When the deep blue night settles in
Let's talk of secrets
We'll descend the stairs through this hidden passageway
With your arm around my shoulders, you let out a melody
The voice I touched comes over to me
I'll let your sweet voice seep through my feelings
How surprising, with just a single step
It's as if you can go anywhere
Finding tranquility that's absorbed its colours
In our mutually normal body warmth
I feel like I could remain forgiven forever
Two worlds are melding within a soundless room
「Take off your shoes」
「Leave your freedom and innocence behind, and your daydreams too」
「I'll protect you」
「When the flowers bloom」
「Let's go to that faraway place」
How surprising, with just a single step
It's as if you can go anywhere
Finding tranquility that's absorbed its colours
In our mutually normal body warmth
I feel like I could remain forgiven forever
Two worlds are melding within a soundless room
A longing for love is born
For more infomation >> 「ルーム」を歌ってみた【roux♪】 - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
A typical INTRO of GYPSY JAZZ in G - Learning Gypsy Jazz - Duration: 5:50.
Hi, Clément here
in this video, I'll show you an intro in major
that you'll be able to play on many pieces to start them off
So, I'll play this intro
and then I'll explain how it's made with which chords
and how you can play it
I'll think you're going to recognize it
it's an intro of a well known piece that we play very often in gypsy jazz
this intro sounds like that
I think you recognized it, it's the intro of "Hungaria"
So this intro is in G
So, the first chord is a G6
this position right here
So my middle finger is on the 3rd fret / E string
the forefinger 2nd fret / D string
the little finger, 4th fret / G string
and the ring finger, 3rd fret / B string
So, G6
we can also play it like that
but I have it easier to use this position
so that's a G6/9
So right there I'm playing the 3rd fret / E string with my thumb
My middle finger is doing a barre chord 5th fret / A and D strings
the forefinger is on the 4th fret / G string
and the ring finger does a barre chord on the 5th fret / B and E strings
As I said on a prior video
I'm not really comfortable with thumb chords so I rather do it like so
So, G6
the second chord will the be a diminished A
we can play it as a triad
I personally do it like so
So middle finger, 5th fret / E string
forefinger, 4th fret / D string
and the ring finger is 5th fret / G string
and then we shift this position of two frets
and we lower the forefing of one fret, at the 5th fret / D string
so here I have my middle finger on the 7th fret / E string
the forefinger 5th fret / D string
and the ring finger, 7th fret / G string
So in fact this chord
if we put the little finger here
we obtain a G/B
Here again I play it as a triad, so it's just a G
where the root note is different
as it is a chord inversion
it's a G with E as bass note
the third chord is this one, it's a triad
we can think of it as either a diminished C or Cm6
as we only play the triad
here we'll have a diminished chord
here a Cm6 chord
I personally play three notes
Middle finger, 8th fret / E string
Forefinger, 7th fret / D string
and the ring finger, 8th fret / G string
and then we go back down
and there we play
a double note
we play two strings in fact, so I have middle finger 5th fret / A string
and open D string
with a small slide note
and then we restart, G...
and then the piece goes on the chord chart
So that's the intro of "Hungaria"
here the key is G
but we can also do it in other keys, for example in A
on the other hand here we can't do the double note
or it won't sound good, it won't work
but we can just do the E 7th fret / A string for example
or in C
So the key's piece is G but we can play it in other keys
it's nice intro to start a piece that are major
That's it for this video
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Щенячий патруль новые серии Щенки Колючки Развивающие мультфильмы Щенячий патруль Игрушки для детей - Duration: 5:56.
Creatiile mele+Lasati intrebari|Q&A (descrierea) - Duration: 5:09.
[PHIM CẤP 3] Ginô Tống | Học Đường Nổi Loạn : Trailer 01 - Phần 6 | Phim Ngắn Hay Nhất 2017 - Duration: 1:33.
170422 [ENG SUB] DIA Reaction Video @ Music Core - 5 Minutes Delay Show - Duration: 3:27.
- Bye! - Next is DIA!
Great work.
2, 3! Do it amazing, DIA. Hi, we're DIA.
Do we all show on screen?
- This is our skating dance. - That's right.
- Even our jump-rope dance. - Yeah.
Another point dance.
We have many cute moves for "Will You Go Out With Me".
It'd be fun to notice what they are.
So cute.
- Our point dance, making hearts. - Heart dance.
- You styled your hair today. - Yeah, I did.
- You're like Marilyn Monroe. - Your hair and outfit.
- Straight down. - Very straight, not rumpled.
For our concept on stage,
we wore cute and big accessories that can be easily seen.
- I worked hard on my nails. - Me too.
My hairpin got loose in the middle.
- Really? - So my hair got messy.
- Car dance. - On our way to meet love. - That's right.
Somyi came out great.
Your hairpin got loose?
My hairpin flew off.
- I guess you danced hard. - It got undone, so my hair got messy.
- Despite it being live stage, our fans cheered so loud. - Yeah.
- Huihyeon's heart showed up nicely. - Yeah, great to see on screen.
- Catching spotlight. - Heart made unconsciously.
You saw the camera well.
- You saw the camera well. - I had missed it during rehearsal.
- But I did well this time. - Here it comes.
- Writing in our journal. - Now we're like seaweed.
- Caught it. - Cute.
Cupid's arrow!
DIA's song is "Will You Go Out With Me".
- So many heart-shaped jewelry. - Yeah.
- So many hearts overall. - So many.
Now the ending, my favorite part.
- Human heart. - Three versions show.
Please support DIA's "Will You Go Out With Me".
We're back with our 2nd regular album, so please listen to all our songs.
We wrote them ourselves. 2, 3! Do it amazing, this has been DIA!
- Bye! - Thank you. - Next up is PRISTIN.
Use Your God-Given Authority as a Believer with Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim (Air Date 4-25-17) - Duration: 21:20.
(Singing) I know my God has made the way
for me. I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Today, Gloria Copeland and Billye
Brim teach us how to get ready for the supernatural
move of God that is coming. A key area is
knowing how to use your authority in the Heavenlies.
Learn more on today's Believer's Voice of Victory.
GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's
Voice of Victory. Sister Billye Brim's back with
us, and she's got some really great information
about the end times. BILLYE: Yeah, which we're
in. GLORIA: Which we happen to be in. You need to hear this.
BILLYE: And the great move of God that's coming. And Sister
Gloria-- GLORIA: Yes, ma'am. BILLYE: --you can confirm for me
and for the people that Brother Kenneth E. Hagin is a true
prophet. Is that right? GLORIA: Absolutely. Yes. I don't have
any doubt about that. BILLYE: Okay. So we did get the house to
confirm that the giver of these prophecies is a true prophet
that we know. GLORIA: Ken and I sat under him for so many years.
BILLYE: Oh, my goodness. GLORIA: Hundreds, I guess, of teachings,
and hours of his messages. BILLYE: Well, you're sitting
under him still. GLORIA: And we're preaching them now. I
mean, that's where we learned faith. BILLYE: Yeah, I know.
GLORIA: Glory to God. BILLYE: And don't you and Ken listen to
a lot of his-- GLORIA: We still do, yeah. Ken's got a telephone
full of Brother Hagin yet. BILLYE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA: (Laughs)
BILLYE: And you all listen to him every day almost. GLORIA:
Yeah. BILLYE: So that's what you should do too. You should listen
to great-- GLORIA: You don't hear--you don't hear everything
when you hear it once. BILLYE: No. GLORIA: The things of the
Spirit, you listen to over and over and over again like
messages. You just--you hear a message, you listen to it again
and again, especially if it's something that ministers to you.
BILLYE: You know, Gloria, I'm not a note taker. I don't take
notes because-- GLORIA: I can't stand not to take notes. BILLYE:
I know. But some people are note takers, some are not. But good
for--you know, different strokes for different folks. GLORIA:
Okay. BILLYE: I like to listen with my spirit. And if I'm
taking notes, I'm kind of behind, I'm kind of-- GLORIA:
Yeah, this is true. BILLYE: You know? So I'm listening. And then
I go back if I want to take a note. Oh, I might jot down, you
know, some one-liner. But then I can go back and listen. Thank
God we've got these CDs now--it used to be cassettes--and listen
and take some notes. But the first time through, I want to
listen in my heart. GLORIA: Amen. That's good. BILLYE: And I
always listen--oh, my goodness--and I hear the Spirit
of the Lord. And we've been reading prophecies that have
come, and about a great move of God that's coming just before
Jesus comes. So we've looked in the Bible for the Bible to
corroborate that fact. And yesterday, I closed with James,
but I didn't give you both verses; only gave you one. And
in order for you to see that it's a circle teaching, you'll
have to have both verses. This is going to be James 5:7-8 for
your Bible, or jot that down. Now, in Hebrew--I studied--you
know, I studied Hebrew in the Land. And in there, they have
what they call circle teaching. You begin with a point, you have
the meeting, and you end at the same point. And there's several
places--the great choice of God are circle teachings. I had that
in my book, "The Blood and the Glory." But here's one right
here. It starts with and ends with the same thought. And that
tells you it's a complete thought. GLORIA: Oh, I see,
okay. BILLYE: So look at James 5:7. "Be patient therefore,
brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman
waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth." The husbandman is
the Father. John 14 says, "My Father is the husband," the
farmer. "Behold, the husbandman," the Father, "waits
for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience
for it, until it receives the early and latter rain." GLORIA:
Mm. BILLYE: The earth is the field. It's going to produce a
precious truth. The Father's waiting for the precious fruit,
and the precious fruit is souls. Now, this big bumper crop is not
going to come in until it gets the early and the latter rain
together. GLORIA: Hmm-mm. BILLYE: Next verse, this is the
one I didn't read yesterday. "Be you also patient; establish your
hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh." GLORIA:
"Establish your heart," boy, that's a key, isn't it? BILLYE:
Isn't it? GLORIA: Yep. BILLYE: And, see, it starts with the
coming of the Lord. It ends with the coming of the Lord. So that
tells you, "Here's a clue to the coming of the Lord." And before
the coming of the Lord, earth's going to give a great big
harvest. And what's going to ripen this harvest is early and
latter rains together. Now, the Bible talks about the rains
being a type of the Spirit. And when the outpouring of the Holy
Ghost came, Peter said, "This is that which was prophesied." That
was the early rain of the Spirit, Acts 2. The latter rain
of the Spirit happened at the beginning of the 20th century.
And that was what we call the Azusa Street outpouring which
went around the world. So that's the latter rain. Early rain,
Acts 2; latter rain is Azusa Street time. But this says, just
before the coming of the Lord, you're going to get them both
together. And that's also what Joel prophesied. This is a
confirmation-- GLORIA: And both of them, each one by themselves
changed the whole earth. BILLYE: Exactly, Gloria. GLORIA: And
when you put them together, it's going to rock the world. BILLYE:
That's exactly right. GLORIA: Glory to God. BILLYE: Oh, man,
they're going to become--one of these words, if I read it,
Brother Hagin said they're going to come by the millions. GLORIA:
I don't think I've gotten that word. BILLYE: Well, I might be
on the next one we read here. GLORIA: Do read it sometime.
BILLYE: Bless the Lord. So now I'm going to read another
prophecy. Remember that we're warring a war with our
prophecies that God has given through this proven prophet,
Kenneth Hagin. This one came in 1983 at a prayer seminar. "In
this move of God, there will be--" We've already seen that
there's going to be glory, there's going to be healings,
there's going to be fire on churches, there's going to be
revelation of faith and-- GLORIA: Yep. Remember there was
a church-- BILLYE: --revelation of healing. GLORIA: --that had
a-- BILLYE: Yeah, J.C.-- GLORIA: --flame in the roof? BILLYE:
J.C.-- GLORIA: Was it Hash, or where? BILLYE: Yeah. It was J.C.
Hash. GLORIA: And the--somebody called the fire department
because they saw the flames. BILLYE: Yeah. GLORIA: It was the
Holy Ghost. BILLYE: Yeah. GLORIA: Glory to God. BILLYE:
Yeah. Called the fire department out. I've known that happen in
more places. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: But he's one, for sure,
a witness that it happened in his church. GLORIA: Praise God.
BILLYE: But all those things are going to come. But now here's
something that's a manifestation I heard Brother Hagin prophesy
about. And this might be a little different for you. "There
will be a manifestation of casting out demons that you
haven't seen yet. Now, some have drawn back from casting out
demons. And the Spirit of God said, 'I began to move along
that line a few years ago,' and men aborted the move." GLORIA:
Mm. BILLYE: "They mixed some of their own thinking in on it, and
they tried to control it and do it according to pattern and
according to this way that we think it ought to be done." I
remember when that happened, Gloria. In the charismatic
move--when there's something true from God, the enemy will
try to come along and mess it up. And it got messed up. And
people--I know one of my friends said to me--we went to a
"casting out demons" meeting every week, just a few of us,
and cast the demons out of each other. And one
time--ha-ha-ha-ha--I can't remember which it was, doorknobs
or coat hangers. But this person saw--quote, unquote, "saw," that
somebody needed to be cast out the spirit of coat hangers, or
doorknobs. I don't know which it was. (Laughs) GLORIA: Billye,
you--surely, you jest. BILLYE: No. GLORIA: (Laughs) BILLYE: No,
I'm not jesting. GLORIA: Coat hangers or doorknobs. BILLYE: I
can't remember which. GLORIA: The least you could do is
remember which one it was. BILLYE: But anyway, it's best
forgotten, I'm telling you that right now. GLORIA: (Laughs)
BILLYE: So when that came along in that meeting, and I'm telling
you, it was--you know, people were coughing and sputing, and
there can be that manifestation. But you don't say you have to do
it. Anyway, now back to the prophecy. "There's going to come
a manifestation of casting out demons you haven't seen yet."
GLORIA: Hmm. BILLYE: "For demons are let loose upon the earth,
and they're going about as never before because they know their
time is short." It says that in revelation. "And so in this
multiplication, this advance of demon activity, there will be
the activity of the Holy Ghost." GLORIA: Yes, amen. BILLYE:
"Demons that have harassed men, demons that have held
ministries--" Come apart here. TOGETHER: "--in check--" BILLYE:
--will leave--oh, you have-- GLORIA: Held ministries in
check. BILLYE: In check, held ministries in check. GLORIA:
That's an interesting way to say it. BILLYE: Now, they come after
ministries, see. GLORIA: Yeah. Sure, they do. BILLYE: Sure,
they do. They will leave. And you have not seen yet what you
will see in the area of dealing with demons, casting out demons.
Now, exercising authority over demons. We're about to step into
it like you'd step through a door into another room. GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: And this prophecy then talks about divine
healing, how there's going to be a move of that, "a revival of
the supernatural, not only the supernatural in casting out
demons, devils, not only the supernatural in healing the
sick, not only the supernatural in speaking with other tongues,
but the supernatural in the realm of the seen. Men will see
the glory of God." GLORIA: That's exciting, isn't it?
BILLYE: Oh, yes. I've seen a little of it-- GLORIA: I wanted
to see that. BILLYE: --but I want to see a whole bunch more.
GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: "A cloud will hang over congregations,"
certain congregations, "even the church building for days at a
time. And everybody that passes by, sinner and saint alike, will
say, 'What in the world is that? I've never seen anything like
that.' And there will be, in other places, fire of the Spirit
that will actually become literal. Oh, yes, in the
realm--spirit realm, some of us have seen it. In the Spirit
realm, we've been conscious of the fire of God. But the fire
will actually come into manifestation, and there'll be
people, saints as well as sinners--sinners as well as
saints that will see fire over all the heads of the people." It
happened in Acts 2. There was fire over the head of those
people. GLORIA: Tongues of fire. BILLYE: Yeah. "There'll be
people driving down the street or down the highway, and they'll
see fire on top of the buildings. And they'll come and
say, 'What does all this mean?' But you see, the Lord will use
signs of His presence to bring people in the last days into the
fullness of His Spirit." GLORIA: Signs. That's what we've always
wanted, isn't it? BILLYE: That's what they are, mm-hmm. GLORIA:
Glory to God. BILLYE: And into full salvation-- GLORIA: Full
world. BILLYE: --fullness when they see that. Mm. Miraculous
things in the realm of the Spirit. GLORIA: Praise God.
BILLYE: "But the greatest miracle of all is that there'll
be so many fish caught in the net that the nets can't hold
them." GLORIA: A boat-sinking, net-breaking load of people.
BILLYE: "There won't be church houses enough to hold them
people--" GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: "--for the purpose of it
all is that you may be fishers of men." GLORIA: Hallelujah. We
receive that, Lord. BILLYE: "Quit fishing in your own
bathtub." GLORIA: Ha-ha-ha. BILLYE: "There's not any fish in
your own bathtub. Go out where the fishes are and throw out the
net--" GLORIA: The highways and the byways. BILLYE: "--not the
hook, the net, and pull them in. And the glory of the Lord shall
shine, and the end shall come, and you will stand in the place.
Many will stand here in the place of ministry that you've
not stood before." GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: And, of
course, there were lots of ministers there when he
prophesied. And then he said, you know, we'll just not be able
to comprehend it. But God will bring it to pass. GLORIA: Won't
that be exciting? BILLYE: Hallelujah. Now, this started
out by saying there will be a manifestation of casting out
demons. I think that's already happened. To begin with, in the
understanding of the authority of the believer-- GLORIA: Mm.
BILLYE: --there's growing more and more understanding of this.
The Lord has really put it on our hearts to teach this, the
authority of the believer. GLORIA: The authority of the
believer, Billye, and I imagine you had the same experience.
When we found out the authority--that we had authority
over the devil and circumstances and sickness and disease and
poverty, it changed everything. It was like dark one day and
daylight the next. BILLYE: I know it, Glo. GLORIA: And we
still live that way. We take authority over things that
aren't right. BILLYE: We couldn't live today. GLORIA: We
found out that we had authority over the curse-- BILLYE: The
curse is it. GLORIA: --which includes all sickness, disease,
poverty, everything bad. BILLYE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA: And includes
Satan. BILLYE: Ah! GLORIA: He's the offerer of the curse.
BILLYE: Yes, and all the demons. GLORIA: You have authority over
his work. BILLYE: Yep. GLORIA: And it changed everything. I
mean, we didn't have anything, you know. But when we found that
out, we began to-- BILLYE: I imagine-- GLORIA: --take
authority over poverty. BILLYE: Sure. I imagine you found it out
from Kenneth Hagin's book, "The Believer's Authority." GLORIA:
Well, we-- BILLYE: And he was teaching it. GLORIA: And we were
living in Tulsa-- BILLYE: Yeah. GLORIA: --at that same time. We
were still in poverty when we were in Tulsa. And we--he had
meetings, you know, every year. BILLYE: Yeah. He taught on the
authority of the believer. GLORIA: So we'd go over there,
and we found out that we had authority. And that poverty had
to bite the dust. BILLYE: He taught a seminar, when you guys
would have gone to it, and then they put it in a book, "The
Believer's Authority." GLORIA: "The Believer's Authority." It's
awesome. BILLYE: And this is the--this book outsold every
book we had at Kenneth Hagin Ministries, many times over. I
don't have time to go into it, but it had to do with the fall--
GLORIA: Yes. BILLYE: --of the Berlin wall, even, and
communism. He wrote in the forward to that book, "Back in
the '40s, I asked myself the question, 'Do we have authority
that we don't know about, that we haven't discovered, that
we're not using?' I'd had little glimpses of spiritual authority
once in a while. Like others, I stumbled upon it, and I'd
exercised it without knowing what I was doing. I wondered,
'Is the Spirit of God trying to she me something?'" GLORIA: Mm.
BILLYE: "So I began to study along this line, think along
this line, feed along this line, and I began to see more and more
light. An article in the Pentecostal Evangel prompted my
study on the words 'power' and 'authority.' Then I came across
a wonderful pamphlet entitled 'The Authority of the Believer'
by John A. MacMillan," a missionary to China and the
Philippines. "As a result of my studies, I concluded that we as
a church have authority on the earth that we've never yet
realized, authority that we're not using. A few of us have
barely gotten to the edge of that authority." But, oh, listen
to this, Glo! GLORIA: I'm listening. BILLYE: It's a
prophecy. "But before Jesus comes again, there is going to
be a whole company of believers--" GLORIA: Yes, amen.
BILLYE: "--who will rise up with the authority that is theirs.
They will know what is theirs, and they will do the work that
God intended they should do." GLORIA: And we got to live to
see it. BILLYE: We're it. GLORIA: I mean, we were at the
beginning when Brother Hagin started teaching. BILLYE: We
were at the beginning when he first was getting the--himself--
GLORIA: --authority. Yeah. BILLYE: Now, I think-- GLORIA:
And we were broke, and we didn't know any better than to be sick.
And we didn't--we were not in bad health, but if we had been,
it would have been bad, really. Isn't that something, how we
just were at the right place-- BILLYE: Yeah. GLORIA: --at the
right time, all of us? BILLYE: And then he found that John A.
MacMillan book. And--well, actually, it was pamphlets. But
those pamphlets got put into a book, and I found that book
later. And this is what--John A. MacMillan is what
really--Brother Hagin studied to get the light on the subject.
GLORIA: Did you have it reprinted? BILLYE: We had it
reprinted. GLORIA: Good. BILLYE: No, yeah. We got it available.
GLORIA: I want it. BILLYE: "Authority of the Believer."
GLORIA: I don't have it. BILLYE: Now, John A. MacMillan wrote in
his preface, "The rapidly approaching end of the age is
witnessing a tremendous increase in the activity of the powers of
darkness." He lists several reasons why. We've all seen
this. We know the powers of darkness have increased. "To
meet the situation, the Church of Christ needs a new conception
of prayer. The urgent call is for men and women, wholly
yielded to the Lord, whose eyes have been enlightened to see--"
and he calls it "their ministry in the heavenlies." GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: "--to which they have been called. Such
believers may, in union with the great head of the Body, exercise
an authority to which the powers of the air must give place
wherever challenged." GLORIA: Amen, that's right. Praise God.
BILLYE: Now, in his book, he begins with Ephesians, the book
of Ephesians. Remember, the book of Ephesians is the one that
tells us we're going to be a glorious Church. So the book of
Ephesians tells us, in the beginning, about the authority
that we have in our ministry in the heavenlies. All the Bible is
for the Church; not all the Bible is about the Church. Some
of the Bible is about other people. But the part of the
Bible that's about the Church are the letters, the New
Testament letters. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: And in this book
of Ephesians, it tells us we're going to be a glorious Church.
And in this book, there's a marvelous prayer. And that
prayer starts at Ephesians 1:17, goes on down to the 2nd chapter.
And Brother Hagin, when he was writing about this--and of
course, he read it in--in the book of MacMillan's. He told us
to pray this prayer every day and to make it personal. Put
your own name in it. GLORIA: Yeah, yeah. He did. BILLYE: And
so that's what I've been doing. Now, before we come back,
tomorrow, get your--get your Bible out and get your book of
Ephesians. And you're going to read this--this prayer which
starts at Verse 17. Now, the Bible--and this is what both
MacMillan and Brother Hagin point out. There are different
words, Greek words, that are all translated "power" in the New
Testament. There really should have been a difference in them.
And one of them is "dunamis," which is like dynamite power;
but the other one is exousia, which is-- TOGETHER: Authority.
BILLYE: And they give the example of a traffic policeman
and a corner. You know, even nowadays, we have little bitty
ladies that are traffic policemen. Let's say, you know,
they're coming out of the big-- GLORIA: You and I can be a
traffic policeman. BILLYE: Yeah, we could be. But what would it
take us to stop the traffic? It would take a uniform and a
badge. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: Those little ladies, they can't
stop those big semis from coming. But if they have a
uniform and they have a badge, there's a power behind them. So
we have authority. We don't have the power-- GLORIA: That's good,
Billye. I like that. BILLYE: --to stop the devil. But we've
got something great behind us. We've got the authority--
GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: --in the name of Jesus, in the
blood of Jesus. And tomorrow, we're going to see just exactly
how to use that authority. GLORIA: We learned to take
authority over sickness, lack of money, serious lack of money,
debt-- BILLYE: Anything the devil did! GLORIA: --used
cars--(Both Laugh)--airplanes. And it worked. BILLYE: It's
yours now. GLORIA: Amen. It'll work for anybody that'll do it.
You just have to get your--you have to find out what belongs to
you, like Billye's teaching us, and then you just take your
authority over it, and you do what the Scripture says. If it
says, "Love somebody," which it does, you love. "Yeah, but
they're hard to love." Well, that's not--that's not an issue.
You love anyway. Amen? BILLYE: Because He said so.
GLORIA: You sow, you tithe. "Well, I just don't have
enough money to tithe." That's why you don't
have enough money. Billye and I'll be back.
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Understand End-Time Bible Prophecies with Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim (Air Date 4-24-17) - Duration: 21:59.
(Singing) I know my God has made the way
for me. I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Believer's Voice of
Victory. Join Gloria Copeland and her special
guest, Billye Brim, as they give insight into
understanding Bible prophecies to help prepare us
for the supernatural move of God to come.
GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's
Voice of Victory. Billye Brim from Prayer Mountain
in the Ozarks is here today to expound the Scriptures.
BILLYE: Yes. And talk about a great move of God
that's coming. GLORIA: Oh, how exciting. Let's hear it. BILLYE:
Gloria, you and I have been hearing this ever since we came
in. GLORIA: Yes. BILLYE: We came in back in 1967. And, bless the
Lord, there were a lot of things that were going around. It was a
charismatic move, and there was a particular magazine that was
just talking about a lot of gloom and doom. And--but I
wasn't hearing it because I was around Brother Hagin, and I was
hearing Brother Hagin and Sister Wilkerson and Sister Clara
Grace. GLORIA: Yeah, yeah. I heard them all. BILLYE: And Mama
Goodwin. And they were all talking about the Church--
GLORIA: Outpouring. BILLYE: --being glorious and a great
outpouring and a great harvest of souls that was going to be
before Jesus came. So I would hear all that other stuff that
was going on, and then I would hear Brother Hagin. And I saw,
with my eyes, miracles and signs and wonders. But always, there
was this word from Brother Hagin: "You ain't seen nothing
yet." GLORIA: (Laughs) BILLYE: And it was like he told to me
one day. He said--he just came in my office. I was doing his
books. He came in my office, and he said, "You're going to be
here at the close of an age and the change of an age." And he
said, "There's going to be things--it's not going to be
just like you step over a log and everything is different.
There is going to be that age coming into this age, the unseen
realm coming into the seen realm. And there's going to be
this supernatural move," which he always prophesied and always
saw. So that's what we've been talking about. We've been
reading some of those prophecies because we believe that the time
has come. And so--but you have to prove this in the Word. You
cannot just go by a prophecy. You've got to go by what the
prophets say in the Bible, what the Word of God says. GLORIA:
That's right. BILLYE: So where do we see this in the Word that
we are going to have a triumphant Church, a glorious
Church? And where do we see that we're going to have a great move
of God? So Ephesians--and today we'll be spending a lot of time
in the book of Ephesians this week. Be sure to have your Bible
right at hand. This is Ephesians 5:25. And actually, the whole
book is about this glorious Church. But we'll pick just this
one verse, Ephesians 5:25. "Husbands, love your wives, even
as Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for her." King
James says, "it." But it should be "her." And if you have a
newer translation or the Amplified, it will say, "her."
"Christ loved the church, and gave himself for her; that he
might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the
word, in order that--" The Greek word translated "that" means "in
order that." "--he might present her to himself a glorious
church--" GLORIA: Thank You, Lord. Help us. BILLYE: "--not
having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that she should
be holy and without blemish." Now, we've been reading to you
from the Longmont Prophecy. This is a prophecy that Brother Hagin
gave in 1974. I think you have it right after there, Gloria,
the Longmont Prophecy. I'm going to read it and then go back to
the other. GLORIA: Oh, okay. BILLYE: And actually, I think
I'll read the whole thing. We read it last week, but maybe you
weren't watching last week, but you can catch up. There are ways
you can catch up. GLORIA: Let's hear it. BILLYE: What had
happened was a really fine minister of God had seen a
vision of judgment of New York City and other places, and wrote
a book. And it frightened the Body of Christ. So this--Brother
Hagin said--I heard him say privately--actually heard in his
death, his son-in-law Buddy say privately, "The prophet that
gave this word was a true prophet, but that the time was
for later on." So here is Brother Hagin's prophecy that
was given: "'No, the time of the time is not yet. No, America is
not doomed.' I heard Him say, 'No, judgment will not fall as
yet. Some have seen some things and didn't know how to interpret
it. They interpreted it as happening now. In the spirit you
see things in the distance, even in another age." GLORIA: Mm.
BILLYE: Now, you're going to find out that as Brother--
GLORIA: That's a good way to say it, isn't it? BILLYE: Isn't that
good? GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: And you're going to find out here
that as Brother Hagin gives his prophecy, much of it's for when
we live. And he's gone, but he had to give the prophecy. But
you have to think of Ezekiel. What about the prophecies he
gave? And they're not all come to pass yet, Ezekiel 38, 39, a
war that's coming. Zechariah, many of the prophets haven't
come to pass yet. But, they will. GLORIA: They will. BILLYE:
So Brother Hagin then talks about this: "In the Spirit, you
see things in the distance, even in another age. When the Church
Age is over, judgment will fall." We are in the Church Age.
We are coming to the end of it. It will end when Adam's lease is
up, and then the Church will be taken up, and we'll go into the
seventh day. "When the Church Age is over, judgment will fall.
But judgment will not fall upon the Church, for the only
judgment that the Church will face is the judgment seat of
Christ. They'll not face the judgment of tribulation. They'll
not face the judgment of the enemy or the judgment of God--"
Actually, Jesus took that judgment for us. GLORIA: That's
right. I believe it. BILLYE: "--for they are protected by
God. And there is more to happen yet. There's missionary work to
be done. And even the renewal that you call the charismatic
renewal, we were in it at that time. And the movement of the
Spirit in these last days, you've only seen a little." We
saw a lot in that charismatic move. I mean, we saw a lot. But
while it was going on here, Brother Hagin prophesies,
"You've only seen a little." Now, listen to this. I believe
this is coming up. "And there shall be those that stand before
the leaders of this nation and work miracles." GLORIA: Ooh.
BILLYE: Then he--then he prophesies translations, and we
went into this last week. "And it shall be so as it was with
Philip after that he had baptized the eunuch and that he
was caught away and found in another city. And so one shall
be in this city, and television cameras shall be trained upon
him. And the reporters will say, 'He's here in Dallas, Texas.'"
GLORIA: Hmm. BILLYE: "But as fast as you can snap your
finger, the television camera in Los Angeles will pick him up--"
GLORIA: Isn't that awesome? BILLYE: "--and there he is."
GLORIA: Isn't it exciting? BILLYE: Now, see, that'll be
live TV. It'll be somebody famous. And people will be
watching. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: And suddenly, they know the guy
got translated. "Some will say, 'How did he do that?' It shall
be the Spirit of God that shall catch him away. I didn't say
this is going to happen now." See, Brother Hagin's prophesying
this in 1974, but he's telling us this is not for then. GLORIA:
1974. BILLYE: It's for the future. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE:
"And these signs and wonders shall become more prevalent.
Signs and wonders have come here and there, but they shall become
more prevalent and more prevalent--" GLORIA: Good.
BILLYE: "--in these last days. And let not your heart be
fearful nor let it be afraid." Now he's going to prophesy
some--a leader is coming. You know how they say, at the end of
some television programs, "This is not necessarily the view of
the house or the view of the broadcasting." I don't like it
when they say that about Pat Robertson's show. This channel
says-- GLORIA: Oh, yeah. BILLYE: "Those that are expressed--those
views that are expressed are not the views of this channel."
That's why I don't ever watch that channel because I only
watch Pat Robertson on it. But I like to watch him and the news
he gives. So I don't know if the Copeland Ministries believe this
or not, but I believe that this--next words are about
Donald Trump. It says, "Let not your heart be fearful nor let it
be afraid, for there shall--and on the scene he's already
arisen--" This was given in 1974. Donald Trump was born in
1946 so he was, what, almost 30 years old. "For there shall--and
on the scene he's already arisen--one who shall respond
unto the things of God and whose heart shall be open toward God.
Your nation that seemed to be cut down to the roots and the
wild birds of the air and the fowls of the air came and
roosted in her branches and did much disrepute unto the nation.
Yet, that shall all be repaired because this man shall say, 'I
will walk in the way of God. I will trust also in Him.' And he
shall be at the head, and many shall follow him. And the work
of God shall be consummated--that must be
consummated even in other nations before I come." So I
believe--and I don't claim that Copeland Ministries believes,
but this is just Billye Brim. Write it down. She could be
wrong. GLORIA: (Giggles) BILLYE: That the recent election that
we've had, even the hardships he had to go through, you know
people disrespecting him, whatever, I believe that that's
a catalyst. It's going to be--the end time move comes
after that, in other words. And going on with the prophecy, just
after that, Brother Hagin says, "I heard him say, 'Because, you
see, the enemy shall not gainsay the work of the Lord.'" GLORIA:
That's right. BILLYE: The enemy is not going to triumph over the
work of the Lord. GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: "And like a
trumpet sounding across the valley, I heard His voice so
strong and clear, and He said--" This is all caps, Gloria,
because it's so loud in the prophecy. GLORIA: Okay. BILLYE:
BILLYE: So, what did it say in Ephesians 5:27? That He's going
to present to Himself a glorious Church, not a Church hidden down
in the--in the caves. And at that time, they were saying you
had to have a kerosene heater. GLORIA: Tribulation food.
BILLYE: And tribulation food. No! GLORIA: I'll bet that
tribulation food's really bad now. BILLYE: Yeah, it's probably
bad by now. I don't know. GLORIA: (Giggles) BILLYE: "And
He shall stretch forth His hands to heal the sick, that signs and
wonders shall be wrought in the name of the Holy Child Jesus.
And two things shall shortly be made manifest unto the real
people of God. One is further light in teaching--" GLORIA:
Lord, we thank You. BILLYE: "--and revelation in the area
and realm of healing, physical healing, divine healing. That
will be the key that will unlock the chain that has bound so
many. And they'll nevermore be the same." Oh, they're going to
see great healings. GLORIA: Hallelujah. BILLYE: "And then
there shall come revelation; further light according to the
Word concerning the miraculous and the part that faith does
play. For faith is like a fuse that ignites the dynamite. And
when the explosion goes off, all can hear and see. But there was
a fuse that had to be lit, and faith is the fuse. And thou
shall be able to stand to take a blackboard, and like a teacher
teaching mathematics, write out the equation and come up with
the right answer. And any man, woman, boy, or girl, standing or
seated in the congregation will be able to take that
mathematical equation, translate it into the spiritual realm, and
their faith will ignite the power of God." Gloria, you've
been faithful to teach faith-- GLORIA: Lord Jesus. BILLYE:
--you and Ken. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: You've been
faithful to teach faith. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: And Ken
teaches it now. I notice he's kind of gone back to the--what
Brother Hagin would have called the ABC's of faith, how to do
it. So this is--this is happening now. GLORIA: Praise
God. BILLYE: Now this is happening. Right now, as Brother
Copeland stands and teaches on faith, it's like that now when I
am sitting there, so plain. GLORIA: Praise God. Thank You,
Jesus. BILLYE: "And they'll have an explosion." Their faith will
ignite the power of God. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: "And they'll
have an explosion in their home and in their community and in
their Church, and it will be popping here and popping there,
and popping here and popping there, and popping here and
popping there. So get ready for it." GLORIA: "Faith is the
fuse." You should write a book entitled "Faith--" BILLYE: How
about you? GLORIA: "--is the Fuse." BILLYE: "Faith is the
Fuse." GLORIA: I'm going to preach that. BILLYE: That
ignites the power of God. GLORIA: Glory to God. BILLYE:
That's worth underlining. GLORIA: Yes, it is. I'm drawing
a--I highlighted it and drew a circle around it. "Faith is the
Fuse." Isn't that good? Ooh-wee, I like that. Thank You, Lord,
for that word. BILLYE: It's not need. GLORIA: No. BILLYE: God's
not moved by need. I learned that long ago from Brother
Copeland, because Satan causes need. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: And
if God was moved by need, Satan, who caused a need, could run
around lighting fires, and then God would be running around
putting them out. GLORIA: Chasing after him, yeah. BILLYE:
Yeah. And he's not going to do that. And he gave us a way to
receive from heaven. Faith is the coin that spends it from
heaven. GLORIA: That's right. What are we called? We're call
faith people. Some people wrinkle up their nose and say,
"They're faith people," like, you know, "They don't have any
sense." Ha-ha-ha. But, we're faith people! BILLYE: Thank You,
Lord! GLORIA: Glory to God! And we're glad of it. BILLYE: Oh,
aren't we glad when we first heard that-- GLORIA: We live by
faith. BILLYE: --those lessons? And then the Bible says that the
believers walk by faith-- GLORIA: --and not-- TOGETHER:
--by sight. GLORIA: Amen. BILLYE: Now, Brother Hagin, at
this time, when he gave this, he was actually looking, overseeing
into the realm of eternity. So he closes out the prophecy with
this: "And the curtain was closed, and into the realm of
eternity I could no longer see. And into the realm of eternity I
could no longer hear. But I looked again into the realm of
time where you sit and live, and say with words from heaven
above: These things shall shortly be and shall shortly
come." GLORIA: Praise God. I believe it. BILLYE: I believe
it, Gloria. GLORIA: I receive it, I expect it. BILLYE: I
believe it with every cell of my body. GLORIA: It's time. It's
time. BILLYE: Every cell of my soul. I believe it. GLORIA:
Praise God. BILLYE: And the Word of God says that we're going to
have a glorious Church without a spot or wrinkle. Now,
prophecies. We're reading you prophecies. GLORIA: You know
what? You can't--you can't get rid of the spots or the wrinkles
without faith. BILLYE: No. GLORIA: You don't have the
power, the authority. You've got authority, but now, if you're
not using faith, you're not using it. BILLYE: Well, you
don't even--you wouldn't have the faith to use it. GLORIA: No.
That's right. BILLYE: You've got to have faith to use the things
of God. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: Praise God. Now, we've
been reading prophecies. I'm going to read you more
prophecies. Maybe some of you don't have access to these
prophecies. I have access to these prophecies from way back
to the '60s. Paul--now, to show you that it's biblically okay,
Paul wrote to the young pastor, Timothy, to do this. I Timothy
1:18. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: And I put it down here, Gloria, on
page one. GLORIA: Okay. BILLYE: After the Longmont Prophecy.
GLORIA: Page 1, all right. BILLYE: I just copied this
Scripture. Paul said to Timothy--Timothy was a pastor.
"This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the
prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest
war a good warfare." You see, we take the prophecies, and we war
a warfare with it. We believe the prophecy, we pray over the
prophecy. We tell Satan, "This is how it's going to be."
GLORIA: We take it like it was the Word of God. BILLYE: Yeah,
sure, because it is-- GLORIA: That's what it is. BILLYE: --a
Word from God. GLORIA: That's right. That's right. BILLYE:
Elijah had prophesied that it would rain. But then he told his
servant, "Go look and see if you see anything." He said, "I don't
see anything." So Elijah put his head between his knees and
prayed. Then he sent the servant out another time. Seven times.
And then that servant said, "I see a cloud the size of a man's
head." He said, "We better get out of here. The rain is
coming." So he himself had prophesied the rain was come,
but he prayed that the prophecy--he prayed that it
would be fulfilled. There is-- GLORIA: He prayed that it would
be fulfilled. BILLYE: Yes. There is Bible evidence that we
pray--that prophecies be fulfilled. We wage a warfare
with them. We believe them. A prophecy on your own life--
GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: --that came--that came through a
proven prophet. Now, everybody running down the road calling
himself a prophet-- GLORIA: Yes. BILLYE: --is not a prophet.
GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: But we know some prophets. You
live with one. GLORIA: I do. BILLYE: And, oh, we've been
around Brother Hagin so much. GLORIA: Yes, we have. BILLYE:
We've seen what-- GLORIA: That was a blessing. BILLYE: --a true
prophet he is. Now, so we wage with these prophecies. These
prophecies were given, we paid attention to them, and we
believe they're coming to pass. And so I'm sharing them with you
this week. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: Bless the Lord. GLORIA:
We want to hear it. BILLYE: Yep. Now, we're going to have a big
move of God. And James 5:7 tells us that the same. GLORIA: Okay.
BILLYE: "Be patient therefore, brethren--" GLORIA: Yeah.
BILLYE: "--unto the coming of the Lord." This is talking about
the coming of the Lord. GLORIA: We've been tempted to become
impatient sometimes. So you know that this is necessary-- BILLYE:
James knew that God only knows-- GLORIA: Oh, we knew we needed
patience. BILLYE: Sure! Look how long the Jews have been waiting
for a Messiah. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: Thousands of years.
We've been waiting on Him to come back 2,000, but they've
been waiting like 4,000. And they still believe that He's
coming. GLORIA: I believe. BILLYE: And I believe. GLORIA:
I'm expecting. BILLYE: "Be patient therefore, brethren,
unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waits for
the precious fruit of the earth." John 14 tells us that
God the Father is the husbandman. He's the farmer. And
earth is the field. And it's going to have a crop. And the
precious fruit of the earth are souls; men, women, children. And
the husbandman, the farmer, "has long patience for it, until
he--" That really should be "it." "--receives the early and
latter rain." So earth is the field. It's going to give a
great big crop, but it's got to get something called the early
and latter rain, together. Now, the early--the rains in the
Bible are a type of the Spirit. The early rains is when they
planted the crop, and the latter rains were just before the crop
was harvested. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: So the early rain
outpouring of the Spirit was Acts 2. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE:
The latter rain outpouring of the Spirit happened about the
time of Azusa Street. It was all over the world, but we say, "the
Azusa Street outpouring." Now, James is telling us--the Holy
Ghost through James--that there's going to be an early and
latter rain together. We're going to have everything they
had in Acts 2, everything they had at Azusa, together plus. And
it's tied to the coming of the Lord. It is the coming of the
Lord. "Be patient, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.
Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the
earth, and has long patience for it, until this earth receives
the early and the latter rain." And then the next verse in James
talks also about the coming of the Lord. So the coming of the
Lord will be preceded by a great outpouring. Even the outpouring
that Joel-- GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: --prophesied, even the
outpouring that Peter prophesied. And then James tells
you here, it's coming right before the coming of the Lord.
So we're looking for that now, and that's why we're doing these
programs. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: It is already started!
It has already started! And you can be looking for it, preparing
for it. That's what we're going to mainly talk about this week:
"How do I prepare for this? How do I get ready for this?" And
so, bless the Lord, hallelujah. GLORIA: Praise God. That's good,
Billye. I like that. BILLYE: You like it? GLORIA: Uh-huh. BILLYE:
I'm turning it to you, girl. GLORIA: Uh-huh, uh-huh. You
don't know. I'm turning it back. You got the message. BILLYE: But
we're out of time! GLORIA: Oh, no! We can't be out of time. I
just got started! Billye just got started! Praise God.
We're coming back, though, so don't go away.
How To Use Mind Muscle Connection For Muscles & Strength? MMC Explained - Duration: 1:20.
Hello, Namastey, Aadab!
Today we are going to talk about mind muscle connection & how you can use it to be more
muscular & stronger.
Let's talk about research made by Dr. Wolf.
What Dr. Wolf found is where place you are attention makes more difference in performance.
Dr. Wolf found that when you focus externally you lift more heavy or can do hard exercises,
example- when focus on getting pump or cell swelling ,you can't lift heavy but when you
focus on weight bar or pull up bar you will lift heavy & as opposite Dr. Jacob Wilson
found in his laboratory is focusing internally results in greater muscle fiber recruitment,
example: If I am doing diamond push ups then I will focus on my triceps, while my performing
will go lower but my muscle recruitment will be higher.
So, In short what pro bodybuilders like Kai Greene say about mind muscle connection is
right & scientific.
If you want more strength, then focus externally, example: Exercise form or bar & If you want
more muscles, then focus internally, example: on muscle swelling.
So, I hope this information will help you.
As always I request you to to share this video, information in the video & your knowledge
This will help so many people including me!
See you soon!
TIN TỨC BIỂN ĐÔNG: Donald trump dùng TRIỀU TIÊN làm bàn đạp để Gạt TRUNG QUỐC và bá chủ BIỂN ĐÔNG - Duration: 10:58.
James Matthews Massive Pay Cut – Pippa Middleton's Fiance Loses Millions On Scottish Estate - Duration: 2:47.
Pippa Middleton�s fianc� James Matthews has been hit with a career crisis after taking
a massive pay cut and losing millions on his Scottish estate. Reports indicate that James
has been forced to cut his own paycheck by almost $400,000, with Pippa now worried about
their future and of course, their upcoming wedding.
For months now James Matthews has been making headlines for being Pippa Middleton�s �terribly
rich� fianc�. But that might not be the case anymore. No one wants to take a huge
pay cut only a few weeks before their dream wedding. And for Pippa, that�s going to
be a huge problem for her and she loves enjoying a jet setting lifestyle. With James� pay
cut that means they�ll have to be careful about spending too much money on luxurious
vacations or Pippa�s high maintenance wardrobe. There were previous reports indicating that
Pippa�s mother Carole Middleton felt as though the Matthews weren�t doing enough
to contribute to their wedding. Apparently, James� parents David Matthews and Jane Matthews
were refusing to pay their fair share of the wedding costs. Even though they are considered
one of the wealthiest families in Great Britain, they haven�t even offered to pitch in for
the cost of the wedding. That�s probably also one of the reasons why Pippa has been
forced to scale back on her wedding plans. She�s been telling close friends and family
for months now that she wants her wedding to James Matthews to be an intimate gathering.
That might be because the Middleton�s simply don�t want to splurge on the wedding with
just their own money. Of course, no one knows what is really going
on between Pippa Middleton and James Matthews behind closed doors. But one thing is certain:
if James is dealing with a lot of work related stress, then there�s a good chance that
he�s not focusing or spending too much time thinking about his upcoming wedding. His career
is obviously a priority. And considering how important this wedding is for Pippa and her
celebrity status, this is bad news. She�s stressed enough as it is, and with James thinking
about his career, their marriage might be off to a bad start.
So far Pippa Middleton has not made any comments about her upcoming wedding or James Matthews�
work situation for that matter. thanks for watching. please subscribe my channel.
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Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line AMG Night Automaat Panoramadak - Duration: 0:57.
10 Expressions Indispensables en Français - Duration: 7:42.
RET metro's 2x MG2/1, SG3, RSG3 op Slinge Rotterdam (21 april 2017) - Duration: 4:00.
Insurgency [Hardcore Coop Checkpoint] Map:BLOCK PARTY part.2 - Duration: 12:16.
Comment trouver ce qui t'empêche de progresser dans ta grimpe [Questions-Progression #6] - Duration: 5:02.
For more infomation >> Comment trouver ce qui t'empêche de progresser dans ta grimpe [Questions-Progression #6] - Duration: 5:02.-------------------------------------------
RET metro's 2x MG2/1, SG3, RSG3 op Slinge Rotterdam (21 april 2017) - Duration: 4:00.
For more infomation >> RET metro's 2x MG2/1, SG3, RSG3 op Slinge Rotterdam (21 april 2017) - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
「ルーム」を歌ってみた【roux♪】 - Duration: 3:27.
When the deep blue night settles in
Let's talk of secrets
We'll descend the stairs through this hidden passageway
With your arm around my shoulders, you let out a melody
The voice I touched comes over to me
I'll let your sweet voice seep through my feelings
How surprising, with just a single step
It's as if you can go anywhere
Finding tranquility that's absorbed its colours
In our mutually normal body warmth
I feel like I could remain forgiven forever
Two worlds are melding within a soundless room
「Take off your shoes」
「Leave your freedom and innocence behind, and your daydreams too」
「I'll protect you」
「When the flowers bloom」
「Let's go to that faraway place」
How surprising, with just a single step
It's as if you can go anywhere
Finding tranquility that's absorbed its colours
In our mutually normal body warmth
I feel like I could remain forgiven forever
Two worlds are melding within a soundless room
A longing for love is born
Cartoon Network Is Try To Get Rid of Steven Universe Conspiracy - Duration: 12:37.
buckle up kitties we're getting all
Ronaldo up in this shit
fair warning to any new viewers or subs
first hi I'm TVC or as some call me the
female version of Vox, second I curse
swear yell and can be incredibly
sarcastic third I have dubbed my fans
viruses or the viruses and to all you
asking I'm 21 damn you think it was
illegal for a girl on YouTube to be
older than 18 god damn it i'm old i know
i can also go from being bone-crushing
lee depressed and go from that to be
happy and peppy in seconds okay Nala we
are all aware and cleared up on my
insanity let's get into the video the
only thing universe has been going
through the gutters within the fandoms
reason which insanely really incremental
fights about what ifs around what isn't
but hey better death than the rapid
route / paris pike so yay we will pass
that bullshit now let me bring up a
topic that I hope blows up causes mass
panic and destroys everything awesome
winning the rest is rightly known as
been one of the most diverse
game-changing progressive and
interesting cartoon programs on TV since
ever the show is known for its colorful
cast hundreds of every kind of
relationship possible mysteries
peripheral undertones awesometastic
music and its ability to just push the
envelope it has gained a lot of praises
and scoring from all angles because not
only does speaking universe represent a
lot of people and a ton of the masses
feel represented by ratio it has also
alienated so many more a generous
controversy caused the scandal and has
gotten all that in people into a lot of
trouble is not the most toxic but some
kind definitely argued that it is in the
top three for having a slightly negative
fandom its audience is more mature than
Cartoon Network had intended and has
resulted in a lot of adult artwork we
produced for it the dimension my channel
is not for kids the show does not skimp
out on being dark and twisted and we can
give thanks to all this fuckery to
Rebecca sugar the Creator official and
the first you don't want to do so
independently on Cartoon Network so yeah
to get a lot of milestone and has been
dominating for the longest time and is
an incredible inspiration to all
me included Rebecca sugar also
surprisingly has complete one hundred
percent creative control over her show
she decides what happens when it
happened and how it should happen
without any interference from Cartoon
Network i rightly so because the Cartoon
Network tried to interfere or tell her
to stop there'd be an outcry from the
women chanting operation in the
workplace so yeah Becky really lucky and
is in a great position but I'd like the
deal alex hirsch hybrid disney / gravity
falls but unlike gravity falls or maybe
even too similar to it both shows have
great story plus mystery and a large
audience elektrische decided to draw his
show to an end in my opinion prematurely
due to the sense of you do not want the
show to be drawn out and that someone
must come to an end hey Alex ever heard
of Phineas and Ferb summer is as long as
you want it to be baby surrounding back
to Rebecca's show it's correct the
universe will have an end it can't be
drawn out forever and the two craters do
have similar mindsets and approaches to
the respective shoes but I've noticed a
lot of things that I just flat-out odd
recent events popping up around Steven
universe lead me to believe the show is
trying to be sabotage someone is out to
get Rebecca or more specifically her
show off the air or cartoon network at
least it's not see Christy never have a
problem with leaks on cartoon network
has from off channel chadron I mean the
Cartoon Network scheduling in my country
is different but I hear there's a real
problem with the Teen Titans go
infestation going on another region
lucky teen titans go is hands down one
of Cartoon Network's most popular
cartoons airing now and it likes that
cartoon network likes the fact that Teen
Titans go is popular and they're doing
everything in their power to keep it
that way and then constantly updating
constantly you know the routine Teen
Titans go is easy to produce market and
air it's safe predictable and oppose all
of Cartoon Network's values it doesn't
cause controversy doesn't have a toxic
fanbase and doesn't present a likelihood
of having parents stage petitions to
take the showdown same thing could be
said for regular show gumball and
adventure time but Teen Titans go is a
cut above these because each show either
has some serious undertones
diversity or an older audience but in
tactical is so safe Cartoon Network can
I help both shove it down people's
throat they don't care that the show has
tons of hitters they don't care the
archive from the masses they care about
one thing and one thing alone protecting
Cartoon Network because it's a business
after all and no business wants to
undermine themselves yes they may take
risks and we light show the are on GNU
and edgy but they don't do it because
they love the cartoon and believe it
could become something great now that's
the creator's dream not the network the
network green light shows that can be
taught me enough to wreck in the big
green those Christ hunger data bells
they're a company for God's sakes what
did you think so how does this affects
giving universe where's the conspiracy
well it's hiding in plain sight let me
ask you something between these three
channels which have you found yourself
watching more of and which have you been
lifting away from I personally have been
tuning in to Nick and Disney a bit more
what with the lad house my recent
interest in my little pony star versus
the forces of evil and the new Milo show
i think is Milo's world on Milo's law
and I don't know I have a higher
likelihood of catching new episodes from
these channels but with cartoon network
is as an eighty-five percent chance of
what is playing beat or even heck let's
make a ninety-five percent just for good
measure i watch cartoon across malna
expression comes to newburgh throwback
to an old episode I probably forgot now
I will process that at this point and
basically speculative but with the
recent success of style versus the
forces of evil season two and decline in
the interest in see the universe season
for other people may be shifting their
leadership and when I networks is a
change it on legs they will scramble to
find what it is and fix it and they may
look to Steven universe as the culprit
look at it this way you're a parent you
come home from work you find your
expensive base broken on the floor who
would you blame or suspect your perfect
child who's always in their cream
reading the religious texts and studious
at school or the one who's outside
playin in the mud always run around
constant sugar high for the love of God
because you had to use the technicality
of ruby and sapphire being non genders
NPN truck for Cartoon Network to let her
to pick the couple as she did the
network cannot interfere with her
because the feminazis are just lying in
weeks so while Becky run wild and free
there's only one other way that may
allow the network to breach their
agreement and pull the plug on the show
and what is the one thing i can get a
plug post faster than the speed of light
for any TV show ratings it's all about
ratings and well meeting merchandise the
line readings follow by March and what
is the one thing happening to Steven
universe that has not happened to any
other cartoon network show leaks those
goddamn leaks I have never in my entire
life had the displeasure of dealing with
the show that has had more problem with
leaks that's giving it worse it's
insanity from episode leaking first a
few days to a week and now hold months
ahead of fucking time bloody hell we had
entire episode leaking on YouTube what
is happening now we may get explanations
here and there but it seems like the
whole that these leaks are coming out
from hasn't been plugged up yet like for
god sakes every time I hear about a leak
is basically a whoops are bad situation
over and over again you'd think someone
has made the connection by now how does
no one seemed to notice nothing wrong
here I've never witnessed a regular show
link or a Teen Titans go lick or even a
gum ball one well PVC all the shows
don't have the massive audience and five
SPD universes and each other I guess the
particle air gets elata shut the hell up
and sit your ass down first off leaks
are supposed to be a rare occurrence to
happen the only leak that i can
confidently say I remember being worse
than speaking universe was like Game of
Thrones the first four episodes of
season five speed and when that matters
happened it was a bunch of errors
involved and at the end of the day I
think it had to do with someone wanted
to screw the show over and what do you
universe has a more massive audience let
me tell you something when you have a
room of 100 people and ask only 20 of
them to screen then one will look a lot
less full compared to an area of them
are screaming vocality matters and yes I
made up that word with a bunch of time
and regulation loudly let a dog actually
Karen to talk about it and just watch it
for leisure than Steven universe Regular
Show has cake viewership numbers see the
universe has yet to achieve and only Jim
cool to do so in its infancy even our
regular shows were strange it's suffice
to completely speaking universes average
numbers I'm gumball has those been
enjoying life to the fullest with his
admirably steady reading numbers and
only recently began to pitch and see the
universe has slowly shifted to a sort of
Midway adult his show I don't think kids
losing their shit to watch it but hey
Molly reference here is my
eight-year-old sister and don't forget
to my Jack recently came back and if any
show should be overrun with leagues I'd
bet my adsense that that would be it and
there was a screening of three whole
episodes before the release date and
none of those leaks heaven forbid the
same thing happened with evening
universe they try to screen two episodes
at once and we'll have season five links
to facebook it's not like tickle I will
all know what happens when a show leaks
the ratings just rough as the universe's
last two episodes are evidence of that
pack right bother watching the same
episode again when you already have one
that you may not have liked and seen as
in some places in universe only heirs
once a week and now one time a week
being the new episodes that just happen
to coincidentally leak coincidence i
think not i'm making any sense people i
hope i am because even i am a bit lost
at this point so let's recap do you
believe cartoon network is trying to
sabotage sleeping universe's areas by
leaking new episodes and given the shoe
terrible airing time in an attempt to
damage this recent enough to have an
excuse to pull the plug on it it's all
secret that cartoon network doesn't like
the content that the show put out and is
more welcoming to shoot that pander to
the lowest form of intellectual
standards for children I don't talk for
a minute that cartoon network would not
undermine one of their own shows it
would prefer shows easy to make on a
recruitment and have a younger audience
and don't get me wrong I believe a lot
of people working for Cartoon Network
globe this show just as much as the
creators its understand the top dogs who
run the whole thing may not like seeing
what they're on the network and I
certainly can what they can to change
the scene but hey that's just a
conspiracy theory and no I'm not turning
this into a series world knows I have to
manually how cool would it be if this
video gets a million views and Cartoon
Network had to issue a statement
denouncing what I said and also issuing
an apology for the lid and then treating
steam universe better because of it
let's make it happen people tweet this
video at them and let's give the people
running the account a heart attack
hashtag Cartoon Network a Steven
universe hashtag Steven universe
sabotage conspiracy hashtags PVC is a
sleigh Queen let's go viral people and
with that being said i am going to wrap
up this video here folks apologies to
anyone suffering from my audio quality i
am fully aware of it and i'll fix it
first chance I get thanks your virus is
so much for clicking to watch please not
forget read my books on wattpad to put
me on patreon and follow me on Twitter
and other even if I get to like comment
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