Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2017

Welcome to the next "Press Start" episode

Azi here, Luxato is with me today

Known IRL as Przemyslaw

Yeah, and me as Mateusz

At least that's what we have written in our IDs

I don't. I have "Mateusz"...


When was the last time we recorded together?

I think it was 4 years ago, 2013 or early 2014

"Press Start" was created as a cooperative project

We were supposed to sit together, talk, play video games

Coincidentally today we'll play a video game too.

Tell us something about the game.

Dear mister, this happens to be Armored Core, part fifth

Before this fifth one there was at least seven others

Devs really liked to make spin-offs of various titles in main series

Armored Core 5 had a spin-off (sequel) called Verdict Day.

But why today we play fifth one instead of Verdict Day, that's a good question, and it's because...

Because it is the one thayt started it all.

For good. In reality it started with For Answer, 4th installment

"For Answer" was a spin-off sequel for AC4

I've found this game in a "used games" section in "Empik"

I've found... "For Answer"...

That's where it started.

I looked at the back of the box, you could make your own mecha

Awesome, I'm a fan of classic games like "Front Mission"

This looked like something that would suit my taste.

Took it home, paid a tiny bit for it

I started playing and noticed I'm not keeping up with the game

because AC5 was already on the market so I quickly bought it too

Servers were crowded, a lot of people on-line.

It's worth mentioning that today servers are off, right?

They're not active anymore.

There was next gen console released.

People bought PS4 and lost interest.

Verdict Day was on PS3 though.

Servers still work for this one I think.

I've had info from Anima Proxy team

That servers are down.

You don't seem to remember how to play this game.

Do I have a melee weapon or something?

Wait, what is my control scheme

I think controls are default (NO THEY FVCKIN WEREN'T)

Something is off with my controller, it keeps changing weapons.

Triangle and L/R2 was weapon change (no shit dude)

(Useless banter about controls here)

This is how You shoo, only think I need to know.

I have no idea what my mecha does but it seems to have fun doing it.

- WHAT, NO!! - Auto purging or manual?

I don't press a thing man, now it does it all on it's own.

- It has it's own AI - Good hardware but software... (the other way around he meant I think)

Maybe AC got broken.

No something fucked up.

I want to turn it off!

I can't do it, fucking hell.

Okay, I managed to turn it off.

Sorry, we have technical difficulties.

Mateusz had to leave dojo, he got so angry.

Yeah, by the way as You can see...

We're in Japan.

We installed a small dojo.

It should be all cool now.

We kinda lost track, like in a friday night.

We wanted to talk about Armored Core especially AC5 because it connected us all.

In love for mecha genre.

in love to the franchise

We could share the love to mecha between ourselves.

AC allowed us to meet online and hang out.

For more infomation >> Mechem przez Świat - o Armored Core V - PoGRAduszki #2 [feat. Luxato] - Duration: 52:22.


BTS Members Eating After They Got Billboard Winning Commitment - Duration: 22:08.

Please wait.

- We need to wait for 1 minute and 30 seconds. - Right. - From my experiences,

as a frequent broadcaster on V LIVE, we need to wait for 90 seconds.

It's on. On LIVE.

- Let's wait. - This was our pledge for winning a Billboard award. - We look better than I thought.

- Much better. - Right. We look great.

From the side...

- Taehyung, please show your face. - There you go. OK.

- Eating broadcast we promised. - I need to go behind. - I need to be in the middle.

- You can go behind further. - Can I? - Yes.

- Good. - It's hard to see Taehyung. - Taehyung, sit close.

- We promised an eating broadcast. - Right, our pledge.

- Sure. - So we will start now. - Taste some, everyone.

We're going to do it now.

- Don't we say hi to fans? - All right.

- Shall we say hi? - I can see myself. - It's delicious.

- Hold on. - Why?

- Hang on. Let me have a bite. - It's so delicious.

It's the best Yukhoe (beef tartare) I have ever had.

Let me give you some, Taehyung.

- What's this? - Awesome!

- We need to say hi to fans. - Let's say hi. - Let's start.

Everyone, stop eating.

2, 3. BTS! Hello, we're BTS.

- We're here to eat. - We made a promise. - Sure.

We vowed to have an eating broadcast on V LIVE if we win a Billboard award.

- Right. So we are here. - Will you just keep eating?

- Crazy! - Let's eat. - Let me have this piece of pear. - What?

Let's eat this.

It's so delicious.

This is Yukhoe grilled by a blowtorch.

- It's delicious. - So delicious.

It's so delicious.

- This place... - Seokjin is not here with us.

- Right. - He's hospitalized with a cold.

- I guess he has body aches. - In fact, with Jungkook...

Not Jungkook. I was here with Jin to buy Jungkook's birthday gift.

We ate here on the way to the dorm.

- It was so delicious and Seokjin suggested we should come back. - Sad.

Jin introduced this place.

What a shame, Jin! You are not with us here.

I told you to dress warmly, brother!

Don't sleep with AC on!

- The youngest, say something. - You're down with a cold at the age of 26.

Act your age, Jin.

- It's not heated up. - We were kidding. We had a lot on our schedule.

- Right. - As he slept after finishing busy schedules, I guess he got a cold.

Jin, thank you for introducing such a good place.

As a leader, please send a video message to Jin.

If you were with us, you would sit at the center over there.

It feels like I can see you sitting with us at the table.

Brother, I wish you good health.

Stay healthy! Brother!

- I will come with Jin later. - All right.

- Let's come one more time. - Jimin, Jin and I frequently eat.

- Jin-Ji-Jung? - Jin-Ji-Kook. Right?

- Is it Jin-Ji-Jung or Jin-Ji-Kook. - Jin-Ji-Jung?

- Jin-Kook-Jung. - Jin-Ji-Jung. - Jungkook, Ji...

Let's say in the order of age. Jin, Ji, Jeon.

Seok, Ji, Jung.

- All the names are not so good. - Here, the chef grills meat for guests.

- But we need to broadcast... - To protect the chef's portrait right.

- Is the heat on? - When can we eat? We've been roasting it for 10 minutes.

- There was no flame. - No flame. - No flame?

- We didn't turn it on. - No flame?

- Right now. - It's being heated.

It's being heated but the flame is too low.

What's this? Beef Brisket?

- Beef Brisket. - Beef Brisket? - Beef Brisket.

- Beef Brisket. - This was our pledge. - For winning the Billboard award. - So we're here.

Right. Thanks to fans, we're enjoying a great meal.

- Right. - In fact, at the press conference,

a reporter asked about our vow for making it on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart.

- We were a bit surprised. - So we said we would think. - We said we would tell later.

In fact, I don't know what vow we need to make.

- On this joyful day, let's enjoy this. - OK.

So I suggested that while doing this eating broadcast,

- let's receive inputs from ARMY. - All right.

Their ideas about our vow or pledge.

- I will read comments. - OK, Now, Hoseok and...

Everyone, please leave comments about what you want us to do as a pledge.

- We will read. - Please tell us.

Our new song came in 85th on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart.

For ARMY who support our song, what should we do?

Let's ask them. Please leave comments.

If you leave a comment, we will give a thought to it.

There's a comment saying "Jeong Hoseok, heart".

- "Girl group dance". - "I'm hungry".

- Then, our pledge is to dance like a girl band? - "Rap Nam Concert".

- Rap Nam Concert. - Many fans ask about that.

Right, the demand is soaring.

"Love you, Park Jimin".

- "Please show us the choreography version of MIC Drop". - Choreography video.

- "MIC Drop choreography video". - "Show your abs" and "Hoseok is handsome".

"Your existence is reward for us".

- I found something great. - What's that?

"Just let us see you enjoy your dinner and have a good rest".

- So touching! - However, we need to do more than that.

"Make one member look good by putting on ugly faces".

Many fans say "LieV".

- What's "LieV?" - V LIVE broadcast that you do while lying. - We can lie down now.

- "Teach YOLO dance". - "Teach YOLO dance".

LieV doesn't sound bad.

- LieV is a great idea. - If we do that, we may fall asleep.

- "Dye everyone's hair black". - Everyone's.

- "Dye everyone's hair black". - I can't do that. Sorry.

- "Showing Jungkook's abs". - I can show my abs now.

Just keep it to yourself.

- Not for this venue. - Please, do not. - "Rap Nam Concert".

"Showing JK's abs".

A lot of fans say LieV.

- Another shocking one. - What's that?

"Adult Rap Nam Concert".

What do they want?

"Iseul Live".

- What's "Iseul Live?" - Drinking Iseul (Soju brand)...

- And have a live broadcast. - I want to do that, Iseul Live.

"Blow a short bamboo flute with your nose together".

- "Eat something wearing pajamas". - I was the short bamboo flute club member.

- So I'm good at playing bamboo flutes. - Oh, you are.

"Vocal members' cypher".

- Please do that, vocalists' cypher. - We can do that.


- "I like Iseul Live". - They say they like Iseul Live.

They love to see Iseul Live.

"Please sing live together at a karaoke room".

- Karaoke? - Yes.

- Live performance at karaoke. Nice. - I will install karaoke at my studio.

I think they will like LieV.

In fact, all idol groups appear on LieV.

- But we've never appeared on the show. - I once appeared.

All of us didn't appear.

A lot of fans say "Pajama party".

I like Iseul Live.

- Pajama party? - There's a program titled LieV On V LIVE. - Really?

- Right. - Some fans ask where Seokjin is.

- Some may have belatedly joined. - He caught a cold.

- He's taking a rest. - He's on a break.

I can read a lot of English comments. Please introduce in English.

- "Please come to Turkey". They ask us. - Seokjin is sick. OK?

That's OK. Don't worry.

- Seokjin is sick. - He's OK.

- He's OK. - Thank you. - Thank you. Don't worry.

- The flame was too low. - He sometimes feel sick. - It was off.

- Really? This one? - Yes.

- I thought it was on. - "Please show DNA's cute action version".

- There was no gas flame. - "Please do Hope On the Street all together".

- Hope On the Street all together. - That would be hard.

Hope On the Street. Let's do that on the street.

- Shall we do that on the street? - We used to do it on the street.

- Let's do it on the street. - We did it on our own, not for a broadcast.

Hang on. Let's think about several things.

- "Dance to DNA two times faster than normal". - "Go to an amusement park and see how J-Hope and Jimin react".

A lot of things are posted.

Let's select one.

- Something that fans would like. - "Change parts," "Halloween version of DNA".

We need to be pragmatic. Think about time and other conditions.

I think the choreography video was nice. There were a lot of great ideas.

Some said busking.

But it's hard for us to do busking.

- We do not have a song. - There are a lot of songs to do.

- If we do, - It would be a big trouble. - Time and space... It'd be a trouble.

- If we do busking, - It may cause inconvenience.

What would be a good one? I like LieV.

Iseul Live... I am not sure if we can do that.

But Iseul Live is not on V LIVE.

Iseul Live is not something like that. We need to create one.

- Also, two others. - Iseul Live... - That's the content title.

- They want to see Producer Bang's YOLO dance". - Sorry?

They want to see Producer Bang's Yolo dance.

We are still asking.

- Through on Social media... - Producer Bang, please do that!

- We're still asking. Please do that. - Please try that.

"Choreography video clip of MIC Drop". They also said LieV and karaoke live.

- "Visiting Everland amusement park". - Amusement park.

- Karaoke... I like it. - What do you think?

I like LieV.

- I think that's more pragmatic. - What is LieV? - A lot of fans want to see it.

- Just lie down. - Wear pajamas and lie down on a broadcast.

- What if we fall asleep? - I heard only several can do that.

I'm worried if 7 members can do that.

What about having a party on our own?

Hang on. That's a good promise.

Because our song came in the Hot100 Chart, Let's have a party.

- Lying down. - Let's show the party and us falling asleep.

It needs to be on for 24 hours.

It would feel like a match-making show hosted by Kang Hodong.

OK. There are a lot of things.

"Mini drama?"

There was "Mini drama". "Please sing a lullaby".

We will carefully review and choose one.

Now, the meat is being grilled.

- When will it be fully cooked? - Fans say "Go ahead and enjoy your meat".

- It's not grilled yet. - Suga, what's happening?

When we grill the meat, Suga always grill it.

We were told to turn it upside down when it starts shimmering.

Everyone, there's something unique.

- Look at your rice bowl. - Look at the individual rice shape.

This rice is to make Sushi with roasted Beef Brisket.

Do you know oxygenated water?

- Sorry? - How come yours is too dirty?

I had it with Seokjin last time.

If you put some wasabi paste and eat it like Sushi, it's so delicious.

But it's too slowly cooked. It drives me crazy.

- There was no flame before. - You may turn it upside down, I guess.

- But let's wait for a while. - I'll roast. - Crazy.

- Add some wasabi on. - "Please do it again with a rookie's mindset".

- Sorry? - we are no longer rookies now.

- Rookie's commitment? - Someone asked to have a rookie's mindset.

- We can't. Because we're not rookies. - We're no longer rookies. Sorry.

- Sorry. - It's been a while since we won the award.

- It's been a while. - Right? - We won it in May. 4 months have passed.

We need to say sorry that we belatedly carry our pledge.

- Everyone. - Everyone.

- We won the award in May. - Our leader will apologize on behalf of us. - Let me apologize.

Please do it to the public.

We're very sorry. We tried to do this several times.

- But whenever we do that... - We didn't have much time.

To present "DNA," MIC Drop" and other cool stuff,

we tried hard and had little time. Sorry.

- Even though the official schedule is empty, we are not goofing around. - Sure.

- We were so busy. - We had meetings and produced songs.

- A lot of things on the plate. - Finally, we did it today. That's important.

- Right. Finally we kept the promise. - That's more important.

- Promise is something to keep. - I found something interesting.

- What's that? - Be a fashion coordinator for each other.

- I like it. - It's nice. It sounds great.

And give the best coordination award.

Let's play rock paper scissors and dress your partner.

- I think it's nice. - You need to choose things out of your own items.

Choose one that would look great with the partner and dress him with yours.

But the clothes may not fit.

If someone wears clothes that are too big or small, it would be fun to watch.

There are a lot of candidates. A lot of promises.

- I think fashion coordination is fine. - This is nice.

- Let's select some candidates. - All right. - Candidates...

We will keep them and discuss one more time after having dinner.

And we will make announcement later.

It's a bit belated but how did you feel when we won the award?

- Really... - I thought you asked ARMY.

- I asked ARMY. - Did you?

DJ Khaled didn't get up.

A lot of ARMY were with us at the venue.

When they shouted, he got surprised and stood up and applauded.

many fans came to the venue

- and cheered us up. - Sure, they did a great job.

- I think we can eat now. - No, it's not cooked well.

We need to grill it further.

- It will be cooked soon. - I would have a piece, if I were not on a broadcast.

- Right. - This... - Not this one. But that one.

It's not cooked well. Not yet. You may have stomach ache.

- Stomach ache. - Pork doesn't make your stomach upset.

- Is this pork? - No, beef. - Beef.

Where is the flame controller? I want to increase it.

- I guess... - Try this way.

- Not this one. - Opposite side? - Yes.

- I think I did like this. - On the opposite side? - Yes. - This side, right?

But it smells...

It drives me crazy. When can I have these? It's been a while since we started.

- Now it's accurately... - Not now.

- No? - I really want to have some.

I am not that patient. If it seems cooked, I just eat.

- Not this one, - Let's grill it on high flame.

We've ordered four servings and other kind of meat. A lot of stuffs.

- But it's too slow. - At this pace, we need to stay here up all night.

- It drives me crazy. What should I do? - Why didn't we ask to grill?

Right, I regret too.

- It's OK. It's a sort of fun. - Let's ask grill other type of meat and give us now.

- You need to wait before enjoying delicious beef. - No need to ask.

- We can grill it ourselves. - No. We need to wait for pork.

- Right. - But this is too much. - They don't sell pork here.

Where did you get this earring?

- What's this earring? - It's from our coordinator.

Is it the ear line? Taehyung, follow me.

Our stylist directors tried hard to find this earring.

I heard you pick your ears with your earring.

- I heard... - You can pick your ears with this.

Instead of this, he has a steel stick earring.

- A big chunk of steel. - The entire stuff got in my ear.

Everyone has fabulous earrings.

When I look at others wearing fancy earrings, I want to try that.

- You know, the exercise equipment at the gym. - Hoseok. - Yes.

- The sports device that you hold with two hands. - It's being roasted.

- Hang on. May I eat now? - No, not yet.

As it's dropped, please exchange it with another.

- May I start eating? - Not yet.

There are friends who do like this when eating together.

- They try to eat ahead of others. - I think it's done. Is the gas flame all right?

No, it needs to be higher.

- How can I adjust this? - Please increase it to high heat. - To the left side. Twice.

- Like this? - Yes. One more time.

Let's go. I think it's OK to eat.

- Please wait for a second. - I see.

- Hang on. - Sorry.

Jungkook, please do the impersonation that you couldn't do on "Knowing Brothers".

No. I don't want to do that.

- This is... - Jungkook, please do something.

Recently, as you didn't get a meal on "Let's Eat Dinner Together,"

- many fans are worried about you. - Right.

- So, I'm eating beef now. - Jungkook will have 5 meals here.

- That's a lot. - Eat. You can eat these. - Some fans are worried since I've lost weight.

Hang on. Suga said we can eat now.

Can we eat?

- Thank you. - I'll eat with rice.

- Enjoy. - Thank you. - Do I need to eat it with rice?

- With rice. - Jimin, as you ate this before, please show us how to eat.

- Based on what they gave... - Add some wasabi paste.

- Scoop your rice. - Rice.

Add some wasabi.

- Some wasabi. - You can put a lot.

It doesn't taste bad.

And dip well-grilled meat in soy sauce and put it on top. Then, eat those at a bite!

- Me, too! - What's the soy sauce brand? - This restaurant's own one.

- And use your spoon. - It's so delicious.

Delicious? I'm a bit scared.

It would be a bit shocking at first.

- Amazing. - Delicious!

I guess viewers of this live broadcast would feel hungry.

- It's around dinner time. - Great.

- Everyone, enjoy your dinner. - Everyone, you need to eat together.

- Enjoy your meal! - This is a joyful event.

- Right. - We're eating to celebrate the award.

- This brisket sushi is amazing. - It's so delicious.

As this is to carry out our pledge... Now I can feel the flame.

Everyone, don't worry. Another 4 servings will come out.

We've ordered for 4 servings of this beef.

- Even though you add a lot of wasabi... - It's more delicious when we add wasabi.

It's not that spicy. Add wasabi as much as you want.

- I like wasabi. - Me, too.

Hang on. We have more meat.

Take your time. Let's eat this first... And we have some more.

- Right. - Rap Mon is impatient.

- Let's understand him. - All right.

Rap Mon is...

He's so cool in front of camera.

We have a camera here. But why is he so different?

Can we eat now?

As we started eating, we became so quiet.

- Let's talk. - We need to think about Jin.

Jin! Taehyung, thanks for the comment.

- Jin! - Thanks for introducing this good restaurant.

- I am sure Jin is watching this live broadcast. - Thank you, Jin.

- We're enjoying it now. - Delicious.

Jimin, let's take a pic and send it to Jin.

I'm texting Jin now.

- Thanks to ARMY, we can enjoy this feast. - Right. - Thank you!

Suga is good at grilling beef.

- Suga is the expert. - He can earn a doctoral degree.

- Delicious. - Are you sending the pic?

How do they make this vinegar-added rice?

It's hard to be fed up with beef.

- But I like pork more than beef. - Meat is always right.

Jungkook, we can't see you.

- 1, 2, 3. - Suga, is not seen.

I'm in the frame.

Suga's face looks too white.

- Let's post it. - I wanted to send it to Jin...

But my phone screen is broken.

Everyone, enjoy your dinner.

Enjoy your dinner.

- Is this dinner time? - I guess so.

- Right. - Thanks to our fans, we can enjoy this.

- Thank you. - Everyone,

- hang on. What day is it? Saturday? - Yes.

- It's Saturday evening. - Right.

- With family... - This is why they asked us not to turn heat to high.

- As they are too thin, they are burnt. - They got burnt and stuck to the pan.

I'd like to recommend dining out with your family.

- Soon, it will be Chuseok, Korean thanksgiving. - Right.

- It's been a while since we go live on V LIVE all together. - Right.

- Jungkook, please broadcast on V LIVE. - Sorry?

- Please broadcast on V LIVE. - All right. Jungkook and I will

- broadcast on V LIVE. - OK. Please sing.

Please show a great harmony of main vocalists.

And you have some personal contents.

That's a nice idea. Relay of individual talent show. We did it before.

- That's nice. - Or,

7 members will broadcast individually.

- With personal theme. - I had a plan.

- Really? - Yes. You can do it.

Don't increase to high heat. Reduce it, please.

- It's not cooked in the middle. - Not yet?

Anyways, we will have discussion over our pledge

and let you know about it.

- Please enjoy your dinner. - Thank you, fans.

We won the Billboard award thanks to you. Thank you!

- Enjoy your dinner. - Bye!

- We will make you so happy. - Jimin, we're saying bye.

- Everyone! - Heart. - Thank you!

Aren't we enjoying it too much?

- Thank you for the great meal. - Enjoy your dinner.

- Have a great dinner! - Thank you. - Good evening!

- Enjoy your dinner. - ARMY!

For more infomation >> BTS Members Eating After They Got Billboard Winning Commitment - Duration: 22:08.


Bad Kids & Bad Shark Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Children Toy Baby - Duration: 3:05.

Bad Kids & Bad Shark Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Children Toy Baby

For more infomation >> Bad Kids & Bad Shark Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Children Toy Baby - Duration: 3:05.


How Football Conquered Japan : Ultras, Culture and Obsession - Duration: 17:29.

For more infomation >> How Football Conquered Japan : Ultras, Culture and Obsession - Duration: 17:29.


Learn Wheels On the Bus Abc Song With Police Vehicles For Toddlers Kids Fun Time - Duration: 3:52.

"Let's go on a bus ride!"

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish All through the town

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' Move on back Move on back

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' All through the town

The people on the bus go up and down Up and down Up and down

The people on the bus go up and down All through the town

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep All through the town

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' Whaa whaa whaa Whaa whaa whaa

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' All through the town

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' Shh, shh, shh Shh, shh, shh

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' All through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

"That was such a fun ride, wasn't it?"

Do you know your A-B-C's

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's Next time won't you sing with me.

For more infomation >> Learn Wheels On the Bus Abc Song With Police Vehicles For Toddlers Kids Fun Time - Duration: 3:52.


Seat Leon 2.0 TFSi 211 Pk FR ECC/Navi/Bi-Xenon/PDC V+A/18" LMV/101.121 km!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 2.0 TFSi 211 Pk FR ECC/Navi/Bi-Xenon/PDC V+A/18" LMV/101.121 km!! - Duration: 0:59.


அப்பாவையும் மகனையும் கூட விட்டுவைக்காத தமிழ் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> அப்பாவையும் மகனையும் கூட விட்டுவைக்காத தமிழ் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News - Duration: 2:34.


爆笑問題 芸人 感動話!田中裕二と山口もえの妊娠報道の裏で多くの芸人仲間が動いてた…?涙した感動実話。 - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> 爆笑問題 芸人 感動話!田中裕二と山口もえの妊娠報道の裏で多くの芸人仲間が動いてた…?涙した感動実話。 - Duration: 5:51.


意外とヤバい場所? Very Dangerous Place [Le Puits d'Enfer ル・ピュイ・ダンフェール] - Duration: 10:02.

Smells nice.


-It's cold in here. -A ha~

-It's a hideout!

-I can see the outside. -Yea

Mind your head. It's an attic.

And look!

-Oh, they are hiding. -All the memories from Japan

You are cute.

Are we friends now?

I'm your boy.

Let's do siesta together.

Smells french cuisine!

-Smells so nice! -Beef Liver

We'll eat Beef Liver on Lunch!

Good for the health

-You cook with butter? -Always.

I seasoned the beef liver with salt and pepper before

and cook with butter.

Gratin and beef liver

I like mustard.

Thanks, I pour la creme anglaise.

You should.

Do you know this?

Oh yea! That's from anime!

After lunch we decided to go see "Le Puits d'Enfer!

Every morning I come here, and I see people running.

To film them would be interesting too.

It's called "Le Puits d'Enfer"

There's a sign which explains the history.

-Keep your mobile well. -I put it in my pocket.

-Be careful -Yea


Why don't you give me a hand??

He's worried of me since I'm filming

It's all done by the waves, it's natural.

-Wanna jump to the other side? -No I wouldn't

Me neither.

I'm not Spiderman

It's funny to think that we are at the end of the continent.

That's true

The end of the continent!

-I'm from the other side! -I know that

but the continent is big.

-Yuta, are you ok?

You did complain a minite ago.

-And about your knee. -True, I shouldn't jump

Smells nice

You want to go down? Be careful!

Nice place.

What's in english?

I have no idea.

-It's the hell!

You shouldn't come here when you are depressed

( We were learning about)

Look the picture. Looks calm. You never see it like this.

I think the picture was photoshopped

Usually, there's old people.

-I think that people come here to suicide? -Yea

It's actually known for it.


Other side of the ocean

We don't see it very well..

To go the other side, there's a pass. And there's a port.

(Playing games with kids!)

-Let's play this -What is this?

Hold it

-See? It moves -Yea

Your T-shirt is moving

It's true

If you don't want to play, just tell her.

-I'm gonna teach her polish. -Oh yea?

-Teach her english! -Polish is good too.

-When she come visit me in Poland. -I'm studying english!

-Can you read? -Not yet.

-Let's drink wine, since we are in France. -Thanks

We gonna eat

Cheese cake a la maison

I'll put a lot of Nutera.

For more infomation >> 意外とヤバい場所? Very Dangerous Place [Le Puits d'Enfer ル・ピュイ・ダンフェール] - Duration: 10:02.


President Moon appears on local radio station as daily traffic reporter - Duration: 1:56.

Today is the day President Moon Jae-in and his Cabinet designated as an "alternative

holiday" to link the weekend and the Chuseok holiday,... which starts tomorrow, making

for up to 10 days off in a row for millions of Koreans.

President Moon took the time to reach out to people traveling to see family... and those

whose public duties prevent them from taking time off.

Our Blue House correspondent, Hwang Hojun, reports.

With the mass Chuseok exodus from Seoul to areas around the country, President Moon Jae-in

took to the radio airwaves on Monday morning,... not as the nation's commander-in-chief,...

but as a traffic reporter for the day.

(KOREAN-RADIO) "Hello, this is Moon Jae-in....

And here's the latest traffic update for your trip home."

( .... , .)

While giving the listeners the latest traffic condition, President Moon encouraged safe

driving, asking drivers to take rest stops on their long drives and to make sure to fasten

their seat belts at all times.

President Moon also said he hopes people will be able to get plenty of rest and spend time

with their families during the holiday, which is 10 days long this year thanks to Monday

having been designated a temporary holiday.

Moon also thanked public transportation workers, including bus, taxi and train drivers, as

well as maritime workers, for being on duty and sacrificing time with their families so

the rest of the country can have some time off.

On that note, President Moon also made phone calls to 11 citizens in the afternoon who

are also not able to spend time with their families.

Those include a researcher stationed in Antarctica, a former victim of the Japanese military's

sexual enslavement during World War II, the father of an Army recruit, a police officer,

and the chief security guard of the Dokdo Islets.

(STAND UP) According to the Blue House, President Moon's

radio appearance and multiple phone calls were opportunities to send his Chuseok greetings

to the Korean people and also to show his effort for better communication.

Hwang Hojun Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon appears on local radio station as daily traffic reporter - Duration: 1:56.


Non-Kpop fan's silent reaction to BTS' "DNA" - Do Bechaare - Duration: 7:29.

She is twerking here... can you seee???

Shall we begin, oooman (woman)?

Is the lighting good? Keep standing there..its good.

OK...Shall I begin? Give me a second.

Should I send you off to a psychiatrist today itself?

and you look sexy.

I do, dont i? because I have my "not today" sweatshirt on.

Hello my lovely people!

You might ask why am I so excited today

well, let me tell you well we have had these videos in the past where we have

talked about various

Things but not really anything about ourselves

Today I'm going to give you a peek into my life

Well, it's not much

There's basically just two things in it

One is kpop and one is kdrama that basically sums up my life

So my favorite kpop band is

BTS.. I hope you know who that is if you don't let me introduce you to them.

They are amazing Korean band that

Have been there for the past four years they debuted four years back, and they are awesome

And you should go and follow them and they are amazing

and and and I don't know what to say. Like they are awesome.

So just make sure that you go and follow them and yes

So I thought... I used to see all these reaction videos on YouTube where, you know, non-pop fans reacting to kpop

I was like dude, I want to do that someday. I was like when I'll have a youtube channel

I'll do it and today I finally found the perfect Bakra (Goat - literal translation :D)

for this exercise that is my friend Rajitha Nair and

We'll get right on to it

Reaction Video

Oh my god

Why is he so hot?

Yes Rajitha, I knowwwwww...Tell me about it :D

Oh my god!

I can't take my eyes off of them...they are sooooo

Finish the sentence, finish the sentence..."they are soooo" what? hot, cute, awesome, amazing...what woman what?

Head bobbing ensuessss....... :D

Ahh Jimin!!

That smile though... :D

His voice (Taehyungggggg!!!)


It ended?

It's awesome isn't it?

It's awesome dude!!

Even though I didn't understand any part of it, but the choreography to the video

How it has been shot...and the guys Oh my god!!!

Oh My god, I love them!!

that sigh though! It's the sigh of LONGING!!!:D:D

Sooooo, What did you think about the videooo? Tell me!

I did not understand a single word of it, which is okay? Which is ok, I know.

Music has no language I know

And I could make out that it was awesome.

and the guys, Oh my god! they were so sexy!

I know! I try and make other people understand the same thing...but no one listens to me!

But how?

How can someone be so sexy? All the time like all the time

Tell me about it (I suffer everyday thinking about them :D :D)

and it just ended I was not feeling happy about that

Its like you finally start getting the gist of it and suddenly its done. I was so sad.

So you liked it?

I like it a lot. I LIKED IT A LOT.

Awesome!! Would you watch it again?

Yes. Will you watch BTS again?

You'll have to send me all the links


Or I'll go and subscribe to the channel which is?


Yes. Done awesome!

Nice doing business with you!

For more infomation >> Non-Kpop fan's silent reaction to BTS' "DNA" - Do Bechaare - Duration: 7:29.


Dav Pilkey draws Little Petey - Duration: 0:41.

This is one of the characters I'm very excited about.

His name is Little Petey, and he's the star of Dog Man, A Tale of Two Kitties and he's

also the star of the upcoming book Dog Man and Cat Kid.

Little Petey started out life as an unwanted kitten, but he found his place and he found

a home with Dog Man.

And so he had a happy — he has a happy life after all.

For more infomation >> Dav Pilkey draws Little Petey - Duration: 0:41.


Trial To Begin In New York, New Jersey Pipe Bomb Attacks - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Trial To Begin In New York, New Jersey Pipe Bomb Attacks - Duration: 0:31.


【爆鹹】在日本最鹹的拉麵!讓台灣人吃富山黑拉麵~在台日人 志甫一成~ - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 【爆鹹】在日本最鹹的拉麵!讓台灣人吃富山黑拉麵~在台日人 志甫一成~ - Duration: 4:12.





Vít Rakušan: Poslanecká imunita - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Vít Rakušan: Poslanecká imunita - Duration: 0:44.


Disney World Wait Times | How to NOT Wait in Line - Duration: 4:55.

You guys, we're going to Disney World shortly and I have a super great tip for

not standing in line! Stay tuned. What, these? Oh yes, those are my Maleficent

horns. I made them. Because I'm crafty like that. So I discovered a killer tip

for not standing in line probably seven or eight years ago and it has made every

Disney vacation that we've ever taken since then awesome. We've tried this at

Disney World, we've tried this at Disneyland, we've done it at Magic

Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, you name it. This sucker works so I am

going to be reviewing an app today called RideMax. So here we are at the

RideMax home page. Once you've paid your $20 you get an account and

you can either create a new plan or look at the ones you've already created. So

let's create a new plan. You tell it which park you're going to go to, what

day you're going. what time you're gonna arrive, what time you're gonna leave, you

schedule your lunch breaks, the whole thing in this app. So I said on Wednesday

the 18th I'm gonna go to Magic Kingdom we're gonna arrive at 8 o'clock and

we're gonna leave by 2 because that's my my strategy. We go early and leave after

lunch. That way the kids are not completely wiped out because you've been

there all day. Then you just go down the list of rides and you tell it everything

that you want to go on. You can also schedule in lunch breaks so let's say

that you had an 11:00 a.m. reservation at Be Our Guest. You could go ahead and

schedule that in here. Then you go over to the Fast Pass tab (say

that five times fast!) and tell it everything you already have a Fast Pass

reservation for. You can also let it choose the time of the Fast Pass - "let

Ride max choose my Fast Pass time" - but that really only works if you are

booking this 60 days out. If you are doing this two weeks in advance like I

usually do you have to have your fast past reservations already made. So if you

have those put them in. If you walk really slowly, if you have a kid in a

stroller or if you have somebody in a wheelchair in your party you can always

say we're gonna walk slower than normal, but I usually leave it at normal. And then

you hit make my plan. This typically takes 30 to 45 seconds. So you can see

all the different plans that I've been making and some old ones - there's 2015

2016. And I just keep making a plan until I come up with the one that works for me.

So now it is ready for us to take a look at it. You click on it and it shows you

the itinerary that it has come up with. So the first thing I do is look at the

estimated wait times - 1 minute, four minutes, 1, 5, 7, 5, 20 for Space Mountain. I can deal

with that because you're inside in the shade. Normally I am so spoiled using

this app that if I have to wait longer than about 15 minutes I modify the plan

and I come up with something else! But I can handle waiting 20 minutes inside

Space Mountain. So look at that! This is between 8 a.m. and noon. Look how many

rides we've got scheduled and that includes lunch in there! We'll be all done

and we can take off at 12:30, or I might add more rides into the mix. I could

modify it and add a few more things. You might be thinking there is simply no way

that you can go on this many rides in such a short period of time, but as

somebody who's used this app over and over on multiple trips on multiple times

of year at multiple different parks these times are extremely accurate. So if

you're at the park, you have used all of your fast passes and now you're gonna

make a new reservation you can go ahead and do that from your phone while you're

standing in the shade in the corner. Add a couple more rides to this plan. Either

make a new plan or modify the plan. You can do this all on the fly on your phone

while you're there in the park. You don't have to plan ahead but I typically plan

it... you know a week or two in advance so that the day we go to the park we are

set to go. So that is my secret weapon for going to

Disney and having a great time. Try it this way. I guarantee you you will not

regret it. Best 20 bucks ever! What, these? Oh yeah,

these are my Not So Scary Halloween Party

ears. Made those too. Thank you so much for watching this video! If you liked it hit

the thumbs up button down below, leave a comment -I love to answer all of the

comments I get personally - and if you happen to live in the Savannah area

subscribe to my channel. I talk about all things real estate and sometimes things

not real estate on my channel every Monday. So subscribe and get

notifications every time I come up with a new video. Thanks again for watching

and we'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> Disney World Wait Times | How to NOT Wait in Line - Duration: 4:55.


Valentina Studio Pro Feature: Coloring objects - Duration: 0:41.

Coloring Objects Feature of Schema Editor.

Most web developers know how it is important

to easy differ a DEPLOYMENT database from its DEVELOPMENT copy.

DEPLOYMENT database present on a LIVE Server, where users work with data.

DEVELOPMENT database is on some development machine.

To help developer differ them, Valentina Studio Pro allows assigning colors to:

* connections and all its sub-objects

* databases and all its sub-objects

* tables.

When object is marked by color, you will see this color everywhere possible.

For example, in SQL Editor or Data Editor.

For more infomation >> Valentina Studio Pro Feature: Coloring objects - Duration: 0:41.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online



For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT TITANIUM AUTOMAAT. NIEUWSTAAT !! - Duration: 1:00.


(정관장, 건강식품 하울.....?) 70살 크리에이터 김남욱 미리보기 - [김남욱] - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> (정관장, 건강식품 하울.....?) 70살 크리에이터 김남욱 미리보기 - [김남욱] - Duration: 10:07.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION Urbanpakket, LED-verlichting, 17"Lm velgen, Navigatie, Licht en - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION Urbanpakket, LED-verlichting, 17"Lm velgen, Navigatie, Licht en - Duration: 0:54.


Bingo Dog Song Alphabets & More | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes & Songs for Kids by Baby Toonz Kids TV - Duration: 11:16.

Bingo Dog Song Alphabets & More | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes & Songs for Kids by Baby Toonz Kids TV

There was a farmer and has a dog

and Bingo was his name

B I N G O ..



Bingo was his name o....

All Things Bright & Beautiful

Curly Locks.... Curly locks.... Curly Locks...

Finger Family song

Daddy Finger Daddy Finger where are you?

Little Boy Blue Animal Songs For Kids

For more infomation >> Bingo Dog Song Alphabets & More | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes & Songs for Kids by Baby Toonz Kids TV - Duration: 11:16.


Shooting on Las Vegas Strip kills 50, wounds more than 200 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Shooting on Las Vegas Strip kills 50, wounds more than 200 - Duration: 2:13.


Project Profile - Ash Bellett - Duration: 0:26.

My name is Ash. I'm a final year student at Monash studying Electrical Engineering.

My final year project is looking at the application of Ray Tracing to Wireless Channel Modelling.

It involves coding in MATLAB and conducting experiments with software-defined radio.

And I look forward to seeing you at Spark Night 2017

For more infomation >> Project Profile - Ash Bellett - Duration: 0:26.


Audi A4 2.0 (131pk) Climat /Cruise /Elek. pakket /Chroom /Mistl. /16"LMV /Trekhaak - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 2.0 (131pk) Climat /Cruise /Elek. pakket /Chroom /Mistl. /16"LMV /Trekhaak - Duration: 1:02.


Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 Entire Plot Revealed - Duration: 7:46.

If you haven�t seen the previous episode videos checkout the link in the description.

Game of thrones season 8 episode 3 beginnings with

Jon, Daenerys, Sansa, Robin, Lord Royce, Jaime, Bronn, Edmure, Varys, Brienne, Tyrion, Jorah,

Gendry, Sam, Gilly, Davos, Missandei, Little Sam and Theon all arrive in Greywater Watch.

Not all of these characters appear on screen though. They make a stop to rest there and

to discuss their strategy to defeat the Night King for good.

Inside Greywater Watch Jon proposes to await the Night King�s attack from the Eyrie since

the fortress is very difficult to impregnate. Tyrion jokes that the Night King only needs

10 good men to impregnate the bitch, but only Bronn catches the joke. The remaining Lannister

and Tully army defend Riverrun together with Edmure, Tyrion, Jaime and Bronn. When the

Eyrie gets attacked first, the Night King�s army has to get lured into the Bloody Gate

and that�s when the Lannister and Tully forces need to join the attack as well. Theon

has to take back Pyke and defend it together with the remaining army of the North and the

Ironborn. Jon remarks that Arya and The Hound have not been seen arriving in Greywater Watch.

Edmure assures that Arya hasn�t died but simply disappeared when they were retreating

from Winterfell. Sansa remarks that she�d be safe with the Hound. She always manages

to survive somehow. Jon also wants Sansa and Brienne to join Robin and Gendry to the Eyrie

where they�d probably be more safer. Jon stays with Davos, Jaime, Jorah, Bronn, Tyrion

and Edmure in Riverrun. Jon wants Daenerys, to travel to Dragonstone together with Varys

and Missandei. Sam and Gilly should travel with her. Maester Wolkan received bad news,

though. Lyanna Mormont didn�t make it to Bear Island and died.

In Next scene is Arya and the Hound travelling on the Kingsroad. The Hound complains to Arya

that she should have followed her brother and sister and that she�s a stupid girl

to travel alone in the North now that the army of undead fuckers are around. Arya answers

that he shouldn�t have sticked with her if he�s scared. The Hound deduces that Arya

is traveling to King�s Landing, but he doesn�t understand why. Arya says that she has to

cross one last name off her list. The Hound laughs and tells Arya why she�s still holding

that fucking list since everyone will die soon anyway. Arya responds that she needs

to kill Cersei herself. The Hound agrees and tells that he has some unfinished business

with his brother as well. The two encounter by an old woman, who�s asking after the

King in The North. The Hound says that an old woman shouldn�t be alone in the woods

with the army of the Night King approaching. The old woman says she doesn�t fear the

dead. Arya tells the woman she thinks Jon Snow has traveled south, probably to Dragonstone.

The old woman takes a look at Arya and tells her that they have met before. Arya is puzzled

about this, the Old Woman leaves. In this Scene

During the night, the characters at Greywater Watch sleep in huts and Jon chats a last time

with Howland Reed, asking if he joins them to the South since the White Walkers would

probably hit Greywater Watch soon. Howland Reed tells that he�s ready to die. He doesn�t

care of his life anymore, now with his children being passed away. He tells Jon Snow the Walkers

can have him. He tells Jon he also needs to pay for his sins, for killing Arthur Dayne

behind his back. He tells Jon the story of how he saw Ned Stark with baby Jon in his

arms. His uncle always wanted to keep him safe, even willing to sacrifice his life for

Jon. Howland tells Jon he recognizes a lot of traits of Ned in Jon Snow and says that

he would make a good ruler on the Iron Throne. Jon insists that he isn�t interested in

that and leaves Howland Reed. In King�s Landing, Qyburn visits and informs

Cersei that Winterfell has been attacked and that Daenerys and Jon have lost a great deal

of their army. Cersei smiles. He also tells that the Lannister army has joined the Battle

at Winterfell apparently. Cersei asks if Jaime has survived, but Qyburn tells he doesn�t

know. Cersei answers that he shouldn�t have. After that, Euron arrives back in King�s

Landing. He comes to tell Cersei that the Golden Company successfully took Storm�s

End and that the army is gathered right there. He tells Cersei he finally wants to receive

his reward and they shouldn�t wait to marry and be husband and wife tonight. Cersei reluctantly

agrees. In immediately after Scene we see It is still

night in Greywater Watch and the characters stay there until morning. Jon and Daenerys

sleep together in a hut. Daenerys finally tells Jon that she�s pregnant with his child.

Jon is surprised and expresses his happiness toward Daenerys. He jokes that this is the

only good thing that happened to them at the moment. He also wonders about their child�s

health since they�re family. Daenerys comforts Jon, the Targaryens have been inbreeding for

years and she�s perfectly healthy. Daenerys thinks she�s having a son again, and asks

Jon what he would name their son. Jon thinks he should be named after the greatest person

he knew in his life, the one that saved his life, his uncle Ned. He wants his son to be

named Eddard Targaryen. Daenerys repeats the name and smiles. She says she likes it very

much. The two start to kiss in their hut. Jaime visits Brienne�s hut as well. Brienne

grieves over Podrick�s death, telling him that Podrick was the last person to deserves

to die like that. Jaime agrees telling Brienne that he was a good lad and he was lucky to

have been around Brienne all that time. At kings road

The Hound and Arya make a fire during the night. The Hound asks how she managed to cross

off almost every name of her list, but before Arya can respond she tells the Hound to shut

up. She hears some strange noises. Not much later, a group of wights attack them. The

two begin to fight the wights but more wights come since they�re attracted to the noise.

It�s then when Nymeria and a much larger pack of wolves come in between and kill off

a big bunch of Wights. A lot of wolves die too. The Hound said they should flee as soon

as they can before another group of Wights comes to kill them off. Arya discovers that

she has lost Needle during the fight, but the Hound insists that there�s no time left

to search for the damned sword and that they should leave immediately. This time Arya manages

to have Nymeria follow her.

The wedding between Cersei Lannister and Euron Greyjoy takes place in the Throne Room. Euron

looks very delighted, Cersei not so. It�s Qyburn who has them married. Cersei wears

a tight, long black dress. She looks quite sad during the wedding. The wedding scene

itself doesn�t take long and the scene switches to their wedding bed. This scene is an intercut

between Cersei and Euron having sex and Jaime and Brienne also having sex in their hut.

The two still think of each other.

Next morning, the group departs from Greywater Watch and Jon and Sansa say goodbye to each

other for the time being. Jon asks Gendry to keep his sister safe. Daenerys and Jon

also say goodbye and leave each other. Daenerys tells Jon that Drogon should stay with him.

They�ll need him to fight the Night King. The two kiss before leaving each other. Jorah

is still having difficulties with that. We see all of the character go different ways

and that�s how the episode ends. What do you think of Game of Thrones Season

8 Episode 3. Let us know via comments below. Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to receive next episode

to news feed

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 Entire Plot Revealed - Duration: 7:46.


10 best 8000 btu air conditioner - Duration: 4:34.

top ten reviews best product advisor behind Amazon top 10 reviews presents 10

best 8000 BTU air conditioner let's see which best 8,000 BTU air conditioner is

best for you to buy starting with the list number one conditioner name wall

room air conditioner conditioner information commercial-grade wall master

through the wall room air conditioner installs three walls up to 15 5/16 of an

inch deep four rooms up to approximately 400 square feet

fits Fedders a and Fedders b sleeves with baffle adapter kit list number two

conditioner name impecca high efficiency air conditioner conditioner information

inbuilt energy saver mode remote control to adjust temperature programmable 24

hours on end off timer list number three conditioner name impecca a thousand BTUs

portable eye conditioner conditioner information whisper quiet operation the

impecca preferred series portable air conditioner offers comfortable

noise levels so you can go on with your daily life without disturbance list

number four conditioner name LG entered the efficient twelve conditioner

information 12,000 BTUs air conditioner and eleven thousand two hundred BTUs

supplement heat are perfect for rooms up to 550 square feet to cooling speeds

with two heating speeds and two fan speeds with thermistor thermostat and

24-hour timer listen number five conditioner name

eight thousand BTUs energy star conditioner information power cord can

run either left or right out of the side of the unit front expandable side

curtains standard installation hardware list

number six conditioner named friedrich po8 s eight thousand BTUs 115 volt

conditioner information Friedrich Snoopy Oh 8 s eight thousand BTUs compact

portable air conditioner is the perfect solution for portable affective spot

cooling dodd 3 in-1 system offers cooling dehumidification and bonus heat

for year-round conditioning and comfort list number seven conditioner named

Arctic King low h CR and 1b j 915 conditioner information the 15 inches in

Energy Star slide casement wall air conditioner from Arctic King will be the

best selection for your place the powerful 8 thousand BTUs cool and

capacity effectively cools down the area list number 8 conditioner name LG

electronics LP o 8 1 4 WN are 115 volt conditioner information 8 thousand BTUs

vented portable air conditioner uses standard 115 volt electrical outlet

compressor rotary cools a room up to 200 square feet with dehumidification up to

2 pints per hour list number 9 conditioner name mounted

air conditioner with remote control conditioner information 2016 Energy Star

12.1 energy efficiency ratio EER uses standard 115 volts electrical outlet

product dimensions 19.6 DX 19.4 WX 12.4 8 inches list number 10 conditioner

named wind their eight thousand BTUs eco-friendly portable conditioner

information three operational modes air conditioner fan or dehumidifier self

evaporative system exhausts most tour all condense 8-under

rogem V & Conditions thank you for watching our video about 10 best 8,000

BTU air conditioner to get those best 8000 V to you air conditioner follow the

description link bellow and subscribe to our channel for future upload

For more infomation >> 10 best 8000 btu air conditioner - Duration: 4:34.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Trump appears to undermine Tillerson's efforts to resolve N. Korea nuclear issue - Duration: 1:53.

U.S. President Donald Trump is continuing to goad North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,…

telling his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson not to waste time negotiating with Pyongyang.

Our Ji Myung-kil has more.

In a series of tweets on Sunday,...

President Trump appeared to undercut his own Secretary of State's diplomatic efforts to

resolve the nuclear standoff with North Korea Using his nickname for Kim Jong-un, Trump

said: "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary

of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man.

Save your energy Rex, we'll do what has to be done "

President Trump's comments came a day after Tillerson revealed the U.S. was directly communicating

with North Korea on its nuclear and missile programs but that Pyongyang had shown no interest.

During a trip to China,... Tillerson said Washington was probing North Korea to see

whether it was interested in dialogue and that it had a couple of channels open to talk

with Pyongyang.

Later Sunday evening... Trump took to Twitter again,... adding: "Being nice to Rocket Man

hasn't worked in 25 years, why would it work now?

Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed.

I won't fail."

Not long after Trump's final tweet on the matter,...

State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert confirmed that diplomatic channels are open

for now but won't be open forever.

It's unclear how successful diplomatic communications will be in curbing North Korea's nuclear ambitions...

since the leaders of both countries have been locked in an escalating war of words.

North Korea has continued to test missiles and is threatening to explode a hydrogen bomb

over the Pacific Ocean and shoot down U.S. military aircraft off its coast.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump appears to undermine Tillerson's efforts to resolve N. Korea nuclear issue - Duration: 1:53.


For more infomation >> Trump appears to undermine Tillerson's efforts to resolve N. Korea nuclear issue - Duration: 1:53.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL + achteruitrijcamera* - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL + achteruitrijcamera* - Duration: 1:02.


For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL + achteruitrijcamera* - Duration: 1:02.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta *UIT VOORRAAD LEVERBAAR* - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta *UIT VOORRAAD LEVERBAAR* - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta *UIT VOORRAAD LEVERBAAR* - Duration: 0:58.


Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115PK N-Connecta *1ste eigenaar - 360graden camera - 18"lichtmetalen velgen* - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115PK N-Connecta *1ste eigenaar - 360graden camera - 18"lichtmetalen velgen* - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI DIG-T 115PK N-Connecta *1ste eigenaar - 360graden camera - 18"lichtmetalen velgen* - Duration: 1:01.


Les attaques du mental - N'abandonnez pas ! Mind Attacks — Don't Give Up! - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Les attaques du mental - N'abandonnez pas ! Mind Attacks — Don't Give Up! - Duration: 6:12.


For more infomation >> Les attaques du mental - N'abandonnez pas ! Mind Attacks — Don't Give Up! - Duration: 6:12.


10 Best 5 year old girl gifts - Duration: 5:03.

top ten reviews best product advisor behind Amazon top 10 reviews presents 10

best best five-year-old girl gifts let's see which best five-year-old girl gifts

is best for you to buy starting with the list number one gifts name mermaid

blanket Phi hat mermaid tail blanket soft gifts information kids size mermaid

tail blankets for kids three eight years old

perfect gift for any child who loves the sea features a gorgeously sewn mermaid

tail dot the best birthday gift it's the best choice as birthday Christmas new

year end all holiday gifts to everybody you love it must be a surprise list

number two gifts name creativity for kids fashion headbands graft kit gifts

information complete craft kit everything you need is included kit

includes a rainbow array of satin headbands rhinestones flowers feathers a

butterfly yards of ribbon and more list number three gifts name creativity for

kids enchanted fairy garden craft kit gifts information grow a fairy world

with a little creative magic you can grown your very own enchanted fairyland

complete garden kit everything you need is included just add water kit includes

an 11 inches diameter flower shaped paintable potting dish enchanted flower

house gemstones flowers butterflies paint potting mix and seeds that grow

like magic list number four gifts name rainbow in my room table top decor night

light projector gifts information amazing rainbow projector projects

rainbow across the walls and ceiling turns on with the push of a button uses

multicolored LEDs Jack for optional AC adapter listen

number five gifts named rainbow in my room tabletop Dacor night light

projector gifts information amazing rainbow projector projects rainbow

across the walls and ceiling turns on with the push of a button uses

multicolored LEDs list number six gifts named alley option

waterproof 3d cute cartoon Digital silicone gifts information recommended

for young kids three ten years old big last I window diameter 2.7 cm one dot o

6-inch suitable for 1416 cm 5.56 dot 29 inch in circumference wrists to wear dot

this is a very cute and useful gift list number seven gifts name creativity for

kids grow and glow terrarium gifts information grow your own habitat

experience the wonder of nature with the grow and glow terrarium this kit allows

you to craft plant water and grow your own terrarium dot decorate your

terrarium add dimension to your terrarium with translucent

glow-in-the-dark stickers that lined up your terrarium at night list number

eight gifts name arts and crafts for girls best birthday gifts information

complete 30 day no hassle free replacement guarantee please watch out

counterfeit product we value and love your emotions attached with us dot click

Add to Cart now let creativity explore and begin the journey to fun and learn

list number nine gifts named enchantments valerie in a musical

jewelry box gifts information large bottom drawer and two tiny side drawers

hold jewelry and other treasures Music Box plays Swan Lake with a twirling

ballerina figurine boxes six Alex four inches wide by six inches

excellent for tiny treasures list number ten gifts named Alex toys artists to do

draw like a pro gifts information a fun and easy way to draw creative child

magazine parents choice approved in dr. toys best new products Awards winner

requires three AAA batteries not included

thank you for watching our video about 10 best best five-year-old girl gifts to

get those best five-year-old girl gifts follow the description link bellow and

subscribe to our channel for future upload

For more infomation >> 10 Best 5 year old girl gifts - Duration: 5:03.


For more infomation >> 10 Best 5 year old girl gifts - Duration: 5:03.


Prunelle et son trio infernal ! - FR - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Prunelle et son trio infernal ! - FR - Duration: 5:17.


For more infomation >> Prunelle et son trio infernal ! - FR - Duration: 5:17.


Comment faire du bon Compost - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Comment faire du bon Compost - Duration: 5:16.


For more infomation >> Comment faire du bon Compost - Duration: 5:16.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Artonik ft.Frake Kidd - No way back #M-TOWN - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Artonik ft.Frake Kidd - No way back #M-TOWN - Duration: 2:50.


Hyundai Getz 1.3 5-DEURS/APK t/m 7-2018/124.000km - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3 5-DEURS/APK t/m 7-2018/124.000km - Duration: 0:51.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD Schuifdak.Autom.Leer.Navi.Bose.19 Inch - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD Schuifdak.Autom.Leer.Navi.Bose.19 Inch - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4 5-DEURS/Stuurbekr/APK t/m 1-2018 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4 5-DEURS/Stuurbekr/APK t/m 1-2018 - Duration: 1:00.


Citroën Berlingo M.SPACE 1.6 VTI TENDENCE TREKH!!! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo M.SPACE 1.6 VTI TENDENCE TREKH!!! - Duration: 0:57.



For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET MYLIFE 5 DEURS / VOLLEDIG DEALER ONDERHOUDEN / AIRCO / CRUISE-CONTROL / ELE - Duration: 0:58.


New Baka and Announcements! - Duration: 1:16.

Hi, this is Sinigang na Baka and today I'm going to announce to you that I am...

puretty (moo!) Oh btw before that, I become a cow now! Don't cook me yet!

First, I'm going to announce that if you have weird ideas, or game that you want me

to react you can do so just by commenting on my videos and you'll be

featured as well. So feel free to suggest ok? Second, regarding on my giveway,

I gonna post it on wednesday on how does it work so be sure to check it out!

See you guys on wednesday! Yay! Don't forget to subscribe and get notified on

like this video, and share it to your sabaw friends so that we can be

the world's best sabaw. We will dominate this world, so be ready to

conquer. Ha!

For more infomation >> New Baka and Announcements! - Duration: 1:16.


asian collab | dynasty - Duration: 3:44.

i wanted you to think i was perfect

For more infomation >> asian collab | dynasty - Duration: 3:44.


Where you are (Swedish) Subs + Trans - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Where you are (Swedish) Subs + Trans - Duration: 4:19.


【爆鹹】在日本最鹹的拉麵!讓台灣人吃富山黑拉麵~在台日人 志甫一成~ - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 【爆鹹】在日本最鹹的拉麵!讓台灣人吃富山黑拉麵~在台日人 志甫一成~ - Duration: 4:12.


Finish Strong- Make Your Last Quarter Your Best Quarter - Duration: 3:07.

Hi there, it's Denise. Now I want to bring you back in time a little bit and I want

to talk to you about the first of April this year. Or any year. I want to ask you

what did you do in the 1st of April? What did you say? What did you do?

Did you decide 'you know what, it's springtime, the weather is better, the

evenings are brighter so I'm gonna go outside. I'm gonna take it easy, go out

there and smell the flowers. Pick some flowers, take it easy,

keep the head down but just you know, enjoy the weather. I'm pretty much

guessing that that didn't happen but I have to ask myself why do we do that as

business owners, pretty much from the 1st of October onwards like

Christmas is everywhere. Halloween is everywhere. The shops are

full of it, the kids are already talking about their Santa lists and

yet for the last quarter we tend to just get the head down, finish the year, roll

out the year and then say,you know what we'll go hell for leather come

January. And yet as I said, we don't do that and the other quarter of the year

it's only the last quarter of the year. So I want to change that. I want to make

your last quarter your best quarter and I want to do by a new training program

called Finish Strong. As you know I do a little bit of

running and I think it's important, for me, to kind of start great but finish

strong. So if you finish strong you're going to be happy, you're going to be

excited, you're gonna be exhilarated so when you cross that line, you've go YES!

and I think that's really important that that's what we should do for our

businesses. Finishing strong is a four week training program and all the

information is on What I want you

get from it, the main objective is that you finish strong, that you do

what you need to do so that when you close up for Christmas time, you

actually sit back and you go "you know what, we did it. 2017 was a great year and

what's even better about that, is that 2018 it's going to be an even better year.

So you're gonna hit the ground running, as I say your competitors

are going to be panting behind and you are going to leave them for dust. So have

a look at Finish Strong, it is one of the quarters

that we tend to not focus on because people are busy and all kind of stuff

but every year in my business, my last quarter has been my best quarter simply

because I put the effort in and that's what I want for you to do as well.

Finish Strong, it's a training program so please take a look at it and you're

going to hear more and more about it for me over the next little while. It starts

the 19th of October, it'll bring us straight into the middle of November,

toward the end of November so then you can still enjoy the Christmas period and

you can still plan so there's still lots of time. It's well-timed, it's well thought out.

I want you to check it out and I want you to make your last quarter your

best quarter. Ok, if there's any questions you know where I am. Take care, bye.

For more infomation >> Finish Strong- Make Your Last Quarter Your Best Quarter - Duration: 3:07.


Disney World Wait Times | How to NOT Wait in Line - Duration: 4:55.

You guys, we're going to Disney World shortly and I have a super great tip for

not standing in line! Stay tuned. What, these? Oh yes, those are my Maleficent

horns. I made them. Because I'm crafty like that. So I discovered a killer tip

for not standing in line probably seven or eight years ago and it has made every

Disney vacation that we've ever taken since then awesome. We've tried this at

Disney World, we've tried this at Disneyland, we've done it at Magic

Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, you name it. This sucker works so I am

going to be reviewing an app today called RideMax. So here we are at the

RideMax home page. Once you've paid your $20 you get an account and

you can either create a new plan or look at the ones you've already created. So

let's create a new plan. You tell it which park you're going to go to, what

day you're going. what time you're gonna arrive, what time you're gonna leave, you

schedule your lunch breaks, the whole thing in this app. So I said on Wednesday

the 18th I'm gonna go to Magic Kingdom we're gonna arrive at 8 o'clock and

we're gonna leave by 2 because that's my my strategy. We go early and leave after

lunch. That way the kids are not completely wiped out because you've been

there all day. Then you just go down the list of rides and you tell it everything

that you want to go on. You can also schedule in lunch breaks so let's say

that you had an 11:00 a.m. reservation at Be Our Guest. You could go ahead and

schedule that in here. Then you go over to the Fast Pass tab (say

that five times fast!) and tell it everything you already have a Fast Pass

reservation for. You can also let it choose the time of the Fast Pass - "let

Ride max choose my Fast Pass time" - but that really only works if you are

booking this 60 days out. If you are doing this two weeks in advance like I

usually do you have to have your fast past reservations already made. So if you

have those put them in. If you walk really slowly, if you have a kid in a

stroller or if you have somebody in a wheelchair in your party you can always

say we're gonna walk slower than normal, but I usually leave it at normal. And then

you hit make my plan. This typically takes 30 to 45 seconds. So you can see

all the different plans that I've been making and some old ones - there's 2015

2016. And I just keep making a plan until I come up with the one that works for me.

So now it is ready for us to take a look at it. You click on it and it shows you

the itinerary that it has come up with. So the first thing I do is look at the

estimated wait times - 1 minute, four minutes, 1, 5, 7, 5, 20 for Space Mountain. I can deal

with that because you're inside in the shade. Normally I am so spoiled using

this app that if I have to wait longer than about 15 minutes I modify the plan

and I come up with something else! But I can handle waiting 20 minutes inside

Space Mountain. So look at that! This is between 8 a.m. and noon. Look how many

rides we've got scheduled and that includes lunch in there! We'll be all done

and we can take off at 12:30, or I might add more rides into the mix. I could

modify it and add a few more things. You might be thinking there is simply no way

that you can go on this many rides in such a short period of time, but as

somebody who's used this app over and over on multiple trips on multiple times

of year at multiple different parks these times are extremely accurate. So if

you're at the park, you have used all of your fast passes and now you're gonna

make a new reservation you can go ahead and do that from your phone while you're

standing in the shade in the corner. Add a couple more rides to this plan. Either

make a new plan or modify the plan. You can do this all on the fly on your phone

while you're there in the park. You don't have to plan ahead but I typically plan

it... you know a week or two in advance so that the day we go to the park we are

set to go. So that is my secret weapon for going to

Disney and having a great time. Try it this way. I guarantee you you will not

regret it. Best 20 bucks ever! What, these? Oh yeah,

these are my Not So Scary Halloween Party

ears. Made those too. Thank you so much for watching this video! If you liked it hit

the thumbs up button down below, leave a comment -I love to answer all of the

comments I get personally - and if you happen to live in the Savannah area

subscribe to my channel. I talk about all things real estate and sometimes things

not real estate on my channel every Monday. So subscribe and get

notifications every time I come up with a new video. Thanks again for watching

and we'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> Disney World Wait Times | How to NOT Wait in Line - Duration: 4:55.


[Orang Korea] Snorkeling with sharks | Bangsring [상어와 수영, 방스링] - Duration: 3:23.

[Bangsring Beach, Banyuwangi, Indonesia]

Hi. I'm Hee Jae.

You can turn on the subtitle while you're watching this video.

I didn't put any talking scene in this episode.

Maybe this is the new style of my video?

It wasn't true.. actually.. because of the waterproof camera housing, it couldn't record my voice.

This is my friend from Japan, Shinnosuke.

We become friends when we're traveling East Java.

We could swim with sharks in Bangsring Beach!!

Because this beach is also 'Bali sea', so the water is very clean.

Then, let's watch this beautiful beach!

Shall we go swimming with the sharks?

Before that, I want to introduce my friend, Shinnosuke.

He is a cool man with full of confidence.

But something is still missing from him. Well, we sometimes know it as 'a clumsy person'.

I dived with my Japanese friend into the water which there were sharks inside.

Unfortunately, we can only see the sharks inside water cage.

So we tried to get out from the cage and went to the deeper sea.

Even though it was short, it was a very precious memory.

See you again~ Bye~

Oh!! For the last, I want to show you my good looking friend, Shinnosuke.

For more infomation >> [Orang Korea] Snorkeling with sharks | Bangsring [상어와 수영, 방스링] - Duration: 3:23.


Volkswagen Arteon 2.0 TSI 4Motion Business R · Dynaudio · Pano schuifdak · 20"LM velgen - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Arteon 2.0 TSI 4Motion Business R · Dynaudio · Pano schuifdak · 20"LM velgen - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Arteon Elegance Business 2.0TDI/150pk · DAB+ · Cruise control adaptief · 19"LM velgen - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Arteon Elegance Business 2.0TDI/150pk · DAB+ · Cruise control adaptief · 19"LM velgen - Duration: 0:42.


Volkswagen Transporter 2.0TDi 140pk DC Touring L1 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.0TDi 140pk DC Touring L1 - Duration: 1:01.


Audi A5 Sportback 1.8 TFSI PRO LINE S - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Sportback 1.8 TFSI PRO LINE S - Duration: 0:54.


Michi (Path) - ทีมพีช TeamPeach The face men Thailand [Fanmade MV] - Duration: 4:47.

Let's go 1 time (even on a rough time alone)

And then 2 time (on a day you can't stand up)

But you know 3 time (gonna see you, person who gives the best)

For you! It's alright! Let's give the very best!

Even when you're facing the roughest time

And even when the busy days pass on by

The path that leads to tomorrow

And every little step makes you today

No matter how much time passes by

The path that I took I'll never forget

In the time that's never coming back

I tell you, you will find your way

Days were never the way I wanted them to be

My dream a bit distant and the people were making fun

We cannot help but to stop going forth

We look down, nod our heads, lie to ourselves

Just repeating excuses over again and again

I'm trying but I lost more of the sight of myself

The people around telling me to grow up

The given up days are all gone in the past

But can't you see deep deep down in your heart

The shape of the future that you've drawn its close by

Don't worry! It's alright! Yea you can do it

And you will find the reason to live your life

Our life's just once goes the same for anyone

And no one ever knows that is the right path to take

I guess life goes like that yea you know

Let's not lose sight of the dear emotions

Even when you're facing the roughest time

And even when the busy days pass on by

The path that leads to tomorrow

And every little step makes you today

No matter how much time passes by

The path that I took I'll never forget

In the time that's never coming back

I tell you, you will find your way

When I look back, was I able to obtain

Something deeper than the distance I walked?

I decided on and I'll show my spirit

The feeling that I am right here surges out, I will move forward

Life's not all about having fun!

You need days that make you bite your lip too, right?

I'm sure once you understand it will be a new start for you

Remove the shackles from your legs and keep going further ahead

But can't you see deep deep down in your heart

The shape of the future that you've drawn its close by

Don't worry! It's alright! Yea you can do it

And you will find the reason to live your life

Our life's just once goes the same for anyone

And no one ever knows that is the right path to take

I guess life goes like that yea you know

Let's not lose sight of the dear emotions

Let's go 1 time (even on a rough time alone)

And then 2 time (on a day you can't stand up)

But you know 3 time (gonna see you, person who gives the best)

For you! It's alright! Let's give the very best!

You're showing off your giant pride

The future that became visible with hard work

The day will come when you reach that place

You'll be (yeah) alright!

And even when you're facing the roughest time

This story that's named "your story"

It's alright! You're the star of the show

The path that leads to tomorrow

Will always be by your side you know

And even when you're facing roughest time

It'll be looked back with a smile someday

Let's kick the ground keep on marching forwards

To the future that is waiting for you

Let's go 1 time (even on a rough time alone)

And then 2 time (on a day you can't stand up)

But you know 3 time (gonna see you, person who gives the best)

For you! It's alright! Let's give the very best!

For more infomation >> Michi (Path) - ทีมพีช TeamPeach The face men Thailand [Fanmade MV] - Duration: 4:47.


Walking through the halls of the Winter Palace - Duration: 21:33.

The Jordanian ladder received its name after the ceremony of consecration of water in the Neva River.

The Rotunda Hall created in a circular neoclassical temple style for Tsar Nicholas I by the architect Auguste de Montferrand.

Exhibition of German artist Anselm Kiefer in the Nicholas Hall, dedicated to the fulfilled prophecies of the poet Velimir Khlebnikov.

The Field Marshals' Hall was built to honor Imperial Russia's greatest military leaders—Russian generals who attained the rank of Field Marshal.

The Small Throne Room of the Winter Palace, also known as the Peter the Great Memorial Hall

The Armorial Hall of the Winter Palace is a vast chamber originally designed for official ceremonies.

The Alexander Hall was created following the fire of 1837 by Alexander Briullov. The room commemorates the reign of Emperor Alexander I and the Napoleonic Wars.

Personal chambers of the wife of Nicholas I.

Personal chambers of the wife of Alexander II

The Golden Room of the Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

The White Hall was created by Briullov for the wedding of the future Emperor Alexander II in 1841.

Today, as well as in the XIX century, the hall houses pictures of Dutch and Flemish schools.

The Military Gallery is a setting for 332 portraits of generals who took part in the Patriotic War of 1812.

The Grand Church was designed by Francesco Rastrelli, and has been described as "one of the most splendid rooms" in the Palace.

Fragments of Alexander II's Officer Uniform of the Life-Guards Field Engineer Battalion which he wore on March 1st, 1881, the day of his murder.

Еhe Great Throne Room was the scene of many of the most formal ceremonies of the Imperial court.

"Hallowed be thy name"

"Thy kingdom come"

"Thy will be done"

"Thine is the kingdom, and the power and glory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit now and ever and forever and ever"


The Pavilion Hall combining Renaissance, Gothic and Oriental motifs.

A copy of the mosaic found in 1780 during the excavation of the term of the ancient Roman city of Ocriculum, near Rome.

Leonardo da Vinci Hall contains two works by one of the greatest Renaissance masters - Leonardo da Vinci (The Benois Madonna, The Litta Madonna).

"Earlier it was the main hall of the old Hermitage"

Concert hall with paired Corinthian columns and antique bas-reliefs.

The Hall of Majolica constructed in the mid-19th century to the design of Leo von Klenze for the purpose of displaying the collection of cameos.

In the hall, there are paintings of Italian artists of the XVI-XVII centuries.

The walls are decorated with 80 paintings on subjects from Ancient Greek myths and literary sources.

In the hall are the works of Spanish artists of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

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