Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 16 2017

welcome back everybody it is Monday which means photo assignments now the

current photo assignment is photo assignment number 12 which deals with

composite images we've been working on this over the last two weeks now

essentially a composite image is a group of images that combine somehow to make

up one image and there's a wide variety of interpretation as to what that can

mean on the very technical end of it you can do a series of images and stitch

them together in Lightroom or Photoshop to come up with this massive

high-resolution image that you don't really see as composited but that is how

it is made to retain that detail of course that is hard to show on here but

I had a lot of people that participated in that and some really nice work that

was submitted another way of doing it is you could do things like in camera

techniques like multiple exposures you can do things like hold an image in the

picture somehow and make that a part of the scene that's one way of doing it and

then I had people completely on the other end of the spectrum that did some

Jerry Uelsmann type collage work which i think is kind of interesting too so I

did my best to kind of curate this together for you and so you're gonna see

a wide variety of stuff that was submitted so without further ado here's

your work from photo assignment number twelve composite images

as you can see some outstanding work is being submitted you guys should be very

proud of yourselves I'm very happy with the direction these are all going in so

special thanks to everyone who participated now next time up our photo

assignment is going to deal with self portraits I figured you've been watching

these videos for a while it's finally time we get to know one another

anyway I'm telling you that today because I want to give you a week to

start thinking about that next Monday I will do the instructional video around

self portrait photography and there's some really interesting examples that

I've got that I want to share with you guys that are a little bit

unconventional a little bit quirky and I think we're gonna have a lot of fun with

this and then that will give you a week to get your stuff shot submitted for

consideration for the next round of viewer work and we can stay on a

two-week cycle but I've kind of been waiting a week before I tell you what it

is because I don't want people to get just crazy and then gung-ho and started

in a direction and then it changes but that's not necessarily a bad thing

that's experimenting and we kind of learned that this week when we were

working with this concept of doing composite images so anyway just an idea

so we're gonna try that this time around and if you guys have any questions

please leave them in the comments if you are new to the show you don't know what

photo assignments is I've got a whole playlist for you right here you can go

check them all out and if you want to know how to submit your work for the

next one there's a whole frequently asked questions video that you can see

here and until the next video I will see you guys then later

For more infomation >> YOUR PHOTOS! Photo Assignment #12 :: Composite Photography - Duration: 5:17.


Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-MOTION , AIRCO , CR CONTR , MISTL V , - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-MOTION , AIRCO , CR CONTR , MISTL V , - Duration: 0:59.


coca cola commercial - Duration: 0:15.

Those fans there? They're craving dr Pepper.

Za Warudo!!

HA Done!


For more infomation >> coca cola commercial - Duration: 0:15.


A Company Will Press Your Ashes into a Working Vinyl Album - Duration: 3:00.

The whole reason why that album

came to light is because of

my mom's passing.

And what better way to

capture that metaphorically

than to put her ashes in the vinyl.

We are all looking for a way to live longer.

This ingenious idea gives your

loved ones a way to remember you

through sight, sound and touch

after your death.

I mean, the whole process of the album

was based around losing my mom.

She was that album.

That's why she was on the cover.

So, if you're gonna do something

interesting, then make it special.

It's a beautiful thing.

We went everywhere looking for this

fucking pressing plant.

Our manager found someone doing it

and now we're here, vinyly.

AndVinyly is a service we offer people

for pressing the ashes of a loved one,

or their own, into a vinyl record.

Immediately, it started getting attention,

particularly from the media.

To be able to move the air in a room

sometime in the future

is quite interesting to me.

I'm in a five-piece rock band

from Bristol called Idles.

Christine, my mom, full of light.

A wonderful mother.

My mom died and obviously at that

point it was a devastation for me.

She was my best friend.

And my mother.

My mother worked seventeen hours

seven days a week.

The best way to scare a Tory

is to read and get rich.

You need to have respect, as well,

when you're putting human ashes

in a record.

It is very different to making a normal

record, which is much more of a

sort of industrial process.

The audio is engraved into a lacquer.

You have a metal stamper for an A-side

and a metal stamper for the B-side

and these are what are used to

press the vinyl.

And it's at that stage that we add the ash.

Well, thank you very much for

bringing this all the way down.

I really appreciate it. It means a lot.

And this - wow - I love that.

I love - I love - that's so clear

that you can see her in it.

And this is magic. It's beautiful.

She would have loved this.

Cool, I'm pleased you like it.

Every one, obviously, will be different.

That's so great.

I love the way it almost looks scattered.

People are a bit freaked out

that this was a person.

People are terrified of that physical

link with death.

It's not ignoring how important it is

to appreciate life after death.

What it does most, I think, is that it gives

more people in a family or perhaps in a

group of friends the chance to have

something to keep from someone who

mattered a lot to them.

Decompartmentalizing to grieve in a way

where everything makes sense again

and you can move on and be happy.

For more infomation >> A Company Will Press Your Ashes into a Working Vinyl Album - Duration: 3:00.


Halloween Makeup For An Everyday Look | Beauty With Mi | Refinery29 - Duration: 7:41.

Happy Halloween!

Hey guys! It's Mi-Anne and this is Beauty With Mi.

Every year around this time, I end up buying a ton of Halloween makeup.

And by the time November hits, I have absolutely zero use for it.

So in an effort to A. save money and B. test myself creatively, I decided a challenge was

in order.

Today rather than painting cat whiskers onto my face and skulls, I'm going to challenge

myself to create a wearable look using Halloween products.

I'm going to Ricky's NYC aka the one-stop shop for pretty much anything Halloween-related

you could possibly need to pick up.

Some paints, some glitters, some eyelashes, some fake blood of course.

And you are coming with me.

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel below so you never miss a vid.


Let's go shopping!

This one… which has a ton of fun colors that I feel like would be challenging.

I can figure out to use these in ways that might look good and not scary.

This is Violet Voss glitter, one of my favorite kinds.

There's so many options here, but I think I'm going to go with this pretty glittery

pink one.

Another Halloween staple: fake blood.

I'm back!

And I got all of my goodies.

This is so much better than trick-or-treating especially if you lived in a neighborhood

like I did, where you got a lot of raisins and floss.

So I'm going to do this look, but first I have to take off my eyeliner and my lipstick.


Makeup off. Fresh face.

Let's dive into the Halloween makeup.

I think I'm going to start with contouring with this brown cream makeup.

I've never used it to contour before obviously.

I'm going to open it up.

It's very chocolatey brown.

And the texture is… not ideal.

It looks like this.

So I have a few tools here.

I have some of these classic makeup sponges.


I think I'm going to go in with a brush first.

This is my contour brush.

I'm going to dip into the product a little bit.

I don't know how pigmented this is so I'm going to sweep it off—yeah this is very


So I'm taking off a little bit of the excess.

I definitely went in with a pretty heavy hand.

I'm going to give my sponge a little bit of water.

Squeeze out the excess.

And blend this out because it's very, very intense on this side.

I'm going to continue blending because I really

went overboard here.

But I will say that—not to toot my own horn, but I think we're off to a relatively good


I'm going to go on to the cheeks.

And I thought it might be cool to use this vampire blood for it.


It's very wet.

It's dripping. Wow.

It looks just like blood.

I don't know how pigmented this is going to be.

I'm just going to dot it.

And I'm going to tap with my ring finger.

Very sheer once it's blended out.

Okay, it's patchy.

It's really patchy on this side of my face because I didn't work fast enough with it.

So that's definitely a downside.

Next up, eyes.

And I got this really beautiful Ben Nye color wheel.

It's in Fireworks Fantasy.

I think I'm going to use this pink shade all over my lid with my fingers as well.

I like to use my fingers with cream products like this.

Oh it's so beautiful.

I'm going to use this brown shade, metallic brown shade, in the crease of my eye in the

outer corner, just to give my eyes a little bit more definition.

And while my creams are still setting on my eyes, I'm going to use this beautiful glitter

from Violet Voss.

It's in the shade Lily.

Look how pretty that is.

And I'm going to use a slightly damp brush and tap that just directly onto the center

of my lid.

Now that this top lid situation is done, I'm going to define my lower lashline with a little

bit more of the Ben Nye color wheel so I'm going to go in with my brush.

Dip a little bit into the brown shade and mix it with a bit of the pink shade.

I haven't used this gigantic kit yet.

There's this little cream palette of colors.

It's not as smooth as I would have liked, but we're going to make it work.

Not bad.

It's really great for lining the eyes, not so great for precision work.

So this cat-eye might not be…

definitely won't be the best cat-eye I've ever done.

I'm going to do some lashes and I have these.

Because this is supposed to be a wearable look, I'm going to cut off the silver bits.

I'm left with this little strip.

Oh my gosh.

Why is this so difficult?


They're so long.

This is the opposite of a wearable look.

If at first you don't succeed, try again.

If you fail again, nix the eyelashes.

And that is what I did.

I'm going to move onto lips now.

And I think I'm going to try to use these little crayons.

I don't know if they're going to work.

We'll see.

So this is the finished look.

I gotta say I don't hate it.

I was actually really expecting to dislike pretty much all of this Halloween makeup.

And I think that I was able to create a decent look with it like…

Maybe I should go around and see if people can tell.


What do you think about my eyeliner?

I think it's fab.

This is all Halloween makeup.

Oh really.

I'm going to say Urban Decay for the eyes.

Okay. I can definitely see that.

Something fun like a Benefit or a… yeah, I'm going to go with that actually.


Am I right?

This is all Halloween makeup.



Obviously, I had a little bit of trouble with the eyelashes.

But overall, I give this look two thumbs up.

If you guys try this challenge, please let me know in the comments what worked for you,

what didn't work for you.

I want to see pictures too.

But thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you next week.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Let me know what you want me to do next on Beauty With Mi in the comments below.

And be sure to click here to subscribe to Refinery29 and click here to watch more videos.


For more infomation >> Halloween Makeup For An Everyday Look | Beauty With Mi | Refinery29 - Duration: 7:41.


Lee Min Ho To Appear In Hong Kong Event | offered KRW 900 million to attend the Event - Duration: 3:05.

Lee Min Ho is one of the most sought-after drama actors and endorser in South Korea.

After appearing in successful dramas such as "Boys Over Flowers," The Heirs" and "Legend

of the Blue Sea," the 30-year-old has become one of the most popular celebrities from Asia.

No wonder that his fee has skyrocketed over the years.

A new report claims that Lee was paid millions of dollars simply to attend an event in Hong


The organizers even went over and beyond to accommodate his whims even if the actor initially

refused because of his busy schedule.

New Straits Times revealed that the unnamed organizer offered the actor KRW900 million

or around US$800 thousand/RM3.3 million to grace an event in Hong Kong.

When Lee said he could not make it due to a scheduling conflict, the organizer arranged

a private jet to fly him from Seoul into the location in Hong Kong.

The actor did, eventually, grace the event and all the organizer's effort was worth it.

The publication pointed out that the event was able to collect RM36 million or US$5.5

million/KRW6 billion because of the actor's presence.

However, a representative from MYM Entertainment argued that Lee does not decide whether he

wants to make an appearance at an event or not based on money alone.

He and his agency also have not set a specific amount to be paid if an event organizer wants

the "The Legend of the Blue Sea" actor to appear.

"There's no specific fee for him to attend any events and we have never ever made a decision

based on the fee offered," the management company said.

"However, the amount offered by this organizer had really taken us way beyond our imagination."

The "Boys Over Flowers" star enlisted in the military earlier this year and will not be

dismissed until 2019.

In an earlier interview with Star Magazine (via Soompi), the actor promised his fans

that he will venture into a new project once he completes his duty to his country.

"I feel all the fans' sadness and their support," the "The Heirs" star stated.

"I'd like to come back healthy and heal them again with a great project."

For more infomation >> Lee Min Ho To Appear In Hong Kong Event | offered KRW 900 million to attend the Event - Duration: 3:05.


Why California's Musical Road Sounds Terrible - Duration: 3:29.

If you drive down a certain stretch of highway in the California desert, you will hear music.

It's supposed to sound a little bit like this:

[William Tell Overture, by Rossini]

but instead, it sounds like this.

[William Tell Overture, by Rossini, but badly out of tune]

That was the musical road of Lancaster, California.

And as you may have heard, it's a little bit out of tune.

A lot of money was spent on that road.

It was a publicity stunt for a car company who wanted to show off how clever they are.

And doing the calculations for something like that isn't really difficult.

A musical note is a vibration in the air at a particular frequency.

And those vibrations can be made by a violin string or synthesised by a computer

or - in this case - made by vehicle tyres hitting grooves in the road.

The closer the grooves are, the faster the vibrations, and the higher the note.

So take the speed limit,

divide by the frequency of the note you want,

and that's how often there should be a groove in the road.

And if people travel at the wrong speed, well, it shouldn't really matter.

It'll just be like slowing down or speeding up any other piece of music:

it'll be in the wrong key, but it'll still sound right to most people's ears.

It won't sound like that mess.

So what went wrong?

At this point, I am indebted to David Simmons-Duffin,

an assistant professor of physics at Caltech,

whose interests include Quantum Field Theories and playing baroque violin.

Because he was, as far as I can tell,

the very first person to figure out what went wrong:

and the problem was probably the English language.

Whoever did the calculations said that the grooves should be so far apart.

Let's say, four inches for the first note.

And they meant there should be a groove every four inches.

But whoever gave the instructions to the work crew

said that the grooves should be "four inches apart".

And that was interpreted as four inches between the end of one groove

and the start of the next one.

They didn't include the width of the groove itself.

But your ears definitely do include it.

The highest note on that section of the William Tell Overture

should be one octave higher than the lowest.

That means the frequency should be doubled,

and that the grooves should be half the distance apart.

And they are: if you don't include the width of the groove itself.

That error means that every note is distorted not by a fraction of its value,

like if you're travelling at the wrong speed,

but by a constant amount: by the width of the grooves.

The higher the note, the greater the effect of that distortion.

And the result is the mess that you are about to hear for a second time.

And the really strange part?

This is the second musical road built in Lancaster, California.

The first one, built by the car company, was too close to residents,

who complained about the constant noise.

And probably this note here.

So the city paved over it and rebuilt it...

to the exact, same, wrong blueprints.

That's a take.

That is a take.

Right there.

And in order to celebrate that take, I am going to put my foot down.

This is an SUV.

It doesn't, er... it doesn't do that.

For more infomation >> Why California's Musical Road Sounds Terrible - Duration: 3:29.


Top 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Become Fit From Fat Look | Unbelievable - Duration: 6:21.

Top 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Become Fit From Fat Look | Unbelievable

For more infomation >> Top 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Become Fit From Fat Look | Unbelievable - Duration: 6:21.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 16 EKİM 2017 | SABAH SPORU DERBİ YORUMLARI | ÇİĞDEM CEYLAN & TURGAY DEMİR | Youtube - Duration: 17:06.


Thrash or Die #2 - Lost Society - Duration: 8:40.

Hi everyone, and welcome to the show that smashes everything : Thrash or Die !

Today, we carry on with our journey into Thrash Metal,

and we'll illustrate with a Finnish band that smashes even more than the show itself :

Lost Society !

And in this episode, we'll also see a bit of why Thrash sounds this way : the music.

We already saw it in the previous episode : Thrash is a fast music.

We find a lot of this drum rhythm inherited from punk :

When you hear that in a song, there is a good chance that it is Thrash Metal.

Of course, we find some mid-tempo songs as weel, but the songs are mostly fast.

For the guitar riffs, it's a base of Palm Mute, Power Chords and 16th notes (see episodes 19 & 20)

It's very agressive, compared to other Metal genres where we can find more melodic riffs :

Or even groovy riffs :

Here, we'll be more in the

Damn, that's awesome...

It's fast, technical, agressive, its...

Exactly, it's everything Metal should be !

Well, in fact it's what Lamb of God's guitarist says about Megadeth's 2nd album :

But I recognized myself in the sentence, because it's word for word my thoughts when I hear that :

And that's why I chose to talk about Lost Society in this episode :

These guys have all figured out how to do Thrash Metal !

If you never heard of them, it's because the band is pretty young, they started in 2010.

Since they are fans of the original Thrash bands of the 80s, they melted all this into the purest Thrash ever.

This band is the quintessence of Thrash Metal !

They look like kids in this video, right ?

It's because they are ! Average 19 years old , and the singer is only 18 !

When I was 18, it was something else...

I failed my life...

The funny thing is they embraced Thrash to the point that they fit the dresscode of the genre :

I told you ! Quintessence of Thrash !


Everything started in Finland, in 2010, when the band was created by Samy Elbanna...

(Who was only 15, just to remind you.)


Then, in 2012 they entered a Battle of the bands called GBOB

Did they win ?


Oh, fuck...

Of course, they won, asshole ! Look at that !

Samy is so cute, he doesn't even have long hair yet !

The guys are 17 years old and they made everyone see eye to eye !

So their 1st album "Fast Loud Death" followed, here's an axtract :

I love that song !

The album is mostly fun, between songs like "Bitch out' my way" that we just heard,

"Bitch out' my way", ffs !

and the cover very catroon-ish, where we see the band leaving a destroyed city in their tour bus.

And you surely guessed who destroyed the city :

And the guys haven't had enough with the 15 songs of "Fast Loud Death", so they released their 2nd album.

One year later.

"Of course !"

Fucking hell, it's not possible to make such riffs !

As if you thought their 1st album would be their best and that they'd never equal it, like...

like Metallica, you know ?

Hell no !

The guys show up with 14 new songs in your face, and you respect !

Fuck, listen to this !

Aaah, that's so good ! It's...

It's better than sex !

Yeah, I said it. I said it !

After Terror Hungry, they did a series of tours for 2 years

One of them being called "The more you drink, the better we sound tour '14"

Well guys, I already love you without drinking anything, but if you say so...

And in 2016, they released their 3rd album : Braindead

This time there is only 8 tracks on the record, but they compensate with the length of the songs.

For example, one is 8min long !

Yeah, compared to songs of the 1st album like "Toxic Avenger" that lasts 1 minute, it's a bit longer !

For that matter, the 1st album is shorter than the 3rd in total time, though there are twice as many songs !

Personnally, I linked this album a bit less.

There are too many mid-tempos for me, and I globally don't like the singing as much.

But there are still awesome songs, we're talking about Lost Society here !

There even is a little "bonus" song on the album,

a vocer of one of the songs from the previous album, but in a "Californian Easy Listening Version"

And it's great !

Alright, we'll stop here because I will start making a love statement to the band.

Regarding the album suggestions, it will be a lot easier than Overkill and their 18 albums !

To begin with, you can rush onto the first two albums, they are awesome.

And as I said, I likes a little less the 3rd one, but it's still pretty nice,

and it's on the podium of the 3 best albums of the band !

Okay, this time I really stop !

Bye everyone, see you soon on the "Metalliwhat ?" channel, and cheers !

Thanks for watching !

Thanks to :

The playlist of the songs is in the description below

Bye, and see you soon for another episode of Thrash or Die !

For more infomation >> Thrash or Die #2 - Lost Society - Duration: 8:40.


Crochet with led yarn (15) - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Crochet with led yarn (15) - Duration: 2:20.


We all float too high - IT - Duration: 2:35.


Little compilation

We all float down here.

Really ?

Yes, Now come down here.


I'm foatin' too high...! Haauurg...

Hey... You

Yes, you...

Want a ballon ?

I've got one for you.

You just...

Have to come get it.

It's okay.

I promise.


So, just...

Come a little bit...


For more infomation >> We all float too high - IT - Duration: 2:35.


junaid par etraz ky jawab Saeed Anwar cricketer | MessageTv جنید جمشید پر الزام پر رسپانس - Duration: 1:58.

junaid par etraz ky jawab Saeed Anwar cricketer | MessageTv جنید جمشید پر الزام پر رسپانس

junaid par etraz ky jawab Saeed Anwar cricketer | MessageTv جنید جمشید پر الزام پر رسپانس

junaid par etraz ky jawab Saeed Anwar cricketer | MessageTv جنید جمشید پر الزام پر رسپانس

junaid par etraz ky jawab Saeed Anwar cricketer | MessageTv جنید جمشید پر الزام پر رسپانس

junaid par etraz ky jawab Saeed Anwar cricketer | MessageTv جنید جمشید پر الزام پر رسپانس

For more infomation >> junaid par etraz ky jawab Saeed Anwar cricketer | MessageTv جنید جمشید پر الزام پر رسپانس - Duration: 1:58.


Дом 2 новости 17 октября 2017 (17.10.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 17 октября 2017 (17.10.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:54.


More Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts YOU NEED TO KNOW | Satori Graphics - Duration: 2:57.

today I have seven more essential keyboard shortcuts for adobe illustrator

they're gonna save you time and hassle in your graphic design workflow

what is up people it's Thomas Torah graphics the home of graphic design

content right here on YouTube today I have yet more illustrator shortcuts that

if they were super essential for your graphic design workflow you may or you

may not know if you press the tab key on your keyboard it's going to remove all

of the panels and the toolbar so you can see clearly but did you know that Shift

+ tab together will clear everything apart from the toolbox this can be very

handy you need

if you quickly want to lock your selected work hit command to will

control two on Windows and to unlock your work hey command alt - will control

all - and windows

so often on my channel we work with typography and text and in Illustrator

you need to create type outlines there is a shortcut for this which is very

handy indeed and that is shift command o on a Mac or shift ctrl o on a PC now

your Texas vectorized and ready to edit

we can change the size of our tanks in the Thai panel but if you press command

shift and the right arrow will control shift in the right arrow on your

keyboard it's going to increase the type size with two points and to decrease it

is the same Chaka but with the left arrow instead of the right this really

will save you some time you can toggle between the stroke and the fill very

quickly by simply pressing the shortcut Shift X on your keyboard

so there were some more illustrator shortcuts for you guys I hope you

learned something today and you found this tutorial helpful lemon in the

comment section below if you did remember to like and share my content if

you want to help out the channel and subscribe to Utah graphics for for

weekly graphic designer plates so until next time design your future today peace

For more infomation >> More Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts YOU NEED TO KNOW | Satori Graphics - Duration: 2:57.


Auto Focus Modes: Two Minute Tips with David Bergman - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Auto Focus Modes: Two Minute Tips with David Bergman - Duration: 2:41.


(CC Sub) Somehow 18 Ep 8 [Minho SHINEE] - Duration: 17:14.

For more infomation >> (CC Sub) Somehow 18 Ep 8 [Minho SHINEE] - Duration: 17:14.


GALATASARAY | Turgay DEMİR: "Galatasaray'ın Yaptığı Hakikaten Mucize Gibi" | Youtube - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Turgay DEMİR: "Galatasaray'ın Yaptığı Hakikaten Mucize Gibi" | Youtube - Duration: 10:07.


More Than a Music Magazine | Rolling Stone: Stories From the Edge (2017) | HBO - Duration: 0:31.



MAN 1: Rolling Stone broke all the rules.

MAN 2: We were pretty much around the clock,

living, breathing, writing rock and roll.

MAN 3: And fairly quickly,

Rolling Stone became more than a music magazine.

MAN 4: Jann always had a vision of it

being more than just about rock and roll itself.

MAN 5: (CHUCKLING) It was liberating.

For more infomation >> More Than a Music Magazine | Rolling Stone: Stories From the Edge (2017) | HBO - Duration: 0:31.


Supergirl 3x02 "Triggers" Sneak Peek (2017) - Duration: 1:28.

Ms. Luthor, I didn't know you'd be here this morning.

Yeah, I was able to get things in line over at L Corp.

That's good.

I wanna say thanks again for saving CatCo.

We should really figure out a way to get you up to speed with what's happening here.

I was thinking weekly meetings or --

Oh no, no. There's no need.

I'll be here every day.

Every day?

Yeah, I've set things up at L Corp so that I'll be able to dedicate my energies

to learning the ins and outs of how things work at CatCo.

You seem surprised by this.




Welcome to CatCo.

You didn't have to do that.

It's a Danvers family tradition.

First day of school, you get a planner.

Well it's lovely.

In the Luthor house on the first day, we would hire a private investigator

to make sure our teachers credentials were up to date.

Kara, so you knew that Ms. Luthor would be here today?

Yeah, she texted me this morning.

I should've communicated more clearly, Mr. Olsen.

I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

No no, it's not a problem.

I mean I feel bad because we're just not ready for a change in management.

We don't even have an office for you, but --

Oh no, that's fine.

I won't be needing an office.

It's this new trend in CEO's.

We like to roam free, ask questions, and hear unfiltered conversations.

That way we can understand how things are working.

It's much easier when you don't have a desk.

Supergirl all new this Monday at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Supergirl 3x02 "Triggers" Sneak Peek (2017) - Duration: 1:28.


Crypto Trucks Funky Intro Good vs Evil Truck Cartooons Videos For Children - Duration: 1:27.

Crypto Truck

For more infomation >> Crypto Trucks Funky Intro Good vs Evil Truck Cartooons Videos For Children - Duration: 1:27.


Slow motion with Optical Flow - Duration: 3:01.

Hi, I'm Mike from how to shoot and edit - today it's all about slow motion

How to shoot and edit - Slow motion with optical flow

Slow motion always looks great and super interesting, at least when you have that buttery smooth

100 or 120p footage, and you can slow down your footage 4 or 5 times.

But what if your camera only does 60/50 fps or even just 25/30 fps and you want that buttery

smooth 4x or 5x slow motion anyways...Well here is a solution.

Here I have some clips in Premiere Pro I shot in 1080/50p on a 25p timeline.

By right clicking on the clip under speed duration I can slow them down to 50 % and

it looks pretty good, but that is as far as it gets.

When I bring them to 25 % Speed, the footage looks really choppy, because there are only

50/4=12.5 Frames per Second left.

Every frame is doubled now.

But Premiere Pro has a better solution built in.

Under Speed/Duration I am changing the time interpolation to optical flow.

Now Premiere Pro tries to calculate the missing frames instead of just doubling it.

And in a lot of cases that works perfect.

Sometimes it doesn't, because the footage can be too complicated for Premiere to calculate

the missing frames accurately.

So it is on you to decide, if the result is good enough or not.

So you should always have a plan b when using that method.

In my case I can always go to 50% speed, if this option doesn't work very well.

So what works and what doesn't...When the moving object is in front of a relatively

even background that tents to work pretty good.

Slow movements tent to work better then fast movements and clear outlines of the moving

subject work better than complicated ones.

So now...does your scene've got to try that on your own.

If you've learned something in this video please subscribe and give us a thumps up...there

will be so much more videos coming in the near future on how to shoot and edit...Thanks

for watching an see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Slow motion with Optical Flow - Duration: 3:01.


A Company Will Press Your Ashes into a Working Vinyl Album - Duration: 3:00.

The whole reason why that album

came to light is because of

my mom's passing.

And what better way to

capture that metaphorically

than to put her ashes in the vinyl.

We are all looking for a way to live longer.

This ingenious idea gives your

loved ones a way to remember you

through sight, sound and touch

after your death.

I mean, the whole process of the album

was based around losing my mom.

She was that album.

That's why she was on the cover.

So, if you're gonna do something

interesting, then make it special.

It's a beautiful thing.

We went everywhere looking for this

fucking pressing plant.

Our manager found someone doing it

and now we're here, vinyly.

AndVinyly is a service we offer people

for pressing the ashes of a loved one,

or their own, into a vinyl record.

Immediately, it started getting attention,

particularly from the media.

To be able to move the air in a room

sometime in the future

is quite interesting to me.

I'm in a five-piece rock band

from Bristol called Idles.

Christine, my mom, full of light.

A wonderful mother.

My mom died and obviously at that

point it was a devastation for me.

She was my best friend.

And my mother.

My mother worked seventeen hours

seven days a week.

The best way to scare a Tory

is to read and get rich.

You need to have respect, as well,

when you're putting human ashes

in a record.

It is very different to making a normal

record, which is much more of a

sort of industrial process.

The audio is engraved into a lacquer.

You have a metal stamper for an A-side

and a metal stamper for the B-side

and these are what are used to

press the vinyl.

And it's at that stage that we add the ash.

Well, thank you very much for

bringing this all the way down.

I really appreciate it. It means a lot.

And this - wow - I love that.

I love - I love - that's so clear

that you can see her in it.

And this is magic. It's beautiful.

She would have loved this.

Cool, I'm pleased you like it.

Every one, obviously, will be different.

That's so great.

I love the way it almost looks scattered.

People are a bit freaked out

that this was a person.

People are terrified of that physical

link with death.

It's not ignoring how important it is

to appreciate life after death.

What it does most, I think, is that it gives

more people in a family or perhaps in a

group of friends the chance to have

something to keep from someone who

mattered a lot to them.

Decompartmentalizing to grieve in a way

where everything makes sense again

and you can move on and be happy.

For more infomation >> A Company Will Press Your Ashes into a Working Vinyl Album - Duration: 3:00.


榜首「剛好遇見你」,YouTube台灣2017年9月排行榜 | 本視頻排名僅供參考!因YouTube音樂人創作中心統計數據不穩定 - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> 榜首「剛好遇見你」,YouTube台灣2017年9月排行榜 | 本視頻排名僅供參考!因YouTube音樂人創作中心統計數據不穩定 - Duration: 5:47.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Baby learn colors with Super Wings, Robocar Poli, PJ Masks, Paw Patrol, Boss. Wrong Heads. Finger - Duration: 1:41.

Baby learn colors with Super Wings, Robocar Poli, PJ Masks, Paw Patrol, Boss. Wrong Heads

For more infomation >> Baby learn colors with Super Wings, Robocar Poli, PJ Masks, Paw Patrol, Boss. Wrong Heads. Finger - Duration: 1:41.


For more infomation >> Baby learn colors with Super Wings, Robocar Poli, PJ Masks, Paw Patrol, Boss. Wrong Heads. Finger - Duration: 1:41.


Welcome - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Welcome - Duration: 0:36.


For more infomation >> Welcome - Duration: 0:36.


Top 5 des raisons de faire allemand LV1 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Top 5 des raisons de faire allemand LV1 - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> Top 5 des raisons de faire allemand LV1 - Duration: 3:01.


Jouez avec style avec la carte mère Z370 GAMING PRO CARBON AC - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Jouez avec style avec la carte mère Z370 GAMING PRO CARBON AC - Duration: 1:00.


For more infomation >> Jouez avec style avec la carte mère Z370 GAMING PRO CARBON AC - Duration: 1:00.


Crypto Trucks Funky Intro Good vs Evil Truck Cartooons Videos For Children - Duration: 1:27.

Crypto Truck

For more infomation >> Crypto Trucks Funky Intro Good vs Evil Truck Cartooons Videos For Children - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> Crypto Trucks Funky Intro Good vs Evil Truck Cartooons Videos For Children - Duration: 1:27.



For more infomation >> AMIXEM - LA MUSIQUE AMIXEM (REMIX) - Duration: 1:38.


For more infomation >> AMIXEM - LA MUSIQUE AMIXEM (REMIX) - Duration: 1:38.


Mukbang!! DANGER !! On mange des Pattes de poulet ULTRA épicées !!! (En couple) - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> Mukbang!! DANGER !! On mange des Pattes de poulet ULTRA épicées !!! (En couple) - Duration: 8:38.


For more infomation >> Mukbang!! DANGER !! On mange des Pattes de poulet ULTRA épicées !!! (En couple) - Duration: 8:38.


Bad Tanks - Good Guns | Wot Cartoons 7-15 - Duration: 16:06.

Bad Tanks - Good Guns | Wot Cartoons 7-15

For more infomation >> Bad Tanks - Good Guns | Wot Cartoons 7-15 - Duration: 16:06.


For more infomation >> Bad Tanks - Good Guns | Wot Cartoons 7-15 - Duration: 16:06.


Une recette magique pour une croissance rapide et naturelle de vos cheveux. Vous allez être surpris - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Une recette magique pour une croissance rapide et naturelle de vos cheveux. Vous allez être surpris - Duration: 6:37.


For more infomation >> Une recette magique pour une croissance rapide et naturelle de vos cheveux. Vous allez être surpris - Duration: 6:37.


Posez ceci au milieu de votre cuisine ! Cette astuce va vous changer la vie ! - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Posez ceci au milieu de votre cuisine ! Cette astuce va vous changer la vie ! - Duration: 6:19.


For more infomation >> Posez ceci au milieu de votre cuisine ! Cette astuce va vous changer la vie ! - Duration: 6:19.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


HSN | M. Asam Beauty Anniversary 10.16.2017 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | M. Asam Beauty Anniversary 10.16.2017 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 - Duration: 0:59.


Assassin's Creed Origins - "I Am" Live Action Trailer - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed Origins - "I Am" Live Action Trailer - Duration: 1:34.


3 Ways to Use Facebook Live To Generate Sales - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 3 Ways to Use Facebook Live To Generate Sales - Duration: 2:08.


Why California's Musical Road Sounds Terrible - Duration: 3:29.

If you drive down a certain stretch of highway in the California desert, you will hear music.

It's supposed to sound a little bit like this:

[William Tell Overture, by Rossini]

but instead, it sounds like this.

[William Tell Overture, by Rossini, but badly out of tune]

That was the musical road of Lancaster, California.

And as you may have heard, it's a little bit out of tune.

A lot of money was spent on that road.

It was a publicity stunt for a car company who wanted to show off how clever they are.

And doing the calculations for something like that isn't really difficult.

A musical note is a vibration in the air at a particular frequency.

And those vibrations can be made by a violin string or synthesised by a computer

or - in this case - made by vehicle tyres hitting grooves in the road.

The closer the grooves are, the faster the vibrations, and the higher the note.

So take the speed limit,

divide by the frequency of the note you want,

and that's how often there should be a groove in the road.

And if people travel at the wrong speed, well, it shouldn't really matter.

It'll just be like slowing down or speeding up any other piece of music:

it'll be in the wrong key, but it'll still sound right to most people's ears.

It won't sound like that mess.

So what went wrong?

At this point, I am indebted to David Simmons-Duffin,

an assistant professor of physics at Caltech,

whose interests include Quantum Field Theories and playing baroque violin.

Because he was, as far as I can tell,

the very first person to figure out what went wrong:

and the problem was probably the English language.

Whoever did the calculations said that the grooves should be so far apart.

Let's say, four inches for the first note.

And they meant there should be a groove every four inches.

But whoever gave the instructions to the work crew

said that the grooves should be "four inches apart".

And that was interpreted as four inches between the end of one groove

and the start of the next one.

They didn't include the width of the groove itself.

But your ears definitely do include it.

The highest note on that section of the William Tell Overture

should be one octave higher than the lowest.

That means the frequency should be doubled,

and that the grooves should be half the distance apart.

And they are: if you don't include the width of the groove itself.

That error means that every note is distorted not by a fraction of its value,

like if you're travelling at the wrong speed,

but by a constant amount: by the width of the grooves.

The higher the note, the greater the effect of that distortion.

And the result is the mess that you are about to hear for a second time.

And the really strange part?

This is the second musical road built in Lancaster, California.

The first one, built by the car company, was too close to residents,

who complained about the constant noise.

And probably this note here.

So the city paved over it and rebuilt it...

to the exact, same, wrong blueprints.

That's a take.

That is a take.

Right there.

And in order to celebrate that take, I am going to put my foot down.

This is an SUV.

It doesn't, er... it doesn't do that.

For more infomation >> Why California's Musical Road Sounds Terrible - Duration: 3:29.


teSt - Duration: 0:24.

the world we live in. it's so... wonderous. mysterious. even magical. no... no no no.. not that world. i meant this one. the smartphone.

each system and program app is it's own little planet of perfect. technology. all providing services so necessary, so crucial, so unbelievably profound.

look who just sent me a text! addie mccallister? it must be a mistake. or a joke. or a scam! don't send her your social security number.

she's right there! that's our user, alex. and, like every freshman in high school, his whole life, everything, revolves around his phone.

For more infomation >> teSt - Duration: 0:24.


Multifandom | I can get it back - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Multifandom | I can get it back - Duration: 1:48.


Dum Dum Hussain Mola Hussain / Full Manqbat / Hafiz Tahir Qadri New Naat Video 1080HD / 2017/18 - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Dum Dum Hussain Mola Hussain / Full Manqbat / Hafiz Tahir Qadri New Naat Video 1080HD / 2017/18 - Duration: 6:34.


Volkswagen Transporter 2.0TDi 150pk EU6 DC Highline L2 - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.0TDi 150pk EU6 DC Highline L2 - Duration: 1:02.


Gavin Creel sings "Ilona" to Jane Krakowski in She Loves Me - Duration: 2:21.

KODALY: Come with me, Ilona I've missed you so much.

ILONA: Oh, God. No.

KODALY: How I envy you each evening when work is through

For I have only me to be with While you have you.


KODALY: Without you, Ilona How cold my lonely life has grown

Are you happy alone Ilona?

Ilona, My own.

SIPOS: Now that Kodaly is hard at play We'll never get out of here till New Year's Day.

ARPAD & SIPOS: So, Happy New Year!

KODALY: Come with me, Ilona.


KODALY: Come with me, cherie.

Mistletoe I long for someone Please tell me who

Like some divine divining rod It points straight to you.

Remember, Ilona

Those sunny nights we knew before.

If you'll just say the word


We'll know them Once more.

ARPAD: If it was only up to me Guess who I would hang upon the Christmas tree

SIPOS: This is where I came in, Amen The fox and the chicken are a team again.


For more infomation >> Gavin Creel sings "Ilona" to Jane Krakowski in She Loves Me - Duration: 2:21.


Crypto Trucks Funky Intro Good vs Evil Truck Cartooons Videos For Children - Duration: 1:27.

Crypto Truck

For more infomation >> Crypto Trucks Funky Intro Good vs Evil Truck Cartooons Videos For Children - Duration: 1:27.


'I'm intact,' Tillerson says, brushing off drama with Trump - Duration: 8:35.

'I'm intact,' Tillerson says, brushing off drama with Trump

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Sunday ducked, danced and sidestepped the question of whether he truly called President Donald Trump a "moron," dismissing the brouhaha as the "petty stuff" of Washington.

Though they keep coming, Tillerson insisted the persistent queries aren't hindering his mission as the nation's top diplomat. Asked about a leading GOP senator's comment — "You cannot publicly castrate your own secretary of state" — Tillerson would have none of it.

Again and again, Tillerson declined in a news show interview to attest to the accuracy of the report about his use of the word "moron" to describe the commander in chief.

Tillerson said he was "not dignifying the question with an answer," reprising his response from earlier this month, the morning the story broke, when he used an extraordinary televised statement to insist he had nothing but respect for Trump.

"I'm not making a game out of it," Tillerson said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union. " Asked once more, he replied: "I'm not playing.

Yet Tillerson has let others play it on his behalf. He previously dispatched State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert to flatly deny he ever called the president a "moron.".

It was unclear why Tillerson was unwilling to repeat what his spokeswoman has said on his behalf. But the continuing questions have brought his strained relationship with the president into renewed focus.

Tillerson insisted the relationship is solid, and that the continuing public focus on whether he's being undermined by the president has not impeded his ability to succeed in his role.

As the drama has played out, Tillerson has brushed it off as meaningless Washington-centric noise that he says he doesn't understand as an outsider. The Texan and former Exxon Mobil CEO never served in government or politics before becoming secretary of state.

"I know the appearance of it certainly looks like there's sometimes disunity," Tillerson said on CBS' "Face the Nation. " ''There's no confusion among the people that matter.

Questions about Trump's tensions with his secretary of state come as the U.S. faces a series of international crises, including the threat posed by North Korea and fate of the Iran nuclear deal.

Tillerson's critics, including a growing list of foreign policy experts, have questioned whether he can effectively lead American diplomacy if he's perceived by foreign leaders as being at odds with the true decision-maker: Trump.

Bob Corker, a Republican who has become a vocal critic of the president, made the castration analogy last week to The Washington Post.

"At the end of the day, he makes decisions," Tillerson said of the president. "I go out and do the best I can to execute those decisions successfully.".

Despite Tillerson's attempts to show he's in lockstep with the president, the NBC News report of his "moron" comment infuriated Trump, who privately bashed his secretary of state to associates and publicly challenged Tillerson to an IQ test.

"And I can tell you who is going to win," Trump told Forbes magazine. The White House later said he was joking.

The White House did not immediately respond to Tillerson's CNN interview. Trump visited his Virginia golf course for the second consecutive day on Sunday.

People close to Trump say the president has grown increasingly dissatisfied with Tillerson, whom Trump views as holding a conventional view of America's role in the world and lacking star power.

Tillerson, meanwhile, is said to have grown weary of Trump contradicting his public pronouncements and of becoming increasingly isolated in a capital to which he has never warmed.

Tillerson has been painted by some "America First" forces as a publicity-shy, slow-moving "globalist" who did not grasp the nationalist platform of Trump's campaign.

Trump himself has been irked by Tillerson's advocacy of staying in both the Paris climate deal and the Iran nuclear pact, and has complained to associates that he does not like how Tillerson candidly voices his disapproval to the president in meetings, according to White House officials and outside advisers.

They men also disagreed on the nation's Afghanistan strategy, which was discussed in the July Pentagon meeting, though Trump was persuaded by Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis to maintain the United States' presence in the region. Sen.

Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said Sunday that was proof the relationship could work.

"Well, at the end of the day, I think Secretary Tillerson gave a good overview of the relationship," Graham told CBS. "I'm not here to beat up on Bob (Corker).

I'm here to tell you that the president has changed his opinions when it came to Afghanistan by listening to the best national security team I've seen in 20 years.

Trump empowered his son-in-law, senior adviser Jared Kushner, to spearhead the administration's efforts at Middle East peace, stripping the State Department of what is usually a major priority.

Trump also grew annoyed with what he perceived as Tillerson's go-it-alone approach to diplomacy with North Korea, declaring in a scorching recent tweet that the secretary of state was "wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man," Trump's nickname for Kim Jong Un.

The president was also angry with Tillerson's remarks after Trump declared there were "fine people" on both sides of the clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, between white supremacists and anti-racist demonstrators that left one person dead, according to two people familiar with the Trump's beliefs but not authorized to discuss private conversations.

"The president speaks for himself," Tillerson said at the time. Lemire reported from Sterling, Virginia. Follow Lemire on Twitter at and Josh Lederman at Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

For more infomation >> 'I'm intact,' Tillerson says, brushing off drama with Trump - Duration: 8:35.


Slow motion with Optical Flow - Duration: 3:01.

Hi, I'm Mike from how to shoot and edit - today it's all about slow motion

How to shoot and edit - Slow motion with optical flow

Slow motion always looks great and super interesting, at least when you have that buttery smooth

100 or 120p footage, and you can slow down your footage 4 or 5 times.

But what if your camera only does 60/50 fps or even just 25/30 fps and you want that buttery

smooth 4x or 5x slow motion anyways...Well here is a solution.

Here I have some clips in Premiere Pro I shot in 1080/50p on a 25p timeline.

By right clicking on the clip under speed duration I can slow them down to 50 % and

it looks pretty good, but that is as far as it gets.

When I bring them to 25 % Speed, the footage looks really choppy, because there are only

50/4=12.5 Frames per Second left.

Every frame is doubled now.

But Premiere Pro has a better solution built in.

Under Speed/Duration I am changing the time interpolation to optical flow.

Now Premiere Pro tries to calculate the missing frames instead of just doubling it.

And in a lot of cases that works perfect.

Sometimes it doesn't, because the footage can be too complicated for Premiere to calculate

the missing frames accurately.

So it is on you to decide, if the result is good enough or not.

So you should always have a plan b when using that method.

In my case I can always go to 50% speed, if this option doesn't work very well.

So what works and what doesn't...When the moving object is in front of a relatively

even background that tents to work pretty good.

Slow movements tent to work better then fast movements and clear outlines of the moving

subject work better than complicated ones.

So now...does your scene've got to try that on your own.

If you've learned something in this video please subscribe and give us a thumps up...there

will be so much more videos coming in the near future on how to shoot and edit...Thanks

for watching an see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Slow motion with Optical Flow - Duration: 3:01.


Video Marketing Tips - Duration: 6:36.

Hi, I'm Nanci and this is video marketing

This is how business owners are using video marketing

So, in this video, I'm going to tell you how you should NOT be using video marketing

and how you should be using video marketing, instead

first thing first, video marketing is a way to get customers

but still, you have to use wisely video marketing if you wanna get customers

For more infomation >> Video Marketing Tips - Duration: 6:36.


Doc Mcstuffins Awesome Possum Episode 13 - Red Paw - Duration: 16:52.

Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE video! Thank you very much!

The Big Story

Right Back

Okay all Mcstuffins meeting There was A weather report on TV that Says A big Storm Is Coming our Way?

We've got Plenty of Food and Water stored Up in Case of an Emergency?

We like to be Prepared and we've got each other right right so we'll all be Fine?

You got it I'll hurry

I'm Calling an all Time Eating Because There's. A big Storm Coming, oh dear I

Was Reading About this as The earth Gets Warmer and more so we Can hear Doc's Plan


Thanks Hallie I'm going to evacuate you that means I'm going to Take you somewhere Safe

First of all everybody find a storm Buddies Moves for you, okay doc like, we're all buddied up

Is my Buddy

Buddy of all

Here You go chilly Just hold on to Hallie and you'll be fine, oh?

No no Rocky don't worry I'll carry you you, may, swim Buddy, oh

Are we gonna do?

Lambie Stuffy Sir Kirby Bella Squeakers, Susie Sunshine

Surfer Girl

Me he must have fallen off the wagon I've Gotta go save them

We just need something to get your mind off all this wind I?

Guess that won't mind if We enter One Page Into The big Book of Boo-Boos

I need to go to the Clinic Hallie and Chilly are Still There I don't want you to go yeah

The Storm Just Knocked the power out that's why, We have all These Flashlights?

Cool see Teddy B. - that's A bear Hug

The McStuffins Family Is here Together

I'm glad I'm a mcstuffins and I'm even More glad you're One Too me too

How he's a great Nurse and They've got each other

No Just like we've got you doc we're all gonna get Through this Storm Together

This Is so scary

Wow looks Like the storm blew Past I think, We Can start Cleaning Up and dock you Can, Make sure your Toys are okay?

But then Hallie Let me Draw a picture in The big Book of Boo-Boos I love your Drawing why are you wearing A?

Superhero Cape, Chilly, We Can Clean Up later for now I'll use the mobile Clinic

So how was your Checkup

I sure do your symptoms are Jumping out of the wagon to go back for Chilly then

Keeping your Friends Safe during a scary storm, well Duck, We were a little Nervous during the storm

But now that storm, was kind of Scary There?

But We had each other so We got Through it Together?

Spritzy Mitzi, oh

It's a scorcher out here Today why

When I was your age We'd run Through the Sprinklers until the sun went Down and We were as wrinkly as?

Raisin But I like your Stories Have fun I'll be in the Kitchen okay thanks dad

He's Spritzy Mitzi

I guess, we're Gonna run in your Sprinklers and then, we're Gonna run out and then, we're Gonna run in we're Gonna, oh Boy

Oh Boy, oh, Boy, oh Boy

Sorry Lambie

Let's Get a Sprinkle, oh yeah

Don't sweat it dad What Shalit

Hey Spritzy it's Probably Nothing but it Looks like something's Stuck I

Don't need Fixing for Just a little Pebble I could Sprinkle fine With it no sweat it are you Sure

Doc wouldn't mind so let's get Ready to Sprinkle

I'm not sure hey

Spritzy Mitzi Let's Take you to my clinic so i Can Check you out on the Best Sprinkling, day of the year

The Doc Is in not A real Snowman

Remember Oh I Forgot again the heat's getting to my Brain not Funky-Fresh

Let's give you a Checkup so, we Can find out what Happened, ok?

Spritzee You've Got a strong heart your eyes are a little Misty but that's normal I'm Gonna Take a look at your tentacles

I'Ll Lend you some of my Dragon Bravery and Some of my snowman Bravery

Spritzee You have A case of Piper Cloggy Crocodiie Tenner closest and the english Doc

I'Ll Crack Open The Big Book of all Those

So Can you Fix it doc Just A lawn Ornament with holes

No Crying and Sprinkling but I trust you doc you're my girl your TWeezers Doc

Thanks Hallie

Solid so


Awesome Now, We're Gonna Tape the crack with a, really Strong tape so the Water won't get out, oh, sorry

got all excited

so what do I have to do to get Cleared I just want to understand what happened out There I

Wanted it to be the Most Funky Fresh Time ever

Plus it was so little I didn't think it was A big deal when the sun is Strong and the day Is Long in the

Template You get so fast the Kids Wanna play and my Sprinklers Spray and We Never won this

Hey Mitzi, Keep Spritzy Keep, Keeping Us cool, Cuz you Rock but a Pebble got Stopped, the water Backed Up in the party

no Problem now You're all clear to Sprinkle

And There's Still some hot sun out There so

Dad's Favorite Toy

We have A lot, of Stuff Up here yeah?

This Looks Just like mine, oh

That was your Mother's First Stethoscope can't get Rid of that?


That's my Old Fish tank

This Is my Favorite toy, ever Kids Meets all orders Serge and his Trusty Sidekick Wellington whale?

This is Called the wild whale jump hold, on to your hats Let Me Try again?

He won't Stay on Wellington, oh?

After All These Years I get to See him again and He's broken

Not Battled besides Doc's Always

Careful With Their Patients but Yeah be Really Careful, okay

okay, dad be back soon

Bonjour and hello

It is my pleasure to meet you, ah, oh Fancy

Yeah do not be Alarmed

Saltwater Serge Is Fine

Just fine


Where in The World are We it Looks like you could use a cuddle

Saltwater Serge Does not like the Shudders I

Don't know what an Addict

Is but Already I don't like it it's the very Top Floor of our House We Found Serge and Wellington up there?

in This Summer Marcus Would bring Us to the Burns to Look for the Salamanders and The Frogs serge you Can and

He, was just Talking About how Much he. Would love to play with you Both

Can This Be True it has Been Many, Days or Months or?

13 Carry The Tender the pie of to you

But if I Cannot Stay on Wellington then I cannot do the Famous wild?

Well Jumps and it was Marcus his Favorite then I will Never do the Gutters serge, we Can Fix This

You Can yep, We'll start with a checkup, oh?

Anything Doc I am in your Hands

Actually Good

This Button is Really worn out I bet it's because dad Played with you Guys so much yeah

The Subtle Won't Stay On and Neither will Surge?

But I know what to, do What Button Replacement surgery, hmm it won't hurt A bit

Sorry, Lambie These Bees Are for Wellington's Button, well While I believe you Can, never Have enough Necklaces?

Perfect Now Let's put the Saddle on Two Wellington's Back

Now Hop on search, oh?

Finally, we are Back in


Since a day I was put away

Talk you know your dad's Kind of grown up now do you think he's Gonna still want to play With Search I'm not sure Lambie

Sorry, Saltwater Serge you said you Didn't like Cuddle I have a surprise for you


They Look Like New Try, Pressing the Button

If You're not Gonna Play With Serge and Wellington much

That's A Fantastic Idea Doc and Remember What Saltwater Serge Always Says

Suey Ends A Dude!

It's so awesome that, we're Making and I found something special hey That Looks Just like Chilli I

Figured if Chilli Makes you this happy he'd Be Perfect for some Kids who need a little Cheering up with a little Help

Hi, oh, hi, me Me but I'm here, oh?

Trust me Tilly, no One Could ever Replace you

Nice Reflexes


Chilly oh Catching, what Colds Germs

Mysterious Pots very Good Mystery Bugs, oh

do you have A spring in There nope Pure 100% Grade-A, Stuffing in This Baby

I know the Dude is super fun but

I've Gotta Finish This basket, We have to Decorate it and fill it With curry stuff, We Should Give Kids something to play With?

Great Idea Dude what should, We put in I Can think of Something fun We can give them hold the Bag Open

Before You go I want to give you a Checkup

I don't think I need a checkup what you're Turning Down A free Checkup

I want to Make sure you're Healthy before I send you off to someone Else

Okay, well Let me Help you get Up here, no need


Chili Always Forgets he doesn't Have legs

You're One Healthy Snowman yes A great Shape I have a Diagnosis you have

Perfect Snowman Syndrome

Chilly Where are you going

Did you want to put something else in the Basket hey, What's going on Tell me What's Wrong?

Okay, okay you dragged it out of me the truth Is I think the Dude is a better snowman than I am

You Said he was Perfect

Well he is perfect but so are you?


Chilly, We like the Dude But he Can't Replace you?

I'm so glad you, don't want to get Rid of me. Cuz. I don't think I'd like to go live Somewhere Else

Sure I hope I can be half the snowman you are

I can't wait to meet my new Kid I'm sure They're Gonna love you

Good but it's Lovable isn't it it sure Is

Me too duck me too

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