hi I'm Doug with sailing vessel seeker and I am happy we have the boat finished
and in the water not this one this one which pushed us one step closer to
having the big one in the water so if you watched our last video you saw
that we converted her tender into a trifle so we put these sponsons or
outriggers on the hull to widen it out that took care of the stability issues
but we still had some problems that we didn't even know about until we pulled
it back out of water and that is our sponsors had some welding errors and
them and they had taken on about 30 gallons of water be my guest
so our performance might even be a little bit better if we like the amount
of water that we're carrying around with us and that's what this video is about
it's about welding this up how we would have designed the boat a little bit
differently and fixing that up this was on my Oh we'll do it after we're on the
water list but being that this boats taking out so much water through those
seams down there we'll put the hatches in and that would give us access to the
steam so we can weld them up so maybe it'll be class that's really easy you
can see where the world is on the outside this line is the hall record use
that we'll use this one that beer hatch can see fine until that light came on
yeah he's practicing cuz he's gonna weld on his stuff he doesn't practice really
well on my stuff he just goes out there well Zaun twelve teeth per inch both
uh-oh look at these massive rápida
idea that changed the blade I'll just let me play cool down a bit but I'm not
gonna weld on it I use an old candle and get that around and a red Knight blade
the cross a candle that keeps a little I'm sticking to that blade so badly yeah
I can see daylight throat yeah well there's our leek was actually not
actually the patch but part of the scene and we would have taken a lot of work
with that should be pretty easy fix from inside here you're not gonna do that
okay have a look there is a nice weld and you ask yourself well how many times
does Chris actually welded and to tell you the truth this is his first time
he's been here he's welded a little bit and that's it and that works so I mean
the guys like Peters ela they'll get into welding and let see all the little
bits and pieces and that stuff's important at times but it's not
important for starting out just go out get yourself a simple wire feed welder
or even a stick welder and start doing it don't be scared off by all the stuff
you hear it's not that tough
down just one blow whoa okay so you know we could just put it in like this and
see yeah bottom still needs to be bent out a little bit it may mays be unbent
or bent more sorry okay that looks good right there we push it like that
back over in there until it's just cool yeah I'm you know one pass and another
and the other cuz I know that I don't trust and how about back in here how
long this is like three passes in there yeah oh yeah the camera camera scope
yeah it's a mirror okay yes you guys there was a big hole in
there when before I started okay so it looks like it's still there to me yeah
I'm trying to fill it in Berndt stuck a piece of grass up from underneath yeah
well that's much better thank you
foam gasket material with this peel-off tape on it and this is the good stuff we
got this from Craig McDonald the Spokane packing this is not the junk they sell
at Home Depot and there was a wide piece so I sliced it down so it's going to
make a nice big fat gasket for these things you know the question always
comes up when your friend has a big pimple or blackhead do you tell them or
not you know it's just I don't know what you're looking at I gotta say you
something again I'm back to using my walker razors because I found them
probably having a big project you never know where you left but damn things
laying and if you don't want to spend a lot of money these work just great
they're cheap but they're at Harbor Freight but the beautiful thing about
these is I can hear myself talking really loud because when you shut down
the noise they open up a microphone and I can hear the doorbell ring I hear the
cellphone ring I can hear the dog barking across the street you know so
you got a volume control I have it too loud and nice piece of technology or an
I spent yesterday shopping for plumbing parts and stainless nuts-and-bolts
Amazon's came to speaking the devil is part now I thought I'd find some more of
this solder on butt joint connectors but I got the wrong thing these are crimp on
but they have heat shrink around them so that's what you don't want these are the
ones you want they have a little bit of solder right in the middle of them so
look for that and you get the right thing and the heater came in so we'll
give this a try to make sure that we're not telling you something that's been in
work no I just went just on and off well I can see why work is a lot slower
takes about 60 seconds but yeah that does a really nice job yeah
no burning through so for letting new guys do it or you don't want to make
sure that's done right I think the heat gun is the way to go yeah that didn't
burn anything like the torch did so take your pick the torch or the heat gun yeah
it's a good connection don't do that why it's still warm you will pull it apart I
know no one underneath here metal there it looks worse than it is
today we're trying to finish up the tinder today and this is the first we
had the boat hanging from her lift points one in the front one in the back
those would be the lift points to get her up on to the davits deck a lot
easier working on her when she's hanging like that
and I haven't used this trick in a while but but I warned my controllers up I put
plugs on them and that lets me plug in an extension cord with the ground on it
and I can control the crane from being a long way away from it the the guy I
bought the cranes from I asked him how long are the leads to the controllers he
says sixteen feet I said is that all he says have you ever operated acclaim
before you don't even further away than 16 feet I don't think he imagined we
were gonna be picking up a piece of steel that's 80 feet long but these
things were wonderful
okay this one is backwards I got the ring I got the wires in the extension
the winds not doing my welding any favors but what I was thinking of doing
is just building up a bead along here and leave it don't grind it flush so it
just gives us a little extra protection when we come up and lean this boat
against a rock
take a while but I think it's gonna be worth the extra strength there when the
boat comes up on shore especially it leans over this is where it lands so you
know what it might be a good idea I put a round bar in there the next time we'll
make sure we're water fight this time see that's a pretty well there and she's
got these little dips in it out here on the edge I don't think those are too bad
they're not really cold but when the wind blows my gas boy boy it burns
through so we're going okay this is just it comes off the side of the boat
rolling down that way would you like some tea I think I've boiled enough
water here for it zip line yeah they got a little bit of
water look in the hole there I can hear it boiling as I move down I decided
we're just gonna well the bead all the way down this a few times here's the
Mexicans drink that was where we hit the edge when we fitted it over on the rocks
a little bit of a rolling yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna so we're gonna grind it off
I'm just gonna smooth it down the best I can like that but come back and put like
three on we might be best put up these are rod down it would you like to stop
and I would have our lunch on this stuff
very much well I thought about a piece of small angle iron
yeah then lay it right over there and then just weld the top in the bottom
yeah accent describe you order back in there do we get all this corrosion not
if you get both ends and both seams Dino all the way down yeah yeah that'll give
you a good stump pitch and you know we really don't have to well at the same
time get water put the angle on it just put spots on it hold there's a little
dream too but it's right yeah yeah that'd be a good idea I just I had will
hit a rock first tear it open
hmmm that gets hot I like the idea of having around Barra here right just
don't have any right now around or not just something to take some bumps come
on wind
okay that's two passes down it and I'll do
hurry three or four and one underneath so are you five all together there are
some myths that are just hard to kill well the one that I keep hearing is
aluminum welding is hard to do aluminum welding is not hard to do it's no harder
than any other MIG in fact in some cases it's actually easier than other MIG
processes it's depending on where you are and what position you're in
overheads kind of tough the rest of it it's not hard that's about as bad as it
gets couple of holes along there or the yellow marks go to weld it on that and
then the whole damn scene about 12 inches there just snap yeah if i weld it
up again it's probably gonna snap again and it's back in the engine compartment
well the weather's nice they'll be better day it just has to be a better
day well good morning to you let me show you
what I think happened here it's really obvious where the brake is it's it just
split open for about 12 inches all the way down the side of this weld it
actually looks like it ripped open of the plate but I don't think something
that was another well that was in there because it's not like aluminum of the
brake and the roof material is more likely for the brake in the world so I
think all the welding we did out here on this side to give it reinforcement
contracted it pulled and put too much strain right in there and so after I
welded that it cooled and the whole thing pop I was only running a bead
across this to fix a couple of holes there and there but I ran a full beat
the whole design of this I would do differently so here's what we got going
on there so the bottom of the side of the boat and then it comes up and
there's where the foam is and then we added on this piece here that see well
it goes down like this and then it has a plate that comes down along this side so
I reinforced all the welds out here going down the thing you're looking at
you know like a cross-section but the problem is up in here what we should
have done is we should have cut this piece off because it was just as the
bulwark plate coming down and we should have come in like like that and that
would have given me a nice place that I could put a well but what right now what
I have is I have a well back in here and you just can't get the gun back into
that location so this would have been the best thing to do here well next time
well there's the fix is if three passes through there already what I did is I
had to turn the welder down because I stir it off I'm doing it really badly I
got crap in here but I'm gonna give it more cover passes and build it up and I
think we'll get it and broken yet I don't think it will I think it's already
pulled across so I don't think I think the stress is already out of it so we'll
see that's odd because I haven't turned out welder down forever I've always run
it on 2260 amps and I turned it down to 245 and it's laying a much smaller
lighter B but it's still in spray transfer that's the whole thing I got
and turned it down to 240 in it it was doing short are short arc is when the
wire comes out and it touches against the metal and it shorts literally and
then burns back spray transfers when the arc actually leaps off the the base
metal and vaporizes the wire in air and then it goes into a puddle that's more
that's the only way to weld with a MIG just get it to spray transfer so but I'm
all right there on the edge and it's doing nice because the bottom plate on
this thing it's only eighth inch thick under on this outrigger this quarter
inch thick on the main hole and I forgot about that so I had it up on my full
setting right through it
well I am so glad I found that lower setting with this thing turn the wire
speed down a lot too but man you got a lot more control when you're going that
slow it's more like TIG I've been kind of thinking about getting another TIG
written well not now okay I just got to point out something cool than what
happens here watch the orange glow after the art goes away see that going across
the boat that's the carbon burning off really neat yeah she's looking more like
the Bota on vision you know when I when I first thought about this boat I went
to San Francisco I was looking at boats in the harbor there you don't go and
look at the yachts you go and look at the fishing crew ok the fishing fleet
they're the guys that use their boats every day at all weather and they had
this aluminum dinghy that was welded together it's just flat plates and it
had been obviously had been throwing it over the the transom with their nets and
dragging it back on with a chain it was just beat the snot of it everywhere
around that that little Dean had patches you know welded onto like this they look
like that so I think I got it I can work with the fishing crew I'm in
good so there's what we ended up with and look at that I could really lay down
a really nice bead even if that slow speed learn something new well I like a
day when I learn something new
gotta tell patron about that first guys here's the deal we're getting to the
expensive part of the boat and we're not just building a boat for cruising around
we're building a research vessel there's a lot of money and hydraulics that's
kind of stuff in here become a patreon if you can if you're if you're a patron
here's the way it works if you're gonna just give us one dollar and you don't
have other patrons other channels you support through patreon it's not really
a good deal because they take 30 cents from the bank you know to process the
credit card so we only see 70 cents of your dollar every month right so if you
want to do that I don't mind just sending me 50 cents hell I didn't you
know I'll take anything but do you're better off writing a check once a year
and sending it to us we get the whole deal even if you're you know if you want
to dodge the the value-added tax thing and the EU - that's a good way of doing
it just got to get my address I'll put it in in the description here
send us a check we appreciate it where you just started I just talked to a
lawyer again this morning we're starting our 501 seat processing which means
that's their nonprofit so once this boats done we handed over to SB seeker
foundation we're a non-profit so if you want to give us something big yeah you
can in the future get a tax deduction from it but most things are small we
actually prefer to have you know a lot of people giving a little bit rather
than a few people giving a lot because when you have a few people giving a lot
you kind of have to answer to those people so it doesn't take any of the
freedom of creativity away from us I'm gonna stay in full control of what we
produce and so there it is so if you can and you're supporting other patrons a
dollar I mean if you can't afford a dollar a month for your a dozen channels
that you like then okay get your phone two feet on the ground firmly and work
hard for yourself there's lots of money out there in the world you can make it
I've done it so it can be done - and so it's great well you've done it why do
you need to get donations from us that's kind of what this business is is we make
videos and you pay for them and we run a free non-profit research vessel and you
pay for is how you get to participate if it offends you in any way I'm sorry you
have the right to be offended go if you if you give $10 or 5 or 10 see it
doesn't it's not as big of a cut so it's still only about 30 cents for the
processing fee so we see 9 dollars and 70 cents of that so if you can please
support us on patreon we haven't been asking for money a lot but we haven't
been in the expensive part of the boat and my income from my retirement and the
youtubes things have been keeping up with it now it's not keeping up with us
what I'm doing is I'm selling stock and I'm digging into that at that Kitty and
I prefer they have that Kitty intact as much as I can because if we run into
somebody's boat we got to fix their boat that's kind of my insurance policy there
if we get in serious trouble with this book do some serious damage to it that's
my insurance policy there so we're trying to hold on to that how are we
going to stop making videos there if everybody or air stop building the boat
if everything you know collapsed and we had no I got plenty of stock to finish
this boat so there's our financial situation and a blurb okay thank you
appreciate your support
fill her up again ah not quite done oh hell I didn't even try this one all
about it can't expect it to stop leaking if you don't even try to patch it and
they're a huge one back here it's almost six got a little drip right here at the
back yeah well that's coming from you know what that crack goes all the way
down so that's what it is just have to run the whole damn seam again like
pipelines were different hoods inside that clip in the back of the hood
I'll tell you what I just love phones for all the stuff they do taking
pictures or wills it might be worth going over but my problem is right in
this area that's what the piece of the tape for telling me so up there really
didn't matter so I like the first part of it and I don't I don't like the very
first part of it I like that part of it there and then that goes bad bad up in
here again not really bad but it has gaps move too fast okay that's it I'm
done welding we are not even going to test it we are going to put it in the
water lowering it into the Arkansas River off a seeker and then we'll pull
it out and see if it leaks water if it does we're going to smear some silicone
in there and call it done okay that then worked a little duct tape baling wire
we'll get it this is Jeff from Little Rock Arkansas all right yeah work some
electron microscopes anybody got one these repair
all right I want to thank Stephen Cox for this idea we went to the junkyard
and got a bunch of these you know off the hoods of cars they're sound and heat
insulation off the junkyard
yeah that's looking good yeah I think flying swrod better know and with this
anyone just make this lightning make them flat we can cuz it angles out there
the bottom they don't need to be anything ride this angle here actually
thought you could end this you can be twisted yeah yeah
this one works real good you want a second set the second table like this
that's two that's two marine
so agent just hit the start button there yeah yeah now I look fine
I do think these fly off this is the day for sure this is the day we finished the
tinder okay I've only been saying that for like two
weeks now I think yeah how's our hatches all in and they're getting dogged it
down now these won't be in there most the time but we're gonna put them in now
what we'll do is we'll carry them around up front
those would be storage apartments for us but should we get into bad situation or
see one coming or actually ripped the hall open we can put these things in
place to stop the water from flooding and from the outside send to the hole
the boat and that would be good you know the other thing to remember about this
boat she can actually if you go back and watch one of her earlier videos on it
we've had this whole thing flooded with water even without these these
outriggers here so there's enough foam here to keep wrong afloat and the other
cool thing about our design here is this pipe that comes down that's our column
here is an air intake for the engine so the engine can actually breathe in a run
while all of this is flooded at least we hope that's the case we're not gonna
test that one okay be an interesting day when we test that one but I think you
should work and then forward momentum on the boat allows the water to pour out of
these sub elephant trunks down here so we can clean the whole back up once you
can keep going forward you got a chance cool so the the thing I got to remind
people about this boat it's not a bass boat it's not a speedboat only does 8
miles an hour but it's good for really rough water and conditions where you can
actually flood the boat so that's what she's built for that's the area working
I might kind of fuss on this is you know will be
we'll be looking for wrecks or bile stones or sampling a reef or something
like that but you're in breaking seas or near breaking seas and so you can get
into trouble really quick so we need something that can go slowly up and down
shorelines either towing divers or equipment through the water so that's
what she's built for and she can carry a shit ton of weight which is especially
especially now that we've hadded these outriggers on the forward deck makes a
good place to work on the boat so we got a flat aft deck and a flat forward deck
so she's got two good surfaces and this one you could actually put a people and
equipment up here and the way she sits in the water now she's stable enough
this doesn't Rock yeah we turned her into a trial essentially so that gives
her a lot of stability that was a nice change and this is you know so we can
pull up against a somebody expensive plastic boat if they wanted us to do
some work on them and we can bump into them because all of that is just the
foam underneath the cloth so really ain't have to bother with fenders and a
real man propulsion on a boat its oars it's not an engine anyway now they used
to do it what happened to all the men on the planet you're a marine you're
supposed to say something that they're like cool
the last job is put a nylock nut on that push-pull cable where it attaches to the
reverse gate alright that's gonna work great
okay come on you got to remember where you leave your camera city
all right that's it it is all packaged up and it's gonna sit here until we go
to the river with it which I guess would be the next time it's in the water will
come out and start at the engine but I got to thank not only Jeff here but a
long string of people on this this is like video number 17 or 18 something
like that so much applies to you and everyone else for this just a wonderful
thing to have done so seriously I owe a lot of thank-yous to a lot of people
here and so I've put together a piece of video here at the end that'll show you
everybody that's participated I hope it's everybody enjoy it that would let
that I'd take that belly out a little bit back
yeah the back would stay down so that's the idea approximately 1100 pounds for
crew and cargo on that boat
you are
don't have YouTube channels but those are the main guys that came you know
Stephen Cox yeah because we got our diesel engine running
and this is shot and Lars shouts from Illinois's and Lars from Norway has the
skill quiet on the set this is Peter you may know Peter from my imaginary work
NATO this is Parker Klein said hello Parker it's going well thank you might
be we might be giving suck it into a job from my last game girl and he had a
that'll work nine area oh look at the camera you're fine
I had those there cap screws in metric I got that reassembling the boat
this is Phillip Phillip drove in this morning rode in this morning on his bike
don't pour over that side otherwise there may get unbalanced that is Evan
Taylor Evan hi
we had some problems didn't work hanging out with us we secret to the one hand
Cameron the other YouTube style all the time
back here with Stephen Cox Stephen Cox calm
area 2 playing on just never expected this thing to ride so high in the water
take one of them out earth plug that offs a little thrust washer and maybe an
rolling it kind of looks good on if you're on a boat your name large it
actually hold together tight does we want I said I have the best you do not
you have your way of doing it there's always another way and look at that what
do you do fab
there's your tax tell you about that not that far which way towards me
so thank you and once again please consider becoming a patron of the SV
seeker and soon-to-be SV seeker foundation a non-profit and if you don't
want to do that think about buying some urchin dice from us that was one of a
ghost wouldn't it beautiful mug just in time for the winter season oh it's our
newest mug look dreaming daring okay do it and on the flip side can't drink it
yet yeah and it's a heavyweight 15 ounce
it's ceramic mug with cute little red speckle zoom around in it makes hot
chocolate taste so good mmm you can get it at Amazon or you can find it in our
junk store yeah yeah not only good for coffee but hot chocolate huh soup chili
chili oatmeal yeah all the good cold-weather stuff yes are you guys down
in Australia and don't worry you can still get the old discover mug - oh I
just sucked down the ghost oh my god he disappeared
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