Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 13 2017

Kareena's Son Taimur Has A Look-Alike, Meet Super Cute Baby Girl Inaya Shoaib From UAE | Unbelievable

For more infomation >> Kareena's Son Taimur Has A Look-Alike, Meet Super Cute Baby Girl Inaya Shoaib From UAE |Unbelievable - Duration: 4:05.


Bad Kids & Learn Colors with Coca Cola Johny Johny Yes Papa song Nursery Rhymes songs for children - Duration: 4:22.

Bad Kids & Learn Colors with Coca Cola Johny Johny Yes Papa song Nursery Rhymes songs for children

For more infomation >> Bad Kids & Learn Colors with Coca Cola Johny Johny Yes Papa song Nursery Rhymes songs for children - Duration: 4:22.


How To Build a Niche of Plasterboard for TV, part 2 - Duration: 36:17.

For more infomation >> How To Build a Niche of Plasterboard for TV, part 2 - Duration: 36:17.


Talking About Your Vacation - Spoken English Lesson - Duration: 18:40.

Hi, I'm Gina.

Welcome to Oxford Online English.

In this lesson, you can learn how to talk about your vacation in English.

Where did you go for your last holiday?

What did you do there?

Did you have a good time?

In this lesson, you'll learn how to answer these questions and more in clear, natural


Did you notice how Jack says 'holiday', but I said 'vacation'?

This is a difference between British and American English.

Both words have the same meaning.

Let's start with some simple language you can use to start your answer.

Begin your answer by saying where you went, who with and how long for.

For example:

I went to the countryside with my family for a couple of weeks.

I went to Thailand with a group of friends for ten days.

My girlfriend and I went to Rome for a long weekend.

A long weekend means you go for three or four days, usually Friday-Monday or Saturday-Monday,

maybe because there's a public holiday on the Monday.

What about you?

Where did you go for your last vacation?

Who did you go with, and how long for?

Pause the video and make your own sentence.

If you want extra practice, write your sentence down.

If you really want extra practice, write down three different sentences!


Next, let's see how you can talk about what you did on your holiday.

What do you like doing on holiday?

Do you prefer a more active holiday, maybe with lots of adventure sports and activities,

or would you rather do something more cultural?

Or, maybe you just like relaxing on the beach.

Whatever you prefer, it's good if you can say something about how you spent your time

on holiday.

Let's look at some examples and some good vocabulary for you to use:

I went to the countryside with my family for a couple of weeks.

Mostly, we went hiking in the hills and mountains nearby.

We also just hung out in the village, playing cards and eating.

Do you like hiking?

Hiking means going for longer walks, often in the hills or the mountains.

If you hang out, you spend time without having any particular goal.

If you say we just hung out in the village, you mean that you spent time there in a relaxed


Let's look at our second example:

I went to Thailand with a group of friends for ten days.

We did some sightseeing in Bangkok: the Grand Palace, Wat Pho and so on.

Then we hit the beaches in Krabi for some sun, swimming and cocktails!

Sightseeing means visiting the famous places in a city.

You can go sightseeing or do sightseeing.

For example, if you go sightseeing in Paris, you'd probably visit the Eiffel Tower, the

Louvre, Notre Dame and so on.

Saying we hit the beaches is a very informal way of saying we went to the beaches.

You could also say we hit the bars or we hit the clubs.

Using hit suggests you're going somewhere to party and have a good time, so you probably

wouldn't use it with other places.

Let's do one more example together:

My boyfriend and I went to Rome for a long weekend.

We went on a walking tour of the centre and the Vatican.

Mostly, we went to restaurants and cafes and sampled as much of the local cuisine as we

could fit in our stomachs!

If you go on a tour, for example a walking tour, you pay for a guide.

Often, tours are in big groups.

Do you prefer to go on a tour with a guide, or do you like to explore by yourself?

Sample means to try many different things.

We sampled as much of the local cuisine as we could means that we tried many different


Alright, over to you!

What did you do on your last holiday?

Did you go hiking in the mountains, go sightseeing, or sample lots of delicious food?

Try to make two or three sentences.

Use the language from this section if you can.

Pause the video now and make your answer.

Next, let's see how you can describe the place you visited in more detail.

Can you think of three adjectives to describe where you went for your last vacation?

Here, try to avoid general adjectives like nice or good.

Try to find specific adjectives.

Your answer will be more interesting!

Let's look at an example:

I went to the countryside with my family for a couple of weeks.

We stayed in a very nice village surrounded by nice mountain scenery.

Do you see what we mean?

Saying nice doesn't say much.

This isn't a very good example.

How could you make it better?

Here's one way to improve it:

I went to the countryside with my family for a couple of weeks.

We stayed in a very picturesque, sleepy village surrounded by some dramatic mountain scenery.

What do you think dramatic scenery means?

It means the mountains were very impressive and beautiful.

Picturesque is another way to say 'beautiful'.

If something is picturesque, it's beautiful like a painting.

So you can use picturesque to talk about scenery and places.

Sleepy means that the village was very quiet and peaceful.

You can see that using more specific adjectives like picturesque, sleepy or dramatic makes

your answer more interesting and expressive.

Of course, you'll need different language to talk about different places.

Let's look at another example:

I went to Thailand with a group of friends for ten days.

Bangkok is a very cosmopolitan place but it could be a little overwhelming because there

was so much going on!

Then we went to Krabi, which has some stunning beaches.

Do you know the meaning of the key words in this answer?

Cosmopolitan describes a city which has many different people and cultures mixed together.

Overwhelming describes something which is very intense.

For example, a city can be overwhelming if there are lots of people, noises, sights and

smells all around you.

There's so much to take in that you don't know where to look!

Stunning means 'very beautiful'.

Let's do one more example together:

My girlfriend and I went to Rome for a long weekend.

It's a fascinating place but it's quite touristy, too.

The best thing was the food, which was out of this world.

Here, we used the adjectives fascinating, touristy and out of this world.

Could you explain what these mean?

Fascinating means 'very interesting'.

Touristy describes a place where tourism has grown too much.

Often, if you describe a place as touristy, you mean that it's lost some of its original


Finally, if you describe something as out of this world, you mean it's really good

and you enjoyed it very much.

Now, it's your turn.

Can you describe the place you visited on your last vacation?

You can use the adjectives and language from this section, or you can find your own words

and phrases.

Try to use at least three interesting adjectives in your answer.

Pause the video and do it now, either speaking or writing.

How was that?

Remember that you can always review a section if you found something difficult.

Next, how can you talk about what you liked or disliked on your vacation?

What's the best vacation you've ever had?

What about the worst vacation you've ever been on?

What made these holidays so good or so bad?

Let's see how you can talk about the positives and negatives of your holiday.

Here's our first example:

I went to the countryside with my family for a couple of weeks.

It was relaxing but by the end I was getting quite bored.

This is good, but it's always better to add a reason if you can:

I went to the countryside with my family for a couple of weeks.

It was relaxing but by the end I was getting quite bored, because each day was pretty similar.

What does that mean, each day was pretty similar?

Do you know?

It means that you did the same kind of things each day, so there wasn't much variety from

one day to the next.

Let's look at our next example:

I went to Thailand with a group of friends for ten days.

I loved Krabi, because it was like nowhere I'd ever been before.

I wasn't so keen on Bangkok.

It's a cool place but it's a bit big and noisy for my tastes.

Saying it was like nowhere I'd ever been before means that the place you went to was

really unique.

You can use I wasn't so keen on… to talk about something you didn't like very much

in the past.

For example:

I wasn't so keen on the food in the hotel.

I wasn't so keen on the museums—I didn't think they were very interesting.

Adding for my tastes after you give your opinion shows that this is just your perspective.

You would use it after you give a negative opinion, to soften your idea slightly.

For example:

It's a nice area, but it's too developed and touristy for my tastes.

Adding for my tastes makes this sound slightly softer and less direct.

Okay, let's do one more example together:

My girlfriend and I went to Rome for a long weekend.

I think I liked the general atmosphere most of all.

Walking around the little streets in the centre felt like being in an old film.

I wish it had been less crowded, though.

Here, you can use the phrase I liked … most of all to talk about your favourite thing

from your vacation.

Use I wish plus the past perfect (had done) to talk about something in the past which

you would change if you could.

For example:

I wish we'd had more time to explore the city.

I wish we hadn't stayed in that awful hotel.

Okay, your turn again!

What did you like and dislike about your last holiday?

Make at least two or three sentences, and say them out loud.

Remember to give reasons to support your ideas.

Now, you should be ready to put everything together into a longer answer.

To make a longer answer, you need to:

Say where you went, who with, and for how long.

Say what you did.

Describe the place.

Talk about what you liked and disliked.

Let's do an example using language from the lesson:

I went to Thailand with a group of friends for ten days.

We did some sightseeing in Bangkok: the Grand Palace, Wat Pho and so on.

Then we hit the beaches in Krabi for some sun, swimming and cocktails!

Bangkok is a very cosmopolitan place but it could be a little overwhelming because there

was so much going on!

Krabi has some stunning beaches, and I loved it there, because it was like nowhere I'd

ever been before.

On the other hand, I wasn't so keen on Bangkok.

It's a cool place but it's a bit big and noisy for my tastes.

Do you see how using simple phrases and ideas, you can build a full, clear, detailed answer?

We've added some linking words, but otherwise this is only using language you've seen

in this lesson.

Let's do one more example.

This time, we'll use original ideas:

I went to Siberia by myself for three weeks.

I travelled around, did some hiking and camping, and explored the countryside.

I was near Lake Baikal, which is a huge lake with mountains and villages dotted around

the sides.

It was beautiful in a wild way, and the emptiness gave me a real feeling of isolation and solitude.

I liked the people I met—everyone was so open and welcoming.

On the other hand, even though it was summer, the nights were so cold!

I wish I'd taken a warmer sleeping bag.

This time, I'm using different ideas and some different language, but I'm still following

the same structure.

Now, can you make a longer answer like these?

Try it!

If it's difficult, review the video or use a dictionary to get the vocabulary you need.

Practise your answer several times, until you can do it fluently and comfortably.

You could also talk about other vacations you had, not just the last one.

If you want feedback on your answer, put it in the comments.

We'll give you feedback and show you how you can improve.

And remember, you can find many more free English lessons on our website Oxford Online

Thanks for watching!

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Talking About Your Vacation - Spoken English Lesson - Duration: 18:40.


地瓜鬆餅sweet potato pancake | Life樂生活 - Ting's Happy Place - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> 地瓜鬆餅sweet potato pancake | Life樂生活 - Ting's Happy Place - Duration: 0:46.


Trump Deals Serious Blows To Affordable Care Act - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Trump Deals Serious Blows To Affordable Care Act - Duration: 4:28.


US military plans EVACUATION of South Korea THIS month after Kim Jong-un's war threats - Duration: 4:04.

US military plans EVACUATION of South Korea THIS month after Kim Jong-un's war threats

The exercise – known as the Courageous Channel – will be held as a last-gasp bid to ensure civilians can escape the horrors of a potential nuclear war.

Military spouses, children and the elderly will file through assembly points on US bases where wardens will make sure all procedures are explained.

Army bosses have also picked out selected groups that will be transported all the way to Japan – which would likely be the first stop in a real emergency. EVACUATION: US forces are preparing a major drill in South Korea.

Colonel Chad Carroll It comes amid rising fears that a standoff with Kim Jong-un could erupt into conflict as the war of words between Washington and Pyongyang seems to be never-ending.

President Donald Trump has already warned he will "totally destroy" the hermit kingdom. But the tubby tyrant continues to pursue his nuclear agenda regardless, opting to call Trump "deranged" for good measure.

The military insist the coming drills are not linked to current events, though. They happen twice a year and serve as a stark reminder of living in a country that has technically been in a state of war for over 50 years.

Almost 30,000 US servicemen and women are stationed in South Korea, along with tens of thousands of loved ones and civilian contractors.

"We are currently planning no major adjustments or changes to the scope or scale of this year's training," USFK spokesman Col.

"Like other annual training exercises here on the peninsula, Courageous Channel sharpens our ability to stay ready across our spectrum of tasks. "This year's exercise is not uniquely connected to any specific elements of the current geopolitical situation.".

It comes after ominous satellite images emerged appearing to show the North preparing for a nuclear test in the coming days.

Onlookers fear the hermit kingdom is planning to unleash the dreaded Juche Bird missile – believed to be capable of striking every city on the US mainland. Just this week, American bomber planes flew over the Korean peninsula.

And a "nuke sniffer" aircraft was deployed yesterday before the rogue state threw fuel on the fire. Although no military provocation materialised, the North's state-run newspaper attacked the US in an editorial the same morning.

It accused the White House of pushing them towards a nuclear war and vowed not to stand by in the face of "criminal actions of warmongers.".

Earlier this week, President Trump summoned US generals to the White House War Room over the ongoing crisis. Kim has repeatedly launched missiles in a series of tests this year.

He believes expanding his nuclear arsenal will secure his legitimacy domestically and tighten the states security from the threat of a US invasion.

For more infomation >> US military plans EVACUATION of South Korea THIS month after Kim Jong-un's war threats - Duration: 4:04.


World War 3: North Korea warns Trump – 'We will turn the WHOLE of the US into FIRE' - Duration: 3:16.

World War 3: North Korea warns Trump – 'We will turn the WHOLE of the US into FIRE'

The US Presidents threat to "totally destroy" North Korea is being exploited by Kim Jong-un for his own propaganda and military mobilisation.  The leader of the hermit state does not want to appear weak and has used Mr Trump's threats to justify its military mobilisation and reluctance to engage in dialogue.

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who recently visited North Korea, said: "There was a menace in the air. "There were these billboards showing the destruction of the US. "There was much more rhetoric about the US as the enemy.

"I left feeling that there is a real risk of a war that would be just catastrophic and that we may be headed for miscalculations on both sides that make a war not likely, but a significant possibility."  .

Mr Kristof visited the Korean War museum, which accused Americans of using biological weapons in warfare.  He said he learned Pyongyang will not give up its nuclear weapons as the country sees "nuclear warheads as crucial to it survival".  North Korea military officer Hwang Myong-jin said: "The American Trump uttered nonsense about demolishing our country.

"So as soon as our supreme leader gives us an order, we will turn the entire country of the US into fire."  .

One propaganda image shows a North Korean soldier stepping onto the face of an American soldier and says "Death to invaders".

  Senior Foreign Ministry official Ri Yong-pil said: "The current Trump administration's aggressive remarks about how he can totally destroy my country make it unthinkable that we can start any dialogue.

" According to a Stanford University assessment, on the first day of war between the United States and North Korea one million people could be killed.

Earlier this year, Pyongyang promised to strike the "heart" of the US if American officials were to attack the country's leader.   In September, images were released of gruesome art propaganda depicting Americans murdering Koreans.

  The mood in the Korean peninsula region remains extremely tense as Kim and Mr Trump continue to exchange threats and insults over Pyongyang's nuclear and missile development program.

For more infomation >> World War 3: North Korea warns Trump – 'We will turn the WHOLE of the US into FIRE' - Duration: 3:16.


North Korea 'preparing to fire' 30 Scud missiles at CHINA next week - Duration: 4:31.

North Korea 'preparing to fire' 30 Scud missiles at CHINA next week

NEW TARGET? Kim Jong-un has moved missiles in range of China ahead of a key date. Kim Jong-un's military was seen transporting 30 Scud missiles from Hwangju, south of the capital Pyongyang, to Nampo, in the west of the country.

Nampo is believed to hold a number of rocket facilities – including a military shipyard where submarine-launched ballistic missiles are loaded onto Kim's subs. Security experts believe the hermit kingdom is getting ready for a major show of force next Wednesday.

ARSENAL: A North Korean Scud missile on show in Pyongyang.

The Chinese Communist Party is holding its 19th Congress on that day – October 18. Kim is thought to be angry with China after it sided with Donald Trump to slap sanctions on its commie neighbour and ally.

The tubby tyrant is believed to want to remind Chinese premier Xi Jinping he won't be cowed.

Interestingly, Nampo is out of range of Japan and the US territory of Guam – but missiles fired from there could reach key targets in China.

RANGE: A map showing the range of North Koreas Scud missiles. Scuds are Soviet-era missiles popular with dictators around the world, including Saddam Hussein. They are short range rockets – with a range of between 110 to 430 miles.

South Korean capital Seoul is just 121 miles from Nampo. But Nampo is also just 200 miles the Chinese city of Dalian, in Liaoning Prefecture, and 328 miles from Qingdao, in Shandong.

Both are major seaports just across the Yellow Sea from North Korea. It seems unlikely that Kim would bite the hand that fed him so hard.

But he could fire a series of rockets into the sea to send a message to Xi that he is still a force to be reckoned with.

North Korea has pushed the globe to the brink of World War 3 with a series of missile tests this year - including two Hwasong-14 intercontinental ballistic missiles believed to be capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the mainland US in July.

NEW PALS: Donald Trump has courted close ties with Chinas Xi Jinping. It fired two medium-range ballistic missiles over Japan in August and September in an apparent dry run for a strike on the US Pacific island of Guam.

The trigger-happy regime said it was preparing to test a nuke over the Pacific and was expected to carry out some kind of display of military might to mark the anniversary of the founding of the ruling Korean Workers' Party on October 10.

But Kim has kept his hand from the detonator since September 15 – the biggest pause since the start of the year.

North Korea launched a barrage of short-range missiles – believed to be anti-ship missiles – in June after Trump moved an "armada" of warships to the region in a failed bid to halt Kim's nuclear missile programme.

Trump has sent a nuclear sub to the area and nuclear powered aircraft carrier the USS Ronald Reagan is set to arrive there this weekend.

For more infomation >> North Korea 'preparing to fire' 30 Scud missiles at CHINA next week - Duration: 4:31.


What It Will Mean If Donald Trump Decertifies The Iran Nuclear Deal | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> What It Will Mean If Donald Trump Decertifies The Iran Nuclear Deal | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 5:51.


Amber Lee's Weather Forecast (Oct. 12) - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Amber Lee's Weather Forecast (Oct. 12) - Duration: 2:19.


Report Trump Wins Massive Victory – No President Has Ever Done This - Duration: 18:44.

Report Trump Wins Massive Victory – No President Has Ever Done This

The conflict between Donald Trump and the NFL has been one of the most fascinating events

in the recent American culture war.

It's part of the larger dissatisfaction among mainstream Americans with the entertainment

industry–which has largely become a platform for the promotion of left-wing causes.

According to The Washington Times, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has taken action on behalf of

fans who consider football players' widespread kneeling during the national anthem to be


Goodell sent team owners a letter on Tuesday saying he wants players to stand during the

anthem–and also said a possible rule change will be discussed at the league's meeting

next week.

Goodell's remarks to owners took on a conciliatory tone and argued that the protests are causing


"Sports, and especially the NFL, brings people together and lets them set aside those

divisions, at least for a few hours," Goodell wrote.

The NFL commissioner continued: "The current dispute over the national anthem is threatening

to erode the unifying power of our game, and is now dividing us, and our players, from

many fans across the country."

President Trump took to Twitter Tuesday morning to herald Goodell's decision, writing, "It

is about time that Roger Goodell of the NFL is finally demanding that all players STAND

for our great National Anthem-RESPECT OUR COUNTRY."

The new change in direction came in response to major backlash from football fans.

As noted by, many fans went so far as to burn season tickets and jerseys as a

way of displaying their frustration with the national anthem protests.

NFL ratings are down.

Both Sunday Night Football and Monday Night Football experienced season lows this week.

According to the Washington Examiner, ticket sales have declined by 17.9 percent.

Goodell's new stance against protesters was possibly motivated by President Trump's

public condemnation of the tax break advantages offered to the NFL, which also enjoys the

benefits of being exempted from federal anti-trust laws.

"Why is the NFL getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our Anthem,

Flag and Country?"

President Trump posted to Twitter on Monday.

"Change tax law!"

The controversy provoked by the protesting players has placed the financial interests

of the league in jeopardy.

The NFL has likely determined that it has more to lose by alienating its base than by

angering its players.

The sports network ESPN is following the same path.

As Fox News reports, ESPN suspended politically vocal sportscaster Jemele Hill for two weeks

after she called on her fans to boycott advertisers of the Dallas Cowboys in retaliation for owner

Jerry Jones's decision to bench any player who refuses to stand for the national anthem.

The politicization of professional football has prompted sponsors like Hardwick Clothes

and Check Into Cash to pull their advertising dollars from the NFL.

Sports fans apparently prefer watching games free of political activism.

Faced with major financial losses, it seems the NFL is at last willing to give their audience

what it wants.

The question is whether even a complete overhaul will be enough to salvage the league, or whether

the damage is already too


to repair.

For more infomation >> Report Trump Wins Massive Victory – No President Has Ever Done This - Duration: 18:44.


Распаковка игрушек База щенячьего патруля Обзор игрушек Toys for kids unboxing Paw patrol - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Распаковка игрушек База щенячьего патруля Обзор игрушек Toys for kids unboxing Paw patrol - Duration: 3:11.


Patricia JANEČKOVÁ: "Meine Lippen" (Franz Lehár) - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Patricia JANEČKOVÁ: "Meine Lippen" (Franz Lehár) - Duration: 4:10.


North Korea: Earthquake detected near nuclear test site - has Kim Jong-un tested a bomb? - Duration: 2:03.

North Korea: Earthquake detected near nuclear test site - has Kim Jong-un tested a bomb?

The earthquake measured 2.9 on the Richter scale and comes after a 6.1-magnitude magnitude quake last month, which claims was the result of hydrogen bomb test.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) shows the quake was detected just five kilometres from Sungjibaegam, a town close to the Punggye-ri nuclear test site and added that it cannot confirm whether the earthquake was natural or man-made.

A statement on the US Geological Survey website reads: This event occurred in the area of the previous North Korean Nuclear tests.

The event has earthquake-like characteristics, however, we cannot conclusively confirm at this time the nature (natural or human-made) of the event.  .

The earthquake struck at a depth of 5km, according to the USGS, increasing the likelihood that it was not a natural occurrence.

Septembers nuclear test was so strong that it shook buildings in Russia and China and was described as a perfect success by North Koreas state-run media.

The international community is continuing to impose sanctions on North Korea in a bid to get the secretive country to give up its nuclear and missile programmes.

For more infomation >> North Korea: Earthquake detected near nuclear test site - has Kim Jong-un tested a bomb? - Duration: 2:03.


Video Testimonials Request by Brian - Duration: 1:07.

The main thing I wanted to actually say to you today is I'd love to give you a $20 gift

voucher to spend at the power planter website on anything you'd like and what I'd love in

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and you'll how we can give you a $20 gift voucher, to spend at the store.

Now it doesn't have to be anything too fancy just record it on your mobile phone will be

fine all the instructions are on the site but it'd be a huge help for us and it might

even help us reduce our Facebook advertising costs which is killing us at the moment.

So again thank you for giving it a go and I look forward to seeing your video reviews.

For more infomation >> Video Testimonials Request by Brian - Duration: 1:07.


You're My Drama S2 Ep 2 - Second Chance - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> You're My Drama S2 Ep 2 - Second Chance - Duration: 9:23.


Fletcher back at PSU, still troubled by MAX attack - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Fletcher back at PSU, still troubled by MAX attack - Duration: 0:48.


Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Kids / Bad Kids cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:06.

Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Kids / Bad Kids cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes

Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Kids / Bad Kids cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Kids / Bad Kids cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:06.


Local Fire Crews Heading North - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Local Fire Crews Heading North - Duration: 1:54.


Jazz by The Lake, by The Tivoli Ensemble, feat. Kjeld Lauritsen 2/2 - Duration: 21:45.

For more infomation >> Jazz by The Lake, by The Tivoli Ensemble, feat. Kjeld Lauritsen 2/2 - Duration: 21:45.


Khmer remix 2018 បទញាក់ល្បីៗ ជាមួយនឹងក្បាច់រាំសប្បាយៗ [ Nonstop 2018 ] - Duration: 38:42.

Khmer remix 2018

nonstop 2018

For more infomation >> Khmer remix 2018 បទញាក់ល្បីៗ ជាមួយនឹងក្បាច់រាំសប្បាយៗ [ Nonstop 2018 ] - Duration: 38:42.


Flexbox CSS tutorial for Beginners #4 - Mobile Responsive Design - Duration: 5:23.

In this episode of flexbox tutorial part 4, we are going to make our flexbox mobile


Now flexbox has an auto shrink or grow option to narrow or widen your

contents with the changing value of your display device.

This property is known as flex-shrink or flex-grow that depicts how

fast are flexbox will relatively shrink or grow with respect to the other divs in the

same container.

If the values are same then how Rapid will it change with the changing

value of the device-width.

But this is not the ideal case we should rely every time.

If we keep on using the default value at the lower display width,

we will get the following display which is entirely wrong for lower display device width.

So let's look for an alternative then.

At lower dimension due to lower display width, it is rather problematic to work with

display-flex property.

The content gets smaller in size.

So what is the alternative then?

Let's find out into source code.


Now this is the project that so far we have created.

This is the getup and if we look here we can see that the thing that we had

mentioned previously the auto shrinking property of flexbox or the auto growing property,

it is now in effect but as you can see the major drawback of this kind of therapy

is that, all of these contents, those are coming side by side.

But if we wish to keep our contents as we have seen as in case in

our bootstrap design, that the contents are getting ups and downs in case of lower

display device- width, and in case of higher display device width or larger display

device preview, it is getting side by side.

So if we want to make changes in this sort of manner, then all we can do..

Let's get back to our project and here in this

stylesheet CSS, we can observe here we can witness here that this is the motherBox1 and

here we have provided the display flex option.

Now, due to this property of display flex, all of these contents those are getting

side by side.

What if we now create media query where I have assigned a media query

of min-width 768px.

And here I have already created a same class name that I have created

over here, this mother Box1, all I am doing I am just pressing control+X, that means

I am cutting this thing off, and here inside this media query I have mentioned now

this display:flex option.

That means until the media width is 767px, all these types

of contents those things well be coming vertically up and down; that means these things

will be vertically stacked one over another, and when the media width is 768px,

then all these contents should be coming side by side as we can see here.

Now let's reload and we can see that as we have

expected all these contents those are now coming vertically up and down and there's

absolutely no problem with it.

Now for say let's provide here 767px and we can see that still these contents are

getting vertically stacked on each other.

Now this device-width or this media-width, it is now 768px, and we can see that these

contents are getting horizontal again.

They are coming side by side.

So if we press Control + shift + m, we can see that in the

larger device preview, all these contents those are practically getting aligned side

by side, and if we press Control + shift + m

again, and if we come back then we can see that all these contents are stacked on each


We can do many major things over here, such as we can increase the font size or we can

specify anything else we want to display in the larger device preview those we do not

wish to come over in the lower display device and for all these things, we have assigned

a particular or a minimum width, which is 768px.

So this is how we can convert CSS flexbox container to a mobile responsive one,

without any ID of bootstrap mobile responsive design.

In the next tutorial we are going to learn how to insert a menu and

how to resize it.

So that's all for today's tutorial.

Hope to see you guys in the next tutorial.

If you guys have liked this tutorial then do not hesitate to hit that red

subscribe button down below.

Hope to see you guys in our next tutorial, till then,


For more infomation >> Flexbox CSS tutorial for Beginners #4 - Mobile Responsive Design - Duration: 5:23.


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Xacla - Dawnscape - Duration: 4:41.

Don't make a sound all around

Silence is everywhere

Fills in the cloud

There is a way across the time

Future is coming up

Forgetting the past

I have to dream

I have to forget about these things

About broken heart that is beating so fast

all the time when it rains

I want to fly

Just higher and higher out of sky

Wind blows out there and we're going forever

To our neverland

Our neverland

Our neverland

I have to dream

I have to forget about these things

About broken heart that is beating so fast

all the time when it rains

I want to fly

Just higher and higher out of sky

Wind blows out there and we're going forever

To our neverland

Our neverland

Our neverland

For more infomation >> Xacla - Dawnscape - Duration: 4:41.


For more infomation >> Xacla - Dawnscape - Duration: 4:41.


On the Fringe in Japan

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Why Pink Regrets Saying She's Team Taylor Swift - Duration: 3:48.

Why Pink Regrets Saying She's Team Taylor Swift

Pink says she regrets taking sides in one of musics biggest pop feuds: Taylor Swift vs. Katy Perry.

In a revealing interview with the Los Angeles Times, the 38-year-old recalled her past appearance on a London radio show in which she said shes Team Taylor when asked to quickly pick a side.

I shouldve just kept my mouth shut, because I dont believe that.

I dont care, Pink said.

I felt rushed and I didnt know what to do.

And I paid for it, because then the next day: Pink is Team Taylor. .

Perry, 32, and 27-year-old Swift had been embroiled in a bitter beef over the years.

The feud saw diss tracks and snarky jabs, though Perry has since expressed her desire to end the squabble.

Now, Pink, a mom of two, has said she regrets almost getting caught up in the singers spat.

I have two kids — I have a baby.

And its so different now.

Im not inclined toward drama and feuds and soundbites, she told the Times.

She shares two children with husband Carey Hart daughter Willow Sage, 6, and son Jameson Moon, 9 months.

The What About Us singer has more important things to focus on these days, a she gears up for the Friday release of her seventh studio album Beautiful Trauma and accompanying short film On the Record: P!nk — Beautiful Trauma.

Both will be available worldwide on Apple Music.

In the PEOPLE exclusive clip of the film, Pink opens up about her life, reflecting on her career before and after marriage and children.

I would like to put everything I am and everything I have into everything that I do, she said in a sneak peek of the documentary.

Id say the hardest part is just trying to figure it all out.

I signed up for this when I was 16 and now I have children and I have a marriage..

She added: I just want to always make sure that Im doing right by them.

Its not a simple puzzle anymore — its not just me..

For more infomation >> Why Pink Regrets Saying She's Team Taylor Swift - Duration: 3:48.


Get More Organic Reach On Social Media - Small Business Marketing Tips Friday 15 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Get More Organic Reach On Social Media - Small Business Marketing Tips Friday 15 - Duration: 1:01.


Khmer remix 2018 បទញាក់ល្បីៗ ជាមួយនឹងក្បាច់រាំសប្បាយៗ [ Nonstop 2018 ] - Duration: 38:42.

Khmer remix 2018

nonstop 2018

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