Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2018

well I think that everything you think

and everything you speak goes out from

you into the universe and comes back to

you multiplied it's almost as though the

universe is listening to everything you

say and everything you think and saying

oh that's what they want but most of the

time we are talking very negatively

about ourselves we talk about how awful

we are we're not good enough we can't

get this we can't get that how can the

universe bring you anything good if

that's the way you're talking yeah we

see that in the film you can heal your

life you know everybody think about this

on the way to work or on the way to do

whatever you do during the day how many

negative things you're the negative tape

that's playing in your head all day long

about yourself I can't do that I

shouldn't do that I'm too bad we're

looking at eyes over there yeah yes yeah

yes that that's why I like to teach

people to love themselves just the love

and adore who you are look in the mirror

and say your name say Louise I love you

I really really love you and when you

can do that your life is really going to

flow because most of the time we're

always talking about what we don't want

so get this thing I love life and life

loves me and I love myself and I love

this and I'm grateful for everything

does that work even if you're not in an

vibration with that, does that work, if you really love

life so much yes I'm thinking don't you have to

be in alignment yes but you have to get

there and I think of affirmations is

like planting seeds you put the seed in

the ground you don't have the flower in

one day you put the seed and ground you

water it and make sure the soil is good

and there's no weeds around and give it

a chance to grow you say I love you and

it worked but you sometimes you have to

give it a little time

okay Martha why does it work I was

mentioning in this month's Oh magazine

it's the one with me holding the cup

February edition we have something

called the love list and this woman

Alice had done this list and then

realized years later that she had that

she had exactly the man that she had

written on

list why does that work and why does

some time it doesn't work because after

that my friend Gail you know Gail goes I

guess I need to make me a list and she does

but here's the thing there are two

ways you can go at making a list the

first way is what I call the shallow way

it comes from our fears and for our

grasping and we I want a man to make me

happy I want a man to make me secure

it's very fear-based and I want a man

who's happy a handsome so he'll look

good to other people that I call the

shallows lifts that you make in the

shallows they just don't work mm-hmm you

have to go to some part of your

consciousness I call the core of peace

yes and when you're there, see Alice have

got a magazine we have a diagram of the

shallows and the core piece there it is

right there so Alice had lost a husband

to death she lost one to divorce she's

had numerous dating heartbreaks and she

had given up her attachment to needing a

man so when she made that list

she was completely content with her life

as it is no resistance to life now and

completely confident that that list

really did describe her ideal mate then

she dropped it and let it go and that's

what makes it come true okay so if

you're asking in the shallows it nothing

really happens, it doesn't, so what is the

Ring of Fire, the Ring of Fire is what

you have to go through to get from your

shallow existence to your core of peace

like I had a child diagnosed with Down

syndrome when I was a PhD candidate at

Harvard and it was a very late diagnosis

now everything on the shallows said have

a therapeutic abortion but it was the

first time I was 25 the first time I

felt my core of peace say no I want this

experience I want it and so I didn't

have the abortion and my mind was going

crazy on the shallows but inside me my

core of peace said this baby will teach

you how to be happy and that's exactly

what happened mm-hmm so what I went

through after the diagnosis but before I

became happy with it was the burning up

of all my beliefs as a Harvard PHD candidate

so people who you know say any

people who say I want a million dollars

or I want a new house or want a

certain car if that wanting and those

thoughts are in what you call the shallows

doesn't work right I mean the classic

example is King Midas he thought he

wanted everything a touch to turn to

gold turns out that his wife and his

child in his bed all became metal so his

core piece didn't want that at all and

that myth is about teaching us not to

grasp for things in the shallows because

if they come true from there they're not

good for us in his court of piece what

he wanted was love and that if he'd gone

there and made a list he would have had

love and gold and everything Cheryl

you're saying yeah I just want to sort

of add a different perspective to and

that the law of attraction is really

about the evolution of consciousness you

know as we raise our level of

consciousness which is the only reason

which what do you mean by raise our

level of conscious our evolved as

spiritual beings you know we didn't come

here to like buy SUVs and get nice genes

and and we all know that by the way I

mean every human being we all do know that

although I do have to say your

shoes are pretty hot and nice if you can

wear good shoes in the meantime yeah so

when I'm but I understand that they you

know shoes have their place yeah they

have their mean we're human beings on

earth having a physical experience so

let's just own that as well but when I

talk about raising our level of

consciousness I talked about investing

in our own personal development our

emotional healing our physical healing

you know raising our level of

consciousness so that we're not just

consumed by what we get which is simply

a stage on the spiritual journey by the

way there's nothing wrong with that but

raising ours it's a about,

by product you are so at

your core a piece that when you say I

want a bubble blower you get one from

Tiffany's I know I product of being oh

that's your level Tiffany is your level

is it yeah I know dime store but not

Italian I am so I'm so moved by I mean I

keep a gratitude journal and I you know

do all the try to do all the work and

that bubble blower now is like right in

my bath is the first thing I see when I

get up in the morning because it's my I

call it my bubble miracle blower because

because it makes me me

reinforces my belief in miracles that's

right that's right that's right

Here's some letters I

got from O Magazine readers about Martha

Beck's love list

I'm Erin from Kansas

and Martha Beck's beloved list and the

February issue almost made me fall out

of my chair in December 2006

I made a detailed list of what I wanted

in a life partner I included everything

from hairstyle and hobbies to

spirituality health and raising children

less than two months later I met my now

wonderful boyfriend of one year he is

absolutely everything above and beyond

what I had listed

I'm Heather from Maryland and I highly

recommend that everyone create their own

love list in 2002 I folded my list and

put it away in my drawer and later that

year I met my future husband Greg in

2006 he proposed and a few months later

I came across my list and there were

there qualities of my husband every time

I read my list I smiled knowing I

ordered my husband from the universe

eight years ago I wrote a love list I

never threw it away did I get what I

wanted on my list right away uh no but I

kept learning not settling and growing

as a person

and when I found my list a year and a

half ago buried in a pile of old

receipts I realized that Will, my husband

was all of the things I had asked for do

I believe in the power of the list a

little but I also believe in the power

of me and I worked hard to find healthy

love that's living my best life

For more infomation >> OVERCOME Negative Thoughts and Raise Your Vibration Instantly! - Duration: 8:09.


Venom SPOILER Review - Duration: 16:47.

I'm not quite sure why some people seem to have a DEEPLY PERSONAL VENDETTA against this movie!

For more infomation >> Venom SPOILER Review - Duration: 16:47.


See anti-Kavanaugh protesters fill Senate office building - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> See anti-Kavanaugh protesters fill Senate office building - Duration: 10:49.


What Would Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation Mean For Future SCOTUS Cases? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> What Would Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation Mean For Future SCOTUS Cases? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 9:00.


Captan a hijo de Juan Gabriel siendo esposado por la policía | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Captan a hijo de Juan Gabriel siendo esposado por la policía | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:51.


Police arrest Kavanaugh protesters on Capitol Hill - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Police arrest Kavanaugh protesters on Capitol Hill - Duration: 4:22.


What Does The EPA Closing Its Key Science Office Mean For The Future? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> What Does The EPA Closing Its Key Science Office Mean For The Future? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 5:57.


Terrible Kitchen Habits You Need To Break Right Now - Duration: 3:29.

No matter how great of a chef you are, there's still a good chance that you're making some

pretty grievous kitchen mistakes.

We've compiled a list of the most common kitchen errors that many of us are making daily - which

ones would get you a place on the kitchen naughty list?

Not following baking recipes

You may love to experiment with a pinch of this or a dash of that when cooking, but when

it comes to baking, that recipe is more important than you may realize.

Why is that?

Because science is at work in a major way in your favorite baking recipes.

"… it's chemistry, so follow your recipe exactly."

Yes chef!

In baking, it's important to get the right ratio of tenderizers - like fat, sugar, and

leavener - to tougheners - like flour, water, and egg whites - in order to produce a baked

item that delivers the proper moistness, elasticity, or fluffiness.

Not using enough salt

Yes, we all know the health police don't want us to consume too much sodium.

But Time reports that the salt added in typical home cooking only accounts for around five

percent of the sodium we consume.

The real offender is processed food and food from restaurants.

So what does this mean for you, the home cook?

If your dishes always seem bland, add more salt!

"It's actually good.

I probably would have put a pinch of salt in it."

"Is it not salty enough?"

And not just at the end of your cooking process, but rather, throughout cooking.

Adding salt only at the end of cooking doesn't allow the salt time to penetrate your food

- it will only cling to the outer surface, which will make your food seem far too salty.

"Try your fish.




"That's a little salty."

"A little?"

Storing food the wrong way

Old habits die hard.

"That's a lot of cheese."

Maybe you're still storing your tomatoes in the refrigerator because your grandma used

to do it that way, but that's not where they go.

What other foods are commonly misplaced?

To name just a few: Fresh basil will fare better when treated as a fresh flower - trim

the stems and place in a glass with some water.

Potatoes, garlic, and onions prefer dark, cool, well-ventilated areas.

And honey doesn't spoil, so the National Honey Board says you can leave it out at room temperature

so it's easier to pour …

"What happens when you refrigerate it is it tends to crystallize on you and get sort of

cloudy, take on a different color."

Not letting meat rest

We get it: you're hungry, and that rib-eye you've just lovingly cooked is filling your

nostrils with its seductive aroma.

Maybe you've been fantasizing about dinner for the past three hours, and waiting another

10 or so minutes feels like torture.

But do yourself and your pricey steak a favor, and fight the temptation!

"You guys catch that?"

"Don't cut it right away!"


According to Serious Eats, a steak loses about 13 percent of its weight during cooking, but

slicing it open when it's just off the heat will result in another nine percent loss.

And what does that loss represent?


Tasty juices that are holding a whole lot of flavor.

So give it a rest!

Overcrowding your pots and pans

We love the ease of one-pot cooking as much as the next person, but sometimes you just

need to face the facts, and accept that the size of the pot or pan you're using is too

small for the job at hand.

Pasta, for example, needs room to move, and you aren't doing it any favors by trying to

cook it in that one-quart pot.

If you're crowding veggies, meat, noodles, or just about anything into a pan, the food

overlapping itself is just going to create steam, and leave you with a steamed meal,

when what you may have wanted was something crispy and browned.

Give your food some room to breathe, and cook in batches if necessary.

It may take more time, but you'll reap the rewards.

For more infomation >> Terrible Kitchen Habits You Need To Break Right Now - Duration: 3:29.


The Talk - Andrew Dice Clay Recalls Tear-Drenched Screen Test with Lady Gaga for 'A Star is Born' - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> The Talk - Andrew Dice Clay Recalls Tear-Drenched Screen Test with Lady Gaga for 'A Star is Born' - Duration: 1:38.


Rally Wales GB 2018 - Highlights of DAY 1 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Rally Wales GB 2018 - Highlights of DAY 1 - Duration: 2:39.


Stars With Really Bad Tempers - Duration: 7:11.

No one likes a Hollywood diva, yet some stars manage to have booming careers while exhibiting

quite the temper.

Some A-listers have managed to rack up a bad reputation when their out-of-control emotions

got the best of them.

Their weapons of choice seem to be hand-to-hand combat or projectile cellphones.

When you're under pressure to make a blockbuster hit, it's no wonder tensions can get pretty


Whether it's because of family drama, a struggle with addiction, or a flat-out enormous ego,

these stars have all allegedly raged out on people, in public.

Duck and cover before you're next!

Naomi Campbell's bad reputation

She was a pioneer for people of color in the fashion industry.

And according to New York Magazine, Naomi Campbell was French Vogue's first ever black


But although she's worked with the African National Congress and the Nelson Mandela Children's

Fund, her contributions are almost overshadowed by her insatiable temper.

"If I'm gonna be remembered for something, I'll be remembered for being a bitch.

But a hard working bitch"

The model's rage seemed to rise with her fame, with one of the first instances being in 1993

when she reportedly refused to share a runway with Tyra Banks.

That same year, Elite models dropped the star claiming,

"No amount of money or prestige could further justify the abuse that has been imposed on

our staff and clients."

"You are not on my level Nicole, you never will be on my level.

Do not compare yourself to me."

Then, there was the cell phone incident.

In 2007, the supermodel pleaded guilty to assaulting an assistant with a mobile phone.

Elle reported that Campbell agreed to anger management classes, but they apparently had

little effect.

The following year, she was banned for life from British Airways after a tantrum over

lost luggage.

Campbell explained the root of her anger issues, telling Barbara Walters in 2000,

"It's a manifestation of a deeper issue, I think, anger.

And that for me I think is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness."

Christian Bale's hot set

This method actor earned a pretty bad rap over his infamous leaked Terminator Salvation


Christian Bale's blow-up was so harsh that a film executive sent the tape to the movie's

insurance company in case Bale left the project.

According to TMZ, the incident happened after DP Shane Hurlbut, accidentally ruined a scene

by walking on set.

Bale screamed at Hurlbut and threatened:

"I'm going to f---ing kick your f---ing ass if you don't shut up for a second!"

Days after the full transcript was published by The Telegraph, Bale issued a lengthy apology

claiming his behavior was "inexcusable", and saying,

"I was out of order beyond belief.

I make no excuses for it."

Bale was arrested shortly after his blow-up over a separate incident with his mother and


No charges were pressed.

Lindsay Lohan's inner mean girl

With the freckles, the red hair, and the adorable smile, Lindsay Lohan was once a Disney sweetheart.

"Actually I'm not Hallie."

"Actually, I am."

But her reputation was derailed by two DUIs, her sketchy admission of substance use, an

84-minute stay in jail, and multiple trips to rehab.

"Lindsay Lohan spent her first night in jail Tuesday on charges of parole violation relating

to a 2007 DUI conviction."

And her temper certainly didn't help soften those bad vibes.

In 2010, a Betty Ford employee, who was later fired for violating patient confidentiality,

claimed Lohan hit her with a phone and hurt her wrist after refusing to take an alcohol


Three years later, a New York Times article about Lohan's mega-flop The Canyons, painted

her as an unreliable, unpredictable hot-head.

"I dunno, I guess I'd like to keep some parts of my life private.

Some aspects of my f---ing life private."

According to the paper, Lohan had a meltdown over getting fired from the film after she

failed to show up for pre-production meetings.

Tracking down director Paul Schrader at his Beverly Hills hotel, Lohan reportedly made

such a scene that the hotel manager asked if he should call the cops.

Lohan was eventually rehired, but costar James Deen told The Sun,

"There were days when she would scream and yell and cry and refuse to come out.

[…] Lindsay was like a child lashing out."

Russell Crowe's phone etiquette

According to E! News, Russell Crowe's troubles began sometime in 1999 with "a fight at the

Plantation Hotel."

The brawl was captured on video and later aired on Australian TV.

"Well, we can do this the easy way… we're currently doing it the easy way."

"Whatever happened to offering me 20 bucks."

His reputation didn't get any better from there.

In 2002, The Guardian reported Crowe was miffed after the BBC cut part of his speech from

the BAFTA broadcast.

He retaliated by pinning TV producer Malcolm Gerrie against a wall and launching into a

verbal tirade, for which he later apologized.

That same year, police were called when Crowe got into a bar fight with a New Zealand businessman,

and he even fought his own bodyguard on the set of Cinderella Man in 2004.

""I had a round a bad luck… and this time I know what I'm fighting for."

But perhaps Crowe's most famous tantrum was the infamous phone incident of 2005.

According to the New York Times, the actor was charged with felony assault and criminal

possession of a weapon after allegedly throwing a phone at a Mercer Hotel employee.

In a 2005 interview with David Letterman, Crowe claimed,

"This is possibly the most shameful situation I've ever got myself in […] and I've done

some pretty dumb things in my life."

Shia LaBeouf's hitmen?

Would this notorious actor even be Shia LaBeouf if he wasn't making bizarre headlines?

"To be on the cover of a magazine is very strange.

Cuz you're trying to be something that you think would fit on the cover, cuz my regular

lifestyle is not gonna be on the cover of Details."

According to the New York Daily News, in 2013, LaBeouf allegedly threatened to have a man

killed during a London bar fight.

The fight broke out after LaBeouf upset a female fan, and her boyfriend swooped in to

defend her, sparking the brawl.

LaBeouf also famously ditched out on his Broadway debut because of creative differences with

Alec Baldwin.

In 2016, things continued as usual for LaBeouf, who allegedly got kicked out of a Warpaint


According to NME, fans on Reddit alleged:

"He kept pushing the envelope with his harassment towards girls."

Taryn Manning's $200 beef

As it turns out, Orange Is the New Black actress, Taryn Manning, has had a few run-ins with

the law herself.

"Not a very good way to make friends, uh…"

In 2012, Manning was "charged with misdemeanor assault and choking" after allegedly getting

into a scuffle with her makeup artist Holliann Hartman.

Those charges were later dropped, but that wasn't the last of it.

In 2016, Manning found herself at odds with Hartman once again.

According to TMZ, the makeup artist accused the actress of a brutal attack where she allegedly


"Pick a knife.

I'm wearing a white shirt there will be a lot of blood.

You will be famous for killing Taryn Manning."

Manning's legal team denied the allegations, and the judge dismissed the case after Hartman

failed to show up to a hearing.

Regardless of the details, Manning isn't known for biting her tongue.

In 2018, the star donned a headline-making $200 dress for the SAG awards.

After the event, she lashed out at her stylist for dressing her in an inexpensive gown.

She eventually apologized claiming:

"I was completely caught off guard when all of the press about my dress was about the

cost, which I knew nothing about, and I felt used for someone else's gain."

For more infomation >> Stars With Really Bad Tempers - Duration: 7:11.


El Vuelo de la Victoria | Victoria está decidida a encarcelar a Julio por el asesinato de su madre - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> El Vuelo de la Victoria | Victoria está decidida a encarcelar a Julio por el asesinato de su madre - Duration: 1:51.


Harvard's new president Larry Bacow returns to his roots - Duration: 5:57.


I grew up in Pontiac, Michigan, a working-class town, with, at the time

three General Motors plants. GM truck and coach, Fisher body, Pontiac motors.

My parents were both immigrants. They're actually both refugees. My father was

born in Minsk, and was brought here by his family as a child to escape the

pogroms of Eastern Europe. My mother came here on the second Liberty ship that

brought refugees from Europe, and actually the only Jew from her town to

survive the war.

I think growing up in the 50's, in many respects is very

different for growing up today. We were completely unscheduled. I recall getting

on my bike in the summer in the morning with my baseball mitt, riding down to the

park and seeing what other kids were there. Then we'd agree to go to

somebody's house for lunch, and then we'd go out and we'd play some more.

I remember going to my first baseball game at Tiger Stadium. I couldn't believe how green the

grass was.

Both my parents were very principled and I'm my father's son in the sense that he was an

Eagle Scout I became a the Scout, he played tennis I played tennis.

He was a ham radio operator, I became a ham radio operator, but I'm also my

mother's son and then I think I have more of her disposition, and my mother

was very much a people person.

Pontiac has fallen on really hard times. When I was

growing up, it was a relatively prosperous place. You could graduate from Pontiac

Central High School on a Friday and go to work in one of the automobile

factories on a Monday, and pretty much be guaranteed a comfortable middle-class

existence. Sadly most of those jobs are no longer there.

And as a result, Pontiac has become one of the poorest towns if not the poorest

city in the state of Michigan. I wanted to go back and meet with kids growing up

in Pontiac today. Tell them that if they work hard, they can have a

great life and great opportunities ahead of them. I never could have imagined this

life for me when I was growing up in Pontiac.

[camera click]


It's great to be home! Please welcome Harvard University

President, Larry Bacow.

While he was taking

the tour with the students I was in the back and one of the students came up to

me that wasn't a part of the tour and she said 'man this is as close as I'm

ever gonna get to Harvard'. Immediately my heart sunk for a second here and I

pushed her right up to the front and said well now you're closer, now what are

you gonna do for the rest of it. They had a bulletin board which had the

logos of a bunch of different colleges and universities.

I stopped in front of it because Harvard was represented, and a group of students

were gathered around us, and one of them said to me 'you being here is the

closest that I will ever get to Harvard', and I said no it's not. You know if you

work hard and then apply yourself, you too can go to Harvard, and I think that

all of us need people who can see things in us that we don't necessarily see in ourselves.

I plan to apply to Harvard just to see if I'll get in, just hoping.

I've heard from a lot of teachers that I have the capabilities to get into

there and seeing that he's from Pontiac and I'm from Pontiac, we're coming from

the same place. And a lot of their families have not been to college before

so they would be the first generation their family to attend college which is

such a huge deal and they recognize the role that they have in their family's

legacy. It was really cool meeting him, once in a lifetime - well not once a

lifetime if I get into Harvard, but you know. [laughter]

When I reflect upon my parents

journey to this country, I realize how lucky I am.

Where else can one go, in one generation, from off the boat with literally nothing,

and to enjoy the kind of life and opportunity that I and my family have

been fortunate to enjoy. It was higher education that made this all possible.

These are tough times for higher education, and I think people are raising

hard and challenging questions whether or not college and universities are even

affordable to the middle class. About whether or not we are connected to the

heartland of this country, about whether or not we are worthy in public support.

My late father was able to attend Wayne State University. He went at night. He put

himself through school by doing a series of odd jobs parking cars and other

things and because my father was able to get an education, I had a different life,

my sister had a different life, and because we were able to have an

education, my children have had a different life. Higher education has the

capacity to change the life in the trajectory not just that the person who

gets educated, but in many cases for future generations as well.


For more infomation >> Harvard's new president Larry Bacow returns to his roots - Duration: 5:57.


How To Check In At The Hotel - 7 Questions You MUST know |Travel English - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> How To Check In At The Hotel - 7 Questions You MUST know |Travel English - Duration: 7:58.


Sheila Jackson Lee responds to former intern's arrest - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Sheila Jackson Lee responds to former intern's arrest - Duration: 1:09.


Jacky Bracamontes y su esposo se llevaron un susto con su embarazo - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Jacky Bracamontes y su esposo se llevaron un susto con su embarazo - Duration: 3:02.


Ricky Martin libra una dura batalla | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Ricky Martin libra una dura batalla | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:13.


Wheatley High students walk out in protest for vice principal - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Wheatley High students walk out in protest for vice principal - Duration: 0:23.


Issabela Camil sale en defensa de Sergio Mayer | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Issabela Camil sale en defensa de Sergio Mayer | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:47.


Aparecen primeras fotos del rostro de la bebé de Cardi B | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Aparecen primeras fotos del rostro de la bebé de Cardi B | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:29.


Aparecen primeras fotos del rostro de la bebé de Cardi B | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Aparecen primeras fotos del rostro de la bebé de Cardi B | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:29.


Jerry Springer Show (October 04, 2018) - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 04, 2018) - Duration: 3:19.


Jerry Springer Show (October 04, 2018)Remy wants to give her husband the surprise of a lifetime.... - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 04, 2018)Remy wants to give her husband the surprise of a lifetime.... - Duration: 4:28.


The Lavender Line: Coming Out in Queens - Duration: 5:26.

(soothing piano music)

For more infomation >> The Lavender Line: Coming Out in Queens - Duration: 5:26.


Nothing Gold Can Stay: American Landscapes by Ard Berge - Duration: 4:26.

("A Day to Remember" by Benjamin Tissot)

(contemplative acoustic guitar and piano music)

(woman vocalizing)

(woman vocalizing)

(fire crackling)

(woman vocalizing)

(water lapping)

(crickets chirping)

(train whistle blows)

For more infomation >> Nothing Gold Can Stay: American Landscapes by Ard Berge - Duration: 4:26.


Juried Student Exhibition (2018) - Duration: 7:42.

("The Jazz Piano) by Benjamin Tissot

For more infomation >> Juried Student Exhibition (2018) - Duration: 7:42.


Toyota Avensis 1.8 VVT-I WAGON Business Nav. Clim.contr. Trekh. - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Avensis 1.8 VVT-I WAGON Business Nav. Clim.contr. Trekh. - Duration: 1:09.


44岁汪涵前妻曝光,这长相惊艳众人,网友:怪不得这么久不公开 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 44岁汪涵前妻曝光,这长相惊艳众人,网友:怪不得这么久不公开 - Duration: 3:25.


Arsenal news: Ryan Giggs makes Aaron Ramsey transfer prediction - Duration: 2:30.

 That is the view of the midfielder's Wales manager Ryan Giggs. Ramsey is set to leave Arsenal in January or at the end of the season after contract talks with the club collapsed

 Arsenal and Ramsey had agreed a new deal but the offer was taken off the table by the club

 The Gunners are struggling with a high wage bill after giving Mesut Ozil a deal worth around £350,000-a-week

 And despite a willingness to stay, Ramsey now appears likely to leave the Emirates after 10 years at the club

 Express Sport understands Chelsea and Manchester United have an interest in Ramsey

 But a move abroad is also possible as Ramsey is able to talk to foreign clubs from January 1

 Ramsey has been called up by Giggs to the Wales squad for their upcoming games with Spain and the Republic of Ireland

 And Giggs says Ramsey's quality means he could play in Spain. "He's a good player so he suits any league," Giggs said, when asked specifically if Ramsey would flourish in La Liga

 "But at the moment he's at a very good club. "My advice would be to concentrate on his career with Arsenal and when he comes away with us

 "Whether he stays or goes somewhere else it's pure speculation at the moment. "But he can play anywhere

" Wales squad in full: Hennessey, Ward, A Davies; A Williams, Chester, B Davies, Gunter, C Roberts, Mepham, Richards, Ampadu, Dummett, John; Allen, King, Brooks, Smith, Ramsey; Bale, Woodburn, Wilson, Lawrence, Vokes, G Thomas, T Roberts

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Ryan Giggs makes Aaron Ramsey transfer prediction - Duration: 2:30.


Traditional African Art: Selections from the Liren Wei Collection - Duration: 9:57.

("Kumasi Groove" by Kevin MacLeod)

("Kumasi Groove Flugelhorn" by Kevin MacLeod)

For more infomation >> Traditional African Art: Selections from the Liren Wei Collection - Duration: 9:57.


Opel Astra 1.4T Innovation ST Nav. Comf/AGR.stoel. Clim.contr. Trekh. - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.4T Innovation ST Nav. Comf/AGR.stoel. Clim.contr. Trekh. - Duration: 1:04.


明星小時候的照片,范冰冰劉濤漂亮,莫文蔚好醜,湯唯變化最大 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 明星小時候的照片,范冰冰劉濤漂亮,莫文蔚好醜,湯唯變化最大 - Duration: 1:06.


Increíble: Tinelli saludó a Luis Ortega y, por elevación, a su hermano Sebastián - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Increíble: Tinelli saludó a Luis Ortega y, por elevación, a su hermano Sebastián - Duration: 4:15.


追隨自己偶像李娜,中國金花力克溫網冠軍!下一場直面日本超新星 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 追隨自己偶像李娜,中國金花力克溫網冠軍!下一場直面日本超新星 - Duration: 2:39.


Field B walk through - Duration: 1:49.

Looking to the south-east B field

Young trees 3-4 years

Close up can see olives

For more infomation >> Field B walk through - Duration: 1:49.


Route 3 + Field B Walk through - Duration: 1:34.

B field year old trees

Trees are healthy and growing well

Though hard to see there are young trees

Western edge of B field

For more infomation >> Route 3 + Field B Walk through - Duration: 1:34.


Field B walk through July 31 - Duration: 4:43.

Entering B field East end

Turning down row 6 Field B

close up Row 5 Field B Close up

Row 4 Field B

Close up Row 4 Field B

Viewing between rows 3 & 4 Field B

Row 3 Field B close up

Row 2 Field B

Row 2 Field B close up

Row 1 Field B (East End)

Row 1 Field B close up

Showing Row 1 Field B

Row 1 Field B close up

Going backwards to beginning

More rows in field B

For more infomation >> Field B walk through July 31 - Duration: 4:43.


Titre *Wsh Fréro 10 000* - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Titre *Wsh Fréro 10 000* - Duration: 2:16.


Route 1 July 31 - Duration: 4:42.

East end of Field A

Moving towards the west in Field A

End of short rows Field A

Moving towards the west in Field A

Ditch for drainage

Moving towards the west in Field A

Ditch for Drainage

Far west end of Field A Newly complete rows at your top right

Moving to the south to view Field B west end

This is the area that was previously killed by standing water

Field B East end

Moving towards the south

Ariel view of barn and greenhouse

East end of Field B upper driveway to your left

Headed to the west over Field B

West end of orchard

For more infomation >> Route 1 July 31 - Duration: 4:42.


[Just For Fun] FEH: Celica, Boey, Mae and Faye vs Robin GHB & LHB Infernal - Duration: 8:16.

IV: +Def -Atk

IV: +HP -Spd

IV: +Atk -HP

IV: +Spd -Res

This team can clear Robin GHB Infernal with fewer customisations

But I was lazy about swapping skills and wanted just do both runs with the same builds

First up: Robin GHB Infernal

That tile will be where I attack from next turn

Faye gains +18 def and res against ranged enemies if they initiate combat

She was built with arena assault in mind

And I carried this over for these runs

Due to his high Def, and their choice of specials, neither the Green Axe nor the Blue Lance can hurt Boey

With Boey acting as the wall, Faye's charging up her special

Next up: Robin LHB Infernal

I forgot to switch off combat animations, sorry

Due to Ally Support, Boey gets stat buffs from being near Mae

The top enemies are trying to get down this choke point

Boey is used to block them off, while the others deal with the reinforcements

The enemy can reach us from two sides

But movement assist skills allow Celica to help take out the Fliers...

...whilst escaping from the Blue Manakete's range

Moving Mae to support Boey's Def

The Ranged Cav is a problem for Celica, but she also has to take out the Green Flier

With the buffs from owltome and adjacent allies, Mae can tank a hit from the Blue Manakete

With Blazing Light and Desperation, Celica cna take out the Blue Manakete

Now that all the reinforcements are dealt with, time to take the group at the top

With her +18 def/res bonus vs enemy ranged units if they initiate combat, Faye is going to take out the mages and cleric

Quick nod to just how sturdy Boey is as a wall~!

The Red Cav Mage is mobile and can take out Celica, Boey and Mae if they attack

Faye can take out all the spellcasters on her own, but that Blue Cav lancer is a problem

But with their specials are primed, Boey and Faye can take that lancer out

Walking everyone but Faye out of the Mage's range

Trying to bait Robin down, so Celica can pick off the Green Axe Armour

With her special primed, and Desperation, she can take out Robin next turn

For more infomation >> [Just For Fun] FEH: Celica, Boey, Mae and Faye vs Robin GHB & LHB Infernal - Duration: 8:16.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA | NAVI | 360 º CAMERA | PANORAMA - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA | NAVI | 360 º CAMERA | PANORAMA - Duration: 1:06.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA | NAVI | 360 º CAMERA | PANORAMA - Duration: 1:06.


Fetish Eyeshadow Palette Tutorial | Spotlight Makeup - Duration: 11:29.

hey guys what's up welcome back if this is your first time stopping by my name

is Brittany thank you so much for tuning in to today's video today I wanted to

give you guys kind of a first impressions demo eyeshadow tutorial

using the new a cat Von D a fetish palette that just recently launched I

believe it launched on it was either Thursday or Friday of last week that it

launched I picked it up as soon as it launched this is what the palette looks

like right here it's got a really nice array of cool tone shadows it's got some

really nice pops of color in here and it's got some warm shadows over here as

well one thing that I cannot really appreciate about this palette it's got a

really nice sized mirror on the inside of it that is perfect for makeup

application and it has all of the names of each eyeshadow listed underneath the

eyeshadow as well it also has them listed on the back as well but obviously

I'm not going to be using the back of the palette so I really appreciate that

they were able to put the names of the eyeshadows inside the pilot one downside

to this palette though I will say is that it is so bulky guys like this is

huge I wasn't expecting it to be as big as it is but it is it is really sleek

along here and it does have a magnet that keeps the palette close but overall

this is a really bulky palette so I don't know how travel friendly this

palette would be unless you were like you know traveling with very minimal

makeup and this was the only eye palette that you were using but it's still it's

not something that would like fit in your purse I don't think so that's the

only downside to it as I find it is a little bit bulky but other than that

it's not too bad of an eyeshadow palette and one of the reasons why I purchased

this too I mean I love all Kat Von D eyeshadow palettes anyways but I really

wanted to see when I got this on hand if a lot of these cool toned eyeshadows

could kind of be dupes for for the new honest Asya sultry palette that's coming

out because if you like have fun d and you purchase this before the Anastasia

sultry palette I do believe that a lot of these shadows in here are dupes

for that palette and I mean I really love cool toned eyeshadows too so that's

another reason why I did purchase this palette I know I don't do a lot of cool

toned eyeshadows because I don't feel like a lot of people like cool toned

eyeshadows but I do plan on creating some more cool toned eyeshadow looks in

the future I also wanted to let you guys know that this palette does retail for

$76 which it is a little bit pricey but you do get a very nice

array of eyeshadows in the palette so I guess it's kind of up to you as to

whether or not you want to spend the money on it to me I don't mind spending

like almost a hundred bucks on an eyeshadow palette but that's just me

moving right into the tutorial guys this is the eye look that I came up with

today I really wanted to play with some of the cool toned eyeshadows that are in

this palette and this is what I came up with I'm really loving how this

spotlight I look turned out and if you guys enjoyed today's tutorial please

consider subscribing to my channel hit all your post notifications as well so

that notified every single time that I upload to my channel I upload several

times a week every single week so you always have content coming from me over

here you guys want to see how I create this really nice cool tone spotlight I

use in the Kat Von D fetish eyeshadow palette then please keep on watching

alright guys I already did go in and do one eye off-camera and I did prep my

other live with my P Lewis base so I'm just gonna go ahead and dive right into

the palette so to start off this look I'm gonna go in with my crown brush and

I'm gonna go into the shade obsession and I'm just gonna pop that right in the

crease then once you have that packed on you just want to go around and blend the

edges out for when we go in with the next shadow I'm gonna go in with a

morphe m51 four brush and I'm gonna go into the shade nylon and then I'm just

gonna buff that right over top of the edges of where we blended out that lash

a doe

then I'm gonna go in with a morphe m56 to brush into the shade and naughty and

then I'm just gonna buff some of that over the edges of the lash out of a

place down as well we're gonna go back in with my crammed brush into the shade

obsession and I'm just going to blend some more that Navy shade right in the

crease because we did lose some of the pigment when we blended those other

eyeshadows in and then going back into the shade nylon and I'm just gonna buff

a little bit more of that in the crease as well going in with my makeup Shakti

56 brush I'm gonna go under the shade rubber which is the really I mean this

black is so pigmented it's beyond so I'm gonna go in and I'm just gonna place

this directly in the crease and then I'm gonna go back in with my crown brush

with no additional product and then I'm just gonna blend the black into the navy

shadow we don't want any harsh lines in this look okay now it's time to go in

and cut the lid so I'm gonna go back in with my pea Louise base and I'm just

gonna cut the very center of the lid I'm not taking it all over the lid today I

want this to be more of like a spotlight makeup look today i drugged it up a

little too high on this eye but that's alright okay I'm gonna go back in with

my makeup Shakti 56 brush with no additional product and I'm just going to

buff the edges into that concealer

try to correct some of this mistake that I made I really wanted to play with the

silver shadow in this palisade because it really stuck out to me it looks so

shimmery and so popping so I went in and pick some of that up on my makeup check

t52 brush and it gave my brush to spray with my skin to navy a setting spray and

then I just went in with that all over the lid like look how pigmented that

silver is it's so pigmented guys I'm just really buffing that Navy shadow in

so that there's no harsh lines to define the crease a little bit more I'm going

to go in with my morphe m14 8 brush and we're going to go back into the shade

rubber and then I'm just going to drag that black shadow right over top of

where we cut the crease just to add some extra definition to the crease area

but you have that on I'm just gonna pack a little bit more of that black shadow

on the outer V of the eye and then I'm gonna go in and add it to the very inner

part of the eye and then when you have that nice and packed on I'm just gonna

go back in with my crown brush and I'm just gonna blend the edges of the black

and navy shadow and together so that there's no harsh lines again because we

don't want nobody wants her slides I'm also going to go in and clean up

underneath the eye as well because we did get some fallout I'm gonna go in

with my Maybelline black gel liner and I'm just gonna create a really nice

gradual thick line on the lid alright guys so I did go in and do my foundation

concealer powders and lashes all off-camera because I want to speed this

process up so I'm gonna go in and finish up underneath the lower lash line and

I'm gonna go in to the shade obsession with my morphe m-43 tube brush and I'm

just gonna buff that right underneath the lower lash line then I'm gonna go

with my makeup Shakti 14 brush and I'm gonna go into the shade nylon and I'm

gonna buff that underneath the lower lash line as well

moving onto the skin because this is a cool tone eyeshadow look I want to go in

and use a cool tone bronzer as well so the Fate my favorite cool tone bronzer

that I have in my entire collection is the Sephora powder bronzer in Los Cabos

and I'm just going to go in with my morphe m-52 3 brush

we're going to go into my huda beauty easy-bake powder and blondie and I'm

just gonna chisel up that contour

for blush today I'm gonna go in to my baked powder blush by Milani in the

shade berry a more and I'm just going to apply this to the cheekbones now I'm

gonna go in and clean up that contour

okay now that that's done there's time to go in and set the face I'm gonna go

in with my skin to navy a setting spray

and I'm also gonna go in with my little cocktail as well if you guys don't know

what my cocktail is I will have that listed in the description box below as

well in case you're curious or highlight today I'm going to go into my jus a

highlighter in the shade skinny-dip

so my camera cut out so I don't know where cut out at but all I did was in

went in on my lips with the Rimmel London coffee-bean lipliner and then I

went in with my Maybelline beige babe lipstick so this is the completed look

alright guys so that is it for my fetish eyeshadow tutorial today and I really

hope that you guys enjoyed today's tutorial initial thoughts on this

palette is so far I'm really enjoying this palette obviously I didn't play

with every single shadow in this palette today battles that I did use performed

really well they blended really well they packed on really well there was a

little bit of Follette but it was very minimal so a little bit of kickback in

the palette as well with some of the shadows that I used today it's not too

much or anything like that so I really enjoyed this palette so far obviously

I'm gonna have to play around with it a little bit more to get my overall a

final opinion on the palette but so far I really enjoy it leave me a comment in

the comment section below if you enjoyed today's look and leave me a comment if

you'd like to see me create more looks using this palette so if you enjoyed

today's video please subscribe to my channel and with that being said thank

you so much guys and I will catch you in my next video

For more infomation >> Fetish Eyeshadow Palette Tutorial | Spotlight Makeup - Duration: 11:29.


For more infomation >> Fetish Eyeshadow Palette Tutorial | Spotlight Makeup - Duration: 11:29.


UGI faces $2M penalty for fatal house explosion last year in Manor Township - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> UGI faces $2M penalty for fatal house explosion last year in Manor Township - Duration: 1:03.


The Talk - Andrew Dice Clay Recalls Tear-Drenched Screen Test with Lady Gaga for 'A Star is Born' - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> The Talk - Andrew Dice Clay Recalls Tear-Drenched Screen Test with Lady Gaga for 'A Star is Born' - Duration: 1:38.


Daddy Yankee recibirá homenaje en los Latin American Music Awards | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Daddy Yankee recibirá homenaje en los Latin American Music Awards | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:30.


Chelsea 1-0 Vidi - GOL Y RESUMEN - Grupo L UEFA Europa League - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Chelsea 1-0 Vidi - GOL Y RESUMEN - Grupo L UEFA Europa League - Duration: 1:36.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 318i M-PAKKET NAVI XENON 2011 SPORTEDITION - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 318i M-PAKKET NAVI XENON 2011 SPORTEDITION - Duration: 1:13.



For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 316i EXE M-PAKKET NAVIGATIE SPORTSTOELEN ECC CRUISE PDC LMV18 RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 1:06.


BMW X3 2.0D XDRIVE M-SPORT/1e Eig./Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0D XDRIVE M-SPORT/1e Eig./Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:13.


A hamster climbing my shoulder and kissing me!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:37.

Hey, look Cheese Jr.'s here.

He's as ever brilliant muscle ❤

He looks happy to climb high places ❤

Too cute❤



How is the view from the top?

It's awesome ♪

I am interested in the scenery there

I will go to see ♪


Today's third climbing time

I like here.


Looking at me at more closer ♪

Am I cute?

Because I showed you the cuteness of me

I will return soon

I get off


I feelyoucame again ♪

I climb to the top…

Let me pass this time

This time is the last!

See you

For more infomation >> A hamster climbing my shoulder and kissing me!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:37.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET 5DRS / AIRCO / TREKHAAK / BLUETOOTH - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET 5DRS / AIRCO / TREKHAAK / BLUETOOTH - Duration: 1:08.


Halsey - Without Me (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:23.

Halsey - Without Me (Lyrics)

For more infomation >> Halsey - Without Me (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:23.


How Your Minimum Hours Can Increase Revenue AND Improve Caregiver Retention - Duration: 11:12.

- Hi everyone.

On today's episode of A Drink with The Hurricane,

I'm gonna talk about having minimums

in hours of service being provided

from a private pay standpoint.


This is A Drink with The Hurricane,

the home care sales and marketing talk show

that discusses all things growing your home care business.

Do you have minimums for your

private pay home care business?

This is a very, very hot topic because

everybody says, we don't have minimums,

we don't have minimums and the bigger the agencies are,

the more minimums they have.

If you're fine that you can't get

over a certain revenue amount and

you can't get enough clients,

you're having a hard time staffing,

think about it from a staffing standpoint,

from a caregiver's perspective.

I'm gonna draw some stuff on here.

From a caregiver's perspective, they come into your office,

this is why we can't keep caregivers by the way.

Our industry average,

if you hire three caregivers this year,

by the end of the year you will have one left.

Almost 70% of the people we hire

quit before the end of a year.

That's abysmal.

Why is it so bad?

Because we're catering too much to our client.

I have had so many people tell me over the years,

I've had people state these exact words to me over the years

when I've done field visits with clients and such saying,

Steve, our company's philosophy is like Burger King,

have it your way.

Then I train them and say, that's wrong.

Clients, when they call in and say,

I want a bath visit two days a week,

if they need a bath and they can't

take a shower by themself,

what else can they not do by themselves?

That is really, really important so by

giving somebody two days of care for two showers,

you're providing a disservice to that person

because if they can't take a shower,

they probably can't go to the bathroom,

they probably can't get to doctor's appointments,

probably aren't taking their meds properly,

probably not cooking meals and eating like they should,

probably not doing physical therapy exercises.

They need a lot more than just a shower.

When people can't close more than that,

they need closing help, that's what we do here.

We help with scaling it and doing that but,

that is a problem.

From the caregiver's perspective,

a caregiver comes says, I wanna work 40 hours a week for you

and here's a typical schedule.

I'm gonna draw this out real quick.

Let's say you have a caregiver who comes in

who's available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, and Friday.

Let's just say you do a four hour minimum, AM, PM.

You do a four hour minimum and with that four hour minimum,

you will do just four hours but that's it.

You'll do it once a week.

You know what happens?

I'm this caregiver.

We'll call this caregiver Jane.

I'm Jane and I come in to work for you and your company.

This is why we can't keep Jane because

Jane comes in and wants 40 hours a week.

All of a sudden you get Tom who wants Monday and Friday

in the morning.

Then a week later you get Betty who wants

Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

Then all of a sudden you get Nick who wants

afternoons Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Then you get Chris who needs help

Tuesday and Thursday morning.

This is a typical schedule for a caregiver.

Do you see anything wrong with this?

First off, it's very hard to fill just one shift like this

which means that now Jane is coming in

but she can't get dependent and reliable work,

she can't get dependent reliable income,

so she's gonna constantly be looking for more work.

This is why we can't keep caregivers.

On top of this, Jane,

even if you were to keep this schedule

and get her to this point,

she's got one, two, three, four,

four different clients, five different clients here.

This is too many clients.

They don't wanna be driving to all these

different people's houses all throughout

the course of the week.

They're not even gonna be sure

what days of the week they have to go anywhere.

Then, let's throw this caveat in here too

'cause this happens all the time.

Say Betty gets sick and goes to the

hospital and discontinues services.

Now all of a sudden to go from having

36 hours of work in this week,

Jane just lost eight hours which is

20% of her weekly income, 25%,

so she went from 36 hours down to 28 hours for that week

which is now part-time.

You cannot find somebody who needs those exact hours.

Herein lies the problem.

We're trying to give our patients what they want

and keep caregivers.

Something's gotta give and this is why

we have the caregiver crisis because

what gives is Jane doesn't give.

It's not that she doesn't care, she's very caring,

we're screwing her.

Think about it.

We're playing with her livelihood.

That's why they're not loyal to staying with your company.

We have to do a better job internally.

Here's how we do it.

Now, what do I recommend as your minimum?

I really recommend that you go 20 hours a week.

I know it sounds crazy.

Maybe not from the get go when you first get started

'cause you gotta grow the business,

but when your business is doing close to $1 million a year,

you have 20 patients on your census or more

that you could actually approve that

you know what you're doing.

Who's the expert here, the customer or the agency?

You are the expert, the agency is the expert.

Think about it from this perspective folks

and I say this all the time,

I had my bathroom leak couple of years ago.

My kids broke my bathtub

and it was leaking through the ceiling

and it came down into the kitchen and it was a mess.

I was cooking dinner and water

was dropping on my head and it was aweful.

When I went to get that fixed,

I have no idea how to get that fixed.

I found there was some cracks in the tub

so I called up a contractor who came out and said to me,

here's the crack.

I said, can you fix the crack?

That's what I was thinking.

The contractor said, no, we can't fix the crack.

If you wanna fix it, you can go to Home Depot,

you can get porcelain crack stuff

and you can take care of it yourself and do it yourself.

I said, well why can't you do that?

They said, we're not gonna do that

because that's not gonna fix it.

It's only gonna put a band-aid on it

and it's gonna eventually leak again.

That's not the way we do work.

The right way to do it so that it doesn't leak

and you're gonna repair your ceiling in your kitchen

and the floor underneath and everything else,

you have to repair all of this.

The right way to do it is to rip out the tub

and replace the entire tub.

When I called in asking for them

to come out and fix the tub,

I was thinking this is gonna be $100, $200 thing.

It ended up being over $2,000 to replace the tub,

fix the ceiling, fix the floor underneath,

and make it so that it doesn't leak.

Guess what, two years later it doesn't leak

in my house anymore so I fixed the problem.

The same thing happens with our clients.

They're calling in,

I need a bath visit once or twice a week.

Selling them that bath visit is a disservice.

What is our purpose?

Our purpose as an agency is to keep you home.

Our purpose as an agency is to set up a plan,

long-term that keeps your mother out of the hospital

because if mom ends up in the hospital

and comes home and then needs home care,

you're gonna need 84 hours a week,

168 hours a week which means now you're

gonna spend $1,200, $1,500, $3,000 or more a week

to get the care you need to stay home versus

having somebody come in four hours a day

five days a week which is like $300, $400 a week.

How do you wanna spend the money?

A little bit over the course of the rest of mom's life

and she has no pain and suffering,

or do you wanna let something happen to mom

and then have to spend a lot of money

in a short period of time and then

mom eventually dies anyway?

That's the mindset 'cause look at it

from the caregiver's perspective now.

'Cause right now doing a four hour minimum

with no consistency means that you have a possible 168,

'cause there's 168 hours in a week,

you have 168 possible shifts to fill.

168 possible shifts.

This is why it's impossible.

This is why it's what it is in the industry.

This is all that we do folks by the way.

This is all that we do is help people with this

'cause this is a problem.

Here's what happens if you do a 20 hour minimum.

The same situation with Jane as a caregiver.

I have AM, PM, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, and Friday.

With a five hour minimum,

Jane can have Chris and Kelly.

That's two clients, five days a week.

She's not driving all over the territory.

She has one in the morning, one in the evening, boom.

If you have a client that's 56 hours a week,

you can have one client five days a week for that caregiver.

That is retention.

That's what the caregiver wants.

This is 40 hours of work.

Do you follow me on this?

I know that a lot of you are

watching this and you're thinking,

but we wanna do this, we wanna do that, whatever.

There's an old saying that goes,

you have to be willing to walk away from the business.

You ever hear companies say we're not the company for you?

That example I just gave you with the contractor,

he wasn't gonna fix that tub.

He was gonna replace that tub.

If he wanted me to fix it, I'm not the client for him.

He is not the company for me.

I can go find somebody else who will fix it,

but you're not gonna be happy and

the floor is still gonna be damaged

and the ceiling is still gonna rain and everything else.

You gotta fix the problem.

If I get this, the situation I had back here,

if I bring this up and Jane quits,

now I gotta restaff all of this with another caregiver.

How happy is Tom gonna be with

their decision to go with me?

Probably gonna cancel services.

I know you're looking at this.

This is in every one of your offices right now.

You gotta make a difference, you gotta make a decision.

I know I went way over time and

I don't like to go more than five minutes

because just for attention and everything else.

If you want help with this,

if you wanna be able to get clients

that you can have this kind of a situation,

pick up the telephone, give us a call,

and let us show you how you can do this

and bring in these kind of clients

to make your operation easier to

get it to $3 million and beyond

so that you can truly blow away the competition

and have the home care business

that you always wanted to have.

(upbeat guitar music)

For more infomation >> How Your Minimum Hours Can Increase Revenue AND Improve Caregiver Retention - Duration: 11:12.


Chelsea news: Glenn Hoddle praises one star vs Vidi and sees similarities to Eden Hazard - Duration: 2:28.

 Loftus-Cheek started for Chelsea for the first time since January 2017 for the visit of Vidi in the Europa League

 The England international spent last season on loan at Crystal Palace and his performances earned him a spot in Gareth Southgate's World Cup squad

 However, he has found game time hard to come by since returning to Chelsea under Maurizio Sarri

 Loftus-Cheek has missed the last few weeks due to a foot injury and was left out of the England squad named today for the upcoming Nations League matches against Croatia and Spain

 But he was given his chance against Vidi and Hoddle said one moment in particular, where he beat a number of players, reminded him of Chelsea team-mate Eden Hazard

 "You asked me what I thought of him and I said I'm not sure what he is yet," Hoddle said at half time on BT Sport

 "I don't know if he's a goalscoring midfield machine, or he's a purveyor of the ball and he's going to create loads of play

 "He hasn't had enough in a blue shirt, that's for sure. "This is where he's at his very best for me, in and around the penalty box

 "There he might have taken the shot. If you're instincts are of a goalscorer you toe poke that, you poke that past the keeper

 "This is lovely, this little bit of guile, this change of pace that he's got. "Look at that, a little slalom in-between those defenders, that's Hazard-like isn't it

 "But that's what he's got to do time and time again. "If he's going to get in a blue shirt regular, he's got to do that sort of thing

 "Hit the manager right between the eyes."

For more infomation >> Chelsea news: Glenn Hoddle praises one star vs Vidi and sees similarities to Eden Hazard - Duration: 2:28.


Cheesiest Win Ever! Fortnite Battle Royale (How 2 Noob) - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Cheesiest Win Ever! Fortnite Battle Royale (How 2 Noob) - Duration: 1:22.


Jerry Springer Show (October 04, 2018)Remy wants to give her husband the surprise of a lifetime.... - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 04, 2018)Remy wants to give her husband the surprise of a lifetime.... - Duration: 4:28.


Jerry Springer Show (October 04, 2018) - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 04, 2018) - Duration: 3:19.


9. funny how money - Duration: 10:05.

[all vocalizing]

Parts of us


- Part of us - Erase


Parts of us erase

Parts of us erase

[indistinct singing]

Parts of us

[overlapping singing]

[overlapping chatter]

The table is covered with "Time" magazines and bills.

Paid, unpaid?

That's the challenge.

I sit there when I'm trying to figure it out

at the end of the month.

The table is...

I sit there when I'm trying to figure it out

at the end of the month.

- That's the challenge. - At the end of the month.

I sit there when I'm trying to figure it out

at the end of the month.

Really good wine

The first wife used the table for meals.

Funny how money

I sit there when we're trying to figure it out...

Funny how a glass of really good wine

Changes nothing.

Funny how dirt

- Changes everything - Funny how money

- Changes nothing - Funny how dirt

- Changes nothing - Funny how justice

Changes everything

Funny how justice

Changes nothing

Funny how being on TV

Changes everything

- Funny how being on TV - How justice

- Changes nothing - Funny how a glass

Of really good red wine

[indistinct chatter]

Funny how justice

Changes everything

Funny how dirt

Changes nothing

Funny how night coming on

Changes everything

Funny how night coming on

Changes nothing

Changes nothing

Funny how construction next door

Changes everything

Funny how construction next door

Changes nothing

Funny how money

Changes everything

Funny how money

Changes nothing

Funny how money

Changes nothing

Funny how money

- Changes everything - Changes everything

- Funny how money - Funny how money

- Changes nothing - Changes nothing

- Funny how hope - Funny how a manicure

- Changes nothing - Changes everything

Funny how a manicure

Changes nothing

Funny how a nice glass or red wine

Funny how hope changes everything

Funny how hope

- Changes everything - Changes nothing

- Funny how hope - Funny how the evidence

- Changes nothing - Changes everything

Funny how the evidence

Changes nothing

Funny how hope

Changes everything

[indistinct chatter]

Funny how hope

Changes nothing

- Funny how love - Funny how love

Changes everything

Between us is a table too high to eat around,

so it serves as a sideboard.

It was handmade for me by my friend

- so I don't replace it. - Changes nothing

I eat on the couch. When friends come over,

they hold their plate in their laps.

Funny how a breeze off the river

- Funny how love - Changes everything

Changes nothing

Funny how a breeze off the river

Changes everything

Funny how a work permit

Changes nothing

[indistinct chatter]

Funny how sex

Changes everything

- Funny how sex - Changes nothing

- Funny how hope - Changes nothing

- Changes everything - When friends come over,

they hold plates on their laps

and serve themselves from what should be the table.

Nothing is between us. The table is forgotten.

Changes everything

It's thrown my heart out of balance.

Funny how hope

Changes nothing

Funny how justice

- Changes everything - Changes everything

- Funny how a dog - Funny how justice

- Changes nothing - Changes nothing

- Funny how walking - Funny how dirt

Funny how the evidence

Changes everything

- Funny how dirt - Funny how a manicure

- Funny how the evidence - Changes everything

Changes nothing

Funny how evidence

Changes nothing

Funny how

Funny how a really good glass of red wine

Changes everything

Funny how a really good glass of red wine

Funny how money

- Changes everything - Funny how love

Changes everything

Funny how that nice breeze off the river

- Changes nothing - Changes everything

Funny how justice

Funny how that nice breeze off the river

- Changes nothing - Funny how money

Changes nothing

Funny how a glass of really good red wine

- Changes nothing - Changes everything


Funny how that nice breeze off the river

Funny how a really good glass of red wine

Changes nothing

Funny how that nice breeze off the river

Changes nothing

Funny how construction next door

Funny how a work permit

Changes everything

Funny how construction next door

- How night coming on - Changes nothing

Changes everything

Funny how night coming on

Changes nothing

Funny how the dove of peace

Changes everything

Funny how the dove of peace

Changes everything

Funny how money

Changes everything

Funny how money

Funny how money

Changes nothing

Funny how hope

Changes everything

Funny how money

Changes everything

Funny how justice

Changes everything

Funny how a glass of really good red wine

Funny how justice

- Changes nothing - Changes everything

- Funny how hope - Funny how a dog

- Funny how money - Changes nothing

- Funny how money - Changes everything

Funny how the evidence

Funny how that nice breeze off the river

- Changes everything Changes everything

Changes everything

Funny how that nice breeze off the river

Changes nothing

Changes nothing

Funny how a glass of really good red wine

Funny how a broken heart

Changes everything

For more infomation >> 9. funny how money - Duration: 10:05.


SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE - "My wife wants an immediate escape" - Duration: 12:09.

CLOSED CAPTION BY YOUTUBE! it's always a 50-50 responsibility yeah so you both got there

together yeah you both hi everybody welcome to Lola and all addcom we have

another video for you the question is my wife wants an immediate escape my wife

of 27 years has said she has checked out emotionally and has no love and wants an

immediate escape Jesus we're still in the same house have two children and she

is avoiding me in like a plague Jesus obviously I'm the one that wants the

marriage to continue my question is shall I try to use your techniques on

someone who was totally checked out emotionally sadly I get the feeling she

has gone past the point of no return hmm our problem was lack of consistent

romance on my part everything else was reasonably okay well

what do you think Wow yeah so 27 years 27 years yes

that's a long time well yeah so she checked out emotionally obviously

there's some issues that she's been dealing with that she felt like she

could not handle and she just checked out first of all I don't want people to

think the person who checked out on you is trying to be malicious or evil first

of all the reason why he checked out is because they're lost they're struggling

they're struggling they can't help it yeah so you guys have two children

hmm well then she's not watching you like a plague obviously she doesn't want

to have sex she doesn't want to have anything to do with you and now if their

body a complete loss in the end - insects especially for women right and

it wants to know you should use our techniques on the GPS on someone that I

already checked out mm-hmm you using the technique is not using it on how is

using it on yourself because if you use it on heart then that's manipulators

manipulation right now you want a quick fix

no never look for a quick fix that will never solve the problem

and is easy is having the fear that she has gone to a point of no return

that's nothing for you to worry about if you're using the GPS I mean if you come

to us here you told my point of no return where the definition of point oh

yeah we thought we we hit the wall it's impossible to even come back there's

nothing like that don't worry about that you just want to focus on God

popo's himself and then I see him he's actually taking ownership a blaming

himself yeah what does problems yeah well like we always say here it's not on

drop essentials 900 it's always a 50/50 responsibility yeah so you both got

there yeah you both got me what are you yeah

so it's a lot of stuff in here all right so let's let's get through it my wife of

27 years has said she has checked out emotionally and she said it if she said

it take it take it as Chuck you know take your home believe that you know any

people that don't mean that don't say that yeah and usually a lot has gone

down in the in the past years when eight years before someone would say that to a

person they love or that he used to love right and has no love and want an

immediate escape the immediate escape exit immediate escapee yeah cause I

didn't have the immediate escape thing I kind of have immediate escape but not

physically she wasn't trying to escape immediately physically but she has this

immediately emotionally you know we're still in the same house have two

children that's awfully too close to in story and it's avoiding me like it

like that must hurt that must hurt and I'm sorry to hear that that you're going

through that obviously I'm the one that wants the marriage to continue yes you

want the marriage to continue but I'm gonna tell you right now you don't need

a marriage continue okay you shouldn't need the marriage to continue because if

you need the marriage to continue that will come off in the way you act around

your wife it will show up in the form of fear and anxiety fair she will receive

that as remember she's trying to escape and now you're reacting overreacting and

they're showing all those things you're animated you see I'm an idiot that's how

it used to be my wife that's called neediness and neediness cue subtraction

especially if you're a man and she's the woman accused attraction because she's

gonna really that's exactly it's likely little to no wonder why she wants to run

away from you yeah because when you said I'm the one that want the marriage to

work typically is you been in denial you

actually need the marriage to work you need to get your face yourself to a

space where you don't need the marriage to work you want the match to work

everybody want the house to to meet every man wants to maintain their home

and want to work on making sure that but you don't need you don't want to be

needing the marriage to work because that will show up again in the form of

anxiety and fear and that will make a run even further away from you she

trusts me she doesn't know that she's doing that but she's gonna do exactly

that trying to run away because again like my wife said earlier she's checked

out she's struggling herself you use another word she's lost right a person

that was basically said to a husband that she married that she's checked out

emotional and has no love for the husband she's not trying to hurt you

she's hurting because hurt people hurt people right she's hurting that's how

you need to see that and you need to give her that time and the space that

she's asking for I'm surprised she didn't say I need space anytime in that

things in those exact words you know cuz typically that's what you hear but he

said in a different way she has no love and wants an immediate escape right so

it goes and the mayor's continuing my question is

shall I try to use your techniques on solo has totally checked out emotionally

first of all you're not supposed to be using technique on new one okay like she

said earlier that's called manipulation and and that's not gonna work if you

work short-term it's not gonna work a long time it's a backfire and you don't

want to be doing that what you need to be focused on is building a traction

back up all right okay and the way you build attraction is working on yourself

right you don't force people to be attracted

to you right you can reverse engineer attraction by working on yourself yeah

because you guys have eastery 27 years she's not gonna I find it easy to let

that go especially if you work on yourself she's not gonna want to let

that go she's not gonna want another woman to have that she may say that she

wants it she actually told me she many of different words like you know they

can have him mm-hmm all right she doesn't want that she

doesn't want that she thinks she was that because you're stuck and yeah I

know working on your she hasn't seen that you're working on yourself you're

not letting the time and space and this time show that you've been working on

yourself okay so you need to be aware of that first of all you can't use

techniques on people that's manipulation that's not gonna work it's not real if

it works a short time and it's a backfire even worse okay sadly I get the

feeling she has gone past the point of no return there's no such thing we are

basically examples of that who had done it divorce was in everything okay so no

there's no such thing as a matter of fact my expectation at the time was that

we may be divorced for a couple of years when we get back together we may not

it didn't matter anymore I got my my mind set to a place where it didn't

matter anymore if we got back together every I knew that whoever gets with her

jealousy would kill that person but because we're now we're always gonna be

friends always have the best friends and I was cool with that you know and you

need to get your mind set to that space where you're okay with whatever errand

happens whatever comes understand is gonna be best for you okay you're doing

that will help you remove the ninis that you have right now right and

then when you remove the neediness attraction will build back up she will

see it and very high chance that she would want that back okay and when she

wants it back if you're still available sure then you guys are seen eye-to-eye

you want to work on your marriage together you want to work on your

relationship together on yourselves together and you're coming to the table

with a hundred percent she's coming to the table with a hundred percent and

even when someone is weak the other person can leave the other person I

don't like what you had before for all those 27 years I have a very strong

feeling that you suffered even yourself you may not want to admit that you

suffered basically compromising instead of giving

all those 27 years I'm not really a big fan of compromising and getting that you

can define it that way I get it it's a matter of what do you call it semantics

in words but I'd like to call it given when you're willingly giving and

marriage is better than when you're compromising yes so that's probably what

you've been doing for 27 years and last but not least our problem was lack of

consistent romance on my part I'm glad you're seeing that you need to work on

that because women read all these novels and they want to they want the romantic

story they do they do they want the mystery man the ones they want the

fantasy and there are ways that you can educate yourself I mean go to a book we

talk about that in our book in our program get my marriage back calm there

are ways you can work on yourself but that's not really the biggest concern

right now the biggest concern is mental attraction right now okay and she was

attracted to you in spite of that weakness before she'll be attracted

again so you don't have to go don't go try the shop and bribe up with sex don't

go trying to talk to her and talk nasty to her right now she's gonna be

disgusted all right you need to work on attraction from a mental standpoint okay

and what you want to do that is you want to work on yourself you need to tap into

the GPS and we'll cover that in details in the book as well

everything else was reasonably okay until she said enough is enough right so

it's not the end unless there's death that's the only

thing that brings the end okay people do for five years I still come

back together and you need to be open to indefinitely

you mean never attract a swimmer in the game

well you attract something better that's what that means however your chances of

attracting this woman back into your life to forehead edge over here again

it's when you focus on yourself and you work on yourself because the confidence

that that shows right that that brings out she just want to be a part of that

she won't have no choice she don't get to control that that make sense if she

can shut down a marriage and I asked to work on the marriage dummy she's that

week she doesn't get to control she's gonna be attracted to you you have that

control right now once you start learning this stuff so speaking of

learning this stuff you have anything no each one had onto this speaking of

learning this stuff go through get my marriage back calm I download the book

is absolutely for free when you get to Lola and all that calm there's a

donation button right there you want to donate to our work that will be highly

appreciated don't make anything you feel this for this video and we'll see you if

you have any questions you can use questions at Lola and all calm to email

us your questions of it's too private if it's not you can post it in the comment

box below and we'll see you on the next one

For more infomation >> SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE - "My wife wants an immediate escape" - Duration: 12:09.


Rob Horne: English rugby rivals come together for former Wallaby suffering paralysis - Blog news - Duration: 6:27.

This weekend a passionate English rugby rivalry will play second fiddle to the sport's community coming together to celebrate a former Australian rugby stalwart

One whose career was ended prematurely when an on-field collision left him with a paralysed right arm

Ex-Wallabies and NSW Waratahs centre Rob Horne, a much-loved figure both at home and in the UK, was famous for his determined and robust physicality on the pitch

His life after rugby now presents a challenge far greater than sport provides.And yet he is approaching it with a resilience and positivity his peers easily recognise from his playing days

Making his captaincy debut for English club Northampton against local rivals Leicester in April, the 29-year-old sustained the life-changing injury moments after kick-off

"I suffered a brachial plexus avulsion, meaning I detached the five nerves from my spinal cord, which control my shoulder, arm and hand," Horne explained earlier this year

"As a result of that I've got full paralysis of my right arm and [am] currently with chronic pain

" When team medical staff attended to him on the pitch, he initially told them he was fine

He was even a bit embarrassed they were fussing over him."I said: 'No, I need to get up

My family are here.I don't want to show that I'm hurt'," the 34-time capped Wallaby said

"And then I was just kicking and kicking and kicking, and then I got my right leg moving and then from there I sort of went: 'OK, maybe I should listen to the medicos

Probably for the first time in my career'." On Saturday, the same two teams are celebrating Horne with a testimonial match at Twickenham in London

Matches between the two sides are typically marked with rancour and animosity.But the decision to move the game to the home of rugby, to make a special event of it and fit more people through the gates, was an easy one for all concerned, such is the regard with which Horne is held

It is a full competition match, with Premiership points at stake, not a charity game

Though it will also act as an opportunity to raise money to help Horne and his young family

And for fans of both clubs, as well as rugby in general, it will be a chance to show their appreciation for Horne and his decorated career

Ahead of the fixture, the usually quiet and reserved Horne has stepped out of a different comfort zone and in to the glare of the world's media

"Something like this is extremely humbling and pretty unfathomable for me," he said

"I started playing rugby in Southern Sydney.I played union on Saturday, league on Sunday

The rugby community in Australia has also been keen to support Horne.He toured with the Classic Wallabies as team manager in Fiji in September

The program has been created to help former players with the physical and mental transition in retirement, and Stephen Hoiles, the general manager of the Classic Wallabies, commended the support for Horne

"I think it's fantastic how England do it," Hoiles said."While his situation is really unique, he was unreal in Fiji

Seeing the improvement in him over the last six to eight weeks since he's been back [in Australia] has been really inspiring

"He's obviously living with a huge amount of pain but he's trying to learn to live with that pain

He's not trying to ignore the pain, he's not trying to beat it, he's basically trying to live and accept it

" Horne says it is too soon after the injury to know what the future might hold, but he is determined to make the most of what comes next

"[I'm] working through what I have to but I'm certainly going to embrace what's ahead and new challenges and new opportunities, and things that I suppose would never come into my thinking prior to this," he said ahead of Saturday's match

"So having some incredibly inspiring people that do things that are just remarkable, it's certainly helped put things in perspective

For more infomation >> Rob Horne: English rugby rivals come together for former Wallaby suffering paralysis - Blog news - Duration: 6:27.


AMC v. MoviePass and More Tales of Hollywood Interest - Duration: 21:28.

No cash for MoviePass and AMC's A-list is legit, while no one screams for Kathleen and

Venom has Sony seeing black, today, on The Minute.

Hey, hello, hello, hello, welcome once again to another episode of The Minute.

My name is Sam.

I'm Chad.

And thank you so much for listening.

We are brought to you by Movie Night Autopsy and we've got a couple of things we're going

to be talking about today.

Yeah, we're just kind of going through one thing after another, kind of catching up a

little bit.

Yeah, yeah.

There's a couple of noteworthy things.

First of all, early reviews for Venom are starting to come out.

And ...

So far it sounds kind of soft.

Go figure.

Kind of meh.

Who would have thought?

The main one that stuck out to me is like I saw somebody comparing to like stuff from

the early 2000s which makes me think of Spider-Man 3.

What kind of stuff?

Like early 2000's super hero movies or just kind of the menace of the time?

I don't know.

It doesn't sound like a good comparison.

Oh, that's probably true.

I didn't think about that but it's interesting.

I don't know it's ... I got a feeling even if it was decent, people don't want to like


But then again, they may be totally right about this one.

I'll have to find out.


There's a part of me that does want to like it.

It's just that from what I've seen, I'm just so not optimistic about it.

That's really where I'm at.


The final judge is still to call in but we got a feeling we know which way the verdict's


But I feel like a lot of people feel that way about this movie, like there are some

people who are excited about it.

Don't get me wrong, I've seen it.

But so many people are just kind of waiting to see what happens kind of.

And that's not what Sony wants right now with earlier reviews dropping.

They don't want people just kind of being like, "Oh yeah, well it sounds like maybe

it's fine."

No, they want people camping out.

They want presale tickets to be huge-

Like the want to get some kind of buzz going for this.

They've been reaching and trying so hard to get people excited and just ...

This is the closest thing to being what they've been trying to do for what, the last five,

six years?

Well, they're trying to prove that they can do this without Spider-Man.

Yeah, and uh, I don't know.

And we will see, maybe.

It drops this weekend.

I don't think I'm going to be able to go see it this weekend.

I'm not going to see it this weekend.

I just don't have the time.

But I'll definitely be checking it out as soon as I get a chance to.

But we'll see whenever the official reviews come in, cause the official reviews don't

come in until tomorrow.

These are just quote-on-quote, "early reactions".


So you know, take that for what it is.

In other news, and lighter news, the Hellboy poster dropped recently.

Looks rad.

Looks really good.


I'm very excited about it.

It's not who I want in the role of Hellboy.

I'm optimistic just cause hearing the people who talk about it and when principle photography

ended on this, I forgot the actor's name but he's on a [crosstalk]Stranger Things.

Yeah, that's the thing.

I feel like I got to clarify.

Nothing against the guy who's playing Hellboy, I can't even think of his name.

It's just that it's not Ron Perlman.

Yeah, we wanted ... What the world wanted was a third Ron Perlman, Del Toro movie.

We're not going to get it.

Cause war never changes and I was hoping neither did Hellboy.

But it looks cool,[crosstalk] I'd like to see what direction they go in.

I'm layering my Ron Perlman references.


I'm layering my Ron Perlman references.

But anyways ... yeah, so that's a thing, that looks pretty cool.

There's a little bit of possible news coming out for The Batman movie.

You know, "The" Batman movie.

Oh, "The" Batman movie as opposed to a Batman movie.


It's the one with "the" in the title.


'Cause it worked out for The Predator.

Hell yeah.

It worked out so well for The Predator.

If I can nerd out for a second, often in the early comics in the '30s, they did refer to

him as "The Batman".

So nerd-wise, I love that it's called that.

Nerd-wise, I am also a fan.

I am a fan, I was a fan when they announced it.

I'm a fan of Matt Reeves being the guy who's going to direct it.

It's going to look awesome.

I mean, yeah, seriously.

War for the Planet of the Apes, WFTPOTA, [crosstalk]

DOTPOTA before it.

How good do both of those movies looks?

All the POTAs.

Even though DOTPOTA is a waste of Gary Oldman, not that Gary Oldman's bad, it's just that


Yeah he wasn't super utilous?

When you use Gary Oldman, you should really use Gary Oldman, you know what I mean?

And that movie just kind of has him there for most of it.

But the movie looks great, it's shot great, great story, just love that whole series.

So very excited to see where he takes the character of the Batman, especially hearing

him talk about it like he's always said there's going to be more noir, detective oriented.

That sounds awesome.

[crosstalk]That's what the character should be.

But what's the good news?

The news about it, yeah, cause there's news about it.

Yeah, we got triggered-

Just you know, when we're talking Batman-

We just get triggered.

Yep, almost did it again.

No, the news about it is that it's supposed to start shooting sometime middle of next


Okay, so that's middle of next year, we're looking at probably summer of 2020 release.

Yeah probably something like that-

The way these things are going [crosstalk]

It's probably cause, yeah-

Have they set a budget yet?

Usually it's going to be about a year turnaround.

I don't think it's going to be ... Like Justice League got out of hand cause of the reshoots

and all that, but even with the original budget was for Justice League, I don't think it's

going to be working with that kind of budget.

Yeah I mean probably [crosstalk]

Probably under 200

Yeah, I understand that.

I've always thought that if there was a way-

Maybe under 150.

I could see them getting by with a hundred.

Yeah, I mean if he really wants it to be dark, noir-type, detective-driven Batman story,

you can make that movie for a hundred, for sure.

Yeah, that's including re-shoots and a whole bunch of other stuff and I mean there's part

of me that wants to see a 50 million dollar Batman movie.

I want to see-

There's a part of me that does want to see that-[crosstalk]

Yeah, cause I'm the type of guy who thinks that often times when you have obstacles and

lack of budget and time-

It forces you to be creative.

Be more creative.

So I'd like to see what that movie looks like.

Especially from somebody live Reeves.

Yeah, totally.

But with that, I feel a little bit more comfortable with it cause they're just like "Hey, we

can make a Batman movie and it's not the most important thing we ever put out so we have

to worry about it all the time."

And freak out cause when you freak out, people make bad decisions.

That's kind of what ends up happening, most of the time.

I think with this one-

I mean, that's what been happening to Warner Bros., almost exclusively and everything DC

related that they're doing.

But I think if everyone goes into it like with less of a chip on his shoulder and just

try to make a good Batman movie, we'll be fine.

Right, cause that's what Patty Jenkins did with Wonder Woman.

I feel like she was just trying to make a good movie built around that character and

she happened to pull that off.

She was great.

But do you see just that they have this way and they're doing it with this, too because

Wonder Woman worked.

And so what's DC doing?

They're doing a Birds of Prey movie, they're fast-tracking Supergirl.

They're trying to do something with Batgirl.

And don't get me wrong, these movies could be good, but I feel like it's kind of an overcorrection.

An overcorrection on DC's part.


And that worries me.

Yeah, they haven't fully knocked down their main characters yet.

Like, successfully.

For all the stuff that we stuck out for with those characters on this podcast.

Well, Wonder Woman worked because it wasn't a cash grab or an attempt to capitalize on


It was just "We're going to have these people make this movies cause this is the movie that

we need somebody to make and these are the people to make it," And then those people

showed up and made a good movie.

You know?

And are they going to be able to pull that off with all these movies that they're not

talking about?

Ah, we'll see.

I don't know.

We'll see what happens.

We'll see what happens with this Batman movie.

And lighter news as far as the DC Universe goes, and this isn't official news, it's just

a tidbit that I saw while I was browsing through the news-

You tidbittin'?

I was, just a little tidbit, just to make us all feel kind of nice about things.

Kevin Smith just thinks we should have more Superman movies and that's just nice.

Yeah, we just need to echo that.

It's not news, it's just a nice thing to say.

It's just a nice thought from Kevin Smith, you know?

And you know what?

I would love to see Kevin Smith's Superman movie.

We kind of almost got one in the '90s.


Kevin Smith?

Kevin Smith.

He wasn't going to direct it, he was hired to write it.

Oh, that's right!

He [crosstalk] I forgot about that-

He was hired to write that Tim Burton one that never happened with John Peters producing

and saying how you got to put giant spiders in it.[crosstalk]

Just make it work.

Just make it work.

Just make it work.

He's like, "Can I call him Thanagard and[crosstalk]

That's right, no that a good documentary.

I watched it.

I think I watched it on Amazon one night.

Yeah it's a great documentary.

It's a really good documentary.

Plus he's always directing episodes of Supergirl for CW and now [crosstalk]

He's done a couple of [crosstalk]

I mean if he-

Did Comic Book Men for seven years, his fandom of the Comic Book related medium is well documented.

He wrote a couple of Batman runs.

Those were some good Batman runs.

Did you know that his Green Arrow run-

I haven't but I've heard good things.

Actually, I don't know how else to put it.

It's a metaphysical Green Arrow story.

Oh, weird.

Yeah, weird, totally, but another time.

Another time.

It's just nice to hear Kevin Smith's thoughts on things sometimes when-

Cause he often has great ideas.

When he's not making dick jokes and it didn't sound like he was making any.

Well, give him time.

And you know I applaud the restraint, Kevin.

Way to go on the restraint.

But that's all that I was able to dig up today, so are we going to get down to the nitty-gritty

of this one?

Alright let's do this.

I'm going to roll up my sleeves, even though this is a short sleeve-

Yeah, cause this has been a long time coming.

We've been building up to this one.

So have if you've been listening to The Minutes for a while, the first couple of ones we did,

in fact the[crosstalk]

Been listening to The Minute for a minute?


Going to let you sit on that one for a minute.

Just got to keep that-

It's the joke that keeps on not being funny.

Alright, sorry go ahead.

So when the first was recorded, it was about the AMC/MoviePass, when we started having

problems, me and Sam-

Well it was more a MoviePass related, the AMC thing hadn't really come out yet-

Sorry, I'm sorry

Yeah we're getting ahead of ourselves here.

No, but it was about MoviePass.

MoviePass, 'cause we were MoviePass users and we were not happy.

We were not happy.

And they were going through a bunch of stuff in the news and -

They were sending us all emails.

Well they were sending me emails.

I never got one email.

You never got an email-

The only one I got was the one you forwarded to me, after I politely asked you to.


SO we did a couple of episodes on that, our issues with it.

We did two episodes-

Well we did one episode and then about a week and a half, two weeks later, there was even

more shit that had hit the fan.

So it was like "I think we got to talk about this again,".

It got to the point where it's like I can't go see a movie.

I'm paying to go see a movie and I'm not going to see a movie 'cause they took out the

"new-run" movies and it was right around the time Mission Impossible 6 came out and

that's all I wanted to see.

Cause when they first set it up, you could go see a movie however many times you wanted,

they had already taken that away.

Then they took away the first-runs.

Then they had just ... The day before we started talking about it or maybe it was that day,

I have to go back and listen to the Minute.

But we tried to go and see BlacKkKlansman.


This was that day.

But when we pulled it up, we could either go see The Meg or I forget what-

Some other movie.

I didn't want to go see-

Some movies we didn't want to see that day.

And I even remember thinking, "You know what?

I kind of want to get around to The Meg, but that's not what I want to go see today.

And you're going to force me to either not go to the movies or I can go see this movie?"

Yes, this is at the point where this was costing me ten dollars a month.

This deal's getting worse all the time.

Three for three.

That's why you suggested we talk about it this way, didn't you?

That was my plan all along [crosstalk] totally did not just come to me in the moment.

Alright so we did that episode, we uploaded it, we recorded it-

Well we recorded it, we wrapped it, Jon broke all his stuff down.

We hung out for a minute and Jon left and me and you were just kind of sitting around,

hanging out, like "Well are we going to go and see BlacKkKlansman anyway?".

Just feeling bummed.

We didn't want to pay regular ticket price cause we're-

That's why I had the MoviePass.

We're passed that part in our lives.

We've moved on ... we've evolved from that-

If you will.

If you will and I just wasn't having it so I said, "Screw it, let's do this."

And so we both canceled our MoviePasses.

We both reluctantly came to the conclusion of canceling the MoviePass.

Within an hour of us wrapping that episode, our MoviePasses were canceled.

Within an hour of that, we had each successfully signed up for the AMC A-List, which if you

have an AMC Theater in your hometown, you've heard of this.

If you go to it at all.

And if you're listening to this podcast, I'm sure you go to the movies.

But we were able to successfully do that and we went that day and went and saw BlacKkKlansman.

And it's totally worth it, it's amazing.

I love it so much.

It's so so so worth it.

We're just going to shut up for AMC here for a minute, but the difference is, we're not

getting paid by AMC.

They are not paying us one dime.

They're paying us in being able to go and see movies and it's just so convenient.

You know what, now that we say it out loud, I feel like this is a fair transaction.

I mean seriously[crosstalk]

I get to see movies and they give me this deal and I talk about it.

After taxes $21.50, that's what I pay-

Yeah, a month.

$21.50 after tax.

And you get to see three movies a week.

And I've been seeing, easily a movie a week.


And I've been seeing a couple of IMAX screenings a month.

We went to 2001 at IMAX and that was fantastic.

It covered 2001 in IMAX.

Come on.

Come on.

I hate myself cause all we're doing is just going on and on about how great this[crosstalk]

AMC corporate product is, but it just-

It just gets better all the time.


If you're a person who goes to the movies frequently, it's easily the better deal than


Cause even with MoviePass, whenever it was working, I would still go to the theater and

be kind of afraid that it wouldn't work.

Cause sometimes it wouldn't work.

Or it would work and they'd give me the ticket and I'd get a couple of steps in and they'd

be like, "Oh, wait, hold on a second, Sir, did you really think you were going to get

away with that?"

I thought something bad was going to happen every time I went to the theater.

You said it-

I was waiting for it.

In the first episode we did, where you corrected me.

I said, "We've been using MoviePass," and you said "No, Sir, we've been taking

advantage of MoviePass."

And it feels that way using it, like you're sneaking in.

I'm walking through the front door and handing the person at the front a thing, I still feel

like I'm sneaking in.

Oh yeah, I'm stealing from somebody in this situation.

With the A-List, I didn't want to do it at first cause I wasn't sure and then we did

it and I immediately appreciated everything [crosstalk]

And as much as I hated the people that were in that priority line, cause you know that

priority line-

We all judge.

The yellow tape line over to the left of the regular person, the regular shmuck line.

The super long, regular, shmuck line because -

You always just look at the people in that priority line and just hate 'em.

Yeah, we know you do, cause we did.

Well now we are those people[crosstalk]

And you know what I don't blame you.

Haters going to hate-

Yeah I don't blame you-

But I'm going to get my beer before you.

I stand in line with three people instead of 30 and you know what?

That really makes it worth it.

But I will say, that's all the good.

That's all the good and it's a whole lot of good.

It's easier to use.

The one concern ... Oh yeah, it's super convenient.


A whole dance you had to do to buy a ticket.

But first of all, the minor inconvenience with AMC is that, I'm sure you guys have noticed

you have to, cause our audio engineer Jon, he signed up for AMC after we did 'cause

we were just going on about it.

But the one drawback I've noticed is that you do have to buy your ticket like an hour-

At least.

Something like that, within that window cause if you get too close to that 50 minute mark,

it just cuts off and you can't get tickets anymore.

That's kind of annoying-

That's a little annoying.

You got to stay on the ball to an extent, but it's not a huge deal.

You can't be spontaneous about your movie going.

My main concern, however, is ... Okay so let's say that AMC, they succeed and they're able

to drive MoviePass out of business and discourage anyone else from trying this thing because

they're going to be able to have the market on it because they're working with their own

theaters and yada yada.

I will note there are a couple of other theaters that are working out a similar thing-

Regal has something like this.

Regal has something like this in the works.

But none of those theaters are around here so it doesn't really apply to us, specifically

as much, just because we live in an AMC area, there's nothing but AMCs.

All the theaters are AMCs.

But my concern is if they succeed in that and they do drive MoviePass down, which I'm

looking at an article right now that's saying MoviePass is in a 76% decline in new app downloads

since June.

That's huge.

And AMC, in the past three months, in that span of time has gained 120,000 members and

they're at about 380 right now just south of four.

And that's an awful lot considering that they just launched this recently.

Let's say that they drive MoviePass out of business, how does their business model shift,

if they no longer have that competition?

Well I think, they can do the classic thing of raising prices if they want to, however

I think AMCs a little bit smarter in making its move to learn that's the bedrock of the

problem with MoviePass was price changes.

Right [crosstalk] that's what started the avalanche-

Yeah, I think if they're making money, they don't have to raise the price for quite a

while and I think they've been smart about it because basically what they're doing is

cutting out the middle man.

Even though the middle man was created in the first place when they didn't need a middle

man, but they're cutting out the middle man now.

There was a dark time there, Chad.

There was dark times then.

We didn't even have the internet.

No internet.

No internet.

How did people put their podcasts out if they didn't have internet?

They put it on the radio.


Well I'll be darned.

But anyways-

Or they just record it to a cassette tape, drove around in their Ford [crosstalk]Aerostar

and throw the tapes out the window.

Do you want to hear my thoughts on Superman 3?

And just threw the tapes out the window.

I'm going to need that Memorex case back, I need to record another episode.

You just hit me in the face!

Just if you listen to it, just mark a check off on it and then pass it to somebody else.

But tell them they got to mark it ... I got to be able to track the views.

Otherwise, I get demonetized.

Alright I need a minute.

Need a minute.

Need a minute.

Throwing tapes out of windows

Yeah, we went there.

We went there.

Are we going to cover AMC getting sued?

For no particular reason.

AMC is NOT getting sued.

MoviePass is getting sued.

This is why you're in charge of the whole show.

I keep saying the wrong thing, so why don't you start there?

See that's the thing.

That was my cue to pass this last little bit to you because-

Oh I'm sorry

No no no, I'm glad you brought that up.

I was lost in the bit.

MoviePass, just one quick note about MoviePass, and that's in the sinking ship that is their


And boy is it sinking?

I'm not trying to hate, I'm just calling it like I see it.

You're calling a sinking ship, a sinking ship.

They are being sued by their shareholders right now for alleged fraud because they are

putting their members in select test groups because what happened is a couple months ago,

they were given an option to opt into the new plan or their old plan stops.

So if you don't opt in, then your MoviePass is just canceled.

Well apparently if you didn't opt in now, you're going to be re-roped into it based

on your old payments.

Because you're in the select test group.

And now the asterisk is that they're going to go back to the old billing cycle $9.95

and you can go and see one movie a day, probably still no repeats and I think first-runs are

in it.

But are we just going to repeat this song and dance until the money finally, finally

runs out?


It's just kind of sad at this point-

It's a lot of opting and roping in and out and it's just deceivious cause they're not

... They're opting people in and then letting them know that they're opt-in and then you

have to take the time to opt out.

Yeah, by sending an email to the spam folder, probably?

Yeah, I mean, that's how you opt out of things.

That's how businesses are run.

And then you really know about it whenever you check your bank account and you're just

like "where is [crosstalk] uh I thought I canceled that."

I've been checking my bank account every day-

MoviePass why can't I get rid of you?

I've been checking my bank account every day just to make sure that I haven't been opted

in without myself knowing about it.

It's pretty ridiculous.

It's got you paranoid.


I'm really worried about it.

[crosstalk] I mean not that worried, but still.

It's got you paranoid like a guy at a diner who's being chased by a trucker and you know

that any one of these guys could be the guy in that truck.

Oh that's ridiculous, that would never happen, especially in California.

That would never happen on I-5.

And not outside Bakersfield.

No, not in 1971.

Okay this is getting way too meta.

I'm good.

Did we cover all the bases?

Are there any more bases left to cover?

No I think that's pretty much it, A-List is awesome and I appreciate and I'll tell everyone

how great it is.

And they are NOT paying us.

They are not paying us.

They totally can if they want to, we have our information down below AMC if you want

to work out a deal.




If you want to work out a deal, we will talk you up even more than we already did today.

Shameless plug.

Shameless plug.

Shameless plug for somebody else's stuff, but I enjoy it so much.

Anyways, that's going to do it for us today on The Minute.

Thank you so much for listening.

My name is Sam-

I'm Chad

And we are brought to you by Movie Night Autopsy, please hit down below if you're watching this

on YouTube, send us messages any other way that you can find us send us messages there,

just oh so many, and thank you as always for listening.

What's up crew?

If you've got any idea of what you'd like for us to talk about on The Minute or on Movie

Night Autopsy podcast, hit us up on the social medias.

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