Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2018

A question I get asked all the time is "Luca how can you memorize so many words

across so many languages?" And my simple answer is: "I build a word spider web", and

in this video, I'm going to give you the tools to create it, to maintain it, and to

make it stronger. If I say the word "game" what is the very first thing that comes

to your mind? Probably something associated with

"play" - playing games - but the reality is that "game" has many other meanings.

For example, you can say "I was hunting game", meaning "I was hunting wild animals" or

"Are you game?" - like "are you down?, do you want to do something?". So this goes to

show that many words have multiple meanings and functions according to

their context and what gives them meaning? Context, that is, surrounding words.

So, whenever you find a word that you don't know in a foreign language, always make

sure that you either take the sentence in which that word is embedded and you

copy it somewhere on your notebook, for example, or you create your own sentence

in which you embed that word. A very common mistake is for example to take

all these words that you don't know from a text and simply put it on a list. But

isolated words are not as strong as words in context, embedded in sentences.

Always remember that as a first rule.

A simple yet very effective way to memorize and learn new words is to

listen while reading. Think about it for a second: you can for example read a text

as a beginner material or you can have podcasts with scripts or movies with

subtitles. The most important thing is that you listen while reading or reading

while listening. If you just listen to the language without subtitles or a

script, you will not see the written word, you will probably not understand if you

don't have a good level. On the other hand, if you just read a text, you will

not see and hear how the language is spoken, so you will miss out on the

spoken language. The easiest solution? Read while listening as much as you can.

When you read a text in a foreign language there's a very high chance that you're

going to stumble upon a lot of words that you don't know. A very common

reaction is to try to strike and underline and look up every single word

that appears on the text. I don't think that this is an efficient way to deal

with it. A much more efficient way is to focus just on the words that are

RELEVANT for you. Let me give you an example: if you're an engineer, words such

as "tile" or "pillar" will probably be much more interesting and relevant to you

than if you were a doctor for example, and for a doctor some other words might

be more interesting, and anyway, the brain discards a lot of words that it deems

not important. So just focus on ONE THIRD of the unknown words that you find in

the text because the brain will remember those words if they're relevant for you.

Heart, elephant and sand. If you think about it, these simple words have a

constellation of elements around them. For example you can say "(see) pink elephants"

or "the elephant in the room", "to draw a line in the sand", "at the heart of the matter"

"golden heart", and so on and so forth.

This goes to show that the brain creates big networks of associated elements and this

is how you can use your brain in order to start learning new words. Every new

piece of information you can link it to old pieces of information, so always make

sure that you look at words from this perspective and think "how can I

associate this new piece of information to the other pieces of information?" in

the network that I have talked about. And this is the "word spiderweb" I was talking

about at the beginning of this video.

Some languages have notoriously long words. Let's take the German word

"Freundschaftsbezeigung" which means "display of friendship" but if you think about it, the

first reaction is to get scared by he length of this word, but then when

looking closely, you will realize that this word is made of "Freundschaft" -

- friendship - and "Bezeigung" - or "Bezeigungen" - display, displays of".

This makes the word easier to retain, easier to pronounce, and easier to

remember. So get into the habit of looking at words as made of smaller

parts. If you learn how these smaller parts make longer words, things will get

much easier in terms of everything.

Romans used to say "Repetita juvant", which means "repeating helps" and that's

true, and that's what we do at college university, at school: we tend to repeat

things over and over, but repeating things in the very same way in which we

had been exposed to the very first time is not actually a very efficient way of

dealing with texts. Let me give you a metaphor: imagine that you have to

conquer a castle - that is, conquering the language - if you always attack it through

the main door, the defendants will realize your tactics and your strategy

and it will be easier to defend the castle. If, instead, you attack the castle

from multiple angles, you are more likely to win the battle. To give you a very

concrete example, if you listen while reading the text the very first time that

you got exposed to it, three or four days down the line, do things differently

maybe just listen to the text, or just read it, or listen to it in the target

language while reading it in your own native language.

Whatever is different is relevant and it makes a big difference in the way our

brain retains information because we're adding VARIETY to it. Novelty and

repetition is a fantastic combination to retain words, texts, and whatever you want.

"Verba volant sed scripta manent", "spoken words fly while written words stay"

another wise quote from the wise Romans. Why is this so relevant 2,000 years ago

as it is now? It's because words that are spoken, they just fly around the air and you

need a system in place to catch them. So always make sure that you have a device,

a note-taking device - be it your mobile phone or your notebook - to catch these

words and these sentences on the fly. You can do it everywhere. You can do it while

you're sitting and you're trying to learn the language, and you can do it

while you're talking to your friends in a bar, you can do it even while walking

and you come up with a word that you want to know the meaning of in a

foreign language. Whatever it is, just make sure that you have a notebook that

you can fit in your pocket and you can carry it with you at all

times. And another tip is when you mark words or sentences, always make sure that

you mark the PLACE and the TIME where this happened, because it's going to give

you a very clear reference in time and space for your episodic memory. It makes

a huge difference if you get into the habit of doing this every single day.

This video contains a lot of information and I've condensed it for the sake of

brevity and clarity. If you want to know more, you can click on the link in the

description box below and you will be able to read a very extensive article

about this very same topic. So here you have it. These are the seven tools to

create and strengthen your "word spider web". All you need to do now is to

get out there and catch as many "word flies" as possible.

For more infomation >> 7 Insanely Effective Techniques to Memorize Vocabulary in a New language - Duration: 7:32.


Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats: Tearing at the Seams - Duration: 5:41.

-Performing the title track of their critically acclaimed

album "Tearing at the Seams," please welcome to the show

Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats.

[ Cheers and applause ]


-♪ Wait ♪

♪ Did you think that I would ♪

♪ Break ♪

♪ Underneath the pressure and the... ♪


♪ Now, the heart ♪

♪ Not to feel ♪


♪ Is a wandering waste in the driest land ♪


♪ From these heights ♪

♪ Of these hills ♪

♪ There's a funny thing that no one else can see ♪


♪ There's a liar ♪

♪ A liar on the stage ♪

♪ With a young child's eyes ♪


♪ And it happens all wrong ♪

♪ And only half of it's seen from here ♪


♪ Where has all the time gone? ♪


♪ In separate ways, it runs long ♪


♪ A hundred miles built upon us ♪


♪ Tearing at the seams of all that's been ♪


♪ Tearing at the seams of all that's been ♪


♪ Now, wait ♪

♪ Is this a game? ♪


♪ Or am I walking into a snare? ♪


♪ Now these lies ♪

♪ Will spread ♪


♪ Until we're choking on the innocent ♪


♪ They have half of us tied ♪

♪ And half of us in chains ♪


♪ We're all covering our eyes ♪

♪ And we're covering our mouths ♪

♪ Just the same ♪


[ Vocalizing ]



♪ Where has all the time gone? ♪


♪ In separate ways it runs long ♪


♪ A hundred miles built upon us ♪


♪ It's tearing at the seams of all that's been ♪


♪ Tearing at the seams of all that's been ♪


♪ Tearing at the seams of all that's been ♪


♪ They're gonna have to drag us away ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us away ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us away ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us away ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us away ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us away ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us away ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us away ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us ♪

♪ They're gonna have to drag us away ♪

♪ Ye-ah-ah-ah ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Whoo! Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats, everyone!

For tour dates, go to

For more infomation >> Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats: Tearing at the Seams - Duration: 5:41.


What is a Baby Boomer Nail? - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> What is a Baby Boomer Nail? - Duration: 11:55.


ผู้ชาย​ 5 ประเภท ที่ไม่ควรคบต่อ ให้เปลืองเวลาของชีวิต | แชท หาแฟนฝรั่ง หาแฟนต่างชาติ หาคู่ต่างชาติ - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> ผู้ชาย​ 5 ประเภท ที่ไม่ควรคบต่อ ให้เปลืองเวลาของชีวิต | แชท หาแฟนฝรั่ง หาแฟนต่างชาติ หาคู่ต่างชาติ - Duration: 10:36.


Opel Zafira 2.2 ENJOY Automaat | Climate control | Lichtmetaal | Cruise | PDC V + A | - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 2.2 ENJOY Automaat | Climate control | Lichtmetaal | Cruise | PDC V + A | - Duration: 1:05.


Could Fed raising rates be a threat to economic growth? - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Could Fed raising rates be a threat to economic growth? - Duration: 2:51.


《男朋友》好睇过《太阳的后裔》!宋慧乔、朴宝剑姐弟恋CP擦出爱火花 - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> 《男朋友》好睇过《太阳的后裔》!宋慧乔、朴宝剑姐弟恋CP擦出爱火花 - Duration: 9:41.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI ACT HIGHLINE | Stof/Alcantara | PDC V + A | Climate Control | - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI ACT HIGHLINE | Stof/Alcantara | PDC V + A | Climate Control | - Duration: 1:08.


Kumiko invades my Home in Japan - Duration: 10:10.

Why is she dancing?

look how huge this ketchup is

hello everyone, today a new day with seba

we will go to eat Pizza and I will meet up with Kumiko, anyway a simple video day ^_^

stay with meeee!

let's have breakfast with... MARCO SCOTTO

he is now on instagram, his ID is marco_in_tokyo , go and check him out!

and I'm gonna eat a banana

and yesterday I've seen my friend's video about Graphic Adventure, and I think I'll download Manic Mansion too!

if you want a game play with me just let me know!

waaa can't wait to play it! I will play it on the plane to italy

I've brought my friend to work at Mori Tower, and I've seen the invasion of Doraemon, like every summer!!

let me show you some









DORAEMON kylie jenner challenge



(it's not mine)




DORAEMON has broken his phone on Phi Phi Island just like me, and now he is using this as phone

near here there is a famous museum called Mori, there is this Spider statue and you can see Tokyo Tower from here ;)

can you see it?

over there, we can walk from here

let's go to eat pizza!

can't waittttt

actually is too hot to go to eat pizza, so we are eating here

I really like this restaurant, you can eat as much salad as you want

that is important to eat!

is close to Mori tower, and I think you should try it! It's good!

I'm gonna get chicken!

and my friend is having pork!

I'm so hungry!

finallyyyyy, I can't wait!

let's have curry too

here we goooo!

the name of this place is RIO GRANDE GRILL

just next to Mori Tower

now I'm going home and I will make some cooking videos!

oooohh I didn't notice this one, he has MOMO (PEACH)

and after a long time, here we are with KUMIKO again!

let's shop with Kumiko!

let's buy all what we need to make curry with Kumiko

carot + poteto + onion

are those gnocchi??? ohh no it's garlic!

Kumiko didn't have lunch so she is cooking Yakisoba for her!

Kumiko is looking for all ingredients

how hot is in Japannnn

oh, is actually pretty cheap only 4 USD

to be honest when it comes to Yakitori, I only eat Sasami, but you can actaully make them with all parts

let's get those too, to make Yakitori! We will need them

we still need Negi and than we are ok!

wow all those are huuuuge!

we had bought also Mirin (sweet sake) and ryouri shu to make perfect Japanese Ryori today! It costed around 20 USD

so now let's go home and cook Yakitori and Curry!

let's show Kumiko my new temporary home

this is the kitchen, with frige and everything

Kiss chocolate too!!

let's see if there is some rice

ohhh there is some Kayu, do you want some?

there the bathroom

and tub there I wash my hair and hands


come here


she told me I've lost weight!

this is the house, normal one

ahhhh it hurt, I always bang your head against this lamp

and here my clothes, I'm glad today it didn't rain

waaaaa! Again, it's the second time!

anyway what are we doing now Kumiko?

we are cooking

so now let's cook with her, we haven't make cooking video in a while!

what are we making today?


now we are making those 3 things for you, you will see them in one of our next videos

and thanks for watching ( ..).

(wait why is she dancing?)

anyway I home you had fun with this video and see you next time with our cooking video

bye bye

you can find Sebastiano Serafini's music in all major digital stores

and don't forget to follow me on instagram @sebastianoserafini & @sebastianoserafini_giappone

For more infomation >> Kumiko invades my Home in Japan - Duration: 10:10.


What Happens at an F1 Factory During a Race Weekend? - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> What Happens at an F1 Factory During a Race Weekend? - Duration: 4:20.


【韓国旅行】韓国コスメ爆買い!セール中で最大70%オフ。運が神過ぎた【購入品】 - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> 【韓国旅行】韓国コスメ爆買い!セール中で最大70%オフ。運が神過ぎた【購入品】 - Duration: 12:26.


Choosing a sketchbook for watercolour realism and botanical art - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Choosing a sketchbook for watercolour realism and botanical art - Duration: 5:05.


The Matrix (1999) Cast | Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> The Matrix (1999) Cast | Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:13.


구독자 10만 유튜버들의 아이디어 회의 법 / A normal day of work - Duration: 9:41.

Almost Koreans meeting


hi I am jangmin

and it is almost koreans

sorry Sogu

sorry Ak man

I am late

as you can see

I didn't have time to shave my moustache

I didn't have time to do my hair so I wore a cap and run away

the thing is that I am late and maybe I run to get there and they are not there and I get mad!

I get mad!

cause they are not here

it s a rainy day and I am gonna meet sogu and min

in taken

I am late

as usual

maybe cause it s raining I ll get there even later

let s see what s gonna happen

I arrived now

min arriving:10 am

sogu arriving: 10.22am


Ak man on the way

sorry sorry sorry

Ak man arriving:11.08am

I am late and you come like 35 minutes after

usually we always meet in the coffee shop

I admit it take to sogu 1 hour and it take to akman 20 minutes and it takes 3 minutes for me to go and it is the place where we always meet

it is unfair right?

so when they are late

like today Ak man came like 50 minutes late

I could have sleep 50 minutes more

we thought about some ideas

things that happen during the meeting

we talk about Mammoth?

do you realize that pigs and elephant are like boar and mammoth


with hair horns and bigger

I didn't get it

elephant has a big nose

yeah but looks the same

but longer

why we are not filming this?

we are


but I am filming Ak

why we need a connection? I think we need a connection

sometimes looks like a waste of time but

but when we talk about those things we are more relaxed more connected and happy

we dont meet much during our days or weeks

so I think is normal to start to talk about whatever during our meetings

just showing that we are friends

things that happen during the meeting 2

Cristopher Colombus was Spanish?

so we talk about pasta

what you told me

Marco Polo was Italian?

Marco polo! Cristopher colombus was spanish

no Cristoforo colombo was Italian

he discovered america

what are you saying man?

cause he is italian

what italian

Wikipedia says he s Italian too

trust me

he said he wanted to cross the ocean

he was friend with the queen of spain

he asked the monarchy of venice but the king didn't want to borrow the money

so he got the finance from spain

so they gave him ships to go to America but he s italian

what did you think when min said colombo was Spanish?

I thought he s cute


the nationality of colombus is a mystery

still now nobody knows

things that happen during the meeting 3

lack of ideas and motivation


what happens when there s no motivation? The problem is that sometimes I lack of motivation

sometimes sogu

sometimes Ak man

so the most motivated person has to carry the rest

I dont know

I dont know

there is always some sort of balance

we lose time cause we try to motivate the other one instead of doing something or talk about something

we try to balance ourselves

so there is me in the corner crying and min says no dont cry

or maybe it s min that is crying in the corner I try to push him

that is howit works usually


how do you solve it?when we are stocked

we just need time and to wait

and we wait for somebody to decide things

so we start again

and many occasions we just need time

things that happen during the meeting 4

documentary war

I got and idea


we make a food documentary



Spanish Italian Korean food

we all have our stories we can mix them and make a documentary

but it is different we always do challenges but this is documentary

also ak likes it cause you can make it cinematic

not like a tv one



why you dont like documentaries? first it was a sketch it wasn't serious

it wasn't in purpose and trying to push him away

actually in spain we have a time for siesta

when you turn on the tv for sleeping there are documentaries

what does it mean?

documentaries are for sleeping

you have a different point of you about documentaries

usually we think different about them

things that happen during meeting 5

ak is hungry

what s up?

I am hungry

I am hungry

tell me how I can stay with 2 people who dont eat lunch


things that happen during the meeting 6

closing ideas

why we dont make a video about this

this situation always full of problems we dont know what to do

actually we were filming this

good idea

it s good if we show also all the stages

like when we talk about trash

ak also think that he s hungry

that we lose motivation

then we start talk about ideas

some bad and some good

we destroy each other

talking about colombus

and talking about documentaries


we have sources so we can make something

and in the middle of question we can put some interview


mixing it and make it like a vlog

I like it

we close it let s keep going on

so this is how we spend most of our meetings

and try to figure out ideas out of it

it s hard but we accept the idea that we always have to do what we want and like at the end it s gonna be good

we have a lot of stories but this is out team

we weill always stay together

and I like this team

the end!

For more infomation >> 구독자 10만 유튜버들의 아이디어 회의 법 / A normal day of work - Duration: 9:41.


★ «Что она делает у меня в студии?» Крик испугавшейся ведущей всполошил зрителей! - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> ★ «Что она делает у меня в студии?» Крик испугавшейся ведущей всполошил зрителей! - Duration: 2:40.


An Brüsten ertastet: Wolf ahnte Josephines Schwangerschaft - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> An Brüsten ertastet: Wolf ahnte Josephines Schwangerschaft - Duration: 0:53.


五大生肖未來三年正財穩定,橫財自來,三年就能掙夠別人一輩子的錢,從此吃喝不愁。 - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> 五大生肖未來三年正財穩定,橫財自來,三年就能掙夠別人一輩子的錢,從此吃喝不愁。 - Duration: 6:08.


這是一個被成龍毀了22年的女人,原因真的是什麼?但是如今過的照樣很幸福! - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> 這是一個被成龍毀了22年的女人,原因真的是什麼?但是如今過的照樣很幸福! - Duration: 11:05.


如懿传里五个越看越喜欢的角色:令妃排第一! - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> 如懿传里五个越看越喜欢的角色:令妃排第一! - Duration: 10:44.


Las Noticias de la mañana, jueves 4 de octubre de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Las Noticias de la mañana, jueves 4 de octubre de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:48.


HAPPY B-DAY MIP! - A SONG FOR MIRKO [Flaward] - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> HAPPY B-DAY MIP! - A SONG FOR MIRKO [Flaward] - Duration: 3:32.


Citroën DS5 2.0 HYBRID4 B. EXECUTIVE | Panoramadak | Navigatie | Climate control | - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS5 2.0 HYBRID4 B. EXECUTIVE | Panoramadak | Navigatie | Climate control | - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION STYLE *Airco | Cruise | LED | Navi | PDC V+A | All-season banden - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION STYLE *Airco | Cruise | LED | Navi | PDC V+A | All-season banden - Duration: 1:06.


Big Brothers Big Sisters Ramona - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Big Brothers Big Sisters Ramona - Duration: 1:46.


Tuscaloosa County Speed Humps - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Tuscaloosa County Speed Humps - Duration: 0:50.


북한은 미군 폭격기를 격추 시킬 수 있을까? - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> 북한은 미군 폭격기를 격추 시킬 수 있을까? - Duration: 6:16.


A Girl Takes Care Of Three Cute Ducks | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:31.

Hey! Ori! Pupu! Johang!

The ducks are coming out of the water as the girl calls them?


I'm their mother

The girl and the three ducks

They remember Sujin

Follow Sujin~

Now go down!

They understand her words?

This is a piece of cake

What if a producer disguised as her

Don't try to fool us

The girl took care of the ducklings

The ducks recognised her as a mother

There's only two

Suddenly, a missing duck

She was worried..


A distant duck

Sujin is relieved

But they cant fly..

Riding a bike quickly

Lets go!


I'm so glad they are flying well

I wish they could fly really well

Thank you for your encouragement

For more infomation >> A Girl Takes Care Of Three Cute Ducks | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:31.


中国激光武器成功弯道超车:055万吨驱逐舰+激光炮 让美军跟着走 - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 中国激光武器成功弯道超车:055万吨驱逐舰+激光炮 让美军跟着走 - Duration: 5:27.


范冰冰劉曉慶卸了妝,未必有你老婆漂亮 - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> 范冰冰劉曉慶卸了妝,未必有你老婆漂亮 - Duration: 1:14.


刚出道的他片酬就三千万,限薪令早该出了,该退钱的岂止赵薇舒淇 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 刚出道的他片酬就三千万,限薪令早该出了,该退钱的岂止赵薇舒淇 - Duration: 4:04.


单身后的欧豪真猛,寸板头造型帅气逆天,网友:马思纯可惜了 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 单身后的欧豪真猛,寸板头造型帅气逆天,网友:马思纯可惜了 - Duration: 2:47.


Air Fried Pesto Chicken Wings - Air Fryer Chicken Recipes - Duration: 10:01.

thanks for stopping by no hippie BBQ I'm Lyle what I'm be doing today is we are

going to be making some air fried pesto chicken wings that's a lot to say this

is something that I don't really ever rest beyond I kind of thought about this

concept in my head and I think I came up with a combination that's gonna make

these chicken wings extremely outstanding we're going to be doing these chicken wings in

two parts we're going to be seasoning and coating our wings in one part and

letting those chicken wings sit in the refrigerator and kind of dry out before we get them

in our airfryer and while that's doing that we're gonna go ahead and make our

sauce so why don't you guys come on in take a look with our ingredients all

right even though I'm just going to be throwing this recipe together I will go

ahead and try to leave kind of what my ingredients and amounts are in the

description below so what what am I using okay so I got some Taiwanese basil

and I had this in the freezer and sometimes when you freeze bathe like

this it actually works really well when you're doing like a pesto sauce so we

have the basil some minced up garlic rather than using pine nuts or anything

like that that can get a little expensive I'm just using some almond

slivers some grated Parmesan cheese some lemon juice you know let's get to the

chicken we're going to be seasoning it with this seasoning by heaven made

heaven made products this is their seasoning called it's incredible and a

few people have been cooking with this so I decided to give it a try I'm gonna

leave a link to where you can buy this in the description below if you don't

have this salt pepper garlic probably work well we're gonna be using some

cornstarch this has become one of my favorite ingredients when it comes to

air fried chicken I'm gonna be using some Duke's mayonnaise the reason I'm

using the mayonnaise is just kind of give it a little bit of a creaminess and

something to kind of adhere to the wings we're gonna be using some olive oil and

I'm gonna be using some Queiroz syrup just to kind of sweeten it up a

little bit honey would be something that would

typically use but I need to get rid of this camera so that's really the only

reason that I am using that so our first step is going to be just to go ahead and

season up these wings don't need to go too heavy on this since we are going to

be adding that sauce to it down the row but we do want to get one nice layer of

flavor all right that is good to go now like I've been telling you one of my

favorite things as far as getting these chicken wings extra crispy is not to go

with the flour based coating but this cornstarch is really something I've

really liked in my last few chicken wing videos so let's get this in so now that

we have those coated I'm gonna bring a wire wrap over we're just gonna throw

these wings on they're gonna go in the refrigerator probably for a good hour

thirty minutes should be enough but I have an hour to work with so that's how

long they're gonna be in

so we have our chicken wings chilling out in the refrigerator let's go ahead and make

this sauce like I said experiment we're going to go

ahead and add all of our basil because we know we're gonna need all that

we're gonna need all this garlic as well

and I'm gonna go kind of light on these ominous livers to begin with let me go

with about a quarter of what I have here

throw in some garlic and we're just eyeballing all this let's go with about

half of our lemon juice and just go with a nice dollop of mayo when we will be

adjusting this down the road I may need more mayo and then let's go with some of

this Cairo like I said honey would be kind of what I was would have worked

with if I didn't have that Cairo on hand and I'm gonna start off with about half

of this Parmesan cheese just get the lid on

blend it up see we're working with okay give it a taste now see if there's any

other adjustments that need to be made you know maybe just a little salt a

little pepper

alright guys this should do it I'm gonna just finish blending this up and then

I'm gonna let it just sit out no need to throw it in the refrigerator or anything

our wings I've got another 30 minutes to go when their fries are in the

refrigerator so we'll get those out here

look some wings now normally if you see me cooking extra crispy chicken wings what I'll do is

I'll throw this basket in the airfryer for about five minutes just to kind of

preheat this bottom great to keep the chicken wings from sticking I'm gonna try to

do it without it to really see if it's necessary now I just did a chicken wing

video with this air fryer I took about 25 minutes for the wings to get cooked

the way I like them to be cooked so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to cook them

for 20 minutes and we'll check on the doneness keep in mind I am gonna be

throwing these back in the airfryer with that sauce I so I don't want to cook

them all the way till you know complete or at least where I would have done

until I have the sauce on so looks like we're gonna be doing this in two batches

I'm going to go ahead and get this in my air fryer set at 375 degrees and we're

gonna go for 20 minutes didn't want to check these at about 15

minutes to see what we're looking like and these look like they are far from

done so it looks like when I do preheat this air fryer before I throw the wings

in that might be the best route to go so if you haven't seen any of my other

videos what I do is I go ahead and preheat this basket for about five

minutes before I put my wings in so I'm gonna go ahead and set this for another

ten minutes and hopefully they will be to our doneness at that point these

wings are done after about 25 minutes that's what we're looking like right

there let's go ahead and get them sauced up so

now I have a little bit of this sauce in this bowl here go ahead this is a little

bit of a thicker sauce we're gonna go ahead and throw our wings in coated

mother out right quick we're gonna go ahead and throw them back in our air

fryer for about five minutes and these wings are really soaking up this sauce

let me tell you I was almost wondering if I made enough but we should be good

to go but they are drinking it up

five minutes should be a done deal so this is a wrap that sauce we put on

looks like it developed a little crust on it these aren't the best looking chicken

Wings in the world but it really doesn't have anything to do with the look it's

all about that flavor I'm going to go ahead and plate these up we'll taste

them see we think

so this is the moment of truth let's see if this experiment worked out now I did

put a little bit of the sauce here to dip it in basically the same sauce that

I coated the chicken with that's a pretty good wing it almost has more of a

garlic parmesan taste than like a a pesto taste I thought I might have gone

a little too heavy on that Cairo syrup but it actually might have been able to

use just a tad bit more sweetness actually I think these are worth giving

a shot they could really be good with shrimp too if you have an air fryer

maybe try this with some shrimp anyway all right take another bite I'd

like to thank you guys for stopping my new hippie BBQ check out Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB

crispy chicken wings with a airfryer

For more infomation >> Air Fried Pesto Chicken Wings - Air Fryer Chicken Recipes - Duration: 10:01.


Opel Mokka 1.4T LPG.BiFuel Cosmo. Leder.Clim.contr - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4T LPG.BiFuel Cosmo. Leder.Clim.contr - Duration: 1:10.


PSV 1-2 Inter Milan: Mauro Icardi goal maintains perfect record - Duration: 3:06.

Mauro Icardi took advantage of an error from PSV Eindhoven goalkeeper Jeroen Zoet to gift Inter Milan a 2-1 victory in their Champions League Group B clash on Wednesday

Inter made it two wins from two and inflicted a second defeat on the Dutch side as Radja Nainggolan fired in an equaliser after Pablo Rosario scored his first goal in three years to give PSV the lead

The victory was deserved on the balance of play, though PSV can point to bad luck in crucial moments and will feel somewhat aggrieved, as shown by the plastic bottles that were launched from the stands on to the pitch late in the match

The home side went in front on 27 minutes when Dutch junior international Rosario thundered his drive from 30 yards into the top corner with Inter goalkeeper Samir Handanovic rooted to the spot

There was a moment of controversy five minutes before the break when Handanovic raced out of his box and handled the ball as Steven Bergwijn played it past him, earning the gloveman a yellow card

He was fortunate it was not red with Bergwijn probably free on goal but for his intervention

With the home crowd still seething, Inter levelled just before the break when Zoet could only parry Kwadwo Asamoah's shot and the ball fell for Nainggolan to smash into the net from the edge of the box

PSV were unfortunate not to be in front shortly after half-time when Gaston Pereiro crashed his shot from the edge of the box against the post

But it was the visitors who scored next just before the hour-mark as Icardi took advantage of uncertainty in the PSV defence to latch on to a long-ball and as Zoet collided with defender Daniel Schwaab, the Argentine forward side-footed into the empty net

Handanovic made a stunning stop to deny PSV substitute Donyell Malen an equaliser from an overhead kick, the acrobatic effort matched by the save from the Slovenian keeper which earned his side all three points

For more infomation >> PSV 1-2 Inter Milan: Mauro Icardi goal maintains perfect record - Duration: 3:06.


Marcus Body Coding - Where It All Began?★ #TheDay1Journey Ep. 20 ★ - Duration: 5:42.

I think we are live. welcome to the day one journey. episode 20. in the following

episode(s) I will finally finally share with you my story about my second

ridiculous dream, my story about my 2nd ridiculous dream. it got to do with

"Marcus Body Coding" if you know about that. "Marcus Body Coding" is the Second

Empire. and in these following videos - episodes I'll tell you the WHY the HOW

and what I'm going to do with it. and the reason why I will keep on doing

that for as long as I can imagine. so let's take a breath.. enjoy this lovely

day.. amazing day.. this is just .. you see the sunset.. sunrise there? just at

sunrise, the beginning of the day - DAY 1

so I'll tell you where it all started. it all started when I started dancing

started learning to dance. it was salsa dancing. and back then my girlfriend back

then was pushing me to go with her to salsa dance. so I told her 'no' but for the

reason that I was just saying "I won't be good enough" I did like to dance but

that's was maybe my excuse. so she went by herself learned alone then she came

back home and she was teaching me. so she was teaching me the basic steps. and I

did the basic steps for at least one month or two months. back then I was in

the Army so as I was practicing in the weekends. it was so difficult... just the

basic step I was just with myself and my feet.

really it was so difficult...

what happened after that. two months around two months after that

I finally agreed to go to the class and it was so difficult. it

was like there were so many people there. it was the Candela Club in Jerusalem in

Israel. I also remember my first teacher which is Moran I will tag you

here this video. hope you're seeing this. and all I can remember from that class

was my feet. just me and my feet.and the thing was I

had no problem with the music. I was hearing the beat, yeah. but just like my

feet wasn't listening to me. it was like a bit frustrating. I was listening to the

music but the feet were just weren't with me. so that was the

first class and then went on. and we're almost out of time so I want to tell you

just share with you just one thing. it will be a riddle - a question I have for

you which is a nice story as well. a year after I started dancing I after a year I

was okay okay I wasn't that bad like after just few months. so after I

started dancing one of my closest people in my life I found out by mistake that

one of my closest people my life had no hope for me about dancing, after seeing me for a

few months trying, learning, practicing who was it?

who was it? or who who were they? maybe more than one. I give you the options: was

it A ? a good friend of mine who's a salsa dancer who might be watching. was it

B ? my girlfriend yeah Ifat. the one who pushed me to go to salsa classes

in the first place. A: my good friend dancing salsa

B: my girlfriend then C: my mom or dad D: (A and B) my friend and my girlfriend !

who do you think? comment below. who do you think were the people who thought

after a few months of me trying, thought or had no hope for me ever succeeding or

able to dance salsa. back to you, treat this day... remember to treat this day as

a new beginning fresh new start - day one and have a great DAY 1!

For more infomation >> Marcus Body Coding - Where It All Began?★ #TheDay1Journey Ep. 20 ★ - Duration: 5:42.


Charlène de Monaco n'est pas enceinte - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco n'est pas enceinte - Duration: 1:11.


For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco n'est pas enceinte - Duration: 1:11.


Nightcore - You Make Me Shy (Jai Waetford) || Lyrics - Duration: 2:42.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - You Make Me Shy (Jai Waetford) || Lyrics - Duration: 2:42.


For more infomation >> Nightcore - You Make Me Shy (Jai Waetford) || Lyrics - Duration: 2:42.


Adorable Mini Magnet Pot Review, for your interior or the gift / Hoontamin - Duration: 5:06.

Pretty but amazing mini pots

Today we will introduce you a very unique item

What's that?

This you are seeing

This is a pot

Surprisingly, this pot is

Not an artificial, but a real plant

And one more amazing thing

It does not fall

This is not spilled

What is this?

Pretty and beautiful, mini magnet pot

This thing that we are going to introduce

That's the mini magnet pot


This pot is made of magnets

So it sticks to the metal like this

For example, on the refrigerator

If you have an iron plate

You can attach it

You have to put the usual pots like this

But it can be attached to the wall

It can be anywhere

You could even put it on the ceiling

It can be put in various spaces

Wherever the magnet can be attached

And so convenient because you don't have to give a water frequently

Once a month is enough

It would be a really useful pot for me

As I have shown before

Even if it is inverted, it doesn't pour


Don't do that, scary

There's a pretty character on it

You can put your own design here

You can put your character here

You can put your company's logo here

When you give a gift, you can put a phrase

The only pot for me!

Sounds great

It's a product that uses an abandoned coffee capsule

It's environmentally friendly

It's a coffee capsule that peels like this

I didn't recognize

In an abandoned coffee capsule

With real plants like this

A new life was born

It's easy to give water

After filling a small area with water

Soak pots for 10-20 minutes

Then water is given

And you could plant it to another place

There are red pebbles here

Remove these pebbles

After that, remove plants and soil

And you can move it to another place

There are other amazing things about this pot

There's one piece of succulent plant apart

Put this succulent piece in the soil

After 3-4 weeks without water

It grows like this newly

Looks like a few pieces fell during the moving

Just put it in the soil, it grows again


Really amazing

Even if damaged in the course of dealing

Broken or cut

Then put the leaf or the stem

Wait 3-4 weeks without water

This will resurrect again

Not die easily, the vitality is maintained

You don't need to give water often

And easy to manage

Most of all, it's a pot of magnets

It can be directed anywhere

The interior looks pretty

We've tried a lot of things

But there was a limit in the office

If there is a steel plate anywhere

You can also play nice

The fridge will be pretty

The fridge has a lot of menu posts of delivery foods

This little one can change the mood

Because it is a wonderful item

You can always present it regardless of the season

I have to prepare a gift for 20 people

If you can get these things, it will be great

Today, to our subscribers

We introduced a wonderful mini magnet pot

Our trip to the nice items continues

Channel Hoontamin, please love and subscribe us

For more infomation >> Adorable Mini Magnet Pot Review, for your interior or the gift / Hoontamin - Duration: 5:06.


For more infomation >> Adorable Mini Magnet Pot Review, for your interior or the gift / Hoontamin - Duration: 5:06.


SIMS 4 Saisson - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> SIMS 4 Saisson - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> SIMS 4 Saisson - Duration: 0:31.



For more infomation >> NOUVELLE NINTENDO SWITCH CONFIRMÉE POUR 2019 !! - Duration: 8:41.


For more infomation >> NOUVELLE NINTENDO SWITCH CONFIRMÉE POUR 2019 !! - Duration: 8:41.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol | Climate Control | Cruise Control | Trekhaak | Meeneemprijs! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol | Climate Control | Cruise Control | Trekhaak | Meeneemprijs! - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol | Climate Control | Cruise Control | Trekhaak | Meeneemprijs! - Duration: 1:05.


Foja Ft. Pauline Croze - A qui tu appartiens - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Foja Ft. Pauline Croze - A qui tu appartiens - Duration: 4:04.


For more infomation >> Foja Ft. Pauline Croze - A qui tu appartiens - Duration: 4:04.


1_ EMILIANO VILLAZÓN opina sobre las elecciones de Brasil entrevistado por Ozias Alves Jr.. - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> 1_ EMILIANO VILLAZÓN opina sobre las elecciones de Brasil entrevistado por Ozias Alves Jr.. - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> 1_ EMILIANO VILLAZÓN opina sobre las elecciones de Brasil entrevistado por Ozias Alves Jr.. - Duration: 4:25.


Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing

For more infomation >> Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing


Yo Sean! Should I exercise when I'm mentally stressed? - Duration: 1:15.

Sean, Sean can I ask you a question? Hey Emma. I just wanted to know whether it's a good

idea to exercise when you're mentally stressed? Good question, I'm just doing some boxing right now.

Um well it really depends what your goal is, so if your goal is to lose weight and

you're feeling very, very stressed maybe you haven't eaten anything you feeling malnourished

then the answer is no definitely don't exercise because those stress levels

releases a hormone called cortisol and that cortisol basically just attacks on your muscle and you end

up storing more body fat as it ends up clinging on to them. So if your goal is weight loss I would definitely say no.

If you have eaten well throughout the day and your body is nourished and you are just feeling a little bit stressed then definitely get down to the gym

because that's a good way to let off some steam, you release happy endorphins

that you call seratonin and you come out of there feeling a lot more positive and vibrant

and you feel good about yourself so if that is the case then maybe come down to the gym

do some boxing and let off a bit of stress, maybe even in the first 5- 10 minutes and then you are feeling good for the rest of the workout

So it really depends on what your goal is....Thanks


For more infomation >> Yo Sean! Should I exercise when I'm mentally stressed? - Duration: 1:15.


What is a Baby Boomer Nail? - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> What is a Baby Boomer Nail? - Duration: 11:55.


[ENG] What I eat in a day Update! กินยังไงให้ผอม - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> [ENG] What I eat in a day Update! กินยังไงให้ผอม - Duration: 4:51.


Nightcore - You Make Me Shy (Jai Waetford) || Lyrics - Duration: 2:42.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - You Make Me Shy (Jai Waetford) || Lyrics - Duration: 2:42.


Drink Desserts | Toasted Elvis Presley Shot! (Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich) - Duration: 3:54.

Hello everyone and welcome back to kitchen instruments now today

We're gonna make an alcoholic dessert beverage that combines a classic shot and a classic dessert into one

We're gonna make a toasted Elvis Presley shot. So let's do it

All right. So let's take a minute to talk Elvis Presley shot now Elvis Presley loved peanut butter and banana sandwiches

So I want to take that idea and put it into a drink now those already know this Presley shot out there

but I wanted to capture all the little subtle notes that's in a toasted peanut butter and banana sandwich such as the

Toastiness in the butteriness. So I think I took my shot a little bit further down the road than the original

So here's what I've come up with now to get the peanut butter and banana aspect of it. That's pretty easy

I'm just gonna go with a little bit of peanut butter vodka and I'm gonna go with a little creme de banana

But to get the butteriness I'm gonna go with a little bit of butterscotch and a little Frangelico and then to get the toastiness

I'm gonna borrow that idea from another dessert

So to get the toastiness I need I'm gonna take that idea from a banana cream pie and I'm gonna make a meringue

And then I'm gonna toast it with a blowtorch to make this drink a little bit fun

And as always if you enjoyed this week's video

Please feel free to give it a like and also share it because it really does help this channel grow by helping it

Reach a broader audience

And also if you're a real fan of the show

feel free to subscribe

So you get notifications each time a new show comes out which is usually about two or three times a week

All right. Sue's ready to make the toasted Elvis Presley shot

Now what a great shot

Delicious captures all the flavor of a toasted peanut butter and banana sandwich and II got to learn how to make a meringue

What a great episode

That's all I have time for today. Stop by later in the week for all you health nuts where we get to make our own

veggie burgers

It's gonna be delicious

I'll see you

For more infomation >> Drink Desserts | Toasted Elvis Presley Shot! (Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich) - Duration: 3:54.



What's up everyone, my name is Ben and today I'll be showing you something really really


Today I'll be showing you guys, how you can remove the password login from Mac OS.

Now ever since I got my Mac I've been really really happy, it's fast it's reliable, everything

syncs across all the Apple devices, it's awesome, but what I've been bothered about is first

time that you have to set a password and every single time if you close it, open it up again,

you need to enter the password.

Sure it's a great feature for security, but it just gets a bit annoying over time and

today I'll be showing guys how you can turn that feature off and basically as soon as

you open up the screen you will be already logged in into your account and ready to use

your laptop.

This is not the safest thing to do, but as long as you have passwords enabled with your

Apple ID and stuff like that, it's basically pretty safe to do, so let's just jump onto

the computer and I'll show you how to do this.

Okay so what you want to do is go into system preferences, go to security & privacy, go

to general, uncheck the required password box and then you'll be asked to enter your

password, turn off screen lock, keep using keychain, this will make sure that everything

is secured or you can also turn off and remove passwords, but I'll just use this feature

and basically, now you will no longer have to enter your password every single time that

you basically close out your computer, maybe open it up again and it will be much much


So this was a quick little tutorial on how to turn off the login screen password on Mac

OS, it's really simple it saves you a lot of time, also quite useful and my opinion

definitely a great thing to change when you get your Mac.

So hopefully this will help you out if you did definitely consider dropping it a like

and I'll see you all next time.

For more infomation >> HOW TO DISABLE PASSWORD LOGIN from MAC OS! - Duration: 2:25.


Bim Manager career. Who is that?? - Duration: 4:17.

What does a BIM Manager manage?

Have you ever think, who is the BIM Manager, in this video you will find an answer to the


Thought it's nigh on impossible to find a one-size-fits-all BIM Manager job description

there are some things that are common.

The terms 'BIM Manager', 'BIM Co-ordinator' and even 'Information Officer' have crept

into construction vocabulary in recent years.

For many companies, a BIM Manager is a catch-all role associated with driving forth changes

around digital ways of working.

What is clear is a 'BIM Manager' cannot be identified by a uniform set of tasks.

This is a role that varies across sectors and from company to company.

The BIM Manager's job is, as you would expect to 'manage', but this is not a management

role in the traditional sense.

A big part of the role is about change management, getting the most out of the technology, people,

process and policies that underpin changed ways of working to deliver the outputs needed

What kinds of skills does a BIM Manager need?

In many companies, the BIM Manager role evolved in response to a need to implement new technology.

You should know software such as Nawiswork, Revit or ArchiCAD.

Also, you need to understand how is Revit working on the code level.

You must understand it.

Don't forget communication skills, because you should teach the staff, and do some training

in the company.

The truth is, a BIM Manager needs a broad set of skills to manage and drive change that

fully reaps the rewards of the digital construction revolution and encourage others to do likewise.

And it is this broad skill set that means post holders are likely to come to the role

with a varied range of prior experiences.

The BIM Manager should fight against pseudo-BIM (BIM-like outputs not delivered optimally,

efficiently) and cut through the noise and hyperbole.

Day-to-day duties will depend very much on the task at hand and at what stage in a change

process or construction project the manager is working.

As designers, engineers, contractors, and others all start working in new ways then,

over time, BIM will become business as usual.

It's therefore likely that the BIM manager's skills will be subsumed into design, engineering

or contractor roles without the need for a special BIM label or even a dedicated manager


With processes established 'everyone' will contribute to and own the BIM.

Salary BIM manager.

The most interesting question is how much you can earn money at the position.

To be honest, it depends on the region where you are.

Anyway if we will check web site such as "Glassdoor", we will clearly understand that this role

is high rated nowadays.

It starts at 60k $ per year.

Hierarchy of BIM career BIM as any other professions divided into

the categories.

BIM Modeler: It is entry level Job where you will know more about software tool and does

not have much experience with respect to the domain.

His primary role will modeling elements and develop sheets according to project under

architects guidance.

Level of Experience will be 0–3 Years.

BIM Lead: It is position with minimum 3 years of experience and able to lead a team of BIM


BIM coordinator: with 3 to 6 years of experience will be given BIM Co-coordinator, His main

role will be communicating with all BIM Leads and give Clash Free Model

BIM Manager: Manager Responsible for the Entire Project Model and has a minimum of 8 to 10

years of Experience.His Roles includes developing BEP in consultation with principal engineers

and architects.

That it about BIM.

Don't forget,BIM it is a way to construct and develop it's not a tool such as Bim it's

not revit.

Thank you for whatching don't forget like and share this video.this is support my channel.

See you soon.

For more infomation >> Bim Manager career. Who is that?? - Duration: 4:17.


HOW TO DRAW A SPIDER | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:02.

How to draw a spider

Don't miss any Blabla Art episode

Subscribe! :)

For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW A SPIDER | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:02.


Nigel Paine Series |6 of 6| - Growth mindset - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Nigel Paine Series |6 of 6| - Growth mindset - Duration: 3:30.


Foja Ft. Pauline Croze - A qui tu appartiens - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Foja Ft. Pauline Croze - A qui tu appartiens - Duration: 4:04.


Marcus Body Coding - Where It All Began?★ #TheDay1Journey Ep. 20 ★ - Duration: 5:42.

I think we are live. welcome to the day one journey. episode 20. in the following

episode(s) I will finally finally share with you my story about my second

ridiculous dream, my story about my 2nd ridiculous dream. it got to do with

"Marcus Body Coding" if you know about that. "Marcus Body Coding" is the Second

Empire. and in these following videos - episodes I'll tell you the WHY the HOW

and what I'm going to do with it. and the reason why I will keep on doing

that for as long as I can imagine. so let's take a breath.. enjoy this lovely

day.. amazing day.. this is just .. you see the sunset.. sunrise there? just at

sunrise, the beginning of the day - DAY 1

so I'll tell you where it all started. it all started when I started dancing

started learning to dance. it was salsa dancing. and back then my girlfriend back

then was pushing me to go with her to salsa dance. so I told her 'no' but for the

reason that I was just saying "I won't be good enough" I did like to dance but

that's was maybe my excuse. so she went by herself learned alone then she came

back home and she was teaching me. so she was teaching me the basic steps. and I

did the basic steps for at least one month or two months. back then I was in

the Army so as I was practicing in the weekends. it was so difficult... just the

basic step I was just with myself and my feet.

really it was so difficult...

what happened after that. two months around two months after that

I finally agreed to go to the class and it was so difficult. it

was like there were so many people there. it was the Candela Club in Jerusalem in

Israel. I also remember my first teacher which is Moran I will tag you

here this video. hope you're seeing this. and all I can remember from that class

was my feet. just me and my feet.and the thing was I

had no problem with the music. I was hearing the beat, yeah. but just like my

feet wasn't listening to me. it was like a bit frustrating. I was listening to the

music but the feet were just weren't with me. so that was the

first class and then went on. and we're almost out of time so I want to tell you

just share with you just one thing. it will be a riddle - a question I have for

you which is a nice story as well. a year after I started dancing I after a year I

was okay okay I wasn't that bad like after just few months. so after I

started dancing one of my closest people in my life I found out by mistake that

one of my closest people my life had no hope for me about dancing, after seeing me for a

few months trying, learning, practicing who was it?

who was it? or who who were they? maybe more than one. I give you the options: was

it A ? a good friend of mine who's a salsa dancer who might be watching. was it

B ? my girlfriend yeah Ifat. the one who pushed me to go to salsa classes

in the first place. A: my good friend dancing salsa

B: my girlfriend then C: my mom or dad D: (A and B) my friend and my girlfriend !

who do you think? comment below. who do you think were the people who thought

after a few months of me trying, thought or had no hope for me ever succeeding or

able to dance salsa. back to you, treat this day... remember to treat this day as

a new beginning fresh new start - day one and have a great DAY 1!

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