Hours Before Vote Kavanaugh Released A Scathing Op-Ed With Details Of His Family Suffering
you were pointing out in that The Wall Street Journal has just released an
editorial by Brett Kavanaugh and he says I'm an independent independent jurist
independent judge and he also at the top of it in italics says when I spoke in
that hearing and he's been criticized for being too emotive and too angry I
spoke as a as a father I spoke as a dad I spoke as a son yeah that's right
the article by Brett Kavanaugh is on The Wall Street Journal's website right now
it will be in tomorrow's paper and essentially is again another defense of
his temperament he said look when I spoke to those Democrats I was protected
protecting my family my name and my reputation in public life
and probably he said I said a few things that I've maybe I should not have but he
says I'm running making it clear I believe in the rule of law I'm an
impartial judge have always been an impartial judge on the appellate court
and will continue to be so if confirmed in the Supreme Court I mean you can see
where he's coming from here because he's already facing opposition from some
people who say that the things that he said in that hearing with regard to
President Trump and you know this is all just payback from the Clintons that it
might age some people to say that he has to remove himself accuse himself from
certain cases marry but you know this is just proof that really they they just
want to get rid of him no matter what and so they tried to get rid of him
through these personal smear it didn't work so now they've moved to another you
know battleground which is to say well it's a forget about all that
it's his temperament that's wrong and you know I mean I thought that actually
seeing that human side of him was comforting to me because if he had gone
up there and been very robotic and and and unemotional I think that might have
been even more damaging to him than what he did you can say that maybe he
shouldn't have had the exchange he had with senator Klobuchar that's probably
true but she came back and apologized and you know a lot of those senators who
were questioning him also owe him an apology
J because as bill says I mean there's absolutely no evidence for these charges
that would make anyone furious you know this isn't gonna end we saw the
protesters in Washington so even if he does secure his seat on the Supreme
Court as a justice I mean I'm imagining that the day he has his first day in
court those steps are probably gonna be flooded with protesters I don't I think
this will be very invigorating in some ways to Democrats III think it is but I
think it's been invigorating through Republicans you know just from my
informal non-political contacts of what people say especially the moms who have
sons and just see the unfairness I think Mary makes a good point there are a lot
of people at O Brett Kavanaugh an apology for their behavior the way they
throw around unsubstantiated charges and there's nothing too crazy to throw up on
the air or print or something to say about this guy and I'd like to know look
when he gave that speech I wanted to stand up and Cheer because I know him I
know his wife I know his kids and I thought he'd defended himself a plea and
I would like to know if that's not right what is the proper comportment for a man
accused of gang rape with no evidence
you know in terms of what bill touches on dan how the press has handled this
because the press has been criticized for having a pretty low bar for what
could be printed you know you've got letters from friends you got this woman
who says you know I saw him stand near the punch I mean well I didn't thing is
they keep repeating in every story written that the details of the
accusations against Brett Kavanaugh which has an effect after a while people
begin to think well maybe there's something here and it was for that
reason that is Bill suggests he had to stand up and defend himself if nobody in
the press was going to do it for him I think that's essentially in large part
why President Trump does many of the things he does he feels he's got to
defend himself because there'll be no support whatsoever in the press I wonder
what it says about the me2 movement because we haven't seen really a man who
sort of fought back and won and if he does get past this process and
you know keeping in mind that these are not corroborated allegations but
basically insinuation has been accusation has been indictment in these
cases quick thought on that well we've seen some of that I mean we had the Duke
Lacrosse you know the truth finally came out there but I think it remains the
same going forward thank you very much good to have all of you with us Greg let
me go to you first it seems that one thing that did weigh in on susan collins
decision was the FBI report which of course republicans were hesitant to get
into until we had that dramatic moment last week when Senator flake made his
move in that direction one thing that that apparently came out of this or at
least it's in some way related to was the information that in fact Leland
Kaiser who was a friend of dr. Ford was being pressured by some other friends of
dr. Ford to change her testimony or modify her testimony to make it seem
like she did remember something that she says she didn't remember I mean this was
there were some pretty damning elements in what we know about this FBI report or
at least what we're hearing secondhand what we're hearing yeah yeah we can't
can't see what's in it but it does seem that senators were concerned by some of
the things they've learned from the report not about judge Kavanaugh but
about the efforts to to interfere with his confirmation there are a lot of
questions after this whole process about what Democratic senators knew and when
they knew it how they were working with lawyers for dr. Ford who appear to be
politically connected lawyers I mean they're there I think there are many
questions that still need to be answered and we'll probably be having this
conversation in the coming weeks and even months I'm sure we will Annika then
there was judge Cavanaugh himself who began the morning with an op-ed in the
Wall Street Journal which among other things said I was very emotional last
Thursday speaking to his testimony where he really gave some senators a piece of
his mind he said I said a few things that I should not have said I hope
everyone can understand that I was there is a son husband and dad well not
everyone does understand including a former Supreme Court justice who
sighs and said that disqualified him from serving on the bench because he got
so emotional and political well and he said during his testimony when he had
the inner interchange with with senator Klobuchar he followed it up after the
break by apologizing to her and said you know this is a tough process I'm sorry I
felt like you know he went too far and I think that his op-ed he's acknowledging
what I saw at the time as him responding to the fact that he was testifying
before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his personal character this wasn't
about his record when people say this was a job interview he was so
unprofessional no he was being accused of some pretty horrible things and had
not been given a chance to really speak to it and I think we saw that emotion
well Gregg should judge Cavanaugh become a justice and appears now he will in the
Supreme Court will all of this affect his term I I hope not I hope that with
time more Americans will we'll get past this really divisive period and take
some comfort in the this additional FBI review I think we're going to to learn
more about the shadiness and and the the fabricated nature of some of the charges
that were made against him so I hope with time there'll be some healing but
there's no there's no doubt that America is very divided and they're divided
about some of the big questions the court considers and there's going to be
some lasting damage I think to to our national conversation about the Supreme
Court and and and the Senate as well this remains a confidential part of the
background report I hope that changes are made and we'll be able to talk more
about what the FBI did later but what I can say is that the most notable part of
this report is what's not in it as we noted by the White House the FBI did not
interview Brett Kavanaugh nor did the FBI interview dr. Blasi Ford what we've
heard from numerous people over the last few days seeking to provide information
to the FBI we have seen even more press reports of witnesses who wanted to speak
with the FBI but we're not interview
debora Ramirez's lawyer said he was unaware of any corroborating witnesses
who are interviewed candidly what we reviewed today in a very limited time I
was there I had to leave that report is in part and I had the opportunity to
read some but not all of it it looks to be a product of an incomplete
investigation that was limited perhaps by the white house I don't know but the
white house certainly blocked access to millions of documents from Judge
Cavanaugh's record I know that and ensured that 90% of his emails and memos
weren't available for the Senate or the public in the hearings it now appears
that they also blocked the FBI from doing its job Democrats agreed that the
investigation scope should be limited we did not agree that the White House
should tie the FBI's hands it's simply not credible to say that public
testimony in last week's hearing is a substitute for interviews by FBI agents
not only two senators lack the expertise of FBI agents we were only given five
minutes to question judge Cavanaugh so in my view from what I saw the
investigation was very limited and it will be interesting after all of the
members have an opportunity to read the documents and we have an opportunity in
public to discuss our conclusions what the findings are thank you god bless you
and God bless america
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