Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 16 2017

Hello and welcome to the channel

Today is going to be a different kind of video

I will be sharing with you all along with my two friends

Leila and Sanae

my dear fellow youtubers that I love dearly

we will be sharing our daily cooking routines

I will be sharing my daily routine as well

but mine is going to be a little different

since my husband works the night shift

so our daily meal timing is a bit off schedule

fort thing I do when I wake up in the morning

is make coffee

I usually have breakfast alone early in the morning

since I do not have kids

this is where I usually make the coffee and desserts if I have any

like you see here I dont have any left

so I have to make something sweet for the weekend

my breakfast is never the same though

sometimes I have a full breakfast and other like today only bread and jam

and of course coffee

I have my breakfast in front of the computer watching my favorites youtubers

after that I wash up the dishes and clean up the kitchen

I start setting up the kitchen to film my youtube videos

that day I was filming the Moroccan Meloui bread

here I am preparing all the ingredients

cleaning up

I have the full recipe up in my channel already on how to make meloui bread

I usually watch or listen to more youtube while working in the kitchen

here I am filming the rest of the video

at this point I will leave the bread to rest

and make the second breakfast for my husband who just woke up by this time

his breakfast is usually eggs honey bread and cheese

I am finishing up with the meloui here

usually I dont prepare any meals till dinner

but that day we had guests coming over to think tea

so I put together a quick snack tea table

I put yogurt and bananas as well because there were two kids coming to visit us as well

after tea and chit chat I cleaned up the kitchen and started on dinner

dinner is usually a big deal for us since it is the main meal of the day

I am seasoning potato fries with salt pepper garlic powder and old bay

and olive oil

I will be baking them in a 400 preheat oven

I also made chicken tagine thats already cooking

I made a quick lettuce cucumber salad

shredded carrots and sliced onions

quick lemon salt and olive oil dressing

here is our dinner table

I also put some cooked beans that were left over from yesterday

after dinner I cleaned up the kitchen put the leftovers away

made me a cup of coffee and curled up in front of my computer

chatting with my friends on whatsapp as well

I hope you all enjoyed spending the day with me in my kitchen

good night and see you all soon

For more infomation >> My Daily Cooking Routine: Two Breakfast and No Lunch - Duration: 5:55.


How Do MASSIVE Sinkholes Form? - Duration: 3:11.

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

On one of my recent visits to the human world, my animator was telling me about the time

the Earth tried to eat his car!

I was super confused at first, but then I learned he was talking about these sometimes

scary things called sinkholes.

It's often joked that sinkholes are when the Earth tried to gobble us up, but it had

me wondering, just what are sinkholes really and how do they form?

Sinkholes are depressions or pits in the landscape that can have steep, rocky sides, look bowl-shaped,

and even be homes to a small lake.

Their size can vary greatly and while they usually form gradually, they can also collapse


Mother Earth can sometimes be impatient when she's hungry.

Sinkholes can most notably be found in karst terrains, which is a term for places throughout

the world whose features are largely influenced by underground drainage.

In addition to sinkholes, karst terrains of the world are also often categorized by features

like caves, sinking streams, and springs.

Sinkholes can form when water gathers in an area and isn't drained out externally.

As the groundwater drains below the surface, it can dissolve the underlying rock.

This is especially true in places where the earth is made of rocks like salt, limestone,

or dolomite.

Going further into what causes them, one recent study looking at a karst region in Spain found

that sinkhole activity is intensified during drought periods.

Since some scientists believe that periods of drought will become more common due to

climate change, this could mean that greater rates of sinkholes could be an additional

side effect of our changing climate.

With all the potential dangers of climate change that we've explored in the past,

I'm starting to think it's shaping up to be the villain in the next superhero blockbuster.

Save us, Captain Planet!

Now, it can be pretty scary to think that the Earth might try and swallow you and your

possessions up, but there can be warning signs for when a sinkhole might show up.

Leaning fences or trees are common appearances for the early signs of a sinkhole, along with

cracks appearing in structures over the sinkhole and even wilting vegetation.

Keep a lookout for these signs, especially if you're in an area prone to sinkholes.

I always want my friends to stay safe!

I get comments on every episode asking me how we make these videos, because a lot of

you want to start channels of your own!

My animator makes me move in After Effects and designs all the stuff you see in Illustrator.

Because you've been asking to learn how to do this, we've teamed up with our sponsor


Skillshare is an online learning community for creators with more than 17,000 classes

like After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, and more!

The first 500 people that click the link in the description will receive a 2-month free

trial to Skillshare.

If you like it and want to continue, it's as low as $10 a month after that.

Or, you can cancel at no risk.

Head on over to to start!

Premium Membership gives you unlimited access so you can keep learning, find inspiration,

and take on new projects whenever you want.

If you want to make videos like ours, I highly recommend taking the Adobe Premiere Pro class

by Khalil Ibrahim.

It only takes an hour and a half to complete, and you'll learn all the skills to create

and edit some amazing videos.

If you made something that you're excited about, I would LOVE to see it!

Send it to me on Twitter.

So have you ever seen a sinkhole in person?

Let me know about it down in the comments below!

Make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video.

As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.

Don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> How Do MASSIVE Sinkholes Form? - Duration: 3:11.


Chi Pu | TỪ HÔM NAY (Feel Like Ooh) - MV MAKING - Duration: 14:28.

For more infomation >> Chi Pu | TỪ HÔM NAY (Feel Like Ooh) - MV MAKING - Duration: 14:28.


АРМИЯ ПОДСТАВИЛА ЛУКАШЕНКО.Шокирующие подробности гибели в Печах.Дело контролирует лично Лукашенко. - Duration: 13:02.

For more infomation >> АРМИЯ ПОДСТАВИЛА ЛУКАШЕНКО.Шокирующие подробности гибели в Печах.Дело контролирует лично Лукашенко. - Duration: 13:02.


Přijďte k volbám. My neuhneme - režisérská verze - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Přijďte k volbám. My neuhneme - režisérská verze - Duration: 0:54.


Will & Grace - The Last Word (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Will & Grace - The Last Word (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:53.


Pouze GÉNIUS zvládne tento TEST! - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> Pouze GÉNIUS zvládne tento TEST! - Duration: 11:10.


How To Check Jazz Sim Free Balance Without Any Tax - Duration: 3:30.



For more infomation >> How To Check Jazz Sim Free Balance Without Any Tax - Duration: 3:30.



[ english subtitle by wonume ^^ ]

[SEVENTEEN in Santiago] VN : Santiago, Chile. / MG : Santiago.

[Vernon & Mingyu are in charge of a self cam] MG : We'll talk on the stage today. / VN : Right.

MG : We're going to hold the Going cam

MG : to communicate with our fans.

[Teaching Santiago CARATs some Korean] MG : We'll teach them Korean. / VN : Right.

VN : What should we teach?

MG : I love you. VN : As I expected.

MG : Would they know that phrase already?

VN : They might already know, if they're a Kpop fan. MG : They might know.

[Mingyu's big picture] MG : But wouldn't it feel great if we say that altogether?


VN : I think Latin America has some passionate vibe.

[Excited] MG : That's why I'm so excited.

MG : Now everyone, we're going to get going.

[See you on the stage, CARATs] MG : See you.

DK : Vienna... Bienvenidos...

[What about Vienna sausage?] SK : Vienna sausage. / DK : Vienna sausage...

DK : There's this sauce called venidos.

[Dokyeom is learning Spanish using word association] DK : Venidos. It's good.

SK : Let me check now.

DK : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Diamond Edge.

Damas y Caballeros, Bienvenidos a Diamond Edge

[A surprise question with love] SK : I love you.

SK : When you're asked a slightly different question,

[Zero creativity] MG : then he can't answer. SK : He panics.

SK : If he gets the same question he expected, he gives exactly the same answer.

[Dokyeom answers only to the questions he's prepared for]

SK : Are you guys planning to release an album per unit?

SK : Yes, We have 13 members

[Exposing his dark history] SK : in our group.

MG : Dokyeom really works hard on interviews.

DK : I always memorize.

MG : He memorizes everything but he gives irrelevant answers.

DK : I forget everything.

DK : I shouldn't do that.

[Time to change things up] DK : For an interview,

DK : I should not decide how to answer beforehand.

[VJ's surprise question] VJ : So what's "Ladies and gentlemen" in Spanish?

DK : I wasn't prepared for that question.

[It took only 3 seconds to ruin it] DK : That was too out of the blue.

[Here comes Shua, the best Spanish speaker!]

[Shua has a good command of Spanish] JS : I memorized that. / SK : Say that again.

[It's no joke]

[Shua can interpret from Spanish to English] JS : Are you guy ready to have some fun?

WZ : You speak English so well.

[Language skills at full capacity]

[Shua's unrivaled Spanish skills] WZ : That's so cool.

WZ : Are you trilingual?

[Trilingual, Korean - Spanish - English] JS : Of course. SK : He's trilingual.

SK : So that's Spanish. JS : Spanish.

[Mingyu is good at this language]

[Mysterious Mingyu language]

[Time to chant a cheer as always!] SC : Who wants to go today? You should try, Jun.

[A bit shy] J : That's quick.

J : Let's work hard. Let's not get injured. WZ : Cool!

J : Let's show our CARATs! DK : Let's go!

[Riled up with Ice prince's cheer!] SVT : 1, 2, 3. Fighting!

[Ice prince was actually nervous]

WZ : He does just fine.

[Did I?]

[Ice prince's ice attack]

[Ice prince lives up to the expectations] WZ : Ice, ice.

DN : Today SEVENTEEN Fighting!


SC : Dokyeom, say something!

SC : Dokyeom!

[Coups is looking for Dokyeom] SC : Where is he?

SC : Dokyeom!

SC : I should make him confused.

[Dokyeom is coming over memorizing his lines]

DK : Get ready to buy us a coffee!

[A bet where the loser buys a coffee] SC : I think you'll make a mistake. / DK : Get ready.

[Let's find out who'll have to buy a coffee] DK : Get ready to buy us a coffee!

[The concert venue is filled with cheers]

MG : They're really fired up in here.

SK : Here we come.

[Sebongs are fired up as well] SK : We're here in Santiago, Chile, to put on performances.

[Dokyeom & Hoshi are practicing their lines]

[So passionate]

DK : S.Coups, get ready to buy us a coffee.

[Whatever, he's absorbed in practicing]

[It's unlikely that I'm going to buy a coffee]

[Looks like they'll run to CARATs right now]

[See you on the stage, CARATs]

[The opening act amidst loud cheers]

[Can Dokyeom smoothly say what he prepared?]

DK : Ladies and gentlemen.

DK : Welcome to our concert, Diamond Edge!

[Dokyeom said it nicely!]

[Celebrating his success in saying the line!]

[Coups, get ready to buy us a coffee]

[SEVENTEEN is excited with CARATs' hearty cheers]

DK : I made it.

DK : Buy a coffee, S.Coups.

DK : You have to treat all the members and the staff.

DK : You promised.

[CARATs' cheers are super amazing] SK : This is really amazing.

SK : Every time we say something, CARATs' reactions are...

[CARATs' reactions are powerful enough to engulf the whole country] DK : It's awesome.

DK : We're so thrilled to hear our fans' enthusiastic cheers.


[So happy]

[So hot] WW : It's hot.

WW : I know Latin America is famous for passion. And I see how passionate they are.

HS : CARATs welcome us so passionately wherever we go.

HS : When we spend our energy, they give it back to us by doubling it,

HS : so we get more excited and give you more energy.

[We'll even work harder!] Fighting! We'll do our best!

[Fighting, for CARATs]

[I'm here to steal your hearts, CARATs]

J : Stay still. Look me in the eye.

J : If you look me in the eye for 10 seconds, you're going to fall in love with me.

[Vernon & Mingyu's on stage self camera]

VN : We prepared something special to make tonight a special one.

MG : This is quite simple, actually.

MG : We want to hear something from you. So we're going to teach you.

MG : How do you say "I love you"?

CARAT : Te amo?

[Te amo] MG : I love you.

MG : I love you. VN : I love you.

MG : Do you know how to say that in Korean?

[I love you]

VN : They already know that.

[CARATs' passionate chant]

[CARATs are the best]

[Vernon & Mingyu's on stage self came is turned off with the chant]

[The8's heart for CARATs]

[Repaying CARATs with passionate performances]

[Coups is on Dokyeom's back!]

[Great work, SEVENTEEN and CARATs] DK : Nice work!

DK : Santiago!

DK : Come over, Jeonghan. JH : Good job.

[High tension] DK : How was today? / JH : I had a lot of fun!

DK : How much fun did you have?

JH : As much as the sky and As far as land

DK : I had tons of fun today. Bye.

[Behind-the-scenes of <MY I> music video]

[TEAM <MY I> : Jun & The8!] T8 : "MY I" team.

T8 : It feels weird for just the two of us to shoot a music video.

[<MY I> MV shooting begins!] T8 : 1, 2, 3. Fighting!

[Jun & The8 monitor themselves]


T8 : This part is cool, right? J : Yeah.

J : Say something other than "Yeah".

J : The8 freestyle.

J : Freestyle with "MY I".

J : Hurry up.

J : It's going to be a blooper.

J : If we don't say anything for more than 5 seconds, it's a blooper.

[Pushing him] J : You should do it right away.

J : I'm bothering on The8.

[Jun/ A self-proclaimed bully]

T8 : He's lying. Jun can't bother on me.

J : No, I'm bothering on you.

[Looked like he was taking care of him] J : I'll wipe the floor and shoot a MV.

[You'll get in trouble] T8 : Stop.

[Innocent smile]

[The8 likes to be bothered on by Jun] J : The8 is going to love it.

[That's ridiculous] T8 : What are you talking about? I don't.

[Manipulating] J : He likes it at heart, though he doesn't look so.

[Rebuttal : The8 lets it slide] T8 : I'm just letting it slide.

[So touched] T8 : Who would do that other than me?

J : Take my shoes.

[And he takes that joke]

[Perfect harmony]

T8 : Pretty good.

J : Take it.

T8 : He's older, but he's like my little brother.

J : I'm not.

[Oh boy... my baby brother]

[I should take care of him]

T8 : When I read a lot of books see lots of movies, and...

[Jun's comfortable position sensing it's going to take long]

T8 : After we go through everything, we become more thoughtful.

T8 : If you're having difficult times,

T8 : try to appreciate what's around you. There are so many beautiful things out there.

[Nod] T8 : When you think that way,

[The8 is mature and thoughtful] T8 : even if your life is hectic,

J : I know what you mean. Though life is hard, appreciate the world.

[The8 wants CARATs to feel the beauty] J : Try to relax. / T8 : It's relaxing and encouraging.

J : Your life can become easier.

T8 : I want to be that influence to you.

T8 : That's why I'm trying to improve myself.

T8 : And I want to show you. That's about it.

J : I feel happy every time I eat.

[Our cutie] T8 : OK. Sleep.

T8 : He's happy when he goes to sleep.

T8 : Good night.

J : I can make a heart with my lips for CARATs.

T8 : This strap is what connects between the present and the future.

[The8 = Future self] T8 : I am a future self.

[Jun = Present self] T8 : Connected with the present self with this strap.

J : A future self tells a present self.

J : "Though you're struggling right now, don't be discouraged, I'll be waiting here".

T8 : We wrote the lyrics so we can deliver hope to everyone.

T8 : I just loved the whole choreography.

J : I think it's so special. T8 : Everything is the highlight parts.

J : We have a Chinese version for the first time. T8 : We made a Chinese version.

J : Let's make a lot of Chinese versions in the future.

[And even more] J : Let's make other language versions as well.

J : We'd like to show you to all the CARATs around the world.

T8 : Please look forward to it.

[Practicing the choreography even during break time]

[Take my heart]

T8 : We're ready.

[Jun & The8 are doing their best in <MY I> music video]

[Worn out] VJ : Are you tired?

J : Do I look tired? I don't look tired at all.

[Is he... okay?]

J : Have fun! Smile!

[I should take care of him] T8 : It's just that I'm tired. / J : Smile!

[Snowflakes flying in the air]

[Snowflakes were The8's idea]

[Ice prince loves it]

[A spectacular sight that amazes even the mastermind] T8 : It's so...

[Dreamy vibe]

[They finished up <MY I> music video shooting]

J : It's over. T8 : We finished shooting "MY I" music video!

T8 : These snowflakes were my brainchild.

T8 : I wanted to add a little bit of dreamlike vibe to it.

T8 : So we used this dust. J : Dust...

T8 : We're tired, but it was a chance for us to show you a great stuff.

T8 : So we worked hard. I hope it will come out nicely.

J : It was a new experience for me. T8 : Right.

T8 : We'll be back with better songs and choreography.

T8 : "MY I" has a Chinese version and Korean version. Check both of them out!

J : We worked hard on the music video. I hope you like it.

T8 : "MY I".

T8 : Bye.

J : Say the name, SEVENTEEN. Thank you.

T8 : Bye.

For more infomation >> [ENGSUB] SEVENTEEN - GOING SEVENTEEN EP 18 - Duration: 13:49.


Charlottesville White Supremacist Rally Leaders Face A Lawsuit | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Charlottesville White Supremacist Rally Leaders Face A Lawsuit | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 7:14.


After Harvey Weinstein Revelations Will More Stick Up For Women? | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 17:43.

For more infomation >> After Harvey Weinstein Revelations Will More Stick Up For Women? | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 17:43.


تسريحات وقصات للشعر لن تصدقي كم هي رائعة | كيفية تركيب الشعر المستعار | تسريحات شعر للمدرسة - Duration: 10:32.

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For more infomation >> تسريحات وقصات للشعر لن تصدقي كم هي رائعة | كيفية تركيب الشعر المستعار | تسريحات شعر للمدرسة - Duration: 10:32.


[블랙 팬서] Black Panther 2차 예고편 (한글자막) - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> [블랙 팬서] Black Panther 2차 예고편 (한글자막) - Duration: 2:19.


Russian Cargo Craft Completes Journey to International Space Station - Duration: 7:57.















































































>> COPY.


















For more infomation >> Russian Cargo Craft Completes Journey to International Space Station - Duration: 7:57.


Reverend William Barber On Values Voter Summit: 'Greed And Not Grace' | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> Reverend William Barber On Values Voter Summit: 'Greed And Not Grace' | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 7:24.


Losing My Mind | Glitchtale [Bete Noire] [Vietsub] - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Losing My Mind | Glitchtale [Bete Noire] [Vietsub] - Duration: 0:47.


Ekattor Tv News 16 october 2017,Breaking News Bangladesh Latest News News Bd All Bangla - Duration: 17:59.

Ekattor Tv News 16 october 2017,Breaking News Bangladesh Latest News News Bd All Bangla.

For more infomation >> Ekattor Tv News 16 october 2017,Breaking News Bangladesh Latest News News Bd All Bangla - Duration: 17:59.


Black Panther Türkçe Altyazılı 2.Fragman | Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Black Panther Türkçe Altyazılı 2.Fragman | Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan - Duration: 2:19.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium, Navigatie, Cruise, Keyl. entry, 3100 km !! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium, Navigatie, Cruise, Keyl. entry, 3100 km !! - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 CDI Ambition Navi | Bluetooth | PDC V+A - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 CDI Ambition Navi | Bluetooth | PDC V+A - Duration: 0:54.


《龙珠》看完你明白了吗,同学?龙珠超未来篇时间线大整理 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 《龙珠》看完你明白了吗,同学?龙珠超未来篇时间线大整理 - Duration: 2:56.


Peugeot 2008 1.2 PureTech 110 pk S&S Style | RIJKLAARPRIJS | - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 1.2 PureTech 110 pk S&S Style | RIJKLAARPRIJS | - Duration: 1:01.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

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For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta | Navi | LM | Clima | Panoramadak | - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta | Navi | LM | Clima | Panoramadak | - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta | Navi | LM | Clima | Panoramadak | - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> 5 TIPS FOR BETTER MAKE UP SKILLS - Duration: 1:31.


For more infomation >> 5 TIPS FOR BETTER MAKE UP SKILLS - Duration: 1:31.



Taking of here jump until there!

Yo guys whats up! Finally Golden October is back!

There was mud and rain for like two weeks.

So Back on the Big Bikes with Christoph!

We are in Elstra a t the Blackmountain bike park.

We are preparing right now, let's SENDIT!!!

First lap right now! So much fun!

Top to bottom lap! I was here once last year!

First time this year. So sick!

wanted to go left. Next time!

That was sick! Just followed some locals, tried to keep up. Went in full speed everywhere.

Best weather, 20 degrees. Tracks are mint!

Downhill line soon, but I guess all in all a lot of tumpline riding.

This guy knows the secret ways.

This one's fun!

Hit the big one!

What happened?! - Your chain explooooded.

We can fix that, I have all the tools. But you've got to do the Aaron Gwin to the bottom.

He can't ride anyways so we are going to film a little section.

Berm roost at the top, into a manual, crank flip the jump and a big sui of the drop!

Think we need to cut it tho, he's not a Usain bolt!

What are we going to ride next? Downhill?

First time riding downhill, today.

Go faster!

Almost went off track!

Now parkline, 1000 meters, middle-high, rough and fast!

little roadgap!

They let me go first but I don't know where to go. Blind all the way!

We said up top that we are going to roll into it, do a quick speed check and then hit it together.

Pedal until the tree over there and then go left.

So easy when you come out of the line, because already got the speed.

We started from a pretty sick gap before which I just noticed. So you can basically take off there and gap into this.

You probably recognized that I wanted to do a Suicide NoHand, but I was afraid and didn't do it.

So thats why we hiked up a third time and we doing another train!

The park line was so much fun!

Its so sick that there is such a cool bike park close by (1:20h).

There is also Schöneck nearby, where Iam going to go tomorrow, because jam going to shoot a NEW WEB EDIT!

Gonna be sick! No further details yet! Gonna drop in the next time for sure.

If you are pumped to see it and maybe even have an Idea what I could do. COMMENT BELOW!

Freeride clips in between laps!

He went offffff!

Insane action from this guy!

You know the fiasco racing dudes? YES! If we are riding together the park is LIT!

Lukas is going to do his space Sui! Launching off to the galaxy!

Did you saw that?!

Taking of here. land in there!

Just gonna send it!

Mark the lift of where the shuttle leaves to galaxy! (this guy, insane commentary haha)

I really jumped the whole thing. Almost hit the tree and the whole fork compressed

Wanted to hit the landing right before and he was like 'would be so sick if you jump even further'.

Right before taking of i was like 'dude you are waaaay to fast! even braked a little....

Thought I hit the tree! This thing is save, its the bomb!

Gonna finish the video of with this gap! It was so much fun to ride with the boys. Blackmountain is worth a trip!

Again COMMENT if you have a sick video idea!

To SUBSCRIBE to the channel CLICK HERE! And for my latest video click there! Peace #SENDIT

For more infomation >> BLACK MOUNTAIN BIKEPARK IST DER HAMMER! - Duration: 13:13.


For more infomation >> BLACK MOUNTAIN BIKEPARK IST DER HAMMER! - Duration: 13:13.


Jean-Simon, portrait d'un Vainqueur - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Jean-Simon, portrait d'un Vainqueur - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> Jean-Simon, portrait d'un Vainqueur - Duration: 3:01.


Le Vainqueur Jean-Simon - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Le Vainqueur Jean-Simon - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> Le Vainqueur Jean-Simon - Duration: 0:31.


Chez moi, on ne jette plus les pelures d'ananas. Voilà pourquoi ! - France 365 - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Chez moi, on ne jette plus les pelures d'ananas. Voilà pourquoi ! - France 365 - Duration: 6:36.


For more infomation >> Chez moi, on ne jette plus les pelures d'ananas. Voilà pourquoi ! - France 365 - Duration: 6:36.


Homecoming 2k17 (interview + VLOG) avec les sous-titres !! - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> Homecoming 2k17 (interview + VLOG) avec les sous-titres !! - Duration: 7:37.


For more infomation >> Homecoming 2k17 (interview + VLOG) avec les sous-titres !! - Duration: 7:37.


Dua Lipa - New Rules (WIBE-DRILL x Vintage Vibe Remix) - Duration: 3:45.

[Verse 1] Talkin' in my sleep at night, makin' myself

crazy (Out of my mind, out of my mind)

Wrote it down and read it out, hopin' it would save me

(Too many times, too many times) My love, he makes me feel like nobody else,

nobody else But my love, he doesn't love me, so I tell

myself, I tell myself

[Pre-Chorus] One: Don't pick up the phone

You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two: Don't let him in You'll have to kick him out again

Three: Don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in

the morning And if you're under him, you ain't gettin'

over him

[Chorus] I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em I gotta tell them to myself

I got new rules, I count 'em I gotta tell them to myself

[Verse 2] I keep pushin' forwards, but he keeps pullin'

me backwards (Nowhere to turn, no way)

(Nowhere to turn, no) Now I'm standin' back from it, I finally see

the pattern (I never learn, I never learn)

But my love, he doesn't love me, so I tell myself, I tell myself

I do, I do, I do

[Pre-Chorus] One: Don't pick up the phone

You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two: Don't let him in You'll have to kick him out again

Three: Don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in

the morning And if you're under him, you ain't gettin'

over him

[Chorus] I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em I gotta tell them to myself

I got new rules, I count 'em I gotta tell them to myself

[Bridge] Practice makes perfect

I'm still tryna learn it by heart (I got new rules, I count 'em)

Eat, sleep, and breathe it Rehearse and repeat it, 'cause I...

(I got new...)

[Pre-Chorus] One: Don't pick up the phone (yeah)

You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone (alone)

Two: Don't let him in (uh-ooh) You'll have to kick him out again (again)

Three: Don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in

the morning And if you're under him, you ain't gettin'

over him

[Chorus] I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em (Whoa-ooh, whoa-ooh, whoa)

I gotta tell them to myself I got new rules, I count 'em

(Baby, you know I count 'em) I gotta tell them to myself

[Outro] Don't let him in, don't let him in

Don't, don't, don't, don't...

Don't be his friend, don't be his friend Don't, don't, don't, don't...

Don't let him in, don't let him in Don't, don't, don't, don't...

Don't be his friend, don't be his friend Don't, don't, don't, don't...

You're gettin' over him

For more infomation >> Dua Lipa - New Rules (WIBE-DRILL x Vintage Vibe Remix) - Duration: 3:45.


For more infomation >> Dua Lipa - New Rules (WIBE-DRILL x Vintage Vibe Remix) - Duration: 3:45.


VW Golf VI Comfortline - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> VW Golf VI Comfortline - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> VW Golf VI Comfortline - Duration: 1:01.


10 Celebrities Who Stole Their Look From A Homeless Person - Duration: 3:11.

10 Celebrities Who Stole Their Look From A Homeless Person

Meet ten celebrities who are ditching the million-dollar stylists and turning to the streets for wardrobe inspiration. Turns out the homeless look is all the rage.

1 - Russel Brand who just had to have the infamous Ive-seen-Jesus-look.

This ones a classic with a twist and the leg warmers believe it or not, actually serve a practical function.

2 - Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton who make homeless-chic look effortless.

These two dont even try.

3 - Mary-Kate Olsen who just had to have that knee exposure and nested-in hair.

The Olsen twins have been famous since birth and their net worth proves it. These days, theyre fashion designers and if anyone is known getting some inspiration from the streets, its absolutely the Olsens.

4 - Johnny Depp, kicking it up with a hippie-meets-homeless look.

As you can see, this style is all about a distasteful clashing of colors.

5 - Either Kate Moss wore this straight off the runway or some homeless chicks eating a burger somewhere.

High fashion brought to you by the woman who sleeps behind Dunkin Doughnuts.

6 - Robert Pattinson, who looks straight up bum.

Celebrities partial to this look should make that a saying: Man, thats sooo bum, dude.

7 - Joaquin Phoenix, who goes to Pattinsons guy.

This look is all about the holes.

8 - Shia Labeouf. This ones so committed hes probably worn that outfit for DAYS.

Stained shirt promoting the substance most-likely abused, check.

9 - Keanu Reeves ties the look together with a rugged beard and stacked buggy.

No need for dirt and sweat when youve got the right props.

10 - Jared Leto.

Bringing glamour to the homeless style since day one. Check out that mane!.

For more infomation >> 10 Celebrities Who Stole Their Look From A Homeless Person - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> 10 Celebrities Who Stole Their Look From A Homeless Person - Duration: 3:11.


Funny Tanks Super Heroes - World of Tanks Cartoons Compilation #21 - Duration: 17:05.

Funny Tanks Super Heroes - World of Tanks Cartoons Compilation #21

For more infomation >> Funny Tanks Super Heroes - World of Tanks Cartoons Compilation #21 - Duration: 17:05.


For more infomation >> Funny Tanks Super Heroes - World of Tanks Cartoons Compilation #21 - Duration: 17:05.


furious car driving mod apk2017 -AlwaysHappy - Duration: 15:47.

this video play for you you can show more videos just click subscribe button (free)

For more infomation >> furious car driving mod apk2017 -AlwaysHappy - Duration: 15:47.


For more infomation >> furious car driving mod apk2017 -AlwaysHappy - Duration: 15:47.


Si vous avez déjà porté ce type de chaussure, lisez ceci - Random888 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Si vous avez déjà porté ce type de chaussure, lisez ceci - Random888 - Duration: 3:33.


For more infomation >> Si vous avez déjà porté ce type de chaussure, lisez ceci - Random888 - Duration: 3:33.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

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Le frère et asso­cié d'Har­vey Wein­stein:"Il trai­tait toujours les gens comme de la m'rde" - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Le frère et asso­cié d'Har­vey Wein­stein:"Il trai­tait toujours les gens comme de la m'rde" - Duration: 2:24.


Learn Colors with Bad Baby Color Barrels Children Song Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for Bad Kid - Duration: 3:20.

Learn Colors with Bad Baby Color Barrels Children Song Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for Bad Kid by MagicArt

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Bad Baby Color Barrels Children Song Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for Bad Kid - Duration: 3:20.




No 10 Tomohito Sugino. Sugino is an energetic boy with a love for baseball. He's a very happy and friendly person and gets along with his classmates well.

That's all for this character. Sugino is not that noticeable or have much spotlight. Why is he still in this list? Well, he is probably one the best supporting characters, yet, he still has his own background story.

He is, very representative of Japanese student in anime, and loved for his baseball and his crush for Kanazaki. No 9 Kayano Kaede.

She is the one with green hair. Kayano is one of the most cheerful, kind, and passive members of the class. She frequently acts as support in assassination attempts with her ability to assess the situation and adapt herself on them.

Despite her apparent passive nature, Kayano is an empathic and strong-willed person who can be extremely deteminated to the things that interest her or cares about, such as her love for sweets, and more tragically, her sister's fate…please go read the manga, can't spoil.

Her true identity is quite intriguing. And she is in love with Nagisa.

Originally, Itona had a deep hatred of losing and being weak caused for being abandoned and bullied, soughting to kill Korosensei to prove he was the strongest. He is also a brutally honest and direct individual.

And yet, he is still a student. . After being abandoned by Shiro and befriending Terasaka and his gang, Itona has cooled down, but still retains his brutal honesty. He also has shown to be a very observant and creative individual.

Itona is very intelligent with great mechanic skills. The way he changes is what makes him into this list. No 7 Hiroto Maehara.

Maehara is a nice guy and in every sense of the word, a playboy. He has a "live the moment" attitude about life in general, as shown when he wasn't too bothered about being dumped by Kaho Tsuchiya.

He is one of the few that is popular in the whole school despite being in the E Class. Despite that attitude, he is a caring person and isn't the type to pick on someone weaker than him.

He's also an honest type of guy, and often reacts strongly to things.

There has always be a hot guy in the class and this is the role of Maehara. And tragically, handsome and good guy always fall for bad girl. That is why fans all feel for him. No 6 Yuuma Isogai.

Isogai works part time, which is against the school rule since his family is poor. This is the role model of hardworking student to overcome his circumstances.

Isogai is a kind, cheerful, and reliable person. He is modest, not at all boastful, and helpful.

Isogai has been noted to have good leadership qualities and personal virtues, and due to that he's able to see all the individual strong points in his classmates.

Because of these traits, he is considered to be an ikemen, which not only means handsome, but can also imply a flawless personality.

It's so perfect that he is also the class male representative, no one is better for this position than Isogai. He is best known for his knife work, social studies and of course, leader ship. No 5 Irina Jelavic.

At first Irina was shown to be a cruel, calculating, haughty person with little regard for the students of Class E (earning her the nickname "Bitch-sensei").

Though these are all traits she carry, once her cover has been completely shattered she is shown to be childish, immature, and has a lack of social understanding.

Underneath her confidence are insecurities she has carried with her since childhood, and a surprisingly humble person who can be earnest. Being with the students, Irina is able to be her true softened self.

She is one of the characters that give fan so much laugh.

No 4 Tadaomi Karasuma.

All of his photo on google image is dead serious and professional!. Karasuma is a strict but kind man, though he keeps a distance between himself and the students due to his status as an agent and his own professionalism.

He is also extremely dense when it comes to love, but isn't so oblivious that he doesn't figure it out eventually.

Even though he comes off as distant, he's not completely devoid of emotion and seems to be able to express happiness very rarely; most notably, during violent situations.

 He is a master of hand-to-hand combat and a physical trainer of the student. Thanks to him, we have to see some epic fighting.

Handsome, monstrously strong with calm demeanor that gives off the dangerous vibe, Karasuma, without doubt, is popular among fan. No 3 Nagisa Shiota.

If you haven't watched or read Assassination Classroom, did you mistake Nagisa for Kayano in the previous picture of them together?.

Nagisa is a calm, collected, and friendly individual who can be exceptionally observant and circumspect of his surroundings and the situations that develop around him.

He tends to pay strict attention to Korosensei in hopes to understand the motives of this mysterious being and compiles the information he has gathered in his notes for reference.

Nagisa is noticeably more reserved and shy than other students in his class, thinking much more than actually talking and referring to himself as "invisible" because of this.

However, Nagisa isn't easily fazed by things that would unnerve the average person, as shown with his interactions with Karma and the prospect of using a real knife.

Nagisa, short with a girly look, is, surprisingly something else. Seeing Nagisa's true personality gradually expresses throughout the whole series is fascinating.

Korosensei is the sole target of this series. He claims to be the villain who will destroy the Earth and yet, a very caring, dedicated teacher.

Being the strongest creature in the world, he chooses to be a  teacher, to help out the hopeless kids in class 3-E. His way of teaching and preparation is marvelous.

He is able to build deep connection with his students, winning most of their heart. Despite being a funny and cheerful teacher, Korosensei's truth, is quite opposite. Can't spoil here either.

But to be honest, I have never watch any series that focus on the teacher. Most of them are about the student. Korosensei's teaching is what makes Assassination classroom so great and meaningful.

and the only one is left, you all can guess and this makes sense. No 1 Karma Akabane.

Karma is well-known throughout the school for his violent behavior and troublesome attitude. He is quite cunning, mischief, and somewhat sadistic, usually foul playing, tricking, and at times manipulating, humiliating and fighting others.

He looks lazy but is hardworking at studying. Despite his somewhat sadistic nature, Karma actually has good values behind his motives, and be quite empathetic. Karma has shown to be more than capable of respecting and caring for other people.

However, Karma also tends to be quite impulsive, to the point of becoming truly brutal and cruel when fighting with people who threaten him or any of his friends from Class E. Karma's personality is like two sides of a coin.

And I believe he is the most badass student in the class, the very first one to hurt Korosensei. He is amazing at leadership, combat skill, marksmanship with high intelligence.

Karma is a really interesting character, especially with his red hair and mischievous eyes, very outstanding personality and very handsome. And to be honest, he is my reason to keep watching Assassination classroom.

Well, this will be the only exception in this list, I am going to spoil you the grown up Karma.

Thank you for going through the list and tolerating my fan-girling for Karma and hope you enjoy this list.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM CHARACTERS - Duration: 8:57.


Le Vainqueur Jean-Simon - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Le Vainqueur Jean-Simon - Duration: 0:31.


M. Asam VINO GOLD Day and Night Cream - Duration: 17:16.

For more infomation >> M. Asam VINO GOLD Day and Night Cream - Duration: 17:16.


FACK JU GÖHTE 3 - Trailer mit Untertitel - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> FACK JU GÖHTE 3 - Trailer mit Untertitel - Duration: 2:54.


Volkswagen Caddy 1.6TDi 75pk - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 1.6TDi 75pk - Duration: 0:58.


Volkswagen Caddy 1.6TDi 75pk - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 1.6TDi 75pk - Duration: 0:54.


Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 12 🎙️ a Funny Post-Apocalyptic Audiobook Series 🎙️ by Lesley Herron - Duration: 25:59.

Tall Tale TV Scifi and Fantasy Short Story Audiobooks

Of Monsters and Mushrooms by Lesley Herron

Chapter 12, Russula

Vel's mechanical hand was wrapped tightly around the sharp edge of the primitive blade.

Sparks flew past his face as bits of steel and stone were chipped away under the force

of his grip.

The humanoid bug, while only slightly larger than a man, was bearing down on him with the

force of a mountain.

Had it not been for his cybernetics, this fight would have been over before it started.

As it was, Vel's feet were sinking slowly into the sand under the enormous weight the

bug was applying to it's weapon.

"You do care!," Attila squealed as he flung himself onto one of Vel's legs, wrapping

his arms around him tightly.



Get off!," Vel ordered, trying to maintain his stance through Attila's extra momentum.

The bug, however, refused to relent it's attack.

If anything, it pushed harder against it's sword.

Vel took a step back, struggling to remain upright.

His mechanical arm was still fritzing and sparking with the pressure he was applying

to stave off the sharp edge of the bug's blade.

Attila's sudden and added weight caused him to miscalculate, and he stumbled.

He felt the merc's continued grip on his leg even as he went sprawling backwards into the


Vel twisted, pushing the blade to the side, and pulled it down with him.

The combined force of the bug's weight aided by Vel's momentum caused the weapon the sink

several feet into the soft ground beside his face.

Vel felt the edge of the sword graze his mask as he kicked out hard, sinking his boot heel

into the side of the bug's knee joint.

The joint popped and twisted to the side.

"General Craft House!," the bug cried out as it stumbled back, it's hands moving

to it's, now, dislocated knee.

Vel wrenched his leg free from Attila's grasp, unconcerned as he felt his own knee connect

with the merc's face.

"What did it just say?," he asked, as he got to his feet.

"I taught it how to speak!," Attila explained, staring up at the sky.

He had tried to get up, but he was still reeling from the blow to his head.

He settled for remaining stationary in the sand.

"I was communicating with it in it's native language and then it started screaming about


With a visceral snap, the bug fixed it's dislocated joint and regained it's composure.

With the fury of a rampaging bull, the bug started charging towards Vel like an angry

refrigerator on legs, trampling over Attila in the process.

Vel lunged to the side, his coat whipping around him as the bug flew passed.

"Sorry I asked."

He pivoted to the side again as the bug made another attempt to mow him over.

"Where's Errik?"

Attila recoiled, rolling over in the dirt.

One hand clutched at his stomach, while the other shakily pointed off behind Vel.

"Over here!," Errik shouted, struggling to climb out of the sand pit he and Evan had

landed in.

"Thanks for coming back."

He spun on the spot, looking down into the crater.

"I seem to have lost Evan, though."

"Try lookin' down, ya' overgrown potato jockey!"

Surprised by the insult, Errik looked down.

Evan was stuck squarely to the middle of his chest, like he was a baby strapped into a

carrier, adhered by the black goo that covered them both.

The tiny merc looked like an angry toddler, who didn't want to be carried around, his

arms crossed over his chest and his tiny feet dangled freely.

"Stop starin' and get me down!," Evan shot angrily.

Vel ducked a punch from the bug, parried another, and then went in to throw an attack of his


The bug had leaned back, causing Vel's fist to whiff past, narrowly missing the edge of

it's face.

The bug then used it's backwards momentum to bring it's shin up to slam into Vel's ribs,

flinging him to the side.

Attila was on his feet, stumbling towards the sword that had been buried up to the hilt

in the ground.

He gripped the handle and heaved.

It didn't budge.

Even he sand around it had failed to move.

He tried again.

"Come on baby!," Attila pleaded with the sword, wheezing a little as he changed his


But before he could even give himself a hernia, the bug walked up from behind and swatted

him away like a fly, sending Attila airborne at an alarming rate.

With one hand, the bug's fingers wrapped around the handle of the sword and ripped it from

the ground.

Sand and rocks showered the area around the bug as it turned to finish what it had started

with Vel.

The bug had only a moments glimpse of shining metal as something hard collided with it's


There was a resounding crunch as Vel's fist connected with the creature's jaw.

The bug staggered back a step, it's head snapping to the side.

But that was extent of it.

The bug turned it's head slowly around to glare at Vel with it's deep-set beady black


A large, visibly deep crack began to web it's way across the bottom half of the bug's armored


It lifted a heavy arm, and pointed a finger threateningly in Vel's direction.

"Copper...Cinnamon...Rainbow..," the bug growled in a menacing tone.

Vel sighed, "Dammit."

He had just managed to get his metal arm raised, bracing against the incoming strike.

As if it took the last blow as an insult, it began attacking with a renewed vigor.

It was moving faster than before, and it knew how to fight.

But Vel had a few hundred years of experience under his belt, and had taken on armored guardians


Most of them bigger than this one.

But what this bug lacked in size, it made up for with speed and sheer tenacity.

He flung his mechanical arm up to block another attack.

He had managed to crack the bug's carapace.

Now, all he had to do was work at that same spot until it broke.

And then the fight would be over.

Beneath the thick armor, the bugs were as soft as jelly.

Vel continued to play defense, dodging what he could, blocking what he couldn't.

He studied the bug's swings, it's punches, and it's kicks looking for a pattern.

As predicted, one emerged.

The bug advanced, sliced it's blade upward and stepped again.

It was about to swing it's sword in a horizontal attack when Vel closed the gap between them,

slamming a metal palm into it's jaw.

He skirted under the bug's angry swipe, and then sidestepped out of reach.

Or rather, retreated right into a sucker punch to the face.

Vel reeled from the blow, narrowly avoiding the followup attack.

The bug had faked the pattern, laying a trap.

Smart, Vel thought as he bounded out of the bug's reach once more.

He could taste the blood seeping into his mouth from a sizable gash on the side of his

face where the impact had hit.

His mask had saved him from any fatal damage, but not without a cost.

The pane of red glass that protected his eyes had cracked, and the breathing modulator had

been damaged.

Several sparks shot out as his mask began fritzing out and electrical static filled

his ears.

Voice modulator is shot too, great.

Errik was struggling to pry Evan free.

His little legs were flailing as his combat boots were kicking fruitlessly in the air

in a vain attempt to help.

The entire ordeal would have been hilarious if they had not been in such dire straights.

He pushed against Evan's back, trying to wrench him off, but failed again.

How did the Unseen manage to untangle themselves from one another?

This stuff was like super glue, and Evan wasn't budging.

"Sorry kid, looks like you're stuck."

"You tell anyone about this and I -will- murder you."

Evan folded his arms over his chest, again, in a huff.

There was a ringing of chitin against metal, and Errik looked up to see Vel stumbling back.

Attila was staggering toward them from behind, his fists raised like a boxer on his twelfth


Useless, he thought as he began to scan the ground around him.

He had to do something or Vel would be killed.

His eyes landed on a sizable chunk of dirt.

He plucked it off the ground and heaved it.

He hadn't accounted for the extra weight of Evan dangling from his chest, and the rock

flew off course, connecting squarely with Attila, knocking his hat off and laying him

out flat.

"Nice shot!"

"Look, I don't need your sarcasm right now!," Errik replied, searching the ground for another


"I was being serious.

Nice shot.

But, uh, hows about you hand those to someone who can -actually- throw?"

Vel danced around another swipe of the sword, stepped in between the bug's reach and landed

another blow to it's face.

He felt a massive armored fist sink into his gut, but had managed to toss in an extra jab

to the jaw before staggering out of reach again.

He had given up defense, and opted for collateral damage.

Vel was faster, meaning he could get inside and do the damage, but the bug's reach meant

each blow came with a cost.

The jaw was nearly cracked.

Just a few more blows ought to do it.

A small rock bounced off his shoulder, and then another whizzed past his ear.

He shot a look over in the direction they were coming from to see his brother handing

stones to Evan, who was doing his best to throw them while attached to Errik's chest.

"Knock it off, you two!," he growled.

His voice came out in bursts of static, modulated by his mask.

Evan looked outrage.

"Hows about a 'thank yous' once in a while?

I'm helpin', so quit your bellyachin'.

Not my fault your brother is a talent-less hack who keeps pullin' to the right!"

The bug took advantage of Vel's momentary lapse in concentration, and came in with a

heavy strike aimed for his shoulder.

Vel managed to raise his mechanical hand just in time, but there was a sickening metal crunch,

followed by a whir and the smell of burning plastic.

His hand gave a violent tremble, and then went limp.

It had been through so much in the last twenty-four hours that it had finally gone out.

Now he was screwed.

Vel started backing up, doing his best to stay out of the bug's reach.

He couldn't do any damage with his metal hand, and his bones would simply break if he used

the other.

He scanned the area for -anything- useful.

There, on the ground next to Attila, was the weapon fashioned from a giant mandible.


Stop being lazy and bring that over here!," is what he intended to say.

But the voice modulator in his mask had, also, given out.

His words were a garble of static and electronic noise.

Attila tried to blink away the spots of color from his vision.

How odd, he thought.

Everything was spinning.

"Not now, Ginger!

I'm busy!," he shouted dazedly, as he flopped over onto his stomach.

He pushed himself up to all fours, glancing around for his hat.

Reality came flooding back to him in a rush, his hand grasped around the handle of the

oddly shaped mandible weapon.

He used it to push himself up to his feet, and then brandished it in front of himself


"Don't worry, Vel!

I'll save you!"

Between a flurry of attacks, Vel watched Attila amble in the wrong direction.

He sighed heavily, and dodged an uppercut.

"Moron...," he hissed as he dove beneath a lunging attack, and began sprinting towards

the merc.

Attila, sensing something approaching him from behind, spun around and swung the mandible

in a drunken arc.

Vel simply plucked it out of his hands, and shoved the merc at the rampaging bug behind


Attila, still dazed, merely bounced off the bug and fell back into the sand, moaning.

The bug took no notice.

Vel thrust the mandible at the bug, forcing it to dodge and dissipating it's charge.

Only able to use one arm, he didn't have much power in his attacks, and the bug was able

to deflect most of them easily.

Vel feinted, causing the bug to block one way, as he reversed his attack to sweep in

from the other side.

It connected, but not with enough power to do anything but piss it off.

Attila struggled to his feet.

He was tired of being knocked down and decided it was time to end this fight.

He reached into his poncho, feeling around for something to devastate the overgrown termite


His hand emerged holding a length of lacy black fabric with two melon holsters.

Attila blushed.

Vel swung hard in a hail mary attack, but the bug managed to clasp an armored fist around

the business end of the mandible.

It swung it's blade down, shearing the weapon off above the handle, and then cracked the

severed weapon across Vel's face.

The force of the attack lifted him off his feet and he collapsed to ground, the wind

rushing from his lungs.

The bug advanced, raising it's sword for the killing blow.

Attila let out his bravest of battle cries, swinging the bra in front of him like a flag



He leapt onto the bug's back, sliding the fabric over it's eyes.

Attila then pushed off with his feet, using his weight and the downward momentum of his

lunge to pull the bug to it's knees.

The bug dropped it's sword, it's armored fingers clawing uselessly at the black fabric on it's


"BASKET PADDLE!," the bug yelled, trying to dislodge Attila.

Vel scrambled to his feet, plucking up the bug's dropped sword.

His bloody fingers clamped tight around the hilt, and he lunged forward.

The pommel of the sword smashed into the bug's face with everything that Vel could muster.

There was a deep, resounding splintering sound, and his finger's went numb from the shock

of the impact.

Attila lost his grip on the bra, and the bug finally shook him loose.

He collapsed into the ground, as the bug climbed back to it's feet, and swung a blind attack

in Vel's direction.

It landed a lucky shot, collapsing him on the spot into the sand.

Before Attila could react, the bug reached around and seized him by his middle.

He was flung through the air, landing on top of Vel.

The bug wrenched the bra free from it's face, fastened it's hands together in a giant fist,

and raised them above it's head for a final, fatal attack.

The lower half of the bug's face began to splinter, shards of carapace flaking away

to reveal...a rather bushy beard and an impressive mustache?

Attila blinked as he sat up, his hand pushing off Vel's middle.


I know that mustache!"

Vel winced, and recoiled from Attila's careless hand placement.

"What do you mean?," he groaned, before remembering his mask no longer worked, his

words only coming out in static.


The bug hesitated, it's hands dropping slowly.

Shards of rock showered them as the bug staggered forward a step before collapsing into the

sand to reveal Errik and Evan standing behind it, still clutching pieces of the massive

boulder that they had shattered against it's head.


Didn't miss that time.," Errik laughed, pumping a fist victoriously in the air.

"Your mask is pretty beat up.

I don't know if we have the parts to fix it.," Errik commented, turning the crunched metal

visage over in his hands.

"As for your arm, maybe Attila can help patch it up."

Vel didn't say anything, his resolve focused solely on getting this behemoth of a man through

the shifting sands.

It had taken all of them to pry him free of his armored exoskeleton, which seemed to have


. . requisitioned from an unfortunate guardian.

But even after removing the weight of the exoskeleton, the man was so massive on his

own that they were forced to build a sort of sled out of part of the armor that allowed

him to be dragged along behind them.

And once again, Vel got stuck doing the heavy lifting.

He cinched his one hand tighter around the slack fabric, tugging hard on the dead weight.

"How'd he grow a beard so quick?

He's only been missing, like, two weeks."

Attila pondered aloud.

He was sitting on the unconscious lap of his friend, his fingers picking out bits of half

chewed mushrooms from Brig's beard.

"Get off!," Vel grunted, beads of sweat stinging his eyes.

Why did their hovel have to be so far away?

He probably wouldn't have minded so much had his mechanical arm not been so useless.

It dangled, limp, at his side, swinging sadly with each step.

Attila rolled off Brig's lap, and somersaulted , impressively, next to Errik.

"Do you think it's a side effect of spores?"

"For the last time, the spores are harmless!"

Errik sighed, rubbing the space between his eyes with one hand.

" And no, more likely it's the time dilation from the portal.

Over on this side he's been here.

. ." Errik did some quick math in his head.

"Sixteen months."


Attila tried to grab Errik by the collar, and ended up grabbing Evan by the ears.

"You said we would get to him before he was eaten!"

"Hands off!," Evan snapped, trying to kick at Attila's elbow, but he was just out

of reach.

"Technically...," Errik began, scratching nervously at a spot just behind his ear.

" We did get to him before he was eaten."

Attila was walking backwards now, his hands folded over his chest and he wearing an unceasing


Errik shrugged.

"Sorry man, we kinda got tossed in jail.

But hey, he's fine!"

He looked down at the massive form of Brig, mumbling in his sleep.

"Other than, you know, being blitzed out on magic mushrooms.

I'm guessing that's why his speech patterns are so messed up."

"And why he tried to kill us.," Vel grumbled.

Attila seemed to accept this answer, and resumed his normal stride besides Errik.

"Okay, so time moves faster over here, and he was trapped for a year and a half.

How'd he survive?!

There's no water!"

"Well, that's not exactly true.

You -can- survive out here.

Like I said, my brother and I were stuck here for like.

. . three years?"

Errik looked to Vel as if to reaffirm his timing.

"Probably, but the company I kept made it feel like decades.," Vel growled, heaving

again on Brig's weight.

"Anyway," Errik started, choosing to ignore his brother's insult.

" The mushrooms here can sustain you as long as you don't eat them raw.

You can distill the fluid from them.

It's not really water, but it'll keep you from dying from dehydration.

If you don't mind being mildly drunk most of the time."

Attila chuckled.


Sounds like fun.

What did you guys eat?

The bugs?"

Errik chewed on a thought for a moment before he replied, "No, it's not a great idea.

The meat is toxic and causes, uh, massive.

. . fluid loss.

He's probably been ingesting the mushrooms raw.

Like I told you, they're highly hallucinogenic.

And for as long as he's been here, with nothing but mushrooms to sustain him, then he's been

in a constant high since."

"As much as I love this little Q&A you two are doing right now...," Vel started, dropping

the tether to Brig's ride.

He used the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his brow.

"Where the hell is the hideout?

I don't remember it being this far from the portal."

Errik looked over at the barren landscape around them.

"Oh.," he said, his finger pointing lazily off at something in the distance behind them.

" You're right.

We passed it about a mile back."

Vel could barely contain his rage, his eye twitching in anger.

He settled for pulling his coat off, insulted them with a string of profanities, and stomped

off in the direction they had come, leaving Brig unconscious in his makeshift sled.

"Hey!," Attila called out after him as he looked down at his friend.

"Who's going to pull Brig?"

If Attila had not spent most of his time around drunken bar flies, he might have blushed at

the rude gesture Vel was throwing back at him.

Attila cleared his throat and looked back at Errik and Evan.

"So, uh, two out of three?," he said as he placed a fist in the outstretched palm

of his other hand in the unmistakable sign of 'rock, paper, scissors'.

Of Monsters and Mushrooms, an ongoing series by Lesley Herron, is a crossover fanfiction

mixing her own characters and settings with a few of those created by Author J.D. Wiley.

She writes for the fun of devising new ways of messing with her characters, and seeing

just how much trouble they can get into.

Wait wait wait...

I wasn't ready that time.

You good now?

Whew, yeah.

Ok, lets do this!

Ok. . . 1, 2, 3! (slap)

Rock beats scissors!!


. .


Common, who throws rock 5 times in a row??

Who throws scissors five times in a row?

Yeah, you kinda suck at this game.

Ok, soooo, six out of 11? … wait, where are you guys going?


Come back!

For more infomation >> Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 12 🎙️ a Funny Post-Apocalyptic Audiobook Series 🎙️ by Lesley Herron - Duration: 25:59.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE EXECUTIVE 123PK DSG - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE EXECUTIVE 123PK DSG - Duration: 0:57.


VIDEO FRAMING TECHNIQUES - The Ultra-Wide Angle Shot - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> VIDEO FRAMING TECHNIQUES - The Ultra-Wide Angle Shot - Duration: 4:38.


How to Conclude a Speech or Presentation - Duration: 2:44.

A question I get a lot when I do live workshops is, How should I wrap up and

conclude my presentation? And I always recommend four steps to a strong

conclusion. So let's unpack these.

Hello there friends and welcome back to

Communication Coach. If we haven't met yet, I'm Alex Lyon and this channel is

here for rising leaders to help you increase your impact so you can lead

your team's to higher levels of excellence. And when I say rising leaders,

I'm really passionate about team leaders, front line supervisors, front line

managers. Those are the people who gave to me when I was first entering the

professional world and so this channel is for you. Presentation skills are a

huge part of most leaders jobs. So how should we conclude? I always recommend

four parts to a compelling conclusion when I do workshops live. First thing you

have to do, its very short, but you have to signal the end of the presentation. You

have to let people know you're wrapping up. That's why people say in conclusion

or in summary or to bring things to a close. You can substitute in whatever

quick little phrase that you want to that fits your style but you have to say

something. Now, it can feel a little stiff to us as the speaker but believe me your

listeners are going to be reassured that you're ending in a in a very obvious way

and a very organized way. They want this signal. The second thing you want to do

is your key takeaway. So you have to boil down your whole presentation into one

crystallized sentence. You've probably had a theme driving through the whole

thing up till now and this is your last chance to share that key takeaway in one

sentence. The third part is also one sentence or two. This is where you ask

your audiences to do something we call "The Ask" and that's where you ask them to

take the very next step toward whatever it is you recommended, to put something

into practice that you just taught them, and if it's a persuasive presentation

you may ask them to take the next step toward a purchase or the next step

toward a course of action in general. And the fourth thing that you do in your

clincher. This is where you share one last story,

one last compelling statistic, give them a little bit of an inspirational

quote to finish things off. Oftentimes you can build on whatever you did in the

very opening of your presentation. You grab their attention some way in the

introduction and you can echo that in your clincher here. So those are the four

main parts of a good solid compelling conclusion, I recommend you use this in

your next presentation. Question of the day. What are your tips for a strong

conclusion? I would love to hear your comments in that section below. So

thanks. God bless. And I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How to Conclude a Speech or Presentation - Duration: 2:44.


Jean-Simon, portrait d'un Vainqueur - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Jean-Simon, portrait d'un Vainqueur - Duration: 3:01.


Dua Lipa - New Rules (WIBE-DRILL x Vintage Vibe Remix) - Duration: 3:45.

[Verse 1] Talkin' in my sleep at night, makin' myself

crazy (Out of my mind, out of my mind)

Wrote it down and read it out, hopin' it would save me

(Too many times, too many times) My love, he makes me feel like nobody else,

nobody else But my love, he doesn't love me, so I tell

myself, I tell myself

[Pre-Chorus] One: Don't pick up the phone

You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two: Don't let him in You'll have to kick him out again

Three: Don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in

the morning And if you're under him, you ain't gettin'

over him

[Chorus] I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em I gotta tell them to myself

I got new rules, I count 'em I gotta tell them to myself

[Verse 2] I keep pushin' forwards, but he keeps pullin'

me backwards (Nowhere to turn, no way)

(Nowhere to turn, no) Now I'm standin' back from it, I finally see

the pattern (I never learn, I never learn)

But my love, he doesn't love me, so I tell myself, I tell myself

I do, I do, I do

[Pre-Chorus] One: Don't pick up the phone

You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two: Don't let him in You'll have to kick him out again

Three: Don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in

the morning And if you're under him, you ain't gettin'

over him

[Chorus] I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em I gotta tell them to myself

I got new rules, I count 'em I gotta tell them to myself

[Bridge] Practice makes perfect

I'm still tryna learn it by heart (I got new rules, I count 'em)

Eat, sleep, and breathe it Rehearse and repeat it, 'cause I...

(I got new...)

[Pre-Chorus] One: Don't pick up the phone (yeah)

You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone (alone)

Two: Don't let him in (uh-ooh) You'll have to kick him out again (again)

Three: Don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in

the morning And if you're under him, you ain't gettin'

over him

[Chorus] I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em (Whoa-ooh, whoa-ooh, whoa)

I gotta tell them to myself I got new rules, I count 'em

(Baby, you know I count 'em) I gotta tell them to myself

[Outro] Don't let him in, don't let him in

Don't, don't, don't, don't...

Don't be his friend, don't be his friend Don't, don't, don't, don't...

Don't let him in, don't let him in Don't, don't, don't, don't...

Don't be his friend, don't be his friend Don't, don't, don't, don't...

You're gettin' over him

For more infomation >> Dua Lipa - New Rules (WIBE-DRILL x Vintage Vibe Remix) - Duration: 3:45.


KULTURNATTEN 2017 - Vor Frelsers Kirke/ Our Saviours Church 2/3 - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> KULTURNATTEN 2017 - Vor Frelsers Kirke/ Our Saviours Church 2/3 - Duration: 7:43.


How To Check Jazz Sim Free Balance Without Any Tax - Duration: 3:30.



For more infomation >> How To Check Jazz Sim Free Balance Without Any Tax - Duration: 3:30.


furious car driving mod apk2017 -AlwaysHappy - Duration: 15:47.

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