Thanks for meeting us today. It is a great honor for us
to have you in Germany. I think that it's your first time?
Yes it is my first time in Germany
Okay. What are your impressions?
So far so good.
I flew in yesterday and my only German
experience has been my hotel but I did
go to dinner last night with my
editor. We had some traditional food
from the Leipzig area.
Do you have any
idea or plans to stay in Germany any longer do you want to come back?
I do want to come back. I really wants to
visit Germany and so I plan to be back
maybe next summer. It's a ways off but
that's when i plan to come back. Yes.
There's lots to see in Germany.
Okay, so I am going to start. In the Steelheart and the Rithmatist
serious the true heroes are the most
normal person of all. Well, this is
pretty awesome. How did you get that
idea or did it just develop
Normally my books normally are
about people who discover a magical
talent and learn to use it. I realized I
was doing this a little too much and I
don't want to become a parody of myself
where I am too often doing the same
thing in The Rithmatist I
want to tell a story about somebody
who didn't have magic talent but lives
in a world of lots of people who do and
that was mostly to challenge myself as a
writer to do something different.
Steelheart was a reaction to superhero
films there are so many of them. I wanted
to do something it was a contrast to
them and this is a story where people
start getting super powers but only evil
people get them and I like that I
because it seemed kind of counter to a
lot of the films that were being made.
Do you have any favorite super hero?
Boy there are so many. As a kid the
comic book series i read the most with
teenage mutant ninja turtles. I
don't know if they count as superheroes
but they are the one I read the most.
I've always loved Superman
particularly when they focus on his
normal life. Normal life with superpowers
so the old Lois and Clark TV show or
even Smallville and things like this. I
really really enjoy. I haven't enjoyed
the new movies as much
You have got several
fantasy worlds and settings.
How do you get together with all of them. Because they
are there different different to each other. You have got a western
settings, than you have got superheros and
fantasy. How do you get together with all of them?
It's not as hard as you think because
the way my process works when I finish
the book I usually want to do something
very different. Okay. It's like eating cheese
when you eat some chicken cheese if you
usually take the difference between
right?! The proof cleanses your palate is
what we say it makes you refreshes your
taste buds and that's the same thing for
me so when I finish an epic fantasy book
like this I immediately want to write
something very different like a
steelheart book or The Rithmatist or
something so that I can refresh myself
and not get burned out on doing the same
As you told us before you have also a WIKI?
Yes I do.
Can you tell us something about it?
Well, it's very secret. The fans have a WIKI that you
can go reef called the copper mine that
is what they put together. I have a
secret one on my computer and my
assistant computer so don't steal my
computer and if this contains all of my
outlines and world building for the
various books mostly the cosmic it
doesn't do not Kazmir books and it is
very detailed in some places and has big
holes in other places where I haven't
gotten around putting it out of my brain
into the wiki yet.
How do you even get
a professional writer? What are your
Many German fantasy authors
just told me that the have got a role play past
as a good inspiration.
Do you have something in common?
I did role play quite a bit when I was
younger. I don't have time right now.
Certainly that's a bit of an inspiration.
I wouldn't go to it is my first.
Usually my first inspirations for books
are that I see what everyone else is
doing and I asked what is nobody of
doing. What is the story nobody's
telling. Where is the hole in the
storytelling. The Mistborn books came
from there. I told you earlier that it came from me
realizing a lot of epic fantasy as a
similar story. Young hero goes on a quest
gathers of bands unlikely followers in
defeat the dark beer a hero's journey
with the Dark Lord and all this stuff
and I wanted to counter story that one
word here where the key road failed in
the darn bored at one and that was the
origin of Miss horn Steelheart you know
was the Commons account er story to the
superheroes what if there were no
Superman? So I asked
the questions what is nobody else doing?
We just spoke about the world building
and what is fascinating to me is that you have so
many fantasy novels and you come up with so
many different magic systems. I was wondering how do
you come up with the magic systems? How do you set up
the rules for them? And how much research
do you put in it?
I love wacky magic systems.
That's my thing. I'm always hunting
for something that this new. Something a
new take often oh there's nothing really
new right everything has been done but
you can often put your own personal spin
on it and make it original. You know it's
never been hard for me. The magic systems
I have more that I want to write books
about the time for. So in some kind of
a lot of my inspiration comes from
science. Reading science books and saying
well if I could tweak the laws of
physics a little bit it would have this
effect that would be very very fun.
Do you have a specific procedure at
writing? Do you plot everything first and write afterwards or
do you just write the story?
I'm an outliner I like to plot
Books are usually a combination of
three things. There are character, setting
and plot. I do a lot of
world-building ahead of time for my setting.
I do with a moderate amount of
plotting. Character though I find if
you outline your character too much they
read very stiff and they become wooden
and cardboard and so this is the one
that I discovery right we call it where
I see how it goes I try a character out
and things like this and often this
means I have to revise my plot and
after I've develop the character further.
So there's always room for the
characters to change?
Yes the character has
control over the plot. They can change
the plot once in a while
the character changes so much that I
actually rewrite the book with a new
personality of a new character in that
because it's that character needs a
different story to be in. Oftentimes I
will just do some tryouts of characters
I will write from their viewpoint for a
little while and then step that side and
try with a different personality and set
that aside and then try it with a
As far as I know you are
continuing a series "The wheel of time". Is it very
difficult for you to write a different
series of another author?
It was very difficult. When I started working on
them one of the things I tried to do was
match his writing exactly and it
didn't work very well when I tried to
write exactly like him it felt like a
caricature enough you know that's when a
sketch artist doesn't picture of you
with exaggerated and ears or whatever. I
realized that it was reading too much
like a fairy. So I backed off on trying
to imitate him exactly and then focus on
the characters and said can I get the
characters sound like themselves what I
often tell readers is imagine a movie
where the director leaves and a new
director comes in but it's the same
characters the same actors as it's
happening with the Harry Potter films.
Many different directors who each of
those films feels different but they are
still the same actors so there's
continuity and that's what I feel like
happening for real time. New director so
it's the feeling is different in my
books but hopefully the characters still
feel like themselves.
What about the world-building? I love your world-building
but it's really really complex. What
do you do first creating new worlds?
When I am creating a world it is different for
every book. Often I say the best
fantasy books the world building is done
in service to the story not the other
way around meaning the you spend your
time as a writer world building things
that are important to the characters
into the plot and so I usually am
asking myself what are the characters
interested in what what is what's their
passion about? What's the conflict in the
world? I like each of my settings to have
conflicts in them. In the Stormlight archives the
storm creating conflict man versus
nature and things like this. With other
books it will be the religion as a sort
of the conflict or the even linguistics
and language can be a source of conflict.
These sorts of things drive me in my
world building to figure out which is
going to work in the story.
How important are
fantasy maps in your books?
I love maps
in fantasy books. I think they add a lot.
They are a visual way of seeing the world
as being a very different in interesting
place. So I tend to put a lot of them in
my books storm light our five books will
often have eight or nine different maps
spread through the book I'm Victor your
inheritance don't you have any friends
of you do to us yeah often a friend of
mine will get a cameo writer friend of
mine Stan well if he means he sells very
well in Germany and he is in the second
miss boardwalk standing on a wall
everyone around from gets killed except
for him
and so I do what we call cameos some
characters are more deeply inspired by
rent they'll go through conflicts or
have a problem and I want to build a
character around them so what's the most
important thing for a character it's a
minor typically him or her the conflict
are something different yeah conflict is
certainly a big part of it I'm not sure
to be most important but it's a very big
part how are they in conflict with
themselves because we all are right
there's something inside of us that it
doesn't necessarily miss the original
Miss Moore trilogy then it's a good
example then is somebody who is a good
person but doesn't believe anybody else
is good person in this conflict inside
of her if she doesn't want to trust
anybody and creates interesting conflict
but the same time there's also what if
the character passionate about everybody
wants something and Kurt Vonnegut said
every character you want something even
if it's just a cup water and I think
this is true we go every day you know we
don't wake up saying I want to save the
we wake up saying wow I really like to
maybe just do this one thing I want to
get to Paris once in my life or
something like that we have passions
that its particle makes us who we are
and I think this is important for
characters letting the way they see the
world in Cyrus now which will compute
you would recommend us what happened we
didn't both of you I normally recommend
that people start with the first Miss
cornhole I don't know what it's called a
journey because the German titles are
all very very different but it is a good
place but if you can't find that then
the first wax and wane booking a low of
law in English is a really great
starting point also so your identity
crisis I am if you have to have to write
another number would you do that or
would you like to have a challenge you
know I could at any time write whatever
I feel like and so I keep coming back to
fantasy and science fiction the only
time I've done something that wasn't I
did mysteries the Legion books which are
little even those halves in science
fiction to them though so I don't know
that I will ever do something not
science fiction fantasy because I say
this fantasy you can do whatever you
want you can have romance mystery you
can have you can be literary a new prose
different you know people to that you
can do anything you want in a fantasy
book plus you can have dragons so why
not right
if you could are you can do anything you
want and then make it better my adding
magic to it why wouldn't you so have you
read any books Pegasus she called no
joke book for us to do not consider it
unlikely to read a lot of history books
they're very handy and but i do love
dancing and i recently read city of
stairs there are objective dennis i
recently read my mary robinette kowal go
stalkers and so yes I like to read
widely everything I can get my hands on
speaking of differences what are the
others here close by well obviously
robert jordan would be a big one i would
say that anne mccaffrey influence mail
on guy Gavriel Kay influenced me a lot
victor hugo it was a big influence on me
all kinds of different writers I could
keep going and going and going
everything you read influences you a
little bit do you need a small planet
one you're arriving there do you read
reviews do you hear what they say and
what they want I do what it's dangerous
because you don't want to pander you
don't want your books to just be
fanservice but I think if you ignore
what your audience is liking then that's
not a good idea there so there's a
balance to be had where you listen to
what people are liking what people think
you're doing well what people think
you're doing poorly and you try to
improve but you also try to seek your
own artistic vision without being too
influenced by what the market
one so do you have favorite charity to
write or do you Olaf um my favorite
character right whoever i'm riding right
now yes that's kind of a this evening
answer but it is and what is I'm writing
the third book of the storm lidar hub
I'm doing revisions on it so that's
called book Springer may be out in
november in english i'm not sure about
yours all right guy well thank you very
much for having me I'm go to every day
it's another video one of my the
highlights which when the Emperor's soul
want to go aboard but that moment I give
us money most award-winning story that
was a wonderful night
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