions on people every day - so please,

try to make a good one. I'll see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Don't Ruin Your Testimony - Duration: 1:59.


MEXICAN tries INDIAN SNACKS | Intercultural Marriage INDIAN and MEXICAN | MEXICANA casada con INDIO - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> MEXICAN tries INDIAN SNACKS | Intercultural Marriage INDIAN and MEXICAN | MEXICANA casada con INDIO - Duration: 6:40.


Sigala - JUST GOT PAID (Acoustic Cover) 💷 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Sigala - JUST GOT PAID (Acoustic Cover) 💷 - Duration: 2:37.


[FREE] "SHAKE UP" 🏝 Dancehall x Afrobeat x Wizkid Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:48.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> [FREE] "SHAKE UP" 🏝 Dancehall x Afrobeat x Wizkid Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:48.


aggiornamento sul canale - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> aggiornamento sul canale - Duration: 7:26.


負けず嫌いな男女混合花火大会【サブチャン】【RyuTu部-インサイドストーリー-】 - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> 負けず嫌いな男女混合花火大会【サブチャン】【RyuTu部-インサイドストーリー-】 - Duration: 0:20.


Breaking News - How Fortnite has helped make Epic Games worth nearly $8 billion - Duration: 5:12.

It's no secret that the video game Fortnite is huge nowadays. The only thing larger than it may be the valuation of its developer, Epic Games

According to a new report from Bloomberg, the value of the company is now estimated to be worth roughly $5 billion (£3

8bn) to $8 billion (£6.1bn). Although the exact amount that Fortnite contributed to the company's valuation is unknown, there's no question it played a very prominent role, as the video game reportedly earns an average of about $2 million (£1

5m) per day on mobile devices alone. Jefferies Financial Group Senior Vice President of Equity Research Timothy O'Shea summed up the relationship between Fortnite's popularity and Epic Games's valuation by simply saying: 'Epic's valuation has exploded alongside Fortnite's success

' To illustrate the company's rapid valuation growth, the Chinese holding firm Tencent Holdings Ltd

bought 40 percent of Epic Games for $330 million (£254m) in 2012, back when the company was valued at roughly $825 million (£635m)

This means that Epic Games's valuation has surged up to $7 billion (£5.3bn) in just six years

Many industry analysts credit the video game's revenue model with its outstanding financial success

Though free-to-play, its in-game store allows players to purchase special outfits, character dances and missions through a virtual currency called V-bucks, which in turn are purchased in exchange for actual money

The limited availability of many of the game's store items often prompts players to buy them before they're no longer available, creating a sense of urgency – and monetary gain for Epic Games

'On the revenue side, they've done something that's really unique, which is come up with a perception of exclusivity

If you see another player in a leopard skin and go to the store and see it's no longer available, you think, shoot, I've got to move on it next time,' said Wedbush Securities Inc

analyst Michael Pachter. The massive growth in the video game company's valuation has also been padded by other recent successes, such as the release of other games and updates to its Unreal Engine

The video game developer also sold its popular Gears of War video game series to Microsoft in 2014

However, it's still impossible to discount the role that Fortnite has played in the explosive growth of Epic Games's valuation

The video game has reportedly made more than $1.2 billion (£923m) from in-game purchases and stands tall as by far the most popular game in the fast-growing battle royale video game genre, believed to worth a staggering $20 billion (£15

3bn) by 2019. Currently, Fornite's player base is estimated to consist of about 125 million people worldwide

Epic Games is a video game developer founded in 1991 by Tim Sweeney, originally as Potomac Computer Systems

Originally based in Sweeney's parent's house in Potomac, Maryland, the company relocated to Cary, North Carolina in 1999 and rebranded itself as Epic Games

The company develops the Unreal Engine, one of the most popular video game engines in the industry, and has also produced a number of other prominent video games in addition to Fortnite, including the action-shooter franchises Gears of War and Unreal and the Infinity Blade fighting game series

Fortnite is a free-to-play video game developed and published by Epic Games. Initially released in July 2017, its phenomenally-popular battle royale mode was introduced shortly afterwards in September 2017

The game mode sees 100 players battle it out in fast-paced matches that blend action-shooter, survival and fort building gameplay

Fortnite is currently available to play on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android

For more infomation >> Breaking News - How Fortnite has helped make Epic Games worth nearly $8 billion - Duration: 5:12.


打ち上げの集合写真の位置で陰キャかどうかが決まります。【サブチャン】【RyuTu部-インサイドストーリー-】 - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> 打ち上げの集合写真の位置で陰キャかどうかが決まります。【サブチャン】【RyuTu部-インサイドストーリー-】 - Duration: 0:21.


Jest data premiery 6. sezonu "House of Cards". Netflix ujawnił, kiedy zobaczymy nową produkcję - Duration: 3:47.

Netflix zdradził datę premiery finałowego sezonu "House of Cards". • Fot. YouTube / Netflix Piotr Burakowski 07 sierpnia 2018 Netflix ujawnił datę premiery ostatniego sezonu "House of Cards"

Produkcja zostanie udostępniona widzom już 2 listopada 2018 roku. Czekają nas duże zmiany w fabule

Z serialu znika Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a wszystko w związku z oskarżeniami aktora o molestowanie

W nowym sezonie "House of Cards" to Claire Underwood (Robin Wright) będzie prezydentem USA

Co więcej, poza Robin Wright w obsadzie zobaczymy Michaela Kelly, Jayne Atkinson, Patricię Clarkson czy Constance Zimmer

W dotychczas wyemitowanych pięciu sezonach najważniejszy był Frank Underwood, mąż Claire Underwood

Grany przez Kevina Spacey'ego bohater dzięki nieczystym, często bezwzględnym zagrywkom został prezydentem USA

Zwiastun finałowego sezonu "House of Cards".Przypomnijmy, że Netflix zamyka "House of Cards" wraz z szóstym sezonem – planowane są jedynie spin-offy serialu

Nieoficjalnie jest to wynik afery z Kevinem Spacey'em. Gwiazdor został oskarżony o molestowanie

W wywiadzie aktor Anthony Rapp zarzucił mu, że ten położył się na niego, kiedy – wówczas 14-letni – Rapp leżał na łóżku

Chłopiec się wyswobodził. Sytuacja miała miejsce na przyjęciu.Nadeszła pora na zmiany pic— Netflix Polska (@NetflixPL) 7 sierpnia 2018 Po ujawnieniu tych informacji Kevin Spacey przyznał, że nie pamięta takiego zdarzenia, ale jeśli miało miejsce, to bardzo przeprasza

Przy okazji dokonał "coming outu" i wyznał, że postanowił żyć jako homoseksualista

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