Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Cartoons (Parody) - Funny Cartoon Movie for Kids 280917
Renault Twingo 1.2 16V DYNAMIQUE , CLIMATRONIC, CR CONTR , MISTL V , - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Learn colors with Elsa Angela Paw Patrol Hulk Spiderman Colors Learn Glass Finger Family Song - Duration: 2:21.Learn colors with Elsa Angela Paw Patrol Hulk Spiderman Colors Learn Glass
The difference between American and Japanese McDonalds. - Duration: 7:50.yo natalia natchan here!
so it seems that you guys really enjoy watching
my video called "the difference between american and japanese"
im so thankful and happy
sometimes people come up to me
and tell me that they really like that video
so i just wanna thank you guys
and since you guys like it so much, i wanted to do one today as well
and recently i did a live on instagram
and we talked about the difference between japanese and american customer service
and its so different
japanaese people are so careful when it comes to this
the customer ALWAYS comes first
in america it really depends on the worker i guess...
but one thing i did notice abotu americans
is that we start conversation more
well for example if you're at the convenience store
they'll be like "hey hows it going?"
or compliment your clothes
in japanese, the phrases are already chosen
i guess it kind of shows
how much customer service means to them
and so in the case of american fast food...
the one and only... is obviously mcdonalds
and honestl american and japanese mcdoanlds are pretty different
so today i want to look at american mcdonalds
and the japanese mcdonalds
and look at the differences
sorry its kind of late so i gotta keep it down....
difference between japanese and japan
when japanese mcdonalds is crowded
omg so many people
when american mcdonalds is crowded
japanese mcdonalds staff
thank you!
next up please!
american mcdonalds staff
when you take awhile to order in japanese mcdonalds
have you decided?
oh! one second please.
have you decided?
omg this shit happens everytime!
i cant see from that far.. and how the hell am i supposed to know what i want already!
are you ready yet?
customer if you're ready i can take-
teriyaki burger!
and what would you like to drink?
can i get you a drink?
orange juice! (wait! i wanted a coke!)
for here or to go?
to go! (wait... what? why????)
thank you very much- NEXT PLEASE!
have you decided yet?
when it takes a minute to order at american mcdonalds
when you want to add to your order in japan
can i get that without meat?
without... meat?
wait one minute please!
yes mam! without meat!
so ill have the egg burger with no meat patty...
oh and can i add lettuce on that?
im sorry mam but that egg burger doesnt come with lettuce
thats why im asking if i can add some
you want to... add.. lettuce?
im sorry ma'am we cannot do that!
when you add to your order in the states
when they get your order wrong
excuse me.. i order a quarter pounder...
but instead i got a double cheeseburger....
so sorry!
i'll make you a new one!
wait. you're throwing it away?
yes! we'll just throw it away for you
wait then can i just take it?
well that would be a bit......
difficult.... im sorry!
when they get your order wrong at mcdoanlds
bad customer (japan)
oh! im gonna go take a seat here without ordering anything. ohoho
when they dont sell what you want at this time (japan)
can i get the cheeseburger set?
im sorry maam, we only sell the cheeseburger from 11:00
but its..... 10... 55
im sorry but..
can you please order in a couple minutes?
when they dont sell what you want at thist time (america)
¿Cómo ZARA REVOLUCIONÓ el mundo de la MODA? – VisualPolitik - Duration: 12:27.-------------------------------------------
Bad Kids & Bad Dinosaur Family Fun Pretend Play Songs Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Children - Duration: 3:38.Bad Kids & Bad Dinosaur Family Fun Pretend Play Songs | Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Children
Colors Video for Kids Talking tom Gold Run Vs Minions Vs Sonic Dash 2 Animation Children - Duration: 10:14.-------------------------------------------
Gavoh - Gavoh - Bhai Anantvir Singh LA - ਇਸ ਕੀਰਤਨ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਣੋ - Duration: 24:11.ਸੋਰਠਿ ਮਹਲਾ ੩ ॥ Sorat'h, Third Mehl: ਹਰਿ ਜੀਉ ਸਬਦੇ ਜਾਪਦਾ ਭਾਈ ਪੂਰੈ ਭਾਗਿ ਮਿਲਾਇ ॥ The Dear Lord is realized through the Word of His Shabad, O Siblings of Destiny, which is found only by perfect destiny. ਸਦਾ ਸੁਖੁ ਸੋਹਾਗਣੀ ਭਾਈ ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਰਤੀਆ ਰੰਗੁ ਲਾਇ ॥੧॥ The happy soul-brides are forever in peace, O Siblings of Destiny; night and day, they are attuned to the Lord's Love. ||1|| ਹਰਿ ਜੀ ਤੂ ਆਪੇ ਰੰਗੁ ਚੜਾਇ ॥ O Dear Lord, You Yourself color us in Your Love. ਗਾਵਹੁ ਗਾਵਹੁ ਰੰਗਿ ਰਾਤਿਹੋ ਭਾਈ ਹਰਿ ਸੇਤੀ ਰੰਗੁ ਲਾਇ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ Sing, continually sing His Praises, imbued with His Love, O Siblings of Destiny; be in love with the Lord. ||Pause|| ਗੁਰ ਕੀ ਕਾਰ ਕਮਾਵਣੀ ਭਾਈ ਆਪੁ ਛੋਡਿ ਚਿਤੁ ਲਾਇ ॥ Work to serve the Guru, O Siblings of Destiny; abandon self-conceit, and focus your consciousness. ਸਦਾ ਸਹਜੁ ਫਿਰਿ ਦੁਖੁ ਨ ਲਗਈ ਭਾਈ ਹਰਿ ਆਪਿ ਵਸੈ ਮਨਿ ਆਇ ॥੨॥ You shall be in peace forever, and you shall not suffer in pain any longer, O Siblings of Destiny; the Lord Himself shall come and abide in your mind. ||2|| ਪਿਰ ਕਾ ਹੁਕਮੁ ਨ ਜਾਣਈ ਭਾਈ ਸਾ ਕੁਲਖਣੀ ਕੁਨਾਰਿ ॥ She who does not know the Will of her Husband Lord, O Siblings of Destiny, is an ill-mannered and bitter bride. ਮਨਹਠਿ ਕਾਰ ਕਮਾਵਣੀ ਭਾਈ ਵਿਣੁ ਨਾਵੈ ਕੂੜਿਆਰਿ ॥੩॥ She does things with a stubborn mind, O Siblings of Destiny; without the Name, she is false. ||3|| ਸੇ ਗਾਵਹਿ ਜਿਨ ਮਸਤਕਿ ਭਾਗੁ ਹੈ ਭਾਈ ਭਾਇ ਸਚੈ ਬੈਰਾਗੁ ॥ They alone sing the Lord's Praises, who have such pre-ordained destiny written upon their foreheads, O Siblings of Destiny; through the Love of the True Lord, they find detachment. ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਰਾਤੇ ਗੁਣ ਰਵਹਿ ਭਾਈ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਗੁਰ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਗੁ ॥੪॥ Night and day, they are imbued with His Love; they utter His Glorious Praises, O Siblings of Destiny, and they lovingly focus their consciousness on the Fearless Guru. ||4|| ਸਭਨਾ ਮਾਰਿ ਜੀਵਾਲਦਾ ਭਾਈ ਸੋ ਸੇਵਹੁ ਦਿਨੁ ਰਾਤਿ ॥ He kills and revives all, O Siblings of Destiny; serve Him, day and night. ਸੋ ਕਿਉ ਮਨਹੁ ਵਿਸਾਰੀਐ ਭਾਈ ਜਿਸ ਦੀ ਵਡੀ ਹੈ ਦਾਤਿ ॥੫॥ How can we forget Him from our minds, O Siblings of Destiny? His gifts are glorious and great. ||5|| ਮਨਮੁਖਿ ਮੈਲੀ ਡੁੰਮਣੀ ਭਾਈ ਦਰਗਹ ਨਾਹੀ ਥਾਉ ॥ The self-willed manmukh is filthy and double-minded, O Siblings of Destiny; the finds no place of rest in the Court of the Lord. ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹੋਵੈ ਤ ਗੁਣ ਰਵੈ ਭਾਈ ਮਿਲਿ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮ ਸਾਚਿ ਸਮਾਉ ॥੬॥ But if she becomes Gurmukh, then she chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny; the meets her True Beloved, and merges in Him. ||6|| ਏਤੁ ਜਨਮਿ ਹਰਿ ਨ ਚੇਤਿਓ ਭਾਈ ਕਿਆ ਮੁਹੁ ਦੇਸੀ ਜਾਇ ॥ In this life, she has not focused her consciousness on the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny; how can she show her face when she leaves? ਕਿੜੀ ਪਵੰਦੀ ਮੁਹਾਇਓਨੁ ਭਾਈ ਬਿਖਿਆ ਨੋ ਲੋਭਾਇ ॥੭॥ In spite of the warning calls which were sounded, she has been plundered, O Siblings of Destiny; she yearned only for corruption. ||7|| ਨਾਮੁ ਸਮਾਲਹਿ ਸੁਖਿ ਵਸਹਿ ਭਾਈ ਸਦਾ ਸੁਖੁ ਸਾਂਤਿ ਸਰੀਰ ॥ Those who dwell upon the Naam, O Siblings of Destiny, their bodies are ever peaceful and tranquil. ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮੁ ਸਮਾਲਿ ਤੂ ਭਾਈ ਅਪਰੰਪਰ ਗੁਣੀ ਗਹੀਰ ॥੮॥੩॥ O Nanak, dwell upon the Naam; the Lord is infinite, virtuous and unfathomable, O Siblings of Destiny. ||8||3||
Facts you should know about Vainglory - Duration: 14:40.hey me amigos feeqone here and today we are going to discuss about top fact you should
know about vain glory now if you were thinking of stating of vainglory or you have already
started up vainglory but you are not getting hang of it than don't worry i got you cover
this fact should be definitely help you now without any further a do
lets get started
so vainglory is what you typically know as a M.O.B.A a M.O.B.A is a multiplayer online battle arena when i say the word M.O.B.A
if words like L.O.L (League Of Legends) and DOTA come to mind then you would be right vainglory just like the others
is a M.O.B.A of a P.V.P but the difference is it 's only 3.V.3 for now I say for now because vainglory is due to get a 5.V.5
upgrade soon in update 3.0 it's gonna be really exiting because everyone in vainglory now is going to start of
on a new step from the beginning so it's gonna be like a huge learning experience
I suggest you join in as soon as possible before update 3.0 to experience vainglory to the fullest
now when you download and install the entire 1.4 GB something game you are gonna be introduce to five part tutorial
after you finish the tutorial you can logging to vainglory via google when you do that your account is going to be having
three hero's namely TAKA the stealthily jungler a melee hero with lot of burst damage and RINGO and SKAARF laners with damage over time who have a range in them
and you are also going to be having SKAARF infinity SKAARF rare skin
now if you find neither of those hero's are exactly you need and you are more of support kinda hero like to protect his team instead of ambushing the enemy
then don't worry every player in vainglory is bound to get a support hero from the mystery chest
I myself got a CATHERINE my friend NEWINKWELL he got an ARDAN and TACALL AIR claims to have an ADAGIO
from the mystery chest so even if you not working out so well with jungler's and laners don't worry you soon get a
captain hero with which you can support your team instead of ambushing the enemy's
if that's more of your's style
speaking of hero's
now there are three type's of hero's and 34 hero's in total the first type consisting of 12 hero's is the jungler type
this guys are usually melee hero's with a lot of burst damage and their skill set can be used for bush gang kin
now their is of course an exception of PETAL how is actually a range hero's but beside's her hero's like
TAKA and RONA these guys have a lot of burst damage
and it's sort of like a one shot one kill thing
you land in and attack on enemy and they immediately deal a lot of damage
now the second type consist of 14 hero's is the LANER HERO'S
this guys are also know as carry hero's because most of the time the victory or defeat of your team depend on how good your laner are
now this guys are usually ranged hero's they have a lot of range and they damage the enemy over time it's like poison
it damages you over time it doesn't immediately kill you like the burst damage it damages you over time
and it has a lot of range
laners usually hang around lane defending their torrents and try to push their enemy's toward the enemy home Joel
now the final type and one of the most important type is the captain hero's
these guys are more like protectors of the team this guy don't concentrate on the enemy team or attaching them
they concentrate on protecting their own hero's and their own team mates
their skill set are very specific and they are mostly used for protecting their own team even there itemization and recommendation consist of defense item
speaking of items
now their is a thing called itemization in vainglory basically when you go into a match you are suppose to buy a lot item with gold you earn in the match
this item do not carry from match to match so as soon as you end the match this item don't stick with you any more
when you start out the match you start out with the 600 gold and you can get about 2 item in that
soon you upgrade to the third tier item in weapon crystal or defense item slot
so captain usually go for the defense item slot and they try their best to reach the tier three slot by the end of the match
now itemization is key here
a singal mishap in buying one item could mean the difference between victory and defeat for your team
so you need to be very wise and careful in selecting your items
I say practice your item builds in bots matches or at least co-op bots so you know how well your item work and how much difference it makes in a match
try different builds go into the recommendations see more videos about this and try to figure out your own unique item build for your unique character
and when your done test it out in in the P.V.P matches and see how well they work
what you are looking at right now is what vainglory 3.V.3 match map looks like
here is your home base here is the enemy home base this is your home jewel this is the enemy home jewel this are all your turrents and this are all enemy turrents
this entire part is the jungle
now 35 seconds into the match all the jungle monster spotted all those miner and minions who ever they are they all spotted
4 minutes into the match the middle centree and your gold miners spots in
15 minutes into the match the middle centree is replaced by what is called as the kraken
now you can steal this kraken by defeating it ones and putting it on your team and that kraken will help you destroy turrents and the enemy gold jewel
now remember this kraken only come in 15 minutes into the match now it might not sound like a lot right now but when you are playing an intents vainglory match every
second is as long as you can aspect ed to be
now your team has 2 main objective
push the lane by destroying the enemy turrent and their home jewel but also at the same time protect your own turrents and you own home jewel
when you finally destroy the enemy home jewel you win the match
but if the enemy is able to destroy all your turrents and your home jewel you loss
now you might be thinking FEEQONE what if my team mate decides to abandon the match then it's like a 2.V.3 match right
well you are correct your team mate could sometime can abandon the match leaving you and your other team mate all alone to face three other enemies
well for this vainglory has what is called a karma system
when you have good karma you are placed in the high priority Q and everything runs normal
if you start leaving and deserting matches every now and then you get a lot of bad karma
eventually it put you in a low priority Q meaning you won't get matches as quickly as you earlier use to it might even take 2,3 to 5 min to get a single match
but you still continue to desert matches because of what ever reason you eventually get temporary or even permanently banned from the game
so you want as much good karma as possible on your side you don't want any bad karma sometimes it's so happens as we have some work
and we may have to desert a match
that okay ones in a while is okay
but you consistently keep abandoning the matches rage quiting or even purposelessly losing the match so that you can get it over quickly
your team mates can dishonor you and complain AFK's (away from keyboard) intentional law and lozey game play against you
and the vainglory community it will recognize you and band you possibly even permanently if the complain stack up so don't desert
there is a new thing called talents in vainglory their only available for brawl type matches like battle royale or blitz
now this talents are like a super upgrade for your hero abilities each of your hero's has one heroic perk and three abilities A B and ULTIMATE
now this talents can upgrade your hero ability in brawl game modes like battle royale and blitz
rear talents upgrade your hero's A ability
epic talent are know to upgrade hero's B ability and legendary talents they pack a full bunch in your ultimate
now there are many different type of currency in vainglory
opals,ice,essence etc
but the most important currency is glory
now a normal hero would cost you either 6000 or 8000 glory you can even buy talent coins and upgrade talent coins with the help of glory
when you go to buy a rare talent coin it would cost you somewhere about 20 glory
when you buy a epic talent coin it would cost you something about 2000 glory and if you try to buy a legendary talent coin it would cost you about 5000 glory
now when you upgrade your rare talent coins it start of 10 glory and every time you upgraded again it adds 5 more glory to the total
the same happen to epic which start with 300 glory and it add 50 glory every time you upgraded once more
and legendary which need 3000 glory to upgraded once
glory are very important and you can easily get a lot of glory from your mystery chest from other challenges from your daily challenges
and by just playing normal matches like P.V.P
all right guys I HOPE you like the video I hope the video was use full for you and it help you in vainglory game play
lemmino what you think of the video in the comments below make sure you smash that like button please do subscribe to my channel
and lemmino if it really help you a lot and I will talk to you guys in the next video
CANH CHUA LỤC BÌNH VÀ RAU MUỐNG XÀO TỎI - MÓN ĂN DÂN DÃ - MIỀN TÂY VLOGS - Duration: 45:30.Welcome to Mien Tay Vlogs
Baa Baa Oveja Negra | Rimas Para Niños | Para Bebes | Canciones Infantiles| Videos De Niños - Duration: 1:11:35.Baa, baa, black sheep,
have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
three bags full!
One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane
Baa, baa, black sheep,
have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
three bags full!
One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
How language barriers affect children on the move - Duration: 3:38.My name is Azad.
I am 12 years old.
In 2015, we left Afghanistan because of the fighting.
I was with my parents, my little brothers, and my baby sister.
People we knew were being killed.
We couldn't go to school, we were afraid to go outside.
My parents wanted to go to Europe.
They said it would be safer there.
Our journey was long and we were very frightened.
We walked and walked, sometimes we took a bus.
Sometimes a truck.
From Turkey to Greece, we took a dinghy.
That was one of the scariest points.
Along the way we met lots of new people.
They spoke languages that I had never heard before that sounded very different from Dari.
I started to understand the other languages a little.
I can say somethings but I often get words wrong.
In the camp in Athens, most of my friends speak Dari, but my friend Amal speaks Arabic and Kurmanji.
When we play together, we use English words and some Greek words that we learned at the camp school.
Sometimes I translate for my parents who do not speak any English or Greek.
But sometimes, it's really hard and no one understands me.
Like that time when my dad went to the market and suddenly my mother got sick.
I ran to the doctors in the camp to tell them what happened.
But they didn't understand me.
I was so scared.
It happened again at school, I was so happy to go to a real school again, at last.
I put on my best clothes and my new backpack.
The school was beautiful and the children were very friendly.
The teacher spoke in Greek so fast that I couldn't understand him.
I didn't used to think about the different languages people speak.
But now I know that language matters.
6 Ways to Spot Psychological Manipulation Before it Destroys You - Duration: 5:26.6 Ways to Spot Psychological Manipulation Before it Destroys You
Psychological manipulation can be truly devastating.
Loosely defined, the manipulator plays on your good intentions, insecurities, vulnerabilities
and weaknesses in order to get what they want.
This could be someone you trust or even love, and they are often void of any conscientious
considerations, will prey on these weaknesses in order to compel you to do something in
their favor.
While all human beings are manipulative to some degree, the emotional manipulator is
habitually manipulative and will employ this form of psychological control consistently.
Simply put, when someone is clearly wronging or hurting you and at the end of the day you
are the one apologizing for their wrong deeds, then you are being emotionally manipulated.
But this is just one of the many ways in which emotional manipulation will manifest itself.
There are many other signs that you can look out for in order to protect yourself from
being manipulated.
Here are the six red flag to recognize you are being psychologically manipulated.
Number 1.
They'll Use Your Words Against You
This is the signature technique of the emotional manipulator.
They will do something to hurt you and when you complain about it, they'll turn the
situation around, making you feel guilty and end up apologizing.
For example, you may be upset that your emotionally manipulative partner forgot your birthday.
Normally, a person will simply apologize for forgetting and promise to make up for it in
some other way in the near future.
The emotional manipulator will make it look like it was your fault that they forgot about
your birthday.
They might start telling you how they've been under a lot of stress because of something
you've done, or remind you of a time you might have forgotten something, in order to
justify their actions.
Number 2.
They're wolves in sheep's clothing
Emotionally manipulative people are always willing to help… but it always comes at
a price.
They'll always remind you of that one time they helped you out, and use it as a way to
manipulate you into feeling like you owe them something.
If you find that you're constantly being reminded of a favor someone did for you and
feel obliged to keep on helping them out – there's a very strong chance you're being manipulated.
Number 3.
They completely lack accountability
Emotional manipulators lie and twist facts as it suits to them to get out of tight spots.
They have zero sense of accountability and will simply spin tall tales to explain their
They are bold-faced liars who will say anything to get out of feeling as though they are the
one at fault.
The emotional manipulator will spin off the most ridiculous lie with the greatest conviction.
More often than not they lie as if they completely believe what they are saying.
Maybe they do at that particular moment.
Number 4.
They are guilt-mongers
An emotional manipulator will never ever admit a mistake if it puts them at a disadvantage.
Instead, they're always on the lookout for someone to blame.
They're always very good at playing the victim and using that to guilt-trip.
They are masters of it and will make you feel guilty about virtually anything that you do,
whether good or bad, if it does not favour them.
Whenever they want something from you, they will try and stir up some sympathy from you
so you support, nurture, or take care of them.
Number 5.
They are cowards
They don't deal with problems directly.
Instead, they exhibit passive-aggressive behaviour in their dealings with people.
For example, they'll talk behind your back, getting people to say things to you that they
would rather not say directly.
They may be sweetness and light to your face, and while they might not hurt you directly,
they will find subtle ways of undermining or belittling you.
Number 6.
They always seem to be having it worse
Whatever your problems may be, the emotional manipulator will somehow have it so much worse.
It's part of their natural tendency to look for sympathy and make you feel guilty – their
instinct is to shift the attention from your problems to theirs.
They have a deep egoistical desire to shift the focus to themselves.
If you sense they are not being genuine and let them know, they might exhibit signs of
being deeply hurt.
Not only might they do this, but turn the situation on its head and try to make you
feel guilty for calling them out.
When you feel they are not being genuine, trust your intuition and walk away from their
Keep your distance from these mind games help you avoid spiraling into self doubt and could
even stop a breakdown.
All in all, that's the six Ways to Spot Psychological Manipulation Before it Destroys You.
Really cool information isn't it.
I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences
in the comments below!
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.
Thanks for watching!
الاعاقة || خاطرة تحفيزية ᴴᴰ - Duration: 0:47.Magic crystal
you can not see through it thing
but it provokes the glow of event in your eyes
although the circumstances have made it tough
the is something precious inside
you are as you are
nothing changes you
and don't commend praise your day
you are the day which doesn't have yesterday
How to Build a Fire Pit on a Budget - HGTV - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
How Quicksand Causes Dam Failures - Duration: 5:15.When you think about quicksand, you probably don't feel much fear or uncertainty.
What was once a popular plot device in island and jungle movies has begun to fade from our
collective curiosity.
But, in civil engineering, quicksand is more than just a puddle of mud.
It has a specific, and potentially more catastrophic, definition that can affect all kinds of infrastructure.
I'm Grady and today on Practical Engineering, we're continuing the dive into the hazards
of soil mechanics and talking about seepage.
This video is sponsored in part by Blue Apron.
More on that later.
If you ever tried to build a dam in a creek or even in the storm gutter on your street,
you know how hard it is.
Water is not only powerful, but it's elusive too.
It seems to always find a way through.
Like all fluids, water flows from areas of high pressure to low pressure, and a dam is
essentially a structure which separates those two conditions.
This is a prime circumstance to induce flow, whether it's through the dam itself, or
underneath (through its foundation).
Water flowing through soil is called seepage, and it follows some interesting and unexpected
So, to give you a better understanding, I'm building this demonstration out of clear acrylic
sheets and some plumbing fixtures.
This will essentially let us see a cross section through a dam so we can observe how the seepage
All dams have some seepage, so engineers need to be able to characterize it.
Flow through soil follows Darcy's Law, which is simple to understand, but difficult to
calculate in two dimensions.
Before computer models, engineers used an analytical tool called a flow net to estimate
the behavior of seepage.
Now software can do the work more quickly and accurately.
Darcy's law essentially says that the rate of seepage depends on the length of the flow
path and the difference in pressure across it.
The combination of these two factors is called the hydraulic gradient.
If the difference in pressure is small, like in this example, the seepage will be very
The bigger the difference in pressure, the greater the seepage flow rate will be.
But, if you increase the difference by too much, eventually some strange things start
to happen.
What's happening here?
I've talked about shear strength of soils in a previous video.
Check that out if you want more detail, but here's the gist: Soil is a granular material
that has one main way of holding itself together: friction.
Gravity pushes the soil particles together, creating friction which gives the soil strength.
Seepage is the enemy of friction.
The water gets between the soil particles, pushing them away from each other, reducing
the friction and thus reducing the strength.
This is important, because shear strength is really the only thing separating a solid
from a fluid.
In fact, when water pressure within the soil gets high enough to eliminate its shear strength
all together, it's called liquefaction, otherwise known as the "quick condition".
The soil is literally behaving as a liquid rather than a solid… it's quicksand!
You can see why seepage is bad for dams and levees: engineers generally try to avoid building
civil structures out of liquids.
Soil liquefaction can be the starting point for a specific type of erosion called piping.
As soil is carried away from the dam's foundation, the seepage path gets shorter.
Remember that the seepage depends on the gradient, which is a function of the length of the seepage
path and the difference in pressure.
If the pressures stay the same, but the path gets shorter, the gradient goes up, creating
more seepage.
This is a dangerous positive feedback loop.
The erosion shortens the seepage path while the increasing seepage creates more erosion.
Eventually the erosion pipe reaches the reservoir, leading to catastrophic failure of the dam's
This isn't just speculation; piping is the number one cause of failure for earthen levees
and dams.
How do engineers deal with seepage?
One common way is a cutoff wall, a subsurface wall constructed in the foundation of dam.
This is some footage from a previous demonstration I built that shows a cutoff wall in action.
Notice the length of the seepage flow paths.
They're longer, which means the hydraulic gradient is lower.
That means less seepage and less chance for erosion.
Thank you for watching, and let me know what you think!
Thanks to Blue Apron for sponsoring this video.
Blue Apron delivers all the fresh ingredients you need, right to your doorstep, in exactly
the right proportions to create delicious recipes at home.
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Again, thanks for watching, and let me know what you think!
GALATASARAY | 28 EYLÜL 2017 | SPOR SERVİSİ GS GÜNDEMİ MEHMET DEMİRKOL YORUMLARI | Youtube - Duration: 10:19.-------------------------------------------
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डेंगू के रामवाण घरेलु उपचार । Dengue Ko Kaise Thik Kare | How To Treat Dengue Fever Easily | Dengue - Duration: 5:14.Subscribe Now For More Videos
মা-বাবার খেদমত করা ফরজ || হাফিজুর রহমান সিদ্দিকী কুয়াকাটা || Maulana Hafijur Rahman Siddiki Waz 2017 - Duration: 56:00.Hafijur Rahman Siddiki
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Bad Balance - Panzer Diary #14 - Tank Cartoon World of Tanks/Wot Blitz - Duration: 39:53.Bad Balance - Panzer Diary #14 - Tank Cartoon World of Tanks/Wot Blitz
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KV 2, IS 7 and others | Wot cartoons compilation - Duration: 30:16.KV 2, IS 7 and others | Wot cartoons compilation
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The table of rules - Duration: 5:24.the tables of rules
begin by defining the rules for the vertical column
After 8 horizontal columns for the days of the week + a total box
My rules...
mark the edges of your square and paint it with special board paint
Trace the boxes in pencil
delimit the boxes with a sheet of silver and the special glue adapted to these sheets
The varnish is allowed to cure for 15 minutes before laying the sheet
Please, don't forget to subscribe ;-)
Paint clamps and coils in gold color
Paint the boxes and outlines of the canvas without forgetting the thickness of it
Finish by gluing the clamps and the three coils that will carry your chalks
without forgetting your other decorations
To get this beautiful and convenient table!
thank you for watching this vidéo and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and watch my futurs tutorials on 3D paints and miniature ;-)
For more infomation >> The table of rules - Duration: 5:24.-------------------------------------------
Matt Pokora : main dans la main avec Christina Milian pour son anniversaire - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Matt Pokora : main dans la main avec Christina Milian pour son anniversaire - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
Solitude des personnes âgées : le cri d'alarme des Petits frères des Pauvres | Nouvelles 24 - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
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280043 - Replacing Your Dryer's Back Panel - AP3607676, PS896465 - Duration: 3:21.Hi, I'm Jordan
Today, I'm going to show you how to replace the back panel on your dryer model
The reason you might need to change this part is if your panel is broken or dent
and for this repair, you will need a quarter inch nut driver
Before doing any repairs, please disconnect your power source
So, this is our dryer model, your appliance might look different, however, this technique can apply to any dryer appliance
The first thing we're going to have to do is turn the dryer around
So this is our back panel, the first thing we're going to have to do is take out all the nine screws
That are holding the back panel in
So with your quarter inch nut driver
we're going to start by removing this screw that holds in the terminal block
Once you removed all of those nine screws, we're going to slowly lift up on the terminal block
and remove our old back panel
Next, we're going to grab our new OEM replacement back panel
If you don't have one of these panels already, you can find them on our online store.
When replacing your back panel
Make sure the hole fits inside where the tub is.
Make sure that the cover is in front of the terminal itself
and just line up the back panel
Once you've lined it up correctly, take your screw that you took out previously and just screw it back in
Once you've done that, just reattach all the screws you took out previously
Once you've reattached all your screws
Turn your appliance around and your repair is complete
Finally, don't forget to plug in your appliance
If you need to replace any parts for your appliances
You can find an OEM replacement part on our website
Thanks for watching, your support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy
Please like, comment, and share and if you really like our video, please subscribe down below
For more infomation >> 280043 - Replacing Your Dryer's Back Panel - AP3607676, PS896465 - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
WH23X10030 - Replacing Your Washer's Drain Pump - AP5803461, PS8768445. - Duration: 3:58.Hi, I'm Jordan
Today I'm going to show you how to replace the washer drain pump on your washer model
The reason you might need to change this part is if your pump is malfunctioning or not working properly
and for this repair, you'll need a pair of channel lock pliers, a putty knife
and a three-eighths nut driver
Before doing any repairs, please disconnect your power source
then just turn off your water
So this is our washer model
The first thing we're going to do is use our putty knife and open the tabs on our washer door
Lift the panel holding the two tabs at the bottom
so our pump is located right here, near the right side of the bottom of our unit
As you can see, the wire and the two pumps in the back are holding in the pump.
In order to disconnect our old pump, we're going to disconnect the old wire harness that's holding it in
before proceeding any further, I would use a towel or an old rag
and place it underneath the appliance just in case of water spills
With the pair of channel locks, we're just going to loosen up on the clamps right here
and then just disconnect the hose
and then with our three-eights nut driver
we're just going to remove the two screws that are located on the bottom
Once you've taken out those two screws we're just going to lift up on our old pump
and remove it
Grab your new OEM replacement pump, if you don't have one of these pumps already you
can find them on our online store
and then place your new pump back into the unit
and then replace the screws you took out previously
then connect the hoses to your new pump
then just replace your wire harness
then you're going to take your front panel
and line up the tabs with the opening on the bottom
make sure both sides are locked in
turn your water back on to your machine
your repair is complete
Finally, don't forget to plug in your appliance
If you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an OEM replacement
part on our website
Thanks for watching, your support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy
Please like, comment, and share and if you really like our video please subscribe down below
For more infomation >> WH23X10030 - Replacing Your Washer's Drain Pump - AP5803461, PS8768445. - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
Cette famille fait pousser 3 tonnes de nourriture dans son jardin. Voici leur secret ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Cette famille fait pousser 3 tonnes de nourriture dans son jardin. Voici leur secret ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
Whirlpool UW8F2CXBN Frysskåp - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Whirlpool UW8F2CXBN Frysskåp - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
Comment se nourrir quand on est enceinte ? - France 365 - Duration: 5:46.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Comment se nourrir quand on est enceinte ? - France 365 - Duration: 5:46.-------------------------------------------
Destiny 2: Live Action-------------------------------------------
MeMo - G - Градушка 2017 (Official Audio) - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
The difference between American and Japanese McDonalds. - Duration: 7:50.yo natalia natchan here!
so it seems that you guys really enjoy watching
my video called "the difference between american and japanese"
im so thankful and happy
sometimes people come up to me
and tell me that they really like that video
so i just wanna thank you guys
and since you guys like it so much, i wanted to do one today as well
and recently i did a live on instagram
and we talked about the difference between japanese and american customer service
and its so different
japanaese people are so careful when it comes to this
the customer ALWAYS comes first
in america it really depends on the worker i guess...
but one thing i did notice abotu americans
is that we start conversation more
well for example if you're at the convenience store
they'll be like "hey hows it going?"
or compliment your clothes
in japanese, the phrases are already chosen
i guess it kind of shows
how much customer service means to them
and so in the case of american fast food...
the one and only... is obviously mcdonalds
and honestl american and japanese mcdoanlds are pretty different
so today i want to look at american mcdonalds
and the japanese mcdonalds
and look at the differences
sorry its kind of late so i gotta keep it down....
difference between japanese and japan
when japanese mcdonalds is crowded
omg so many people
when american mcdonalds is crowded
japanese mcdonalds staff
thank you!
next up please!
american mcdonalds staff
when you take awhile to order in japanese mcdonalds
have you decided?
oh! one second please.
have you decided?
omg this shit happens everytime!
i cant see from that far.. and how the hell am i supposed to know what i want already!
are you ready yet?
customer if you're ready i can take-
teriyaki burger!
and what would you like to drink?
can i get you a drink?
orange juice! (wait! i wanted a coke!)
for here or to go?
to go! (wait... what? why????)
thank you very much- NEXT PLEASE!
have you decided yet?
when it takes a minute to order at american mcdonalds
when you want to add to your order in japan
can i get that without meat?
without... meat?
wait one minute please!
yes mam! without meat!
so ill have the egg burger with no meat patty...
oh and can i add lettuce on that?
im sorry mam but that egg burger doesnt come with lettuce
thats why im asking if i can add some
you want to... add.. lettuce?
im sorry ma'am we cannot do that!
when you add to your order in the states
when they get your order wrong
excuse me.. i order a quarter pounder...
but instead i got a double cheeseburger....
so sorry!
i'll make you a new one!
wait. you're throwing it away?
yes! we'll just throw it away for you
wait then can i just take it?
well that would be a bit......
difficult.... im sorry!
when they get your order wrong at mcdoanlds
bad customer (japan)
oh! im gonna go take a seat here without ordering anything. ohoho
when they dont sell what you want at this time (japan)
can i get the cheeseburger set?
im sorry maam, we only sell the cheeseburger from 11:00
but its..... 10... 55
im sorry but..
can you please order in a couple minutes?
when they dont sell what you want at thist time (america)
Correct Use of CAN and COULD | What's the Difference? | Modal Verbs in English Grammar - Duration: 6:24.Hello there.
You know, I get this question all the time – both from my students in my classes and
on YouTube – what is the difference between 'can' and 'could'?
Well, in this lesson, I will teach you the three main differences between these modal
verbs and I'll show you how to use them correctly without making mistakes.
As always, there is a quiz at the end of the video to test your understanding.
The very first thing you should know is the basic use of 'can'.
This verb is used to show ability.
Here are some examples: I can play the guitar.
He can lift heavy weights.
She can beat anyone at chess!
So, all of these express ability.
What about what 'could' then?
Well, 'could' is just the past tense of can.
I can say: I could play the guitar when I was in school.
That means, I had the ability in the past, but now I can't play the guitar because
it's been a long time and I'm out of practice.
Here a couple more examples: He could lift heavy weights until he had the accident.
She could beat anyone at chess in her prime!
'In her prime' means in her best years.
Maybe when she was younger and was playing competitively.
So in these sentences – 'can' shows present ability, and 'could' shows past
This is the first difference between the two words.
The second difference is when we want to talk about possibility.
To talk about what is possible, we normally use 'could' and not 'can'.
Now, imagine that you and me, we're both waiting for a train at a train station.
It's time for the train to arrive but we don't see it.
So I might say: Hmm, the train could be late.
So I'm making a guess about the current (or the present) situation, saying what is
Here's another one: If you don't study, you could fail the exam.
Are you sure to fail the exam?
You could pass.
But I'm saying that it's possible that if you don't study, you'll fail.
Notice that this sentence talks about future possibility.
Ah, but I have a question – we just talked about present and future possibility.
Can we talk about past possibility?
Yes, we can.
Here's an example: Robert could have gotten the job if he had gone to the interview.
So what do we understand from that?
Well, there was a job interview.
It was possible for Robert to go to the interview and get the job.
But he didn't go.
So he didn't get the job.
Now, as I said before, we use 'could' in all these sentences to talk about what's
possible in the past, present, and future, but there is one situation where you can use
'can' and that is when you want to talk about general possibility.
For example: You can catch a cold if you go out in the rain.
Traveling across Europe can be quite expensive.
You can see that these are just general statements about what is possible in the world.
In this case, it's OK to use 'can', but this use is less common.
Normally, when we talk about possibility in our lives we use 'could'.
Remember that.
Alright, let's now move on to the final use of 'can' and 'could', and this
is in polite expressions when we talk to people.
There are four situations you need to know about.
The first is making suggestions.
For this purpose, we use 'could'.
Here are some examples: We could try that new Italian restaurant tonight.
You could ask your sister to lend you some money.
In the first sentence, I'm making a suggestion about where we can have dinner.
In the second, I'm suggesting that if you need money, why don't you ask your sister?
Using 'could' just makes it very polite.
The second situation is making requests.
Here, both 'can' and 'could' are possible: Can you pass me the salt?
Could you pass me the salt, please?
Or on the phone: Can I speak to Rahul?
Could I speak to Rahul, please?
Did you notice that I said 'please' at the end of the sentences with 'could'?
That's because 'could' is more polite than 'can'.
So if you are in a formal situation, like if you're talking to your boss or other
superior and you want to be very polite, use 'could'.
If you're with friends or family, then 'can' is fine.
Our next function is making offers: Can I get you something to drink?
Could I get you something to drink, sir?
Can I help you with that?
Could I help you with that, madam?
Again, notice the extra politeness with 'could'.
Finally, the last conversational situation is when we want to ask for permission.
Here are some sentences: Can I borrow your pen?
Could I borrow your pen, please?
Can I take the day off tomorrow?
Could I take the day off tomorrow?
If you're very friendly with your boss at work, you would use 'can', but if your
boss is very strict, then you would use 'could'.
OK, if you're ready, it's now time for the quiz to see if you can use 'can' and
'could' correctly.
On the screen, there are eight sentences.
In each one, I want you to fill in the gap with 'can' or 'could'.
Stop the video, think about your answers, then play the video again and check.
OK, here are the answers.
How many did you get right?
Let me know in the comments section below.
If you have any questions about these, you can ask me in the comments as well.
If you liked this lesson, give it a thumbs up by hitting the like button.
If you're new to my channel, make sure to subscribe by clicking the subscribe button
to get my latest lessons right here on YouTube.
Happy learning and I will see you in another lesson soon.
6 Ways to Spot Psychological Manipulation Before it Destroys You - Duration: 5:26.6 Ways to Spot Psychological Manipulation Before it Destroys You
Psychological manipulation can be truly devastating.
Loosely defined, the manipulator plays on your good intentions, insecurities, vulnerabilities
and weaknesses in order to get what they want.
This could be someone you trust or even love, and they are often void of any conscientious
considerations, will prey on these weaknesses in order to compel you to do something in
their favor.
While all human beings are manipulative to some degree, the emotional manipulator is
habitually manipulative and will employ this form of psychological control consistently.
Simply put, when someone is clearly wronging or hurting you and at the end of the day you
are the one apologizing for their wrong deeds, then you are being emotionally manipulated.
But this is just one of the many ways in which emotional manipulation will manifest itself.
There are many other signs that you can look out for in order to protect yourself from
being manipulated.
Here are the six red flag to recognize you are being psychologically manipulated.
Number 1.
They'll Use Your Words Against You
This is the signature technique of the emotional manipulator.
They will do something to hurt you and when you complain about it, they'll turn the
situation around, making you feel guilty and end up apologizing.
For example, you may be upset that your emotionally manipulative partner forgot your birthday.
Normally, a person will simply apologize for forgetting and promise to make up for it in
some other way in the near future.
The emotional manipulator will make it look like it was your fault that they forgot about
your birthday.
They might start telling you how they've been under a lot of stress because of something
you've done, or remind you of a time you might have forgotten something, in order to
justify their actions.
Number 2.
They're wolves in sheep's clothing
Emotionally manipulative people are always willing to help… but it always comes at
a price.
They'll always remind you of that one time they helped you out, and use it as a way to
manipulate you into feeling like you owe them something.
If you find that you're constantly being reminded of a favor someone did for you and
feel obliged to keep on helping them out – there's a very strong chance you're being manipulated.
Number 3.
They completely lack accountability
Emotional manipulators lie and twist facts as it suits to them to get out of tight spots.
They have zero sense of accountability and will simply spin tall tales to explain their
They are bold-faced liars who will say anything to get out of feeling as though they are the
one at fault.
The emotional manipulator will spin off the most ridiculous lie with the greatest conviction.
More often than not they lie as if they completely believe what they are saying.
Maybe they do at that particular moment.
Number 4.
They are guilt-mongers
An emotional manipulator will never ever admit a mistake if it puts them at a disadvantage.
Instead, they're always on the lookout for someone to blame.
They're always very good at playing the victim and using that to guilt-trip.
They are masters of it and will make you feel guilty about virtually anything that you do,
whether good or bad, if it does not favour them.
Whenever they want something from you, they will try and stir up some sympathy from you
so you support, nurture, or take care of them.
Number 5.
They are cowards
They don't deal with problems directly.
Instead, they exhibit passive-aggressive behaviour in their dealings with people.
For example, they'll talk behind your back, getting people to say things to you that they
would rather not say directly.
They may be sweetness and light to your face, and while they might not hurt you directly,
they will find subtle ways of undermining or belittling you.
Number 6.
They always seem to be having it worse
Whatever your problems may be, the emotional manipulator will somehow have it so much worse.
It's part of their natural tendency to look for sympathy and make you feel guilty – their
instinct is to shift the attention from your problems to theirs.
They have a deep egoistical desire to shift the focus to themselves.
If you sense they are not being genuine and let them know, they might exhibit signs of
being deeply hurt.
Not only might they do this, but turn the situation on its head and try to make you
feel guilty for calling them out.
When you feel they are not being genuine, trust your intuition and walk away from their
Keep your distance from these mind games help you avoid spiraling into self doubt and could
even stop a breakdown.
All in all, that's the six Ways to Spot Psychological Manipulation Before it Destroys You.
Really cool information isn't it.
I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences
in the comments below!
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.
Thanks for watching!
[Free template and tutorial] How to make Freesia paper flower, for beginner - Duration: 4:21.To make these stunning Freesia...
cut the coffee filter with my free template
watercolor the petals...
Use round stylus to curve the petals...
Glue the outer petals with white glue...
Do the same with inner petals...
Cut a piece 1cm x 3.5cm to make stamen...
Glue the stamen win the petals...
Use the stylus and fingers to curve the sepal...
Glue the sepal with flower
Use tissue paper to form the bud
Wrap the bud with floral tape...
Glue the bud with sepal...
Wrap all the buds and flower and wire by floral tape
Insert the wire to a 3mm clear tube and wrap with floral tape...
Bend the curve...
You are done
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight - Duration: 4:09.taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
taekwondo girl vs boy street fight commonly abbreviated as SF or スト (Suto), is a fighting video game franchise developed and published by Capcom. The second game in the series is credited with establishing many of the conventions of the one-on-one fighting genre. The game's playable characters originate from different countries around the world, taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment.each with a unique fighting style. It is Capcom's third best-selling franchise behind Resident Evil and Monster taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment.Hunter, having sold 39 million copies worldwide.[2] The first game in the series was released in 1987, since then, five other main series games, as well as various spin-offs and crossovers, have been released.taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment. Street Fighter, designed by Takashi Nishiyama and Hiroshi Matsumoto, made its debut in arcades, in 1987.[3][4] In this game, taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment.the player takes control of martial artist Ryu, who competes in a worldwide martial arts tournament, spanning five countries and 10 opponents. A second player can join in at any time and take control of Ryu's American rival, Ken.taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment. taekwondo street fight 2017 girl kung fu fight by yt entertainment.The player can perform three types of punch and kick attacks, each varying in speed and strength, and three special attacks: the Hadouken, Shoryuken, and Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. These are performed by executing special button combinations with the controls.[5]taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment. taekwondo girl street fight 2017 kung fu fight by yt entertainment.Street Fighter was ported to many popular home computer systems of the time, like the PC. In 1988, it was released on the NEC Avenue TurboGrafx-CD console under the name Fighting Street.[6] Street Fighter was also later included in Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed for the PlayStation Portable and Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. Street Fighter II: The World Warrior was released in 1991, and was the first true sequel to the original Street Fighter. This release followed an unsuccessful attempt to brand the 1989 beat 'em up game Final Fight and the officially commissioned spin-off Human Killing Machine as Street Fighter sequels.[7][8] It was one of the earliest arcade games for Capcom's CP System hardware Street Fighter II is the first one-on-one fighting game to give players a choice from a variety of player characters with different moves. The choice of multiple available characters allows for more varied matches. In this game, each player character had a unique fighting style with approximately 30 or more moves, including then-new grappling moves and throws, as well as two or three special attacks per character. In the single-player mode, the player's chosen character is pitted sequentially against the seven other main characters before confronting the final four boss opponents, who consist of CPU-controlled characters not selectable by the player. As in the original, a second player could join in at any point during single player mode and compete against the other player in competitive matches. Timeline of release years 1987 Street Fighter.taekwondo girl vs boy street fight. 1988 1989 1990 1991 Street Fighter II 1992 1993 1994 1995 Street Fighter Alpha 1996 Street Fighter EX 1997 Street Fighter III 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Street Fighter IV 2009 2010 2011 2012 Street Fighter X Tekken 2013 2014 2015 2016 Street Fighter V taekwondo girl vs boy street fight. taekwondo girl vs boy street fight.The original Japanese version of Street Fighter II introduced an taekwondo girl vs boy street fight.African-American boxer boss character, sharing the physical characteristics and likeness of real-life boxer Mike Tyson. In order to avoid a likeness infringement lawsuit from Tyson, Capcom rotated the names of three of the boss characters for international versions of the game.[10] The final boss, named Vega in the Japanese version, was given the M. Bison name, the talon-wielding Spanish warrior, named Balrog in the Japanese version, was renamed Vega, and the boxer became Balrog.taekwondo girl street fight 2017 girl kung fu fight by yt entertainment. Taekwondo Best Kicks Taekwondo Round kicks KO Best Knockouts Compilations 2013 taekwondo vs mma taekwondo vs karate taekwondo vs kickboxing taekwondo vs boxing taekwondo vs street fighter taekwondo vs jiu jitsu taekwondo vs muay thai the most epic knockouts (KO) Round kick tutorial Best Taekwondo kicks taekwondo olympics knockouts.taekwondo girl vs boy street fight
Matt Pokora : main dans la main avec Christina Milian pour son anniversaire - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight - Duration: 2:07.taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
taekwondo girl vs boys street fight commonly abbreviated as SF or スト (Suto), is a fighting video game franchise developed and published by Capcom. The second game in the series is credited with establishing many of the conventions of the one-on-one fighting genre. The game's playable characters originate from different countries around the world, taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment.each with a unique fighting style. It is Capcom's third best-selling franchise behind Resident Evil and Monster taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment.Hunter, having sold 39 million copies worldwide.[2] The first game in the series was released in 1987, since then, five other main series games, as well as various spin-offs and crossovers, have been released.taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment. Street Fighter, designed by Takashi Nishiyama and Hiroshi Matsumoto, made its debut in arcades, in 1987.[3][4] In this game, taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment.the player takes control of martial artist Ryu, who competes in a worldwide martial arts tournament, spanning five countries and 10 opponents. A second player can join in at any time and take control of Ryu's American rival, Ken.taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment. taekwondo street fight 2017 girl kung fu fight by yt entertainment.The player can perform three types of punch and kick attacks, each varying in speed and strength, and three special attacks: the Hadouken, Shoryuken, and Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. These are performed by executing special button combinations with the controls.[5]taekwondo girl vs boy street fight 2017 girl vs boy kung fu fight by yt entertainment. taekwondo girl street fight 2017 kung fu fight by yt entertainment.Street Fighter was ported to many popular home computer systems of the time, like the PC. In 1988, it was released on the NEC Avenue TurboGrafx-CD console under the name Fighting Street.[6] Street Fighter was also later included in Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed for the PlayStation Portable and Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. Street Fighter II: The World Warrior was released in 1991, and was the first true sequel to the original Street Fighter. This release followed an unsuccessful attempt to brand the 1989 beat 'em up game Final Fight and the officially commissioned spin-off Human Killing Machine as Street Fighter sequels.[7][8] It was one of the earliest arcade games for Capcom's CP System hardware Street Fighter II is the first one-on-one fighting game to give players a choice from a variety of player characters with different moves. The choice of multiple available characters allows for more varied matches. In this game, each player character had a unique fighting style with approximately 30 or more moves, including then-new grappling moves and throws, as well as two or three special attacks per character. In the single-player mode, the player's chosen character is pitted sequentially against the seven other main characters before confronting the final four boss opponents, who consist of CPU-controlled characters not selectable by the player. As in the original, a second player could join in at any point during single player mode and compete against the other player in competitive matches. Timeline of release years 1987 Street Fighter. 1988 1989 1990 1991 Street Fighter II 1992 1993 1994 1995 Street Fighter Alpha 1996 Street Fighter EX 1997 Street Fighter III 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Street Fighter IV 2009 2010 2011 2012 Street Fighter X Tekken 2013 2014 2015 2016 Street Fighter V The original Japanese version of Street Fighter II introduced an African-American boxer boss character, sharing the physical characteristics and likeness of real-life boxer Mike Tyson. In order to avoid a likeness infringement lawsuit from Tyson, Capcom rotated the names of three of the boss characters for international versions of the game.[10] The final boss, named Vega in the Japanese version, was given the M. Bison name, the talon-wielding Spanish warrior, named Balrog in the Japanese version, was renamed Vega, and the boxer became Balrog.taekwondo girl street fight 2017 girl kung fu fight by yt entertainment. Taekwondo Best Kicks Taekwondo Round kicks KO Best Knockouts Compilations 2013 taekwondo vs mma taekwondo vs karate taekwondo vs kickboxing taekwondo vs boxing taekwondo vs street fighter taekwondo vs jiu jitsu taekwondo vs muay thai the most epic knockouts (KO) Round kick tutorial Best Taekwondo kicks taekwondo olympics knockouts.taekwondo girl vs boys street fight
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