Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 7 2017

- More facts are coming your way.

Let's do this thing.

Here are 50 amazing facts to blow your mind.

The seawater in Boston Harbor in Massachusetts Bay

has been found to contain caffeine.

Although tiny, the traces are there.

140 to 1,600 nanograms in the Boston Harbor

and 5.2 to 71 nanograms in Massachusetts Bay.

According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention,

on average people who smoke die 10 years earlier

than non-smokers.

And every person who dies because of smoking,

at least 30 people live with a serious

smoking related illness.

Jell-O is made from gelatin that is produced by boiling

the bones, skin, and hides of animals such as cows and pigs.

People have been eating it since 1897,

and it accounts for about 80% of the gelatin market.

Abraham Lincoln was in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.

He had an awesome physical size at six foot four,

was widely known for his wrestling skills,

and had only one reported defeat in a dozen years.

It was the beard and the top hat, I'm tellin' you.

It's a good character.

Echidnas have a four-headed penis.

Also known as spiny anteaters, they don't even use

their penis to urinate and it only leaves the body

during an erection.

The golden silk orb weave spider's web is so strong

that it can capture a bird, and then it eats the bird.

Marigolds and other plants that contain the pigment

Xanthophyll are added to chicken feed to make

their egg yolks appear more orange.

In Peru, fried or roasted guinea pig is considered

a delicacy.

Known as cuy, it's been a staple in Peru's diet

for around 5,000 years.

The Aztec people often used cocoa beans as currency.

Argyria is a condition which turns a person's skin

a bright blue color.

It's caused by chronic exposure to silver.

A California man named Paul Karason developed this

by using a special silver-based preparation

to treat a skin condition and drinking colloidal silver,

a product that consists of silver particles suspended

in liquid.

In 1998, construction worker Travis Bogumill

was accidentally shot with a nail gun that drove

a 3.25-inch nail into his skull.

The nail lodged in the area of the brain that

typically involves processing math.

He was completely fine after the nail was removed,

except his math skills weren't what they used to be.

In the year 1900, inventor Ludwig Ederer invented

an alarm mechanism that was built into your bed.

When you set the alarm to a specific time,

the bed rose to a 45-degree angle and tipped you out of bed.

It didn't catch on.

In the 1800s, researchers found one of the first ever

iron maidens in a castle in Nuremberg, Germany.

An iron maiden is a device of torture where the person

is put inside a sarcophagus with spikes

on the inner surface.

When the doors were closed, the spikes would puncture

several organs, including their eyes, but not deep enough

to kill them, just deep enough that they would

bleed to death over several hours.

Yahoo was originally called Jerry's Guide

to the World Wide Web after one of its creators, Jerry Yang.

It was officially incorporated on March 2nd, 1995,

and was pretty awesome until Google came around.

In 1881, dentist Alfred Southwick got the idea

for the electric chair after witnessing a freak accident

when an intoxicated man died after he accidentally touched

a live generator terminal.

The barreleye fish has a completely transparent head.

It inhabits depths of around 2,000 feet to 2,600 feet

where the darkness approaches absolute black.

Some insects smell with their genitalia.

There's a genetic disease called fish odor syndrome

where a person excretes an excess of chemical

called TMA in their urine, sweat, and breath

that causes them to smell like rotting fish.

The average person has two million sweat glands.

The parliament of Iceland is the oldest still-acting

parliament in the world.

It was founded back in 930 A.D.

Political gatherings typically lasted for two weeks in June,

which was a period of uninterrupted daylight

and nice weather.

The Maya found slightly crossed eyes beautiful.

Parents of babies would actually hang objects like stones

right between their baby's eyes to try to get them

to go cross-eyed.

Lyme disease got its name because it was first recognized

back in 1975 when researchers found that a large number

of children in Lyme, Connecticut were being diagnosed

with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

A group of porcupines is aptly named a prickle.

In 2015, Apple recovered 2,200 pounds of gold

from recycled iPhones, iPads, and Macs.

That's worth over $40 million.

Gold is frequently used in consumer electronics

because it's highly averse to corrosion

and an excellent conductor of electricity.

And while silver is actually the best conductor,

it corrodes more easily.

In ancient Olympics, women were not allowed to compete,

and married women weren't even allowed to be in the stands

to watch.

Only young women and virgins were permitted.

Fathers brought their daughters in hopes that they would

marry one of the champions.

Brazilian police on Marajo island ride water buffalo

when they patrol instead of horses.

All Starbucks coffee shops in Saudi Arabia

have a gender wall.

It separates single men from women and families.

There's a Starbucks at CIA headquarters

in Langley, Virginia, where workers undergo

an intense background check before they're hired,

and they aren't allowed to put customers' names

on any of the cups.

And believe it or not, it's one of the busiest Starbucks

in the country.

Most Bolivian families have a dried llama fetus

under the foundation of their houses for luck.

They're most commonly found at Bolivia's witch's market

where you can also find toad talismans, owl feathers,

and stone amulets.

Austrian inventor Valentin Vodev has invented

a scooter slash stroller hybrid.

With the click of a button, the stroller transforms

into a scooter and can travel as fast as 10 miles per hour.

The coconut crab grows over three feet long and is not only

the largest land crab but is also the largest anthropod,

the group that includes that insects, spiders,

and crustaceans.

Okay, this is some Jumanji stuff.

Most meteors are actually the size of a grain of sand

and disintegrate in the air.

The larger ones that actually reach the Earth

are called meteorites and are very rare.

Believe it or not, green bell peppers are just less mature,

less ripe versions of red, orange, and yellow peppers.

Back in 2007, a priest was arrested for stalking

late night talk show host Conan O'Brien.

He was writing threatening notes on parish letterhead,

contacting his parents, and showing up at his studio.

He referred to himself as "your priest stalker."

That's creepy.

The stop sign originated in Detroit, Michigan,

back in 1915 and was originally black lettering

on a white background.

Then it was black lettering on a yellow background

before it was finally red and white.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia means the morbid fear

of long words.

Jupiter is the fourth-brightest object in our solar system.

Only the sun, moon, and Venus are brighter.

It is one of the five planets that you can see from Earth

with the naked eye.

The pink fairy armadillo is the smallest specie

of armadillo.

It is a mere four inches long

and weighs about a hundred grams.

Also, it's pink.

In Las Vegas, an average of five to seven adults

is reported missing every day and more than 200 a month.

40 to 50 million years ago, Antarctica's climate

was very similar to modern day California's.

If you leave towels, chairs, or sun umbrellas overnight

to save a spot on busy Italian beaches,

officials will take what you left behind and fine you

about $220 to get your property back.

The very last McDonald's hamburger and fries in Iceland

is on display at a bus hostel in Reykjavik right now.

You can even watch real-time footage of it

over a live stream.

A man purchased it back in October 30th of 2009,

and it's still on display.

In South Korea, if you win gold at the Asian Games

or any medal at the Olympics, you are exempt

from the country's military service,

which is mandatory for able-bodied males.

The walnut-sized male blanket octopus tears off

the tentacles of passing Portuguese man o' war jellyfish

as a defense mechanism.

Tigers have a retinal adaptation that reflects light

back to the retina, which makes their night vision

six times better than humans'.

According to the Death Penalty Information Center,

since 1973, 156 people have been exonerated

and freed from death row.

There is a Switzerland-based company that for a measly

$29,000 will name your baby for you.

You know, just in case you weren't capable

of naming it Sally or Apple or something.

Kamikaze or exploding ants from southeast Asia

kill themselves when under threat.

They have a toxic substance in their heads

and in two large glands on the sides of their bodies

that are filled with poison.

Under threat they literally explode their heads

or rupture their bodies to spray the poison

to cover the predator.

In medieval times, bras were called breast bags.

The 2016 Olympics in Rio was the first time

in Olympic history that South American country

had hosted the games.

And those were more 50 amazing facts.

I hope you enjoyed this.

I appreciate you guys coming by today.

Thank you so much.

Remember to come back on Monday and every weekday

at exactly 3:00 p.m. eastern standard time

because I'll have brand new video for you.

Have a fantastic weekend, I'll see you then.

For more infomation >> 50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! #68 - Duration: 10:02.


Let your DONG Flag Fly! -- DONG - Duration: 4:43.

Hey my name's Michael and your watching the DONG channel here on Youtube.

I have been traveling the country with Brain Candy live. It has been amazing. I've met hundreds of you

every night and it makes me realize how much you all

A crunchy DONG, something you can do online now guys.

Put your hands in the air and Flag Waver like ya just don't care.

Cuz this site is a lot of fun.

You can either upload a file or paste a URL of an image and watch it flow in the wind.

There are a few factors to change up like whether the wind is on or off.

You can even choose where it waves from.

Hey look at my DONG flag flapping around.

What a beauty.

It looks good waving from the right, left, top, and Bottom…

North Carolina, Netherlands, and Netherlands Antilles.

These are the three places in the world called Bottom. gives you the chance

to see locations in the world that share a common city name.

Where are you from?

I'm going to assume you're from Planken, Liechtenstein because it has a whopping population of less than

500 people.

Oh look there are four places in the world named Planken.

Two in Belgium, one in Liechtenstein, and one in Germany, which of course is not near the North

or South Pole. Those poor poles get treated so poorly by the Mercator projection.

But on Mercator Extreme, you can give them better treatment.

You can avoid cutting off thousands of miles short of the poles which is the case in normal Mercator

projections, by using this map to display the infinite magnitudinal distortion as you look

further away from the equator.

If you write in the coordinates of the South Pole this feature of the map is kind of...well it's not great

because it's difficult to detect distortion when looking at an abyss of ice.

However, if you plug in somewhere like Nairobi, Kenya this distortion becomes much more evident.

Look at the sizes of the houses and buildings closer to the equator, and now look at them

closer to your chosen location.

These are some big buildings.

In fact even bigger than spain...but of course not in real life. That's just an effect of the map's distortion.

Zoom in and then out to see the distorted poles relative to the more accurately sized

objects close to the equator.

Now let's roll this map back into a globe

For which actually looks nothing like the map we just saw.

This site has collected predictions from artists, scientists, and more, and consolidated them


Click on the yellow hexagons to see where cities, objects, and events of the future

are visualized by someone.

White hexagons only show predictions.

For example if you click on this one you can see a prediction that in 2040 there will be

a large amount of new micro-satellites travelling through our solar system.

My prediction is that in the next few seconds you will go to

Spectrum Analyzer which is an interesting way to see harmonics and frequency intensities.

You can select one of these sounds to see it at work.

Now, look at the violin.

You can see that for each fundamental frequency there are many harmonics as represented by

these brighter areas.

The darker colors are indicative of lower decibel frequencies and are more difficult

for your ears to detect.

Other sounds have fewer harmonics like whistling.

You can upload your own sounds as well but in order to accurately read the spectrogram

you'll need an eye for color so go to

Pickr, a difficult game where you have to select the square that is a different color

from the rest.

Starting at level one can lull you into a false sense of security but don't get too

comfortable because as it goes it gets nearly impossible to distinguish.

But if this was easy for you than you'd probably be a great painter.

So check out fluid paint.

This is just like any other painting site.


The site emulates the texture of real paint using a variety of factors.

Lower quality paint makes it look all gloopy.

And look what happens when you set it to low fluidity versus high fluidity.

You can change the bristle count as well as color.

If your painting doesn't look like mine, well that's just because you are as unique as

the robot you choose on

Robo boogie.

Your originality doesn't stop there because you can make him dance however you'd like.

I'm gonna make his head move left to right more powerfully and have his left arm swing

around like this.

Why not have him thrust his hips around too. Excellent!

Now Robo Boogie is a little known DONG but if you want to

visualize larger DONGs go to Icons of the Web.

Here you can type in the URL of websites and see how popular they are by their size.

Links to all DONGs can be found in the description down below.

Please subscribe for more DONGs and as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Let your DONG Flag Fly! -- DONG - Duration: 4:43.


SpaceX Reused a Rocket! - Duration: 4:51.

SpaceX seems like they're always in the news, whether it's for landing rockets or

exploding rockets or planning to send people to the Moon.

But this week, they accomplished another first in the history of spaceflight: They're the

first private company to ever reuse a rocket big enough to send things into orbit.

And if they can keep doing it, the cost of getting to space could drop by a lot over

the next few decades.

It costs tens of thousands of dollars for every kilogram you send into space.

But a lot of that price tag doesn't go toward fuel, like you might expect.

Building rockets is expensive, and each flight generally gets a brand-new one.

The only program to reuse orbital-strength rockets was the Space Shuttle, and it still

didn't reuse all of its parts — it needed a new one of those giant orange external tanks

for every flight.

But back in 2015, SpaceX started trying to land rockets' first stages, the biggest

and most expensive part of the rocket, on drone ships out in the ocean.

There were a couple of early failures, but since then, they've had a pretty solid track

record of landing rockets exactly where they want to — whether that's on a ship out

in the ocean, or on a launch pad on land.

They still don't land every part of the rocket, but they can recover far more than

any other company has before.

And last week, after months of repairs and safety checks, they refilled a rocket that

landed last April, strapped a communications satellite to the top, and sent it back into


No company's ever reused an orbital-strength rocket before, and they did it less than a

year after the first launch.

In typical SpaceX fashion, they also landed the reused rocket, although they won't be

using it a third time — they're just planning to put it on display.

Again, no one had ever landed a rocket like this before SpaceX did it in 2015, and now

it's becoming this normal, routine thing.

The mission didn't go completely perfectly, though.

For the first time, SpaceX also tried to recover the $6 million payload fairing — the cone

at the top of the rocket where the satellite sits on its way up.

They attached a parachute and some thrusters to help stabilize it on the way down, but

they only got half of it back intact.

Still, not bad for a first try!

SpaceX founder Elon Musk says the next goal is to go from landing to relaunch in less

than 24 hours.

Like a lot of what he says, it's a pretty ambitious target.

But the guy's basically Tony Stark, so I wouldn't doubt him just yet.

SpaceX eventually wants to send humans all the way to Mars.

But even though we've never sent people there, we have sent lots of robotic explorers.

And one of them, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, or MRO, just completed its fifty thousandth

orbit around the Red Planet.

And it's still going strong!

The MRO has accomplished some pretty remarkable things since arriving at Mars back in 2006.

It's photographed over 99 percent of the Martian surface, including high-resolution

shots of about 3 percent.

All those pictures have created incredibly detailed maps that scientists use to watch

for environmental changes over time and to find safe landing targets for rovers like


The high-resolution photos also showed why the Phoenix lander stopped working back in


It might not look too impressive in an image like this, until you remember that the lander

was less than 6 meters across and these pictures were taken from orbit.

Scientists saw that the lander's solar panels were damaged by the Martian winter and fell

off -- something they might never have known for sure without the MRO's eye in the sky.

And speaking of landers and rovers: We wouldn't have heard nearly as much from them without

the MRO.

It can process and transmit data ten times faster than anything else around Mars, so

it acts like a booster for signals between Earth and the rovers and landers all around


Ever marvelled at data sent back by a rover like Curiosity or Opportunity?

You probably have the MRO to thank for it.

And then there are all of the MRO's other scientific instruments, which have revealed

just how diverse Mars's surface is, and how watery it used to be a couple billion

years ago.

Because of the MRO, we also discovered that Mars still isn't completely dry: Back in

2015, MRO was the first spacecraft to detect direct evidence of water flowing on the Martian


And with its instruments working as well as ever, the MRO shows no signs of slowing down.

Just last month, the MRO measured the age of one of Mars's biggest volcanoes, sent

back stunning pictures of a canyon longer than the United States, and watched a pair

of dust storms sweep across the planet.

So 50,000 orbits in, the MRO is still teaching us more about our planetary neighborhood every


Can't wait to see what we learn in the next 50,000!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space News, and thanks especially to our patrons

on Patreon who help make this show possible.

If you want to help us keep making episodes like this, you can go to

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> SpaceX Reused a Rocket! - Duration: 4:51.


Honda CR-V 1.6D Elegance - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 1.6D Elegance - Duration: 0:54.


iZombie | Inside iZombie: Zombie Knows Best | The CW - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> iZombie | Inside iZombie: Zombie Knows Best | The CW - Duration: 1:26.


Peter Sagan's Specialized S-Works Roubaix | Pro Bikes of 2017 | Cycling Weekly - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Peter Sagan's Specialized S-Works Roubaix | Pro Bikes of 2017 | Cycling Weekly - Duration: 2:38.


Mil Mi-28 (Havoc) - Russian Attack Helicopter [Review] - Duration: 6:56.

Mi-28 is able to perform: Nesterov's loop, Immelman's overturn, sideways flight, flight

back, sideways at a speed of up to 100 km / h, turn with angular velocity up to 117

degrees / s, maximum angular velocity of roll more than 100 deg / s.

The Mi-28 (NATO reporting name "Havoc") has a conventional helicopter gunship layout with

the pilot in the rear and gunner in front.

It is armed with a 30-mm trainable cannon housed in a turret under the nose.

Twin 150-round ammunition boxes are co-mounted to traverse, elevate and depress with the

gun itself.

A total of 300 rounds are carried.

The gun is identical to that of Russian BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle and uses the same


This gunship can also carry two pods with 80-mm unguided rockets and 16 anti-tank guided


It is claimed that this helicopter can not be defeated by a single short-range anti-aircraft


Crew compartment is well armored.

It withstands hits from 12.7-mm armor-piercing rounds and 20-mm HE-FRAG rounds.

The Mi-28's cockpit is compatible with night vision goggles; the pilot has a head-up display

and one CRT on which TV imaging can be displayed.

The primary sensor package comprises the optical sights and laser rangefinder in an undernose


The crew are protected by energy-absorbing seats and an emergency escape system allows

the crew to escape safely by parachute.

A hatch in the port side, to the rear of the wing, gives access to the avionics compartment

and a space large enough to accommodate two or three passengers during a combat rescue.

Armament: The Mi-28 is equipped with a chin-mounted

30 mm Shipunov 2A42 autocannon.

The cannon is select fire, and has a dual-feed, which allows for a cyclic rate of fire between

200 rounds per minute to 550 rounds per minute.

Its effective range varies from 1,500 meters for ground vehicles to 2,500 meters for air


Rounds from High Explosive Incendiary to Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot can be used.

Stated penetration for the 3UBR8 is 25 mm of RHA at 1,500 meters.

One common Mi-28 armament are a pair of 8 Ataka missile racks along with 2 B-13L rocket

pods, each able to carry 5 S-13 rockets.

Other rocket options include two B-8 rocket pods, each able to carry up to 20 S-8 rockets.

There are four variants of the Ataka missile for different tasks.

The 9M120 Tandem High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead variant is used against tanks fitted

with Explosive Reactive Armor, its penetrative ability is stated at 800 mm Rolled Homogeneous


The 9M120F Thermobaric variant is used against infantry, buildings, bunkers, and caves.

The 9M120O expanding rod warhead variant is used against other helicopters.

All the variants have a range of 6 km.

The 9M120M improved version has a longer range (8 km) and better penetration.

All of the variants use SACLOS missile guidance.

The S-8 and S-13 rockets used by the Mi-28 are usually unguided.

In the most common configuration, one can expect 40 S-8 rockets or 10 S-13 rockets.

Both rockets have their variants, from HEAT warheads to a Thermobaric warhead.

The S-8 has a shorter range and smaller warhead than the S-13, but compensates with numbers.

Currently, the Russian Air Force are upgrading their S-8 and S-13 rockets to laser guided

missiles with the proposed Ugroza ("Menace") system.

Rockets upgraded under Ugroza would receive designations S-8Kor and S-13Kor, respectively.

In 1994 Russian army funding allowed modification of the first Mi-28A prototype to Mi-28N configuration.

This introduced a mast-mounted MMW Kinzhal V or Arbalet radar, composite rotor blades,

forward-looking infra-red, an electronic flight instrumentation system cockpit, improved armament

options including Igla-V air-to-air missiles and uprated TV3-117VK engines.

The Mi-28N made its first flight in April 1997.

Production commenced in 2005.

Deliveries of the Mi-28N attack helicopters to the Russian Army began in 2006.

However officially it was accepted to service only in 2013.

In 2005, a long-term contract was signed for the supply of 67 Mi-28N helicopters until


In 2005, the Chief of the Russian General Staff, Army General Yuri Baluyevsky, stated

that the main combat helicopter would be the Mi-28N Night Hunter, while the Ka-50 and Ka-52

helicopters were needed for special forces units

The Mi-28NE Night Hunter is an export version.

Mi-28NM is the latest version.

Development of this helicopter was started in 2008.

It has a lot of differences comparing with the Mi-28N.

This version is fully integrated into the data transfer system by all channels, including

video, target position and other data.

Also it is integrated with UAVs.

Mi-28UB is a combat trainer helicopter.

It is based on the Mi-28N.

It can be used for pilot training, however this helicopter retains full combat capability.

Mil also proposes a variant of the Mi-28 for support of amphibious naval assaults.

For more infomation >> Mil Mi-28 (Havoc) - Russian Attack Helicopter [Review] - Duration: 6:56.


Honda CR-V 2.0 Comfort | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0 Comfort | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:55.


Crunchy Cauliflower Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show - Duration: 8:12.

Crunchy Cauliflower Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show

For more infomation >> Crunchy Cauliflower Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show - Duration: 8:12.


Peugeot 2008 1.6 VTI 120 pk Automaat Allure | Leder incl. stoelverw | Navi | JBL | Panodak | PDC v+a - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 1.6 VTI 120 pk Automaat Allure | Leder incl. stoelverw | Navi | JBL | Panodak | PDC v+a - Duration: 1:01.


15 Things You Didn't Know About KRISTEN STEWART! - Duration: 7:30.

15 Things You Didn't Know About Kristen Stewart!


International Success Although many people are familiar with Kristen

Stewart's roles in American films such as the Twilight series, she has also worked on

films outside of the United States.

She appeared in Clouds of Sils Maria, which was filmed in Switzerland and also featured

Juliette Binoche and Chloe Grace Moretz.

In the film, Kristen's character is Binoche's character's assistant, and they wind up

in an intimate relationship.

The film is considered a French-German-Swiss co-production, and was presented at the 2014

Cannes Film Festival and the Toronto International Film Festival.

In February 2015, Kristen won the César Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in

the film.

This made her the first American to be nominated for a César Award in thirty years, and the

first American to ever win.


Short Film Director Kristen Stewart was raised by parents who

were both involved with film.

Her father is a producer, and her mother is a script supervisor.

Since she was nine years old, she aspired to become a director, even though she went

on to become an actress.

This summer, Kristen announced that she is directing her first short film.

The film is called Come Swim, and is based on a poem she wrote several years ago that

developed into a story.

She would not disclose the budget for her film, but she did reveal that her friend will

play the starring role.

Her friend is not an actor, and his last name was not publically disclosed.

Come Swim is being created for Refinery29's ShatterBox Anthology, which will also include

films from 11 other female filmmakers.


Lizzie Borden Project Kristen is set to appear in a film based on

an infamous murder trial.

Lizzie Borden was an axe murderer who was acquitted for her father and stepmother's

murders in 1892.

In the upcoming biopic, Kristen will play the live-in maid for the Borden family.

Her character, Bridget Sullivan is also a key witness to the murders.

The project is currently untitled, features several other recognizable names.


Proud of Twilight In an interview with author Patti Smith for

Interview Magazine, Kristen talked about how proud she was of her work in the Twilight


She received criticism for her role, including being asked if she was ready to take on "real,

serious" assignments.

Although she understands why people would dislike the franchise, she told Smith that

she has very fond memories of working on the films.

She also noted that every film she's worked on contributed to her personal growth, and

that includes the Twilight films.

Starting at age 17, Kristen portrayed Bella Swan in all five Twilight films, which were

based on the four books from the popular book series by the same name (the final book was

divided into two movies).


Bisexual Kristen Stewart was in a highly publicized

relationship with her co-star, Robert Pattinson while the Twilight films were popular.

She went on to date Alicia Cargile, a visual-effects producer.

She wasn't fond of discussing her private life before she started dating women, but

then decided that her acknowledgement of her sexuality could have a positive impact.

Kristen is still trying to figure out what parts of her personal life are worth sharing

with her fans, and what should be kept private.


Struggles with Anxiety Since she was younger, Kristen struggled with

some level of anxiety.

She recalls how she felt at the premiere of her first major film, Panic Room.

During a photoshoot, a photographer asked her to calm down, but she couldn't even

unclench her fists.

Kristen claims that she's always had "high-functioning adrenal glands."

Now, she writes poetry and paints, which calms her down.

Although she has not discussed it in great detail, she also dealt with ADHD.


In The Buff Kristen appeared in a French indie film called

Personal Shopper, which was directed by Oliver Assayas.

She noted that the director didn't acknowledge her nude scenes as different from any other

scenes in the film.

Although she doesn't have an issue with performing without clothes, she thinks Americans

don't appreciate it as much as the French do.

Kristen explains that nudity could add strength to a character by literally and metaphorically

making their whole selves visible.

In particular, she felt that her scene in Personal Shopper shows how lonely her character

is because she's actually talking to a fake person on the phone.


Fan-Fueled Relationship Much to the delight of Twilight fans around

the world, Kristen Stewart dated her co-star, Robert Pattinson for some time.

Their relationship began in 2008, but was not publicized until 2010.

Robert played Edward Cullen, a vampire who is drawn to Bella Swan (played by Kristen),

a typical human in high school.

Kristen felt as though her relationship was being turned into "a product" that was

sold by the media because the fans wanted her to be dating Robert that much.

However, her intention is to present herself as she actually is, regardless of what the

public wants to see or hear.


Jewels for Sale The engagement ring that Kristen Stewart wore

in the Twilight films was sold for $16,800 at an auction.

Over 900 original props from the film series were auctioned at the TCL Chinese Theatre

in Hollywood, but this ring is sentimental to fans of the Twilight series.

Given that the Twilight movie franchise grossed over $500 million, the fan that purchased

the ring got quite the deal.


In Her Closet Kristen Stewart owns three of the same jacket

in her closet.

Her Balenciaga quilted biker jackets are valued at £1,625 each, and she owns them in red,

black, and yellow.

She is also the face of Balenciaga's fragrance.

One thing you won't find in her closet, however, is a pair of heels.

Even though she would prefer to be taller, she won't wear heels.

She has talked about how she likes the look of black slouchy trousers on women.


Dreaming of Japan Japan is Kristen's favorite place in the


Specifically, she likes the Japanese lifestyle and people.

As she told MTV, she thinks the Japanese people "know how to live," and she's never

dealt with anyone in Japan whom she had a "strange, uncomfortable, disrespectful thing"



Also a Musician As it turns out, Kristen Stewart can also


She was discovered when she was 8 years old while she was performing in a school play.

When she portrayed Joan Jett in The Runaways, she recorded some vocal tracks to be used

in the movie.

She also sang on the soundtrack for Into The Wild.

Her favorite song is actually a Joan Jett song- "Love is Pain."

In addition, she plays the acoustic and electric guitar, as well as the trumpet.

In the film, Into The Wild, Kristen played the guitar.

Some of her favorite artists include Green Day, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, The Beatles, and



Half Australian Kristen's mother is an Australian script

supervisor, making Kristen half Australian.

Jules Mann-Stewart is from Maroochydore , Queensland, which is in Australia.

Her Australian heritage influenced the name of her Border Collie (Oz), and one of her

favorite places to visit (Noosa Heads, located in Queensland).


Before Twilight When she was starting out, Kristen Stewart

was an extra in films that her parents were involved with.

She played an uncredited extra in The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, and also had a small nonspeaking

part in the Disney Channel film, The Thirteenth Year.

Kristen appeared in the film, Panic Room with Jodie Foster in 2002.

Her role in that film earned her the Young Artist Award.

After that, she was cast in a thriller in 2003 called Cold Creek Manor.

She also starred alongside Corbin Bleu in the 2004 action comedy Catch That Kid.

At the age of 13, she played Melinda Sordino in the movie, Speak, which is based on the

book by Laurie Halse Anderson.

In the film, Kristen plays a freshman in high school who is raped and then silenced by her


The New York Times praised her for her ability to capture the struggle of her character through

her acting.

Following those successes, she went on to perform in Zathura in 2005, Fierce People

in 2006, and In The Land Of The Women in 2007.


Pole Dancing Kristen learned how to pole dance for her

role in the 2010 movie, Welcome to the Rileys, in which she plays a stripper who is cared

for by James Gandolfini, of The Sopranos fame.

In order to prepare for her role, she visited a strip club in New Orleans, where she practiced

for 2 weeks including dancing on their bar.

To get into the character she ate poorly, smoked a lot, and stayed out of the sun.

For more infomation >> 15 Things You Didn't Know About KRISTEN STEWART! - Duration: 7:30.


THIS IS INSANE - Duration: 7:50.

- If you're ever pulling out your motor or your engine

(grunts) it's probably not a good sign.

(upbeat music)

I've never had this happen before.

Now it has been a while, but do you guys remember

when I was taking this thing up to Jake's house,

I was driving it up the road.

(engine revving)

Jake's house is relatively far away

when it comes to dirt bike travel

and roads and things like that.

So before I do tear into this thing

I just wanna tell you the background story again

just in case you forgot.

I was driving along, the bike was doing relatively well.

(light music)

No knocks, no irritations in the engine,

no inconsistencies, I pulled in the clutch,

I was probably in fourth or fifth gear,

and the bike stalled right out.

(tires skidding)

I tried to drop the clutch

to try to have the back tire spin

and bump start me, didn't work.

The tire locked as well and skidded out on the gravel.

Saying that it's probably a good thing I was on gravel

and not just on really clean pavement.

Probably could've destroyed this thing even more.

(upbeat music)

I'm not excited to see what's in here.

But I am excited for this 3DMachines production.

Welcome to the vlog.

Sit back and relax.

(upbeat music)

Check out my radiator.

Well one of my radiators.

Look at the curve to this.

I went down to West Virginia

with Jake and his family one time,

and like the first turn on the first trail that we went to

I put my bike on its side,

back tire didn't grab when I gave it a little too much gas,

and just spun out of control,

this hit the side, caved it in.

Still looks like it's in good shape though.

(upbeat music)

Here's the plan, I'm going to

tear the engine out of this bike.

I am not going to work around

and try to figure out what's going on,

whether it's transmission issues, engine issues,

piston rod, crank shaft issues,

I'm just going to take a little bit of my own advice

and just tear it all apart, tear everything apart,

and then just rebuild it.

Otherwise you're spending all this time

trying to save seconds and adding on minutes and hours.

(upbeat music)

You guys know this channel and you guys know what I bring,

well you don't have to have a dirt bike, a four wheeler,

a three wheeler, anything off road,

you can have a truck, a car,

or a bicycle to watch this channel.

Like I am just showing you, if you had a bicycle,

and say your back tire was screwy.

Well instead of loosening up the bolts on your tire

and just trying to figure out what's going on,

just take the whole thing off.

Now in that instance you're probably only gonna add

like one minute to the overall time,

but in this situation you save a lot of time

just by tearing everything apart.

And that's why I have this pile over here.

(upbeat music)

I got both the fluids draining.

Now I just wanna show you the engine oil

that's in this thing.

The camera probably won't do it very good,

but this is relatively clean, if you watch the edge there,

you see how clean that is?

I'm sure it's only got about .5 hours on that oil.

Which is nothing.

So I'm hoping it's transmission problems.

But like I said, we're gonna rip it out

and destroy it, I mean fix it.

(upbeat music)

This master link is disgusting.

That's all kinds of worn out.

(upbeat music)

This link comes in clutch or as the master

when it comes to the chain

because you can just pop this off,

and this is on bicycles, this is on a lot of things

that have a chain.

Just take that clip off.

So after that one clip, then you have this piece right here,

and as you can see it opens right up.

There you go.

Chain splits right in half just like that.

Now if you have an O ring chain, that's what I have,

you can see there's an O ring right here

and then there's an O ring on the other side.

Make sure when you put your master link back on

that you have both O rings on both sides.

(upbeat music)

I'm getting ready to tear this engine out.

I wanna ask you something.

Now you have to be completely honest with me,

in the comments section below,

did you see this?

Right here, this sprocket, it's missing a tooth.

I didn't see it and I was even staring at it for a while.

But as you can see, all the teeth are twisted forward,

and this one's completely missing.

Did you catch it?

If you did, congratulations.

If you didn't, well you're in the same boat as I am.

And I got 20/20 baby.

(upbeat music)

If you're ever pulling out your motor or your engine

(grunts) it's probably not a good sign.

Not good, not good at all.

Well I found the problem,

and it's not a small problem.

Unfortunately it's a very, very big problem.

As you can see, these valleys are supposed to be

extremely smooth, and this one is the smoothest

out of all four and it's still showing some wear.

That one's terrible,

but that one's horrendous.

And then even part of the case broke onto the bucket here.

No good.

Dalton, what are you gonna do?

I don't know yet.

But one thing's for sure, top ends aren't cheap.

That kit right there, all the stuff I need,

these parts, too.

I mean, look at all that wear.

Look at all that wear.

The whole top end seized up.

The piston's free and it kicks over real nice.

It's just the top end, just seized up.


I don't know how many more times I'm going to say that,

but it's just not good.

I am currently not fighting against the sunlight

that comes through the windows during the day.

And the reason for that is it's 9:30 at night.

And as you can see the engine's back in the bike.

I bought a new top end, you guys,

I got it overnighted,

well, overdayed, like during lunch time, Amazon,

no, I'm just kidding.

I'm sorry if my jokes are kind of lame,

it's late, it's 9:30, it's past my bedtime.

I'm not a complete animal

like some of you are.

So let me ask you a question,

are you disappointed in the KX?

And I know a lot of you guys wanted to see it happen,

to see this happen, right here on this stand,

in my garage, and start tearing this down

and trying to figure out what's going on,

well I found the problem, the only problem is

is it's an expensive problem.

So I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do yet.

What I do know is I'm going to put everything back together.

So that's I know I have a top end problem.

At least I established the problem.

Not only is my bike screwed up

but I also screwed up my rack.

This stand's already bent, whaah.

I wanna thank you

for tuning in to this 3DMachines production.

Have a wonderful night, enjoy it.

Answer my questions in the comments section below please.

Totally gonna run in a supercross or in a endurocross,

or some moto or cross event of some sort, definitely.

The only thing is is I'll have to go

a total Fred Flinstone on it.

I hope you guys enjoyed this 3DMachines, see you later.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> THIS IS INSANE - Duration: 7:50.


Think Like a Historian: The Battle of Vimy Ridge - Duration: 1:09.

History is more than just a collection

of names and dates. It's the way we

analyze and interpret pieces of our past

to create a narrative.

Primary sources are the "raw materials" of history.

They're created at or near the time of the event;

a trace or account left behind.

They form a picture of our past,

and are essential to constructing history.

The Think Like a Historian series is a tool

for educators and students to build

skills to analyze and interpret primary sources.

In this series we look at

photographs, newspapers, and personal

letters from the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

For more infomation >> Think Like a Historian: The Battle of Vimy Ridge - Duration: 1:09.


🏁 TOUGE BATTLE 14 — Nissan 240SX vs Hyundai Genesis Coupe [Canyon Run HD] - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> 🏁 TOUGE BATTLE 14 — Nissan 240SX vs Hyundai Genesis Coupe [Canyon Run HD] - Duration: 8:44.


AVM Penguin Escape From Lorn Car Forest walkthrough. - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> AVM Penguin Escape From Lorn Car Forest walkthrough. - Duration: 9:13.


НАЗАД В 2000е НУЛЕВЫЕ #00 НЕ 90е ДЕТСТВО или ЮНОСТЬ - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> НАЗАД В 2000е НУЛЕВЫЕ #00 НЕ 90е ДЕТСТВО или ЮНОСТЬ - Duration: 4:14.


Videocast: Weekend warmup with late storm chances - Duration: 2:32.








































































For more infomation >> Videocast: Weekend warmup with late storm chances - Duration: 2:32.


India will become permanent member of Security Council: Sushma Swaraj - Duration: 2:54.

Welcome to WARN, Todays News is.

India will become permanent member of Security Council: Sushma Swaraj

Expressing confidence that India would become a permanent member of the UN Security Council,

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj today said the country expected that the new members

would have the same rights, including the veto power, as the existing permanent members.

During the Question Hour in Rajya Sabha, Swaraj said India has all the credentials to become

a permanent member of the Security Council and four permanent members, US, UK, France

and Russia have extended support.

The fifth member, China, has also "not publicly opposed it", the External Affairs minister


"I am confident that if not this time, then next time, India would become a permanent

member of the Security Council," she said.

To a question whether India would also get the 'veto' power, Swaraj said the country

wants the same responsibilities, prerogatives as well as obligations as the current permanent


"We don't want any discrimination between old and new members.

We don't want two classes - that there is a first class and a second class of permanent


This should make it clear that India wants the same responsibilities, prerogatives and

obligations as the current permanent members," she said.

She said India has been making diplomatic efforts to ensure not only expansion but also

reform in the Security Council.

She said India wanted expansion of its permanent as well as non-permanent membership of the


In her reply tabled in the House, Swaraj said on the issue of extending veto powers to new

permanent members in their submission during the inter-governmental negotiation process

of the 69th General Assembly, USA and UK opposed extension of veto to new members.

France supported the extension while Russia and China did not make any submission on the

issue, she said.

She said discussions were currently on in the UN General Assembly through inter-governmental

negotiation and India and other pro-reform groupings have been calling commencement of

text based negotiations.

For more infomation >> India will become permanent member of Security Council: Sushma Swaraj - Duration: 2:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Style, Stoelverwarming - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Style, Stoelverwarming - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION Navigatie, Diefstal / inbraakalarm, Bi-Xenon verlichting, Cruise - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION Navigatie, Diefstal / inbraakalarm, Bi-Xenon verlichting, Cruise - Duration: 0:57.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Aut. | PDC | Trekhaak | Unieke KM's!! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Aut. | PDC | Trekhaak | Unieke KM's!! - Duration: 1:02.



Buko, by Jireh Lim

Piano FromEast

I still remember

When I was still courting you

Going every night just to see you

Just to see

a glimpse of your smile

Then, telling you

"Tomorrow at seven, where we allways met"

My day is complete

just hearing the melody of your voice

I don't even know where are you

Without even any communication

waiting for you all night

Because you are my life

If you wonder...

that my love will change

Just leave that thougth

Because I'm still expecting so many christmas for us

Even when you won't be able to reach the floor

Even when you won't be able to hear me

You will still be, my life

I still remember

When I was dreaming you

escorting you, picking you up

Even if stars is what I have to reach

If you wonder...

that my love will change

Just leave that thougth

Because I'm still expecting so many christmas for us

Even when won't be able to reach the floor

Even when you won't be able to hear me

You will still be, my life

every day I'll court you

And sing to you

courting you

and singing for you

If you still wonder...

that my love will change

Just leave that thougth

Even when our hair's whiten

If you still wonder...

that my love could change

Just leave that thougth

Because I'm still expecting lot's of christmas for us

If you still wonder...

that my love will change

Just leave that thougth

Because I'm still expecting lot's of christmas for us

Even when our skin wrinkles

Even when our eyes could not blink

Even when if you won't be able to reach the floor

Even if you can't hear me

You will still be

My life

For more infomation >> BUKO - PIANO TUTORIAL - JIREH LIM - Duration: 5:40.


REVENTANDO BUFFETS | WOK | +5000 KCAL - Duration: 9:37.

You could do the same thing as in «Bite the pasta» restaurant but in another buffet, such as a wok, hahahaha







What's up, guys? What are you up to? We've come to a wok to do evil things.

Meat... There are more expensive things but at least I didn't get really cheap stuff.

[ AVOID RICE, PASTA AND FRIED FOOD ] Fuck! What a crappy knife! Fuck!

Damn, man. It's the least sharp knife... OMG, man. This video will be 35 minutes at least.

OMFG. The challenge will be to cut the meat. Oh, boy. This is killing me.

I've got mostly beef and prawns in this journey. And some sushi, not a lot because it is cheap.

- I'm gonna get you a saw knife. - Hell yeah!


Woah, man! Now! My cousin is great! Oh, boy. Now they can be scared as fuck.


My system... because I've got a system for each kind of buffet.

In woks, I start by grabbing meat and fish and take it to the cooker. While it's being cooked I get another plates to my table.

So in the end I have 4, 5, 6 plates ready to eat without having to stand up.

I'll repeat it 3 or 4 times and that's it. [ DONT QUEUE AT THE GRILL ]

Tell me if you see something really expensive.

Spring rolls... rice... don't take all those things. You can eat them at home and spend one buck for a bag.

Here it's about getting the most expensive food if it is tasty.

I wouldn't eat the prawns if they taste like shit, even if they're the most expensive prawns in the world.

I was robbed a plate of prawns at the grill. Do you see a lot of prawns here? There were more.

I had prawns skewers to eat faster. Mi idea was to eat those while I peeled the other ones. [ I'M SO CLEVER ]

I learnt the lesson. I have to get one or two extra plates and that's it.

I took 3 plates to the grill. Can you imagine if I took only that one?


Another one for me... with ice, please. I can't stand when they bring to me coke without ice.

I can't understand it. If it was frozen at least...

It's hard to reach 5000 here. It's easy if you start grabbing chorizo but...

...if you eat clean food... I'm fucking unlucky because I should eat 5000 today.

If I don't reach the 5000 I will have to eat something else because I am losing weight... by the minute...

They took the empty plates. I'll not be able to make the Eiffel tower.

- Are you gonna grab more things?

Hahaha, my cou... sorry. My cousin asks me if I'm gonna grab more things.

- I thought you were full already. - Hahaha. Really? It's not possible. You must be joking.

- More meat? - More everything. Meat for sure.

- Do you want me to get more meat? - Yeah!

- How many? - Three. Rare.


My cousin is so great!

15 euros, drink not included. Comment if you think that it is possible to make the lose money or if you think that I made it.

The beef must be the most expensive thing. Maybe someone can make them lose money, but it's really hard.

I'm ok. Like if I've just finished the starters. I will have a look at the buffet and see what's going on.

Do you want me to bring you some food, cousin? My cousin eats really little. I'm worried.

- He ate 4 plates. Are you feeling fine? - I am depressed.

He's too pale. Ok, I'm going for a walk.

[ I connected the microphone in a wrong way in this part. I do apologise ]

- I will get some orange. - Orange?! Fruit?!

Please, show that to the camera. They're gonna flip. It's not possible.

When I go to buffets and I see the salads zone, I always wonder

Is there really people that goes to eat outside, goes to a buffet and makes a fucking salad for themselves?

Same thing about orange... Orange! 5kg (10lbs) cost one euro in my town.

For more infomation >> REVENTANDO BUFFETS | WOK | +5000 KCAL - Duration: 9:37.


Yrittäjähenkinen - Kolmen Kaverin Jäätelön Tarina | Nordea Pankki - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Yrittäjähenkinen - Kolmen Kaverin Jäätelön Tarina | Nordea Pankki - Duration: 2:08.



hey guys um I wanted to open up this

package that I got in the mail with you

guys today um I have been waiting a

couple of days for this package it are

basically came pretty fast arm and I'm

going to stop using it tomorrow and and

then we'll see the results in there but

let's just open it to begin with okay um

this is what is I hope you guys see it


and the reason why I got this is because

it's called 15 it's a 14-day detox while

came really fast I'm going to actually

get it from the same place that I am got

it from on the next time because it came

really fast but it's a 14-day detox I've

been hearing a lot of um review about

this for quite some time and it's a

14-day detox it cleanses your body out

on usually when you're trying to lose

weight ten percent of the weight you

lose is water weight but be honest with

you arm it's to me its weight because

when you gain weight your body retains

water so it's not going to stop

retaining water well so much water your

body needs one with we're like almost

one hundred percent water I parties made

up of but um when you gain weight you

retain more water and you get look more

swollen so ten percent of this weight

will be armed I mean 10 10 pounds of

this weight will be water weight and I

know this and then then the other eight

or ten will be a fat weight and and

that's pretty good you know to take

something for 14 days and you can you

can lose on average on eight to ten

pounds for 14 days on in 10 pounds of

water weight so altogether it's you know

you can lose like in 14 days 8 you know

on 18 to 20 pounds because 10 pounds is

going to probably be from water weight

and who wants to be blowing it with

water you want to get rid of that to you

want to have just what your body needs

and then nothing extra bad enough you're

the fat and then you want to get rid of

the fat way so that's a good deal you

get rid of 10 pounds of water weight and

about 8 to 10 pounds of fat and 14 days

so basically i'm going to use this t arm

and you know tomorrow i'll tell you how

it makes me feel like if it makes me

feel jittery or anything like that

but um I'll let you guys know about that

um and I'm gonna give this seven days

before I do another video because it

doesn't make any sense to tell you if I

lost weight the next day because we know

what I just lose any weight in in one

day so on I'm going to do my arm regular

routine I'm going to eat in moderation

I'm going to eat whatever I want to eat

but I'm going to eat small portions in

moderation and I'm not going to eat to

inform just gonna eat you I'm satisfied

and I'm going to get up at four thirty

in the morning do my videos on youtube

like I do every day cuz I'm on a

schedule now and after I did my videos

I'm going to do my cardio on my station

everybody I can perform and I do an hour

workout on my Proform buddy um and I

look at youtube videos or look at cable

you know just pass the time on by and

I'm going to take the t so that's the

only thing I'm going to change is that

I'm going to implement on the t in my

regimen for working out to eat and small

portions and on the t and i want to see

in 14 days if i lose weight I'm not

changing anything about my diet or

anything else I'm just going to change

that I'm drinking the 50 and see if I

really am going to lose weight so the 14

days we're going to know if I lost

anyway I'm going to measure my stomach

area um tonight and ended seven days um

tomorrow I'll tell you what the

measurement what on is I'm probably

going to be a little bit of better

selling you that it's big my waist area

is now a game like 65 tons um and in

seven days I'm going to UM tell you what

um no tomorrow I'll tell you what my

weight my waist was that I measured for

tonight and then um in seven days I'll

tell you if I lost any inches and then

in 14 days I'll tell you again I'll be

able to tell you what I'm so excited

because if I do truly after a week start

to notice

I am losing weight I think i'm going to

i'm going to get another on 14 days and

then what I'll do once a month I'm going

to get the arm I think there's a third

just a 30 day 14 $45 and on right now

I'm going to stick within my budget you

know I'm not making a lot of money on

YouTube you know i do get payouts but

they're not like I'm not getting

anything over a thousand dollars so um

you know right now I'm trying to keep it

you know where my budget can afford it

also try to be healthy so yes 15 so

tomorrow i will give you the

measurements of my waist on in then in

seven days i'll tell you if I lost any

weight in my waist area arm and that's

how we'll find out if I'm losing weight

I'm the inches in my stomach um I don't

have a scale but sometimes we don't need

a skill to see exactly how much we lost

because you can see how much you lost um

and you can feel it and also

measurements don't lie you know I'd

rather lose inches then on get on the

skills and the skill tell me that I'm

overweight when I know that I'm moving

because my stomach could have been at 40

10 days ago and now it's at 32 so

interest sometime me more than getting

on a scale and I'm weighing yourself so

again i'm going to try the 15 um I'm not

trying it because I'm trying to get

anyone to buy it I'm trying it because

on I need to move weight I do not look

right when I'm heavy and I'm it's just

time for me to do something about this

um so you know some people are okay with

how they look but you know i know i can

i can look better and i'm not at best

right now so this is why i got the 15th

yep so this is what it looks like this

is what it looks like so I'm gonna end

this video I'm going to also make

another video today mukbang i bought

some sushi and i'm also going to make

another video today about snail

that you can eat that you can move

pounds in days just by eating

For more infomation >> I GOT A BIG SURPRISE IN THE MAIL TODAY JOIN ME IN OPENING IT UP - Duration: 7:50.


Le long des chemins©Steph Legault 2017 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Le long des chemins©Steph Legault 2017 - Duration: 2:52.


For more infomation >> Le long des chemins©Steph Legault 2017 - Duration: 2:52.


Renault Mégane 1.5 DCI 110 PK BOSE | NAVI | PANORAMADAK | CAMERA - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.5 DCI 110 PK BOSE | NAVI | PANORAMADAK | CAMERA - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.5 DCI 110 PK BOSE | NAVI | PANORAMADAK | CAMERA - Duration: 0:54.


Quelle entreprise MLM choisir ? - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Quelle entreprise MLM choisir ? - Duration: 3:10.


For more infomation >> Quelle entreprise MLM choisir ? - Duration: 3:10.


Mazda 3 2.0 GT-M - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda 3 2.0 GT-M - Duration: 0:59.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 165 GT-M LINE 2WD AUTOMAAT Achteruitrijcamera / BOSE Leder / Navigatie - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 165 GT-M LINE 2WD AUTOMAAT Achteruitrijcamera / BOSE Leder / Navigatie - Duration: 1:02.


MAKE YOUR GAMING SETUP INSANE😱 (5 Hacks you NEED to know) - Duration: 8:18.

Right, so, hey guys.

What's going on?

My name is Alex and today I am coming at you with the first episode in my brand new series

to do with set ups and top 5 tips.

This is going to be top 5 tips to keeping your set up looking clean.

Let's do this.

So, before we get in to today's video, I just want to take a quick second to thank this

video's sponsor.

Video Blocks is one of the fastest growing and largest stock video libraries with over

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This includes the only contributor market place that gives 100% of the commission back

to the artists.

This month, video blocks is launching a new collection featuring hundreds of new, unreal

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If this sounds interesting to you guys then go ahead and go to

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Let's get in to the video.

Now, first off guys, we're going to talk about a clean desk, right.

And what is the first thing that any clean desk has?

Good cable management or no cables showing whatsoever.

Now this is tricky because what is front and center on a desk?

The keyboard and mouse.

So, yeah, go wireless.

But what if you want your keyboard and mouse to do some cool things like this?

With all those cool colours?

I mean, we can all hold our hands up and say the wireless, the wireless mouse and the wireless

keyboard have played a brilliant catch up game in the last two years.

Logitech have brought out a wireless mouse which is almost indistinguishable to a wired

mouse but if you're like me and you prefer to have a proper wired connection to your

mouse so that you don't have to worry about charging it, then this is what you need to do.

First of all, you need to decide whether your desk is always, throughout its life, going to have

a keyboard and mouse sat on it.

If the answer to that is "yes," go downstairs, grab your drill, grab a nice big drill bit

that is the same size as the USB end of your keyboard or mouse and drill straight through

your desk where the keyboard and mouse sits.

To keep things clean, it's always a good idea to put a few pieces of paper or a sheet on

the floor so that you don't have to clean up a load of dust afterwards.

And then, voila, push the keyboard and mouse cables through that single hole and you're done.

I think that the ability to have no wires going to your keyobard or mouse, either by

doing this method, by drilling a hole, or by going wireless, is the first step to having

a clean AF desk.

So, let's move on to number two, from the mouse and keyboard, just in to general cable management.

Now, if you can't drill a hole in your desk, maybe you have a glass desk and you can't

do that, well, here is one, simple way to make it look as neat as possible.

Get rid of scraggly cables.

Have everything going in a straight line and group as many cables together as you can.

Make it symmetrical.

What I have is a wooden desk and I think that wooden desks are the easiest to work with

and this is my favourite way of cable management because it's, it's really strong and the cables

are never going to fall down.

So, if you have a wooden desk, get some cable tacks and tack them to the back of the desk

but then, don't tack the cables in there.

What you want to do is, is use a twist tie.

Not a cable tie - a twist tie.

The reason why we don't use cable ties is because once you put your cables in there,

and put it through the tack and pull it like that and got all of your cables nice and tight,

yes, it's really easy, but what if you want to take out some cables in the near future?

Or add some cables to that run in the future?

You're going to have to snip off that cable tie, put a whole new cable tie down, you may

even cut one of your wires in the process.

Use a twist tie.

If you want to add some cables, simply untwist it, add your cables and twist it back up again.

Simple AF.

If you don't have a wooden desk, you can buy these little things from IKEA - they have a sticky

back on them and a place to route through a twist tie.


Number three is a tricky one.

Let's tackle dust.

WOMAN: Anybody?



ALEX: Dust is something everybody goes through.

Everybody that owns something nice knows how pesky dust is.

Especially if you're trying to keep a clean set up on top of your shiny black monitor

and keyboard - you've got specks of dust.

What's the best way to remove it, Alex?

Let me tell you, right.

This is going to sound a bit strange, so take this with a grain of salt.

Go out to the shop, ahem, and buy a pack of baby wipes.

Honestly, you won't regret it.

OK - so, baby wipes.

They're brilliant, right.

They're slightly wet so they're going to pick up any dust that comes across them and stick it

to the actual wipe itself.

Instead of just using a micro-fibre cloth - all you're doing is just pushing the dust

in to the air and it's just going to settle back down on the desk but with the baby wipe,

the dust is going to stick to the cloth and then you put it in the bin.

Job done.

But it goes on from there too.

The baby wipes are actually - they have some sort of chemical in them which really, really easily

brings up stains, food spills - anything that's on your desk, whatever it may be, it's going

to bring it up and get it off.

They're an absolutely brilliant cleaning agent as well as removing dust.

Just have a pack of baby wipes in your drawer next to your desk - tsh - once a week, you'll be shiny.

Really shiny.

Like, too shiny.

Moving on from that - what do our hands touch the most in the set up, right?

The mouse and the keyboard.

Now, the mouse is an easy thing to clean - you just get a baby wipe and clean the thing.

But, our hands are going everywhere throughout the day - you're going out in the car, out

in to town, you're going to work, you're in the kitchen making food and then you're coming

up and getting your grubby hands, without washing them, all over your keyboard.

You've got food spilling in the keyboard gaps, you've got a little bit of crisp in there

- whatever's going down, it's in the keyboard too, right.

How do we clean it?

Most keyboards come with a little mechanism that you can push in to the key and you can

actually pull up the key caps.

Most modern mechanical keyboards have this.

So, what I like to do, is remove all of my keys once every other month, put them in a

glass jar, put in that glass jar, a little bit of washing up liquid, fill it with lukewarm

water and give it a shake.

It's going to clean all of your keys really, really well and then whilst your keyboard

is there without any keys on it, you can go ahead and get a baby wipe and get rid of all

of those crisps and all those hair molecules and all the dust that's there and then put

all the keys back on - it's going to look brand new.

And then for my fifth tip - add some LEDs.

This is going to make your set up look really, really clean.

Subconsciously, though - let me explain.

By adding LEDs to the set up behind the monitors, behind the desk, it's shining a very soft

glow over the desk, right.

Soft glow is appealing to the eyes.

It lights up the desk and emphasises the fact that, if you've just done the last four tips,

your desk is really, really clean.

And here's a quick tip: If you've got more than one monitor, get a little bit of black

electrical tape and put it between the monitors so if you have your LEDs behind the monitors,

you're not getting any light bleed through that gap between the two or three monitors

or how ever many monitors you have.

But that's been my top five tips, guys, to keeping your desk looking clean AF.

My name's been Alex, I'm back on my channel MarzBar, drop a like if you enjoyed, share

some tips down in the comments if you have anymore and other people, thumbs them up so

that they get to the top.

I'll catch you guys in the next one.


For more infomation >> MAKE YOUR GAMING SETUP INSANE😱 (5 Hacks you NEED to know) - Duration: 8:18.


Mil Mi-28 (Havoc) - Russian Attack Helicopter [Review] - Duration: 6:56.

Mi-28 is able to perform: Nesterov's loop, Immelman's overturn, sideways flight, flight

back, sideways at a speed of up to 100 km / h, turn with angular velocity up to 117

degrees / s, maximum angular velocity of roll more than 100 deg / s.

The Mi-28 (NATO reporting name "Havoc") has a conventional helicopter gunship layout with

the pilot in the rear and gunner in front.

It is armed with a 30-mm trainable cannon housed in a turret under the nose.

Twin 150-round ammunition boxes are co-mounted to traverse, elevate and depress with the

gun itself.

A total of 300 rounds are carried.

The gun is identical to that of Russian BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle and uses the same


This gunship can also carry two pods with 80-mm unguided rockets and 16 anti-tank guided


It is claimed that this helicopter can not be defeated by a single short-range anti-aircraft


Crew compartment is well armored.

It withstands hits from 12.7-mm armor-piercing rounds and 20-mm HE-FRAG rounds.

The Mi-28's cockpit is compatible with night vision goggles; the pilot has a head-up display

and one CRT on which TV imaging can be displayed.

The primary sensor package comprises the optical sights and laser rangefinder in an undernose


The crew are protected by energy-absorbing seats and an emergency escape system allows

the crew to escape safely by parachute.

A hatch in the port side, to the rear of the wing, gives access to the avionics compartment

and a space large enough to accommodate two or three passengers during a combat rescue.

Armament: The Mi-28 is equipped with a chin-mounted

30 mm Shipunov 2A42 autocannon.

The cannon is select fire, and has a dual-feed, which allows for a cyclic rate of fire between

200 rounds per minute to 550 rounds per minute.

Its effective range varies from 1,500 meters for ground vehicles to 2,500 meters for air


Rounds from High Explosive Incendiary to Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot can be used.

Stated penetration for the 3UBR8 is 25 mm of RHA at 1,500 meters.

One common Mi-28 armament are a pair of 8 Ataka missile racks along with 2 B-13L rocket

pods, each able to carry 5 S-13 rockets.

Other rocket options include two B-8 rocket pods, each able to carry up to 20 S-8 rockets.

There are four variants of the Ataka missile for different tasks.

The 9M120 Tandem High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead variant is used against tanks fitted

with Explosive Reactive Armor, its penetrative ability is stated at 800 mm Rolled Homogeneous


The 9M120F Thermobaric variant is used against infantry, buildings, bunkers, and caves.

The 9M120O expanding rod warhead variant is used against other helicopters.

All the variants have a range of 6 km.

The 9M120M improved version has a longer range (8 km) and better penetration.

All of the variants use SACLOS missile guidance.

The S-8 and S-13 rockets used by the Mi-28 are usually unguided.

In the most common configuration, one can expect 40 S-8 rockets or 10 S-13 rockets.

Both rockets have their variants, from HEAT warheads to a Thermobaric warhead.

The S-8 has a shorter range and smaller warhead than the S-13, but compensates with numbers.

Currently, the Russian Air Force are upgrading their S-8 and S-13 rockets to laser guided

missiles with the proposed Ugroza ("Menace") system.

Rockets upgraded under Ugroza would receive designations S-8Kor and S-13Kor, respectively.

In 1994 Russian army funding allowed modification of the first Mi-28A prototype to Mi-28N configuration.

This introduced a mast-mounted MMW Kinzhal V or Arbalet radar, composite rotor blades,

forward-looking infra-red, an electronic flight instrumentation system cockpit, improved armament

options including Igla-V air-to-air missiles and uprated TV3-117VK engines.

The Mi-28N made its first flight in April 1997.

Production commenced in 2005.

Deliveries of the Mi-28N attack helicopters to the Russian Army began in 2006.

However officially it was accepted to service only in 2013.

In 2005, a long-term contract was signed for the supply of 67 Mi-28N helicopters until


In 2005, the Chief of the Russian General Staff, Army General Yuri Baluyevsky, stated

that the main combat helicopter would be the Mi-28N Night Hunter, while the Ka-50 and Ka-52

helicopters were needed for special forces units

The Mi-28NE Night Hunter is an export version.

Mi-28NM is the latest version.

Development of this helicopter was started in 2008.

It has a lot of differences comparing with the Mi-28N.

This version is fully integrated into the data transfer system by all channels, including

video, target position and other data.

Also it is integrated with UAVs.

Mi-28UB is a combat trainer helicopter.

It is based on the Mi-28N.

It can be used for pilot training, however this helicopter retains full combat capability.

Mil also proposes a variant of the Mi-28 for support of amphibious naval assaults.

For more infomation >> Mil Mi-28 (Havoc) - Russian Attack Helicopter [Review] - Duration: 6:56.


THIS IS INSANE - Duration: 7:50.

- If you're ever pulling out your motor or your engine

(grunts) it's probably not a good sign.

(upbeat music)

I've never had this happen before.

Now it has been a while, but do you guys remember

when I was taking this thing up to Jake's house,

I was driving it up the road.

(engine revving)

Jake's house is relatively far away

when it comes to dirt bike travel

and roads and things like that.

So before I do tear into this thing

I just wanna tell you the background story again

just in case you forgot.

I was driving along, the bike was doing relatively well.

(light music)

No knocks, no irritations in the engine,

no inconsistencies, I pulled in the clutch,

I was probably in fourth or fifth gear,

and the bike stalled right out.

(tires skidding)

I tried to drop the clutch

to try to have the back tire spin

and bump start me, didn't work.

The tire locked as well and skidded out on the gravel.

Saying that it's probably a good thing I was on gravel

and not just on really clean pavement.

Probably could've destroyed this thing even more.

(upbeat music)

I'm not excited to see what's in here.

But I am excited for this 3DMachines production.

Welcome to the vlog.

Sit back and relax.

(upbeat music)

Check out my radiator.

Well one of my radiators.

Look at the curve to this.

I went down to West Virginia

with Jake and his family one time,

and like the first turn on the first trail that we went to

I put my bike on its side,

back tire didn't grab when I gave it a little too much gas,

and just spun out of control,

this hit the side, caved it in.

Still looks like it's in good shape though.

(upbeat music)

Here's the plan, I'm going to

tear the engine out of this bike.

I am not going to work around

and try to figure out what's going on,

whether it's transmission issues, engine issues,

piston rod, crank shaft issues,

I'm just going to take a little bit of my own advice

and just tear it all apart, tear everything apart,

and then just rebuild it.

Otherwise you're spending all this time

trying to save seconds and adding on minutes and hours.

(upbeat music)

You guys know this channel and you guys know what I bring,

well you don't have to have a dirt bike, a four wheeler,

a three wheeler, anything off road,

you can have a truck, a car,

or a bicycle to watch this channel.

Like I am just showing you, if you had a bicycle,

and say your back tire was screwy.

Well instead of loosening up the bolts on your tire

and just trying to figure out what's going on,

just take the whole thing off.

Now in that instance you're probably only gonna add

like one minute to the overall time,

but in this situation you save a lot of time

just by tearing everything apart.

And that's why I have this pile over here.

(upbeat music)

I got both the fluids draining.

Now I just wanna show you the engine oil

that's in this thing.

The camera probably won't do it very good,

but this is relatively clean, if you watch the edge there,

you see how clean that is?

I'm sure it's only got about .5 hours on that oil.

Which is nothing.

So I'm hoping it's transmission problems.

But like I said, we're gonna rip it out

and destroy it, I mean fix it.

(upbeat music)

This master link is disgusting.

That's all kinds of worn out.

(upbeat music)

This link comes in clutch or as the master

when it comes to the chain

because you can just pop this off,

and this is on bicycles, this is on a lot of things

that have a chain.

Just take that clip off.

So after that one clip, then you have this piece right here,

and as you can see it opens right up.

There you go.

Chain splits right in half just like that.

Now if you have an O ring chain, that's what I have,

you can see there's an O ring right here

and then there's an O ring on the other side.

Make sure when you put your master link back on

that you have both O rings on both sides.

(upbeat music)

I'm getting ready to tear this engine out.

I wanna ask you something.

Now you have to be completely honest with me,

in the comments section below,

did you see this?

Right here, this sprocket, it's missing a tooth.

I didn't see it and I was even staring at it for a while.

But as you can see, all the teeth are twisted forward,

and this one's completely missing.

Did you catch it?

If you did, congratulations.

If you didn't, well you're in the same boat as I am.

And I got 20/20 baby.

(upbeat music)

If you're ever pulling out your motor or your engine

(grunts) it's probably not a good sign.

Not good, not good at all.

Well I found the problem,

and it's not a small problem.

Unfortunately it's a very, very big problem.

As you can see, these valleys are supposed to be

extremely smooth, and this one is the smoothest

out of all four and it's still showing some wear.

That one's terrible,

but that one's horrendous.

And then even part of the case broke onto the bucket here.

No good.

Dalton, what are you gonna do?

I don't know yet.

But one thing's for sure, top ends aren't cheap.

That kit right there, all the stuff I need,

these parts, too.

I mean, look at all that wear.

Look at all that wear.

The whole top end seized up.

The piston's free and it kicks over real nice.

It's just the top end, just seized up.


I don't know how many more times I'm going to say that,

but it's just not good.

I am currently not fighting against the sunlight

that comes through the windows during the day.

And the reason for that is it's 9:30 at night.

And as you can see the engine's back in the bike.

I bought a new top end, you guys,

I got it overnighted,

well, overdayed, like during lunch time, Amazon,

no, I'm just kidding.

I'm sorry if my jokes are kind of lame,

it's late, it's 9:30, it's past my bedtime.

I'm not a complete animal

like some of you are.

So let me ask you a question,

are you disappointed in the KX?

And I know a lot of you guys wanted to see it happen,

to see this happen, right here on this stand,

in my garage, and start tearing this down

and trying to figure out what's going on,

well I found the problem, the only problem is

is it's an expensive problem.

So I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do yet.

What I do know is I'm going to put everything back together.

So that's I know I have a top end problem.

At least I established the problem.

Not only is my bike screwed up

but I also screwed up my rack.

This stand's already bent, whaah.

I wanna thank you

for tuning in to this 3DMachines production.

Have a wonderful night, enjoy it.

Answer my questions in the comments section below please.

Totally gonna run in a supercross or in a endurocross,

or some moto or cross event of some sort, definitely.

The only thing is is I'll have to go

a total Fred Flinstone on it.

I hope you guys enjoyed this 3DMachines, see you later.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> THIS IS INSANE - Duration: 7:50.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V IMAGE CLIMATE CONTROL-PARKEERSENSOREN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V IMAGE CLIMATE CONTROL-PARKEERSENSOREN - Duration: 0:54.





Sikhism is one of the most egalitarian of all religions, quite free of division or discrimination by race, class, or sex.

All are welcome in gurdwaras (Sikh temples) regardless of faith; there are no priests -decisions are made by the community-

and both men and women may read from the Sikh holy book.

This inclusiveness can be traced to Sikhism's origins, when Guru Nanak received a revelation from God, and announced: "There is no Hindu or Muslim,

so whose path shall I follow?

I shall follow the path of God.''

Disillusioned about the existing religions of India at that time, and by the social divisiveness he saw in all religions, Guru Nanak considered that,

from the divine perspective, religious labels -such as Hindu or Muslim- were irrelevant.

In their place, Guru Nanak offered an alternative, all-embracing faith based on devotion to God rather than the observance of ritual and reverence

for individual holy men.

A legacy of equality.

Guru Nanak's teachings were consolidated by subsequent Sikh gurus, and when the 10th guru, Guru Gobind Singh, established the Khalsa order,

into which most Sikhs are initiated, he made the order open to everyone.

Controversially, for the time, he denounced the caste system and gender discrimination.

He also abolished the priesthood in Sikhism, which he felt had become corrupt and self-serving—guilty of the very vices the faith seeks to overcome.

Instead, he appointed custodians of the holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, at each temple, while also permitting all Sikhs, male or female,

to read from it in worship at the gurdwara or at home.

Sikhs do not need to perform any particular rituals or undertake pilgrimages, but they are expected to show their devotion to God in their everyday


It is not even a requirement to worship at the gurdwara.

These temples serve as social centers and exemplify the notion of community spirit that is such an important component of Sikhism.

For Sikhs, anyone who believes in and worships one God follows the same path as Sikhism, and their faith deserves respect.

Sikhs regard an individual's religion to be largely the result of the culture in which he or she was brought up: Hindus, Muslims, Christians,

and Sikhs have a common inspiration, but the particular form this takes is determined by society.

For this reason, Sikhs do not attempt to convert people of other faiths.

The Guru Granth Sahib.

The central religious text of Sikhism is a collection of hymns and verses compiled and written by the succession of 10 Sikh gurus,

the leaders of the faith, who lived between 1469 and 1708.

This collection consists of some 1,430 pages, or angs, of their teachings.

The first version of the book, known as the Adi Granth, was compiled by the fifth guru, Guru Arjan Dev,

from the sayings and writings of his predecessors, and was added to by subsequent gurus.

Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th guru, completed the text and nominated it, rather than another human leader, as his successor,

calling it "the embodiment of the gurus," and giving it the title Guru Granth Sahib.

Unlike its predecessors, this "11th guru" is available for all to consult, and a copy takes a place of pride in every gurdwara, or Sikh temple.

Originally written in a specially devised script, Gurmukhi, in a mixture of dialects collectively known as Sant Bhasha,

it has since been translated into several modern languages.

For more infomation >> ALL MAY ENTER OUR GATEWAY TO GOD - Duration: 4:05.


How do I subscribe to 10000 subscribers on YouTube - Duration: 2:01.

hi YouTube hi crabbelax okay this

video is how do i subscribe to 10,000

subscribers so okay let me do this how

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follow 10,000 subscribers on YouTube how

do i subscribe to 10,000 subscribers on

youtube that's what I'm curious about

that's what I want to know but anyway

thank you guys so much for watching

please thumbs up this video share it

with your friends subscribe it's free

leave comments suggestions ideas and

i'll see you guys soon peace love and

avocados and spud says hey hey spud

okay that's it

For more infomation >> How do I subscribe to 10000 subscribers on YouTube - Duration: 2:01.


Miracle • Juggernaut • 822 GPM — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 44:31.

Miracle • Juggernaut • 822 GPM — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> Miracle • Juggernaut • 822 GPM — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 44:31.



For more infomation >> HERKES KAPIMIZDAN GEÇİP TANRIYA GİDEBİLİR - Duration: 3:41.


Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TSI 4MOTION HIGHLINE 180pk LED+, Pandak, 18"LM - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TSI 4MOTION HIGHLINE 180pk LED+, Pandak, 18"LM - Duration: 1:06.


What I Wore ~ A Favorite Staple ~ Ep. 7 - Duration: 5:13.

[Audio Length: 0:05:12] RECORDING COMMENCES:

Rajka Hayden: Hello friends.

Welcome to another week of What I Wore, where I show you some of the outfits I pulled together,

hoping to inspire you to have some fun as you're getting dressed.

Let's see what we have for this week.

It is a raining day, it's been actually quite rainy and stormy in San Diego which

is very rare for us.

One of the most fun things for me when it's raining is I get to wear my beautiful rain

coat which I don't have occasion to wear that often.

Isn't this something?

I got this as a gift from my really good girl friends many years ago for my birthday.

It's from St. John, it's the company store and it's actually a sample.

It's very lightweight and just feels great and I think adds a whole lot of fun to a rainy


I have my purse with it here that I got from a vendor in Tijuana, Mexico - nice tooled


I'll show you in a minute what I have underneath, but of course I have my trusty Frye boots

that I got resale from Flashbacks in San Diego.

When I take off the coat later on the jeans are Stella McCartney jeans that I got from

My Sister's Closet and then this top is kind of a fun piece that I picked up in Chinatown

in San Francisco many years ago.

Then I have my trusty turtleneck.

I really think that a black turtleneck in the winter is just a staple for everybody.

I always suggest making it a little bit of an investment and getting a nicer one.

One that fits really good and snug that you can use for layering or wear by itself.

Mine I got about ten years, it's still going strong, it's a Ralph Lauren and I think

it's a cashmere and a nice knit blend.

It fits me perfectly, I wear it all the time.

The rain has stopped, it's a beautiful sunny day.

A little bit cold.

I'm feeling a little festive so I have on my colorful vintage Ecuadorian jacket that

I got at my favorite place ReLove in San Francisco.

Tell Delilah hi if you ever go there, she's fantastic.

It's so fun, warm and cozy and colorful.

Then back on with my St. John knit palazzo pants that I have from their company store.

They were long, I made them short so that they're much more versatile.

As you see, I wear them a lot and I'm hoping you can see if you're watching these outfit

of the week videos that it's kind of easy to mix and match your clothes.

That's what I do a lot.

I don't have a ton of things, but I mix and match them a lot, so hopefully you're

getting some ideas.

Let me know, I'd love to hear if that's true.

Then, again, my trusty Frye boots that I bought resale at Flashbacks in San Diego.

These are also versatile, I wear them all the time.

I'm off to work.

Today, I am going for a little bit of mod 60s sort of look.

This is a sweater that I got a long time ago, it's vintage, it's got the old vintage

tag in it.

I love the squares and the colors.

It's super comfortable but not oversized.

I got it at Flashbacks in San Diego.

These pants are the Lindsay Albanese everywhere pant that she did with Monroe.

Comfy and they go well with this.

And then again, my trusty red oxfords that I got, I did buy these new but I've had

them for so long, at a little store called Mint that went out of business, but I'm

having fun with this today.

I've got on today an Elie Tahari jacket that I bought at Nordstrom Rack a long time


This is a wool Giorgio Armani skirt that I got resale at a place called Double Takes

in Solana Beach.

The jacket and the skirt were purchased separately, but they go well together, I like the way

they go together.

This scarf I bought in the garment district in LA about 30 years ago, it's a silk scarf

that has my colors in it.

I also have it paired with this green Coach bag that I bought at an outlet mall.

Then when I take the jacket off, there's a bunch of layers here because it's a little


Underneath, I have on this St. John knit sweater that I got at the company store.

I decided to belt it with this little red leather belt that I got resale, just to give

a little more definition to the waist with a pencil skirt.

Then, finally, my American Apparel tights that match the skirt and these Louboutin pumps.

Those are the outfits for this week.

Please let me know which one you liked or if these are inspiring you in any way.

I would love to have any comments below.

Thank you so much for watching and until next time, dress it up a little.


For more infomation >> What I Wore ~ A Favorite Staple ~ Ep. 7 - Duration: 5:13.


ROH Superstar of Honor 2017: Young Bucks vs The Broken Hardys (ROH World Tag Team Championship) - Duration: 29:47.


For more infomation >> ROH Superstar of Honor 2017: Young Bucks vs The Broken Hardys (ROH World Tag Team Championship) - Duration: 29:47.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:01.


VLOG | Aomori-Hachinohe | The best seafood market ever! ♡ 八戸町の八食センターで生食べ物を食べ過ぎちゃったんだ! - Duration: 7:17.

Hello! We arrived at Hasshoku Center!

After finish shopping, we going to eat in BBQ area in the market.

We are in Hasshoku Center now.

We bought food outside and bring it in here.

These are oysters and these are Hotate.

It is so big; bigger than my hand.

Look at this!

Anw, these things are so cheap. This is about 300Yen and this is around 160Yen and this is 200Yen.

And I bought this one. (lmao)

Ok, now I'm going to eat. So, goodbye!

For more infomation >> VLOG | Aomori-Hachinohe | The best seafood market ever! ♡ 八戸町の八食センターで生食べ物を食べ過ぎちゃったんだ! - Duration: 7:17.


Know Your Rights at the Polls (in ASL) - Duration: 2:46.


Dan: Hi. I'm Dan. An Indiana voter.

My vote is my voice, so when I go to the polls,

I make sure I know exactly what my rights are-

both as a voter and as a person with a disability.

As a voter, you can expect your polling place to be

accessible. This means accessible parking spaces,

ramps, or other assistance for entrances with steps,

and accessible doors. If the main entrance

is not an accessible entrance, signs should point to one.

And all entrances should be open the same hours.

Paths from the parking lot to the entrance and

from the entrance to the voting area should be clear

and free of clutter.

If you have any trouble getting around,

you can always ask workers at the polls for help.

You can also bring a friend or family member along to help.

Once you've reached the polls, you can request to

use an accessible voting machine.

Every polling place must have at least one.

These can be easily moved and adjusted

or even placed on a person's lap.

There are also attachments to help those who are blind

or who have limited vision.

And don't forget that you have voting options

before Election Day arrives. You can vote absentee

by mail. You can vote early at your County Clerk's office.

You can also request to vote by Travelling Board and

have poll workers come to you.

One more thing- if you're told you're not

allowed to vote, find out why.

If it is because you are missing your photo I.D.

or your name doesn't appear in the poll book,

you can ask for a provisional ballot.

But if you do have your I.D. and are properly registered

to vote, yet you're still having problems,

don't give up. Request a phone call to the

County Clerk's office. You can also call

Indiana Disability Rights.

If you do have to fill out a provisional ballot,

you have ten days to get any missing information

to the County Clerk.

After you provide the proper information,

you're vote will be counted.

It's your right to vote; don't give it up.

If you have any trouble voting, you can call

Indiana Disability Rights at 800-622-4845

or e-mail us at

We're here to help.

For more infomation >> Know Your Rights at the Polls (in ASL) - Duration: 2:46.


MAMMOTH Victory For America! House Votes To Stop Sharia Law, This Is AMAZING Details - Duration: 12:53.

MAMMOTH Victory For America!

House Votes To Stop Sharia Law, This Is AMAZING (Details)

The Muslim animosity toward Westerners is at its supreme pinnacle.

But then, Muslims hush up about formulating ways destruct.

Each time we learn of another awfulness story, there appear to be Muslims behind it, around

it, and before it.

it might be the ideal opportunity for whatever is left of the world to acknowledge that this

inner battle under which the Muslim world gets itself is unfixable.

There's simply nothing anyone can do about it.

Now, the best way to "settle" the issue with radical Islamic terrorism is to threaten

the terrorists.

This war with the heathen has been continuing for a huge number of years; why should we

imagine that we can oblige and mollify individuals with an inclination for murder and pulverization

and contempt and prejudice?

Why should we tie whatever is left of society to a guarantee, an agreement, under which

the Progressives accept will conciliate executioners and all of a sudden make detestable see great

in us?

Who are we?

We are individuals who wish to secure ourselves.

The Political Insider:

"A bill designed to block 'the application of foreign law' in state courts – including

Sharia Law – advanced in the Montana House of Representatives earlier this week.

The vote for Senate Bill 97 was mostly along party lines, passing 56-44.

Republicans argued that the bill simply upheld the Constitutions of both Montana and the

United States.

Democrats meanwhile, argued that the bill – say it with us – targets Muslims!

Via The Billings Gazette:

"After a lengthy debate, with Democrats and Republicans disagreeing on the intent

of a Senate bill to prohibit state courts from applying foreign law, the legislation

advanced in the House largely along party lines with a 56-44 vote.

Senate Bill 97, carried by Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, does not specifically mention Sharia law,

but it was the only kind of foreign law mentioned during testimony in both the Senate and House

judiciary committees.

Sharia law is the religious governance followed by people practicing Islam.

Sharia utilizes religious texts to determine divine will.

Its implementation varies across the world, with Saudi Arabia adhering to strict punishments

like stoning, while in other countries it is most regularly used in personal law such

as marriage and divorce.

Democrats said the bill targets Muslims, while Republicans said it simply reinforces the

Montana and U.S. constitutions.

Conservatives across the nation have sent a powerful message against Sharia Law.

A petition on Stand United has been created, demanding Congress take action against the

oppressive legal system.

" 'As far as being determined xenophobic, that's an insult,' Rep. Brad Tschida explained.

'I'm not intolerant.

This is not anti-Muslim.


'They have no intention to abide by our laws, nor are they interested in assimilating

to our culture.'


Also, we arrive at the conclusion that is generally sensible.

They have never had the goal of maintaining our laws… just taking them over and driving

us to submit to theirs.

No more genuine words have ever been talked.

Ann Coulter said for all intents and purposes a similar thing a couple days back; anyone

with a working mind not stricken around political accuracy fever sees this, plain as day.

Damn good thing the courts are beginning to see it, as well.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

H/T The Political Insider, The Billings Gazette SICK!

Top US Muslim Leader Calls For Overthrow Of President Trump, He's Out Of His Mind – DEFINITELY!


The Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, likes to tell the world they are a "civil-rights


It shrouds it's immediate, very much recorded direct ties it must be stated, to fear monger

associations Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

They shroud their actual purpose of bringing and forcing Sharia law on America.

In a 2007 trial in government prosecutors said this in regards to CAIR:

"Moreover, from its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates

of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists … the conspirators agreed to use deception

to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists."

These are awful folks.

Why Obama has protected them for so long is past typical limits of sound judgment.

Be that as it may, once in a while CAIR specialists blunder and uncover who they truly are.

Hussam Ayloush, chief of CAIR-Los Angeles, tweeted this out after Trump's notable win,

The second line in Arabic means "The people want to bring down the regime."

"In other words, Ayloush unambiguously and directly called for the overthrow of the U.S.

government," said scholar Daniel Pipes of Middle East Forum.

Pipes notes that 18 US Code § 2385 says, "Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates,

abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing

or destroying the government of the United States … shall be fined under this title

or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.


Also, this person Ayloush is no periphery character.

An incredible opposite, he is a dynamic individual from the Democratic Party where he filled

in as a delegate to the national tradition in 2012.

He's authoritatively gone to the White House in any event twice times amid Barack Obama's


That may clarify why this person as yet strolling around free in America today and not doing

20 years as he ought to.

The Department of Justice named CAIR an unindicted co-schemer in the Holy Land case, which indicated

philanthropy for piping more than $12 million to the Palestinian psychological oppressor

aggregate Hamas.

In 2014, the United Arab Emirates named CAIR as one of 82 assigned terrorist associations

around the globe, putting it in the organization of al-Qaida and ISIS.

The Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas in 2008 – the biggest dread back case in U.S.

history – uncovered the Muslim BrotherhoodsThese are awful folks.

These folks are not our companions.

While Obama lets them inside the White House, they plot our oust.

It's insane.

Gratefully all that will change with Trump.

We ought to all recollect considering the expressions of these terrorists important.

Trump will require our assistance in the battle to save America.

If it's not too much trouble be prepared to do your part.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.


President Trump And Judge Jeanine Just Announced CAREER-ENDING News For Paul Ryan, This Is


The previous evening was a HORRIBLE night for anybody named Paul Ryan and furthermore,

fills in as the Speaker of the House.

Donald Trump and his companion Judge Jeanine Pirro had a VERY extraordinary message for


The combine cooperated to develop a scene of Judge Jeanine where she told Paul Ryan:

Step Down as House Speaker Because You FAILED Health Care!

So I am certain you are pondering what President Trump needed to do with this?

All things considered, for reasons unknown yesterday morning Trump conveyed this extremely

curious tweet to everyone of his fans with one basic summon: Watch Judge Jeanine TONIGHT!

Everybody THOUGHT it was about her exceptional on Obama wiretapping "revelations".

In any case, Trump never SAID that was the reason.

Furthermore, we as a whole know he was not content with how the Republican party had

an opportunity to rescind Obamacare and fizzled.

Presently it's dependent upon us to help President Trump.

His message was uproarious and clear: We have to Drain the Republican swamp first!

That does not mean ALL Republicans ought to go.

It just means we gotta swap out the washouts for champs.

It's an ideal opportunity to end individuals like:

-Paul Ryan -John McCain

-Lindsey Graham -Mitch McConnell

-And many, many more.

Obviously, there is a great deal of work to be finished.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

H/T Liberty Writers News JUST IN!

MAJOR Person Just Got Arrested, Dems Shocked (Details)

Various conservative media have spread the tale of Rasmea Odeh and her executing of two

Jewish students as they were looking for basic needs in 1969.

She was likewise charged and detained after she moved here as she was being untrustworthy

about her past to get her citizenship.

It is pitiful and debilitating when the lady's development begins about securing a terrorist


Rasmea was captured and her U.S. citizenship will be stripped and she'll need to leave

the nation and come back to Jordan subsequent to declining to uncover to migration authorities

that she had been detained in Israel for executing two dread strikes.

Notwithstanding, some portion of her request deal directs that she won't need to invest

energy in U.S. correctional facility or confinement, uncovers an announcement made by Rasmea Defense

Committee on Thursday.

This previous terrorist who puts on a show to be a lobbyist rose to control in the United

States after her consideration in the Women's March and another huge exhibit, "A Day Without

A Woman."

Odeh asked womed throughout the world in a letter for The Guardian with other activists

to become a part of a "new wave of militant feminist struggle."

Nonetheless, as per the New York Post, she kept one mystery: that she was charged for

two terrorist strikes in Israel, and another assault on an Israeli grocery store in 1969

that brought about the demise of two or three students who were simply looking for goods.

Odeh was released from prison after a detainee trade.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

Paul Ryan's New Low!

He Stabbed President Trump In The Back AGAIN Because Of HEALTHCARE [Video]

I think it has turned out to be VERY certain now that Congressman Paul Ryan is NOT in favor

of President Trump or the American individuals.

To begin with, Donald Trump asked Ryan to just get Obamacare repealed and replaced.

Following 7 years of discussing it, it ought to have been simple.

Isn't that so?


At that point, Speaker Ryan had the nerve to turn out and tell "Obamacare is the law-of-the-land"

and won't leave.


Presently Donald Trump is attempting to keep up the force and proceed onward to duty change.

Charge REFORM!

We have a Republican House, Senate, and White House.

For's the love, we can get Tax Reform, isn't that so?

All things considered, not as per Paul Ryan, who stated,

"This does make tax reform more difficult.

But it does not in any way make it impossible.



Is this truly the authority of the Republican Party?

No big surprise they have been LOSING for so long.

Ryan surprisingly ought to be hopeful and occupied with revitalizing the troops.

This is quite recently PITIFUL!

We picked President Trump since we needed a WINNER.

Presently we see that to REALLY win, we likewise need to kick out every one of the LOSERS in

the GOP who are keeping us down.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

H/T Liberty Writers News

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