Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 19 2017

In 19 B.C., the Roman poet Virgil was traveling from Greece to Rome

with the emperor Augustus.

On the way, he stopped to go sightseeing in Megara, a town in Greece.

Out in the sun for too long, he suffered heatstroke

and died on his journey back to Italy.

On his deathbed,

Virgil thought about the manuscript he had been working on for over ten years,

an epic poem that he called the "Aeneid."

Unsatisfied with the final edit, he asked his friends to burn it,

but they refused.

and soon after Virgil's death, Augustus ordered it to be published.

Why was Augustus so interested in saving Virgil's poem?

The Romans had little tradition of writing serious literature

and Virgil wanted to create a poem

to rival the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Ancient Greece.

The "Aeneid," a 9,896 line poem, spans twelve separate sections, or books,

the first six of which mirror the structure of the "Odyssey"

and the last six echo the "Iliad."

Also like the Greek epics,

The "Aeneid" is written entirely in dactylic hexameter.

In this meter, each line has six syllable groups called feet

made up of dactyls which go long, short, short,

and spondees which go long, long.

So the famous opening line in the original Latin starts,

"Arma Virvmqve Cano,"

which can be translated as "I sing of arms and the man,"

arms, meaning battles and warfare, another "Iliad" reference,

and the man being the hero Aeneas.

To understand the "Aeneid,"

it's necessary to examine the unsettled nature of Roman politics

in the second half of the 1st century B.C.

In 49 B.C., Julius Caesar, Augustus's great uncle,

triggered nearly 20 years of civil war

when he led his army against the Roman Republic.

After introducing a dictatorship, he was assassinated.

Only after Augustus's victory over Marc Antony and Cleopatra in 31 B.C.

did peace return to Rome

and Augustus became the emperor.

Virgil aimed to capture this sense of a new era

and of the great sacrifices that the Romans had endured.

He wanted to give the Romans a fresh sense of their origins,

their past,

and their potential.

By connecting the founding of Rome

to the mythological stories that his audience knew so well,

Virgil was able to link his hero Aeneas to the character of Augustus.

In the epic poem, Aeneas is on a quest to establish a new home for his people.

This duty, or pietas as the Romans called it,

faces all kinds of obstacles.

Aeneas risks destruction in the ruins of Troy,

agonizes over love when he meets the beautiful Queen of Carthage, Dido,

and in one of the most vivid passages in all of ancient literature,

has to pass through the underworld.

On top of all that, he must then fight to win a homeland for his people

around the future sight of Rome.

Virgil presents Aeneas as a sort of model for Augustus,

and that's probably one of the reasons the emperor was so eager

to save the poem from destruction.

But Virgil didn't stop there.

In some sections, Aeneas even has visions of Rome's future and of Augustus himself.

Virgil presents Augustus as a victor, entering Rome in triumph

and shows him expanding the Roman Empire.

Perhaps most importantly, he's hailed as only the third Roman leader in 700 years

to shut the doors of the Temple of Janus signifying the arrival of permanent peace.

But there's a twist.

Virgil only read Augustus three selected extracts of the story

and that was Augustus's entire exposure to it.

Some of the other sections could be seen as critical,

if not subtly subversive about the emperor's achievements.

Aeneas, again a model for Augustus, struggles with his duty

and often seems a reluctant hero.

He doesn't always live up to the behavior expected of a good Roman leader.

He struggles to balance mercy and justice.

By the end, the reader is left wondering about the future of Rome

and the new government of Augustus.

Perhaps in wanting the story published,

Augustus had been fooled by his own desire for self-promotion.

As a result, Virgil's story has survived to ask questions

about the nature of power and authority ever since.

For more infomation >> Why should you read Virgil's "Aeneid"? - Mark Robinson - Duration: 5:36.


We Try 3 Issa Rae Makeup Transformations | Beauty Evolution | Refinery29 - Duration: 4:00.

I've been following Issa since college.

My friend—he literally told me,

"You should watch Awkward Black Girl on YouTube

because that's you."

And I was like, "Okay."

So I was fortunate enough to be cast in the background of "Insecure."

Catch me… actually go back and watch a couple of episodes.

Catch me in the back eating a salad.

Probably see the back of my head.

Issa is the bomb.

I don't know why I said it like that.

Oh and if you haven't already, hit that subscribe button.

So that you don't miss any more videos.

So the first look is very early Issa like her YouTube days.

She was very self-produced and very up and coming and very new and fresh.

So that reflected in how she wore her makeup and everything like that because I don't

think it was about that.

It was about the work.


Los Angeles is so dirty.

I'm not that nerdy.

If you want to know my name, I ain't still the same.

You don't care about me.

La da dee. Yeah!

I don't know what else to say.

I don't know what's happening.

I'm basically spray painting your hair.

For this look, you can tell that she was very confident in what her point of view was and what she

was trying to tell people.

And that says a lot in what she was wearing.

This was the moment that everything was happening.

Everything that she really worked for was coming into place.


My hair looks so different colored.

I like it though.

It's so different and more like glamorous.

I feel like…


I can walk on the red carpet.

I can say, "Hey Oprah! What's up?"

It's still natural like...

Does that make sense?

This last look is from this year's Golden Globes when Issa was nominated for Best Actress

in a Musical or a Comedy.

She's basically on top of the world.

She's a force to be reckoned with.

And she's at the top of her game.

(Off-screen) Your face.

Issa, in this look, looks amazing.

She looks fierce, on top of the world.

I was like, "Oh my gosh.

I see a woman who looks like me

who is similar in regards to loving comedy, and writing comedy, and producing

—being recognize by Hollywood, of all places.

I'm really excited to see this look.

I don't know what I look like.

Oh man.




That's so cool!

I think it was just so cool to see where she started and where she is now and how she went

through different stages and different things and worked so hard to deserve the glow up

that she has gotten into.

Yeah, it's cool.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

For more videos, click here.

And to subscribe, click here.

For more infomation >> We Try 3 Issa Rae Makeup Transformations | Beauty Evolution | Refinery29 - Duration: 4:00.


Netflix: $8 BILLION Dollars for ANIME and Films in 2018!! - Duration: 5:18.

It turns out the Netflix is investing a lot of money into anime in 2018! So

what's up guys Foxen here! You might have heard about the recent news about

Netflix getting involved in anime heavily next year. It's pretty big news

for anime. I've actually seen a bunch of articles that say 8 billion going

straight into anime but that's not the case so here's a real deal. Netflix

recently announced that they're spending 8 billion with a B. They're gonna be

investing that in original anime and films in 2018. Yes and films, in other

words stuff that is not anime but despite that, 8 billion just think about

that for a second. That is a lot of pocket change. In total they confirmed that

they want to make 30 new anime series and 80 original movies. So 30 new anime

series in total that's pretty huge but what exactly does this mean for anime? And

also what does it mean for you as a consumer? I mean I'm pretty sure you have

a Netflix account or these access to one but I'm curious before I delve into this

let me know how much do you use Netflix to watch anime? Personally for myself

when I think about Netflix I really don't associate it with anime

but on to the bigger question. So right now we know there's gonna be 30 new

anime series or at least that's what they announced. Are these anime series gonna

be 12 episodes? 24 episodes? Are they gonna be anime films? Also another

important question because this is Netflix are these actually going to be

original anime produced by them, or these funded by them? I'm sure you notice

if you've been watching anime or other TV series on Netflix you sometimes see

Netflix original even though they really just bought the rights to them. So again

are they simply gonna be buying rights two to anime series or is Netflix

themselves gonna be actually funding the anime studios to make these series? I got

a feeling it's gonna be somewhere in between maybe 50/50 but even so think

about it like this. That will still be at least anywhere from 10 to 15 series

funded by Netflix. Now another thing to consider is how much of that 8 billion

is actually going towards anime? Let me go ahead and give you a super rough

estimate. Let's assume that these 30 anime series are actually gonna be

series and not films. Right now let's assume they'll be 12 episodes each. If we

want to be conservative for cost of an episode let's go as 100k.

For 12 episodes a series that gives us 1.2 million per anime series. If

they're gonna be making 30 of these that means 36 million for anime from Netflix.

Practically nothing when you consider 8 billion. Now if those anime series are

gonna be 20 episodes or more double that to 60 million. Once again this is a super

lowball estimate. It could either be double or really triple depending on the

quality of the anime they're going for. The other interesting part of notice is

just why is Netflix so much in love with anime. To help answer this question

another interesting bit of information dropped. Netflix just released a list of

the top 20 shows watched within 24 hours, that is to completion. Interesting enough

one anime was included that one being seven deadly sins. This one actually came

in fourth place for the most watched within 24 hours. Just think about that

for a second it's actually pretty crazy to consider the seven deadly sins beat

out Orange is the new black, House of cards and even Stranger things. If

anything is gonna help anime reach a wider audience it may be due to Netflix.

I mean this isn't anything new either. They have been in the anime game for a while. In

the past they've released shows like Ajin, Knights of Sidonia, Blame. While these are

not technically Netflix original a huge chunk was funded by Netflix and then

this year also saw Little witch Academia funded my Netflix but of course

it's not all sunshine and rainbows. This year we also got that live-action anime

movie Death Note and even if we pretend that doesn't exist there still is a

couple of issues with anime funded by Netflix. For one Netflix doesn't

simulcast anime released. A good example is just looking at what happened was a

little witch academia. The whole 24, 25 episodes aired in Japan first then a

couple of months after it ended Netflix released half of it and then the second

half sometime later on as season two. This is also not even getting into the

other issues with the low-quality subtitles for that series and of course

those frakking yellow subtitles on Netflix and the list does go on but let

me stop here. So let me know your thoughts about this so far. Right now I

think there's actually a lot of potential. 30 new anime series

potentially all funded by Netflix is huge. Let's just hope that they're

actually an and not stuff like that recently Neo Yokio.

I'm just wondering could Netflix be the key for old shows to get a new season

shows that otherwise never would? Hey Netflix why don't you go ahead and find

like five konoSuba seasons? I bet that'll be more popular than seven

deadly sins! Anyway that'll be the question of the day for you. Do you even

watch anime on Netflix? And what do you think about Netflix trying to become a

big player in anime? Is there any previous debt anime that you would like

to see them revive? I could think of a whole bunch so let me know about that

down below! If you enjoyed my anime news coverage definitely gives us a thumbs up

and subscribe! I would really appreciate it and there's more to come!

Be sure to check out my recent attack on Titan videos or other recent anime news

coverage and I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> Netflix: $8 BILLION Dollars for ANIME and Films in 2018!! - Duration: 5:18.


Citroën Jumpy 2.0 HDI 90KW ( Navigatie - Parkeersensoren V+A - Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy 2.0 HDI 90KW ( Navigatie - Parkeersensoren V+A - Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:01.


👻 Halloween Street Art - zobacz na własne oczy 👻 - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> 👻 Halloween Street Art - zobacz na własne oczy 👻 - Duration: 8:24.


President Trump Launches A SCATHING New Attack On James Comey And Hillary Clinton(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:11.

President Trump Launches A SCATHING New Attack On James Comey And Hillary Clinton

the Attorney General's first Capitol Hill appearance since June comes amid

the discovery of new FBI documents that prove former director James Comey had

begun drafting his exoneration of Hillary Clinton before the email

investigation had wrapped up president Trump's seizing on that news tweeting

Wow FBI confirms report that James Comey drafted letter exonerating crooked

Hillary Clinton long before an investigation was complete many people

not interviewed including Clinton herself Comey stated under oath that he

didn't do this obviously a fix where is Justice Department joining me

now Ron Hosko who served as assistant FBI director under former FBI director

James Comey until 2014 Ron good to have you back on the program nice to see you

tonight sure I want to start by playing this

exchange between James Comey and congressman Ratcliffe back in September

of 2016 let's watch did you make the decision

not to recommend criminal charges relating to classified information

before or after hillary clinton was interviewed by the FBI on july the

second after okay then I'm gonna need your help in trying to understand how

that's possible to me the only way that an interview takes place with the two

central witnesses and the subject of the investigation is if the decision has

already been made that all three people in that room are not going to be charged

it's a good question Ron what do you make of that and the

emergence of this memo that was written exonerating Hillary Clinton two months

before the decision was made so Martha you know one of the things that the FBI

does extremely well is produced paper the director you know the senior

leadership of the FBI is in briefings for much of their day reading papers

about significant cases and very often producing those papers to push further

up into the food chain I was a participant in that a recipient and a

briefer at times and so these papers very often are the repository is maybe a

portal it's some sort of internal site that we have a number of living

documents that detail the progress on on significant cases yeah but this is the

the way this was read read by by Graham and it was that it's a document that

exonerates her and it was put together before two dozen witnesses that even

been spoken to so I understand how you're sort of you know working on

parallel courses and you're kind of moving the evidence through but if you

know if their interpretation of what this document is it is accurate it

sounds like more than that well certainly you know I think it would

benefit us all to to see the document see the contents of the documents and

certainly for Congress to ask Jim Comey questions about it but I think as you

know there's been a lot of discussion about intent the intent element of the

Espionage statute that was at issue here whether mrs. Clinton had had violated

that intent element whether there should be an intent element and I think that it

could well be that Jim Comey former prosecutor a person used to creating

lengthy prosecution memos and detailing the weaknesses and strengths of a case

could have been taking his own proactive steps here to document that very same

thing believing that the emails at the time

where perhaps not showing that intent strongly enough for the FBI to recommend

prosecution but but there were a number of key witnesses that hadn't been spoken

to so what we will see and as you say we really needs to see that document which

is not classified as far as I understand so hopefully we'll get our hands on it

Ron thank you so much good to have you tonight

For more infomation >> President Trump Launches A SCATHING New Attack On James Comey And Hillary Clinton(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:11.


The Babies Scare Angelica on Halloween | Rugrats | NickSplat - Duration: 4:07.

All: WOW.





















( screaming )


( screams )



( screams )



( gasps )

( screaming )





























For more infomation >> The Babies Scare Angelica on Halloween | Rugrats | NickSplat - Duration: 4:07.


Can You Make A Happy Face? | Happy Halloween from Sing Along With Tobee - Duration: 5:03.

Hi Caitie

Hey, Tobee Is it time for the show?

Yes, it's time

Okay then, hey everyone, welcome to sing along with


So what are you doing with that mirror, Caitie?

I'm making some funny faces

I'm trying to decide what face to paint on my pumpkin

Oh, oh, can I help you pick which face to use

Please, please, please, please, please?

Yeah sure,

You can, too

Okay, guess which face this

Is it a sad face?

Yup. Should I paint that on my pumpkin?

Oh, it might be too sad

What about another face?

Okay, guess which face this is


Whoa, whoa, that's a scary face

Yep. Should I paint that on my pumpkin?

No. No way

C...c...can you make a happy face?

As fast as you can

You know what? It's funny you should ask,

Can You Make A Happy Face? is the song we're about to sing

I'll teach you the song

Get ready to make some funny faces

Follow along, here we go

Hit it, Caitie

Can you make a happy face, happy face, happy face?

Can you make a happy face,


Can you make an angry face, angry face, angry face?

Can you make an angry face,


Jack-o'-lantern, jack-o'-lantern

Jack-o'-lantern, jack-o'-lantern

Can you make a scared face, scared face, scared face?

Can you make a scared face,


Can you make a sad face, sad face, sad face?

Can you make a sad face,


Can you make a happy face, happy face, happy face?

Can you make a happy face,


All right! You all made some really silly faces

Yeah, which face are you going to paint on your pumpkin, Caitie?

Mmm, I think I know

Oh, a happy face

Oh, thank goodness

What face are you gonna put on your pumpkin, Tobee?

Hmm...oh, I know


Check this out


My own face

What a great idea, Tobee

Can't wait to see what face you'll put on your pumpkin

We'll see you next time on Sing Along With Tobee

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Thanks for watching our show today

Tobee and I would love to see you back again

What song would you like to sing next?

Let us know

See you soon

For more infomation >> Can You Make A Happy Face? | Happy Halloween from Sing Along With Tobee - Duration: 5:03.


Why The Real North Korea Threat Isn't Nuclear Weapons | Michael Desch - Duration: 5:54.

The United States is remarkably secure.

But you wouldn't sort of get that sense if you listened to our President or the members

of Congress who constantly are finding threats out there to America's security.

And I don't want to be in the position to deny that there are challenges out there,

but I'd really strongly urge us to put these challenges in their proper context.

So let's talk about one of the challenges du jour: The North Korean regime under the

odious dictator Kim Jong-un's frenetic and sustained pursuit of a nuclear capability.

There's no doubt that the North Korean regime is a terrible regime, inflicting suffering

mostly on its own people, and I freely concede that the world would be better off if they

didn't have a nuclear capability.

And the question then is, "How much of a threat does this pose to the United States?"

And my answer, contrary to the hyperventilating that you see in a lot of the discussion of

this topic, is that it really doesn't change things very much.

To begin with, the United States is one of the largest nuclear powers in the world.

Currently our arsenal consists of about 4,000 nuclear warheads that are deliverable in a

wide variety of very reliable packages.

Contrast that with North Korea, which may have 20 to 30 atomic devices that may or may

not be deliverable on anything other than short range ballistic missiles.

Now most people would concede that the balance is very much in our favor but say, "Look,

this is a crazy regime.

I mean, couldn't this be a case in which a madman has his finger on the nuclear trigger?"

And I don't want to defend Kim Jong-un's rationality or his sartorial choices, but

I would say he's learned the lesson that many other dictators have learned from Saddam

Hussein and from Muammar Gaddafi, which is: if you don't want to be invaded by the United

States, build whatever rudimentary nuclear arsenal you can.

Now, you can't eat nuclear weapons, and a residual nuclear arsenal I think is no guarantee

that the North Korean regime won't collapse of its own internal rottenness.

In fact I anticipate that that's what will happen.

And that will present its own set of challenges.

But they're a very different set of challenges than the ones that we've been talking about

in the general political discourse about the North Korean nuclear threat in our country.

So the question then is what the United States should do about North Korea?

The challenge that the United States faces is when the regime goes south—as it invariably

will, it won't be tomorrow, it could be five years, it could be ten years—it's

going to pose to the United States a challenge.

And the challenge involves two elements.

First of all the United States and the South Koreans will be tempted, if a civil war starts

in the north or even if there's just a large scale social unrest, to intervene.

The South to reunify their country, the United States to try to clean up the nuclear capability.

But the problem is that there's another great power with a big equity in North Korea,

and that's China.

And the Chinese are not particularly fond of the Kim regime, but they're sort of stuck

in a dysfunctional marriage with them.

They don't want a reunited Korea under Seoul with nuclear weapons on their border.

And so the real problem that we face is how we manage the inevitable endgame of a collapsing

North Korea with China.

And here the solution is an explicit set of discussions and agreements with the Chinese

about what will happen in this context.

And I think we'd be well advised to start now dialoguing with the Chinese about the


And I think a unified Korea, but also one without nuclear weapons and nonaligned, without

a major U.S. military presence could be the deal that would work for everybody.

For more infomation >> Why The Real North Korea Threat Isn't Nuclear Weapons | Michael Desch - Duration: 5:54.


Brad Underwood Big Ten Media Day Press Conference 10/19/17 - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Brad Underwood Big Ten Media Day Press Conference 10/19/17 - Duration: 8:45.


Tensions Rise As Florida Prepares For Richard Spencer's White Nationalist Speech | TODAY - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Tensions Rise As Florida Prepares For Richard Spencer's White Nationalist Speech | TODAY - Duration: 2:19.


GALATASARAY | Haldun DOMAÇ: "Galatasaray Maça O İsimşe Başlarsa Kimse Şaşırmasın" | Youtube - Duration: 12:59.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Haldun DOMAÇ: "Galatasaray Maça O İsimşe Başlarsa Kimse Şaşırmasın" | Youtube - Duration: 12:59.

------------------------------------------- - ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE 🎃 1 VS ALL ZOMBIES! - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> - ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE 🎃 1 VS ALL ZOMBIES! - Duration: 10:27.






【Akano】"ASH" - LiSA - Fate/Apocrypha (フェイト/アポクリファ) OP2 Cover【歌ってみた】 - Duration: 1:50.

Fate/Apocrypha OP2 "ASH" by LiSA Instrumental: MrLopez2112 Vocals: Akano

Like drops of rain, we fall aimlessly.

Our separate feelings follow the paths we've chosen.

You see, a black dawn is on the horizon.

The fragments of the dreams I embraced cause me pain.

I became fearful of believing in anything.

What mark can I possibly leave on this world? I'd like to find out!

Overcoming many versions of myself, I was born again!

Believing is the only way to become stronger!

What mark can we possibly leave on this world?

This is our moment!

Translation from Lyrical Nonsense

For more infomation >> 【Akano】"ASH" - LiSA - Fate/Apocrypha (フェイト/アポクリファ) OP2 Cover【歌ってみた】 - Duration: 1:50.


How Many Glasses of Water Should You Drink Each Day? - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> How Many Glasses of Water Should You Drink Each Day? - Duration: 2:34.


The Must-Have Item Your Kitchen Is Probably Missing - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> The Must-Have Item Your Kitchen Is Probably Missing - Duration: 2:48.


Kim Kardashian Feeds the Homeless in Downtown LA | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:05.

Looks like Kim Kardashian is getting into the holiday spirit.

Check out these exclusive shots of the reality star in downtown Los Angeles giving out food

to homeless.

And yep, it was a family affair.

She had her little one North in tow – teaching her about giving a helping hand to those in

need – and sister, Kourtney was there, too… with her little one Mason by her side.

Kim was working with Los Angeles Food Bank, an organization that has been able to serve

more than 300,000 people on a monthly basis.

…and as you can see, Kim was just trying to do her part.

She went relatively incognito during the afternoon, obviously not wanting to take away from the

more important matter at hand – helping people in need.

And with the smiles they had on their faces, we can only imagine Kim and Kourtney will

be out here doing this again very soon.

For more infomation >> Kim Kardashian Feeds the Homeless in Downtown LA | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:05.


Ask the Vet - Should I wrap my horses legs when trailering? - Duration: 5:38.

SARAH: "Should I wrap my horses legs

when going on a long trip in the trailer."

And she asked this question with just one question mark.

So she's asking the Olive in her name, Olive?

Just like very casually, should I

wrap my horses legs when going on a long trip in the trailer.

DR LYDIA GRAY: So I'm going to give this to you.

SARAH: OK, that seems like I'll do a great job with it,

based on the last round.

DR LYDIA GRAY: And then put this up close to me.

OK, so I would like to say, it depends.

Because apparently that's what I always say.

If you have a horse that has not worn

either shipping wraps like these or standing wraps like these.

This is just a cotton pillow wrap

and then standing wraps over it.

Like Pony Club says-- how to make a wrap.

If it's a young horse, or a horse that has not worn wraps,

I would discourage you from putting them on in a trailer.

Because there's enough going on.

And if they move, shift, they're tight,

they're not used to them, they can actually move around more,

become fractious, hurt themselves, kick

until things get loose.

And it's probably doing more harm than good.

And as a vet, I took an oath about not doing harm.

But if you have a horse that is a seasoned traveler,

goes all the time, some people might say, "Oh, he's

used to it, no need to wrap."

However, you never know when someone's

going to pull in front of you, or when

you have to make a sudden stop, or you almost missed your turn,

and you do it yourself.

And it's not that the trailer has sharp things on the inside.

Everyone knows to check the trailer,

it's that in trying to balance himself,

your horse may step on himself.

Move a leg over, move a foot over.

So that's what you're trying to protect.

And these go all the way to the bottom.

So they protect the hoof, the heel bulb, the fetlock.

SARAH: So these are not for the ears?

DR LYDIA GRAY: No, and you are correctly holding them

in the right position.

SARAH: Thank you.

The name was really helping me out in terms

of knowing which way was up.

I do know what this stuff is.

DR LYDIA GRAY: They cover the hocks you can see.

So it's important to cover from the ground to just

over the hocks in the back, and over the knees in the front.

Then all your joints are covered,

your hooves, the canon bones, all the important--

SARAH: Handle with care parts.

DR LYDIA GRAY: There you go, all those parts.

Some people-- I didn't bring any,

but some people put bell boots on to protect the heel bulbs.

Maybe that's all you want to do is just the bell boots.

SARAH: For when he's positioning his feet.

DR LYDIA GRAY: Yeah, so just don't-- because those kind

of injuries, the heel bulb, can take a long time to heal.

SARAH: And can be pretty painful.

And can put your horse out of work

if he's uncomfortable enough.

DR LYDIA GRAY: When they're walking,

you think about the motion of walking,

and it just opens it up every time.

That's why scratches are painful.

I also brought some other things.

She didn't ask, but I like a good tail wrap.

Because I hate when my horse comes out of the trailer

and his tail is either rubbed and it looks--

SARAH: Like a big brush.

DR LYDIA GRAY: Or he's rubbed the hair out.

And I'm like, well, that's gross super.

And then some people, and I've never used one,

but some people are head bumper fans.

SARAH: I was so excited that I was

going to get to tell you that it was facing the wrong way.

DR LYDIA GRAY: So, yeah, so ears, not eyes.

I'm not, because unless you know your horse is

one of those that like you open the back, and undo the front--

then they run out and throw up their heads or whatever.

To me, this has more potential for harm,

because it could catch on things,

and it makes their brain hot.

And I don't know, I'm not a fan of this

unless you know that your horse needs one.

SARAH: So I think that was one of the things

that you said at the beginning, that I think is really, really

helpful, and a lot of people don't think of,

is if you're shipping your horse for the first time,

going in the trailer is a whole new experience.

You don't want also having scary things strapped to your horse's

legs to be a totally new experience that he's

going to have and deal with in a new place for the first time.

DR LYDIA GRAY: I will tell you that I

use shipping wraps because I'm too lazy to put

on bandages anymore.

But even now--

SARAH: Most people call these shipping boots.

DR LYDIA GRAY: Shipping boots.

When I put those on Newman, and he's

had them on for 12 years now, he still does the moonwalk thing.

So even he has to adjust his way of going.

So absolutely, you don't want a horse

who's never had these on-- they're going

to like try to shake them off.

And then they get frantic.

They cannot get these things off.

I mean, I've had horses like get loose, and run around, and hurt

themselves and hurt property.

So if you really want to put them on,

then teach your horse to use them.

Practice before the trip.

SARAH: In low stress situations too, because there is no time--

trying something for the first time with your horse

at 4:00 in the morning in the dark, not recommended.

DR LYDIA GRAY: Sounds like we've both--

SARAH: Had that experience.

Yes, so I think the moonwalking, pretty universal.

We actually did it in the if horses were people.

So maybe Nels will throw a clip of that in here.

And we can see what it looks like if a human wore

shipping boots.

For more infomation >> Ask the Vet - Should I wrap my horses legs when trailering? - Duration: 5:38.


Реакция корейцев на клип: "Тимати feat. Григорий Лепс - Лондон" | Корейские парни Korean guys - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Реакция корейцев на клип: "Тимати feat. Григорий Лепс - Лондон" | Корейские парни Korean guys - Duration: 5:19.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:43.


B-Movie: Lady BIGFOOT(4/4) B-무비: 레이디 빅풋(4/4) 한국어 자막 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> B-Movie: Lady BIGFOOT(4/4) B-무비: 레이디 빅풋(4/4) 한국어 자막 - Duration: 2:15.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 170 Business Class - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 170 Business Class - Duration: 1:01.


Yrittäjähenkinen: Darkglass | Nordea Pankki - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Yrittäjähenkinen: Darkglass | Nordea Pankki - Duration: 2:28.


Musica Rilassante Per Meditazione Profonda - Musica Rilassante Flauto Di Pan - Duration: 1:02:11.

For more infomation >> Musica Rilassante Per Meditazione Profonda - Musica Rilassante Flauto Di Pan - Duration: 1:02:11.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


(News)N Korea 'won't survive a year' - Duration: 10:16.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un attends the Second Plenum of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea in October.

N Korea 'won't survive a year'

Ri Jong-ho, a former economic official appointed by Kim Jong-un's father and predecessor Kim Jong-il, says the United Nations' trade restrictions are so strong that it could cripple the isolated nation.

"I don't know North Korea will survive a year with these sanctions," he said. "Many people will die.

Mr Ri said the sanctions put in place this year were on a "totally different level" due to China closing all North Korean businesses in the country, banning exports of petroleum products and cutting off textile imports.

"It has blocked the market going in and out. Tens of hundreds of companies have been suspended," he said. "The impact is significant. That's why they felt threatened and launched missiles.".

Mr Ri said "everything had stopped" in terms of economic activity in North Korea. "There is no electricity, yet they are spending their money on military arms," he said.

"All of the factories that require steel have stopped, so it is like a domino. "There is hardly power generation so how can the factories run?.

"The people are desperate for power generation. They want to run farms. "When you look at the aerial view of the Korean peninsula, it is pitch black in North Korea.

Speaking in New York this week at the Asia Society, which is headed by former prime minister Kevin Rudd, Mr Ri gave a rare insight into the Kim regime and the fears and insecurities that makes it so volatile.

Mr Ri — a former official with Office 39, a secretive trading organisation under direct control of the Kim family — defected from the hermit kingdom in 2014.

He fled to South Korea, then the US, as Kim Jong-un was executing hundreds of high-level officials, many of whom had been loyal to Kim Jong-il, like himself.

"It was a big shock to us and some people collapsed watching that," Mr Ri said. "They shot them in so many pieces there was not enough of a body left for burial.

He said he had spent 30 years at "centre stage" in North Korea and watched the economic decline that has put its people on the brink of starvation. Ri Jong-ho is a former senior North Korean economic official. Picture: Screengrab/The Washington PostSource:Supplied.

WHY NORTH KOREA IS SO PARANOID. Mr Ri said Kim Jong-un's provocative nuclear weapons and ballistic missile tests were all about protecting his regime and stopping a South Korean invasion.

"The North Koreans always think the South Koreans are their biggest enemy and they are always feeling threatened," he said. "They are always thinking there is a threat that they can be invaded and they are keeping their eyes on this situation.

"In order for them to have greater power, they don't have the economic power so they built up their naval force. Similarly, opening up the economy presents a grave risk to Mr Kim's power.

"If they open up their market, the worry is that they would destroy their dictatorship regime," Mr Ri said.

Ri Jong-ho says North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is 'insecure'. Picture: AFP/KCNA via KNSSource:AFP. WILL KIM USE HIS WEAPONS?.

Mr Ri does not believe that Mr Kim is serious about using his weapons against the US; instead they are being developed more as a political tool.

"North Korea has always said, 'We don't want war but we are not afraid to engage in a war; we shoot missiles to keep our freedom'. "Therefore, the people are brainwashed to a great degree.

"Kim Jong-un says the reason for deploying nuclear weapons is so that we can survive. We need them for defence, for offence, for politics.

"The talk of war has been present for decades, it nothing new. North Korea has said hundreds of thousands of times that they were going to blow up the US.

"But North Korea is not competitive against the US … It developed nuclear power not to confront the US but to make their power greater than South Korea's. Not to attack the US; it's too big.

"North Korea wants to keep the truth very secretive so other countries would not know what they really think. US President Donald Trump has responded to North Korea's increasing weapons development by threatening to rain "fire and fury" down on the nation.

And while both Mr Trump and Mr Kim have been belligerent, Mr Ri believes their comments cannot be compared. "This is not peer to peer belligerence. This is like a child and adult dispute," he said.

"Kim Jong-un wants some help from the US, in order for him to solidify his regime. "There greatest fear is that the royalty regime would collapse if they were to bring in Russia or China militarily to fight against the US.

The North Korean government test-launches of an intermediate range Hwasong-12 in North Korea. Picture: Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via APSource:AP. WHY NORTH KOREAN ECONOMY COLLAPSED.

North Korea's economic problems began well before the UN sanctions — and they are problems largely of Mr Kim's own making. Mr Ri remembers a time when the North Korea was thriving thanks to vibrant steel and cement factories.

"In the 1970s, the [North Korean] economy was vibrant and the factories were running and electricity was available everywhere," he said. Mr Ri said Kim Jong-il, who was leader from 1997 to 2011, did not have a good sense about the economy.

Its relationship with its main trading partner and ally China began when the Kim family watched its neighbour embrace capitalism. "North Korea did not want to mix with this capitalistic nation," Mr Ri said.

"Kim Jong-il decided North Korea should open up to some degree — even a socialistic nation has to generate profit — and he set up some measures, but there is a sort of royalty regime in North Korea that doesn't work so well with the market system.

"Because of this incompatibility, the economy is not doing well still. "When Kim Jong-il died, the economy collapsed as well.

Meanwhile, South Korea developed to the extent that its was among the top 20 nations by gross domestic product. "Many people have started to starve," Mr Ri said.

Relations soured further in 2014 when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited South Korea before North Korea.

"Kim Jong-un took it as a humiliation, a personal insult. He called Xi a son of a bitch, called Chinese people as 'those sons of bitches Chinese'.".

China is similarly unimpressed with its ally because its sees it as building its military when it should be feeding its citizens.

"Now China has blocked trade, which has never happened before, so this is the very worst point of their relationship," Mr Ri said.

Mr Kim resolved to turn its trade away from China and towards Russia and Southeast Asia, but he soon found that trading in Russia was "not so convenient".

"If North Korea opened itself up like China did, it would not be in crisis. "It shows how important one leader is and shows that the Kim Jong-un leadership is a failed leadership.

Ri Jong-ho says Kim Jong-un's is a 'failed leadership'. Picture: AFP/KCNA via KNSSource:AFP. WHAT NORTH KOREA REALLY WANTS.

While it uses its state-controlled media to spew threats at the US and other enemies, Mr Ri says Mr Kim actually lacks confidence and what he craves most is respect.

Its provocative tests of missiles and nuclear weapons are all part of this strategy. "They desperately want relations with the US," Mr Ri said.

"The leader wants to keep the leadership for a long time. In order for him to stay in the leadership for that long, he believes he needs to have a friendly relationship with the US.

"They want to be part of the international community. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop expressed a similar view when in New York for the United Nations General Assembly last month.

"Obviously, [North Korea] wants to be in the best possible negotiating position and that why we're seeing such overt display of capability when it comes to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons," she said.

For more infomation >> (News)N Korea 'won't survive a year' - Duration: 10:16.


For more infomation >> (News)N Korea 'won't survive a year' - Duration: 10:16.


🍔 Hamburger Au Cannabis Fait Maison 🍔 - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> 🍔 Hamburger Au Cannabis Fait Maison 🍔 - Duration: 7:21.


For more infomation >> 🍔 Hamburger Au Cannabis Fait Maison 🍔 - Duration: 7:21.


Marvel's The Punisher Season 1 Trailer # 2 - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Marvel's The Punisher Season 1 Trailer # 2 - Duration: 2:25.


For more infomation >> Marvel's The Punisher Season 1 Trailer # 2 - Duration: 2:25.


Episode 3 / English Subtitle / Precarious Woman Executive Miss Black General / Zannen Onna Kanbu - Duration: 3:02.

Zannen Onna-Kanbu

Burakku Jeneraru-san

The Boss gave us new orders .

Thinking back , the start of our World Domination plan was stopped .

Increasing our military strength by recruiting new members was a failure as well .

This was all due to BraveMan 's interference .

And so , The Boss ordered us to thoroughly investigate BraveMan .

We will find his weaknesses .

But , if Im not mistaken , General-sama .

Dont you already know everything about BraveMan ?

Well , yes . But ...

There are always new things to be learned .

Ah , she just wants more materials of him .

General-sama , BraveMan 's location has been found .

Well done . Lets go .


Yeah .

Ryuei Park .

He is still recovering from the shock of the previous incident . Hero BraveMan ...

He seems kind of down .

We have to cheer him up somehow .

Yes .

Yes ?

After all , our objective is to investigate him .

In order to do that , we need the normal BraveMan .

Otherwise , wont the data be meaningless ?

Eh ? Is that how it works ?

I dont know the reason , but BraveMan is feeling down .

So lets think of a plan to help him recover .

(See Note [1] in the video description for the long translation of this magazine's page )

But , how are we supposed to cheer him up ?

I have already done my homeworks .

Homeworks ?

You need a woman to lift a man's spirit .


You are going to lift a man 's "manhood" instead .

Just watch .

( In the magazine's page : " In the end , men love boobs ! ! " )

Isnt your appeal method a little off ?

( When a Hero is traumatized by Ero / Erotic , lol , pun )

He is watching . BraveMan is really staring at me . ( She is "squirting" ... blood , lol )

Somehow , their impressions of each other feel as different as Heaven and Hell .

I see , you come here to sue me .

Of course . Im the kind of man that makes women faint by molesting them .

I will be suspended as a hero ... ( See Note [2] )

How pitiful , BraveMan .

I dont know why you are troubled , but a hero doesnt have time to be depressed .

In this very moment , there may be people who are looking for your help .

No matter how tough it gets , saving people even if it means sacrificing himself , ...

isnt that what a hero is ?

At least , I admired the BraveMan who was that kind of hero .

Just for verification , this girl is the Evil's Secret Organization's Executive .

When I wanted to become a hero , I certainly had that kind of resolve .

Ah , that is right . To save all the people in pain , that was the reason .

How could I have forgotten ? For an enemy to remind me of something so important .

I am Justice 's Ally . I am Everyone 's Hero . Hero BraveMan .

There is no time to waste . Im going to patrol .

As I thought ,

BOOBS ARE JUSTICE . That is right .

Eh ?

( Letters on the 4 flags : おっぱい = oppai = boobs . )

For more infomation >> Episode 3 / English Subtitle / Precarious Woman Executive Miss Black General / Zannen Onna Kanbu - Duration: 3:02.


For more infomation >> Episode 3 / English Subtitle / Precarious Woman Executive Miss Black General / Zannen Onna Kanbu - Duration: 3:02.


Voici pourquoi les personnes de groupe sanguin O sont si spéciales - Santé - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Voici pourquoi les personnes de groupe sanguin O sont si spéciales - Santé - Duration: 3:56.


For more infomation >> Voici pourquoi les personnes de groupe sanguin O sont si spéciales - Santé - Duration: 3:56.


Biggest Deal TVI - Exclusivo: Filipa Castro revela 'Nunca entraria!' - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Biggest Deal TVI - Exclusivo: Filipa Castro revela 'Nunca entraria!' - Duration: 3:20.


For more infomation >> Biggest Deal TVI - Exclusivo: Filipa Castro revela 'Nunca entraria!' - Duration: 3:20.


Júlia: 'Últimos 13 anos da minha vida são duros' - Latest Science News - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Júlia: 'Últimos 13 anos da minha vida são duros' - Latest Science News - Duration: 3:31.


For more infomation >> Júlia: 'Últimos 13 anos da minha vida são duros' - Latest Science News - Duration: 3:31.


Etiquettable : l'appli qui vous aide a manger durable - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Etiquettable : l'appli qui vous aide a manger durable - Duration: 2:19.


For more infomation >> Etiquettable : l'appli qui vous aide a manger durable - Duration: 2:19.


ArtU's Photography Graduate...

For more infomation >> ArtU's Photography Graduate...


BMW 3 Serie 318i HIGH EXE M SPORT Vol leer zwart/xenon/schuifkanteldak/navi pro/trekhaak/keyless go/ - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 318i HIGH EXE M SPORT Vol leer zwart/xenon/schuifkanteldak/navi pro/trekhaak/keyless go/ - Duration: 1:00.


idol m@ker 20171017版 改動報告 - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> idol m@ker 20171017版 改動報告 - Duration: 0:32.


Easy Soufflé Pancake - Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking Ep 196 - Duration: 5:24.

Hi Bold Bakers!

Just imagine what you would get if you crossed a soufflé and a pancake.

Thick, fluffy deliciousness.

Well that's what I'm gonna show you how to make today and it is gonna revolutionize

breakfast for you, so let's get baking.

Before we get started, the recipe for this pancake can be found on

and if you haven't already done so, make sure you tap that subscribe button so you

don't miss out on any upcoming videos.

Okay, let's get stuck into our pancake.

So in a large bowl we're going to add in very regular ingredients.

Some egg yolks, milk, cream, sugar, and flour, and then whisk all these ingredients together.

So next we're going to add in a little bit of melted butter, now what I do is melt this

before I start mixing my other ingredients so it has cooled down in time to add into

our eggs.

So all you want to do is pour that in and whisk until it's fully incorporated.

Okay that's it, we're gonna set this mix aside and we're gonna whip up our egg whites.

So here are my egg whites, that I have separated from my egg yolks, now these are at room temperature,

now you're ant your egg whites at room temperature because they whip up so much better.

And then we're just gonna take our electric mixer, you can always do this by hand as well

if you've got a lot of elbow grease, a lot of muscle.

And then you wanna whip them up until soft peaks form.

Now while I am whisking and it started to get nice and frothy, I'm gonna add in a

little pinch of salt.

Now what this salt will do it will actually help stabilize the egg whites and whip them

up even better.

And also it adds flavor to our pancake.

So just whip these up for around three minutes or so until they're nice and stiff like

this, and then that's it.

So now what we're gonna do is fold our egg whites into this mix, so just take a spoonful

of your lovely, thick, fluffy egg whites, and then just gently fold them into your egg

yolk mix.

Once a little bit is combined, then were gonna go ahead and add in all of the rest, and then

just continue folding in.

Now what I like to do is use a metal spoon because it has a very, very thin edge and

it will slice through those egg whites.

If you use something that's very thick, it will burst all those lovely bubbles and

air pockets that you built, so use a thin metal spoon, and then just very gently fold

in your eggs.

The most important part of the soufflé pancake is the egg whites.

It's that fluffiness that will give us that thickness.

You just want to gently fold in.

So as you can see, I've still got some lumps of egg whites.

That's totally fine, don't worry about those guys, they'll work themselves out.

This batter is ready to go into our saucepan.

So here I have an eight-inch frying pan, this is the perfect size for my soufflé pancake.

Now I have it on a medium heat, you wanna keep it nice and controlled so it doesn't

burn your pancake, so medium to low heat.

And into my saucepan I'm going to add in some butter, and that's just gonna make

sure that our pancake doesn't stick and it comes out of there.

Now that that's melted, I'm gonna go ahead and pour in my batter.

As you can see this is a lot of batter and yes, it is a big pancake, but believe me when

you're eating it, you won't be complaining.

So now because our pancake is so thick and to help it cook, I'm going to put a lid

over the top, and what this does, it keeps in the steam and it cooks your pancake through.

So we're just gonna let this cook over medium heat for roughly four minutes or so, then

we're gonna check on it.

So the first time I had a soufflé pancake was not that long ago.

It was in a place in Berkeley, California called Bette's Oceanview Diner and it was

with bananas, and a rum sauce, it was absolutely insane, and I've never forgotten it.

That's why I'm really excited to create my own one.

So my pancake has been cooking away for four to five minutes, I turned the heat down to

low because I didn't want my pancake to burn and next I'm going to add to the top

some fruit.

I have some strawberries and some blueberries here, and I'm just gonna go ahead and sprinkle

them over the top of my pancake.

Once these all cook out and get nice and soft they're gonna taste amazing.

So you can actually see already how much your soufflé pancake puffed up, and it's nice

and firm, that means it's almost cooked.

But we're just gonna do once last thing to make it lovely and golden brown, which

is we're gonna pop it under the grill.

Set your grill or broiler to a low heat, and then place your pancake underneath and just

keep a very close eye, all you want to do is just make the top golden brown.

This will take one to two minutes.

My pancake turned out amazing and you can tell when it's done if you push down and

it's firm underneath.

If it feels very soft then place it back under the grill for another few seconds until it

firms up.

Okay, we're almost to my favorite part.

All you want to do is just gently turn this out onto a plate.

Can you believe this is a whole pancake for one person?

And there you have a soufflé pancake.

This is gorgeous.

Now I love to decorate this very simply with a little bit of icing sugar on top for some

added extra sweetness, and then feel free to drizzle over some maple syrup.

This is a pancake after all.

And there you have it, a breakfast fit for a Bold Baking King or Queen.

So now let me show you that all our hard work whipping whose eggs paid off.

Check that out, do you see how thick and fluffy that pancake is?

This is insane!

Now for my favorite part of the video…

Heaven, oh heaven.


I love pancake as it is, and I have made a lot of them on Bigger Bolder Baking, but this

is a whole other level of pancake.

Oh, my gosh.

I really hope you enjoyed this episode, make sure you check out all of my other videos,

and I will see you here really soon for more Bigger Bolder Baking!

For more infomation >> Easy Soufflé Pancake - Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking Ep 196 - Duration: 5:24.


English at work - Episode 27: Getting down to business - Duration: 5:32.

Hello again.

It's the big day and Mr Socrates is about to arrive at the

offices of Tip Top Trading to talk officially to the team.

What is he going to say?

And more importantly, will he get his freshly squeezed orange juice?

Quickly everybody… he's coming out of the lift with Paul.

Anna quickly, get a glass of orange juice ready.

…and if we come through this door here we get to the office and… morning


I'm sure we've all met Mr Socrates on the day of the… fire… but

today everything is a bit calmer and well he's here to say hello.


Biscuit Mr Socrates?


You mean a goddamn cookie.


Err, Mr Socrates, I'm Anna.

Would you like some orange juice – freshly squeezed?

You betcha as long as it's made from Florida oranges.



Ain't you the girl who booked my hotel room?

Oh yes, sorry about the bed and…

Hey, you got me a new room, it was great.

You did a good job there.

Well done.

Oh thanks.


It's Tom.

I recommended the hotel, it was a…


Everyone, shall we gather round and hear what Mr Socrates has to



Hey… errr, what's your name…


Yeah you.

Don't you think I should be sitting in the big chair?


Yes of course.

(Shuffling) There you go.


Tip Top Trading.

I've gotta give it to you straight.

Things ain't looking good, in fact the outlook is gloomy.

The global recession has led to a meltdown in the plastic fruits sector.

And I've got to announce a profit warning.

We just ain't selling enough of these bananas, oranges and

lemons to make any money.

There's a bit of an economic squeeze on lemons!


Oh dear.

I'm not sure what he's talking about but it sounds


It is Anna.

He's delivering some bad news without hiding the truth.

That's why he said "I've got to give it to you


He said "the outlook is gloomy" which it means the future doesn't

look good.

And he mentioned a "profit warning", which means company

profits are probably going to go down.


That is bad.

What does it mean?

Just keep listening for now.

…so, this calls for action.

I'm going to have to…

Oh no, not me Mr Socrates, I've been a loyal employee, I

couldn't face being unemployed.

Tom, calm down.

I'm not talking about redundancies yet.

Gosh, well that calls for another biscuit.

My plan is… we're going into Europe.

You mean we're moving to Europe?

No, no Anna.

I think he means we're going to sell plastic fruit to the

European market.

Oh right!


Mr Socrates, I've lots of experience with Europe.

I had a holiday in Spain once… twice actually.

Well we'll have to make sure our phones can make international calls.


I think you're gonna need some help with this, so I'm bringing in my

best marketing executive, Rachel.

What she doesn't know about selling to Europe, you don't wanna know.

She'll be here in a few weeks' time.

Do you know if she prefers tea or coffee… or orange juice perhaps?

Look Diana…



Like Dennis right?

She'll want the best – the best tea, coffee and

the best team.

I'll expect improved results and profits.

If not your necks will be on the line – especially yours Paul.

Oh, chop chop.

We'd better get to work.


"Your necks will be on the line" – he means their jobs will be at risk

if things don't improve.

It's a worrying time for Tip Top Trading.

Let's remind ourselves of the phrases Mr Socrates

used to deliver bad news:

I've got to give it to you straight The outlook is gloomy

I've got to announce a profit warning

Let's hope this new marketing strategy for Europe is going to work.

How are you feeling Anna?

A little nervous.

But I'm going to try my best to make sure this new

strategy works.

That's the spirit Anna!

Right everyone.

I think we need to take Mr Socrates down to the Rose and

Crown after work for a pint or two and show him some true English


How about it?

I don't drink.

Ah well, perhaps some lemonade?

Oh dear.

This should be interesting.

Until next time, bye!

For more infomation >> English at work - Episode 27: Getting down to business - Duration: 5:32.


Spooky Snacks for Halloween! Kid-Friendly Healthy Recipes - Mind Over Munch - Duration: 6:58.

Hey Munchies!

I'm Alyssia and, if you're new,

this is going to be a really fun time to join us

because we like to have a little bit too much fun over the holidays,

and Halloween is around the corner so today I am sharing

some "SPOOKY" snacks and treats to celebrate, and they're all pretty clean!

Now, they're not really that SPOOKY, but come on!

It was Halloween and I wanted to entice you…


BONE-jour everybody!

Hello, Skully!

Good to see you again.

You too, Alyssia.

I've been so BONELY since last Halloween.


Let's get to the recipes, already!

First up are the gross sounding but delicious tasting ZOMBIE BOOGERS!!

A.k.a. matcha popcorn.

Heat a deep pot over high heat and add coconut oil.

Allow that to heat for about 30 seconds,

and then add in your popcorn kernels and sugar to the hot oil.

Cover and vigorously shake back and forth over the stove

to ensure that the heat is being evenly distributed and the kernels aren't burning.

Keep going until all of the kernels have popped!

Immediately after, add a bit more coconut oil, matcha, and salt to the pot,

and toss to coat completely!

Creepy cool!

No artificial coloring necessary for this sweet and savory treat,

and if you're a fan of matcha's flavor and all of it's health benefits,

you're bound to love these boogers!


I'm a freak for popcorn!

Next up, Pumpkin Gummies!

How about a thumbs up for those screenshottable recipe cards, too!?

My thumbs are…uh…a little stiff.

In a saucepan over medium-low heat, whisk together orange juice, lemon juice

and honey.

Once warm, gradually add in gelatin, whisking constantly until dissolved.

Pour into silicone molds, I used a pumpkin shape,

but you could use anything festive!

Transfer to the fridge and allow to set for about an hour

before popping them out to enjoy.

So adorable and tasty!

And I'm in control of the sugar and ingredients, which I love.

This recipe is actually from my Halloween eBook,

and you can get this eBook or any of my eBooks or packages 10% off this week only

using the code "Halloween" at

It may be Halloween, but that doesn't mean popsicles aren't delicious!

Instead of candy corn which provides NO fuel,

why not make Candy Corn Popsicles using nutritious ingredients?

They are so easy to make!

Candy corn?!?



I add a layer of yogurt of your choice, any kind will do, to a popsicle mold.

Add your sticks now because once that bottom layer is frozen, there's NO going back!

Freeze for 1-2 hours, and then add your orange layer.

I used carrot juice, which is actually pretty sweet if you've never tried it.

Freeze that layer, and then add your yellow layer on top.

I used a mango juice,

but pineapple or any other yellow juice that you prefer could work, too!

These layers are so pretty!

I love that they don't need any added flavors or sugar!

If you're enjoying these recipes, don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell

so you can be notified of new videos!

We've got SO much fun holiday content coming your way!

You won't regret it.

Trust me—

I'm a BONE-afide professional!

We've got a sweet and savory treat next: Creepy Crisps!

Mix either sugar or any granulated sweetener of your choice

and cinnamon together in a bowl.

Set aside.

Use your favorite festive cookie cutters to cut shapes out of tortillas.

Transfer to a parchment lined baking sheet and spray them down with cooking spray—

I used a coconut oil spray.

Then sprinkle on that cinnamon sugar mixture to cover completely.

Bake until crisp!

These are so tasty, it's honestly hard to stop eating them.

And it's nice to have a savory and sweet treat

instead of something that's overly sugary like we often come across this time of year.

Our final snack of the day: ROTTEN Deviled Eggs!

Yeah, rotten eggs!

Those look bad to the BONE, baby!

Oh, Skully!

You're such a—

A BONE head??

Ya got that right!

Start with your boiled eggs.

Cut them in half, and remove the yolks.

Add the yolks and a ripe avocado to a bowl and mash until integrated.

Stir in chopped cilantro, lime juice and zest,

and salt and pep, seasoning to taste.

I like to make these extra festive with an olive spider.

I simply use half of an olive as the base of the body, and halved rings as the legs.

Now we can fill our egg halves.

I used a piping bag and decorating tip, but just a spoon would be fine.

And then we add on your creepy crawler.

Green, ghoulish, and most importantly—yummy!

So fun!

I hope you enjoyed all of these Halloween themed snacks,

let me know which was your favorite in the comments below!

I have a special Halloween episode coming next week so stay tuned!

If you want to check out my Halloween or other seasonal eBooks,

head to

and don't forget to use the code "Halloween" for 10% off!

I'll see you next week—

Wait, wait, wait!

Before we go: what's a skeleton's favorite instrument?


a tromBONE?!


A saxoBONE!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Have a safe holiday, and remember, especially at Halloween,

it's all a matter of Mind Over Munch!

For more infomation >> Spooky Snacks for Halloween! Kid-Friendly Healthy Recipes - Mind Over Munch - Duration: 6:58.


【Akano】"ASH" - LiSA - Fate/Apocrypha (フェイト/アポクリファ) OP2 Cover【歌ってみた】 - Duration: 1:50.

Fate/Apocrypha OP2 "ASH" by LiSA Instrumental: MrLopez2112 Vocals: Akano

Like drops of rain, we fall aimlessly.

Our separate feelings follow the paths we've chosen.

You see, a black dawn is on the horizon.

The fragments of the dreams I embraced cause me pain.

I became fearful of believing in anything.

What mark can I possibly leave on this world? I'd like to find out!

Overcoming many versions of myself, I was born again!

Believing is the only way to become stronger!

What mark can we possibly leave on this world?

This is our moment!

Translation from Lyrical Nonsense

For more infomation >> 【Akano】"ASH" - LiSA - Fate/Apocrypha (フェイト/アポクリファ) OP2 Cover【歌ってみた】 - Duration: 1:50.


Ozan Çekemci - Mutlu Yıllar (Cem Adrian) - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Ozan Çekemci - Mutlu Yıllar (Cem Adrian) - Duration: 2:57.


The Jaclyn Hill Palette - FIRST IMPRESSION | Swatches + mini-Tutorial - Duration: 17:15.

Hi guys and welcome back to my channel!

Today I just wanted to say that the video will be available with english subtitles,

because the product that I'm going to review has a lot of customers in the US

so I wanted to make it available for everybody.

For all you english speaking people: thank you for watching and

don't forget to turn on the subtitles!

Sooo, yes, welcome!

The product that, ooooh this is so exciting!

I have had this product in my possession

for two and a half months maybe

and that is because I've waited to react to this product in front of the camera

and waited for a good occasion to film this video.

Let's get to the good stuff, I'm not going to drag on this for long. The product I'm testing today is...

The Jaclyn Hill Morphe eyeshadow Palette.

I mean... This is sooo...

exciting, I can't even believe it. Jaclyn Hill is a Youtuber

with like 4.5 million subscribers, or something like that

and I have followed her for... years!

And I love her, like, I connect with her on a spiritual level.

She is the queen. She is my queen.

So she has collaborated with a company called Morphe

and worked with this palette for like

TWO years to make it perfect and to make it exactly the way she wanted.

So then I was like, okey, if she put her soul into this: I have to have it.

And I am just so pumped. So this is what it looks like.

It says The Jaclyn Hill Palette

and down here it says Morphe, which is the company

and on the back it says MorpheXJaclynHill

Morphe 'times' Jaclyn Hill, and then there's JH all over which is her initials

Aaand, let's make this exciting...

Lets' open this


First here we have a piece of paper with all the colours that I will get back to later

Here it says "This palette is dedicated to my loving subscribers"

and that means "This palette is dedicated to my loving...

Subscribers!" This is a protective plastic cover that I'll remove

aaand here are all the colours!

This is so beautiful to look at, it's insane.

I'll have to do a close-up of this later so that you can see.

It's so beautiful, it's out of this world! And I haven't touch it, at all.

I saved it and It has been so hard not to!

So what I'll do today is swatch it on my arm and see how the colours are

and how the pigments are. Then I'm also trying them on

on my own eyes. That's why I am a bit bare faced today.

This is so exciting!!! I'll come a bit closer

so you can see. We have some blue...

both cold and warm tones in the entire palette

both matte and skimmery eyeshadows

transition colours for blending

Okey, should we start, and see how this goes...

What they're trying to say with this palette is that you can play with it

a very long time but also use have it on the go,

and I do believe that, because there's so many looks you can do with this palette.

It's going to be so fun to play with this! So, let's start!

Here I have a piece of paper with all the colours.

I'll have this in front of me and tell you all the names.

The first one I'll try is 'Pool Party'.

It's this skimmery, pretty blue colour

So first I'll put it on my finger. Look at this...


I'm done

Done. This is insane! Look at the pigment.

As a makeup junkie: this is the dream. We have to try on more!

We'll continue with this one called 'Jada'.

A turquoise, green-ish colour

that is matte. Okey...

This colour had some fall-out, kind of, but it is sooo pretty.

It's a matte colour and those can be more difficult to get pigmented.

So pretty. Then I want to try... that one...

and that one's called 'Twerk'.

Twerk, twerk...

Okey, this one was reeaally pretty.

That is like a perfect purple colour. It so difficult...

to find pretty purple colours, but that one was really pretty.

I want to try this. It's a dark, dark green. There it is...

That one's called 'Enchanted'.

That one was very dark, almost black. It looks a bit more green in the camera.

But it was still really pretty. Which one do I want to try now? Oh, that one!

It's called 'Cranapple'.


Is that a fruit?

Oooh, this one is creamy.

Do you see this? It's insanely pigmented and it is super creamy.

It's kind of duo-chrome. It skifts to a warmer tone.

Do you se that?

How exciting. I wanna try this one: 'Creamscicle'.

It's this one: warm...

ooh, it doesn't even show in the camera how warm it is. It really is orange-yellow-warm.

It wasn't as much pigment in this one, but it's still a pretty

colour, so I am excited to use them. They are very...

blendable, like, when I do this

they smudge out in a very nice way, which makes it exciting to try them on the eyes

because I think it will give a very nice blend between the colours.

I wanna try one of these darker reds in the middle.

So I think I want to try this one and it's called 'Hunts'.

These are the ones where the pigments are a bit tough, I'll do it again.

oooh, look, when I do this...

It becomes so pretty. Ah, I don't know how to describe it. Blendable, soft in...

...the transition, and uuh, omg.

Look, this is so pretty.

I like all of them, so far.

The only one is this dark green that I want to try on the eyes to see how it behaves.

And this pose...

Should I maybe go with the black? Because there is a black one in here, which is amazing,

because many palette don't include a black eyeshadow and I miss that sometimes.

So, there you have the black shadow

That really is pitch black. That is very, very dark


That really is good. Black is so difficult too

to get a good built up in pigment but this one really builts up when I put more product on.

That's great! So far I am very impressed with the colours I've tested

I know that it can be hard to produce a high pigment shadow without it giving harsh lines

when you blend it out with a brush.

But for this quality and this price,

because this is not high end prices. I mean, the shipping to Sweden cost more than the palette itself for me.

350 SEK? and for 35 eyshadows,

so it's a very good price and they (Morphe) has a lot of affordable.... Oh, what's it called...


Affordable (!) stuff.

I have ordered from the before and I have so many brushes from Morphe that I love.

So for this price this is insanely good quality!

I'll do one or two more and then I just wanna start play with them

Now I want to try one of the shimmery ones. This one...

This colour is kind of duo chrome and that is when it skifts in two colours.

So it's a warm pink with some gold in it,

and it's called 'Sissy'.

Oooooh, girl, oh girl, oh girl.

This one is really pretty, can you see? There, see?

It really shifts in two shades so this will be really pretty on the eyes

One more! One of these transition shades.

I think I'll take this one.

Oooh, omg, this feel kind of like butter...

This was super creamy. You can barely see it because it's almost the same as my eye... eye colour, no, my skin colour.

And this one is called 'M.F.E.O.'

Oooh, this is some kind of shortcut that I've forgotten.

I have to look it up. Oh, okey...

this is the description on Morphe's website. So 'M.F.E.O.' stands for 'made for each other'

and that is because the shade is 'peach, matte and cool'.

Alright, now I know.

Omg, it just...

Omg, it...

it almost feel, not wet, but

creamy. It was really pretty.

I am so pleased, impressed. Now let's do this...

Now we are up close and personal, and yes, I am this pale.

As you do, you go to instagram and search for Jaclyn Hill

and look at the pictures she has posted and feel inspired.

I feel very inspired by this picture and it is

a warm, smokey eye with a hint of blue and green on the lower lashline

and I want to try as much as possible in this palette

and this is perfect, because I can do warm on the top and cold on the bottom and make it really smokey.

So I'll start out with these transition shades.

I'll take these ones, starting out with this and then darkening with this.

Something like that.

Now I'll go in with a warmer one,

so I think I'll take the very yellow shade.

Now you see a bit better how it looks. It's called 'Creamscicle'.


Do you see how...

it just blends into the other shades. It creates no harsh line...

at all.

There you have the warm base I wanted to start out with

so now I want to use some darker shades.

But before I do that, I'll put some powder under my eyes,

and that is so I don't ruin the foundation that I've already put on.

If you get a lot of dark shadow that sticks right here, it ain't cute girl.

I'll just put some here...

So this is a trick you can do.

Now I'll go in with a darker one and I think I'll take...

a fluffy brush like this and a redish shade.

I think I want to use this one. 'Hunts'.

The one I tried earlier, the very brick red shade.

Do you see how pretty this is?

The yellow 'Creamscicle' and 'Hunts' just

blends together

This is also a Morphe brush that I'm using, M412.

Moving on. I want to go in with an even darker in the crease

I think I'll use this shade. That was the one I used before

It's a bit of a cooler shade, but it's darker

so I figure it will work to deepen my crease a bit.

It's called 'Jacz' which is a nickname for Jaclyn.

Now I use a smaller brush from MAC, 221.

I could sit here forever and just play with these shadows

because they really do what I want them to do

and they are soo beautiful.

I'll play with these... late nights...

It's a shame it's finals week for me because...

I'll have to try hard not get all my time caught up on this.

Moving on. I want to put something bright in the middle, right here,

on the eyelid. Oh, I don't know...

So hard...

If I should take this one from earlier that shifted in pink

or this, what is this? I have to try...

oooh, this is a very golden...

but I think I want to, or...

This is so difficult. I'll put the shifting pink on my index finger

and this is another one

just besides the other one, this one, and it's called 'Little Lady'.

That one would probably look pretty, it's more peachy.

I think I'll use that one on a flat brush.

To press on the product with my finger gives a lot of pigment

and I feel like that correspondes to many shimmery eyeshadows.

I do that with all my shimmery eyeshadows.

Oh, look how much product I have under my eyes. There you can see the difference

It has brighten a bit too. But you can see that it really

All of this dark shadow right here

I just brush it away carefully,

so that I don't press it on to the skin.

Now moving on to the lower lashline. Like in the picture it was kind of...

blue, turquoise, a bit cooler shades.

Since she put that in the palette I want to test and use them.

I'm gonna take a pencil brush like this

It's from Kicks (store) and it's really good

and I'm gonna take this, 'Pool Par-' no, that's 'Jada', the turquoise green right there.

Such a pretty colour. I'm missed a blue-green colour like this.

Now I'm gonna use 'Pool Party'

the very blue one.

Now I want to use this very, very dark...

green, that I swatched on my arm earlier.

On a small flat brush like this.

And put right at the lash li-...

at the root of the lashes, yeah,

closest to the lashes.

I was a bit hesitant to the dark green at first, but I actually like it.

It looks good on the eyes.

I want to put a highlight right in here

so I'll use this one called 'Obsessed'.

It's a very bright, shimmery eyeshadow.

That pigment, like... I love shimmery... highlighters and such.

They're the best. I'll put it a bit up here. Niiiice

This on is really pretty. I'm obsessed with 'Obsessed'.

Happy. But I think I want to use it some more. I already have a highlighter right here

but I think I'll use some of the same shade

on the eye bone. Eye BROW bone I mean... heh, eye bone...


OMG, highlight on FLEEEEK


Okey. Bomb. Bomb. I'm happy

Nice. Now I want to do an eyeliner with the black eyeshadow.

For that I'll use an angled brush like this.

I'll finish of the eyeliner on both eyes and then I'll be back with the finished look.

Here you have the finished look that I got inspired to do

from the picture I showed earlier.

With the Jaclyn Hill Morphe palette

and I'll say this: I love this palette!

This palette is SO good!

Are you thinking about buying it, buy it, if you are as crazy about makeup as I am

because this is so good. Morphe makes such good products

Jaclyn Hill has made a perfect palette.

Like, this is so good, really. It includes so much.

You can do so much more than this. You can do so many looks

with all these colours.

I am so pumped to just play with these colours

and that is what I've done now, just played with the colours.

And it's so much fun and I'll do that...

many, many, many times.

This really is an A+.

There you have today video and I hope you liked this

and it was the first time I did a product review and a first impression

and it was fun.

So I hope you liked this video and if you did, please give a thumb up

and leave a comment what you though and maybe what you would like to see more of.

Have a wondeful time until my next video and don't forget:


For more infomation >> The Jaclyn Hill Palette - FIRST IMPRESSION | Swatches + mini-Tutorial - Duration: 17:15.


Incredible Contemporary Tiny House architecture from Berlin - Duration: 4:42.

Incredible Contemporary Tiny House architecture from Berlin

For more infomation >> Incredible Contemporary Tiny House architecture from Berlin - Duration: 4:42.


Laura Benanti sings "Vanilla Ice Cream" in She Loves Me - Duration: 3:06.

[Soft instrumental music]





















Oh, where was I?







Dear Friend…













For more infomation >> Laura Benanti sings "Vanilla Ice Cream" in She Loves Me - Duration: 3:06.


ONE NIGHT in DUBLIN 🍺- Ireland Trip Ep.5 (Temple Bar) - Duration: 7:06.

What is going on members of the Barrio

It's Jon coming to you from Dublin

We are staying in the heart of Temple Bar

This is the final vlog from Ireland

I'm in hostel it's called Barnacles

Amazing location downtown

All 6 of us in this group are spending the final night together

In this 6 person dorm room.

I haven't done this in a while

But you know when the location is convenient

I can sleep anywhere

And the people at this hostel have been super nice

So let's look around the room

And this is my bunk right here

My shorts ready for when I go to sleep

Everybody elses stuff

Kaleigh's here, how are you?


It does the job

Out onto the hallway

We're walking through Temple Bar right now

This is a very touristy area

If you have never visited Ireland before

You're probably going to be staying here

Or visiting some of the spots here

You know it's kind of obligatory to go

I have no plan for tonight

I usually plan stuff out

I'm just going with the flow

And filming whatever occurs

We just got a bite to eat

And we are going to be meeting some other travel bloggers

At a place called McQuaids

I was walking down the street and I heard this bagpipe music playing

And I know we're near Temple Bar

But I've got to investigate what this is

I'm out with the 3 ladies in my group

We've got Kaleigh, Crystal, and Vrithi back there.

You guys ready for one final night of fun?

I think so

Sad but yes

Let's go

Established in 1779, quite old

Guiness in Ireland tastes so much better than in New York

I never ever order it in the city

In Ireland I've had so many of these

It's excellent

How cheer in Irish

Sloncha, Sloncha

We have a humongous group of bloggers right now and there's actually a few people here from Dublin

One lady named Yvonne is going to be taking us to a bar with a lot of history

Right down the street

We're in Kehoe's pub And years ago

Old man Kehoe as we called him

Lived on the first floor

And when he passed away, they took all the furniture out

And they just opened it up as a bar

Some of the old carpet is still there

So let's go up and see what it's like now

I would love to see this

I'm excited

This is literally like chilling in somebodys living room

She said the guy actually lived here

This is his piano

Where are we going, I don't know

We are walking to a more lively bar because the last two were really classical and old

But their was no music

Did you guys like them?

They were nice but mostly the company

Good company, it was good company

But we need music

We need some live music

We are walking past Trinity college

On the right

Temple bar is that way



I think so

And of course it would not be our last night in Ireland

If it wasn't raining just a little bit

I don't think we've had a single day on this trip where we didn't have rain at some point during the day

But today was actually the sunniest

And I didn't film anything during the day

We've arrived back at Temple Bar

Where we started

Which is like the times square of Ireland

No locals ever want to go here

But it's extremely busy on a Tuesday night

This is actually very lively

I know it's very touristy here but

It's actually not bad

I've been to this bar many years ago

And it was so much more crowded

But this fiddler is really really good

Whiskey ginger


11 euro

11 euros

Welcome to Temple Bar?

It hurts

It hurts..

We are on the way to the last bar which we think is still open

And this was actually a suggestion from that Yvonne girl

And she knew her stuff

So hopefully the best for last.

See I wasn't lieing there's one bar open

We're just walking right into the party

Another great fact

You've got a little guinness mustache

Man that's good

That's how it goes

Another great fact

That Irish man told me

Is that you need to suck through the head

The head.

Suck through the head

You need to suck through that

In order to get the most finest

The crema

Preserves the beer


That's what she said

I was going to end my vlog

But they insist on getting food

So we're going to get food

1 more stop

I'm not an expert but I would say there's a good chance

But it's definitley known as a very good place for burgers

You are 15 hours from Hawaii

Could you possibly get a good Hawaiian burger here?

I don't know?

Is that a loco moco?

Alright members of the Barrio

I would like to tell you that

I hated temple bar

That it is overpriced

And that it is a tourist trap

All of those things are actually true

But tonight

I had such a good time.

With the friends that I was traveling with

I'll say this

Honestly Dublin is not my favorite city

In Ireland

I'm going to recommend

If you come here

Go to Dublin for a few nights

Hit up Temple Bar

At least one of those nights

But go west

Do some of the things

That we did in this series

I'm putting all of my Ireland videos into 1 playlist

Check them out

It was some of the best experiences I have ever had


If you are new here

Make sure that you're subscribed

Thank you so much for watching

Got a lot of cool stuff coming up

Until next time

For more infomation >> ONE NIGHT in DUBLIN 🍺- Ireland Trip Ep.5 (Temple Bar) - Duration: 7:06.


GATTO NERO [Fukase canta in italiano] [Gigi Miu] [Vocaloid] [ITA] [Halloween] - Duration: 3:25.

♪ Meet the Black Cat, ♪

♪ the mysterious cat, ♪

♪ coming directly from the land of the dead! ♪

♪ You will be scared! ♪

♪ Meet the Black Cat, ♪

♪ a real monster cat, ♪

♪ the three-eyed cat!! ♪

♪ You will be scared! ♪

♪ Fear ♪

♪ Dread ♪

♪ The Dark Night ♪

For more infomation >> GATTO NERO [Fukase canta in italiano] [Gigi Miu] [Vocaloid] [ITA] [Halloween] - Duration: 3:25.


Funny GIRLS FAILS Compilation 2017 - Funny Vines Videos - Try Not To Laugh Challenge - Duration: 12:34.

Funny GIRLS FAILS Compilation 2017 - Funny Vines Videos - Try Not To Laugh Challenge

For more infomation >> Funny GIRLS FAILS Compilation 2017 - Funny Vines Videos - Try Not To Laugh Challenge - Duration: 12:34.


アレンジ ギターコード字幕 春なのに 柏原芳恵 中島みゆき 泣き歌 泣け歌 by ひでぱさん HIDEPASAN'S Cover 弾き語り ギター カバー - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> アレンジ ギターコード字幕 春なのに 柏原芳恵 中島みゆき 泣き歌 泣け歌 by ひでぱさん HIDEPASAN'S Cover 弾き語り ギター カバー - Duration: 3:15.


Street Food In Mexico 2017 | Amazing Cooking Skills of Mexicans | Awesome People 2017 - Duration: 16:26.

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

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