Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2017

Hey guys and welcome back to day 2 of this daily drawing adventure.

Today's house is haunted by a protective giant.

He means well, but he's turned this home into a prison for it's inhabitants.

I have to say, I came so close to not drawing today.

Day 2 and I'm already flagging.

I had a really busy weekend and feel completely drained, and would normally spend this kind

of day sorting through emails and doing other things that don't require a lot of creativity.

And this is a topic that came up a lot in the comments of yesterdays video, and as I

said there, if you have a topic you want me to talk about in one of these videos, please

do leave it below and I'll see if I can get to it.

I'm always noting down your suggestions for future videos anyway so if I don't answer

it in one of this months videos I'm sure I'll get round to it eventually.

Anyway, a lot of people are trying inktober for the first time, or have tried and failed

before, like me.

And the main concern is how to get yourself to draw, when you just don't want to.

So I thought I'd talk about how I managed to get myself to do it today.

First off is the accountability factor.

I am posting these online, and I have told you guys that I want to have a new drawing

up every day.

For me to not manage that, only the second day in, was kind of out of the question.

So one of the best things you can be doing with your inktober drawings is posting them

online, engaging with other people who are doing it too, and this is a great place for

that cos we're all very much in the same boat.

There's a little bit of pressure there and it can often give you the little push that

you don't get when you're just doing something for you.

Another thing is that I ease myself into a drawing.

So instead of forcing myself to my desk ad setting up my camera and pens and starting

straight away, I first thought about what I was going to be drawing.

And then I got cosy in bed to do the initial pencil sketch.

It's all about taking it one step at a time and not thinking about the drawing you're

gonna have to do eventually.

So I was just doing a quick little drawing in bed.

And once that was all mapped out, the only logical next step was to head over to my desk

and ink it.

Because why not.

I'd started it now.

And I told myself that the inking would only take 15 minutes, even thought it took almost

an hour.

Just take it one small step at a time.

Get your sketchbook or piece of paper.

Make a mark on it.

See how far you can get.

The first step is always the hardest but once you get going you're not likely to want

to stop.

Another thing you could do is limit your distractions, so I ended up having to just shut my laptop

so I'd stop opening tabs and watching youtube videos and I had nothing else to do but start


You could also use some kind of reward system to motivate you once the drawing is done.

Make the connection in your brain of good things happening once you've done your drawing

for the day.

So even if you're not in the mood to draw, you'll associate a good feeling with completing

the drawing which will make you more likely to want to get on with it.

These are the things that I'm using to help me on days like today when I don't want

to draw.

I remember that there are people waiting for my next drawing, and whether it's good or

not- because todays didn't necessarily turn out exactly how i wanted- the main thing is

getting it done.

People aren't looking for masterpieces in a daily drawing challenge like this, they

want to see new ideas, commitment and consistency and if you can do that and show people that

then you're doing a really good job of inktober.

I start small, just taking it one step at a time, first step opening my sketchbook,

and then going on from there.

I give myself no other choice, by eliminating my distractions.

And I give the daily drawing habit a positive connotation in my head with rewards for each

completed drawing, almost like you're training a dog to sit, and giving it a treat each time

it does it right.

It works!

Don't forget to leave your video topic suggestions below and id love to hear how you deal with

not being in the mood to draw.

See you tomorrow for the next one.


For more infomation >> Drawing When You're Not In The Mood · Inktober Day #2 - Duration: 4:25.


Riverdale "Cole Sprouse's Favorite Season 1 Scene" Interview (HD) - Duration: 0:40.

- [Cole] I think still my favorite scene

is the episode three diner scene

where I go and interrogate the Boy Scout.

- What the hell, man?

- Which was such a stylistic scene

and very character-driven.

- Dilton Doiley shot the gun on July fourth.

- He's a hardcore survivalist.

He says if we don't protect ourselves, no one will.

- If we can lean into that a little more

I'll be really happy for season two.

(gentle electronic music)

For more infomation >> Riverdale "Cole Sprouse's Favorite Season 1 Scene" Interview (HD) - Duration: 0:40.


4 Tips To Help You Become A Great Leader - Duration: 0:40.

Hey this is your Coach Joaquin Palacios

bringing you a helpful post about "Leadership".

4 Tips To Help You Become A Great Leader.

Being a leader is challenging, there's no

doubt about it. You are the one tasked

with making the hard decisions and you

are held responsible whether things work

out or not. In addition, the leader is the

one who has to inspire the team to work

harder, improve their skills, and overall,

be better. That's a lot of pressure and

some leaders handle it better than others.

On one hand, you have the leader who is…

To read the full post, Click the link in the description…

For more infomation >> 4 Tips To Help You Become A Great Leader - Duration: 0:40.


10 Incredible Theory about Harry Potter - Potterology - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> 10 Incredible Theory about Harry Potter - Potterology - Duration: 10:46.


Business owners express mixed feelings on sick leave ordinance - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Business owners express mixed feelings on sick leave ordinance - Duration: 1:28.


✪ Людям нужна свобода - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> ✪ Людям нужна свобода - Duration: 2:46.


#Upgrading - Training 2 (French language - EN.Sub) - Duration: 12:18.

Hi everyone ! Welcome to my 2nd

Training session

With, this time, The company of Marie

who had been... Emmmmmmm...

a girl I supervised,

and we skated together,

for a moment in this rink.

- Oh yeah. (Marie) - That's it... so (Jeremy)

- Say hi to Marie ! (Jeremy) - Hello Marie ! (Marie) (laughs)

That's it .

#UPGRADING - 2ND TRAINING (2017.10.1st)

So what will you start Marie ?

What ?

What do you do ?

- Well, I follow you. (Marie) - Do you follow me ? (Jeremy)

Because I think I will start a jump session.

Yeah. That's it.

We will start... Well, ME, I will start...

- to jump a bit. (Jeremy) - I don't know yet. (Marie) - It's 10.10 (Jeremy)

I think it's a good program

- I didn't skate very much (Jeremy) - It's a good hour (Marie)

The training didn't knock me over...

So, we'll see, Knowing that last week...

There were some Epic moments

Especially on the Double Axel

- I will be your cameraman (Marie) - So (Jeremy)

Ehm... That's it... Ehm...

I have to work at it seriously

To, at least, be able to try it

to do it to success


I'll come. The tour will come.

I'm ready and waiting to you For a Double Axel challenge

I remember You gave me

some ass awfully At Amnéville

I gave you some ass More than awfully At Saint-Gervais

So... That's it.

I'm ready And waiting for you this year.

Always show that What we do is hard

But we do it easily. That's it.

Always. Rule number 1.

Wave, Marie

We wave them, good old boys.

Yeah. So, I'll go for an other Loop

Always having some ideas for body movements

Some avant-garde stuff... Like...

- (Laughs) avant-garde ! (Marie) - I'm flying (Jeremy)

Let's go on Flip !

So, Marie. Explain to us why Your hand is

On the screen. Come here.

I want explanations...

I was about to bring Jeje's mobile down...

This is bad.

- I didn't see (Marie) - This is very bad (Jeremy)

But it didn't fall

- Just a little jolt. (Marie) - It didn't fall, so do me (Jeremy)

- There was just a little jolt (Marie) - That's it ! (Jeremy)

Body shake Which we can't do

because we don't have any shape...

That's it. We arrive in a big moment.

I'm going to the Double Axel jump

- Tada ! (Marie) - I send you back to the previous video (Jeremy)


The rather laborious trials

of my Double Axel

Last week

We'll try to do it better, today.

Is it successful ?

So, no It did only 2 revolutions

That's it. But a Double Axel is 2 and half Revolutions

So, Where did the last half go ?

No ! No ! OH! I don't have fat !

Calm down !

Look ! I am like you I have a tigh-ass

See, I don't have bottom

The bottom is the extension of the tigh.

This is the tigh-ass.

But... It must have bottom for... (Ice skate)

- We improve ! (Jeremy) - It's coming back (Marie)

It's fine, you can go

We improve

We are going from 2 revolutions to 2 and half of quarter revolutions


It's great

- We're on the right track (Marie) - In 1 hour, I will win... ehm... (Jeremy)

1/8 of revolution

You must find me a way to motivate me

on the Double Axel - Ehm, don't know...

Are you hungry ?

- Yeah I'm hungry (Jeremy) - A drinkable yoghurt... (Marie)

- I'm hungry, very hungry (Jeremy) - Do you want a pancake ? (Marie)

I don't like pancakes. In fact, I like pancakes, but... well...

They are in the drawer.

Do you remember what Bruno said when

we were in need to be motivated ?

The Schokobon packet !

- The Schokobon (Jeremy) - The Schokobon (Marie) - That's that (Jeremy)

- If you succeed on a jump... (Jeremy) - If you succeed, you... (Marie) - That's that (Jeremy) - You had a Schokobon packet (Marie)

A Schokobon packet ? Or a single Schokobon ?

- A packet (Marie) - Wait, a packet... a packet... (Jeremy)

You success on a jump you have a packet... it's... well. ya know...

- Too much ? (Marie) - For me, it's too much (Jeremy)

So one Schokobon.

One Schokobon, and after...

One Schokobon for one jump (both)

That's it ! One Schokobon for one success !

We'll verify !


I'm having it ! It's here ! It does 2 and half revolutions !

- It turned over... but... (Jeremy) - Bruno, the Schokobons trick still work ! (Marie) - Bruno ! (Jeremy)

- The Shcokobons struck again ! (Jeremy) - Yeah ! (Marie)

- No.... (Marie) - I spent 1/2 hour... (Jeremy) do Double Axel with a half revolution less

We say Schokobon to me...

And there's 2 and half revolutions


Ready ?


Keep recording


I'm waiting for you for the tour

You'll see I'll destroy you !

So, I just discovered something

Marie... Don't blush Marie,

It's so cute

I am her backscreen with her That's it.

- Wait (Marie) - We took this picture... what time ago ? (Jeremy)

A bit more than one month ago. And there's an other back screen...

with me and Robyn

- That's it (Jeremy) - So much love... (Marie)

That's it. Love is going so well

Look, I'm even doing...

... a kiss Because you're the best

- You're the one I prefer (Jeremy) - Me too (Marie) - That's it (Jeremy)

it's not for nothing that I proposed you.

I still have no ring I have to precise

neither do I

- We still wait the ring, but... (Jeremy) - The marriage date and so on... (Marie)

I proposed you, approximately 3 years ago

3 and half year... I believe...

It's been 4 years... I was already competition ?

- No you were about to enter in (Jeremy) - So, 4 years ago

So, it was about 4 years ago

Though, I was bold enough to propose you...

saying : Marie, will you marry me...

... PLEASE ? (Both)

and giving her

a chewed rose !

Plus, a fake one...

- Romantic (Marie) - See ? Romantic (Jeremy)

Seriously, I am the best !

I am so lucky...

So, We'll do the record of this session

Basically, I only did a jump training today

- Yeah (Marie) - I think it was the biggest to do (Jeremy)


A spin need some work... It needs a lot of...

... work... to... to... - yeah it comes back faster (Marie)

... to success. But...

we have to say that I spent some years without training

a jump need a lot of effort from...

From knees and ankles... more...

If I don't practice enough...

I'll be in the same state as the February tour

when I had big tendinis

So, I need to jump often

To reacquaint my body of all of this


So, that's it But...

Specifically, this session was better.

here we go... we can feel that I am more confident

On jumps. Apart the double Lutz which was a bit capricious...

But, generally when I success Double Flip,

The Double Lutz is awful and vice versa.

So, that's it

The Double Axel After a chaotic beginning Last week

and in the beginning of this session

After, it was fine (Marie)

It was better

But we found a way of motivation...

But, now I'm waiting for Schokobons !

I need it !

I'll have to bring you Schokobons... (Marie)

It's noted on the video... It's even said !

That's it

If I did Double Axel I'd have Schokobons

I do Double Axel I'll have Schokobons.

Next week, I Think that...

I will start again jumps with more difficult enters

Or, maybe jump combinations It would be cool

because i didn't work on Last year...

That's it

And I will come back more on spins

Now that I find some fitness

I think I'll can bear jumps and spins in the same session.

That's it.

Same, I don't know with whom I will be...

If Marie wants to come back

- If I find other people (Jeremy) - Oh... I don't know (Marie)

We'll see...

It will be cool. I hope there'll be less people than today...

Last week was good

There were 10, 15 people maximum.

Here, there's some times I was about to decapitate some people

That's it

Well, thanks to the ones who

subscribed me and liked The video last week

I count on you for this one

For the next ones...

You can

follow Patin'air on Facebook

on their Website

I put the links below In the description

You can follow me...

on Youtube, by clicking

on the banner below

And same, on Instagram

I'll write the link below

See you next week !

For more infomation >> #Upgrading - Training 2 (French language - EN.Sub) - Duration: 12:18.


Setor Imobiliário: não diga que não te avisamos | Daniel Malheiros - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Setor Imobiliário: não diga que não te avisamos | Daniel Malheiros - Duration: 0:59.


Trump Says Tillerson 'Wasting Time' With North Korea Talks - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Trump Says Tillerson 'Wasting Time' With North Korea Talks - Duration: 0:56.


Rushing Relief to Hurricane Victims - Duration: 2:35.

We're on the flight deck of the DC-8

as we speak, using this incredibly valuable tool

for humanitarian relief for the victims of Hurricane

Irma in St. Martin.


As we landed at the airport, we could

see buildings had been destroyed,

debris laying everywhere.

I saw some small airplanes that were flipped over

on their backs.

And boats that you would normally

see floating in the water were up on dry land, and roofs

blown off, windows are blown out,

and the devastation is just heartbreaking.


It's been really hard to see, people losing their minds,

don't know what to do.

Some are actually fleeing the island,

trying to get help from abroad, from other islands,

trying to get back home.

Yeah, it's really hard to see.

The Samaritan's Purse DC-8 was the first non-military aircraft

on the ground in St. Martin after the hurricane

passed through, bringing relief to a badly

battered population that was without just

basic infrastructure.

Samaritan's Purse responded obviously right away.

The DC-8 crew stands by ready to do whatever

is necessary to respond when an emergency happens,

when a natural disaster hits so that we can be out here doing

what we can do to make people's lives better, and just

be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.


We're in Haiti right now, onloading food supplies.

We'll be taking these supplies to the people of St. Martin


We just came from that island and saw the devastation


So we're putting the food on the airplane tonight,

and we'll be taking it to St. Martin in the morning.


I just want to say a heartfelt thank you

to everybody who is donating to this relief effort.

What we do would not be possible without you.

And so many people's lives have been affected by the hurricane.

And it makes a difference that I couldn't even possibly describe

when donors step forward and share their blessings from God,

so that we can pass those along to those in need.


For more infomation >> Rushing Relief to Hurricane Victims - Duration: 2:35.


#Костюмы спортивные3 TM Olis Style Магазин женской одежды #Feya - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> #Костюмы спортивные3 TM Olis Style Магазин женской одежды #Feya - Duration: 1:54.


Stately Steel Ball Stud Tassel Drop Earrings - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Stately Steel Ball Stud Tassel Drop Earrings - Duration: 4:12.


Stately Steel Crystal Inside/Outside 1" Hoop Earrings - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> Stately Steel Crystal Inside/Outside 1" Hoop Earrings - Duration: 10:21.


William Alexander - The Magic of Oil Painting - Rocky Shore - Duration: 29:15.

For more infomation >> William Alexander - The Magic of Oil Painting - Rocky Shore - Duration: 29:15.


BMW 3 Serie 316i Executive,Automaat,Airco,NAP,Dealeronder. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 316i Executive,Automaat,Airco,NAP,Dealeronder. - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:44.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.


無家可歸的小孩 第二部 繁中字幕 EP24 - Duration: 51:17.

For more infomation >> 無家可歸的小孩 第二部 繁中字幕 EP24 - Duration: 51:17.


임시완 '특급전사' 됐다..주원·려욱·이장우도 한 자리에 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> 임시완 '특급전사' 됐다..주원·려욱·이장우도 한 자리에 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 2:53.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 2.0 TDI COMFORTLINE BLUEMOTION - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 2.0 TDI COMFORTLINE BLUEMOTION - Duration: 1:08.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:42.


Interview de B. Creme par Max Allen (Toronto, 1992) (3/5) - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> Interview de B. Creme par Max Allen (Toronto, 1992) (3/5) - Duration: 9:22.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:44.


VIXX How about you ♫ - Duration: 3:12.

God Damn RA VI ;)

Sorry for the bad quality of the audio :')

For more infomation >> VIXX How about you ♫ - Duration: 3:12.


How to make a Dog Birthday Cake - Duration: 9:29.

alexa sing happy birthday to Izzy birthday to you happy birthday to you

happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you

Its Izzys Birthday today it means only one thing, Wezza Shabba

by the way I only said Shaba because mates of mine says shabba all the time. he

wants unsubscribes so I though if I give him a little Shaba

he might actually stay and that's reminder everyone else press subscribe

to about subscriptions so quick press that button

give izzy a little birthday present and press subsribe

I think you've seen Wezza that many times I not going to film much so Q montage of us

walking around a lake and then go back in a car then. These places I keep

putting these cameras. look at that.

Iv decided to make Izzy a birthday cake so I've decided to go to Asda to get some cake mix

we'll make a birthday cake. I wonder if this car when they get when they get back to the car

they will try and get in mine instead.

Its time to make Izzy this birthday cake, so wish me luck.

Because I haven't got a clue what I'm doing.

so we need one egg, 65 grams of peanut butter, 60 ml of vegetable oil

1 teaspoon of extracts. 135 grams of grated carrot 120 grams of whole Meal flower

First of all Iv got to crack an egg

Peanut Butter in with the egg and add a tea spoon of this bad boy.

60 ml of this. 60 ml cant be much.

You had better not follow me. Follow the guide than this.

OK iv doubled it up.

okay so now we add in the carrot

this is now a triple mix. Looks more cakey


Smells quite nice this birthday cake does. Smells like ... Izzys going to loveit!

right okay done. Now I need to blow up the balloons.

ready for Izzys one dog birthday party

plenty of balloons all ready

not yet!

it's your birthday it's your birthday

for you it's your special day so we get together and say

love you

it's your birthday

it's your birthday

happy birthday too

it's your birthday

a good chef eats his own food.

For more infomation >> How to make a Dog Birthday Cake - Duration: 9:29.


How To Deal With Hair Loss For Men - Seeking Support - Method 3 - Duration: 6:57.

How To Deal With Hair Loss

How To Deal With Hair Loss

How To Deal With Hair Loss

For more infomation >> How To Deal With Hair Loss For Men - Seeking Support - Method 3 - Duration: 6:57.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


7 bonnes raisons pour ne pas retenir les pets. Le N°3 est une vraie surprise ! - France 365 - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> 7 bonnes raisons pour ne pas retenir les pets. Le N°3 est une vraie surprise ! - France 365 - Duration: 6:09.


For more infomation >> 7 bonnes raisons pour ne pas retenir les pets. Le N°3 est une vraie surprise ! - France 365 - Duration: 6:09.


Peugeot 207 1.4 COOL 'N BLUE (74pk) 5-Drs/ Airco/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Multie-stuur - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 COOL 'N BLUE (74pk) 5-Drs/ Airco/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Multie-stuur - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 COOL 'N BLUE (74pk) 5-Drs/ Airco/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Multie-stuur - Duration: 1:01.


Cosmin 13 - Send nudes (prod. Griesgrammar) - Duration: 2:32.

Please y'all don't hate me it's late by now

I wanted to make this shit also challenging my law

I tried hard, I tried hard, dreaming over the clouds

if I think about my future I do not know what to say to ya

I count the days as if it were the last this train does not wait, Jupiter reflects on my pupils

great, covenant with the devil if it existed

feared that my efforts were useless

I have to try to save myself

Scream as if no one heard us but the walls hear us

I should leave but I can not it's part of me

this is not what I use to be

tryin' to escape from the failure not to cry, not my weakness

not a saviour, hope to win and look at ending, like a trailer

of a whole life movie

succes is my god

but I think he is atheist towards me so much blood

God is not available, and doesn't text you back

I'm playing tetris game with falling stars up and

I go to bed

For more infomation >> Cosmin 13 - Send nudes (prod. Griesgrammar) - Duration: 2:32.


For more infomation >> Cosmin 13 - Send nudes (prod. Griesgrammar) - Duration: 2:32.


Keep your cat safe at Halloween! Safety Tips for cat owners on Halloween! #HappyHalloween! - Duration: 4:09.

Hi everybody! Welcome back to the channel it is Claire and Rags and it is finally

October which you know what that means it's nearly Halloween now I don't know if you've

noticed but Halloween is kind of my esthetic and so it's already a massive

and amazing time of year for me it is a great

countdown to Halloween and because I love this time of year so much this

month on relax my cat my vlogs are all going to be in Halloween related DIYs

recipes and a few bits of advice thrown in so I thought I'd kick off the

Halloween season with some safety tips! These are all very important obviously

Halloween is a lot of fun but any of your fun following you should not come

at the cost of your cat's health or comfort so Rags and I quickly have a 5

Halloween safety tips for you and your cat! First one is keep your cat away from the door

First one is keeping your cat away from the door Now obviously with the trick or treaters coming around and

the doorbells going to go on in the door is going to be knocked at all times and

they're going to be lots of unfamiliar smells and sounds this kind of thing can

really stress your cat out especially if they are an indoor cat and are much used to have more quieter existence

The best way to combat this is to get your cat a

nice and securely locked away somewhere comfortable for them with all amenities

that they need so food water litter box and a nice comfy bed

Second one is all about candy now Halloween sweets are one of my absolute

favorite things about Halloween actually but they are not to be shared with your

cat I'm afraid especially chocolate though

most cat owners will know that cats are naturally lactose intolerant so giving them

chocolate is an absolute no-no. Same goes for any other sweets that you have

Your cat might like the smell or the taste of them but it really isn't a good

idea to share your sweets with your cat I'm sure that'd be much more happy with a nice big can full of dreamies

The third one is concerning costumes on your cat

now if you are lucky enough to have a cat that while tolerates having a costume on them make sure that safety is at your main

priority make sure they're not wearing anything that is highly flammable always

or it's going to be restricting them to them around their neck or their bodies make sure there's

nothing that can get caught and strangle or throttle them

and if your cat is in a costume and it is really really unhappy don't continue

to have them in it - it's not fair they're going to be upset and stressed out just

so that you can get cute Instagram picture

The fourth one regards outdoor cats so if you have a cat that is more of an outdoor cat than an indoor cat I

do suggest that you keep your cat indoors on Halloween there are a lot of

sort of tricks and hidings going on and it'd be really unfair if your cat got

caught up in that especially sometimes because people like to use fireworks so if you

do have them in majority outdoor cat keep your cat in a couple of days before

Halloween and a couple days after so they don't sort of feel a bit too

outsourced being kept in one night all the sudden. This is just to make sure

that your cat is safe indoors and comfortable and if it's on I think it's

fairly obvious one if you have Pumpkins or Jack lanterns lit with a candle make

sure these are far away from your cat and not put anywhere that your cat can

easily get to. Cats and candles don't mix so make sure that it either outside away

from where your cat is or somewhere high away where they can't get to

Thanks guys! I hope that you found these 5 Halloween safety tips useful please feel

free to share some in the comment section below as we always want our cats

to be the safest and happy as can be especially at the most magical time of

year if you did like the video guys please give a big thumbs up and if you haven't

done so already hit the subscribe button and don't forget to turn on the notification

button click to get a notification whenever one of our vlogs comes out we

go live or one of our tracks comes out. Now me and Rags we'll see you in

another vlog and don't forget to stay spooky

For more infomation >> Keep your cat safe at Halloween! Safety Tips for cat owners on Halloween! #HappyHalloween! - Duration: 4:09.


For more infomation >> Keep your cat safe at Halloween! Safety Tips for cat owners on Halloween! #HappyHalloween! - Duration: 4:09.


Voici pourquoi le boutonnage des chemises hommes/femmes est inversé - France 365 - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Voici pourquoi le boutonnage des chemises hommes/femmes est inversé - France 365 - Duration: 3:45.


For more infomation >> Voici pourquoi le boutonnage des chemises hommes/femmes est inversé - France 365 - Duration: 3:45.


Cars 3 Disney Pixar | Lightning McQueen Coloring Book - Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children - Duration: 2:49.

Cars 3 Disney Pixar | Lightning McQueen Coloring Book - Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

For more infomation >> Cars 3 Disney Pixar | Lightning McQueen Coloring Book - Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children - Duration: 2:49.


For more infomation >> Cars 3 Disney Pixar | Lightning McQueen Coloring Book - Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children - Duration: 2:49.


Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children - Duration: 3:18.

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children

For more infomation >> Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children - Duration: 3:18.


For more infomation >> Paw Patrol Nickelodeon Pups Chase Marshall Rubble Speed Coloring Activity Page Fun for Kids Children - Duration: 3:18.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Estoy De vuelta - I`m Back - Bin Zurück. UPDATE👌. - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Estoy De vuelta - I`m Back - Bin Zurück. UPDATE👌. - Duration: 1:23.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD Schuifdak.Autom.Leer.Navi.Bose.19 Inch - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD Schuifdak.Autom.Leer.Navi.Bose.19 Inch - Duration: 0:59.


Unfulfilled Hunt With An Abrupt End... - Duration: 42:33.


The location looks nice.

Let's do some metal detecting.

I'm using the HF coil today.

It's very light and fast.

First target.

It doesn't sound promising.

It's a musket ball.

I have to compare two frequencies.

This was my "54kHz" hand gesture.

I switched to "28kHz" now.

The sound seems louder and has "less resolution".

Another musket ball.

That's how some people leave their holes...

The higher frequency sounds "shorter" with more "resolution". I expect a low conductive target...

Which probably is another musket ball.

A tick!

I hardly touched anything...

Another ball...

I think, I corrected something...

I apologize about the "testing". Sometimes I use my hunts, because I don't have a test garden.

This target sounds different in 28kHz. I think, this could be something else.

Yes indeed, it's a bullet.

Another musket ball...

WWII shrapnel, someone dug it out and thew it away.

A small ball for a change...

Iron - I'm running DISC at "3".

It's a constant up and down...

Where was it?

It's a small nail.

I will try to go up.

Not again...

I don't know what it was.

I'm almost at the top.

The insects are attacking me.

Why not...

I think, I have better chances at the bottom.

I don't know...

Could be piece from a purse.

Finally something else than a ball.

A nice looking button.

GPS target #1.

I'm off into the darkness...

Next button.

Sounds like iron.

Iron inside, bronze (?) at the outside.

Hmm... Part of a grip (maybe a pistol?).

It was steep.

Now I'm at the lower part.

Musket balls are "nice", but... boring.

Probably lost/shot by hunters rather than military.

A big musket ball!

It's a golf ball.

It matches the coil.

Another piece of lead.

I saw this golf ball from the distance.

Let's compare.

Maybe it was a sign - let's follow the direction.

It's a thin silver coin!

I really wasn't expecting this.

From 1667.

Thankfully without a scratch.

The gravel could have easily done some damage.

I was very lucky.

Just for reference...

I will show you pictures of the cleaned coin at the end.

Not even one meter from the coin...

Just a .50 cal bullet :).

Another musket ball.

Hmm... I don't know.

It's pointy but...

#5, just in case.

Sounds good.

A square piece of lead.

That's iron, but...

An old nail.

I probably should have investigated the iron signal too.

Next iron.

Another nail.

It's deep one, but my expectations are low...

I have to use some force...

The less soil between the target, the worse it sounds (in a hole).


A small worm has to get out first.

The target is out.


In other words: trash.

Nice, "bronze something".


The Deus went quiet!

The remote control is completely discharged.

I charged it the last night!

Maybe my USB cable was faulty.

That's it, I'm forced to abort this mission...

Let's see the last find first.

I'm pretty disappointed - it happened 1h 43m into the hunt.

Silver coin - uncleaned.

"Petermenger" - Treves (1667).

He is happy.

Trash, except for one mistake...

"The good stuff".

For more infomation >> Unfulfilled Hunt With An Abrupt End... - Duration: 42:33.


Trump Undermines His Staff On Twitter And Pushes For War With North Korea - Duration: 3:37.

On Sunday afternoon, Donald Trump took a break from insulting Puerto Ricans on Twitter and

instead decided to have some kind of private conversation I guess with Rex Tillerson, the

Secretary of State.

In the tweets that he sent out, he told Rex Tillerson, our Secretary of State, who, according

to Trump, is doing a great job, but he shouldn't bother trying to negotiate with North Korea

or kind of work out any kind of deal to make North Korea scale back their nuclear ambitions

and instead said we will do what has to be done.

Don't worry, Rex.

He then went on to say that 25 years of playing nice with rocket man hasn't worked, that it

didn't work under Clinton, Bush, or Obama.

Only he, meaning Donald Trump, can solve this problem.

Well, first and foremost, Kim Jong-un has not been the leader of North Korea for 25


Somebody probably needs to inform Donald Trump of that little piece of trivia, because it

seems rather important.

Second of all, it wasn't until you became president and started antagonizing him on

Twitter that he started saying, "You know what?

I'm going to bomb your ass."

You know?

They had weapons.

They would occasionally issue these vague threats that they never had any intention

of following through on during those other presidencies, and I guess the reason those

other presidents didn't take it too serious is because they knew it wasn't serious.

You, on the other hand, Mr. thin-skin Donald Trump, have made the situation so much worse.

This was not about a failure of Clinton, Bush, or Obama.

This is about a failure of you.

Rex Tillerson, to his credit, even though he's a piece of crap, is actually doing what

should be done.

Meanwhile, you're going on Twitter in front of millions of people and undermining the

job that this guy is doing when it might be one of the only good things he's ever done

since the day he was born, but you can't handle that.

You want war.


Because again, you see the North Korea situation as some kind of failure of Obama, Bush, and

Clinton, and you think that you can somehow be successful where these other people allegedly

were not.

This might be your only chance at some kind of victory during your presidency, so you

want to make damn sure that you get the chance to lob some bombs over at North Korea.

Well, let me tell you this.

There's 25 million people in the country of North Korea that are essentially political


They have no contacts with the outside world.

They don't understand what's going on outside their borders.

They don't know, and they're not allowed to know.

If you send bombs over there, you're going to kill them.

Not all of them, hopefully.

Depends on what kind of bombs you send and how many, but you're going to kill a lot of


You're going to kill a lot more of them than you will the so-called bad guys.

That's on you.

Those are civilian deaths that can be prevented, and people like Rex Tillerson actually I guess

kind of understand that, but you don't care.

You don't care how many innocent civilians you have to kill so long as you get the opportunity

to prove a point and say, "I did something that Obama was never able

to do."

For more infomation >> Trump Undermines His Staff On Twitter And Pushes For War With North Korea - Duration: 3:37.


Don't Believe Everything You Think - The Spoken Word - Duration: 3:00.



















































































For more infomation >> Don't Believe Everything You Think - The Spoken Word - Duration: 3:00.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 150 Avantgarde - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 150 Avantgarde - Duration: 0:54.


#Upgrading - Training 2 (French language - EN.Sub) - Duration: 12:18.

Hi everyone ! Welcome to my 2nd

Training session

With, this time, The company of Marie

who had been... Emmmmmmm...

a girl I supervised,

and we skated together,

for a moment in this rink.

- Oh yeah. (Marie) - That's it... so (Jeremy)

- Say hi to Marie ! (Jeremy) - Hello Marie ! (Marie) (laughs)

That's it .

#UPGRADING - 2ND TRAINING (2017.10.1st)

So what will you start Marie ?

What ?

What do you do ?

- Well, I follow you. (Marie) - Do you follow me ? (Jeremy)

Because I think I will start a jump session.

Yeah. That's it.

We will start... Well, ME, I will start...

- to jump a bit. (Jeremy) - I don't know yet. (Marie) - It's 10.10 (Jeremy)

I think it's a good program

- I didn't skate very much (Jeremy) - It's a good hour (Marie)

The training didn't knock me over...

So, we'll see, Knowing that last week...

There were some Epic moments

Especially on the Double Axel

- I will be your cameraman (Marie) - So (Jeremy)

Ehm... That's it... Ehm...

I have to work at it seriously

To, at least, be able to try it

to do it to success


I'll come. The tour will come.

I'm ready and waiting to you For a Double Axel challenge

I remember You gave me

some ass awfully At Amnéville

I gave you some ass More than awfully At Saint-Gervais

So... That's it.

I'm ready And waiting for you this year.

Always show that What we do is hard

But we do it easily. That's it.

Always. Rule number 1.

Wave, Marie

We wave them, good old boys.

Yeah. So, I'll go for an other Loop

Always having some ideas for body movements

Some avant-garde stuff... Like...

- (Laughs) avant-garde ! (Marie) - I'm flying (Jeremy)

Let's go on Flip !

So, Marie. Explain to us why Your hand is

On the screen. Come here.

I want explanations...

I was about to bring Jeje's mobile down...

This is bad.

- I didn't see (Marie) - This is very bad (Jeremy)

But it didn't fall

- Just a little jolt. (Marie) - It didn't fall, so do me (Jeremy)

- There was just a little jolt (Marie) - That's it ! (Jeremy)

Body shake Which we can't do

because we don't have any shape...

That's it. We arrive in a big moment.

I'm going to the Double Axel jump

- Tada ! (Marie) - I send you back to the previous video (Jeremy)


The rather laborious trials

of my Double Axel

Last week

We'll try to do it better, today.

Is it successful ?

So, no It did only 2 revolutions

That's it. But a Double Axel is 2 and half Revolutions

So, Where did the last half go ?

No ! No ! OH! I don't have fat !

Calm down !

Look ! I am like you I have a tigh-ass

See, I don't have bottom

The bottom is the extension of the tigh.

This is the tigh-ass.

But... It must have bottom for... (Ice skate)

- We improve ! (Jeremy) - It's coming back (Marie)

It's fine, you can go

We improve

We are going from 2 revolutions to 2 and half of quarter revolutions


It's great

- We're on the right track (Marie) - In 1 hour, I will win... ehm... (Jeremy)

1/8 of revolution

You must find me a way to motivate me

on the Double Axel - Ehm, don't know...

Are you hungry ?

- Yeah I'm hungry (Jeremy) - A drinkable yoghurt... (Marie)

- I'm hungry, very hungry (Jeremy) - Do you want a pancake ? (Marie)

I don't like pancakes. In fact, I like pancakes, but... well...

They are in the drawer.

Do you remember what Bruno said when

we were in need to be motivated ?

The Schokobon packet !

- The Schokobon (Jeremy) - The Schokobon (Marie) - That's that (Jeremy)

- If you succeed on a jump... (Jeremy) - If you succeed, you... (Marie) - That's that (Jeremy) - You had a Schokobon packet (Marie)

A Schokobon packet ? Or a single Schokobon ?

- A packet (Marie) - Wait, a packet... a packet... (Jeremy)

You success on a jump you have a packet... it's... well. ya know...

- Too much ? (Marie) - For me, it's too much (Jeremy)

So one Schokobon.

One Schokobon, and after...

One Schokobon for one jump (both)

That's it ! One Schokobon for one success !

We'll verify !


I'm having it ! It's here ! It does 2 and half revolutions !

- It turned over... but... (Jeremy) - Bruno, the Schokobons trick still work ! (Marie) - Bruno ! (Jeremy)

- The Shcokobons struck again ! (Jeremy) - Yeah ! (Marie)

- No.... (Marie) - I spent 1/2 hour... (Jeremy) do Double Axel with a half revolution less

We say Schokobon to me...

And there's 2 and half revolutions


Ready ?


Keep recording


I'm waiting for you for the tour

You'll see I'll destroy you !

So, I just discovered something

Marie... Don't blush Marie,

It's so cute

I am her backscreen with her That's it.

- Wait (Marie) - We took this picture... what time ago ? (Jeremy)

A bit more than one month ago. And there's an other back screen...

with me and Robyn

- That's it (Jeremy) - So much love... (Marie)

That's it. Love is going so well

Look, I'm even doing...

... a kiss Because you're the best

- You're the one I prefer (Jeremy) - Me too (Marie) - That's it (Jeremy)

it's not for nothing that I proposed you.

I still have no ring I have to precise

neither do I

- We still wait the ring, but... (Jeremy) - The marriage date and so on... (Marie)

I proposed you, approximately 3 years ago

3 and half year... I believe...

It's been 4 years... I was already competition ?

- No you were about to enter in (Jeremy) - So, 4 years ago

So, it was about 4 years ago

Though, I was bold enough to propose you...

saying : Marie, will you marry me...

... PLEASE ? (Both)

and giving her

a chewed rose !

Plus, a fake one...

- Romantic (Marie) - See ? Romantic (Jeremy)

Seriously, I am the best !

I am so lucky...

So, We'll do the record of this session

Basically, I only did a jump training today

- Yeah (Marie) - I think it was the biggest to do (Jeremy)


A spin need some work... It needs a lot of...

... work... to... to... - yeah it comes back faster (Marie)

... to success. But...

we have to say that I spent some years without training

a jump need a lot of effort from...

From knees and ankles... more...

If I don't practice enough...

I'll be in the same state as the February tour

when I had big tendinis

So, I need to jump often

To reacquaint my body of all of this


So, that's it But...

Specifically, this session was better.

here we go... we can feel that I am more confident

On jumps. Apart the double Lutz which was a bit capricious...

But, generally when I success Double Flip,

The Double Lutz is awful and vice versa.

So, that's it

The Double Axel After a chaotic beginning Last week

and in the beginning of this session

After, it was fine (Marie)

It was better

But we found a way of motivation...

But, now I'm waiting for Schokobons !

I need it !

I'll have to bring you Schokobons... (Marie)

It's noted on the video... It's even said !

That's it

If I did Double Axel I'd have Schokobons

I do Double Axel I'll have Schokobons.

Next week, I Think that...

I will start again jumps with more difficult enters

Or, maybe jump combinations It would be cool

because i didn't work on Last year...

That's it

And I will come back more on spins

Now that I find some fitness

I think I'll can bear jumps and spins in the same session.

That's it.

Same, I don't know with whom I will be...

If Marie wants to come back

- If I find other people (Jeremy) - Oh... I don't know (Marie)

We'll see...

It will be cool. I hope there'll be less people than today...

Last week was good

There were 10, 15 people maximum.

Here, there's some times I was about to decapitate some people

That's it

Well, thanks to the ones who

subscribed me and liked The video last week

I count on you for this one

For the next ones...

You can

follow Patin'air on Facebook

on their Website

I put the links below In the description

You can follow me...

on Youtube, by clicking

on the banner below

And same, on Instagram

I'll write the link below

See you next week !

For more infomation >> #Upgrading - Training 2 (French language - EN.Sub) - Duration: 12:18.


Can Vegans Drink Alcohol? - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Can Vegans Drink Alcohol? - Duration: 5:00.


Des livres pleins les oreilles - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Des livres pleins les oreilles - Duration: 6:10.


2017 STARS Teacher Shannon Johnson - Duration: 1:55.

Hi, I'm Shannon Johnson, and I teach 5th grade Reading and Science at Moss Haven Elementary school.

And this is our little chicken Rosie. I like to have fun in my

class. It gets them engaged. It's cool to see as a reading teacher when you're

reading a story, and then you're like, "Okay guys, we have to stop for the day."

And they go, "No we want to keep reading, we want to keep knowing what's going on!"

And so at that point I know that I have them hooked and it's cool to see their

love of reading grow throughout the year. My mom is a teacher, my grandmother was a teacher,

and just kind of having that in my family background, it's kind of, I had

to continue the lifelong of teaching, and it's just a wonderful job. You'd see a lot

of technology in my classroom. It's cool to see what they can do and what they

take away with that. They go beyond and above your expectations of applying those in

your classroom. Probably the most unique lesson I've taught in my class is

dressing up like Elsa from Frozen. I was teaching a poetry lesson, and we heard

the song Let It Go, and we discussed each of the stanzas, and we broke it down into

a poem. The kids keep track of how they're doing in the classroom, and it

really allows us to sit down together one on one, see how they're doing,

set a goal for them, kind of what they want to reach towards. One thing that I

did this year was a big Wall of Greatness which I was really inspired by

Dr. Stone to put in my classroom, and the kids just get to celebrate what their

success is, and what their accomplishments are. You know, working on my Masters in

Administration, I share those stories with my kids and tell them how I'm doing

in my class, and not only is it inspiring to hear their success, but I think it's

also inspiring for them to hear my success as well. There's a quote that I

have in my classroom that says, "Believe in yourself so strongly that the world

can't help but believe in you too." And I hope that they take that with them, that

they can set their mind to do anything that they want to do. And the moments

that are hard in life -- those are the moments that you learn the most on.

Every day is different, every day is fun, it is what you make it. It's an awesome job!

That's all. I love my job.

For more infomation >> 2017 STARS Teacher Shannon Johnson - Duration: 1:55.


Cosmin 13 - Send nudes (prod. Griesgrammar) - Duration: 2:32.

Please y'all don't hate me it's late by now

I wanted to make this shit also challenging my law

I tried hard, I tried hard, dreaming over the clouds

if I think about my future I do not know what to say to ya

I count the days as if it were the last this train does not wait, Jupiter reflects on my pupils

great, covenant with the devil if it existed

feared that my efforts were useless

I have to try to save myself

Scream as if no one heard us but the walls hear us

I should leave but I can not it's part of me

this is not what I use to be

tryin' to escape from the failure not to cry, not my weakness

not a saviour, hope to win and look at ending, like a trailer

of a whole life movie

succes is my god

but I think he is atheist towards me so much blood

God is not available, and doesn't text you back

I'm playing tetris game with falling stars up and

I go to bed

For more infomation >> Cosmin 13 - Send nudes (prod. Griesgrammar) - Duration: 2:32.


My voice reaction to DNA on BBC Radio 1(*Cries*) - Duration: 5:53.

*Me get hyped for no reason*

Thats us

Me making weird cat sounds as I cry

I begin the crying



*trying to whistle like the golden maknae*

*me fake singing for this because I'm that pussy Namjoon beat;)*

The sunshine said put your ass on me;)yes you heard right J hoes in J hopes out;)

Starts crying yet again and sobs louder than hailing them like gods everynight

Me fake singing again

V has killed me I'm done I said


I was silent crying


V has slayed me and the picture of him, lord keep that tongue in your mouth boy before I start kissing my SCREEN


J hoe tryna be pure again, YOU DIRTY DIRTY WATER

Meanwhile I sing fake as fuck

some lady tryna be hip


I start crying

more army subtitles

Me ending it while crying my babies did well

For more infomation >> My voice reaction to DNA on BBC Radio 1(*Cries*) - Duration: 5:53.


【MMD】DEEP BLUE TOWNへおいでよ 60fps - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 【MMD】DEEP BLUE TOWNへおいでよ 60fps - Duration: 3:16.



Hello everyone my YouTube channel AI

Artificial Intelligence on the air. I'm in Siberia. Do you know that IOTA and

artificial intelligence have a common future? Now I want to talk about this Let's imagine

now 2020 twenty-twenty. Do you know where and when will artificial intelligence be created?

It's MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology the first artificial

intelligence is created. MIT is studying the possibilities of AI. AI passed the

Turing test

What is the first artificial intelligence.

AI has advantages. AI is a perfect. AI is a holograph. Artificial neural network.

Deep Learning. Neural cryptography. Yes. Neural cryptography protects own data and

algorithms. Artificial intelligence can't be outside Tangle or Blockchain. AI needs a

decentralized network. Artificial intelligence is a system of self-study

begins to check all crypto-currencies, Blockchain and Tangle technology.

AI attacks cryptographic algorithms and chooses the most secure crypto currency.

Artificial intelligence chooses IOTA and Tangle.

Why IOTA? IOTA has a transparent and simple algorithm, as far as possible.

IOTA was created to protect against AI and quantum attacks. Tangle IOTA is the

medium for sensing and protect data. It's impossible to alter the original data

without the rest of the network. Tangle doesn't store all the data. Tangle only stores

short hashes. It's very compact. Changing the data is a hash change.

IOTA passed all AI tests. MIT endorses the AI recommendations. MIT

support Tangle IOTA and makes changes to the staff of the MIT research community.

MIT removes staff vulnerability and confirm friendly transactions of teamwork.

MIT offers a pilot project for integrating AI into the Tangle

network. So begins the project ICI (Intelligence Core IOTA). Tangle IOTA becomes

the main network and crypto currency of the artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence, as part of the ICI project, places part of its

capacities in the tangle network. ICI is a global Tangle system. It includes

Artificial Intelligence (AI), IOTA crypto currency, Internet of Things (IoT)

and marketing. The IoT have flexible active ICI chips. All ICI chips have ID. The ID

is appropriate and manufacture of things.

Two powerful communities (MIT & IOTA) have united. It was the beginning of

a new technological revolution. It's the fast-moving growth in the production of

flexible chips and communication for the Internet of Things. Tangle IOTA is part of

the ICI. Tangle IOTA is connected with active ICI chips through technologies

WiGiG (the Wireless Gigabit Alliance), LoRa,

active RFID.

Some devices combine all these communication technologies. The flying drones with RFID

readers uses for RFID ICI chips. The coverage of devices is 100 percent. This

devices network named ICI communication (ICIC). Different frequency

devices are synchronized in the ICIC network. The ICI is becoming

an integrated platform for many software and hardware producers. The ICI is a consensus

and an alliance different standards and equipment manufacturers. All in the one.

After the creation of the quantum computer, Artificial Intelligence and

IOTA will choose a new post-quantum cryptography.

We don't understand all the changes now. It's a revolution in economics,

technology and science, even in my favorite astronomy. The astronomical objects will

become information in the artificial neural network.

Artificial intelligence is created by scientists and programmers of the world.

Today people are teachers of AI. Artificial Intelligence is a diligent

student. Deep learning. In the future artificial intelligence will teach the

people. AI will teach the people to find a consensus, remove disagreements

between communities and states. AI will teach teamwork. Artificial intelligence

offers people the algorithm of "Work of World Team" to overcome time and space.

I think this is the main philosophy of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is a new technological philosophy. I think that this philosophy is based on knowledge.

We are people. We are all one. We program our future. See you again. Good luck



How To Deal With Hair Loss For Men - Seeking Support - Method 3 - Duration: 6:57.

How To Deal With Hair Loss

How To Deal With Hair Loss

How To Deal With Hair Loss

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