(Singing) I know my God has made the way for
me. I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Today on the Believer's Voice of
Victory, Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons explain
the two methods of wealth redistribution that will take
place in these end times. Now, let's join Gloria.
GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's
Voice of Victory broadcast. We're talking about
victory. GEORGE: Amen, amen. GLORIA: Pastor George is with
us, and he's got some wonderful things on prosperity. Now, if
you're not interested in increase, well, go take a nap.
But we're going to--we like increase. GEORGE: (Laughs) Take
a nap. I do. I so enjoy increase. GLORIA: Oh, I do, too.
I'm enjoying this. GEORGE: And I'm so thankful for what you and
Kenneth have brought to the Body of Christ for 50 years, 50 years
of ministry. That's--that is--that's not only astounding,
that's supernatural-- GLORIA: It is. GEORGE: --in a time like
this. And you're debt free. GLORIA: And we're still here.
GEORGE: Still here, debt free, ministry debt free. GLORIA: Yes,
amen. GEORGE: And, you know, the same anointing that's on us for
supernatural debt freedom and for wealth transfer, that's
available to every partner-- GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE:
--with Kenneth Copeland Ministries. GLORIA: That's
right. GEORGE: That's--hey, let me tell you something. This is
very interesting. I'll just--I'll add this in here,
that as we've been studying this supernatural wealth transfer, I
believe that the revelation of it as we talk about it every
day, because faith comes by hearing-- GLORIA: That's right.
GEORGE: --and hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, I
believe that's growing in the people that are watching us.
GLORIA: Amen. You know it is. GEORGE: Now, you can get these
notes absolutely free. They're available to you, kcm.org. We
have all of our notes that we have ever done together. The
almost 300 notes, which by the time this airs, there will be
300 of our notes available to you. There's no excuse for you
not to prosper. Gloria, we've been talking
about supernatural wealth transfer. And
just before we went on the air, you and I
looked at the foundational scripture together, which is
Proverbs 13:22. Take a look at that in your Bible because you
just read something to me on the notes that you have on the side.
GLORIA: Yeah, yeah. GEORGE: And the scripture is, "A good man
leaves an inheritance to his children's children, and the
wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." GLORIA: Praise
God. Now, what'd I read to you? GEORGE: Yeah, you read the
little note that you had right beside that scripture. What was
that note? GLORIA: "Do not confess, 'It's laid up another
day.'" GEORGE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. GLORIA: "The wealth of the
sinner is laid up today." GEORGE: Today? GLORIA: Yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah. GEORGE: I like that, Gloria. GLORIA: That's it.
GEORGE: I like that. GLORIA: "The wealth of the sinner comes
to me now," today. GEORGE: Today. GLORIA: Today is the day
of salvation. GEORGE: Today's the day. Yes, it is. GLORIA:
Hallelujah. GEORGE: Today is the day. GLORIA: Amen, amen, amen.
GEORGE: I like that, Gloria. Read it one more time. I want to
get that. GLORIA: "Do not confess, 'It's laid up another
day.'" GEORGE: Another day. GLORIA: "The wealth of the
sinner comes to me now." It's coming now. GEORGE: Yeah.
GLORIA: We don't have to put it off for another day. GEORGE: No,
we don't. GLORIA: Today is the day of salvation. GEORGE: Today
is the day. Today's the day of salvation. GLORIA: Hallelujah.
GEORGE: Today's the day of supernatural wealth transfer.
GLORIA: Today's the day of blessing. GEORGE: That's right.
GLORIA: Glory to God. GEORGE: Well, Gloria, you and I have
been reading together this wonderful word of the Lord that
Charles Capps gave in 1978. GLORIA: Oh, it was marvelous,
yes. GEORGE: And we've been reading it for 40 years. GLORIA:
Uh-huh. And we believe it. GEORGE: And we believe it. We
believe it. And if you've never heard it before, if this is your
first time, you need to hear this again. And let's go through
this. I'll go through it quickly because I want to get down to
this bottom part. We haven't read that part-- GLORIA: Okay.
GEORGE: --since we started a week ago, Monday. GLORIA: 1978,
he gave this word. GEORGE: 1978, "Financial inversion shall
increase in these days. For, you see, it is My desire--" this is
the Lord "--My desire to move in the realm of your financial
prosperity." GLORIA: Oh, yes. GEORGE: "But release Me--" and
you do that by faith. Says the Lord, "Release Me that I may
come in your behalf and move on your behalf." GLORIA: Mm-hmm.
That's right. GEORGE: "For, yes, there shall be in this hour
financial distress here and there. The economy shall go up
and it shall go down. But those that learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour
in a way that has not been seen by men in day's past." GLORIA:
Praise, that's a great Word. GEORGE: That's going to be a
supernatural work that we've not seen before. GLORIA: I'm sure.
GEORGE: "Yes, there's coming a financial inversion in the
world's system. It's been held in reservoirs of wicked men for
days on end, but the end is nigh. Those reservoirs shall be
tapped and shall be drained into the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It
shall be done--" saith the Lord. "It shall be done in a time
allotted so that it shall be that the Word of the Lord shall
come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the
just." And what you just read from your Bible, you said that
it's not for tomorrow, it's for today. GLORIA: That's right.
It's for now. GEORGE: Don't confess tomorrow. You confess--
GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: -- "I receive wealth transfer today."
Say it. GLORIA: I receive wealth transfer today. GEORGE: I
receive my-- GLORIA: And tomorrow and the next. GEORGE:
And tomorrow and the next day, and the next day. GLORIA: Yes.
As long as I'm in this earth, I receive it. GEORGE: So the Lord
said, "It shall come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is
laid up for the just. Predominantly, in two ways shall
it be done in this hour." Here's the first way: "Those who have
hoarded up and stored because of the inspiration of the evil one,
and held the money from the Gospel, shall be converted and
drawn into the kingdom." GLORIA: Yes. GEORGE: That's one way.
GLORIA: That would be for their good. GEORGE: That would be for
their good. Now, the second way it says, "But many, many will
not. They'll not heed the voice of the Word of God. They'll turn
aside to this and they'll turn to that. And they'll walk in
their own ways. But their ways will not work in this hour. It
will dwindle and it will slip away as though it were bags with
holes in them." GLORIA: Hmm. GEORGE: "It will go here, it
will go there, and they'll wonder why it is not working
now. And they'll say, 'It worked in day's past.'" So we're
looking today, Gloria, at these two ways of wealth transfer. And
if you go--go to your second page. We'll look at two ways.
We'll look at the two ways of the wealth transfer. On page
two, we have, first of all, from Luke 19--and I have your
scripture written down here, but we have the conversion of
Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a tax collector, and the tax
collectors of those days were despised. GLORIA: They were not
popular. GEORGE: They--no, they were not popular at all. And we
read here this very interesting account of Zacchaeus. Now, there
are some people. There are some people who are in the world who
will be converted. And we will see finances coming into the
Gospel through these people who, at one moment, were going one
direction-- GLORIA: Yes, that's true. GEORGE: --and another
moment after they received Jesus as their Lord, they're going in
an entirely different-- GLORIA: A new creation-- GEORGE: --a new
creation in Christ. GLORIA: --with a new future. GEORGE:
Yeah. GLORIA: Glory to God. GEORGE: And that's really what
happened to Zacchaeus. And let me read down through this.
"Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there
by the name of Zacchaeus; he was the chief tax collector and he
was wealthy." He was wealthy. "He wanted to see who Jesus was,
but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. So
he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him,
since Jesus was coming that way." He was fascinated with
Jesus. He was looking at him as a personality. GLORIA: He was
drawn. GEORGE: He was drawn to him. That's exactly right. He
was drawn to him for any number of reasons that people who are
notable--and Jesus was notable in His day. It talks about His
fame being spread abroad. So Zacchaeus wanted to see. He was
intrigued by this man, "Who is this man?" So he climbed up that
tree so that he could see Jesus. And it says here, "to see him."
He did not expect to visit with Him. He didn't expect to have an
audience. GLORIA: He didn't expect Jesus to see him. GEORGE:
No, he didn't. (Laughing) He sure didn't. GLORIA: Uh-huh.
GEORGE: So in Verses 5 and 6, "When Jesus reached the spot, he
looked up and he said to him, 'Zacchaeus, come down
immediately. I must stay at your house today.' So he came down at
once and welcomed him gladly." So here now, Jesus is with this
despised tax collector. And in Verses 7 and 8--and that's part
B in number four over in your note--Verses 7 and 8, "All the
people saw this and began to mutter, 'He has gone to be the
guest of a sinner.'" GLORIA: Oh, shame, shame. GEORGE: Shame,
shame, shame. You know, Gloria, this is-- GLORIA: Judging,
judging, judging. GEORGE: I'll share something interesting with
you. GLORIA: Okay. GEORGE: It was in the year--the
actual--December 31st, 1999, I received a call--well, I'll back
up. I received a call about a month before the end of 1999
from Ruth Rooks, Oral Roberts' secretary. And she said to
me--she said, "Pastor George?" She said, "Brother Roberts has
been traveling commercial by himself to go speak in different
places. He gets to Dallas-Fort Worth and he keeps getting lost.
He can't connect to his gate." And she said to me, "Could
you--" And before she had a chance to utter another word, I
said, "Absolutely." GLORIA: What an honor. GEORGE: And so for 14
times, I met Oral Roberts. This was before 9/11. I met Oral
Roberts at the gate, and I would take him to the admirals club.
And we could have a private room together. GLORIA: Praise God.
GEORGE: And we would spend in excess of an hour to two hours.
GLORIA: You got some good, good stuff. GEORGE: One day, we spend
four hours because his flight got postponed and-- GLORIA: And
you were happy. GEORGE: I was a happy camper. And he was telling
me--he was telling me about the time that he was reaching out to
Jerry Lewis, to minister to him, Jerry Lewis the comedian. When I
was a student at ORU, Oral Roberts invited Jerry Lewis to
come and to produce and direct one of his specials. He used to
do those one-hour prime-time specials. And so Jerry Lewis
came to the campus of Oral Roberts University. He spoke in
a chapel. He taught a class on film making. Terri was in that
class. I had the opportunity to meet him by myself. I was
standing at the stage door of the Mabee Center, waiting for
Terri. And it was raining, so I had an umbrella. I was going to
walk her back up to campus. And from around the corner came
Jerry Lewis, and we stood there and we talked with each other.
And at that time, his wife was saved. And she was there on the
campus. Anyway, I was talking to Oral Roberts about Jerry Lewis
when I would meet him at the airport. One time, I said, "Tell
me about Jerry Lewis. Why did you have Jerry Lewis come to the
Oral Roberts University Campus?" He said, "George, I wanted to
minister to him." GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: "I wanted to reach
him. I wanted to pray for him." And I trust that Jerry Lewis is
in heaven today. GLORIA: I believe that, you know? GEORGE:
But I--the reason I said all of that is because the people began
to mutter and say, "He's the guest. He's the guest of a
sinner." Well, people probably complain about Oral Roberts
spending time with Jerry Lewis, but he was trying to get the
Gospel to him. GLORIA: Yeah, of course. GEORGE: That's what
Jesus was doing with Zacchaeus. GLORIA: Yeah, that's right.
GEORGE: He's gone to be the guest of a sinner. GLORIA:
That's a good point. GEORGE: "But Zacchaeus stood up and said
to the Lord, 'Lord--look, Lord!'" He said, "'Here and now
I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated
anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount."
And, "Jesus said to him, 'Today salvation has come to this
house.'" GLORIA: Now, that proves that he was reaching out
and he was hungry and he was ready. GEORGE: Yes, he was. Yes,
he was. GLORIA: So the Lord was there for him. GEORGE: The Lord
was there for him. And I'm just--I'm imagining the
conversation that Jesus must have had with Zacchaeus, because
you can really tell what conversation Jesus had with him
because he stood up and said, "Here and now I give half my
possessions to the poor." Jesus must have talked to him about
the poor. He must have talked to him about-- GLORIA: But--or
whatever He talked to him about made him want to do something.
GEORGE: Yes, it did. Yes, it did. It caused him to take
action. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: It caused him to do something. And
this is a perfect description of the conversion of the wicked--
GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: --to the kingdom of God. And Zacchaeus--I
would think--and Jesus said--in Verses 9 and 10, "Jesus said to
him, 'Today salvation has come to this house, because this man,
too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and
to save the lost.'" GLORIA: And Jesus took him in. GEORGE: He
took him in. He took him in. GLORIA: He took him in. He had
mercy on him. GEORGE: And he didn't do it. He didn't--
GLORIA: He'll take anybody that'll come to him. GEORGE: Oh,
he will. GLORIA: The worst reprobate. GEORGE: He will. He
will take the worst-- GLORIA: I mean, I've spent time with
people in death row who--some people had killed a number of
people, some of the girls there I spent time with in the cells.
GEORGE: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. GLORIA: And Jesus--He had me go
there. He cared about those girls. GEORGE: And you were able
to minister Jesus to them. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: And their
lives were changed. GLORIA: It's--and that's what--that's
the picture of what happened here with Zacchaeus. He didn't
have any good deeds to say, "Look, Lord, I deserve this.
Hey, hey." But he gave his heart to the Lord, and the Lord was--I
would say my definition would be the Lord received him gladly.
GEORGE: He received him gladly. GLORIA: Glory to God. GEORGE:
And his life was changed and he turned around and he started
giving to the poor. I just sense right now is a good time to lead
people to Jesus. Can we do that? GLORIA: Yes. GEORGE: Can we do
that? If you-- GLORIA: You know, some people have--really, they
may have had a despicable life before. GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA:
And they think, "Well, I'm not worthy of that." Well, Jesus is
the only one that can make us worthy of it-- GEORGE: That's
right. GLORIA: --of salvation. GEORGE: That's right. GLORIA: Do
that, George. GEORGE: Okay. GLORIA: Thank You, Father.
GEORGE: If you've never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your
life, now is the time-- GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: --and now
is the moment for you. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. GEORGE: Jesus is
visiting you. GLORIA: Hallelujah. GEORGE: You may be
sitting there all by yourself. GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: You
may be sitting there just worried over your finances and
worried over your family and your life. GLORIA: Yes. GEORGE:
Today is the day of salvation. Salvation has come into your
home. GLORIA: Thinking maybe about suicide. GEORGE: That's
true. If that's you, if you've been thinking about suicide,
don't do that. Don't do it! GLORIA: No, don't. GEORGE: Jesus
is here to deliver you. He is-- GLORIA: Don't take your life.
Give your life. GEORGE: That's right. GLORIA: And get life
back. GEORGE: Oh, Gloria, that's so good. GLORIA: Hallelujah.
GEORGE: Don't take your life. GLORIA: No, no. GEORGE: Don't
take your life today. Give your life. GLORIA: That's right.
GEORGE: Give your life to Jesus-- GLORIA: Praise God.
GEORGE: --and watch Him change your entire being. GLORIA: Yes,
Jesus. GEORGE: I want--I want you to say this after me, and
Gloria will say this after me as well. Say, "Heavenly Father--"
(Gloria Repeats) "--I thank You for my Lord, Jesus. Jesus, come
into my heart. Fill my life with Your Holy Spirit. Do something
special with me. And I thank You for it today in Jesus' name.
Amen." Amen, amen. GLORIA: Amen. If you did that today--if you
did that today, that would thrill George and me so much--
GEORGE: Yes, yes, yes. GLORIA: --to hear about it. GEORGE:
That's right. And we have a book for them. There's a book that
you and Kenneth wrote called, "He Did It all for You." We want
to send this to you absolutely free-- GLORIA: Yes. GEORGE:
--the address there, or you can go online. And then also, a
couple of things here, "How to Study Your Bible"-- GLORIA:
That's important. GEORGE: -- "Reading Through the New
Testaments and Psalms in a year" "--and Proverbs." And then we
have a wealth of material here at Kenneth Copeland Ministries.
You--order the package that we have today. It's absolutely free
and it will change your life. God so loves you. He so loved
you that He gave His only begotten Son so that He could
have you in the family. GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: Praise God,
Gloria. GLORIA: Amen. Hallelujah. GEORGE: So that--I
am so glad we did that. I'm so glad we took the time to do
that. GLORIA: Yes. GEORGE: And that's exactly what happened
with Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus' life was turned around. And when He
was turned around, it's exactly what Charles Capps said in that
word. There are some people that are going to be converted in
these end times. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: Wealthy people are going
to be converted, and they're going to turn their lives over
to Jesus. And all of a sudden, you are going to see an influx
of finances into the kingdom of God-- GLORIA: Yes, amen. GEORGE:
--into ministries. Like I talked about the other day, that man
that came to Oral Roberts, and the racetrack owner that gave a
million dollars, and there are other examples of people who
have done that over the years. Well, that's available. Now,
let's look. We have just five minutes here. Let's look
at--we're on page two, and look at point C. We're talking about
a man here who did not do that, who did--who was not converted.
And this is a rich man's wealth that was transferred. And in
Verse 13 of Luke 12, it says, "And one of the company said to
Jesus, Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the
inheritance with me. And he said unto him, Man, who made me a
judge or a divider over you?" And in Verse 15, it says, "And
he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for
a man's life consists not of the abundance of things in which he
possesses." Gloria, I heard Kenneth say this one time, he
said, "For man's life--" He read this scripture. He said, "For a
man's life consists not in the abundance of things in which he
possesses," but in the abundance of things that he gives. GLORIA:
That's good. GEORGE: That's a Brother Copeland quote. GLORIA:
Mm-hmm, that sounds like him. GEORGE: "And he spoke a parable
unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth
plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What
shall I do, because I have no room to bestow my fruits? And he
said, Here's what I'll do: I'm going to pull down my barns, and
I'll build bigger barns; and there I'll bestow all my fruits
and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have much
goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and
be merry," instead of saying, "I've got all of this extra. I
could bless the kingdom. I could bless people," but he's just
thinking about himself. GLORIA: You know, if he'd have become a
sower right there, at that point-- GEORGE: Yeah. GLORIA:
--he might have saved his life. GEORGE: He might have saved his
life. GLORIA: I feel that he would have. GEORGE: And that's
what happened to him, Gloria. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: His life
was actually cut short. It said, "But God said to him, You fool,
this night your soul shall be required of you: then whose
shall those things be, which you have provided? So is he that
lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
GLORIA: My, my. GEORGE: And in a New Living--New--NIV
Translation, it says, "Those who will get--then who will get what
you have prepared for yourself?" GLORIA: Uh-huh. GEORGE: That's
the wealth transfer. GLORIA: Yeah, yeah. GEORGE: Psalm 39:6
in the NIV, "He heaps up wealth not knowing who will get it."
GLORIA: That guy had an opportunity for life-- GEORGE:
He did. GLORIA: --and that more abundantly. GEORGE: He did. He
absolutely did. And he was heaping up that wealth and not
knowing who will get it, unlike Zacchaeus who gave
his--Zacchaeus who gave his life to the Lord. This man did not.
And it says, in Isaiah 10:1-3, "Woe to those who make unjust
laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive
the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the
oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing
the fatherless. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when
disaster comes from afar? To whom will you run for your help?
Where will you leave your riches?" GLORIA: "Where will you
leave your riches?" GEORGE: Well, we know where the riches
are going to be left because Proverbs 13:22 says, "The wealth
of the sinner is laid up for the just." GLORIA: Yes. Praise God.
GEORGE: And then here, finally, Jeremiah 17:11, "As the
partridge sits on eggs, and hatches them not; so he that
gets riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of
his--shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his
end shall be a fool." GLORIA: I guess that would be from unjust
gain. GEORGE: Unjust gain. GLORIA: If you--if he gets
riches from unjust gain. GEORGE: So I am claiming--I am claiming
all of the money that has been amassed by the wicked in this
world. I'm calling it into the kingdom of God right now.
GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: Father, in the name of Jesus-- GLORIA:
Thank You, Lord. GEORGE: --we are calling in finances into the
kingdom of God. We're calling in equipment into the kingdom of
God. Even like Jesus, the donkey--He sent His disciples
and said, "The master has need of these things." Well, I'm
saying right now, "The master has need of the wealth of the
wicked in the kingdom of God." And we receive it-- GLORIA:
Thank You, Lord. GEORGE: --right now in Jesus' name. Amen--
GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: --and amen. GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE:
Praise God, Gloria. GLORIA: Hallelujah. GEORGE: Praise God.
GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: What a time. GLORIA: Transfer, wealth
transfer. GEORGE: What a time we are in. And just like you said a
little while ago with the quote that you gave in your Bible, the
wealth transfer--don't confess that it's for tomorrow, it's for
today. I'm confessing it today. GLORIA: That's right, it's ours.
GEORGE: It's mine right now. It's yours
right now. It's yours-- GLORIA: If you're a
sower and a tither-- GEORGE: --right now. GLORIA: --and a
sower and a kingdom man or woman. GEORGE: That's right.
GLORIA: Glory to God. GEORGE: Oh, that's right, Gloria.
GLORIA: If you're not a kingdom man or woman, it would
probably--it might hurt you. But if you know God and you know His
ways, it won't--it'll be a blessing and not a curse.
GEORGE: And I believe before Jesus comes, there'll be an
end-times sweeping of the wicked into the kingdom of God. GLORIA:
Amen. GEORGE: Amen? GLORIA: Hallelujah. We're out of time,
George. GEORGE: Okay, Gloria. GLORIA: We'll see you--
GEORGE: It's been good. GLORIA: --in just a moment.
ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth
Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.
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