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REAL STAR UPENDRA | Podcast with Sarath Chandra | Watch with subtitles. - Duration: 18:00.upendra: WOW!
Upendra: This short film is about Present. If we live in the present, that itself will take us forward.
Narendra: Nice. Well executed. At this age if you are able to do all this very nice. I'm very impressed. It's not that easy to do that.
Day before yesterday I edited it. There is still some shoot left. I just edited this to show you as I'm coming here.
He made a video earlier.
It was about Prajakeeya. Its really interesting. He understood the concept and explained it perfectly.
I was totally surprised.
Based on this theme we can make something useful.
Something useful for our manifesto.
We can elaborate the manifesto.
In a short way. How long is this video?
This trailer is 2 minutes.
I thought it was more than 2 minutes.
No, it's just 2 minutes. Because a lot of content was there it seems longer.
I tried putting a lot of content in this in less time. because once it's longer people just skip it.
Make a one minute video.
we can explain some points. In our manifesto we may have 15 points in a page
We'll make one video for one point?
No, a group of points. Not more than five.
Five points can be in 30 seconds too
Actually I've written a lot about it.
For the common man. This is a common man's platform.
Yours is a very nice concept.
I have to agree, very well edited.
Next, I have many ideas. I will do the videos. But I wanted to do something on ground zero here.
Recently I did this video on Liquor Policy.
I've sent it to you in whatsapp too.
It is uploaded in your page.
That was in general how the liquor policy should be.
Basically in our state and someplaces. They say they want to abolish Liquor. That doesn't work at all.
If we abolish it, then there will be Mafia and black market.
Yeah true.
So I've added some points and made a video on it.
It was very well received here. many views and comments supporting it. But it is all online. I don't know what effect it will have in reality.
There will be an effect
What I keep saying is, 80% are silent people, only 20% make noise.
But we think, that noise is made by 100% people.
If there are talking about some murder, we think that, actually the whole world is talking about that murder.
We think that everyone are in an agitation. But 80% of them don't care.
They are bothered about something else.
So we don't know about that. We should believe in that 80%.
But, unfortunately those 80% believe in these 20%.
Sarath: No, they do not believe.... they..
Upendra: No, they don't. What happens is Every body is just giving importance to these 20%.
That's why there not getting any options
These 80% are silent
Silent in the sense they don't want to speak.
The theory is people generally say, there are two kinds of people. good and bad.
But, no. there are 3 kinds of people. Good, bad and selfish.
They are like why should speak.
What happens is, 80% people are silent.
20% make noise or chaos.
The other good people in this 20%. They also follow this 20%
Yeah, that was my first statement.
These 80% believe those 20%
Upendra: NO NO..... Narendra: follow the 20%?
No No. I meant people in between them. The good people in 20%.
Even they follow this 20%. they don't go to the 80%
Instead, since they can't make big noise. but they make small noise.
Then people compare these chaos.
And they think that the 20% chaos is better.
In the 80%. No one wants to take the representation.
80% don't know they are the 80%.
Shall I tell you one biggest problem is we always think our life is result oriented. It became about success and failures.
We think like if I get a good job or Life partner I'm successful.
But, living itself is successful. Yesterday night I slept today morning i woke up means, this is the greatest success.
But we don't understand it because
They say "Om shanthi shanthi", you know why?
that is in all mantras (chants).
Shanthi is the ultimate happiness and thrill.
But we consider it like a dull phrase.
We consider shanthi as peace. Like a boring thing.
It should be considered as excitement or happiness.
Happiness should be like a thrill.
Well that is how it is meant to be. like the creation. negative and positive energy.
Narendra: have you seen Matrix movie?
Upendra: Yeah! a great film.
In the film they show that excitement only creates energy.
Have you seen it Sarath?
not created by excitement.
I'll give an example. Have you heard a story told by Rajnikanth?
There was a scientist travelling in a train.
Sarath: Yeah! I heard that. He told that in a speech.
Yeah that one!.. do you know this?
So there was this old scientist in a train. he saw a young scientist reading a bible.
You understand Kannada?... - Yusuf - Little bit, but continue.
Ok. So while he was reading the bible, the old scientist said to him. "Being a scientist why are you reading this bible?"
Science is advancing a lot
And you people read these books like Bible, Quran, Bhagawad gita. How will we progress?
Here is my card. Come to my place tomorrow. I need to talk to you.
And give me your card. I'll reach you.
Then that young guy gave his card. He is Thomas Alva Edison.
The other old scientist was shocked.
He said "I've heard so much about you. I will come to your lab", fixing a time.
When they reached his lab. they opened it and there was a big machine, like a satellite in the lab.
He was shocked. he asked. when did you build this?
Edison was like, No sir, I didn't do it. I opened the door just now and it is there.
The old scientist - "Don't talk silly. tell me how long you took to build this."
Edison - "No Sir, yesterday Night it wasn't there."
Today, I came with you, opened the door, and it is there,
Then the old guy was like why are you saying like this.?
Edison said. "Sir you are a scientist".............
What is it?
Horlicks (flavored milk)
Edison said. "Sir, you are a scientist."
They said about the Big Bang theory. from nowhere this universe was formed in a big bang.
World, stars, solar system and all
When all these can come from nowhere.
Then can't this machine be created like that?
Then he said "If there is a creation, there should be a creator."
God is there.
See, the meaning of that is
From nothing came something.
We don't value "nothing". we only value "something"
That energy we don't value.
You see that wire, if there is a friction then we value it.
But that doesn't mean there is no electricity in the wire.
If you open it you won't know the difference.
But, we don't value the wire. We give value to the the light that was on.
That's what i Meant. When you are in that position, that will lead you.
You accept, then it will lead you. You need not calculate.
Because according to our calculations, can you tell after one hour you'll be in some place?
That itself, we are so unsure.
See how inefficient and helpless we are.
There is a rock lying in our way. The solution is simple, it is just that we need to get up and pick out the rock. We know that. But, the thing is no body is ready to get up.
That's what I'm saying
It's not about ready for it. Nobody is there to getup.
Generally we think that i am ready but he is not ready. We are all looking at that rock and thinking why he is not going? why he is not picking the rock? But even I don't do it.
Yes. That is the exact situation.
That was a good example.
All these assumptions are fine. but first, who will go to pick the rock?
Look there, WE = I + I + I. That is Us.
Yes, I am the third 'i', he may be second, but who's that first one?
I'm the first one to change
When are we releasing the manifesto in the text format?
What format?
The PDF format we did it in.
Yeah, we need to work on it today. We will release it around friday evening. so everyone checks it out in the weekend.
How long are you staying here?
I'll be leaving on monday.
Oh. Monday.
In meantime. I'm willing to contribute my work here.
Yeah yeah, sure. Actually you can help us from where ever you are.
Yeah I'll be doing whatever I can from there.
Yeah yeah.
I didn't expect much but the second video also did great.
Which one? .. oh yeah..
I didn't listen to it properly.
It's fine sir, But you keeping these many people in contact. wow!
That's the reason I'm not texting you too much. Updating you only to content.
Oh hello!
Mr. Basava is an aspirant.
Have you seen or heard about our concept.?
I do know.
Everything counts, what we do, how much we do.
That is the real deal.
Swami Vivekananda said whatever work you do, First the society will disrespect you, then doubt you, only then there will be honor to you.
First insults are to be faced whatever we do.
Sarath - He just said a dialogue from my film.
That's why the result is secondary whether they will disrespect you or honor you. What we do is important.
If we take any successful movement/ beginning/person always there will be an opposition.We need to do our work.
Yeah that is anyway happening.
Yes, we must focus on our work.
So, forget about it(opposition). We(Prajakeeya) want to have a vision about what we have to do. I always ask the contestant what you want to do for the society. They might say i'll do wonders, or this/that .
they need to have a proper planning for that.
They need to study thoroughly in their areas
How much is allocated in the budget, and in that how much is seperated in the particular constituency and for which purposes.
Yeah that is the vision
Education is for knowledge and interest.
Job is for earning, living or achievements. correct?
All of these to happen, there should be an enthusiasm.
That is happiness.
There should be interest.
Then that goes to purity.
It depends on what you want.
Who decides this?
Not parents.
Now a days parents are doing it. They must explain and let the child choose.
Sarath - We must build our destiny.
Parents say that you don't know anything.
The child says "Only I know, you don't"
Sarath - They should have that freedom to speak.
There is a lot of confusion.
There should be clarity
we should consider the kid's interest. and help him follow his interest.
Education should be like exploring his options.
Explore all good things.
They should find themselves what is good and bad. then proceed.
Is this correct?
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Dying Days Campaign, Knights V Astra Militarum, Warhammer 40k batrep - Duration: 55:23.welcome to root stem gaming this is 1650pts, Knights versus guard
so the Imperial Knights are trying to take back sections of the claw report
that has actually been disputed for the past several years in our campaign not
in real life of course oh yeah we did actually over campaign before this one
so actual fact it probably has been going on for a couple of years which I
love the fact but it's actually going on for a couple years to be honest because
it means that all those battles are quite tied together Grange is actually
going to be set up on that side using his astrum it straight a stream of the
tavern there is four objectives on the battlefield were playing the only war
mission so we don't know what objective it is just yet
these might mean nothing bees might mean everything so it's four objectives
dotted about which we actually did before deployment and I'm gonna be
deployed down here we've decided that anything in the blockade as it were is
gonna be in cover so that's just basically what was stated it just makes
it easier so that when we put your figures down we're not all confused as
to what's actually happening I'm not going to have a lot of cover my side and
then after Joe hammer and anvil can be quite punishing one way or the other
let's take you to some armies right and guys this is my little item we've got
1600 playing one thousand six hundred and fifty point game I'm a little shy of
that Grange is actually situated in that apparently and we've got the chicken
walkers there these are both going to be on with the melters Reaper blades and
metal guns on top which and that's what fact now I can see Granger's army which
is going out it's a good thing I've got one would be rapid-fire about what
cannon to every stuber's with the repo chain blade this guy here I'm not
decided which one's going to roll or just yet by the way this guy here is
gonna be is the one with the gatling cannon account that's called thermal
spear offering us a film of a film or cannon and of course it's got a US
patent defense autocannon on top I'll be honest with you I've not really
overnights much so I'm kind of forgetting the terminology and then
we've got this guy here with the storm spear rocket and the thermal cannon
that's just an errant and the course has got a repo Chamblee
all these are good I'm going to put on the screen of course what specials I've
actually got and which one I can't can't decide which one's gonna be royal or but
it will be able to decide before I actually deploy I don't think it's gonna
be the same one that's gonna have the relic but we will see
alright let's take it to Granger's army so this is Granger's 1650 point Astra
military unit using app Canadians and he's gone for help a lot I have your
weapon squads when we break it down for is them free so we're looking at tube
spearheads yeah so we HQ is a psycho alright I say it's primus psycho yeah
and then there is a squad oh sorry yeah go in each one of them there is a squad
of three infantry squads each with lass cannons and melters okay just standard
input you're not a veteran oh nothing just standard just standard infantry and
then in the heavy weapons slot for each one of them yeah is there were three
heavy weapons teams missile launchers missile launchers and art elements yeah
and in the other spearhead we have two roosters one with plasmas on the
sponsons and then last comes to the front yeah one has every bolt is on the
sponsons yeah the other slot is taken up by the Monti car yeah and the last slot
tonight the spearhead is taken up by a demolisher with the last cannon to the
front and a plasma executioner with plasma on the sponsons as well yeah yeah
and the only other thing I've got is in the elite slot I have one with a bullet
pistol okay very very odd how many common
points you're working on that one place one each for the spearhead I'm three
floors in total just have a look I'm rocking about nine to ten because we
just had a look at the errata for the Knights and apparently you've got free
nights as a heavy support choice you get plus six like insane they're not cheap
using one point to give yourself an extra
something Apple to probably an extra relic on there right let's get set up in
Grange and I see what carnage we can do
right okay got some setups I know I keep saying right okay I'm gonna create a
t-shirt army right okay we've got three heavy duty Knights plus an average of
Wargrave down my right flank and an amateur all his own on the left facing
off against the badly painted demolisher
doesn't give me a text back I've not been able to sit there with movie pants
while painting not been interested it's it's very much a gun line it's a lot of
a gun line it's a hell of a gun line to the soul army I did well it's reality
this is a campaign game and the directional things on the campaign was I
was taking a night army regardless and Grange could take whatever army he
wanted to against me so he's basically gone for a crapload of heavy weapon
teams this looking castle in the middle of all because he hasn't got a lot of
life left tenants and he hasn't got a lot of captains he's not gonna be
rolling a hell of a lot hits which might be a good thing I'll be a bad thing it
might also be a good thing right so the most important part of this particular
turn we get the glorious glorious root stem dies out Grange house the orange
set I will hopefully be selling these soon people keep asking for one review
sit down go on and Grange I'll let you off first and some plus do want meter
off first one patient one little s intention when you roll a six it's a
four so I think it's a five and that's a free so gray and you're gonna try it and
well play friend well bright will get will get going oh we need to rope up
mission 4 so that would be a - so it's ancient relic
let me start the first battlefield before first time again drilling this is
like one of the markers we move all over markers and that markers were six
objective points oh saying that the actual mark life leading role is gonna
be the one that's in the center so for all you younger gamers out there this is
a deep for four-sided dice we have objective number three so that means one
is discarded 4 is discarded looks like you're coming at me bro 3 right in the
middle of his lines we're Knights Oh actually yeah and the nice wantem the
Knights need them they have to get hold of that relic I'm gonna be trying I've
got eight command points I'm gonna be needing to use in a hell of a lot of
these right ok first incurring up
so a bit of shimmying forward as you probably expected the Knights running
through guy with the thermal spearmen and into the building trying to get some
cover for possibly can and then this ladder over here he's done a bit of a
run just to try and get within some nasty ranges of these guys over here so
I'm gonna go first with this guy because it's very inaccurate
that's gonna be a I think his D free shots for his firm or spear
that's three shots just a little too good
so it's begins I'll do them over here so they've got more attention in fact I
believe about strength fate with minus four and it's same for the melt organ
which is within twelve so if I'm just going to add an extra shot to that but
the thermal spear I believe is within fifteen so I'll separate little rough
kneading pause we got to a strength of eight versus toughness eight so I'm
gonna need falls again to run point I'm down there now six it's a wound now
that's a minus of four and there's not in cover and I believe it's the six
damage well what would ice and we'll check okay we checked actually I was
within fifteen I rolled to Dyson got a number two so that's doing free damage
but my melt or guns just hit alguns just wounded and it's just done six damage
reducing that tank down to three on the first turn of a game that's not doing
too bad I'm gonna move over now to his bigger cousin here and basically the
bigger cousins gonna try and decimate as much of this as you possibly can
we've already checked range to the thermal he's in range of the autocannon
team so that's what I'm gonna shoot up first the special Gettler is actually in
range of this unit so I'm gonna fire them with that and then the big thing on
top is going to do I try and finish off that tank
I thought Mac ship it'll mean that he's got nothing to charge door which will
really really threaten his lines no make the top cannon is also going to
fire into vamp as well because it does the two damage so the spear start wave
or the thermal weapon is four shots because these are these
six armies I need trees for three hits and then eat too well so the first one
does one damage so that will be another one damage which will kill one of the
stands and then the second one is five damage which will kill the second stack
so the autocannon team is down to one guy left
I'll do the twin autocannon on top at it already she's gonna need force because -
want to hit a round target that's two hits
I need two's and I believe it's a - one or two I think it's a - one but just one
even if it is a minus one it's still gonna have gone so I've managed to kill
off there's no first blood in this so I don't matter I'm just trying to reduce
frets so I need to do the next is the relic
Gathol that's going against this unit here sir I need Freese to hit any six I
get is an extra hit so I'll just put that there because effectively we're
just going to count back to his hitting shadow and now I need to and this I
believe is a minus of 2 and he's not in cover so that's my third I fink one two
three four five six seven eight nine ten - damage apiece that's going to have a
unit down Grange Grange is happy about this he's happy we did well but trying
to bury listen viewers of the interweb he's not telling you what he did to a
poor like call Tolly so when only turns up later on we're
gonna have him recount a horrifying story of only actually killing one of
Granger's figure you didn't kill one a good just configures my plasma gun
exploit sorry so on this side this bad boy here
referral is within range of axe not within 15 of course so and also 18
because that's what the half range is for that but it also the storm spear is
going to fire an event we've already fired the
the heavy Stuber that's going into this unit I managed to kill one so these six
shots for what we got that worth two ones that to us two hits and against
that I am going to strength nine firm or what once so it's gonna be free and I
got one it's a massive - of four but he's
touching terrain and he's 50% obscure from the fire so if he just got a six he
can stop the hit no d6 damage it's got a free three
points of damage and then the storm spear so the storm spear is heavy three
healing freeze or you're all that one so that's two hits strength Freight so it's
gonna need force two wounds it's a - of two grains currently he's on the 2 + r
mr is going to need four point this point decent damage so number six
well don't forget for to command points grinch cannon sliver you're all armored
saves all armor saves on a unit and for a - come on points as well they can
choose to either ear all all hits are all wounds that's due to his campaign
bonuses so not doing too bad he just forget every game and not doing too bad
it's down to three so that's gone the second you and it over bear we're gonna
have that battle can the rapid fire battle cut is going to fire into the
lemon Ross I'm gonna try and finish him off and then the heavy stuber's which
will be women face Accenture inch with six shots then against this missile
launch a team so heavy still this first one missed
should I use the command point to a Brid through we're having a moment bomb that
doesn't matter Oh five warns against a heavy weapon
team five to save cousin Arlene cover
Oh nearly he lost one stunt all right I said that greenzo I wasn't too bad
rapid fire ball cannon 2d6 shots coming into the Lehmann rush that's an average
it's a seven six plus one so any prince
needing pause oh now we'll check to see if he's in cover that it's checked is
50% obscured it's going to be force to save so it's a minus of two he's on two
plus one fail oh you know what I am
stubbornness how I need a five or six now always down to one more left
okay so the thermal spear down here these apps are going to try and finish
off with slimming loss there's no coming from luminous against this guy says D
free shots he's got two in each freeze because he didn't advance
I got one I need a for each dead because he can't save it and it's at least one
damage do you explore good set so a devastating first turn and then I'm
gonna try IED this is gonna be risky I want to try and get this Armiger in a
combat by spending command points to allow it to be able to charge so to
command points for the ability to be able to charge from him to bear Grange
has gone for defensive Gunners so he's going to be able to hit me on
fives all sixes so this is going to be and I believe I even need a 10 or an 11
in fact I need 11 to get in so I am risking this but I need to try and
neutralize any return fire so go on in sir with your fire you first
yep not a mess and then it's D free shots for the demolisher that's gonna be
ah ranges hopes of a command point not cracking there but I do need a six and A
five at least Oh do I come on point and knock me down
the free corn then I mean they've owned a clamp I see my first turn ah damn it's
no problem so I didn't manage to make the charge we'll just at the wrong count
or off so we're going to now go into Granger's turn one and we're just going
to have a little bit of backstory about Granger's asshole in of oh well children
gather around because all these got a story to tell you it's about the story
why you never take a shoot er me that he's actually a close-combat army yes
boys and girls I made the foolish mistake of taking a actual state
building an orc shooting army list comprised of three lots of thirty boys
you had Captain bad rook well children well I managed to deploy first but was
beaten out by grain because you're all the steaks yeah I literally got wipes
off the table in three turns we didn't even go into turn four because I had one
unit of my flash kits were left with their warlord and I had one unit of boys
which had two yeah fourteen boys yeah I had fourteen boys
left and that's the story of children why you
do not take an orc shooty army because they're not very good range is
miraculously marginal grant I've won seikar four inches this way so it's a
little bit more smiting I was going to explain my psychic powers but I'll be
honest with ya their job is to smite stuff they do anything else we're having
a severe word with them um smite ahead then sir right so we are
in the psyche face yeah smite oh he's gonna smite him he is good
yes d3d sorry I lost it won't hey come on point it okay we're gonna
come in with granges tactics yeah that's fine right okay shooting face start with
great disorders he's gonna take him with these guys and I'll have your web team
over there that's gonna fight this Armiger wall blade go ahead sir he's got
three days I believe about toughness 7 strength a and B r1 I don't have any
cover because of course I'm not too sure they've actually touch that to be able
to gain that cover but I didn't so I'm down to a saber fine
and he's saved bounced off the shields
yep just so people are worried jury-rigged this so he's back with
performs the racket yeah so I'll start with ya Stood Still
so I'll be doing great advance yep Oh - oh this is does he need fives on for
green-keyes 5 yes Bob nothing offering and no one scuzzy is
Canadian last gun hates a hit with the last coming no
it's not a walls with Alaska plasma plasma right we're gonna fire every bit
of plasma into that and I'm going to be recharging everything everything radio
so they shot summers executioner yeah v6 apiece and he's rolling two together
because it's causes problem eight shot eight shots and then divinity freezes in
a set on the side that's eight nine ten eleven twelve shots it's gonna be a she
goes through stem in each pause redraws herself a mortal wound and he's hit four
times strength great I got to say I believe us I believe us toughness each
70s please what will question it but nothing absolutely nothing
this is the worst I've seen greens playing a long time right okay what's
the next thing Grinch how many times you tabled me so far in this campaign on
video let's say let's have a bit of a bit of porno revenge
okay yeah right
this team rockets on both missiles into the in cover Omega no problem both mrs.
battle cannon and the last cannon are gonna go into here yep and the plasmas
are also gonna go into here I'm going to rotate iron shields sure you are welcome
and point so that's gonna have a four plus invulnerable save that's fine
so battle can't start with ya we'll be firing ten shots so good job I fuckin
rotary learn children sorry swearing it's rare that family losing subscribers
see house not too bad that isn't too bad that's only three
missus just took mistakes is there any pause see branches there whinging and
just look at that ladies and gentlemen it n pulls off an amazing six wounds
against the night with a single battle cannon and to go through so that's going
to be 2d free damage and that's an almighty five so I'll put five down for
the moment that's taker go on answer that's gonna yep
it's alright that does save cuz I have rotated iron shield so for the rest of
this turn that's now a four-person runner will save one hits
- oh sorry free shots apologist I'm all the charges yeah poor you will go
there's no point not really hit here Tony yeah so lost five wounds out of
that night right so what we're gonna do for speed rolling purposes we've just
done over plasma guns let's say last cannon loves guns and he's done more
damage on anything but we're gonna pull all the last kind as if he's firing once
as a great team so he's got four last comments coming into that damn thing
and he's got a last coming coming into the armor go as well are you doing any
shenanigans come on point shenanigans no no no no
problem dawn answer for last comments he's got
one one to be ball oh my god oh my god Anakin contester these dice they are not
weighted because they did absolute amazing against indignant yeah there we
go oh my god the heavy bolt yeah the heavy bolt is gonna fire into the
Armiger yeah the missiles gonna try and hit this thing okay so everyone's first
yeah we won that's the greatest amount I hit them all the game
Oh minus one so far - DS 86 if this comes up snake night snake eyes all are
you taking off yeah eight I just cut it in where all this suddenly appears cause
we're all in ones fifty-fifty percentage-wise that is
correct certainly strives that's throwing
against the big guy he's gonna need fries because he's a strength attempt
it's got real and it's a minus of 2 for bats else or two plus on my hand I
brought it in time shields on each Falls another wound has got through D free
damage and never free has been taken off taking him down to 15
it is Hawk shroud so he is countess's having 30 rooms for wound purposes
basically I'm just using these are the nights that belong to the Forgotten
Titan Legion is but it's now been cluster destroyed so a very last
remnants and then fuse to go down right so Grange did not have a fantastic turn
on that I'll be completely brutally honest it did not go down very well at
all so yeah too early to come see no no cuz
I want at least half an hour birth video so I'm gonna do Jesus I'm gonna do my
turn and then we'll come back into it in in Knights turn to
right okay this guy's move forward and guys move forward
babe move forward and he's laying behind it around the corner
yeah Granger's convinced that at the end of this turn it's gonna look like a
whitewash so let's convince him it is so I'm gonna
check some ranges to start with some amigos
miss Alma here is going to open fire on that unit
he's going to try and see if it can take it out so first off is how many shots -
shots with the spear - hits because it's an assault weapon and I'm gonna need a
horse I've got one for that's a - of force we can't save it I am within half
range I did declare the melt we're going to go and start as well and I do a
double one no because I've only got two left
so I've knocked it down to three melted on eight misses oh right this is this is
where comeback is I've gone back he's on the comeback is on moving across to the
second Armiger he's gonna fire at the other Lehmann Ross so I'm gonna go to
the standard metal gun first luckily this time it hits move the poor fails to
warm D free shots of - two shots with this thermal one hit no warns right this
is where it's I've got to hit and kill with my stuff this is not looking good
so far so down you main gun at the top is going to fire at this luminous battle
tank or is it yeah it's gonna fire about Lee - battle tank that and the thermal
weapon will fire at Berkeley - battle tank so I'm gonna try and it always
works and they're trying to flip fire so the heavy weapon on tops going to need a
for they got two hits I'm gonna need vibes - wounds I didn't get anything so
so far but lumen loss demolish you has survived right the d6 for thermal speed
of the heavy stubble wood firing it laws d6 with a thermal spear it's five shots
and I think enough died semantics right freeze to hit - this is not looking good
nearly trees one you can't save d6 damage five so that's
five off thanks so far I'm gonna need 14 dice oh it's our sixth one in so it's
three sixes so I got three additional bits so effectively all 14 is here but I
do need fives and sixes types of damages it is on the strength six so this is
where it changes body is to damage a piece and it's minus two so it's on six
ones left Grinch alright here we go come back he's on gum Bucky is on all right
so six every stuber's from bat boy against those guys there five hits three
swing that's for runes you need fives and sixes to save both east and it's
still remaining standing still remaining and then the battle cannon the cost is
going to go into the luminous battle tank it's going to go into this one
that's eight shots mini freeze Wow anything for us - and it's a - of two
one's got through I need a 5 or 6 on the d3 damage no so he's down to one still
not killed it I have still not killed that unit so the thermal spear and the
storm spear thermal whatever kind of it is above every stubbles it's going to go
into the squad in front of him the storm and the mela is now gonna go into this
luminous puzzle tank so so far whatever killed this clear range
you killed once and logic and he's unleashed with everything he's only ever
think so is that so is that yeah sometimes this is what happens okay so
the thermal free shots I'm moving to ring because these are
nice pieces but they don't have shit any prints one needing fries one can't save
because he's not in cover and I am within half range so are the six six
damage to the lumen rust now I've got a storm spear I've got one hit
I got no wounds I have done not much this turn don't get me wrong I've got
some charges that I can actually get off but I have done absolutely nothing
nothing is the best way I put in this this is insane
all right okay excuse me we're gonna get some charges Dom I have Jesus so we're
gonna get some charging done watch off camera so all the nights that will
charge in managed to make it into something he was been asked to trench at
more than one score but on the managed to make it into the missile launcher
team that night over there plowing into those guys
I don't think Greg is gonna attempt to see he's he's got to command points left
and saw right so this thing is then going to try and cleave when I find out
how many attacks he's got my gonna try and split in half and half that thing is
pretty much gonna annihilate that guy and then he's gonna do some stomping so
he's going to spray the tux in two attacks against this guy freeze I've got
one hit strength of 12 so he needs freeze again he's through it's a - of
free range needs a six no it's a dead tank did you exclude knew and then two
attacks against the vehicle both of these hit nearly freeze that's two
because these are straight three damage of peace nor saves on the CV rolls no no
that tank explored no sofa walk levers just piled in and both Liman Russ's and
dumb what should have been done in the shoot
Faye's that was actually some good rules there for myself
yeah so just do that his second and then this guy over here he's gonna do I'm
gonna do the cleave again so it's freeze only two and then twos
yep so he kills the fingers I'm just assuming this guy uses a magic bat and
then he's gonna shimmy up into this squad here and get attacked but it
doesn't mean I can try and neutralize that you make for a tear right I'm gonna
gonna get a book at a dice so we using its Titanic feat for all the pots and
it's free attacks per attack if you're using your feet and eating fries to hit
it's still not the greatest I'll be honest
twos to tell and that's going to be one two three four five seven dead it
doesn't deeply damaged if you do take you every weapon team off when it's a
Sam seven so you're gonna keep the loss coming alive but pulling up a movie
Buster's mum points just to keep it in there right that was a successful charge
round but you do get a chance mr. Grinch to fight back yeah two attacks two
attacks on it any waters I've got I've not bought no dice
yeah and then these guys are gonna be use one of these one of these is a
cursed two plus we're good these guys then can consolidate in and
they're all in and that's gonna be twelve attacks he needs force all my
success three of them Wow we've guys are betting forth on the
arrow shooting he fries though and no woman it's a so far at the end of that
one most adult mush so morale check on that guy what's happening this is gonna
be no problem right so we're gonna grate the Grinch's tend to Grange doesn't
think he's gonna last much longer I also with Granger's dice rolls don't
think he's gonna last much longer I did roll rubbish Stan well he I am that been
killing them ball for them leaving no spot thanks for his attacks that were
quite lucky because technically I shouldn't have done and I'm gonna be
wrong I didn't kill a lot this time but I'm not damaged I've got one go down the
15 I'm I'm barely a the yarmulkes have it not being scratched he's not wearing
them so we're gonna find out what's going to happen with his shooting and
we'll take you from there
okay very little movement in Grange here that was that unit has kind of fallen
back and over look like a clothes been an inch but we're not bored and they've
been given the order to fire even water falling back with absolute dawn all the
laws gunfire because it's just easier and then what fuller do is do a lot
combined heavy weapon fire so what we're going to go with first and grudge
can we go back to the psychic fairs cuz I got to smite you
well it's because we've been doing it little boring stuff off camera go ahead
mitad you know him oh my god are you comin pointing now no principle you
didn't take a captain right right let's not blow things up
yeah Baba looks of it here yeah that's kind of gonna go into the night so how
many last cons just this one yet cuz it depends if yeah so this was really going
tonight yep the Beltre is gonna go into the
Almaguer okay melter yep we've hit it's a wounded five to save no you're through
one holders dummy ha come on point no no make sure 11 left
on them last cannon yeah the big lads got 15 we left yes it means I did not
declare it I'm late to decloak before you all to hit so don't throw any weight
d6 damage one but I will then declare rotate iron shield billet now takes it
down to a massive 1414 wounds left but everything else in his army he's gonna
be able to add one to shooting right so up
starting back here last cannons gonna fire into the big lad yep she's gonna
find ya Maga no bobble I think about my move in six as well
right got it sir great Amica oh yeah yep okay uh have a flying flag distance and
then last kind of dismissed no it hasn't oh yeah plus is one over the last few
fields well then sir its hit needs are free I know this hasn't been the best
advocate for these dice from yeah but my dice the right pair the ones possibly
available from root stem gaming doctor at UK if I wanted to get our URL they're
doing right well don't buy orange yep right unit melter is gonna go into
yarmulke yeah
genuinely I've already out jack and over time we ollie
regarding your fate with you dice so we already know over the rocks are quite
good go on there just rang go against the
Creator it's a reward them fall seriously this is for me to be now
Francis I think it hasn't yes right last come is gonna fire it today yeah
yeah only unit that felt can do belt first of all yeah misses and then last
gotten either fine because it moved but if all will the success of all
because of the infields all right for us to save yay three missile launchers are
you study you said the words there what do you say I said miss miss miss miss mi
device right yeah there you go every one of them yeah which go through
it's going through its a fire ball takes him down a nine because of a Hawks rowdy
count with his eighteen ones remaining yeah right
um this fella yeah he's going to fire yep so we'll start with gonna yep cuz
he's still grinding around a shot a shot
please pick any threes all hit that's four that's four twos gone through high
five damage he's around for life does he not he's this might be a dead night
let's hope he explodes right so we're gonna last cuttin we've got two plasma
guns as well right let's try that last cannon oh it's gonna fire it
he's hit it's not wounded 2d free shop Atmos 301 average really
for that welcome I'm good to all the charge yeah yeah I won
we roll Oh Akkadian no no yes kidding just all hate to all new wounds are you
about to say about your kind of half strength all right we forgot about ones
gone through another two points of damage it's all right we I forgot about
it as well yeah so doubt the two points of damage left which means either on the
techni they've got four wounds remaining this is not good for the night right and
manticores gonna find a heavy ball turn to him yeah missiles into that so have
you ball to first yep 184 I washed in hand so he goes down out to 10 to d6
shots with his rockets as it plummets into that night behind the ruins Oh be
rolling one's industries to hit so far he's got nine kicks on that night this
night may walk acid rain and strong ball I did want to charge it with yeah yeah
so we're looking for freeze
six we may need Falls at least three wounds before left do I come on
pointless to where I can't stop it because even if I come on point still
gonna be too so he's dead so so the night crumbles nights gone so Grinch has
destroyed worn over night's ball I'll be honest with you it's it's a little army
because it needs to get rid of because these are now we're gonna mess him up
there right in his lines yeah the domestically mochiko but we eat
I always serve Avenue and a tradition play one more turn so I think we're
gonna go into turn three we'll find out what happens and we'll take it from
okay so he's trumping over the remains of his day if his dead brother
as he tries to move forward the ARMA girls managed to flank and run around
the artillery pieces of a guy while trigger guard at the back
well that one actually pushes forward I actually do haven't seen a free insane
bravery this game but there's no point and he stood still who's ready to
unleash more devastation into the sort of Imperial Guards than about the
traitor Guardsmen that's still in front of him so first off this thing is going
to fire and gonna fire heavy stuber's into him and the battle cannon is gonna
fire into the missile launcher team behind him so first off for heavy
stuber's any fries that's not good honey freeze that's two wounds against the
primer psycho sorry grant boys but I believe he's got
four so and then to D six shots against V guys five six seven eight and that on
average this time alright okay back to it all hate here against the every
weapon Singh choose to wound and he's got a plus-one for being a
cover but it's a minus two that's gonna be six six that were really interesting
noise not we're dead because even if we're all one apiece they're gonna have
gone right that's definitely a game-changer D fresh cuts from the
melter free shots in tube we know where this is going melter gun possibly nuts
or things going into the leaner loss so he thermal to his hit just gonna need
fours ball for them have actually gone through
and within half range the first one does six damage on its own do you explored
no mouse killed that one the melt we're gonna just sort of turn in the rest of
it into slag thermal interrupt melter gone into that
all three shots again I think greens just rolling up one hit needs are free
I've got a free 2d six damage click the highest per 2 so 2 damage on that and
then a melt or gun against that there's a hit under wound and again to d6 click
the highest another 4 so that's 6 damage on that vehicle in total I believe it
starts with 12 check out what that's going to fire
so this guy he's going to fire his heavy Stuber and these nice little finger of a
top plus two thermal into the squad up career and then the over weapon is going
to go against the squad at the front so heavy Stuber two hits no wounds thermal
these six shots that's five of them that's three hits choose to kill I'll be
free dead from that infantry squad there and then the cannons up top which means
boss only one hit two is wounded so you can have a save of a six or being in
cover that's a five side yep another one of those gunned down and then I need 40
nice ok cannon coming in only one six so that one actually turns into a hit and
that one's a mr. 13 and what is the sun takes needing to that's 13 moves up
through damage apiece grains needs sixes obvious squad is going to disintegrate
that squad has gone down that has been a second devastating don't get me wrong I
had a devastating turn on turn 2 where I was just finishing off or mopping up
units that were already effectively down and dead
this time around it's even worse I have a pretty feeling I know what Grange
wants to do because he hasn't got a lot left these are pretty much full nights
they've only lost one and I'm going to charge that bugger we're going to
challenge them and he's gonna charge that so it
probably was another three units do you want to watch for charge and see what
happens or yeah okay well we got off camera
I'm sensing all the confidence on your part okay
all right friar that last pistol let's see what my last pistols gone gone
hey boys hate does he wound it that's a warm-up now a lot right we'll get to it
okay gonna start we're back at night versus the psycho oh my god he only hit
twice psych is dead that was sweet this guy creepy free it I did lose five
another five horns on the way in so he's now all the classes being tumbling but
it does cleave to and I believe that's a minus of free so I think you gotta say
over sixes no so that would be six damage because it's three downs apiece
does it explode I'm just hoping so you know the right
girls and then want to so this is gonna use its sweep which I believe is all
your minus one all right so you guys hey it actually does a sweet so just to
touch instead of one increase and then it needs to strong for the - of - she's
not gonna say if it's on the wrong Bannock I think for it is only one more
branches technics heavy weapon team often another two guys so I've only lost
three there now got a chance to fight back
bad well too many die stay alive there we go even that are more
successful I don't believe in doing that right what am I the Grinch it's because
we didn't really have that many have not got any sort of games with these guys
and it was just a an experiment really I know I've lost to the number four guys
he wanted to devour morale oh very fine but he took to you my
friend you've got free infantry squads left I think okay oh dear yeah that's
been a brutal one to be honest I do blame Granger's dice rolls because I
think if you would have got a good volley off from that turn one he may
have actually brought a knight down because the amount of lust can require
it poured into that one yes none above sugar it'd be about
firepower opponent the best guy here was insane and it just they just didn't die
on that that's why I rotate the iron shields but I didn't even need to go for
Spears but you didn't roll the wound no oh well we could debate this all night
but at the moment that's some wind running the campaign slot which is a
good thing because there's a hell of a lot of orange on those victories planets
there so I need some wins well thanks very much for watching and please like
share subscribe hit the notification button if you want to see if you're
gonna see more have a look at twitch TV forward slash moonstone gaming dice
hopefully is gonna be coming soon I need to try and get me on website open run in
which my not it might not be friend of am on public completely honest but might
as well tell people about it now because these don't go out in employees and when
a website is off oh this should be a Premium Membership on there
so if you want to watch my videos as soon as I've made them I'm gonna put
them on there first and then of course my regular said you all still continue
on YouTube if y'all wanted to watch him before anybody else you can always
subscribe through the channel and I do have a patreon which is pitching dot-com
/root stem a little check that and put that at the bottom probably about here
so you can see if you ever if you do want to support me I am trying to make
this work for myself alright guys thanks very much for watching see you next time
School janitor charged with sexually assaulting student - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
Peter Dinklage Helped Jamie Dornan Prep For '50 Shades' - Duration: 9:26.-------------------------------------------
American & British English, same spelling but totally different meanings of words! - Duration: 2:33.Hello, it's Jinger.
I'm interested in differences of English depending on countries.
So I study English.
I was studying differences between the US and the UK
some words have same spelling
and sound, but have different meanings.
So I decided to make a video about it.
Jinger English
is tough elastic substance.
A rubber means
an eraser in England,
a con*dom in a slang term in America.
How do we distinguish them?
What if I get into an embarrassed situation because of that?
Through context.
Noon means 'eye' and 'snow' at the same time in Korean.
But no problem distinguishing for us.
It's the same in English.
Same idea, different country.
first floor
It is literally 'first floor' in America.
But it's totally different in the UK.
I used to live in Australia.
Australia kind of uses British English.
How they spell, expressions and so on.
I was supposed to meet my friend
She said 'Come to the first floor of ** building.'
So I literally went to the first floor.
She wasn't there.
So I called her. Where are you?
She was on the second floor.
Ground floor = first floor in the UK.
First floor = second floor in the UK.
It makes a lot of people confused.
I'm one of them too.
Pavement is
the hard surface of a road in America.
It means a sidewalk in the UK.
American people call it 'sidewalk'.
English is huge and
there are a lot of differences.
A lot of people are confused and have a hard time.
If you don't know about something
don't worry about ahead of time.
I bet my subscribers
don't subscribe just one English channel.
I know
people who subscribe English channels
watch multiple channels.
If something is essential for English learners
one of those YouTubers would mention it.
Then, take it thankfully.
In my case
I don't watch news.
I don't watch TV.
Only Netflix. Lol
But I know a lot about current issues.
If it's something important for me to know
people around me would talk about it.
So if you don't know something now
don't worry about it ahead of time.
When you learn something new
it's good for you.
It might make you feel less stressed about studying English.
My name is Jinger.
If this video is helpful
See you next time.
LITTLE SWANS - All Grown Up - Duration: 18:50.Hello Everybody!
Today is the final video from the series about Swans and their kids
You can see this happy family
This is May, in May they brought their kids and we observed their lives and growth
pretty much every day
They grazed on grass and we sometimes gave them treats
and they spent a good half of the day on our land
You can see the small, fuzzy ones
And they grew, and grew and grew
And at some point, two weeks ago, they stopped coming to us
In June, in June they were like this
and about two weeks ago, they stopped coming to us
We sat in our boats and decided to swim around week, and find out, what happened to them
Here is a lonesome swan, who visits us without a pair
I can't tell, who that is
We give them bread as a treat, thin slices in freshwater
and it's absolutely not harmful to swans
So, please don't write in comments, don't repeat this trope
It's a false belief, that bread is dangerous to swans, it's not
I can give links to Russian & Switzerland research
Bread isn't harmful to swans
Please, don't take my time with comments about this
This is our cat, Pusha
The boat was on its own for a month, while we traveled in the Far East
So, it's tent and boat are a little unkempt, we needed to clean up before sailing
Cat Pusha, she is first to investigate
And now she decides, whether to go on piers or go sailing for fish
There's a lot of fish in the lake, Pusha knows that, so she can't decide
Whether to go fishing or get out
Let's see what she decides, it can be anything, she is unpredictable
Prudence wins the day.
This is our guest, he sees us off and we give him a slice of bread
Weather is fine, it's October, air temperature 22-23, water is 18
And we sail, it's a picture of Autumn, everything is very colorful
This is lake Ossiacher See, Austria, Carinthia
This is near the border with Italy, Slovenia, it's about 30 km. to the border
The lake is 11 km. and 1.6 km. wide
And in the distance, ducks are playing around, there are a lot of ducks
And they fight and play like this
Once a duck came to us with 19 ducklings, but of course they weren't all hers, it was two families
One duck family can have 10-11 ducklings
So 19 was probably two
We are sailing in the direction of the nature preserve
And we'll sail along the southern side of the Lake
We are at eastern shore right now, where nature preserve Tiebelmündung is located.
And this is nature preserve for water birds
There are lots of storks and ducks
But our objective is to locate swan family and find out what happened to them
Why they stopped visiting, well, probably, because little swans have grown up
And their parents let them go to an independent life
Here we sail by a lone swan, he swims to the boat
They know to swim to the boat, get a treat, we gave him bread
They grow from small ones to this size, and all swans on the lake sometimes eat bread
without any problem, no harm to the stomach
It won't make them sick, it's all false
You do it write, give fresh bread, it won't be a problem
if you give them it in water, not on shore
We are sailing by the village Steindorf, it's the northern part of the lake
We check things out - this is Altersheim in Steindorf
It's a care home for the elderly
I'll do a video about pension system in Austria and care homes for the elderly
How it's all organized in Austria, it's pretty interesting
We are passing, it's still Steindorf
It's a pretty large village, "stone village" (Stein - Stone, Dorf - Village)
There was an earthquake, with stone landslide, but it was long in the past
Here is another lone swan, he is catching something on the bottom, molluscs perhaps
He is on his own, so we don't bother him and sail on
He is trying to get something from the bottom
In this interesting pose, they do it like this
This is interesting, hotel, apartments
Apartments used to be for sale here, now it's impossible, all is sold
No sales, interestingly, architecture is the same as in Rilla hotel in Borovets (Bulgaria)
I suspect, hotel in Borovets was designed by Austrian architecture
This ship, it's october, it sails on weekends, saturdays, sundays
It sails on the lake, from dock to dock, carrying tourists
On evenings, there are dinners with onboard ship restaurant
Here you can see ducks, there are a lot of them on the lake
When fields are harvested, ducks periodically come there
they fly to wheat field, we have near us
I've tried to count them, there were more than 40
They walk, pickup, eat something, what's left there
These piers, they are taxed
The surface of the lake is government property
So, if your pier is above lake surface, you must pay for the taken space
And it's reasonable sum, about 150-300 euro per year
We pay for our pier, there's a contract and they take that sum
More ducks
The lake bottom allows swimming
Not just from pier - you can go from shore, the ground is soft
It's not quite clay, not quite stone, firm ground you can walk on
And here are swans, 1, 2, 3, 4, and that's interesting
Because our family had four swanlings
And you can see they are young (by color of their beaks)
One, two, three, four, these are our swans!
Here they are - they swim to us
Their parents left them, parents leave them, when their kids grow fully white
Before that, they swim together, teach them
But once they are no longer grey, it's time for the family to part
Parents have fulfilled their obligations to their kids
They've prepared their children to adult life and leave them on their own
Than young swan siblings, they stick together for a time
We've seen one group of young swans, they kept together for a year
Then they find pairs, there's a story on the channel about Masha and Peter
They are a young couple, who separated from their siblings
So, the time will come for these four young swans to split up
They'll find their other halves and create their own families
But for now, they'll be together
And we are very happy to have found them - they are doing great
They are large, they fed well
Here on the lake, there's no problem with that
We didn't need to feed them, they would have got by
There's enough food for swans, for water birds
In rare cases, in winter, if there's lots of snow
And grass on the shore is under the snow
Usually the grass is green in winter
But if lake is frozen and grass is under snow, then there can be problems with food
We for six years, five years of dealing with swans
Once, in winter, we had to feed them from a bucket with warm water, due to cold
Because they didn't have anywhere to get food
And we, my heart feels lighter, seeing them
Adults are away, so these four young swans are now a group
that will live on the lake and look for their families
We've returned to the southern shore, it's Lake Ossiach
Here, there is a family we know
When the other family stopped visiting, they freed up territory
So this one started to come and get a treat from us
Before, they couldn't because it wasn't their territory
They were chased away, but now it's okay
So they expanded eastward, and visited us a couple times already
They have five swanlings, as you can see, still grey, maybe three weeks younger
younger than ours, they may need 2-3 weeks to grow up
It may take 2-3 weeks, for them to grow white
The parents would leave them, so that would happen this year
As you can see, they are in process of changing their color
They aren't grey anymore, they are a bit pink, a bit light-brown
and with white… white breast, they are in the last stage of growing up
So, here are 5 and there is 4, together it makes 9
Well, they aren't the last ones, there is another family, we'll see later
So, this season, just for the eastern part of the lake, and then there's also western part of lake
There are several families there as well
I think there are at least 15 swans this season, for this year
adding to the swan population on the lake
So we part ways, but they'll be visiting us regularly in the future
It's a long swim to us, but they train their kids to swim together
This is Stift Ossiach, once it was a Benedictine Monastery
It's a very old building, more than 1000 years old
And now it's a music academy, but there is a small catholic church still
And in this large building is Carinthian Music Academy
We are passing village Ossiach
On our way home we meet the same swan
who visits us lately and greets us
The weather is wonderful
You see, the lake has been very calm, maybe to the west, there's a slight wind and small waves breaking it's surface
And here are the parents - Golub and Golubka
We called our swans Golub and Golubka (Pigeon and female Pigeon)
When I saw them, I've felt tears appear in my eyes
That's them, coming in, past the boat
walking the familiar way up to the home
We gave them a treat, now they'll have a year of rest
And after it, in 2020, they'll probably have kids again
What to say, they had swanlings in April, start of May
And in October, in October they grew up and left
They became adults. And another unexpected thing
Just the next day, we were visited by this family
They have two kids, whose color is changing more, than the family with 5 swanlings
So, for them it's no more then two weeks, before they sail on their own
This is a small family, most probably the parents are a young couple
The ones, who have kids for the first time, they usually have fewer - one, two, maybe three swanlings
That's how many, but with experience, they have more kids
Four or five is the usual number
Here you see family with five
It's a constant process
Some of the swans leave for other lakes, some stay
In the previous year, a nature preserve for water birds was created
And now it's a large space, where birds can find their food
If you've noticed, there are reeds all around the lake
These reeds are protected, they are nature preserve not to be touched
It's forbidden to destroy reeds, to cut it, as it gives life to ducks and swans
This is evening, Willy and Pusha arrived
They came to eat, they spent the whole day outdoors, while it's sunny, warm and good
They've got hungry, Pusha goes first
Willy waits, he must check if everything is okay, before going in
He marches directly to the cat dining, to the three-course meal
There are pellets, meat, can food, Willy eats canned food, Pusha eats meat
Pellets, they finish their meal with pellets
This is it, I'll make a video about the whole story about swan family
Good luck and goodbye!
Doctor, office workers arrested for drug trafficking - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
出家30年後,她買地造了一處修行處所 - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
Cardi B Reveals What She'd Do if She Was the Mayor of NY - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Cardi B Hates Surprise Parties & Driving - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
난 수비만 했는데 이겨져 있네...? 바두막이 메타 가즈아~! (Barbarian Hut DECK) [클래시로얄-Clash Royale] [June] - Duration: 18:42.Hello guys! I'm JUNE :)
Today I'll show you very special deck!
Barbarian hut DECK!
This deck is very popular in Grand Challenge.
I put english subtitles for you to TIP on the right side.
Let's see!
1. Drop your first barbarian hut card 3 tiles away from the river.
2. Play with the thought of a tie!
3. Attack with the opponent's line of attack.
4. It is the most important to insert penetration damage with magic archer.
Only Legends Will Find It Funny V9 - Duration: 12:04.Only Legends Will Find It Funny V9
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孙俪:当女儿的容貌被外界否定,父母的这句话很重要! - Duration: 8:18.-------------------------------------------
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Khabib Nurmagomedov match when Floyd Mayweather? - Duration: 1:40.intro
Russian boxer with 27-0 invincibility series Khabib Nurmagomedov
He challenged Floyd Mayweather, another boxer with a 50-0 set of invincibility.
The two boxers fight which has defeated the Irish McGregor
history have come from all over the world is seen as the biggest UFC event.
Veteran Boxer Floyd Mayweather,
The Dagestan-born Russian-speaking recently cage fighter
Khabib Nurmagomedov'n accepted the challenge.
It is expected to come face to face in 2019.
UFC lightweight fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov's,
retired boxer Floyd Mayweather found his response to the median reading.
Late in the day in the cage fight organized
Khabib of protecting Irish Connor McGregor beating lightweight championship title
"Come on, Floyd, now we have to fight.
27-0 against 50-0. two men who never lose, why not?
Because there is only one king in the jungle. "
Mayweather gave an answer in the words of their own style.
41-year-old veteran boxers engaged in a share from Instagram account
Addressed to various media organizations "Get out your checkbook," he said
and "Let's Las Vegas is great again." He said.
For more infomation >> Khabib Nurmagomedov match when Floyd Mayweather? - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Journal intime : la liberté d'écrire ce qu'on veut 🗽 - Duration: 4:14.and if a diary was more that a secret notebook with a padlock?
almost one person out of ten is a diarist
that means he/she has a diary
it's the girls who write the most, between 10 and 15 years old
sometimes it's a practice that survives as an adult
I really started at 12
my diary has become a life companion
I go through life with it, it helps me archive events
freeze what I see of the world, what I observe, what I feel,
and write freely
when we are down, does the diary help us get better?
I don't think so, but indirectly it does
it is an excellent outlet
it is also an excellent tool
to step back,
look at things,
be honest with yourself
to keep a diary, the age, the sex we have,
the form it has do not matter
notebook, sheet, audio, video...
it's funny, sometimes scary, to rewind, to go back in time,
to find things that we would have forgotten if we had not written
some people see the diary as a diabolical thing,
a grimoire in which you judge people, talk only about you
I think it's mostly a medium for writing, creating, thinking
or overlooking life
what are you thinking about when I talk about diaries?
to me, it's really Anne Frank's photograph that is printed in my head
as a child, her diaries really marked me
and I think that's what made me - well we can say 'inspired'
to open a diary, hold it,
get involved in the writing process
and I think it's really a tool that can allow
to develop the desire to write
it is a space in which you're not judged
it is a space of freedom, of personal expression,
which is super easy, super accessible,
so that's why I wanted to talk about it today
I read than in some families,
the diary is perceived negatively
it makes me sad
maybe this video will have an echo in you
and remind you of your personal experience
with small padlock notebooks, or other notebooks
do not hesitate to subscribe to the channel
or click below on the like button
and I'll see you soon!
For more infomation >> Journal intime : la liberté d'écrire ce qu'on veut 🗽 - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
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For more infomation >> 【巨人】原辰徳氏、甥っ子・菅野に"激辛エール"ノーノー「もう一回やんなさいよ」 - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
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#1 Innovation Speaker-------------------------------------------
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When will Harry and Meghan's baby be born? Expected due date revealed - Duration: 5:33.The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expecting a baby in spring 2019, Kensington Palace has announced
In a statement, Kensington Palace said: "Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019
"Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public
" The Duchess of Sussex once described motherhood as being on her "bucket list", while the Duke of Sussex has often confessed he would love to have children
The former actress's pregnancy fulfils the pair's long-held ambition to become parents
In the run-up to their wedding, Meghan hinted at starting her own brood with Harry
On a trip to Belfast less than two months before the big day, the bride-to-be joked when she was shown an innovative range for newborns: "I'm sure at some point we'll need the whole (lot)
" In an interview in 2016, Meghan said becoming a mother was on her "bucket list"
"I can't wait to start a family, but in due time," she said. The topic cropped up in the couple's engagement interview, with Harry speaking of their plans
"You know, I think one step at a time, and hopefully we'll start a family in the near future," he said
Harry has long since admitted he would love to have children. Back in 2015 before he met and fell in love with Meghan, he revealed that seeing his brother's family continue to grow made him wish he had some of his own
"Of course I would love to have kids right now but there's a process that one has to go through and tours like this are great fun," Harry said
"Hopefully I'm doing all right by myself. It would be great to have someone else next to me to share the pressure, but you know, time will come and whatever happens, happens
" He is already godfather to five or six of his friends' children. "I think the key to that is to be able to grow up, but also be able to stay in touch with your childhood side," Harry added of being good at the role
Like Harry, who is known for being at ease with youngsters, Meghan has impressed onlookers with her affectionate nature when meeting children on royal walkabouts
In Birmingham on International Women's Day in 2018, she hugged 10-year-old Sophie Richards, telling her she could achieve whatever she wanted to achieve, after learning the schoolgirl wanted to become an actress
Meghan also spent time getting to know William and Kate's eldest children Prince George and Princess Charlotte in the run-up to her engagement, and was living nearby at Kensington Palace when the family celebrated the arrival of Prince Louis
The celebrity, who shot to fame playing paralegal Rachel Zane in the American drama Suits, already has two "fairy god-daughters"
She described the children of her close friend Benita Litt as such in a 2016 post on her since deleted Instagram account, and the girls - Remi and Rylan - were among her bridesmaids at her wedding
During their wedding ceremony, Harry looked tenderly at his bride and smiled when the Dean of Windsor spoke of marriage being the "foundation of family life in which children are born and nurtured"
The duchess's father Thomas Markle said he expected Meghan and Harry would want to try for children soon
He told ITV's Good Morning Britain in an interview a month after the wedding: "She's wanted children for a long time and when she met Harry and she spoke about how much she loves him, there's got to be a child in the making, somewhere soon
" Harry and Meghan were wed at Windsor Castle in May and the news was announced on the eve of their first tour outside the UK and Ireland
The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are said to be "delighted" for the couple
Doria Ragland, the mother of the duchess, is "very happy about this lovely news" and "looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild"
Layered Mixed Media cards with Pixie Powder, stencil & embossing - Duration: 11:18.Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room In this video I'm going to make 2 layered
Mixed Media cards the first layer is applying acrylic paint
with a sponge and stencil just pounce with the sponge not to much paint
I want lighter and darker spots so not everything is covered completely
by the way I added the products I used in the description box for you and
if you are new here don't forget to subscribe
after drying I cut the paper in half
and now I'm going to apply Pixie Powder I just tap on the colours
and then I spray a piece of acetate with water and start pressing it on the powder
I spread the colour a bit and add some more and then I let it dry
as you can see this is the original ink smooching technique
and it is less precise with where the colours go then with my adjusted smooch technique
I will link to another video where I explain that in the top right corner
and I do the same on the second card with different colours
Here I use the ink blending tool with plastic wrap to place the colours better
as you can see that ink smooching this way is a bit more precise
I add some more of the firework burst on the first card
and I use the ink blending tool with plastic wrap again that I spray with water
I cut two pieces of kraft cardstock and I'm going to colour them with the same
Pixie Powders and some water I apply them with a brush
at this point I almost stopped because the cards
were so wild I had no idea how to move on
but then I thought of this big stamp and I gave it a go
I randomly stamp with versafine and just press
here and there to create some interest
I ink the edges of the cards with black distress oxide and I already like them much better
I coloured 2 butterflies with the pixie powders to match the rest
and now I ink the edges of the wings
I glue the 2 parts together
I cut and embossed 2 tags and I ink them with the distress oxide
I don't press to hard I like it when there is some white left
so you can see the texture better
Now I start layering with all the parts I start with the tags
I added a piece of black cord
and then I measure with the butterfly where I want the chicken wire parts
some foam tape on the back of the wings
and then I assemble the second card It do the same starting with the tags and
then the other layers because of the different colours you get 2
same style cards with a different look
I hope you liked the video don't forget to like, share and subscribe
and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching
Obelink Pinto Soft - Een campingstoel met hoog zitcomfort | Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Are You Progressing with Progressive Tenses? - Duration: 6:35.For VOA Learning English, this is Everyday Grammar.
Today we are going to look at the progressive verb tenses.
Progressive tenses express actions that are unfinished or in progress.
There are three progressive verb tenses: the past progressive, the present progressive,
and the future progressive.
Progressive tenses are the same as continuous tenses.
We will start with the present progressive, the most common progressive tense.
You form the present progressive tense by using a form of the verb be followed by an
For example, "I am watching a movie."
It is easy to confuse the simple present and the present progressive.
What's the difference between, "It rains in Seattle" and "It is raining in Seattle"?
"It rains in Seattle" states that it rains in general.
It does not necessarily mean that it is raining at the moment of speaking.
"It is raining in Seattle" means that the rain started in the past, is happening
now, and will probably continue into the future.
Now, at this time, and currently are common adverbs in the present progressive.
The present progressive can also express a scheduled event in the future.
For example, this sentence is in the present progressive: "She is starting school next
The meaning here is the same as the sentence in the simple future: "She is going to start
school next semester."
The present progressive and simple future (with be going to) sometimes have the same
. You can also use present progressive with
always to say that something disturbs you.
"My neighbor is always playing loud music at night" or "I am always making mistakes
with verb tenses!"
Let's move on to the past progressive.
The past progressive describes an event that was in progress in the past.
To form the past progressive use was or were followed by an –ing verb.
For example, "I was working late last night."
Sentences in the past progressive often have two actions.
For example, "It was snowing when the plane landed in Denver."
Notice that the second action, landed, is in the simple past.
The past progressive can also express an action in progress interrupted by a second action.
"I was running when I slipped and fell" or "I was sleeping when you called."
It is possible to have two progressive actions in the same sentence if the two actions are
happening at the same time.
You could say, "I was sleeping when you were working".
The future progressive tense describes an event that will be in progress in the future.
To form the future progressive tense, use will be followed by an –ing verb.
For example, "I will be waiting for you when you finish work."
The future progressive can be useful when you are making plans.
Imagine your friend wants you to pick her up the airport tomorrow.
But you have to work.
You could tell her, "I'm sorry, but I will be working when your plane gets in."
You can learn more about future tenses in this previous episode of Everyday Grammar.
There are some verbs that cannot be used in any of the progressive tenses.
You would say "I own a car," not "I am owning a car."
Own is a stative verb.
Stative verbs describe unchanging conditions or situations.
Stative verbs often refer to mental states such as know, realize, like, believe, understand,
love, hate, appear, and exist.
A few verbs have both stative and non-stative meanings.
Let's look at the verb think.
"I think the book is good" is stative.
The action does not change.
"I am thinking about you" is progressive.
It shows a temporary, changing action.
Sensory verbs like see, taste, feel, smell, and hear work the in the same way.
Progressive verbs are especially useful for describing changing emotional states.
For that reason, they are very common in song lyrics.
We will leave you with a few examples.
I'm John Russell.
And I'm Jill Robbins.
"I was dreaming of the past And my heart was beating fast
I began to lose control…"
"I'm sailing away Sail an open course for the virgin sea"
"I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again
I put my hands up I'll do everything different
I'll be better to you"
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