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Have Fun !!! GTA V
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For more infomation >> How To Install Grand Theft Auto V Using µTorrent...2017 - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
The Untold Truth Of Ninja Assassin - Duration: 5:01.
Directed by James McTeigue and produced by the Wachowskis, Ninja Assassin is the story
of Raizo, an orphan who's recruited into a shadowy clan of ninjas who carry out political
Ninja Assassin didn't do much at the box office when it debuted in 2009, but since then it's
become a cult favorite.
Here's a look at the untold truth of Ninja Assassin.
It started as a joke
During the filming of Speed Racer, the Wachowskis brought in stunt coordinator Chad Stahelski,
who had worked with them on the Matrix trilogy.
While working on a fight scene that involved Korean pop star Rain, Stahelski had an epiphany,
telling Spire magazine,
"We always kind of had a running joke with the Wachowski[s] about making a kickass ninja
We told them we found our ninja, and brought Rain in to do a fight sequence […] and everyone
was like 'Holy s***!
This guy is good!'"
Within a few months, that running joke was in production under the title Ninja Assassin.
Rain did his own stunts
Many action flicks rely on stuntmen to do the heavy lifting for big set pieces.
But Ninja Assassin went the other way, as Rain did almost all his own stuntwork, with
very little wire work or special effects.
Well, Rain started by training eight hours a day, five days a week, for eight straight
months in order to pull off both fight sequences and stunts like flipping off of moving cars.
Now that's dedication.
Inventive hardware
Ninja Assassin features one of the coolest weapons ever seen in a martial arts film:
that blade-and-chain thing Raizo uses to hack through mountains of ninjas.
Although you can now buy it on Amazon, it actually didn't exist before Ninja Assassin
— the production team invented it just for Rain.
Sure, chain weapons aren't entirely a new concept, but figuring out the physics of their
modified kyoketsu-shoge required a lot of trial and error before they hit on exactly
the right formula.
And having an all-new type of weapon meant a creative challenge for the fight choreographers,
who worked with Rain to invent a totally unique fighting style.
Chad Stahelski said, "As we went through the training, Rain kept getting better, so we
had to keep re-choreographing.
What we had designed originally, he outgrew by the time we were ready to shoot.
The more Rain's abilities developed, the more our choreography had to evolve."
53 hour script
No movie works without a good story, which is why most scripts are in development for
Then there's the script for Ninja Assassin, which Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski
wrote in just 53 hours flat.
That speed was required because, with just six weeks left until filming was set to begin,
the Wachowskis decided to scrap the script they already had.
According to Straczynski, after the Wachowskis called him, he "went home and put on a pot
of coffee, and…wrote essentially a whole new script in 53 hours.
When a friend calls you and says they're in trouble, you do what you have to do."
Sho Kosugi is a ninja legend
Ninja Assassin's brutal antagonist Ozunu may not be a familiar face to you, but hardcore
fans of ninja films know that he's played by none other than the legendary Sho Kosugi,
who helped kick-start the ninja craze in the '80s with films like Enter the Ninja, Revenge
of the Ninja, and Ninja III: The Domination.
Director James McTeigue decided early that he wanted to cast Kosugi as the villain in
Ninja Assassin as a tribute to those old ninja films, and Kosugi was happy to come out of
retirement to play the part.
The decision certainly worked, as Ozunu is one of the most terrifying movie villains
in recent years.
The orphans were random German kids
Some of the most intense scenes in the movie are the flashbacks involving young Raizo training
with the other orphans under Master Ozunu.
So how did McTeigue populate that mystical dojo?
He just…found some random kids.
Well, sort of.
The movie was filmed in Berlin, so McTeigue went around to all the local martial arts
schools and found a handful of kids who seemed like they knew what they were doing, then
trained them.
In his own Hollywood way, McTeigue grabbed up a bunch of children the same way Ozunu
did in the film.
Guess life really does imitate art.
The blood was styled like anime
Ninja Assassin has a lot of blood, but there's a certain art to making all that gore look
In fact, McTeigue studied classic anime hits Ninja Scroll and Samurai Champloo to perfect
the stylized look of the blood.
After all, as McTeigue puts it, "what's a ninja movie without blood, right?"
Amen to that.
A real heartbreaker
In the opening scene of Ninja Assassin, an old tattoo artist explains that he's seen
the ninja assassins once before, and the only reason he's still alive is because his heart
is on the wrong side of his chest — when the ninjas stabbed him in the heart, they
It may seem like a goofy gimmick, but that heart-on-the-wrong-side thing is totally real.
It's called situs inversus, and it happens when a person's internal organs are flipped
around to the opposite side of the body.
It's pretty rare, so yeah, the chances of two people who are targeted by the same ninja
clan having the same medical condition is a stretch...but it's not impossible.
Even some celebrities, like singer Enrique Iglesias, have situs inversus.
So say what you want about Iglesias, but the guy's pretty much immune to ninjas.
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It's phone week! Top 5 things to do with your 📱 !!! - Duration: 3:43.
Easy card with a lily of the valley - Duration: 2:15.
Hi, this is Joelle Meijer.
Today, I propose to make a card with a lily of the valley.
In the support document, you will find the pattern needed
to make the leaves of the lily.
Take a potato and cut it in two with a large knife.
Place the pattern of the leaf on the potato and cut around the pattern
with a paring knife to create the stamp for the lily leaf.
Using potatoes as stamps is a nice way to help young children do painting projects.
Take a half sheet of blue construction paper and fold it in half to form a card.
With a green felt tip pen, draw the stem of the lily of the valley.
Put green paint in a recycled styrofoam tray for example
and dip the stamp with the lily leaf in the paint.
Then press the stamp on the card on both sides of the stem.
If children have difficulty holding the piece of potato, push a fork into the potato.
That will be easier to handle.
Take some white Magic Nuudles and cut both ends of each noodle.
Then cut the pieces of Magic Nuudles in two to form half-bells.
Place a sponge in a saucer with a little bit of water.
Take a piece of Magic Nuudle and press it gently on the wet sponge
and then place the bell at the top of the stem of the lily.
Continue this with other pieces of Magic Nuudle that you'll glue along the stem
to form the lily of the valley.
You get a simple card that can be used for May 1st, for Mother's Day or for a birthday.
To print the illustrated instructions and the pattern of this project,
click on the link below the video and visit the Animaplates website
to find hundreds of other fun and creative projects.
ПИРАТСКИЙ КЛОН DOTA 2 !?! (УКРАЛИ ПУДЖА) - Duration: 5:50.
Tristan Lopin feat. LA TRENTAINE - Duration: 2:45.
Season 2, Episode 6: Andrew Lowes Takes On Grant McCartney | Team Ninja Warrior - Duration: 2:18.
- Matt, I tell you, this is gonna be another good one.
We're starting off with two guys who like to have fun
and go fast.
- There they are, and for the Tre Amigoz,
it'll be Houston photographer Andrew Lowes.
He's a five-time Ninja Warrior veteran
who made it to the Vegas finals last season.
And for the Golden Hearts, it'll be one of the most
popular ninjas out there.
The flight attendant known for his dance moves,
Grant McCartney.
- Hit it. Hit it. Hit it.
- His moves have made him a fan favorite.
- Hit the folks. Oh!
- He even got invited to dance on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."
But in this team competition, he knows he's got to be
all business once the race begins.
- Oh!
- This course is not a lot of time for fun.
It's all for speed.
But then, you know, you always have the buzzer at the end
to throw a little fun in there.
- Dance, young man, dance.
- I tell you, the Island Ninja, he likes to have fun,
but this is all about speed.
[countdown clock beeping]
- McCartney out first, now, he's 7 inches taller
and 40 pounds heavier than Lowes,
but he moves with incredible agility.
- Well, he does, Matt, but you can tell there on that
transition with the rope--
- Look at that. - Ooh.
- Lowes is hung up. - Look at Grant go.
Matt, I'm telling you, he has his own tune in his own head.
- But we've seen these leads get rubber-banded right back.
McCartney got to keep the pressure on.
- Whoa-ho.
- And he goes on to the Flying Shelf Grab.
Lowes now through the cargo net.
Well, McCartney did well in last year's Team Ninja
competition, only lost one race.
- And Lowes still alive and closing the gap.
- Oh, there it is. Grant McCartney, get off there.
- He's gonna need to get up the Warped Wall.
- Ooh. - Oh, great save.
The Island Ninja.
It's time to dance, Akbar.
- Uh-oh, what I say?
Watch him. Watch him. What does he got now for us?
Oh, the running man challenge.
- Andrew Lowes gets up, but too late
First Love Again | 다시 첫사랑 – Ep.101 [ENG/2017.04.25] - Duration: 35:16.
No. It couldn't be.
Minhui threatened me with something this before.
Tax evasion. Accounting fraud.
Their statute of limitations expired.
That was years ago.
This is different.
It is proof...
That he laundered a huge sum of money.
It proves...
That Doyun did it all.
We must let him know.
I'll tell him and find a way, so...
He knows.
He's the one...
Who gave this to me.
I think...
He expected this...
To get out.
Why would he?
If this gets out...
He'll take the fall for everything.
No one knows how long the sentence will be.
He didn't even do it!
But according to this contract...
He did it all.
And if I use this piece of evidence...
I can get my family's assets back
from Chairman Kim Yeongsuk.
That secret dual contract. Tell the world.
I'm not bluffing.
Neither am I.
Don't you know what this signifies?
It can end you, your family
and even your father!
It also includes...
Your family as well.
That's how much I've bet.
I wonder how much you'll bet.
You and your mother...
Always say you bet your all.
This time,
you'll really have to bet it all.
Does he really not care...
If this gets out?
Is he really prepared for that?
Doyun said he has a safety net.
I'm sure he has something.
He wouldn't be planning to get arrested.
Not when we have Gaon.
Not when he's a dad now.
Hi, Hajin.
You know it wouldn't end with just Minhui.
Even if we put her in jail,
her family and mother would
get her out in no time. Just like before...
No. She'd do much worse to get
what she wants.
You and Gaon are tied to it again.
We can just cut ties with that family.
We can just make Minhui stand trial
and you and I can live our lives.
I tried to do that too.
I thought we could.
I thought we just had to remove
Baek Minhui from our lives.
I thought you were busy with your new job.
I was thinking of calling you too.
You didn't...
Give it to him, did you?
The secret dual contract.
You must've read it.
You wouldn't give it to him if you knew what it said.
I did give it to him.
That's insane.
How could you give that to Jeongu?
He's in the middle of a lawsuit.
He'll have to use it as evidence.
What are you thinking?
I told you. I have a safety net.
You don't have to worry.
You mean it, right?
Even if it is submitted to the prosecutor...
You'll be okay, right?
I'll be fine.
Still, can't you stop now?
I'll get Jang Yeongsu to testify about
Minhui's crime somehow.
I'll send her to prison.
Her mother is in prison right now.
That family is being punished
for what they did even if you don't do anything else.
It'll be the same as long as they still have their fortune.
Once she gets out, they'll use that money
to live the same way again.
How far do you plan to go?
How long must Gaon and I wait?
It'll be over soon.
(Baek Minhui)
Hajin, we need to meet.
I'll tell my assistant.
If threats won't work on him...
I'll use them on someone that will.
As always...
You're the only one who can stop Doyun, Lee Hajin.
Don't you want to know
why Doyun and I are working together?
And why he protected me
at the press conference you set up
and protected my position as chairman.
I hold...
His life in my hands.
I'm sure you remember...
The documents in his name
that I gave you a while back.
Back then,
my father-in-law and mother did some things.
Of course, according to that contract,
Doyun will take full responsibility for it.
It has all the other transaction details
on top of the documents that I gave you.
That contract...
Is his life.
If the prosecutor gets it...
Doyun's reputation and the future that he built...
Will all be over.
What is it that you want?
I won't get divorced.
So you convince him or do
whatever it takes to stop him.
Then make him sell our joint assets
and resolve the asset matters.
Get moving. I don't know what I may do otherwise.
Are you saying you'll send him to prison?
He's Hyerin's father and LK's CEO.
He's someone you need...
So much that you don't want to divorce him.
Jeongu is suing you to recover his family's assets.
Once that gets out...
It'll prove that your family's fortune belongs to him.
You can't do it.
If you give that to the prosecutor,
not only will it hurt Doyun, but your family
will lose its entire fortune.
Lee Hajin!
If you keep cornering me like this,
I don't know what I'll do.
Are you prepared for that too?
What? Just how big is the debt
that Minhui owes?
I'm not sure either.
She won't say.
The interest must be insanely high.
They say greed invites disaster.
She'll use LK company funds...
To pay off that debt.
Is Doyun waiting for her to do that?
Then what should we do?
Discard Minhui.
Otherwise, Myungha Foundation
will be in danger as well.
We must protect our fortune.
Honey, don't tell me you...
Do you have something to say to me?
I met your mother.
Have you not visited her once?
You know what I did to her.
Don't tell me...
You plan to pretend not to know that
I sent her to prison...
And then stab me in the back.
I'm tired.
What will I do with you?
You look so handsome.
Wear this when you go
to your dad's company with grandma.
Gaon's going to Doyun's office?
Dad. He's my dad.
That's right. He's your dad.
I wish the three of you could live together.
I know. I won't be greedy.
It's not like being greedy will make anything happen.
They'll figure it out.
But anyway, you've suddenly been
interested in your appearance lately.
That way, Taeyun will be on alert.
I have been too nonchalant about how I look.
Of course. You're prettier than most girls out there.
You have my genes after all.
You couldn't sleep?
You should've told me.
When is mother coming back?
I'm not sure. I think
because grandpa is all alone...
In the past even when grandpa was alone,
mother didn't sleep over.
Do I have to go with her
and live there too?
No, Hyerin.
Grandma Hwaran said I'll be going abroad to study.
I know I need to go if I want to be
a great person like mother...
But I don't want to leave you.
Come here.
Let's send Hyerin to her father.
If we keep her with us, I think I'll end up hating her.
I know...
You tell yourself that you should...
Love Hyerin and convince yourself over and over.
She's such a dear,
but you have to try extremely hard
to like her...
And are barely able.
I heard you weren't feeling well.
Oh, my gosh. What...
What are you doing here?
I wondered why Taeyun came home.
He brought you with him?
What? Did you leave home this time?
You want to live here?
You're already a freeloader.
It would be terrible if I tack on too.
It's because you stay in your room all day
that you're in a foul mood and don't have an appetite.
Have some porridge and let's go out.
It's really nice out.
Go out by yourself! How dare you come into my room?
Mother, your skin...
It looks terrible.
- It does? / - Yes.
You got wrinkles you never had before too.
You should go out and get a facial.
What? You're right.
I haven't been taking care of my skin lately.
Eat this and come out.
What did she say?
I think she'll eat the porridge and come out.
See? I told you saying her skin looks bad
and that she looks old is the most effective
at getting her out.
You were right.
You know how to think about your mom.
What a good boy.
Do I seem reliable and stuff?
Gaon, let's go see dad.
Doyun, are you busy?
Mr. Nam said you don't have anything important.
Can I come by your office?
What? You're not in your office?
You're on your way?
Actually, I brought Gaon.
I heard you haven't seen him in a while
because you've been so busy.
So I wanted him to see you.
Yes, mother.
Who did you say you brought? Gaon?
Where are you?
We just got to the lobby.
Gaon! Where did he go?
Why are you here?
Why did you come here?
How dare you come here?
Who brought you here?
Your mom?
Does she think you can come here now?
I own this place.
I'm the chairman. It's my company.
How dare you come here?
What right do you have? You're an illegitimate child.
Are you okay?
What did you do to the child?
What did you say?
I didn't say much.
He was alone, so I asked who he came with.
Whether he came with his mom...
Or if someone else brought him.
What would I do to a child that's all alone?
People will see, so take him away.
We don't want people to wonder who he is.
That would be bad for us both.
See you later, Gaon.
If you came with grandma,
you should've stuck by her side.
She'll be here soon, so let's go then.
Is it wrong for me to come see you here?
No. You may come whenever you want.
When are we going inline skating?
Can't we go now?
I read how to skate.
I think I can do it without falling.
- Gaon! / - Grandma.
Why you...
Where did you go?
I was so scared. My heart stopped.
I'm sorry.
It's okay as long as you're okay.
I wasn't thinking straight.
I'm sorry.
I came because I wanted you to see him.
I know you're busy. I wasn't thinking.
I'll take him home.
Let's go, Gaon.
It was you, mother?
You kick me out of the house
and bring Gaon to the office?
I'm sure you want to give this company to Gaon.
Is that why you want to send Hyerin to Jeongu?
Hi, Jeongu.
I got a call from the U.S.
Jang Yeongsu's child...
He's dead.
They already had the funeral.
Jang Yeongsu...
Said he did as Minhui asked in order
to pay for his child treatment.
I don't think he knows that he died yet.
If he did, he'd have no reason to cover up for her.
Please forget what I just said.
I must really be desperate.
I even tried to use a dead child.
Is it because of the secret dual contract?
Don't you have something to say to me?
I know...
How important...
The lawsuit to recover your family's assets is.
I know how long you've been preparing for it...
And that if you don't get it back,
Chairman Kim's evil deeds will never end.
I know that.
That's right.
That's why it's hard for me to give up
on that secret dual contract.
I'm sorry.
No. Doyun gave it to you himself.
He said he has a safety net,
so I'm sure he has something in mind.
But what if...
That isn't true?
There's someone else
who wants to use that piece of evidence.
Maybe that's why he ended up giving it to you.
Who do you mean?
Baek Minhui.
She showed it to me...
And threatened me to stop Doyun from divorcing her.
I heard you were kicked out of the house.
I walked out on my own.
Did you get kicked out without Hyerin?
If you help me get my shares back,
I'm sure there are many ways I can help you.
Will you use Hyerin to threaten me again?
If that would work, I would.
It would be quicker to use Gaon
to threaten Doyun.
Should I convince the directors and help you?
I can only help if you give me real information.
Is it that valuable?
It is.
Back then,
I was afraid Doyun would step down as CEO,
so I gave into Jeongu's threats,
but I have nothing to fear anymore.
What did Jeongu do?
When I think about it now,
it kind of seems like
Doyun and Jeongu were in it together.
Otherwise, how would he have gotten
Doyun's doctor's evaluation?
Back then,
I thought it was you.
There was a problem.
That's why...
I gave up on Gaon.
I think...
Doyun put on a show
to make me give up on him.
Let's give it to the prosecutor.
Doyun gave it to you. That means
he's fine with you using it.
You don't have any other proof.
If you don't win this lawsuit,
we don't know what will happen to you.
Do you think Chairman Kim will
leave you alone once she gets out?
Let's end it with this.
Let's think it over.
It isn't that easy.
Why isn't it?
Because of who? Doyun? Hajin?
- Or Minhui? / - And Hyerin too.
They're all involved.
That's why you should finally end it.
Did you freeze Myungha Foundation's bonds?
Minhui, those are my assets.
I put all of Myungha's real estate in my name.
Declare bankruptcy. That's the only way.
You have 2 days until the loan matures.
LK's chairman files for personal bankruptcy?
That's like telling me to step down as chairman.
Will you embezzle company funds or something?
That's probably what Doyun is waiting for.
I know.
That's why I need Myungha Foundation's money...
This was...
Your mother's decision.
Even when she's in prison, she controls my life?
I'll resolve it.
I'll do whatever it takes to resolve it.
I have no other way.
This is my only option.
Cha Doyun. Lee Hajin.
You made me this way.
(Baek Minhui)
We're looking to develop a healthy brand and foods.
Perhaps after infiltrating the local market,
we can enter the international market as well.
How far are we with product development?
Please look into power bloggers
and mom forums prior to launching.
Lee Hajin.
You'll just ignore me now. Is that it?
Let's see how long you can keep that up.
What did you learn today? Was it fun?
Can you keep up in class?
- Is it hard? / - No.
What a brief answer.
I must take after dad.
Grandma always says it's because
I take after dad.
You're right.
Who's the lady that lives with dad?
What are you doing?
I wouldn't have had to come if you
had answered your phone.
We're seeing each other often.
Gaon, go inside. Hurry up.
Don't you dare show up in front of Gaon again.
If you show up in front of us again like this...
You're the one who showed up first.
Why did you send Gaon to our office?
- What? / - Didn't you know?
Did that old woman act on her own?
She is so greedy.
Did she want to show your child the company
and instill in him
that it's his company?
I don't care whether or not you knew
as long as
I don't have to see your disgusting child again.
Take that back.
You shouldn't get worked up already.
It's something he'll have to hear for the rest of his life.
At school, in the neighborhood, and at work.
It'll follow him for the rest of his life.
A child his mom gave birth to before she was married.
A disgusting illegitimate child.
A poor kid without a dad.
Baek Minhui.
I'll make that happen
so that it follows Gaon around for the rest of his life.
If you have half a brain,
you must know why I'm saying this.
Are you telling me
to get Doyun to sell your joint assets
and give you access to company funds?
And no divorce either.
Do you think you can corner me like this
and yet remain silent about Hyerin?
I don't care.
Go public about Hyerin.
I don't want to be cornered
because of that weakness forever.
A child will inevitably be a parent's weakness.
At least when you had Hyerin as a weakness,
you seemed a little human.
Convince Doyun by tomorrow
whatever it takes.
If not, the reporters will show up
at Gaon's school tomorrow.
The reporters will love it.
To think, he's Doyun's illegitimate child.
I'll make sure all of Korea knows...
Whose child Gaon is
and how he was born.
Lee Hajin.
I told you the deadline is today.
Should I email the reporters now?
Then they'll all rush
to Gaon's school within the hour.
- Stop it. / - It's not an empty threat.
Answer me.
Should I send the reporters right now?
Where is he?
What happened? Why are you here alone?
Cries every day because of me.
Can't you help her?
What are you talking about?
Please explain to me.
I only need mom.
I won't call you dad.
And I won't ask you to go inline skating.
So please...
Stop that lady.
Mom cries...
Because I am...
A disgusting child.
(First Love Again)
Word about Gaon got out.
They seem to have found out where Gaon's school is.
Once the reporters show up, it's out of my hands.
The reporters will be here soon.
I've taken over all of Minhui's debt.
I'm her creditor.
Please. If you feel sorry to Gaon,
please tell the truth.
I think it's time to let Hyerin go, mother.
Hyerin, there's something I need to tell you.
I told you that I will make you stand trial.
Baek Minhui, you are under arrest.
How to Tell if a Relationship is Karmic, Soulmate or Twin Flame - Duration: 9:45.
to Tell if a Relationship is Karmic, Soulmate or Twin Flame
How to Tell if a Relationship is Karmic, Soulmate or Twin FlameWe all desire to not just fall
in love�but to be part of that �once in a lifetime� type of love story.
As we are evolving, so are our romantic relationships.
No longer are we satisfied by those unions that are convenient or that seem to fulfill
specific ideals that our families or society have taught us we should aspire to.
We are searching for that once in a lifetime crazy type of love�but what really separates
twin flames from soulmates and karmic relationships?
The biggest truth is that one of these relationships isn�t better than the other�it just depends
on what lifetime we are in, here on earth, and what lessons we currently are in the process
of learning.
Sometimes we may experience none of these relationships in a lifetime, and in others
we may experience all three.
The reality is that we often don�t truly realize which type of relationship we had
until long after it�s passed and the lessons have been absorbed.
One of the first relationships we usually enter into is a karmic one.
Karmic relationships often are those lessons that we were unable to learn in a previous
lifetime�these people aren�t meant to take it easy on us, because they are meant
to change our way of life.
The addiction of karmic relationships is that it seems no matter how many tries we give
it�it just doesn�t seem to work.
But that is because karmic relationships aren�t supposed to work out�we aren�t supposed
to live our life with our karmic partner.
It�s hard to accept, because it�s usually not an issue of love, or even about compatibility.
Something is just off and doesn�t work, no matter how much we wish it did�but the
worst decision we can make is to choose to not let go.
Karmic relationships burn hot and seem almost intoxicating at times, but the entire point
of these types of relationships is to come into our lives, change us�and then leave.
Often times, those people who married and divorced young have married their karmic relationship,
instead of letting them go when the time came.
The most important lesson for us is that we just have to be strong enough to let them
move on when the time comes, because no matter what type of relationship we are in, we shouldn�t
have to chain ourselves to it in order to not lose it.
Although some of us may experience several karmic relationships in our lifetime, the
next stage after we conquer those lessons is often the soulmate love.
Soulmates can be just the best kind of love�they can be simple and sweet, yet as complex as
the notes within a vintage Merlot.
Soulmates often are those we marry and choose to build a life with, because there is just
a unique connection present.
These are the feel good people in our lives, and they just seem to touch us on an entirely
different level.
As wonderful as they can be though, soulmates don�t always take it easy on us.
One of the reasons that we get so confused by which type of relationship we are in, is
because in all of these connections, challenges will be present.
None of these relationships are about appeasing us or making our egos comfortable.
Yet the soulmate differs from the karmic relationship by the type of lesson being learned and the
way in which it is presented.
Karmic relationships are often about how we view the outside world and others�while
the soulmate will trigger those internal lessons involving self-worth, fear, societal pressures
and our worthiness of love.
We simply attract at whatever frequency we are currently vibrating on.
Soulmates are those who we feel an undeniable connection to�as if we�ve known one another
before simply upon meeting.
The biggest indicator of a soulmate love is that they make us feel like it�s us that
needs working on�not them or even issues that exist within the relationship.
Sometimes it�s even the feeling of not deserving the other person.
Certain soulmates come into our lives whose only purpose is to help us realize our greatness
and to assist us in taking on those big questions involving the self and starting to discover
the answers to further our evolution and process of self-awareness.
Soulmates are also the ones who care about us the most�versus the karmic lover whose
only concern is of their own self and needs.
These beautiful types of bonds don�t necessarily have to be romantic even, for more often than
not, we travel in similar soul circles within each lifetime�and those who are family aren�t
necessarily those who we share blood with.
As transcending and eye-opening as the romantic relationship can be with a soulmate, it isn�t
anything compared to the experience of being reconnected with our twin flame.
Twin flames are often regarded as an urban myth of the spiritually enlightened, but as
society is raising their level of consciousness, the more this connection is occurring.
Twin flames are a mix of both karmic and soulmate tendencies�along with some entirely new
qualities which will only further challenge our ego and sense of self.
Twin flames aren�t just those that we connect with on a soul level, but they are someone
we share the same soul with.
As the theory states, twin flames were separated from one soul source in the beginning of time
and split into two physical bodies.
There is a mirror like quality when we come into contact with our twin flame�everything
that we have spent our lives running from or denying is suddenly in front of us.
These types of lovers confront us with our very fears and ego driven desires, but they
aren�t just about what�s inside, they�re about how we interact with every facet of
our life.
Not all of us will be reunited with our twin flame, but if we are, it has the possibility
to be that once in a lifetime�ain�t nothing ever gonna be the same�type of love.
There will be challenges and fears present, without a doubt�there will be phases of
running and chasing, depending upon the spiritual and personal development of both individuals.
But regardless of any of these challenges, it is possible to reunite and stay with our
twin flame�although it is speculated that only occurs in one�s last lifetime here
on earth.
Regardless of what type of romantic relationship we find ourselves in, there will be obstacles
and challenges that have the potential to assist us in our growth and evolution.
The one important thing to remember through all of these types of relationship, is that
if someone is trying to move on�it�s vital that we let them go.
Whether they are a karmic relationship whose only purpose is to come into our lives to
be the catalyst of change, or if they are the soulmate whose here to challenge us to
lovingly become the best person we can, or if they simply are our other half�there
is no love that we will have to beg for or hold onto tightly to, out of fear of losing
Regardless of what type of relationship it is, the love we deserve is also the one that
will want us as much we want it�because the truth is, if we do love someone, the only
thing we can do is set them free, knowing that if it is meant to be�they will return.
And if they don�t, then they�re just one of
the most beautiful lessons we�ll learn.
The Seafarer's Kiss | Spoiler Free Review + Discussion - Duration: 10:59.
Hi guys. I'm Trina and this is my book
review for The Seafarer's Kiss by Julia
Ember. I was sent an early copy of this
book by the author in exchange for an
honest review and this book is coming
out on May 4th. I'm going to be telling
you my review, what I liked, what I
disliked about it, and I hope that I will
also be able to let you guys know if
this is a book that you will enjoy or
not based on some of the themes and
tropes that are included in it. As for what
this book is about, this is a Norse
mythology inspired retelling of The
Little Mermaid and we are following a
main character who in a mermaid. She
lives in this underwater mer-kingdom
that expects her to mate with this
merman that she's been best friends with
ever since they were kids, but she isn't
really interested in the life that they
have planned out for her. She's much more
interested in the human world and one
day as she is exploring the site of a
shipwreck, she comes across a human girl
who has survived and she ends up falling
in love with this human girl instead of
the merboy that she was expected to
partner up with. So this main character
is bisexual and that is #ownvoices
representation. Some other things that
are represented in this book are that
the main character is also fat, and we
have a side character who is non-binary
who uses they/them pronouns all throughout
the book. Before I get into my review I am
going to give a trigger warning for both
the book and this video as to some
content that is included in the book
that I will be discussing. This book does
portray violence in a romantic
relationship. I do want to discuss that
a little bit later in this video but I'm
going to do it without spoilers. I'll
tell you like what happened but I don't
want to give you like a lot of the
background on it or why it happened
because I definitely want this video to
be non-spoiler since the book isn't out
yet and I really want to help you guys
decide if this is one that you want to read
or not. I rated this book three and a
half stars, and what that means to me is
that there was a lot that I really liked
about this book and overall I think of
it pretty positively, but there was that
one aspect of the violence in the
romantic relationship that really knocked a
star and half off of my rating. I have
had about two weeks since finishing this
book to really reflect on my feelings on
that and I just am not happy with that
portrayal in this book so that did
affect my enjoyment of the story overall.
I'm not trying to like trash the book or
discourage you from picking it up, so I'm
actually going to move in now to some of
the things that I really liked.
I loved this book as a Little
Mermaid retelling. It is so true to the
original story because everything that
happens you can see how it parallels to
the original tale, but this book twists
the retelling. It is actually told from a
totally different angle that I was not
expecting going in - I think it's probably
pretty obvious but I didn't expect it -
and I absolutely loved it! And because it
is inspired by Norse mythology it just
felt so new and refreshing. This one just
excels as a retelling in my opinion
because it's very loyal but it also has
room for surprises. I also really love
that this with a TRUE mermaid story. This
isn't a retelling that like turns it
into a YA contemporary, or like
envisions the Ariel character as a
human, or gives her legs every summer,
and stuff like that. I don't like that.
I like mermaids! And this is a real mermaid
underwater setting and these mermaids
had scales, and tails, and gills so this
was like the mermaid story of my dreams. I
have been pretty unsatisfied with all the
other Little Mermaid retellings that I
have tried. This one definitely will fit
that for you. If you're looking for a
Little Mermaid retelling I would
DEFINTELY recommend this book. It
definitely did that part so well. The
story itself was also very fast paced
and action packed. This is a very
short book and a lot happens and I
really appreciated that once I had like
a small adjustment period to get into
the story and then it just like grabbed
me and did not let go. So it was a very
fun and engaging experience.
Something about this book that I
appreciated but didn't know if it was
done to the best of its ability is that
in the society there is kind of a
dystopian feel and this is a society
that values fertility of the mermaids.
They are all expected to mate, to lay
eggs, raise eggs. And some pretty harmful
words such as "broken" and "damaged" are
used to describe the mermaids who either
don't want to reproduce or they can't
reproduce, and that's a very sensitive
topic so has up to that. However, I did
feel like this story was trying to
challenge that idea very heavily. They
were trying to get out of that way of
thinking and it did show it as bad.
I loved that the book was taking on a sexist
culture and I definitely think that is
something that I would like to see more
of in YA books. The reason that I say I
felt kind of iffy about this element of
the story is because it's such a short
book that I didn't feel like there was
enough time able to be spent on that
topic. Like you really had a couple of
lines about it and that was it. I do
think it would have benefited the
message and the intent if a little bit
more time had been spent discussing that
because just seeing a world where women
are called broken and damaged if they
don't want to or can't reproduce, that's
pretty harmful. And so for there not to
be a lot of time spent on challenging
that, you may end up coming away from the
book just being upset by that portrayal.
So now I'm going to move into my
discussion about the abuse that was
present in this relationship. So actually,
there is a love triangle in this story
and I don't think it's very strong love
triangle. I really think only one side of
it is ever built up as a relationship.
But all three of the characters in that
love triangle are violent towards each
other within the book. Since I received an
early copy of this book then I know that
it's subject to change, so I'm not
going to read you the quote word for
word because it may not be included in
the final copy of this book - even though
I think I have a finished copy - but that
also would give you a spoiler for
something else that happens so I'm not
going to quote it for you but the main
thing that I have issue with took place on
page 191. The two characters in the main
romantic pairing get into an argument
and they punch each other IN THE FACE.
I'm not even kidding. I'm not exaggerating.
They literally punch each other in the face.
This behavior was barely addressed, it was never challenged,
and the romantic relationship went on to
grow stronger from there, AND a few pages
later I felt that these characters were
being aggressive towards each other
again - though not in a punch you in the face
kind of way. The very brief way in which
this was addressed was that you had one
of the characters saying, "I shouldn't have done that,"
and the other character says, "I won't do that again."
I don't believe that this is addressed enough because even if
you look on like real life domestic
violence websites you will see that ONE
incident of violence in a relationship
is a red flag for an abusive
relationship, and habitual abusers often
promise that they won't do it again or
they know it's wrong, and they still keep
doing it again. Like I said, the third
character in this love triangle was also
abusive. He grabs, shakes, and pushes the
main character and then he literally
tries to kill the love interest. So yeah,
all three of the people in this romantic
pairing/trio were violent towards each
other and I didn't like it. As far as the
two female characters, I do want to say I
don't feel like either one of them are
abusers, they weren't manipulating each
other, there wasn't a power imbalance, so
you know, I'm not sitting here trying to
say "this is an abusive relationship" but
it does show a sign OF abuse that is not
addressed, that serves no purpose, that
could have been written out and the book,
and the story, and these characters would
not have suffered in any way. It didn't
need to be there and I feel like there
are a million other ways to write your
characters having conflict or even
having hot tempers without actually
making them punch their romantic partner
in the face. That is not okay. And I have
not seen any of the early reviews for
this book pointing that out so that's
one of the reasons why I am pointing it
out, because I know that I do have
viewers who are younger viewers and
they're concerned with the content in
the books they're reading, or I have
viewers who are parents of younger
readers and they're concerned with
the content in the books that they're
letting their kids read, and I have viewers
that watch my channel who are survivors
of an abusive relationship and this
would be very triggering for them. So if
that something that is sensitive to
you, if it will be triggering to you, if you
don't want to read about it, that is
included in this book. For those of
you who are just stumbling upon this
video, if you aren't familiar with me or
my channel, I have lived through an
abusive relationship in my past. It was
an emotionally abusive one, not
physically abusive, but this is something
that I point out a lot in my book
reviews because I have real life
experience with that. Even though I
really loved so much about this book I'm
not going to let it slide on the
physical abuse when it's something that
I've been pointing out and a lot of the
other book reviews that I make.
The reason that this violent act in The
Seafarer's Kiss is a concern to me is because the
main character is a teenager and this
book is, so far that I can see, it's being
marketed as a young adult book. There are
readers on the younger end of the YA
spectrum or even younger than YA who
are going to pick this book up who are
still developing their ideas on what
romance and relationships should be like.
So when they read a book that has a very
heavily romantic theme to it and the two
romantic partners are punching each
other in the face, barely addressing it,
going on to be aggressive again, and the
relationship just grows from there,
that's where it becomes a concern for me
and a lot of other readers. I definitely
don't think this book showed that action in a bad enough light.
To me it was a problematic
relationship and I could not get behind
it, and because so much of the main plot
and our main character's motivations were
driven by this romance, if you don't
support the relationship it's so
prevalent in the story it's going to
affect whether or not you enjoy the
story most likely. So with all of that said, I
know that I really disliked that one
part and I did want to discuss it and
bring it to your attention, but that does
not erase or negate the positive things
about this book. This book does have that
bi representation and I definitely think
that if you're looking for #ownvoices bi
representation of a female/female
relationship, this is probably a book
that you would really enjoy and I would
definitely recommend it to you as that.
I would also highly recommend this book
to you as a Little Mermaid retelling. I
just think it was excellent as a
retelling in terms of the story. However,
I just, I'm not going to recommend this
book as a romance. Like, there are so many
other better examples of romances out
there of even female/female bisexual
romances that don't involve any sorts of
abuse. One that I can think of off the
top of my head was Of Fire and Stars by
Audrey Colthurst. The stories are very
different but it does also show a
bisexual female/female relationship (#ownvoices)
about two princesses that fall in love
and I didn't find that relationship to
be problematic in that book. So in the
end, do I think that you would like this
book? If you like Norse mythology, if
you're looking for #ownvoices bi
representation, if you're looking for fat
representation, if you're looking for a
Little Mermaid retelling, if you love
mermaids, and you like fast-paced fantasy
stories I think you would enjoy this
book. On the other hand, if you're going
to be triggered by women's worth being
defined by their fertility or violence
in a romantic relationship, this might be
one that you want to skip. This book also
includes the tropes of the love triangle
and the not like other girls trope and if
either of those are tropes that you just
can't stand reading about then you may
not enjoy this story. But for what it's
worth, like I said, I felt if the love
triangle was very weak, and I felt that
the not like other girls trope was
challenged, but I hope that that gives
you an idea of whether or not you will
enjoy this book. So those are all my
thoughts on The Seafarer's Kiss by
Julia Ember. As you can tell I had quite
mixed opinions on this book. I did not
enjoy the relationship in it at all
because of that moment of violence but
then again this is one of my favorite
Little Mermaid retellings I have ever
read. So there's good and bad about this book
and I hope that this video has helped
you determine if it's one that you want to pick up or not.
If you have already read this one early I would
love to discuss it with you further in
the comments and if you're looking
forward to it I would love to know that
as well. Thank you guys so much for
watching and I will see you in the comments. Bye!
[music only]
Happiness By My Side Ep2 - Duration: 48:01.
How to Make A bootable Pendrive for Windows and Linux using CMD - Duration: 3:28.
Most Insane Things Ever Built With Legos - Duration: 6:31.
We've all spent time snapping together LEGO bricks to make spaceships, cars, unflattering
portraits of our siblings, and just anything else we can think of.
But some people take LEGOs very, very seriously.
Across the LEGO landscape are crazy models that require knowledge of robotics, real-life
engineering, and even the ability to bend reality.
There are thousands of amazing LEGO models out there.
Here are just a few such creations that defy tradition.
A life-sized X-wing
The LEGO company hires people to design and build insane models with their plastic bricks,
which is probably the best job in the world.
Suck it, ice cream tasters.
Of course, there's a ton of nerd crossover, and you'll find many Star Wars fans on the
building teams.
Together, they made the craziest Star Wars model in the world: a life-sized X-wing starfighter.
Using official sources for the dimensions, the LEGO builders put together the iconic
spaceship over the course of four months, piece by piece.
All 5.3 million pieces come together around a steel skeleton, and the final model is 42
times bigger than LEGO's largest commercially available X-wing model.
The LEGO team also had to consider real-world engineering issues when building it.
Since the model was going to make a world tour, they had to make sure it could withstand
travel, set-up, and the occasional earthquake.
Which is definitely the most fun way to use an engineering degree imaginable.
At 45,000 pounds, there really isn't that much of a difference between the model and
its fictional counterpart, except for all the sci-fi tech… as far as we know.
We wouldn't put it past those LEGO geniuses to discover a hyperdrive before NASA does.
A life-sized Terminator
Out of all the possible things to build a life-sized model of, the T-800 is probably
the coolest... but also the most worrying.
Designed by Martin Latta, the LEGO T-800 stands at an impressive six feet tall, and is a faithful
reproduction of the iconic cyborg assassin, exposed pistons and all.
In all, it has 15,000 LEGO pieces, and comes complete with light-up eyes.
Thankfully, Latta didn't try to create an advanced AI brain — but that's probably
And as terrifying as any LEGO Terminator model coming to life might be, it's a whole lot
less terrifying than, well… this.
The stuff of nightmares.
The Cubestormer
There's probably a ton of overlap between people who love solving Rubik's Cubes and
those who build LEGO robots.
So it's not too much of a surprise that, in 2011, somebody finally figured out how to
build a LEGO robot that's so fast, it beat every human alive at solving Rubik's Cubes.
Sure, Cubestormer I could solve cubes, but it took about 12 seconds.
Then came Cubestormer II, a brilliant little robot that solved cubes in just 5.32 seconds
— which is insanely fast, especially considering it's just made of commercially available LEGO
parts and a normal Samsung Galaxy phone for a brain.
The Cubestormer II held the world record until 2015, when it was conquered by a puny human
by a fraction of a second.
Of course, by then, the Cubestormer III had already improved upon the original design,
and had solved a Cube in just 3.25 seconds.
Even the most dextrous human alive, Feliks Zemdegs of Australia, has only hit 4.73 seconds.
Sorry, meatbags.
You don't stand a chance.
A functional house
We knew James May was kind of eccentric after watching him on Top Gear.
But we didn't know that he was such a giant LEGO fan.
When May was a boy, he wanted to build full-sized LEGO house.
As soon as his own show, James May's Toy Stories, started picking up, he knew the time had come.
"This box, which has the orange eighters in it, is just one box of several hundred in
my giant box of LEGO.
The rest of it, is in here."
We aren't convinced that building an enormous LEGO hoard wasn't the plan behind Top Gear
in the first place.
From the outside, his house just looks like a block of LEGOs, but any fans of Top Gear
know that James May does not do anything halfway.
Not content to just have models of things like toilets and sinks, his team of engineers
figured out how to make them work with actual running water.
Unfortunately, the bed isn't very soft, but being able to use working LEGO toilet makes
up for it.
It wasn't just May putting together his house, either.
He got the community to take part, and it became a labor of love for all his fans.
Unfortunately, the vineyard where the house was built needed their land back, and May
was heartbroken when the house had to be demolished.
"Oh, God…."
"Pull yourself together."
Legoland decided that they couldn't save his masterpiece because it was just too expensive
and heavy to transport.
So, just to restate Legoland Windsor's priorities: a giant portrait of Taylor Swift in LEGO is
within their budget, but an actual engineering masterpiece is not.
We refuse to shake that off.
Allianz Arena
Every Legoland has a ton of really cool LEGO models, showing off faithful reproductions
of some of the most impressive architecture in the world.
None, however, are as impressive as the 1,300,000-brick model of Munich's iconic Allianz Arena at
Legoland Germany.
The arena itself is already pretty amazing, but seeing it made of LEGOs is somehow even
more impressive.
By carefully layering square bricks, Legoland was able to reproduce the curved facade of
the Arena, which is not an easy feat when all of your building materials are pointy.
The designers of the model built it on the scale of LEGO minifigures.
At "full capacity," the model seats up to 30,000 LEGO people, 100 of which were designed
by park visitors.
The huge stadium stands 1 meter tall and weighs 3,000 pounds.
If that wasn't enough, the stadium also lights up like the real thing, has a multi-level
parking garage, and even has smoke effects that can shoot out over the crowd.
It's basically nicer than your apartment.
The tallest LEGO tower
For years, teams around the world have competed fiercely to build the tallest LEGO tower,
and each year, the record inches higher and higher.
It isn't a matter of making the tower look pretty; it's just about getting as many bricks
stacked as high as possible.
In 2015, the record belonged to an Italian LEGO group for their nearly-115-foot tall tower.
In the end, the LEGO Tower was a fabulous rainbow of plastic bricks stretching a couple
of stories above the historic buildings of Milan.
Oddly, the team didn't go all-out trying to break the record.
They just added a little bit to the record, beating the 2014 mark by a mere 10.5 inches.
If that isn't an invitation to competition, nothing is.
The LEGO company themselves had a role in the incredible structure: for every centimeter
built, they donated more money to Urban Oasis.
And in 2016, two-time record-holder Legoland Germany once again reclaimed the title, hitting
116 feet, four inches.
They celebrated in the weirdest way possible.
"... LEGOland Deutschland!"
Thanks for watching!
Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
What Happens To Bill O'Reilly Now? - Duration: 5:16.
Bill O'Reilly is officially out at Fox News.
The firebrand political commentator, who built his career on straight talk and news without
spin, had his contract terminated while he was on vacation in Europe.
The news came not long after more than 50 advertisers pulled their ad buys for his program
The O'Reilly Factor, after multiple women revealed they'd been sexually harassed by
the host.
"And, you know I'm just sitting there minding my own business and he walks past and says,
hey hot chocolate"
O'Reilly had spent more than 20 years of his career as a broadcaster on the Fox News Network,
where he amassed a sizable following of fans and was also author or co-author to nearly
two dozen books.
The cancellation of The O'Reilly Factor leaves the anchor rudderless at a time when he stands
at the height of his popularity, as the sexual harassment revelations that forced him out
the door appear to have done little to darken his reputation with fans.
O'Reilly clearly has options, as well as a generous payout on his way.
So what's he going to do next?
Here are some possibilities.
More literary killings
Bill O'Reilly has written enough books to fill a shelf and then some.
And even if he were to be banished from TV forever following his Fox News ouster, he
would still be a writer with titanic success.
Two books with his byline were at the tops of bestseller lists at the start of April,
the month his firing came down.
And his books come in many varieties, from historical thrillers to memoirs, fiction,
and books aimed at young readers, and his publisher Henry Holt has committed to sticking
by their literary star.
Given the grim subject matter of some of his texts, he'll obviously derive plenty of inspiration
from this incident.
"He had to find a substitute drug, planning and carrying out the executions of those people
who had humiliated him."
Another small screen platform
One thing that's likely not in the cards for O'Reilly is a lateral move to another major
broadcast network.
In addition to the antagonistic relationship Fox News has with CNN and MSNBC, the sexual
harassment allegations that made him impossible to employ at Fox News make him equally unemployable
to everyone else on that level.
That leaves a different option — a smaller news network, one that's either independently-funded,
or funded by advertisers who don't care.
There is precedent, particularly in the conservative arena that O'Reilly calls home, like Glenn
Beck's outfit The Blaze, or the One America News Network.
But joining one of these scrappy media underdogs may be unnecessary, given O'Reilly's immense
name recognition.
Hanging a shingle
At the time of O'Reilly ouster, he was still hosting the most popular cable news show bar none.
A fan base that large and passionate, that was getting larger up through his final days
at Fox News, leaves so many of the ingredients in place for him to create his own media platform.
Such an arrangement may be a perfect outlet for the sort of straight-up talk O'Reilly's
fans trust and adore, unbeholden to advertisers, shareholders, or anybody else with an opinion
other than his.
"And now the bigger picture.
We are living in a very dangerous world."
And what could a platform like that look like?
Well, there's always radio, where conservative political talk of O'Reilly's sort has had
a history of success.
Or, this being the future and all, there's even the idea of podcasting, or YouTube.
Personalities not half as well-known as him have done the same with less support.
And O'Reilly is not slowing down on his "No Spin News" podcast anytime soon.
Taking the stage
O'Reilly has made a bid in recent years to get a touring stand-up act going.
Alongside comedian Dennis Miller and TV personality Jesse Watters, O'Reilly's tour, The Spin Stops
Here 2017, still has shows booked around the country throughout the year.
With an abundance of free time on his hands now, could these sellout shows become more
"We'll do it live.
We'll do it live, f*** it."
O'Reilly already makes money on the side from lucrative speaking engagements which easily
and often command fees in the realm of $100,000.
The work would serve the purpose of keeping his voice in the conversation.
He spent over two decades building a brand behind a desk, and now he can spend all his
time taking that brand on the road — if he wants to.
Not gone for good
Let's face it: the least likely thing Bill O'Reilly would do next is retire completely.
Before his exit was confirmed, and as the scandal of his sexual harassment allegations
was still brewing, he retained the services of Mark Fabiani.
Fabiani is a notoriously adept crisis manager, which is not the sort of move one would expect
from someone throwing in the towel.
Coupled with his response to the news of his firing, in which he said the news was "tremendously
disheartening" but based on "unfounded claims," it leaves an impression that O'Reilly is taking
his firing gracefully but not happily, with unfinished business to attend to.
With his Fox News days now officially in the past, the planning stages for his next step
may be already underway.
But what will that step be?
It's possible not even O'Reilly himself knows yet.
Whatever it is, after the way he was forced out at Fox News, it won't be a surprise if
it's something that, going forward, keeps his voice beholden to nobody but himself.
Thanks for watching!
Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
Monaco Treasure Review | SCAM or Legit? - Duration: 3:26.
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Salt Cathedral in Zipaquira, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! - Miguel in Bogotá - Duration: 14:11.
Make Votes Matter in General Elections - we want Proportional Representation! - Duration: 1:13.
So, there's a snap general election and
we need to make sure it's the last one
that uses our archaic first-past-the-post
voting system. At the last general
election, I was only 16 so I wasn't old
enough to vote, but I could see that
Parliament didn't reflect how people
have voted, so I started this petition.
Two years on and I'm old enough to vote
but my vote doesn't matter. I want to be
able to vote for whoever I believe in
without having to worry about wasting my
vote or letting the other side in. I
want proportional representation. The EU
referendum has totally transformed British
politics and part the reasons for that was
because everyone knew that their vote
counted. In the wake of the referendum, we
need to absolutely be making the case
for electoral reform. Politics is no longer
about a two-party system and we need a
voting system that is fit for the 21st
century. So please sign and share this
petition and if you're interested in
getting more involved visit
We've got great
things planned for the election campaign
and we'd really like to have you involved.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 - Duration: 1:02.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 150 Special Edition, 55dkm - Duration: 0:54.
Never Have I Ever | Roommates // Aš niekada žaidimas - Duration: 14:34.
Welcome To PetPacking Australia! - Duration: 0:59.
Hello and welcome to PetPacking
Australia. We're here to be your guide on
how to go backpacking with your pets.
PetPacking Australia will provide you
with the types of accommodation that
won't break the budget. But will allow you
and your furry friend to stay. A what to
do list while you're over here with your
pet and activities to do and places to
eat. Furthermore, we'll go in depth on how
to maximize your trip and show you what
and how to pack and prepare. Whether that
be for here! Or here! C'mon Billy! For all this and more
by sure to check out the pet packing website for great videos,
articles and podcasts. Don't forget to stay
up to date by following us on social
media and we will love to hear from you so
make sure you hashtag your photos and
posts #petpackingaustralia.
Links to our social media are down in the
description. We'll see you next time!
How To Install Grand Theft Auto V Using µTorrent...2017 - Duration: 4:24.
Please Subscribe WinAndroIos
Installation Of GTA V by Torrent
Links In the Description
Open The Game File Using UTORRENT
Then, Open The Update With UTORRENT
Open The GTAV .iso file using ISO Viewer
Mount The File As Virtual Drive
Install The Setup
After The Installation, Copy The Crack & Paste it in The GTA V Containg Folder
Have Fun !!! GTA V
Close Any Existing Applications If Opened...
PetPacking Activities and Pet Friendly Cafes - Duration: 2:15.
In this episode of packing Australia,
will take you through different fun
activities and places to eat with your furry
friend. Hello and welcome to Pet packing
Australia. Going on holiday is a
fantastic way of creating new and
exciting experiences. You've chosen to bring
your four-legged friend along with you.
So let's go see what there is to do and
eat while you're here down under.
Australia is renowned for its sunshine.
All around the country there are plenty of
beaches that are off leash areas for your
pooch to run free. Enjoy the sand and
surf, as your dog has the time of their life;
running, jumping and playing in the waves
just like here on the Gold Coast. But if
the beach isn't on your list of things
to do there are plenty of things to do
inland. Hiking trails are becoming more and
more pet friendly so having a trip up a
mountain is a must. Mount Cootha trail in
Brisbane is a must. It has trails ranging
from 600 metres to three kilometers. When
you reach the top of certain trails
you'll be greeted with the most amazing
view of the city. For those of you on the
west, the Ellis Brook Valley Reserve
trail just outside of Perth has
something for all. With trails ranging
from 500 meters to 7 kilometers. So there
is a trail for everyone and every dog. If you
can, be sure to travel on the 60-foot
falls trail as you'll be rewarded by a
fantastic waterfall, which is postcard
worthy. Be sure to keep your pet on
a lead, as many trails are not off leash
areas. Having a dog accustomed to using a
front or back harness is also
recommended as it gives you control and
is gentle on your dog. When all the fun
is over be sure to find a place to eat
for you and your furry friend. There are
many places that are pet friendly and
encourage you to bring your four-legged
friend. Some cafes like doghouse
Australia in Melbourne or our place cafe
garden in Brisbane cater to both you and
your dog. Offering your dog a full menu.
Dogachinos, Puppychinos, ice cream to
dog muffins, while you can enjoy a coffee
in a meal as well. If you've enjoyed this
episode of pet packing Australia and you
want to find out more, be sure to go to
our website and
go check out our social media channels.
We'll see you next time!
PetPacking Australia - Accommodation - Duration: 1:46.
In this episode of pet packing Australia,
we will take you through what to look for
when you're booking accommodation for
your stay. Hello and welcome to Pet
packing Australia. Just because you're
bringing a pet on holiday doesn't mean
you need to break the budget when
it comes to accommodation. So let's go
find out what there is to offer. When
booking accommodation make sure to do it
well in advance. Forty-five percent of
backpackers book their accommodation
when they arrive. But there's no worse
feeling than arriving and not being
allowed to stay due to your furry friend.
When searching online make sure to check
the pet friendly option and that will
only show places that allow pets. A good
precaution is to ask accommodation
management if there are any size
restrictions, as some may only allow
smaller dogs. Hostels might be the first
thing that come to mind, but try looking
for other forms of accommodation. Many
caravan parks and motels allow pets and
price is going to start as low as 30
dollars a night. The benefit of being in a
camping area is that your pet can be
outside and stretch its legs, as opposed to
a small hostel room. If camp sites or
motels are not your thing, try looking for
Airbnbs. There are plenty of that offer
space for both you and your pet under
one hundred dollars per night. Make sure
to book well in advance though, as these
rooms get booked out rather quickly.
Lastly be sure to have a crate that is
warm and inviting for your pet as you
might want to go out without them for
dinner or drinks. Having a safe and
secure place for them prevents anything
bad happening like a running away or
them scaring someone. Oh and make sure to
have plenty of bags on hand to clean up
after your pet. If you've enjoyed this
video and you want to learn more about
pet packing be sure to visit our
website and our social media channels.
We'll see you next time!
Dessins animés éducatifs 4 ans. Voiture pour enfant. Dessin animé enfant. Vehicule bebe. - Duration: 4:31.
Hi friends ! Hey, who's there? Bella: Hi, I'm Bella, I'm going to
a very long journey! PP: Oh, do Refueling then
Bella, my friend and I are very happy to help you! We have a great idea
for you. We will decorate your train with beautiful flowers!
Bella: Oh wow! PP: Yes! Now, water the plants!
It's so hot outside! There you go ! Bella, it will make 15 pieces for the job!
Bella: Here! A big thank you is really beautiful ! Goodbye !
PP: Bella soon, good day to meet again ! Oh, open the door, my friend! We
have visitors! Rodrigo: Hi! My name is Rodrigo,
I attended a race but my car broke down, I was not able to
finish! PP: Oh, good start by washing. thank you,
my friend ! Under the hood now. Oh but you did not have enough oil! here
which is fixed! Also change the tires, yours are in very poor condition. that
do you think of these? Rodrigo: Oh, great!
PP: Let us inflate them, my friend! Perfect ! And if we made your car more
fast ! My friend, you know what you have add, is not it? Yes ! A thruster!
Wash the car again! Great ! You Rodrigo's ready!
Rodrigo: Oh, thank you very much, I feel much better ! Here are a few pieces!
And have a great day! PP: Thank you, Rodrigo, be careful! Goodbye !
Ready, set, go ! Oh friends, you know where I am, there? In the beautiful
and mysterious Egypt! Oh that road is not easy ! Oh's try again gently, oh
lala, accelerate, accelerate again .. oh it's going too fast. Last round, well, I
really have to get there! read faster, quick ! I won the race!
Loans, it's green! Let's go ! Oh this route ! My God, begin again!
Slowly, this road is not at all easy ! Oh my God, we will not get there
guys ! Here we go, a little faster, with these new headlights it will get better, accelerating
a little, a little is the last lap my friends, I need you! Let's focus,
must be accelerated now! Oh wow, I finally won, I no longer believed!
For more infomation >> Dessins animés éducatifs 4 ans. Voiture pour enfant. Dessin animé enfant. Vehicule bebe. - Duration: 4:31.-------------------------------------------
Beaded bracelet and Beads Master Class! Beaded Bracelet for Beginners! - Duration: 10:24.
For more infomation >> Beaded bracelet and Beads Master Class! Beaded Bracelet for Beginners! - Duration: 10:24.-------------------------------------------
Haar-Horror: Warum wälzt sich Chrissy Teigen auf'm Boden?! - Duration: 0:49.
M&M's Skittles Play Doh Peppa Pig Kinder Surprise Eggs Unboxing Rhymes - Duration: 12:14.
BMW 3 Serie Touring 320I HIGH EXECUTIVE M pakket met Pano-dak en navigatie - Duration: 1:05.
Fiat Doblò Cargo 1.3 M-Jet 75 pk (Airco/Bluetooth/Elek. pakket/Schuifdeur) - Duration: 0:57.
Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TDI BLUEMOTION NAVI/ ECC/ 14% BIJTELLING/ GARANTIE T/M 20-10-2018 - Duration: 1:02.
It's phone week! Top 5 things to do with your 📱 !!! - Duration: 3:43.
BMW 5 Serie Touring 530D Comf.Stoel/Head-Up/Panorama/Trekhaak/20"M Sport Breedset NP.€93.700 Indiv - Duration: 1:01.
VLOG | 10K Subscribers | FREE Giveaway!!! (Read Description) - Duration: 3:06.
Trump If The DOJ Wants To Arrest Assange, It's OK With Me - Duration: 5:03.
Trump If The DOJ Wants To Arrest Assange, It's OK With Me
by Tyler Durden
Having selected several key excerpts from Donald Trump's lengthy AP interview earlier,
we urge readers looking for fascinating yet surreal bedtime reading to give the full,
nearly 8,000 word transcript a try, as it contains bizarro excerpts such as this:
AP: You did put out though, as a candidate, you put out a 100-day plan.
Do you feel like you should be held accountable to that plan?
TRUMP: Somebody, yeah, somebody put out the concept of a hundred-day plan.
But yeah.
Well, I'm mostly there on most items.
Go over the items, and I'll talk to you ... (Crosstalk.)
TRUMP: But things change.
There has to be flexibility.
Let me give you an example.
President Xi, we have a, like, a really great relationship.
For me to call him a currency manipulator and then say, "By the way, I'd like you to
solve the North Korean problem," doesn't work.
So you have to have a certain flexibility, Number One.
Number Two, from the time I took office till now, you know, it's a very exact thing.
It's not like generalities.
Do you want a Coke or anything?
AP: I'm OK, thank you.
... Yet what caught our attention was the following
excerpt on a topic that has re-emerged in recent days in the aftermath of the spat between
Julian Assange and the new CIA chief Mike Pompeo, who last week made it clear Assange's
days as a quasi-free man are numbered.
And, as the following exchange between the AP and Trump notes, the president does not
harbor any partcularly fond feelings for the man who has been accused of being a Russian
plant or spy and crushing Hillary Clinton's election chances.
That, and so much more in the following bizarre exchange:
AP: Jeff Sessions, your attorney general, is taking a tougher line suddenly on Julian
Assange, saying that arresting him is a priority.
You were supportive of what WikiLeaks was doing during the campaign with the release
of the Clinton emails.
Do you think that arresting Assange is a priority for the United States?
TRUMP: When Wikileaks came out ... never heard of Wikileaks, never heard of it.
When Wikileaks came out, all I was just saying is, "Well, look at all this information here,
this is pretty good stuff."
You know, they tried to hack the Republican, the RNC, but we had good defenses.
They didn't have defenses, which is pretty bad management.
But we had good defenses, they tried to hack both of them.
They weren't able to get through to Republicans.
No, I found it very interesting when I read this stuff and I said, "Wow."
It was just a figure of speech.
I said, "Well, look at this.
It's good reading."
AP: But that didn't mean that you supported what Assange is doing?
TRUMP: No, I don't support or unsupport.
It was just information.
They shouldn't have allowed it to get out.
If they had the proper defensive devices on their internet, you know, equipment, they
wouldn't even allow the FBI.
How about this � they get hacked, and the FBI goes to see them, and they won't let the
FBI see their server.
But do you understand, nobody ever writes it.
Why wouldn't (former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John) Podesta and Hillary Clinton
allow the FBI to see the server?
They brought in another company that I hear is Ukrainian-based.
AP: CrowdStrike?
TRUMP: That's what I heard.
I heard it's owned by a very rich Ukrainian, that's what I heard.
But they brought in another company to investigate the server.
Why didn't they allow the FBI in to investigate the server?
I mean, there is so many things that nobody writes about.
It's incredible.
AP: Can I just ask you, though � do you believe it is a priority for the United States,
or it should be a priority, to arrest Julian Assange?
TRUMP: I am not involved in that decision, but if Jeff Sessions wants to do it, it's
OK with me.
I didn't know about that decision, but if they want to do it, it's OK with me.
And while Trump may somehow not know about the DOJ's decision to arrest Assange, we are
confident he knows that any potential pardon of Assange is long gone.
As for Donald Trump "loving" Wikileaks, that was so six months ago.
Noorondu Nenapu Official Trailer | Chetan | Meghana Raj | Raja Vardan | Sushmita Joshi | Yash Shetty - Duration: 2:13.
Noorondu Nenapu Official Trailer
Noorondu Nenapu Official Trailer
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE 125pk - Duration: 0:59.
Un moyen super efficace et rentable pour trouver des chantiers - Duration: 11:38.
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Best Handbags for Women and Girl Handbag Design Collection Flipkart and amazon shopping online
3000 People Getting Naked and Blue With Me | Sea of Hull | Andy Hartley - Duration: 7:28.
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Handbags for Women and Girl Handbag Design Collection Flipkart and amazon shopping online
Dessins animés éducatifs 4 ans. Voiture pour enfant. Dessin animé enfant. Vehicule bebe. - Duration: 4:31.
Hi friends ! Hey, who's there? Bella: Hi, I'm Bella, I'm going to
a very long journey! PP: Oh, do Refueling then
Bella, my friend and I are very happy to help you! We have a great idea
for you. We will decorate your train with beautiful flowers!
Bella: Oh wow! PP: Yes! Now, water the plants!
It's so hot outside! There you go ! Bella, it will make 15 pieces for the job!
Bella: Here! A big thank you is really beautiful ! Goodbye !
PP: Bella soon, good day to meet again ! Oh, open the door, my friend! We
have visitors! Rodrigo: Hi! My name is Rodrigo,
I attended a race but my car broke down, I was not able to
finish! PP: Oh, good start by washing. thank you,
my friend ! Under the hood now. Oh but you did not have enough oil! here
which is fixed! Also change the tires, yours are in very poor condition. that
do you think of these? Rodrigo: Oh, great!
PP: Let us inflate them, my friend! Perfect ! And if we made your car more
fast ! My friend, you know what you have add, is not it? Yes ! A thruster!
Wash the car again! Great ! You Rodrigo's ready!
Rodrigo: Oh, thank you very much, I feel much better ! Here are a few pieces!
And have a great day! PP: Thank you, Rodrigo, be careful! Goodbye !
Ready, set, go ! Oh friends, you know where I am, there? In the beautiful
and mysterious Egypt! Oh that road is not easy ! Oh's try again gently, oh
lala, accelerate, accelerate again .. oh it's going too fast. Last round, well, I
really have to get there! read faster, quick ! I won the race!
Loans, it's green! Let's go ! Oh this route ! My God, begin again!
Slowly, this road is not at all easy ! Oh my God, we will not get there
guys ! Here we go, a little faster, with these new headlights it will get better, accelerating
a little, a little is the last lap my friends, I need you! Let's focus,
must be accelerated now! Oh wow, I finally won, I no longer believed!
Acts 11 | Day #186 - Duration: 4:02.
Acts Chapter 11
And the apostles and the brothers who were throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also
had received the word of God.
And when Peter went up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision disputed with him,
Saying, You went in to men who are uncircumcised and ate with them.
And Peter began, and he explained to them in sequence, saying,
I was in the city of Joppa praying, and I saw in a trance a vision, a certain vessel
like a great sheet descending, being let down by four corners out of heaven; and it came
unto me.
Looking intently into it, I examined it and saw the four-footed animals of the earth and
the wild beasts and the reptiles and the birds of heaven.
And I also heard a voice saying to me, Rise up, Peter; slay and eat!
But I said, By no means, Lord, for no common or unclean thing has ever entered into my
And a voice answered a second time out of heaven, The things that God has cleansed,
do not make common.
And this occurred three times, and everything was drawn up again into heaven.
And behold, at that moment three men stood at the house in which we were, having been
sent from Caesarea to me.
And the Spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing.
And these six brothers went with me also; and we entered into the man's house.
And he reported to us how he saw the angel standing in his house and saying, Send men
to Joppa and send for Simon, who is surnamed Peter,
Who will speak words to you by which you shall be saved, you and all your house.
And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them just as also on us in the beginning.
And I remembered the word of the Lord, how He said, John baptized with water, but you
shall be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
If therefore God has given to them the equal gift as also to us who have believed on the
Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could have forbidden God?
And when they heard these things, they became silent and glorified God, saying, Then to
the Gentiles also God has given repentance unto life.
Those then who were scattered by the tribulation which took place on account of Stephen passed
through as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except
Jews only.
But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who came to Antioch and spoke
also to the Greeks, announcing the Lord Jesus as the gospel.
And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the
And the account concerning them was heard in the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem,
and they sent out Barnabas to pass through as far as Antioch,
Who, when he arrived and saw the grace of God, rejoiced and encouraged them all to remain
with the Lord with purpose of heart; For he was a good man and full of the Holy
Spirit and of faith.
And a considerable number was added to the Lord.
And he went forth to Tarsus to search for Saul;
And when he found him, he brought him to Antioch.
And it happened with them that for a whole year they were gathered in the church and
taught a considerable number and that the disciples were first called Christians in
And in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch.
And one of them named Agabus rose up and signified through the Spirit that there was about to
be a great famine over the whole inhabited earth, which occurred during the time of Claudius.
And the disciples, according to how one was prospered, determined, each one of them, to
send things for dispensing to the brothers dwelling in Judea,
Which also they did, sending it to the elders through the hand of Barnabas and Saul.
Acts 13:1-34 | Day #188 - Duration: 5:07.
Acts Chapter 13, Verses 1 through 34
Now there were in Antioch, in the local church, prophets and teachers: Barnabas and Simeon,
who was called Niger, and Lucius the Cyrenian, and Manaen, the foster brother of Herod the
tetrarch, and Saul.
And as they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Set apart for
Me now Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.
Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.
They then, having been sent out by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia; and from there
they sailed away to Cyprus.
And when they were in Salamis, they announced the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews.
And they also had John as their attendant.
And when they had passed through the whole island as far as Paphos, they found a certain
man, a magician and Jewish false prophet, whose name was Bar-jesus,
Who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man; the latter called Barnabas
and Saul to him and sought to hear the word of God.
But Elymas the magician (for so his name is translated) opposed them, seeking to turn
the proconsul away from the faith.
But Saul, who is also Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him
And said, O you who are full of all deceit and all unscrupulousness, son of the devil,
enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord?
And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you will be blind, not seeing the
sun for a time.
And instantly a mist and a darkness fell upon him; and he went about and sought some to
lead him by the hand.
Then the proconsul, seeing what had happened, believed, being astonished at the teaching
of the Lord.
And putting out to sea from Paphos, Paul and his companions came to Perga of Pamphylia;
and John departed from them and returned to Jerusalem.
And they passed through from Perga and arrived at Pisidian Antioch.
And they went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down.
And after the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the synagogue rulers sent word to them, saying,
Men, brothers, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, say it.
And Paul, rising up and motioning with his hand, said, Men of Israel and those who fear
God, listen.
The God of this people Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people during their sojourn
in the land of Egypt, and with a high arm He led them out of it.
And for a time of about forty years He carried them as a nurse in the wilderness.
And when He had overthrown seven nations in the land of Canaan, He distributed their land
as an inheritance.
And after these things, for about four hundred and fifty years, He gave them judges until
Samuel the prophet.
And afterward they asked for a king; and God gave them Saul, the son of Kish, a man of
the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years.
And when He had deposed him, He raised up David for them as king, to whom also He testified
and said, I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man according to My heart, who will do all
My will.
From this man's seed, God, according to promise, brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus,
After John had proclaimed, prior to His public entrance, a baptism of repentance to all the
people of Israel.
Now as John was completing his course, he said, What do you suppose that I am?
I am not the Christ.
But behold, One is coming after me, the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.
Men, brothers, sons of the race of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to us the
word of this salvation has been sent forth.
For those dwelling in Jerusalem and their rulers, being ignorant of this One and of
the words of the prophets which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by judging Him.
And though they did not find one cause of death in Him, they asked of Pilate that He
be done away with.
And when they had accomplished all that was written concerning Him, they took Him down
from the tree and laid Him in a tomb.
But God raised Him from the dead.
And for many days He appeared to those who had come up with Him from Galilee to Jerusalem,
who are now His witnesses to the people.
And we announce to you the gospel of the promise made to the fathers,
That God has fully fulfilled this promise to us their children in raising up Jesus,
as it is also written in the second Psalm, "You are My Son; this day have I begotten
And as to His having raised Him up from the dead, no longer to return to corruption, He
spoke in this way, "I will give you the holy things of David, the faithful things.''
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