Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 6 2018

Hours Before Vote Kavanaugh Released A Scathing Op-Ed With Details Of His Family Suffering

you were pointing out in that The Wall Street Journal has just released an

editorial by Brett Kavanaugh and he says I'm an independent independent jurist

independent judge and he also at the top of it in italics says when I spoke in

that hearing and he's been criticized for being too emotive and too angry I

spoke as a as a father I spoke as a dad I spoke as a son yeah that's right

the article by Brett Kavanaugh is on The Wall Street Journal's website right now

it will be in tomorrow's paper and essentially is again another defense of

his temperament he said look when I spoke to those Democrats I was protected

protecting my family my name and my reputation in public life

and probably he said I said a few things that I've maybe I should not have but he

says I'm running making it clear I believe in the rule of law I'm an

impartial judge have always been an impartial judge on the appellate court

and will continue to be so if confirmed in the Supreme Court I mean you can see

where he's coming from here because he's already facing opposition from some

people who say that the things that he said in that hearing with regard to

President Trump and you know this is all just payback from the Clintons that it

might age some people to say that he has to remove himself accuse himself from

certain cases marry but you know this is just proof that really they they just

want to get rid of him no matter what and so they tried to get rid of him

through these personal smear it didn't work so now they've moved to another you

know battleground which is to say well it's a forget about all that

it's his temperament that's wrong and you know I mean I thought that actually

seeing that human side of him was comforting to me because if he had gone

up there and been very robotic and and and unemotional I think that might have

been even more damaging to him than what he did you can say that maybe he

shouldn't have had the exchange he had with senator Klobuchar that's probably

true but she came back and apologized and you know a lot of those senators who

were questioning him also owe him an apology

J because as bill says I mean there's absolutely no evidence for these charges

that would make anyone furious you know this isn't gonna end we saw the

protesters in Washington so even if he does secure his seat on the Supreme

Court as a justice I mean I'm imagining that the day he has his first day in

court those steps are probably gonna be flooded with protesters I don't I think

this will be very invigorating in some ways to Democrats III think it is but I

think it's been invigorating through Republicans you know just from my

informal non-political contacts of what people say especially the moms who have

sons and just see the unfairness I think Mary makes a good point there are a lot

of people at O Brett Kavanaugh an apology for their behavior the way they

throw around unsubstantiated charges and there's nothing too crazy to throw up on

the air or print or something to say about this guy and I'd like to know look

when he gave that speech I wanted to stand up and Cheer because I know him I

know his wife I know his kids and I thought he'd defended himself a plea and

I would like to know if that's not right what is the proper comportment for a man

accused of gang rape with no evidence

you know in terms of what bill touches on dan how the press has handled this

because the press has been criticized for having a pretty low bar for what

could be printed you know you've got letters from friends you got this woman

who says you know I saw him stand near the punch I mean well I didn't thing is

they keep repeating in every story written that the details of the

accusations against Brett Kavanaugh which has an effect after a while people

begin to think well maybe there's something here and it was for that

reason that is Bill suggests he had to stand up and defend himself if nobody in

the press was going to do it for him I think that's essentially in large part

why President Trump does many of the things he does he feels he's got to

defend himself because there'll be no support whatsoever in the press I wonder

what it says about the me2 movement because we haven't seen really a man who

sort of fought back and won and if he does get past this process and

you know keeping in mind that these are not corroborated allegations but

basically insinuation has been accusation has been indictment in these

cases quick thought on that well we've seen some of that I mean we had the Duke

Lacrosse you know the truth finally came out there but I think it remains the

same going forward thank you very much good to have all of you with us Greg let

me go to you first it seems that one thing that did weigh in on susan collins

decision was the FBI report which of course republicans were hesitant to get

into until we had that dramatic moment last week when Senator flake made his

move in that direction one thing that that apparently came out of this or at

least it's in some way related to was the information that in fact Leland

Kaiser who was a friend of dr. Ford was being pressured by some other friends of

dr. Ford to change her testimony or modify her testimony to make it seem

like she did remember something that she says she didn't remember I mean this was

there were some pretty damning elements in what we know about this FBI report or

at least what we're hearing secondhand what we're hearing yeah yeah we can't

can't see what's in it but it does seem that senators were concerned by some of

the things they've learned from the report not about judge Kavanaugh but

about the efforts to to interfere with his confirmation there are a lot of

questions after this whole process about what Democratic senators knew and when

they knew it how they were working with lawyers for dr. Ford who appear to be

politically connected lawyers I mean they're there I think there are many

questions that still need to be answered and we'll probably be having this

conversation in the coming weeks and even months I'm sure we will Annika then

there was judge Cavanaugh himself who began the morning with an op-ed in the

Wall Street Journal which among other things said I was very emotional last

Thursday speaking to his testimony where he really gave some senators a piece of

his mind he said I said a few things that I should not have said I hope

everyone can understand that I was there is a son husband and dad well not

everyone does understand including a former Supreme Court justice who

sighs and said that disqualified him from serving on the bench because he got

so emotional and political well and he said during his testimony when he had

the inner interchange with with senator Klobuchar he followed it up after the

break by apologizing to her and said you know this is a tough process I'm sorry I

felt like you know he went too far and I think that his op-ed he's acknowledging

what I saw at the time as him responding to the fact that he was testifying

before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his personal character this wasn't

about his record when people say this was a job interview he was so

unprofessional no he was being accused of some pretty horrible things and had

not been given a chance to really speak to it and I think we saw that emotion

well Gregg should judge Cavanaugh become a justice and appears now he will in the

Supreme Court will all of this affect his term I I hope not I hope that with

time more Americans will we'll get past this really divisive period and take

some comfort in the this additional FBI review I think we're going to to learn

more about the shadiness and and the the fabricated nature of some of the charges

that were made against him so I hope with time there'll be some healing but

there's no there's no doubt that America is very divided and they're divided

about some of the big questions the court considers and there's going to be

some lasting damage I think to to our national conversation about the Supreme

Court and and and the Senate as well this remains a confidential part of the

background report I hope that changes are made and we'll be able to talk more

about what the FBI did later but what I can say is that the most notable part of

this report is what's not in it as we noted by the White House the FBI did not

interview Brett Kavanaugh nor did the FBI interview dr. Blasi Ford what we've

heard from numerous people over the last few days seeking to provide information

to the FBI we have seen even more press reports of witnesses who wanted to speak

with the FBI but we're not interview

debora Ramirez's lawyer said he was unaware of any corroborating witnesses

who are interviewed candidly what we reviewed today in a very limited time I

was there I had to leave that report is in part and I had the opportunity to

read some but not all of it it looks to be a product of an incomplete

investigation that was limited perhaps by the white house I don't know but the

white house certainly blocked access to millions of documents from Judge

Cavanaugh's record I know that and ensured that 90% of his emails and memos

weren't available for the Senate or the public in the hearings it now appears

that they also blocked the FBI from doing its job Democrats agreed that the

investigation scope should be limited we did not agree that the White House

should tie the FBI's hands it's simply not credible to say that public

testimony in last week's hearing is a substitute for interviews by FBI agents

not only two senators lack the expertise of FBI agents we were only given five

minutes to question judge Cavanaugh so in my view from what I saw the

investigation was very limited and it will be interesting after all of the

members have an opportunity to read the documents and we have an opportunity in

public to discuss our conclusions what the findings are thank you god bless you

and God bless america

For more infomation >> Hours Before Vote Kavanaugh Released A Scathing Op-Ed With Details Of His Family Suffering(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 10:55.


If Harry Potter Played Auld Lang Syne - Duration: 1:25.

"If Harry Potter Played Auld Lang Syne"

<Auld Lang Syne mixed with Harry Potter Theme Song

<In the image of a music box

<By using minor chord in a row without tonality,

<You get "Harry Potter-like" sound

For more infomation >> If Harry Potter Played Auld Lang Syne - Duration: 1:25.


Discovery 台灣製造大解密第2季 第1集 - Duration: 44:16.

For more infomation >> Discovery 台灣製造大解密第2季 第1集 - Duration: 44:16.


The Karate Kid Actor Their Life Couple 2018 - Duration: 2:52.

Outside I don't always was left

Store sweet cheese and lead-in us love is all will ever trust

Three stands through the highways so my shadow through sun rays and

Along the way melodies we haven't played I don't know

Go in around these walls

to create a song

I don't miss Abby

We'll go

Through the wastelands through the highways through my shadow through the sunrays and

And will grow in number if you

come to see the

horizon turn us to sow

And will grow in number whew to see the

For more infomation >> The Karate Kid Actor Their Life Couple 2018 - Duration: 2:52.


#32, 베베의 일상/ Bebe's daily life (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:20.

Bebe is ten years old. Toy poodle.

Her day begins on my pillow.

When she get up, yawn once

and stretch.

Then when I scratch her hips, she gets her legs wide open.

A bright morning

We play snack-hunting game

a coward who is surprised at everything

She wants to have a snack,

but she can't because she's afraid of falling down.

But she is confident in the blanket.

Bebe's favorite handmade snack, chicken foot

Her hair is so curly.

She is as cute as she looks.

And now time to take a nap.

Dogs are supposed to sleep a lot,

but as she gets older, she gets more sleep.

She like playing catch

With her socks..a slipper..

She sleeps on my lap or my pillow while I work.

Bebe is always beside me.

a favorite toy of Bebe.

Game start!

I'm going to cut bebe's hair.

An animal hospital we often visit

I leave Bebe and kill time at a nearby cafe.

Use the spare time to modify the photograph I took last week.

Bebe's hair cut is over.

She is always warm to me.

On weekends, Bebe also spends time with my mom.

On this day, we went to a park.

She always comes up on my pillow when it's time to go to bed.

The End of Everyday Life of Bebe

credit cookie

Bebe is surprised when she asks for a meal.

For more infomation >> #32, 베베의 일상/ Bebe's daily life (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:20.


To Love Some Buddy - Official Trailer HD - Duration: 1:59.

If you think all men are cheaters,

my best friend is different!

You're just bitter!

It all started when she asked me

to help with her tiny problem.

Please delete my nude picture.

I already deleted it!

Let me see your phone.


Whenever she has boy problems

she asks for my help.

He has another girl!

So, I broke up with him.

Are you two a couple?

We're just best friends!

She gets me.

She's able to ride with my craziness.

-Bald man jinx! -That hurts.

Why are men like that?

They start out sweet

but then they'll end up hurting you.

You guys are jerks!


I think you got fatter.

But I look sexy.

Text me when you get home.

Dude, are you my boyfriend?

Why not?

We're not just friends.

We're best friends.

Dude, it will work!

What if it doesn't work out?

Let's try it.


This is it?

We're not going on a date?

If you want,

Let's go eat some street food,

Or day-old chicks,

and see who gets sick first!

For those who fell in love with their best friend.

For more infomation >> To Love Some Buddy - Official Trailer HD - Duration: 1:59.


兔子牙 - 兩個人的世界 「垂墜的心才被凍到不疼 」 ♪ Karendaidai ♪ - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 兔子牙 - 兩個人的世界 「垂墜的心才被凍到不疼 」 ♪ Karendaidai ♪ - Duration: 4:02.


Fortnite Free Vbucks | fortnite free skin | how to get vbucks - Duration: 3:50.

How to get free Vbcuks Fortnite PS4 Working

For more infomation >> Fortnite Free Vbucks | fortnite free skin | how to get vbucks - Duration: 3:50.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | VENOM vs INFINITY WAR SQUAD - Duration: 10:02.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Venom vs Infinity War Squad

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | VENOM vs INFINITY WAR SQUAD - Duration: 10:02.


Top 5 Strange Things - The Largest Weapon Company In The World - Duration: 13:16.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Strange Things - The Largest Weapon Company In The World - Duration: 13:16.


A Touching Story Behind The Dog Which Disappears With FIsh Shaped Buns | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:56.

There's a dog in front of a Fish-shaped bun store

Vendor: I gave the dog a fish-shaped bun last time

and then the dog didn't eat it but he took it somewhere

Neighborhood resident: I tried following him

but he took a byway

Where is the dog taking the fish-shaped bun every time?

Let's tie this fishing gut on the bun so we can trace the dog

Following the dog

Installing a camera

and the neighborhood residents decided to watch the dog

There were little puppies

The dog was bringing the fish-shaped buns to her puppies every single day

Look at this! the puppies are brown!

it's because they ate too many fish-shaped buns!

I thought the dog had 3 puppies or something but I'm surprised since there are 5 puppies in total!

Trying to the rescue the puppies

The dog family now has a new house!

I hope you and your puppies will always stay healthy!

For more infomation >> A Touching Story Behind The Dog Which Disappears With FIsh Shaped Buns | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:56.


Nerf Blaster Arsenal Unboxing TROUBLE (part 1) - Duration: 11:17.

Max can you help you this box?

Hey what's in the boxes

You see it says Nerfs

These are our nerf guns that just came from our old house

so we can do a Nerf battle again?

Yeah, just hold on a second. There are more boxes downstairs. Come on you'll help me out!

oh yeah

this is awesome

so long

the centurion goes over here

here, I've got the Alphahawk

then we have couple of Tri-Strikes

Zombie Strike Slingfire

Rival Kronos

Rival Kronos vs Slingfire

Look what I've got here

Mega Twinshock

and we have a couple of Nerf rocket launchers


One of my favourite Nerf guns - Rapidstrike

Hello Hyperfire

another Hyperfire


put the bi-pod over here

guys, do you agree this is the best Nerf sniper rifle?

if yes, let us know down in the comments

oh yes, Alien Menace Incisor


hey, I found Stryfes

and another one here

3 Stryfes here

one more Stryfe

this is Nerf Modulus ESC-10

oh, that's Zombie Strike Crossbow

it's so cool

look at this one

look at THIS one!

There we go

and here we have the Demolisher

with the rocket launcher

Yeah, by the way this barrel extension is from here

and we have the other demolisher

wow, guys it looks so much better

hello, hello

darts.... so many darts

here are the rockets

these are Mega darts and Nerf rockets

The spy watch

do you remember I was traveling in time using this watch?

Wow you got gloves? I got the gloves too

Yeah, you look cool

now, help me get this container with the magazines out

come on, get it out

hey, what's in that box?


and the slime guns

another alien gun

I look like a cyborg

Flipfury guns

Flipfury vs Flipfury

Doomsland Negotiator

I didn't do anything

oh, look at this

Mega Rotofury

You've got Zombie Strike Revreaper

oh yeah, mini pistol

Wow, look at this Stryfe

Hey, you almost hit me

Sorry, I was just kidding

Coming up in part two

Oh you found Mega Mastodon

Yeah, do you want to see how it shots?

uh oh ... I'm doomed

I need the best Nerf gun ever

oh yeah, he's gonna regret this

Ok guys, thanks watching. Let us know down in the comments which gun from our Nerf arsenal you like the most

and if you like this video, hit that like button and subscribe to RM Bros

see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Nerf Blaster Arsenal Unboxing TROUBLE (part 1) - Duration: 11:17.


上百架战机挂实弹候着 胆敢驶入中国领海就升空 先揍了再说! - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 上百架战机挂实弹候着 胆敢驶入中国领海就升空 先揍了再说! - Duration: 4:23.


Saturday Sunrise forecast - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Saturday Sunrise forecast - Duration: 3:14.


《如懿传》凌云彻为如懿折梅花,如懿哭了,永璂看到后被皇上发现 - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> 《如懿传》凌云彻为如懿折梅花,如懿哭了,永璂看到后被皇上发现 - Duration: 3:54.



Hello everyone! I'm doing this video for a special announcement

They organized 2 track days

Where anybody can drive the Formula Predator's that me and Luca Salvadori used this year.

The track days are: 17 Oct at Franciacorta and 28 Oct at Varano (Italy)

You can try PC008, PC010 or PC015

prices start from 250€ per session + 65€ for track admission

They also make special prices if you buy 4 sessions

For any info i linked the website below (but it's in Italian)

I will be there with Luca as well. Follow us on Instagram for details about the timing

To book or to ask informations, write to this address

The track day is on reservation only. So book now because slots are limited

I also inform you that the promoters are working on 2 big news for 2019

First one is, if you followed my videos, you know that

There will be a special grid for PC015

that will make 6 racing weekend with 2 races (so 12 races)

and it will be low cost! All the season, all included will be around 20K €

And you know how low cost that is, compared to other series

The second news is there will be an ever more low cost championship!

Dedicated to PC010, PC008, PC001

It will be made of 6 races

And FP, Q and Race will be concentrated in one day, to reduce costs

They offer the whole season, all inclusive, around 10K€

Considering that you always ask me how to race...well this is the cheapest solution!

So, 17 and 28 oct will be a good chance too meet us

and to try what it feels like to drive a race car

and for those who are planning to race in 2019, this is a good chance to try the car!

Thanks for watching! See ya

For more infomation >> DO YOU WANT TO TRY THE FORMULA PREDATOR'S? - Duration: 2:36.


Cao thủ Hé Lộ cách dùng máy đánh bài B.ị.p - Đồ cờ bạc bịp 2019 | Máy đánh bạc - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Cao thủ Hé Lộ cách dùng máy đánh bài B.ị.p - Đồ cờ bạc bịp 2019 | Máy đánh bạc - Duration: 5:51.


A Touching Story Behind The Dog Which Disappears With FIsh Shaped Buns | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:56.

There's a dog in front of a Fish-shaped bun store

Vendor: I gave the dog a fish-shaped bun last time

and then the dog didn't eat it but he took it somewhere

Neighborhood resident: I tried following him

but he took a byway

Where is the dog taking the fish-shaped bun every time?

Let's tie this fishing gut on the bun so we can trace the dog

Following the dog

Installing a camera

and the neighborhood residents decided to watch the dog

There were little puppies

The dog was bringing the fish-shaped buns to her puppies every single day

Look at this! the puppies are brown!

it's because they ate too many fish-shaped buns!

I thought the dog had 3 puppies or something but I'm surprised since there are 5 puppies in total!

Trying to the rescue the puppies

The dog family now has a new house!

I hope you and your puppies will always stay healthy!

For more infomation >> A Touching Story Behind The Dog Which Disappears With FIsh Shaped Buns | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:56.


Honey Garlic BBQ Ribs - How To BBQ Pork Ribs - Weber Ranch Kettle Grill - Duration: 12:06.

what's up everybody this is lyle with no hippie BBQ and I'm gonna be going over

to Mike's house who is the founder of the Facebook page the kettle cookers I'm

going to go ahead and leave a link to that Facebook page in the description

below if you happen to be a fan of cooking on Weber Kettle grills that is

the Facebook page you need to check out so what I'm going to be doing in this

video is I'm going to be making some honey garlic baby back ribs and I kind

of got this concept from a recent cook that I did which was some honey garlic

chicken wings I like that profile so much I thought it

would go great on these barbecue ribs first thing we're going to do is we're going to go

ahead and season our pork ribs I've already taken the membrane off of these baby back ribs and

I was kind of debating on whether I should take them off or leave a mom

because I am going to be cooking these ribs hot and fast on the weber ranch kettle

but I went ahead and decided to take them off as far as our preparation on

these ribs we're pretty much just going to do it in a couple different steps I'm

gonna season the ribs the bbq rub that I am using was a road that I just kind of

threw together it's about 60% pepper 30% salt and about 10% of garlic powder so

we're gonna go ahead or granulated garlic excuse me so we're gonna go ahead

and get our ribs coated on both sides of these ribs so as far as our seasoning

goes we're gonna go semi light on this there's no brown sugar or any sugar or

anything like that that's gonna burn the reason I'm doing that is since we are

cooking at a high temperature on this I don't want to scorch any of that sugar

and most of our flavor is going to be coming from that sauce that we're gonna

be making here in a little bit so I don't necessarily need to have a whole

lot of rub on these ribs

alright this is good to go I'm going to go ahead and throw these in the

refrigerator and these are gonna have a while to kind of sit in all this

goodness before we get smoking them let's get started on this sauce when it

comes to making the bbq sauce for these ribs what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna quadruple

the recipe I did for my honey garlic chicken wings as a matter of fact I

believe the link to those chicken wings and I card above those are some of the

best wings I've made so our ingredients that we're going to be using are going

to kind of differ a little bit from that chicken wing recipe

but here's we're gonna be using we're have using some chicken stock some

minced garlic some minced ginger which I did not have in my chicken wing video

I'm gonna be using some Dijon mustard which was not used in that chicken wing

video we're gonna be using some soy sauce some honey now in the chicken wing

video I used rice vinegar I'm just using regular vinegar and this and then as

needed if we need it I'll be adding just a little bit of this bbq rub and then we're

gonna hit it with some sesame seeds I'm gonna actually throw the sesame seeds in

this sauce so when we glaze it over the sesame seeds are already gonna be added

anyway those are the ingredients all we need to do now is get open it up so I'm

gonna just kind of throw this sauce together I am gonna leave in the

description below an approximation of what my ingredients are so let's just go

ahead and start adding our ginger

our garlic now we're gonna add a little bit more garlic than ginger since this

is garlic honey gonna give this a little bit of a stir I'm just gonna let this

cook for about a minute and a half so that fragrance will come out in the

garlic and the ginger now an ingredient I think I forgot earlier was chicken

stuff so whatever we have that and now that our garlic and ginger have cooked

down for a while I'm gonna hit it with some soy sauce

just a tad bit of mustard

I'm vinegar

and our honey now I'm reserving the the barbecue salt pepper garlic rub for

later and I'll add that as needed and I'm also reserving our sesame seeds for

later but our sauce is looking like after simmering for about 45 minutes and

I'm gonna say that this is almost like a light syrup the one thing I do know is

this will thicken up I did taste it looks like we're fine as far as the salt

and pepper goes and I don't want to add that rub that I have because I'd be

adding even more garlic into this so I'm gonna go ahead and add some rich some

Thai chili flakes to it just to kind of heat it up a little bit I'm gonna let it

cool down and then I'm going to go ahead and jar it when it should thicken up

right where I want to when we go ahead and have this on our ribs alright guys I

am finally here with my boy Mike mike has a awesome Facebook page called the

kettle cookers and he gets down all I mean I'm looking at like seven eight

kettles over this house right now anyway we're gonna be cooking this these baby back ribs

on this Weber Ranch kettle Mike once you open it up and tell us what we're

working with here we go I've got this set up indirect I've got the slow and

see a ranch cattle on this side got water in it waters really important here

in Denver because it's so dry we need the moisture I've got rocks Burt

Rockford I'm sorry Rock would lump charcoal and pecan chunks going about

half of its lit so far we're running right around 300 degrees I have some

water pans down here just to cut stripping's add a little more

humidity and we've got plenty of room for your two racks of ribs maybe we'll

throw on a brisket a little bit later maybe some more ribs maybe a broad or

two it's good we'll see what what today it leads to anyway we're gonna get it go

ahead and throw these ribs on and I want you guys to get a close-up look of this

this huge weber grill we already have the slow and sear in here the water is boiling so

we're gonna be getting all the humidity meat we need let's go so let's go ahead

and get my ribs on Mike already has his competition ribs on he's preparing for a competition

cook that's coming up here and Colorado down the road and as you can see there's

some nice color on those ribs right there my ribs aren't gonna have that

same color because I'm gonna be adding a nice little sauce to it so we can get

our sweetness from that and we're going to be cooking these pork ribs somewhere on

the hotter and faster side we're gonna be cooking them somewhere around that

300 degree mark anyway we'll touch base throughout the cook and see how we're

progressing these three racks of ribs have been on the smoker for about two

hours and 20 minutes we're gonna go ahead and spritz them down with a little

bit of water I think he's gonna be wrapping his ribs because these are gonna be

competition ribs vs unwrapped ribs these are just gonna be regular old backyard old-school ribs

right here go ahead and hit them with that water we're just trying to keep

them a little bit moist right now anyway we're gonna let these run probably for I

don't know about another hour but before we check them again but they are

starting to get a little bit of that especially this one some good Bend right

there so I might want to check those in about 30 minutes about four hours and 30

minutes on in on these one of these is looking like it's close to pulling this

other one is still a little stiff so we're gonna let them ride for a little

bit our day light is going down just a tad bit so next time you see me we may

be glazing these up inside the kitchen because we are about four hours and

thirty minutes in on this just go ahead and check them for tenderness

and this rack actually looks like it's getting where we want it and this one is

still pretty stiff keep in mind we have not wrapped either one of these but what

I'm gonna do is I am gonna go ahead and pull this one and sauce it real quick so

I'm just gonna throw it in a pan and I'm not going to be using any brushes or

anything like that we're just gonna throw it in here I'm gonna throw this

sauce on top of it we are just going to kind of brush it with this then we're

going to flip it over does that look good

that looks do the same thing on this side I'm used to doing cop style the

char on these just looks amazing it looks like crispy bacon I might just let

him sit on this smoker for about another 10 minutes just to let him kind of set a

little bit it would be good to go forgive me about the lighting it's a

little jacked up out here right now but we're gonna keep it no hippie style and

just do it as is anyway Mike from the kettle cookers on Facebook link is gonna

be in the description below it's gonna be doing the taste test why don't you

get on in see what you think about the ribs here we go it's not a competition

style it's backyard style all I've been cooking this competition style I'm

excited about this look at the char on those

here we go there you go you should share

you should share oh my god so good Holly come here it looks delicious to me

anyway one thing I will say is we didn't wrap these we didn't do anything on

these they were I don't know what would you definitely not competition ribs but

I was going more for that flavor than anything what do you think about that

sauce are you giving away your recipe it is you said you said honey garlic yeah

link recipe for that sauce is gonna be in the description they came out very

Asian very gingery very garlicky very good really good I will definitely use

this for backyard cooking well guys I'm gonna thank you guys for stopping by no

hippie BBQ I do appreciate it Competition Ribs Recipe

How To Cook Fall Off The Bone Ribs

For more infomation >> Honey Garlic BBQ Ribs - How To BBQ Pork Ribs - Weber Ranch Kettle Grill - Duration: 12:06.


Jerry Springer Show (October 05, 2018)Hannah, 19, hooks up with her friend's guy.... - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 05, 2018)Hannah, 19, hooks up with her friend's guy.... - Duration: 7:54.


Gimme Red Cestra - Critical Riven + Harrow Combo - Warframe - Duration: 12:15.

hello and welcome to this new video series for Warframe I am crashbug

and that's just my gamertag and in this video i'll be using secura dual cestra

obvious choice for a frame Harrow which is three forma i'm using quick thinking

and hunter adrenaline for that quick energy recharge and primed flow for

that energy storage and all the other mods primarily focused on duration and

power strength for my weapon secura dual cestra I'm using a riven mod which is a

dual crit + fire rate and also three other primed mods the first one is for

quick reload also convusion and pathogen rounds for that elemental

damage I'm using a crit chance for that confirmed red crit and also primed ammo

mutation for not running out of ammo during the mission so let's get into the

field and check it out

your duty in this experiment is to dispatches many specimens as efficiently

as possible

now with this build harrow has a very low energy to start with and to get any

type of energy he needs to take damage so I'll be using my second ability to

remove my shields but enemies are quite low level to give me any kind of damage but

I will try to use my 4th ability and see if they can damage me enough to give an

crit chance right to get past thousand it happened I was using lasting

covenant to give me extra time for every kill using crit damage

this is first zone so enemies aren't that high level

zone 1 complete moving on to the new zone let's try to get some crit on this


now I have used five forma on this weapon and to be honest I really liked

the way it turned out and with the dual crit riven which I

have been experimenting quite a bit I actually had damage and status chance

for a lot of time but with Harrow I thought of using a dual crit and I

rolled it at least I think this is my 24th roll and I did get dual crit

I also had to make space for the shortcomings of this weapon like the

reload speed which is 3.5 of by default with the primed mod I have moved it down

to 2 seconds I still have some points for that mod to increase it I think it

will go down to 1.8 or something I have to see that also the other shortcoming

of this weapon is it depletes ammo very quickly and using an ax primed among

mutation as you can see I am never running out of ammo

at least not soon

there is still one flaw which I don't think I can get rid of is the accuracy

but with more usage I think I am getting used to it and the recoil for this

weapon doesn't seem annoying it's time to get to the new zone so this weapon or

any other weapon actually feel quite comfortable against the infested

I use the fourth ability as panic button sometimes because you know I'm immortal

I just need to take as much damage as I can to get that max crit so that is the

red cit with secura dual cestra

I'm glad this happened and Secura dual cestra which used to be almost almost

usable is now one of my favorite weapons

also with the syndicate effect this weapon did really turn out very good all

thanks to harrow so last zone guys and this is where I can show the true

potential put the weapon now I use the panic

button and the fourth ability the enemies are quite damaging so I'll be

getting 200 percent critical chance with the weapon now I just need to heal myself

also the first abilty to get my shields back now with the bonus fire

rate as well

I'm emptying the magazine very soon but

with the pistol ammo mutation I'm getting the ammo back

so it's all mayhem with this weapon right now and the build as you saw it's

focused on critical chances and with Harrow

I think anyone was a bit better than what it used to be and yes I am quite

late to join the party because I am coming back to the game after a year

last time I played this game it was the release of Octavia and I came back to

see Harrow when he was getting released and yet I started playing when I think

chroma deluxe skin was first shown I

think I will be playing more of this game now and with Harrow being my

favorite frame at the moment I will be exploring more weapons this was just the

first of many Oopsie I just went into another zone I thought about ending

it but I am getting low on efficiency anyway as I was saying this is the first

of many videos I'll be doing for the weapons that I used to love

I have practically maxed out and five forma on most of those syndicate weapons

just trying to get my flow right there it is

I have enough damage now I can do all the Red Crits I need this is so

satisfying to see all the red crits and harrow indeed is my new favorite frame

for I think since the game began nekros was my favorite frame for some

reason and I find myself quite amused with harrow I'll be exploring other

weapons as well and try the crit builds

there it is the red crit how high can I go just amazing I know I think this

will also be the end of this video and efficiency is running low as it is

alright thanks for watching and please give a like if you enjoyed and I'll be

seeing you soon in the next video bye bye

For more infomation >> Gimme Red Cestra - Critical Riven + Harrow Combo - Warframe - Duration: 12:15.


Jerry Springer Show (October 05, 2018) - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 05, 2018) - Duration: 4:31.


Ford Fiesta 1.25 Limited 5drs nieuwstaat + airco + garantie! - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.25 Limited 5drs nieuwstaat + airco + garantie! - Duration: 0:52.


吴秀波53岁的老婆曝光,她掌管家里财政大权,却失了波叔的心 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 吴秀波53岁的老婆曝光,她掌管家里财政大权,却失了波叔的心 - Duration: 4:12.


終於等到機會了英國戰艦進西沙領海,中國:殲10C或出口阿根廷 - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> 終於等到機會了英國戰艦進西沙領海,中國:殲10C或出口阿根廷 - Duration: 10:58.


Common Sense Questions and Answers | Riddles in Hindi | Paheliyan in Hindi - Duration: 2:43.

Common Sense Questions and Answers

Riddles in Hindi | Paheliyan in Hindi

For more infomation >> Common Sense Questions and Answers | Riddles in Hindi | Paheliyan in Hindi - Duration: 2:43.


今天有人問我,鄧倫跟楊紫誰咖位更高…… - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> 今天有人問我,鄧倫跟楊紫誰咖位更高…… - Duration: 1:04.


林丹世界排名持续下滑,东京奥运机会渺茫?如何与两师弟竞争 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 林丹世界排名持续下滑,东京奥运机会渺茫?如何与两师弟竞争 - Duration: 2:36.


how to show desktop icons on windows 10 in Hindi | कंप्यूटर में डेस्कटॉप आइकॉन कैसे शो करें । - Duration: 1:52.

Welcome to Our Channel

For more infomation >> how to show desktop icons on windows 10 in Hindi | कंप्यूटर में डेस्कटॉप आइकॉन कैसे शो करें । - Duration: 1:52.


EDMC Lo'Poet - Black Hole ( Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:33.


I'm black and I'm high I' m a black hole

I'm black and I'm high I'm a black hole

I'm black and high and I'm a UFO

I'm black and high and I'm a UFO

(Boat rocking, get your handle)

Spit, throw up on the beat

Blowing chunks

Awfully vivid through your ears

you see my lunch

Or the nerves

Paint the picture with words

See the clouds, seeing the birds

(Boat rocking, get your handle)

(get your handle)

Everything is a gamble,

Buy your seat at the table

Know when to throw in

"But this is me, going all in

Telling me know, I can get it all if I win

"Yeah yeah everything

comes with a cost,

It's more than a loss

more than a dime

prick your finger

sign on the dotted line

(boat rocking, get your handle)

(that's the devil talking)

Cast him away

I cast away

Try to told ya never sober

Write until it's over

Until my pen hit the ground

Clip my wings

And I hit the ground

Why would you forsake me now

Always faithful heathen with just hope

Just hope you would listen

But there is no more ask

I just begged forgiveness"

I'm black and I'm high I'm a black hole

I'm black and I'm high I'm a black hole

I'm black and high and I'm a UFO

I'm black and high and I'm a UFO

Unidentified you don't know

See where I'm going you're a genius

Cause I'm a dreamer

I got a glimpse of the light

It's a glimmer

Open your mind

are you a streamer

Too hot

See the pop bubble

I'm a steamer

Do it for the team

Kill it for the dream

Wish I could redeem the time

Just like Husain

I'm at the edge of my mind

I'm black and I'm high I'm a black hole

I'm black and I'm high

I'm a black hole

b L A C K h O L E

For more infomation >> EDMC Lo'Poet - Black Hole ( Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:33.


06/10/2018 10:22 (N Circular Rd, London E18 1NN, UK) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 06/10/2018 10:22 (N Circular Rd, London E18 1NN, UK) - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> 06/10/2018 10:22 (N Circular Rd, London E18 1NN, UK) - Duration: 3:01.



If you like the content of my channel, then subscribe and like the video to let me know and to encourage me to create more content !

Questions about the tutorial ? You can ask me directly on my Instagram and on my Facebook page.

Materials : Round loom of 24 minimum pegs and his hook

100 g (64 meters) of ribbon yarn

1m of chain

2 snap hooks

1 tuck lock

Fabric (35 x 25 cm), a needle & some thread

Tape measure


Yarn needle

Cable cast-on : make a slipknot and close it on the first peg, ass the loop through the back of the next peg,

take the yarn coming from the ball and pass it through while tightening.

So, pass the loop through the back of each peg

and pass the yarn through while tightening.

This way, cast-on 23 pegs.

On the 24th peg, cast-on the loop directly and pull.

from the second peg, work to the left in "e-wrap" stitch : wrap the thread around each peg

by forming a crossing inward the loom.

Then, wrap the half of the last peg

and pass the lower stitches on the upper ones.

From the second peg, work in purl stitch : slip the hook in the stitch from top to bottom,

grab the thread and pass it through,

take off the old stitch then place the new one

and tighten.

So, grab the thread and pass it through,

take off the old stitch then place the new one and tighten.

Then, pass the thread in front of the last peg of the row and work in "e-wrap" stitch.

Pass the thread in front of the last peg of the row and pass the lower stitches on the upper ones.

This way, continue to alternate a row in knit stitch and a row in purl stitch to get the Garter stitch,

for a total of 68 rows or 40 cm of lenght.

Cast-off the stitches : wrap the two pegs,

pass the lower stitches on the upper ones

and place the stitch of the left peg on the right peg.

Work the stitch and place it on the left peg,

So, work the stitch of the left peg

and place it on the right peg,

work it and place it on the left peg.

This way work the remaining stiches.

Hide the initial thread between the stitches. Pull delicately and cut some thread.

Hide the thread in the way of the knitting.

Cut the thread.

Measure and mark the center.

Fixe the tuck lock.

Cut all around on 1 cm.

Make the hem : fold the corner on about 2 cm this way,

then fold the edge on 0,5 cm, you can use a clothes iron.

Then fold it again and fix it with pins.

Repeat the operation for the other side.

Place the fabric by leaving 2 cm on the top edge and 1 cm on the others.

Fix it with pins.

Make an invisible, sewing by passing the needle between the hem and the stitches.

Make sure that the thread is not visible.

Fold the work by leaving about 5,5 cm on the top edge.

Fix the tuck lock by introducing it, and make sure it is in the center.

Sew it.

Tie the thread.

Put the lock to hide the threads.

Thread 80 cm of ribbon yarn in the yarn needle.

Pass the needle by the stitch parallel the corner.

Then thread the second end in the yarn needle.

Pass the needle through the stitch of the corner.

The same way, continue sewing all the edge.

Introduce the needle in the corner, inward the work.

Take off the needle et make two knots.

Then cut and hide the thread between the stitches.

Insure that the two sides are parallel and repeat the same method.

With a gripper, fix the snap hooks on the ends of the chain.

Fix the andle, by hanging the snap hook on the first stitches.

Repeat the same operation on the opposite side.

For more infomation >> 👜 HOW TO KNIT A CLUTCH PURSE/BAG ON ROUND LOOM - Duration: 20:23.


For more infomation >> 👜 HOW TO KNIT A CLUTCH PURSE/BAG ON ROUND LOOM - Duration: 20:23.


Le lapsus très gênant de Faustine Bollaert, la bourde de Nagui envers une maestro... - Duration: 3:20.

Le lapsus très gênant de Faustine Bollaert, la bourde de Nagui envers une maestro...

Un plein de séquences étranges, bizarres et embarrassantes, au point de faire rougir votre télécommande. Mais, rassurez-vous, elles sont toutes désopilantes !

Faustine Bollaert est une championne des gaffes, des blagues un peu lunaires et des fourchages de langue.

Toutefois, elle a cette fois décroché la timbale de la plus mémorable bévue linguistique de ces dernières semaines. Dans sa nouvelle émission du service public, Il était une fois...,

la présentatrice entreprend un retour nostalgique dans le passé d'une année avec ses invités. Ce 14 septembre,

l'humoriste Artus et le chanteur Kamini étaient donc en plateau pour revenir avec elle sur l'an 1999, période où le rappeur Eminem était à son apogée.

C'est d'ailleurs en présentant la carrière de celui qu'on surnomme Slim Shady que les mots se sont emmêlés dans la bouche de madame Maxime Chattam, rebaptisant ainsi l'artiste "Eminègre".

Une grosse boulette dont l'interprète de Marly Gomont ne s'est heureusement pas offusqué. Mais ça laisse quand même un blanc...

Dans l'échelle de la délicatesse, Nagui tient aussi la dragée haute. Pas étonnant donc qu'il apporte sa contribution à notre zapping malaise.

Voulant complimenter Élodie, maestro de N'oubliez pas les paroles, le mari de Mélanie Page a mis les deux pieds dans le plat de la galanterie.

La jeune femme, vêtue d'une élégante jupe fendue, a en effet mal pris son "Tu es énorme", lâché avec emphase. "Tu veux dire que je suis grosse ?!",

s'est-elle exclamée, faussement choquée. "Non, non, je veux dire tu es énorme de beauté", a maladroitement tenté de se rattraper l'animateur, tout penaud.

Et n'oublions pas Pascal Praud, notre grand habitué des zappings malaise, toujours en pôle position de mois en mois dans nos montages.

Cette fois, c'est en rendant un hommage musical (et singulier) au regretté Charles Aznavour que l'animateur de L'heure des pros a dérapé sans que l'on ne sache vraiment expliquer pourquoi.

Tout comme Armelle, participante du nouveau jeu dominical de France 4, Drôlement bêtes,

qui s'est tout à coup mise à fredonner La Banana (el unico fruito del amor) en version lyrique... Bizarre, vous avez dit bizarre ?

For more infomation >> Le lapsus très gênant de Faustine Bollaert, la bourde de Nagui envers une maestro... - Duration: 3:20.


For more infomation >> Le lapsus très gênant de Faustine Bollaert, la bourde de Nagui envers une maestro... - Duration: 3:20.


Common Sense Questions and Answers | Riddles in Hindi | Paheliyan in Hindi - Duration: 2:43.

Common Sense Questions and Answers

Riddles in Hindi | Paheliyan in Hindi

For more infomation >> Common Sense Questions and Answers | Riddles in Hindi | Paheliyan in Hindi - Duration: 2:43.


For more infomation >> Common Sense Questions and Answers | Riddles in Hindi | Paheliyan in Hindi - Duration: 2:43.


GOT7(갓세븐) "Lullaby" M/V Reaction 한국어 자막 ซับไทย - Duration: 14:43.

For more infomation >> GOT7(갓세븐) "Lullaby" M/V Reaction 한국어 자막 ซับไทย - Duration: 14:43.


BMW 3 Serie 330i Special Edition Autm*M-Pakket Navi*Leer*Xenon M3 Vol Opties - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 330i Special Edition Autm*M-Pakket Navi*Leer*Xenon M3 Vol Opties - Duration: 0:51.


Nightcore - Suki Dakedo Sayonara「 CHIHIRO 」 - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Suki Dakedo Sayonara「 CHIHIRO 」 - Duration: 4:34.


Atelier Online: Alchemists of Braceir | Day Two | (Translated) - Duration: 19:36.

Peppermint: Hwaah... So sleepy... Woah, that was a big yawn. Haah...

Hazel: Hey now, don't start slacking this early in the morning. Your a student of the Academy, so you'd better stand up straight.

Peppermint: Oh, it's Hazel! I'm not really a student, so nyeeeh!

Hazel: I think you mean 'Student Council President Hazel.' And whether you're technically a student or not doesn't matter.

Hazel: Anybody standing on this campus should act in a respectable manner.

Silverbirch: Ahahahahahaha!

Peppermint: Woah, what a loud voice... Wait, isn't that... Come on, let's go look!

Hazel: Hey, wait! Come back here!

Silverbirch: Come, my student underlings! I'm about to unveil my latest machine!

Peppermint: There goes Mr. Silverbirch again. I wonder what it is, this time!

Hazel: Haaah... So my uncle is calling another weird assembly... So troublesome...

Peppermint: Oh, that's right! Mr. Silverbirch is Hazel's uncle.

Hazel: Yes... He's a first-class researcher, and yet somehow he's got no common sense whatsoever...

Silverbirch: Alright, it looks like everyone is here. Then allow me to begin! This is it - my magnum opus! I call it: "Space-Time Operator Number 4" - Boy!

Poppi: Hello, everyone! I'm "Space-Time Operator Number 4!" But you can call me "Poppi!"

Peppermint: Wow, that's amazing! The machine can even talk!

Silverbirch: Ha ha ha! His capacity for speech isn't the only special thing about him! Poppi can create "space-time distortions" at will!

Silverbirch: These are small "space-time distortions." What that means is that he can create portals to other worlds, and draw out items from them...

Silverbirch: And that is Poppi's function! Of course, I've made sure he's completely safe!!

Poppi: I am!

Hazel: Oh no... He's gone and made something unbelievable again...

Student A: Wooaah! That's awesome! Mr. Silverbirch, you're awesome!

Student B: Gahh! I want to try using Poppi...!

Silverbirch: Don't you? Don't you? Hahahahaha! Ahahahahaha!

Silverbirch: Alright! You there, Hazel!

Hazel: Huh? Me...?

Silverbirch: Yes - I'm leaving Poppi in your care. You'll oversee the students' requests to use him.

Poppi: Use me!

Hazel: Whaaaat?! W-what are you talking about? Why do I have to?!

Silverbirch: You're my niece, after all. And not only are you a student of Divinity, but you're also knowledgeable about machines. Not to mention that you're the student council president! Pretty simple!

Silverbirch: So be sure to help everyone out when they want to use Poppi! I'm counting on you, Hazel! Haa ha ha ha ha!

Poppi: Bye-bye, my master! Nice to meet you, new master, Hazel!

Hazel: W-wait! Don't say that! Don't run away, uncle! Ah! Um...

Crowd of Students: *murmur murmur*

Soleil: Haaazeeel... You know... I'd reeaaally like to use Poppi...!

Hazel: S-stay back! Wait! Come on, wait! Don't come any closer!!!

Hazel: Goodness... My uncle isn't over here, either. Where could he have gotten to...?

Soleil: Hey, hey, Hazel! Let us use Poppi!

Hazel: S-Soleil! When did you--?! ... You look like you really want to use him...

Hazel: You too...?

"I've gotta use him! I have to!"

Hazel: Seriously...? Alright, fine then... Hmm... But I don't actually know how to operate this little guy...

Hazel: It looks like my uncle left an operation manual for Poppi... Are we really doing this...?

Poppi: Master Hazel! No need to worry. Just leave it to me. It'll be okay! Use me as you please.

Soleil: See? He said it'll be fine! So let's just do this!

Hazel: Okay, okay! I get it, already...

Hazel: Why is always like this...?

Hazel: ... Poppi, are you ready?

Poppi: I'm ready!

Hazel: Alright, let's see... First... In order to use Poppi, press here.

Poppi: Boop!

Hazel: --!! The atmosphere feels different already. Somehow the air in here seems... Mysterious.

Peppermint: S-some weird billboard just popped up...

Poppi: It's fine, it's fine! Now we'll reach into the distortion and pull out an item!

Hazel: T-that's amazing, Poppi! What an amazing invention... Maybe I was wrong about my uncle!

Poppi: All preparations are complete! Once you give me some "cole," I can open up the distortion to withdraw an item!

Hazel: Huh...? "Cole" ...? Poppi... You run on money?

Poppi: My diet consists of jewels! I have to earn my meals!

Peppermint: ... That's unexpectedly reasonable...

Poppi: Master Hazel, cole please!

Hazel: Huh...? N-no one warned me about this...

Soleil: Master Hazel! Pleeaase!

"Hazel! Please!"

Hazel: Oh for heaven's sake! Why me?! Why do I have to be in charge of all this?!

Hazel: Look, just this once, I'll pay! But this is a one-off! Next time, you'd better come prepared! And this is just a loan, okay?! A loan!

Soleil: Yesss! I love you, Hazel!

Hazel: Dammit... Uncle, you'll pay for this...! Here! Poppi!

Poppi: Thank you, Master Hazel! Now press here!

Poppi: "Leave it to me!"

Poppi: "I'll do my best!"

Poppi: "There!"

Hazel: Poppi has acquired an item. Shall we take it?

LESSON: Poppi You can get equipment from Poppi in exchange for cole.

LESSON: Receiving Items You can take items as equipment, or in their materials! The green button is to take the equipment, and the orange button is to take the materials.

[ Poppi (gacha) is now unlocked. ]

Peppermint: So much happened that I'm kind of tired! Let's go relax outside! Okay?

Peppermint: Hm?

Bergamot: ... That should do it.

Peppermint: Oh, Miss Bergamot. Are you posting something on the bulletin board?

Bergamot: Yes, just putting up some requests. Have you been making sure to check the bulletin board?

Bergamot: It's not an overstatement to say that this bulletin board is imperative to you students.

LESSON: Quest Board Various quests, requests, and lessons are posted on the bulletin board. Be sure to accept any quests you think you can do!

Peppermint: Huh... So the bulletin board is actually important? I thought it was just a place to put up doodles and stuff.

Bergamot: Oh dear... At any rate, the bulletin board will play an big role in your assessments and your growth from here on out.

Bergamot: If you want to become a first-class Alchemist, you'll have to pay attention to these listings.

Peppermint: So she says...! Hey, since we're here already, why don't we take a look?

Peppermint: Today's assignments and other requests are posted here.

Peppermint: For now, why don't we take on the requests that sound easy? Look, they have pretty nice rewards!

Peppermint: If we want to earn some pocket money and help people out, sidequests are the way to go. It'd be good to as many daily requests as we can.

Peppermint: It looks like right now we're in the middle of chapter one's main quest, to "Explore Orubious."

Peppermint: And our goals are... I see, I see.

Peppermint: Orubious is the area the Academy is located in, so if we just leave the Academy, we'll be all set!

Peppermint: But hey, if we're going out anyway, why don't we take on some requests, too?

Peppermint: You can accept quests from here.

Peppermint: Let's see... What about this one?

Peppermint: Oh, we can even take multiple requests at once!

Peppermint: I'll keep notes over here, in case you ever lose track of what you should be doing.

TIPS: Earning Ether Let's take on requests! Requests will reward you with ether!

Orubious - The land that blooms white -

"Quest clear!"

Chapter One: Explore Orubious

Peppermint: Hmm, so we can just fill requests like this! Pretty easy!

Peppermint: It seems like the quests and requests update periodically, so we should just check every now and then!

Peppermint: If we do a bunch, maybe we'll even run into Anise and Soleil.

Peppermint: When you're ready to head back to the Academy, be sure to look at the map. But for now - let's go for a walk!

[ Quests have been unlocked. You can now undertake quests. ]

Male Student A: Woah, you've got something good over there!

Peppermint: Something good? ... Oh, that's right! Miss Bergamot slipped something into your bag, earlier!

Male Student A: That's a healing salve, a recovery item. And an offensive item, a puni ball!

Male Student A: To use items in combat, you have to equip them first. So let's open up the party screen from the menu.

Male Student A: Equipping items is done from the "Combat Item Equipment" screen.

Male Student A: See the top left? The categories are Manual and Auto.

Male Student A: ① Manual Items can be used in battle at your command.

Male Student A: ② Auto items have a fixed chance of being used automatically by characters who have the Auto-Item ability.

Male Student A: For now, let's equip these manually. This way we can choose when to use them in a fight.

Male Student A: First, tap an open slot.

Male Student A: Here's the healing salve and puni ball that your teacher gave you.

Male Student A: Puni ball is an offensive item that does damage to your enemy.

Male Student A: It's useful when you're not doing damage to an enemy, or when you can't hit your skills.

Male Student A: For how easy it is to make, it's pretty useful, so you should gather the materials to make more of these if you can.

Male Student A: Let's go with the puni ball for now. Go ahead and select it.

Male Student A: Now press confirm, and you're all set.

LESSON: Equipping Items for Battle Equip items to use in combat from the party formation screen. You control Manual items. Auto items will be used automatically.

Male Student A: You can equip the recovery item, healing salve, as a manual item too - if you want.

Male Student A: Well then, safe travels!

[ Battle Item Equiping has been unlocked. Access Item Equip screen from the party menu. ]

Peppermint: It looks like we need a particular item...

LESSON: Field Gimmick There are various field areas that need special items. For example, some obstructions can be blown up, and other times you can use an item to make a path.


Return to the Academy? [ No ] [ Yes ]

Bergamot: Your log-in reward for the day is 1000 Ether. Log in tomorrow for Fairy Dust.

Soleil: Today's special log-in reward is 5 cole! Log in tomorrow for another 5.

Peppermint: Oh, our rewards are ready from those quests! Let's go get them! ♪

Peppermint: It's a hassle to grab them one by one, so let's just mass-collect.

Peppermint: Tap here.

Peppermint: And over here to confirm.

Rorona: My name is Rorolina Frixell. But I go by Rorona.

Peppermint: It looks like we aren't qualified to take on the next quest. Let's check out why.

Peppermint: So these are all the titles we need to get before we can move on to the next chapter. Let's do our best! ♪

LESSON: Normal Misions Completing normal missions will give you rewards and titles.

LESSON: Titles You can equip the titles you've earned from your profile!

LESSON: Party Members When you make new friends, add them to your party from the Academy.

LESSON: Party Members Just tap to change party members! ① Shows your available party members. ② Shows your available party slots.

Rorona: "Let's work together!"

LESSON: Equipment There are all kinds of weapons you can equip your character with.

LESSON: Equipment Just tap the type of gear you want to equip.

LESSON: Equipment Appearance You can even change the appearance of your equipment.

For more infomation >> Atelier Online: Alchemists of Braceir | Day Two | (Translated) - Duration: 19:36.


Pacific Spotlight: SrA Henderson - Duration: 0:31.

Henderson: My name is Senior Airman Wesley D. Henderson.

I'm a fuels distribution operator at the 35th LRS Fuels Management Flight.

My job is important because without the fuel that we provide these aircraft cannot fly.

So we have mainly our F-16s.

We also have Global Hawks, Boeing 767s, all sorts.

My favorite part about my job is to see the aircraft take off and land safely, which means

that I did my job the best that I could.

For more infomation >> Pacific Spotlight: SrA Henderson - Duration: 0:31.


Jerry Springer Show (October 05, 2018) - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 05, 2018) - Duration: 4:31.


Jerry Springer Show (October 05, 2018)Hannah, 19, hooks up with her friend's guy.... - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 05, 2018)Hannah, 19, hooks up with her friend's guy.... - Duration: 7:54.


Renault Clio Estate TCe 90pk Zen Airco, Navi, Cruise - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate TCe 90pk Zen Airco, Navi, Cruise - Duration: 0:53.


パラコードでフィッシュテール キーホルダー Paracord Fishtail Keychain - Duration: 4:37.

This time, I made a fish tail knitting key chain with para cord.

Cut it by the length of completion × 2 + 8 cm.

With Naskan

We prepared a double ring.

First we will cut the cut cord.

Next I will attach the metal fittings.

I will also pass a double ring.

This completes the axis.

Next, we cut for weaving for about 1 m.

Solving the knot a little,

Thread a braid cord.

From here it is a fish tail knitting.

Left string

Pass it through the shaft in the right direction.

Next right string

Pass over the top of this two,

Pass it through the shaft in the left direction.

I will weave this operation repeatedly.

Pass the left string through the shaft,

Pass the right string through the shaft above the two.

After knitting down, make a loop with the right string,

Lower the string on the left,

Pass through the loop from the bottom.

Cut the extra part,

I will stop fraying with a writer etc.


It seems that it is called fish tail knitting from a stitch like fish tail.

This video is also recommended.

Subscribe thank you.

Until the last minute, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> パラコードでフィッシュテール キーホルダー Paracord Fishtail Keychain - Duration: 4:37.


Charlie And Lola I'm Really Ever So Not Well Part 3 - Duration: 3:59.

♥ Thanks so much for watching!

I'll play this oil mom can help you find the smile

Look one smile

Oh great how you feeling now?

I'm playing really well

I just want me better charlie. Well, well I could get mom in there. No

Charlie I want you to stay please

Okay, I'll stay

And then I had a really good idea

Hey, no. No, where's your butterfly gone? I do know Charlie

I think it must have fell off somewhere. And I don't know where is I be safe -

Perhaps he's fluttered away - butterfly Mountain the flutterby Mountain

Yeah - flutter by bounce John. It's rejection. Yes, I do

Yeah, we need a big capture, come on I

Hate your butterfly, it's getting away charlie quickly. We're gonna have to cloud home


Come on Charlie, all right

Charlie yeah

We could do cocaine

Don't worry charlie. I'm going to be here every minute of all day until you're completely


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