Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 4 2017

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Change font size color and transparency via options menu)

So, Today! tadaa I've made hamburger sauce (~lit pourable hamburger)

hamburger usually has a shape doesn't it? but instead today I've made it into a sauce to pour

over this 7 cups of rice here and its also got my favourite thing as well....

do y'all know what it is? ~awww you don't know?~

K, lets see how its made

this is how its made: first mince some onion

add butter, salt and sugar to carrots wrap it up and in a 600W microwave for 2 minutes

with that we'll make a glace sauce add some of your fav mixed veggies, I've got here some

broccoli and young corn with some cauliflower add butter and salt to it and microwave it as well

add oil to a pan and make some sunny side up eggs

K, I've made 10 of them

cook onion till its translucent

add some meat, I've got 2kg here

flavor with salt and pepper

tadaa now add some demi glace sauce to it

since I've got a sweet tooth I'm going to add a bit of sugar to add extra depth

once it comes to a simmer I'll add 600g of cheese

once the cheese has melted it is complete

tadaa prep your rice, today I'll be eating 7 cups

and add our veggies that we heated with butter broccoli, baby corn, asparagus, and the carrots

and to this pour the sauce we made earlier on top

I don't think I'll be able to add it all here

ahh so much cheese

and to this add the eggs we made earlier tadaa its done


and 1 kg of tofu miso soup

lets see how much this weighs

ohhh its quite a bit actually.. w/o the bowl its 5.5 kg

its been a while since I had 5Kg of food

I had a feeling this would turn out great

itadakimasu ahhh check it out the cheese is so stringy

the demi glace sauce has sort of mellowed out the burger and then it covers all this rice... ~thats just describing the meal~

I'll now break some of the yolks

luv this stuff

~so happy~ ~its the 'bestest'~ ~tastes so great~

the richness of the eggs when combined with the sauce elevates the flavors of the dish

I love the bit of mouthfeel the sweet minced onion gives when you bite down on them

this stuff is the bomb dot com I can totes eat like 100 cups of rice with this

and here's some glace carrots ~I love glace carrots so much~

it tastes so great with the butter and since I wasn't able to add all the sauce at once

I had to transfer the remnants to another bowl I'll now add the rest to this here

tadaa, here's the kitty cat bowl that I hasn't been in my videos lately

I'll weigh this sauce later and total it up 1.5kg

for curries and stuff like this its way better when drenched in plenty of sauce

I'll add all of it now

wooo... kind of reminds me of a mapo tofu well a mapo tofu without any tofu or any spice...

I'm kinda liking this deal with adding sauce afterwards I'm feeling like its a neverending bowl of food

its been a while since I last felt that special feeling like I'm really eating a whole lotta food

just when I was feeling like I had a bit too much sauce ....

now that I'm getting to the tail end of the meal I'm finding I'm running out of sauce....

life's not fair :-(

its so tough balancing out these portions

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

this hamburger sauce was so delish I was able to make so much it was very filling

since the sauce today was on the sweet side ~well it was due to me adding all the sugar~

and to that we added the Boil~ ~no they weren't boiled~

the sunny side up eggs with salt and pepper

since it was a bit salty it really paired nicely with the sauce

the glace carrots were exceedingly delish

this was so delish and so very filling won't you all give it a try?

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 So Risky! Cheese Hamburger Rice Bowl [600g Cheese]+ Miso Soup, 8Kg 13941kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 6:04.


Chris Evans' Parents Played a Crazy April Fools' Prank on Him - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Chris Evans' Parents Played a Crazy April Fools' Prank on Him - Duration: 1:55.


Chris Evans on New Movie vs Superhero Movies - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Chris Evans on New Movie vs Superhero Movies - Duration: 1:46.


Организация хранения на кухне «ДО» и «ПОСЛЕ» работы организатора пространства. - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Организация хранения на кухне «ДО» и «ПОСЛЕ» работы организатора пространства. - Duration: 7:32.


Resource Legislation Amendment Bill - Committee Stage (15) - Part 1 - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> Resource Legislation Amendment Bill - Committee Stage (15) - Part 1 - Duration: 9:42.


Chris Evans on His Love of Tom Brady and The Patriots - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Chris Evans on His Love of Tom Brady and The Patriots - Duration: 3:34.


Resource Legislation Amendment Bill - Committee Stage (19) - Part 1 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Resource Legislation Amendment Bill - Committee Stage (19) - Part 1 - Duration: 5:38.


귀여운 고양이 일상 - 순간포착 영상 모음 - Duration: 4:40.

He's flying.

My Goboogi, did you try to catch it?

Like a bird. Flying to catch.

That's... impossible, kitty.

Chobee eats catnip.


Cutest keyboard stand ever.

Playing with bro's tail.

Aww my Goboogi.

Have a sleep.

Take him away.

Take him away.

I did same thing to Chobee.

Hey, No!

Take away your paw.

You have a long way to go.

Honey, come here. Aww.

He moved.

Line for shark house.

Chobee, are you curious about Bro?

Do you know what he's doing?

For more infomation >> 귀여운 고양이 일상 - 순간포착 영상 모음 - Duration: 4:40.


World of Warships - Developer Diaries: French cruisers - Duration: 8:31.

Hi everyone!

The time has come to announce a new nation

and a new tech tree branch in World of Warships.

Today we'll talk about French cruisers,

what makes them different from their counterparts of other nations,

their gameplay features, and much more.

Full ahead!

Developer Diaries.

Now that we've got most of the major fleets from both World Wars,

it's time to round out the collection with another.

Our expedition to France was very interesting.

They gave us 120 boxes with all sorts of blueprints, and I've got to tell you,

those were quite big boxes.

The amount of work was enormous,

the two of us had to dig through all these boxes and,

eventually, we managed to look through it all and got all the documentation

that we needed,

not only on cruisers, but also on battleships, and destroyers;

they even had projects for different aircraft carriers.

The French cruiser's branch has its specific traits,

it can be provisionally divided into three sub-types

and each of them will have their personalities.

A Bougainville-class cruiser opens the French cruiser branch.

To be exact, it's a sub-type of cruisers called colonial sloop or aviso.

We don't have ships like this in the game yet.

At Tier II we have a protected cruiser, and, in general,

it's quite a normal thing for us.

It's followed by light cruisers from Tier III to Tier VI.

At Tier V we have one of the fastest cruisers in the game—

light cruiser Emile Bertin, which can accelerate to 39 knots.

And this feature of French cruisers— their high speed—

will be supported by a special Engine Boost consumable at the following tiers.

No cruiser in the game now has this type of consumable.

It allows them to react quickly to battle situations.

They can switch flank, or catch up with a destroyer

or aircraft carrier, for example.

One of the specific traits of Tier I-V French cruisers

that you must absolutely take into consideration,

is their poor armor protection.

Tiers III to V ships basically don't have armor.

Their main armor belt will be 13 to 16 millimeters thick.

It's not our idea, it's based on historical data.

However, every cloud has a silver lining

and this peculiarity of French cruisers presented a humorous comparison.

What do French cruisers and French baguettes have in common?

They're both long and crispy.

The point is that their citadel is elongated and narrow,

and vaguely resembles a baguette.

French cruisers up to Tier V have very little armor

and it results in many overpenetrations

and, at the same time, it creates a small number of citadel hits.

The weak armor on French cruisers is partially compensated for

by antitorpedo defense,

which also plays its part in forming certain game tactics.

One of the main features is the antitorpedo bulkhead—it's very high.

And almost all cruisers have it, except for Tier I and II ships.

The high antitorpedo bulkheads give them a significant advantage

in a fight against destroyers.

They can be used for hunting destroyers and fighting against other light cruisers.

It's better to stay away from the big guys, though.

Now, that we've covered the defensive characteristics of French Tier I-V cruisers,

let's review their weapons.

Their main armament is comparable to other European nations,

a standard set of antiaircraft weaponry, torpedoes...

However, the French torpedoes are not so simple.

The French cruisers have a gameplay feature—

their torpedo launchers have very good training angles.

The specific location of torpedo tubes can give you the edge

in a situation when two ships clash in a close-quarters engagement.

The ship with better training angles will launch torpedoes first

and, possibly, survive the battle.

The transition in the French cruisers' branch will happen at Tier VI—

the armor belt of La Galissonniere will be 100 millimeters thick,

which puts her on par with some serious adversaries.

From Tier VII to Tier X, we have heavy cruisers.

We also receive an increase in artillery.

Tier X can boast one of the best artillery systems

among cruisers in the game,

this means that it has one of the largest calibers in the game.

At the top of the French cruisers' branch,

the primary armament has a caliber of 240 mm

It's 20 millimeters more than that of Moskva!

Players who appreciate Moskva will surely be eager

to try the new Tier X French cruiser.

As for world famous ships, the French branch might not have such

legends as Leander or Mogami, but nevertheless it has its own stars.

Of course, we'll have famous ships.

I'm talking about cruisers like Emile Bertin, La Galissonniere,

and also Algerie.

And we plan to put them at Tiers V, VI, and VII accordingly.

Our developers didn't forget about technology

when they worked on the French branch.

In particular, they fixed some shortcomings of ship rendering.

When we made the first ships, a problem arose—

thin elements began to strobe when displayed on screen.

This issue had existed for a long time and was finally addressed.

Our programmers have developed a new technology

that allows us to smooth the strobing of thin elements.

And French cruisers are the first branch where handrails and rigging

are made entirely in compliance with this new technology.

These ships will no longer strobe on our players' displays.

If we summarize this review of the French cruisers branch,

what preliminary conclusions can we draw on the gameplay they will bring?

First of all, these cruisers should be enjoyed

by those who like active maneuverable battles and a tactical approach,

because they allow you to accomplish different missions in a battle.

From Tier VI to Tier X, finally,

we'll be able to not only hunt for destroyers,

aircraft carriers, and light cruisers, but also engage heavy cruisers,

and even create some trouble for battleships.

And at Tier X, we can destroy same-tier ships

without difficulty, because we have one of the largest calibers in the game.

At the moment, the development of the French cruisers

is almost completed

and, after the test stage, you'll have the opportunity

to check them out for yourself!

We're sure that you won't be bored

when playing with the French cruisers!

For more infomation >> World of Warships - Developer Diaries: French cruisers - Duration: 8:31.


What Google thinks teens care about - The Feed - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> What Google thinks teens care about - The Feed - Duration: 2:47.


Nick Clegg: Government can't get a good Brexit deal in two years - Duration: 1:07.

The government has said that it's going

to sort out everything within two years

but it won't. The government has said

that it will be able to settle the

divorce arrangements, new trade deals, new

environmental arrangements, new

crime-fighting arrangements and everything

ratified in a matter of months. That will

not happen and that will lead to great

uncertainty for British businesses,

uncertainty for the British economy and

will snarl up Whitehall while our

schools, our social care system and our

hospitals and other public services are

being neglected by this Brexit obsessed government.

Leaving without a deal would be a disaster for Britain.

Theresa May has threatened to walk away

and have no deal in place at all. That will be

bad for businesses, bad for the

British economy, lead to higher prices in

the shops, higher unemployment, lower

investment and greater uncertainty for

our country when what future generations

deserve is certainty.

For more infomation >> Nick Clegg: Government can't get a good Brexit deal in two years - Duration: 1:07.


US expert: Illegal artificial island begins "continuous pressure" in THE SOUTH CHINA SEA - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> US expert: Illegal artificial island begins "continuous pressure" in THE SOUTH CHINA SEA - Duration: 4:21.


Tim Farron: Give the people the final say on the Brexit deal - Duration: 1:24.

So some people will despair at the

triggering of Article 50. Not me. Not we in the Liberal Democrats.

We know the battle is now on for us to fight for

British people to have the final say on

the deal that we will have with the

European Union going forward.

None of us know what that deal will contain.

How dare the government enforce it on the

British people without asking their

views. The politicians shouldn't decide.

The people should decide.

One of the most obvious signs that the government has

made a choice of this kind of Brexit

and is not enacting the will of the people

at all but is interpreting the will of the

people at best

is Theresa May's decision to not even fight for our place

in the single market.

We all know how vital the single market is for British

jobs, for our homes, for the prices on our

shelves, for the whole of our economy.

A government that doesn't fight for our

place in the single market is letting

Britain down no matter matter which way

they voted in June 2016.

Our fight continues. The British people can and

should have the final say.

For more infomation >> Tim Farron: Give the people the final say on the Brexit deal - Duration: 1:24.


Французские крейсеры в World of Warships. Дневники разработчиков № 14 - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> Французские крейсеры в World of Warships. Дневники разработчиков № 14 - Duration: 8:31.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Urban Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Urban Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 Ambition - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 Ambition - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Style Nightpakket Panoramadak - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Style Nightpakket Panoramadak - Duration: 1:02.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION, Automaat, Urban, Licht en zichtpakket Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION, Automaat, Urban, Licht en zichtpakket Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 1:02.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d Ambition Style, Automaat, Style pakket Stoelverwarming, Licht en Zichtpa - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180d Ambition Style, Automaat, Style pakket Stoelverwarming, Licht en Zichtpa - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BLUEEFFICIENCY BUSINESS CLASS, Navigatie / Bluetooth / Half leder/ 17" Ve - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BLUEEFFICIENCY BUSINESS CLASS, Navigatie / Bluetooth / Half leder/ 17" Ve - Duration: 0:56.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 250e Electric Drive Lease Edition RANGE PLUS - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 250e Electric Drive Lease Edition RANGE PLUS - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Style - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Style - Duration: 0:43.


ARTUR DUTKIEWICZ TRIO "Traveller". Premiera już wkrótce - Duration: 2:11.

The newest album will be about travels.

It will be called "Traveller".

It will be about external and internal travels.

We travel our whole life

from the very first breath

until the last one.

We try to communicate this with sounds

into eternity

into unknown space

which is always present in any given moment

and this moment, in which improvised music is born

is synonymous with eternity.

For me this album is about life.

Life is a constant travel

for me.

This album is about that.


Album release: April 21 2017

Premiere concert: April 23 2017

Polish National Radio III Music Studio

Warsaw, Poland

video: Andrzej Michałowski Fotogram

For more infomation >> ARTUR DUTKIEWICZ TRIO "Traveller". Premiera już wkrótce - Duration: 2:11.


Les yeux émeraude du Bélier d'or de l'hôtel de Masseran - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Les yeux émeraude du Bélier d'or de l'hôtel de Masseran - Duration: 4:56.


IS IT GOOD (So Far)? - Persona 5 - Duration: 3:57.

Persona 5 is a fun and extremely well polished turn based dungeon crawler with life simulation

elements and a very superficial yet satisfying stealth element.

Granted, that probably describes all the post-PS1 Persona games, but the style here is really

a step above what I had experienced before.

Alright, up front and center, I only played about 15 hours of this game.

Moreover, I played the Japanese version and because I was legitimately interested in the

story, I probably took about three times as long to get as far as I did because I had

to keep google translating any bit of dialogue that looked mildly important.

I do have an English copy of the game coming, and I hope I can have a full review of that

out in the near future - but you know how YouTube works.

If you don't have the video out the week of release if not the day, you might as well

not bother.

So what have I got to say about P5?

First, if you've never played a Persona game before - Persona 5 is a Japanese Role-Playing

Game where you take control of a Japanese high school student.

You go to school - granted it just fast-forwards through it outside of drama so no worrying

about doing homework - take up part time jobs, have fun around the city, hang out with friends

to build relationships, whatever.

However, the bulk of the game is going to be spent dungeon crawling in parallel worlds.

Everything you do in the life sim parts directly or at least indirectly affect how powerful

and efficient you'll be as a cool walking no talking Phantom Thief.

This has been the crux of the series at least since Persona 3 and it's been chizzled to

a razor sharp edge in this entry.

If you have played previous Persona games, then I'm happy to report - SO FAR - this

might be my favorite in the series.

One thing I gotta give props for is how in brings in a lot of elements from all the previous

Persona games, at least that I've played, and makes them work well.

For example, Negotiations and Guns from the original Persona returns, which is great as

these are elements I had wanted to see make a comeback.

I get an Ocean's Eleven vibe from this game.

Part of it's gonna be the fact you are controlling a cool collection of high stakes thieves,

but another is that I know people are going to say it's "style over substance."

I'd have to disagree; just like with Ocean's, the style IS the substance.

The dungeon crawling has a stealth mechanic to it that is, in all honesty, very superficial.

It's not much different from the previous games where you'd just run up behind a shadow

and poke it in the back to start a fight with a slight advantage.

However, the style that masks that simplified Solid Snaking is delicious enough that I honestly

don't care.

It's really satisfying.

Similarly, the presentation behind all out attacks, victory screens, escaping dungeons

and even just loading screen feels you with a sense of "Yeah, I am a bit of a bad ass."

Speaking of which, I gotta say I'm quite enjoying the main character.

Just like all the previous games, he's a silent protagonist.

However, while the other protags were calm, cool and level-headed leaders, "Joker"

is a delinquent and he seems to be loving every minute of it.

Even just the menu screens give you a great sense of his general devil may care attitude.

The rest of the characters are great too.

They all feel a lot more grounded and relatable than previous games.

Even Morgana is a character I really enjoyed, a far cry from P4's Teddie who I could only

handle in small doses.

The battle system is... good.

I mean, it's typical JRPG fair.

Like with all of the MegaTen and Persona games, exploiting weaknesses and covering your own

is extremely important to success.

Hammering the attack button each turn is not going to get you very far at all, actually,

even in the first dungeon.

With each character having melee weapons, guns and at least one Persona, boredom prevention

is not entirely necessary thanks to the variety.

A note, though - SP recovery is a very serious concern.

You WILL have to answer this.

Items that give you SP recovery are very rare and hard to come by and running out of SP

will clip you at the heels when it comes to dungeon crawling, grabbing new Persona or

just grinding for loot and levels.

Previous Persona games were very generous with SP, so seriously, keep that in mind.

So, is Persona 5 good?

So far, yeah, I've been enjoying it.

I've only skimmed the surface so far, though, so hopefully I can give everyone a more complete

picture sometime on the horizon.

In the meantime, I hope I filled you in; thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> IS IT GOOD (So Far)? - Persona 5 - Duration: 3:57.


The Sisters of Mercy - Temple of Love (Official Music Video with lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.

R.I.P. Ofra Haza November 19, 1957 - February 23, 2000

In the temple of love you hide together Believing pain and fear outside

But someone near you rides the weather And the tears he cried will rain on walls

As wide as lovers eyes

In the temple of love: Shine like thunder In the temple of love: Cry like rain

In the temple of love: Hear the calling In the temple of love: Hear my name

With the sunlight died and night above me With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain inside

You run for cover in the temple of love You run for another it's all the same

For the wind will blow and throw your walls aside

With the fire from the fireworks up above With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain

You run for cover in the temple of love I shine like thunder cry like rain

And the temple grows old and strong But the wind blows longer cold and long

And the temple of love will fall before This black wind calls my name to you no more

In the black sky thunder sweeping Underground and over water

Sounds of crying weeping will not save Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar

All your prayers must seem as nothing Ninety-six below the wave

When stone is dust and only air remains

In the temple of love: Shine like thunder In the temple of love: Cry like rain

In the temple of love: Hear the calling And the temple of love is falling down

For more infomation >> The Sisters of Mercy - Temple of Love (Official Music Video with lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.


ALFAJORES DE MAICENA - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> ALFAJORES DE MAICENA - Duration: 3:01.



today I'm going to show you how to use

PSP mockups to turn your designs into

stunning portfolio additions

what is up people, Tom with Satori Graphics back

again is another graphic design tips

video today I walk you through as I add

a new project to my graphic design

portfolio website and I will show you

how to turn your designs in the stunning

portfolio additions the goal here is to

showcase your desk work and an easy and

effective way to follow along as I add a

new project to my portfolio there are so

many websites that have valuable free

mock-ups that you can use i like to

browse graphic burger personally but you

can google search something like PSD

mock-up free downloads and you'll be met

with heaps of results so as you can see

in graphic burger here there are nice

selection of things we can use and we

can even search something like branding

and see what comes up then

when you have downloaded your mock-up

simply if any of the day before the

shelf as you can see each object has its

own folder in the layer menu and if you

click this drop-down arrow here you can

browse each layer with them on the layer

that says add your design here I will

click it open a new window in this new

window you should put the design for the

object you want to work on so I'm going

to go to illustrator to get my logo i

designed for a client last month and

place it in the layer before deleting

the original one you then save the

design in temporary files which should

be the default location when you go back

to your mock-up it will be in place I

will show you that one more time with

the tag here if you are clear on how to

do this move to the time stamp in the


as you can see I have edited every

possible file with the logo i designed

as well as created a business card with

different mock-ups design I will try to

put the link so these mock-ups in the

description below I'm going to create a

new canvas that will be my branding

conversation for my portfolio edition

I'd like to make it at 1000 pixels with

i'm going to use four thousand

particular men you can change this later

however is too sure

I'm going to slice everything from the

mock-up and transfer a day there was a

kind of Ted of story along design from

top to bottom there are many layers in

the fake so it might be slow and lag a

bit at the star

I wouldn't have the logo at the top and

half the background stretch out to give

a nice heterocycle portfolio edition

again taking my lady design firm

illustrate and bring any with the


I'm going to load the PTT or change the

blend mode to something like overlay so

here's the final quote for the addition

file and then once added it to my

Squarespace site this is what it looks

like I'm very bad at website design and

it's not something I work in I don't

like code or anything like that so I use

sites such as Squarespace to design my

website easily I probably add more to

this later I make it longer than it is

now for today's video i just wanted to

show you the process I go through make

graphic design portfolio additions so

let me know in the comment section below

if you enjoyed this video on how to turn

your designs into stunning portfolio

additions using mockups Phidias smash

that like button and subscribe for

future videos if you haven't been

already until next time there's only

future today is



2017年N-ONE波乱の オートポリス 決勝再スタート 2位 - Duration: 23:23.

For more infomation >> 2017年N-ONE波乱の オートポリス 決勝再スタート 2位 - Duration: 23:23.


For more infomation >> 2017年N-ONE波乱の オートポリス 決勝再スタート 2位 - Duration: 23:23.


Картофельная запеканка с грибами – Коллекция Рецептов - Duration: 4:43.

Potato casserole with mushrooms - Collection of Recipes

If you get in the way of subtitles - turn them off!

Hello! My name is Dina. And I'm glad that you are on the "Recipe Collection" channel again.

It's no secret that the recipes for cooking potato dishes are great

And today we will cook a delicious, delicate and fragrant potato casserole with mushrooms.

The recipe and the very preparation of this dish are quite simple and now you will see everything yourself.

For my casserole, I used a refractory oval shape measuring 25x35 cm.

For a casserole of this size, we will need:

• 1.3 kg of potatoes • 800 gr. Mushrooms

• 3 onions • 3 eggs

• 2 tablespoons Sour cream • 50 ml. Cream

• 50 gr. Butter • 2 cloves of garlic

• 30 ml. Vegetable oil • salt and pepper

For the preparation of potato casserole potatoes are cleaned,

If the tubers are large - cut and put into a saucepan, add salt,

Pour boiling water, set on a plate and cook until fully prepared.

In the meantime, the potatoes are brewed, we prepare the products for the mushroom filling.

We cut the onion with an average cube and while we set it aside.

Now we cut the mushrooms, which must first be washed and let completely drain the water.

In this recipe you can use any mushroom in fresh or frozen form, I have fresh mushrooms.

Chop the garlic, as we will fry it, it is better to cut it with a knife.

Products are prepared, go to the stove to make a mushroom filling.

We set the frying pan on the stove, pour the vegetable oil, pour the onion and fry until golden brown.

Onion lightly fried, add the garlic, mix well and fry it together with onions for one minute.

Then we pour the mushrooms into the frying pan, mix and stir until fully cooked.

The mushrooms will give the juice, and as soon as it evaporates, the mushrooms will begin to brown (after 10-15 minutes), add salt, pepper and sour cream.

Mushroom mix well and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

Try filling the salt, if necessary, salt.

The mushroom filling is ready, put it into a separate bowl, so that it is slightly cooled.

Meanwhile, the potatoes were cooked, we poured the broth from it and crushed it into mashed potatoes.

Add a little cream,

A piece of butter (leave a little oil to lubricate the mold),

Pour out the eggs and mix the mass thoroughly until smooth.

The third part of the mashed potatoes is put in a confectioner's bag with a jagged nozzle and while we remove it to the side.

The form in which we will prepare a casserole, we grease with a soft butter,

Lay out most of the potato mass and distribute it evenly.

On a potato an equal layer we spread slightly cooled down mushroom stuffing.

Over the mushroom filling we make the border.

We put the mashed potatoes from the pastry bag on the edge of the mold and in the center of the casserole in the form of a mesh.

We send our casserole to the oven, heated to a temperature of 180-190 ° C, and bake it until ready.

In my case, it took 40 minutes, the casserole is completely ready, we get it.

The casserole turned out to be extraordinarily aromatic, with a very delicate mashed potatoes, tasty mushroom filling and a mouth-watering ruddy crust.

And while the casserole has not cooled down, I invite everyone to the table and wish you a pleasant appetite!

If you liked this dish - put your finger up! Share this recipe with your friends and leave a comment!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel - "Recipe Collection" and click on the bell to receive notifications of new videos.

Link on the screen and in the description.

I have other recipes for delicious casseroles on the channel, see them if you have not seen them yet.

Dean was with you. To new meetings, to new delicious recipes!


For more infomation >> Картофельная запеканка с грибами – Коллекция Рецептов - Duration: 4:43.


For more infomation >> Картофельная запеканка с грибами – Коллекция Рецептов - Duration: 4:43.


Test BEATS X 2017 FR 🎧 - Duration: 7:53.

Salut à tous bienvenue dans ce test

Et aujourd'hui je vais tester les beats X de chez Beats

Et du coup de chez Apple (Beats est racheté pas Apple)

For more infomation >> Test BEATS X 2017 FR 🎧 - Duration: 7:53.


For more infomation >> Test BEATS X 2017 FR 🎧 - Duration: 7:53.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 320i Executive M-Sport Automaat-6 Prof. Navi/ Sportstoelen/ Xenon - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 320i Executive M-Sport Automaat-6 Prof. Navi/ Sportstoelen/ Xenon - Duration: 1:02.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 318I CORPORATE LEASE M SPORT EDITION, Xenon / Navigatie / 18" Velgen / Panoramad - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 318I CORPORATE LEASE M SPORT EDITION, Xenon / Navigatie / 18" Velgen / Panoramad - Duration: 1:02.


Volkswagen Passat 1.4TSI 150PK CNG VAR COMFORTL. 545.00.- p/m All-inclusive Lea - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat 1.4TSI 150PK CNG VAR COMFORTL. 545.00.- p/m All-inclusive Lea - Duration: 1:00.


【MUKBANG】 So Risky! Cheese Hamburger Rice Bowl [600g Cheese]+ Miso Soup, 8Kg 13941kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 6:04.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Change font size color and transparency via options menu)

So, Today! tadaa I've made hamburger sauce (~lit pourable hamburger)

hamburger usually has a shape doesn't it? but instead today I've made it into a sauce to pour

over this 7 cups of rice here and its also got my favourite thing as well....

do y'all know what it is? ~awww you don't know?~

K, lets see how its made

this is how its made: first mince some onion

add butter, salt and sugar to carrots wrap it up and in a 600W microwave for 2 minutes

with that we'll make a glace sauce add some of your fav mixed veggies, I've got here some

broccoli and young corn with some cauliflower add butter and salt to it and microwave it as well

add oil to a pan and make some sunny side up eggs

K, I've made 10 of them

cook onion till its translucent

add some meat, I've got 2kg here

flavor with salt and pepper

tadaa now add some demi glace sauce to it

since I've got a sweet tooth I'm going to add a bit of sugar to add extra depth

once it comes to a simmer I'll add 600g of cheese

once the cheese has melted it is complete

tadaa prep your rice, today I'll be eating 7 cups

and add our veggies that we heated with butter broccoli, baby corn, asparagus, and the carrots

and to this pour the sauce we made earlier on top

I don't think I'll be able to add it all here

ahh so much cheese

and to this add the eggs we made earlier tadaa its done


and 1 kg of tofu miso soup

lets see how much this weighs

ohhh its quite a bit actually.. w/o the bowl its 5.5 kg

its been a while since I had 5Kg of food

I had a feeling this would turn out great

itadakimasu ahhh check it out the cheese is so stringy

the demi glace sauce has sort of mellowed out the burger and then it covers all this rice... ~thats just describing the meal~

I'll now break some of the yolks

luv this stuff

~so happy~ ~its the 'bestest'~ ~tastes so great~

the richness of the eggs when combined with the sauce elevates the flavors of the dish

I love the bit of mouthfeel the sweet minced onion gives when you bite down on them

this stuff is the bomb dot com I can totes eat like 100 cups of rice with this

and here's some glace carrots ~I love glace carrots so much~

it tastes so great with the butter and since I wasn't able to add all the sauce at once

I had to transfer the remnants to another bowl I'll now add the rest to this here

tadaa, here's the kitty cat bowl that I hasn't been in my videos lately

I'll weigh this sauce later and total it up 1.5kg

for curries and stuff like this its way better when drenched in plenty of sauce

I'll add all of it now

wooo... kind of reminds me of a mapo tofu well a mapo tofu without any tofu or any spice...

I'm kinda liking this deal with adding sauce afterwards I'm feeling like its a neverending bowl of food

its been a while since I last felt that special feeling like I'm really eating a whole lotta food

just when I was feeling like I had a bit too much sauce ....

now that I'm getting to the tail end of the meal I'm finding I'm running out of sauce....

life's not fair :-(

its so tough balancing out these portions

last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

this hamburger sauce was so delish I was able to make so much it was very filling

since the sauce today was on the sweet side ~well it was due to me adding all the sugar~

and to that we added the Boil~ ~no they weren't boiled~

the sunny side up eggs with salt and pepper

since it was a bit salty it really paired nicely with the sauce

the glace carrots were exceedingly delish

this was so delish and so very filling won't you all give it a try?

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 So Risky! Cheese Hamburger Rice Bowl [600g Cheese]+ Miso Soup, 8Kg 13941kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 6:04.


서든어택랜덤무기리뷰 파마스+아나콘다 조합?? 듀오편 [서든어택꿀잼라포TV][Suddenattack] - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> 서든어택랜덤무기리뷰 파마스+아나콘다 조합?? 듀오편 [서든어택꿀잼라포TV][Suddenattack] - Duration: 8:40.


Opel KARL 1.0 ECOFLEX 55KW EDITION - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 ECOFLEX 55KW EDITION - Duration: 0:57.


March Wrap-Up | Sew Many Books - Duration: 17:08.

hi guys I'm Lizzie and welcome to my

channel sew many books and today's a book

talking video so I asked on my Twitter

what sort of videos you like seeing so

that I could kind of get a feeling for

the content that I should be creating

and still really feeling out and really

grateful that there are 112 of you

actually think more than that now 121

there's subscribe and want to watch some

of the weird stuff I talk about so today

I'm going to talk about my March wrap up

so the books that I read and also the

ones I'm reading it compared to some

months it's been a little slower on my

reading and as you'll see he compared it

back to my september one which was like

20 minutes long which is kind of why

never dish another one because I was

like no one is going to watch this this

is ridiculous let's deal with why a

first on the twenty-fifth of march i did

a really cool event at Uxbridge library

which recalled the power 3 with Samantha

Shannon Melinda Salisbury and Lucy Saxon

you might notice my earrings there the

power of three which I got for the event

and then never mentioned and I had

already read Mel and Sam's books last

year and you'll know because I've talked

about them in various videos and I

hadn't read book two and three of the

Tellus saga so Lucy Saxon is a

professional cosplayer and like so good

and pure as a person and she writes

these books that are set in the world

Tellus I'll pop a picture of the map up

but it's six continents and each book is

a standalone novel following a famous

person from history. the timelines are not

linear and from each of those countries

so the first book is Take Back the Skies

and follows Cat from Anglya, the second

one is The Almost King which follows

Alecks from Siberene and then The City

Bleeds Gold follows Noah who lives in

Erova and so Siberene is kind of like


and Erova is kind of like Venice Italy

like the main the main place is

definitely fantasy and I really like

these books I think Lucy's got great

imagination and there's The Almost King

King in a similar way to Take Back the

Skies has a lot in about Skyships and

flying and select pirate ships that have

wings and the almost king follows a guy

who just makes a lot of bad decisions

constantly and tries really hard but

he's just terrible and he's the younger

sibling of a family and he desperately

wants to carve out his own mark a lot

goes wrong for him and then the city

bleeds gold which is her third one is I

think her best and i love her the two

but this is just next-level shit so Noah

is a vigilante for this town Talon and

he spends his time as Daniel and he like

takes down gangsters and he protects the

poor people but at the same time he's

Noah and engaged to the princess and

like pretty fancy and books about him

trying to balance these two identities

but he needs to stop being Daniel soon

because he's gonna marry princess but

also he can't stop being Daniel until

he's taken down this mob boss it's

really good and really exciting and I

feel like the characters are really

exciting I think Noah is a really

interesting person and that split

between who what is now or what is

Daniel is really interesting and the

vigilantism reminds me of Lucy's love of

Marvel and superheroes really comes

through also um it's set at the backdrop

of this carnival happening which you can

see on the cover and everyone's got

these amazing brass masks in it so that

was really fun and we left like drains

and embarrassed salma lot so I read Gino

Dawson's new book Margot and me it's

actually only the second juna book I've

read the first one I read was all of the

above in January and I

quite liked it like you don't often get

and love stories about bisexual people

where that openly bisexual and it's

talked about and that was really cool I

love this juno said that when she was

writing at her aim as with all her

thought her books is to create a feeling

in the person and the feeling she wanted

to create was that cozy under the cover

sunday afternoon sad have a little cry

and feel heartwarming and she really

knocked it out the park with margot me i

was so impressed as a welsh person i

also really appreciated all the welsh

isms in it so basically it's about

godless whose mother has had cancer for

a long time and they go moved to mid

wales so that her mum can just recover

and get better and and they move in with

margot whos her grandmother who's pretty

brusk and difficult and different and

and Fliss is sort of trying to deal with

her life changing and she finds Margo's

diary from when she was a teenager in

the attic and she starts to realize that

she doesn't actually know her

grandmother as well as she thought she

did and starts to fall in love with

young Margot I mean not like like

romantic love I mean like she starts to

realize how much more she's got in

common and this is a really important

novel that talks about wartime and

interracial romances and gay romances

and it's very layered and complex and I

really really enjoyed it so Thank You

Bonnie ASA for sending that to me but is


that's weird I'm gonna pause you wasn't

a pirate it was a peregrine falcon that

was so cruel are just so confused by a

like they're being such a big bird in

this like weird trellis I was like

what's up anyway mark breath I read and

boys don't cry by malorie blackman which

and it's really good story about a boy

who is getting ready to go off to uni

he's waiting for his results on a level

results today the door goes the opens

the door and it's not the postman it's

his ex girlfriend Melanie with a baby

and they chart and it's a bit weird and

then she says she's yours Emma's your

baby and he had no I didn't know she was

pregnant manly just disappeared as with

a lot of Mallory books there's two

points of view every other chap well

sort of every other chapter and with

Dante and Adam his brother who is gay

and it's basically a book about toxic

masculinity and how masculine is she

encourages and forces men really not to

talk about their feelings and how

dangerous that is I was really impressed

with it I read it in just a couple of

hours and I really enjoyed watching

Dante learn to really love his daughter

the last way I read was Georgia peaches

and other forbidden fruit this is a

really beautiful lesbian romance story

about all those people yelling at shih

tzu all sorts of weird stuff happens out

these windows it's about Google Joe who

grew up in Atlanta and she was part of

the gay scene and her best friend is

called Dana who really really wants to

be and Shane from the l word Joe's dad

gets married to his third wife Elizabeth

and they decide to move to Rome in

Georgia which is a small town that she's

lived in her whole life Joseph father's

pasta so a lot of this book is about

religion and faith and being part of

that community while also being queer

the story really kicks off with Joe's

father and new stepmother

asking her to basically put herself back

in the closet for a year and that

argument is that it's not safe to be

openly gay in Rome Georgia and they're

trying to keep us safe and also there's

definitely an element of trying to make

that own lives easier and and she agrees

to it on the basis that her dad who has

a ministry FM sort of thing radio show

she agrees that she'll closet herself if

he gives her her own show and issues

allowed to go on this epic road trip

with Dana at the end of the summer

before college and you know problematic

is it is she thinks hey is a year I can

do it and then she meets Mary Carlson I

really love how in the south everyone

calls each other by their full name I

really like the romance I really really

liked the intricate layers of balancing

faith and queerness and I thought that

was really interesting and actually I'd

love to read more about that be it

fiction or nonfiction and I also really

liked Mary Carson's twin btb who has an

unnamed disability and but he's very

much treated like a fully fleshed-out

character like I didn't particularly

feel he was to stereo typical and um his

obsession with elephants resonated with

me as someone who has been obsessed with

foxes for like their entire life I've

had Claudia ranking second an American

lyric book of poetry core don't let me

be lonely this one is more about mental

health is tough a tough read as with her

first one I really like Claudia rankings

sort of sa style of poetry where it's

it's just written in blocks and then

there's pieces of artwork throughout it

and it feels much more accessible I

think than other types of poetry and I

think it's really really interesting

read about how America views mental

health and also America in a post-911


I really enjoyed Claudia rankings

writing her first one is called citizen

so even if you haven't read much poetry

I recommend picking up don't let me be

lonely and citizen the to an American

limit poetry collections I'm going

really into reading sort of Chinese

American literature Chinese diaspora

literature and I really enjoyed the bank

status daughter this is something I've

been meaning to read for years it

follows a girl called Ruth whose mother

luling is getting quite old and is

showing the early signs of dementia and

before she forgets it luling writes down

her history and her life and Ruth never

really connected with that partly

because her mum's English girls are not

great and I'm so the first bit of the

book is going to know Ruth and Lou them

through her eyes the middle section is

all about luling looks childhood and

growing up in China and having to flee

China and and go into hiding around the

Second World War and afterwards and how

she made it to America and then it goes

back to Ruth and her family reconciling

and finding a new way forward I thought

it was really beautiful I think um if

you like Chinese Cinderella or wild

swans or even do not say we have nothing

and which people have talked about how

difficult it is a book to read I really

enjoyed it it did take me a long time if

you want something that's sort of a

similar vibe to it of like going through

the past and understanding people's

stories in China then this would be a

great one to read as well don't give up

on it do not say we have nothing because

it's a really good book and it's been

nominated for reasons like it's

interesting and layered and I could go

on about it i'm not going to go on by

okay and then over in comic books i read

the secret love of geek girls which is

this really really cool anthology lips

kick-started and it's a mixture of

essays and comics all about geek girls

and who they love on their passions and

the stories are beautiful every

relationship type and sexuality and race

is represented I'm really hoping that

they will do another sort of anthology

like this because I was so impressed by

it the artist beautiful it includes

writing from people like Kelly sue

deconnick Margaret Atwood marico Tamaki

pulling the gamma show that all artists

that I've really loved in terms of being

an essay collection again very

accessible it's not packed with words

and on a day when I wasn't feeling great

I read loads of the comics and then a

day when I was feeling better i read

loads of the stories and so it has a

non-linearity about it that I really

appreciated over in comic books i read

gem 3 which i thought was pretty good

it's not been my favorite one but four

and five are coming out this year this

one was very weird synergy basically

gets a computer virus that makes her

make creepy noises and turns over on

slightly evil so there's really strange

it was good fun I read miss marvel 6

which I enjoyed although I didn't read

the story line from civil war that a lot

of it references but that doesn't matter

too much it's mostly about Carol Danvers

so the original miss marvel who's not a

captain model and tells her to sort of

take part in this like thought crime

thing have being a thought police and

she wants to follow what Carol tells her

because she gave her her suit and she's

her mentor and it's about her sort of

outgrowing that and it was really good I

really enjoyed it snot girl finally came

out and trade paperback at me okay and I

was so happy and I convinced Alice my

friend smoking tofu I just seen her in

the water stains when i picked it up and

I was like you have to get it they've

got it downstairs just come out and I

love Bryan Lee O'Malley writing because

he's just so accurate and me like he

gets to the core of like everyone's

insecurities lottie person is a fashion

blogger in LA and she secretly has a lot

of allergies hunt smoke girl basically

she stopped to make this friends with

this strange super

cool girl who then has an accident in a

bathroom when lot is the only witness

and Lahti think she's dead but she's not

but there's a lot of weird stuff going

on um really really strange stuff in the

meantime her old intern is dating her

ex-boyfriend and has sort of tried to

make a look as like Lottie used to

before the green hair and the boobs and

everything it's really really funny I

was crying a lot and if you like sort of

the blogosphere then you'll really enjoy

the the hardcore cuts on this is by

Leslie hung it's not by Bryan Lee

O'Malley but I think that's quite

exciting I really like Leslie's art and

I think that it you know it's

interesting to see Brian's words with a

different artists because I'm so used to

his signature sort of manga inspired

thick lines style and that he's been

writing this and he has got a new

graphic novel coming out in the next

future at some point about bands I think

I've been trying to piece it together

from an Instagram for like the last two

years not go very far and I'm really

really glad that he's producing because

he's probably one of my favorite hmm

he's probably my favorite comic book

writer and artist yeah he probably is

because I really read his stuff all the

time and just i love it i love how

snarky all it look at this mess behind

me it's just like pile of books have you

read any of them Tommy tell me what you

thought comment below and subscribe I

will be talking about the whole I got

for this month which was big because

people have been generous and I spent

too much money and then I will talk

about and during that video I'll talk

about what I'm going to read next

month's videos bye

For more infomation >> March Wrap-Up | Sew Many Books - Duration: 17:08.


Test BEATS X 2017 FR 🎧 - Duration: 7:53.

Salut à tous bienvenue dans ce test

Et aujourd'hui je vais tester les beats X de chez Beats

Et du coup de chez Apple (Beats est racheté pas Apple)

For more infomation >> Test BEATS X 2017 FR 🎧 - Duration: 7:53.


BMW 6 Serie Gran Coupé 640I Gran Coupe M-Sportpakket - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> BMW 6 Serie Gran Coupé 640I Gran Coupe M-Sportpakket - Duration: 0:42.


SCHENKER F516 BUSINESS Laptops: m.2 Sata - Duration: 2:23.

Turn the notebook over and carefully lay on it's lid

Undo all the screws holding down the CPU and the HDD cover

Always disconnect the battery from the device before carrying out any work

Carefully push the assembly in the slot at a 45 degree angle

and screw in if required

For more infomation >> SCHENKER F516 BUSINESS Laptops: m.2 Sata - Duration: 2:23.


SCHENKER F526 BUSINESS Laptops: m.2 Sata - Duration: 4:16.

Turn the notebook over and carefully lay on it's lid

Undo all the screws holding down the CPU and the HDD cover

Always disconnect the battery from the device before carrying out any work

Carefully push the assembly in the slot at a 45 degree

angle and screw in if required

For more infomation >> SCHENKER F526 BUSINESS Laptops: m.2 Sata - Duration: 4:16.


SCHENKER B516; M505; M506 BUSINESS Laptops: m.2 SATA - Duration: 1:59.

Turn the notebook over and carefully lay on it's lid

Undo all the screws holding down the CPU and the HDD cover

Always disconnect the battery from the device before carrying out any work

Carefully push the assembly in the slot at a 45 degree angle and

screw in if required

For more infomation >> SCHENKER B516; M505; M506 BUSINESS Laptops: m.2 SATA - Duration: 1:59.


Stop with this! It's not your job! - Duration: 3:14.


Many parents complain

that they need to nag their kids to do their homework

To endlessly remind them

and sometimes even bribe them

or threaten with a punishment so they will do it

They complain about how exhausting this is

I say

you have no one to blame

but yourself

Excuse me?!

Did someone hire me to be the secretary of my kid??

Why the heck I'm supposed to remind him

to do his duties?

Or maybe someone gave me the work

of a homework police?

I don't remember anyone offering me

the benefits and the retirement package of a policeman

I'm a mother! Not a policeman!

I can't even retire…

I'm so done

for so long ago

with being responsible

for doing homework

And I have No intention

what so ever

to get back to this

I will ask my child if he had any homework

as part of a "how was your day?" conversation

and I will help him if he asks me to

But this is it

I'm a mother!

I have tons of stuff to be responsible for

Why would I want to take on myself

also the responsibilities of my kids?

No, really!

So what if they are my kids?!

this is still THEIR responsibility to do THEIR homework!

How exactly

do you want to teach your child

to be a responsible person

if you don't let him

to be responsible?!

And let's say

one time, or two or more

he will not do his homework

Then what?

Let me guess!

The sky will crumble and fall!

The Ten Plagues will attack you!

The worst that will happen

if your child doesn't make his homework

is that he will actually learn

to deal with the consequences

of his own descisions and acts

So the severe consequences

of not doing homework

are what?

a red mark in his notebook?

a lowered grade?

Do you think he can survive getting one of those?..

Then let it happen!

Believe it or not

but meeting the real world expectations

is a much better motivator than you are!

Because you are a lousy motivator

You're just an annoying nagging mom…

But a little failure

here and there

can actually lead your kid

to be a more resilient

and capable child

and adult

So stop being the homework police

and stop complaining

about doing things you're not supposed to do anyway

so here

No more homework for mommy!

one task less! more free time! for you!

I hope you liked my video

please hit the thumbs up

and you're welcome to subscribe to my channel

bye bye!

For more infomation >> Stop with this! It's not your job! - Duration: 3:14.


Xolo_kings_Art306 - Duration: 0:07.


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