this is Staci Hall from Staci My
mission is to simplify online marketing
and make it fun for entrepreneurs to
increase their confidence, influence and
results. I have a question for you today... How
would it feel if you knew exactly what
to do to increase your visibility on
social media so you can stand out above
the crowd? It's a noisy place out there
isn't it? it's really tough to get
people's attention and if we're trying
to build a business online then
we need people to be paying attention...
Stick around.. today I have for you seven
steps to increasing your visibility on
social media. Here we go.. step number one
post the right stuff at the right time. I
have been talking about this.. I feel like...
sometimes I keep repeating myself but
it's so important and people are still
doing this wrong a lot of the time.
you'll want to make sure that you are
not posting pictures of your products...
you're not posting pictures of your
company name, your company logos or
anything to do with your company
directly. You want to attract people to
you and when you post things that come
across as pitchy or salesy... you're
practicing what my mentor Ray Higdon
refers to as 'Repulsion marketing'. You
don't want to do that! We do not want to
repel people, if we can at all avoid it,
right? The idea behind having a whole... you
know.. infrastructure on social media is
to presumably, attract our tribe to us.
in order to be attractive.. we have to give people what they want... it's not
about us, at the end of the day...
So, what do people want out there on
social media? People out there on the
interwebs...want to be entertained! You
wanna have some fun! They want to be
educated.. they want to prowl around and
spy on what people are doing, right? They
just... they're going there for social
reasons. That's why it's called 'social media'. the stuff you post has to reflect
that and honour the platform... no logos no
links no companies stuff..okay? Post things
that create curiosity... post things that
make people interested in your life and
what you're doing... things about your
lifestyle... if you're going out for lunch
with the girls... you're hanging out at
the beach. If you're doing something fun
with your kid... Post motivational stuff.
Post really good things, you come across
that share really interesting tips about
business or life... things like that. That's
number one because if you post things
with value, automatically people are
going to start engaging with your
content and that means you'll get
your stuff seen in the news feed
more often..more regularly and that's what
we want.
Okay... so quality content. Number
two: Go LIVE! I know a lot of people are
really fearful of doing video, especially
'live' video but Facebook Live...well.. any
live streaming really... but Facebook being
the king of all social media, still reigns
supreme. Facebook lives are where its at.
Facebook basically prefers them.. right..
They honour them more in their algorithms so
if you go live, you have a much better
chance of being seen. It's just the way
the math works out right now... with their
algorithms... also it has tremendous of
reach ,because even if people don't see
while you're on live.. there are a lot of people
that see you on the replay. So it just
spans.. and it gets out there... and also
you can repurpose that content in any
way that you see fit. I mean you can chop
up that video... you can put it in on
other platforms, you can use it in your
blog. It has endless possibilities.. so
number two.. very important...go LIVE. If you
have a fear... you need to find a way to
work through it. Start slow and work your
way up but you need to be doing it.
Number 3: Spread the Joy! What do I
mean by that? 'Do unto others as you would
have done unto yourselves.." want
to be more visible on social media... you
want people to interact with your
content... you want people to pay attention
to you! The best way to achieve that is
to do THAT.. for other people.
It just works like that. Go find other people's
pages in your niche...'like' some of their
stuff... comment on things that are
interesting... interact with the other people
who are commenting on their stuff. As soon
as you do that, not only do you increase
your profile with those people.. but
you're also increasing your profile with
all of THEIR friends... because now, once
you've commented on that person's post, all
of their friends can see your comments
right... and if you're saying interesting
things, they're going to be curious about
who you are and what you're about. And
they'll start checking out your stuff , right...
So it increases your reach, while at the
same time helping the person that you
are engaging with.... it's good karma!
Also, you can seek out other influencers
in your niche and do the same. Start
following people.. engage with their stuff.
So pay attention... share right? ... engage
engage, engage. And then you will have the
favour returned to you. Also i would say,
please don't have a scarcity mindset
about sharing content around. I know a
lot of people in our niche... in the online
marketing- network marketing-
entrepreneurial niche are sometimes fearful of sharing other
people's content to their people they're people...they're
like..."ah.. man if I share that person's
Facebook live then everyone's going to
fall in love with her and they're all
gonna go over there and nobody's going to
follow me anymore..!" I promise you that's
not gonna happen! I know it's a
legitimate fear for a lot of people but
it is a scarcity mindset and that is a
mindset that's typically prevalent in people
who are newer or haven't done a lot of
personal development... and they don't
understand how it really works. I promise
you, if you share something of your
colleague's work ...all of the people who are interested
in you, are not going to leave you... I
promise! It doesn't work like. If
anything, I find that people actually
admire you and look up to you more.. if
you're sharing things of value with them,
that are going to help them with their
business... right? They're going to see you as
being a person who is connected to
really awesome things... so it only
helps you... or as another of my mentors,
Diane Hochman likes to say... you're kind of
like "Julie the cruise director" on The
Love Boat... if you're old enough to
remember that. You're just pointing
people to really amazing things. You are
not the songwriter of the whole world...
you're the DJ. I can't remember where I
heard that but it's a great analogy...
... You're kind of just respinning
stuff for people and that has tremendous don't be fearful... share, share
share. Number 4: Give Interviews and
Interview Others. This is a really ninja
trick if somebody is actually reaching
out to you and asking you to be willing
to be interviewed ...don't be afraid of it.
You have a little nuggets that you can
share with people that you don't even
realize. So be willing to do that.
It's great for your own exposure,
obviously but also that person that
interviews you is obviously very likely
to share that interview to their people...
so now you have ... an ability to
reach all of that audience, that you
otherwise would never, probably be able
to reach and that audience, very likely,
may not have ever found you, without the
introduction of that interviewer. So say 'yes'
to those things... those are
opportunities.. right? Step in ...and also
when you have a chance to interview
others do the same... especially if it's an
influencer in your niche. So, if you
go to a lot of company events or
industry events, find the people milling
around ..who are really interesting to you
and ask them if
it's okay to.. just like.. hit them up with
a question or two, on camera so you
can share it with your people. Most of the
time, if they can.. if they have the time
available... they will do it. They're more
than willing... and you might even find
that some of them might share that
content to their people... which would be
amazing right?!!? So interview and be
interviewed. Great ...great strategy... Number 5:
Start Your Own Facebook Group.
Yes, you should have a fan pagge but
I'm not talking about that ...I'm talking
about Facebook groups. A facebook group
is a great, great way to increase your
visibility on social media while also
building an amazing community of followers
and people that you can attract.
.. because you have more control over
the conversation with your group and
there's a lot more engagement going on
within it ...then typically, will happen
on a fan page.. so it has it's different
purpose... and within your Facebook group,
you can have theme can run little
contests... giveaway prizes... really encourage
people know... create a culture
within the group and get engaged. And they
actually can learn an awful lot that will help them with their business in
the process... which just makes them love
you all the more. So, definitely Facebook
Groups. Number 6:
just have to check my notes quickly...
Number 6: Facebook Ads. I know, I know... a
lot of you are probably scared of the
facebook advertising... you may have heard
some horror stories. I promise you, it's not
that scary. What I will say, is it's not
something that you just want to fly by
the seat of your pants with. You do want
to know what you're doing a little bit...
so seek out some information... there's tons
available. There's great courses... there's
also wonderful free information...just at
the Google...right... and on YouTube. Make
sure you read.. you know.. Facebook rules
and regs about you don't
get yourself into trouble but if you do
that, it's not actually that hard and right
now...the Facebook story ad is just like
doing gangbusters on Facebook.. so it's
basically just sharing a story in the form
of an ad, so that is something that you
might want to consider it has amazing
reach it allows you to tell a bit of a story
which really draws people in to you and
who you are.. and we'll get you a lot of
targeted, targeted followers who want
what it is that you have to offer.
..brilliant strategy. Number 7!
Numbers 7! Number 7: Be
Entertaining!!!... right?!!? Be entertaining people!!!
people come to social media because they
wanted to entertained.. as we mentioned at
the very beginning of this video. So many
people on their posts are like... okay... not
so much just posts.. but especially on
video and facebook live.. it's like (super boring voice)
'hi.. I want to talk to you today about..." Guys! Loosen up... it's a phone.
It's not going to bite you. Just be yourself.
Be authentic... share with people.
Don't try and present a perfect exterior.
It's so boring! Nobody wants you to be
perfect. We are all fallible..all of us.. we
all are flawed. So if you just step out
from trying to present yourself as being
perfect, you will actually have better
ability to reach people and actually
have communication and a genuine
connection... which is all people really
want, right? So be okay with just being
yourself. That doesn't mean you have to
come out with your jazz hands.. to be, like..
you know... trying to be funny, if you're
not funny. That's not what I mean. You
know, by all means...don't hide the
elements of yourself that give you a
bit of an edge because THAT is what
people are gonna fall in love with...ok
just entertain people. Don't try and be
business-y and perfect. It's really boring.
Okay, my friend, those are my 7 steps to
significantly increasing your visibility
on social media and will help you to
potentially 10x the size of your tribe,
in short order...if you follow them to 'T'.
Hope that was helpful. I hope you got
value. If you haven't already, my friend,
somewhere around this video I'm going to
include a direct link for you to access
my Facebook Daily Game Plan
Blueprint. It's free of charge, right now.
I've basically charted out for you,
step-by-step, exactly what you can do,
every single day, to generate an
additional 10 + leads for your
business, on Facebook...
without spending a dime on Facebook ads in
case you don't want to do that, just, just
yet. That's available for you. Please, by
all means, download it, enjoy and share
with those you think might benefit. Have
yourselves a fantastic day and I'll see
you guys on the next one. In the meantime,
Go..and Make Your Mark! Love ya! Bye for now...
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