Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 1 2017

Digimon Adventure tri Symbiosis! Oh what a wonderful movie! So what's up guys Foxen

here! Here's my full review for digimon tri Symbiosis. I got some pretty strong

feelings about this movie so things may get explicit. I do expect this to be

pretty long, chapter times will be down below. And while you're watching this make sure

to leave your own mini review down below too! Alright so let's go ahead and get

started. First off really quickly the name of the movie.

We know this movie has digimon tri symbiosis. The official English name has

come out it's not symbiosis but coexistence. Anyway let's begin with the

first character the child of light Kari. So just by saying the poster you

need instantly that Kari would be a focus of this movie but honestly I don't

think I would have even known this movie was focused on her if I hadn't seen the

poster. It was really only until later that Kari kept on talking and then I

remembered, oh yeah this is supposed to be about you! For this movie where

Kari is supposed to be a highlight she ends up getting a ripped of.fAas for

Kari's actual role in the movie one of her main focus is her feeling what the

digital world wants. She mentions how I want them gone. That the digidestined

themselves are a virus. I gotta say that I really like this parallel since it

really calls back to homeostasis having chosen her Kari as a vessel. This may

be one of her benefits. Next up the lovable Ninth DigiDestined

Meiko. If you're a fan of this character I'm sure you must have loved this movie.

Unfortunately for the rest of us she spends most of this movie just being emo

for a lot of it. And it's really not surprising at all that a lot of people

are annoyed or outright hate Meiko at this point.

I personally was getting really impatient especially the first time

watching this, but then when it was over I'm like okay. This is supposed to be

your movie. I'll go ahead and give you a pass. One of the unfortunate things of

this movie was just how much they had a remind Meiko that her and Meicoomon are

partners and super special! I was like, okay here it comes once, twice again and

again oh my god it's a broken record. Enough. As for Meiko's big moment in this

movie it was supposed to be her at then deciding for them to off Meicoomon.

Here they were trying to make this Meiko's moment and I emphasize trying. I'm only

gonna speak for myself but I really didn't feel it

since I really don't care for this character. And I'm not even saying that I

hate her. Meiko really hasn't been on this team long enough and when they're

mentioning killed a cat I'm like sure. Why not. If anything Meicoomon's been

here even less and that thing should be a digimon anyway so just revive it.

Since we're talking about Mako let's talk about Mako and Ty this movie had

quite a bit of moments between Mako and Ty

it seems like they're really pushing it at least in this movie is this gonna be

some foreshadowing for Ty's eventual the new wife it almost seems like there is a

love triangle between Matt tie and Mako horse or is just getting shoved to the

back as for me come on the evil little kid head in what is supposed to be

Episode one of this they actually confirm the fan theory the evil cat is

in fact related to a Pokemon so far I think that's been one of the most

popular theories about little mega maaan is supposed to contain the dark side of

the digital world just in cat form see I told you casper

evil right now i'm gonna assume that may come on got infected after a pokemons

defeat the only time frame we've got shown was that flashback from may come

on and Mako that was supposed to be the same year but in the fall when the

digidestined went to the camp I think it was in the first movie where we saw that

digitally going blank at that moment that should have been when that the GI

got painted and then from what we got later on in this movie it seems that may

come on was really just being kept in check by Makos existence and to some

extent it seems that this cat starts going crazy based on Makos emotional

state by the way I do wonder whether a popular one himself has some influence

on make Ragman in the first episode there was this voice coming from it I

don't think it belonged to me crank mana and says we're talking about mega maaan

let's talk about her mega which by the way I forgot to look up her name so let

me know her name down below anyway this thing goes into mega right us just went

up use it instantly starts dissolving and destroying material or rounded that

was actually a pretty cool I just helped to demonstrate the level of power this

thing had design wise though I am NOT a fan I much more prefer that ultimate

Digimon for which I hear is popular among furries but anyway there was a

question about just how powerful this thing was sure matter around it was just

getting dissolved but in terms of digimon power especially for Megas

that's not that special think this maker didn't have an issue

holding its own against jasmine and later army won and jasmine

we'll get to it really quickly let me bring up Agumon I'm sorry but they mean

Agumon way too stupid in this why is he only about food I know it's supposed to

be played up for lass but at this point is just starting again and knowing the

only thing I'm looking forward to is just hearing the English dub of Eggman I

think those lines will come off a lot better besides all the food stuff Agumon

did have one really good line it was during his interaction with Mako

he accidentally asked it may cause flat-chested I had to stop and go back

and see if you've really said that poor Agumon pretty clueless just like ty next

up let's talk about the digimon invasion one of the main things from the synopsis

and the trailers was this whole Digimon invasion you know what this reminded me

of the word white arc in season two that then makes you think why is no one

bringing up the other digits Aston and I'm not even talking about the 0-2 cast

i collette a slide for everyone but i would expect at least easy to bring it

up at least once and then we have the so-called major threat which turns out

to be not so major the Digimon aren't even moving and then after that they

barely mention it I was hoping to see some of the guys flying around was like

warGreymon and Serafim on two different locations worldwide but now they just

spend some of the time running away from the police

next up Maki and the dark ocean to begin let me mention that Maki and her

organization were there when they come on started going crazy I wonder if at

this point Dark Jedi got in contact with her she was there from the very

beginning and then from what we saw in the last movie Maki was starting to lose

it in this movie she's just wandering around with a special anti Digimon gun

and then suddenly she appears in the dark ocean I know a lot of people wanted

the dark ocean pawn pointer be brought up again but I don't think people wanted

it like this instead of Corey dealing with it

it's Maki instead and by the way how did Mikey even get there

did she randomly get there from one of the other portals opening and what's up

with the different guns she first saw a rifle and then moments later it becomes

a pistol it's Maki really just going that crazy that she's imagining all of

this and just seeing how depressed monkey is

this was in digimon this scene almost felt like she was about to offer herself

anyway this whole depression into the dark ocean scene I do think they're

trying to bring up some parallel between Cory and her although right now it seems

like they're not executing it pretty well but anyway this scene was Maki does

confirm the dark oceans existence again so it should be pretty relevant and

Digimon trying does this now mean that demon is confirmed to be coming back you

cannot not mention demon on the other hand they have been ignoring the zero to

cast so I guess they could simply ignore demon just like them although at this

point do we really need another villain there's already so many signs

perhaps demon has influenced over a different individual and you know who

I'm talking about let's bring up dark gen-i aka the

Digimon Kaiser so right from the end of the other movie in the beginning of this

one he goes on about how may come on should have never been born but he was

waiting for that moment I don't think he's necessarily referring to may come

on but just this unique mutation it just so happens to have been makeup on there

still has that question of who is controlling dark Jen I the popular

theory is pi mana but a second one close one should also be demon at this point

anyway from episode 1 of this movie was it dark Jen I who sent a digidestined

back to the real world that seemed awfully convenient

just how much control does this guy have also a lot of times that you see this

guy he's upside down dark Jen I was even on eyewitness to carry and homeostasis

fighting it out wasn't this supposed to be in Corey's mind so how did he get

there dark Jenna herself was less in-your-face and more in the background

in this movie it felt like he was playing more of this Loki character by

setting things up but right now who the hell even knows what this guy's plan is

also which side is he on right now there's ecozone sign homeostasis with

digidestined and i wouldn't be surprised if another

one comes up in the final movie as for homeostasis and each rizzo if you recall

interests are supposed to be this digital god of the digital world very

loosely homeostasis is supposed to be the successor the one that keeps the

harmony whether they're completely following these roles and digimon try is

still a question right now serving on homeostasis side is Hackman initially

homeostasis wanted Hackman Tech may come on but as of this movie

homeostasis ordered Hackman to the late may come on what's interesting here is

how homeostasis has chosen to discard the digidestined since they couldn't

finish the job off I mean it seems pretty heartless but then again this is

supposed to be some superior being them as for each Rizzo in other Digimon media

this guy has always been wanting to get rid of humanity of course we haven't

gotten anything directly from Alpha Mon or each resume this does bring up the

question about why alpha 1 will be siding with it most of the other time

alpha 1 is fighting against it this is why I don't think it'd be too surprising

to see alpha Mon turn on him in the final movie and since I just brought him

up let's talk about the ro9 alpha man and Jeff smug these two were pretty much

part of the only action scene in the movie this also happen to be Jasmine's

first anime the view unfortunately I was largely unimpressed by what I saw the

action between just mom was really not memorable and it doesn't stop there this

also includes what I saw from alpha mode so the start of Jasmine's appearance we

had it trying to take out making ones mega I was pretty disappointed to see

most of the action just being a lot of tackling and they also didn't show off

Jasmine's special trait he supposed to be extremely quick yet you seen none of

that here also how about his sores which is what he's known for at one point even

it's not just when getting a chance to decapitate make Irwin's mega but it did

it it almost look like it was trying to carry the cattle way and then the actual

fight first is a lot of these things Jessamyn just kept on getting pushed

around it really just boil down to a lackluster appearance for his anime

debut another negative point for this battle was just how just one in our form

on again we're silent I don't know whether alpha manga talk but we have

seen Hackman with the boys then later just one actually speaks when doing his

ultimate move so why remain solid say something I don't know for me it just

the lesson that impact even more these battles already feel like there's not

much weight in them anyway by the way there's something else I need to bring

up about jasmine and Elfman at this point in the movie both of them wanted

to kill may come on so why did these two start fighting I know that you could

argue that Aikido still wanted to make mutton fusion to destroy the human world

but that wasn't eat results planned besides the video really wanted that he

could just an alpha man to nuke I'm sure eaters though could call upon a

lot of other rocks to help out anyway once again pretty mare for the battle

between Jasmin and alpha Mon which I could hardly call that battling was just

I'm using tackle back and forth and I'm not even sure where these two guys

disappeared to in the finale of the movie that they just instantly teleport

to earth to try to destroy this thing do they even want to kill it at this point

who freaking knows but anyway despite all the issues I just mentioned with

these two guys I really did enjoy one thing from alpha mode and that was him

summoning the Deacon slamming it against chespin and then having everyone revert

back to rookie form straight from mega this is just a pretty awesome scene it

really highlights just how powerful this guy is it would have been nice to

actually see the Magus getting reverted back but I'll get to that next up the

actual story for Digimon tri symbiosis slash coexistence you can let me know if

you felt the same in overall the pacing of this felt super super slow I know

some of the other movies had had slow moments but this one really only

suffered by having that large action scene at the very end at least the other

movies has some action scenes in the middle even if they were quick and then

they had a big finale this movie on the other hand it seems like they decide to

save everything for the final act then again in that final act there were some

scenes that they just washed past I could think of several examples would

have would have been nice to have really soaked it in and digested even if the

scene was only 5 seconds longer but nope we're at the end and we got a rush it

even though we took such a long time to get here next up a fond iman's fall down

mode or maybe the lack thereof on my first feeling of this movie I was pretty

fucking disappointed after seeing what they did you're gonna have a funny mount

fall down mode on the fucking poster and then do this it really feels like false

advertising and you see it all the time in movie trailers I know I know I'm a

little biased since I really love this Digimons design when I first saw this

I'm like frickin awesome but then in the actual movie Alf on Iman fall down mode

is on screen for a less than a fucking minute and actually it goes down to 25

seconds if you only count the screen time for a funny more

falldown would really just call it what it is is the freaking cameo if you're

not even gonna use her for anything don't put her in the freaking movie I

can't be the only one that got super disappointed by this the whole scene

leading up to it was also super quick it seems like it was a dark digivolution

from Cory being in shock perhaps there was some influence from dark Chennai or

maybe he been inked Rizzo he just had a funny Mon fall down was summoned and

then opening this gate to hell honestly I'm not sure what the hell was going on

at this point myotismon comeback doesn't sound that

bad at all then this demon angel decided to fuse for whatever reason it ended up

becoming this huge female looking white thing with demon wings of course boobs

and booty included I know a ton of people are bringing up comparisons of

what this reminds them of you can let me know what yours is for me this thing

reminded me of something out of Claymore and not so much that stuff you've seen

the enemy more than manga stuff another issue about this whole thing was just a

setup we had Kerry going into shock and even though the rest of the movie

leading up to this was very slow-paced they went quickly passes if I ever get

around to making the top 10 disappointing things and did you mind

trying I think this whole scene with the funny menthe fall down mode would take

the number one spot next up the animation I think I briefly mentioned it

in the past but it needs his own section this time I know personally I was pretty

disappointed by some of the stuff you saw did you want trial boss a very good

example was animation seen from Serafima I could just picture him looking like

little blocks in my head I don't know why but I did expect a lot better from

this movie perhaps part of that might have been you know since the movie was

like half a year away however this movie also suffered in that department one of

the big issues is just they're still using way too many still images and I

don't know maybe for a movie that's just way more obvious it is true that other

anime have to do it too due to time constraints or limited budget one

immediate example I could think of is attack on Titan season 2 but the thing

is they often find clever ways of making it less obvious and even if they do a

still image they don't hold it for that long I saw all the stuff images being

used at the very beginning episodes and I thought to myself okay they're saving

the budget for the Meishan finest but then when you got

through the battle scenes the animation here also took a quality hit honestly

there's really no excuse for this you got anime airing week to week that

has way better animation in this movie and again this is supposed to be a movie

I don't know if that's just an unfair comparison by me it also doesn't help

that I saw some very beautiful animation from two other movies this year that

includes kimi no na wa and the SAO movie after seeing this I really have my

expectations Lord for the final movie there was also the issue later on that

they've reused a freaking evolution scene for omnimon from the first movie

really guys I was a little denial the first time I watched its movie but then

it's pretty obvious when he watched a movie a second time I mentioned that the

sorrow that's how the battle seems to go quality hit it really took a heavy hit

when it came to the scenes with Jess one it might be perhaps because jasmine is

way too complicated his design you recently got to see that warGreymon upon

CGC I really think they should have considered doing that for Jasmine the

scenes was jesseman that weren't still images look like total crap to me but I

will try to be fair and point out my bias you may have known that I've been

playing Digimon links for the longest on my team Jess mana is my strongest

Digimon so I do happen to see a very great version of him pretty often the

one in this movie it just doesn't compare as for the ending for Digimon

choice symbiosis oh my god ty is dead I think Daigo might have died

too but I really completely forgot about him from this whole scene regarding

khari Mako and mint I really had an issue with it I just find it pretty

weird how matt was acting right now I'm really just trying to keep an open mind

about whether it'll be explained in the final movie but let's look at this Talia

supposedly just died and then you got Matt rushing everyone they don't give us

a moment to see everyone in shock and just get us to digest what happened for

a few seconds this was one of the scenes that they just sped through and then

format you got the whole goggle pic when he picked up the goggles I was like no

he's not going to that's gonna be too awkward and then he puts some on and

puts him around his neck okay the thing about here is why not

give them to Corey who isn't freaking Jacque was in like a minute or two

courageous lost her brother then her Digimon

come on net you can't be that heartless on top of that it doesn't help that Matt

is telling everyone to stop crying and stand up that they gotta move now

yeah they should start getting back to Earth immediately but for everyone else

give us like ten seconds give us some of those still images you so love the

actual ending of this is supposed to be a cliffhanger

the immediate problem is the super ultimate like fusion that just happened

two super powerful Magus combining into some demon from hell it's already begun

this apocalypse on earth I can't say that I wasn't expecting to see something

like this for the final movie the actual execution of it I'm not a fan it does

worry me about what's coming for the final Digimon try movie it could very

much be like the final part two movie from Harry Potter or the final Hobbit

movie there's been a lot of massive slow buildup so far well did you mind try our

feature be mostly action and if it is based on everything you've seen so far

this has me even more concerned the animation quality here took a hit in

just one action scene could you imagine what will happen if most of the final

movie is all action I could only see them compensating by making a lot of

that still images I also got a feeling that most of that will be that demon

thing and the mega Digimon using a laser blast or nuking everything talk about

having a Michael Bay finale next up the zero to digidestined cast pretty much

nothing from them in this movie and after the previous movie I really didn't

expect to get anything they might as well just be dead the only a little bit

of scraps that we got was the Digimon Kaiser showing up in the real world

again if that counts I'm really glad that personally I really care more about

ty in there did you Dustin group otherwise I'd be further disappointed

next up let me bring up this throughout their battle scene I just found it

really weird how the Digimon were trying to shoot the digidestined what their

bodies did anyone else find this weird - at one point you see ancient woman doing

this - like what the fuck I think by far the worst offender of this was omnimon

doing it when the ground was freakin cracking what the hell on me money could

fly alright so besides all the issues I had here the top five moments for

Digimon try symbiosis number one involves ty and Agumon it was a pretty

short scene but I really enjoyed their back and for a conversation between anti

and Eggman their whole conversation at the school it would be nice to see more

of these moments between the partner Digimon and the digidestined number two

Mako scene it was really just a scene of her at school admitting that she doesn't

know it does seem really simple but I think it does a lot for her character

and this theme of growing up and not knowing is supposed to be a theme of

Digimon try anyway which brings me to number three ty this was towards the end

when he was questioning who the real enemy is supposed to be much like the

audience they have no idea it really brings up that adult connection ty and

other digidestined when you're younger you could really

point at something and call it evil or bad but as you start growing up you

start noticing that things become less black and white number four is a quarry

scene I really love seeing quarry fighting against herself it really was

her trying to kick out homeostasis it's just something we haven't seen in the

past car should have bitch slapped her out of there and then number five I have

to mention omnimon sure I really didn't like the battle scene but it was pretty

badass seeing omnimon slash through the digital gate making it expand when I saw

that I'm like ah that's pretty badass to conclude this my final thoughts Digimon

tries symbiosis aka coexistence would recently ranked at the bottom of all the

Digimon tri movies for me this barely feels like a movie at all it definitely

doesn't follow movies to react structure very well and I know someone's gonna

bring it up how they've all been like this which is true but so far this one

has done the worst at it what I felt from this movie was similar to what I

felt in part one of the final Harry Potter and final Hunger Games Movies

they're really not meant to be seen as a standalone product I'm assuming that

this movie Digimon try symbiosis has a lot of setup for the conclusion in the

final movie at least I hope it does and I can't really say that I'm disappointed

with this movie only that I really didn't care for it

the only huge disappoint for me was the tragedy of what they did for a funny

mount fall down mode this really could my excitement for the final movie let me

know if you felt the same way and about the final will be in all the movies

I think you'd agree that it's just really hard to get yourself too invested

in this when there's so much time between each movie the final movie

supposed to come out summer 2018 basically a year away please remind me

when the movies a week away but being serious I am pretty concerned about

what's gonna happen with the final movie based on everything we've seen from

Digimon tries so far I find it really hard to see how they'll even do a decent

job finishing the series off there's a high chance for a lot of people to be

disappointed and unfortunately I got a feeling that's gonna include me but

anyway more important is what you thought of this movie did you have any

of the same issues for symbiosis which were the parts that you liked in which

other parts were you really disappointed with by the way I have been working on

this for the past 24 hours so please please be sure to LIKE and

subscribe I would really appreciate if you do leave a post be sure I write Fox

and reply if you want me to reply back also be sure to check out some of my

recent anime facts videos like the one for Kimi no na wa and i'll see you guys


For more infomation >> Digimon Adventure Tri Symbiosis Review & Discussion - Digimon Tri CoExistence - Duration: 23:09.


DUNES AND ITAÚNAS - Duration: 6:02.

Hey guys, welcome to

Oh God

so hot


I'm here in Itaunas, Itaúnas is city at north

Of Espirito Santo

and the cool about this city

I mean "city", cause she was taken by sand


look (pray and look has similar sound in Portuguese)

So he city that was here, was totally taken by sand

so the city

moved to away from coast

Before, she was locates at coast

but the sand started overrun

so, all this dunes that you see

couple years ago, it was a city here

but the sand came

and... goobye

and it's a really cool tourist point here in Espirito Santo

It's weird cause, Espirito Santo is located between Bahia and Rio de Janeiro

but it's not very famous

I don't know why

There is a lot of nice places here

This beach in Itaúnas is one of the best ones here

and it's very nice



this sand it's so hot, oh gosh

all this are smithereens from the old city

brick, roof tile

I was playing and I forgot my cellphone in the sand

So to get at the beach, we came by car over there

then we come up the dunes, crossing

and after we cross all dunes

we get in the beach in the other side

can you see it?

there is kiosks there

and everyday they have to clean it with sand

I mean, clean the sand that comes, cause comes a lot

it's crazy

Remember that I told in the beginning of the video

that the city moved away from the coast

away the sea

so, here is the new city of Itaúnas

But it's weird, and I don't know why, the streets aren't asphalted

and it's a law, I mean

a rule, they can't asphalt here and I don't know why

I wish know

It was what a I heard in the local region

So you can see it, none street here has asphalt

just sand, all the city

even the square that we are, where is the Church

isn't asphalted

it's grass

and sand

weird right?

This the city entrance

the only place with asphalt

or rocks

or whatever

For more infomation >> DUNES AND ITAÚNAS - Duration: 6:02.


mario 64 blooper bp10 the savage SML audio - Duration: 0:20.

Nah its just me N*%$#@


For more infomation >> mario 64 blooper bp10 the savage SML audio - Duration: 0:20.


كيف تخطط لحلمك ◆ فيديو تحفيزي ◆ مشهد من محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 17:20.

For more infomation >> كيف تخطط لحلمك ◆ فيديو تحفيزي ◆ مشهد من محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 17:20.


Lockport IL Sewer Repairs 815-630-1024 Lockport IL Sewer Repair - Duration: 1:09.

Lockport IL Sewer Repairs. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out

every 6 months?

Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface

of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!


For more infomation >> Lockport IL Sewer Repairs 815-630-1024 Lockport IL Sewer Repair - Duration: 1:09.


мαѕку'ѕ ℓινє иιgнт¢σяє яα∂ισ || ѕα∂ℓу иσт 24/7 - Duration: 2:28:05.

For more infomation >> мαѕку'ѕ ℓινє иιgнт¢σяє яα∂ισ || ѕα∂ℓу иσт 24/7 - Duration: 2:28:05.


Qué esta pasando con los mechas? - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> Qué esta pasando con los mechas? - Duration: 9:18.


Street Magic 3 #Saudi_National_Day_87 - Duration: 5:59.


Me: Thank you very much

Welcome again to the new episode of Kingdom of Magic

When was the last episode?

A whole year without uploading any video

Will show you couple of tricks and will be back

Any card

This one? You want to change your mind?


will up jog the 10 of diamonds out of the cards

Now I will give you the 10 of diamonds and don't move your hand


The pierrot will try to find your card himself

10 of diamonds correct ? Yes

The important thing is to let the pierrot face your card


He will try to reach his hat and take out a card

Now the pierrot will ask you what is the card?

10 of diamonds

7 of what?

7 of Hearts

Now do I know this person you called?


Okay the card is in your hand from the beginning did I touch it ?


My hands are empty

I will take the card out of the box

hold this

All the cards are face down except one card

7 of Hearts

He's joking, he's joking!

Get the camera close

7 of Hearts

Come on the box is closed on my hand

Now you might say it's a coincidence, okay probably

Come on the box closed on my hand

Maybe it's a coincidence

I want you to hold the card. What's the color of the cards?


See the card you have

Peace be upon you

Peace be upon you

Select any card okay

I will not let you choose the card like this

I will go through the card and you say stop, okay? Good


Here? You want to change your mind?

No I will not

Okay take the card memorize it don't show it to me

Good? Yes

I will take some cards face down, and I will take some cards face up

So now we have all the cards face down and face up

I want to put your hand above your card

So I can't see your card and you can't do anything to it

I will take these 2 portions and I will shuffle the cards

so everything will be mixed up upside down

Now last portion will do the same


Now all the cards are upside down

Now i will try to find your card. But, we did not put your card in the deck right? Yes

Okay its fine I will try to solve the problem

Instead of me telling you what is your card

I will let the cards say the name of your card

But I want you to tell me the shape of your card

Don't tell me the number of your card just the shape or the color just the shape

The shape will tell your the color?

It's okay tell me

It's the Spades

I will snap my fingers all the card will be organized as the shape Ace through king and the 7 is missing

What is your card show to the camera, the 7 of spade will complete the spades

thank you

No one call fool me!

No one call fool you?

No way!

show the camera

I will put the card in the middle

What was your card?

Tell me your card its okay

I will shuffle while you tell me

You mean the shape? Yes everything


Okay when I snap my finger

3 of clubs should be on top

That's your card correct?

Watch I did not finish

Open your hand

Grab your other hand and put it on top

Now see I will take any other card from the top it doesn't matter what is the card the important things that it's a card

For example lets take the joker its okay

Now will take the joker and will do 1-2-3

The 3 that you had now it's in my hand

See your hand



We will be back with a stronger episode

Thanks to everyone and thanks for the audience and the camera man

Peace be upon you

You imagined your card right?

Okay don't burn my hand

No don't worry

Activate your notification so you get new episodes

Let me appear in the show ha

For more infomation >> Street Magic 3 #Saudi_National_Day_87 - Duration: 5:59.


Witch? Advert (Which? Parody) - Duration: 2:39.

V/O: Are you finding the best witch for the job?

I want a witch who can make a really good love potion.

I want her to laugh like this (cackles badly) ...but better.

Um, I'm interested in finding a witch who can, like, shout the funny latin sounds and then

the magic will do the thing it does.


I'd like someone who's good with a broomstick.

Maybe a mop.

What I really want to know is what the limits are for flying cleaning equipment

to be honest.

I want a witch with a bizarrely mundane weakness in case she gets out of control.

I'm really just looking for a witch who can sing really well.

V/O: If you want to know which witch is right for you, and how to get the best from her,

call Witch? on (cackle) to order our free Find the Best Witch guide.

We'll help you find your perfect witch.

Show you how the best ones fly and cackle.

How to interview them and see their magic styles.

There's tips on potion making, security, and of course, our jargon buster.

It's like having a Witch? expert in your pocket.

(Tiny mumbling sounds)


This is so helpful!

Her cackling really terrifies the kids!

(doorbell; children yelling "trick or treat!"; cackle; various terrified screams)

(Screams die away) Most peaceful Halloween we've had in years.

I'm so glad I got this guide.

Now I know the best place to get a love potion I can finally get those two together!


My ears are in heaven right now!

(Dramatic cackling long note)

It's more than I could have asked for!

I mean, who knew washing machines could go that high?

She's out of control!

(Cackling, crashing sounds)

I know she has a weakness but she won't let me get to the guide to see it!

(More cackling and bashing)


(Melty screams)

V/O: Find the best witch for the job.

Call now for your free Witch? guide.

And it's free, it just makes it even better, doesn't it.

For more infomation >> Witch? Advert (Which? Parody) - Duration: 2:39.


劉德華全家福曝光,看完這些照片你就知道華仔為何那麼受人尊敬了! - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 劉德華全家福曝光,看完這些照片你就知道華仔為何那麼受人尊敬了! - Duration: 3:48.


Las SNSD Cazafantasmas 2 | Twilight Syndrome: The Forbidden Urban Legend #2 - Duration: 15:02.

For more infomation >> Las SNSD Cazafantasmas 2 | Twilight Syndrome: The Forbidden Urban Legend #2 - Duration: 15:02.


Funny The Ultimate AaronsAnimal Vine Compilation 2017 - Duration: 24:59.

Funny The Ultimate AaronsAnimal Vine Compilation 2017

For more infomation >> Funny The Ultimate AaronsAnimal Vine Compilation 2017 - Duration: 24:59.


TAEYEON 태연 -11:11 (cover) - Duration: 3:46.

It's 11:11

When there's not much time left in the day

When we used to make wishes and laugh

Everything reminds me of you

The wind is as cold as your heart

When I open the window, you blow in

When this time passes, will this break up be over?

Will I forget you?

Everything finds its place and leaves

You took all of me and left

But like the two hands of the clock in my heart

I keep lingering in the same place

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

Na Na Na Na Na, Oh

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

I believe I'll be over you

In the calendar

The date that we planned out long ago

If you forgot about it all

I guess I have to erase it, after a while it won't be a big deal

Everything finds its place and leaves

You took all of me and left

But like the two hands of the clock in my heart

I keep lingering in the same place

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

Na Na Na Na Na, Oh

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

I believe I'll be over you

Like a strange flower that blooms between seasons

Like the morning star that hangs between days

All of this, some day, will pass

Everything finds its place and returns

If I finally smile as if nothing happened

Calling out your name

Won't hurt as much as it does now

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

Na Na Na Na Na, Oh

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

I believe I'll be over you

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

Na Na Na Na Na, Oh

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

I believe I'll be over you

For more infomation >> TAEYEON 태연 -11:11 (cover) - Duration: 3:46.


It's a plastic world - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> It's a plastic world - Duration: 4:40.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Życie Pełne Pasji 2.0 - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> Życie Pełne Pasji 2.0 - Duration: 0:18.


Best weight loss plan review

For more infomation >> Best weight loss plan review


For more infomation >> Best weight loss plan review


What Really Happened the First Time We Split the Atom - Duration: 6:41.

This episode of SciShow is brought to you by Emerson.

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Some of the most important scientific discoveries were famously made by accident

like penicillin, plastic, and vulcanized rubber.

But there's one that you don't hear about quite as often:

that time in 1938 when scientists accidentally split an atom

and changed the course of history.

At first, they did not realize what they had done.

That is, until an Austrian physicist named Lise Meitner

figured out that they had discovered what we now call nuclear fission.

But when a Nobel Prize was awarded for the discovery,

it was her research partner who got it.

Meitner was born in 1878 in Vienna, Austria.

Although Austrian women weren't taught much math or science at the time,

she was curious about the world from an early age

as a child, she kept a math book under her pillow.

She went on to earn a doctorate in physics from the University of Vienna

in 1906, which made her the second woman to receive a doctorate

in any science from the school.

There weren't many opportunities for female scientists in Vienna, though,

so in 1907 Meitner moved to Berlin,

where she became the first woman Max Planck allowed to attend his lectures.

Yeah, that Max Planck

the guy who basically invented quantum mechanics.

It was a good time to be a talented physicist in western Europe.

Within a year, she was working as Planck's assistant,

and by 1909 she partnered with Otto Hahn, a chemist,

to do research at the Berlin Institute for Chemistry.

They both wanted to study how different substances

produced different types of radiation.

There was a problem, though: the head of the institute didn't allow women

because he was afraid their hair would catch fire.

Not kidding.

That's the real reason.

Eventually, Meitner and Hahn got him to agree

to let them work together in an old carpenter's shop in the basement,

because it had a separate entrance…

presumably so that when her hair caught fire, it was really easy to go outside.

Research into radiation was still in its early days, so there was a lot to discover.

Among other things, they studied what happened to different atoms

when they released radiation, and discovered some new isotopes,

or versions of the same element with different weights.

Then, in the 1930s, physicists discovered that if you bombard atoms

with neutrons, you can make them undergo radioactive decay,

where they release particles and become slightly lighter elements.

Meitner, Hahn, and another scientist named Fritz Strassmann

started their own bombardment experiments to try and figure out

how those reactions worked.

And then … they were interrupted by the Nazis.

When Hitler annexed Austria in March 1938, Meitner,

who was of Jewish ancestry, realized that she had to get out of Germany.

She escaped to Stockholm, Sweden, where she continued to correspond

with Hahn about their ideas and experiments.

And in November 1938, Hahn secretly left Germany

to share some strange results with her:

When they bombarded uranium with neutrons,

one of the products of the reaction was what looked like a form of radium,

which is a little lighter than uranium.

They thought it was radium because of the way it reacted with other atoms

and molecules, but they couldn't figure out how bombarding uranium

with neutrons would produce radium.

The calculations just didn't work out.

So Meitner suggested Hahn and Strassmann study this so-called radium more.

When Hahn returned to Germany, they did,

and found that it wasn't radium at all.

It was barium, a much smaller element that's about half uranium's weight.

Hahn and Strassmann were then super confused.

They had no idea how neutrons could make uranium

turn into an element half its size.

In December, Hahn sent a letter to Meitner about their findings

asking for her help explaining them.

And in the meantime, he and Strassmann submitted a paper

to a German scientific journal describing these surprising results.

Meitner's nephew, Otto Frisch, was visiting her at the time,

and he also happened to be a nuclear physicist.

So the two of them worked on the problem together.

Meitner proposed that they imagine atomic nuclei as liquid droplets,

which was an idea some physicists were exploring at the time.

By thinking that way, Meitner realized

that when a neutron hits a uranium nucleus,

it could make the nucleus sort of stretch out,

and then pinch together in the middle and then split in two

like one drop of water splitting into two smaller droplets.

She and Frisch calculated that the larger uranium atom

would split into two lighter elements — barium and krypton

plus a bunch of neutrons and a whole lot of energy.

In other words: she figured out nuclear fission.

Since she was essentially in exile,

Meitner couldn't publish a paper with Hahn and Strassmann.

Instead, she and Frisch published their conclusions in the journal Nature

in February of 1939.

Fission was an idea with a ton of potential.

It was a relatively simple way to produce huge amounts of energy

which is the main thing we use it for today, in nuclear power plants.

But Meitner realized that it had destructive potential, too,

and she included a warning about that in the paper.

Other scientists were … alarmed.

Especially because they knew the Germans had this knowledge

through Hahn and Strassmann.

Three physicists in the U.S. then got Albert Einstein,

who was already very famous, to write to President Roosevelt

to explain the danger.

And that is how the Manhattan Project

that developed the atomic bomb was born.

Meitner was asked to help with the project, but she refused

she didn't want anything to do with using this new science

for destructive purposes.

After the war, the Nobel committee awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

for discovering nuclear fission to Otto Hahn.

Just Otto Hahn.

Even though Meitner figured out how nuclear fission actually worked,

Hahn got all of the credit just because he ran the experiments

that led to the discovery.

And it's not like he acknowledged her contributions, either.

Meitner continued to do nuclear research in Stockholm

including on R1, Sweden's first nuclear reactor

until 1960, when she retired and moved to the U.K.

In 1966, she, Hahn, and Strassmann shared the U.S. Department of Energy's

prestigious Enrico Fermi Award for the discovery of nuclear fission.

But it still wasn't a Nobel.

Two years later, on October 27, 1968, Lise Meitner died at the age of 89.

Since her death, she's been memorialized in other significant ways

this is actually way more rare than getting a nobel:

Element 109, meitnerium, is named in her honor.

And so are an asteroid and craters on Venus and the Moon.

Which is fitting, given that her discoveries

shaped a lot of the world as we know it,

and her education and research helped pave the way

for other women in STEM fields.

But above all, she dedicated her life to the pursuit of truth

and the peaceful advancement of our knowledge as a species

whether she was recognized for it or not.

So maybe the inscription on her tombstone

is what best summarizes her legacy:

"Lise Meitner: a physicist who never lost her humanity."

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow,

and thanks to Emerson for sponsoring it.

If you want to keep getting smarter with us,

just go to and subscribe.

And if you want to support us, check out

to learn a little bit more about what Emerson's about.


For more infomation >> What Really Happened the First Time We Split the Atom - Duration: 6:41.


For more infomation >> What Really Happened the First Time We Split the Atom - Duration: 6:41.


Voici comment trouver le sommeil en moins de 10 minutes grâce à cette recette chinoise - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> Voici comment trouver le sommeil en moins de 10 minutes grâce à cette recette chinoise - Duration: 7:26.


For more infomation >> Voici comment trouver le sommeil en moins de 10 minutes grâce à cette recette chinoise - Duration: 7:26.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Here goes nothin'... - Duration: 2:29.

Hey YouTube! My name is Megan, and I'm a Theatre kid.

The Theatre has had my heart for over half my life.

The only problem is, I have a pretty serious case of what I like to call "Musical Stage-Fright."

Ask me to give a speech or tell a story in front of a crowd of people and,

for the most part, I'm okay.

But set the same story to music, and I suddenly lose my ability to breathe, and I shake uncontrollably.

This really sucks cuz I mean, what theatre kid doesn't love a good musical?

I've always had this to some degree, but it's gotten progressively worse. (I was actually in musicals in high school).

Now I have to psych myself up for weeks just to try an audition.

Here's the thing. Fear has its place.

Having a good old-fashioned gut feeling or goosebumps or a pounding heart when you're actually in some kind of danger...

is a good thing.

It keeps you alert and it helps you get out of there.

But when it come, when it keeps you from doing something you care about, it's a bully, and it needs to be addressed.

I don't like being afraid.

And as weird as it sounds, I've noticed this little fear...

kind of, seeping into other parts of my life. I'm not what you call the picture of confidence.

I've taken voice lessons now for a little while,

but I figured I would kick it up a notch, and force myself to sing a song or two on the Internet.

That's what this channel is for.

Beyond that, you should know I have NO idea what I'm doing.

I have no idea how often I will post, or when I will sing.

I have no idea if, or when I will show my face,

Or anything else I might do with this channel.

Right now, I'm recording this voice over on my laptop and my crappy microphone.

I'm just gonna kind of go and see what happens. I hope you like it. And I'm excited to see what comes of it.

Until next time, stay fearless, and thanks for watching. Bye!

For more infomation >> Here goes nothin'... - Duration: 2:29.


rOckstar - Post Malone Feat. 21 Savage (Cover by Daniel Aaron) - Duration: 2:21.

Post Malone - Rockstar feat.

21 Savage

I've been fuckin' hoes and poppin' pillies man I feel just like a rockstar

All my brothers got that gas and they be smokin' like a Rasta

Fuckin' with me, call up on a Uzi show up man them the shottas

When my homies pull up on your block they make that thing go ra-ta-ta-ta

Cocaine on the table liquor pourin' don't give a damn

Dude your girlfriend is a groupie she just tryin' to get in "I'm with the band"

Now she actin' outta pocket tryin' to grab up on my pants

hundred bitches in my trailer say they ain't got a man, and they all brought a friend

I've been fuckin' hoes and poppin' pillies man I feel just like a rockstar

All my brothers got that gas and they be smokin' like a Rasta

Fuckin' with me, call up on a Uzi show up man them the shottas

When my homies pull up on your block they make that thing go ra-ta-ta-ta

I've been in the hills fuckin' superstar feelin' like a popstar

Drankin' Henny, bad bitches jumpin' in the pool and they got no bra

Hit her from the back pullin' on a track and now she screamin' "No Mas"

I've been fuckin' hoes and poppin' pillies man I feel just like a rockstar

All my brothers got that gas and they be smokin' like a Rasta

Fuckin' with me, call up on a Uzi show up man them the shottas

When my homies pull up on your block they make that thing go ra-ta-ta-ta

For more infomation >> rOckstar - Post Malone Feat. 21 Savage (Cover by Daniel Aaron) - Duration: 2:21.


Kasich hints at leaving GOP if it's not 'fixed' - Duration: 2:15.

Kasich hints at leaving GOP if it's not 'fixed'

For more infomation >> Kasich hints at leaving GOP if it's not 'fixed' - Duration: 2:15.


First video (please read disc. for info) - Duration: 1:48.

Did you get the cheese, you had the cheese, uh yea, uh yea, I'm talking about the cheese.

Your saying you didn't get the cheese, *tick, your an embarrassment to my life.

*starts_hand_motion You know, If you actually did something once in your life, you know,

like grab some of that cheese, you know, a wheel of cheese, you know, that you can spin,

*huff I don't know.

You should grab it, just grab it, grab the wheel of cheese.

Yea, just grab it.

Grab and go, Grab and go.

Oh yea, dab on them haters.

Flex on them haters (editor me cringes every time).

Is that, oh my, thats so much hate in your life, it nothing.

(might edit that out, if I can find out how to, possibly the whole last part.)

For more infomation >> First video (please read disc. for info) - Duration: 1:48.


Watch_Dogs 2 - | PC #SupportSmallStreamers #Gaymer - Duration: 1:51:37.

For more infomation >> Watch_Dogs 2 - | PC #SupportSmallStreamers #Gaymer - Duration: 1:51:37.


Bob Dylan & Etta James - Live in Providence (1986) - Bootleg Radio (HD) - Duration: 30:50.

Enjoy the music and feel free to Subscribe!

For more infomation >> Bob Dylan & Etta James - Live in Providence (1986) - Bootleg Radio (HD) - Duration: 30:50.


Func Map Jam 9: Contract Revoked / Knave Theme, Part 17 - Duration: 1:12:46.

I notice the nail go in, but I don't enter the secret properly. I get this one later.

See the Description for the time-stamps of a couple missing secrets!

I only find the 7th and 8th secret. 9 and 10 are forever a mystery.

For more infomation >> Func Map Jam 9: Contract Revoked / Knave Theme, Part 17 - Duration: 1:12:46.


Aik Aur Afridi, Shaheen Shah Afridi Replacement of Shoaib Akhter, Waqar Younus, Amir Ali latest - Duration: 3:47.

Welcome To CN & Affairs Channel..!!

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