Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 1 2017

Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

Love your tattoos!

Thank you!

I have a bunch of bad tattoos,

but I'm trying to get a little better as I go on.

I'm going to show you the Winnie the Pooh

ink I got when I was 16.

I have a fairy on my shoulder

if that makes you feel better.

So I hear you have a new book coming out.

This one.

What was the most surprising part

about the whole writing process?

It was a lot that I wanted to say

and then I found when I was writing about some of the

trauma and my sexual assault.

It was hard kind of connecting with those

emotions again.

And then when I did,

I kind of found myself going down a rabbit hole a bit.

Did you run into any writer's block

while you were writing your book?

I found it hard to stop.

I have so much to say.

I never shut up.

So obviously it was knowing when to pull it back

and stop, which I found quite hard.

Being in the public eye means getting lots of opinions.

Some of them good.

Some of them bad.

How do you deal with haters?

The best advice I've been given was by Ice-T.

And Ice-T told me, "Haters hate up."

So the people that are hating hate themselves,

they're projecting.

I try not to take it personally

but if they're just being rude,

then I block them or I let

my fans roast them.

What for you is the craziest part

about being a mother?

Bodily fluids that get on you like so much

poop and so much pee and so much vomit and

so much drool.

And like smashed up food.

Is there one beauty product that

you keep with you at all times?

It's probably lipstick.

I have probably like 20 lipsticks in my bag.

Can you give me one of your best

pieces of beauty advice?

I feel like I'm so boring but I love skincare.

Making sure you take your makeup off at night.

Making sure you wash your brushes

regularly like once a week.

Tell me about your obsession with Disney.

I love Disneyland because no one judges you.

Because everyone's just a big nerd

or they're experiencing it for the first time.

It's just really fun.

Is there one thing that you do

when you first wake up?

I wash my face.

Then I use an exfoliating—it's like a rice enzyme powder.

Then I use what they call their Essence water.

It's basically a toner,

but you put it in your hand and

you press it into your face.

Then I use moisturizer.

Then I use sunscreen.

And then if I put on makeup,

then I put on makeup on.

How does fashion and beauty

make you feel empowered?

I don't know if it does.

Because unfortunately,

you're seeing kind of the same bodies and

the same kind of people

and it can feel like maybe I'm not doing

enough—because there's not enough diversity

out there.

What are you most excited about for this fall?

I love the holidays at Disneyland

and it feels like it's winter time even though they have

fake snow falling and you're melting.

What's your favorite drink?

I'm asking my husband.

What's my favorite drink?

I love a Lemon Drop.

He's right.

What was your first job?

I worked at a day spa called Southern Styles.

It was in a strip mall in Laurel, Mississippi.

I was a terrible employee.

I was suppose to wipe down the tanning beds

when people were done.

And sometimes I didn't.

If there was something on,

I was watching or I'll be like eh.

You've always paved your own way.

What advice do you have for younger girls

who might want to follow in your footsteps?

I think it's important to have people around

you that understand where you're going and

support you.

And if you're not getting it,

maybe they can't be in your life.


—So real. —Really.

What was the last thing you Googled?

This is so narcissistic.

I googled Getty Images of myself

from the Empire State building.

But look how cute that photo is with

my Kate Spade taxi bag.

What was it like to walk the runway

in London Fashion Week for Simply Be?

It was really nice to be surrounded by

women of all ages and women of color.

You're a mom.

You're a model.

You're a body image activist.

How do you just recharge from all of that?

It's quite hard.

I have a hard time relaxing.

Part of the reason why my husband travels with me,

we work together,

but it's because

he tends to be the only person that

can get me to eat when I'm so stressed.

What's your favorite scent

that's not a perfume or fragrance?

Disneyland churros, that is true.

That is true.

Disneyland churros, yeah.

What advice would you give to someone

who is struggling to be comfortable

in their own skin?

Loving your body is a journey, not a destination.

Just because I wrote a book about confidence

doesn't mean that I feel good about myself

24/7 and allowing myself to feel bad.

What would be one thing that people would

be surprised to know about you?

I can be a bit shy.

People forget that I'm just a normal person.

What's your favorite movie of all time?

Probably "Drop Dead Gorgeous" or "B*A*P*S." Yeah.

You're a woman after my own heart.

I love B*A*P*S!

What's the one success that you're truly proud of?

Probably my book.

I started it when my baby was just a few months old

and it was really tough.

But the overall message that I'm hoping

that people get from it is that it helps them

and it empowers them.

And makes them feel

a little less alone in the world.

And that anything is possible.

For more infomation >> We Play 29 Questions With Tess Holliday | 29 Questions | Refinery29 - Duration: 4:57.


BEST Builder Hall 7 Base w/ PROOF!! | CoC BH7 GIANT CANNON Update Base! | Clash of Clans - Duration: 10:21.

BEST Builder Hall 7 Base w/ PROOF!! | CoC BH7 GIANT CANNON Update Base! | Clash of Clans

For more infomation >> BEST Builder Hall 7 Base w/ PROOF!! | CoC BH7 GIANT CANNON Update Base! | Clash of Clans - Duration: 10:21.


PAW Patrol Names Multi Puzzles Spinner Slots. Learn Colors in English - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> PAW Patrol Names Multi Puzzles Spinner Slots. Learn Colors in English - Duration: 1:23.





Haunted Houses · Inktober Day #1 - Duration: 3:00.

Hello guys!

Happy October, and welcome to this month's first of my Inktober drawings.This is probably

the third or fourth time now that I've attempted to do Inktober, which is the challenge created

by Jake Parker to create an ink drawing every day for the month of October.

I think the most I've ever been able to achieve is about four before I lose momentum,

life commitments take over, I fall behind and don't know how or where on when to start

back up again.

This time around I feel a lot more confident in my ability to do this.

To hold myself accountable, I'm hoping to post a video every single day of my latest

drawing, and if I don't manage that, I'll at least be posting them on instagram so make

sure you're following me over there to stay up to date with it all.

There are a few ways I've set myself up for success this month.

I, at the very last minute, changed my mind about the theme I was going to follow for

the month, you don't have to have a theme but I find it helps with drawing ideas.

I was originally going to do something that would take a lot of referencing, a lot of

practice for each piece… and Inktober is a great time to work on something you're

not great at, because you get a chance to learn something new about it in every new


But I think I learned my lesson from last time, that what I really need to do is challenge

myself less to draw new things and focus more on the challenge of drawing every day, and

in turn, learn new things as the month progresses.

So I'm drawing haunted houses and buildings and the things that haunt them.

I decided to ease into this theme with a pretty obvious one, an evil spirit, lurking in one

of the rooms.

The finished piece gives me Grudge vibes, what do you think?

Anyway, I thought this daily video adventure would be a great opportunity for me to answer

some of your questions so if you leave a question below, it might be the one I pick to talk

about in tomorrow's video.

If not, I might talk about it throughout the month, or note it down as a topic for a future


So let me know if there's anything you're wondering.

Obviously all the info on tools I'm using is in the description as always.

And what themes are you going for this month, if any?

Are you going to do a draw a day?

Or five a week or one a week?

And if you're gonna be sharing your work on youtube or instagram, let us know in the

comments so we can all check it out for inspiration.

Okay guys, I hope you enjoyed this first video.

Don't forget to leave your questions below and I'll see you tomorrow for the next one!


For more infomation >> Haunted Houses · Inktober Day #1 - Duration: 3:00.


GALATASARAY | İlker DURALI: "Galatasaray Hem İyi Hem Coşkulu Oynuyor" | Youtube - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | İlker DURALI: "Galatasaray Hem İyi Hem Coşkulu Oynuyor" | Youtube - Duration: 10:54.


5+1 Turkish words that can become useful for you in Turkey (This video is not edited sincerely) - Duration: 8:44.

guys it's Lara here again after a long while and I'm so happy to be reunited

with you guys and at the moment I'm in a Cafe it's my

most favorite coffeeshop in Turkey and today I will be talking about five

words that we use most in Turkey and I thought it would be a nice come back video

after a lot of you guys suggest me to shoot something about language I decided to do

this and as always I have my notes here and everything s set I have my coffee and

of course I don't drink from that and

yeah let's begin with the first word I will also write the writings how do

how do they write these words in Turkish in the description place

and my first word is "Tamam" which means okay in Turkish and a lot of people use this

word to say it's okay or let someone know that they're angry

for example your friend or your girlfriend or your boyfriend texted you

something very very long and they said you do this you do that

you know I will do this and that and then you just answer and say "Tamam" it's

also the same same thing as the same okay with just a "K"

yeah this was the first word try to repeat after me "Tamam" awesome and the

second word the second word is "Çay" which means tea' if you watched my previous

videos you will see why this word is very important and why do we use it a

lot for example I'm going to give you an example sentence in Turkish it is when

you came to a Cafe like this and then you say "İki Çay Lütfen"

Two cup of tea please I directly translated it from Turkish

though it's not very awesome I know and yeah our second word is "Çay" because we

need it a lot

and let's keep on with the third word is...

let me check my notes I'm sorry

let's go on with the third word the third word is "Lan", Lan means something

rude in turkish and if you get angry with someone you you say not "Napıyorsun Lan"

it means what are you doing man something like that it's the same thing

in Korean as (speaks a bit korean ) and koreans understood

me now, probably maybe they don't because of my bad accent but it means

something like man in a rude way and you can see a lot of people just because of

the heavy traffic in Istanbul and a lot of stress

they use the Word "Lan" a lot they say what are you doing man and they're saying what

are you doing man I don't want to say the whole of it because it's probably ending

with swearing or beginning with the swearing because you get really angry I

don't blame Turkish people for this because they can get really angry

because it's really heavy the traffic and everybody s stressed out after a

long day of their job and stuff yeah let me check my notes again and

another word is actually I have two words left and again it's five five

words i said like that and it's gonna be six words but still just forgive me and

another word is "Bakarız" it means we will see and actually the word

"Bakarız" is not something that we use a lot but it's something that we

have to use a lot because in istanbul sometimes you're late for something you

promised a friend but it seems like that you're not gonna make it in a time

you're not sure if you're gonna make it so you say we'll see anything that you

ask us is probably "we ll see" because if you told us this from three days or four

days ago from the actual thing

(Being depressed because of the abilty to speak of hers was just gone)

okay focus focus

I will just bring some coffee and pretend that you're not here

I'm serious and additional knowledge is if you were wondering what coffee means in

Turkish it is "Kahve" it's not very far from the Word coffee right? and wanna try it with me repeat

after me "Kahve" it is "Kahve" awesome :) and again back to the we will see word

Its called "Bakarız" and its our fifth word

and we use it

because we have to use it in İstanbul when we're promising some friends you do

something at the weekend and when we can't do it then we say I told you we'll

see I didn't say I will come yeah because of the heavy traffic and

the crowded in İstanbul again sometimes you're being late to some places and

it's very awful for that person who waits for you and it's nearly impossible

for both of you to be in the same place at the same time so

when you're gonna promise for something you probably say we will see and for the

last and extra word it is something like to represent that you are being bored or

being sad it's actually a sound that we make and it's a gesture and when you

are being sad you're saying "of" when you're being angry you say "of!" and when

you're being like depressed and "ooooff" is a word that we use a lot even though it's

not word preciely yeah that's all for today thank you for joining me here and

sorry for forgetting to speak sometimes but it was really awesome to meet you

and if you want to keep seeing a lot of videos from me you should like this

video subscribe my channel do everything you can because I love you guys a lot

and my next video will be about your questions and I hope you will be excited

about it and I'm so sorry that I couldn't shoot a video a lot of months

now it's because I was in an internship and I was actually working in a company

which I will talk about in another video and about my summer time actually I

wanted to have a little a little break you know it doesn't mean that I don't

love you guys but you know I had a lot to do so I didn't have really time for

anything and editing keep a lot a lot of time so let's see you guys on the other


For more infomation >> 5+1 Turkish words that can become useful for you in Turkey (This video is not edited sincerely) - Duration: 8:44.


Marcus & Martinus Elektrisk SAMMEN OM DRĂ˜MMEN TŁUMACZENIE PL - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Marcus & Martinus Elektrisk SAMMEN OM DRĂ˜MMEN TŁUMACZENIE PL - Duration: 4:37.


GALATASARAY | Nihat KAHVECİ: "Rodrigues Gerçekten..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Nihat KAHVECİ: "Rodrigues Gerçekten..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:49.


GALATASARAY | Ahmet AKCAN: "Hakemi Maicon Kurtardı" | Youtube - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Ahmet AKCAN: "Hakemi Maicon Kurtardı" | Youtube - Duration: 11:48.


(TOP PLAYER'S BASE ) Best Builder Base 6 Layout W/Replay | BEST BH6 BASE DESIGN COC | CLASH OF CLANS - Duration: 12:37.


For more infomation >> (TOP PLAYER'S BASE ) Best Builder Base 6 Layout W/Replay | BEST BH6 BASE DESIGN COC | CLASH OF CLANS - Duration: 12:37.



For more infomation >> GTA 5 GERÇEK HAYAT #8 - YENİ ARABAMIZ CAMARO SS! - Duration: 10:15.


Sewer Camera Inspection Mississauga ON 888-883-8588 Mississauga ON Sewer Camera Inspection - Duration: 1:07.

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For more infomation >> Sewer Camera Inspection Mississauga ON 888-883-8588 Mississauga ON Sewer Camera Inspection - Duration: 1:07.



For more infomation >> QUINA BARREIROS TVI VILA FRANCA XIRA - Duration: 3:28.


GALATASARAY | Mustafa DENİZLİ: "Galatasaray Final Paslarında Dikkatli Olabilse..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Mustafa DENİZLİ: "Galatasaray Final Paslarında Dikkatli Olabilse..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:40.


Aккумулятор PowerPlant Sony NP F960, NP F970, распаковка, обзор, тест - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Aккумулятор PowerPlant Sony NP F960, NP F970, распаковка, обзор, тест - Duration: 3:23.


Makeup Storage Organization Ideas - Duration: 4:39.

Makeup Storage Organization Ideas

Watch more videos! Subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> Makeup Storage Organization Ideas - Duration: 4:39.


Des chats sauvés par les pompiers - les images - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Des chats sauvés par les pompiers - les images - Duration: 7:46.


Being on your period when you're trans #TransTips - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> Being on your period when you're trans #TransTips - Duration: 9:01.


Bật Mí 7 Cách Phụ Nữ Làm Đẹp Đơn Giản Chắc Chắn Bạn Không Ngờ Tới - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Bật Mí 7 Cách Phụ Nữ Làm Đẹp Đơn Giản Chắc Chắn Bạn Không Ngờ Tới - Duration: 6:41.


Weekly Travel Vlogs

For more infomation >> Weekly Travel Vlogs


Oddly Satisfying Video That Makes Hyper Excited - Duration: 10:26.

Oddly Satisfying Video That Makes Hyper Excited

Oddly Satisfying Video That Makes Hyper Excited

Oddly Satisfying Video That Makes Hyper Excited

For more infomation >> Oddly Satisfying Video That Makes Hyper Excited - Duration: 10:26.


¡Volvimos! Me escapé a Zuma + Brew Urban Cafe - Duration: 3:55.

Hey! Welcome again to The Cova Show

I know, we were MIA for a little while

first we were preparing because Irma was coming

then it was because it came and we had no power for a period of time

Good news is that we are back!

For those who are watching for the first time, I tell you that both my brother, Alejandro, and I, Andrea

are living in South Florida -Miami, Ft. Lauderdale area-

and we'll be recommending you the best places to go to.

So, let's not waste any more time. Let's start!

Today I wanted to try something different, like Japanese food

that's why I came to Zuma, at the EPIC Hotel

I've been told that it's really good. I'm super curious. Come with me.

Zuma is located in Downtown Miami and other cities across the world like London, Hong Kong, Dubai, Rome,...

Zuma's Japanese cuisine dining style is called Izakaya.

This informal cuisine style is ideal to share

I warn you, this is not a cheap restaurant

but is ideal when you want to celebrate a special occasion and enjoy a nice view.

And yes, the EPIC Hotel has valet parking.

Just make sure you get your ticket stamped on your way out. And your parking will be free of charge.

For those coffee lovers just like me, keep watching. This gets better!

Now I came to Brew Urban Cafe in Fort Lauderdale.

I am a delicious coffee!

Yes! This place is really good. You will feel like you are part of a movie

Besides, the C&I Studios, which Brew Urban Cafe is part of, offer cocktails, wine and a select choice of beer

It's like the perfect combination

I just got out of Brew Urban Cafe. I loved it! It's such a cute little place

It looks like a movie set

One thing. It's hard to find

The coffee is really good. They don't have a good variety of cakes and sweets

If you really have to work or get away from all the chaos, and finish everything you need to get done

this is the perfect place to go to. It's worth it.

That's it for today, I hope you liked it

You have to visit either one of those places and tell us in the comments below

And for those who are not subscribed yet, subscribe! haha

You'll receive a notification when we upload a new video

See you next time!

For more infomation >> ¡Volvimos! Me escapé a Zuma + Brew Urban Cafe - Duration: 3:55.


Top 5 Poison-Type Pokémon - Duration: 4:49.

I know what you're thinking Top 5's how original is that?!

Well I got only one thing to say to that!

Shut the hell up!

Honestly I've always found them to be kinda boring, but I'm looking to bring in new ideas.

Is this video one of those new ideas, nope sadly its not.

I'm just another cog in the wheel.

Now let's get into this list!

So...I've decided to do poison type Pokemon.


Again who knows I haven't seen too many lists on them so why not.

Hmm...There's only 64 of them, that's not a lot to choose from.

Let's get some things out of the way first this list will exclude starter Pokemon like

Bulbasaur and the Ultra Beast Nihilego because I think they deserve their own lists.

Now before you b*tch in the comments!

These are my choices, but I know everyone has their own opinion so leave your's down


And why you're doing that how about maybe subscribing?!

Bringing up the rear is Skuntank, get it.

Hahahaha...Well I thought it was funny.

Screw you that was funny I don't care what you think.

Skuntank is known for its noxious fluid which smells dreadful.

It can spray this fluid over 160 feet, and the longer it allows the liquid to ferment

within its body, the more powerful the smell.

Arceus help me that sounds so disgusting.

I could make a skeet skeet joke, but it would be highly inappropriate.

Hmm...I had to choose between Arbok and Seviper for this one.

I went with Arbok because being a Genwunner I'm just more drawn to the Generation 1 designs.

Another reason I picked Arbok was because Jessie had one in the anime, I know she had

a Seviper too, but the original run of Pokemon series was my favorite.

Just seeing this thing gave me the creeps.

I kept having nightmares about snakes coiling around me and biting me with their poison.

I seen Anaconda and Snakes on a Planes.

Cash me outside!

Just like with Arbok, Weezing is on the list because of the Pokemon anime.

Another reason Weezing is on the list is because of air pollution.

It mixes its gases by inflating one head and deflating the other.


When its gases mix, Weezing becomes more toxic and putrid.

Weezing can hover in midair, presumably due to gases lighter than air.

Take a whiff of this!

I know you tryna get high!

Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale!

Ahhh my Johto days...I remember fondly traveling around Mahogany Town getting ready to take

on that decript old gym leader, Pryce when my Golbat finally evolved.

I was like what the hell?

At the time I had no clue that Golbat evolved with friendship.

Sh*t it still doesn't really make sense I understand Chansey and Eevee evolving with

friendship, but Golbat?


Oh right I'm supposed to be talking about poison.

I taught it Sludge Bomb?

C'mon who would be number one other than Salazzle.

Simply the baddest!

One thing that made me love Salazzle was that its a female-only species.

Honeys all around.

Not only that it uses pheromones to create a reverse harem with the male Salandit it

lives with.

If only it was an actually useful Pokemon.

Wait on second thought Salazzle sounds like a thought!

I'm on team M.O.B.

Money Over B*tches!

That's it my list is complete is it the same as yours?

Don't start I know I didn't list Vileplume or Roserade, but I feel they are more grass-type


The only Pokemon I felt iffy about leaving off was Nidoking, but at the end of the day

I liked all these Pokemon a bit more.

Who knows maybe my feelings will change I can be a fickle guy.

Enough wasting time its your boy SoundProof signing off!


For more infomation >> Top 5 Poison-Type Pokémon - Duration: 4:49.


Top 10 Most Beautiful Hottest Female Golfers in The World | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support - Duration: 5:33.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Hottest Female Golfers in The World | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

Top 10 Most Beautiful Hottest Female Golfers in The World | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

Top 10 Most Beautiful Hottest Female Golfers in The World | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Beautiful Hottest Female Golfers in The World | 2017-2018 | By Sports Support - Duration: 5:33.


Makeup Storage Organization Ideas - Duration: 4:39.

Makeup Storage Organization Ideas

Watch more videos! Subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> Makeup Storage Organization Ideas - Duration: 4:39.


[Karaoke]Gặp Nhau Làm Ngơ | Chiến Thắng , Hồ Quang | Beat Phối Hay Nhất - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> [Karaoke]Gặp Nhau Làm Ngơ | Chiến Thắng , Hồ Quang | Beat Phối Hay Nhất - Duration: 4:45.


Aккумулятор PowerPlant Sony NP F960, NP F970, распаковка, обзор, тест - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Aккумулятор PowerPlant Sony NP F960, NP F970, распаковка, обзор, тест - Duration: 3:23.


$6.95 Online Traffic School - ...

For more infomation >> $6.95 Online Traffic School - ...


For more infomation >> $6.95 Online Traffic School - ...


Reacting to Kpop B1A4 Rollin music video - Duration: 6:58.

Hello everyone ! Today is thursday !

And we find ourselves for a new video

"moment of loneliness"

Today, this video will be : a reaction of kpop clip

Let's Go !

We will watching a new music video

of B1A4


I know this group well

In fact, no really. I know this group just by name

I just know the leader because he has play in the drama " Persevere, Goo Hae Ra"

It's also a very good drama. If you like watching drama i recommend it to you.

His is very good

They have a beautiful voices

This drama show the kpop industry, and the music world

Bref, if you want to know the story. Go see the trailer.

So, this reaction will be : Rollin of B1A4

This is the first time i look at it

Let's Go !

Rollin !!!

I like this

I love the rhythme.

Very cool

This is the leader

He has a very beautiful voice


During filming, they had to have fun

and be well watered with the waves :)

Very beautiful landscapes !


I like it !!


Remake of RUN of Bangtan ( BTS)

Look at that. The cap has half put on the head. SWAG

The clip isn't incredible

This is not like the music video with a lot of effects like EXO ; BTS or Got7

But this song is just amazing

They all have a beautiful voice

If you like also feel free to download it and listen to it all the time

If you are fan of this group, i understand why hahaha

I guess it the time to say bye

I loved to share this video with you

We will soon make more video

This video is a lunch video of the channel

Feel free to leave comments

or questions. And some subjects

If you have ideas of subjects put them in comment

About Korea

If you have a specific question and you want us to answer it tell us

We will answer in video. Me or Jessy

Thank you for spending this time with me

I tell you soon


For more infomation >> Reacting to Kpop B1A4 Rollin music video - Duration: 6:58.


For more infomation >> Reacting to Kpop B1A4 Rollin music video - Duration: 6:58.


5 vrais conseils pour futur étudiant d'échange/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 8:24.

Hello everyone

Welcome back to...

I don't like the introduction, I should change it!

Hiiii ( sound stupid)

No (laugh)

Hello everyone and welcome back

to my Youtube channel for a new video! So in this video

I'm gonna give you 5 advices

for people who want to be exchange student

in a foreign country less or more than 1 year

So that's it! I hope that you're going to like these advices.

It is maybe

advices that people always tell

( family members or other people who have been aboard

or someone on Youtube...)

But I think it is important to remind

this advices!

and to turn it in my own way obvioulsy!

I hope you're going to like it!

The first advice is the most important one!

I didn't follow this one

during my year in Canada and I regret it now!

It is 1) speak to your association if you have problems with your host family

1) speak to your association if you have problems with your host family

Personally, I told my family and friends

but not with the association. ( only before leaving)

I was afraid of the

consequences I could have if I told them.

I knew by someone else that someone

who was working for my association

was friend with

my hostfamily. I don't know what could happend if I had told my problems

Maybe it could be worst in my hostfamily

and they could know what I think about them

and the situation could be really bad

but the situation was already bad...

So if it could be worst or not, it was already awfull

( mostly at the end of my program)

I thought the situation could be better

after few times but not at all

it was only getting worst

2) don't speak your first language (the least possible)

If you know

people where you are going to be

who speak your language

Try to not see them as much as possible

or speak in english with them

I didn't want to stay with french people at the beginning of my program

but at the end of the year

You certainly saw

that I did a video with Lucie

title of this video: "degustation américaine"

Lucie and me were hanging out sometimes

but not a lot... 4 times maybe during all the year

The most of the time we were speaking in english

but it could happen that we speak in french

I am for staying with people

who are making effort to speak in english and who are not going

to speak in my language all time because the purpose of my year was to improve my english.

3) try new things. things that you don't have in your country

Things that you've never done and you're never going to do.

For example I took special courses: video production and web design

so I've learn how to create network and making animations

I thought it was cool to test it

as you can see, I like also editing my video's

4) keep a track of your adventure (share your experience)

I know that not every single exchange student does it

personally, I created my Youtube channel as you can admire (lol)

I had a lot of moment were I was bored in winter

I wasn't going out a lot because it was so cold

so I was editing and stuffs

I like doing it and I like to share my adventure

you can also make a Youtube channel

but I don't tell you that you are oblige to, I'm just saying

that you should find a way to share your exchange student 's life

for example: facebook page, a group in private

with your close friends...

so you're also sure to keep in touch a lot them

Don't hesitate to share a lot

of pictures on instagram or snapchat

and saving your story to keep memories

If you don't want to share your adventure

and be expose

to people and show what you do

I think you should..

because I exposed myself but I also did something else

it is not a diary

it is a notbook

( a friend gave it to me before leaving)

it is a notebook where I've put souvenirs inside

for example

here it is

a glass mount that I kept from a mexican restaurant I've been

there in Canada.

I kept it as a souvenir because I've been there for my birthday

I wrote

"Mexican restaurant for my 19th birthday" on it.

yeah I'm 19 even tho I look younger

When I did my tatoo, I kept my ticket I received for the appointment

everything is falling

another example

Sometimes I was writing how I feel

Here is the ticket where it shows the amount I've paid for the Spa

You're maybe thinking that it is stupid to keep all these things

but I just keep thing who can

remind me my exchange year when I'm going to be old

even show that to my grandchild (lol)

Here it is a friend who gave me few notes she had put on presents she gave me for Christmas

so it is written in english : "thanks to share your lunch with me"

"thanks to be supportive and take care of me"

"love u" and others things like that

I don't want to throw

another example... When I was homesick

I wrote all the though I had in my mind

As you can see I draw a sad little girl

and I wrote few words around "I'm stressed"

I wrote it in english

"isolated" "want my belgian friends" "everthing is bad with my hostfamily"

"what am I doing in life"

So I'm not going to read everything I wrote

If you're interested that one day I show u that

and everything inside, tell me!

if you are

not demonstrative

and you prefer to keep your adventure for yourself

You should do a notebook too!

keep few receipt, paper...

whatever, keep these and wrote things too (how you feel)

It is a travel book actually!

The 5th advice I'm going to give you is:

Stop comparing

it is something I always did

5) Stop comparing the place where you are with your native country

not too much because

when you think about it, it is useless

for sure, you're going to do it, it is normal

Automatically, every singe exchange student

compare everything's going on in the country they are with their own country

Don't exaggarated

you can create arguments because of that

or bad being

and withdraw into oneself

and causing the homesick

This video is done! I hope you liked it

that the tips I gave you bring you some choices

and that you are going to use it if you are

going to be exchange student in few years

that my tips are interesting and you took some notes

because it is cool ( lol)

So that's it! lot of kisses

the third tips is.... Lol third ?

When I was younger I took drama in high school

it is shame

Please let me finish I was saying...

go away I was saying..

For more infomation >> 5 vrais conseils pour futur étudiant d'échange/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 8:24.


For more infomation >> 5 vrais conseils pour futur étudiant d'échange/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 8:24.


Mettez ce mélange sur vos cheveux et dites au revoir au cheveux blancs ! Voici la recette … - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Mettez ce mélange sur vos cheveux et dites au revoir au cheveux blancs ! Voici la recette … - Duration: 4:07.


For more infomation >> Mettez ce mélange sur vos cheveux et dites au revoir au cheveux blancs ! Voici la recette … - Duration: 4:07.


Le Trouble Factice, c'est quoi ? ( Syndrome de Münchhausen) - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Le Trouble Factice, c'est quoi ? ( Syndrome de Münchhausen) - Duration: 7:42.


For more infomation >> Le Trouble Factice, c'est quoi ? ( Syndrome de Münchhausen) - Duration: 7:42.


Being on your period when you're trans #TransTips - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> Being on your period when you're trans #TransTips - Duration: 9:01.


For more infomation >> Being on your period when you're trans #TransTips - Duration: 9:01.


Top 5 Most Beautiful Places in Rajshahi || Tourist Places in Rajshahi. - Duration: 2:47.

Top 5 Most Beautiful Places in Rajshahi || Tourist Places in Rajshahi.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Most Beautiful Places in Rajshahi || Tourist Places in Rajshahi. - Duration: 2:47.


For more infomation >> Top 5 Most Beautiful Places in Rajshahi || Tourist Places in Rajshahi. - Duration: 2:47.


Des chats sauvés par les pompiers - les images - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Des chats sauvés par les pompiers - les images - Duration: 7:46.


For more infomation >> Des chats sauvés par les pompiers - les images - Duration: 7:46.


Nouveau Glitch de Duplication - Duration: 13:56.

hello everyone !

today we'll see a new glitch

I have not discovered

but that I just


it was pointed to me

by someone, not in the comment, maybe on facebook

and I'm really sorry but I don't remember who

so, if you can

tell me in the comment I would greatly appreciate

so I can thank you

so, he said that Bugland

another youtuber (link in the description)

found a new duplication glitch

for items and not materials

I looked on his channel

I couldn't find this glitch

but I've found it on an english channel called "DUNKIN DOGGNUTS"

which is not active

but have some interesting glitches, if you understand english (hahaha)

so I will

link him in the description too

for this glitch you'll need "contraption workshop" DLC

and we are in the tutorials for it at the moment

I know it's beena certain time, I was...

on vacation

so !, now we'll see how it works

it's simple, you'll need

a conveyor belt

the one with the

power conduit


a conveyor storage


let's say you want several Kremvh tooth


settlement decoration,

or to arm your settlers

or so you and your companion have it

I usually stand on the right of the belt

because it seems simpler

it's not sure I'll succeed on the first try


put it on the conveyor belt

first I'll explain the theory

at the exact moment it will be stored

the item exist on a physical form, like this

and inside the storage

for a very short amount of time

you need to be fast, have the right timing, it needs practice

I'm not so good at it

but it will work

I'll show you


if I fail too much I'll speed up the video

so you'll how much I fail

without being boring

still not

but you've seen it said "Kremvh tooth removed"

it means I was very close to the sweet spot

up left corner it said "removed from the inventory"

it means close to the spot but not exactly there

maybe if I put it

in that direction

I really like Kremvh tooth, it's a very good weapon


conveyor storage , Kremvh tooth

the heart is to say that it's a weapon

in my shortcuts

now I've succeeded

it's in my inventory

and it is

in the storage at the same time

you can just collect it



let's do it again, apparently

I lost one

fallout glitch is magic (sarcasm)

some are very usefull, some are a pain

so we'll see it again

here I show it with a weapon, but it works with anything

that you can store

and some decorations

succeeded once again

see, Kremvh tooth (2)

I can toss one on the ground

and toss the second one

but it makes the first on disapear so don't do it

I just realised that

I was using junk item to test

and some misc items too

like the

"islander almanach" from far harbor

a unique object

now I have it twice and I can use it for decoration

we'll try (insecure)


I need to understand why it doesn't work

see? that works

now I have it twice and can be usefull to decorate

it doesn't give you twice the perk though

you can do it with any unique object, quest reward

Mac Cready's wooden soldier when you max out his affinity

so this glitch

only allows you to duplicate one item at a time

so when you want ammo

have I some on me?


you'll have to duplicate them one by one


you can do it, it's just longer

a bit harder

now listen closely at what I say

you need to do the same glitch

but it will not duplicate the items directly

you'll have only one in your inventory

and them will be inside the...

inside the storage

how to explain it?

I'll simply show you

and try to explain the best I can

to be completely honest, I'm not sure I understand everything

it's basically memory corruption

so it can be use for decoration, but it's mainly

for weapons with limited amount of ammo like

they're inside, we heard the sound

see, that I have only one

so you need to have

all of them inside the storage

and one in your inventory

by using the glitch

don't try to do it

by keeping only on in your inventory

you'll need to find the right timing

I was lucky, I made it quickly

but it usually take several tries

now, you'll have to

drop your cartridge on the ground

keep track of where it is

in that order

drop your cartridge on the floor

pick up

your 12 ammo

you've seen that I had only 12

drop them, still 12

and here too

even with a different skin

do not pick them up now

because even if it says 12 it's still only one

now what you'll have to do

a quicksave

wait until it saved

quit to go back on the main menu

it's long


but that can be really usefull for the cryolator

some weapons with

unique ammunitions

so now select "continue"

and I'll use this loading screen to talk about the channel

because it's long

you've probably noticed that I have a hard time to be regular to release videos

it's normal I also have a job

I need to have the time, along with my "social life"

my editing quality will probably improve soon

because I'll have to change my PC

this one is weak and about to die

so I'll soon change it for a

PC specialised in video editing

just need the time to learn

and you'll see

better videos

I also wanted to ask you

after doing this

so you see that now

this one turned into

an ammo box

you can pick them up

and you now have

24 cartridges so twice as before

and repeat this as much as you want to have 10k 100k ammo

I'd suggest to avoid very big amounts

the game doesn't really like it


when I'll have my new PC

I'd really like to play fallout 1, 2

maybe 3 and new vegas, in that order

I already played 3 and NV not 1 and 2

I thought about doing a let's play of those games

to stay in the fallout theme

yeah, thry to do a let's play of those games

if that sounds good to you tell me in the comments or on facebook

I think it can be interesting to discover the fallout universe all together

and it will change of building videos

which are interesting but I'll ended up out of ideas

part 2 of the challenge review will arrive soon as well

it's partially edited

I just need to add music

and do the subtitles because there's an english entry in it

and by the way the english challenger offered

to do videos about junk decoration

a small serie of video, for you

on this channel

she's called SushiKat Gamer

she's a really really good friend



we can say it like that

[awkward silence]

and she offered to do videos about junk decoration

for you, no mods


I think that can be usefull and I'm not so good at it

it's kind of her, the videos will be in english

but I'll do subtitles and an intro

an intro by me

[random words put in a random orders that make a sentence]

she'll make several videos on several theme

about decoration

and the different techniques

so, I'll see you next time most likely for part 2 of the review

with 3 new builds


yes 4

4 new builds

it should arrive very soon

bye !

For more infomation >> Nouveau Glitch de Duplication - Duration: 13:56.


For more infomation >> Nouveau Glitch de Duplication - Duration: 13:56.


PAW Patrol Names Multi Puzzles Spinner Slots. Learn Colors in English - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> PAW Patrol Names Multi Puzzles Spinner Slots. Learn Colors in English - Duration: 1:23.


For more infomation >> PAW Patrol Names Multi Puzzles Spinner Slots. Learn Colors in English - Duration: 1:23.


Executive Builds $3 Million A...

For more infomation >> Executive Builds $3 Million A...


How-to Cut a Fresh Pineapple - My Easiest and Quickest Way - Duration: 1:08.

Lie the pineapple on the side

Cut off the bottom of the pineapple

and then the top crown (save the top for decor if you want)

Then stand the pineapple up

Cut away the skin of the pineapple from the flesh

Cut away any eyes

Stand the pineapple up again and cut down the centre into two halves

Then cut into quarters

Cut a the core from each quarter

Next cut into the shape you desire. Here is how to do it into small wedges

For more infomation >> How-to Cut a Fresh Pineapple - My Easiest and Quickest Way - Duration: 1:08.


Even Republican Voters Now Hate The Republican Party - Duration: 4:06.

The United States Congress, right now, has an approval rating of 15%.

It's weird because that's actually not even the lowest that it's been in the last few

years, so I guess they're gaining a little bit by finally making it all the way up to


At one point, they were all the way down to 12%.

That statistic is nothing new.

I just threw that out there so everybody could understand how unpopular, as a whole, our

elected officials are in Washington DC.

What's really interesting is that a new poll that came out this week shows that even Republican

voters hate Republican politicians.

According to the latest polling data, support among Republican votes for Republican politicians

has fallen from 61% earlier this year all the way down to 32%.

Again, that is only among Republican votes on how much they support their Republican


The big question I have is what changed?

Seriously, Republican voters.

Why now?

Why suddenly do you have a problem with these people you have been supporting for years?

Their platform hasn't changed.

Hell, their platform hasn't changed since the 1980s.

Is it the overt racism now versus the covert racism back then?

The covert racism of welfare queens that Ronald Regan threw out?

That George H.W. Bush threw out?

That George W. Bush put out?

Now, they dropped the veil and they're overtly racist, and now suddenly you have a problem

with that?

I honest to God want to know what happened to make all of these Republicans hate the

Republican politicians.

They told you that they wanted to appeal the Affordable Care Act and screw millions out

of health insurance.

They campaigned on it for years.

They've told you that they want to cut taxes on the wealthy because they still believe

in that trickle down lie that's been proven false time and time and time and time and

time again.

What changed?

It's not them.

I'm hoping it's you.

Honestly, this poll does give us hope.

Not just because it shows they don't support them, it shows that they're waking up to it.

It shows that they're finally starting to understand what this party is all about.

To their credit, for many years, a lot of this was covert.

The racism in the Republican Party was not front and center.

They used Dog-whistle politics, codewords, buzz words that you'd have to be real keen

on in order to decipher that it was about racism.

Well, all that's gone by the wayside now.

They talked about job creation, but now, every voter in this country understands that when

they talk about job creation, they're talking about cutting taxes on millionaires and billionaires,

which is in no way related to job creation at all.

The veil has come down on the Republican Party.

Their policies haven't changed.

Their talking points haven't changed.

They're just not doing it in secret anymore, and voters finally understand that.

More importantly, Republican voters finally understand that.

As of right now, things are looking up for the Democratic Party in the 2018 midterm elections,

but if they want to secure that victory, because we saw in 2016 and 2014, Congress had a horrible

approval rating in the teens, yet they still won reelection.

Democrats have to come up with plans, with policies, and with proposals because you're

not going to win the next election just talking about how stupid Republicans are.

Leave that to us.

We do a good job of it, and we enjoy it.

You focus on winning on policy.

For more infomation >> Even Republican Voters Now Hate The Republican Party - Duration: 4:06.


5 DIY Bracelets EASY DIY Bracelet tutorial | Handmade Bracelets - Duration: 6:06.

Hello my beautiful friends!

In todays tutorial I'm going to show you how to make really easy DIY bracelets and I surely

hope you try to make them too.

So let's get creative!

I hope you've enjoyed watching this tutorial and if you did give it thumbs up and don't

forget to subscribe to my channel for more creative DIYs.

I love you with all my heart and I will see you next week with another tutorial.


For more infomation >> 5 DIY Bracelets EASY DIY Bracelet tutorial | Handmade Bracelets - Duration: 6:06.


SPRAYPAINTING Lessons - NYC's COOLEST Graffiti School ? - Duration: 5:02.

What's going on members of the Barrio

It's Jon coming to you from Bushwick, Brooklyn

Which is the capital of street art in New York City

And today we're going to be doing something really different

Instead of just admiring the street art

We're going to create some of our own

Courtesy of Graff Tours

We're actually going to be taking a graffiti art class

For 1 hour

Now if you're new here I do want to encourage you to be subscribed and have notifications turned on

So you don't miss out on any of our adventures from around the world.

Joining me as usual is Adriana

And we're going to be combining the least artistic person I know.. myself

With the most artistic person I know you.

Yes, i'm excited guys

If there is something I like more than food it's art.

Let's do it

Imagine this was our room

I don't think we'd get our security deposit back

I'll just be talking to you guys a little bit about

About how spray paint works.

I'll show you the different techniques

And then we're going to work together

To create a collaborative canvas.

We've decided we're going to try to spray paint

The Here Be Barr logo

Which I've used on YouTube

So we can have it in our apartment or somewhere else

What I like to do is sketch out little lines

You know?

So that's just like a general line

And then i'll start drawing out what I see

You should try to press it not to hard

But a little lightly

And you want to move relatively quick

Look at you

Spray paint is relatively easy to work with because say you make a mistake

You take another color and you go over it


I personally think if they had this when I was in school during art class

I would have enjoyed it a lot more

I was always really really bad at drawing stuff

But I think with spray paint

I'm a little bit more natural

I'm trying to avoid the car

As much as I can

Little drip coming..

Sometimes the drips add to the piece

You hear that the drips add to the piece

It's all going to come together

Don't worry

Red, blue, green

I like your taste

Looks good, let's do that

Alright, so what color should Barr be?

Barr. gotta make Barr bright

Let's go red

I think


You guys need to tell me in the comments.

What you think of this logo

Should I change the channel logo to this somehow?

I'm actually creating this as we speak.

If their was ever a moment for a time lapse..

It would be right about now.

Our art work looks like the intro of a 90s

TV show

Like you have your own tv show

From the 90s Here Be Barr

It does have a Fresh Prince of Belair vibe to it

I do agree with you

Really good for your first time

So typically when our pieces you can get a lot done.

In that hour.

I think we did what you wanted.

Right. Yeah

I'll show people all the inspiration here.

We have Here Be Barr

The Name of the Channel

We've got the statue of Liberty

All these New York Things

My wonderful car right here.

The Brooklyn Bridge

We've got some boats

I worked on this boat as you can see.

For Adriana we have Mexico, Dia De Los Muertos

And then for all the travel

We've got an airplane

And we have some elementary school clouds

Alright members of the Barrio

Hope you enjoyed my art work

I think in the end it came out really really nicely

Maybe we have a new logo for the channel

I don't know how I'm going to implement it just yet

We're going to have to find out

I thought Theresa was an excellent teacher

Adriana also enjoyed the experience a lot

It would be really cool for a family

For a date?

When you're in New York City

Definitley check out Graff Tours

I'm going to be linking to their website down below

In the description

Tell them that I sent you.

I do have a big trip coming up.

I'm going to be making an announcement on the channel shortly.

Stay tuned for that

Thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> SPRAYPAINTING Lessons - NYC's COOLEST Graffiti School ? - Duration: 5:02.


Marcus & Martinus Elektrisk SAMMEN OM DRĂ˜MMEN TŁUMACZENIE PL - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Marcus & Martinus Elektrisk SAMMEN OM DRĂ˜MMEN TŁUMACZENIE PL - Duration: 4:37.


BEST Builder Hall 7 Base w/ PROOF!! | CoC BH7 GIANT CANNON Update Base! | Clash of Clans - Duration: 10:21.

BEST Builder Hall 7 Base w/ PROOF!! | CoC BH7 GIANT CANNON Update Base! | Clash of Clans

For more infomation >> BEST Builder Hall 7 Base w/ PROOF!! | CoC BH7 GIANT CANNON Update Base! | Clash of Clans - Duration: 10:21.


Defqwop - Say The Word (feat. The Ruins) (Lyrics Video) | Epic Beats - Duration: 3:07.

📝 Defqwop - Say The Word (feat. The Ruins) Lyrics

(Say The Word)

(Say The Word)

(Say The Word) (We could run)

Say the word, and we could run

Around the earth and around the sun

Say the word, and we could stay

Forget about that better place

And I know your feeling

Cause I know the feeling

The streets stop breathing

I don't wanna Say Say Say!

(Say The Word)

(Say The Word)

(Say The Word)

I'm seeing all the reasons

We should forget about this place

But I don't wanna leave here, if you're just gonna stay

Changing like the seasons

Been wasting all this time

Should be like satellite

Casping on the sky

Believe our fate, for another day

Running these harasses, we'll find our way

Believe our fate, and fade into the night

Just follow me, paralyzed

Just say we tried

Say the word, and we could run

Around the earth and around the sun

Say the word, and we could stay

Forget about that better place

And I know your feeling

Cause I know the feeling

The streets stop breathing

I don't wanna

(Say Say Say!)

(Say The Word)

(Say The Word)

(Say The Word)

Say the word, and we could run

Around the earth and around the sun

Say the word, and we could stay

(We could stay, we could stay)

Say The Word

For more infomation >> Defqwop - Say The Word (feat. The Ruins) (Lyrics Video) | Epic Beats - Duration: 3:07.


5 vrais conseils pour futur étudiant d'échange/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 8:24.

Hello everyone

Welcome back to...

I don't like the introduction, I should change it!

Hiiii ( sound stupid)

No (laugh)

Hello everyone and welcome back

to my Youtube channel for a new video! So in this video

I'm gonna give you 5 advices

for people who want to be exchange student

in a foreign country less or more than 1 year

So that's it! I hope that you're going to like these advices.

It is maybe

advices that people always tell

( family members or other people who have been aboard

or someone on Youtube...)

But I think it is important to remind

this advices!

and to turn it in my own way obvioulsy!

I hope you're going to like it!

The first advice is the most important one!

I didn't follow this one

during my year in Canada and I regret it now!

It is 1) speak to your association if you have problems with your host family

1) speak to your association if you have problems with your host family

Personally, I told my family and friends

but not with the association. ( only before leaving)

I was afraid of the

consequences I could have if I told them.

I knew by someone else that someone

who was working for my association

was friend with

my hostfamily. I don't know what could happend if I had told my problems

Maybe it could be worst in my hostfamily

and they could know what I think about them

and the situation could be really bad

but the situation was already bad...

So if it could be worst or not, it was already awfull

( mostly at the end of my program)

I thought the situation could be better

after few times but not at all

it was only getting worst

2) don't speak your first language (the least possible)

If you know

people where you are going to be

who speak your language

Try to not see them as much as possible

or speak in english with them

I didn't want to stay with french people at the beginning of my program

but at the end of the year

You certainly saw

that I did a video with Lucie

title of this video: "degustation américaine"

Lucie and me were hanging out sometimes

but not a lot... 4 times maybe during all the year

The most of the time we were speaking in english

but it could happen that we speak in french

I am for staying with people

who are making effort to speak in english and who are not going

to speak in my language all time because the purpose of my year was to improve my english.

3) try new things. things that you don't have in your country

Things that you've never done and you're never going to do.

For example I took special courses: video production and web design

so I've learn how to create network and making animations

I thought it was cool to test it

as you can see, I like also editing my video's

4) keep a track of your adventure (share your experience)

I know that not every single exchange student does it

personally, I created my Youtube channel as you can admire (lol)

I had a lot of moment were I was bored in winter

I wasn't going out a lot because it was so cold

so I was editing and stuffs

I like doing it and I like to share my adventure

you can also make a Youtube channel

but I don't tell you that you are oblige to, I'm just saying

that you should find a way to share your exchange student 's life

for example: facebook page, a group in private

with your close friends...

so you're also sure to keep in touch a lot them

Don't hesitate to share a lot

of pictures on instagram or snapchat

and saving your story to keep memories

If you don't want to share your adventure

and be expose

to people and show what you do

I think you should..

because I exposed myself but I also did something else

it is not a diary

it is a notbook

( a friend gave it to me before leaving)

it is a notebook where I've put souvenirs inside

for example

here it is

a glass mount that I kept from a mexican restaurant I've been

there in Canada.

I kept it as a souvenir because I've been there for my birthday

I wrote

"Mexican restaurant for my 19th birthday" on it.

yeah I'm 19 even tho I look younger

When I did my tatoo, I kept my ticket I received for the appointment

everything is falling

another example

Sometimes I was writing how I feel

Here is the ticket where it shows the amount I've paid for the Spa

You're maybe thinking that it is stupid to keep all these things

but I just keep thing who can

remind me my exchange year when I'm going to be old

even show that to my grandchild (lol)

Here it is a friend who gave me few notes she had put on presents she gave me for Christmas

so it is written in english : "thanks to share your lunch with me"

"thanks to be supportive and take care of me"

"love u" and others things like that

I don't want to throw

another example... When I was homesick

I wrote all the though I had in my mind

As you can see I draw a sad little girl

and I wrote few words around "I'm stressed"

I wrote it in english

"isolated" "want my belgian friends" "everthing is bad with my hostfamily"

"what am I doing in life"

So I'm not going to read everything I wrote

If you're interested that one day I show u that

and everything inside, tell me!

if you are

not demonstrative

and you prefer to keep your adventure for yourself

You should do a notebook too!

keep few receipt, paper...

whatever, keep these and wrote things too (how you feel)

It is a travel book actually!

The 5th advice I'm going to give you is:

Stop comparing

it is something I always did

5) Stop comparing the place where you are with your native country

not too much because

when you think about it, it is useless

for sure, you're going to do it, it is normal

Automatically, every singe exchange student

compare everything's going on in the country they are with their own country

Don't exaggarated

you can create arguments because of that

or bad being

and withdraw into oneself

and causing the homesick

This video is done! I hope you liked it

that the tips I gave you bring you some choices

and that you are going to use it if you are

going to be exchange student in few years

that my tips are interesting and you took some notes

because it is cool ( lol)

So that's it! lot of kisses

the third tips is.... Lol third ?

When I was younger I took drama in high school

it is shame

Please let me finish I was saying...

go away I was saying..

For more infomation >> 5 vrais conseils pour futur étudiant d'échange/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 8:24.


Nouveau Glitch de Duplication - Duration: 13:56.

hello everyone !

today we'll see a new glitch

I have not discovered

but that I just


it was pointed to me

by someone, not in the comment, maybe on facebook

and I'm really sorry but I don't remember who

so, if you can

tell me in the comment I would greatly appreciate

so I can thank you

so, he said that Bugland

another youtuber (link in the description)

found a new duplication glitch

for items and not materials

I looked on his channel

I couldn't find this glitch

but I've found it on an english channel called "DUNKIN DOGGNUTS"

which is not active

but have some interesting glitches, if you understand english (hahaha)

so I will

link him in the description too

for this glitch you'll need "contraption workshop" DLC

and we are in the tutorials for it at the moment

I know it's beena certain time, I was...

on vacation

so !, now we'll see how it works

it's simple, you'll need

a conveyor belt

the one with the

power conduit


a conveyor storage


let's say you want several Kremvh tooth


settlement decoration,

or to arm your settlers

or so you and your companion have it

I usually stand on the right of the belt

because it seems simpler

it's not sure I'll succeed on the first try


put it on the conveyor belt

first I'll explain the theory

at the exact moment it will be stored

the item exist on a physical form, like this

and inside the storage

for a very short amount of time

you need to be fast, have the right timing, it needs practice

I'm not so good at it

but it will work

I'll show you


if I fail too much I'll speed up the video

so you'll how much I fail

without being boring

still not

but you've seen it said "Kremvh tooth removed"

it means I was very close to the sweet spot

up left corner it said "removed from the inventory"

it means close to the spot but not exactly there

maybe if I put it

in that direction

I really like Kremvh tooth, it's a very good weapon


conveyor storage , Kremvh tooth

the heart is to say that it's a weapon

in my shortcuts

now I've succeeded

it's in my inventory

and it is

in the storage at the same time

you can just collect it



let's do it again, apparently

I lost one

fallout glitch is magic (sarcasm)

some are very usefull, some are a pain

so we'll see it again

here I show it with a weapon, but it works with anything

that you can store

and some decorations

succeeded once again

see, Kremvh tooth (2)

I can toss one on the ground

and toss the second one

but it makes the first on disapear so don't do it

I just realised that

I was using junk item to test

and some misc items too

like the

"islander almanach" from far harbor

a unique object

now I have it twice and I can use it for decoration

we'll try (insecure)


I need to understand why it doesn't work

see? that works

now I have it twice and can be usefull to decorate

it doesn't give you twice the perk though

you can do it with any unique object, quest reward

Mac Cready's wooden soldier when you max out his affinity

so this glitch

only allows you to duplicate one item at a time

so when you want ammo

have I some on me?


you'll have to duplicate them one by one


you can do it, it's just longer

a bit harder

now listen closely at what I say

you need to do the same glitch

but it will not duplicate the items directly

you'll have only one in your inventory

and them will be inside the...

inside the storage

how to explain it?

I'll simply show you

and try to explain the best I can

to be completely honest, I'm not sure I understand everything

it's basically memory corruption

so it can be use for decoration, but it's mainly

for weapons with limited amount of ammo like

they're inside, we heard the sound

see, that I have only one

so you need to have

all of them inside the storage

and one in your inventory

by using the glitch

don't try to do it

by keeping only on in your inventory

you'll need to find the right timing

I was lucky, I made it quickly

but it usually take several tries

now, you'll have to

drop your cartridge on the ground

keep track of where it is

in that order

drop your cartridge on the floor

pick up

your 12 ammo

you've seen that I had only 12

drop them, still 12

and here too

even with a different skin

do not pick them up now

because even if it says 12 it's still only one

now what you'll have to do

a quicksave

wait until it saved

quit to go back on the main menu

it's long


but that can be really usefull for the cryolator

some weapons with

unique ammunitions

so now select "continue"

and I'll use this loading screen to talk about the channel

because it's long

you've probably noticed that I have a hard time to be regular to release videos

it's normal I also have a job

I need to have the time, along with my "social life"

my editing quality will probably improve soon

because I'll have to change my PC

this one is weak and about to die

so I'll soon change it for a

PC specialised in video editing

just need the time to learn

and you'll see

better videos

I also wanted to ask you

after doing this

so you see that now

this one turned into

an ammo box

you can pick them up

and you now have

24 cartridges so twice as before

and repeat this as much as you want to have 10k 100k ammo

I'd suggest to avoid very big amounts

the game doesn't really like it


when I'll have my new PC

I'd really like to play fallout 1, 2

maybe 3 and new vegas, in that order

I already played 3 and NV not 1 and 2

I thought about doing a let's play of those games

to stay in the fallout theme

yeah, thry to do a let's play of those games

if that sounds good to you tell me in the comments or on facebook

I think it can be interesting to discover the fallout universe all together

and it will change of building videos

which are interesting but I'll ended up out of ideas

part 2 of the challenge review will arrive soon as well

it's partially edited

I just need to add music

and do the subtitles because there's an english entry in it

and by the way the english challenger offered

to do videos about junk decoration

a small serie of video, for you

on this channel

she's called SushiKat Gamer

she's a really really good friend



we can say it like that

[awkward silence]

and she offered to do videos about junk decoration

for you, no mods


I think that can be usefull and I'm not so good at it

it's kind of her, the videos will be in english

but I'll do subtitles and an intro

an intro by me

[random words put in a random orders that make a sentence]

she'll make several videos on several theme

about decoration

and the different techniques

so, I'll see you next time most likely for part 2 of the review

with 3 new builds


yes 4

4 new builds

it should arrive very soon

bye !

For more infomation >> Nouveau Glitch de Duplication - Duration: 13:56.


Des chats sauvés par les pompiers - les images - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Des chats sauvés par les pompiers - les images - Duration: 7:46.


Being on your period when you're trans #TransTips - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> Being on your period when you're trans #TransTips - Duration: 9:01.


XSMB | Dự đoán xổ số Miền Bắc hôm nay 02/10/2017 | BTL xổ số MB thứ 2 02-10-2017 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> XSMB | Dự đoán xổ số Miền Bắc hôm nay 02/10/2017 | BTL xổ số MB thứ 2 02-10-2017 - Duration: 3:52.


Top 5 Poison-Type Pokémon - Duration: 4:49.

I know what you're thinking Top 5's how original is that?!

Well I got only one thing to say to that!

Shut the hell up!

Honestly I've always found them to be kinda boring, but I'm looking to bring in new ideas.

Is this video one of those new ideas, nope sadly its not.

I'm just another cog in the wheel.

Now let's get into this list!

So...I've decided to do poison type Pokemon.


Again who knows I haven't seen too many lists on them so why not.

Hmm...There's only 64 of them, that's not a lot to choose from.

Let's get some things out of the way first this list will exclude starter Pokemon like

Bulbasaur and the Ultra Beast Nihilego because I think they deserve their own lists.

Now before you b*tch in the comments!

These are my choices, but I know everyone has their own opinion so leave your's down


And why you're doing that how about maybe subscribing?!

Bringing up the rear is Skuntank, get it.

Hahahaha...Well I thought it was funny.

Screw you that was funny I don't care what you think.

Skuntank is known for its noxious fluid which smells dreadful.

It can spray this fluid over 160 feet, and the longer it allows the liquid to ferment

within its body, the more powerful the smell.

Arceus help me that sounds so disgusting.

I could make a skeet skeet joke, but it would be highly inappropriate.

Hmm...I had to choose between Arbok and Seviper for this one.

I went with Arbok because being a Genwunner I'm just more drawn to the Generation 1 designs.

Another reason I picked Arbok was because Jessie had one in the anime, I know she had

a Seviper too, but the original run of Pokemon series was my favorite.

Just seeing this thing gave me the creeps.

I kept having nightmares about snakes coiling around me and biting me with their poison.

I seen Anaconda and Snakes on a Planes.

Cash me outside!

Just like with Arbok, Weezing is on the list because of the Pokemon anime.

Another reason Weezing is on the list is because of air pollution.

It mixes its gases by inflating one head and deflating the other.


When its gases mix, Weezing becomes more toxic and putrid.

Weezing can hover in midair, presumably due to gases lighter than air.

Take a whiff of this!

I know you tryna get high!

Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale!

Ahhh my Johto days...I remember fondly traveling around Mahogany Town getting ready to take

on that decript old gym leader, Pryce when my Golbat finally evolved.

I was like what the hell?

At the time I had no clue that Golbat evolved with friendship.

Sh*t it still doesn't really make sense I understand Chansey and Eevee evolving with

friendship, but Golbat?


Oh right I'm supposed to be talking about poison.

I taught it Sludge Bomb?

C'mon who would be number one other than Salazzle.

Simply the baddest!

One thing that made me love Salazzle was that its a female-only species.

Honeys all around.

Not only that it uses pheromones to create a reverse harem with the male Salandit it

lives with.

If only it was an actually useful Pokemon.

Wait on second thought Salazzle sounds like a thought!

I'm on team M.O.B.

Money Over B*tches!

That's it my list is complete is it the same as yours?

Don't start I know I didn't list Vileplume or Roserade, but I feel they are more grass-type


The only Pokemon I felt iffy about leaving off was Nidoking, but at the end of the day

I liked all these Pokemon a bit more.

Who knows maybe my feelings will change I can be a fickle guy.

Enough wasting time its your boy SoundProof signing off!


For more infomation >> Top 5 Poison-Type Pokémon - Duration: 4:49.


Indian Army Mother's are Not Willing to Send thier Children in Army Update in Urdu Hindi - Duration: 2:33.

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