Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 3 2017

Since Donald Trump was inaugurated as the president of the United States, there's been

something happening all across the globe that few people have noticed until a new report

came out this past weekend.

What you may not have noticed is that fewer foreigners are coming into the United States.

Guess what.

It's not just because of Donald Trump's Muslim ban.

Tourism from foreign countries to the United States is a $250 billion industry, one of

the largest industries in the United States, but thanks to Donald Trump, people from all

over the world are not coming to the United States.

It's not just Muslims, no.

It's white, Anglo-Saxon people from European countries that are allegedly our allies, but

Donald Trump has done nothing but insult everyone across the planet since being elected and

even during the campaign.

Now, people are not coming into the United States.

According to the major travel agencies in the United States, we have already seen a

14% drop in tourism from Western Europe to the United States and over a 40% drop in tourism

from the Middle East to the United States.

All told, it's cost about $7 billion from the US economy from people not coming to the

United States.

Again, they're not coming here because of Donald Trump.

They see his attitude, his actions, towards foreigners.

They see and hear what he says and does about his own people here in the United States.

They view his Mexican border wall, or his Muslim ban as an intense hatred for anyone

not from the United States, therefore, they think it's too dangerous, even if they are

a white Christian, to come into the United States.

It's not worth the risk, so they're finding other travel destinations to go to, other

places to spend $7 billion dollars.

Donald Trump, as a businessman, after all, that's what republicans picked him for, shouldn't

he understand the fact that his words, his actions, are costing us billions of dollars?

Just because he wants to be a xenophobic idiot, we're losing billions of dollars from the

US economy.

He doesn't care.

You know why he doesn't care?

Because, most of these tourism dollars actually go to coastal communities that, in fact, did

not vote for Donald Trump.

Why is he going to do anything to protect them?

They didn't vote for me, so screw them.

That's what Donald Trump is thinking right now.

Meanwhile, all along both the East and West coasts, businesses are losing tons of money

because of Donald Trump's disgusting rhetoric and his hatred for everyone who is a non white


It's costing us billions of dollars so far and we're only two and a half months into

this presidency.

As the year goes on, if Donald Trump is still president, we're going to lose even more money.

Again, Trump's not going to care about it because the people who voted for him and his

particular businesses, they're going to be doing just fine.

At this point, Donald Trump doesn't need tourism to keep his businesses afloat.

He's doing that on his own with our tax dollars, by going to a Trump branded property every

single weekend and spending millions of dollars.

It's costing the local communities millions of dollars, as well.

Again, as long as Donald Trump gets to line his own pockets, the rest of us can go

to hell.

For more infomation >> Tourists Avoiding USA Because Of Donald Trump, Costing Us Billions - Duration: 4:07.


How Your Memory Can Be Tricked - Duration: 4:56.

It's easy to assume that your memory works like a camera.

You know how camera works, so it's like how memories work.

You take snapshots of your life, and sometimes it's hard to find a picture, or you accidentally

delete one.

But the ones you keep are a good record of what actually happened.

But psychologists who study memory actually think it works more like a Wikipedia page.

You can trust it as a general reference, but every time you remember something, you can

make changes to it – and so can other people.

In fact, there are lots of ways your mind can be tricked into thinking things happened

that never actually did.

One way is through suggestion – basically, dropping hints that something happened a certain


A psychology study in the mid-1970s was one of the first to show the power of verbal suggestions.

In one experiment, the researchers played college students videos of a car crash, and

then asked some questions about the crash.

One group was asked how fast they thought the cars were going when they hit each other.

And another was asked how fast the cars were going when they smashed each other.

And that word choice affected their memory!

When the researchers said "smashed" instead of "hit", people's estimates of the speed

increased by about 3 miles per hour.

Then, when the psychologists followed up a week later, they asked if the participants

remembered seeing broken glass in the video – which, for the record, there wasn't.

Of the 50 people who heard the word "smashed," 16 remembered seeing broken glass that wasn't

actually there, as opposed to 7 of the 50 people who heard the word "hit."

Even without the suggestion, a few people were remembering incorrectly – but not as


Now, that wasn't a huge study, but the power of suggestion has been replicated hundreds

of times in different experiments, so it seems like we're pretty prone to getting little

details wrong.

Turns out, we're also bad at remembering where we heard something in the first place,

or whether something actually happened to us instead of, like, dreaming it up.

This is what's known as source misattribution.

In one study, psychologists tested for this effect by inviting some 210 volunteers into

a lab for a couple days and asking them to either do or imagine doing a bunch of different


There were familiar tasks, like smelling a flower, plus some weird ones, like tapping

a flower to their forehead.

Then, two weeks later, they were asked to remember what they did.

It didn't matter if it was something normal like rolling dice, or strange like sitting

on dice– over half the time, participants thought they actually did the things that

they only imagined.

And if they spent more time imagining an action, they were more likely to think they really

did it.

Now, both of these memory flaws have been psychologists sorta messing with people.

But, sometimes, we just unintentionally make stuff up.

These are called spontaneous false memories, this is when all the knowledge and patterns

you have swimming around in your brain can mess up what you remember.

Let me show you.

Try to remember this list of words.

Think you have them all memorized?


Now, take a look at these words.

How many of them were on that first list?

In case you were wondering – and didn't just write them down – the answer is six.

But, in controlled lab experiments where they do have a little more time to memorize, most

people will falsely remember one word that wasn't on the first list: "window."

That's because the first list was basically a bunch of window-related words , so it's

easy for your mind to make a goof.

This example is called a DRM List, named after the psychologists who wrote and studied it:

Deese, Roediger, and McDermott.

But spontaneous false memories can happen in all kinds of situations.

For instance, one study showed children between 5 and 12 years old different versions of a

video where a teacher read a story to a class, and then got money stolen from her wallet

in a cafeteria.

Then, they had to pick the thief out of a lineup.

In one version of the video, there was a bystander next to the teacher while she was reading

– someone who was about the same age, build, gender, and ethnicity as the thief.

And after watching that version, the 11 to 12 year-olds were more likely to pick the

innocent person out of the lineup than the actual thief.

This is called unconscious transference: when an innocent person gets mis-remembered as

a criminal because of the way your mind categorizes things like how they look.

Psychologists think we make up these patterns as we go through life, most of the time without

thinking about it.

They've also noticed that adults usually show unconscious transference and mix up DRM

lists more than really young children do, because they just have more life experience

and general knowledge.

So… memory is kind of scarily unreliable.

And it's probably worth taking your own memory with a grain of salt.

But now that you know some of the ways it can trick you, maybe you can avoid being /too/


Y'know, pics or it didn't happen!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psychology, and especially to our patrons

on Patreon without whom this show would not exist!

If you want to support us, you can go to

And we have two new psychology videos for you every single week, all you gotta to do

is go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> How Your Memory Can Be Tricked - Duration: 4:56.


Lucious And Andre Have A Surprise For Hakeem's Birthday | Season 3 Ep. 12 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:12.

[music playing]

ANDRE: Hakeem, I thought you were supposed to get smarter

as you got older, not dumber.

HAKEEM: Shut up, Man.

HAKEEM: I'm not letting you stream your birthday mess live

on Empire XStream, all right? HAKEEM What's your problem, Man?

ANDRE: What's your problem, Man?

LUCIOUS: Hold on, hold on, hold on.

What's wrong?

Let him have his fun.

It's harmless.

ANDRE: I can think of a million ways it could

become harmful for us, Pop.

The cost of security alone is--

HAKEEM: I'll pull in 10 times the cost of security

with all the cash I'll be making when my club opens.

LUCIOUS: Why do you keep raising your voice at him?

HAKEEM: Because he getting on my nerves.

LUCIOUS: Look, it's his birthday.

Let him have his fun.

Oh, by the way, I'm so sorry, I'm not going to make it.

HAKEEM: Dad, it's bad enough my whole family

trying to bail on me now.

Now Andre trying to wreck my party?


I'm out of here.

LUCIOUS: Nice job.

He looks pretty disappointed.

ANDRE: Yeah, he really thinks we're

just ignoring his big day.

[no speech]

For more infomation >> Lucious And Andre Have A Surprise For Hakeem's Birthday | Season 3 Ep. 12 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:12.


Anika Sets Her Plan Into Motion | Season 3 Ep. 12 | EMPIRE - Duration: 0:40.

- Did you get the phone? - Yeah.

It's a pre-paid.

It can't be traced.

I still don't think this is a good idea.

OK, you know what, mom?

If I had gone with Tariq, then Lucious would have found me,

and I would have been dead by now.

All right?

So let me just give him a call, tell him I have a plan.

Hopefully, he'll let me come home, because at this point,

this is the only way that any of us

are going to get a chance to see Bella.

For more infomation >> Anika Sets Her Plan Into Motion | Season 3 Ep. 12 | EMPIRE - Duration: 0:40.


14 SCYTHE COMBOS/STRINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW - brawlhalla guide - Duration: 6:10.

SLight into NLight is a really quick string that works at all damages because it has 0

variable force which means that damage doesn't increase the push back distance so it'll

be the same push at all damages.

If you could only learn one string, it should be this one because it's reliable at all

times and has great follow up potential which is how well it can string into another attack.

NLight into Recovery is a slow string that also works at all damages because the NLight

has 0 variable force.

It has very low follow up potential, so it's not that useful for building up damage.

You should use this mostly when the enemy is at high damage like 100+ so that you can

use the force from recovery to knock them off the platform.

NLight into Nair is a really quick string that also works at all damages.

Unlike the last string, this one has good follow up potential especially at the lower

damages so it should be used more often when the enemy is not very damaged like at white

and yellow damage.

Nair into Sair is a slow string that works at 0-70 damage.

It has decent follow up potential at really low damages.

It's pretty much the only good follow up after nair because you can only follow up

nair at low damages and the only other follow up is recovery which is slower and doesn't

knock out very far at low damages so there's no reason to do nair into recovery over nair

into sair.

This string has decent follow up potential.

Sair into nair is one of the true combos on scythe but it's hard to get to be true.

It works at around 0 to 60 damage and you have to hit the enemy using the top hitbox

of the Sair then you jump forward into nair for it to be true.

It can also be a string if you hit the enemy in the middle of the hitboxes, in which case

you would not jump and simply nair forwards.

This string has decent follow up potential Dair into Slight is a quick string that works

at 0-60 damage.

The trick is to land the Dair close enough to the ground that you're able to instantly

go into an SLight when you finish the Dair.

You can still do this string up to 100 damage but for it to have no dodge frames, you would

have to land the dair pretty much while you're touching the ground so that the enemy doesn't

bounce off too high for the Slight.

It's pretty hard to do after 60 damage so I don't recommend going for it at that point.

This string has great follow up potential.

Nair into SLight is a true combo at 0-80 damage.

The trick is to land the nair with active input backwards on the enemy close enough

to the ground that they'll be sent low enough to the ground for the SLight to hit immediately


This string has great follow up pontential.

DLight into Recovery is a slow string that works at all damage ranges because DLight

has 0 variable force.

Unlike most strings, you need to chase dodge diagonally up and forwards for this string

to hit.

It is one of the easier strings to dodge and has no follow up potential but it has a lot

of force from recovery, so I recommend only using this string at higher damages like 100+

to knock out the enemy.

DLight into Nair is a really quick string that works at all damage ranges.

It also requires you to chase dodge diagonally up and forwards for it to hit.

It has a lot of follow up potential especially at lower damages so I recommend using this

string over the previous string when the enemy is less damaged like at white and yellow damages.

DLight into Sair is a really quick string that works at all damage ranges.

It doesn't have a lot of follow up potential and doesn't knock out as far as recovery

does but it doesn't require a chase dodge.

So it is a bit safer to use if you're not sure if the enemy can dodge out of it.

But if you're confident that they won't dodge, then the other two DLight strings are

often better.

There are way more strings than what I've shown you so far but out of all the possible

strings and combos, these are the ones that I choose to practice with because they're

the hardest ones to dodge out of, have the most kill potential, and/or have the best

pontential for longer strings.

You can mix and match all the previous strings to make a huge amount of practical strings.

Showing all the possible long strings would be overkill though because I would just be

reusing some of the smaller strings multiple times so I'll only show you the longest strings

that you can do by combining these small strings from here on.

As far as I know, this is the longest string on scythe you can do that involves all attacks

being used immediately right after each other without delay other than for quickly jumping.

You can start this long string with either the Dair or the Nair into SLight.

You can only get this entire string to work smoothly at 0 damage against a 5 defense or

higher legend.

And none of it is true so the enemy can dodge out of it any time they have their dodge up

so this string isn't as crazy as it looks.

This string can work at 0 to 80 damage, but only up to the NLight into Nair though since

SLight and NLight both have zero variable force.

This doesn't have to be just one big string, you can start this sequence of strings starting

from any part of this long string and it would work until the last Sair.

It's worth noting that if you start the string with the Nair part when the enemy is

at 0 damage, you could do one more Nair than usual at the very end because the enemy won't

be damaged enough to get pushed too far away for the one extra Nair after Sair to connect.

So fishing for a Nair when the enemy has taken zero damage can lead to a lot of damage.

And if you start the string with Sair, you will get a six hit string ending with Nair.

It only goes all the way six hits at 0 damage though.

This is a combination of previously mentioned strings.

It only works at zero damage since it involves a lot of moves with more than 0 variable force.

A good rule of thumb is that the long strings will only work fully at very low damages like

white and light yellow unless they have zero variable force moves like Slight or Nlight

in which case it could be higher up to yellow and light orange damages.

If this list of strings seems too much for you then just practice the first few.

You only really need to practice the two hit strings since they make up the longer strings

anyway, so if you practice those then the longer strings will naturally become easy

to do.

I hope this guide helped you out.

Please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed it.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 14 SCYTHE COMBOS/STRINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW - brawlhalla guide - Duration: 6:10.


Peugeot 308 1.6 VTI 16V PREMIERE NW.TYPE ECC NAVI PANODAK PDC V+A AFK.TREKH. - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.6 VTI 16V PREMIERE NW.TYPE ECC NAVI PANODAK PDC V+A AFK.TREKH. - Duration: 1:02.


BREAKING Smoking Gun Just Found in Obama Wiretapping Case! Susan Rice is SCREWED! - Duration: 11:35.

BREAKING Smoking Gun Just Found in Obama Wiretapping Case!

Susan Rice is SCREWED!

It turns out that President Trump really did have a smoking gun on Obama's HEINOUS Surveillance

crimes for at least a whole month.

This is EXACTLY what we have been waiting for.

Today it was revealed that Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice was behind the

"Unmasking" of Trump Team members!

From the looks of the information coming out, she was collecting private POLITICAL info

about Trump's allies including whom the Trump team was meeting with, the views of

Trump associates on foreign policy and plans for the incoming administration.

In case you were not aware yet, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton were best buddies who

LOVED sharing secrets with each other.

This, right here, IS Watergate big!

The discovery was made by the National Security Council while they were doing reviews of unmasking


They noticed an "unusual pattern" of requests from Rice, and that's when it hit them:


Oh, and just wait for this.

Less than 1 month ago Susan Rice went on PBS in front of the nation and said this, "I

know nothing about this.

I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today."


This right here is the REASON our country is so damn broken.

Political spying, lying to the country, media coverups.

This is not small, and she NEEDS to be held accountable.

Hey, I've got an idea.

Let's get this SMOKING GUN shared everywhere across the internet.

That way the media can't hide it anymore!On Monday Morning Trump Told America To Watch

This What This Man Said On Fox…

Democrats Want It DELETED!

President Trump drew the entire world's attention to the "amazing reporting" from

Fox news that was suggesting that Obama spied on Trump before last year's election.

There has been ample evidence that supports Trump's claim and the lamestream media doesn't

want to report on it.

*** Help Liberty Writers fight the mainstream media by getting this out there!

"Such amazing reporting on unmasking and the crooked scheme against us by @foxandfriends,"

Trump tweeted," saying that he had been "[s]pied on before nomination."

Apparently, Fox and Friends was the only person to talk about the 'bombshell report about

the unmasking of the Trump team.'

The intelligence official that was responsible for unmasking the Trump associates is "very

well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world."

"The main issue in this case, is not only the unmasking of these names of private citizens,

but the spreading of these names for political purposes that have nothing to do with national

security or an investigation into Russia's interference in the U.S. election," a source

in congress told Fox News.

Check this out.

"Adam Housley did an incredible job with this information," "Fox and Friends"

co-host Brian Kilmeade said Monday.

"We heard germs of it, that it was beginning to take root during Friday's show.

But right after Friday's show, we were able to get a perspective on basically what President

Trump thought a month ago when he went out and tweeted on Saturday morning.

Man, I guess on some level he saw some things that only somebody surveilling his administration

would know."


The lamestream media doesn't want this getting out.

Fox news is the only one that is reporting the truth.

Look how the disgusting press responded to our President's allegations.

God bless this Trump.

He is the only one standing up for the rights of our citizens..

Thanks for reading and make sure to get this Fox News segment out to everyone.

It's time to rally, Trump lovers.

(h/t Daily Mail)Trump CANNOT Believe What The NYPD Just Did To Illegal Immigrants In

New York City!

NYPD has officially told ICE officials about the court dates of undocumented people.

David Gonzalez was arrested by ICE and Milton Chimborazo was inquired about by ICE and the

NYPD obliged.

If you remember, Bill De Blasio pledged that New York would remain a sanctuary city!



God bless the NYPD for standing up to Bill de Blasio and listening to the orders of President

Donald Trump.

If only the rest of the federal government would follow suit?!

NYPD has set the precedent that they will stand for the rights of their people of this

country and help deport illegal criminals.

I mean Jeff Sessions did make it very clear what would happen to the cities and states

that do not comply.

*** SHARE THIS and let's send a message of support to the NYPD!

Sanctuary cities are criminal harbors.

They are not legal under the constitution and represent a separate set of laws.


The Democrats haven't been this mad since the Republicans got rid of their slaves last


Thanks for reading y'all.

(h/t Daily Mail)BREAKING 10 Dead In Another Horrifying Terror Attack, Here's What's

Happening Now

Ten people are dead so far and more casualties could be coming within the next few hours

after people's plight remain in peril from an overnight bloodbath.

Although the attack has yet to be declared terrorism and the suspect(s) is still at large,

here's what's happening now.

People making their way into St. Petersburg this morning on the subway were blasted with

a nail bomb in one of the train cars, moments before another exploded in a second car.

Although the Russian government has yet to call it terrorism, the lethal device is a

trademark tool of jihadists.

"People were bleeding, their hair burned," a witness told Russia's Life News, the BBC


"My girlfriend was in the next car that exploded.

She said that he began to shake.

When she came out, she saw that people were mutilated."

Fox News reports, "Several stations in the northern Russian city have been closed and

an evacuation is under way, administration officials said."

President Vladimir Putin will be arriving in the city today to address the situation.

While Russia is slow to allow immigrants from the Middle East or other flailing countries,

Putin has taken a leadership role in defeating ISIS.

Last night, the Russians were struck by the very same violence feared by every country

in the world.

Immigrant or not, the evil of ISIS can strike anywhere and at any time, but one thing is

for certain, Putin will bring the fight back to the Islamic State.PISSED

Dad Takes Matters Into His Own Hands After Seeing SICK Muslim Lesson School Forced On

His Kid

Canada has jumped on the politically correct bandwagon lately, joining countries like Germany

and Sweden to idiotically open their borders to unvetted migrants.

Through Prime Minister Tredeau's reckless antics, rapes in recent months have sky-rocketed,

as horrifying stories of young teens being sexually assaulted in swimming pools continue

to surface.

Rather than being revolted by the actions of these barbarians, teachers across Canada

are trying to justify the culture of Sharia Law, asserting that their depraved barbaric

religion should be accepted.

As Islam is being crammed down the throats of outraged Canadians, one dad completely

lost it at a recent school board meeting where he was fed the hell up of the Muslim pandering

going on at his kid's school.

But rather than just having a discussion about his feelings on the matter, he decided to

bring a Quran along that day, where he began ripping pages out of the book and hurling

them towards astonished panel members.

Check out the footage of the epic moment:

Typical of a bleeding heart liberal, one woman in the audience wasn't too pleased with

the Quran-ripping, and immediately began screaming at the man that he needed to "stop being


The unnamed dad just stands his ground though, throwing the tenants of Islam right back in

the woman's beet red face, as people in the audience begin to cheer him on.

We all know that Islam is a dangerous cancer that's rapidly spreading across the globe.

But what's more disturbing is how world leaders are facilitating the process, as they

continue to play dangerous political correctness games with the lives of the very citizens

they were elected to represent.

It's treason at the most basic level.

And we the people must rise up in defiance and rally to vote these people out!

H/T [Truth Feed]Look What DISGUSTING Liberals Are Doing With Naked Photos Of Melania – This

Will Make You SICK

Ever since Trump got into office, liberals everywhere have been relentless in personal

attacks against his family.

While Melania would ordinarily be someone propped up on the left given her background

as an immigrant, because she's the wife of someone they despise, they're continually

ripping Melania to shreds, even going so far as attacking her over her ethic accent.

But what liberals just did to Melania outside Trump Tower is so vile, it will make you truly

question if there's any humanity left in the souls of these leftist morons.

Before becoming the First Lady of the United States, Melania had quite the successful career

as a fashion model, and would sometimes pose bare as that's frequently the trend of fashion

models in Europe.

Despite leftists continually touting themselves as the "sexually liberated party," as

they continue to push their LGBT and pedophilia views down our throats, liberals ironically

are "offended" over Melania's nude photos from 20 years ago, where they use them as

a regular basis to bash her.

While we've gotten used to the left's hypocrisy at this point, they're now taking

their vitriol and disrespect of our First Lady to a startling new level.

Over the weekend, vile anti-Trump morons erected an outhouse outside Trump Tower where they

plastered the bathroom door with nude photos of Melania, along mannequin dressed up like

Trump sitting on a toilet inside.

Opposing Views has more:

One of the photos displayed on the outhouse has her resting nude on a rug for GQ magazine,

while the other photo shows her nude in a black-and-white photo, her arms splayed, touching

a wall and looking back at the photographer, as if she had been arrested, Inquisitr reports.

The photos of Melania taped to the outhouse was about insulting the first couple and to

emphasize that the first lady is the first to have ever posed nude before in the nation's


Pictures were taken of people wearing Trump masks sitting in the outhouse.

As the anti-Trump activists made their way down the street to Trump Tower in New York

City on April 1, many seized the opportunity to take pictures of the event.

This is absolutely disgusting.

Could you imagine the outrage if Republicans did this to Obama and Michelle?

People would literally be rioting in the streets with liberals everywhere calling people racists,

bigots, and Nazis!

H/T [Opposing Views]

For more infomation >> BREAKING Smoking Gun Just Found in Obama Wiretapping Case! Susan Rice is SCREWED! - Duration: 11:35.


Gorsuch nomination heads to full senate vote - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Gorsuch nomination heads to full senate vote - Duration: 0:55.


Sen.: Path forward if nuclear option not used - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Sen.: Path forward if nuclear option not used - Duration: 1:47.


✐ How To Draw - The Walking Dead / Negan ✐ - Duration: 8:12.

hi I'm Oliver age 24 and I will teach

you how to draw that's the theme song

today I'm going to be drawing negan from

the hit TV series The Walking Dead now

obviously if you haven't seen it it's a

TV show about a lot of dead people that are

still walking around without realizing

that they're dead is basically sixth sense

except they tell you the twist right at

the beginning little bit of a mistake

some might say anyway let's quit with the

saying and start with the drawing haha so

first of all we're gonna draw an Negan's

head which is actually the shape of a

tiny gravestone which is very ironic

considering the name of the show next

we're gonna do the eyes and you want to

do one eye slightly bigger and rounder

and one eye a little bit smaller and

squashed and this will give a 3d eye

popping effect on Negan's head to

really make it look like the eyes are

popping out of the screen fantastic next

we can do his mouth so obviously you

want to do detail top teeth and less

detailed bottom teeth now since Negan is

the main good guy in the show make sure

you convey his good intentions with his

charming smile haha how could you

dislike this guy next we're gonna take

a 3D skin color for his skin and a

darker 3D skin colour for the inside the

head look inside his mouth next we're

gonna draw his scarf which was actually a

gift from his son Carl hashtag family

goals next we're going to do one really

big long line with lots of little curves

along the way

me and this will form his broad sharp

shoulders his fists using the fisting

technique actually he has two fists so

he probably want to use the double

fisting technique which you can actually

google for more information there's

probably videos too obviously I also

used the feeting technique to do his

feetses which is the art plural of

feet fantastic now we can take a 3D

line to divide the leather jacket from

the leather trousers next we can draw a

few more lines to form the opening and

collars of the jacket we can also crack

out the pocketing technique to add a

couple of pockets now just like when you

see an attractive person on tinder

followed by an unattractive person we

can just do a quick swipe left followed

by a quick swipe right now I'm just

going to cut off his hands which is a

reference for the comic book fans by

adding lines to separate the leather

jacket from the leather gloves let's

take 3D leather black to color in

the leather and obviously there's a lot of

it because negan is a gimp and by that I

mean sex slave and not a derogatory term

for somebody that is disabled because

that would be offensive next we can take

a 3d blood red color for his 3d

blood red scarf that carl gave him, as I

previously mentioned let's draw the

hair and for that we're going to take a 3d

dark blackish brownish hairish color

and we're just going to give him 3

dollops of hair shape using the classic

triple dolloping technique which is

great for parties next we're going to

take a 3d aged gray color and just

start aging his hair

and then adding a 3D aged beard now

obviously since the show is in it's 48th

season don't hold back on the aged hair

to get a photorealistic leather daddy

effect or should I say leather

granddaddy hahaha classic pun well told

now I'm just going to use the 3d grey

to add some highlights to his collar

his zips and his groin to really direct

the viewers eye to where it needs to go

it's now time to draw his trusty

baseball stick which is the technical

term for the stick like device used in

baseball to hit the balls you can color

that in using a 3d sticky brown color

fantastic now if you've seen the show

you'll know that negan calls his

baseball stick Glenn hahaha ah what a

hilarious name for a baseball stick now

we can crack out a brand new tool called

the barbed wire tool and we can lovingly

introduce some barbed wire onto Glenn

fantastic this looks very professional

if you've seen the show you'll know that

we need to add some blood on so Glenn

because negan is always fighting off the

bad guys like Rick the prick anyway as

you can see I'm just dotting the blood

all over glenn wonderful this drawing is

almost complete I'm just gonna add a

speech bubble with Negan's famous quote

Carl get in the house which he says all

the time because Carl just can't help

himself ah what a gimp now this is

finished so I'm just gonna add my name

and age

obviously turns the drawing into a

professional and copyrighted piece of

work which means I can actually sell it

on a t-shirt hahaha please buy my

t-shirts let's finish off by taking a

look at one of the drawings that you

guys sent in this week Oh it's ironman by

joram age 17 now even though that rhymes

which is pretty cool he's actually drawn

Ironman upside down what a disaster he's

also done too much 3D yellow and not

enough 3d red it almost looks like a

Simpsons character whoa hashtag savage

burn so if you want to have your drawing

featured in the next episode send it in

to the address on screen now fantastic

please leave a comment if there's

anything that you are struggling to draw

and I your senpai will teach you I'll

catch you on the flip side thanks for

watching goodbye

your malicious ah Leong potato I am what

they don't I am potato

For more infomation >> ✐ How To Draw - The Walking Dead / Negan ✐ - Duration: 8:12.


PISSED Dad Takes Matters Into His Own Hands After Seeing SICK Muslim Lesson School Forced On His Kid - Duration: 11:35.

PISSED Dad Takes Matters Into His Own Hands After Seeing SICK Muslim Lesson School Forced

On His Kid

Canada has jumped on the politically correct bandwagon lately, joining countries like Germany

and Sweden to idiotically open their borders to unvetted migrants.

Through Prime Minister Tredeau's reckless antics, rapes in recent months have sky-rocketed,

as horrifying stories of young teens being sexually assaulted in swimming pools continue

to surface.

Rather than being revolted by the actions of these barbarians, teachers across Canada

are trying to justify the culture of Sharia Law, asserting that their depraved barbaric

religion should be accepted.

As Islam is being crammed down the throats of outraged Canadians, one dad completely

lost it at a recent school board meeting where he was fed the hell up of the Muslim pandering

going on at his kid's school.

But rather than just having a discussion about his feelings on the matter, he decided to

bring a Quran along that day, where he began ripping pages out of the book and hurling

them towards astonished panel members.

Check out the footage of the epic moment:

Typical of a bleeding heart liberal, one woman in the audience wasn't too pleased with

the Quran-ripping, and immediately began screaming at the man that he needed to "stop being


The unnamed dad just stands his ground though, throwing the tenants of Islam right back in

the woman's beet red face, as people in the audience begin to cheer him on.

We all know that Islam is a dangerous cancer that's rapidly spreading across the globe.

But what's more disturbing is how world leaders are facilitating the process, as they

continue to play dangerous political correctness games with the lives of the very citizens

they were elected to represent.

It's treason at the most basic level.

And we the people must rise up in defiance and rally to vote these people out!

H/T [Truth Feed]Look What DISGUSTING Liberals Are Doing With Naked Photos Of Melania – This

Will Make You SICK

Ever since Trump got into office, liberals everywhere have been relentless in personal

attacks against his family.

While Melania would ordinarily be someone propped up on the left given her background

as an immigrant, because she's the wife of someone they despise, they're continually

ripping Melania to shreds, even going so far as attacking her over her ethic accent.

But what liberals just did to Melania outside Trump Tower is so vile, it will make you truly

question if there's any humanity left in the souls of these leftist morons.

Before becoming the First Lady of the United States, Melania had quite the successful career

as a fashion model, and would sometimes pose bare as that's frequently the trend of fashion

models in Europe.

Despite leftists continually touting themselves as the "sexually liberated party," as

they continue to push their LGBT and pedophilia views down our throats, liberals ironically

are "offended" over Melania's nude photos from 20 years ago, where they use them as

a regular basis to bash her.

While we've gotten used to the left's hypocrisy at this point, they're now taking

their vitriol and disrespect of our First Lady to a startling new level.

Over the weekend, vile anti-Trump morons erected an outhouse outside Trump Tower where they

plastered the bathroom door with nude photos of Melania, along mannequin dressed up like

Trump sitting on a toilet inside.

Opposing Views has more:

One of the photos displayed on the outhouse has her resting nude on a rug for GQ magazine,

while the other photo shows her nude in a black-and-white photo, her arms splayed, touching

a wall and looking back at the photographer, as if she had been arrested, Inquisitr reports.

The photos of Melania taped to the outhouse was about insulting the first couple and to

emphasize that the first lady is the first to have ever posed nude before in the nation's


Pictures were taken of people wearing Trump masks sitting in the outhouse.

As the anti-Trump activists made their way down the street to Trump Tower in New York

City on April 1, many seized the opportunity to take pictures of the event.

This is absolutely disgusting.

Could you imagine the outrage if Republicans did this to Obama and Michelle?

People would literally be rioting in the streets with liberals everywhere calling people racists,

bigots, and Nazis!

H/T [Opposing Views]BREAKING Smoking Gun Just Found in Obama Wiretapping Case!

Susan Rice is SCREWED!

It turns out that President Trump really did have a smoking gun on Obama's HEINOUS Surveillance

crimes for at least a whole month.

This is EXACTLY what we have been waiting for.

Today it was revealed that Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice was behind the

"Unmasking" of Trump Team members!

From the looks of the information coming out, she was collecting private POLITICAL info

about Trump's allies including whom the Trump team was meeting with, the views of

Trump associates on foreign policy and plans for the incoming administration.

In case you were not aware yet, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton were best buddies who

LOVED sharing secrets with each other.

This, right here, IS Watergate big!

The discovery was made by the National Security Council while they were doing reviews of unmasking


They noticed an "unusual pattern" of requests from Rice, and that's when it hit them:


Oh, and just wait for this.

Less than 1 month ago Susan Rice went on PBS in front of the nation and said this, "I

know nothing about this.

I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today."


This right here is the REASON our country is so damn broken.

Political spying, lying to the country, media coverups.

This is not small, and she NEEDS to be held accountable.

Hey, I've got an idea.

Let's get this SMOKING GUN shared everywhere across the internet.

That way the media can't hide it anymore!On Monday Morning Trump Told America To Watch

This What This Man Said On Fox…

Democrats Want It DELETED!

President Trump drew the entire world's attention to the "amazing reporting" from

Fox news that was suggesting that Obama spied on Trump before last year's election.

There has been ample evidence that supports Trump's claim and the lamestream media doesn't

want to report on it.

*** Help Liberty Writers fight the mainstream media by getting this out there!

"Such amazing reporting on unmasking and the crooked scheme against us by @foxandfriends,"

Trump tweeted," saying that he had been "[s]pied on before nomination."

Apparently, Fox and Friends was the only person to talk about the 'bombshell report about

the unmasking of the Trump team.'

The intelligence official that was responsible for unmasking the Trump associates is "very

well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world."

"The main issue in this case, is not only the unmasking of these names of private citizens,

but the spreading of these names for political purposes that have nothing to do with national

security or an investigation into Russia's interference in the U.S. election," a source

in congress told Fox News.

Check this out.

"Adam Housley did an incredible job with this information," "Fox and Friends"

co-host Brian Kilmeade said Monday.

"We heard germs of it, that it was beginning to take root during Friday's show.

But right after Friday's show, we were able to get a perspective on basically what President

Trump thought a month ago when he went out and tweeted on Saturday morning.

Man, I guess on some level he saw some things that only somebody surveilling his administration

would know."


The lamestream media doesn't want this getting out.

Fox news is the only one that is reporting the truth.

Look how the disgusting press responded to our President's allegations.

God bless this Trump.

He is the only one standing up for the rights of our citizens..

Thanks for reading and make sure to get this Fox News segment out to everyone.

It's time to rally, Trump lovers.

(h/t Daily Mail)Trump CANNOT Believe What The NYPD Just Did To Illegal Immigrants In

New York City!

NYPD has officially told ICE officials about the court dates of undocumented people.

David Gonzalez was arrested by ICE and Milton Chimborazo was inquired about by ICE and the

NYPD obliged.

If you remember, Bill De Blasio pledged that New York would remain a sanctuary city!



God bless the NYPD for standing up to Bill de Blasio and listening to the orders of President

Donald Trump.

If only the rest of the federal government would follow suit?!

NYPD has set the precedent that they will stand for the rights of their people of this

country and help deport illegal criminals.

I mean Jeff Sessions did make it very clear what would happen to the cities and states

that do not comply.

*** SHARE THIS and let's send a message of support to the NYPD!

Sanctuary cities are criminal harbors.

They are not legal under the constitution and represent a separate set of laws.


The Democrats haven't been this mad since the Republicans got rid of their slaves last


Thanks for reading y'all.

(h/t Daily Mail)BREAKING 10 Dead In Another Horrifying Terror Attack, Here's What's

Happening Now

Ten people are dead so far and more casualties could be coming within the next few hours

after people's plight remain in peril from an overnight bloodbath.

Although the attack has yet to be declared terrorism and the suspect(s) is still at large,

here's what's happening now.

People making their way into St. Petersburg this morning on the subway were blasted with

a nail bomb in one of the train cars, moments before another exploded in a second car.

Although the Russian government has yet to call it terrorism, the lethal device is a

trademark tool of jihadists.

"People were bleeding, their hair burned," a witness told Russia's Life News, the BBC


"My girlfriend was in the next car that exploded.

She said that he began to shake.

When she came out, she saw that people were mutilated."

Fox News reports, "Several stations in the northern Russian city have been closed and

an evacuation is under way, administration officials said."

President Vladimir Putin will be arriving in the city today to address the situation.

While Russia is slow to allow immigrants from the Middle East or other flailing countries,

Putin has taken a leadership role in defeating ISIS.

Last night, the Russians were struck by the very same violence feared by every country

in the world.

Immigrant or not, the evil of ISIS can strike anywhere and at any time, but one thing is

for certain, Putin will bring the fight back to the Islamic State.

For more infomation >> PISSED Dad Takes Matters Into His Own Hands After Seeing SICK Muslim Lesson School Forced On His Kid - Duration: 11:35.


On Monday Morning Trump Told America To Watch This What This Man Said On Fox… Democrats Want It DELE - Duration: 11:35.

On Monday Morning Trump Told America To Watch This What This Man Said On Fox…

Democrats Want It DELETED!

President Trump drew the entire world's attention to the "amazing reporting" from

Fox news that was suggesting that Obama spied on Trump before last year's election.

There has been ample evidence that supports Trump's claim and the lamestream media doesn't

want to report on it.

*** Help Liberty Writers fight the mainstream media by getting this out there!

"Such amazing reporting on unmasking and the crooked scheme against us by @foxandfriends,"

Trump tweeted," saying that he had been "[s]pied on before nomination."

Apparently, Fox and Friends was the only person to talk about the 'bombshell report about

the unmasking of the Trump team.'

The intelligence official that was responsible for unmasking the Trump associates is "very

well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world."

"The main issue in this case, is not only the unmasking of these names of private citizens,

but the spreading of these names for political purposes that have nothing to do with national

security or an investigation into Russia's interference in the U.S. election," a source

in congress told Fox News.

Check this out.

"Adam Housley did an incredible job with this information," "Fox and Friends"

co-host Brian Kilmeade said Monday.

"We heard germs of it, that it was beginning to take root during Friday's show.

But right after Friday's show, we were able to get a perspective on basically what President

Trump thought a month ago when he went out and tweeted on Saturday morning.

Man, I guess on some level he saw some things that only somebody surveilling his administration

would know."


The lamestream media doesn't want this getting out.

Fox news is the only one that is reporting the truth.

Look how the disgusting press responded to our President's allegations.

God bless this Trump.

He is the only one standing up for the rights of our citizens..

Thanks for reading and make sure to get this Fox News segment out to everyone.

It's time to rally, Trump lovers.

(h/t Daily Mail)Trump CANNOT Believe What The NYPD Just Did To Illegal Immigrants In

New York City!

NYPD has officially told ICE officials about the court dates of undocumented people.

David Gonzalez was arrested by ICE and Milton Chimborazo was inquired about by ICE and the

NYPD obliged.

If you remember, Bill De Blasio pledged that New York would remain a sanctuary city!



God bless the NYPD for standing up to Bill de Blasio and listening to the orders of President

Donald Trump.

If only the rest of the federal government would follow suit?!

NYPD has set the precedent that they will stand for the rights of their people of this

country and help deport illegal criminals.

I mean Jeff Sessions did make it very clear what would happen to the cities and states

that do not comply.

*** SHARE THIS and let's send a message of support to the NYPD!

Sanctuary cities are criminal harbors.

They are not legal under the constitution and represent a separate set of laws.


The Democrats haven't been this mad since the Republicans got rid of their slaves last


Thanks for reading y'all.

(h/t Daily Mail)BREAKING 10 Dead In Another Horrifying Terror Attack, Here's What's

Happening Now

Ten people are dead so far and more casualties could be coming within the next few hours

after people's plight remain in peril from an overnight bloodbath.

Although the attack has yet to be declared terrorism and the suspect(s) is still at large,

here's what's happening now.

People making their way into St. Petersburg this morning on the subway were blasted with

a nail bomb in one of the train cars, moments before another exploded in a second car.

Although the Russian government has yet to call it terrorism, the lethal device is a

trademark tool of jihadists.

"People were bleeding, their hair burned," a witness told Russia's Life News, the BBC


"My girlfriend was in the next car that exploded.

She said that he began to shake.

When she came out, she saw that people were mutilated."

Fox News reports, "Several stations in the northern Russian city have been closed and

an evacuation is under way, administration officials said."

President Vladimir Putin will be arriving in the city today to address the situation.

While Russia is slow to allow immigrants from the Middle East or other flailing countries,

Putin has taken a leadership role in defeating ISIS.

Last night, the Russians were struck by the very same violence feared by every country

in the world.

Immigrant or not, the evil of ISIS can strike anywhere and at any time, but one thing is

for certain, Putin will bring the fight back to the Islamic State.PISSED

Dad Takes Matters Into His Own Hands After Seeing SICK Muslim Lesson School Forced On

His Kid

Canada has jumped on the politically correct bandwagon lately, joining countries like Germany

and Sweden to idiotically open their borders to unvetted migrants.

Through Prime Minister Tredeau's reckless antics, rapes in recent months have sky-rocketed,

as horrifying stories of young teens being sexually assaulted in swimming pools continue

to surface.

Rather than being revolted by the actions of these barbarians, teachers across Canada

are trying to justify the culture of Sharia Law, asserting that their depraved barbaric

religion should be accepted.

As Islam is being crammed down the throats of outraged Canadians, one dad completely

lost it at a recent school board meeting where he was fed the hell up of the Muslim pandering

going on at his kid's school.

But rather than just having a discussion about his feelings on the matter, he decided to

bring a Quran along that day, where he began ripping pages out of the book and hurling

them towards astonished panel members.

Check out the footage of the epic moment:

Typical of a bleeding heart liberal, one woman in the audience wasn't too pleased with

the Quran-ripping, and immediately began screaming at the man that he needed to "stop being


The unnamed dad just stands his ground though, throwing the tenants of Islam right back in

the woman's beet red face, as people in the audience begin to cheer him on.

We all know that Islam is a dangerous cancer that's rapidly spreading across the globe.

But what's more disturbing is how world leaders are facilitating the process, as they

continue to play dangerous political correctness games with the lives of the very citizens

they were elected to represent.

It's treason at the most basic level.

And we the people must rise up in defiance and rally to vote these people out!

H/T [Truth Feed]Look What DISGUSTING Liberals Are Doing With Naked Photos Of Melania – This

Will Make You SICK

Ever since Trump got into office, liberals everywhere have been relentless in personal

attacks against his family.

While Melania would ordinarily be someone propped up on the left given her background

as an immigrant, because she's the wife of someone they despise, they're continually

ripping Melania to shreds, even going so far as attacking her over her ethic accent.

But what liberals just did to Melania outside Trump Tower is so vile, it will make you truly

question if there's any humanity left in the souls of these leftist morons.

Before becoming the First Lady of the United States, Melania had quite the successful career

as a fashion model, and would sometimes pose bare as that's frequently the trend of fashion

models in Europe.

Despite leftists continually touting themselves as the "sexually liberated party," as

they continue to push their LGBT and pedophilia views down our throats, liberals ironically

are "offended" over Melania's nude photos from 20 years ago, where they use them as

a regular basis to bash her.

While we've gotten used to the left's hypocrisy at this point, they're now taking

their vitriol and disrespect of our First Lady to a startling new level.

Over the weekend, vile anti-Trump morons erected an outhouse outside Trump Tower where they

plastered the bathroom door with nude photos of Melania, along mannequin dressed up like

Trump sitting on a toilet inside.

Opposing Views has more:

One of the photos displayed on the outhouse has her resting nude on a rug for GQ magazine,

while the other photo shows her nude in a black-and-white photo, her arms splayed, touching

a wall and looking back at the photographer, as if she had been arrested, Inquisitr reports.

The photos of Melania taped to the outhouse was about insulting the first couple and to

emphasize that the first lady is the first to have ever posed nude before in the nation's


Pictures were taken of people wearing Trump masks sitting in the outhouse.

As the anti-Trump activists made their way down the street to Trump Tower in New York

City on April 1, many seized the opportunity to take pictures of the event.

This is absolutely disgusting.

Could you imagine the outrage if Republicans did this to Obama and Michelle?

People would literally be rioting in the streets with liberals everywhere calling people racists,

bigots, and Nazis!

H/T [Opposing Views]BREAKING Smoking Gun Just Found in Obama Wiretapping Case!

Susan Rice is SCREWED!

It turns out that President Trump really did have a smoking gun on Obama's HEINOUS Surveillance

crimes for at least a whole month.

This is EXACTLY what we have been waiting for.

Today it was revealed that Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice was behind the

"Unmasking" of Trump Team members!

From the looks of the information coming out, she was collecting private POLITICAL info

about Trump's allies including whom the Trump team was meeting with, the views of

Trump associates on foreign policy and plans for the incoming administration.

In case you were not aware yet, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton were best buddies who

LOVED sharing secrets with each other.

This, right here, IS Watergate big!

The discovery was made by the National Security Council while they were doing reviews of unmasking


They noticed an "unusual pattern" of requests from Rice, and that's when it hit them:


Oh, and just wait for this.

Less than 1 month ago Susan Rice went on PBS in front of the nation and said this, "I

know nothing about this.

I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today."


This right here is the REASON our country is so damn broken.

Political spying, lying to the country, media coverups.

This is not small, and she NEEDS to be held accountable.

Hey, I've got an idea.

Let's get this SMOKING GUN shared everywhere across the internet.

That way the media can't hide it anymore!

For more infomation >> On Monday Morning Trump Told America To Watch This What This Man Said On Fox… Democrats Want It DELE - Duration: 11:35.


A Message from the President - Cigars International - Duration: 3:20.

Hi, I'm Craig Reynolds and I'm the President of Cigars International.

I know what most of you are thinking...that I've got the greatest job in the world.

And you know're right.

I love coming to work everyday and working with a great team of about 400 people.

We are passionate about cigars and we are dedicated

to a pretty straight forward mission statement:

that is to offer the widest variety of products

at the best prices and provide the highest level of customer service.

And since we started in 1996...we've been doing that everyday.

Making great friends and loyal customers.

But as some of your know, something changed in mid-February.

Your packages started being delayed and you were put on hold for way too long of a period.

And your emails weren't being answered.

I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am about that.

That's not the CI culture, that's not who we are, and we take that personally.

We've been working 24/7 going to 3 shifts in the warehouse

to work our way though this and to get your packages out the door to you.

And fix customer service so we can answer your calls and get back to your emails.

But no excuses...we failed you...and again I can't apologize

anymore sincerely that I already am.

I know some of you still have some unresolved issues still to this day.

And if you just want to ask questions, I set up an email box

for you to send those inquiries to that we will respond to very quickly.

That email address is

But I do want to tell you a little bit about why we did it and what happened because I think the story is important.

Our goal was to provide an even higher level of customer service for you.

And we replaced our legacy system with two new state of the art systems

a new ERP and WMS Warehouse Management System.

Unfortunately when we launched...there were some significant bugs in those systems.

And we did not catch it in time, and it quickly snowballed

and created the kind of delays that you are experiencing.

And again, I sincerely apologize for the frustration and inconvenience we caused you.

But we are not going anywhere.

This is who we are...this is what we do.

Next week, a video will be put on Facebook

and it will show you some of the enhancements we are making

to provide that higher level of customer service.

Less picking errors and shipping out of our distribution center even more quickly.

So on behalf of all of CI...we apologize

for the problems we caused you...but again we are not going anywhere

we are going to be better than ever. I ask that you give us another chance,

to regain your trust...and we won't fail you again.

Thank you. Thank you for being a loyal customer,

and being part of CI Nation.

For more infomation >> A Message from the President - Cigars International - Duration: 3:20.


Rasso Crazy Auvergne 2016 [Epic French Moto Meet] - Duration: 17:52. is maybe the last active motorcycle forum in France.

A weird thing in the social networks era,

A kind of virtual pub where the same guys have been hanging out for years

asking stupid questions, spreading their non-expert knowledge, bragging or just flooding.

So, in 2015 we organized a small meet in Morvan

Just to prove ourselves that we could do better than talking shit on internet.

And since the event was a success, we decided to do it again in 2016, but bigger.

This time, it happens in Auvergne.

"Crazysts" will come from everywhere in France,

and our small group of Parisians will ride towards the Puy-de-Dôme, passing through the Morvan.

In theory, this ride is nothing special.

But uneventful roadtrips simply don't exist...

Everytime I have a supermoto in front of me, I must stop watching it.

Because it's sliding all the time, entering the corners

and everytime it slides I think that it's gonna crash and I stop focusing on my lines.

What happened?

I don't know, my front wheel slipped.


No more fuel!

You don't have a rope?

Maybe if I grab this...

Shit times, great stories!


Nothing, just speaking to myself

Are you well seated?


Better than in a bus!

Watch the door!

After such an eventful day, the beer was well deserved.

Unfortunately, for the first ride of the meet weather is supposed to be crap...

Guys, we are going to Mont Dore to refuel.

Don't go crazy, we will stay up in the mountain so the weather won't improve for a while.

What is it now? Water on the spark plug right?


Which one is it?

This one.

KTM, obviously!

We managed to sort it out!

This is a running joke!

We will always make the same video!

But your wheelie was so clean, with the light and everything, awesome!

Someone lost this!

Yeah that's me!

...on my SV I would downshift 3 gears at once...

...the rear was moving a bit, but is was fun.

Yeah right. 3 gears at once, I go sideways one side to the other side and everything.

Quit bragging dude!

You bunch of pigs!

Give me the sausage!

remove the twine!

Now we are doing stupid shit.

So this guy, he can't ride because his bike broke down

but he's still happy! Vodka and sausage and he's happy!

We ain't giving up!

Nothing never goes as expected.

But despite all the troubles

We still managed to ride about 400km with more than 20 bikes.

And some guys still had enough energy to get hammered after that!

But the best is yet to come...

Yesterday we lost a lot of time because some bikes had issues

We had an SV running on one cylinder because of the rain

I accidentally "serviced" the bike on the road (lost all the oil)

So I heard!

The KTM 690 is down, electrical issue

Loïc lost his thing,

the Daytona lost its rear brake mount plate as well.

It's not easy when you have so many bikes.

Yeah chances that you get issues are multiplied!

So stupid!

We stop 20 meters later!


Everybody passing each other like this, it was crazy!


This pass is so sick!


Cars were coming the other way so I decided to go straight

This time you chase me ok?

Let's go!

Voilà! For most of the guys the meet is now over and it is already time to get back home.

But a bunch of diehards want to continue riding the shit out of these beautiful roads until the next day.

Slow and safe, of course.

Here is not bad.

A slide.

A right-hander that tightens, uphill.

A kneedown.

A flower, a cow.

A ditch.

A car coming the other way.

A hospital.

So how about your porn business?

I am doing quite well actually!

Let me try!

Does it pull or not?

It's crazy right?

Dude, I just lost my license 12 times!

For more infomation >> Rasso Crazy Auvergne 2016 [Epic French Moto Meet] - Duration: 17:52.


Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings - Duration: 11:33.

Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings

One of the most difficult trials to men is realization of truth as we have been brainwashed

by beliefs of our ancestors implanted and controlled by alternating Archons and dark

beings for a million years.

The reason is simple, we have the gold, silver and earthen materials these beings desire

and need for their planets.

When you awaken to the light and learn universal laws of Source Energy, you start to be the

moving target of the negative beings.

Truth and positive deeds become a reality to a person�s daily life and you learn to

continuously absorb the light of All That Is emanating from the photon belt.

After passing service to self, the greed type, you move to service to others thence unity

consciousness becomes your primordial desire.

You are now awakened of your choices.

Choose well and do not be afraid of the dark.

The Photon Belt

The dark shadows made humans fodder, their source of photon light to survive after being

cut off from God.

On the fifth year after March 12, 2007, I acquired knowledge of universal laws and truth

at 3d life from God, the Source fragment within me.

At this point, the dark shadows came to threaten my existence.

I had shed during my waking time fear and anguish, the number one weapon of the dark

evil beings which I fought directly, the first truth that we should know.

Fear is the major tool of the Archons to keep you controlled.

They used institutional methods of control from religion, politics, monetary manipulation

and lately consumerism economics, deadly as they are all addicting!!

Ideologies call these systems food of the dammed.

At night, awake before bed time or asleep, I had more than two years of sufferings from

attacking and threatening monster animals and dark devilish shadows.

2007 is the glorious start of ascension coupled initially with light body processes and sufferings,

says Dr. Georgi Stankov, advanced soul who brought to us the �axiomatics� of Universal

Law, a precursor to the law of One, or ONENESS of Christ Consciousness.

He champions Service to Others-STO as the collective consciousness of light warriors

coalesce and gather to ascension.

I had that service to others orientation since I was a child and need no orientation on this

aspect of choice.

What humans choose collectively will make our next vibratory consciousness a reality.

We have to choose at this God�s programmed period of time as we pass the photon light

belt of Pleiades seven-star cluster and from there humanity�s destination is programmed

to a raised consciousness given an appropriate choice that resonate with the Supreme Creator.


Human beings are provided protection, cleansing and healing lights as we pass this belt of

seven stars Pleiades with her Central Sun Alcyone, the major sun provider of cleansing

light passing thru the portals of Sol-our sun and to the planets of the solar system.

As we gather and absorb pure cleansing light, darkness come to us at night and feed/suck

the incoming light we absorb as they have been fully cut off from God�s light.

When you wake up tired in the morning, the dark have fed on your energy, where humans

are unknowing of these nightly rituals.

These dark beings have the decision to join the light as a flicker hits them but they

have decided to be negative and dark as they have �enjoyed and like� greed, vices,

control of others and negativity.

Every night dark beings in various forms mostly of shadows of killer animals or demons are

all ready to attack awakened persons.

As for myself, I can see them fully �awakened.� But God�s mysterious ways are always present.

Six months before these events, I had dreams and visions of photon diamond light overflowing

my whole being.

Prism divides the incoming light to rainbow colors showered to humanity coming from the

consciousness of Christ-CC.

The visions of CC, the anointed one a million years ago, the Sanat Kumara and family says

Ascended Masters are very clear on how to cast out these beings from your presence.

Sky Blue comes as protection from the effects of darkness and you can absorb it as it comes.

Look at the clear blue skies during the day and understand.

Ask the Source to fill you with sky blue light flames and let it envelop you in a circular

form of a sphere acting as your shield covering you and your family.

You can pray yourself or with the family.

There will be no darkness that can come near you as the light within your beings shine

flowing from your hands and bodies.

These negatives will scamper back to their dark pits.

At night as dark beings lurk and approach you, Christ Consciousness will come to you

instantly when you ask for his assistance and will provide you laser form of golden

light flowing to you.

As golden light fire flows in your right hand strike the dark shadows lurking and poised

to attack you.

At your left hand you will see violet flames flowing laser light known for cleansing and

healing and you can use it to strike at the dark alternating with the golden yellow laser


In less than a minute of your strike, darkness and evil shadows are gone.

Say your appreciation and gratitude to the Source Energy after every evil encounter.

At 6:30 AM look at the sun for a few seconds and you will see every where golden white

light circled by violet flames being showered to all of us.

That is the gift of CC to humanity.

The sun has blinding effects and you must never stare at it after 7:00AM.

That is the way to cast off evil and the dark and all your fears will be gone as you know

God is within you always.

Realize you are a fragment of God.


Every day these demons keep on coming and my wife is so bothered with these nightly


As I sleep she makes her daily prayers to remove all these dark spirits, never to bother


She refuses to believe that there are negative beings and emphasize to me that this is the

product of my mind playing tricks on my brain disregarding the shield I have from CC.

But she believes in prayers and she prays over me as I sleep, as she told me after these

agonizing years are over.

She never realized that daily these beings come, try to suck light energy from within

me which I cast off with the methods taught, telepathically transferred by CC.

Violet and golden flames of fire are my companion energy, laser lights that I use to strike

dark beings.

I now pray that you will not be attacked by these evil demons that live on the energy

of others.

Belief in Christ compassionate love of men and learn his mysterious ways.

To emphasize, this is the reason why after your sleep you awake still tired as your energy

have been sucked by these demonic beings and it is time for you to recharge with God�s

light energy.

That is life�s reality, humans are fodder, energy provider of Archons.

Master this casting of darkness and demons and you grow stronger every day.

Other diseases are common caused by fear and stress, now known as LBPs.

The big pharma and government both controlled by the cabal 13 families are reasons of these

inaction on human problems.

As we pass thru the photon belt, the diamond brilliance of white light, the source of the

seven powerful colored lights will start overflowing your whole being if you have awakened and

it is your time to share these daily wealth of abundant overflowing pure white light with

your fellow men.

You can be the source of awakening and knowing for other persons.

With our collective consciousness we will be joining other 5d beings and races of the

universe living at their homes and light ships at the outskirts and atmosphere of Mother


They assist us at request, ready for ascension, that is being raised to higher dimension of

vibratory consciousness.

We are being transferred to the 5th dimension, heaven the first step of transmutation/transformation

onwards to 6thd.

Our universal neighbors, our nearest family are ready to embrace us returning home.

I am sharing my experience as these are trials, sufferings, light body processs-LBP mankind

and our Mother Earth pass while evolving to higher consciousness.

In fact it is only the beginning to reach another vibratory dimension, a life of compassion

and unconditional love for each other as we experience for All That Is, what is in his


That is what we really all are, a thought of God.

We are all ONE in a mere thought of God.

Summary: After all these trials and experiences, it is up for us awakening humans to know what

is commercial, what is �control� and what is the universal truth at our level of 3d-4d


We are carbon body humans who came to raise the consciousness of the planet and save Earth-Gaia

and humanity as you realize who you are.

The metaphysical world call this raised vibration consciousness as the New Earth or the Golden


Spiritual guide visits from Christ is an invitation to join the sages to the Golden Galaxy but

this moment, is not my scheduled time as I have to complete my service to others first

in this lifetime.

Should there be a choice of conversion of carbon bodies, mind-body-spirit complex-MBS

to crystalline light, I will opt for it and multidimensionality is within my reach on

my way to Source.

After these events, during the last decade, I have surrendered my whole being-MBS to my

Higher Self and the Source of All That Is.

After all these fantastic trials, what I am saying is it is best to surrender and ask

your Higher Self to care and guide you than ask other guides I do not recognize, who may

turn to be dark Archangels or Archons out to suck your light energy as you sleep.

Sometimes, great caution, positive, righteous deeds and acts are wisdom and virtue.

Our olden beliefs should be analyzed and examined for truth and resonance to universal laws.

Our ancestors have been controlled by the dark and they transferred beliefs that allowed

us to be fodder of dark beings.

The belief and talk of existence of 2,000 AD years are nothing to a million years of

control and slavery of men by Archons.

Take it from Sanat Kumara who placed his causal body on Earth at the Gobi desert to save us

from �fall�.

It is only your higher self and God, the Source of All That Is that we should rely on guided

by Christ Consciousness and our Guardian Angel as we seek God in our lives as humans, the

riders of planet Mother Earth.

For more infomation >> Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings - Duration: 11:33.


#DDoM2017 DC- You Get Proud by Practicing - Duration: 4:20.

Some of the folks here

seem younger, so I don't know if everyone

knows who Laura Hershey is

but Laura Hershey was an incredible

Disability Rights activist and writer.

She wrote this a number of years ago.

It's not about filicide,

It's about disability pride.

One of the really challenging things

about Day of Mourning is that

we spent several hours talking

about really difficult topics and mourning.

It's a memorial service.

But the fact is,

there are millions of families

all across the globe

who somehow managed to get by

without resorting to murder.

There are millions of disabled people

all the across the globe who survived,

and tomorrow we focus again on that,

but to close out the day,

I want to read a Mantra that

has given me personally

a lot of strength around these days

when our work requires us

to work on some of the darkest

and most violent topics.

So, "We Get Pride by Practicing,"

by Laura Hershey.

"If you are not proud, for who you are

for what you say, for how you look,

If every time you stop,

to think of yourself,

you do not see yourself

glowing with golden light,

do not, therefore, give up on yourself.

You can get proud.

You do not need a better body,

a better spirit, or a PhD to be proud.

You do not need a lot of money,

a handsome boyfriend, or a nice car.

You do not need to be able

to walk or see or hear or use

big complicated words, or to do

any of those things you just can't do

to be proud.

A Case worker cannot make your proud,

or a doctor.

You only need more practice.

You get proud by practicing.

There are many, many ways to get proud.

You can try riding a horse,

or skiing on one leg,

or playing guitar and do well

or not so well and be glad

you tried either way.

You can show something you've made

to someone you respect

and be happy with it,

no matter what they say.

You can say what you think,

that you know other people

do not think the same way,

and you can keep saying it,

even if they tell you

you are crazy.

You can add your voice

all night to the voices of 150 others

in a circle around a jailhouse

where your brothers and sisters

are being held for blocking

buses without lifts.

Or you could be one of the ones

inside the jailhouse,

knowing of the circle outside.

You can speak your love

to a friend without fear.

You can find someone who will

listen to you without judging you

or doubting you or being afraid of you,

and let you hear yourself perhaps

for the very first time.

These are all ways getting proud.

None of them are easy,

but all of them are possible.

You can do all of these things,

or just one of them again and again.

You get proud by practicing.

Power makes you proud,

and power comes in many fine forms.

Supple and rich as butterfly wings.

It is music when you practice

opening your mouth

and liking what you hear

because it is the sound

of your own true voice.

It is sunlight

when you practice seeing

strength and beauty in everyone,

including yourself.

It is dance when you practice

knowing that what you do

and the way you do it

is the right way for you.

It cannot be called wrong.

All these hold more power

than weapons, or money, or lies.

All of these practices bring power,

and power makes you proud.

You get proud by practicing.

Remember, you weren't the one

who made you ashamed,

but you are the one

who can make you proud.

Just practice.

Practice until you get proud,

and once you are proud,

keep practicing so you won't forget.

You get proud by practicing."

Thank you all so much.

As a reminder, we have tissues

on either side of the room.


Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> #DDoM2017 DC- You Get Proud by Practicing - Duration: 4:20.


Hack My Life - Game The System: Used Car Haggling | truTV - Duration: 2:15.

That's the car right there.

Oh, yeah. That's the one.

That's the one.

Kevin will hack the role of an over-eager buyer,

while I'll be dropping

the bad-cop hammer

on our unsuspecting salesman.

$5,400 is crazy.

It's like a glorified

golf cart.

Hey. How you doing today?

Hey. How are you?

Ah, I see you guys looking at the Smart Car.



I noticed you really like

this bad boy.

-I do.

-And you like it.

Well, at this price, absolutely not.

We want to keep looking.

You know, what are you looking at, your price range?

Well, we'll say

this is sort of close to it,

but, I mean, I'd just rather

look at the cars

than talk money just yet.

I'll let you know when we get warm.

So, let -- let's do this, okay?

I can tell you're not sold.

I can tell that you're dying to get inside, so...

-Absolutely. -...just hop in real quick.

-All right. -Let's do that, sweetheart.

Can we do that? -Yep. Yes.

-Let's do that.

-Change your mind, ma'am.

-Thank you, Micah. -[ Sighs ]

Here. Just pop -- just pop it.

-Argh! God! -Just pop it.

You can just pop it.

[ Pop! ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Car door closes ]

-Hey! -Hey, buddy.

Oh, boy.

Well, that was a real adventure, sitting in that little shack.

We were thinking if we could come in

around $3,500, $3,700 even, that would be more our speed.

You guys

are breaking my heart here.


Look, I'm gonna go talk to my manager.

Okay? So just, like, hold that thought.

No, don't go anywhere. No, don't go anywhere.

Yeah, is there any way your manager could come out here

and chat with us?

-He doesn't. He doesn't.


It's just a policy.

So, listen. Here's what I'm gonna do.

Okay? $5,000 gets this car off of the lot today.

I appreciate that you came down.

We might even be able to come up,

but if you

have to go in there --

-Well, when you say come up... -Yeah.

...what did you have

in mind?

We brought cash.

You ready to go, huh?

-Yeah. Cash. -Yeah. We're ready.

I've got $4,300.

[ Laughs ]

Cash right now.

The sun is setting. We could be out of here.

This is what we have.

Now, you know

I'm not gonna let you leave

with cash in your hands.

[ Chuckles ] That would be absurd.

You've got yourselves a deal!

-Whoo! -Ha-ha!

For more infomation >> Hack My Life - Game The System: Used Car Haggling | truTV - Duration: 2:15.


AIR-CAP3702I-B-K9 Cisco Aironet 3700 Series - Novia Networks - Duration: 0:31.

AIR-CAP3702I-B-K9 Cisco Aironet 3700 Series

For more infomation >> AIR-CAP3702I-B-K9 Cisco Aironet 3700 Series - Novia Networks - Duration: 0:31.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line AMG Night Automaat Panoramadak - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line AMG Night Automaat Panoramadak - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line AMG Automaat Panoramadak, Stoelverwarming - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line AMG Automaat Panoramadak, Stoelverwarming - Duration: 1:00.


Knowing Math can get you the Sniper! - Duration: 2:11.

so I was walking in the base the other

day and I just see these two noobs and

they're just arguing over who should get

the sniper rifle

back in my day people

would just betray each other for the

sniper rifle

normally they do but these

guys were a little bit different

what do you mean by different

they were saying

something like the most intelligent

person should get the sniper rifle or

something stupid like that

that makes a

lot of sense because everybody knows the

sniper rifle runs on green power

yeah I

know right

anyway one of them was asking

the other one to solve 9 + 11

oh dang

because that is a true test of


yeah those idiots I

ended up taking the sniper rifle for


oh good job fantastic

yeah I know


so you did this by blurting out

the answer and claiming what was

rightfully yours right

ah no


but why not

well you know I just didn't want to get

the answer wrong

you are joking right

I mean I knew the answer I just didn't

want to accidentally say the wrong thing

and then feel like an idiot

what is it


what do you mean

the answer

uhh the answer to what

oyyyy stop playing games

dammit what is 9 plus 11

Jesus it's 21

now leave me alone

what did you just say

20 that's what I said the answer is 20

that is not what you said

ughhh fine you're


you do know what this means right

come on do I have to

yes you shameful

fellow what kind of idiot can't even do

basic addition

damn you want to be so

mean about it

shut up and give it to me



yes now i am the sniper rifle


all will bow down to me


what is up awesome possums I hope you

enjoyed the video if you did leave a

like leave a comment subscribe maybe

even share with your friends maybe check

out another video anyways I hope you

have an awesome possum day later

For more infomation >> Knowing Math can get you the Sniper! - Duration: 2:11.


Das stärkste Tier | Fakt UP - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Das stärkste Tier | Fakt UP - Duration: 1:19.


Arena 10 Deck | Best Arena 9 Deck | Arena 8 Deck | GOBLIN BARREL DECK | GamingWithMelkor - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> Arena 10 Deck | Best Arena 9 Deck | Arena 8 Deck | GOBLIN BARREL DECK | GamingWithMelkor - Duration: 12:56.


How to control diabetes naturally | Natural antidote to diabetes - Duration: 5:36.

1jan ball leaves and berries of Jambo

plant help to keep glucose levels in

charge having you in your day by day

eating regimen can make pancreas more

useful which vastly will profit the

diabetic patients to lavas log is a rich

in vitamin C and in the meantime they

are exceedingly sinewy one can keep up

the sound glucose level by having a

guava consistently three cinnamon

cinnamon is another fixing that is he

afforded for patients experiencing

diabeetus smooth glen four teaspoons of

cinnamon powder with water and bubble it

on low fire devour this concentrate

teach dates are controlling and keeping

up sound blood glucose levels in your

body or aloe vera aloe vera has

effectively demonstrated its consistency

in being advantageous in a considerable

measure of body illnesses as a home cure

and diabetus is not a special case take

parallel amounts of aloe vera juice term

earth and narrows leaf and combine them

have this land each day prior to the

dinner as it will help in keeping the

blood glucose levels in charge 59 goalie

splash mango leaves for overnight and

water of devours in the following

morning on an unfilled stomach you can

likewise devour them in powder shape dry

mango leaves and make a powder out of

them and store it expand this powder

with water twice day by day for

compelling outcome six water water

activates sugar levels of the body and

furthermore keeps up the sound glucose

level inside the body considers have

uncovered the devouring 2.5

of water they have indicated exceptional

change in the state of individuals

experiencing diabetes mellitus 7 they'd

leave fig leaves are said to have

Hospital 2 diabetic properties for they

were utilized as a part of compelling

treatment of the sickness you can extend

them by by boiling in water and having

it like tea you can even buy some

exhaust stomach of a young hour in the

morning to treat the issue 8 grape seed

extract grape seeds are rich in vitamin

E flavonoid la novia corrosive and they

have been demonstrated to cure the issue

of diabetes the man can expend 300

milligrams campaign or having grounded

grape seed concentrate to treat and cure

the illness 9 sunlight daylight is the

best normal wellspring of vitamin D

which is truly fundamental in

controlling blood glucose levels inside

the body open yourself to daylight at a

young hour in the morning to have some

daylight that will keep the instrument

or control and will keep you solid and

garlic garlic is as of now known for its

properties to let down the levels of

cholesterol in the body however it

likewise keeps diabetes under control

garlic has a substance called awesome

which is known to have hypoglycemic

impact 11 mean name has both hostile to

parasitic and against bacterial

properties and it is observed to be

sufficiently productive in last name

insulin necessities of the body by fifty


well bitter gourd having his last

brimming with sharp chord squeeze in the

morning and that excessively discharged

stomach will help you in keeping up a

legitimate glucose levels in your body

over a time a couple of months it will

be truly intense when you drink it yet

extremely profiting 13 and one Indian

gooseberries are rich in vitamin C and

help pancreas to create ideal amounts of

insulin to keep up a solid blood glucose

level J 2 teaspoons in Lua squeeze and

expend it with water each morning on an

unfilled stomach to keep the instrument

of control 14 fenugreek samue creek is

another useful herb that goes for

controlling diabetes mellitus in your

body absorb fenugreek seeds water

abandon them overnight devour than the

following morning earlier eating or

drinking whatever else you can likewise

include powder fenugreek in your drain

and have it consistently to treat



For more infomation >> How to control diabetes naturally | Natural antidote to diabetes - Duration: 5:36.


Leituras dos Meses: (Jan , Fev e Mar 2017 ) - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Leituras dos Meses: (Jan , Fev e Mar 2017 ) - Duration: 4:32.


Paternité©Steph Legault 2017 - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Paternité©Steph Legault 2017 - Duration: 4:20.


For more infomation >> Paternité©Steph Legault 2017 - Duration: 4:20.


Leituras dos Meses: (Jan , Fev e Mar 2017 ) - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Leituras dos Meses: (Jan , Fev e Mar 2017 ) - Duration: 4:32.


For more infomation >> Leituras dos Meses: (Jan , Fev e Mar 2017 ) - Duration: 4:32.


CHS Dialogue | Hour 23 Text M - Duration: 2:41.

KEITH STONE: So Greg, now we'd like to talk about Phaedo 59d

through 60b, which is Hour 23 Text M.

And what do you think here about Socrates' wife, Xanthippe?

I know you had some thoughts.

You had some thoughts there.


I used to think that Socrates was being slightly misogynistic

here, that he was saying, get that woman out of here,

she's distracting us.

And, look, she's wailing and she's

expressing all of these emotions,

whereas I'm trying to do a dialogue.

KEITH STONE: And his friends eventually start promising to lament as well.

And they're going to, it would seem, start interrupting.

GREGORY NAGY: But that's because they can't control themselves.

And you could make the bad argument that now they're

acting like Socrates's wife.

And they, too, just lose control of their emotions.

And there they are crying uncontrollably.

And Socrates will even say, well, what is this?

What I really love about what Xanthippe says--

and it's actually indicated what she says--

is, I'm crying because you're not going

to have dialogues anymore.

So it's not, oh, I'm going to miss you,

or, your children will miss you.

It's, Socrates, now is the last time

when your dear ones will be talking to you and you to them.

KEITH STONE: So she has the same important thing in mind as Socrates does,

which is dialogue.

GREGORY NAGY: And presumably, they may have had a dialogue themselves.

It's not excluded that they exchange words.

And then she says, well, I'll never have dialogues with you,

and you will never have dialogues with these people who

are surrounding you.

And it's in that context that he says, Crito,

will someone please take her home?

But it's almost because somebody should

be comforting her, just as, let's say, Patroklos

used to comfort Brisēis.

And when Patroklos isn't there anymore,

who's going to comfort me?

I now think [it's] not just a question of,

will somebody just get rid of that woman?

She is lamenting.

I don't think that's what is being meant here.

For more infomation >> CHS Dialogue | Hour 23 Text M - Duration: 2:41.


BMW X5 3.0dA High Executive M-Sport NAVI+ PANODAK 20'' - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0dA High Executive M-Sport NAVI+ PANODAK 20'' - Duration: 1:00.


✐ How To Draw - The Walking Dead / Negan ✐ - Duration: 8:12.

hi I'm Oliver age 24 and I will teach

you how to draw that's the theme song

today I'm going to be drawing negan from

the hit TV series The Walking Dead now

obviously if you haven't seen it it's a

TV show about a lot of dead people that are

still walking around without realizing

that they're dead is basically sixth sense

except they tell you the twist right at

the beginning little bit of a mistake

some might say anyway let's quit with the

saying and start with the drawing haha so

first of all we're gonna draw an Negan's

head which is actually the shape of a

tiny gravestone which is very ironic

considering the name of the show next

we're gonna do the eyes and you want to

do one eye slightly bigger and rounder

and one eye a little bit smaller and

squashed and this will give a 3d eye

popping effect on Negan's head to

really make it look like the eyes are

popping out of the screen fantastic next

we can do his mouth so obviously you

want to do detail top teeth and less

detailed bottom teeth now since Negan is

the main good guy in the show make sure

you convey his good intentions with his

charming smile haha how could you

dislike this guy next we're gonna take

a 3D skin color for his skin and a

darker 3D skin colour for the inside the

head look inside his mouth next we're

gonna draw his scarf which was actually a

gift from his son Carl hashtag family

goals next we're going to do one really

big long line with lots of little curves

along the way

me and this will form his broad sharp

shoulders his fists using the fisting

technique actually he has two fists so

he probably want to use the double

fisting technique which you can actually

google for more information there's

probably videos too obviously I also

used the feeting technique to do his

feetses which is the art plural of

feet fantastic now we can take a 3D

line to divide the leather jacket from

the leather trousers next we can draw a

few more lines to form the opening and

collars of the jacket we can also crack

out the pocketing technique to add a

couple of pockets now just like when you

see an attractive person on tinder

followed by an unattractive person we

can just do a quick swipe left followed

by a quick swipe right now I'm just

going to cut off his hands which is a

reference for the comic book fans by

adding lines to separate the leather

jacket from the leather gloves let's

take 3D leather black to color in

the leather and obviously there's a lot of

it because negan is a gimp and by that I

mean sex slave and not a derogatory term

for somebody that is disabled because

that would be offensive next we can take

a 3d blood red color for his 3d

blood red scarf that carl gave him, as I

previously mentioned let's draw the

hair and for that we're going to take a 3d

dark blackish brownish hairish color

and we're just going to give him 3

dollops of hair shape using the classic

triple dolloping technique which is

great for parties next we're going to

take a 3d aged gray color and just

start aging his hair

and then adding a 3D aged beard now

obviously since the show is in it's 48th

season don't hold back on the aged hair

to get a photorealistic leather daddy

effect or should I say leather

granddaddy hahaha classic pun well told

now I'm just going to use the 3d grey

to add some highlights to his collar

his zips and his groin to really direct

the viewers eye to where it needs to go

it's now time to draw his trusty

baseball stick which is the technical

term for the stick like device used in

baseball to hit the balls you can color

that in using a 3d sticky brown color

fantastic now if you've seen the show

you'll know that negan calls his

baseball stick Glenn hahaha ah what a

hilarious name for a baseball stick now

we can crack out a brand new tool called

the barbed wire tool and we can lovingly

introduce some barbed wire onto Glenn

fantastic this looks very professional

if you've seen the show you'll know that

we need to add some blood on so Glenn

because negan is always fighting off the

bad guys like Rick the prick anyway as

you can see I'm just dotting the blood

all over glenn wonderful this drawing is

almost complete I'm just gonna add a

speech bubble with Negan's famous quote

Carl get in the house which he says all

the time because Carl just can't help

himself ah what a gimp now this is

finished so I'm just gonna add my name

and age

obviously turns the drawing into a

professional and copyrighted piece of

work which means I can actually sell it

on a t-shirt hahaha please buy my

t-shirts let's finish off by taking a

look at one of the drawings that you

guys sent in this week Oh it's ironman by

joram age 17 now even though that rhymes

which is pretty cool he's actually drawn

Ironman upside down what a disaster he's

also done too much 3D yellow and not

enough 3d red it almost looks like a

Simpsons character whoa hashtag savage

burn so if you want to have your drawing

featured in the next episode send it in

to the address on screen now fantastic

please leave a comment if there's

anything that you are struggling to draw

and I your senpai will teach you I'll

catch you on the flip side thanks for

watching goodbye

your malicious ah Leong potato I am what

they don't I am potato

For more infomation >> ✐ How To Draw - The Walking Dead / Negan ✐ - Duration: 8:12.


Nightcore Dear Darling ( Olly Murs)( cc) - Duration: 2:21.

Dear darlin', please excuse my writing. I can't stop my hands from shaking 'Cause I'm cold and alone tonight.

I miss you and nothing hurts like no you. And no one understands what we went through. It was short. It was sweet. We tried.

And if my words break through the wall And meet you at your door, All I can say is "Girl, I mean them all."

Dear darlin', please excuse my writing. I can't stop my hands from shaking 'Cause I'm cold and alone tonight.

I miss you and nothing hurts like no you. And no one understands what we went through. It was short. It was sweet. We tried. We tried.

Been thinking about the bar we drank in. Feeling like the sofa was sinking. I was warm in the hold of your eyes.

So if my words break through the wall To meet you at your door, All I can say is "Girl, I mean them all."

Dear darlin', please excuse my writing. I can't stop my hands from shaking 'Cause I'm cold and alone tonight.

I miss you and nothing hurts like no you. And no one understands what we went through. It was short. It was sweet.

We tried.

Oh I can't cope. These arms are yours to hold.

And I miss you and nothing hurts like no you. And no one understands what we went through. It was short. It was sweet. We tried. We tried

For more infomation >> Nightcore Dear Darling ( Olly Murs)( cc) - Duration: 2:21.


Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI HIGHLINE R-line int- & ext, Xenon, Pandak - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI HIGHLINE R-line int- & ext, Xenon, Pandak - Duration: 1:02.


Pour Me Another - Official Music Video - Duration: 4:37.

Pour me another

like yesterday

pour me another

I'm gonna drown in my own shame

pour me another

you're going to miss me when I'm gone

pour me another

and I'll be on my way back home

Whiskey bottle daze

hypnotize my addictive ways

and I'd be lying if I didn't say

this bottle's leading me through the haze

(hoo hoo) it's gettin' heavy

(hoo hoo) somebody save me



I'm going under



When I say

Pour me another

like yesterday

pour me another

I'm gonna drown in my own shame

pour me another

you're going to miss me when I'm gone

pour me another

and I'll be on my way back home

Blinded to the bone

but the drink won't leave me alone

they say that I must be a man

but I'm too weak to make a stand

(hoo hoo) it's gettin' heavy

(hoo hoo) somebody save me



I'm going under



When I say

Pour me another

like yesterday

pour me another

I'm gonna drown in my own shame

pour me another

you're going to miss me when I'm gone

pour me another

and I'll be on my way back home

(instrumental break)

Pour me another

like yesterday

pour me another

I'm gonna drown in my own shame

pour me another

you're going to miss me when I'm gone

pour me another

and I'll be on my way back


For more infomation >> Pour Me Another - Official Music Video - Duration: 4:37.


Social Media Marketing: 7 Steps To Increase Your Visibility On Social Media! - Duration: 13:46.

this is Staci Hall from Staci My

mission is to simplify online marketing

and make it fun for entrepreneurs to

increase their confidence, influence and

results. I have a question for you today... How

would it feel if you knew exactly what

to do to increase your visibility on

social media so you can stand out above

the crowd? It's a noisy place out there

isn't it? it's really tough to get

people's attention and if we're trying

to build a business online then

we need people to be paying attention...

Stick around.. today I have for you seven

steps to increasing your visibility on

social media. Here we go.. step number one

post the right stuff at the right time. I

have been talking about this.. I feel like...

sometimes I keep repeating myself but

it's so important and people are still

doing this wrong a lot of the time.

you'll want to make sure that you are

not posting pictures of your products...

you're not posting pictures of your

company name, your company logos or

anything to do with your company

directly. You want to attract people to

you and when you post things that come

across as pitchy or salesy... you're

practicing what my mentor Ray Higdon

refers to as 'Repulsion marketing'. You

don't want to do that! We do not want to

repel people, if we can at all avoid it,

right? The idea behind having a whole... you

know.. infrastructure on social media is

to presumably, attract our tribe to us.

in order to be attractive.. we have to give people what they want... it's not

about us, at the end of the day...

So, what do people want out there on

social media? People out there on the

interwebs...want to be entertained! You

wanna have some fun! They want to be

educated.. they want to prowl around and

spy on what people are doing, right? They

just... they're going there for social

reasons. That's why it's called 'social media'. the stuff you post has to reflect

that and honour the platform... no logos no

links no companies stuff..okay? Post things

that create curiosity... post things that

make people interested in your life and

what you're doing... things about your

lifestyle... if you're going out for lunch

with the girls... you're hanging out at

the beach. If you're doing something fun

with your kid... Post motivational stuff.

Post really good things, you come across

that share really interesting tips about

business or life... things like that. That's

number one because if you post things

with value, automatically people are

going to start engaging with your

content and that means you'll get

your stuff seen in the news feed

more often..more regularly and that's what

we want.

Okay... so quality content. Number

two: Go LIVE! I know a lot of people are

really fearful of doing video, especially

'live' video but Facebook Live...well.. any

live streaming really... but Facebook being

the king of all social media, still reigns

supreme. Facebook lives are where its at.

Facebook basically prefers them.. right..

They honour them more in their algorithms so

if you go live, you have a much better

chance of being seen. It's just the way

the math works out right now... with their

algorithms... also it has tremendous of

reach ,because even if people don't see

while you're on live.. there are a lot of people

that see you on the replay. So it just

spans.. and it gets out there... and also

you can repurpose that content in any

way that you see fit. I mean you can chop

up that video... you can put it in on

other platforms, you can use it in your

blog. It has endless possibilities.. so

number two.. very important...go LIVE. If you

have a fear... you need to find a way to

work through it. Start slow and work your

way up but you need to be doing it.

Number 3: Spread the Joy! What do I

mean by that? 'Do unto others as you would

have done unto yourselves.." want

to be more visible on social media... you

want people to interact with your

content... you want people to pay attention

to you! The best way to achieve that is

to do THAT.. for other people.

It just works like that. Go find other people's

pages in your niche...'like' some of their

stuff... comment on things that are

interesting... interact with the other people

who are commenting on their stuff. As soon

as you do that, not only do you increase

your profile with those people.. but

you're also increasing your profile with

all of THEIR friends... because now, once

you've commented on that person's post, all

of their friends can see your comments

right... and if you're saying interesting

things, they're going to be curious about

who you are and what you're about. And

they'll start checking out your stuff , right...

So it increases your reach, while at the

same time helping the person that you

are engaging with.... it's good karma!

Also, you can seek out other influencers

in your niche and do the same. Start

following people.. engage with their stuff.

So pay attention... share right? ... engage

engage, engage. And then you will have the

favour returned to you. Also i would say,

please don't have a scarcity mindset

about sharing content around. I know a

lot of people in our niche... in the online

marketing- network marketing-

entrepreneurial niche are sometimes fearful of sharing other

people's content to their people they're people...they're

like..."ah.. man if I share that person's

Facebook live then everyone's going to

fall in love with her and they're all

gonna go over there and nobody's going to

follow me anymore..!" I promise you that's

not gonna happen! I know it's a

legitimate fear for a lot of people but

it is a scarcity mindset and that is a

mindset that's typically prevalent in people

who are newer or haven't done a lot of

personal development... and they don't

understand how it really works. I promise

you, if you share something of your

colleague's work ...all of the people who are interested

in you, are not going to leave you... I

promise! It doesn't work like. If

anything, I find that people actually

admire you and look up to you more.. if

you're sharing things of value with them,

that are going to help them with their

business... right? They're going to see you as

being a person who is connected to

really awesome things... so it only

helps you... or as another of my mentors,

Diane Hochman likes to say... you're kind of

like "Julie the cruise director" on The

Love Boat... if you're old enough to

remember that. You're just pointing

people to really amazing things. You are

not the songwriter of the whole world...

you're the DJ. I can't remember where I

heard that but it's a great analogy...

... You're kind of just respinning

stuff for people and that has tremendous don't be fearful... share, share

share. Number 4: Give Interviews and

Interview Others. This is a really ninja

trick if somebody is actually reaching

out to you and asking you to be willing

to be interviewed ...don't be afraid of it.

You have a little nuggets that you can

share with people that you don't even

realize. So be willing to do that.

It's great for your own exposure,

obviously but also that person that

interviews you is obviously very likely

to share that interview to their people...

so now you have ... an ability to

reach all of that audience, that you

otherwise would never, probably be able

to reach and that audience, very likely,

may not have ever found you, without the

introduction of that interviewer. So say 'yes'

to those things... those are

opportunities.. right? Step in ...and also

when you have a chance to interview

others do the same... especially if it's an

influencer in your niche. So, if you

go to a lot of company events or

industry events, find the people milling

around ..who are really interesting to you

and ask them if

it's okay to.. just like.. hit them up with

a question or two, on camera so you

can share it with your people. Most of the

time, if they can.. if they have the time

available... they will do it. They're more

than willing... and you might even find

that some of them might share that

content to their people... which would be

amazing right?!!? So interview and be

interviewed. Great ...great strategy... Number 5:

Start Your Own Facebook Group.

Yes, you should have a fan pagge but

I'm not talking about that ...I'm talking

about Facebook groups. A facebook group

is a great, great way to increase your

visibility on social media while also

building an amazing community of followers

and people that you can attract.

.. because you have more control over

the conversation with your group and

there's a lot more engagement going on

within it ...then typically, will happen

on a fan page.. so it has it's different

purpose... and within your Facebook group,

you can have theme can run little

contests... giveaway prizes... really encourage

people know... create a culture

within the group and get engaged. And they

actually can learn an awful lot that will help them with their business in

the process... which just makes them love

you all the more. So, definitely Facebook

Groups. Number 6:

just have to check my notes quickly...

Number 6: Facebook Ads. I know, I know... a

lot of you are probably scared of the

facebook advertising... you may have heard

some horror stories. I promise you, it's not

that scary. What I will say, is it's not

something that you just want to fly by

the seat of your pants with. You do want

to know what you're doing a little bit...

so seek out some information... there's tons

available. There's great courses... there's

also wonderful free information...just at

the Google...right... and on YouTube. Make

sure you read.. you know.. Facebook rules

and regs about you don't

get yourself into trouble but if you do

that, it's not actually that hard and right

now...the Facebook story ad is just like

doing gangbusters on Facebook.. so it's

basically just sharing a story in the form

of an ad, so that is something that you

might want to consider it has amazing

reach it allows you to tell a bit of a story

which really draws people in to you and

who you are.. and we'll get you a lot of

targeted, targeted followers who want

what it is that you have to offer.

..brilliant strategy. Number 7!

Numbers 7! Number 7: Be

Entertaining!!!... right?!!? Be entertaining people!!!

people come to social media because they

wanted to entertained.. as we mentioned at

the very beginning of this video. So many

people on their posts are like... okay... not

so much just posts.. but especially on

video and facebook live.. it's like (super boring voice)

'hi.. I want to talk to you today about..." Guys! Loosen up... it's a phone.

It's not going to bite you. Just be yourself.

Be authentic... share with people.

Don't try and present a perfect exterior.

It's so boring! Nobody wants you to be

perfect. We are all fallible..all of us.. we

all are flawed. So if you just step out

from trying to present yourself as being

perfect, you will actually have better

ability to reach people and actually

have communication and a genuine

connection... which is all people really

want, right? So be okay with just being

yourself. That doesn't mean you have to

come out with your jazz hands.. to be, like..

you know... trying to be funny, if you're

not funny. That's not what I mean. You

know, by all means...don't hide the

elements of yourself that give you a

bit of an edge because THAT is what

people are gonna fall in love with...ok

just entertain people. Don't try and be

business-y and perfect. It's really boring.

Okay, my friend, those are my 7 steps to

significantly increasing your visibility

on social media and will help you to

potentially 10x the size of your tribe,

in short order...if you follow them to 'T'.

Hope that was helpful. I hope you got

value. If you haven't already, my friend,

somewhere around this video I'm going to

include a direct link for you to access

my Facebook Daily Game Plan

Blueprint. It's free of charge, right now.

I've basically charted out for you,

step-by-step, exactly what you can do,

every single day, to generate an

additional 10 + leads for your

business, on Facebook...

without spending a dime on Facebook ads in

case you don't want to do that, just, just

yet. That's available for you. Please, by

all means, download it, enjoy and share

with those you think might benefit. Have

yourselves a fantastic day and I'll see

you guys on the next one. In the meantime,

Go..and Make Your Mark! Love ya! Bye for now...

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