Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2017


- When we look at the words of Scripture,

they are the words that were written or recited

by human beings, by prophets and apostles,

but they're also the exact words

that God wanted recited or written.

In fact, if you look in the book of Hebrews,

it will cite the same passage from Psalm 95,

and one time it will say, well, David said this,

and then another time it will say,

the Holy Spirit said this, right?

Both true, dual authorship, concurrent authorship.

And as the words of God, God is a truth-teller.

It's impossible for Him to lie.

He is one who tells complete truth.

So in everything that the Scriptures seek to affirm,

they are completely truthful.

At the same time we acknowledge this,

we acknowledge that if you were to put

side by side Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,

you would find these surface level incongruities that

to the superficial reader say, well, what's going on here?

Is this two people here, was there one person here?

Did this happen this way?

Did this this happen this way?

And I would argue that these are the same kind

of surface-level incongruities that

we would expect in any historical retelling

of an incident by different eyewitnesses.

Every kind of eyewitness account is going

to have summarizing, partial reporting.

It's going to have paraphrasing.

It's going to have rearranging

of the material chronologically,

and that's exactly what we find

in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

In the first generation after the New Testament,

there was a gentleman named Papias.

And Papias, one of the things that he said,

he tells us that the Gospel of Mark

was Mark writing down what Peter preached.

And so the gospel of Mark,

Mark was not a follower of Jesus

during his earthly ministry, but he followed Peter,

and Papias tells us, he accurately wrote down everything

that Peter said, but not in chronological order.

This is significant.

The earliest generation after the Gospels

recognized the gospels are not intended

to be presented in chronological order.

So, if we as modern readers just assume,

well, these are in chronological order,

and then we find things in different order,

Oh, this is a mistake, what's going on?

We're asking something that

the inspired authors never intended to give us.

So, for example, maybe you look at the temptation narrative

in Luke 4 versus the temptation narrative in Matthew 4.

Same three temptations offered, but in Matthew 4,

the last temptation is on a high mountain.

Luke, the final temptation is on the pinnacle of the temple.

If we could fly back through a time machine

and have raw video footage, which one was it?

I don't know,

but I know in choosing those two different presentations,

there's probably an emphasis that Luke is trying to make

and that Matthew's trying to make.

In Matthew's gospel,

it's striking how many times mountains are a motif,

Jesus's the sermon on the mount, Matthew 5-7.

The gospel ends with Jesus being on a high mountain

and saying, "Go make disciples of all nations,"

and so, possibly tracking with that motif,

we have this final temptation on the mountain,

Matthew lining that up with this mountain motif he uses,

or, if you read Luke and Acts, it's possibly

fitting in with some emphasis that Luke has

on what is the relevance of the temple,

in light of the New Covenant fulfillment

that's taken place in Jesus,

that he makes the temple temptation the final one.

Again, the point is neither Gospel is claiming

chronological specificity for the reporting,

and so, we as modern readers,

shouldn't ask and demand something of the text

that the inspired author is not intending to give.

An example I've given to my students in the past

is a historical example from my own life.

A while back, my wife's mini-van gave out

in the Walgreen's parking lot, so the battery died.

So, I got a call, I drove over my Corolla,

and gave the keys to my wife,

and she took the three kids and her.

They went home and I stayed with the mini-van

while the battery repair guy came and changed the battery.

Now, in talking about that the next day,

I could say, I could write an email and say,

"My wife's mini-van broke in the parking lot,"

or in talking to someone, I could just say,

"Yeah, I'm sorry I couldn't make the meeting,

"my car broke down yesterday."

Or to someone else you say,

"Why was your wife driving your Corolla?"

"Oh, her car broke down."

So, someone looking at this hundreds of years later

could say, well, this, you know,

clearly, someone is being deceptive.

Does his wife have a mini-van or does his wife have a car?

Or is it his car 'cause one time he said it was his car,

one time he said it was her car,

another time he said it was her mini-van.

Now, we realize, in colloquial English usage,

a car can describe any vehicle that a family would drive,

broadly referring to a mini-van,

an SUV, a Sedan, or whatever.

We also recognize that in terms

of the marriage, the family that I have,

what's mine is hers, what's hers is mine.

In fact, my name is on the title of the mini-van.

So, technically it is my mini-van,

but she drives it all the time,

so is it her mini-van or is it my mini-van?

So, these are the kinds of things where,

when you actually look into the details of it,

it makes good sense and there's no deception.

It's just a partial reporting or there's a different

emphasis in the way that something is being retold.

And really, we find the very same thing in the Gospels.

For example, the genealogy of Matthew

versus the genealogy in Luke.

So, if you look in Matthew 1 and you look at Luke 3,

you can sort of line the names up,

especially beginning with Joseph

and going back the generations right after that,

you can write them down

and you'll see there are differences.

Why is this?

Well, this is something that was discussed

by many Christians in the earliest years,

and Eusebius, a famous church historian,

who wrote in the early 300s,

he talks about various different views,

and then he seems to favor the views

of a gentleman named Julius Africanus.

Julius Africanus was born in 160 AD roughly,

and Julius Africanus cites testimony even earlier of people

who've gone to the land of Israel,

or the Holy Land, and have had conversations,

had actual interviews with the physical descendants

of Jesus's half brothers and sisters.

So, these are, you know, the gospels speak

of Jesus's half brothers and sisters,

and people actually talked

to their children and their grandchildren,

and according to Julius Africanus,

the reason for the discrepancy is because

in the lineage of Joseph, there was a Levirate marriage,

and if you read the Old Testament,

it seems somewhat of a strange regulation to us,

but if a brother died,

the other brother would marry the widow, but the offspring

would be considered the offspring of his brother,

so there's a legal lineage,

and then there's a biological lineage,

and Julius Africanus tells us that the reason

for the discrepancies in these genealogies

is that one of them follows the legal lineage

and one of them follows the biological lineage.

So, we notice in this discussion,

number one, it's the kind of thing that

we would expect from the complexity of life.

Life is complex in modern and ancient times,

and we're not surprised that on the surface level,

we have these discrepancies which further study clarifies.

Secondly, we don't find ancient Christians just saying,

oh, well, you know, don't ask about it, who knows, you know,

but there's an actual, well, here are three possibilities,

and each of the possibilities submits itself

to the reliability and authority of Scripture,

and so, we need to follow that example, I think,

when we're looking at these discrepancies.

What I would encourage a modern reader to do

who has questions is just to be honest and real about it,

and say, hey, these are the things

that I'm trying to figure out.

Pray about it, study the text carefully,

ask questions of a trusted source,

you know, the faculty here at Southern Seminary,

we're eager to be a resource to people,

if people, sometimes I get random emails

and questions from people about stuff,

and I can direct them places, but I would just say,

don't be afraid to ask honest questions,

and to seek help in answering those if you need it,

and remember that God is a loving heavenly Father,

who is not trying to trick you or hide things from you,

but who hears when you call to Him,

and has given us a reliable and trustworthy Word,

a reliable and trustworthy account

of how He's revealed Himself in history

preeminently in the sending of His Son

to live a perfect life and to die for us.


- [Narrator] Thanks for watching Honest Answers.

You can submit your questions by email,

Twitter, or in the comments section below.

And don't forget to subscribe to find out

the answer to next Wednesday's question.


For more infomation >> Does the Bible have errors or contradictions? - Duration: 9:30.


Эльза НАКРИЧАЛА на Барби😈Эльза и Барби ВРАГИ😱мультик для девочек🌸 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Эльза НАКРИЧАЛА на Барби😈Эльза и Барби ВРАГИ😱мультик для девочек🌸 - Duration: 3:21.


My Japanese husband's Starbucks Drive-thru Challenge! [Eng-Sub] - Duration: 7:15.

Look how it is!

It's really cute!

Are we getting off?

There's a Starbucks.

We're all the way in El Paso and we're still going to Starbucks.

You miss Seattle!

It's nice to go somewhere familiar though.

You want to go through the Drive-thru?

Are you going to try ordering?

We are in the very west part of Texas in El Paso.

We're just passing by

but it is so hot!

We're getting very thirsty!

So we're about to go to Starbucks and get something to drink.

But we're going to actually do something fun. でも、ちょっと楽しいことをします。

We're going to go through the drive-thru, because you guys love that!

but today, Osaru-san is going to order for us!

Alright, Osaru-san! Are you ready?

This is going to be hard!

You better not do a bunch of customizing.

That's no fun! そんなの楽しくないじゃん!

Like the Grasshopper.

You got it though!

If they know what a Grasshopper is.

If not, I have to explain it right?

A tall coffee frappucino.

That's all. それだけ。

Yes, tall please.

What are you going to get?

Midnight Mint Mocha (日本にはまだない😢)

But isn't this too easy?

Is this okay?

I should change it up a bit.

Chai frappucino.

I don't like chai.

It's not for you. It's for me! おさるさんのじゃなくて、私のだから!

You should say the size first.

Because they write the order on the cups

so if you say the size first

the barista can start writing.

We're in Mexico! (no, we're actually in Texas)

It's raining so hard!

The rain drops are humongous!

Starbucks Drive-thru!

Oh crap, oh crap it's our turn already!

This is just the menu. You're okay.

This is just the menu?

The rain is going to make it harder for you to hear them.

He's never done the drive-thru. ドライブスルーは初めて。

It's his first time ordering at the drive-thru.

but he orders in the store all the time.

I hope I get a Japanese-speaking barista.

Like we did last time?

I'm Bryce. Nice to meet you.

Bryce! Where are you?

Osaru-san needs you right now!

He's in Japan now.

I'm going to live in Tokyo starting in August.

Alright, here we go!

Hi, welcome to Starbucks. こんにちは。スターバックスへようこそ。

What can I get for you today? 今日は何にしますか?

A tall midnight mint mocha?

What else for you? 他には何か?




Are we good?

You gotta say thank you.

I forgot to say please!

Is it okay if I go?

You were panicking!

I have no idea what he was saying!

Wow, I panicked!

You're used to ordering the midnight mint mocha.

So that part went smoothly.

It's important to get used to the phrases.

I almost ran into him!

We gotta calm down!

and you should roll up the window!

It's soaking wet!

$9.09 (合ってましたか?? )

When I don't know how much it is I just give them clearly more.

If you get the first number that should be good enough.

I should have said on the monitor.

So I keep accumulating change.

What's this about?

He was taking the next order!

Those were harsh conditions.

We used the drive-thru because it was raining

But you should only use the drive-thru when it's nice out.

And Subway, you have to go at 4PM, right?

You should come when they're not busy.

It's 4PM by the way.

So Starbucks drive-thru only on sunny days.

The sound of the rain doesn't help...

Today was a bit tough. I don't blame you for panicking.

I got my chai frappucino!

I'm going to have a sip.

Your new pants!

These are water-resistant.

It repels water really strongly.

You wore the right pants! ズボンのチョイス正しかったね!

That was close!

The powder all fell out.

So what did you think?

Drive-thru's are

not fun.

I can't understand what they're saying.

What was he saying?

First, he asked you if you wanted it hot or cold.

You asked for a tall soy chai tea latte

so he was asking if you wanted it hot or iced.

hot or cold? ホットかアイスか?

I should have just said frappucino.

But that was about it.

But I didn't understand a single word he said.

A tall midnight and a tall chai?


I have no idea what he was saying!

Ordering inside is probably better.

I think so.

But it was a nice challenge, right?


I guess when it's raining, it'd be better to go through the drive-thru.

He says, as he wipes all the rain off.

You should roll up the window.

It's soaking wet!

Don't forget to close the window!

And you gotta wear water-resistant pants.

Alright, guys!

A big like for Osaru-san! おさるさんにいいねを!

He got me the drink that I wanted! 欲しかったドリンクをゲットしてくれました!

Osaru-san got his Midnight Mint Mocha!

Oooh, the chai is nice and strong!

This is the best chai frappucino I've ever had! 今まで飲んだ中で一番美味しい!

Probably because Osaru-san got it for me!

It's gotta be that.

Alright guys, thank you so much for watching. 見てくれてありがとう!

Osaru-san tried the drive-thru

despite how difficult it is!

Alright guys! We'll see again soon! では、また近いうちに会いましょう!

For more infomation >> My Japanese husband's Starbucks Drive-thru Challenge! [Eng-Sub] - Duration: 7:15.


Learn Colors For Kids Children Baby Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:10:09.

"Let's go on a bus ride!"

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish All through the town

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' Move on back Move on back

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' All through the town

The people on the bus go up and down Up and down Up and down

The people on the bus go up and down All through the town

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep All through the town

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' Whaa whaa whaa Whaa whaa whaa

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' All through the town

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' Shh, shh, shh Shh, shh, shh

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' All through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

"That was such a fun ride, wasn't it?"

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, And the doctor said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

One little monkey jumping on the bed He fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

Put those monkeys right to bed

For more infomation >> Learn Colors For Kids Children Baby Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:10:09.


Kid Police nerf war Giant Pig Attack - Police vs Power Rangers Chase Thief Joker - Duration: 12:34.

Police baby nerf gun war vs giant pig rescue Elsa

For more infomation >> Kid Police nerf war Giant Pig Attack - Police vs Power Rangers Chase Thief Joker - Duration: 12:34.


நடிக்கும் போது கர்பமான தமிழ் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> நடிக்கும் போது கர்பமான தமிழ் நடிகைகள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 2:04.


Yamaha z125 modified "50HP" from Casper Racing Greece | Dyno Test - Duration: 2:15.

Yamaha z125 modified "50HP" from Casper Racing Greece | Dyno Test

For more infomation >> Yamaha z125 modified "50HP" from Casper Racing Greece | Dyno Test - Duration: 2:15.


5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Sofia the First Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children Kids Toddlers - Duration: 3:31.

Five little Princesses jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped her head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more Princesses jumping on the bed!"

Four little Princesses jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped her head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more Princesses jumping on the bed!"

Three little Princesses jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped her head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more Princesses jumping on the bed!"

Two little Princesses jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped her head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more Princesses jumping on the bed!"

One little Princes jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more Princesses jumping on the bed,

Put those ladies back to the bed!"

For more infomation >> 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Sofia the First Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children Kids Toddlers - Duration: 3:31.


Drawing Spiderman Head How to Draw Spiderman Coloring Book Fun Painting Colors for Kids to Learn - Duration: 11:59.

For more infomation >> Drawing Spiderman Head How to Draw Spiderman Coloring Book Fun Painting Colors for Kids to Learn - Duration: 11:59.


Are You Having Fun as an Entrepreneur? - Duration: 3:17.

- We just finished recording an interview

with Jason Lemkin who writes for SaaStr.

He does SaaStr Annual and SaaStr co-selling space

out in San Francisco, tons of things,

10s of millions of dollars in revenue.

And at the end of our interview, I asked him,

Are you having fun?

Is all this fun?

Right, because he's the type of guy that

could have retired years ago, probably six, seven,

maybe even 10 years ago.

He sold two companies for over 100 million dollars total.

And his answer was super interesting.

He said that it's not fun almost 100% of the time.

He said that he doesn't approach entrepreneurship

as a fun activity.

He approaches entrepreneurship as problem solving,

which is interesting, right.

If you're going and you're working with

those sorts of numbers and you're building a business

like all of us are on this channel, it's important

to approach it from that point of view

because entrepreneurship isn't fun most of the time.

When I was living out in Wichita, which you can see

if you go back like six, seven months on these videos,

my eyes are basically dead.

I've got bags under 'em.

I look extremely tired.

And that's because the company was going

super up and down.

We were losing clients.

We were gaining clients.

We barely had enough money every single month,

like we were missing salaries.

Luckily we didn't miss anybody on our team's

monthly payment.

It was just mostly me and Robert

postponing our own payments.

But that's some heavy stuff to go through

as an entrepreneur.

If you watched the video we did at the end of last year,

we were at the cusp of failing.

We were something like 20 grand in the hole.

We needed $20,000 to keep operating

at the end of December.

And luckily we got a Hail Mary and we made it.

But those are the sorts of ups and downs

that tear into you.

If you live them every single day, they'll destroy you.

That's why I asked Jason Lemkin that question.

I was trying to grapple, you know, why

does he keep doing it.

Because it seemed like he was still struggling

with new issues.

His investment fund was crushing it.

They'd made something like 70 million in investments.

They've got the good ROI and everything.

Then immediately he goes out and he founds SaaStr Annual,

which is a yearly conference out in San Francisco.

It's amazing, by the way.

I went about two years ago.

A lot of great founders, a lot of great people out there.

But it just seems like a crazy amount

of stress to put yourself under.

It's just something I'm trying to wrap my head around

because even after you get success, right,

after you get to a point where you're not

worried about money...

Like at Experiment 27, knock on wood,

we're not really hurting for cash right now.

We're making our salaries consistently.

Everything's going pretty well.

And so, as you notice, I'm more well rested than normal.

I'm happier than normal.

I'd say I'm having fun.

But then the bigger question becomes what's next, right.

As an agency, you can either keep growing.

You can be a million dollar agency, two million,

three million, four million, five million,

just keep expanding, 20 million, 30 million.

You can start new projects like Jason did.

Or you can go do something completely different.

Let me know in the comments why do you do what you do.

Do you have fun most of the time with your agency?

Is there a bigger goal?

Is it freedom?

Is it supporting your family?

Why are you working on what you're working on?

Leave it down in the comments.

Would love to hear what you have to say.

If you found this video valuable, be sure to like it

to encourage this type of content.

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For more infomation >> Are You Having Fun as an Entrepreneur? - Duration: 3:17.


Tướng Trương Giang Long Tiết lộ tin chấn động trước Hội nghị TW6 về lý do bị thanh trừng? - Duration: 14:06.

For more infomation >> Tướng Trương Giang Long Tiết lộ tin chấn động trước Hội nghị TW6 về lý do bị thanh trừng? - Duration: 14:06.


new - Duration: 33:11.

Subtitles by the community

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'집밥' 백종원, 일취월장 남상미 요리 실력에 "가르칠게 없네" - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> '집밥' 백종원, 일취월장 남상미 요리 실력에 "가르칠게 없네" - Duration: 1:38.


Nude Pink Gel Polish - Brand New - Naio Products - Duration: 10:28.

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KDKA-TV Morning Forecast (10/4) - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> KDKA-TV Morning Forecast (10/4) - Duration: 2:58.


Brotherly Love: Man & Teen Become 'Bald Brothers' - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Brotherly Love: Man & Teen Become 'Bald Brothers' - Duration: 2:22.


Top 5: The World's Tallest Timber Buildings | The B1M - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Top 5: The World's Tallest Timber Buildings | The B1M - Duration: 5:05.


Видеоигры тогда и сейчас - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Видеоигры тогда и сейчас - Duration: 2:11.


মুসলিম পরিচিতির দাবিতে বাংলাদেশের ভোটার হবার দাবি VOYANOK RAAT - Duration: 2:04.

ছুটির পর ছুটি নিয়ে যাচ্ছে বিচার পতি VOYANOK RAAT

For more infomation >> মুসলিম পরিচিতির দাবিতে বাংলাদেশের ভোটার হবার দাবি VOYANOK RAAT - Duration: 2:04.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...



USS Ronald Reagan has docked in Hong Kong.

The deployment of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, along with the earlier show of force

involving B-1B Lancer bombers off the North Korean coast, is expected to draw a strong

backlash from Pyongyang.

According to the Ministry of National Defense, the USS Ronald Reagan strike group will conduct

naval drills off the peninsula in late October.

Though exact details are classified, 4 destroyers and 2 submarines for the drills could accompany

the nuclear-powered warship.

Sources claim that the US is considering taking the most daring step against Kim.

Pentagon bosses could send the strike force into the territorial waters of North Korea,

reports state.

US warships could cross the so-called Northern Limit Line (NLL) – the maritime border separating

the North and South established at the end of the Korean War.



So, let us get into the details.

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is the 9th United States Navy Nimitz-class super carrier and

is named after Ronald W. Reagan, former president of the United States.

The ship was launched in 2001, and was commissioned on 12 July 2003.

In October 2015, Ronald Reagan replaced the USS George Washington as the flagship of Carrier

Strike Group Five, the only forward-based carrier strike group home-ported at Yokosuka,

Japan, as part of the United States Seventh Fleet.

USS Ronald Regan being a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, was designed to be improvements on

previous U.S. aircraft carriers, in particular the Enterprise and Forrestal-class.

All 10 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers including USS Ronald Regan were constructed between

1968 and 2006 at Newport News Shipbuilding Company, Virginia, in the largest dry-dock

in the western hemisphere.

These are some of the largest vessels constructed.

USS Ronald Regan has a displacement of 100000 tones, and overall length of 332.8 m (1,092 feet).

To give viewers a perspective, it is about 3 football fields long.

USS Ronald Regan is powered by two A4W nuclear reactors, kept in separate compartments.

These power 4 propeller shafts and can produce a maximum speed of over 30 knots or 56 km/h.

As a result of the use of nuclear power, the ship is capable of operating continuously

for over 20 years without refueling, and is predicted to have a service life of over 50


Practically it has unlimited range & endurance.

It must be noted that North Korea doesn't posses any warship close to the stature of

USS Ronald Regan and none of North Korean vessels are nuclear powered.

The angled flight decks of USS Ronald Regan use

a CATOBAR arrangement to operate aircraft, with steam catapults and arrestor wires for

launch and recovery.

As well as speeding up flight deck operations, this allows for a much wider variety of aircraft

than with the STOVL arrangement used on smaller carriers.

It carries a flight group of more than 60 aircraft, including F-18 jet fighters.

These are twin-engine, supersonic, all-weather carrier-capable 4th generation multirole fighter


They have a payload of 7700 kg (17000 lbs), and can carry ground attack weapons as well

as air-to-air missiles.

The versatility of the aircraft can be gauged from the fact that on the first day of Operation

Desert Storm, two F 18, each carrying four 2,000 lb. bombs, shot down two Iraqi Migs

and then proceeded to deliver their bombs on target.

The overwhelming majority of Pyongyang's air fleet is made up of 1950s and 1960s vintage

machines, which even includes Chinese derivatives of very old fighters like Mig 17 and Mig 19.

The MiG-29 is the Korean People's Army Air Force's (KPAF) most modern fighter and it

operates approximately 40 of these.

The actual availability of these will be much less as North Korean has very little access

to spare parts and other maintenance infrastructure due to sanctions.

Hence, the flotilla of aircrafts onboard USS Ronald Regan has more than enough firepower

to mount a credible offensive against any North Korean misadventure.

Nimitz class possesses multitude of different radars including electronically scanned array

3D radars.

It is equipped with 16 to 24 RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles.

RIM-7 Sea Sparrow is a US ship-borne short-range anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapon system,

primarily intended for defense against anti-ship missiles.

Its range is 19 km.

Close in weapon (CIWS) duties are performed by Phalanx, & RIM-116 Rolling Airframe missile.

Phalanx CIWS has a 4500 /min rate of fire.

RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missiles have speed in excess of 2 Mach.

The other countermeasures the ship uses are 4 Sippican SRBOC (super rapid bloom off-board

chaff) six-barrel MK36 decoy launchers, which deploy infrared Flare and chaff to disrupt

the sensors of incoming missiles; a Surface Ship Torpedo Defense System (SSTDS); and an

AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo countermeasures system.

The carriers also use AN/SLQ-32(V) Radar jamming and deception systems to detect and disrupt

hostile radar signals in addition to the electronic warfare capabilities of some of the aircraft

on board like the EA-18G Growlers.

It must be noted that USS Ronald Regan doesn't move alone but is deployed along with other


A typical Strike Group may include, in addition to the aircraft carrier; 1 or 2 guided missile

destroyers that are used primarily for anti-aircraft warfare and anti-submarine warfare, as well

as 1 or 2 attack submarines for seeking out and destroying hostile surface ships and submarines.

The tension surrounding the peninsula has been escalating with aggressive rhetoric between

the U.S. and North Korea: U.S. President Donald Trump said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

and his regime "won't be around much longer," while the North's Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho

responded that such words were a "clear declaration of war" and his country will exercise self-defense,

including the right to shoot down U.S. strategic bombers even if they don't fly into the country's


Besides the carrier strike group, an Aegis destroyer will conduct a separate drill off

the peninsula with the South Korean Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force from

the end of this month to early next month, according to the US Ministry of Defense.

It remains to be seen how the situation pans out.



31 Jahre jung: So schön feierte die Katze ihren Geburtstag - Duration: 1:44.

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Dockers Presents: How To G...

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Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-VISION (Rijklaar / Automaat / Design Pack) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-VISION (Rijklaar / Automaat / Design Pack) - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-VISION (Rijklaar / Automaat / Design Pack) - Duration: 0:54.


Catch the mother of all news t...

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My Talking Tom - Achievements Quest Vol. 2 - Duration: 2:19.

Hey, why are you looking at me like that?

You think I'm crazy or something?

No no no!

Okay-okay. Let me explain. I'm only trying to get the Happy Feet achievement.

Tap you Tom's feet no less than 100 times!

Just a few more and yes! Got it!

No no no!

Those are some happy feet!

Hey achievement questers. Are you ready for another pack of great achievements?

Alrighty, let's dive in!

As everyone knows, playing with your Tom can make him smelly and dirty

and nobody likes those pesky flies hanging around.

The Well groomed achievement is just the answer

you need to keep your Tom spring fresh!

Head over to the bathroom and wash and rinse your Tom

thirty times to get this achievement!

You'll be left with one squeaky clean cat!

Nice! Now that you're all cleaned up, it's time to get dressed.

What better way to pick an awesome outfit

than questing after the Well dressed achievement?

To get this one you'll need to try on at least 20 different items of clothing

or costumes from your Tom's wardrobe.

Mix and match whatever you want and let your imagination run wild!

Become anything from a dragon to an airman.


Wow! Oh!

Go see the world in order to run the Continental achievement.

You'll have to visit at least one country on every continent.

If you run out of travel tickets, and you don't want to wait another 12 hours to get an extra one

diamonds can speed things up.

Do you know what Tom is most famous for?

It's talking or better said repeating.

Achievement quest!

In order to earn the cool Copy-cat achievement

you'll have to make your Tom repeat after you 30 times.

Go on, strike up a conversation!

Go on, strike up a conversation!

After the Copy-cat achievement you're then primed and almost halfway to the next one.

To get the Chatter box Achievement all you have to do

is make your Tom repeat after you 100 times.

My favourite achievement.

It sounds tough, but keep at it, and this achievement will be in the bag in no time.

Wow, what an awesome quest that was!

Be sure to like, comment and subscribe

and check back soon for more My Talking Tom updates,

news and another achievement quest!

For more infomation >> My Talking Tom - Achievements Quest Vol. 2 - Duration: 2:19.


WOT cz - SU-100 - M - 6 - 2445 HP - 1130 XP - Opatství - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> WOT cz - SU-100 - M - 6 - 2445 HP - 1130 XP - Opatství - Duration: 13:17.


BMW 7 Serie 730dA xDrive High Executive M Sport | Exklusivleder | M-Pakket | Innovation Pack | Execu - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 7 Serie 730dA xDrive High Executive M Sport | Exklusivleder | M-Pakket | Innovation Pack | Execu - Duration: 1:01.


WOT cz - ST vz 39 - M - 5 - 914 HP - 822 XP - Siegfriedova linie - Duration: 6:45.

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HSN | Gifts for Her 10.04.2017 - 04 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Gifts for Her 10.04.2017 - 04 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.



USS Ronald Reagan has docked in Hong Kong.

The deployment of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, along with the earlier show of force

involving B-1B Lancer bombers off the North Korean coast, is expected to draw a strong

backlash from Pyongyang.

According to the Ministry of National Defense, the USS Ronald Reagan strike group will conduct

naval drills off the peninsula in late October.

Though exact details are classified, 4 destroyers and 2 submarines for the drills could accompany

the nuclear-powered warship.

Sources claim that the US is considering taking the most daring step against Kim.

Pentagon bosses could send the strike force into the territorial waters of North Korea,

reports state.

US warships could cross the so-called Northern Limit Line (NLL) – the maritime border separating

the North and South established at the end of the Korean War.



So, let us get into the details.

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is the 9th United States Navy Nimitz-class super carrier and

is named after Ronald W. Reagan, former president of the United States.

The ship was launched in 2001, and was commissioned on 12 July 2003.

In October 2015, Ronald Reagan replaced the USS George Washington as the flagship of Carrier

Strike Group Five, the only forward-based carrier strike group home-ported at Yokosuka,

Japan, as part of the United States Seventh Fleet.

USS Ronald Regan being a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, was designed to be improvements on

previous U.S. aircraft carriers, in particular the Enterprise and Forrestal-class.

All 10 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers including USS Ronald Regan were constructed between

1968 and 2006 at Newport News Shipbuilding Company, Virginia, in the largest dry-dock

in the western hemisphere.

These are some of the largest vessels constructed.

USS Ronald Regan has a displacement of 100000 tones, and overall length of 332.8 m (1,092 feet).

To give viewers a perspective, it is about 3 football fields long.

USS Ronald Regan is powered by two A4W nuclear reactors, kept in separate compartments.

These power 4 propeller shafts and can produce a maximum speed of over 30 knots or 56 km/h.

As a result of the use of nuclear power, the ship is capable of operating continuously

for over 20 years without refueling, and is predicted to have a service life of over 50


Practically it has unlimited range & endurance.

It must be noted that North Korea doesn't posses any warship close to the stature of

USS Ronald Regan and none of North Korean vessels are nuclear powered.

The angled flight decks of USS Ronald Regan use

a CATOBAR arrangement to operate aircraft, with steam catapults and arrestor wires for

launch and recovery.

As well as speeding up flight deck operations, this allows for a much wider variety of aircraft

than with the STOVL arrangement used on smaller carriers.

It carries a flight group of more than 60 aircraft, including F-18 jet fighters.

These are twin-engine, supersonic, all-weather carrier-capable 4th generation multirole fighter


They have a payload of 7700 kg (17000 lbs), and can carry ground attack weapons as well

as air-to-air missiles.

The versatility of the aircraft can be gauged from the fact that on the first day of Operation

Desert Storm, two F 18, each carrying four 2,000 lb. bombs, shot down two Iraqi Migs

and then proceeded to deliver their bombs on target.

The overwhelming majority of Pyongyang's air fleet is made up of 1950s and 1960s vintage

machines, which even includes Chinese derivatives of very old fighters like Mig 17 and Mig 19.

The MiG-29 is the Korean People's Army Air Force's (KPAF) most modern fighter and it

operates approximately 40 of these.

The actual availability of these will be much less as North Korean has very little access

to spare parts and other maintenance infrastructure due to sanctions.

Hence, the flotilla of aircrafts onboard USS Ronald Regan has more than enough firepower

to mount a credible offensive against any North Korean misadventure.

Nimitz class possesses multitude of different radars including electronically scanned array

3D radars.

It is equipped with 16 to 24 RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles.

RIM-7 Sea Sparrow is a US ship-borne short-range anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapon system,

primarily intended for defense against anti-ship missiles.

Its range is 19 km.

Close in weapon (CIWS) duties are performed by Phalanx, & RIM-116 Rolling Airframe missile.

Phalanx CIWS has a 4500 /min rate of fire.

RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missiles have speed in excess of 2 Mach.

The other countermeasures the ship uses are 4 Sippican SRBOC (super rapid bloom off-board

chaff) six-barrel MK36 decoy launchers, which deploy infrared Flare and chaff to disrupt

the sensors of incoming missiles; a Surface Ship Torpedo Defense System (SSTDS); and an

AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo countermeasures system.

The carriers also use AN/SLQ-32(V) Radar jamming and deception systems to detect and disrupt

hostile radar signals in addition to the electronic warfare capabilities of some of the aircraft

on board like the EA-18G Growlers.

It must be noted that USS Ronald Regan doesn't move alone but is deployed along with other


A typical Strike Group may include, in addition to the aircraft carrier; 1 or 2 guided missile

destroyers that are used primarily for anti-aircraft warfare and anti-submarine warfare, as well

as 1 or 2 attack submarines for seeking out and destroying hostile surface ships and submarines.

The tension surrounding the peninsula has been escalating with aggressive rhetoric between

the U.S. and North Korea: U.S. President Donald Trump said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

and his regime "won't be around much longer," while the North's Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho

responded that such words were a "clear declaration of war" and his country will exercise self-defense,

including the right to shoot down U.S. strategic bombers even if they don't fly into the country's


Besides the carrier strike group, an Aegis destroyer will conduct a separate drill off

the peninsula with the South Korean Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force from

the end of this month to early next month, according to the US Ministry of Defense.

It remains to be seen how the situation pans out.



Replica Le Iene 2017 seconda puntata del 3 ottobre su VideoMediaset - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Replica Le Iene 2017 seconda puntata del 3 ottobre su VideoMediaset - Duration: 3:49.


Audi A4 Avant 2.0TFSI 190PK -5972 - Duration: 0:59.

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Audi A1 1.4 TFSI AMBITION PRO LINE BUSINESS - Duration: 0:57.

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For more infomation >> TOP 5 (BEST 2D) Intro Template 2017 | FREE DOWNLOAD + MUSIC NAMES | BEST 2D INTROS - Duration: 1:19.


Kun je zelf bubbeltjes in een drankje stoppen? - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Kun je zelf bubbeltjes in een drankje stoppen? - Duration: 5:24.


ステーキは食べた+インスタライブ[日韓カップルVLOG] 스테이크 먹고 인스타 라이브중 [한일커플] - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> ステーキは食べた+インスタライブ[日韓カップルVLOG] 스테이크 먹고 인스타 라이브중 [한일커플] - Duration: 5:15.


11 essential fatty acids & food to find it - Duration: 18:47.

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For more infomation >> 11 essential fatty acids & food to find it - Duration: 18:47.


How to Fix android touch screen not working solution - Duration: 0:58.

You Are Watcing Pro Technologies Channel

You Are Watcing Pro Technologies Channel

For more infomation >> How to Fix android touch screen not working solution - Duration: 0:58.


Nfl Owner Issues Threat To Any Player On His Team Who Dares To Kneel During The Anthem - Duration: 3:18.

Nfl Owner Issues Threat To Any Player On His Team Who Dares To Kneel During The Anthem

Although the NFL players might be the faces of the sport, in the end, the team owners

have a lot of power over what the players can and cannot do.

And now the Dallas Cowboy's owner Jerry Jones is asserting his power by banning all

of his players from protesting the national anthem.

As other teams allow their high-paid players to take knees during the national anthem and

slander the people who fight for freedom in the American military, Jones is taking a stand.

He doesn't want players to do that on the Cowboys because the team stands for patriotism

and wants all players to honor that American tradition.

While other NFL owners take a soft approach to the protesting of the national anthem,

Jones put his fist down on it.

If any players take a knee during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner, he will fire

them immediately.

Meanwhile, the players are whining about this disciplinary action.

They do not think the owners should fire them for protesting the national anthem.

Seattle Seahawks receiver Doug Baldwin said that NFL owners "have told their players

to do specific things or to not do specific things… regarding the national anthem and

the protests."

Baldwin thought the threat that Jones made was "egregious."

While he got his message across, Baldwin was not done hitting back against the NFL owners

who punished their players for not standing during the anthem.

"The one quote that I was informed of was, 'You're going to stand on the line with

your hand on your heart and you're going to sing the National Anthem because this is

my stage,'" Baldwin said.

While this statement has not been confirmed that it is about Jones, speculation is leaning

in that direction.

Through the last NFL season and to this day, Jones has been a vocal critic of the national

anthem protest calling it a disappointment.

"we strongly, strongly support the flag in every way we support – and it's almost

ridiculous to be saying – the people that for generations and generations that have

given it all up so that we can get out on television."

Jones also wanted to keep the NFL a patriotic forum for Americans.

He added:

"And I'm for it being used in every way we can to support the great, great contributors

in our society.

And that's people that have supported America, the flag, and there's no reason to not go

all out there.

And for anybody to use parts of that visibility to do otherwise is really disappointing."

Jones isn't just setting an example for his team, he is speaking to America.

And the Cowboy's head coach Jason Garrett is following his team's owner's lead.

"There's no question in my mind.

The national anthem is sacred.

Our flag is sacred.

And our team has demonstrated that," he told reporters gathered at Cowboys training

camp in Oxnard, Calif.

Last year Garrett said a compatible thing:

"We're so fortunate to live in the country that we live in.

It's a great tradition.

It's a great song.

In a lot of cases it can become an emotional situation for all of us.

You think about all the people who have fought for our country and allowed us to raise that

flag as proudly as we do, to live in the greatest land in the world.

It's a special moment for all of us.

We want to make sure we handle it the right way."

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